xvaoowaa ok? jmrnurioo am bloomsburg. Columbia county, pa.1 A BUSINESS IN ALLI0AT0E8. To gam one's dally broad by moans minjawotii must oo at all times a ifttriy precarious method of existence, ana yot, tuo colored man In Florida does manago to pick up many an hon est ponny by means of tho American saurian. The taxidermist finds, too, In tho alligator his opportnnityj and though a lon.foot 'gater never can bo very desirable, ovon when Bluffed, little galore properly prepared and mounted aro in good domand, and aro brought homo in quantity by tho Northern tourist. We noed not find fault with nature, and tax her with having slighted us In tho crododileans. If in Ihdia thero is tho gavlal, in Kgypt thoro is tho croon dilo, and in America the alligator and oayman. It can hardly be questioned but that we have on this continent both tho crocodlio and tho alligator. Tho main point of difference, accord ing to Mr. Hornaday, between the crooodilo and alligator is ng follows: "A crocodlio is distinguished by a tri angular head, of which tho snout is the spar, a narrow muzzle, and canlno teeth in tho lower jaw which pass frco ly upward in tho notches in tho sido of tho upper; whereas tho alligator (also oayman and sacro) has a broad flat muzzle, and tho oanino teo'.h of tho lower jaw fit into sockets in tho under surface of the upper jaw.'' The business of collecting tho ekins of alligators has already somewhat di minished tho quantity of ihoso sauriana in certain parts of Florida, but tbey are still to be found in largo numbers further inlaud. .It is barely supposable that alligators ever will becomo extinct in Florida while those vast interior lakes and swamps exist. A visit paid by a naturalist this year to Florida was convincing that alligators were still very abundant. To kill an alli gator, however, is by no moans as difli oult bb to securo him. The 'gators bask in tho sun on the long strotches of sand, but they are nover qaito asleep. They always seem to bo on their guard, and repose, never very far from tho water, with their heads pointing in tho direction of flight. fathering eggs requires some skill, becauao tho saurrian mother has a clever way of hiding her trail. Some times as many as forty eggs are found in a nest a few inches below tho level.. It is not the invariable habit of the mother to pack into tho nest decayed vegetable mattar in order to add to the heat. Generally the warmth of the sun is sufficient. The eggs have a slight mnsky flavor and an experiment onco made with an omelet of alligator eggs suffices. To eat 'gator is unknown, and endeavors in this direction havo never boon re peated. Mr. Hornaday tells, however, of having oaton the "South-American variety, where the feed was fish, and he doclaros "that the flesh was white, tender, free from all disagreeablo musky odors, and toothsome as the nicest roast veal." It is with a duo consideration of tho size of the alligator as to whether you will take a seat on him or not. Ilia jaws aro not so much to be dreaded as a lash of his tail. "Ky, mass! you no wantee fres' 'gat or dis mornin't" is about the cry of the1 vender of baby alligators in Jackson ville, as he plunges his hand into a buoket swung on one arm, and hauls out a. little ugly, squirming, snapping monster. These little gators may have been found by their owner just emerging from their nosts, or he may havo secured them as eggs, and hatch ed thorn out himself. The infant saur ians show their natural instinct early, and will bile at onco. An alligator is a queer pot, and to tame an adult seemi to bo quite impos sible. If intelligence is proportioned to bulk of brain, that of the alligator is especially small. In disrooting a large-sized alligator tho brain sub stance will barely fill an ogg oup. Wo are not to look upon a 'gator as cip able of any attachments. When young (after having had some of thoir teeth drawn) they are occasionally Bean about houses. There are a few native taxidermist's , in Florida who devote a portion of their time to the preparation of speci mens, and notably of little alligators. Generally, however, some ono in tho line of business who lives in a Northern city goes to Florida for tho winter for his health, and carries out his calling by mounting young alligators, liar pert Weekly. The modern magazine may be taken as embodying the best literature 01 the world, as the magazine editor pays tho highest price to novelist. Boientists, statesmen, soldiers, and even kings and princes, for the best they can furnish in tho literary line. The well-edited magazine becomes an edu cating influence in tho family circlo whoso importance cannot be over-esti mated. The children, as they grow np, aro attraoted by its illustrations, and bo come in time to have a taste for reading. Thero is always something that is now, something that is strange, something that is interesting; and wo consider that we are doing our readers a positive