The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 19, 1890, Image 3

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Absolutoly Puro.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of nil In loavcnln,? strength. (, S.
Government Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
The Columbian
nnrruoUahed every Friday. Subacrlptlon price,
i.oo a year.
Entered at the Post orace at Woomaburz, ra..
as second class matter, March 1, issa.
COIUCT BlIlROtn tiiiTtibli.
Trains on the P. & It. l, it. leave Knpertas
lol'ows !
. ran. "Otrrn.
T:3S a. m. 11:02 a. m.
3:C1 p. m. 8:23 p. m.
Tr&lnsontho D.L. & W. It. lt.leavo utoomssurg
as follows i
NO.irn. sourn.
7Mft. ra. s.!2a. m.
10 49 a. ra. l:n p. tn.
2:5 p. m. 4:15 p. m.
:38 p.m. ,B:24 p. in.
Trains on the N. W. U. Hallway pass llloom
Ferry as follows i
10:48 a. m. 13:37 p. m.
$.96 p. m. 4'30 p. m.
0:18 am (:39 pm
BiooMsnuita SULLIVAN hailioad
Taking effect MONDAY, HBITBMUBK 9, 18S9.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Ly. Lv.
STATIONS, r. if. 1. M. .. i.u. r. M. r. K.
nioomstiuri:,....-. sa ii 49 7 o s 35 1 3? b 40
Main-street 18 11 41 o m s 42 s 49 a 47
Irondale - 6 15 11 89 S 66 8 45 2 41 6 50
rarer Hill 6 08 11 SI 6 48 8 51 2 M 7 00
Ughtstreet. 05 11 28 43 8 66 2 5 7 03
orangevllle 57 11 20 6 35 05 3 07 110
Foflrl 6 45 11 10 6 25 9 15 3 17 7 20
Bane?S ...... 5 45 11 00 0 21 9 20 3 20 7 21
Stillwater......... 5 37 11 02 o 17 9 25 3 25 7 as
Bonton, - 5 28 10 65 0 10 9 33 3 3.1 7 85
Edsons, 5 S3 10 60 07 9 35 3 37 7 38
ColOS CrCOK, 6 20 10 45 05 9 C3 3 40 7 40
snearloaf, 5 15 10 42 8 02 9 42 3 43 7 44
Lauh&chs, 5 12 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 4S 7 7
CentraU?. 6 03 10 33 6 63 9 67 3 58 7 67
Jamison City.... 5 00 10 30 5 60 10 00 4 00 8 00
Ly. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. if. a. u. i. if. a. if. r. it. r. h.
Our Offers.
Tho Coltjmtiian has mado arrangements
Vfith a publishing houso by which It is en
abled to make soino astonishing offers.
Bead the following:
AH who pay up to dato and ono year In
advance, and new subscribers, will re
ccivo tho American Fm-mir ono year free,
Tho Farmer is worth ono dollar a year.
Wo will send tho Coulvhan and tho
New York Weekly Wor'd to any address in
tho county, for $'.90 a year.
Tho Coldmhian, tho World, and tho
Farmer for $3.00, worth $3.00.
To any subscribers paying all arrears
and to new subscribers, tho CoroiiniAN
and & comploto sot of Dickens' Works In
12 vols, for $1.00.
Tho CoLUMniAN, and tho Mammoth Cyclo
paedia, i vols, for $1 00,
The Columbian, Dickons' Works, and tho
Mammoth Cyclopaedia, for $2.10. This is
tho best offer ever mado by any paper in
this section, as tho books cannot bo
bought at retail for loss than flvo dollars.
Tbo Columbian and Tho Cosmopolitan ono
year, $3.50. Tho Oosmopolitan Is ono of tho
leading magazines, and tho subscription of
that alouo is $3.40.
Any person sending us thrco new sub
scribers at $1.00 each, will rccclvu tho
Columbian ono year free.
Any old subscriber who will pay up to
dato and send us tho namo of oho new
cash subscriber will bo presented with 35
novels in neat pamphlet form, to bo se
lected from a list at this ofllce. The cash
prico of tho novels is 75 cents.
Tho Columbian 1 year
Dickens' Wo'ks worth
Mammoth Cyclopaedia worth
American Fi rmer, worth
25 novels
Total $7.75
Wo will send all of tho abovo for $3.50,
Samples can bo seen at this olllco. No
deviation will bo mado from any of these
Address Tho Columbian, Bloomsburg
Pa. tf.
A Preset to Our Huiscrllern.
It is with plca9uro that wo announce to
our many patrons that wo havo mado ar
rangements with that wide-awake, Illustra
ted farm magazine, tho Amkrioan Faumkb,
published at Fort Wayne, Ind., 'and read
by nearly 200,000 farmers by which that
great publication will bo mailed FREE, to
tho address" of any of our subscribers
IN ADVANCE. This is a grand opportun
lty to obtain a first-class farm journal free.
The Amkuioan Fahmkh Is a large 10-pago
journal, of national circulation, which
ranks among tho lcaillne agricultural pap
ers. It treats the question of economy In
agriculture and tho rights .and privileges
of that vast body of citizens American
Farmers whose Industry Is tho basis of
all material and national prosperity. Its
highest purpose Is tho elevation and cnob
bling of Agriculture through tho hlRher
and broader education of men and women
cneaecd In Us pursuits. The regular; sub.
scriDtlon Drlco of tho Amkuioan Fauukk Is
41.00 dm year. IT COSTS YOU NOTII
INQ. From any ono number ideas can bo
obtained that will bo worth thrice tho sub
scription prico to you or members of your
household, tkt vou oet it fbkk. Call and
eo sample copy. I'-
Bcit. 20-27. A. D. Kclchner will sell
valuable personal property at the Exchango
iif..i iuninn rvimmrpftlnfr at 0 a. m-
KH.iair 2Rih. and continuing until all
Is sold. AU goods will p sitively bo sold,
iiv. UiitWr.lHnrr houses In Blooms.
iirr flrini.ivllln. Esnv and Hupert Pa.
nsi-mo in n.nnsvivnnlH. Kansps and Vlr-
irlnla Vnnant fnts In Bloomsburg. Storo
,pninH aa fir ar ml a Anil unlet I1.IJU.J
iv M. P. Lutz. Insuranco and Heal Estate
Agent, moomsuurg, ra.
va.. iiMisi. ami lot In Rupert
tnt 1 on 1 jl f t Tim ntnrv. house. wllU
ntna rnnm HflV wlndOWS. OUl
kitchen, Ico and coal houso, good stable
chicken and rle pen. Choico fruit, ever.
