THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Ni The Columbian . ,w?8 ovor toioro any Oonureia. J. Z. BUUntWor., B"tM BLO0AI3BURQ, PA. FRIDAY, SKPT. 10, 1800. Tho Convention at Reading on Tuosday of the Democratlo Sociotica wsg attended br 1500 delegates. Snecohes wero tnado by Pattison Black, Ilonsol and othots. O0UNTT COMMITTEE. A mooting of tho Damooratlo Send ing Committee was hold ou Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Court Ilonso as per call of tho chairman. Secretary called tho roll. Thu follow- ini momuen uoing prcaoni, uaavor, It U party in powor for tho next ton years. It was prepared by Robert P. Porter, tho naturalized Englishman at tho liosd of census bureau and its paisago would bo as gross an injustice as the repub lican party in all its history has over perpetrated. Tho facts about tho Rood campaign aro gradually leaking out. It is now certain that tho protcotod manufact urers had tho "fat fried" out of Uiein to iho extent of at loast 8100,000 to elect Boss Reed, who did so muoh for thom in railroading jug handled tariff bill through tho Uouso. No wonder tho republic ans say that money wai used in Maine! and yet, Heod got a smaller voto than ho did in 1870 or ,88. Tuo success of tho domocrats tn proventinir tho Boating of two nogro contestants in tho IIouso last weok by breaking a quorum has caused many democrats to ask why tho samo tactics wero not adopted at the beginning ol tho session in order to navo provontc tho adoption of K.-cds llules. 1 ai "" ."""V ? ' : ,7, .; tno auopiiou oi iveus jvuios. i ai Jesso Rittonhousej Bonton, J. S. Klinoj i a pj8VoH to answer that quostion. Sloonx Jno. It. Townsenii; Briar- Tho d.a ot broaking a quorum by creek, R. F. Kshinka; Cat awiMi, O. L . absenting thcm3olvos lrom tho IIouso Pohe: Centre. A. D. Bradon Fishing creok, D. Molloury; Hemlock, S. Shoe maker, Jackaou, Moioa Savage; Mifllin, Jno. Knios; Montour, E. V. Jlunyati; Mt. rioasant, Amos Waniob; Soott E, T. W. Hartmanj Scott W, A. F. Tor williger; Sugarloif, Daniel Stoadman. Candidates, E. M. Towksbury, Win. Kriokbaum, Campbell, Qulok, CUris man, Rittonhnuse, Millard, woro also present. Tho chairman opened tho meeting by a few pertinent romarks stating his reasons for oalling tho con vention togethor, desiring tho co-operation of every committeeman in tho comlnc campaign, expressing a wish that we shall make was lamely favorod by the democrats, and would havo undoubtedly boon adopted by them, but for tho fact that Mr. Carlislo then a member of tho IIouso and tho reaoanized democratic leader, and the Into Samuel J. Randall then on his death bed, advised against it CotieretH was bottor employed on Saturday than it hai been for some time past. Iu tho Senato cnlogios were delivered on tho lato S. J. Rind all, and in the IIouso on Senator Reck. There was a big row m tho mpabli oan Honao caucus oaiuraay nignt, Renreseutativo Payson led a revolt t we sha 1 make it an aggressivo K Ueed and tho MoKinley.a a orats of Columbia County wo may bo ablo to return a majority for R. E. Pattison that will bo worthy of our county. E. M. Towksbury in a few well chosen remarks that had tho true ring of Democracy, offered his services to the chairman in whatever manner he could be used stating also that ho was perfectly satisfied to pay what ever tho assessment committee may assess him. Wm. Uhrisman It. q. tol lowed by oalling npon tho candidates to respond liberally to tne can ot mo Chairman, as funds must bo had to conduct a campaign. Ilia past experL onco was that tho candidates some times decline to pay their assessment, niacins tno Unairman in a vory un pleasant position, causing bills to go tuoked their tails betweon thoir legs and accepted tho inevitable after Sneaker Reed got up and thundered his orders for tuo indorsement of the resolution. Reed is greater than his party, and his will is obeyed without question, or tho rebellious subject is ro- legated to tho rear. Bepnblloan Plan of Campaign. In the movements 'of the organiza tion of the Republican party in Penn sylvania, it i manifest that the prin o'ples of "Quayism" aro strictly ad hered to. Instead of denying, or at tempting to answer the charges made against Delamater, the managers of tho party campaign have adopted a nlan of sowiucr broadcast throughout unpaid, &&, suggesting that wo adopt tho State, in a series of documents of a role that some of our counties have tno m08t remarkale oharacter, tho mut- adopted, that when a candidate refuses ilated record of Governor Pattison to pay his assesotnent the County while in office. Chairman shall not place his namo on As has been said, those documents the elootion ticket. D. MoHenry fol- at0 0 the mast remarkable oharaoter. lowed by urging tho committeo to Nothing like them has been imposed havo meetings in every district, but in Up0n t,no intelligence, of the people, of order to do so the Chairman must Pennsylvania; by the managers of a have fonds'and, therefore, expressed a political party for many a day. Whero hope that tho, Chairman will meet with thoy failed to insult tho intelligence of B iiuuiai icapuuau uuui tua uauuiuuwo. uq