THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ( The Columbian. 8. S. Elwsll, l,ma 1, K. BlttinDtnltr., f S41""' BL90AI3BURG, PA. FRIDAY, SKl'T. 20, 1890. lion. William Ij Soott is lying dan Rcroualy ill at his homo in Erio. W. M. lUpshor of Mauoh Chunk haa boon nominated for tho stata sen nto for tho distrlotoompojod of Monroo Carbon and Pike oonntios. Tho democratic oougrossioual con forces of tho Bovenleonth district met in Suubury on Monday, and unani monely nominated Hon. S. P. Wolvor ton for Congress. Tho wife of tho lato Gon. John C. Fremont is ill and in destitute oiroura stances, at Los Angelos Cal. A short timo before her husband's death it was said that tho government owed him $28,000. Colonol AVickorsham, tho old Stato Saperintondunt of Sohools and a prom inent Republican of Lancaster, has publicly declared that ho can't voto lor Dalamater, but will voto for Pat tison. Ho gags on Quayistn A rumor prevails throughout tho state that tho brewers of the state have raised a larco sum of monov for the Durpose of repealing tho Brooks license law. The ohartra is made that an examination of cAndidates so far named for tha legislature will show a larco maiority who the liquor interests. aro favorablo to Ex-Chairman Dallas Sanders, of the democratic) stale committee, is conn dent of Pattison's olection. Ho says i "I am pobitivo that Djlamater's ma. jority will not bo over 10,000 in Phila delpbia county, whero it is usually 20, 000 and Chester county which is re publican by 8,000, will bo a stand-off, Pattison is very popular in Philadel phia and the republican niinagors oan- not rely on Philadelphia to carry their candidate through. Board Of Pardons. At a meetinc of the Board cf Par- dorns at Herrisburg Tuesday afternoon S. B. Boyor, Esq., appeared for Philip A. Iluber. of Sunbury, who, in lHtft), stole a larco sum. of money from tho Adams Express Ojmpany. Tho argil meat wa3 that Ilubar had restored ths greater portion of tho stolen fundi and had been sutuoionuv punisueu. a pardon was asked for George Beitner, of Lancaster coanty, who is serving a sixteen-year torin in tho ponitentiary for arson and breaking jail. It is said that Beimer is dvinir of consumption and oan last but a short lims. Tho case of tho Nicoly brothers, of Somerset countv. under sentence of death, was continued until next meeting. At tho meeting held the same oveninj? tha board took aotiou in the following case3 from Northumberland county: Emanuel Shiley, outrage on a female, pardon recommended; Philip A. Huber, larotny and embezzlement, refused. This strikes the average reader as being a littlo far-fetohed as far as just ice is ooncerned. If the State Board of Pardons can rooommend for pardon a dastardly villain who attempted to outrage a little girl and refuse pardon to a man who has sufficiently paid the punishment for his crime piltry em bezzlement oompared to the greater crime their consciences must be very elastic The man Shiley should bo strung up by tho thumbs, and such criminals as Huber treated like prinoes in comparison with their respective crimes. Sunbury News. Treasury notes tho best paper cur- renoy that any country over nau. "That will tnko", ho continued, "tho control of cur fitinuces out of thohands of a combination and monopoly. What has boon seen within tho last few wooks has not been crodltablo to tho country. Tho Secretary of tuo 'iroas- nry has been seen drawn on by speou tho pooplo of Pennsylvania. Instoad of attempting to nwaken tho preju dices of the old soldiers of tho Stato by garblod presentations of Governor Pattieon's record on military legisla tion, answer if yon will why it is that you havo given "promises to tho car to bo broken to tho hopo" to tho veterans of the lato wnr concunltig tho scrvico lators in stocks and grain in Now York pension and otlur national assistance .V M I I 1 . !. . . . I I.. I-... ......... to pay out overy dollar ot casn surplus in tho Treasury in order to savo their imaginary prouts in Bpcouiaiton ana gambling." Tho bill shuttincf tho lotteries and nows papers which print lottery adver tisements out of tho inailf, is now a law. Thoro aro lots of rumors about what tho lottery people intend doing to tost tho constitutionality of the now law, but all lack confirmation. A resolution has been reported to tho Houso providing for tho appoint ment of a oommittco to imjuiro into tho progress Chicago is making toward tho World's Fair, anil ropo:t to tho Houso in Docembor. Tho Washington Navy Yard is be ing workod for all it is worth just now, to help tho republicans in contiguous Congressional districts. Secretary Tracoy must havo been joking when ho said that politics should not enior tho navy yards. Politics may not bo entering iho Washington yard, but democrats aro being pushed out to make room for ropublioins at quite a lively rate. Senator Voorhees has