benetlt if wo are instrumen tal in placing such a publication with in reach. Tho special arrangement which we have made with the Cos mopolitan presents very unusual in ducements. That magazino is already recognized as ono of the most interest ing publications of the day. It is seeking subscribers everywhere and obtaining them. Tho proprietors bo- lieve that the Coimopolitan has only to bo examined to secure a permanent subscriber. That is why wo are en- f wyj6u., .com iy.vv. 8KB MY SPONGE? aitr. v r7mmm nr. I ITaaBBBBBBBaBBtt I w f , X V DID r fliitNK your SUMS with WOLFFS' ACME BLACKING ONCE A WEEK I Other ! wrath them clean with SPONIE AND WATER f copyrigiit, 168 "rteiiot noiioii nciioiii" Wr.ll, Wrmt 1 Iff Ilnw t vnur mnthnr. Ihl rnnrnln I " "Vnr mnrh Iwt.ffrt Rha hml a real rostf ul Ulcep loot night I Bho Is almost rid ot her night.. Sweats, couffn nnu nervoupiuro, ruu is Brow ing quito cheerful, How grateful we all an to you for that bottlo of medicine." " Don't speak of gratitude What dot the doctor say" . . , "Ho days ho never saw so wonderful s chnnito la such a serious lunir trouble. lie (till thinks wo aro giving his medicine. ,1 don't llko to toll him." "That's right, llo's an, old friend, you know. I'm sure your mother will get well dow but you won't forget the name of the medicine, will you r " . .. .... " Never I Dr. I'lcrco's Ooldcn Medical Dl covcry " are household words already, and It has co mo to stay. lo come and eoe what sun shine It has brought already, and let us thank you again for it' "IwlU. Goodbye." The foregoing Is a fair representation of very oommon occurrence. "Golden Medical lilaoornrr" hnj ourod severe, llna-crina coughs and arrested Consumption, or Lung-scrofula, In thousands of coses after doctors nave failed and other medicines havo been tried and aban doned as useless. Tho " Dlscovory " Is traar nutecd to benefit or euro In every case. If taken In time and given a fair trial, or money wuj Uv roiunuuu. EVE EVE EVE EVE EVE Y Housawlfo Y Counting Room ;Y Carriage Owner Y Thrifty Mechanic Y Body able to hold a truth BBontocaa ana al sn same time. Win arum oid a Nun rniT Will TIN aueeanesHiaama Will TAIN TlHRt Will Tm voua Oio aire laMit l.ita ItinCSMM WOOT BAHDOnra. FMLadslphU. a DR.SACE'S CATARRH REMEDY cures tho worst oases, no matter of agw 19W atnn(lncr. Fft nrmta. hw rlrmro-tHtlL. - ' If You Have QONIUMfTlONICpUBH QR COtl SbNOrilTls jThroat Affection (Scrofula I Wasting of nidi V amy XXmoM uhtrl V thrtai and Xwnft mm InflMmed, Zmth 'cf ttrtnfth'tr JTrrt ftuir, yrn east Ju nlUrt a.Curi HI SCOTT'S EMULSION pure cod Liver oil With HypophoapMtes. PALATABLl as milk. AihfOT lettVt AnuMeia. mud Is w a4aMMir.it a seNiXtattoo titJuM vets Mey reWfCMU. BM ky all DmggUU, 0TT BOWNI,Ohmlatf HY. Atk.for "This is the blanket the dealer told me was as good as a fffff Get from your dealer free, tits Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a sx Horte Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Bess Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test HO other stvles at prices to suit every-! body. If you can't get them from you dealer, write us. 1 5A FLY NETS CHEAP AND STRONC. J) other styles 6-A Net, prices to suit all Wat WKKSftKONS, l'lIILADELPUIA. Oo'd Water Withont Ins. Tho followiriK method of obtaining a constant sunnlv of cool water nt all times is desonbod by tha llailroad and Engxnctrma Journal as being In gcuornl use in Ilanovor, York County. Pa. Tho town, says tho Journal, is closely built up and without any system 01 tfrainriBe, so that tno water irom tho. wells" is nnfit to drink. Some vears a 10 these reasons led to the in troduction into trie town ot a supply of very oxcelleul water from a large soring about three miles distant, iuia water is brought through iron pipcF, and wheri it reaches tho oonsutnor in summer is warm, while tho water in tho wells is cool. For this reason many of the inhabilnntsd rink tho well water, and, as a consequence, typhoid fever is a pievalent diseaso iu that community. In order to obtain pure cool Water, not impregnated with lime, somo of the inhabitants of tho place have adopted a plan wbioh is so simple and gives such excellent results that it is woithy ot general adoption wher ever there is a water supply other than wells. or springs. The plan is as follows: A oylind erical galvanized shtot iron tank, I! inches in diameter and 4 leet or 5 feet long, is placed in the bottom of a well This tank is then connected oy a gai vanized iron pipe with the water bup ply pipes, and another pipo is carried from tho tank to tho surface of tho ground, or to any convenient point for drawing water, and has a cock at the upper end. The tank is consequently always filled with water from tho water supply, and being in the bottom of tho well, tho water is ooled oil and ac quires the temperature of tho wells so that that which is drawn from the tank is as cool as well water, atid is without any of tho imparities with which the latter is contaminated. The water drawn from tbo'tank in ono of the wells in the place named had a temperature of CO when the thermom eter in tho atmosphere aDOve bioou at 70. This method gives an a'juudant supply of cool water during tho whole summer, and can bo adopted in all cities, towns, or in the country. If a 11 : .. : 1 1. 