people, lb IB BLUipiy UGMuao R. Q. F. Kshinka followed with somo are too ridiculous to be seriously con very practical remarks in connection flidered. They most disgust the old with campaign work, believing that veterans in their party and we can im by active work we oan poll the largest 0glne the grimness of ex-chairman majority oyer polled in our county. Cooper's smilo in hi sleeve as ho con- John limes made somu good sugges- templates their puerility, tions, also approving of the action of The dooument upon which these tfio Chairman in calling the committee aCnte managers evidently prido them- together, believing that better results selves moBt is. the one in which they will follow when harmony and unity I attempt to set forth tho alleged hostil prevail. On motion the Chairman was I it, v 0f Governor Pattison toward the instructed to make arrangements for H0ldiers. Of course their chief target amlo, and imbibing tho spirit of tho principles ol tho great itopuuitoan puty. Thcro is sufficient in this dis cretion to movo nd but tho most hardened ones to tear. Whllo this biographical skctoh admitiedly, gots a great way, it does not in every par ticular go quite far enough. For in stance, it tells that Sena'or Delamater is at the head of tho b.inklng housi of Delamator ifc Co.t a director of tho Merchants National Bank of Moadvlllo, prosldent of tho company and owner of the controlling itiuiMl in tno menu, villo and L!nc.VilU r.iilrcad; presidout of tho Mead villo Fuel Gas Company and that ho is coi.ncot d With numer ous corporations It tells nil ttii", but fails to mako nny monllon of Sen ator DelamaU'r's coni.ootlon with tho Standard Oil Company, lhat great monster that U crush n, out the life of hundreds of businpfs inio ens in Penn sylvania. Tlii 0'im,iiehensivo biogra phy is also (i'tut with ii'j'cot tj tho fact that the iinmiculalo republican candidate for G -ve.n r was cicely identifitd and io'iIp clod with the do funct bauk of America tviiich brought so muoh mi He hue at,d uistrmi to hun dreds of tho working poople of Philad elphia. A bno representative indeed, of tho interests of tho people, is this confessed corporation bound oandidato of tho republican patty. Seward of Ointments for Catarrh that Con tain Meroarj, as mercury will surely destroy tho sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles ehould usver be used except on prescriptions' from reputablo physi cians, as the damage tlioy will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derlvo from tbem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo' O, contains no murcury and is taken internally, and acts direct ly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall's Ca tarrh Cure be sure you get tho genuine. it is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Choney & Co. l"Sold by DrnggisU, 75a per bottle. 0-lD 4-t. Eiperlenoa Taught Mel And my money paid for it. After having Liver Complaint four yoars, and spending money for nostrums and doctors who didn't help mo, I tried Sulphur Bitters. Six bottle cured mo 1 shall always uoo thom. (t. J. Jiutr ler, Oohoes, iV. Y. 0-19-2t. Peculiar ttUnr peculiar points mako Ilood's Sax, lipiMlli superior to all other inedlclnei. recullir In combination, proportion, and preparation of Ingredients, nood'i Sariaparlua possesses tno tullcuratlro valus ot tho best known remedle'Wr ol the vegetable, king- VV S dom' rccullar In l'ej strength and economy -XHood'a Bar aparUla bH60the onlyrnedl tlno oi '-Jr- which can truly btald,oJ One Hundred Doses OnJrA DoUar." Medlclnca In r and amaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as Ilood's. Fecullar In Its medicinal merits. Hood's Barsaparllla accomplishes cures hlth- TtA unknntrn. unrt him trnn fnr lUntr tho MUeof "The greatest blood tit purifier ever discovered." rtV recullir In Its "good name home," there Is now ot Hood's Sarsaparllla sold In Lowell, whore xvltlsmade, than of all other blood purifiers. . reeullar In Its phenome- nal record ot sales abroadr jVno other preparation has yX Ter attained such popu- Vlarlty In so short a time, v . . . i , yipr . and confidence among all classes S of people so steadfastly. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, but ba sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla BM bj n dniccliU. fltilzfoifl. rru4ly tj C I. HOOD CO..wUtUlM,lwU, IOO Dosoa One Dollar it SlicriiT's Sale. :X. nZ-A-IEE, ! By rlrtuo ot writs ot PL Fa, lsiuod out ot the oourt of Common Pleas ot Col. Co., 1'a., aud to msairocted, there will be sold In the Sherltfs Of floo In the Court Itouw, Bloomsburg, Pa., on SATURDAY, SKPT. 27, 1890. at 2 o'clock In tho afternoon the follow loj: All that certain lot or piece ot land situate In Conyng- ham township, Col. Co. Pa., bounded as follows to- wlti On the north by lot ot Mrs. Patrick Larell,' on tho east by lanls ot Locust Mointiln Coal it Iron Co., on the south by Park street, and on (lie west by rrautwlno strost, coatalnlng Twentj.Bro feet In front and One Hundred and Forty In depth wnorcon are erected a DWKLLINQ HOUSE, BARN and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot An drew Lcnlhan vs. Patrick