,.,,. iri. rmnil water. Two rallroaus
Twelve trains a day each way, to Blooms
burg, faro 8o round trip, ww taxes,
i,n.nin if tubr.ii soon.
M. P. Lutz,' Insuranco & Heal Est. Agt
For Balk. Flno building ioi, nam
near Normal Bchool. Apply to,
Charles P. Elwcll' returned to Boston
last Friday.
A. K. Oswald Esq., of Berwick spent
iau oaiuruay In town.
fliorns Sloan is taking a courso at tho
Bcranton Business College
L. B. Wlntcrstccn Esq., sfjnt most of
last week at tho Danvlllo court.
A.J. Kendlg of Flsblngcrcck was
visitor to town on Baturday.
miss Jcnnlo Lockaid and Miss L. Oruver
went to Boston last week to attend tho
Uonscrvato y of Music.
Charles Itelco has recovered from tho
effects of his accident by which ho was
Hircatcned with blood rmlsonlne.
Miss Edith Hcber Is (Mine the nosltion
oi assistant book-keeper at I. W. McKcl.
vy's storo.
Charles Unangst Esd.. returned to New
York on Wednesday. Mrs. A. Z. Bchoch
and Mrs. D.J. Waller Jr.. accomnanled
Harry Houck is engaged as stcnorraph-
er and type-writer In the olllco of Grant
Herring Esq,
Mr, and Mis. William noal aro vlsltlne
their daughter, Mrs. Bhinlev. in Cincinnati.
Mrs. h. W. Elwell of Towanda is with
Miss llcth llunyan has gono to Philadel
phia to tako vocal lessons. Bh o has a very
sweet voice, and with proper cultivation
she will dovclop-lnto an excellent soprano.
William Hupert spent a fow days with
relatives hero during tho past week. Ho
Is still engaged in railroading in the west.
Isaiah Itupcrt was at homo at tho same
Mr. and Mrs. Gould of Philadelphia stop
ped at Miss B. Sloan's over Tuesday night.
They were on their way homo from Eagles-
mere whero they spent the summer in
their cottage, and arc trav 'ling with their
horses and carrlago the cntlro dUtancc.
John C. Wenner of Benton township
was in town last Friday, lie lives In ths
district of the county traversed by tho n
cent tornado, and was damaged to tho ex
tent of a hundred dollars. He has been
called upon frequency slnco to write ac
counts of tho tornado's havoc. Ho wields
a ready per.
A lino lot of quilting cotton at Clark &
Tony Farrcll In tho Irish Coiporal at the
Opera Houso on Thursday, Bept.
Grapes are selling In market for 12 centl
a pound.
A Baltlmoro Heater at a bargain. Good
as new, taken out to put In steam. At
Savltt's store, Centre 81. 9.19-3w.
The Benton fair opens on October 1. A
balloon nsc:nsIon will be ono of tho tea.
turcs. Big preparations aio being mado
for a good time.
C. F. Harder of Catawlssa had his left foot
and right arm injured by being thrown
from a wagon last week. Ho is able to get
about with tho assistance of a crutch.
George W. Moss.was lait week sentenc.
cJ to bo handed at Wlllics-Barro for kill
ing his wl'e.
James M. Fritz Esq. has been nominat
ed for the lcglslaturo In tho 8rd Luzcrno
Tho premium list of tho Columbia coun
ty fair has been printed at this olllco, and
tho Secretary, M. P. Lutz, Is distributing
P. A. Mcixcll Is chairman of tho Luzcrno
county Dcmocratto Committee. Ho la
well known here, t sine a graduate of tho
Thcro will be a big danro and chicken
soup jollification at tho Central Park Grovo
on Baturday n'jht and evening 27lh Inst.
A big turnout Is expected. Everybody r'-
member tho dato.
Michael Brcnnan has purchased the
Pelffcr hotel property at Centralta.
Rev. Ohas. Bchnuro and wifo, mission
aries to India, where tbo) havo resided
slnco 1830, gavo a talk on tho habits, cli
mate, l&c, last Sunday ovcnlng In tho
Lutheran church.
Tho premiums offered by Ilia Columbia
County fair In tho classes comprising farcy
articles and ladles' handiwork havu been
increased and tho ladles aro invited and
utged to bring their goods and mako n full
The alterations on G. W. Keller's build
ing on Main street are about completed.
The property is very much enlarged and
C. Mcars has carried bis right arm in a
sling tho past week, having been struck in
tho hand by a splinter from a pitch pine
board whilo running it through a planer.
Mr. Usvlllo Wirt and Mrs. Mary 8mlth
were married by Hev. W. T. Auman at
the residence of the bride last Thursday
evening, September lllh.
We have received a letter from C. A,
Knorr, of Ohio, in which ho states that ho
is doing well and expects to visit Blooms
burg this fail.
C. A. Klelm has laid a new pavement of
large Ohio slabs In tront of his Btorc. The
work was delayed by breaking ono of tho
stones in unloading It and Mr. Klelm ord
ered another one.
Tho uso of calomel for derangements of
the liver has ruined many a flue constitu
tion. Those who, for similar troubles,
havo tried Aycr's Pills testify to their effl
cacy In thoroughly remedying tho malady,
without Injury to the system.
Thomas W. Mcther. ll Is an educated
musician of many years experience. Ho
Instructs band, gives lessons on tho violin
or most any other Instrument, tunes
pianos, and in fact understands every
branch of music. Ho has composed many
Mldgloy & Ualey, who havo an cxtcn-
sivo plant In tho basement of the carpet
mill havo recently extended their business,
and have taken In tome new stockholders.
They havo largo orders on hand, and the'
prospects are very flatte. ng.
J. G. Wells has put up advertising
boards through the country. Ho is n hust
ler, and his business has grown wonder
fully slnco ho opened his jewelry and sil
verware storo only two years ago. tits
storo Is attractive and ho carries a large
It Is astonishing how rapidly the fecblo
and debilitated gain strength and tlgor
when taking Aycr's Sarsaparllla. For
what aro called "broken-down constitu
tions," nothing clso has proved so effective
as this powerful but perfectly safe m-dl-
During tho hearing of the railroad cross
ing caso last week, occupying four days,
most of the testimony was taken in short
hand by H. Orange, clerk in tbo office of
O. W. Miller Esq. It was his first experi
ence In reporting a law-suit, and the accu
racy with which he took It was a subject
of comment. With piactlco ho will mako
an efficient stenographer.