introduced n joiut resolution directing tho Secretary ot the Treasury to puronaso iu,uuu,uuu ounces of Silver bullion within thirty days in American markets at a price not to exceed 1.29 per ounoo the bul lion to be coined at onco and held as current money. A Boston boot manufacturer has re quested Representative Kilgoro to allow him to namo new production, specially intcnted for Toxas trade, "Tho Kilgoro Boot." Representative Crisp has tho honor of having oompelled Speaker Reed to publicly acknowledge that ho had com mitted an error in declaring a quorum present when thero was none. Keep your eye on Crisp. He's a rising man. NO DODGING. It was a trick of ancient warfaro, when it was intended to divert atten tion awav from tho roal object of a military movement, to sond a detach ment of men to tho mountain top with instructions to so place themselves that catching the rellectiou of tho sunlight upon tho burnished faces of their shiolds they might cast it into tho oyos of tho enemy, "marshalled on tho plains below." Thus tho enemy, whilo in endoavoring to disoover the meaning of the demonstration on tho mountain top, would havo their alten I'on attracted away and their vigilonco relaxed in guarding the lower passes that led to tho gates of tho citadal and the first warning thoy had of tho near approaoh of tho danger which threat ened them was the thunder of tho ln yaders' battoring ram upon tho inner defences. The managers of tho Republican campaign of Pennsylvania manifestly mlnnted this samo plan of operation. Iunorinir entirely the issues whioh aro really existing betweon tho parties in Pennsylvania, tho great issue of honesty in tha conduct of governmental affairs, t.hov are endoavoring to arouso me and havo given them only a law upon tho statuto books of Pennsylvania which provides for them a paupor's grave. Tho peoplo of Pennsylvania havo been educated understandingly in tho methods of Quayism. Tune and again in tho psst havo thoy hoard the syren song of party fealty sung so swootly in their ears that they havo forgotten tho dangers which wero threatening them and havo turbid abldo from tho dofonco of these things which mako for thoir best interest in tho govern ment of the State. There are sentinels who havo come forth from tho very camp of tho enemy, who nro watching on tho hill lops now lo givo notico when thu false files of tho wreckors glean along tho lior e.. If the pooplo aro properly awakened tho demonstra tion on tho hill top will amount to nothing this year; tho lower approaoh to the citadal will bo well guarded and tho Republioan journals and tho Re publican orators, charm they nover so wisely, will havo their labor for thoir pains. Beware :f Ointments for Catarrh that Con tain Heronry, as toorcury will Burely destroy tho senso of smell and completely derange tho wbolo system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such artioles should never bo used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as tho damago they will do is ton fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Chenoy & Co., Toledo' O, contains no murcury and is taken internally, and acts direct ly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the systom. In buying nail's Ca tarrh Curo be euro you get tho genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. 8-Sold by Druggists, 75c. per bottle. 9-19 4-t. TWENTY-TWO KILLED- HURLED IHT0 THE BIYER. WRECK ON TUB HEADING RAILROAD. A terrible railroad wreok occurred last Friday ovening shortly after 6 o'clocknear Shoemakervillo, a station on tbo Reading railroad, about fifteen miles north of Reading. CROWDED WITH PASSENGERS. The wrecked train was tho No. 3 express, better known as the cannon bail train, whioh leaves tho Thirtoen and Callowhill Streot Station at Phila del nil' a at 1 o clock. She left on time but was several minutes lato in leaving the station at Reading owing to the largo crowds returning from tho Berks county fair, oevorai additional cars had to be put on owing to the crush of passengers, and this entailed a delay over time of about fifteen minutes, When the train was once beyond tho numerous side tr. cke, about a mile north of the city, the engineer began making up the lost timo aud ran the Tari,n,i tn A,,, tram at a largely increased speed, prejudices of tho people and to azzle EverythinR went along all right and their eves with a brilliant presentation n w '"i .,' k . of the national issues. Their journals aro filled with ablo editorials upon quescions which relate to national poli tics alone, auu soon iroui iusirmu in overy part of.of tho State will be heard the eloquent voices of the ora tors of their party of host repute'.in the nation discussing tne tariu, mo uuuui-- tion of political affiirs in the south and tho various other matters which aro intended to keep alive the preju dices and fire tho zoal of the partisan Republican. Their purpose is plain j they are endoavoring to dodgo tho is sues, but It is tne mission oi mo uam- ocratio oigauizuion in tni9 siaie to force this issue. When mo cnarge is niado against tho Republican Oindi dato for Gjvornor that ha Is simply the tool of an autocrat, tint ho is Bira- WABHLKGTON LETTER (From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, Sept. 22, 1890. Speaker Reed has been so badly beaten at his own came bv the demo crats of tho House that ho offered mv tho mouth-niece that voices the ut through ono of his minions to acrreo I turances of a corrupt "boss", that his that no more domoorats should be un-1 political record is that of a monopolist seated at this session if the domoorats and an autocrat, that he has nothing would Rtav in thoir seats to mika a in common with the masses Ot tho quorum. It is unnecessary to say that I people of tho Stato, the otter was rejeotea mo democrats will make no bargain with Reed. Tho offer was not made until tho Speaker found ot that he could not foroe tho democrats to stay in tho House, not even by looking thorn up, and Repre eentativo Kilgoro had set an example by kicking open a locked door that overy demoorat in tho House was prepared to follow if it beoame necessary to do so to get out of the chamber. A num ber of republican Representatives are in hearty sympathy with tho demo cratio efforts to prevent tho uuso.iting of two legally elootod democrats in favor of two negro contestants, but they lack tho courage of their oolleigui Mr. Uneadle ot Indiana, who .uiuo a strong speeoh begging tho inembora of his party not to attempt to com'u this outrage, simply because a maiority of tho elections committee had reported in favor of tho negroes. Tho negroes then the answer comes, not in specifio denial of these charges, not in any attempt whatever to retuto them, but in oriiuaut euona to arouso partisan feeliugs of tho lie publicans by eloquent desertations up on the fearful effects that will follow tho election of a Daraocratio Governor, ou the tanff and condition of political affairs in tho southern states. Whon it is oharged that tho Rspublioan o in dicate has been guilty of bribory of voters, of perjury, of lalsihcation ol records, when ho is oharged with being iruiltv of a misdemeanor under tho stit- ules oi tna oiaio, in mui. ue ihj a u moiubjr of its General Assembly, re coivod at tho hands of its treasurer funds belonging to thu Stato to bo used and prohtod by in ins own pri vate business, the plea oi oouiesion aud avoidance is entorod aud tho jour nail of th'Tpaity and tho campaign orators still continue to talk in flowery tho Republioan wrong that is Republican voters will never bo Beatod until thercpubli- language of tho dangers of interfering cans get a quorum. The republican majority of tho oon ferenoo committee havo about pitched np an agreement on tho tariff bill, aud k might havo boon roported to-day, but it is presumable that tho republi cans will hold it until they can get a quorum of republicans on tho floor of tho House: that may be to-morrow or it may not be at all during this session witli tho policy of paitv, of the great boiug done to the in tho south, uto. Stand up liko mon, Republicans, and answer those oharges. It will not do for Mr. Dilamater Bimply to say "I am not guilty"; the peoplo demand tnoro than this whon tho matter of falsiucat'.on bribery and perjury and A prominent republican tnembor of the of publio reoords is in question. They oooforeuce committee, who was known I demind something more than this the to bo ouDosod to B aino's Latin-Amen- nnerile defonso that his lawyer torn can reciprocity idea, was asked why ho him ho might do it, when ho is Bpccif- j0j "j"' . n in,,.nnlth Km I BIUwlWCl UUU UJU wiu Bkluuvv ... I oml nvar in frliuir fla&nnnt u 111 nit Art. 11l f .'. .. . 1 7i! s i! 1 1 ""I" V: counts for their extraordinary demoli- 1110 UUIUUlUllWUaiVU IU lim wv I , f--- Yiri. I I.. 1.a.i1 ihn ha I uuBiuess. w uu . Tb0 tremBn jous impetus that caused is simp.y ins too , vy . ?u, lhig utler integration of tho loco- V?nm?lwlwm....rr"ZLtl motive and coaches is shown by tho voted for the reciprocity "Oh"', ho replied, laughing, "reciprocity is a popular fad just now, and it is well enough to have tho name tacked onto tho tariff bill." That expresses in a nut Bhell the much talked of amend ment it is ouly . . Mr. Harrison lacked tho courage to oarry out his threat of vetoing tho overvono on board was happy when suddenly thero was a crash, a rumbling ot the passenger coaches over the ties and down went tho engine, tank, bag' gage, oxpress and a parlor and two Dassenger coaches into tho river which borders the road at th it point. Tho crash was heard for a great distance, and hundreds of peoplo from the vill age and tho surrounding country wero soon at the scene of the wreck. CAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT. Thero is a double traok at tho place where tho accident occured. Just bo tore tho1 accident, two coal traina, each made up of about 150 loaded cars, were coming toward Philadelphia on the down-track, whioh is furthest from the river. The trains wero intending to lie off at Mohrsville, when about twenty cars of forward train became uncouDled. and before the rear tram uld be flagged it ran into tho cabooae of the forward train ana Bhoved it ana a number of the coal cars upon the down track. THE PLUNGE Ol' THE KXPItESS. Just at this fatal moment the Wil Hamsport express came thundering around the curve and struck the cabooso of the wrecked coal train, The locomotive of the express rear ed upon tho caboose. Its ponderous mass leaped in the air and turned complete somersault, plunging down nity or sixty leot into tuo river uuiuw, where it landed on its side. Tho,bagg20 car and the man oar wero hurled out over the top of the locomotive and tender and rested in th river. The mail car lay diagonally across tho river at least fifty fct ahead of tho locomotive, and the baggage oar lay parallol with the river and partly submerged. Both of them were upside down, and each was xmashed into kindling-wood. The smoker went down into tho river, renting partly upon thu rear of tho engino. With its lower part sub merged, it was literally knocked into splinters, scarcely enough of its frame work hanging together to establish its identity amid the tangled mass of wreckage. The Pullman car Elwyn alightod partly on top of the smoker and partly in the river, and in spito of the strength of its construction, it was as badly ground to bits as was the smoker. Roared up on top of these was another ordinary coach, which was badly brok en, but was checked betoro it tooK tne It is believed that the Pullman turned over wisps of straw. It was a matter of wonder to all who looked at this wreckage, not that so many woro killed but that any had csoaped nllvo. The droadful cnsli of lliocollmon was plainly hoard by the peoplo of tho illago ot shoemakcrsvllle and tho immcdialo neighborhood. They knew that something dreadful had happened and rushed to the scene, tho two physi cians of tho village, Drs. John M. Rapp and M. S. Ruber rendering tho first surgical aid to tho injured. Thoy telephoned to Harrisburg, threo miles away, and all tho physicians and hun dreds of tho citi&cnB of that town drovo rapidly to tho scono. TWKNTY-TWO KILLED, Augstadt, David, Mahany City died shortly after being taken out of tho wreck. Beoker, Joseph, Chief Burgees of Mahany City nnd n prominent member t tho x'iro Department; crushed lo death in the smoking car and found in heap of seven dead bo,lun. Biusman, Jo.ioph, Philadelphia: a fireman of the Reading Roadi found under the smoker, badly disfigured: licntity in some doubt. Fox, Edward J., ngud 41, I'ottivillc; found dead beside Ins wife; drowned and forehead cruthud. Fox, Mrs. Edward J., aged 39, Pot- tsville; found at 3 CO A. M. drowned under tho Pullman oar. Hers was tho first body of a woman rocovcred. Fredericks, ,1. H. , I'ottsville; found dead beside tho body of his wife Fredericks Mrs. J. E. Pottsville; 40 years old the second woman whoso body was taken from tho Pullman car. Greenawald, A. A. mail agent, Sohuyl kill Haven; ieaves a widow and two young childien. lloovc, Solomon, i'ottsville; taken out of tho water under tho Pullman car. Body recovered at 3 30 A. M. Ho was a hardwaro merchant. Hoffman, Frank, Mahany City, 33 years old, a member of the Citizens' Fire Company; chest crushed and faco terribly disfigured. Jacoby, Harry, Btono cutter, i'olts- town. Kaeroher. George R. concral solicitor of the Philadelphia & Heading Rail road, aged 45, drowned in five feet of water in the i'allman car. leaves a widow and two children. Lambert, Joseph, Tamaqua, a fire man rcturaing from the convention at Chester. Loughlin, Harry, conductor of tho wreoked cxprciB, 33 years old. Found, terribly mangled, in tho water under tbo wreck of tho Pullman car. Ilia hands wero on his face, as though he had realized the danger. He leaves a -I J -LM.I n...... Mi ll! UUU UUU UII1IU IU L UlblVllie. Miller, John L Oressoua; a fireman returning from the convention at Ches ter. Osborn, John II. Philadelphia; on his way to visit his wife in Poltsvillo. lie was a hoe looking man, 5U years old, and six feet tall. Ho lived at 1921 Park Avenue. Shomo, William D., Reading; a well known financier, G3 years old, and for many years connected with the real tstato department of the Reading road. tie was going to visit his mother in Hamburg, who is the oldest inhabitant of that borough. Mr. Shomo diid after being taken out. Ho was a director of the Citizens' Bank and worth half a million. Shade), John, of Philadelphia, a well- known Philadelphia & Reading en gineer: found under the