Lavell anl Ilrldget La- Tell and to bo sold as tho property of Tatrlck and undget La veil. JUkr, Atty. ALSO! At tho simo time and placo, all that certain lot orpieoocf land situate In Conyngham twp., Col. Co., Po., bounded as follows to-w.t: on the north by rark street, on the east by lot of Michael Tig h, on the south by the land ot the Locust Moun tain Coal & Iron Co., and on the west by lot ot John Ilaffy. coita'nlng TWBNTY FIVE FEET In front anl One Hundred and Forty feet In depth whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE and outbuildings. BcUcd, taken Into execution at .the suit ot the Pooplo'a nulldlng & Loin AtiocU tlon ot Olrards- vllle, ra., vs. Itlehard Joyce, and to be sold as the property ot Richard Joyce. MlRR, JOHN 11. CASKV, Atty. hherlff. THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER, -:o.' 0 HDINANCE NO. 53 opening tho campaign by holding a mass meeting in Blooinsburg on Oct. 8th, inviting R. E. Pattison and other prominent sneakers. Unl motion a committee was appointed on assess ments consisting of R. Q. F. Kshinka. John limes and tho Unairman. On motion adiourned to meet on Saturday, Oct. 4th. WASHUHxTOH LETTER. (From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, Sept. 15, 1800. Senator Carlislo thinks there i great danger of a financial panic, if tho republicans persist in allowing the amendment to the tariff bill, which provides for tho removal of all import ed goods irom the uovernment bond ed warehouses beforo Ootober 1, to stand. He says'' I went to Senator Aldrioh and begged him to withdraw tho amendment, but he refused. Tho otnendmonc was adopted because the republicans wish to punish the import ers of the country for their opposition to tho tariff bilL Wo shall tight tho amendment in conference and try to avoid the crash which threatens tho mnnfltr mfirlrAf " Sftnatnr Vnnnft WA3 was eqially 6mphatio in condemning I republican mauagers suddenly recolleot the amendment Ho said: "I hardlv how their present standard bearers, is his vote of the "soldiers burial uill", and the lesser ones the voto of a num ber of personal pension bills. Of course the same unfairness which prompted such an attack has witheld in each in stance tho good and sufficient, the salutary reason why Governor Pattison felt impelled to veto tne measures. These reasons are fully contained in the measures and no reasonable man, fmo of partisan nroiudice, can read them without admitting tho lorce of Governor Pattison's obiceliins. In not a sinulo ono of these cases was tho objection which led to the Veto direct ed toward the purpose of the bill, but toward the careless manner in which it had been drawn; the utter absence of the ordinary safeguards whioh wcll- diuestod legislation demands. Iu the caso of the soldiers burial bill, itself, even Col. Thomas J. Stewart, its groat ohainnin, has admitted that an urgent neccssitv exists for its amendment just in tho particulars objected to by Goyernor Pattison, and it is tho pur pose of Uol. btewart to navo proposed iust such an amendment in the next Locrislature. ' j . . . While engaged in this lutue appeal to the prejudices of the soldiers, the Bee how a crash can be averted, and when it comes tho country will havo a practical illustration ot some ot tho in quiries of this tariff bill. Wo shall endeavor to avert disastrous results in the conference committee, but I fear Senator G. W. Delamater, on tho OO' casion of his return from the reuubll can state convention in 188H, in the midst of an enthusiastio speech at Moadville, "put his foot into it", so to spoak, by indicating very plainly that that we shall not be allowed to aecom- in his opinion "it was time for the "old plish anything. The republicans seem- soldier" to take a baok seat and give nd determined to be uniust. oven if it tho voung men a obanco." This iu- brings on a financial panic on'v protest. Tho tariff bill is going through tho form of being considered by the House Ways and Moans committee, but that committee win do nointng We can I tomperate uttorauce must bo gotten rid of in some way. The easiest way seems to be to print Delamator'a speeoti on that occasion and omit this damag ing part of it, so to this end a whole HEADQUAETER8 CAMPAIGN FlflAHUE COMMITTEE. rnllAPELPlIIA TARIFF REFORM CLUB. To the Citizens of Pennsylvania. Your interests are involved in tho election of Congressmen this fall. Tho Monopoly l'arty proposes in tho McKinley Tariff Bill to still further advance tho present duties on both raw materials and manufactured goods, thereby making you pay moro for what you use. The price of labor or farm products win not be aavanoea and no one will be benefited by this measure but corporations, trusts, combinations and some special manufacturers. Tho advocates ol real tana roforra propose to give our industries free raw materials thereby cheapening the cost of goods to you, and also propose to protect labor by a sufficient duty on loaeign manutaoturea goods, thus tan it reform does not mean low wages. Free raw mateiials would canse an average saving to each voter of at least $50 a year on the necessaries ot life over what he would pay for the same arti cles if the MoKinley Tariff Bill should beome a law. There are twenty-eight Congress men to be elected in Pennsylvania this fall. The Monopoly Party havo con trol of the offices and patronage, also free access to tho purses of the pro tected monopolies and wo believe thev will use money to lnnueni.e me results in tho debatable districts. Many of the districts are close and if properly organized oan bo carried for the free raw material candidates, We appeal to yod for a Voldk- TAR1T CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS UELl'INO tub Cause. Money will bo uoeded for legitimate expenses, such as meetings, speakers, printing, etc. This is the people's fight. Every contribution counts. Will yon not assist by Bend ing at once at least ono dollar; or if you oan afford it fivo or ten dollars, Do not leave this for your neighbor to send, but send yourself and see that your neighbor sends his, also. In un ion there is strength, and thousands of small contributions brought into one fund and under one direction will bring success. Please Bend your contributions to Henry J. Maris, Chairman, P. O. Box 1178, Philadelphia. H. J. MARIS, OtJ. M. Marls Ca wholesa1 Drugslsta Sundries. JOHN. A. BRILL, Of J. a. Brill Car Co, TFOMAS DEVLIN, OtThos. Devlin Co. Hardware f Com. Mar jracturero. WILSON WELSH, Merchant Miller, HENRY IIEYMANN, Ot T. J. Dunn Co., wholesale wholesale Cigars Tobanco, Democratic State Ticket. Fob Governor, ROBERT E. PATTISON, of Philadelphia. For Lieutenant Governor, CHAUNCEY F. BLACK, of York. For Secretary of Interna. Affairs, OAPT. Wm. H. BARCLAY, of Allegheny. County Ticket. An orrtlnanna tolar out and ODen a street or l highway Irom a point on the LlghLtrcet road, near the Junction ot socond n1 nisi streets to I First Btreet, ana naming it Nortu street. De it ordained and enacted bj the 7luvi Omnctl Of Vie frHonqfliloonubjrg. and it (t hereby en- I onea vy auinuniv aj tne mine : S'ctiO" 1. That a Btreet and hlihwar ho onen- edasfotlora: TUe centre line thereof shall be rfln In the north line of tho L'gntatreet mid at a poim lorcr-uve iuet e isiwaruiy oi luq wen line ot said road, as widened and opened tn ordinance number thirty-throe (31): thence north twenty nve dear ja ten minutes west (N 21 dg 10 Wjpar allol with Iron street two hundred anl nttr feet (S5U ft) through lands of the estate ot Emma 11. Neal. to line ut landa ot C w. Kvea : thence In the I Bame direction tnrougn lanus oi s ud :. w. Kvea I one nunarea ana ser?nty-two toec to First street. wnica sunei hi De mtr reeL wiae. siction 2. That said street shall be named and shall be known as North street. Siction 3. That DrooeedloES be Instituted for the SBsessment ot damazea to all persons who I may ue injured, ana couinuuuons on an Bucn Ipropervea as snail uu oeneuma vj mo opening of said street as above described. Passed at a meeting ot tne Town council ueia u. a. iiauumu. Comes to the -front with a Complete new FALL and WINTER stock of tho MOST SELECT ULOTHIINti lor em, Youths,, Boy s9 mid CMMmil QUANTITIES OF ' O vereoate of all EiiMfe9 Litest Style tf HATS! CAPS! SHIRTS! COLLARS AMD NECKWEAR, Traelks, ValiseB mid Bmderweair IN ABUNDANCE. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHTNG MADE TO ORDER. Respectfully Yours, ! I. MAJER. :o;- Sent. . 1990. Attest, w. B. cummings, secretary. President. wa-st. For Congress, HON. S.P. WOLVERTON. Subjjot to cL'ci-iioa of Congressional Conferees, Seventeenth District. For State Sem.vtor, GRANT HERRING. Subject to (locUion of Senatorial Conferee, Twenty-Fourth District. For Representatives, Wm. KRIOKBAUM, E. M. TEWK3BURY. -IDOWS' API'UAISEllENTd. The following widows' aDoralscmentl will be presented to the orphan' Court ot Columbia county on tne (ourtn uooaty ot sept., a. d. iso, and confirmed nisi, and unless ex.eptlona are Died within tour days thereafter, win be conQrmed ab-soluto: joseDh carl Est. Locust, personaitr 1 too. oo. John U. Quiet, Est, Montour, personalty noo.oo. i;oaues ti. -iror, ueiver. personally MUU.uu, i Geonro Hasaerc Est. hloomsbur?. Dersonaltr sioaoiL uana Keener v.n, sucarioar, persinany Viiv.uu. i Peter H Knaon Est. Uloomabunr. rcrsionaltr t-ioaoo. llenjimln Zlgler Rat, Scott, personalty $T.7 ncnaei tuuer Est, orange, realty J ioo.0). Clerk's omce, Hept, 1 WM. IL NV DER, Cleric v. c. HtSThe largest and choicest line . of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Montour and Columbia Counties, Pa. For Associate Jcdoe, MORDEOAI MILLARD. For District Attornsv, WILLIAM OHRISMAN, For Protiionotarv and the Courts. G. M. QUICK. For Register and Recoruer, O. H. CAMPBELL. For Treasurer, JOHN L. KLINE. ForCountit Commissioner i, JE33E RITTEN HOUSE, B. F. EDGAR. For Auditors, JERE B. NUSS, CYRUS ROBBIN8. For Countv Surveyor, SAMUEL NEYHARD. RfllAqmnnWANTKr). Pennane nt employment, uaiUUUrjUnofxl salarv or carrm IkIod. Finn nnr. nt& Full line of fruits and Flowers. Filceslow, A. D. PRATT, urscrymaa, Rochester, N. Y. V-IC lb. JEOISTER'S NOTIOE. Notice is herebyrtttin to all leiratoes. creditors and other persons Interested In tho eitates ol the rcsDectlve dcedonta and minora that