Thcro was a meeting of the school board
last Friday evening to .consider the ques
tion of employing another teacher. Upon
Inquiry it was ascertained that somo
changes could be made, by which Iho at
tendance ot atlUTcnt rooms could bo moro
evenly divided. Somo removals will bo
made from Fifth street, as there also will
bo some promotions. This will nc
commodate all the scholars for tho present,
without employing anothor teacher,
Miss Sarah Derrickson, of Milton, had
tho misfortune to break her right arm
Tuesday. Bho was visiting her nieco Mrs.
Harry Ettla near Bhakcspeare and while
carrying a little child trlnped and fell. In
her efforts to save tho child her arm was
broken at the wrist. Miss DerrickDon is
well-known In Bunbury and ber many
friends will regret to learn of her misfor
tune, although tho break Is not a sciious
ono. Sunbury Democrat.
Now that the pol!ccrrn wear caps thoy
ought to be ablo to enforco tho ordinance
forbidding the gathering of crowds on tho
street corners. Tho Insufferable nuisance
that oxists every Sunday night in tront of
tbo Methodist church, at tho corner of
Market and Third, and the First National
Bank corner ought to bo abated, and tho
11. J. Forco of Jamison City Is selling his
entlro stock ot general merchandise at auc
tion. Bale commences this (Thursday)
evening and will contlnuo Friday and Bat
urday evenings. Great bargains will bo
offered In boots and shoes, teas, spices, &c
Tho following letters aro held at Blooms
burtr, Pa. post olllco and will bo sent to tho
dead letter offlco Sept. SO, 1890.
Mr. Zindcr Bush, Mr. John Morrison,
Washlngton;Saultcrs, Miss Edcna Bchool
cy. Cards, Ed. It. ltascly.
Persons calling for these letters plcaso
say, they wcro advertised Bept. 10, 1890.
Ono cent will bo charged on each letter
An effort is being made and with con
siderable promtso of success to arrange a
scries ot flvo cnte'talnmcnts, consisting of
lectures and vocal and itstrumcntal music
In tho Opera House during tho fall and
winter. A canvass is now being mado to
sccuro pledges for course tickets, and If
tho guarantco is sufficient tho arrange
ments for tho courso will bo perfected. We
hopo the publlo will appicctate this effort
to furnish a high class of entertainments
and give tho parties who have charge of
tho enterprise all tho encouragement pos
slblo by subscribing cheerfully to tho
courso tickets. Subscriptions should bo
made this week as it is necessary to clos o
contracts with tho lecturers and managers
soon In order to secure deslrablo dates and
tho best talent.
Subscriptions can bo made to cither Dr.
Garrison, L. T. Bharplesa or Orvillo H.
Tho Columbia Co. W. C. T. U. convened
at Light Street, Sept. 3rd and 4th. Thcro
aro nine locil unions, thrco Y's and tbreo
Loyal Legion In tho county. Delegates
and visitors from all unions, except Cen
tralla, wero present. To the fourteen de
partments of work already In operation,
those of Soldiers and Bailors and Peace
and Arbitration wcro added. Special men
tion should bo made of tho work dono by
the Bupt's. of Literature, Juvcmlo Work,
B. Bchool Work, Scientific tcmpcranco in
struction, Heredity and Uyglcno and
MoUicib Work. Mrs. A. Bpccr delivered a
cordial address of welcome. The presi
dent, Mrs. Guie, mado a beautiful address
and Mrs. M. O. Walker read a tonchlng cs
say. Several of tho Supt's had excellent
papers, but spaco will not allow giving the
substance of any. Memorials havo been
printed and circulated among the forty-
clgbt ministers ot tno county. Several c-
sponded, expressing their wtlllngcss to aid
in the work therein set forth. Children of
thoMlllvlllo L. T. L. and Light Street
Band ot Mercy delighted the convention
with recitations and received a rising vote
of thanks. Tho Dcmorcst contest took
place on Thursday evening and among tho
seven contestants, Miss Zola Gulo was
awarded tho silver medal. Bultablo rear
lutlon8 wcro drafted thanking tho trustees
for tho uso ot tho church, the pastor and
choir for kind services, and tho ladies of
Light Street for their cordial welcomo and
generous hospitality.
About a year ago a little Russian girt by
tho namo of Jcnnlo Charaky went to tho
Normal Bchool at West Cbcstor, Pa., hav
ing been directed thcro by a nurso In tho
Maternity Hospital, under whoso caro tho
had been during a sovcro Illness. Tho
nurso had been a pupil of Prof, and Mrs.
Welsh, and (ho had becomo so Interested
In tho Russian girl, that sho sent her to her
old teachers In hopo that some-thing might
bo dono to help tho fttrl get an education,
Bho told her story, which was ono of op
pression In Russia, and disappointment,
and sorrow In this country) and begged to
bo permitted to attend school and pay her
tuition when sho becamo ablo. This sho
was allowed to do.
A few days ago Principal Welsh re
ceived tho following letter from a Russian
doctor In Phlla. by tho namo ot Charles D.
Bplvak, M. D. Tho foreign Idiom Is plain
ly traceablo In tho language.
PniLADiU'iiiA, Bept. 9, 1890.
Mn. J. ' Welsh. A. M. a
Principal Stato Normal Bchool, Sixth
Dbar Sir:
My friend Miss Jano Charsky, a former
pupil of yours in tho West Chester Nor
mal Bchool, told mo of your kindness
toward her and this encouraged mo to
write to you this letter.
I havo a lady friend who from early
girlhood contracted tho dlscaso known as
craving for knowledge. Ucr paronts were
poor, and notwithstanding that, sho
managed to find tlmo for study, and would
havo entered the gymnasium in Russia,
but tho circumstances becamo of such a
nature that lifo in Russia was unbearable,
and they had to leave. It Is already 8
years that she and her two brothers aro In
this country. Bho worked hard for her
living, her lelsuro hours sho devoted to tho
study of tho English language bho
thought of saving a tow dollars to pay '-at
least for ono year's tuition" In somo school.
But the lifo ot a factory girl is well known.
Fourior flvo months out of tho twelve she
without work, and whatever sho
saved was eaten up. She was now de
spairing of even being ablo to study: she
Is the personification ot despair itself.
Is thcro any possibility for my friend to
enter your school? Bho has not a cent In
tho world. I have only ono prospect In
view that some society may bo induced to
pay toward her tuition when she distin
guishes herself, and you will present tho
case beforo them.
At present I simply ask you to kindly
answer mo whether thcro is any hopo for
her arms? How thirstily sho would drink
from the fountain ot knowlcdgcl
Yours respectfully,
C. D. Bl'IVAK.
The Principal told tho story of Jcnnlo I their thanks to tho bands In attendance,
Charsky to tho students assembled at
evening chapel exercises on Friday last,
and then read the foregoing letter. At
once propositions for her support wero
made by the students, and in a short time,
a bandsomo sum, tho contribution ot
teachers and pupils was pledged. This
contribution has been increased by citizens
of Bloomsburg, and r'though not enough
has yet been raised to pay her tuition for
tho entlro year, it is believed that tho
whole sum can bo raised and It was de
cided to send for tho young lady.
Tho following letter is a reply to ono
from tho Principal to Dr. Splvak:
PiiiLADBLPniA, Bept. 13, 1890.
Mr. J. P. Welbu,
Principal Bloomsburg State Normal
Dear Sir;
Your letter of tho 10th of Beptcmher
Itnnt Itctitoi'.
a grand mi vr,
A very largo an 1 enthusiastic meeting
was held last Saturday night at Cambra
under tho auspices of tbo Cambra Demo
cratic Pattlson Club." Tho Bonder town,
Now Columbus and Benton bands wcro In
A largo delegation two four horso loads
with 'dtar Spangled Bannor' and flags wav
ing, Including many uthec vehicles of
smaller capacities, amid tho din of fife and
drum, and band muslo, arrlvod from Bon
dertown and Van Camp vicinity, accom
panied by a largo delegation ot enthusias
tic ladles from tho samo locality.
Smaller delegations arrived from Now
Columbus, Bonton, Flvo Points, Fatrmount
Springs and other places, whilo from overy
cottagoncar and far a rcprc:ontattvo on
foot conveyance could bo seen. Tho bands
displayed excollcnt music Tbo Bender
'own bind, though young in cxpcrloncc,
is not Interior to older bands, and many
expressed surprise at their proficiency.
Tho Now Columbus band a halo, hea.-
ty, robust and fine, burly looking fellows,
can blow as good music as any ot them.
Tho Benton band, our own town band
a jolly sot ot good hearted boys aro fully
abreast In tho lino of displaying excellent
music Wo will again refer to this band
beforo closing our subj .iU This much,
however, wo will say for them all, their
music was commented upon by competent
judges and said to have been excellent,
and not surpassed by country town bands.
The democracy of our locality aro hopeful,
confident and expecting dcllvcranco from
republican oppression and mtsrulo on Nov.
Tbo meeting was organized by electing
tho following officers: Prcsldont, M. W.
Brlttaln, member of Cambra Democratic
Club; Vico Presidents, Nathaniel Drels
bach, David Yost, J. O. Wenner, M. D.
Appleman, T. II. Edgar, Lewis Crovcllng,
B. F. Edgar, I iwls Betshltnc, Ambrose
Boqbam, Charles Gibbons, James McHcn
ry; Secretary, George A. Cary. John B.
Reynolds of Wilkcs-Birrc,i candldato for
Congress from that district, was then In.
troduccd, who made a few appropriate re.
marks, gavo placo to Thomas McDullar,
candldato for county commissioner, who
also mado a short address to bo followed
by John M. Gorman of Nanticokc, who
was to bo chief speaker, and who Is an orr
tor of raro ability, and ot witticism In his
addresses thcro seems to bo no end. He
mado all his points amid rounds of loud
applauso, with outbursts of hearty laugh
tcr at every turn of his discourse. He is a
lively campaigner and will do an excellent
work in Luzcrno county for the democrat
ic ticket. The committee of Jtho Cambra
club, throuch this communication tender
There arc
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They arc not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it
'Tis sold everywhere.
Elliot Barnes' great military play will bo
produced at the Opera House on Thurs
day, Bept. '25th, on which occasion Mr.
Tony Farrcll will appear as 'Jerry', sup.
ported by tho well known soubrctto Miss
Jcnnlo Lcland, and a strong company of
artists. Tho 'Irish Corporal' Is a Military
play founded on incidents of tbo jato war,
and a beautiful story ot love and devotion.
Mr. Farrcll will b& remembered by the
amusement going publlo In tho clever
work ho has dono during tho many times
ho has appeared beforo you, and rest as
sured ho has left nothing undone, but will
command tho attention of tho public
Prices, 25, 85, and 50 cents.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Hby wtt tide, we gars her Castor!.
When she was Child, she cried for CastorU,
When she became M1m, she cimg to Castoria,
When ah bad Children, she jaTe them CottorU.
"Wood's huHucbh College.
Bcranton is proud of her Business Col
lege. Bho gives It a hearty endorsement,
employs Us students and extends her hos
pitality to those who attend tho Institute
from a distance Last year seven hundred
and eighty-four students were In attendance
and tho Bchool enjoys a degree ot pros
pcrlty which Is not realized by any of Its
competitors In this country. ilonlrm
From what wo learned during tho tlmo
wo spent at this collcgo of its management,
accommodations and facilities, wo feel
convinced that tho young man or young
woman who is energetic, wido awako and
honestly ambitious to do more than exist
will do well to enter tho ranks of its busy
The Williamsport College, which lias
been In existence for moro than a quarter of
a century, reached a degree ot success
under tho management of Prof. Wood
which was beyond tho expectations of
every ono. Prof. F. SI. Allen, being at.
traded by tho prosperity of tho institution,
offered Prof. Wood a tempting prico for
the school, which was accepted, and Bcran
ton was selected as tbo now field to
Major O. IC. Hughes died At his homo In
Bhamokln on Frtdty morning last, from a
stroke of paralysis. Ho formerly resided
In Bloomsburg, and mavod fiom there to
Berwick, whcio ho lived until say in yoars
ago, when bo moved to suamoxin. no
was a brother of Mrs. John Hicks of
Bloomsburg, nud of Chrlos llughos of
Bhamokln. Tho remains wcro brought
hero for burial on Monday morning. Mn
Jor Hughos' ago was 58 years.
Goorgo East wai killed at tho car shops
on Monday morning. Ho was employed
there and while at work a hugh bar of Iron
was shaken down by tho motion of mach
inery and fell on his head. Ho died In
two hours. Mr. East formerly resided la
Tho now Opera Houso wilt soon bo com
pleted. It Is a largo framo building, and
tho first floor is entirely occupied by an
audienco room and stago. Tho upper
floor will bo used as a lodgo room by tho
Patriotic Order Bona of America, who aro
putting up tho building.
Jas. O. McMlchacI Is running tho Cross
Keys hotel In excellent style. Tho tablo is
first class, and ho Is enjoying a largo pat
ronage from tho travelling public.
Many pcoplo from Berwick attended tho
Wyoming fair last Friday.
