COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAJ Advertise In America "Never lay aside an American tiows paper, says that French satirist with nn Iruh psoudooyro, Max O'llell, -wuiiom looKing over tbo advertise menu. Ten to ono yon will le rc warded for vonr nit inn " It is popular to laiaent tho absence ui n instinctive utor.tnre, a distinctive art in America. But ivhatever skill wo may possess in either field finds dig. tinctivo expression in our advertise- racn.B. 10 trie Anuncan p?oplo may oa jusuy credited tuo elevation of ad vertislng to n art an art whioh com mands to day tho admiration of the world. The genius of Hogarth, tho grace of .tiuuisuu, mo wu oi o or ill, trio credit lity of Munchausen aro to be found in the American merchant's, appeal for public nation. ere. There i nothing Jonathan will not risk in oursuit of the A'trrghty d liar. This is a matter of serions rectH to the foreigner. An Englishman, writ ing less than fifteen year ago say?: American editors have pecult r no tions on tho subject of advertise! ents and the duties of i.lvnnian " tt then proceeded to cite instance if their 11. propriety- or morality, and in the midst of bis apologies for doing so he breaks off with the co lsoling veraarlc "that the majority are to intont on getting money too care much for what is said of them.' The humor in the general run of American advertise ments is their redeeming merit in the foreigner's estimation. Johnny Bull Will Shake hia arrillia ha fulla ...... . J J J of the grocer in Pennsylvania who in- at4 I - f r . . cvnuvu vu iuu icnoe oi a graveyard, in largo white letters: "Use Jones' bot- uoj aie it yon would keen out of hcres or the merchant in New York State wno left his column entirely blank, with this note in very small type at the bottom: "This space was sold to A. E. Brennan .fc Cia ' hut aa il.t.;- u.:... f "I ... IHVIl UU9UIGOO is sufficiently brisk already, the de cline to use it" The writing of advertisements is as suming mo dignity of a profesuon. Much of the style of writing is charm inulv seductive. little information of, a scholarly nature, muy a reauer naa discovered, alter perusing a half column with quicken ing ioterest to find in the end how he may become a Hercules in strength or m U . 1 .1 9. . . uy me use oi certain elixirs! There is mnrn mnnop in I h n irin'i!nn -r - J ' advertisements than in legitimate lit-err-Cnre. Agencies solicit tho writing vaurerusmenis and gurantee appro priate illustration. of game injwhatever newspaper orperi- "ju auverusers maj desire. Most of the celebrafd advertisers write their own notices. "It is only needful to repeat a thing often enongb," says Goethe, "and every-body will end by believing it." -C JL ITeCabe, in the Chicago Her ald. A Growth Of 1,100,000. The gross population of Pennsylva nia in 18S0 was 4.282 891. From the census returns for 1190, it may be esti mated, this state will show ua increase of at least 20 per cent, or a total oi 5,400,000. This estimate miy be more. None of the manuff during or mining counties have yet been tabulat ed or pjblished. The larger towns show a uniform increase of over 25 per cent except Philadelphi whioh is about 22. This would indicate that 20 percent is a moderate allo.vance for increase in the counties. counties. 18S0. 1890. Philadelphia 840,980 1,04 894 Perry 27,522 2G, 89 Juniata IS 227 1C173 Franklin 49S55 51,039 Snyde; 17,997 19,122 Fulton :0,149 10,058 Fayette 59,634 79 -ISO Dauphin 76,148 95.525 Centra 37 921 51.S65 Columbia 3203 8 50 Blair 52,751 70,317 Lehigh 65.CS9 7.260 Adams 32,455 3.431 Bedford 34,929 35,897 Huntingdon 33,954 35,125 Cumberland 45,977 46,915 Mifflin 19,577 19,912 Union 16,965 17'637 Franklin 49,855 49,433 Westmoreland 78,129 109,329 TOWNS. Erie. 27,730 40,127 Harrisburg.. . .. 30,762 39,202 Reading 43,230 53,700 8cranton 45,850 79,000 Lebanon. 8,779 14,727 Sunbury 4,077 6,306 Chambersborg . . . 6,303 7,875 Gettysburg 2,S4 3,051 Carlisle 6,209 7,924 TJniontown 3,275 6,323 Johnstown 8,380 30,435 York 13,940 20,709 Media 1,919 2,705 Wesc Chester..... 7,046 7,651 Allentown 18,663 25,173 Lancaster 25,762 32,202 . De population of the eleven super visor's districts, into which the state was divided, in detail is as follows: First District Philadelphia city and county, 1,044,894. Second District Chester, Delaware, Lancaster and York counties, 422,953. Third District Berks, Bucks, Li high, Montgomery and Northampton counties, 495,067. Fourth District Columbia, Dau phin, Lebanon, Montour, Northumber land and Schuylkin counties, 446,240. Fifth District Carbon, Lackawana, Luzerne, Pike, Monroe, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties, 492, 647. Sixth District Bradford, Cameron, Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, Ly coming, McKean, Potter, Sullivan and Tioga counties, 412,644. Seventh District Adams, Bedford, Blair, Cumberland, Franklin, Fnlton, Huntingdon, Juniata Mifflin, Perry, Snyder and Union counties, 396,486. Eighth District Armstrong, Cam bria; Clarion, Indiana Jefferson and Westmoreland counties, 355,129. Ninth Distrect Allegheny county, 588,522. Tenth District Butler, Crawford, Erie, Forest, Lawrence, Mercer, Venan- f) and Warren counties, 423,000. leventh District Beaver, Fayette. Greene, Somerset and Washington count'es, 2S3.451. It is not pos ible to compare these figures by disUicte with the rwulta of the last census for the reason that it a I ears ago f ho state was divided into only ten district, and consequently the divisions did not include the same counties. 'lis Purest and Best Articles known to medical science are used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every ingredient is carefully selected personally examined, and only tbe best retained. The medicine is prepared under the supervisoa of thoroughly competent pharmacists, and every step in tbe process of manufacture icare fully watched with a view to securing in Hood's Sarsaparilla the best possible TMuIt. IF X nODT 7IKKT A BODV the result Is a collision, whether "coming' the rye," or net. IJfe la full o colli Ions. We aro constantly colliding; with ust taljr or something-. It It ten t with our twlgutmn It U with dome dread dterur tht "knoikii us off lh" trick' and fwhir dis ables us (or lite. Women rapcclaltr It rem, hare to bear the brunt of more collisions lad afflictions than mankind. In all cam of ncrrousncM. bcar1n?-down pensattons, teo demtws, periodical pains, sick headache eon p-stlon, inOammation, or ulceration and all female lrTCjrularltlcaM and woakmcaw," Dr. llercc'a Favorite Prescription come to the rescue of women as no other medicine doc. It 11 the onljr medicine for women. aoM bTdrurirM. under a positive guarantee, from tbe manufacturers, that It will sir satisfaction In every case, or money paid for It wiu be refunded. See ffuannttt on boUlc wrapper. Copyrttht, isa, t WOUD's Dli. VxD, AM. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the llrrr, stomach and bowels. They jitv rural Tere table and par feotlr hannlcas. One a Doee. BoM t7 drunruu. a cents a vlsX WHAT CONSUMPTION sorofula BRONCHlTlt COUQHB COLDS EMUU10N CURES Wonderful FlMh Produor. Many- hart gained one pouad per day by iU us. 8ootVa Emnldo Ls k4 cecsvi MBiedy. It eonteins ih's ttimulasV Uff pi prtUi ol thti Hypophcf fhke and nn Nbrwtgun Ood liver 00, tit potency ol oib bflinr largely iBertued, ltboiad kjr Phytialans all var the irorld. PALATABLI A8 MI1K. Sold v n JOrvgUU. OOTT A IOWNI, Ohmlst,N.V CLOTHING I CLOTHING O. W. BERTS OH. THE 11EROHANT TAILOR. Cents' FWadihi&g Ooods,B&U & Capi OF EVKKY DESCRIPTION. Salts made to order at short notice and a fit always guaranteed. or, no sale. Gall and eiamino the largest and beet selected stock, of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Btoro next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, Bloom?Dttr&: Pa. 5A FLY N ETS CHEAP AND STRONG. X ! e- styles 8-A Meta, price to salt nil ll!l4SO.N.l'lllUADEI.PU:Ar tioia by all dealer. J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., OXaUBS E3 PIANOS, B the tollowtss wellksown taakerw Chickerinsf, Knabe, Weber, Hallct & Davis. Can also famish anv of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Juo not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. a Mt-p-o- Thla Trade Mark Is on m Best , Watersrcol Coat 6 In the world. CWafrfw W X.J Twwr,BoaJ PRETRIAL 1 PACKAGE PROffrlARRlS' PASTILLES FOR THE CURE OF WEAK MEN VriMMr sMUl ttrvla r fTstf tliriL MUllMllrlMI ataiLa raM-4 1st ,. WEAK VuLllTil DLA UU IssMirM WHEN mLn kiMiifTiui, wakiiiw itti.. u k f vim. Vtbrnat4 iUtiiii.iltiMiiAlarnu MJ4 irt atrilr tl tr4s!J WE SAY CURE.Vrir;.,-, MMrilf U f r4aUf U 14, UI U1ULTI lr4 ai4 ur4 la pmi se javr. MA WWC&OLUSLI KIDICATIDriSTTLLla ATRIAL" xx uux iJn l 1 ks; 1 "'"Lil , iM C frlBf Irm tkli WBija tfw.ll kMi4 tU a41rtM m t m f araUa, 4Miai u ku.r4, Ul .1 May t u4 sliil f M (414 41 ftHTt M4tlM U llHI ft ftmv t. U4 U v Tr(wr It jn t 8i.Lm1i, vc tn U t W tir4 V IMatUtHtl fsUUlU TttAtMl THE HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfs. Chmlitt, inn K IPP it PODMOREL ARCHITECTS, OrrranocT Bousma, VfUkeabtrre, Pa. Branch OStee. Bloomsburtr. Pa., with Jxo. U. Ctuur, AUy. k CounselUr. mf rautM !Slla BEK MV SPONGE? slBMaaWCRnt. 8HINK rourShoex with woLFrs- ACME BLACKING ONCE A WEEK! Other nara wmali ttxen oiaan wtth SPONIE AND WATER. EVERY Hounwife EVERY Counting Rocvn EVERY Carritas Owr,r EVERY Thrifty Mechanic EVERY Bodj tb! to hold a brush eaomo vaa 1 WtlXBTUN 4AMtloeMtlUtUk1 WlU stTAIM TlRWAHt Wiu mm Oi uim Wiu St t a liiri woLxy m.uao&ra, rutftdAipUfc BIG FISH WITH HANDS AN ENCOUNTER OFF HATTSRAS WITH MARINE MONSTERS. CAIT. nilEKK TILLS X TimrLLDfO TAHX AUOtrAS ADVEXTUOS ALOKO THS COAST F1S11TMAT T. 2rL8EDTO BK TAKKS r.YMKA.VS OF COATIl'JOKS OSK IS MXAI.LY CAUOMT. Cant. Qheen. of tlia schrwinpr Ahhv Gheeo, iv strange things off' Cape iiaucraa on nis voyage 10 tun port. He doej not claim to have seen tbe 8fa stq ent, bat he did tee a number of mot.Btenj of the deen that pat alt well ere litea sea stories iu thu shade. The captain is a mm whose veracity is not doubled. Tho captain brought hi vessel from Rio do Janeiro, and it was when twenty miles off Cape Hatters that he ran into a tchool of sea mon ster such aa he had never before seen. The monsters were sighted by ono of the ciew. They were nearly a hundred yard a ahead of the vessel 'and were apparently rnshing toward her. yhen first seen by the sailors they thought the ship was running into a floating island, some of which are often seen at sex They soon changed their minde, however, when they got closer and saw a school of big fish that no one on board could recognize aa) havmg seen before. The school Omncd In lot f lift aMn tiQQa and tl.nn nt once closed in and followed her. They floated all around her and great ly impeded her progress. Although the vessel was going at a speed of seven miles an hour, the men sters followed along in its wake, and several more daring ones seemed to olntch. hold cf the vessels side and let themselves bo carried along After they had followed the boat several hoars the crew betran In omr nnnn aa a their safety, and called upon the cajj.iiuD, woo nereioiore-nad not been aware of the chase. SURROUNDED BT THE U0KSTEBS. He Sent for hia ctIaab And rrntnr mtr made a surver of th sahnnt vh'mh ha describes as resembling a low, rocky ;lon.i tt .:.) .u 1 io Dam kucy were larger than the average sir.ivi atiarlra Linn about ten feet in length, and varying irum me size 01 a oucKei to a tub in circomference. Tnev uemiv! in running a race and were having a gicai uaiue among memseives. They had Jour long arms, on the ends of which were cliwa that nm bled the hands of an ape. Those arm like ithings extended from each side of the body. Discovering that they were a new snecie of fish, ha immnHiaiaiv communicated the faot to the first mate with orders to try and capture some of the strange monsters. ioe maie gave orders to the crew, who were. more or Inu friirritno.1 hm were, waiting the chance to "skeer" tt 1 j ...1 .1 . . uiuics, sun wucj mey were toiu f the contain nnlftra thiap na..l. jumped out of their shoes. The boat 1.1 r was stjaroueu ior weapons, and soon the deck was covered with harpoons, boat,hooks, fish hooks and every other kindiof implement used in catching fish. The boat hooks were first nsed in theirlattemDt to cntrh iho fi.V, kni ..n successfully. The fish seemed to snow wnat was needed of them, and thev ued their "hnnrl-" n mnti themielve from being canght. Groups of two and three of the monsters would grab the rod of the boat hook and pull it away. Eight of these books were taken frnm tha eailnr. The arms of the fish were about six leet long, said Uapt. Uheen. FISH US P. TI1KIB 1IAKUS. The sailors br.rnft fllarmp.1 th!nl. ing that some ill omen had caused the serpents to follow the ship, aud thev thought they were going to be losL They told the captain that they thought the ship would never reach port. Some rushed to the forecastle uu uiueru iu me captain s cabin in their attemnt to poanA frnm il.o posed "Jonahs." uy this time tbe Bsh had become more darin?. and would Bide tho boat and grab the sail tenionB 1. 1 . . 1 . . auu 1 raws, ti iasi mo captain be came so exasperated at the men that 1 .3 1 ... .... ue uiuereu mem 10 cast tbe lines which thev nsn in atritnrr l.nm j v. I u ... UUU sturgeon. This the crew reluctantly did. The lines were bated with hugh Dieces of COdfiah Ann1 onat rvt9 side. They were handled by the fiih the same aa thev handled1 thn knathnnV- They would grab the line with thtir uauuq sun iry in tear mem apart, and if one was nnt dnrvaaafiil iwn A. - w....... t'ty u, three would come to its aid. "All the time we were trying to capture one of them," said the captain, lbey would keep up a yell that sound ed like the batk of a coyote. At last the men were snrrpaifnl . V. indeed, caught one of the fish, and L t . . 1 it. . .... mey ucgan vo nam nim in. Vben tbe remaining fish saw their captured brother they made great effort to res. cue him. They graobed at him while tbe men were hauling him up along tbe side of the boat, and once or twice one of them succeeded in getting hia claws over the foro raiL At last we had bim on dtok. and jncli tiilarinn yell as tbe crew cave oot at that hap, luuwrui auu me eceue on me dec: la indescribable. A MOX8TEB CAITUHKK. The Cantumi innnfetpr rinnn.lonJ .11 OVtr tl.A Hcv-.kT. lint liia minuivo.i v.m 7 " - iJ.-.ivuTlg .Vlk quickly stopped by tee use of an ax; . ... . 1.: . 1 1 -rt T , aowu tub ui liuau uur iu aopioer half boor we had caught two more of tbe hugb monsters, but these must have Ueen young onts, as they were a great deal smaller in size than the rest, and probably did not know how to evade the book. 'This was a strange monster," said dpt. Gheeo. "The body was round aad about the size of a small barrel, and the back was corered with (hick seal, resembling the scales) of the .dromisb, while the belly resembled V w 1 'Moraan.' tbo hide of n nnrrnwn. Tim kr.a.1 via nbont !. largo a an ordinary giz ncKcr, nun was norrilyiug to gwn tip on. The tVft trim .1 Inrrrn at a .1,1 I tr and grveulsh in color. " Tliey made my Wood run cold when I saw them. W all held a (v.multatlon and de cid d to have thr fih cooktd. One of lii tn was can ful'y i-leitiMl nnd rnt in to hue chunk , nd I ordrnd tin ro k to lirnnru it fnr .uni..r I Ihiughtthat they would not lie fit to at u ordini me others thrown tvirli ard, which waa diine. Hut thv ncriu't in the atrr ten seconds lie fore the olhets, whioh wue still fol lnwinir tis, b-mn a by.tln over which hould hive the fea-t. Thry prabhed 'hem with thiir hands, ard in the bat tie a fiumbt-r of nthi-ra -,re killid, ard in thMr wild nttpnmt tn r...t n intal thry cli.ncl chiT o.m rf tluir ded iium'i i, aid thi-y wee lo' frnm nur iw in a lort timr, and we con tinned our vo.nue utitiinUsUd. ' I. t to go b.wk to eating of uic u n. i y, when tli- .t Mew waa sirvtd iii nn one rou'd tell it from a mo-s of lKilt-i cinlfi!, and whCn boiled by itsilf it tastcJ Kk t shad." C.IDt. Ljhmltl I.lli.' W.'l.i a iintn. ber oi vars cnimandoi the plensnre vaoht of W. L. Elkina, of the Atlantic Rtfioing company, eUtes tint three years agi, wane cruising in South America, he hfd a similar experience. Philadelphia Timet. Wonders of the Deep- 1111.1. AND VALLKT OS THE OCEAN'S BOT TOM. TIIK TIIACK OK TIIK CAULK. The fea occupies three-fifths of the suriacs ot tbe eartb, say the Ocean. At tbe depth of about 3.500 feet wave are not felt. The temperature is the same, varying only a trifl-i from the ice of tho pole to the barninc son of ihe tqnator. A mile down the water has a pressure of over a ton ti the square Inch. If a box six feet wide were filled with si-a water and allowed to evanorato under the sun. there would be two inches of salt left oa the bottom. Taking tho arerage dspth of the ocean to be three miles. there would be a layer of pure silt 230 feet thick on the bed of the Atlan i'-, ine water is colder at the bottom thin at, the surf ace. Iu the mauy bays on tbB coast of Norway the water often freezes at the bottom before it dos above. W aves are very deceptive. To look at them in a storm one would think the water traveled. The water stays in the same place, but the .rt.:.. u . -. uivfuuu fjmra vii4 o'miciim-H in storms these waves are 0 feet high, and trawl 50 inilf an hour more than twice as .fast as the swiftest steamshin. The, distance from valley to valley is .11. ( .: .u- l:L. hence( a wave five feet hich will ex tend over 75 feet of water. Tne force of the sea dashing' on Bell Rock is xaid to bo 1 tons for each sqtare yard. Evaporation is a wonderful power in drawing the water from the eeai Every year a. layer of the entire 863j 14 teet thick, is taken up mto the cloads. The winds bear their burden into the land, and tho water comes down in rain upon the field, to flow back at last through rivers. Tho depth of the sea presents an interest ing, problem. If the Atlantic, were lowered from 5,564 feet th distance from shore to shore would bo half as great, or 1,500 miles. If lowered a little more than three miles, 19.GS0 feetj there would be a road of dry land from New Foundland to Ireland. This is the plain on which the great Atlan- : . 1. 1 T . mi . r ... uii uuuies were lam. 1 no Jleuiwrra neaq is comparativtly shallow. Ajdrying up of 660 fe.-t would leave three different sas, and Africa would be joined with Italy. The British chan nel is more like a pond, which accounts for its choonv wave. It has lieen found difficult to get the cornet sound- iuffa,ot me Atlantic, a mid--hipmin of the navy overcame the difficulty, and shot weighing 30 pound' carries down the lir.e- A hole is bored through the sinker, throjub which a rod of iron is pageri, mnvinu easily backhand forth. In the end of tbe bar a cup is dug out, and the inside coated withJard. The bar is made fast to the line, and a sling holds the shot on. When tbe bar, which extendi below tbe ball, touches tbe earth, the sling unhopks and the shot slides off. The lard jn the end of the bar holds some of the sand, or whatever may be on tbe bottom, and a drop shuts over the cup t-' keep tho water from washing the sand ont. When tbe ground is reached a shock is felt, as if an elec tric current passed through the line. i France Bariea All Its Oitii'ns. It isithe law in France for the gov ernment to bury all of its citizens. In that country fuuerah aro a government monopoly, and llm undrrtakeis are military rfiicers, rankiuu; usually as majors, or captains. Tbe fintr the funeral tbe higher tlw rank of the offi cial irj charge, who is dressed as a rule, in black, velvet, with inuob gold lace, a sword and a cockade. The burial! bureau in Paris occupies one of the largest buildings in the world. If you die there yottr relatives and friends are not .consulted at all as to your funeral. The bureau upon re ceiving report of your deAtb through tho pplice taktu'it own steps to fiud out the social position and means of your family. In accordance with its information on these points tbe funeral is ordered. If the bureau decides that you ought to have a first dais funeral you are compelled to have it whether or no, and if it is not paid for promlly the family goods will bs conficite I. Tbe sort of funer.i' chosen you will be one of eleven classes, as the bureau miy di rect, the expense descanding from $5,000 for a first claw burial to $12 for a tinlh class interment. Paupers come under the eleventh class and are put nmler ground for nothing. Cor. Wathington Star. PARKER'S M HAIR BALSAM rrumuAti a lsnamU Eiwvlh. Mvr TstiTs to firtrtor Ortr Utlr to It YouUtful Color. Cu isi a kalr " r fUtJH limtrit I m r rir' Oiutr Xouiav ii cr im m vt-s - - aaM.crikvsi, a ssa, H iJBkT.Mni, HINDERCORMS. -n!r m.ta(w (Ufa a3(. t. at UlitUi a CO, X T. 8 18.4t. Dalroit sunn guii JJBMUl. meet tackle Ulock ILUJ' TI1E COST tX hoist t him to Morektvpera, Butciers, rannera, ilicii. lniau, Boiklars, contrtora aaa OTU. Ella. AHmlued to b tba zraul li. pwemeou EVER made in tackle WiJCfaLntiifct pretwu. Writ (or 1 sltea Iron 3s Enjbss Wcrkt. EaUb. W6J, id kroibbt, Detroit, Hich, v-iy. A nil ii iialitiiia.jiti.aai arfaasr.awt. saahSMartaaaattaiS 1tlu$ SaataiamaiSaaa. 7.18-dlt. 1 THE GREAT German Remedy. TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. . qt llKm; it cat h It milouiSpell-idrptnil onSru-iirBlUTTEnv It will cure mu. 'or a fa -e w here b V L nun UTTEit will iotasIt or cure. 11 novcr falls. 11 Till tut IT Witt) liatllnUrvUllgont Ocinw tho Tltlated m lecunz: 11 po. iik lxl when yon ftlll 15 linpunucs uurei nrthroTifh the tllt-l ! a II win mre you. iliMTKllii t trtHi in vno tuius ami worit not procure rafflrlom ii'LiiiLK iirnciu.n lhal hoAllh Vt-llt fAl f-H 'rtir. eicrclrVs and all wbel .! LI-lll U ItlTTtUS1 irecnnflncil indoor ltlTTKR. ThCTWil) rill cure LuerCom lalnL IKintl-eiUfl not thca tTTCiiMtt! -ocrtfeu: It will cart ; ."Mi. ra M'LTIIL'K lllTTF.KjtTI If v id do Dot wifh to tutor from lihonra will bnlll yon up and 1 1 n.ilc you ttroDgand u ii rcTcr mm urun? MLrniK liirriRj liou't to WlLhOtlt ft -win nww jout uipou Wj bottle. Try U: yot purc.r. namisiroDg,Lj ibiii uirurrn nnru, Ljtiies tn tlcitcatc bcalth. who are al' ITT M'LrlllK HIT- rrcs tn Dlsrlit, ami ioti will sleep well run uotto, hooi(i um jsri.rm tt Iittttr. in 1 T.'fl iwMtrr rnrit. Do yon want tho Mollcal tVork publlshertf fol a 5-cmt stamps to A. 1". Ordwat & Co, Boston, Han., and icctka a copr, tret. Intelllgont Eeaflcri Trill notlcs that r nn 'VarranlfJ la nn" silt alaaaa r laaaaaa, lat .Bljr aatk sts raasUt rriasUardart llTr,Tlal Vertigo, Headache. Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious, Colic, Flatulence, etc. Tar thaa thajr arnawarrasi4 ftlUiU. bat srs aiaiarlrsa as It la poo albletotnakoaramaaiy-.. 1'rlre, S3 at. SOLD ITVEItYAYlIKltB. -Tbuusaiitls Lava In? -a rxruancuily cured i.y I'l ll.AUEI.rilI A, I Ki-eatoucanopperatlMi trkiasc(tliaafruuituluak IVti pruiouawd In curable ir octiers wal. s-cdJ (ur Ctreolar. CURE GUARANTEED. ooIitSsTTit Aug 16 8D lr. VOICE S OUtv ll,-r I . rrjx!J of Mr. Lam ttO raiOsalk t 1 Hr baVt im IfttK - . Aifvai as i.twran (! L-mbl-Cad ftak ttiatkMCa - ' lft04j W 11. U A ISO J. '..Laua Mis. iiimtbvrr. fsU, WTW( -I k sTTT bawTMB asKJtklBf U Mil Ifkal fomr tltSaia. Ttlcrl4j 1 lock order eMosrfc f tT w8V,.V W J, EJ. me, aUarw, Mi, -l mwTj kxm aa J mBl la "! iikWi ZO tttt m lllflt all aw Otfen sUf Aotmr mik aa mH k.Bt- kM u art. , ' -,frrt rroia thHr kttcr. Zttry eqk- UiM kaU if Uii ml baMii ism pta4 brtslti. MiuM we start YOU in this buMfies. . KriMUoiiU ktn in tbtist btMnsif. w. . miUli Wn aJl ttoal at U irattanlsf; u.jv w arCI url roai if t d t. rr,. f raj U JOm, pn .f lit, - f4 rni b bW t akk p rold u. I tawjulrr Ifvea raWk an anaL-1 faa n.a-. !...: ..... r1 u-airtrtr Mia l S.s.UDU -n IMInr I'hntocrnpb A I hum ari b mU ttk K'3, itoyU CntMoa SUk.lH r!li7,T4 Grt'm Jirtiii UU.)ttru. Wt m7 for Aar M MB UlU-r rT. V, armrr rr ,aii w. Arrta UkttkMaavfvrtMr mUm npdkty Wmt tCf ian. Orrat iwvtn .t ,rtT7 Aru 4r Mklac IWtvM UJmimUubui um T-b. rMaVr. i m.Zt? Vw .? tofomttte ixd Irmi fr-. tttiM J rukmaW t r m (mWf, kj v kina U aVa. Jan. ls-V3-iy. FOR MEN ONLY! l ttr avvo. Of Trillililtl aVAjlUDODl ptaerU KEKVOOS ClUTIj lilil issasna A.tlPTtpr J.1BCIMI IM U14 CT I n a. swMiaM w sa a. 1 1 a s ti lo r s o o a a k t s a r akto oraa di. iMudruuMi hubs tauraui-ai. i. . auC an ERIEMtfDICAt. CO., BUFFALO, NT. FOR Horses, Cattle,,8heep & Hogs. Eieels tnjnmti, tor the rapid core ol Hart Cj Cet, jhs, Hide Boaad, Telle. Wt,,.Fm7 Distemper, Sore and Weak Ejes. tuna feler p.V ''"" Bl;eh. an d!ffie""ic X: Means at one, h tit J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS M Y FOB SALE BV A1X T 3-210 HIRES 5 th BlnZS" tlsTROTETJ iiTH ROOT BEER!! Inlaws, rasauatiatrauiias usuautla thu najgx mm rrrz cmora. m ROOT BEER. rh. moat AFPFTtZtNO and WH0LZ80U2 TMPKKAHCB DHIKK to ti. -world. aad BparUlne;. TBT IT Aak 7 our Druyylat or Orocar for it. C. E. HIRES. PHILADELPHIA 7-t -4t. B. F. Mb. has secured the sole agency of Columbia county for the Nation al Sheet Metal Hoofing Co. These roofa are Eruarantcpd tn be far superior to any other rooi, as tuey are both storm and wind proof. Sheet iron roofs of this manu facture can be put up as cheap as tin, and last much longer. Roof3 are made of sheet iron, tin, or copper, as parties may desire. Orders mav bo spohtm! through B. F. 'Savits, Blooms- burg, fa., who will put on the roofs and nuarantea thn wnrlr or may bo ordered direct from tne laiional Shest MeUl Roofing Co. 510-520 East 20th Street,!!. Y. (VfMnc; K1-. ' Cauiogm- treo Tiitf s Pills rt ajasj alio rsHss EUK XZ.Wa:lBBBI S V.7J9aSBBBBBBBBkS.a.' V lessens tsilBBI aiieilUl Vlll RAH.ROAD TIM 19 TSZiB mm sMbEiCLbi JKI.AWARE, LACKAWANWA & WKSTKR.V RAIIiROAI). I1LOOMS11UKO DIVISION. HTAT10NS. NORtnl'aBIRLiKD... Cameron Cbulasitjr UanTllle ltapert ... , uiuouuburg , BspT. Uin.' lti.l(re.. Willow orate. Brtsrrreelc Uftwlek lioiiti llaren HleK's Kerry anlcksliluur......... Iluniocts. Nantlcolce. Aromlile rurmoulb Pirinouth Junction . Kingston Bennett.. , SalUT vroming-. West rncatou. Plttston. LactAwaana Tariomue.. ....... Oellevue. SCaAHTOK. STATIONS. ScaaKTOK Iieueme. Tajlornile Lackawanna ........ I.ttaton. West Flttaton. Wromlng Nonnt. r.n. r. h. a. M. A. If. 613 630 T US 1 u 10 00 ion 1019 10 It 10 U 10 30 10 37 IM 3 It III 9 an IK 71S e u t 41 ii in nit fit Kit 11 It II 80 il n 11 31 11 33 It 43 II H 13 CVS 31 tit 7 41 "4V r 8o 911 21 824 833 in i it T I 7 80 iSO : to 3 34 IM 1 10 1313 II in 3 43 h ni 83 808 1 33 13 87 8 43 12 31 8 49 III .... sir 12 33 13 40 1141 H 33 1 01 1 09 113 1 20 r. k. IB ssi 837 ill HI 4 01 4 OH I 11 8M 903 (CM f 17 913 130 9 33 r.H 8 43 SM .... 0O 4 S3 r. u. r. m fcOUTU. A. If. A. If. 310 9 30 313 933 3 20 10 00 tti 10 Of r.n. r. if IU 624 .... 3 23 102 S 30 2 10 6 3T 6 3 1018 218 3 43 6 43 8 47 1012 10 Tt 3 24 329 237 140 3 43 a m 1JD 839 639 703 707 7 19 J.UtlD 8 31 1030 10 34 103) 10 43 10 47 10 31 1033 1102 11 12 1121 Pennett. 61 biutfsujQ eos Hjmoath Janctton. 7 03 l'lTmouUi no Arondale t 14 .Nintlcote t u Uanlocte i j nlciamnnjr 7 jt niciramrr. 733 Beacn Haven a 01 716 a sa 7 41 139 7 23 3 06 7 33 3 20 7 33 3 31 8 07 340 313 3 47 8 20 1131 Berwick b07 1140 3 33 8 27 wiuoworore. 8 it Umeitidge sto Sr.. 8ii Uloomarjure. sm 1130 11 34 3 sr 8 31 833 8 41 8 47 8 32 8 57 913 402 4tr 4 13 422 4 23 4 46 M 13 01 12 06 napen 8 37 till Caxawiissa a 43 1I17 Dinvtlle. aar CauUoky , " Canieron 9 47 1241 NOBTHCHSIaXAXD. 9 2t 12 63 SCO tu 513 9 43 r, pi??2?;f,l?,?l..l.RttSrt WIth PnlladelpbU 4 Readies lUllroid tor TamanenJ. Tamaqna. Will POtjSanburr. Povurllle. etc At Sorthotn planjl with K. s K. Div. H. K. it. for UarrtsDanr. uxyc Uaren, Emporium, Warren. Corty, and Erie. w. y. UauteaD, uen. jian, ticranton. Pa. Penmylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. tTtable. lneaect mayii. ibvO. Tralna leaxe Bontjurr BASTWAK a oaore iti press (dally excD fSSJ' ff latermeoUtMstaOoris irrintig at I'miadelpMaliSB. m.: Now York I.W p. m.; Baltimore, S.10 pTm. ; WsjS5nt0D 3.33 p. m., coaneciliatPniJilelr'nla roriSrsea 3ttare points. TBroatn paaaeueer coach tc . . 133 p. m. Day Sxnrea. ially except 8nalay),ror Uarnsbnre ana IriterniS v- innus ai roiiaaeiph a 6.Mp.m.; New York, 9.33 p. m.. Baltimore through to PWlaieTphla and passencer eoaoiee thr0H2ritX)PBJlajlelrihlaaTi aoic ..8-9J "n- KenoTO Accommodation (dally torllamsmirzand alllnterme.dlatesuaong.arnT. las at Poiladelphla t23a.m. -New York a S. uutimore. 3.13 vm.; Washington ejo a. mT: Pullman sleeping car from UarrBbtirv to Phiiadelt pnla and New Yort. PhUadelphu paasengeri Tela remain In alixr i,tn,h.a nVTT. - 1 l.soa. m.Krle 3(all (dally) (or narrtsbare and -7 ..ow mi, a. m.; -inronea roiiman sleepy ears aM paaeenger coachea to PhllaAel Dnla. 2.S0 a. m. soithsrn Express (duly) (or HarrU borz ana Intermediate autlonjarrtTlneatJBaltll S,Kar.m--lai "Wa?toas.ti. Im. ana through Pullman Seeping cars to Baltimore and n ashington, and throngi? pasaeaffer coacnea to Baltimore. WESTWAHli. 3.10 a. m Erie MaU (dally), (or Erie ani a' Canandaljrua aLd Intermediate stations, Hochfa man Pal m cars ana passenger coaches to Erie ana tl Q 2 11 isl4 1- XJ rcr KAne, can dMffUEavnd lntenaeteroa- " - a vwhUsmv BUUllMtUB r IUS WUD urcogapakSaKnieTer coac&eB to Kaiio kvml KocliftraeT And Firlnr rar i. U'ort-in. mc-o-ci K V n m Vs e tos .ss. n . apTO, 9&ttliifl and tDlennftlii,te suUom. with . . . wuu w ncuu.u alia w "sina 9.u p, m. Wllllamsport Expresa ( dally ) tor ttlllla'Bsport and intennedlate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR 80NBURY PHOICTHE wui OltUDUUlU. News Express leaves New York, 12.13 nisht. PllftjlAlnma . tft j n. . .. . ?.Mr tr r vtv a. u, liar. rusurg, 3.10 a. m. dally arrtrthj at Sunbury 9.53 . Niagara ExpressleaTee New Tork6.29 a. m Phna?lnta uta. . u...i.... . . . . --"i- , t. nrtmaivu o iu a. la. uai. tlmore 9.0a a. m. (dally except Sunday amnnir at SIT1 1-.421 r-P- -nt0 ""Toea Parior carfrom bhi riJiTi. --i-aJkKiwajLca lieu Vllt I fni lAtttas Vaiv Vkp. n M . . .nvi.... a. m.; Wasolaffwn. 10.50a.m.; Baiti- m3i-e.", m. rlailT ki rsant Knn,. a ti . w .. . . coacliea from PMlAdslpUla and Baffinore WUllaoispor4rEpreaMleare8New' York 100 n - PMUiatpiiUi.'Ap.m. Waaiiinptoa 1.J0 p. m! M5 p. m. r ' ' Erlts Mall levea ?w York 8.00p.m. : piiiiadel. phla, p. m. ; WajOilBZton, 10.00 p.m.; Balti. moro,n.up. nu.tdaUj) arrtTlnffai; banburri.10 H.. m . With Onllrietn a1unnr. ... j7 tiUMcti-utA, uuu:(iroa avua sajuiaore and more. SUNBUaV, nAZr.KTUN V- WILKK8BARa Ulirifttlll 1 VII w l Man ii iajn -wrw.. -'-- t'"ivs ii .-a u w a3 HIMNCU Kill.VVAY. nal'rTrArt yr,... Wllih3rr i all tt.u u n Kn an v . aKU HHibS 1' JUUtil J 1U.UU I, UJ. arrtTlngat Bloom Perry, WUkea-barre Express' East leaves Sunbury 5.33 p. m., arrtvtnc at -Bloom Perry &, p. m.. Wllkee-birre 7JOp. in. uuwui umin uaBsuarro ii.ii a.m.arnT. IngatBlJom rVrry 13.37 p. rp., KUBbury 1.13 p.m. SUNDAY TRAILS. wtlkasbArre mall lesreasunbury lCWo a. m., ar nnns atiilooa Perry 10:4s a. in., WUkes-Barre 1210 l.m. Sualay accotuuiMauoa leaT-a WUkes-Barrv i 0 I - o'Jwu ivttt a.ja p.m., bqqij 1:30 p. m CUAS. E. PDOU, J. a WOOD, uen. Manager. uea. Pafeencer Act. PHILADELPHIA fc HEADING HA1LHOA.D. ON AND AFTER JUNE 23th IrVl TRAINS LEAVE BLOOMSBURO as (ollows- (8CHD1T1 XICirTSD.) For New York, Philadelphia, Reading. PotUrtlle. i al tn fti ti cr c-eat (lusa. m rorttmainsport, ililton and Dinruie 7M a. m. 3:1a. ll:a) p. in. POf CatAmll frAl T-1 Hat. m 1 t.wi ' i roriijperiitui,7:ll-03a.m., lfca), J:16, 6-00, e33, ii:oo p. m. TRAINS PO!t BLOOVSBURQ Leave New y rk vu PWladelphU 7:43 a. m. 4.00 p. m. and vu Eiston 8.13 a. m. i43 p. m. Leave Philadelphia 10.(0 a. m. 1-OOd. ra. Leave Keadln-; 1130 a. m. 7:3T p. mT Leave Poiunlie i-fc3u p. m. Uave Tamaqua 1.-21 a. m. 3:13 p. m. leave 'UI iuiipon 9 II a. in. 4:13 p. m. Leave L'al wta. 7.1 .-fi. . m l.v. . .. 11-01 p. ml ' if Kltwrt,:ta, 1KB, 8.1W, lUTl a. m. I-Ss, sjl, Ktl. ll:.i p. m. ' or IM. 4-ai, S.-43. 7ri3 p. m. t,undays W6. i-fti. ll?f a. m., 114, 3:13, 7:41 Ma. I ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Pier 7, Chestnut street rVhs-t. and twutn street Wharf: vm,u"" alre- roa iTLivnccitr. week daya-Exprem 8.-00.9JM, 143. a. m. (Sat. nntara nn v lLn ai .... .J; T7T 1 . ACWU-ut-Ntuuc, O.W a. HL. 4:15, a.3J. n m. bundava-Expn-M, :15. 7.-00. a.Dv kU, v-.Oi 9.W a. m. Aecommodauon a.-oa a. m. araitJip. m. asTcatnao, Liavi avuvno nrr. Depot corner Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues t .,jr Mt'ina ,A"U, t:JU, .Vt VAU. lUXU C.CU 3:10 a. m. and 4' P. m. bUndays-ExprBae. 4:00, 3.00, 6:0 8.-SJ. 7-.U1 3:00. to. ' 1 y. C. O. HANCOCK, A. A .McLEon. 0nX fnu. JorhL PATENTS, veati isd Trade Harks ootalned,and all Paten t UiieaiOoaluatedtorM.Jlia'rUTEf'BKS. OUH OPPICE IS OPPM1TK U. n. PATES P OPiTCK. We have so subgenclea. all boiineaa Irtct, hence can transact patent bualneaa lo leaa imeaad aiLESS COSTthaa those remetilroS send rnaiti. drawla?, or photo, with description. We advlae if Dates table or not. r .VvtZT Our (ee not due im patent U secured. A book.'Tlow to QUaln PaieotAlrtth rerevansea duurSi 10" 8UM """" C. A. SNOW CO., SPRING! SPRING!! SPRING!!! bD i i 4-J o 0 in C D u o 0Q tt !J a3 CO O "co G O 23 13 D. RIooiiislHirg, 50 i O O Jss. I LOWRNBERfi'S JJiTr DOLLAIIS FOR LIFE SVIIOLAXSIIIV -mm PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE 1700 Chestnut St., PHILADA., PA. (BetbSalM.) Pwltlaa r.r flradoatra. Tiro, IMlaH. UratJ!alvvel. BeaiOaarseerritady. CirtularsbMUrnnaaMthispapet jnly lM3w WHOLESALE (D-'aij, ffioiafc-o, C-.ri(j', Fvo-'ty I2otj. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week, iransnsi "5T oootds jl. sfeci a t nrz; SOLE AGENTS FOR. F. F. Adams Sc Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobaooo. Sole agents of the following brarxb ea! Cit-aia t Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Any rdrr far Festrnds will be supplied pc5, LtnoR5. di Dutnaic;. peanVtU, ad! tttjlijr WaJtiUij, BLOOMSaSURG, PA. G. 6. kOBBIS, ElLEk lH Foreign and Domestic JOBBEI2 XUST CTO-J,S. BLOOMSBURG tP In DarcbaamiT hnnta hnt.l nosoiit.. :. i . ..... . . . ia tm u :Ti i .i. i """"'"i i wine always to eeiect mat wnion is the besmt will be the cheapen in the end. A good article ia always a source of rjleasum. .T SAT.T'un i... .b .... f , . ,r , " uao wou WIQe repniation lor sellinrr cood goods at low prices. He bays direct from the manafactnrers, and can ull fint articleaand pricesT ' obtained elsewhere. Here are some of the Svwint? Machinm nf in iheNew Home Sewing machine' drawer drop leaf, all attachments, 19.50 to 60. Royal St. John, $30 upwards. aianoard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Have receive! 1 hn'ni.'ir'T""" m'v n Uistm Cornet, the bc-st cornet in the A cood asortmiiit of viniii.a ,,;,,, accordeons, drmn, flQts, fifes'aud a'll of musical instruments. Tha best of for vinlina. mittnF. l.Al.. ..;i! ... .,r, u,,,m) vioiinceiio, and ? bass Violins. Arrent fni. li..ii,.!l.' ..... pattern-book and fashion sheets. PiaDOi. orcans nnrl aacinn ,., el.!.,..., .,.11 ... , . ... discount for ca?h. b DO nOt lend pUewllprn lint noil i-i . , nun in&rl s "is.?, r e J. SALTZER, Musical liistriiiiicnis WAREROOMS. BLOOIVISJBURC n erf- 4 O Q o crq o CO a 2 CD in Pa DEALERS IN Indian Princosa, Samson, SHror wills tlx Lavcat MmAzt faea, aa Man reatn i!tt3oml. le Eiley Piano, $350 to $G0. Steck, 375 to $600. R. M. Bent it Co., 250 to 100. Browu & Simpson, 250 to 400. Rstey Organs, 90 to 175. Miller organs, 75 to 150. United tstites organs, 125 to 175. Chicago Cottage organ, 90 to $140 Worcester organs, !J75 to $150. Parii organs, 60 to $100. Cvlebrated White Sewing Machines 3 to 65. New Domestic Sewing Machines, 35 to $75. Co., 3 from Lii1 world. i...s. kinds strinr - a n. " , toT .u.u .. .noniuy pa ments. A liber ....1- . . . ocn mo BbouK 01 vonr home ilealpr ' - i.iaon,eu and Sewinu Machines XD? IraUlJaW - - A. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers