THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PiL 5akikc POWDER Absolutely Puro. A. cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all In leavening strength. 17, S. Government Rrjnrt, Aug. 17, 1889. The Columbian tl nrmbllahed ovory Friday. Subscription prlco. 11.00 a year. Entered at the rost Offlco at Woomsburg. ra.. as second class matter, March l, 1883. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER llSOoT COBU-CT B1ILR01D Till TABLE. Trains on tho r. It. it. K. loavo Itnpertat follows i Hoiern. socTn. T:82 a. m. 11:03 a. m. 1:31 p. m. 6:23 p. m, o TralnnonthoD.L. W. U.K. leave Bloomsburg as follows! hobth. loorn. 788 a. m. s-B a. m. 10-49 a.m. 12.18 p. m. 2:35 p. m. 4:15 m. e:3S p.m. 8:21 p.m. o Trains on tho N.W.B. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : NORTH. SOUTH. 10:48 a.m. 19:37 p. m. s.ssp.m. 4'SOp.m. CKD1T. north. ho urn 10:48 am t39 p m ULOOMSBUIUJ S SULLIVAN RAILROAD Taking effect MONDAY, BErTBMDBR t, 1SS9. 180UTU. NOHTII. 'Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS, r. if. A. it. A.M. A.M. r. is. r. M. BtOomsb-rg, ........ 6 !8 U 43 I 05 8 35 ! 35 B 40 Main Street 8 IS 11 41 9 63 8 42 2 42 6 47 lrondale . 6 18 11 39 6 55 8 45 S 45 6 50 Paper Mill.... ..... 9 OS 11 SI 8 43 8 53 2 53 7 00 LlUtltStreet. 6 05 11 23 6 43 8 56 2 56 7 03 orangevlllo e 57 11 so 6 35 05 3 07 1 10 Forks, 6 45 11 10 6 21 9 15 3 17 7 20 Eaner'fl 5 43 11 06 6 21 9 20 3 20 7 23 SUllwaWr 5 37 11 02 6 17 9 21 3 25 7 2 Benton, 5 28 10 55 6 10 9 33 3 11 7 35 EdSODS, 523 10 50607 9363 3T 739 coloa Creek, s 20 10 45 6 05 9 33 3 40 7 40 Bugarloar, 5 16 10 42 6 02 9 42 3 43 7 41 Laubacna, 5 n 10 40 6 no 9 47 3 41 7 47 ContralTT.. 6 03 10 U 5 53 9 67 3 58 7 67 Jamison city.... b oo 10 so 5 w 10 oo 4 oo 8 0) Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. K. A. H. A. x. A. M. r. tt. r. tt. Our Offers. Tho Columbian has made arrangements with a publishing houso by which it is en ablcd to make some astonishing offers. Head tbo following: All who pay up to dato and ono year in advance, and new subscribers, will ro. colvo tho American Maimer one year free, Tho .Farmer 13 worth ono dollar a year. Wo will send the Columbian and tho Now York Weekly Wor'd to any address in tho county, for $1.90 a year. Tho Columbian, tho Worll, and the Farmer for $2.00, worth $3.00. To any subscribers paying all arrears and to new subscribers, tho Columbian and a complete set of Dickons' Works In 12 vols, for $1.00. Tho Columbian, and tho Slammoth Cycle paedia, 4 vols, for $1 SO. The Columbian, Dickons' Works, and tho Mammoth Cyclopaedia, for $2.10. This is tho best offer ever made by any paper in this section, as the books cannot be bought at retail for less than flvo dollars. Any person sending us threo now sub scribers at $1.00 each, will rcccivo tho Columbian ono year free. Any old subscriber who will pay up to dato and send us tho narao of ono new cash subscriber will bo presented with 25 novels in neat pamphlet form, to bo sc. lected from a list at this olcc. Tho cash prico of the novels Is 75 cents. HEAD THIS. Tho Columbian 1 year, .Dickens' Works worth Mammoth Cyclopaedia worth American Far.ner, worth 25 novels Total 7.7B Wo will send all of tho abovo for $2.50. Bamplcs can be seen at this office. No deviation will bo mado from any of theso offers. Address Tho Columbian, Bloomsburg Ta. tf. Prof. J. town. Personal. Grimes (pent Baturday In Mrs. hollas of Philadelphia Is tho guest of MlssBado Blotn. Miss Lilla Bloan returned from Eagles mero last Friday. Miss Mabol Gould of Philadelphia is her guest. E. 11. Llttto Esq,, received word on Monday that his brother Geo. II. Ltttlo of Towanda is soriously 111. E. H, Uulo Esq. of Catawlssa started on Tnursday for Washington state, whero ho Intends to locate. Frank II, Bloan spent a day at homo last week. Ho Is assistant engineer on a no v railroad up tho Hudson. . Mls3 lllancho Billmcycr returned from Montana this week. Bho has been thorn a year and a half with her brother. Miss Annlo Ent and Miss Uesslo Kuhn went to Boston on Thursday to attond tho Conservatory of Music. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Purscl of Hughes, vllle, drovo over Bunday last to nttenu the funeral of Mrs..l)oratbca C. Pursel. Alfred McUcnry of Benton has gono to Now York and Philadelphia to purchaso Fall and Winter goods. Customers can look for bargains on his return. Miss Martha Clark returned from spring Lake Beach on Friday last. Bho was ac companied by Misses Anna and Margaret Thorno of Philadelphia, who aro her guests. Court at Danville this week. town Go to Mercer's for school books. A paity of gypsies passed through Sunday morning. Tho Bulllyan county fair will be held at Forksvlllc, October 1, 2 and 3. J. II. Malzo represents an Insurance company which Issues tornado policies. Fine stationery in great variety at Mercer's. Tho fair at Wyoming will bo ho'd Oct. 0, 10, 11 and 12. Blatcrs aro at work on tho steeple ot tho new Presbyterian church. Look at our line of tablets, It Is tho Q nes we have ever offered. W. H. Brooke & Co. Bupt. Johnston examined three candi dates for ccrtlilcatcs at tho Third street school house last Saturday. Miss Annie Miller will rcsumo her teach. Ing ot vocal and instrumental music on Monday, September 15. li. if. Drclsbach had a fine exhibit of sewing machines and fancy work at the Berwick fair. He also had some lino c gans. Peaches aro a great luxury. A few fine ones have been sold at the stores at five cents apiece. Plums sell at two for flvo cents. The new suits for children aro here, they aro very prettyi and a largo assort ment. Como and sco them at D. Lowcn berg's. The Danville Fair will bo held from September 10 to 19 inclusive. Many new attractions have been added, among them a dot; race. Tho Presbyterians expect to put a pipe organ in their church next spring. They will probably get It from Hook & Hastings of Boston. A rresc.t to Our Subscribe. It Is with pleasure that we anuounco to our many patrons that wo havo mado ar. rangements with that wide-awake, illustra ted farm magazine, tho American F aimer, published at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 200,000 farmers by which that great publication