Mordccal W. Jackson has declined tho
republican nomination for associate judgo,
hut wo still havo a candidate In tho Held
In tho person of Isaiah Bower, tho prohibi
tion candidate. Mr. Bower will receive a
bandsomo complimentary voto at homo,
but of courso his election Is nn Impossibil
Will T. Snyder has a flno lot of paper
and celling decorations, and ho Is a first-
class artist. Ho Is also tho popular man
agcr of Grozlcr's Military Band.
Tho rlvor roso very rapidly at this point
last Friday and Baturday.
C. JJ. Jackson Esn.. and family aro tak
ing their meals at tho St Charlos Hotel,
the popular house kept by Bon Bponen-
Our nonular vounc attorney, btorline
Dickson, Is tho prohibition candidate for
District Attorney. If he wcro running' on
a tlcltct that stood any show ot success,
Sterling would mako an admlrablo official.
Ho is able, energetic and honest.
Tho Berwick fair paid all expenses this
year. Hut tor tbo ralu on baturuay it
wouiu uavo aono muca uevier.
Judzo Jackson will retire from the
bench In January. He has mado a very
efficient and satisfactory associate, and it
It wcro posslblo tor too rcpuui'cns to
elect their candidate no moro acceptable
person could be found on that sldo of tho
ALndjr'sl'crlccI Companion.
Every expectant mother should read our
now book by Dr. Hyc, ono or ew lorit's
most celebrated physicians. A perfect
mother's guide, it tells how tho fearful or
deal can bo mado easy, ireo irom uangcr,
and almost entirely painless, thus saving
months of anxiety, droad, and suffeiing.
Full of valuab'o informatlonto ladles, an
swering hundreds of dellcato questions.
Bend two-cent stamp ior circulars, testi
monials, and confidential letter. Address,
9-10-3m- Baltimore, Md.
What steam is to tho engine, Hood's
Barsaparilla Is to tho body, producing bod
ily power and furnishing mental force.
I. W. Hartmaii & Sons.
Illicit Water.
Tho rains ot last week swelled the
streams almost to the limits of their banks.
In New York Stato it rained flvo days sue-
police can abate it with very little trouble, ccsslvely and continously. In tho vicinity
At o congregational meeting held In the
Lutheran Church Wednesday cvcniuB
ommlltto was appointed to mako ioqtilry
as to tho price and location ot lots, or lots
and buildings suitable tor a cuurcu mru.,.
oo. Tho comraltti'O was Instructed to re-
port Wednesday evening Oct 1st, when Iho
matter will be disposed oi at a
Rebecca Carman of Benton has just re
ceived the lutcst styles in millinery and
fancy goods, a large assortment from
Philadelphia and New York, to which she
invites tho attention of tho public.
Miss Lllllo Doak has opened dress mak-
lug rooms In Furman's building, second
floor. BUo has been with Madamo G art
land in Philadelphia tho past season and
will cut all garments by her system.
In another column wo print our club off.
era that surpass in liberality any offer eyer
made in this section. Read it and sec. It
cannot fail to please you. For $3.50 you
can get what would otherwlso cost you
$7.75. 0-12-41.
The bell was removed f. Jin tho steeple
of tho old Presbyterian church on Wed
nesday morning, and placed In tho tower
f tho new church. The bell weighs
pounds, and has been In use for forty
An entertainment will bo held by tho
Loyal Temperance Legion, consisting of
slnuinir. recitations and dialo gues, in tbo
Opera House, on Friday evening Sept. 19,
All Interested In tho growth of temper,
ance sentiment amonc tho young are in
vited to bo present. Admission 10c.
Mr. J. P. Hill, tbe manager of the Manor
Rest Inn at Jamison Citv has made many
frlAmla slnco ho came into this county. He
understands his business thoroughly, and
under circumstances at all favorable, he
will mako the attractive hotel a very popu
lar rcsoi,.
r.Mt Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock a
storm came up very suddenly. Tho rain
fell in torrents, and in a few moments tbo
initnrs wero over.Uowlnc. It lasted less
o .
than a half hour, and then ceaseu as sud
denly as it began. It was a very peculiar
Children's day will bo celebrated In tho
Reformed church next Bunday, morning
und evening. Exercises in tho morning by
small children; in tho evening a cantata
will bo rendered by tho larger scholars oi
ii,n .Hinol. entitled "Jesus." Tho ch urch
will bo beautifully decorated
Station Acent J. B. Blue, at Orangevlllc,
. .... i i.f- nl. ultti ttin
was not snort iu uia
ninnmsbure & bulllvan railroad, as erron.
nouslv reported In tho Philadelphia uaines.
Tim Auditors d d not und any inuruisi.-.
m, nn.inta w tb that compiny wero an
-.ii,i 11 U itera cation was wiiu mu
United Slates Express Company anu is oc
tween four and flvo hundred dollars.
Thomas Gorry is making tho alterations
'or O. B. Bobbins to the Caldwell property.
It la exnected that tho bulluing win uo
ready for occupancy by tho week of tho
fair. J. O. Blue win nave cimrKu ui ,
-n.1 flrt class restaurant will bo conduct-
..,1 Till. Is something that is greatly
needed, and it should recelye a liberal pat
unless their functions
aro purely orna.
A very nice wedding took placo at tho
residence ot Mrs. E. C. Eshlcman at Espy,
Pa., on Baturday, Sept. 13th. Tho con.
trading parties being Miss Lou Eshlcman,
and Mr. A. McCollum, of Archbald. The
wedding march was played by Miss Annie
Miller of Bloomsburg. The bridesmaid
was Miss Vlda Miller, nieco of the bride,
while Mr. U. L. Eshlcman, brother ot the
bride, acted as best man. Nona but tho
Immediate fam'Ucs wcro prcsen'
An agreement can bo enforced. A caso
in point Is that In which Judge Rice, of
tho Luzerne court ', recently gave an opin
ion in the equity caso of Frank 6. Relck
against W. II. Kreugcr. The plaintiff
some time ago purchased tho jewelry store
in Ashley owned by Mr. Kreugcr, who In
selling signed a contract not to engage In
the jewelry business in Ashley for at least
flvo years. However he broko the con
tract and set up a storo In the Immediate
vicinity at that owned by Mr. Keick. Tho
latter applied for a preliminary injunction
to restrain Kreugcr from broaklng his con
tract. It was granted and by opinion ot
Judge Rico the injunction was made per
manent and Kreuger will be held to bis
Thcro aro few towns in this stato that
possess a gtcatcr number ot musicians
tban Bloomsburg. It has graduates of the
music department of Dickinson Seminary,
pupils ot D. D. Wood, tho greatest organ
1st of Philadelphia, pupils of the Boston
Conservatory, graduates ot tho Norma1
and somo graduates ot other music schools,
and somo old timers who can hardly re-
member where they got their musical edu
cation. Home talent concerts have been
given hero that were equal In merit to pro
fessional entertainments. Tbo Blooms.
burg Orchestra, composed entirely of
young men, is a most creuitanio organizr
tion, and it is to bo hoped that they will
stick together, for their music is away
ahead ot anything of tho kind ever heard
hero before.
of Watcrtown thirty feet ot tho Ogdens
burg railroad was washed away, and the
village ot Copenhagen was devastated, the
loss by damago to property reaching $10,
000. Machino shops, saw mills andjebeeec
factories weroswept away.
A dispatch from Wilkcs-Barre dated the
13th, reads as follows:
The floods that have prevailed along the
Chemung river duilng tho past few days
have swollen tho Susquehanna. Tho cur
rent Is sixteen feet above the recognized
summer line, and tbo water is still rising,
Bhould It rise two feet moro all communl
cation on tho west sldo of tho river to
points along tho lino of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Railroad will
bo cut off. A large portion of tho low land
is alroady submerged, and farmers who
have not yet harvested their lato crops
will suffer loss. Tbo loss is particularly
heavy In tho district between Bhlckshlnny
and Espy. Acres of grain and pother pro
ducts havo been washed over and made
comparatively worthless. Near Berwick
tho river and canal run together, inundat
ing tho tow-path. This will prevent tho
transportation ot coal and other freights
going to Baltlmoro and other poin'i along
its banks until these streams havo assumed
their normal condition,
The tributaries to tho Allegheny over
flowed, and at Oil City, IV., the Western
New York and Pennsylvania tracks wcro
covered. All of tho lower streets in Can'
ton, Ohio, wero flooded and great damage
was done by flooded cellars, while the
emMl farmers aro also sufferers.
At Now Castle, Pa., tho Ncshannock
river was higher than It has been for years,
and completely covered tho lower portion
of that city. Fully one hundred houses
wero covered on tho first floor with from
one to six feet of water, and tbo families
havo been obliged to move to higher
ground. A washout stopped freight traf.
lie on tho Now Castle branch of tho Pitts
burg and Western Road.
All reports indicate great loss In mills,
houses, roads and farms nothing extra-
ordinary In any one caso, but enormous in
tho aggregate
that brought the happy tidings to my
friend Miss Eva Rablnowltz received. I
shall not attempt to describe to you what
an impression it made upon tho lady, my-
self, and my friends. It was, to stato
briefly, more tban wo expected. Tho
generosity ot your students, the liberality
of your townspeople, and abovo all, your
kindness, aro facts that would convince
any pessimist in human nature against his
I apologizo for not ha'.Ing answered
your letter immediately. There were cer
tain circumstances which I had to create In
order that tho lady could bo enabled to go,
Miss Rablnowltz will come to dwell in
your Paradise on Monday or Tuesday, and
then sho earnestly Intends to pluck the
fruits of tho tree of knowlcdgd that so
luxuriantly grow there.
How I wish I could go with her, and
thank you personal'y for your kindness,
My professional dutlcs.howcvcr, prevent me
from enjoying such an lnlcrview. Plcaso
thank the students and tho other gentle
men in my name. Hoping that Mies
Rablnowltz will prove to bo one of your
many good students, I remain,
Yours gratefr'ly,
O. D. BriVAK,
A. freed-man from South Carolina sent
two fine specimens of cotton plant, con'
talnlng pods in all stages of developcment.
A lecture course Is to bo given at the
Normal Bchool during the fall and winter,
Among the attractions aro to be the tvew
York Symphony Club, Warren E. Richards,
tbo humorist, Hon Win. Ulakle, the popu
lar physical culture lecturer, and Miss
Olatkrarei tho Esqutmeau woman now
lecturing In this country.
The students express themselves as high
ly delighted with their newly papered
rooms and new furniture.
The senior class numbers elghty-klx.
This is the largest senior class tn tho his
tory or tuo school it recites in three sec
lions, roe junior class is about the samo
size, and also recites in three sections
and to the flno delegation from Bender.
town and vicinity, and to all others who
honored them with their presence. After
returning homo and retiring for the night,
and in the first dozo of coveted repose wo
wero startled with the sudden sound ot
musical demonstration ot the best order,
and upon rising wo found that the Bon
ton band on returning had stopped in
front of our houso and was giving us a first
class sercnado. After ministering to their
several wants with mutual congratulations
we again retired and the boys went on
their way happy and rejoicing. Thanks
gentlemen, always do tho samo when you
pass this way. The lost band book, how
ever, wo searched for early next, morning,
going even to Cambra, but wo failed to
find it.
Mis3 Laura Wenner of Bcndertown will I
havo a now stock of flno millinery goods I establishment of a college under his namol,10t, -n,i .Q l,n o liir
hv tho first of October. She will bo nleas. I which Is nnw lnnntnil nn fhn pirncr nf I -
v . , - ' ------ - - , ,. ..l rtl 4-l.n . ,tn.- nnaa
,1 li hnr mn ..n.tnmnra n.ll mri T.ol,.mnn. T . fPl, 1... 11.1 I IUUIU lull Ul II1CUJ, UUlll lvo
examine beforo purchasing elsewhere. I inc was desiened csneciallv for Prof. I WltUOllt taKine a lOO at Uie new
Farmers hereabouts have commenced I Wood, is heated by steam and offers all I dress gOOUS and trimmings, We
If you sec our wedding quilts
you will be surprised to know
the price is ouly $3,00, and you
will find all other goods this fall
very el'eap. Uur coats are Here
the i jor your inspection u'nl your
cutting corn. It is a fair crop,
Borne pooplo again complain of tho po
tato rot.
Tho rarly.BOwn wheat displays already
qulto a top.
comforts to its students that modern Inge-1 linvn n. freiifc mnnv now kinds of
nulty baa been ablo to Invent. It Is In dg Ifyou want dishes,
oery way a progressive institution. On I , J , i '
tllH flrflt flnnr In inn main linll wVtlMi glaSS Wa Or hlUipS We liaVC
two hundred and ten students, tho college I them, WO are unloading and UU-
Among our acqualntam ;s last Baturday I ofllce, handsomely furnished, gentleman's I packing every day without mucb
night at Cambra we noticed Alonzo Albert
son and John Moore.
Way up in tho nineties you will find
many hickory poles.
To whom much Is given much will be
required. Beware, Benjamin Harrison, ot
tho largo surplus. It is tho talent you
burled down, deep in the pocket i of job
hers and henco you hid your Lord's
money and ho will rcckon'with you In 18u2
when many unprofitable servants will bo
cast out, into outer political darkness,
where there shall bo weeping and wailing
and gnashing ot teeth,
J. B. Blue, a station agent at Orange-
villa and agent for tbo United States Ex
press Company, was airestcd last Friday
evening at Boncstown, upon a warrant of
E. P. Williams, for embezzlement of funds
ot the United States Express Company,
Mr. Williams went up on the B. & B. train
Friday to Central where ho secured tbo
services of Constable J. II. Vanslckle, tho
two secured a team ot Lloyd Zancr and
started at about halt past flvo for Boncs
town, arriving there at about half past ten.
They stopped at Wm. Perry's hotel and
found Mr. Blue was In bed. The two pro
ceeded to his room when ho was placed
under arrest. Uo was brought to Blooms
burg Baturday morning, and taken before
Justice of tho Peace, J. M. Clark Esq. In
default of ball ho was committed to jail to
await a hearing at Court next week.
AHltYour I'riciiclH About It.
Your distressing cough can bo cured.
Wo know It because Kemp's Balsam wth.
ir-i, i.natinir ot tlio railroad
caso adjourned last Thursday until October in tho past fow yous has cured so many
14lh Nearly two hunureu pages ui icsu- cougu nuu wui m .u.... ,
.,.' i,.. aln-adv been taken, and It Is remarkable salo has been won entirely by
..i ii,t much moro will be taken Its genuine merit.
beforo tho conclusion of the case Oca E. has used U what he thinks of Kemp's Bal
Elwell and O. W. Miller aro tho attorneys sam. There Is no medicine so ;pure, none
i t w And W. II. Rhawn and so effective. Largo bottles Wo and 91 at
,u. -- -- ..... I .,...! llnrrlnff for thO 1", It- 1
Tlie Queen l'liynnll KxpctiscB.
The Queen't last 'Free Trip to Europe'
having excited such universal Interest, tho
publishers of that popular magazlno offer
another and $200 ei'ra for expense, to tho
person Bending them tho largest list of Eng,
llsh woids constructed from letters con'
talned In tho thrco words "British North
America." Additional prizes consisting of
sliver tea sets, china dinner sets, gold
watches, French muslo boxes, Portiere
curtains, silk dresses, mantel clocks, and
many other useful and valuable articles
will also bo awarded In order ot merit. A
special prize of a Beal Bkln Jacket to tho
lady, and a handsome Shetland pony to
girl or boy (delivered free In Canada or
United Btates) sending tho largest lists.
Every ono seudlng a list of not less than
twenty words will receive a present. Send
six U. B, 2c. stamps for complete rulos,
Illustrated cataloguo ot prizes, and a sam.
plo of The Queen. Address Tub Canadian
Queen, Toronto Canada.
I WlHticdl YVH Demi,
After suffeiing several years with tho
Lcucorrhwa, a id no doubt I would have
been, ouly a lady induced mo to try Bui-
phur Bitters. Now I am well. Three bot
tles cured wo. Mr: Ooppt, Newport, R.
For points In Northern Iowa, Minnesota,
Bouth and North Dakota, (Including the
ioux Indtan Reservation In Bouth Dakota)
Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, on Sep
tember 0 and 23, and October H, 1890,
naif rate excursion ticket i good for thirty
days from date of sale.
For further information, circulars show-
rates of fare, maps, etc., address, George
II. Ilcafford, First Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ills., or John
R. Pott, Travelling Passenger Acent,
Williamsport, Pa. B-l-llt.
ItriniUeuiieHM Liquor Hntilt In
mi ine wonuiuerc ih hut one
iirc Mr. Ilulne-i' OoUteit Hpoclflc
It can bo clven In a cup ot tea or coffco
without the snowlcdgo ot the person taxing
It, effecting a speedy and permanent cure,
whether tho patient is a moderate drinker
or an alcohollo wreck. Thousands ot
drunkards have been curod who havo taken
tho Qolden Bpeclfla In their ooffeo without
their knowledge, and to-day believe they
quit drinking ot their own free will. No
harmful effect results from Its adm'niBtra-
tion Cures guaranteed. Bond tor circular
and tall particulars. Address In confidence
Gold S3 Brsoirio Co., 185 Race Street.
uiuoinnau.u. 1 u-Mly
A MprtUK Medicine.
Iho druggists claim thut people cal
daily for the new cure for constipation and
sick-headache, discovered by Dr. Silas Lane
while In the Rocky Mountains. It Is said
to bo Oregon grape root (a great remedy In
the far west for those complaints) combln
od with simple herbs, and is mado for use
by pouring on boiling water to draw out
tho strength. It sells at SO cents a pock
age and Is called Lane's Family Medicine.
Pensions I Veterans ! I
The Disability Pension Bi",
Act of Juno 27. 1890, grants pensions to
all ex-soldlers and sailors who served 90
days or moro In the Army or Navy during
the rebellion, ana were nonorao'y uiscuare-
ed, and who aro now suffering from any
permanent, menial or pnysicai disability
contracted since the war or during the war
whether from disease, lniuries or cilccts ot
old age, at the rate of from $0 to $13 per
month, according to tro aegrco or his dls
auuuv tonne neriormanco or lauor reautr.
Ing tho exertion of physical strength ;
provided tno disability is not quo to vlcl
ous habits. ThU penlou is not restricted
to tho veterans who have to mako their
llvine by hard labor, but is equally due to
proiessionai men or cierKs, provided incy
have an existing disability wuic i would
provent tho continuous cxerciso ot tho
physical strength of an able-bo Hod man.
Those wno have applied under tuo ccn
oral laws and who are unable to provo up
tno pending claim can apply ior and ce
cure this pension and then continue tho
prosecution oi me rormer claim and secure
lueir an ears.
It vou aro now drawlne a small pension.
say 3or $4 per month, you can take this
pension instead, and tf you havo an appli
cation on file tor Increase or additional
pension for new disabilities you can con
tinue tho prosecution of such claims whilo
drawing tho now pension, or you can file
an original claim for a disability contract
ed in tho service while drawing ponsion
under this new act.
Widows, children, and dependent moth.
ers and fathers aro entitled under this act
and can suspend tho prosecution of a. "
pending claim, and take this pension, and
afterwards complete tbo prior- cltm and
gel arrears.
Having been duly appointed an Aucnt
according to tho rules and regulations ot
tho Department of the Interior In tho pros
ecution of such claims and having had sue.
cess In a number ot cases I am always pre-
pared to give iniormation ana assist claim-
ants, and will assure them success If thev
aro able to establish the facts as required
by law.
Those Interested should call soon and
claim their reward.
Nurtb .Market Ht,
7-18-lul. Illmiiaiburif 1H,
cloak room, ladies' toilet and dressing PTTSS. ns nnr nvstfiin in the rear
room. On the second floor Is tho actual I ,i . t. i...
business department which seats lift y "l LUU ,1B 6U "mL
students, tho shorthand and typewriting do. ".0t USG lH Pavemen for rJ
department which seats one hundred ceiving or uenyering oi guous.
students, two lecturo halls, one seating I
ono hundred and seventy, the other ono
hundred students. The rooms aro lizhted
on thrco sides, furnished with patent set
tees, walnut desks and comfortable chairs.
Tho Hyde Park overflow which is on the
west sldo of Bcranton, accommodates
about ono hundred student and Is used
when tho main building is tilled,
A six months' coarso In f tonography and
typo writing will give a fair knowledge of
these popular branches. Tho collcgo of.
fcrs special rates In type-writers to gradu
At tho head of each department is an in
strucior or experience, who is In every
way fitted to fill! his Important position,
All fully realize, as Matthew Arnold has so
eloquently said, "Life is not having and
getting but being and becoming," and try
to Instil this spirit into thoso entrusted to
their care. Prof. F. E. Wood, the princi
pal, has been engaged In college work for
tho past 17 years, and thoroughly under
I. W. Eastman & Sons.
Are showing full lines of
newest dross goods in plain,
plaid and stripes at popular low
prices. They call bpecial at
tention to their Black Dress
Stock aud Prices. It will
pay all to see tho Bargains
in Silk Warp Black Henriettas
they offer. Our tablo linen
stock is complete. Xace cur
tains, window shades on spring
rollres. The velvet stock is well
filled. Try the 20c cloths, i
wool dress diagonals 12ic yd.
Bis: Bargains to-day, Titanic
stands the qualifications necessary to the twilled cloth 7c Vtl
an fUTtrrfflAt VA Tnon nf Tinutnitaa finnrnnlli
and thouehtful in his methods, and )iar Our corset stock is well
achieved a splendid success, which Is tbo Ribbons, buckles, briads
best evldencc'of ability. He has been very
fortunate in real estate operations, and cn
Joys the distinction ot having the largest
income of any teacher In tho Btate. There
are now over 700 students in attendance,
This college Is now the largest of Its kind
In the Btate, and the claim that it stands at
the head tn tbo lino of tho commercial
schools In Pennsylvania Is well founded.
&ranton Oorretpondent Tunlhannoek Republi
Not only the pooplo of Bcranton but the
cntlro county ot Lackawanna feels a Justl-
nablo prldo In this institution. Positions
aro not guaranteed to students rsgardlcss
oi auuity anu qualifications, as in somo
collegrs, but there Is such a demand for
thoroughly competent business men and
women that Prof, Wood constantly has
the pleasure ot placing many of his gradu
ates In positions ot honor and trust lhat
are gratifying alike to tho student, faculty
and himself.
llorHefor Bale,
A good young mare, betweon 3 and
years old, well broko, prico reasonable.
Wuite & Conner,
fllu Orangeville.Pa.
ro Nervous Ileliltltnlccl Hen.
It you will send us jrour aiilrws, we will mall
vou our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about
-Ji- ujo a uBieuraiou aioobro-Yoiiaio u)ll aud
Dlianeos. ard their a i.rmi
vous debilitated system, am
enecu unou tho cer
now tuejr win quick.
ly KHtore Igor and manhcod.p&uphhtt rroe.
11 jou aro thus afflicted, wo U1 Bend you a Uolt
nd Applhtnocuoa trial.
i-i i-ir. vouaio uaxx vo., uir&hiu, uto
Im It any Woitilur.
that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov.
cry outsells all other blood and liver medi
cines, slnco it possesses such superior cura.
tlve properties as to warrant Its manufac
turers iu supplying It to the people (as tbey
aro doing, through druggists) under condi
tions such as no other medicine is sold
under, viz: that It must cither benefit or
euro the patient, or tho money paid for It
will bo promptly returned. It cures all
diseases arising from deranged liver, or
from impuro blood, as bllliouiness, "liver
complaint," all skin and scalp diseases,
salt-rhcum, tetter, scrofulous sores and
swellings, fever-sores, hip-Joint disease and
kindred ailments.
$5 0 Reward for an locurablo caso of
cbronio Nasal Catarrh offered by tho
manufacturers of Dr. Bagu's Catarrh Re
medy. SO cents, by druggists.
I am now taking railroad lies oa trtdo
at my Ronton store.
Altkeii MoUknbt,
kinds, braid sets, buttons,
moulds, stays, elastic, note pap
er, kid gloves, Gordon dye fast
black hosiery, lace curtains.
Ladies' and Children's Coats
largest lino shown at lowest
prices, newest styles. Also capes.
It will pay all to call and see
our display of now goods.
IS Nature's effort to expel foreign sub
stances from tho bronchial passages.
Frequently, this causes inllamraatlon
and tho need of an anodyne. No other
expectorant or anodyne is equal to
Aycr's Cherry I'cctornl. It assists
Nature in ejecting tho mucus, allays
irritation, Induces repose, and is the
most popular ot all cough cures.
"Of tho many preparations beforo tho
Cubllo for the euro ot colds, coughs,
ronchltts, and kindred diseases, thero
is none, within tho range of my experi
ence, so roliablo as Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral, For years I was subject to colds,
followed by terrible coughs. About four
years ago, when so atlllcted, I was ad
vised to try Ayor's Cherry Pectoral and
to lay all other remedies aside. I did
so, and within a week was well of my
told and cough. Slnco then I havo
always kept this preparation In tho
houso, and tool comparatively secure."
Mrs. L. L. Ilrowu, Denmark, Miss.
"A few years ago I took a Bevere cold
which affected my luugs. I had a ter
rible cough, and paHud night after
night without sleep. Tho doctors gave
me pp. I tried Ayor's Cherry Pectoral,
which relieved my lungs, induced sleep,
and afforded tho rest necessary for tho
recovery of my strength, lly tho con
tinual uso of tho Pectoral, a iicnuancnt
euro was effectod," Horace Falrbrothor,
Rockingham, Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rairussD or
Dr. J. C, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.
eld Ijj all DpixcloU. I'll It i aU Mlk, X
llonal meeting.