tne follow. lmr administrators' executors' vruardlans accounts havo been and In ihe ofttco or tho Itjuter of 1 uoiumDia county ana win do presented ror con firmation anl allowance In the Orphans' Court to uu ueiu iu uiuuuiuunf, tuu ist Moaatiy in septem. ucr, low, ub a y. ui. No. 1 First an 1 final account ot Aaron Rotrart. executor of Daniel uorart. Iiu of KUhmjreelc. Or.Enir oif I OoL Co., deceased. no. z First and nntl account of T. F. Craig, nd- No. 3 First and nnal tuvunt or IVUlUm TI. and John nowelL administrators ot the eitaM ot uas uowcil uto oi ut. Pleasant township, col .u., uuvcuwu. ARB Vta BEST POROUS PLASTERS IN THE WORLD. Ther enre Rheumatlsih. Eidner Fains. Rackache. PlenrlBT and all lamencfB brooght on by exposure or OTer-exsrtion. it von vui. Quick Relief from ifUA a picturf or a octi on back-cloth, for there li no pUiter.wcAM liniment, or lotion tnt n&t such complete xn&sterj over ALL ACHES AND PAINS. Dr. Oroirenor's llrll-Can-lIc PlaateTrt are Pnrelr Vegetable and IltrmleM. UeUerq Instantly and nerer fall to cure. 8AFK, QUICK AND 8UHK. Sold by drocEtiU or mailed on receipt of 33c. C3UOHTENOR ft niCUAUDS, BottoD, Muu. 8-l!Q4t. Hemlock Franklin wnitenlent. Jackson-T. w. smith, J. a. Ipchla, U. II. Ulrlo- Patents Granted- To citizens of Ponnitylvaoia daring tuo p'st ween ana reported especially tor tills paper by U. A. onow it UO, patent Attornoys and Agents lor pro- curing pateola, opposite rtueut Ullioo, Wastiinrftoo, 1J. U. It; W. Bayley, Pittsburg, Brake- beam hantrer: W. M. Coneland. Slow- art Ol 11, nu iu lum tuu a nuuio v.. - ' Dill reooni Vo Ul 0uuiuC, V R n,.lvnr. PilUt. VmiUrl mend noriKSonoarrenco in tho Sonato ilocnments, noaueu "ieiatpaier enaors. , r,.ii,. R,i,iin m',Ji TRAVERSE JURORS SECOND WEEK, Beaver Simon Rlttennouse. Beaton uarver w. Uims. Berwick o. w. Bruhiker, Goo. Dopugh, William Bloom John Corbet, F. C. Eyer, Jas. nendershott, Brlarcreek-l.amul Ilouck. Catawl&A-Jobn Y. Weaver, Adam Trucltenmtl ier. uenrr w. fox. Centralla Patrick Conway, W. E. Davis, n. J. ufce. cawara ncraaien. Centre llarvev Knorr. FJsh'ngcreet Alfred Iless, Ilarman C. Kline, J. r . nuueurv. FrankUn-Jacob W. Arltev. Urcen wood John Eyer, IMsh Falrman. nta man. Madlsoi Abram Robblns, Thos. Mordan. Malu J, w. Keichuer. Mtmi l J. K. unvder. z. Taylor Bowman. soott-Harvey Ruckle, O. W. Keichuer. gugarloaf Clinton cole. juaoua fob Sep r. tkru. U1IANLI JUUUUS. Berwick James M. seeinoi z. oeo ira Westler. Bloom Nathan Chromls, William Kroamer, John i rauuer. Catpwlsai James R. Blbby. Centre -Clinton Urobat. Oreentvood Bllnas Cole, Wesley Morris, Thomas ouyucr. Jackson Michael nartman. Locuat o. a. newer. MaClson Boyd Christian, Jacob Shoemaker. Main Kl'as bhuman. aumin-F. K. smover. Moitouj Peter 8. Karshner. Mt. Pleasan: Amos Wanlch. Orange p. V. ciossen, J. IL Falrman. i mo u. ii. uorauur, w. u. uayinan. Bcott William ItinKrose. bugarloat Uicon iless. Na 4 First anl final account ot Aaron Boone. ct:uujrui aiary n. anvaer, iatooi inn townsuip ot Scott, CoL Co., deceased. No. s First and final account ot o. W. Ash. ad ministrator ot tho estate of sunn V. Ulcus, late ottnetownsmpotunircreecoi. Co., deceased. No. S First and anal aoco int of R n in uel Frantz, executor of tho esta'a ot Anna Print:, lato ui tu, uorouga oi uerwicic, uju ua, aeceisea. No. 7 First and final account of William Chrls- man, administrator of Hanih Quick, late of the wjwu ui uiuomtjurg, kjiu i;u ujass-l. No. 8 First ani dual account of Wlllam E. Pat terson, executor ot Anna lane Lochart late ot tho township ot ureenwooj, col. Co., decease!. No. 9 First and nntl account ot John Annie. man, executor of Chrlstlanna Weiss, lato ot the townsnip oi uemiocc, i;jl uo., uoceasoa. No. 10 First and Dartlal account of Cornelius Fetterman anl Wilson Yeaser, executors ot Simon rciienu&ii. lam ul uucuul luwhsdid. uoi. ii.. ae. ueusuu. No. 11 First anl flnil account of lohn w. roucnt and samuei st.icknius'i. aimmistrators of Rebecca stackhouse, late ot 1'lna townsnlp, Col. co., aceasea. No 1 First and final account of Sitnuel Jaco- by, e iardt in ot Harriot Mellck, a minor child of Godfrey Me'lck, late ot lit. Pleasant township, No II Thacjouat if OinlelR Jo'initoa. ad. mlnlstritor ot tho eitate of William Johnston, law vi iutuiLsuu uiwaiui), ui., uocenwu, No 1 First and final aooountoIDavIl P. Kel ler, administrator ot Mwpn u Keller, 1 ite of the townuip oi ureenwooa cot, uo , doceasea. No. is Tho account of Phinlai Cool adminis trator ot tne estate or -lanniu cool lata or Mon tour ujwasuip, t;oi. uo., aeue&soi. No. H First and anal account of John It. Keel er. executor of Marian uesi, latoot Uenton town Duly, Lrtj., uouoawa. No. 17 Second anl flnil ao;ount ot Obvllah locim. admtnutrator ot E 1Kb Yocura. lato of Locust townsnip, col Co., decoaiM. No 14 First and flnil account of D. R. Mellck administrator, etc or Manraret. Mellck. lato o uioomsourg, uol uo., a eased. No. 10 First and flail account of Daniel L. Singly and Charles Kilngerman, executor ot Jacob ituntrermau, late oi ueaver townuip, lkil, uo., i uoueaseu. No. so An account of the al-nlnlstratloa ot Nehemlah Kitchen, exeoitorol I'litllp