will bo mailed FREE, to tho address of any of our subscribers WHO WILL COME IN AND PAY UP ALL ARREARAGES ON SUHSURIP TION AND ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE FROM DATE, AND TO ANY NEW BUB BORIBER WHO WILL PAY ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE. This is a grand opportun. Ity to obtain a first-class farm journal free. The American Fabmkb la a largo 10-page tontnal. of national circulation, which ranks among tho leading agricultural pap ers. It treats tho question of economy in agriculture and tho rights and privileges of that vast body of citizens American Farmers whose Industry Is tho basis of all material and national prosperity. Its highest purpose is the elevation and cnob bllng of Agriculture through tho higher and broader education of men and women engaged In its pursuits. Tho regular, sub acrlption price of tho American Fakmeh Is $1.00 per year. IT COBTB YOU Hum ING. From any ono number ideas can bo obtained that will bo worth thrico tho bud. scrlption prico to you or members of your household, yet you qet it free. Call and sceaamplo copy. tf. Fob Bali Dwelling houses In Blooms, burg, Orangcville, Espy and Rupert Pa f.rnii in Pnnvlvnnla. Kansas and Vlr fflnla. Vacant lots in Bloomsburg. Btoro nrnnnrlU- flrlat mills and Other property by M. P. Lutz, Insuranco and Real Estato Agent, uioomsuurg, ra. Wnn Dili Ilnnsn and lot In Rupert lot 120x140 ft. Two story, house, with nlnn ronma. Bav windows, out kitchen, lco and coal house, good stable, i.i 1 nn fltinlnn fruit. tVP.T. rn-n trnnn. irond water. Two railroads. Twelve trains a day each way, to Blooms. burg, faro 8o round trip, low laics. linrtrniii. if taken SOOn. M. P. Lutz, Insurance & Real Est. Agt Fon Balk. Fine building Int. Main Bt. near Normal Bchool. Apply to O. L. T. Sharplcs3 handles canned goods, fruits, coffees, tea, and all kinds of grocer ies at wholesale. Uo is doing a largo job. blng trade. The old Caldwell building at corner of Main and Centre will not bo recognizable when C. B. Robbins gets through with tho extensive repairs he is making. Tho Friendship boys aro very comfort ably fixed in their now quarters in tho Town Hall. They havo a flno Brussels carpet, plush furniture, curtains and pic turcs, and thoy aro justly proud of it. Tho newly organized Winonas appeared In tho parado last week In white flannel shirts, and tho wbito caps formerly used by the company. They expect soon to adopt a new uniform. W. II. Brooke & Co. arc well stocked with all kinds of school supplies, includ ing all books used in tho Normal, and the public schools, tablets, stationery, pens pencils, &c. The Bloomsburg Band has received its new silver Instruments, and used them for the first tlmo in public last week Thursday in tho parade. They aro haadsomo trum pets, and tho boys know how to produco silvery tones with them. Tho carpet mill Is flourishing, and the prospects aro that this enterprlzo Is destin ed to provo a very Important Industry in this community. Largo quantities of car pet havo been sold and orders aro coming in rapidly. Now is the timo for a new suit, a full lino ot all styles. VVo will sell you ono ready made or take your measure and In sure satisfaction in either. Call soon and hayo first choice at the popular and reli able store of D. Lowenberg. J. Saltzcr was on hand at tho Berwick fair with a flno display of sewing mach ines, organs and pianos. Ills booth is al ways tho center of attraction, and the crowds were delighted with his flno music and largo exhibit. W. Keitek. jl euro fur Coiititipiitloit nutl Hick Ilcu.lnc.ic. Dr. Silas Lano. wh'lo In tho Rocky Motin tains, discovered a loot when combined with other horbs. makes an easy and cer, tain euro for constipation. It is In tho form of dry roots and leaves, and is known as Lane's Family Medicine. It will euro sick headacho in ono night. For tho blood liver and kldnoys, and for clearing up tho complexion it docs wpnucrs. i-iu-i 3U It at 50 cents a package. Everything needed In school work at W. II. Ruookk & C Our subscription list is growing, and tho work in tho job department Is continually increasing. Wo havo no fault to And ex cept that a fow of our subscribers aro slow In paying- It is hoped that all such will como In soon and up. Tablets In great variety at Mercer's. If you want tornado, cyclono, hurricane, Arc, lightning, llto or accident Insuranco call on M. P. Lutz, as ho represents a lino of companies that aro noted for tholr liber ality and fair dealing. 0-5-2t. Prlmo vinegar at O. O. Man's. Dr. Byron Clark waited on 100 patients at tho Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, last week. At Park Hotel, Wllliamsport, and at Bcranton, ha was not ablo to wait on all who called for consultation. A meeting of tho Democratto Standing Gomraittco will bo held on Baturday, Bept. 13th, 1890, at 2 o'clock In tho afternoon, In tho grand jury room at Bloomsburg. A. F, TsrwillIoeb, Jno. R. Townsesd, B :y. Chairman. Philip V. Weaver Esq., democratic nomlnco for register and recorder in Luz erne county, is an excellent selection. Ho is a graduato of tho Normal, and a lawyer of largo practice Ho Is popular among tho masses and will no doubt bo elected. Ia another column we print our club off ers that surpass in liberality any offer cycr mado In this section. Read It and sec. It cannotfall to pleaso you. For $2.50 you can get what would othcrwlso cost you $7.i'5. 