THE COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. w iBsa. am IMU B 1 m POWDER Absolutely Puro. A. cream of tartar biking powder. High est of all In leavening strength, U. H. Government Report, Aug. 17, 1889. The olumbran ir-rubltshed every Friday. Subacilptlon prlco, Entered at the Post Olllce at Blaomabure, Pa., as second class matter, -March l, isss. BL00MSBURG, PA FMDAYKPTKMBKR 2G 189o7 rnaaicr riilroid tin tiiili. Trains on the r. i It. 11. It. leave Itupertas NOKTIt. SOUTH. J:32a. m. 11:01 a. m, 8:31 p. m. 633 p. m. TratnsontheD.Ii. W. It. R.leave Bloomsburg KnnTir. south. 7 26 a. m. 8 a a. m. 10-49 a. m. 12:13 p. m. 2:S5p. m. 4:15 p.m. 6:36 p.m. 6:24 p. m. Tralnsontho N.4W. 1). Ferry as follows i Kallwaypasa Bloom NORTH. 10:48 a. m. 6.96 p.m. SUNDAY, NORTH. 10:43 a m south. 12:37 p. m. 4-30 p. m. SOUTH. 6:39 p m BLOOMSUOKQ SULLIVAN HAILUOAD Taking effect MONDAY, HRPTEMUBlt 2, 1B9. ISO DTD. NOHTH. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. I,v. Lv. STATIONS, r. it. A. it. a.m. A.r. p. v. p. m, BlOOmsrjurC 0 28 11 49 I 05 9 85 3 35 8 40 .K&ni Kreci, o ib n 41 oiw h 4 2 4 J IrondRlt 6 16 11 89 6 58 8 45 2 45 1'apcrMlll 8 08 11 31 6 48 1 MIM LlghUtrcet. 6 09 11 29 6 43 8 B6 2 SS orangevllle B 61 11 20 35 9 to 3 07 6 47 B 60 7 00 7 03 7 10 Forks, 5 45 11 10 8 2 5 9 19 3 17 7 2D 7 21 Zaner's S 42 11 06 6 21 9 20 3 50 Stillwater....... 37 11 03 17 9 25 3 25 Kenton. - fi 28 10 55 6 10 9 33 3 33 r 2 7 35 BdSOni, 6 23 10 50 07 9 36 3 37 7 39 C01C3 CTCCk, S 20 10 45 6 05 9 38 3 40 7 40 Sugarloaf, 5 IB 10 42 6 02 9 43 3 43 7 44 Laubacba. 5 12 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 44 7 47 Central... B 03 10 H 5 53 9 57 3 98 7 57 Jamison city.... S 00 10 30 5 50 10 00 4 00 8 0) Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. m. A. u. A. x. A. m. r. m. r. u. Our Offers. Tho Columbian has mado arrangements with a publishing house by which it is en ablcd to make some astonishing offers. Bead the following: All who pay up to dato and one year in advance, and new subscribers, will re ceive tho American Farmer ono year free. The Farmer is worth ono dollar a year Wo will send tho Columrian and the New York Weekly World to any address in the county, for $1.03 a year. Tho Columbian, tho World, and the Farmer for $3.00, worth $3.00. To any subscribers paying all arrears and to new subscribers, tho Columbian and a complete set of Dickens' Works In 13 vols, for $1.00. Tho Columbian, and the Mammoth Cyclo paedia, 4 vols, for $1 SO. TheCoLUMBiAN,l)ickons' Works, and tho Mammoth Cyclopaedia, for $3.10. This Is the best oiler ever mado by any paper in this section, as the books cannot bo bought at retail for less than flvo dollars. Tho Columbian and The Cosmopolitan ono year, $3.50. Too Cosmopolitan is ono of the leading magazines, and tho subscription of that aloue Is $3 40. Any person sending us thrco new sub scribers at $1.00 each, will reccivo the Columbian ono year free. Any old subscriber who will pay up to date and send us the name ot ono new cash subscriber will bo presented with 25 novels in neat pamphlet form,- to bo se lected from a list at this ofllce. Tho cash prlcu of tho novels is 75 cents. bead this. Tho Columbian 1 year, Dickens' Works worth Mammoth Cyclopaedia worth American Farmer, worth 35 novels Total Wo will send all of tho above $7.75 for $2.50. Samples can bo seen at this oflico. No deviation will bo mado from anv of these otters. Address Tho Columbian, Bloomsburg Pa. tf. A PrcHeut to Our Hiiicrllern. It Is with pleasuro that we announce to our many patrons that wo havo mado ar rangcmentB with that wide-awake, illustra ted farm magazine, tho Amkkioan Fakmek, published at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 200,000 farmers by which that great publication will bu mailed FREE, to tho address of any of our subcrlbers who wir.r. COME IN AND PAY UP ALL ARREARAGES ON BUIlSUHIP TION AND ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE FROM DATE. AND TO ANY NEW SL'B 8CRIBER WHO WILL PAY ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE. This is a grand opportun- ity to obtain a first-class farm Journal free. The AumsiOAN Fabmkii Is a largo 10-pago lournal. ot uatlonal circulation, which ranks among tho leadlne agricultural pap era. It treats tho question of economy in agriculture and tho rights and privileges of that vast body of citizens American Fjrmers whose Industry is tho basis of all material and national prosperity. Its highest purpose Is tho elevation aud cnob bllng of Agriculture through tho higher and broader education of men and women eniTRin.l In Its nuraults. Tho recular sub. scrintlon price of tho Amkiuoan Fahukk Is S1.00 ner vear. IT COSTS YOU NOTH ING. From any ono number Ideas can bo obtained that will bo worth thrice tho sub- orrlntfnn nHon tn vnit nr members of VOlir household, vkt you ukt IT fbee. Call and ice sample copy. t'. b.vl,i:h. Bept. 2(1-27 A. D. Kelchncr will sell valuable personal property at the Exchango Hotel, Benton. Commencing at 9 a. m. Friday Bept. 30th, and continuing until all is sold. All irnnila will nosltlvely bo sold. For Bale Dwelling houses In Blooms burg, Orangcvillo, Espy and Rupert I n. Firms in Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir ginia. Vacant lots in Bloomsburg. Storo properties, Grist mills aud other property by M. P. Lutz, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, iJioomsuurg, ra. Vn Kito IIm,an nml lot In RUPCrt lot 120x140 ft. Two story, houso, with nlno rooms. Bay windows, out kitchen, lco and coal houso, good stable, chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, over green trece, good water, Two railroads, Twiiltrnlrolna n ilflV fflp.h WAV. to Blooms- bum, fnrn rnnnil trtn. LOW tBXCS. A trrnnt htirtvotn If tnUpn anon. M. P. Lutz. Insurance & Real Est. Agt VnnHltn Finn hlllldlnz lot. Main Bt near Normal Bchool. Apply to 0. W. Kkiteh. Hold it to tlie I.tnlU. Tho man who tells you confidently just what will euro your cold is prescribing Kcmn'a Balsam this yiar. In tho prepara. Uon ot this remarkable medicine for combs and colds no expense Is .( .r d to combine nntu II,,. l.ool ...i.l nurnst lllirrcdlontS. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to tho light ami w,. .v i. i . ,i. hrluhi. clear look, thim Piimnaro with other remedies. uuu , .. ' .. Pcrnonnl. Miss A. D. Webb Is visiting frlenits In wwn, airs. l. 8. ivuhn and daughter ro via. iting In I'lilladclphla. Major f. V. Hanlcy ot Berwick was in attendance at Court on Monday. Mrs. M. H. Clark and Miss Marv turned from Hprlng Lake last Frlilav. O. A Clark Is homo from Tvrona uti a Mrs. lllram nittenbender ot Constantino, fiicmgan, is visitlug friends In Columbia I n.nintt. 0. B. Jackson Esq. and 0. 0. Evans Em. of Berwick were attending to their pro. tcsslonal duties m Court on Monday. . H.Kkawn and Grant Hcrrlne Ems attended iho funeral of Geo. It. Kaerchor Esq. at l'ottsvlllo on Tuesday. Frank M. Klnporta is In town. Ho Uvea In Dclawaro and was up hero on a business trip, selling sweet potatoes. 0. G. Harkloy Ert., Is sufToring from n severe cold, and was confined to tho honso a couplo of days this wctk. Mrs. J. J. Ilrowcr lias been vlsltlnc her daughter, Mrs. Llngle, at Hellefonto for several weeks. Mr. Ilrowcr went up last Saturday. Dr. J. M. Gwlnner of Ccntralh was in town on Tuesday, being called here a9 a juror. Ho was excused from attendance, haying a largo practice to look after. William S. Hlshton went to Philadelphia on Wednesday, where ho will spend tho winter attending a courso of lecturfs on pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fuuston returned home last Saturday night. Their trip In. eluded Elmlra, Watktns, Buffalo, Niagara tails, Canada, Now York and Philadelphia Mrs, Margaret Christian visited her uncle. Mr. Lloyd 1'axton, at lUpcrt last week, due returned to her homo In Virginia on Monday, accompanied by Mr. Paxton. Thomas Northrop of Kansas visited friends hero last week. Ho attended the G, A. 11. Encampment at Boston, and spent thrco weeks in Bradford county, his native place, and then camo hero to seo his friends. He owns lands in Sugarloaf. Ho lelt for homo on Tuesday. Good races at the Benton fair. Go and seo them. Tho attendance nt Court this week has been small. Tho Steam Heating Company Bred up on Tuesday. Some ono who believes "brevity is tho soul of wit," writes, don't cat Qoumbcrs. They'll Wup. Hood's Sarsaparllla is in favor with ail classes becausu it combines economy aud strength. 100 Doses One Dollar. Wo have received the first number of tho Evolutionist. It is a small four-pago paper published at New Columbus by I. J. Jamison, at 75 cents a year. It is a disgrace to this county that fc. male witnesses summoned before tho grand jury, are obliged to uso tho water closet in tho court houso as a waiting room. Exceptions and remonitranccs havo been Hied against tho conlirmitlon of tho report ot the graud jury at lust court In favor of Incorporating Millvillu as a borough. Communion services will bo held in tho Lutheran church Sunday, October Oth. Preparatory services Friday evening, Oct. 3rd. Tho Woman's Christiau' Temperance Union will meet next Tuesday afternoon Sept. SO, at thrco o'clock. A full attend ance is requested. The Firemen's p.irade and contest at the Bloomsburg Fair Thursday forenoon bids fair to bo very exciting. A numbtr of Companies from other counties aro ex. pected to participate. Milton fair will bo held next week, Tucs- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. A special purse of $1000 Is offered for fast trotting on Friday October 3rd, and it Is expected that the fastest trotters will be secured for that fair. Boils, pimples, and skin diseases of all kinds speedily disappear when tho'blood is purified by the uso of Ayer's Sarsaparllla It has no iintal us -a tonic alterative, the results being immediato and satisfactory, iVsk ycur druggist for it, and take uo oth- cr. M. Levy, the popular clothier of Berwick has put in his fall stock and is now better prepared lhan over to offer bargains to his numerous customers. Call at onco and seo the new styles and tho extremely low prices for first-class clothing. Buperintendcnt Johnston has secured tho following lecturers for Institute week: Monday evening December 15, Rev. Chas. Steck, Tuesday evening, 10th, Dr. Hedl.'y of Cincinnati, Wednesday evening, 11th, Hjdo 1'ark Concert Company of Boston, Thursday 18th, Mary A. Hveraiore. I, W. Hartman lost ono of his valuable horses on Monday, It had been sick for a couple of weeks, but haducarly recovered, and on Tuesday it broko ita leg by getting. fast in tho stall. As Its r novery was im possible It was killed by admlnUterlng chloroform. Lemuel Drake will take posession of tho Exchange Hotel at benton again, lie kept the houso for several years, and mado a very popular landlord. Tho Exchango mmlii itf. rcnutation while Lllram liess ami bis wifo wero conducting it, and Mr, Drake fully sustained Its cxcollent name. Benton is noted for good hotels. H. O. Mcllcnry, Secretary ot tho Beuton Fair Association was In town on Saturday and paid this oflico n friendly call. Mr. Mcllcnry Is ono of tho Uadlng young men of BentoD, and has been Secretary of the Benton Fair for several years. 'lins year tho fair will be better than over, and (jvcry. body should go. Let Bloomsburg turn out to Iho Benton Fair. Hundreds of pcoplo como down tno creek to attend tho Bloom Fair, and It Is no moro than right that we should rccipro rain. rincp.lal excursion rates will bo offered bv B. & B. R. R. A balloon ascon siou will bo ono of tho leading attractions Cliarlcs M. Uowcr Is tho owner of a very promising colt. It Is a roan, four months old, sired by Frank M., a famous trotter wlir, has mado b Is m o In 2;3J. luo aam Is of Red Jacket Block. Tho colt Is a trot tor. aud some very good offers havo ai r..,1u linen mado Mr. liower lor 11. Alio p.olt Is a beauty, and its owner is Justly nroudntit- Ho can coraniaud his prlco for it at uuy time James McMiclmel who has had charge of tho Cross-Keys hotel at Berwick elnco last Borlnir. has proven himself to bo mo ngt man for tho place, tho nouse is wen pro- vldcd with room for tho accommodation of tho travelling pub:io and Mr. McMichael does all possible ti make It comfortable for them In addition to tho hotel ho has a llvcrv stable, where first-class horses can bo secured, besides ho has a nun horses for sale. Parlies In need of has a numuer or horses I , ., ii . nrr l!h lilm hpfnra any purchases. oevcral mild cases of dlphthcila aro re ported In Buck Horn. Meals served at all hours at tho W. O. T. U. lunch room corner ot Market and Main Bt. There will bo communion services In tho Evangelical church on next Bunday morn ing. Preaching by Rov. M. J. Carothors of Milton, at 10:30 o'clock. Lock up your chicken coops. Thieves aro taking poultry now, A. Z Rower lost a largo number of flno chicken last week, and on Monday night A. W. Fry lost four. For Bale A horse colt four months old, out ot a Turk slro and a Morgan dam. Call on or address William A. Kile, Guava, l'a. 20 2t. Stenographer Walker appeared In court this week with something on his head that strongly resembled a smoking cap. Can it bo that ho has at last fallen into tho smok ing habit. Mrs.M. A. Watsou expects to return from Philadelphia, this week with a full lino of the latest styles of hats bonnets, and all kinds of millinery goods. Please call and seo our goods All cases on the trial list for next week havo bicn continued or otherwlsa dls posed of and tho court h is directed notico to bo given to nil jurors that they uccd not attend. Dr. Wllllts' "racer from Virginia," was visited by several hundred pcoplo last week at tho Exchango stables. Those who saw It wcro so well pleased that they im mediately advised all their friends to go seo it. It certainly has some fine points. William A. Kile of Bugarlo.if was attend ing court this week as a traverse juror. Mr. Kilo Is ono of the old pioneers ot Sugarloat township, and has spent his whole life there. He has always been an actlvo and leading democrat, and stands by his party every time. He was cr.n stable of his township for twclvo years In succession, and was a member ot tho coun ty committco for three years previous to the present year. Mr. Kile is a potent political factor In his township, and ho is well known through thu county. Tho following letters arc held at Blooms- burtr, Pa. post olllco and will be sent to the dead letter ofllce Oct. 7, 1800. William Ball, L. Brothyus, Bam Bouda- man, Mr. Ruscll Clark, Mr. Cohort, Samuel JohnsDii, Mrs. Samuel Moore, Myles G. Bmlth, Miss Mary Sott (3), William L. Wcrls. Persons calling for these letters please say, they wcro adveitlscd Sept. 3J, lS'JU. One cent will be charged on each letter advertised. A. B. Cathoakt, P. M. There was considerable excitement In our city last Saturday morning on ac count of tho railroad accident on the Rtadlug road at Shoemaker ville. William Gllmoro and wife, Mrs. Vcrdy aud Louis Gross, left Philadelphia Friday at 0 o'clock, expecting to arrive hero nt 11:30. The train did not reach Bloomsburg until about 8 o'clock Saturday morning. When the news of tho necident reached here it was supposed that these people were on the ill-fated train, but they were on tho train which followed two hours later. When their train reached tho scene of tho accident, they were transferred to the Pennsylvania road, and taken to Pottsvlllc, from there a special train on tho Reading road took them to Taraaqua and from there to Bloomsburg. Senator Plumb, of Kansa", Is a great advocate ot tho local newspaper. In a re cent interview ho said: "I belicvo in tho local newspapers. They aro the leaders, the makers ot public sentiment. They arc ucarer to tho people than aro other papers. Their editors mingle with tho people, and consciously rellcct,tho views of their read ers. By my private letters from all parts of the 8tate, and by reading tho local papers, I csd tell Just what tho people of Kansas are thinking and talking about. I can feel tho pulso of the people and take their temperature. I am amazed, too, at the excellence of our county papers. Tho majority of them are carefully, ably edited. They not only print the news of ihclr neighborhood, but have opinions which 1 find It worth my while to read and reflect upon. I get no better return for any of the money which I spend than for that hlch I pay out for tho local newspapers f my State, and I take every ono publish ed there." The trial of Nell Stroup, occupied tho attention uf the court on Tuesday after- noon. Sho was charged with keeping a bawdy house. Tho commonwealth called Charles R. Holland and Mr. Roberts, two detectives of Wilkes-Barrc, who had visited tho defendant's house, and saw thlng3 thcro that satisfied them that it was houso ot ill repute. Several other wit nesses wero called some oi wuoin nau beard the reputation of tho houso discussed, and others who were densely ignorant of all that pertained to Nell's reputation, and had never heard a word against her. A number of witnesses were called on behalf of tho defendant, ho said that they lived near by, or worked near by, or passed thero frequently, or had visited tho house, and always found everything quiet and or- derly. The defendant wascalledlnherown behalf. Shu said that two of her nieces were livlug with her, and an old lady named Drum lived thero and did tho work lor her board which accounted for tho women In her bouse. Sho denied selling any in toxicating drinks, and never kept any boarders, and uevcr allowed anything 1m. proper about tho premises. The Jury went out on Tuesday afternoon at 5:30, and re. turned with a verdict of gullty.on WedneB. day morning? lluppy Humeri. Hcio's a health to the wives and mothers, Who sit in our households to-day ; Who aro glad whenjthey brighten for others Tho hours that go drifting away. May tbclr eyes keep the light of the gladness Their hearts hold the fullness of bliss, That banishes shadows andBadness, And wbut'necd wo ask more than this? But how can this happiness bo kept? What Bhall protect thoso wo love, those who mako a Heaven, of tho tHome, from tho ravages ot disease that Is often worso than death, that Is, lu fact, a lingering death? Tho question is easily answered i Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription the standard remedy for all of tho peculiar dis eases to which women aro subject, Is what must bo relied on to prcscrvo the health of wives and mothers. It prevent! those diseases, and it curt) Hum. It is bltsiing to women and thcreforo a national blessing, because it gives health to those about whom tho happiness ot homo cent ers, and tho strength ot a nation is In Its happy homes. Dr. Plerce-s Pellets, or Antl-billous Granules) In vlais, 25 cents) ono a dose. Druggists. llorwcCor Bull'. A good young mare, between 3 and years old, well broke, price reasonable. Whits & Conner, 9-12-4t OrangcvUlo, IV Couifcll IrocccilliiK. Council met pursuant to adjournment last Thursday evening, Bfpt. 18th, with president and all members present except Gross. Estimato No. 0 for sewer construction by CiW. Miller, contractor, for $0379 was ordered paid on motion of Messrs. Fetter man and Rabb. Hstlmato of stonu pavement around Town Hall laid by P. G. Miller, contractor, for $347.35 was ordered paid, less $160, which was paid July 24, 1800, on contract. O. W. Miller Esq., appears for Blooms, burg Gas Co., and states that tho proposi tion of the Council to make tho prlco of gas $1.25 per post per month Is declined and that they mako tho following propotl. lion to tho Council, to-wlt i That a mclct be placed on tho p''st hcarcst tho Town Hall and that tho gas thcro consumed bo taken as tho standard for each post, and charges to bo same as other consumers aro paying. The following resolution was thcreforo offeicd and passed unanimously on motion mado by Messrs. Rabb and Fettcrman, viz: Wiizkeas, Tho Bloomsburg Gas Co. hav lng declined to accept tho offer of Council to pay for ga3 consumed tho sum of $1.25 per pot per month therefore, Resolved, That tha Bloomsburg Gas Co. bo notltlcd that tho Council proposo to stand by their resolution passed August 21, 1800, aud will pay no more than $1.25 per post per month, after October 1st next. C. G. Barklcy presented a petition of residents of Fourth street, praying for an extension ot the sewer fronOtarket street westwar to a point opposite rcsldcnco of Wm. II. Ycttcr, and fjr tho pi icing of lamps on said street. Upon motion the Superintendent of sewers was Instructed to make an estimate ot probablo cost, and refer tho matter to tho next meeting. Mr. B. Bosch, representing tho Bilsby, Mfg. Co., presents a proposal tor furnish ing the town with ono No. 4 Sllsby Steam Flro Eoglno for tho sum ot $2000, cash upon tho delivery and acccptanco thereof after a full and satisfactory test Is made, the same to bo shlppod inside of sixty days. Proposition was accepted by a unanimous voto. Upon motion tho steam flro engine is to be named "Bloomsburg." a. communication Irom Koocrl K. Liittic, Esq , calls attention ot Council in tho mat ter ot the removal of tho dead from burial ground on First street, East ot Iron, and asks an early compllanco with tho order of Court directing the said removal. Tho following communication was re ceived from the Bloomsburg Water Co: "Bloomsburg, Pa., Sept. 11, 1800. To the President and members of the Town Council, gentlemen : At a meeting ot the Bloomsburg Water Co., bcld Sept. 0, 1800, tho following resolution was pissed: Whereas, The Town Council by theif reso- lutlnn dated Aug. 21, 1800, have offered to pay the Bloomsburg Water Company for tho use of water for flro hydrants, $10.00 per annum to take effect Oct. 1, 1800, thcreforo, Resolved, That we, tho Blooms burg Water Co., most respectfully decline to accept their offer, and tho Secretary is hereby directed to furnish tho Town Coun cil of tho Town ot Bloomsburg with a copy ot this resolution," F. P. Billmeteii, Sec'y. Tho following resolution was unanimous ly adopted : Whereas, The Bloomsburg Water Com pany having declined to mako the price of water for fire hydrants at ten dollars per annum per.hydrant, therefore, Resolved, That tho Bloomsburg Water Uo. be notified that wo, tho Towu Council of tho Town of Bloomsburg, proposo to stand by our resolution pissed Aug. 21st, 1800, and that wo will pay no moro than ten dollars per annum per hydrant for wat er after Oct. 1, 1890. Building permits were granted to H. V. White & Co , and Chas. G. Hirkley. Bloomsburg, Sept. 18, 1890. Council met pursuant to adjournment Monday. Sept. 23, with president Herring and members Fettcrman, Gross and Bhutt, Bids for tho construction of sewor on Catharine street, from Third street to Fifth Btrcct, were received as follows : Eshlcmnn & Wolf, 4 lack pipe 39c per foot, 0 inch pipe 42c per foot. W. F. Hartman, 4 Inch pipe 27c per foot 0 Inch pipe 30e per foot. On mollou 6 Inch plpo was ordered laid aad contrACt glvon W. F- Hartman lor isOc per foot. Building permit granted to A. L. Fritz. IIOMF, HniiKF.R'H F.XCUR8ION. ONLY THREE MORE OF THEM 5VILL LEAVE OlII- OAdO AND MILWAUKE VIA. TUB OlIIOAQO, MILWAUKEE & ST. l'AUL RAILWAY. For points In Northern Iowa, Minnesota, South and North Dakota, (Including the loux Iadiin Reservation lu South Dakota) Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, on Sep tember 9 and 23, and October 14, 1890. Half rate excursion tickets good for thirty days from dato ot sale. For further Information, circulars show, rates of fare, maps, etc, address, Qeorge II. Ucafford, First Assistant General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ills., or John R. Pott, Travelling Passenger Agent, Wllllamsport, Pa. 8-1-llt, I.lKlit Street. Thomas Kelm of Bethlehem Is spending his vacation with his undo J as. Keim. B. W. Drake is making preparation to build an addition to his paint room which will make It moro convenient. G. M. Lockard has torn down the old barn on his farm which stl'l moro Improves tho looks of tho place. A number of Austrlans havo taken up their abode here: being engaged upon tho B. &. 8. It. R. B. A. Whlto is at present attending tho station at Jamison City. 11. E. Hcncock Is preparing to start up on his usual fall work for Btraddon's Wool en Mills, Williamsnort. J. II. Townsend's now houso Is ncarlng completion. Jos. Wardln and family bavo gone to Morgantown to visit Mrs. Wardln's sister. Jay Brown and Frank Colley aro again upon tho road. The Orangcvillo Band gavo our towns. people quito a serenade on Monday night, Tho treat was enjoyed by all lovers of good music. Como again you'are certainly welcome, It. u, Johnston now greets tho cus tomers again at A. 11. White's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caso aro visiting Mrs. Young, Mr. Case's sister. Miss Amanda Dcwltt Is now employed as domestic at G, M. Lockard's. J. K. Lockard and family drove to town Bunday stopping at G. M. Lockard's, all returned but Lctba who slipped away so as to stay all night with undo and aunt. The road view on Friday last was not attended by a very great number. A Cure for CoiiHtlpntloii anil Hlclt lleudiiclie. Dr, Bllas Lano, wh'lo In the Rocky Moun tains, discovered a root when combined with other herbs, makes an easy and ccr, tain euro for constipation, It Is In tho form ot dry roots and leaves, and Is known as Lane's Family Medicine. It will cure sick headacho in ono night. For the blood liver and kidneys, and tor clearing up tbo complexion it docs wonders. Druggists Mil It at W cents a package Conn lroccctlliiir, The regular Bcptcmbcr term of Court opened on Monday tbo 32nd, Uon. E. It. Ikclcr, President Judge, and Associates Hons. O. G. Murphy and M. W. Jackson on tho bench. Constables' returns taken. Several roads m different parts ot tho county wcro reported to bo in bad condition and tho reports wcro referred to tho Disttlct attor ney. Grand Jurors called, Gcorgo Westly of Berwick excused, Wesley Morris appoint cd foreman. Hiram Palmer appointed tipstaff to tako cbargo ot Grand Jury. Road in Hemlock near Mathlas White, night's confirmed nisi. Private road near tho residence of Busan and Conrad Matklo in Brtarcrcck, Samuel Ncyhard appointed ono of vlowers in placoot B. D. Neybard who has moved away, Com. vs. S. E. Bmlth, assault and battery, on motion of District Attorney nol pros allowed on payment ot costs. Com. vs. Wellington Williams, assaul and battery, on motion ot District attorney nol pros allowed on paymont of costs. Auditor's report in tho estato ot John F. Fowler confirmed nisi. Auditor's report in estato ot Bamucl Bmlth confirmed nisi. Inventory and appraisement in assigned estato of Stlltz & Co. filed. Com. vs. William Young, fornication and bastardy, on motion of District attor ney nol pros allowed on payment of costs. Tavern license of J. B. Mann In Blooms burg transferred to J. B. Blue. Restaurant license of J. H. Falrman in Berwick transferred to J. B. Mann. Road In Main near James Klcter's con. firmed nisi. Road in Scott near James Bhcw's con firmed nisi. Road In Briarcrcek near U. 8. Heck's, Samuel Noyhard appointed a vlower In place ot S. D. Ncyhard, and order contin ued. Bridgo over Muddy Run in Greenwood near Merrill's confirmed nisi. Report of reviewers of a road in Frank lin near W. G. Fisher's, against a road, confirmed ulsl. Bridgo In Locust near saw mill of U. M. Yocum confirmed nisi. Exceptions filed to auditor's report In tho estate of Hannah Sponenbcrger. Auditor's report in estate of C. G. Jack, son confirmed nisi. J. F. Chapln vs. Z. A. Butt ct al., plain tiff's statement filed. Inquest on tho body of F. P. Klino ap proved. Auditor's report in estato of Ellzaboth Kline) confirmed nisi. Auditor's report In estate of Joseph OIc- wcll confirmed nisi. Tavern license of Amandus, Pclffer at Ccntralla, transferred to Michael W. Brcn- nan. Tavern licenso of Joseph Klccknor at Benton transfcrcd to Lemuel Drako . Auditor's report In estato ot W. A. Rob- bins confirmed nisi. William Robison appointed guardian of William P. Bnydcr, minor child of Mary Snyder deceased. Reports of sales wcro confirmed nisi in tho following estates: Mary Ruport, Elizabeth Sltlcr, Elizabeth Gcarhart, Charles B. Troy, Lydla Bean. Sale ordered In estato of George Brow n. Com. vs. J. U. Robbins, larcony, recog nizance In $300 tor appoaranco at next sessions. Auditor's report in estates of Nellie, Mary ind Rebecca Hclwlg confirmed nisi. Com. vs. William Ulgbmlllcr, larceny, not a truo bill, defendant pay costs. Com. vs. Martin Smith, assault and ba t- tcry, true bill. Com. vs. John Morris, aggravated as. sault and battery, not a truo bill . Com. vs. Geo. Chromls, fornication and bastardy, continued to next sessions, re cognizance In $300. Register's accounts and Widow's Ap pralscmcnts confirmed nisi. Report ot inspectors of a bridge In Miff lin near Pcuna. R. R. trestle over Heller's run, approved. Second and final account ut Isaac Hcn cock, commltteo of Jano McMichael lunatic, confirmed nisi. Report of a bridgo in Main near Fulling mill confirmed nisi. Account of' directors of Bloomsburg Bridge Co., confirmed nisi. Auditor's report in tho CBtatoot Margaret Zimmerman confirmed nisi. Return of Innucst of lunicy of Eve Strohmoycr confirmed. Kramer & Mann vs. John Brofee, opln Ion filed. Kramer and Mann and Uoagland vs. J. F. Hawk, opinion filed. un Tuesday morn In? list of traverse jurors called. Com. vs. Frank Kesterson, larceny, truo bill. Com. vs. Robert Coylc, malicious mis chief, defendant pleads guilty, sentenced to pay costs of prosecution. Com. vs. Martin Smith, assault and bat. tcry, defendant pleads guilty, scntonccd to pay costs of prosecution, and a flno of $5, Com. vs. Frank Kesterson, larceny case tried, verdict guilty. Com. vs. Martin Mohan, defendant pleads guilty, sentenced to pay a lino ot $25, costs of prosecution, $30 to Dr. J. M, Gwlnner, $20 to Mary Nasb, and $1 week payable quarterly .until tho child is 7 years old. The Dntivllle I-'alr. Tho Montour County Agricultural So ciety held Its annual fair at Danville on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day ot last week. The grounds are located about a mile out ot town, but tho facilities tor reaching them aro excellent, every coach, bus, carriage and truck wagon in tbo county, being on hand for tho put pose nt hauling the passengers to and from tbo grounds at the small sum of ten cents head. Tho grounds aro on a eldo hill, and the halt mllo track Is. in flno condition At ono end it is slightly ascending, but it Is solid and on tho whole as good as the avtrago of county fair tracks. Thcro wero two raccu on Friday afternoon. The 2:83 cIisj was won by Echo Boy, owned by John B. Hunt of Bloomsburg, and driven by tbo veteran Samuel Prentice. Echo Boy took tho first thrco heats in great shape, never breaking in ono ot them, A now grand stand has brcn erected, which com. mands a good view of tho wholo track. On Friday afternoon a game of base ball was played between tho Janesvillo and Danville nines resulting In a 9coro ot 20 to 1 in favor of Danvillo. Shannon pitched and Shaffer of Bloomsburg caught for tho Danville team. It is estimated that tour thousand pcoplo wcro present on Friday, Tbo display of fancy articles was good, and tbo whole fair was a bucccss. James L. Riehl Is President ot tha Association, and W. H. Baldy Is Secretary. A Baltimore Heater at a bargain. Good as now, taken out to put In steam. At Bavltt'a store, Centre Bt. O-ID-Sw, In another column wo print our club oft era that surpass In liberality any offer cycr made lu this section. Read It and sec, cannot fall to ploaso you. For $3.60 you can get what would $7.75. otherwise cost you 0-12-it. Central. Central is improving very fast now. E. P. Albcrtson raised his three story building last week. The farmers are very busy cutting corn and buckwheat now. Mrs. Septimus B, Ucss and daughter aro visiting relatives this week at this place. Milton Hess Is hauling charcoal for Jcr. ry Zirr this week. Bruco Butllff started a dairy last week. Anyone wishing a job driving milk wagon call on Bruce. Martin Bhoemakcr, Edward Yorks, J. B. Gibbons and A. B. Herring arrived hero from tho mud pond on Saturday. Had a good time and plenty .of fish. Tho boys aro going to bavo a hunting party at this place Call on M. P. Ucss or It. W. Glrton for instructions. Edward Myers ot this placo bad a foot race In tho grovo a week or so ago with tbo boys. Uo ran up tho mountain. DrutiltcuticnM I,litior Ilnltlt In nil I lie world there ih nut one fenre lr. Ilnlncn' Uolcleii Hpecinc It can bo etven in a cun ot tea or coffee without the Knowlcdgo ot tho person tasing It, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a modcrato dilnkcr an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards havo been cured who havo taken tho Golden Bpcclllc in their coffco without their knowledge, and to-day bcilcvo they quit drinking of their own frco will. No harmful effect results from Its administra tion Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular and lull particulars. Address In confidence Golden Bfeoifio Co., 18V Raco Street, Cineinnatl.O. 10-251y An Announcement. The Ladies of tho Benton Malhodist Episcopal Church would respectfully an nnunco to their many friends and tho pub lic generally, that they will have a booth and tablo at tho coming agricultural Fair at Benton. Refreshments in tho way of sandwiches, hot coffee, pics, cakes, oyster- soup, chicken-soup, bananas, candies, &c, can be had at all hours. A liberal sharo ot tho public patronage of such places Is ask ed. Tho proceeds to help repair tho M. E. Church of Benton, Pa. 20-2t Br Order of Com. Prof. W. P. Dennis of Terro Haute, Ind. has arrived at Benton to remain until after the fair and is now getting everything in readiness to mako a grand ascension and parachute Jump on Friday, Oct. 3. Bhould be be prevented by rain or other causes bo will go up on Saturday. Tho following appears In tho Nor walk (Ohio) UhrmuUc Sept, 18th. Prof. W. P. Dennis, of Terro Uauto, Ind., who mado the balloon ascension and parachute jump under the auspices ot the Huron county Agricultural society on tue fair grounds last Friday, receives tno nign- est endorsement ot tho fair managers, as a gentleman in every respect and as a suc cessful balloonist. Uls ascension and jump on Friday was a success in every way. Tho hugo atr-ship at his signal shot heavenward to a great height before tbo eyes of everybody and amidst tho cheering ot tho crowd. When the parachute was detached from tbo bal loon the aeronaut descended eastward like a rocket and many feared ho would bo dashed to pieces, but ho descended Ilka a bird on easy wing, t or a mue away, aii were delighted because tho whole sceno was enacted beioro tneir eyes. Prof Dennis proved himself throughout an honorable man, and tbo fair managers recommend him to all associations desir ing tho services ot a competent and reliable aeronaut." Now all who attend the fair bavo posi tive assurance of witnessing this grand, thrilling aud daring feat as the man is al ready hero and may be seen nt any time at the Mcllcnry House. Ho has been In the business 17 years and is thoroughly com petent to give us a grand exhibition. Come to this great fair, you cannot afford to miss Tho abovo is only ono of tho many attractions to bo seen this year, you will regret it if you stay away. There can bo seen upon the grounds a hundred foot tent representing tbo Batt!e of Gettysburg, other shows equally largo and attractive. Tho wonderful Edison's Phonograph which rivals any Invention of tho 10th centuiy and last but not least there will bo (aster and better horses this year than ever be. toro. Tho track has been graded and im proved and tho premises throughout ar ranged to accommodato and entertain the largest crowd of pcoplo ever collected together In that end of county. llultlmore'H OyHter Mention. Oysters will not bo plentiful until the middle of October, when tho dredging sea. son opens and tho great oyster fleet, con. slstlng of largo schooners, punglcs, bug. eyes, etc., begins operations. A rushing business Is then done about the retail ,n,a.nna , I. n I. .. .1. - f.nn, a 0ln ... 1 1 1. nuai(, luu luo uaiuui nuut to nu.v nuu oyster merchants and men seeking employ o I v mcnt. Tho lower harbor now is tilled with craft ot every description waiting the opening ot tho dredging season, and the prorpects aro very bright. Haltimore Keici. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When TMj u ildr, we gave her CutorU. When tht to a Child, the cried for CutorU, When sha becamo Utts, tbo dune to OutorU, When ih bad Children, th cava them Cuter!, I Wlaticill Viim Ucml. Atter suffering several yart with Lcucnrrbma, a id no doubt I would tho bavo been, only a lady Induced mo to try Bui. 1 phur Bitters. Now 1 am well. Threo bot tics cured me. ilru Cbjiu, Xtxporl, R. . There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They arc not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it 'Tis sold everywhere. Mrs. Jano McBrldo has improved her dwelling houso by a two-story addition. The Danville band was in Bloomsburg upon the Invitation of Wm. Gllmore, Wed ncsday evening and serenaded somo of our citizens. Our subscription list Is growing, and the work tn tho job department is continually increasing. Wo havo no fault to find ex cept that a tow of our subscribers aro slow in paying. It is hoped that all such will como In soon and square up. Pensions I Veterans I ! The Disability Pension Bill. Act of Juno 27, 1890, grants pensions to all cx-soldicrs and sailors who served 00 days or moro iu tho Army or Navy duiing tho rebellion, and were honorably discharg ed, and who arc now suffering from any permanent, mental or physical disability contracted since the war or during tho war whether from disease, Injuries or effects of old age, at tho rate of from $0 to $12 per month, according to the degree of his dis ability for the performance of labor requlr lng the exertion of physical strength : provided tho disability is not duo to vici ous habits. This penslou is not restricted to tho veterans who havo to mako their living by haid labor, but is equally duo to Krotcsslonal men or clerks, provided tbey avo an existing disability which would prevent tho continuous cxerclso of the physical strength ot an able-bodied man. Thoso who havo applied under tho gen eral laws nnd who aro unable to prove up the pending claim can apply for and se cure this pension and then conttnuo the prosecution of tho former claim and securo their arrears. If vou are now drawing a small pension, say $3 or $4 por month, you cau tako this pension instead, and if you havo an appli cation on file for Incrcaso or additional pcoslon for new disabilities you can con tinue the prosecution of such claims wbilo drawing tno now pension, or you can file an original claim tor a disability contract ed in tho scrvlco while drawing ponsion under this new act. Widows, children, and dependent moth ers and fathers aro entitled under this act and can suspend tbo prosecution ot any pending claim, and take this pension, and afterwards complete tho prior claim and get arrears. Having been duly appointor an Agent according to tho rulos and regulations of tho Department of the Interior in tho pros ccutlon of such claims and having bad buc cess In a number of cases I am always pre pared to glvo Information and assist claim ants, and will assure them success It they aro able to establish the facts as required by law. . Thoso Interested Bhould call soon and claim their reward. OKOIUJI! V. HTBItNUIt, North .Mnrl.ttNl. nloonMburK la. Klnux City Corn l'alace. Opens September a. Closes October U. 1SS0, j Swiiatih:a:coun 1-AI.ACIC. Tho Bioux City corn Palace and thcro was never a corn palace outside ot Sioux City is a palace covered and cmbcllisucd, as with tapestry, outside and inside, with products ot thu field, corn predominating, ingeniously and fancifully arranged. In building the palace a largo structuro Is first erected oi lumber, or a snapc tuat will cai ry and show to advantage tho multiform decoratlons-wlth which it is to bo adorned. It is in formJofty, with broken lines, pin nacles, Duurcsses, uuuges, gauics, orna mental windows, etc. Over every Inch ot this wooden surface aro laid corn and kindred plants In architect ural harmony, in a multiplicity of dcslirns Tho corn Is employed In the stock, tho car. tho kernel, and even the husk has its dec oratlvo uses. All the grain and grasses ot the field lend themselves to tho beautifying of tho palace. Tho walls aro covered on luo outside witu cars or corn, cut lcncth. wise or crosswise, and nailed on in geome trical figures or other designs. Tho vari- ous colors ot the cereal permit ot a wido racgo ot shading and coloring, while Its ar tistic possibilities, developed irom year to year in building mo palace, admit of th productlou of effects that aro as startling as picasurauic. High over tho cntranco of tho palaco of 1880 was King Corn's crown as the nucleus ot a sunburst, while below was tho nation al Mag in graceful folds all wrought in vary-colorcd corn as truo and as beautiful as If painted by an artist's brush. The root Is overlaid with corn leaves. Pinnacl es and columns arc capped with tho sorg hum plant, or with (rains and grasses. The Irridescent walls, seen from a near dis tance, seem to bo a rich mosaic ot polished woods, wbilo with tho "Banners, yellow, glorious, goldm," that "From its roof-trce lloat and How," the palaco enraptures tho beholder as one who looks upon a cloud-painted mansion that may dissolve before his eyes. Tbo Interior work Is finer and moro ela. borate. Hero the kernel ot the corn Is largely employed, producing amazing and lovely effects. On tbo walls aro wrought pictures, illustrating iarin scenes, legendry and nursery tales, etc , with a fidelity that is calculated to ralso a doubt that tho ma terlal employed Is tbo homely utilitarian growth ot western farms. Frescoes and I ...... uututnip. Iraperles and thousands of "urprising and l,nn,,f,,l thlnrra am mail., nt rii.l.l nl.n. flowers, figures of persons and animals, beautiful things aro made of field nlants for tbo delight ot tho visitors to tbe palace, wuobu usiuuisuincni is succctucu uy ad ralratiou of tho genius that conceived and developed so much ot art and beauty from such homely fabrics as aro employed. A I.iil'Nl'urlcct Companion. Every expectant mother should read our now book by Dr. Nye, ono of Now York's most celebrated physicians. A perfect motutr s guide, it tens now trie fearful or, deal can be mado easy, frco from danger, atm uiiuusv tuiireiy paiuiibs, iuus saving monius oi anxiety, urcau, and suiiering, run oi vaiuauio ii'iormauon to mdici. an swcrlcg hundreds ot deliiato questions. bend two cent stamp lor citcutars. test! monials, and confidential lettc. Address r iutiK moms & uo., Publishers, U-1U 3m. Baltimore, Md. ro NcrvoiiB Dctiitltntecl Men. If you will Bond us your aldross. we wilt 7-18-dia. mall you our Illustrated pamphlet expla'nln; all about l)r. Dye's tvieoraiej muctro-Vailul" It a aud An. pUancee, and their cluruilm; ellucin upon un er ouadt-LlllUll lyhUxn, 1 1 bom dt y lli quick, ly restore you;ui,Ut;or and ' unhood.pimptilut tree. II leu are iuiu uuuvu!, wu wiu ku4 juh a and AppUtuicui on trtu. 1-3 My. VOLT1IO UILT ft, HUUUI, JtU3 Wo btvo agtln mtdo arrangements with that cxccilont pper, tho American Faiiwer by which wo aro enabled to present It to every subscriber who compllos with the conditions. Those in arrcar who pay up to date, and one year in advanco, nnd all now subscribers who pay a year in ad vance, will be presented wllh'tbo American Farmer for ono year. Try it, and get two dollars' worth for one dollar. tf. Rheumatism Is caused by a poisonous acid in tbo blood arid yields to Ayer's Pills. Many cases which seemed chronic and hopeless, havo been completely cured by this mcclclne. It will cost but llttlo to try what effect tbo Pills may bavo in your case. Wo predict success. If you want to advertlso anything, bring It to tbo Columbian. It will reach oycry section of tho county. A HprlllHT Medicine. Tho druggists claim that pcoplo cal daily for tho now euro for constipation and slck-bcadacho, discovered by Dr. Bllas Lano wbllo in tho Rocky Mountains. It Is said to bo Oregon grape rooi (a great remedy In tho far wctt for thoso complaints) combin ed with slmplo herbs, and is mado for uso by (louring on boiling water to draw out tho strength. It sells at 50 cents a pack ngo and is called Lino's Family Medicine WrUINO THE F AIR I The Best Pho tographs and Crayons, at M'K.ilIi Bros. Bloomsburg JPa. CLARK & SON. Offer now the largest Stock of Dress Goods, Coats, Jackets, Reefers and Newmarkets for ladies ind children they have ever shown. Wo call particular at tention to our Slack Dress Goods Stock as it is large and complete. Special values in Silk Warp Henriet tas. If you want a Ladies Coat or Child's it will pay to call on us. The best Ladies J acket m the city tor 5.00. P.'uch coats and Jack ets, full line Hosiery and Underwear, this stock was never5 so large. Ladies Jersey Vests, long sleeves, at 25c up. Velvets of all kinds, buttons, braids, buckles, stays, corsets, gloves, ribbon, Btamped linens, table linens, occ. All domestic goods at lowest prices, it will pay all t call. H. J. CLARK & SON. PHILLIPS' DOMESTIC Intend running a first-class restauraut iu connection with their now largo baking business. On aud after tbe first of Octob er they will have an experienc ed cook awaiting the chance to tickle your palate at all hours of the day and evening. Oys ters will be served in all styles and game in season. An at tractive bill of faro will be. ar ranged daily and they will make it a point to have custom ers Berved with dispatch. Ice Cream all the year round. Call on them during tho Fair. They will have their old stand on the ground where you can get a good meal lor twenty-hvc cents. Phillips' Domestic Bakery, Main Street Ahovk Ckntue, BLOOMSBURG, - PA. DURING- THE F A I. R I The Rest Photographs and Crayons at i UFKIIII RROS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. fionstipation, IF not remedied in season, is liable to become habitual and chronic. Dras tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels, confirm, rather than cure, tho evil. Ayer's 1'Uls, being mild, effective, nnd strengthening in their actUn, aro gener ally recommended by the faculty as tha best of aperients. "Having been subject, for years, to constipation, without being able to find much relief, I at lost tried Ayer's l'llls. I deem It both a duty and a pleasuro to testify that I bavo dorlvud great ben eflt from their use. For over two years past I have taken ono of these pills every night before retiring. 1 would not willingly lo without them." U. V. llowiuun, 20 East ilalu St., Carlisle, l'a. "I bavo been taking Ayer's Tills and using them In my family since 1837, nnd cheerfully recommend them to all in need ot n saf but effectual cathartic." John M. lloggs, luuilllo, Ky. " For eight years I was afflicted with constipation, which at lat became so bad that the doctors could do no moro for ino. Then I began to tako Ajer's Tills, and soon tho loweli recovered their natural nnd regular action, so that now I am iu excellent health." S. L. Iugbbridgo, llrynn, Texas. " Having used Ayer's Tills, with Rood results, I fully Indorse them for the pur ikmcs for which thny are recommended." T. Conners, Jt. 1)., Centre Ilrldgo, l'a. Ayer's Pills, Dr. J. C, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mm. Gold fcy U Prugglati u4 Deilm U Medittne. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ( '$ bJ ItcautiLie in hair. rim.ilM a luiUriJDt CTOWth. Nfvtr Falls to RiiTor Qrr twit nurio lit vvatnTui ieier. frvti-nU ln.1niff and hlr rlUu I'llcoOOoandll. making