1 .. i t .1 L.n .,an.l. t nnt ' Weil JB uvniinuir, lb uaii uu ubcm, 11 "win by simply digging a hole in tho ground deep ouongh so as not to bo affected by tho surface temperature, and bury ing the tank, it will answer equally well. This nolo might be dug in a cellar or outside the building. If tho' Freaks of a Tornado. IT I'l.UCKRI) AN Ot.ll WOMAN 8 rvULTRY AND DKSTI10VK1) HKlt SOFT 80A1'. One of tho occupants of tho Good cottage near Lake Gcrvai", on July 13, An eldorly lady, wa very fond of tak ing oiro of fowlc, and had railed near ly a hundred chickens niul ducks. TljOfio wore nil killed by tho itorm. Tho lady had also made it nlco lot of soft soap, of which tho was very proud. J ho soap had hern lott on a iibard by tho i-ldo of the house, and, of - .. ... course, was carried away by tho wind. Tho occupants of the house, It Will bo remembered, took refuge in tho cellar when tho Morm was seen com ing. All wcro moro or lees injured and tluir clotlrng turn from their bodloj. It whs nearly half an hour beforo nil woro released, mor dead than nlivo. Tho lady finki n of wan Jialf Uno'inscioiu'f and I'm moment sin was taken Iroiit tint oiJlar M.o tnox ni glnnoi at the work of the- tornado, throw up her hnmU mid exc' mil' d: "Ohl wliero nr my dunks and my chickens, and whtro is my moo so t I hOlp! Her soft Koaphni probably dissolved n Lake Qerva's. but tho tcmains o' her duoks and chickens wcio foui.d hero and thero within a riid.m ol a milofroni tho house. The idea t list a tor nado oould pluck tho leathers from a .fowl as. clean as could tho most acorn- pushed ohnf has been Inuabed at, but HOine.of theohlckens and ducks belong- ,int to tho tinod faintly were stripped of eviTy feather. Hut that wa not ,'the only remirkabln thing ab ut them. Homo of tho chickens found nearly a ;milp from tho houso had' their necks strctohed to a remarkable length, the necks of some, it h said by thoso who saw them, being at loist a foot long. Another incident of tho storm is that ono of the ladies who took rcfugo in tho cellar was almost coverod with oats 1Kb sharp needles of which peiitrnted her clothing and stuck to tho skin. The husband of tho lady vouches for this occuranoe, and eays that it took nearly half an hour to removo tho oats. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. mmkM. L001MG BACEWAffiD FOR THE LAST Bost and Purest McdlcInoS EVER MADE Ttwll 1 drive tho Hnmorf romyrnir k. rlonn Ami fcnionth. Tlof kv uliVhmnf rrinp Irfisitifr 4,?Vbloo.l, nni enn lie! V.'iV.iPL.tlmo.lfvouarc -11, rr om 'Ti - ..aa. : - . : v. '?i 1 f.m uim nn 1 nitr tho groat (Kwlt)ll rtflcr,Q "1. ' ",. ir. sX Tho l)oo 1 I ftrrtnll onlvn 1 1 fiitooniuis 11 is uiu iM-it rihI r.imioftt mM r nn. Trff It. a I v.iti u 111 lio rniMPllCit I f'nt it nt vnwr TlpiitrtrUt. W Don't Wait. Gf.titatonci; ''b . oV. I 1 vnn nm sinfTiirlnrr from Kl I ner l)icno, nw w 1 li to 1 Ir o They never fall to cure E11S7 T"ELAVARK, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. llLOOMSnUUG DIVISION. HTAT10NS. 40 r. H. NOKTII. r. m. i S I NORTirUKBSRUNn. 5 40 I tO ('ameron 5 03 ICliulaakj'.,. , Oanvllle SOS Catawiwa Its Itupert e 30 liloomsburg 3o K.1VT Ml 9 41 uuw uiairo.... iw willow drove. 0 51 nrtarcrock ft 08 nerwlclc T t ncacn uaven -.. T u Hick's Korrr 7 is I Hiilckahlnur 780 2 11 s no t ss 2 tU Iluniock's. 7 4J Nantlcoke. 7f0 Avondile 1M I'lymouth 7 (.9 riymouth Junction. ...... HOI Kingston ti os llenueu... s i Mailoj s 17 Wyomlni?. 8 31 Went iiitaton , 877 llttaton. 8 S3 I Lackawanna 8 40 Tarlorvillo i 8 48 ucucvue. 8 64 BORAMTOH 9 00 SCO 8 S9 045 4 01 4 Ot 4 11 l.ll. 1000 615 10 13 SSO 10 ID .... 10 It S41 10 43 B8 10 00 7 0S 10 57 7 IB 11 03 It 12 11 IS 11 10 11 21 11 SI 11 3S II 48 11 61 12 09 12 10 IT IS A SATISFACTION TO KNOW THAT THE Clothing i Establishment 7 JO I Til 781 7 31 7 41 7 42 703 806 8 17 S 24 8 2? OF 12 15 8 83 1120 8 84 4 23 12 27 12 31 12 33 12 40 1213 12 03 101 10U 1 15 120 8 43 8 49 HI 818 U0.1 9 00 17 923 SO 9U r.H.r.n r, u. r. x uotrrn. a.m. r. . r. D L0WENBERG Still leads in the Latest Styles, Still leads in the Largest Stock, Still leads in the Latest Novelties Send a 2-cent rtnmi.s to A. 1'. Onlwny ft Co., Bonton.Mass..Ior boa mcillcal work published? M's Pills ttmnlatea tli torpid llror (rnvtti a thdlrt! veorgnni, rvall thf BowU, uU nre uiqaRlid m in ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial fllatrlcta llialr vlrtaaa sir vililely rcoa;iilBd.KetDey potsaapee nllftrproparflea In rreliiMrfbeeyatni from ttRt tolaon. EIaBntlr mUM coaled. Doaaawall. Pt lea, aael. Sold Everywhere Offlcc. 4,4 Murray St. Now Yorlc STATIONS. A.U. SCRANTOH 8 10 V 50 ucuevue n is 9 os iTaylorvlllo 20 10 00 uackawanna ess loot lltuton 8 84 10 IS west rituton. 8 42 1022 Wyoming (47 10S7 Maltby ., .... 0 61 10 30 Dennett. 0 55 1034 Kingston im 1033 Plymouth Junction. 7 05 10 43 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 Avondale 714 1001 Nantlcoke 719 10 03 Iluniock's 7 28 1102 snickshlnny 7 37 1112 muck's rerry 703 1122 Beach Haven 8 01 1134 uerwlck 8 07 11 40 Urtar Creek 813 Willow Oroya 8 10 1100 Lime lttdge s so 11 54 Kspy 820 1201 liloomsburg 8 32 12 08 HUDCrt 8 37 1211 CaCairlssa 8 43 19 17 uanvu 0 8 07 Chulonky Cameron 9 07 I PiORTuuMBBBLAND 9 21 1 03 9 02 2 10 218 2 21 229 28'7 140 2 43 2 50 T 16 I 2 03 7 21 S 09 7 23 8 20 I 8 20 80 I 6 87 145 0O 03 8 09 7 03 707 712 WHILE THE pM'ilmeinit. rest-i 1,000 yards awayg Tuo Uermans eboot oil h ind at 200 or each as mud, the tank should be made' accossibl', bo that it can bo cleaned occasionally. C3U1U uy au aoutcrs. l6apl for llluitrtlyl Ctlniroa. gVw. This Tracts Mark Is on TUB Best fatenrool Coat In the wo rid. X. J.Ttw, Boattml PACKAGE PROKHARRIS' PASTILLES FOR THE CURE OF WEAK MEN (VITALLY WEAK). Ka o by U eto.. .ppll.tll.. u tu.ln.a. or atnli ...r. nenul .Ir.ln r grl.ri HKXtili RXChHtlkS In nldJlt lir.,.r .l.loui b.llu MBtra.ud l.r.uta, lAICalr liCII AUK YICTI14TU RhKVOl a UKBlLfTVaf VI CAl iTlXrl VXIUlHTloV.HiHTI&UWKlhSKSB. IS lousTiut wants win mull nun i. rot ku.-iaiu. IILK AUkUl l.ck of tin. Tlior.tnd trDftb,llh t.n.1 ergaM laTlr.il and wc.keo.ii T.metur.lr la .prroMbl.g Aid .It. uiiirBi uir iiiv nlinr? w..p..k rrounn.wl.iTi. rrncn nr. oni iiunr.,i riuaiMisr mm inr iio.aia cue. irawa ana rnrra id p.ri iw.ir. f wri. !l srrt .At.iM.Di.oroiirl.lia la prof. Harrll' OWU BSOLTTBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES. A T O I A I w. olf.r lbl d.71 UI.I A BMILUTKLI t KKS. I HlHLi m.B .0UDK or old. .uir.rlDf rr.n tbli 'fr.Ttle.t Iroubla .hould icadtbclr iddrcii ia a.ctafornUb H'num WNiuntKi tu " hi. ,...t.,,r o.u,,, of rack . and pr.rar modlelb. lo effcet a pronpl for. Lac.Ud la ir.v Tork (aflrr IS i.tra al Bk Lo.li). at ofar all a rbaao. to b. carrd br lb. erlabraaad f aalllla Traatmaal. THE HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfp. Chamlate, B 11EEKMAN BTKET. HEWTTOBK. Wft I? What It Does- Hood's Sarsaparilla 1. FurifieB the blood. 2. Creates an appetite. 8. Strengthens the' nor ves. 4. Makes the weak strong. 5. Overcomes that tired feeling. 0. Cares scrofula, salt rlieum, etc. 7. Invifforates the kidneys and liver. 8. Relieves headache, indigestion, dyspepsia. Undoubtedly Correct "Goorgo,'' I asked Mrs. Uuinsi; "what paper in the United states naj tno largest circulation!" "Paper money," replied Gntnso, promptly. Drake magazine. Parson Don't you know it is very wrong of you to publish adverlismeutB for liquor dealers in your pifperf Editor Perhaps it ia. but I don't know bow lean manage to pay the bills tbey bave nuninut me unless I let them take thorn out iu advertisements. Chatter. 12 41 12 33 r. h. Pbltadetnhta k amanenil. Tamaqua, Will. 3 00 820 3 31 3 40 3 47 8 0.1 3 07 402 4 09 4 15 4 22 4 24 4 16 4 01 0 00 013 r. m. Is always full of the Latest and Largest Stock of Imported and Domestic Goods made up by Experienced Workmen. ss PERFECT SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. 7 43 7 0S 807 8 13 820 8 27 8 33 8 41 8 47 8 02 R07 9 10 9 28 9 43 P. M. Connections at Ttunnrt with Koaolni? ltallroad for Tamanrtnil. Tamnni I Inmennrt Bnnhiim nA.r.nttln n.i. a. Mn.rhi.m roriana wnn r. s k. jjiv. i". AC it. lor uamsourf, lock uavon, Bmnonum, warren, corry, and Erie. w. r. ualhtkad, uen. Man.. Bcranton, ra. Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. W TIME TABLE. in offoct MAY 11, 1390. Trains leave 3unbur KAJSTWAH 9.10 a.m.. BOa Hhore GunrAan frtftllv exnan San4ay), (ornarrlatrargandlntennedlatcatatlonal arrlTlng at Fblladelptilas.isy. m. : NeirYork 1.00 p.m.; Baltimore, 3.10 p.m. ; Washington 5.65 p. m., connecting at Fniladelpnla rorallBea saom pomts. Tnrougn paaaenger eoaen to Fblladelplila, Balllmoro . 1.33 p. m. Day Eipreas Jally except Banday),for llarrUDnrg and Interme diate stations, arriving at ruiladelph a S.80 p. m. ; Now York, 9.33 p. m. i Baltimore 1.43 p.m.; Washington, 6.15 p. m. Farlor oar through to ThUadelphla and paasonger coacnea through to Phll&dolplila and lialtlmoro. e.05 p. m. jienovo Accommodation (daily The Seoret ol Shooting on the Wi n g. "Wo aro raakincr tho best firearms to bo found in the world in this couuiry l today," writes Captain Bogardus in the' ftiiladeiplila Times. "Americans on the whole aro the best shots. In the' I English army thero are many good snots it long range, but 1 lail to see; I the sense ot lying on ones back, TlioUHaiiils Imvu liern lierlnaueiilly cureil lr rilll.AllKl.rillA.l'A. Ka-e at once, no operation or lusa ol time f rum btuiuess. C'awa prunouiiceU lu curablu by others wanted. hund fur Circular. CURE GUARANTEED. offlwifflnTOi Aug 10 '80 ly. If Ami ft0 OMo' '(er in Vlllllr portntit of Mr. Oiirrl. ,H writftt "ffii ( workoo hnn tot f30 t mont b I I now haTA nn ffiiry r K. C. Allan Co'f lbom nd tiulrlf. L-tlona and oflan jnaka HSU a daj," 01EHa TT , , U1KHI3U,', William Kline, llarrUburc, 1-. writ tat "I hav never known nlU1n to tell like yoor albuai. 1 aaterdij I look orOert enough to py in over 3A.n W. J. y.U mora, Ban nor, M., wrlreit "I uk an order for your allium at loaivverj pouts i viau. air profit la often ai muehaa SSO for a ilnt la diTiwork." Olhen art dolor aalte at well i -wa tiat not apara to flva ti trarla from thtlr Irttert. ICvorv one mIio ukeaholtloftblarranil bualneii ilea t.rtnindtronia. Slmll vc start YOU in thin business, reatlrrT Write tout and learn all aboatlt for youraolt Wa reatartlne; tnanfi wawlllatart you If you don 1 delay until another lf aheadof yon In oor part of the country. Ifyua take hold you will ba able to pick np rold fast. rllcinl )ii account or a forred manufacturer a aala l!fif,040 t'il lolltll l'hiitoaruph Allium arelo ba aold totha neopl for flt'-A eacb. liound In Koyal Crlmaon HUk Vrlvct I'luah. Charm Id fly decora ted InaMea. llandaomeat albumt Inlbe world. Laargeat ttla. Qreateal bartraioa over known. Afrenta wantasl, Llberallrrma. lllf money for agenta. Any ono ran beeon. a ftucreai&il a rent. Bella ttaelf on plRht littlo ornr talklrtf neceaaaryr Wherever abown, every ono vtanta to pur cbaae. Aa;enta take tbonaanda of ordera with rapidity never before known. Of eat profile await everyworkar. A tenia art makttia; fuiiuneaVldieamaka aa much aa men. You, reader, evudoaa wall aaVnyona. Full Information and Unna rr to tboea who writ a for aama. wltb nartlcuUri and terniaruroar uiillv Illblea, llaoka and FeiiodKaJa. Altar you know all. nnruiuivi cuuciwif iw bu " irvur, wot uo narin ii anna, Addxaoo K, a AiXBM CO- Idquita, MAll. li CX aJH 50 FIFTY JDOLLAJIS FOB TjIFE SCllOLASSniF B PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE l700Chtnut St., PHILADA., PA. (BothSaiaj.) FmUIdb far firadnatfj. Tims .Minn, UnnKqulpvad. Ucsltoamormnd. 01rcnlanfmUioaum,Uilspapw july ll-l3w (or Uarrlsbarg and all Intermediate stations, arrlv- loipmaa.zs a. m. Mew Yort7. Pullman sleeping car from narrtibartr to Fblladel. Jan. ls-w-ly. FOR MEN ONLY! I'or iAioror faiijuu naniioODi OeneralaadNEEVOngSlBIUIYl Weakieaiof BodyandKliul, Effects of ErroriorEiaeaieiln Older Tounr. KiA.att MoilJlaftllolllrallj-t.alr.. H.wlo.nlaraa ana 8tr..Kl.ranKAa.uauK.BiA)i'KUUNUHBai'iKTHurttoui. AbaU.t.tr a.f.lll.a nulla TKaiTXahT B...II. la a dar. M tHltf. rran all St.t.a.nd harl.a I nsntrl. VT ri(. than. Paacriptlf. Daah. .tita.atl.a aad proofa at.ll.d (aaaladl tn. aUlnu ERIC MEDICAL CO., DUFFAU), N. Y. A Permanent (Jure For vears I was troubled with thd most malignant typo ot Chronic Blood Trouble After trying various other remedies, without (intting any benefit, I was induced by Joa Soholl, a barber! who nas sinca moved to ot. IjOuis, ana who was cured by Swift's Specific, of Constitution!!! Ulood Trouble, to tako S. S. S. A few bottles cured rae permanently. I also consider' S. S. S. the best tonio I oyer saw. While tak ing it mv weicht increased and my health improved in every' way. I havo tccooimonueu a. a. a. to several tricmis and in every' o8o they were satiblied with tbe results. 8. A. Wbiqiit, Midway, Pa. 4uu yards distance, whicn J. think is maoli belter. 1 advise tho American militia to adopt that style, because it I will bo found moro useful in tin fiolil in actual warfare. "it is a well-known fact that onef half tho shots made m the lield nre at I birds which fly across tho f portsman or co quartcrin" oil fr.mi him, and mot of tie mioses that occur aro ow ing to the failure of the shooter to hold forward enough so that the centre of the charge will be upon the bird when the shot reaohes him. Tho ccn tro of the (light of shot should roacli the line of his (light just where he will bo when tho lino of tho shot intersects his lino of flight, not whero Lo wa when the aim was made At a fast flying crossing pigeon I hold from eight to ten inches ahead; at a quarter ing bird from threo to four inches At ft bird going straight away oloso tfc the ground I hold right on: if rising 'I shoot high. At an incoming bird I iii in in m M f K MASS OF BORES. I I am so crateful for thebenefioial rp suits obtaiued from usintr S. S. S. that 1 want to add my testimony to that I shoot right at tho bead and rarely fail already published, tor tne puono goon, to Kill. FOR Horses, CattleSheep & Hogs. Excels any remedy for tho rapid cure ol Hard Coldi, Coughs, Hide Bound, YellowWater, Fever, Dlttemper, Sore and Weak Eyes, Lung Fever, Costlreaest, Blotches, and all difficulties aris ing Irom Impurities ol the Blood. Will relieve Helves at once. Manufacturtil) Hi J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. V. FOB SALE By AIX DEALERS. ' 8-21-90-r-ly. In uani abled to make, if tho offer is accepted I "j TD SIVlITH & CO before January next, such a very low rato, by which our readers can obtain the Cosmopolitan for little moro thaa the cost of this journal alono. Just think of what tho combination means! You obtain your own homo journal at about the regular price, and havo thrown in a magazino whioli gives you in a year, 1,530 pages of reading mat ter by the ablost writers of tho world, inoluding over 1,800 pages of illustra tions that aro unsurpassed in point of interest and execution. Will it not pay you to send a subscription to this ofhoo for thu Oolumman and tho Cos. mopolilan immediately! Hemembcr, only 82.50 for tho two. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DIALERS IN .Acnte Sore Throat. Among the best remedies for this oommon affection is, hot water. It should bo applied outside and,iusido outside by means of flannels wrung ont of water aa hot as oan bo borne, ap plied to fho throat, and well covered twice a day, tot from fifteen minutes to half an hour. Garglo hot tvater, hot as can bo borne,- every Cfteeu minutes or half an hour until relieved, and drink plenty of hot water so aa to got' in a profusu perspiration. A few hours of this treatmont will effect a care in any sioiplo cose. Herald oj Stalth. PIANOS, llj tbe following wellknown makers; Chickcring, Weber, Hallct & Davis. .Can also furnish any .of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano oe fore getting our prices. . iUi a Catalogue and Price Lists On application. mwtD-w- ELTS Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal l'ussagcp, Allays Patu and Inflammation. Heals tho Bores. Itestorcs tbe Bcnscs of Taste and Smell. reslstered, do cu ji A-LESME WANTED I was a mass of sores before using, but am now entirely cured, t). .McUaiithy at. X.OU1S, MO. Treatise on mocul and akin diseases mailed tree. SWIFT Hi'EUiFiu uo., Atlanta, ua. Obliterating tbe Lines. No thoughtful person caw fail to sco how the lines are being obliterated and hnw men are taking up the work of women and women that ot men, and both succeeding, because work it self has bean forofd into border lilies by the combined irflupncen of sooiqty and hummlty. Womn lawyers want to be known as Iawyrs, not women, Women doctors want to bo known m skillful physicians, not as women; and tho womm writer sends out nor work under male nomenclature that it may bo judged upon its merits und not handicapped by the estimate that (ho followers of tradition and the juh(ri tonrof prejudice always put upon wotk signed by a woman s name. His Blaok Era Won Him Promotion- James Gordon liennett has a way of dropping in to examine tho JTerald at 1m iHAaf nnAvniiiinil iniliu nrid Q a iuoiUi.uUtarvu "i a ntrHrptjMenanaw visits often result ip general 'shake-up-1 nujjH.uiy f0r ail rervrrrnniralinn of tlin nanfir's rnnn. HtrareUng worlc. ou - - i i r - agerial, editorial, and working forces, they are awaiting with fear and tremb ling by his employes. On one of these occasions, ono ot tno pressmen, a man who had worked for tho elder Bennett and was an excellont workman though' uiltv of an occasional lapso from vo riety, had a bad blaok-eye, and waB in a quandary as to what excuse he should offer if Dennett noticed it. Acting on a sudden inspiration, ho seized an ink-roller, and rubbed a daub of ink on the side of his face, complote ly concealing tho discoloration of tho skin. 1'resentiy Mr. uonnett came into the pressroom, and whilo the Su perintendent, John Hays, went care fully through, criticising overy detail, and looking sharply at caon employee, When about to leave, no turned sua Catarrh PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clctiuc and, Uautlflca tha hair, lruiiKtef a luiuriant Itrowth. Hover Falls to llratore Gray Xlalr to 113 Youlhrul Color. Curt acalp riifrraara b hair taUtiiir. OV.ati'llluiat Druuglaa phla and New York, rnlladelpnut paascneora can I remain in slewpur anaisturb-a until 7 a. m. I l.M a. m ErlH Mall rdallTV for IlArrtRhnnr anrl I I munneoiate stations, arrvlnz at fnlladelnnla I .50 a. m. New fork, 8.30 a. ra.; Tirougn Pullman I i bivupidbT oura ana paaauagur oo acnes w rmiaaei- paia. 3.60 a. ra soutnara Brpresa (dattr) for Uarrls brag ana intermediate statloaa arming at Balti more 7.20, a. m. ill Wasniagtons.45, a. m. and througti Pullman Sleeping oars to Baltimore and Washington, and tnrougb passenger coacnos to Baltimore. WKSTWAHll. S.10 a. m. Erie Mall fdallri. for Erin nn.1 a IOanandalgua at-d tntonnedlate stations, Kocbes' I ter, Buffalo aod NlagaraFalls. WW tnrough Pull I manpaujeeara andpasaengercoaobes to Erie and I B.53 News szcress ( dallr 1 Cor l net naven I aoa iairmoaiaia stations. 1.42 d. m. Nlairara Kxnreaa tdaurezcentsnn. 1 ijr) tor Kane, Uana natgua and intermediate sta- I tlona, it v neuter, Buffalo and Niagara Falls wltn I througn passenger coachea to Kane and Koenoster I and Parlor car to Watklns. I 1.30 p. m. Fast Line (dallr except sundaritor lie-1 noTO, Watklns and Intermediate stations, wltn I i tarnugupatBeoKeruoacnosionenovoanawatKins. v.is p. m. wuiiaHispon, iupro8s ( jaiij j lor wiuiamsport ana intermeaiate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FORSCTNBURY FltOM THE I aAHT AMU BOUT1I. NewaKxriress leavea New Torlr. 12.15 nlcrht. I raiiauoiuuiaa.au a. m. umiuuure. uu am. tiar- rlsnarg, 5.10 a.m. dally arriving at Sunbury t.ts Nlairara Ezoreaa leaves New YorkB.20 a. m. I Phtladelpma. 8.50 a. m. ; Waabington 8 10 a. m. Hal-1 tlmore v.oo a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at I Sunbury, 1.42, r.m., wltb through Parlor car from I ruiiouciuuia auatumaKU paaacuKi'r uuauiiBB irom I rnuaueipma ana uaitunore. FaBt Lino loaves New Yorx 0.00 a.m.: pnuadel- Dhla.n.40 a. m. -. Wasbtngton. 10.60 a. m. : Haiti. more, 11.45 a.m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at I sunburr, 5. so P. m. wltu tnrough passenger I coacues rrom rnuaaipuia ana uaiumoro. WIlIlaaiSDort Bnresa loaves New York; S.00 u. Im. ruiiaaipui 4.vo p. in. wasaingtoa a.su p. ra. lialtlmoro 4.. p. ra. (dally ) arriving at Sunbury u.iB p. in. Erie Mall leaves New vorK8.oon.nl.: Fblladel- pnia, u.25 p. m. j wasnington.iaoop.m.; Ualtl more. 11.20 p.m.. (dally) arriving at Sunbury 6.10 a. m., wltn Pullman Bleeping cars from Pnuadeipbla, Waabington and Baltimore and passenger coaches (rota I'hlladelpbla and Balti more. NUNIIUIIY, HAZI.KTO.N .V tII.KKMlIAUHH KAII.UIIAU ArVII NUKTII ANU WKMT Iiiraniill ltlll.WAV. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN (Cayj, 1IU, Can'fj', Fvofly nA otj-. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candiets. Fresh Every Week. SOLI AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Go's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the lottewtn; brands M Cigai j Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princeoa, Samson, Sihrar ik Any rd for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest VmkH Price. ! II II Lcrnon5, ream Nt. ! Oi Eli5h Wafcrtitj, Fof BLOOMSBURG, PA. G. 6. fiOBBIS, Foreign and Domestic TOHBHE3 Xasr CIG-.iiI3S. H BLOOMSBURG mm the tuaUy except Bunaay.) re .Mall leaves Sunbury 10.00 a.m. 1JM V araera UlliECr rortio. Ji nirrfma wur.i dhik". Weak liiina. IKItiliiv. Indigaatlou, l'aln,TaLulatliue.Ucu. tila alfiSl" DcTal Xin.tV.it,, ur IllitUi S. CO., U. 9 I2 4t. FRAZER THY THE CUttB. HAY-EEVE R A particle Is aDDlled into each nostril and is agreeaoie. price to cent at nrugrisis; by mall. BLX uuu I'll KKS, M Warren St, New York. s LOCAL OR TRAVELING. to bcII our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses an i: ia. unij vtuviu; uituv k am uuivoi, AXLE GREASE BEMT IS TUT. M'ORI.n. ILa waarlaaaualltleaara unaurrjaased. aetuallv Ioutlaatlnar two boxea of anyother brand. Not effectol by beat, iratrr Til II UV.H UIN II. FOR BALE UY DEALERS QENEKA1J.Y. jlf saw mul ratentVarlable Friction and llelt Feed. STEAM KNGINES, HAY PIIKSSHS, SHINGLE MILLS, Sea. TOUTABLU GUIS!' MILLS. Send forlUua. tukksiiiko uicuimbs. Am. vauiogue. A. u. FAltuilAlt CO., York, Pa. 1'Hi.Nn Wllkesbarre arrlvlngat llloom Ferry 10.13 a.m., i.iu p.m. ibxpress K&st loavra DuuDury D.H3 p. m., arriviuy loom Ferry s. p. m.. wiikes-barrau7.50D. m. sunbury Mafl leaves Wllkosbarre 11.17a. tn.nrrlv. Ing at llloom Ferry 12.87T. m., Hunbury 1.28 p. m. Express west leaves wimes-oarro 3.0s p. in., ar. vlng at llloom Ferry 4.30 p. in., sunbury 5.20 p. ro. SUNDAY TllAINS. Wllkesbarre mall leaves Sunbury 10:00 a. m.. ar I riving at llloom Ferry 10:tn a. m., Wllkes-llarre I 13:10 a.m. I Sunday aecommo,iation leavos wiiie-iiarv ::iu 1 p. m.. arriving at uioam rvrry, a.sy p. m.t 0iii,r,'ir) r.3u p. m UUAM. K. I'UUIl, J. K. WUUU, acn. Manager. uen. Passenger Agt. Si KEADrSfG PHILADELPHIA a- HiVIl.HUAU. ON AND AFTER Sept, 5 1W0. T1UINS LEAVE IILOOMHUUKQ as follows: (SUNDAYS KXCXPTID.) For Now York. Pnuadel pbla. Reading. Pottsvllle Tamaqua, etc., 0:iiO, ll:t)ft a. m. ror uuamspurt, aiiiwn anu ianviuo ?:s i a. m. 3:i. 11:00 p. in. v. " e:w Koyal St. John, $30 upwards. rur iwa:i, g.vi. imu, u:im a, iu., IKW, a;iu, oiu, ,:S3, 11:00 p. in. In purchasing honso hold necessities, it is wiso always to select that which is tho best, it will bo tho clieapent in iho end. A good article is always a soarco of pleasure. J. SALTZEIt has won a wide reputation for soiling good goods at low prices. JIo buys direct from tho manufacturers, and oan sell first class goods cheaper than can bo obtained elsewhere. Hero aro somo of tho articles and prices : Esley Piano, $350 to $0 0. S'eok, $375 to $G00. II. M. Bent & Co., $250 to $100. Brown & Simpson, '$250 to $100. EsleyOrgans, $00 to $175. Miller organs, $75 to $150. United States organs, $125 to $175. Chicago Cottage organ, $90 to $140 Worcobter organs, $75 to $150. Paris organB, $00 to $100. Celebrated While Sowing Maohines $ to $05. New Domestic Sewing Machines, $35 to $75. S- wing Machines of threo grades, mado liy thu Now Homo Sowing machino Co., 3 il 'twor drop loaf, all attachments, from $19.50 to $G0. moa. u iw, CIIAHU UllOTlIKItS COMPANY, Hocnoaler, N.Y. women, earn big pay week 11 or part time. Local or ouuu iree. no experience neuded. Exclusive territory. All tbe best special ties, stock warranted. Salary and expense to Hustlers. J. a. wmmii Nurseryman, -is-u uocnesier, n. x. i Dotroit CLOTHING I GLOTHIUG O. W. BERTS OH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. GenU9 FuraisMng Doods,E&ts & C&ps OF EVKltY DKS011IPTION. Htcel uickle iilock IIALPTHBCO3T0f holstlntr savod to btorekeepers, ilutcUers, Farmers. Macli. Inists. iiulklera. Contractora und OTU. KliS. Aclinltuni to bo tho greatest Im provements KVKIt made in tackle blocks. FrelgUt preoaia. Write tor catalogue. Fulton Iron & En?Ina WorVs. Kstab. jaw, io mush bt., Detroit, Mlo One nrthfi I jii:m i"ii I the Murltl Our uclliutiaxf BntMitiailMli suid lo lntn4ca out u(jrior rood wt will Mndrill loom Cstitov la atwb lxlttr. Mftbov. Onlj th who wriU toal oica ran mtk ur ( tba cUnea. All yoa to d U tatuimlato ahow ou t U Usoaawk tall Tout Btlfbboc "(tnaur cf tbll uvmUhuuI ibawi tha amall and of Ua Ul. TO MlawlBf tat tvaa Ua appauaaaa af It tduti4 1 Kbont tit flftlttb Mrt of IU blk. It U a f fa4. tloubla (Oia tolav MltDHIUtl, PilMI "riH faa araa.w. -, w a m-jr . tAJ,Ua.U. UALUTTaPUnlMali 7 Tetla, UaUa. 1'KAINS FOll ULOOMSUUltd Leaye New Yerlc via l'hlladelpUta 7:15 a. m. , ui. and via Kaston 8:43 a. m. SM p. m. Leave 1'blladelpbU 10.00 a. m. too p. m. Iaiave Hoadlnz 11;M a. in. 7:57 p. m. Usave l'ottaville 12:90 p. m. Standard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Leave Tamaqua 1:21 a. in. 9:18 p. m. 1eavo wuuamsport v:is a. in. p. m. 1:30, 3:t0, kit . m. 1:38, 3:31, "'MIK' DEAF NESS k iUi 101111 Hltlay laca'a 1NV1S1UUC TSlllal Ilk CBSKlglt. Whl,pra heard. Com. :o:- fartaal a.Mnalal a aara all Sa-Mla. IUI. Ml a, r. U Sell I, aalj, SiS aVSaaj, Sa. laca. WrIU lM ImI ( fraala SSIB. 0.13 AAl. leave Catawlsaa 7:00 S:0il a. in.. 11:03 p. in. Leave Hupert :1H, 7:08, 8.08. 11:31 t:i2. 11:13 D. m. for lialtlmoro Washington and tbe West via B. A O. It. It, through tralus leave Ulrard Avenue Ntalion rblla. (!'. & It. 11. it.) 4:13, 8:UI, u:w a. m. :, t:st, 0:10, 7:1a p. ui. DuunaTB 4:10, b.u 11:t a. m., 4:21, 6:48, 7:21 p, m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. ia'o i u.iBuuij.uia, , to, i, VUCDU1U( OtrUOV I wnari, auu duuiu dltwi, wnari: MB 1TL1NTI0 0ITT. Week days Exprtas, V.OO. a, in. Id. m. IAcuommodatton, 8.00 a. m. s.00. p. ra. Bundars Bxpreus, s.txi, a. m. I aation kuo a. m. aim t :au n. m. BITDUMIHO, LXaVS ITLIMTIO CITT, Depot onrner Attantlo and Arkansas Avenues t Weekdava 2xoresa. 1:30. v.oo. a. in. and 4:00. D. m. Aocommodatlon. fiifia a. m. and 4:30 p. m. Sundays Express, 4:O0, p. m. Accommo dation, 7:30 a. in. and 4:30 p. m. in. V. a. HANCOCK, k. A. MCLKOD, Ooi'I. Jtu: Aomt. ITu. Qtn'L Manager, Have received tho agenoy for tho Boonev Distin Cornet, tho hett cornet in tho world. A good assortment of violine, gnitar, banjos, accordoons, drum", flntog, fifca and all kinds of muiioil instrument". Tha boat for violins, cmtam, banjos, violincello, and ? bass violins. Accnt for llntteriok' pattern-book and fa-hion shecta. ty faataqaBFSWi " 2:00. 4:00. i lanop, organs ana sowing maumncs sold ou month v pamonU. AWUUUIiU I UlDLiWUll l IUI IjUO 1 1 Alio Do not send elsewhere but call and sen thn ntnok nf vmir t.nmn rlflalor, who is always with yon, and oan civo you anv information or iiiHtrnotion upon any insliument you may purohaio. J denly and pointing at the t M pressman, said: "Air. nays, l tj n.lUadeiaminetheUritoi mat mane naraei- i ouipm lootod 8took f dg - fc , quaked in Ills shoes until Mr. IJennett f!(,illmi,!. aemntv " said, slowly: "I wtnt you to give that wlnmbia oonnty. '.i.. .iii wr,nlr a, w. Btort-next door to Pint National Bank mado to ordor at short notice or no sale. Call and examine the largost and best K IPP & PODMORE. man throo dollars per week moro wa pes: bo u tbo only man in tuo room that look aa if ho had been working." Argonaut, MAIN STREET, Bloom DDttrg: Pa. ARCHITECTS, Ostkbuout Uoildino, Wllkesbarro, I'a, Branch Ofllce, liloomsburg, Pa., with Jno. M. Ctaiiit, Att'y. & Oounseller, i-ai-iy GET THE COLUMBIAN, $1.00 A YEAR. PATENTS Teats and Trade Marks obtalned.and all l'aten t Biuoaa uuuuuuMMa luiauunil via Fala. lOUlt OfFlfiK IS Ol'HUlTl! II. H PATKWT OFiriCK. we nave no sub-aironcles, all business trect, hence oan transaot patent business In less line and at Lma COST than tbose remote from Washington. bend model, drawing, or photo.wlth descrlpUon, We advise II paMntable or sot, tree ot chares. Our tee not due tut patent la secured. A book "How Ul Obtain I,atenU.wlth rnrrrnia u auiaai vumiu iu your ovate, county, or town. Vlusica SALTZER, Instruments aid Scwin WiREROOHS Mac c. a. snow & co., BLaORISBIJltC 'i