0-12-4t. L. T. Sharpless Is prepared to furnish, and solicits tho orders of country mer chants and dealers, at Wholesale at his warehouse, or storo on Main street, Bloomsburg, tho following: Bait, cheese. syrups, teas, coffees, soaps, starches, spices, foreign fruits, Ac. received at D. Fait styles ot hats just Lowcnbcrg's. Tho following letters aro hold at Blooms. burg, Pa. post olUco and will bo sent to the dead letter offlco Sept. 23, 1890. Uhas Cook. Cards, Mrs. L. G. Benson . Persons calling for theso letters please say, they wero advertised Bspt. , ibsmj. Ono cent will bo charged on each letter advertised. A- B. OATflOAHT, P. M. Several days this week were occupied In taking testimony bctoro It R. Littlo Esq , Master in tho crossing caso between tho Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, and the Philadelphia & Reading railroads. Among the witnesses oxamlncd wero James Archbald, chief engineer of tho D.L & W., Chauncoy Ives of tho Cumberland Valley R. R., and Mr.;Nlchols of the Reading. L. Bombard has throo oil paintings in his show window that aro tho work of his brush. They aro scenes along the creek up at Cole's and aro admirably dono. The colorings of the trees, tho reflection In tho water, tho falls, tho wild wood, all are true to nature. Mr. Bernhard is an excellent art ist, and his walls aro adorned with many flno paintings executed by his hand. Tbo sewer to tho river from Scott Town will soon be completed. Connection wbs mado under the canal last Thursday, and 0. W. Miller proposes to push It through rapidly. There havo boon many unavoid able obstacles and dolays in layiug this pipe. In somo places tho excavation is 19 feet deep, and tho wet weather of last year stopped work on It altogether. C. 0. Marr is selling prints at cost to make room for fall stock. Tho Berwick Fair was a great success this year. About 0000 pcoplo wero on tbo grounds on Friday, and the races wero very exciting. Although It rained Satur day morning, tbo attendanco was very good. Tho Berwick Fair ought to bo bet. tcr patronized from Bloomsburg than It Is Berwick comes down hero in crowds to our fair every year, and Bloomsburg ought to reciprocate. James II. Codding ot Towanda has boon nominated by tho republicans of Bradford county for President Judge. Ho is a young man, not much past forty, and poss esses many of the necessary qualifications tor an excellent judge. Uo has a vigorous mind, an even temper, and an affable (lis position, and tho courago of his convic. tlons. B. M. Peck, ropubllcun, has been nominated against him on a fusion ticket Mr. Codding has relatives by mar.iagc In this county. Pens Inks and school stationery at W. II. Bbookk & Co. Owing to tho removal from tho county of tho president, secretary and three dlrcc tors ot tho Manor Rest Inn Compauy i meeting of tho remaining directors was held at tho offlco ot Geo. E. Elwcll Esq , last Baturday afternoon, to till tho vacan clcs. Messrs. Tubbs, Jameson and Shaft ei, tho only remaining members ot the board, were present, and they declared vacant the places of J, 0. Corcoran, J. P. Robinson, A. J. P. Bishop, Edward I Dickinson and Thomas Wheeler, and elected in their places Dr. I. W. Willlts 0, II. Campbell, Geo. E- Elwell, Peter Gross and J. R. Clark. Tho new board organized by electing W. It. Tubbi, Presi dent, Goo. E. Elwcll, Secretary, and A. L, Fritz, Treasurer. Tho affairs ot tho com. pany will soon bo put In good shape. Pens, pencils, erasers, ink, and a lino ot students' supplies at Mercer's. full Tho real estato ot tho Danvillo Nail and Manufacturing Company was sold by tho sheriff last Tuesday. It was purchased by Ncal & Sons, Bloomsburg Iron Company. Coplay & Co. and W. P. Bnyder Ss Co. for $11,000 over the mortgage. If you could sco your own scalp through an ordinary magnifying glass, you would bo amazed at tho amount of dust, dand ruff, and dead skin thereon accumulated. Thu best and most popular preparation for cleaning tho scalp is Aycr's Hair Vigor. WltODINO BRMJI. A largo company Gathered at tho resi dence of Mr. A. A. Butler on Rock street, on Wednesday aftornoon at 4 o'clock to witness tho marrlago ceremony of Miss Lillian U. Barton Butler Sad Mr. Charles Wesley Funston. Tho houso was bril liantly Illuminated, and tho mantel In tho parlor was beautifully decorated with golden rod, and tho centre lablo was sur mounted by a mound ot flowers. A whlto ribbon spanned tho end of tho parlor, be hind which tho immodlato rolattvcs of tho brido and groom were stationed. Prompt ly at tho appointed hour the strains ot tho bridal chorus from Lohengrin wero heard emanating from a largo muslo box, and tbo bridal party appeared. Uov. W. O. Lovcrott headed tho procession, followed by Paulino Wirt and Estello Rogers, two littlo nieces of Mr. Funston's drossod in whlto and carrying flowers. Then camo Miss Annlo Jameson und Miss Bessie Mon roe, tho bridesmaids, In full ovonlne dress, Mr. Funston and his "best man'' Charles W. McKclvy Jr. and then camo tho brido on tho arm ot her cousin, Geo. E. Elwell. Bho was dressed In a cream whlto falllo, on train, trimmed with Duchcsso lace, and wore a long bridal veil. In her hand sho carried a whlto prayer-book. Tho party took their places at tho ond ot th parlor and tho beautiful ceremony of tbo Episcopal Church was road by Rev. W. 0. Lovcrctt, rector ot Bt. Paul's. Tho brldo was given away by Mr. Elwoll. After tho happy couple wero pronounced man and wife the assembled friends showered their ongratulations upon thorn, after which bountiful and delicious supper was serv ed. Mr. and Mrs. Funston wero accompa nied to tho depot by a number ot friends and relatives and took tho train north on the D. L. &. W. at 0:38. They will bo ab sent about two weeks and w ill .sit many points of Interest. The following persons residing out of town wero among tho guests: Miss Mack of Blnghamton, Miss Vanduscn, Miss Lllhe Evans, Mrs. Opdyke, Mrs. Thomp son, of Berwick, Miss Smith ot Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Funston ot Williams port, Mrs. Catharine Barton, Miss Alice Barton ot Espy, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bar ton, Mrs. Laura Atkman of Limo Ridge, Miss Edith Barton of Berwick, Miss Nicely of Bhickshinny, Miss Lou Hutchison of Kingston, Mr. Abo Good, Bhickshinny, Mr. Geo. Richmond, Bcranton, Mr. and Mrs. U. Rogers, Mrs. J. A Barton, Miss Balmon, Mrs. Wlcgand, Mrs. P. V. Weaver, Hazlcton. A very largo number ot presents were received by tho bride, including a Stein, way piano, furniture, silverware, cut glass, china, pictures, &c., and It Is very evident that this estimable young couplo start out upon their married llfo with tho good wishes ot hosts of friends. May they Uvo long and prosper. Schools opened Tuesday with a rush . Wo havo prepared ourselves with every thing tho boys and girls will need. W. H. Bbooke & Co. John G. Mooro of Buckhorn, and his ion Wellington went out gunning on Wcdncs- day of last week, and whon they wero on Lloyd Applcman's farm, back of John Mlllcr, tho son was bltton by a copper head snake He shot tbo snako and hilled It, but not boforo tho rcptllo had caught him by tbo joint of tho third finger of tho right hand, and put Us fangs through it. Tho snako was about threo feet and a half long. A string was tied tightly around tho finger at once, but when they reached Buckhorn they took It off, and tho arm be gan to swell, tho swelling oxtondlng up ',lo the shoulder. Dr. Montgomery was callod in, and at tho tast report tho patient was doing well. Miss May Bharplcss will rcsumo her Instrumental Music class on organ and piano tho first of September. 2w. HATRI9IONIAU On Wednesday, Bept. 8, 8 p. m., at tho home of Mr. Danlil Carr, nrir Blooms burg, Mr. Wm. J. Anderson, formerly of Philadelphia, but now superintending tho upper floor of Magec & Go's. Carpet Mills. and Miss Sadie A. Brcoce of Bloomsburg, sister of Mrs. Daniel Carr, wero united In holy matrimony by tho Rov. A. R. Glazo of Espy. Miss Ida McClow of Danvillo serv ed as bridesmaid, and Mr. Daniel W. Ilrccco of Bloomsburg, n brother of tho bride, served as groomsman. Tho invited guests brought with them many handsomo and valuable presents, n token of their good will toward tho brldo and groom. After tbo ceremony was performed tbo guests wero privileged to gather around a largo tablo, well fllloJ with tho good things of this life. The occasion ;was a delight ful ono throughout, and tho promising young couplo enter upon tho voyage of llfo together, not only with best wishos of their many friends, but with many bright prospects beforo them. Wo trust that success and prosperity will bo their happy lot. Another wedding occurred at tho par sonage of Rev. A. it. Glazo on Tuesday Sept. 9, at 4 p. m. Tho contracting parties wero Mr. John F. Miller and Miss Flora E. Bogart, both of Buckhorn. They havo gono to spend a week with their friends at Wllkcs-Barrc. It is hoped that tho now relation Into which thoy havo entered will bo ono ot truo happiness. Lent. Smith's Bible Dictionary, Vol. 4, In half calf. The book, or any informa tion about It will bo highly gratifying to the owner, whoso namo is in it. 29-21. When tlie Fairs W-U nc. Tho following is tho list and tlmo of tho holding of tho agricultural fairs inEastcrn Pennsylvania this Fall: Ltvvclle Fair, at Ashland, Sjpt. 10, 17, 18 and 19. Lehigh County Agricultural Society, at MRH.CKA.RI.ICH VNAN08T, It Is with profound sorrow that wo aro called upon to record tho doath of Mary Appletnan, wife of Charles Unangst Esa. which occurred Bunday morning at 10.10 oclock. For soveral wocks sho bad been ill from an attack of Inflammation ot tho bowels, and somo anxiety was felt by her friends on account of hor condition, but not until Friday wero any serious doubts ot her recovery entertained. On Baturday a telegram was sont to Dr. William Pepper of Philadelphia, but tho reply camo that ho was in Europe. Then Dr. DaOosta was telegraphed to, but ho was unablo to come, and sent in his stead Dr. Arthur V, Meigs, who arrived hero on Saturday at mld-nlgh t. A consultation was held by him with Dr. J. B. McKclvy. her attending physician. and on Bunday morning they again called at 9 o'clock. While thoy woro proscnt Mrs. Unangst had a linking spell from which tho combined efforts of theso two eminent physicians could not rally her, and sho passed away. Tho deceased was a daughter of tho late Mathias Applcman. Sho was born In 1810, In this county, and spent her llto here until sho was married In 1874 to Charles Unangst Esq. slnco which tlmo sho has resided in Now York with her husband. Sho was a sister of Mrs. D. J. Waller Jr and a twin sister ot Mrs. A. Z. bhoch. Bho also leaves ono brother, Lloyd P. Apple, man, who resides In Denver und was un. able to reach here in tlmo for tho funeral. Mrs. Unangst was a woman of lntclllgcnco , refinement and education, and her amiable disposition commanded tho lovo and re spect of all who know her. Bho was tho ptcturo of health and, up to her last Illness had not been sick In many years. Sho camo from New York a fow weeks ago to spend tho summer at her old home, as was her custom, littlo dreaming that ere tho autumn leaves should fall sho would bo summoned by tbo angel of death. It seems strango that so often in tho wiso dispensation of Providence thoso are called away for whom llto has so many attrac tion a, and who aro useful in their spheres, while many aro permitted to llvo on, who are ot no uso to themselves and of no im portance In tho world, and no comfort to anybody, but so it is, and wo must not complain. Tho bereaved husband has tho heartfelt sympathy of many friends In bis great affliction, and the sorrowing sisters In this dark hour havo tho consola tion of a llfo well spent. Tho funeral took placo on Wednesday morning at 10.30 at tho resldenco ot Philip Unangst on Third street, tho services being conducted by Rov. Dr. J. B. Rcimonsnyd cr, pastor of BL James Lutheran church of New York, of which tho deceased was a member, and Rev. P. A. Hellman. Dr. ItclmcnsnyJer spoko very feelingly on the virtues ot tho deceased, and ot her active church work in Now York. Tho Ladios' There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. 'Tis sold everywhere. Mrs. Dorathca 0. Purscl died at Susque hanna, BusquchannaUo. at tho resldenco of her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Bkclaton, Friday September 5th. Tho body was brought to Bloomsburg Baturday and taken to the rcsldonco ot Mrs. B. A, Wilson, Bho was 176 years and 5 months of ago, hor death being causod by brain fever. Mrs. Pursel was tho wifo of Dennis Purscl who died about forty years ago. Services were held Bunday afternoon by Rov. P. A. Ucll man. Interment, Roscmont- Horse for Hnlc. A good young mare, betweon 3 and 4 years old, well broko, price reasonable White & Connbh, 8-3-4L Orangovlllo, Pa. Hood's Barsaparllla has a steadily In creasing popularity, which can only bo won by nn article ot real morlu Glvo It a trial. CURK& SON. Aro now showing full and complete lines of fall and win- fvDTXJC! nnnna : .,11 i, f lf..l IT..1 !.. W.llll. t?