smoker. Templin, James, hreman, I'ottsville. Vanderslioe, Dr. Nehemiah C, Phoonixville, found dead under tho smoker; ex-Chief Burgess of Phoenix- ville; 51 years old; llepubhcan candid ate for the Legislature from tho north ern district of Uhostcr County, and a graduate of tho University of Pennsy lvania. Whito, John, engineer, PottHvillei leaves six mothorloss children. THE INJURED. Thero were between 30 and 40 in jured most of whom will carry tho marks of the wreck through life. Dyspepsia Makes tha Urea ot many people miserable, sod often leads to seK-dcstructlon. Distress after eating, aour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss ot arpetltc, a faint, " all gono" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and Irregu m . larlty ot the bowels, aro UlStrOSS tome of the moro common Aftor symptoms. Dyspepsia docs j-, hot get well ot Itself. It Muling requires careful, persistent Attention, and a remedy like, Hood's Sarsa parllla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates tho digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick orercomlng tho local symp-u i t, toms remotes the ayrnpa- HOaaOCnO thetlo effects of tho disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes tho tired mind. " I havo been troubled with dyspepsia, t had but littlo appetite, and what I did cat Unnr. distressed me, or did mo "5arx little good. In an hour Dllrn after eating I would cxre rlenco a falntncss, or tired, nil-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which Is that of n painter, and from being moro or less shut up In a Sour room with fresh paint. Last . , spring I took Ilood'a Barsa- StOmaCII rllla took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount ot good. It gavo rao an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied tho craving I had previously experienced." Gioroe A. roK, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. fliiUforfS. Prepared only fey O. I. noOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar IX. MAIERi THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER, JBLOOlISBUEfGr, FA. -:o.' Comes to the front with it Complete now FALL nnd WINTER ULUTlilfNU lor stock of tho MOST SELECT Damocratic Stato Ticket. Fob Govisnuoit, ROBERT E. PATTISON', of Philadelphia. Fou Lieutknvjjt GovmiNon, CIIAUNOF.V F. BLACK, of York. Fob Skcrbtauv op Intkiwai, Akkaiiis, UA1T. Wji. ti. HAUUIjAY, of Allegheny. County Ticket. Fon Conohess, HON. S.P. WOLVEUTON. Fon Statu Senator, GRANT HERRING. Subject ti decision of Suuatorial Conforeeu, Twenty-Fourth District. Foil RliPltk'SEtfTATtVES, Wji. KUICKBAUM. E. M. TEWKSBURY. Fort Associate Juhoe, MORDEOAI MILLARD. QUANTITIES OF Of iwats off all KedSj Lateit Sifcyks rf HATS ! CAPS ! SHIRTS I COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. TraelL Valises miA UedlwweM IN ABUNDANCE. . PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Respectfully Yours, I. MAIER. -:o;- fjGSThe largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Montour and Columbia Counties, Pa. Fort DiiTmor Attorney, WILLIAM OlIltlSMAN. For Puonio.xoTARY and Cleric ok the Courts. G. M. QUICK. Experience Taught Mel And my money paid for it. After having Liver Comnlaint four years, and spending money for nostrums and dootora who didn't help mo, I tried Sulphur Bitters. Six bottlos cored me 1 shall always uso them. O. Jy. .Jut- ler, Gohoes, iV. Y. 9-10-2t. River and Harbor bill. Pennsylvania, it will not do for him to merely nrivatelv deny his allegiance It is said that to tho great Roimblioan baas in quart ers whero ho believes tho knowledgo of that allogianco is harming him, and still profit by the assletanco of that hoaii anil 10 ueDOUU lor ui uiuouou uij- on tho maohincry whioh W controlled in all its movements by that same a certain Senator Inch up in tbo coun oils of tbo republioan party informed Mm that If ho vetoed that bill amaior ity of tho republican Senators had nlodcod themselves to mako war upon uira personally during tho remainder nf lilu arlminfHfrntlnn. Hmminr Plumb pave tho Troafurv Do not dodco the issues, centlemon .loi.irimmit n liitln rakini over Friday, of tho Ilenubliuan uarty. Stop talk i,i.i,.a nf ita Irvine nnfnrml into a !ni nf tho tariff and kindred sublects limited partnership with a lot of New and tell tho peoplo of Pennsylvania York speculators, and Saturday Sen- tho truth about tho matters in whioh ator dockroll reopened tho Bamo they aro interested. Deny if you oan wounds in a few remarks obiectinc to the otiari?o that me couiro iiug pur tho consideration of Sonator Shorraan's poso of the power which backed Dela 1,111 to reduoo tbo amount of bonds ro- mater in tho lato Legislature of I enn milro.1 of national banks. Mr. OockroU svlvania was directed, against evory fact that the headlight of tho locomo tive was thrown out into tho middle of tbo rivor, 100 feet away, and that a