THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. HEH8EL ARRA1QHB DELAMATER. W. U. Hcnscl maoo tho following speech nt Heading List week at tho convention of Dcmocrallo Societies. At tho opening meeting of tho repub lican fitnto oiinpiign In Pittsburg last Saturday evening, nn orator imported from KfliHns In reported to havo said, in substance, that tho meanest repub lican thlof who over ourscu n common wealth la bettor, politicly, than tho most oxaltod domocrnt whoso charact er nud conduct bWscd tho state General Hastings, a speaker at tho gamo meeting, Is tcporttd as haying said that even if a rcpiibliom leader Btolo trom tho stato treasury lio was hotter than a democrat who sought to guard it Horn spoliation Air, iJcia mater, who was pre sent, and sat on tho plaltorm, neither 1 evented, rcbukcil nor repudiated theBO nttcrauo s. Upon any other theory than his sympathy with and his faith in thorn, it la difll- oult to bio how, with anv decree of confidence, tho rcpublioan candidate can aspire to an ollloo for which he has plainly disqualified hiituclf. in viow of the unmUtakablo provisions of tho constitution of Pennsylvania, Ben ator Delamater's nathwav to tho nub crnatorial chair is barred by nn of- fonso, to the accusation of whiab lio dare not plead "not guilty," aud con corning which the public recoidj sup ply the ample evidences. A no charge of misdemeanor in hid high cilice is not born of partisan rancor; it depends up-on no doubtful testimony, anil I lie results of it aro to bo measured by a standard which cannot be stretched or shrunken. He has as a mombcrof the goncral assembly, persistently violated tho fourteenth Bfc'.ion of tho niuth artiolo of tho state constitution: and hats disqualified to hold tho oillco for which ho is a caudidate, or any other in the stile, for a period that runs bo yoml Uio expiration ot tlio next guber natorial term. It will be remembered that Mr. Quay, at present a United States sin ator from Pennsylvania, win a canm dato for state treasurer in 1835 In tho campaign of that year ho had largo material assistance from Mr. Delamater, whoso namo at that tune was scarcely known beyond the bord era of his own county; and there his reputation was rather that of a thrifty banker than of tho advanced statesman aud unselfish politioal reformer whijh bis tollowera now set him up to be. US1NO STATE MONKV FOR PROFIT. Scarcely had Mr. Quay taken hold of the management of the state trcas ury than he began to pay his bene factor, who had meantime become his official bondsman. Tho record of tho state treasury show that oa tho 1st of June, 1880, the pnvato banking house of Dalamalor & Co. at Mcadvule, Pa., of which the republican caudidate for governor is now and was tucu the head, had on deposit, S25,000 of tho atato funds, tho public moneys, to "use" and "mako proGt" out of them. This amount continued tbero until on or about September 1, wlieu it was in creased to $30,000, ac which ucunn it remained until after December 1, 18SG Mr. Delamater had, m the meantime, beconia a candidate for and had been elected atato senator. lie qualified shortly after January 1, 1887, and tho amount ot the public moneys which his bank had to uso and make profit out of ranjip to $17,914.29 boforo a month of his term had elapsed. TUB CONSTITUTION VIOLATED, Whon Mr. Delamater took his peat ho swore to faithfully observe aud (up port tho constitution of tbo slate. Soction XIV, of article 9, of that in strument, says; "Tho making of proGt out of tho public monoys, or using tho sumo for any purpose not authorized by law, by any officer of the stato cr number of the general assembly, shall 1)3 a mis demeanor, and shall bo punished as may be provided by law, out part of such punishment shall be disqualifica tion to hold office for a period of not less than five year." It cannot be presumed that Senator Delamater was ignorant of tho provis ions of this law, or in doubt as to its meaning. A sketch of his life, print ed at his expanse, published by his authority, and distributed by his friends, which I now hold in my hand sets forth that ho U a lawyer of "thor ough and ample training," educated in tbo beat sohools of his profession nud posossed of "a law library rare of ex celence." Moreover, his admiring biographer declares, ho entered public lifo to "subserve tho good of tho pub lie," ho is one who has been "drawn into political life by a belief that his principles and methods of political management wero better and more just to all than tho mothods prevailing." In the full light of hit knowledge of the law, and in the promotion of tho lofty purposes which had "drawn'' liim into politics, tho record shows him Bteadily holding on to tho publio moneys. These figures show the ox tent to which Senator Delamater's private bauk had the use aud profits of state funds while ho was "a mem ber of the eenoral assembly." MONEYS IN UELAMATKIl'S HANK. February 1, 1887 $17,911,28 March 1, 1887 47,914 28 April 1, 1887 40,000.00 May 2. 1887 411,000,00 June 1, 1887 30,000,00 July 1, 1887 30,000,00 August 1, 1887 40,000,00 September 1, 1887 40,000,00 Mr Qnay resigned tho treasnrership to take a higher place, September C, 1887, and Delamnter'd uso and profit out of tho publio monoy? for the timo being wero terminated. But Quay's man knew Quays friends; his successor evidently know where to place the publio moneys so as to do tho most privato good. Intermitted for a time, tho favor, of the state treasurer to Delamator'a bank, woro renewed. Al most simultaneously with tho beginn ing of what has been lauded as Sen ator Delamater's eminent bcrvices to the Quay national committee, in New York, during tho summer and fall of 1883, began tho restoration of tho publio moneys to his privato uso and profit. For fourteen succescwo months this tabic shows his balances while ho wns "a member of tho general as sembly.'' Juno I, 1888 S50.000.00 juiy i, ibhs 50,000,00 August 1, 1888 50,000,00 September 1, 1888 75,000,00 October 1, 1888 75,000,00 November 1, 1888 75,000.00 December 1, 1888 75,000,00 January 1, 1889 75,000,00 February 1, 1889 75,000,00 March 1, 1889 75,000,00 April 1, 1889 75,000,00 may J, JnoU , 75,000,00 Juno 1, 1889 75.000,00 July 1, 1889 50,000,00 "IT SHALL 11K A HISIlEilKANOIt.'' Hut, fortunately, for this discussion tho dobates in tbo ooostitutional con vention leave tm in no doubt as to what waa the intention of tho clear headed and high minded men who UopjTlitl, 19. Iter ftTAce of motion, and of look, the imooUi Tlio twtmmlnfr majesty of Hep and mad, The Symmetry or form ami feature, eat The emit afloat, even like delicious airs Of flute and harp." For hr-r tiKitchloas look of irrnco and motion, this renal licauty wits Indebted to perfect health, restored by tlio uso of that uneoualed, Invlirorntlnit tonlo and nervine. Dr. Tierce' Favorite l'reserlptlon, which set In healthy action every function and gavo purity and richness to the blood. "Favorite Prescription " Is n positive euro for tho most complicated ami oostlnato cases of leucorrhca.otcesslvo Mowing, painful men struation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or fnlllntr of tho womb, weak back, "female woaKness," antovcrslon, retroversion, bear-Inir-down sensations, chronlo congestion. In flammation and ulceration of the womb. It Is cmirnntccil to rIvo satisfaction u every ca-e, or money refunded. Manufactured by WonLti'fl PtsriHSAnr Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr, PIERCE'S PELLETS reirulato and clcanso the liver, stomach and bowels. They art) purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. Olio n now, gold by druggists. 23 cents a vial. If You Have CONSUMPTION COUGH OR COU BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA Wasting of Flos Or any Stoats irlwrs th Throat and iMtyl M XnflmnuS, tack cf Strmgth or Kfrm JHeer, rolleve mn& Cured fry SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosp<es. PALATABLE AS MILK. for Soott't BmulrU. and M t sea itsMlles T ssti(allN lniuc rw sosey! tutstirwfa. SelA by alt DrttggUU. tOOTT & BOWME,ChmtoU, H.Y. The boy may live to be 8o, but the poor horse for want of a blan ket in the stable has to die at 20. FREE Get from your dealer free, the yk Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about bones. Two or three dollars for a 3a Hons Blanket will mako your horse worth mort and eat less to keep warm. 5fA Five Mile 5A RnssStahla Ask for eA cinnf.;n 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to Bait every body. If you can't get them from yonj dealer, write us. FLY NETS CHEAP AND STRONG. i!0 thv styles 6-A Neta. prices to suit all '1 KIM ft HONS, lMlILADKM-mAT Hold by ull dealers. A Brawny Bargee at the Helm, TcmUv It is ratnbff in torrent. He kcewi br tjpriuct the value of a'FUh Brand Slicker." It U hi sole article of drew, end to hlra worth drawer, ahirt, coat. YCt, ana pant. 1111 tell 70a talc by the hour of torm laiting day and fcifht whea that "Slicker1' made up the whole diuerenc between comfort and misery and all for a mere trifle from his week'e pay. Why don't yoo buy one for yourself 1 To rcalue how little It coats, think how loog it lasts. It will outwear four suits of clothes Better set one to-day, be fore you forget it. A day's delay may causa a month of sickness, and cost a hundred time tha price of a Shckcr. Beware of worthless imitation, ncry raiment stamped with the ' Fish Brswf Trade Mark Don't accept any inferior coat when you can hara the ' Fish Brand Slicker'1 delivered without extra cost. Particulars and Illustrated cat alofue free. A, J, TOWER - Boston, Mass. J.R. SMITH&'CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DUALS US IN PIANOS, II; the following won known makers; Cliickcring, SCnnbc. Weber, IXnllct & Davis. Can also furnish anv of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. JJo not buy a piano be foro getting our prices. o . w Catalogue and Price lists On application. BIMtP-tl- 5A YE8, MY DEAR, AND YET 0KE CAN EftT TOO KUCH nF IT. t An cnrland of 1 told m.y r.ot iniare yon tmt drill rnk yon Tt.i) onoomfortaLlo, roill oTerloadtnffcf WoBTsjlGMEBteoWng boi Uijan; vw shonji, but taato titm I lr nnnlrtitlf until ctanod. To prctem. tVua follow dimUoni p Mwmwii ijTriiHinj.'i'.ntJTmJ Jilt (t lJruff, Vuint ml - TW.t'itf wff r.knun fcAwA wiUflTUN Oio a hrw roiiHtTune Vmi$h WILLSTatN CLASS M.B CtllrHAWAOK af tli& wtu. stain Tinwant otno WILL, GTAIH TOUn CtO DAOKCTt tltO WILL STAIN QABr'b COACH AN-9 1i'r7,T?i5 "f. Vi THY it. framed this provision of that fnndiu mental law. Tlioir on fspressiona confirm tho unmistakable hnguago of this section. Tho provision forbidding raembcrd of tho legislaluro from hav ing in tlioir control, and for their uso and profit, the moneys of tho statu treasury, wai not inserted without deliberation and discuseion. It was not tho unconsidered roputnttoa of an existing form. It was a now provision ami in tlio original drait us languago wi materially ilittcront from that which was finally adopted. As originally reportcd,it read: "The general assembly shall constitute tho ollunso of making nrotit out of tho public moneys or us ing tho eamo for political purposes by any olliccr of tho state, or member or olli'ier of the general assembly, or any caudidalo for election or appointment, a misdemeanor," &o. Uut as though unwilling to commit this protection of tho publio moneys to tho uncertain action of tho legislature, the soction was subsequently changed. Instead of leaving it to tho general assembly to "constitute" tbo offenso a misde meanor, by the unanimous vote of the convention it proceeded to directly de clare in the constitution "it shall bo a m'sdemeanor," beyond tho power of tho legislature to make it otherwise by neglect of its duty, by slighting or by transcending it. Furthermore, in the discussion which ensued over this clause, it was plainly avowed that ita intention was to prohibit and prevent morabors of the legislature from gottl ig control and custody of the stato moneys. No less eminent and sagacious a' lawyer than MaoVuagh, late attorney" general of the Uuited Stales, pointed out, by wav of objection to tho aweepirg pro visfnna of the proposed law; .'that, even stockholders in a national -baqk, com peting for tbo custody of Btato' -funds would be prohibited from becoming candidates for the stato legislature. NcvertholHss, without a division, by a body made up in largj partot many of the most online it moaiborg of the legal profession, this provision was agrceed to as now written iu the su preme law, and tho construction that is now put upon it was virtually ap proved. WHAT IT MBANS. If it moms anything it moans that no senator nor mcmbor of tho house shall have control, custody or use of the stato moneys; if he does ho shall bo guilty of a misdemoannr, au3 is dis qualified from holding office for five years. Tnat is the ofL-nse prescribed the punishment. Tho proofs are to be found on tlio public records of tho slatf, open to all its citizens. The troasurer'd book shows that Delamater's bank had the use and profit of this money. He got it whilo ho was a member of general assembly. 1 iauo ton his explanation or denial. I chal lenge his reply. If Sanator Dolamater is not tr-e'head" of the banking houe of DJ imatcr & (Jo., as his authorized biography d o'aro1, if ho did not solicit get and have this deposit ot from 530,- 000,00 to 75,000,00 wlulo ho was state senator, or, if geltiug it, ho buri ed it in a napkin and did not use and mako profit out or it, let him epealc out. But if he did thus thgrantly violate the constitution and set at den ancj tho sovereign law of tho people, ho mu?t either withdraw his challenge to their favor at the polls, or he must go down btfore their condemnation. Before And After Using. At one time I had awful Bores and Pimples ou my face, and aftsr UBinc two bottles of S. S. S. I was cured, and now havo a mco, tniooth complexion. James Ij. 15ovi.k, Atlanta, Ga. II V 1.1 PE A 11UIIDEN. I was afllictcd from infancy with Calairli and with eruptions rn my lace lor ten years. 1 was attended bv tho very best physicians, and tried a number of blood purifier, without per manent relief, 'lhe mineral ingredi ent" tettltd in my bones, and canard Rheumatic troublo.H My lifo wns a durden to me, and my ea-o was de clared Incurable, when 1 saw or a. S. adveitiscd. Eight, bottles cured me entirely, and I feel like a new person. josiu Uwkns, ilontpelier, Ohio. Treatise on mood and skin diseases mailed free. A Scrap of History. Tho Hepublloan managars of Mr. Delamatei d campaign in the Statu of Pennsylvania this year, as they have dono in every campiagn for tho last twonty years, aro attempting to annuo tbo prejudice of the od, soldier. They aio distributing an illustrated circular entitlod "A Scrap of History," in wmcn uiey snow tuo illustration ot a batlle-ueld, tho burial of a votcrau and what they purport to bo the Pallisou idea oi a rotter a V lelrt lor the soldier. All this is falso and dcluaivp and is in keeping with tho argument of the Re publican leaders for tho eleolion of their corrupt bribe giving and bribe- laKing candtdato tor Uoveruor. Tho lUpublican party fur years and years have insulted tho dignity and man hood of tho soldiers of this con Ury by offering them bribes in tho woy of of fices and the promise of liberal non- sions. In 1883 they said to the sol diers of this country if you will voto for Benjamin Harrison wo will give you sorvico peusionp; we will givo you liberal pensions now that you aro. aged and broken down that vour children and your famlliei. may not suffer, but the promises have uover been fulfilled. As usual profuse and liberal in their promises beforo election tboy fail to keep them afterwards. In 18G1 and until 18G5 tho bravo men who followed tho starry flag through storm aud sunshine, through heat and cold and over many fields of blood, unmindful of death or mutila tion of limb or body in their beroio and unselfish efforts to throttle treason that their country might live, recoived from this govornmonl as" pay for their servlco the paltry sum of $13 a month in depreciated currency, whilo at this time Delamater it Co. and tlioir liko wero buying up tho bonds of tho gov ernment at aixty cents on tho dollar, paying for tho sarao 'n depreciated money at tho time, and afterwards, when tiro war wasover, and with tho re fill n of pcacaand prosperity, tliceo mon ey sharks of tho Delamater kind, who held tho bonds of tho United States Government, reccied full payment for tho samo In gold and at a premium. The promise of tho government to tho bond holders was redeemed in gold, but tho promlso of thn Republican party and its leaders to t lio soldiers of this country has never been rcdeomcd except in this that they camo hnforo tho pcoplo of Pennsylvania and ac knowledge their failuro to givo tho veteran thn pensions (hey promised while ho 11 yen but they have provided for tlio old soldier n pauper burial when ho dies, and for that he is asked to vote for thir candidate for Gov ernor. Do they think tho old veteran devoid of feeling? This pauper burial hill is nn insult to the dignity, tho inauhond, the posterity of tno man who paorlflctd health and fortune that the Union might live, whilo Delamater & Sons wero getting rich nt tho expense of tho government. In their lack of resprct andxonhidcration for thn feelings of tho family of tho veteran ibis law corn polls threo citizens of th" county in which tho soldier dies to makn a pub lio record of the fact that ho was and died n pauper before he can havo the benefit of tho law. What an insult to tho men who havo bcon promised so much by tho leaders of tho Republican party aud given so litttle. News Noets- A. A. MoLeod, president and gen eral manager of tho Reading railroad now receives a salary of 10,000. It has been 320,000 lieretofotc. The amount paid President MoLod is sai I to bo tho largest paid to a railway of ficial in tho United State, with tho ex ception of Chaunccy M. Depow, of the Now York Centra', who gets $50,000. Snow fell recently in North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, and Manitoba from a quarter of an inch to sevoral inches in depth. All tho persons injured in tho Nt. Penn gravity accident aro improving. Miss Sallio O. Bye, of Wilmington, was removed to her homo on SUurday. Willio Schmebl is wo!l enough to bo wheeled out on tho porch of St. Jo seph's Hospital. Ho has learnel of his mother's death, and grieves very much over i', and his recovery is some what retarded thereby. Mrs. Ida Suhetlcr, of Allentown, has recovered suflicicnty to bo takeu home. Tho massivo monument of Rickett's Bittery has been put iu place on tho Gettysburg battle field, at East Ceme tery Hill near the observatory Tho stone weighs about twenty-five ton?,aml is a beautitul pieco ot granite. (Jul in l)3s relief on thn front is a cannon with two men btsido it. It cost about 85000. South Jersey oyster planters are growing despondent owing to tho con tinued warm weather, as it is teamed that many oyster beds will bo covered up with mud, caused by the high tides in tho river, lakes, and bays for the past threo days. In Maurice River Covo the oyste.' crop wns never known to bo so largu before. The planters. aUo report that the crop at Somors Point, Laku'a Biy, and Brigan tino shoals is immense. Nevertheless if a cool map does not soon come, small sales will bo made, as within twenty-four hour niter the oysters aro fished up from Urn bei. they sour in tho shell. 11ns is hard for tho purchase! to delect, as tho oyster will open fine and look perfectly freBli. An old planter said that the inptaut you attempt to swallow th" soured oyster it makt s von tick. The markets throughout tbo country uio carrying email Block. Why It Is Popular. Because it has proven its absolute merit over aud over again, because it tus an uncqualed record of cures, be oau$o its business is conducted in a thoroughly honest manner, and because it combiues economy and strength, be ing the only medicino of which "100 Dofes One Dollar''"ia truc-theso strong points havo made Hood's Saisaparilla tho most successful medicine of the day. ELY'S HaTADDH uream uaim Cleanses the KffAM BM .Nasal I ussagcp, Allays Vnn and InfUmmaticn. Heals tho Bores. Restores the Senses of Tutte and Smell. THY T1IK CUUK UY-EEVEF? A particle Is applied law eicu nostril and Is bir mill. registered, 60 eta 5SWarrei M., New York, JtUl UllU 1 11 Kill. ALESME' WANTED LOCAL OR TRAVELING Kt Marl if Ainnintr Vn ' "v"v" 'C1W UU tn niir Kiiraorv Ctnttr .. .. UKUTHKIIH COMPANY, mos. 4 ll w. llocuestcr, N. V. i wyw miuw k ui itutmii Htruvellnir work, oulrtt Iree. No 'ciDirionra needed. Exclusive trrlrory. All tin beat sDeclal. ties, biock warranted. Niurr ami expense to uusucrs. j, js, wuiiiHcx, nuraerrm&u, 0-12-4C. ltocliester, N. V, CLOTHING ! CLOTHING G-. OT. BERTSOH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Ms' Mmi Eoois,lats & la;: OK KVKKVT DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notice and afitalways guaranteed or no salo. Call and examine the largost and best eolootod stook of goods ovor shown in uoiumuia county. Btoro next door to First National Bank 1 MAIN STREET, BlooiiiHburs: Pa. .Tho Bostiind Purest MediclnoK liSC. evf.r made:. Ill I Itwlll ilrl vn tho 1 Iiimor f rom ymir I II OVT.' i,.J ,i e,ni,ll,. 1 !... I II iinIc nnil IlliiKlicum r V I ii you nru puiii-iuiK in"" ,. oi, iXFSS Si.pTiTi miff liiis I 'A lley UCHT ian iu cure. Semi 3 2 eeni finmn u i iirnwny x o., Boblou.lla39.fur best mciUcalwork pubUshoU? If You Have tf itpnlt, Indlclon, Flatnlonc, Hlek II.Uche, "nil run ilunn," 1MX lag flcili) you will fluit thrmdy you need. Tlier ton up tb ffoak atouiACli and build uttls flag-ring- enarelei. Sufferer from tntnfftl or ttliyalcnl orerivook will rind Hef from them Nicely sugar coated BOLD EVEItYWHKUE. 1'JlILAIiKLriII A. 1A. I'.ivrtnt nnra tmnrwrntlon or losa uf ttiuo from business, (.'ases prunouui'ttl In curable by others want&I, bend for Circular. vURE GUARANTEED. omiKr.Ttui Aur 10 '89 ly. irninr fton-ohto, hi- i II write! I 'W at work on i fnrni ful 'Jtt month I now hav n KfrciiL)' f.,v. Allen ftCoiilunmi and ubll mi and often make a dir.' (Signed) W. lI.UAKHlso.1. Svittlam Kline, JlarrlibuTfr, l'aH "mm nirp never Known anything lo tell ik your alliu.u. V eiterduj I took order enough to pay ma over W. J, KU more, Dn(cor, Mo, writeat "I takaanortter for your album at Diicrrrj nouia i viati. uw FroftlU often ainmcliaiirSilO or a. alnitle diy'i work." Utbenaredolnftqaiteaiwrll) have not ic io rive ex. tlil take hold of tlit rranil himlitria il!- tniinml iirnflia. raela from Hi fir Ulltra. I'.vcrv Mlmll vc htart VOU in this imsinc. render T Write tout and leara all about It fnr ycumelf, Wt aioKfaniup: nianyt we will Hart you If yon don t delay until antii ur pria ahead of you Iu joor part of thacountrv, Ifjou take Itulil you will bo able to pick up (TO Id fut orK'tiil 4n aerount of a forced nianufactunra aala l!St,000 It'll tlollttr llMitnu;riilli AIImiiiim areto hi told to tlia I I'lo for eacli. Hound In Howl Crinmon hitkelvrt )'luh. C baniifnglr decorated Infldei. Ilandaomeat album In tbo woild. ljrpct hte. Ore tent barfraina eer known. A(tinu wauled. Liberal terma. ltlg money for agent. Any one ran iMwnw aaucccufulatrent. Sella Itaeir on antlit little or tip luUlnff ncreMary, Vlicrever abown, every one w aula to lur cbae. A pent take thouiand f order wlrh rnpidily never bef'tre known. Ureal proftla await every worker. A pout an) ui-iklng fortuneaALadieatnak a much a men. ou.nader, tt n du aa well at any one. Full information and te mi rrc, Insula who write fur ame, with partlculnra and tenn for our Fr.dly Uiblee, Uooke and Periodical. After you know all, Aouldyou conclude to go no farther, why no harm I done. Addreaa K. O. ALLLN 4 CO AliotiTA, UAiK. Jan. lS-W-ly. For LOaTorPATLDin KANTfnOTli General and NEHVODS DEBILITVi Itobutt, &ol ffl iMIdOfl fl.Hy ltetored. How to enlarrre aal 8lrentthenUi:Ak,lMiknU)Pi:iMh(Ji9JPiUTtlt)yitCI)Y, Ibtololely nnrallifftr I10UM 1 HElTaLrtT Uoneflt In day Ilea teallly from tU State an J rcretgn I'oootrlea. Writ tham IXaerlptl Book, aiplanatUn and proof mailed (aealadt fre UlUS. MEQ1CA1. CO., CUFFALO, N. V. Fon Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Excels finv Htmtrfw fn. ha .9nM .1 rf . Coldfi.CoUQht.HMARAttnif V.llnuiUil.. r..,.. Distemper, Soro and Weak Eye. Luna Fever, Cotllvenesi, Blotchei, and all difficulties aris ing from Impurllle ol tho Blood. Hill relievo Heave at once. Manufaclurtd ly tht vrra HiAnurAui UKINQ CO., LYONS, N. V. SOU HAIK BY ALL DEALERS. 8.21.00-r-ly. PARKER'S HAIK BALSAM CltflTiij aad Ircsutifii'i the hah, l'ruiiiuk n lasui innt groAth. Never Icilt to Peetoro amy 1tlr tn tf Vniithful Hulnr 33 Curta f a'p diCBti fc Jtcir iallii.g. llf Pnrirr'a (tirti'i Tur if. Il run 111 Ui V eak Iajpit, l. ' v Ii m,, id, iViu,Tak lu lltiw.Mtia. HINDEnCOIiWS. Tlio orlrinrrcdn I r Oomi. Elwp allpaiu, l-i. kl liiuhU, vt IJXdCUX & CO., N. Y. AXLE UREASE nr.ST isr xiir. woiti.n. Ita vrearlnaaualltltaura Dniumaued. nctiinllv outloatlnff two boxes of nny other brand. No; eOectud by beat, I T i 11T '11 1 1. J VIM;, foil BALE 11Y 1JEALEUS QENEBALLY. lyf SAW MILLS I'atent Varlab'o 1'rlctloa ana Ilelt Feed. STEAM ENGINES, HAY IMtKSSES, SHINGLE MILLS, tto. rOUTAHLE GUIS T MILLS. Bend lor 111,13. tiikkhiino suciunkj, ,V!. Ctttaiojuo, A. 11. rAKIJUU K CO., York, l'a. 7-35-I3HT Dntrnit HUiiit c:uii UALVTllKCOSTof liolstlnif tnei to sioreKefpTS, uuicuera, farmers, M.1CU Inlsts. lIulUK'rx. coutractoM aud oni. KU8. AtlmllKil tobotlie ureatosi lin. u'uvcuiuiua ibvcit mauu in iackio blocks, t'relglit preoilJ. Wrlto tor vatuioue. fultoa Iron & Znjlno Works. Eatab. ibu, io lirusli bu, Uolroit, Mia 6-3-ljr. KITH com CD foamKY-cfl 4 rtcop" IllaTaBEaatU u Hie Uur farlhuatar. unaquaira, ana io inirouuce oui uxrlorroodawawUlri)dvllB to u he i fHoi( In each lot lit r. vik, Mlo. Only thoto who writ to u at oncaran nuiKt aura tha (hanca, All you htodol raturnlato how our food ta tbott who call your belahbora and tho around you. Th ba. Clnntiia; of thl dTrtlB.nt ihaai iha amall and of Iha tala cvir "HfiREJ ltop. Tb foUowlof tot era tha appaaranca of It raducad tt about tba ertlatb part of It bulk. It 1 a ffra4.4oubIaiilla acoi..tariatiy carry.W will alto tbowyoo bow wo M wa"a from HU Io S 1 0 a day, frn lb Urt.wflb, I a aoarlaaca. Bltr wrlu at ouaa. W pay all ai pra eft wf WdiMl, U.UALU1TT V CO.. Hoi H 01TLAl, Milla, INE88 a MIAI RQIIIS CBftlhy 1'ock'a INVlalliLK TtllUUt l&l euXUlfiKf. Whlanen LerU. Oouw farUtl. haiMfal kr all CtmadlM fJL HU by r. HIM llt Ml.baltlr'a-Kay, 1U. MrlUftr baak fprtt 9 13 (1-4 1, K IPP & I'ODMOHE. A.HCH1TEOTS, OsTEUiioirr lluaniNQ, Wllkfibarro, l'a. Ilrancb Office, UloomaburSt Va., with j so. si. iLiiiic, Aivy, is uouomicr. GET THE COLUMBIAN, tt.v. I I J- -7.. 111 'o.-r J V. '1. 'JAL.nrocnnicil liylniurc l and can belT , T V ' Mlmo, I f you are Wr, enmll-nnly a IcaNW .. ?, J. flHMiiful. 'itlslhoW-f. . meillclnc. Try It, nndjo. f t-, luinulinosallnlod. . Qk. vV! i Ji.. u... M s Pills Thousa'iUs Uava Iiul'Ii periiianeiilly cure! by mm IP mm 1.00 A YEAlt. HAILEOAD TIME TABLE. JELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. 11LOOMSDUKO DIVISION. STATIONS. r. u. Nonni. r.M. A.M. A.M. Northumberland 6 40 Cameron 6 63 cnulasKj- , 1 W 10 CO SIS 10 13 6 80 1010 .... 10 28 6 41 imuTino out 3 11 C'atawl33A 6 S3 10 43 uupcrt 0 30 9 80 10 50 7 Oil llloorasburg 6 39 2 S3 10 57 7 12 Kspy. 641 II 41 1 1 06 1 20 ume Hiajo. on 1113 7 SI Willow drove... 0M .... 11 16 731 llnarcrcek 639 .... 11 so !,n licrwlck Ti'5 ! C9 It si 7 41 lleach Haven I ll .... 11 31 7 4 HICK'S Fern- 7 18 .... lis :ss NUlcuuinuy 7 30 8 20 11 m 8 06 Namlcoke,. "to 3 36 urn 2i AVOnilflO 7 61 .... 13 10 8SS IIUIUOCK'S. 7 41 .... 1134 HI! 'lymouin , f,u 343 is 13 8S.3 ivmoutn junction hoi .... taso r&4 limsum 8 03 3 3.1 1SS7 8 45 liennett, 81! .... 1231 840 .Manor 8 17 12 33 SM wyoruinp 8 SI 4 03 13 40 8 r.8 West I'lUStOU 8 27 40(1 1341 DM HUStOn 8 83 4 11 13H 0 00 itcKawacna 8 40 1 01 r TajlOlTlllO.... 843 ...... 1 09 9!3 UCllOVUQ...... 8M .... 113 B0 8CH1NTOK Ull 4 2S ISO 9 85 r.M, r.M r.M. r.M 8TAT10N3. bOUTU. A.M. A.M. r. M. r. M 8CRANT0N 6 10 9 60 1 3 6 SO UCllOVUO. 613 9 36 S 25 Taylomile 6 80 looo 202 c 30 uicKawanna 1001 210 6 81 llttston 8'1 1016 3 18 6 45 West ntUtOC 6 42 10 22 2 34 6 60 Wyoming., 0 47 10 27 2 39 6 35 llcnnott. 6 5) 10 31 2 37 7 03 Kingston 6 3.1 1033 2 40 7 07 MIUIOY D ul 1U!1U .... 6 39 'lymcuth 710 10 47 2 no 7 if. irmouin junction. .05 1042 243 712 AYODil.lle 7 14 101,1 2 51 7 21 Nantlcoko. 7 19 IOCS IW 725 slilcksblnny 7 31 11 13 3 SO 7 63 UUDIOCK'S 7 28 II 02 3 06 7 43 iuck s terry. 7 63 11 32 3 31 8 07 Uoacli Haven a 01 11.11 340 ffia uerwlck 807 1140 347 820 unar urecK 8 13 afi.1 K 2 Willow drove. 816 II 60 3 67 8 31 Llmellldge 820 1134 4 02 8 85 llloomstjurg 8 32 12 OS 4 15 8 47 UUPert 8 37 12 12 4 22 8 32 ftSDy. 8 26 12 01 4 112 R41 uaiawissa 8 42 U 17 4 2S 8 37 Uliuvuie 8 37 12 32 4 4fl y 15 i;uuiasuy 4 &4 NORTDCMBSRLAND 9 22 12 53 5 13 9 43 ;amoron . an? 1.711 km U94 A. M. F. M. r. 31. r. Mi COnnoCtlOna at Ulinnrt with Mil1ii,1rln1itft fr Ileadlni? Kallroail ror Titmnnml. Tnminnj Will. iituispun, ouuuury, roi.i.iviiio. ew. At norinuRi- ueriann wna r. K. uiv. 1 . 1(. u. ror llarrlsourg, aa uuiuu, r.iuuuriuui, warren, vorry, ana itrio, u. r. uea. Man.. Scranton, l'a. Pennsylvania Railroad. Ml Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ton, and Northern Central Railway. I'l TIME TABLE. In Offset MAV 11. isto. Trains leave aanuury BAST W All 9.40 a.m.. Sea baore Kinrenn nativ mnn dunJay), rurllarriaoiirgaiiatntermoiltatestatlons irrivius ai, ruiiaanipuia 3.16 p. m. ! New York 5.30 P.m.: Baltimore. 3.10 u. m. Waahlni?t.on 3.55 p. m., connecting at l'tiiladelphla ror all Beo Sir. . . "i""5" liaasengor ooacn to PWlaaelpliio. Ualtlmore . i.p. tn Day Exproas Hate atatlona. arrl7ln? at i h 1 1 m ii n i n h n 1.30 D. m. : New York. s.a6 n m. imitimAm 4.43 p.m.! Wasnlngton, 8.H p. m. Parlor ear tlirougn to rtilladelpbla and paaacnger coaches iuiuuku i,u j uiiauuiimiauaa tiaitiuiore. 8.03 p. in. Keijoro Accommodation (daily u uui.iauuiu uuu ni.iuturuiuuiaui8i.aiiona.arriV' Ing at Phlladclpuia 4.25 a. m. : New York 7.10 a. m, ituuuuru. 0.13 1. m. ; wasningion 6.30 a. m. ; Pullman 'ihvplnircdrtrom Harrtshtiri m PMioiint. phla and New York, rnilal.-lpnla passengers oan remAln In sleeper andlutarbtd until 7 a. m. 1.60 a. m. Brio Mall (dally) ror narrlsourg and Intermediate atatlnnti. arrutn nr. I'hiimii.inhif, 6.50 a. m. New Yor,:, 9.30 a. m.; Tlirougn huliman 3.30 a. m. so itHm Bipreaj (1 illy) or Harris. tur,T and latcrmedlale stations arrtvin? ar. imim. more 1.20, a. m. ill, a. m. and through Pullman ble-plng ctrs to llaltlmsre and uuiijvuu, uuu tiurougp paaaenger oiacnea to WESTWAKU. inn m Vrla Xlnll M.ll.l t.-.. . CinAodilgua aid Intermediate stations, Kochrs a in Paujeoars and'pAsaongercoaoiiea lofirloand U.K.t UAUa RirnrAaa f ilall. . fur a.... it.... 1 IV! fnr Kunrt. (ytin ,1ll7lin anrl IntnrmnHI ,,q s.a tlona, U Hester, Barralo and Niagara Falls with tlirjugupasaongor coaclicsio Uane and Kocheater 5.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally except Sundaylfor He- taroiign passenger coaches to Kenovo and Watklns. it in, F iiuiiiuiDuui i ji.Apiea jAiiy ior runouan TiiAiNs FoitstJNmmy fhomthb UAT AHU BUU I'll. NowsBxpress leaves New York, u.15 night, P'AlladelDhia 4.30 a. in. Ualtlmore. 4.SO n m. rinr ruonrj, 3.10 a. m. dally arriving at Sunhary 9.53 Niagara Bxeress leLVin T3pw Ynrtn on n m Phlladeluhia. 8.30 a. m. : Waahlnirton 8 in a. m. nn. tlmore 9.00 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury. 1.42: r in., with Ihroinrti I'urlnr i-nrfrnm j-uiiaLitipum anuinrougn pabsengercoacnes irom Fast Line leaves Now lorR'J.OO a.m. j Phlladol. a. m. ; Washington, 10.30 a. m. ; Balti more 11.45 a. m..(dallr exceDt Kundavi arriving t r.iiiuuL il'uiu nuu uuiLiuiiiru. sunhury, 6.30 o. m. wltn through passenger coaches trom I'htladilpula and Ualtlmore n mm-uf juri. tsiiress leaves mow xotk a.ue u . Phlllle Dllt.1 4.23 tl. IU. WiKhlr.v'lm 3.80 n. tn Ualtlmore 4.JJ p. tn. (dally ) arriving at Bunhury KrleJlailleavcsNew York8.00p.ra. : l'hlladel phla. 11.20 p. m. : Washlnzton. 10.00 o. in. : Ham more, 11.2 1 p.m., (dally) arriving at ... iu., wiiu ruiiiutui oiueutng cars irom rauaueipuia, wasnington ana ualtlmore and uttuacuuer ouAcuea iiom i uiiaaeionta ana iiatti U1UIV. MUNHUltV, HAZI.liTON it WII.1CIIM1I Allllh ICAII.ltOAII AMI) MOltTlI AMU WKI4T lllr ANClt RAILWAY. (Dallv ozcerit HuntiiiT. Wllkesbarru Mall leaves Kunburr 10.00 a. m airlving at Bloom Ferry ta48 a. m., Wlltes-barre .1U i 1U Express Kast leaves Sunhurv 5.33 d. m.. arrivlnp .i, uiuuiu ri ui ji iu., v iit.t-ii-uurru t.w u. in, Sunburr Mall leaves Wl lkexbarre 11 .17 a. m. imi. log at Illoom Ferry 12.37 n. m.. Hunburv 1.28 d. m c-it;cb coi, icaved vunes-uarre p. ro., ar. tun av Ltiv-jiu ivttj t.i 11. ui., nunoury d.u p. in SUNDAY TRAINS. WllkCabarro mall leaves Sunbnrv tn-no a. tn.. nr living at Uloom Ferry 10.48 a, m., wittes-Barre 12:10 a.ra. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkea-Harre v- p. ra., airlvin at Uloom Kotry, p.m., banbiir i:mi v. ui UHAS. B. 1'UUU, J, U. WOOD, Clen. Manager. ucn. 1'aHsenger Agl PHILADELPHIA & HHADIN'O IUlMtOAD ON AND AFTKU Sept. 5 1890. TIIAINS USA VK ULOOMSUUKO aslollows: (SUNDAYi EXCEPTCD.) ForNew York. I'nlladelnhla. ltnnrtlnt- pnttaviiin Taraaqua, etc., 6:iu, U:03 a. m. For Wll lainsDort. .Milton and lunvllln ill 1 m 3:13. 11:00 p. tn. ForCatanl-aafiOO, T:30, 11:03 a. in., H:20. 3:00 6.3J p. in. rorimpeno.w, 7:30, ii:03a. m., 13:!0, 3:16, 6:00. 0:33, 11:00 p. in. THA INS 1'OH HI.OO.MS!lUIta Lcavo New Y irk via rulladelnhla 7:13 il m. im p. m. and t U Easton 8:13 a. in. 3.45 p. in. lAjuvu i-iiiiuueiiuiu iu.uj a. m. vou p. m. U'ave Heading ii:M a. m. 7:51 p. mT Ijoave l'ottsvllie 13:3J p. m. Leavo 1:31 a. ra. 9:18 p. ra. Leave Wllllainsport 9.18 a. ui. 4:15 p. m. Iave CatawlSiA 7:iki 8.00 a. in., km t m in 11:01 p. in. n ' iiava uupcti 0:10, 1:03, 0.03. ii:?i a. m. i:S8, 3:31, :23, U:13 p. m. ' ' For Ualtlmore Washington and the West via tt. O. H. H.. thrOUCtll truths ltiaa lllrnril Ivonim hwnon I'Ulla. (!'. i It. It. it) 4:'6, 6:i, 11:27 a. in. i.a, a:io, i;n p.m. Bunauys 4:18, 8.0-.', 11:37 a.m., 4:S1,3:3, 7:ilp. in. ' ' ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave rhlladelphla, Her 7, Chestnut street iVharf, and Houthbtreet Wharf; TOR ATLANTIC CITT. Week days-Kipress, v.OO, a, in. 8:00, 4:00, p. in. ' Aeiummodalion, 8 00a. m. 5 00 p.m. suudasllxittisf, .0i, a. m. Accommo dation b.oo a. m. una 4:3j p. m. KkTOllKlhO, LkAVk ATLANTIC CITr, Depot corner Atlaiitlo and Arkansas venues 1 Week days Uinreas, 7:30. v.OO, a. m. and 4:03, p. ui. Accommodation, 8:05 a. in. and 4.3) p. m. Bunilaje Enprtm 4:00, p. m. Accommo dation, 7:.0u. in and 1:30 p. m. m. ........ tt a- HANCOCK, A. A. .MctKOl), Otn'U l"au. Aurnt. rf . Oett't. Manager, patents; voata and Trade Marks obtalned.and all 1'iton t hlaiiisoonjuctejtor 01)BHT1S FEK3. OUH OFFIUU lb Ol'lMSlTIS U. S. I'ATENT OFFICE. We have no auu-agencies, all buslnoss Irect, hence can transact patent business in less Imeand atLKaa COST than those remote (rom Washington. Gend model, drawing, or photo.-wltu description. We aUvlau If patentable or not, free or charge. OurteenotduettUpatentUiBeeured. A book,"iiow to obtain ratcnu,"wtth references 0 actual clients In your State, county, or town, ant free. Address C. A. SNOW Sc CO., FOR THE L,VST 40 IT IS A SATISFACTION Clothing Establishment OF 0 L0WENBEBC, Still leads in the Latest Styles, Still leads in the Largest Stock, Still leads in the Latest Novelties WHILE THE MerelliLannt Tsiitoriing lite parifcuMOTit. Is always full of the Latest and Domestic Goods made up PERFECT SATISFACTION 50 FIFTY DOLL AllS FOIt IjIFK SVIIOI1AII8IIIV PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE 1700 Chestnut St.. PHIUADA., PA. (UothBeif.)roiiUIlBrorrimdate. Tlm Slalmes. llest lianlpped. ilestOoaniearrjtady. OlretiUnfrMUroanmsttaipxiet July 11-13W WHOLESALE oiao, (Din4, Fvot'tj' snA j-. SOLE ACENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. iFEiisnis zr oooids jl. speoiaxtz", SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands oi Cigars : Henry Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princoss, Samson, Silvor Aon. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Uaxket Prices, a Ukmm 1 OraufeK- Lemons, ream I BLOOkSBURG, PA. G. 6. ftOBBIflS, Foreign and Domestic -ANb- CT ODB!BZEjIE3 X2ST OXO-ESS. BL00MSBURG P .1 1 1)1rc.,'a8,.,1,,g, ho,!so boU1 necessities, it is wiso always to select that which is tho best, it will be tho ohoaneft in the end. A good artiolo is always a source of pleasure. J. SALTZKlt has won .1 wide reputation for selling good goods at low price.. Jl0 buys direct from tho manufacturers, and can sell first class goods cheaper than can bo obtained elsowhcre. Here are soma of tho articles aud prices : S. wing Machines of three grades, 1V tllU NllW Iloinn Smuimr 1. in, .I.!.,,. diawcr drop loaf, all attachments Royal St. John, $30 upwards. atanuaru Kotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Have rco'ivid tlm nn ih. n Distin Comet, tho bet cornet in tho A good assortment of violins, guitars, accordeons. drums. Union fifnon,i u . . , : ' ...wr, UU 1 4.11 IVlUiltJ of musical instrumoiits. Tha host of strings for violins, un'iUrs. banlna. vln'inn,,lln bass violins Agent for Butterick's natt'erns." tnll.i... Imnl. nn.i r .1 . . riiiuiu-uuun uuu minion 8UCC18. dlBoolinUoV S."8 BWi"B machinCB Bold 011 ",onlll' pajmont.. A lio I)o not send elsowherc,.biit call and see tho stock of your home dealer. WhO IS alwavH Willi vntl nml non :..t , ' . u"'" . . i t,'u any inatriimint you may purchase. J. SALTZER, Musical t 1 Hiii in w mwm 11 aiiuiuuiT BL.OOHISJSUKO YEABS TO KNOW THAT THE Largest Stock of Imported and by lixpenenced Workmen, ALWAYS GUARANTEED. DEALERS IN Eley Piano, $350 to $G0. Steele, $375 to $G00. 11. M Bent & Co., $250 lo $100. Brown & Simpson, $250 lo $100. TMcv'OrL'aiis, S90 to S175. Miller organs, $75 to $150, United States organ", $125 to $175. Chicago Cottage organ, $!)0 to $140 Worcester organs, $75 to $150. Paris organs, SCO to $100. Cilebrated White Sewiti? Muohincs $ to $05, New Domestic Sewing Macbit.o', $35 to $75. made A, l from woild. banjos, ii ju iiuy iiuorinai ou or instruct ou noon v LU. Sew Viae nines