-t I "Jl -I'XHJ JKJ JJJ.LSKJ ill Ml U1U i ivu uuiuiva null JU. J - . - B wero married In tlin M. K. r.hiirch on Wed. I UOWuSt KOlorilltrS UU BLVlua 111 ncsday evening at 7 o'clock in tho prcsenco I Plain, Plftids and Stripes. TllO 1 , ... . mi- . I I . 11 1 TT . i , . ui a largo numuer oi menus, mo unuai party consisted of R. W. llartman, Dr. Garrison, Edward Ent and Orval Ycttcr, ushers, eight littlo girls in white, followod by tho bride and groom. As tho process- Ion entered Charles P. Elwell played Men. dclssohn's wedding march. After the ceremony thcro was a reception at tho bride's homo. Tho newly married couplo left for Philadelphia at 8.21. Wlint ih lite ii He. Of buying woith1c3s medicines, and spend ing money on quack doctors whoso only Idea is to gull the public. Is It not better to buy rcllablo mcdlclno Uko Sulphur Bit. tcrs? I think so, as thoy curod mo ot Ca- tarrh after suffering threo years. F. P. Clark, ilanchttUr. 8-15-2U Hoclal Dunce. The Rcscuo Uoso and Ladder Co. No. 2, will hold a danco In Music Hall, on Batur day evening, September 13, '90. Admis sion Free. Music by Mctherclrs Orchestra. best GOo all wool Henri ttas sold. Serges in all grade. Our Black Dress Goods is full mourning goods of all kinds, black veils, blacks sba.vls. We call parti cular attention to our line of silk warp Henriettas, and prices, also to our all wool Henriettas. Full lines of velvets and velvet riobons. Buck'e3, clasps, buttons, mou'as, hair )in3, pocket boons, purses, Jcc. Small wares of all kinds. Our COAT DEPARTMENT, is now open and filled with all tho latest novelties for ladies and children, it will pay to call. Cor- seJs of all kinds. 3 Henrietta handkerchiefs for 10c. New belts. Try our kid gves, full xo THE; 'nuaiXiSSS MEN ni,ooisuDiio. OP lines of flannels of all We invite all to call. kinds. H. J. CLARK & SON. un mo evening or me 10m oi uci., uur-i - M ing fair, tho young ladles of tho Lutheran I . W MMtBiaiH & uOUS. cnurcu intend giving In tne upora nouso, the "Trades Carnival, or Business Men's Jubilee." This unique and spicy enter tainment is recommondod by tho citizens of every placo where it has been held, as a great advertising medium. Our neighbor Till! TOWN IIAI.I. DEDICATED. As Indicated last week tho now Town all was dedicated with appropriate, cere, monies on Thursday afternoon. Tho pro. cession formed on Maiket street In tho fol lowing order: Chief Marshall and aids, Police force, Bloomsburg Silver Bind, Ent Post O. A. R., Sons of Veterans, with guns, Patriotic Order Sons of America, GUmorc's Band, Friendship Firo Co. No. 1, Rescue H. & L. Co. No. 2, Winona Firs Co. No. 3. Carriages containing tho Town Council, Bchool Board, speakers, clergy and citizens. Tho lino of march waa down Main to Wost, to Third, to Market, to Fifth, to East, to third, to Market, to Main, to the Hall. A platform was erect ed back ot the building in tho shade, and scats arranged to accommodato several hundred. A large crowd was prcsont. J B. Roblson, city solicitor, presided Speeches wero mado by Judge Ikeler, C. G. Barkley Esq., Rev. I. M. Patterson. Dr. J. Brown, Dr. D. J. Waller, I. W. Hart man, J. 15. Robison, Esq., D. Bryfogle, J. JO. Brown, J. M. Hower, and J. V. Tustln. Music was furnished by a elco club consisting of S. A. Williams, L. T. Bharplcss, A. N. Yost, C. n. Campbell, W, H. Brower, Charles Brady and Orvsl Yet ter. Prof. I. W. Nlles presided at the or. gan. Tho procession was a creditable one, and all tho exercises wero Interesting. Tho Hall Is ono of which tho town may well feel proud. It Is of brick, three stories high. On tho first floor aro the Council room, which is provided with flro proof vault; a largo room properly fitted up for flro apparatus; a hall and staircase leading upstairs, and tho lockup which contains threo cells. Tho second and third floors each contain a largo room for public gatherings, and several smaller rooms. Tho flro companies and tho band each occupy a room. Tho building is heat ed by steam, and has water closets on each floor. A bell In tho tower la used for a fire alarm. Tho building was erected by David ncnslngcr, contractor, and cost about $15,000. at at Bo- and 3. Berks County Agricultural Society, Reading, Bept. 10. 17, 18 and 19, Kcystono Agricultural So., at Kutztown, Oct. 7, 8, 9, and 10. Doylcstown Agtlcultural Society Doylcstown, Bept. 23, 24, 25 and 20 Northampton County Agricultural clety, at Nazareth, Oct. 7, 8, 9 and 10 Carbon County Agricultural Boclety, Lohighton, Oct. 7, 8, 9 and 10. East Pcnn Agricultural Boclety, at Potts- town, Bept 23, 24, 25 and 20 Schuylkill County Agricultural Boclety, at Urwlgsburg, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, 2 and 3. York County Agriculturpl Boclety, at York, Oct. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. wreath, which rested on tho casket. interment was in Roscmont, The We are now ready to sell you a coat tor wile, daughter or child, ready to sellyou a good fall or winter dress and trimmings, I readv to sell vou cheat) muslius. Allcntown, Sept. 29 and 30 and Oct. 1, 2 1 Society of 8t James sent a beautiful floral I Eavcn, Wllliamsport, &c, can tcst'fy to 1U I calicoes, n-iughaoH, skirtings, . I ... . 1 1, 1. 1 t .1 . . MnAun. t-i. - I .... . m. , I - . . . - ' . 3 success as an advertising scneme. Anis is aQ(i i i jmidg of domestic fTOOdS. a chance for all to glvo your business a n ,i:ai,oa lnaowvo Torn. boom beforo tho hundreds of strangers IT """ t"" , como to tho fair, and snap at your bar- G are reuuy lor a goou truue gains. Never fear but that you will get on ail Kinus OI gooa produce. your monoy's worth out of It and morotoo, I Butter, CggS, lard, potatoes, &C., even though tho prico of advertising is so are in demand, except packed low. Theso young ladles will go into tho 1 i,M u,i ; Vnl ,1,;1, details when they como around to get your I 1 . namo. Every store and factory should be SOOtl gets Strong in our collar, represented; do not disappoint them. By I We had a lot last Week SO Strong at Golclcu Weddluir Celebration. Wo clip tho following from tho Eitlon drgua ot September 2nd, which gives an account of tho golden wedding ot ono who has many friends in this county: "Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hess, last (Mon. day) night, celebrated their golden wed. ding at tho resldenco ot their daughter, Mrs. Joseph Simpson, on Wl'kcs-Barre street, South Easton. Thcro wero about halt a hundred pcoplo present, children, grand children, mcmbo'.s of the Women's foreign missionary society of tho Delaware street M, E. church, Revs. G. P. Wright and Geo. S. Broadbont, and other friends. Also Rev. Mr. Jones and bride, of Iowa, who aro spending a portion of their honey. moon In this section. Tho a;ed couplo received many handsomo presents, among them beautiful articles of gold. Tao even lug passed altogether too soon to suit tho parly. It was devoted to singing, rcclta. tlons, etc., and a piano solo and Dutch song oy Mrs, uess who, desplto lier years Is as lively as a girl of "sweet sixteen." A flno supper was served at a late hour." It you want to advertise anything, b ring It to tho Columbian. It will reach eyery section of the county. Farmers Aitcutlou. Tho Monarch Cornet Hand of Duryca had a picnic at Oak Gruvo on Saturday. l'hcy camo down on tho D. L. & W. the band is a young one, and is not uniformed I ago ho built a roller flouring mill which yet, but tho music mado by them as they has since been operated under tho firm William Elwell Jr., son of Judge Elwcll, and brother of tbo senior editor of this paper, died at his homo in Bbcboygan Wisconsin, on Thursday, September 4th after a lingering illness. His age was 58 years. He was born In Towanda. Pa. and wheu qulto a young man ho went to Wis cousin and engaged in the mercantile bus! ness, following it for many years at Plym outh. Uo was early recognized as a leader among men, and was elected to the offlco of county clerk. Sinco then bo has held many local i positions of public trust without enumeration, moBt ot tbo time. For twenty years or more past ho resided at Bheboygan where bo conducted a large plaster mill and dealt In grain. Six years Tiff, nivUKH COUKTV I'AXR. Will bo held in tho city of Reading, Pa on sept. 10 17, 18, and ID. Ttio now grounds of tho Berks County Agricultural Boclety, equipped last year at a great ex. penso, have recently been enlarged and Improved, and are now provided with every necessary adjunct for tho holding of a successful fair. The managers announce that tho number of exhibits will bo far in excess of previous years, and will fully represent tho agricultural and industrial resources ot tho county. A largo number ot special features bavo been provided for the entertainment and enjoyment of visl. tors. Passenger trains run direct to the main entrance. Tho fairs ot tho society have always ranked among tbo most at tractlvo and best attended in the United States, and that of 1890 should not bo mis. scd. Tho candidates on tho Democratic To mako mora room tor our new Chop. ping mm, wo want to close out all our stock of Machinery and Fertilizers and wlU sell very low this month. We havo tho Superior and Hoosier Grain and Fertilizer Drills that we aro selling now just a littlo above cost. These Drills aro new and up to tho times with all the modern Improve. ments, guaranteed to work or no sale. uomo anu see tnem ocloro seeding it you want a drill. wo uava trariiuzers irom $18 to por ton all mado by rellablo houses and in good mechanical condition. Farmers who tried them last season are buying thorn this year and we know of no better rccom mcndatlon. TO AGENTS. If you run short of Drills or Fertilizer wo will furnish cither at as near cost as you couiu want mem. wo always nave a stock on hand. Your respectfully, H. V. WniTE & Co. P. S. Wo just received 1200 bushels of choico Western old oats and have four cars Tlie Hlinmokln Pair. SXTENStVI ARH AXQ BMENTS ENTERED INTO TO INJURE ITS SUOOESS. rhc Bhamokln Agricultural and Driving Park Association has been indefatigable In Its efforts to mako tho annual meeting ono of the most notable events In Central Penn sylvanta. During the year a club houso has been built. It is fitted up with all tho conveniences of a first-class hotel. Tho track has been pronounced by exports to be one ot tho finest in tho country. The grand stand has been greatly improved and the space underneath has been fitted up conveniently for tho exhibition of goods by merchant, manufacturer or any on who desires to compete for tho premiums offer- ed by tbo association. It is urged that farmers and others who desire to mako ox blblts, havo them on tho ground Tuesday, which will bo given over to the reception committee by tho management. A largo number of horsci havo already been enter ed for tho races, and so far as this portion of tho program Is concerned success is al ready assured. In addition to tho regular features, tho management has entered into a contract with Miss No'.llo Burk for a dally perform ance by her Roman hlppodromo company, This In Itself is enough to All tho park with people. The outfit consists of fifteen thoroughbred horses, a pack ot English greyhounds and a score or moro equestrians, Tho company will glvo Roman chariot races, four horses abreast, running and hurdlo races, and as a special feature Miss Burke mounted upon her favorite horse, will race with a pack of greyhounds 1 bore is no sham about theso races: thcro is a prido involved, with both horses and men, that inclines them to do their level best. The fair will ;open Tuosday, Boptember 23, and closo Friday following. It is ex. pected that cx-Sonator Dclamater and ex. Governor Pattlson, tho Republican and Democratic candidates for governor, will bo present during tho exhibition. DruiiUcimcuH Liquor Habit Iu uii nits woriainere in J ill one onre Dr. IIiiIiich' Uoldeti Specific It can be glvon in a cup of tea or coffee without tho knowledgo of tho person taring It, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether tho patient is a moderato dunker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousan Is of drunkards havo been cured who have taken the Golden Specific In tholr coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking ot their own free will. No harmful effect results from its administra tion Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular and tall particulars. Address In confldenco Golden Bpkoivio Co., 185 Raco Street, Ulnolnnatr.U. 10.251y THIS DANVILLB If AIR.. Tho Twentieth Annual Exhibition ot tho Montour Agricultural Boclety, will be held at Danville, Pa., on September 18-10, 18w0. This promlaci to bo tho best Exhibition ever hold by tho. Boclety. Among tho Bute ticket will bo present on Wednesday, corn coming, all to bo sold at low prices 1 many lntctc8tlD8 attractions is the Dog I lUe ponding claim can apply for and s 1 1 1 V . . . 11 . I 1 . rmmm 1- - I T? Q.SA Vl-irnrAAI f Y n aaI 4 . . I .. I . .t-t . t . . ... . . . paraded through town was very good. Bend in the news from eyery section in the county. If you know anything worm punting tell tho editor and he will put it in proper shape. As a rule tho peoplowhoj And roost fault with tho newspapers for not minting all tho news, aro thoso who never tell any nows when thoy know it. name ot William Elwell & Bon, tho junior member being William B. Elwell who at tended tho Normal Bchool hero for two years, a tew years ago. Mr. Elwcll was for several years Mayor ot tho city ot Bbcboygan, and a director ot tho County Almshouse and Asylum. He was onto nominated by tbo democrats for Congress, but was defeated In a strong ro- w h.. ffln marta arrangements with puDllcan district. Among tils oiner enter- that excellent paper, tho American Faruek pr!" 1 constructed tho Lako Bhoro rail and the Republican candidates on Thurs day. On Friday there will bo a balloon as cension and parachute leap. The Queen rnyaail KxpeuseH. 77k Qtuen't last 'Free Trip to Europe' having excited such universal interest, tb publishers of that popular magazine offer another and $200 erfra cr expense, to tho person sending them tho largest list of En g' llsh wotds constructed from letters con. talncd in Uio throo words "British North America." Additional prizes consisting of silver tea sets, china dinner sets. by which we aro enabled to present It to every subscriber who compiles with the conditions. Those In arrcar who pay up to date, and one year in advance, and all now subscribers who pay a year In ad. vance, will bo presented wlth;tho Auebioan Farmer for ono year. Try It, and get two dollars' worth for one dollar. tf. I am now taking railroad ties on trade, at my Benton store. Alvbed MoUenhv, road from Milwaukco to Bheboygan, and held tho position of Superintendent ot tho road fot some time. He was a public spirited citizen and was always Identified with every progressive movement in his community. His wife, who was Miss Helen M. Bpauld. Ing of Towanda, died two years ago, and three sons and ono daughter survive their parents, all residing in Bheboygan. All kinds of school supplies at Mercor's. tho help ot each firm this entertainment could bo mado to surpass all tho othors that havo been given In other towns. You know that advertising pays itself two-told. TESTIUONIALS. Ono of tho largest audiences ever seen in the Grand Opera Houso assembled last Monday evening to sco tho Trad' . Carni val, an exclusively homo talent affair. Mrs. Patterson is ce-talnly entitled to much credit for services rendered, in making the carnival tuo great success it proved to dc, There aro fow such versatile writers as Miss Patterson, and wo congratulate her on tho excellency and truo ring and jingle of her compositions that mado tho Trades Carnival a howling success and tho hit of tbo season. licujontamc .examiner. Bellefontaine. O. Having beo i renro sentcd in tho Trades Carnival. I tako pleas uro in saying It was a great success, both as a spicy entertainment and an adycrtis ing scucmo. A- w. jishdooic, urugs, medicine anu wan raper. Tho Business Men's Jublleo given at Scott's Opera House was a highly enter taining alialr. Tho ladles representing tho business Arms wero each drcssod in cos tumes representing tho business ot tho Arm; many oi tnem were.eiegani anu bcauiitui, and tno Bpeecncs spotce-i elicited laugbtcr from tbo audience. irau.o 2W6une. Tho Business Men's Jubilee Was tho walking ba :ars, clattering tin stores, costly jewelry establishments and such charm- ing news girls that tho Independent would Uko to engago them on tho spot tor good Matiuon inaepenienl. iXiiKlueH nutl HawmlllH. Anyono Intending to buy steam engines of any stylo or size, or Arst-class saw-mills, will do well by seeing or writing the undor- signed for catalogues and prices before buying. WHITE CCS UONNER, 0-12-4t, OrangevlUo Pa. Try tho Columbian for threo months. It will cost only 25 cents, and at the end ot tho tlmo it will bo stopped unless ordered for a longer time. Try It, Pensions ! Veterans ! t Tho Disability Ponsion Bill. Act of Juno 27. 1890. grants pensions to all ex-soldiers and sailors who served 90 days or moro in tho Army or Navy during iuu rcuciuua, anu were uonorao y aiscuarg ea, anu wuo aro now suuering irom any permanent, menial or puysicai disability contracted since tuo war or during tuo war whether from disease, injuries or effects ot old age, at the rato of from $0 to $'.2 per montu, according to tne degree ot bis dis ability for tho performanco ot labor requir ing tbo exertion of physical strength ; provided tbo disability is not duo to vici ous habits. This pension is not restricted to tho veterans who have to mako their living by hard labor, but is equally due to professional men or clerks, provided they have an existing disability which would prevent tbo continuous exercise of tho physical strength ot an able-bodied man. Those who havo applied under tho gen eral laws and who are unablo to provo up one man was unable to carry a pound. No more, we thank you. I. W. Hitman & Sons. FALL SDITII. GARMENTS AUE.SUttE TO BEINHANPWIIEN NEEDED BY PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW. THE CHOICEST OF THE CHOICE ALWAYS GO FIRST, AND "PICK.." MADE NOW HAVE THE ADVANTAGE. FOREIGN WOOLENS ARE TURNING DEARER AND TnE POSSIBILITY OF FUR THEIIRISEIS NOT DISTANT. WE HAVE NOT ADVANC ED PKICES AS YET. m nil, E. O. THOMPSON, mbbchant ta1lob, ihportkk, 903 Walnut Street, PrllLADEXtl'IIIA. WANT in car lots or by the bushel. HT.C-AlIllIl.I.'H CIlUllCII.HUQAIt- I.OAI'. A most interesting scene was held in Bt. Gabriel's church at this placo on Bun. day last. The King's Daughters of the neighborhood held their second annual meeting. Tho report of tho work accom- pushed was read by tho R ctor, tho Rov, John D. Rockwell- Uo stated that In ad dition to visiting tho sick, caring for the poor, tbo cirolo had collected and made ar- Race between the celebrated runners ot Arthur Chambers of Philadelphia, Tom Eaves, of Boston and John Harts, ot Montreal. This will bo the most exciting contest ever witnessed In this section and should bo seen by all. Other good sports in abundance IIU9II. HVI!KI!Htl ICXCUItHIOM. ONLY TUBES MORE OF TUBU WILL LEAVE OIII- OAQO AND MILWAUKE VIA. TUB OlIIOAQO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. watches, French. muslo boxes, Portiere curtains, silk dresses, mantel clocks, and many other useful and valuable articles will also bo awarded in order of merit. A special prize ot a Seal Bkin Jacket to tho iauy, and a bandsomo Shetland pony to girl or boy (dolivcred free in Canada or United States) sending tho largest lists, Every ono sending a list ot not less than twenty words will receive a present. Bend six U, B. 2c stamps for complete rules, Illustrated catalogue of prizes, and a sam plo of lie Queen. Address The Canadian Queen, Toronto Canada. For points in Northorn Iowa, Minnesota. gold uctC8 for Bt. Luke's Hospital, South Bethle- 8outh anJ Norlu Dafeotai (including tho alterwards completo tho prior claim and euro this pension and tben continue tbo prosecution ot tho former claim aud secure tbeir arreers. It vou are now drawing a small pension, say $3 or $4 por month, you can tako this pension instead, and If you havo an appli cation on Ale for Increase or additional pension for new disabilities you can con tinue the prosecution of such claims whllo drawing tho now pension, or you can file an original claim for a disability contract ed in tho servico whllo drawing pension undor this new act Widows, children, and dependent moth ers and fathers aro entitled under thU act and can suspend tho prosecution of aay ponding claim, anu lano tbts ponsion, and hem: for tho Orohans' Homn ni.lnnpir,.n 0UI Indian lteservatlon In Boutn. Dakota) gov arrears. . ' ... , n ,. , XT . . I IT-..1--. .--. .1 ..1 .. l-.l I-cuanon county, and had forwarded means I --ju- -uu h-u.ubkii, un Dtp-i uul. "i'lT1 lerapcr u and Sil, and October to relieve the Wllliamsport sufferers by tbo uood ot lB'JO. '1 ho sermon waa preached by tho Rev. John F. Btcen, ot Now York, from tho text "Ye servo tho Lord Christ," IloUl It to tlie I.ticlii, Tho man who tells you confidently just what will euro your cold is prescribing ivcmp-a uaisam mis year, in the prepare. Hon of this remarkablo medlclno for coughs and October 14, 1890. Halt rate excursion tickets good for thirty days from dato of sale. For further Information, circulars show. rates ot fare, maps, eta, address, George u. ucauord, first Assistant General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ills., or John It. Pott, Travelling Passenger Acent. Wllliamsport, Pa. 8-1-llt. With a fccblo annettto and Imrvrft ,11. aud colds no expense Is spared to comblno gestlon, it is Impoislble for tho body to so. only tho best and purest ingrodtents. Hold euro tho rom1l9ltBamr.11.1t nf nnn.i.i.m.n Mrs. H. E. Wasley will havo 'opening' of I a boltlo of Kemp's Balsam to the light and Aver'a Sianarlllii nnt nnio- .iimi.r.. Pattern Hats and Bonnets at her mllllnciy look through It; notice- tho bright, clear desire for food, but aids tho assimilative storo, next door to I. W. Uartman & Bon look; then compare with other remedies. organs In Uio formation of good blood and on Wednesday, Beptembcr 17th. Prlco 60c and 1. 'I t0uml tissue. an Agent according to tho rulos and regulations ot tho Department of tho Interior In thu nros. ccutlon of such claims and having bad sua- cess in a numuer or cases 1 am always pro. pared to glvo information and assist claim. ants, and will assure thorn success It they are able to establish tho facts as required uy mw. Thoso interested should call soon and claim tneir roward, aiiOUUB W. STKItNliK, N-rlU .llurl tlM. T-ln-Uui. Illooiuiburg I'm. ro Nervous Dettitltnleil Men. If you M 1U uODtl ua your addrfla.. wa will mall rou our Illustrated pamphlet explaiDtai. all about -jr. iijuai i icuruuxi -kmuiru-vuiuuij uoib aaa AP plUDocd, aad their ohannlDtre-focu upon Uio ner vous debilitated ajBtum, and bow ther will uulo-. 17 restore you.'UOU-orAQjmanhooJ.PAmpuJetrrtH). 11 you aro idus amiouu, wo w 111 eoua joa a UiM and Appliances oo trial. , 1-JMX. Voltaio lliir Co., Marshall, Mich. A good pushing Salesman hero. First-class II Py Kunuiuxn uomauss'on or salary. I viu -cuius uaw rruita nuu spwiuiuus. VAKMBKS can get a good paying J -b for tho I wiuvcr. wmu lor mil terms aaa pauiQuius F1UJU K. YOUNO, Nurseryman, mo. 8 10 'm. ltocicstcr. N. V. Save Tour Hair BY a timely use of Aycr's Hair Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, and beauty ot the hair, " I was rapidly becoming bald and Eray but after using two or threo ottles of Aycr's Hair Vigor my hair grew thick and glossy, and tho original color was restored." Melvln Alorlch, Canaan Centre, N. II. " Somo tlmo ago I lost all my hair in consequence 01 measles. After don waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer'a Hair Vigor and my hair grow Thick and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. Tha Vigor is evidently a groat aid to nature." J. 11. Williams, Florosvlllo, Texas. "I have used Ayer'a nalr Vigor for tho past four or flro years and And it a most satisfactory dressing for tho hair. It is all I could desire, being harmless, causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange." Mrs. M. A. Ilalley, U Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. " I havo been using Ayer'a nalr Vigor for several years, and believe that It has causod my hair to retain Its natural color." frs. II. J. King, Dealer in Dry Goods, &c, Ilisbopvillo, Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rairiaio bt Or. J. O, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. Bold by Drugirl'U ul iVfumus. CHlCHC-.TEn'S CNGII6H PEKNVROYAL PIUS. lUtl Crukft JiUmuuU maud. Th Aula. .lk.a Kill tat -fcU t4 'Art. IaJIm, Mk limut f U 1JU Mod tirud,u rvl iw.uuiolioaa,t)4 UUuriUa. TiVati fiituNi fur Mftlao-ATt f-ul Ue-llcr fr 3-$