water cooler belonging to tho smoker was hurled over to tho mlddlo of tho island, to a point at right angles with the wrock, and about 125 feet away, A M0UKK OK WRECK AND RUIN. Tho effect of tho wreck as it appear ed piled up in tho river and along the bank was indescribable. It was a small mountain of splintered be aim and board, chairs, seats, cushion, trucks, wheels, twisted and bent rode, all inextricably mixed and locked to gether, as if there novor had been any relation between thoir component parts Tho great foroo of tho impact was shown also by tho heavy axels that were bent liko hairpins, great beams Emery Will Kaply. HE WILL SUnSTANTIATE HIS CHARGES A 1'UllLIO Pl'KKCU AT UI1ADFORI1. Ex-Senator Emery jr., will turn his oratorical batteries on Senator Dela- mater, tho republican candidate for governor in a publio speech which he will deliver in the opera housein Brad, ford on Friday evening, September 20, Delamaler, it will bi remembered, de nied Mr. Emery's charges in a speech at Uharabersburg on April 4, and Mr, Emery proposes to prove that what he said about Delimiter is true in ocry particular. Mr. iunery s reply awaited with more than ordinary inter. est and those who know him Hay ho will clearly substantiate his charges ?ateau Granted. To citizens of Pennsylvania during the pis, week and reported especially tor tin: paper by U. A. snow it uo. patent Attorneys and Agents for prr- ouring patents, opposite l aicnt uiuce Washington, ii. V. J. II. Alexander, fittsuurg, Hoot lor boilor furnaoesi 8. ti. liabbltt, 1'itts burg, Stnam-engino governor, T. W. liarlnolomew. Danville. XMamo tag or clip; J. O. Hoggs, Harrisburg, Sweeper u. W. lirinhani. tveystono Junction 13rick-mold; W. Burnley, Warren, Tel ephone; J. T. Fenton, Newtown, Two wheeled vehicle: s. is,, uroit, Marietta child's play-house. It. A. Hartraan Fairmount Springs, Paper or card rack S. Y. Kittle Wilkes-Birre, Adjustable table for carving machines; V. It. Koyl Easlon, Car-roof; A. M. Lanse, Indus trv, Clmrm J. II. Lott, Kittanning, Vehicle-wheel; V. ftlanning, Mount Joy, Washing machine; G. W. Masoa oharon, Water-motor; I. 11. Morgan, Heading, Paint-mil'; J. Purves Homo stead, Apparatus for tapping furnaces, For Register and Recorder, C. H. CAMPBELL. For Treasurer, JOHN L. KLINE. For County Commissioned, JESSE HIT TEN HOUSE, B. F. EDGAR. ARE mm BEST rOROTJS PLASTERS IN TUB WORLD. Tho? euro nheomatlcm. Kidney Pains, nackache. HeurlBT and all lamentiti brought on hj exposure or oicr-tmrtion ir vou wahi Quick Relief from (El.I-CAP-HIOVliASTEK M, hasklnth. tar there la no Blaster. liniment, or lotion that haa auch complete mastery over ALL ACHES AND PAINS, Dr. Groarenor'a 1lfll-C!n-lo FIntrr are Purely Vegetable and Uarmleta. ItcUerc ilnstanlly and never fall to enre. SAFK, QUICK AND SBBE, Sold by druggists or mailed on receipt of H5c UUOS VKNOK KICIIAIIDS, llowtfln. Mans. 0.26-4 1. For Auditors, JERE B. NUS3, CYRUS ROBBINS. FOR SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. For Countv Surveyor, SAMUEL NEYHARD. Sheriff's Sale DyiirUoot writs or tailed out ot tho Court of Common Pleaj ot Col. Co., Pa., and to me directed, there win ba Hold in the Sheriffs Of Uoo In the Court House, llloomabur;, Pa., ou SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, 1890. at s o'clock In the afternoon tho following: All that certain lot or piece ot land situate In Conyng, ham township. Col Co. Pa., bounded aa follows to- wlt: On the north by lot of Mrs. Patrlclt La veil onthoiastbylanlaot Locust Moir.tiln Coal b Iron Co., on the aiuth by P.irlc street, and on tho west by I'rautwloo sire it, coatatnlag Twentj-flvo feet In front and One Hundred and Forty In depth whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE, BARN and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at thu suit ot An drew Lenlhin vs. Patrick Lnvell and IlrlJget La- vell and to be sold as tho property of Patrick and Urldget Lavell. A1AKU, Ally. ALSO: At the same tlmeand place, all that certain lot orplece of land situate In Conyngham twp, Col, Co., Pa., bounded as follows to-wlt: On the north by Park street, on the east by lot of Michael r be, on the south by the lind o( the Locust Moun tain Coal & Iron Co., and on the vo; lot ot John Harry, containing TWENTY blS, 1ST In front and One Hundred and Forty teet In depth whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE and outbuildings. Seized, taken into execution at tne suit ot the People's Ilulldlng Loin Assxla tlon ot Glnnls vine, Pa., vs. Richard Joyce, and to be sold as the property ot Richard Joyce. MK, JOHN U. CAHy, Attr. sheriff, Tho undersigned, surviving exreutor ot the last will and testament ot Ezcklel Colo, lato ot sugar loaf township, In Columbia county, Penna., now offers at private sale a large body of the most de- slr ble real estate to bo found In tho township. It consists of a tract ot land lying upon both sides ot tho Flshlijgcreek, and comprising In the whole about Acres. That portion of It which Is upon the west side ot the creek haa the following (Improvements and advantages, to-wlt. A largo frame DWELLING HOUSE, formerly kepi oa a notel, a Frame Building erect ed for and occupied as a country store, a large frame building erected and occu, led aa a tenant hauso, and also outbulldlDgs, Saw mlU, &c It Is well wooded and has a considerable quantity of excellent fruit. It Is accessible by two publio roads and a county bridge, and also by the Blooms burg & Sullivan railroad, and It contains about 111 Acres. The remainder ot the tract lying upon the east sldo of tho creek, U also accessible by two public ruada and a county brldjo across Flshlngcreek to the railroad. Tho Improvements are a large barn Sc., tho whole tract having been occupied as the homestead farm. This pleco contains about 17 Acres. It will be sold together or In parcels 03 may bo deemed most expedient. The sale will bo by the acre. A draft ot the land with the Improve ments roads, 4c., can be seen In the hands of the execu tor at tho b mklng houso ot the llloomburg Hank ing Compiny, whero also luriulrera may loam terms ot sale, Ac Aug. 1-1 i'JO. II. II. QROTZ, Executor, liloomsburg, Pa. OFEHNTiisra-i Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Wednesday, September 17th. MISS H. E. WASLEY, Main Street. Rloouisburg Pa. NEXT DOOR TO I. W. IIARTMAN & SONS. fall IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, JJlATTIIVtt, or Oil. CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W, ft BEOWUE'S 2tiil Door abovo Court Houso. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. r PTfUl A U Pfll I PO pPpuanKBEP3lE,N. y offers both sexes -tho best f flN I VIQI I. Ill I ! t I" educational advantages at tho lowest cost, Thor BrtJ I III Ull UUkalalvll-ougblnatructlonln Arltninetlc and other English Branches, Bookkeeping, Uanklng, correspondence, Commercial Law, etc: Penmanship, (stenography. Typewriting, Teiegraplnng, etc The college H open all the year, and Is a live, practical scuodl . teaChlDir VOUnc? rwtnnln til Ritrn n living an V flr.r.lntr- Ihnm frt. hnnn..hi ivl.V Modal awarded at Pans Exposition ( world's Fair, 139 ) for boat cour w ot study and plan of operation "P'uno" supplied with competent assistants f- ATM ft ft O ft I n-rtf" . J. . fl uuargo lur Biiuaiions lurnisu. ed. For lnrormatlon and catalogue address us above EASTMAN COLLEGE GAUMKNT3 ARUJSURIi TO BE IN HAND WHEN NEKDED BY PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW. THE CHOICEST OP THU CHOICE ALWAYS GO FIRST, AND "PICKS" MADE NOW HAVE THE ADVANTAGE. FOREIGN WOOLENS ARE TURNING DEARER AND THE POSSIBILITY OP FUR. THERRISEIS NOT DISTANT. WE HAVE NOT ADVANC ED PRICES AS YET. FALL IBIS. .i ...I.,.- !,;., i.iii i mnn.11,11 nrnaontpii wnioti uau ior ita I weru UulH JIKU iiuiumio, UHUb Bam mat no T," nf tho condition ...llnterod liko inatoh itlcEi. .haltered muirliiirtho withdrawal of all bond of tho laboring and tho farming and Uuel wheels and strong Iron rod and Satlou, and tho substitution of tho other bread winning elemenU of I ooanections rent an snapped liko DVKTIVO THE j vim The 15 s laio- togrsiplis si nd Crayons at Bros. III.003ISHURG, PA. WANTED! I A good pushing Salesman here. First-Class luay gurantued weekly, ooumlsslor. or Usury, loulck selling new fruits and BpecUIUea. VAUUKItii oan get a good paying J b tor the Hinusr. nnuJ ior uu irms uuu parueuiard. riiuo K. younu, Nuneryman. ma 10 VI. ItocUerter, N. V. E. O. THOMPSON, WIHCIUNT T41U5U, lUrOBTKH, 008 Yalnot Btukit, I'lllLADELl'IlIa. ANTED Kellable men tc sell our cnoU'o nursery stock. It you want to make money, loin ur. Permanent Employment the Year round. Address, MAY UllOTlIUIW. Nurserymen, w JtnOIC AfJUNTN XVANTliD VOU liyMaruA. Livermore llp nan Kariatl i,t M sill U till flUMlLL KlPClIa IU I M l'lt.M.a lij4uli,Ciii, anion Iht UtU-flU. Ho btitar book Km ilnt u m muiy t-f. JJHi hi, lur. tsl (Joiitl iI tntthUt lulrmt n-i urofatisd ttQM. U telis ut $ikt to mil, 'I h tuuuuiijt " iHkiit to fiMU uwey on uovr tuii lur iao huiiaAfu iijj9 rwnitMivit. jttv i coimttuittt. luu iwicm. I'm ml T(iin(u UUUntw hlndre (or f0 A: U. W VUTU1MUTOM CO, UmiXt, Vtuu SSIGNEE'S N01IC15. Notice Is hereby elveu that Chester stutz, Ed- wflrri p. U'ckincon &nri FederU W. Corcoran of Jamison city, columMa countv, Pennsylvania, co. partners uomf DUaincss in Jamison city uiuresam, under the firm name ot SUltz Co , made a vol unta.y naslirnmont it ail and sligular, their co- pari-nurHiiip aru imiviauai criiiLtr, bi uuuu r. lllll ot said Jamison Cl'.y In trust for the ot tho creditors ot tho s it I sttltz & Co , and rucsA er htiltz, Edward I'. DHklnwn and Frederlo W. uorcorun. ah perwns niaeuwja to tuo aia urin, andtotheludiniuils nisreot will make immcd. late payment to the s it 1 assignee, ard those hav ing claims or demands will prssmt the same wiuiuut. ueiay. H utj.'uu, juun t. 1111.IJ, Assignee, Jamison city, ra PUBLICSALE OF VALUABLK- ReI Estate! The Trustees of the First I'resbyterlan Church ot Bloomsburg will expose to Pi'Ule bale on the premises In liloomsburg I'a. on WIlDNKoDA V OjrOBElt 1. 1890 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. The OLD CHURCH PROPERTY", blunted on the Bnst side ot Market Street bound- Iedon tho Forth by lot of Mrs. Martha Clark, and on tbo Sout h by lot of I. W, McKelvy, being about I seventy two teet front on Market Street and ex I tending back about feet to Whitmans Alley!" uu the buildings and all the appurtenance belonging th' rcto, reserving the right to occupy tne samo tied ot rent until such time as, the New burch susll bo ready for use TKHNH OF SALB Ten per cent, or tho purch ase money at tho striking down ot the property; Fit I teen percent, thirty days thereafter when deed will be given and the remaining scventy-tlio per I cent. secu'Cd by mortgage and bonds payable in one, two, and throe years, with Interest from dato I ot dellverlug of deed, '.villi the privilege of payln: the entire amount at any time. For further particulars Inquire of II. V. WHITE, Secretary Board of Trustees. UUATKKUIj COMFORTING. EPP'S COCOA. 'lly a thorouuh knowledge of the natural law wulcli govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, anil by a carerui application of the ace properties ot well-selected cocoa, Mr, Hppi una Srovmuu uur urounuui luuiua mm a umieauMV avorod beveraire which may save us manr heavr doctors' bills. It Is by the Judicious use of such articles or met tnat aconstuution may be gradual, ly built up unUlslrong enough to resist every ten. rfenev lo disease. Hundreds of subtle m&I&rllej are floating around us ro.dy to attack wbciever there Is a weak point. We may esoape many a taiai snail oyxeepuig ourselves wen lortiueawitu pure uioou ana a proiieriy nuunsnea irame." tini tetnice Uautu. Made slmDlr with iwlllntr watsr or milk, bold only In halt pound tins, by Grocers, uueuea thus i JA.ilKM lil'l'a ,t CO., UomospatbloCbeidsts, v-ft-it. uinaon, engiana. Ralnomnn WANTED. I'ermanent employment, UalUSUlUlluood nalary or commission, Finn out fits. Full Hue of Irulta and Flowers. Frlcea low. a. i). ruAt i, nurseryman, iwcnemer, ti. I. -l-lt. YOUR STOREKEEPER is behind the age if he doesn't keep SAPOLIO in stock. No city store is t without it. The great grocers of the country handle no other scouring soap because the best housekeepers will not use cheap imitations which are liable to do damage far greater than the little saving in cost. If your store keeper does not keep SAPOLIO tell him to wake up. If he offers you something else when you ask for SAPOLIO tell him to be wise and deal in genuine goods. It pays to have the best. 4mT 11 mk TIME SAED MONEY MADE Come direct to the manufacturers for your Fall Suit and Overcoat. Two of the largest stores in Philadelphia stocked with Men's and Boys' Clothing from our own workshops. The best qualities at the lowest prices. A. C. Yates I Co. 6th k Chestnut. Ledger Building. 13th St Chestnut. Now Store. Are you using the old fash ion rubbing board in doing your washing? It you are it will pay you to investigate into the mer its of our New S-iS-U are Invited to entrust tbelr Inter eststo the old established Patent Law & Hollcltlng Ilrm ot MASON, FENVYICK &ILAWHBNCK. Wrshlngton D. C. I 1 Alter trying it we named it the "Lightning," because it struck us as beinsr the rieht name for such a Rapid Working Machms as to the top pull swing and so called washing machines. .CLARK F. HARDER, Third Street, 9-19-4L Catawissa, Pa. flRINTERS'S ROLLERS. U This U the time to order Winter Hollers 1 Bond lor circular and prices toll. J, ItEILLY CO., MktX rear! BU, N. Y. City, s-icit. KA11M l'OIl ltl'.NT A farm ot IU) oures, with nandsome new houso and barn, and supplied with abundant water, will be rented at a low rent for the term of five years, to a gooa tenant who van furnish his own stock nd equipment. Tne farm Is in Lie Catawl&sa vauey on tne rownsnip road from Urandonnue to Audenreld, two miles from llrnndonvlle and near Olrarl Manor, lteterenoes requested. AddrtM 1IEUEU a TllOtll'bON, Engineer Ulrard Estate Fotuwile, l'a Nov, My. Mitchell's KIdnev Plasters Absoib all dlieait In tbo.Khlneys and rettore them to a hcalUir condition.' IAJbL Old chronlo kidney sufferers uy W they got no relief nntll they trlod. 1 MlTCIIi:i.I,'H KIDNKV 1'I.AHTltltH. fkud by Drogglttj everywhere, or scut by matl for DOo Novelty llMtr Vorlui, Lowell, Mjm SALESMEN WASTED lo mnmiiw tu) ale of Kurterv Block. hlTUATIONS 1-EUMAMENT, MALA 11 V and KX. l'ENSKS FHOM hTAltT. Qulclc nellleg specialties. NoexnerlenoH necessary, Outfit KllES. Write for terms, stating age. H. E. HOOKER CO., Nurservmen. Rochester N. r.