pplemin, late oi tno towmnip oc urejuwoxi, uol uo.,.ao- I UIWHU, No. si The tint anl nail account of J. J, Brown, administrator e'e mats non cun testamen- I to annexo of Jacob rone. I no of tuo to-vnsup ot muiio, iuuav ui ujiuiauiu. No. 21 Tne account of E. V. Uartman anl J. E. Wilson executors of llenry C. Uartmin, Uto oi tne town oi uioonsourf, uouuiy ut uum auu, rennsyivauia, ueceaseu. No. sj The first and flnal account ot U A. Munson. ono ot too Administrators ot ti. J. Mun. i son, late oi ureenwooa tonbuip, uoiumoia couu- No. 21 First and Dartlal account of Wm. S. Moyer, executor ot tus last win aal tettamout ot M. u moan, late oi uioomsoun;, aeceasea, a II. CAMPBELL. Ken ister. A DMINIdrH.VTOIi'3 NOTIOE. Etuite of David Lexcts, Itte oSajartoaftwp deo 'd. Notice la hereby given that letters of admlnts. tratlou on the estate ot Divld Lewis, late ot the township of su;arloaf, county ot Columbia, and state ot Pennsylvania, deceased, have boen grant ed to Oscar Lewis and D. J. Lewis, of Suzarloaf, uoiumnia county, ra, to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requeithd to make pay ments, and those having claims or demands will make known tho same without delay to or to OSCAR LBWIS, ruin. Atty. D. J. LEWIS, Administrators. FOR SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. oEisriisra-i Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Wednesday, September 17th. MISS H. E. WASLEY, Main Street, Illooiusburg Pa. -NEXT DOOR TO I. W. IIARTMAN & SONS. The undersigned, surviving executor ot the last will and testament of Ezeklel Cole, late of Sugar loaf township, In Columbia county, Penna., now offers at private sale a large body ot the most de- slr ble real estate to be found In the township. It consists ota tract ot land lying upon both sides of tho Flsblugcreek, and comprising in the whole about 28 Acres That, portion of It which Is upon the wost side of the creek has the following improvements and advantages, to-wlt. A large frame DWELLING HOUSE, formerly kept u a notel, a Frame Building erect. ed for and occupied as a country store, a large frame building erected and occupied as a tenant hsuse, and also outbuildings, saw mill, c. It Is well wooded and has a considerable quantity ot excellent fruit. It Is accessible by two public roads and a county bridge, and also by the Blooms burg Sullivan railroad, and It contains about 111 Acres. The remainder of the tract lying upon the east Bide of the creek, U also acccsslbls by two public roads and a county bridge across Flshlngcrcek to the railroad. The Improvements are a large bam c., the whole tract having been occupied as the homestead farm. This piece contains about 170 Acres. It will be eold together or in parcels as may be deemed most expedient. The sale will be by the acre. A draft ot the land with the Improve menu roads, C, can be seen in the hands of the ex ecu- tor at the banking bouse ot the bloomsburg Bank. Ug Company, where also inquirers may learn terms ot sale, &a Aug. 1-1 a II. IL GROTZ, Executor, Uloomsburg, Pa. iFiii mm. amendments, leaving the Saht to tako place in the conference committee, Tbe present intention is to gag ,tho House by tno passage ot a resolution introduced by Mr. MoKinley Saturday to prevent consideration or voting up on anv of the Senate amendments by tbe House sittintr as a comvniuoe of tbe whole. This aotion has been takon under Boss Reed's orders ho knows that there aro a number of republicans in tho bouse who would Gladly vote with the democrats if thoy could get a chance, on several of tho Senato amendments. The Lonisiana delegation made a Btronrr protest befde tho Ways and ed" U devoted to the defense of tho Meadvillo speech. But alas, those who have undertaken to steer JJela inaler out of deep water, in their efforts to bIiuu Cbarybdis have run into Soylla. Senator Delamater has been busy for some time past in quietly telling the independent uopuDiicans wuom uo is privately seeking out, that ho is "not for Quay" but will promise to throw Quay overboard when he is elected. In the JHeadvuie speecu auove reiereu to, appear theso words "who can for get what tho wise and peerless Quay, tho stalwart uameron ana mo uauant Bjaver havo contributed in building oar nartv polioy". So, 'tho wise and Means committee against tho date peerless Quay", one whom Delamater ncW lulKu oi iuiuniu;uioiuuiu. n iu ho do itT Can he atlord to do UI it ho does, is ho a worthy object to trust! What can bo thought of tho promises of a man who will proclaim a political friend "wiso and peerless' wben no is seeking bis aid for a nomination and then secretly promise to go back on him alter ward. Tho only other ono of tho remark- ablo republican campaign dooumeots wnicb is worthy of particular nctico is tlio biograpicaf skotch of their oandi dato tor uovcrnor. it is supposea to cover the whole ground. It goes into tho ancestral history oi ueia mater, it shows that ho Is oftho eighth genera tion of Delemaitre. That his paternal anoestry is to bo traced baok for nine in I act, it conclusively March 1, 1891 3et for the sugar sohodulo to co into effect. I hey show ed the committee that it meant ruin for tho sugar planters to be compelled to sell their oron for commK vear in a market brought down by free foreign B..gar, and asked either that the timo bo extended to July 1, or that tho chance co into effect immediately, Thev cot no satisfaction from tho committee. Tho republicans ore suspiciously quiet about tho proposed extra session, nnd thoro is a diflcronoe of opinion re garding it among them. Thoy nil want tho oxtra session, but lots of tbem want Mr. Harrison to assume tno res ihllitv bv callincr an oxtra session while ho, and the members of bis cab net insist that Congress should take cr for pumps; J, G. Hughes, Mahony City, Bottlc-Stopper; W. II. Kennedy, Etna, Mothod of and apparatus for the production of mineral wool: F. Koskul Williumsport, Ornamental wood-wor't-1 inc; J. Lakio, Bradford, Inkstand; T. C. MoPhorson, Beaver Falls, Wire-1 coiling apparatus; Z Molten ,Erie, Jar Utter; IL, a. l'txk, norm liiat, uopo clamp; J. Robcrson, Pottsville, Guard- bolt for oar-platform; W. J. aage.Uon- nollsville, Washing maohlne; G. W. Sample, York, knittiuc-maohtnes;"' G. Westtngnouse Jr., rutsburg' JMecino- converter. rmnoralions. vm-w , 0 . ..... . , the responsibility by taking a recess proves that uis wooq is oi tno uiuesj to November 10. Tho object of them oi tno oiue mav uo uruy .m all is tho samo the passage ol tho son oi ion wnu obnoxious forco bill. other striking iea ure oi m B"V m,.- 1.111 .l.Iil. haa I In lllfl naiVU UU1KJI11JUUU w Kvuu AUB uumiiuuuwoill. uill rr.v,u I- - --- --- - ,! r , 1 .1 1 I... llAnvaoAntfl na I CiT LIIO 11LL1U UVlUUiawt Ollliui, hv vuw TI tl I. .l,..r, n maalnn, flf I 1GUL Ol U1U arUUU uivnu v Movr to noil nu tuKK "Isn't it strange," said a short, foreign looking man the other day to some com panions whllo lunching together at one of tbe restaurants, "that not one cook In fifty, nor housekeeper either, knows how to boll an egg? And yet most pooplo think they know this simple matter. They will tell to drop It into boiling water and let it re main three minutes and to be sure the water is boiling. "Here is where the mistake Is made. An egg so prepared is indigestible and hardly fit for a well person, let alone, one who is sick, to eat. The moment it is plunged in to boiling water tbe white hardens and toughens. To. boil an egg properly put it iu a vessel, cover with cold water, placo over tbe fire and the second tho water be gins to boll your egg is done. The white ' Is as delicate as a Jelly and as easily dl. nested and nutritious, as it should be. Try it." Tho Information Is worthy of considers. tlon, since tbe speaker has occupied tbe place of chef at several of the largest hotel in the country. tooo lyunae. GARMENTS ARE!31TRE TO BEIN HAND WHEN NEEDED BY PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW. THE CHOICEST OF THE CHOICE ALWAYS GO FIRST, AND "PICKS' MADE NOW HAVE THE ADVANTAGE. FOREIGN WOOLENS ARE TURNING DEARER AND THE POSSIBILITY OF FUR THER RISE IS NOT DISTANT. WE HAVE NOT ADVANC ED PRICES AS YET. FALL 111 E. O. THOMPSON, 11IHCU1XT T1IL0B, uroBTia, 008 Walnut Btkest, puiladblpuia. WANT ID! tuning Halesmao here. Ijt-clast a wevitir. uoinmiaaion or salary, no p.-ulti and speclalUes. can rot a froo! Darin? lib for the! Write lor mil usrnui ana paruouiari. ruitu B.TUU1SU. Nurseryman, KL IloebMter, N. V. I A KOOd P pay guranwe HjiUck telling I VA1U1BRS I winter, Wr mojuo PUBLIC SALE -OF VALUABLE Real Estate! Tho Trustees of the First ITesbytcrlan Church ot Bloomaburs w,U eiposo to Pi Ulo Bale on tbe premises In Uloomsburg 1'a. on WEDNESDAY OOTOBER 1. 1890 at 10 o'clock tn the forenoon. The OLD CHURCH PROPERTY", situated on the East side ot Market street bound. ed on the Forth by lot of Mrs. Martha Clark, and on the South by lot ot L W. McKelty, being about seventy two feet front on Market Btreet and ex. tend Intj back about feet to Whitmans Allejwlth the buildings and all the appurtenances belonging thereto, rebervlng'the right to occupy tne same free of rent until such time aa the New ( hurch shall be ready for use THltlH OF SALE Ten per .cent, ot tho purch aae money at tbe striking down ot the property; Fit teen per cent, thirty days thereafter when deed wUl be given and the remaining aeventy.Oie per cent, seemed by mortgage and bonds payable In one, two, and three years, with Interest from date of delivering of deed, Mth the prlvucge of paying the entire amount at any time. For further particulars inquire of IL V. WII1TB, Secretary Board ot Trustees, Are you using the old fash ion rubbinp; board in doinpyour washing you to investigate into the mer its of our New m mm Alter trying it we named it the "Lightning," because it I struck us as being the richt name lor sucn a Rapid Working Machine as to the top pull swing and so caueu wasiung mummies. CLARK F. HARDER, Third Street, 1 9-1 9-4 1. Catawissa, Fa. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3 doz. Life size Crayons only S10.00. Viewing, copy- inc and enlarging. instant process used. tt. Mitchell's Kidney Plasters ' Absorb all dlwua In the.KIdncys and rettora them to a health; condition. J Old chronic kidney sufferer, tar If" " they got no relief until they tried l MITCHKIX'H 1CIUNKV I'l.ANTI'lIM. Bold by Druggist every where, or sent by mall f or SOo Novelty I'liuwr worn., mwui, hm 9 12-4i; IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, iUATTOTO, or OIL CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BEOWIM 2nd Door above Court IIouso. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. EASTMAN COLLEGE? rOUQIIKKBPSlK. N. Y.. OrTain hnMi airmilha hf educational advantages at the loweat cost. Thor- S? !?SS? p?pl5 t"c.eara a UTlnir &Di carefuU nttlng thorn for honorable positions. Gold BMiTffSS2.nSfSnLBi?S?'Uo'1 lVorW,s .Palr. 'l' ior b03t COttr 30 ' "1 Plan of iteration on short notice. No chare, rnr Bttiifltir,nD ,,,..1.1, ed. For information and catalogue address aaabovet HO I lllHll uULLHuH every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON PgQt tO Split 1 Wot to Dlsoolop l BEARS THIS MARK. BE UP TO THE MARK TRADE ELLUL0ID MARK- HEEDS NO LAUNDERING. OAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. jBSIGNEK'S NO I ICE. Not ce la herebv trlven that Chester Htlltz. Ed. ward H. Utcklnijon and KrederU W. Corcoran of Jamison city, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, co. ptLnoeni uuin uuiuesd iu jmniwju cu aioreaam, under the tlriu namo of Htlltz a co , made a vol. untary aaslgnment of all and singular, their co. partnership and Inllvldual eute, to John 1'. lull of said Jamison city In trust for the benent ot the creditors ot the 811 Mtllu Co., and Chest er tuiltz. Hdward I'. Dickinson and Prederlo W. nvnn nr( it will mv I Corcoran. All penons Indebted to tho said nrm, yuu art. 11 win yty and 10 the Individuals thereof win make immed. late payment to iuq saia aaugnee, ana mode uav. tng claims or demands wlU present the same WllUUUb UDittJ, TIME SAED MONEY MADE . Come direct to the manufacturers for your Fall Suit and Overcoat. Two of the largest stores in Philadelphia stocked with Men's and Boys' Clothing from our own workshops. The best qualities at the lowest prices. A. 0. Yates & Co.- 6th It Chestnut. lodger llulldlng. 13th & Chestnut. Hew btoro. l'AHM l'OU It ft NT A farm of luu no res, with nandaome new houBO and barn, and supplied with abundant water, wlU be rented at a low rent for the term ot Ave yoara , to a gooa tenant who tan furnish bla own stock ndequlpment. The farm is in the Catawissa VaUey on tne Township road from Urandonvllle to Audcnreld, two miles from llrandonvllo and near lilrarl Manor, iteferenoes requested. AddreBS HBumt a. Tiioui'hON, Engineer oirara Kitate IWUvUle, ra uov. My. 11 a-'vo. JOUN P. Hill, Asilgnee. Jamison city, 1'a, THAVflllSB JUROUS-rillST WEEK. Berwick Daniel Snecht, William Stltfnagle. liloom Xloore Dawson, William Hharter.: linarcrcek A. it. Alderman, Newman Ilower, uswaia urasiev. j. v. HnonenDenrer. Catawutw-O. W. Harder, u T, bhuman. Oentralla J. M. Uwlnner. Centre Allen Bhellhamer Br, T. W, Bchwepoen. helaer. Conyngham Emanuel Levan, Jno. Hughes. risuingcrwjE uuuu n. uucaaiow, ira ioty. Uroenwood-WUUam "W. Ulack, Jos. lleacoclc' Ham'I Klsner. ullian Lemoni. Frank Mluon. Hemlock Ellaha Hruirler. locust llenry Ueaver, laaao Johnson, Aiaaiaon rnuiK 11. irruiu uuuin-DlU Hwank, A. W. 8nyder, Jerre 8. Yohe. Mt. Weaaant-AUred Crawford. Hue J. W. lore. Itoartflsrcreek Y. a. Case. Bcott Charlo. Kink, umery Ilageabuch. Wllllu SALESMEN WANTED toninoasiorWietntao.Vurwrvsiodfc. SITUATIONS l-KIIMANBST SAUAHY and KS. i-snhkh ritosi STAltT. ouick selling specialties. vuuib runts, No exDerlcnce neoeLirv. Write tor terms, stating aire. H. f. HOOKER GO , Nurservmen, Rochester ti. Y. Handsomely lrntucd life size Crayons, pho tographs till sizes, in correct styles nnd per fect finislir colorcfl photographs, large or small, frames a 11 d moulding. DI'KIIXIP BROS., Uloomsburg. Notice Is hereby given lhat tho first and final accourt ot the Uio jmsburg Ullage company has been filed In the Court of Common 1'leas of Col umblacounty, and will bo presented to the said Oourt on the fourth Monday ot (September, A. 1)., JS90, and continued nisi, and unless exceptions arejtiled within four days thereafter will be con. Drmel absolute. 1'rothonotary's offloo. WM. II. SNYDER, S-iw-V). I'roth. N' OT10K. whereas letters testamentary In the estate ot Catharine louIs A.Iirown.iAtj, nt unt r. r wn. iipAAh ed. have been granted to the Bubacrtber. All per sons Indebted to tho said estate are requested to mske Irainodlaw payment, and those having claims or demands agalut the estate ot tbe di. cedent win make known the same without delay J. U. O Kinci, J03BP1I It. ltOUUINS. Attorney. Executor, - . LIghUtrect, ra. N OTIUE. Is hereby given tha'. by vlrt it ot a resolution of tbe stockholders of the Uloomsburg Ilrldge company, an application will be presented to the Court of Common I'leas of Columbia county, on Monday the th day ot Heplember, a, D. 1W0, at teno'clook a. m.. praying for the dlaaolutlin of tbe said Corporation. Atum: raw, O. Wikt, JOUN Q. VHEEZB, MMt. are Invited to entrust tbelr Inter. eats to the old established Talent Law t Hollcltlng nrm of MAHON, VENWlCli AILAWIIVUCE, Waahlogton p. C. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers