COLTJMBIAJN" AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAj The Columbian. 0. 1. ElvtlL J. X. BltWabwndir., XilUri, BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 , ISO. Democratic State Ticket. Fob Goverxor, ROBERT E. PATTISON, of PhilaJelptiia. For I.iEtrtKXAXT Goversob, CHAUNCKY F. BLACK, of York. For SrxRtTARr or Lnterxal ArrAiR, OAPT. Wm. H. BARCLAY, of Allegheny. Chairman Kerr of the Democratic Sttte Committee has opened his head Quarter at the Girani llonse, Philadel phi a. An active campaign will soon be commenced. Mr. Backalew his been lone in pablic service. II is great abilities haTe been reooipihed by oounly, state and nation. No man in the State can thoyf a loneer or more honorable ca reer. His failure to carry Columbia Connty last Saturday was owing largely to the fact that he paid bat utile at tention to his canvass until last Tues day, not knowing of any opposition. It was in some placed understood that he did not expect a thsrd term, bat was running in the interest ol Air. n olver ton, and for that reason the voting was done direct tor tbe latter. In some districts Mr. Backalew's tickets were aanoressed. A fall understanding be tween Mr. Bnckalew and his friends month ago might have made the result of last bstardsy lmpossiDie. WA3HTSQT0H LETTER- sjTcm oor BepaUr Correercndent. "Washinirtoa D. C. Autr. 11, 1S90 Republican audacity can scarcely go farther than it did on Saturdav when one of door-keepers of the House, claiming to bo acting under instruc tions from the Speaker, attempted to use force to prevent Representative Enloo leaving tbe House for a few minutes. Mr. Enloe, as any other American citizen would have done, in sisted upon his right to go and come as he pleased. Later, Mr. Enloe brought the matter before the House as a question of personal privilege, and very naturally wanted to know if the Speaker had issued such instructions, and if so by what antbor-ty. The Speaker denied having' issued tach instructions; but at the same time stated it as his opinion that the door keeper bad done right. Saint Joseph Cannon, who is second only to Mr. Reed in audacity, defended the action of the insolent door-keeper. Mr. Enloe protested that if officers of the House were to be given the authority to keep members in the House against their wills, they would some day keep them out of the Hoase by the same authority. The matter was finally referred to the committee on the Judiciary, and a majority of that committee being re publicans bat little U to be expected in the shape of justice. Truly one might sk, under what form of Government do we live! Oliver Cromwell found it necessary to use a regiment of soldiers to disperse the English Parliament; but the myrmi dons of Speaker Reed, without the strength of an rmed dody, attempt to control the actions of democratic mem bers of the House by sheer audacity. What a spectacle for s free country. It is now apparent that the infamous Federal Election bill is to be railroad ed through the Senate by force of the party whip lustily wielded by that aanctimonious, bat unscrupulous son of New Fngland, Senator George F. Hoar. It has been repo ted to the Senate and put on the calender, and in order to facilitate its passace the resolution providing for the adoption of a gag Role, to cat off debate, has been introduced and referred to the committee on Rules. The talk about the bill having been modiSed by the committee is bosh; it has been simpli fied to a certain extent, bat it remains one of the most obnoxious measures ever attempted to be forced upon a defenseless people. History will right ly characterize it as an attempt to Polinderiza.the South. Senator Vance stirred up the repub lican senatorial Menagerie on Saturday by showing how unjust the tariff bill u it cow stands is to the agricultural interests of the country. Mr. Vance made an onsuoceesful attempt to have certain clauses amended and the repub licans, as if to make the bill (till more unjust to the South, adopted an amend ment raising the duty on cotton ties. Mr. Blaine's reciprocity idea is ahead, and the indications are that It will certainly be adopted by the Senate, but in the House, where Speaker Reed who is bitterly opposed to it, is sole Monarch it may possibly be defeated. Messrs Reed, McKinley and others of the Chinese wall high protection wine -r .t Li- . . " oi ioo repuuiican pariy are irying to convince Mr. Hamson that it will be ruinous to him and his party for him to send a message to Congress favor ing reciprocity, as be has promised to do. xne repuDucans oi tne noose, par- ucuxany .nr. iteea ana nis coterie, have persistently antagonized tbe vorkingmen of the country d urine this enure session of Congress, and if they do not hear from it at the coming election it will be strange indeed. Tbe employed of the Government printin: office are threatening to make trouble because an amendment providing for the erection of a new building for that Mtablishment was stricken out in the House. The need of this new build ing is conceded by all, but it is refused in order to enable the republicans to pose as economists. Senator Morrill, who has gone away ill, u not in favor of reciprocity; he aays ita only logical oat come will be free trade. The entire administration and all of the Washington pension attomies, either in person or by t roxy have gone to the G. A. R. encampment at Boston The first named is in search of political capital, and the last of bard cash in the shape of applications for pensions. Be Your Own Doctor. , It won't cost you one half as much. Do not delay. Seed three two-cent stamps for postage, and we will send you Dr. Kaufman's great work, fine colored plates from life, on disease, iu aUses aad borne core Address A. P. Ordwsy Jc Co., Boston, Masi. 8-15 u HOTSHOT AGAINST QUAY AHD ' UELAMATEfi. MR. nLACKEXDCKO's LETTERS. MR. QUAT, "VOn ARE THERE OET1CTEU IK A T.UX)N S GARB. MR. DE1JDIATEK, "lOU ARE CHARGED WITH SERIOUS CRIMES, A slinging letter has been sent to Senator Delamater by Rudolph Blankenburg, of Philadelphia in which he carefully reviews the record of the ltepublican candidate for Governor. The writer says he cannot support Mr. Delamater in this eampaicn. air. Blankenburg has also sent a caustio communication to Senator Quay. Tbo letter to the Republican boss is as fol lows: Philadelphia, Pa., August 5. Hon. Mathew S. Quay Dew Sin The charges of embezzlement while Slate Treasurer of Pennsylvania, brought against you by the New York TFord, Evenina Pott. Jiation, Puck and other papers of responsibility, have so far met neither reply nor denial at your hands. It is and has been very irritating- to many earnest Republicans to have yon ignore these grave accusation?, made most pointed and emphatio in the list weeks Puck, wbich undoubtedly you have seen. You are there depicted in a felons garb, plainly called felon, holding the whip and compell ing tbo respectable leaders ot toe "C?rand Old Party" to march at the command of the felou overseer. As you perhaps shun suit for libel against any or all of your accusers on account ol the great expense icerein involved, it has been suggested by some of those Republicans who are in directly smirting under these accusa tions to raise a tun J ot euincieniamonni to institute and push suits for civil and criminal libel against your open accusers. Please lei me know if this plan of vindicating your honor as Chairman of the Republican National Committee and united states senator meets wiiu your approval, and oblige yours, res- pectluuy, ltnpoLPU islaxkesbcbo. A BOMB FOB DELAMATEB- The letter to Senator Delamater also a stinging rebuke to the candidate and reads as follows; Philadelphia, Aug. 5 1890. Hon George Wi Delamater Dear Sin Ab 6ence from'my office when you called last weeK preveniea my ginuK juu personally tbe reasons wL. I cannot support and vote for you for Governor of l'ennsylyama, and i now ao so writing. You were openly and directly charg. ed in April last by ex benator fcmery a reputable and responsible citizen, with one of the gravest crimes against our tree insiiiuuons -purcnasing jour election and bribing citizens to vote for you,'' etc and you were chat lenced by Mr. Emerv to bring an ac tion at law against him so he could set bis proof betore tne people oain-oouno. Had you been charged witn embez zling money, robbing a widow or orpb an, you would as an innocent man not have allowed one my to piss oeioie bringing suit for civil and criminal libel 3gainst your accuser; yet here, charged with a crime much more seri- uos and lar-reacmng in its consequen ces, you have rested silent for months, whether because you have no defense, or do not consider tbe charge of "brib ing voters and purchasing your elect ion" a serious one, I know d ot. Crimes against individuals, such us larceny, embedment, forgery, are insignificant compared wun enmes against the sacred rights of citizenship and the elective franchis?, which is the balwark'andfoundation of our liberties. Let every thoughtful man, partisan though he may be, paue, reflect and take to heart the earnest call made no on you in April last by one of the lead ing Republican paper of t&U country, the Phila lelphia Pret, to meet tne charges against you fully and com pletely. Had you the right appreciation of the gravity of the accusation, against you you would not hare let four months elapse without even as much as a murmur, and were you at this late day to bring an action against your accuser it would lacic force and weignt as the law's delay could easily be in voked by your counsel to defer trial until after election, and then, as is generally done in such cases, have the suit withdrawn. The nomination of ex-Governor Robert E. Pattison fortunately makes it easy for Republicans who own them selves to exercise tbeir better judgment by casting their ballots for him. flu personal character is without blemish; his record whenever the rights of the people were jeopardized by arrogant and powerful corporations" is enviable; his political career has won the admira tion of even his political opponents, as expressed in the editorial remarks of the most partisan Republiin papers when he relinquished the Gubernator ial office four years ago. I regret that I cannot support the nomination of the Republican Conven tion at Harrisburg, for reasons above stated, aside from tbe important one that tbe will and the choice of tbe vast majority of the Republican party, who desired the nomination of tbe gallant soldier, General Hastings, were stifled through the one-man power and politi cal machinations of Senator Mathaw S. Quay. Yours respectfully, Rudolph Blasxexbusg. Tbe JuikulOoatest Ended. JCIXJE VCTZOrS RETAINS UIS SEAT. On Tuesday afternoon opinions were t.i .. x-;u:... . v. .1... .1 Judges, Rockefeller, Bacher and Mayer who for nearly to years have been taking testimony in the case. In the November, 1S33, election John J. Met iger, Democrat, was returned elected as President Judge of Lycoming county by a majority of 44 votes over bi opponent, Benjamin Stewart Bent- ley, iiepaoiicau. jietzcers seat was contested upon the grounds of illegal votes having been cast for him, and Governor Beaver appointed Judge mjer, ot uitnton county, Judge bach er,'.of Union county, and Jodge Rock tfeller, of Northumberland county, 1 commission to try tbe case. Daring the past twenty months 1 vast amount of testimony has been taken and this afternoon the decision of (the court was rendered in the presence of a large number of promin ent citizens and politicians. Judge Bucher and Rockefeller concurred in the majority decision, which awards the teat to Judge Metzger by a legal majority ot itj votes, while Judge Mayer filed a minority dicision wherein he took exceptions to s number of vital 'points and allowed M-Ucer only 59 maioritr. Judge Bucher and Rockefeller say: "We most emphatically condemn the carefessnesi and disregard of election laws on the part of most election of- ficen in the coanty, wpesJally ia rw- Table Congress. TOWNSHIPS. 5 e Beaver... .. Benton 66 73. Si 3. 1 3 61 161; III; 36 176.. 54 99 56:. 26: 69;.. 3' 10S.. 219:.. : I06!., 150 . , 8l!., 94;.. 3S 61 62 ., 87., 9 125 .. 167 Berwick East. Berwick West. 7 4, too 89' 66 Bloomsburg E. Mloomsburg Bnarcreek.. Catawissa , . Centralis. . . Centre.... 44 4J Conyngham X. 12 Lonynzham S. 9 Fishincrcek Franklin. . . 1 86 34 Greenwood E. Greenwood W. Hemlock. . . . Jackson Locust. Madison. ... Main Mifflin Montour. . . , Ml Pleasant. Orange Pine Roaringcreek Scott, East.. Scott, West. . Sugarloaf. . . . 95 IS 2 4 2 3 2 2 I 2 2 I 3 7 62 1 if 4 1 79 34 12 3 46 3 Total. 26i9;27ij In est Scott, Thomas Chatfant appeared as second choice. They pect to the proper securing, caro and cuitody of the ballotboxei and eleclioa paper, and if this contest should have no other good reu!ts it ought to teach those entrusted with important public duties to perform them more faithfully. Tbe interest of the community requires this in order to insure fair elections and enormous expense. It his seem ed strange to us that the asseuors neg lected to register so many persons in their respective districts. This duty is to visit every house. In some in stances prominent citiiens who have resided in the city of Williamsport many years and paid taxes were not registered." They further hold that it is the duty of the assessor to visit every bouse in the district and to register every per son claiming tbe right to vote. The affidavit of the voter, under the act of 1874, must state to the best of his knowledge and belief when and where he was born, that he has been a citi zen of the United States one month and of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, aod that he has resided in the Commonwealth for one year, or was formerly a qualified elector or native born citiieo thereof, and if removed therefrom that he has now resided in the district in which be claims to be a voter for a period of at least two months immediately preceding the election; that he has noi moved in tbe district for the purpose of to iug therein, and that he has, if 22 years or np wards, paid a State or county tax within two years, which was assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election. Tbe said affidavit shall also state when and where the tax claimed to be paid was assessed and when, where and to whom paid. The Court holds that all the necess ary rrquirements of the act of Assem bly must be complied with in order to entitle the elector lo vote. The Court was of opinion that the requirements cf the act of 1874 were not unreasonable. and that not to require the voter to 1 the statement demanded by the 1 lento section ot tbe act ct lb74 was, in effect, to abolish one of the most salotary consequences of the registra tion law. lue dimculty will always arise, however, unless the blanks now in use are changed so as to enable the voter to readily and intelligently nil them out so as to meet tbe require ments of the statute. The Judge found that 333 illegal votes bad been cast for Meuger and 337 for Bentlev. rEHMiVLVANIA acnuasTi TIO8. A TOW WOW OOOTCS WHO WIAUBT. IS BICOHESQ Few are aware o( the extent to which pow.wowing is still practiced Iu these parti, especially among tbe Penniylrinia Germans. There are people right htre in Sunbary who beliere in it Implicitly, and still others who allow thenuelres to go to these doctors In dire emergen cies. There are in our mills', about a bait doien men and women who are doctors. Tbe most noted doctor Is Dr. WUhelm, of RsubsTille, Pa., succes sor to the well-known Dr. Saylor, whose alleged wonderful cures years ago brought him patients from far and wide. Oa Satur day night a reporter met a farmer, who drore lo His ton, a distance of twenty.four miles, on Thursday, that hs might see Dr. Wilhelm on Friday. Early on Friday morning the farmer drore to RaubsTille, arririn-j there about 8 o'clock. Then there were already S3 patients ahead of him. walling to see the doctor. As fast as pa. tieaU arrived eacb was given a card bear ing a number and In that order they were admitted Into the presence of the doctor. The farmer said bis card was h'o. Si. By noon 00 Friday only S3 patients bad been seen by the doctor. The farmer said this made him feel a little anxious, but be wait ed, and waited for his turn, wbich did cot come until 10 o'clock Friday night. After the doctor bad pow.wowed for bis thrust, which was sore, the farmer hitched up and drore to Enton, where he remained until Sunday when he went home. Some time ago the farmer said he had some trouble in his bead. He went to see Dr. Wilhelm, and now the trouble was disappearing. Tbe total number of patients at Dr. Wil- belm's house on Friday, the farmer said, as lss. Tbe doctor worked until after mid sight, but could not see them all. The doctor bar special days for performing bis cures. His best day Is the first Friday In any new moon. Last Friday wit iucU a day, which accounts for ths crowd of pa. lienta at hit home. Sox ailments he will Ire it only on this day; then there are other ailments which be will treat almost any day. He makes no charges for his ser vices. People give blm what they think thty dan sfford, the sum ranging from S3 cents to II to $2. Scalary Dmtnt. The Judgeship Optnlou. The opinion In the Judgeship contest Is being written by Judge Rockefeller, of Sunbury, and not Judge Bucher, as belie v- edby some. It Is understood that bis Honor is getting along well, and when completed the document will be a ponder, ous one, and may go on record as the larg est legal opinion la the stale. The state ment bas been made that the opinion may be banded down this month, and general latere la the matter It on the ascexui tcy Chum oi of votes cast at Democratic Delegate Election, Saturday August 9th, Stnator. Prcthonotary. Jieg&Rccordtr Treasurer. ) Associate Judge. Dist. Representative. : pi m Mil 'SSM I - imM 40 96 1 2 104 2J: j.. 85 51 2 i 78 10 5$ 2... 1 120; 3 .. 87 49 2 109 13 2 1 .. 3j.. 36 191... 4 155 63:3 J 2 107 87 2'J 2 2'.. 2274 2 124 102 41 65 112 3 2 .. 1 2 " 7.. Ji 55 39. 1 7.. 23 02 .... 2 93 2 1 23 75 23 30 30.. 2..' 1 1, 4 5 t 1 47 '9i 1 1 o 55" 10 62.... 2 61 2 o 34 52 3 43 13 1 2 105 198 1 3)255 41; 4.. 34 167.2 2 40 41 210..... 4 231 4 3 91 210 58 103 130 1 3 1 1 2 54 138 1 2 163 26 3.. 122 69 21 51 41 03 l..2 192 3 4 101' 92 11 30 133 2 2 .. I.. 2i 38 89 1 2 100 27:3'.. 63 57 2 1 10 14' 00.... 3 126 3 10 55 02 8 15 07 1 2 ..'.. 3 ; 50 156 1 3 t6i 43. 3, 1 1 67 13S 1 3 105 22 73 2.. 2i201 4 6 42 131 1 04 109 1 3 .. 2 2 1 16 201.. 3 132 92 t 1 149 6j 21 57 5, 151 1 .. 2 225 5 7 71 181 217 2 13 .. 3 3 .. .. 30 92 .. 3 67 55: 2 1 . 83 37 2 t 14 ..' 101 .... 3 120 3 1 3 65 52 8 15 97 2 1 .. 3 145 46:2.. 167 18; a' 1 164 24 2.. 97. ...I 80.1.. 1 1S7: 2 3 20! 133 133 .... 36 .. 2 2 ... 39 40 1 1 1 5s "I1--I 4 37. 1 40 ... J 31; 1 .. 1 79! 2 3 9 65 76 2 2 .... 38 170:.. 4 1 134 7.431 3 So 3 1 86 43 73 2 1 1 203 4 .. 160 50 60 24 121 3 1 1 .. 3 10 47" 3, 33 tS; 2... 39 16 2.. 45 18 4 2 .... 56' 2 .. 39. 14 .... 21 35 2 .... 1 1 21 9t:.. 2 82 32; 2..j 66 47 i 1 74 34 5 2 .... 112 2 2 85: 25 33 18 59 2 . L. 1 33 7:. 2 1 61 42; il 1 I 51 49 1 1 53 29 20 1 1 .. 95,2 10 63) 31 5 5 8) 2 2, 53 77. 1 1 1 65 68; i t, 64 67 it 2) 83 29 .. 2.. 1252 1 33! 93 24 57 49 .. 2 .. 1 1 ! 9 '7 S1 76; I, 1 1 66 60 1 1 101 12 13 21.... 124 2 1 72 56 9 18 97 1 1 2 ; 71 180; 1 3, 132 116. 2, 21 172 78. 3 1 121 33 93 2 .. 2 226 4 2 14l' 111 11 93 129 2 21.. 2 2 32 u6;.. 3 117 3;3,..!4 37 3 1 24 65 59 .. 2 1 142 3 3 95i 52 55 32 54 2 1 1 1 1 ! 21 S?:.. 2j 89 18. 2.. I 7S 30 2.. 57 9. 37 1 .. 1 100 2 4 44 60 11 71 22 1 1.. 2.. I 63 93; 1 2 102 56. 2 1 j SS 74 2 1 47 20 92 1 .. 2 153 3 5i 50 101 5 103 39 1 2.. 2 1 ! 24 62.. 2' 71 14 2.. 39 47: 1 1 7 12 66.... 2 81 2 1 51 35 8 13 61 1 I ... 2 32 63. 1 1 46 49 l 5J 43j 1 47 19 30 1 .. 1; 95 2 I 61' 35 12 33 43 1 ll-.l 1 1 J 17 101;.. 2 63 55 iji I 95 242.. 41 29 47 1 .. 1 119. 2 .. 62' 53 4 39 74 1 l!.. li 1 I 16 S3.. 2: 71 332.., 66 33 1' 1 , 81' 0 10 2....! 102 2 2 73i 25 20 44 21 2 .. I I'll.. ' 25 S2-. 33 4 t! 1 ' 19: 58. .1 a 23 16 42 1 .. 1 I 67 2.. 25' 51 3 19 53.. 2!..,. 2 I 5 60 1 1 57 54 1,1 35 76.. 2 j 11 15 83 .... 2 110 2 .. 44 63 161 32 49 1 21.... 1 j 15 62.. 2, 15 58.. 2, 49 25 I, 1 j 10 44 23 .. 1 I 6) 2l 2 23 44 13 13 43 1 2'.... 1 HI " 2 'i!l4 3 'I' 50 106 73 l9i 61 2" 'i15-!1 55 U2i lcj 15 uo 1 3 "-' 2 l 77I3'9 t3!65i28o6ii3S2 5s;2oj 2338 lS25 43 776 13153o 9,39'406o.78 S2jl839;-222i 95711170 1930.37 47l2 21 39 to c "E - u u c 0 .5 37 190. 74: 7: 283. 178: 5i "I 5: US tssi 79; 206: 56; 112: 93! "7! ,28j 147 4i s; 59i 95 lor 6S. 110 48 54 13999 77 received 24 votes for State Senator, giving him J delegate. N. U. Funk received I4 were therefore not counted in the Convention. For Jury Commissioner Jere B. Nuss State ofOiho.Citt ok Toledo, 1 Luces ConsTT, j Fbaxk J. Ciik.nev makes oath tbat he is the senior partner of the. firm of F. J. Cheket & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOk LARS for each, and every case of Cat aerh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Cataebii Cure FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of Decern, ber, A. D. 3886. A. W. GLKASON, (seal) Kotary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. e"Sold by Drggists, 75c. 8-15-4-t. Peculiar Vast pecslUr pcists r.iVe Hoofs Bir upArDU superior to all other medicines. PecolUr la eomoinirtop, proportion, tzA prtpmtioo ot Ingredient, Hood's EusipimiA poueues JrSSi Vat ro3 ccixUre nloe ot the S best known itatAlttTjJyr ot the T ere title ktnt-Sdom. PeccUir to Us JT strenjUi sad tcaacaj -3Boo?t Sir .piTni is the oarr medi cine oljT- rbich em truly tlld. 0 rS "OMHcsdreJDojes Oayr 'gy SXXSxtr Medldnej la U larzer sad bottles &rw&n xta doses, and do not prodoee u pxxi results u Hood's. S Pecnliir In lis medicinal merits. Hood's SixsaparCQa accomplishes cures hith erto Enrnmra. and cas won lor ItM the MUe cf "The greatest blood . red." 1 wWX: -there Is now yrStzott popularity an classes Do cot be tndnced to bey ether rrenrincrj, bet be ttrre to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Ukraatrtaxlta. XI; ilzfcrii. mirleBl7 T&LEOODCO,Apctcart.lOTlaaa, IOO Doses One Dollar FOR SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The ssdentfsed. srurtvtn; executor of the last win and testament of SrekSel Oole. late or Sufar Vat lownahlp. to Octumbta coanty, Penr.t , now csers at private sale a lirje body of the most de strjlle real est He to be found In the township. ltcccrtsuof atnet of land lyfez cpon toth sides cf the ruhlcstreefc. anl comprism? to the whole about 2SO Acres. That portion of IS which is opoa the vest side of the creek has the tonowm; tuacrovetsenta and adrantagea, to-wtt. jl large frame DWELLING HOUSE, formerly kept as 1 hotel, a Frame Buailn? erect ed tor and occupied as a country store, a larse truce bunder erected and occupied as a tenant hose, and also outbundton saw mm. tc It Is wen wooded and has a considerable quantity ot exceuest trss. It U iceeadsle by two pubUc rotls and a county brUA and also by ihenloomi- burf t Sutovan railroad, iM it mntitr about J 11 Acres. The remainder of the tract !yto upon the east. side the crreabaln accessible by two public roads and a coanty brtlre across Ftshlrereek to the railroad. The tsprovemeata are a Luve barn e, the whole tract havtoj been occupied as the homestead farm. This piece contains about 170 Acres. It XbesoLlloireiherortoparceU as may be deemed mort expedient. The sale win be by the acre. A (Inrt of the land with the Improve menu roila. ke can be seen to the hands of the execu tor at the ruBttrg house of the Blxcibary Bank tof Company, where also Inquirers may learn terms of sale, kc Anx-t-lMl. n. H. GBOrz, Sxecufor, U. BJcccnaburg, Pa. PARK FOR. RENT A farm of UO acres, wttn nandsocae new house ana cam, ana sappnea wru au&iait water, wtij be recked ax a sow rent far the term of are years, to a gooa tenant who an ramtih til own stock ndeoatrjment. Tne firm u la tA Caiawlui VaUey on the Towuhl? road from BraaaontUK to ABSecretd. two biw front Braadoevue and near Girarl Xacer. Kerenxices reqacsud. Aodrrn uxatK 3. Tuonpao, xajUerr Gtrara Kstate Potanue, Pv Nor. My. Handsomely framed life size Crayons, pho tosrraphs all sizes, in correct styles and per - i . 1 feet finish, colored pliotogxaplis, large or small, frames and moulding-. 31'KILLIP BROS., Bloomsburg. BLOOMSBURG. Fiae Cabinet portraits only $3 doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copy ing and enlarging. Instant process uhL tf, J ct Eooi'l SiTjir-irilla S S aold to Lowell, where JOlt ll made, than ot 1 other bJooi purifiers. T.rJpeec2ar to ru phecccse- AOnal record ct sales abroad, (P&r no other prepariSioa bas pVertr attained rraeh popa S V S tiritT la so short Use, "T- fta& retained Us ypr' and cccdence amons S A ceocie so steadiastlT. UDITOR'3 NOTICE. Kslalt or Mirg Snvlrr, Hvaiet. TheunJRlsoil,an Auditor sppolnted bj-the OrpaAnsr Coon of oolamMs coanty to mite da tncmuon or the biUnce in the hinls ot eiecalor to lad Am on? the piruex en UUed thereto, vui est at his offlce in Blooms birf, on Frtliy. Anru: e, ISO, At ten o'clock . tx, when sM vhere All persons hsnn; clslms igiinit sill est-vie ma sppeir And prore the same, or be Oebxrral Irom com In? in on said land. GEO. E. ELWBLU And nor. DMLSI5TRA.TOIf3 XOHCE. Ksuit of Micf-arl Sulrr, lair of Oraajt TomiMp, County of ayumfHa oitd Siau of attrajrl. "oi!cs Is hereby slTeo tht letters ot adminis tration on the estate Vlduel SI tier, uteot orange Township, county ot Cjlomsta and State ot PennsjiTania, deceased, htre been granted to Sarah J. suer of onnjeTUle. Colatnwa Coanty, Pa.. Jnly St. !?, to whom all pena Indebted to said estate are reqaested to mUe payments, anS those ha Tins claims or demands will mace known the same without delay to S1BAHJ. S1TLEK, Alxlnlitratrti. AQS..1 UDITOR'3 SO TICK. K&te of Xartt Ilthrln dAvojAl. The nndenised. an auditor appointed by the Orphans Court ot GoloabU coanty. on exception. aaa j cuae oiimoawQn ox tne lonu m sua es tate wui alt at ms COX Is Bloomsborf, COL Co., Pa, oa satardsy, September tth, at 10 a. m., when and where all person, hart-tj claims against said estate most appear and proxe the same or be de barred irom comln; la on saU rand. C. W. XILLEB. Anaitor. UDITOR'3 KOTICE. jxair Qfrau liictj, CMrasea. The nrArrslmed. an aedttor irroictM br the Orphans coon ot ootsmbu coanty on exception, and to make dutnbauon of the tanas in slid es tate win St as his osce to Bloomshoiv. CoL Co., i va Ttatonuy, spiemoer etc. ai vt a. m woea and where ill Dersona hiring claims scatotf aald estate must appeir and prove the same, or be de barred from eomlns to on said X nd. u n. jsii.rr.n. Auditor. DillMSTRATOR-S NOTICE. ZaQfDarid Ltvit, litt of 8uxrloaftvp dcM, -ouce ts nereoy erven mat setters ot larmm- tratlon on the estate of David lewis, late ot the township of ssarloar, county ot uotombta, and sate ot Pennsylvania, deceased, hare been grant ed to Oscar 1.313 and D. S. Lewis, ot bosarioaf, Colamb'a county. Pa . to whom an persons to Cebted to st!d estate are requehd to cure pay meets, and thre tunn? Ctlni or demasdi win make known the same without delay to CT to OSCAR LEWIS, rim Atty. D. J LEn IS, Admlniuratorf. UDITOR'o .NOTICE. The tinderstcced havle? been arjoctnted an au ditor to distribute the fund to the hands of H. W. Kline, executor of suuabeth Khne. lite of Rshlns; creek township, deceaasd. wui meet the parties Ittereeted at hu oace tu Bloxasaor? on Tuesday, the tth day of tpt, liuo, at 1 o'clock a. el. when ana woere su piruea airing a ctairn against uu fund wm appear anl prefect the saae or be de barred from coming to tor a share ot and fund. Auditor. ADMINISTRATORS SALE OP VALCABLB Real Estate! Fursiant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, the undersigned adctolstratois ot the estate ot Charles B. Troy, late of Bearer township, will be expeem at pabUs sale 00 the premises to said township on SATURDAY, SEPT. 6, 1890, it lOo-c'ock a. ta, the fouowms deacrlbeil Real Estate, atone in peaver towxsklo, to aald county cf CotnrnNt. bounded and described as follows, to wn : Northwardly by linds of Urs. Varjaret Davis, eastwartlly and tout wardly by lands of heirs ot Hue Davis, and westward- by lands ct Garret ranblartn. containing S5 ACRES, be the ssme more or less. e. H. Lrmx, Jons n. da via. Ally. FR15C1LLA TKOT, AdmTs BYRON CLARK, A. M. M. D. New Yq City. SPECIALIST. Ia Tfcr Tr six neat f Carcalr COLea A irioaa withoot (jmuooln; or aUowuj Pa- ' uentato male atatecaectsoc their conditloe. on IRarnosii. tor tmune&t. r. I saw t of w-jind. meadow M late. Can. i"!... .V. 7' " JLM inlia IOf ta timer, and Ulriitmi nnPrarileewUhtaiieai,1teUtamllra. J-nltaonforoscasatJcs. i alitor. r'" rirtUr kj yr. P.Ilt.i Bale, sqoiw t? ot pllt'ora for tlhlUU, lid 4 rr.aU. ..t crrJ k, .rL.rT TrraiMrat acres for miChlSietT to ino Son KilJtriVsV.SrJ r "",r I la the Put t th- ceittraied Mount Gretna Nar. iriiwirJ ltJ!'iTv-r -vr. cirmi I row Giti BiliroiL the 0M4t usSjae and wosdVr. 2SoTrfM'7 inaiBaa 10 I DK CLARK Teaehea and Prictlsea Poslrlr DUfnosu ai d tf rosin Msg his rrictioea exeloav -1 it uj iouj ccvciofvu carocjc uia? oc ves ana women has artaiaed ansssat sacccas In the treat. meet or raanv so raued tncnra&le ninn and can be consaited Free ot CGarse Al NEW YORK CITY, at the "Uyron," 107 West 33th Street, June 13 to 17; Au. H la Sept. 1, Sept. S3 to Oct. 5; Oct. 19 to 2fc Xor. lo to 3: Dec 7 to U, 1890. Feb, 15 to 25; March 8 to 13. 1S31. Or. Homer L. dark, from Jan. 6 to Feb 1, 1S91. PITTSBUBQ and LABORATORY, PA., Special Engagements, June SI to July 6. ATLANTIC CIlY, X. J-, Mansion Hoose. Thursday, Friday and cvsturdsy. Aug , 28. 29 and 30, W. PU1LADELPUIA, PA , Blnehsm House. July 6th and 9th, and on Monday, Sept. 1st, W. CATAW13 PA-, Sutqutbansa Uouse, Tuesday, Sept. ind, "SO. DLOOUSBUHO, PA, Exchange Ho el, Wednesday and Thursday, cVpe 3 and 4,-M. 3-15-3L. votes for District Attorney. In Madison S. P. Wolverton received 80 votes, and Cyrus Robbins had no opposition, therefore both received 78, the whole I. MAIER, Comes to the front with a complete new Spring and Summer Stock en, x oaths', HATS ! CAPS I SHIRTS COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. f raiiik Talis e dl Uetewieair The enlargement of Business Clothing and not those that are SC-The largest and ing Goods in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pa L. HE is Tery much delighted. While In Philadelphia rvcenUy he called on E. O. THOMl'cOX, the well known Clothier and Importer, No. 1333 Chestnut St., (opposite the Mint), and bought an elegant B'.acx Fancy Cheriot Suit for $13. SO. Such a suit would haTe cost him Twenty Dollars at home. II ad be not been In the city be could hare sent his nam: and address oa a postal card or In letter and received by return mail samples of various cloths, tU simple guile fur taking his own measures, free of charge. Any one can order fiom Mr. "Thompson by mall with the ssme satisfaction 11 by call, ing in person. of 1S90. I AUGUST 17th to 23.1, 1S90, INCLUSIVE. 5r IrS-Z- SJX I JTh. "' r crnii. OT IU inlnoj AcncnltaitiU Mo all pans of America lartud. Ample riltro-1 tiaL'o-, Uw ratets, quck tran siu So enarn tor e tor fcliriiTOifi lira, avlre&is H ru parucvlirs, HUM sueoatlve Commit te Asencaa rtnurf Kreaaipraent. liimsojrg. ta. A UDtTORa NOTICE Km nusur f iKt Mtt ai tarttil etxnt of C. JC. J danu Urr. of IXt lut sri3 vaihm o U adonj, lut cSriurmt TV?.. The nndenLrned appointed andUor to pass oa the exoreuoni Cied to the coennnitkxt o t ue accottn'. of thesiecvtor la sill eatate. and to male dutrtbetloa of the balance sow ta the of the siU eiecctor, and also to report whether the tram, created b the wciot the leacator caste dmsed. and U so into now maar. and wtat nuu wttaoot prejada-e to the strata of tunica, be nctiQr lateratol thentn; HUlmees the rantes Int crated la sail e at for the purpose ot urod tng to ths dzuea of his a;pdunvent. it alt ocve. lathe Town of Bk.vT.thnrr. l-i, on Voluvlar the 1 Ah dax of sVptetrber, A. D. IAS. at t oMx-i i-m.. it wtiaiunieiMpU aU pcrscat rater eud shall be nsjarol ts aula tnetr eU-ios, be Kce the aadaor, or be debarred from comlu 1st span the saUraad. 1 w VkUr County Commissioners. Jnry . .. 1 .Comm'er, J 1 I . III:? I J i i S 1 s l-'i a ill ! 1 ,3 vi W U K 65 I j J rTJT 24' 79 15' 5 8 3 ... 3 j 132 88 135 139 36! 35 54 13 4 3 .. .. 1 .. 20 21(5 62 2ll 021 15 11 15 2 ... 2 92 92 23) 20i 3lj.40:22! 2 1 ... 1 1 1.. 7" J5 H9 9ll 9s! 52 147 20. 3 1 1 1 2 .. 297 296 1191 621 83, 14 42 35 2 1 2 .. 1 .. ; 188 13 781 82 9, 16,41 16 2 31.. ..; 1 .. I 126 120 169' 63 73, 25, 4Q1 18 1 1 2 ..' 1 .. j 206 200 25, 159 26 8 73 19 2 3;..'.. 1 .. 225 225 831 39 23131 7 24 3 lj lj 1.... 110 123 170' 174 9 ... 4 ... 2 2 .. .. .. .. 150 150 50 761 1 ... 15 2 2 2 ........ ; 79 9 Uat 195 15' 9 10 7 4 4 201 195 33! 25 7 12, 211 0 2 1 .. .. I .. 5, 5, 51 76 15; 33l 25' 18 1 2;.. 1 I HI! 14 55 55 31 24 11, 21.1J lj, 1..,.. .., 04 f 103 63 30 16 21,31-2 2......... 123 124 95! 83 6, 4 51! 3 2 I lj.. .., 1 .. 126 127 188 172 231 10 53, 25 4 I 3 .. ..) 1 .. 250 2 lo 96 73 24 51 4Sl 42 2 ' 2.. ..' 1 1 140 1G 101 11, 58 17 11 13 2 ... 2,..'.. .. 99 100 140 20! 50' 54 20 18 3 ... 1 .. 153 152 71 26, 131 3 9 13 2 ! 1 1'..,.. . . ! 81 80 79 59! 22l 12 5' 14 2 : 2.. i 00 96 89 89, 13 24 5, 10 2 ; 2 .. .. .. .. j 109 103 47 55j 12 20 49, 13 1 2..;.. 1 .. 102 104 70 331 21' H1 4 1 2 ll 1 74 4 ', 77 15 43, SO! 5j 5. 1 .., 1 2 103 103 ,' 43 33 9i 35 0 8! 2 ; lj.' lj . .. 72 74 j 115 92j 39, m 19jl2 3, 2 1...... 151 151 IW'IillOM.eislsaiUsS C3J 4 lj 20, :J.13 l 40C0 4021 The Reliable Clothier, BLOOMSBURG, PA. li 0 and (Jhildren. rue .Latest styles 01 IN ABUNDANCE. and the large trade made accounts for our having vrell- made now made and cut to sell for auction. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, choicest line of Clothing, Hats, 1890. FALL! 1890. IZKIIEirT'EIR,.! Is receiving daily new Carpets, in Velvet, Body and Tapestry Brussels and Ingrains, iu new styles for Fall of 1S90. We have Ingrains worth Irom 50 to 60c cents, reduced to 85 am' 40 cents to close them out. Rag Carpets from 35 cents up made of New Rags. ALL AT REASONABLE PEICES.- NEXT DOOR TO L W. HARTMAN & SONS. ilALV ST., BLOOMSBURG, IF YOU ARE CARPET, or Oil. YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. ILL BEWEE'S 2nd Door above Court House. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. TttV1"-TMeersptinj. The Couee uooei TTpewnUtg. TekvrapnW. etc? vcicning joocs people lut-arn a U nuiiuarau. 1 , SAW MILLS Pauet Varltb'.e Prttlco and Belt JVed. STEAM EKG1KES.I1AY PRESSES, SHINGLE MILLS, .to l'ORTAHLE fillisr Mil T ? Setdforiaas ranaiKO Miruin l taave. A. a rAKQ,CUrtCtt, Vert, ha. A CDirOR-SXOTICE ftUA. of wrnksm A. RjUHju ivoumi US lbSrtf.-U,l 1. tn Hf n. I. . . , . Orphans' own ot Cttamtii OiuvudsIs d" tnbiiioo of the baliroa ta the h.tCi. n .'T n.Um.-1-xn cf and esute. to icl amoeg the ! wueatnled thereto, will sit at his osv u caTlt-tiwhlerhVr.'S e alms atast sail estate man a Mear ard prove tne airne. or be deoarred from eailnf iaonFaald rsnj. AO. t, 1M. ay. ZAEH. Auatcr. II A IIUI eas rec theia ednvalkn at T II II ...PSS?."?"". I xna, ta, aad mata taocer, sMcsrsvlaw MatkOOss; Writ waSSSE ASTMArs COLLEGE M 4 it. 1890. but on the return sheet the vote number of delegates. of the most Select Clothing for t I. MAIER. Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish- PA IN NEED OF CJLOTH, Ss iU.i.,7?TinU3 t tie lowest ccot. Tfcor. "JfOfala Artthmetu and other English ,ThCote iTSpen aU.ttfVear7Ld U ruverrS?! iVoSSi SK1!! n.,Uaf lbfa Mr honorable miir nrrin - ihw. . . . w . . . . nr rihr I lkr.rlJ.liw util .1M k. m.1 bMlfr, wibm. tly tlM. m0 am W M .1 HI Ml. m. u. iu , I... u a. i Mn I. w .w rlf te . Uiii vl. 1.11- fmg imUmi ' ul 11m. MwuS fm. VV. W. rii w tu. itowiMin mt ruUniWn,u,lIU,MaMMii H tt. ISWa nil H k. 11. Il b cm. Sail! IU. u Mp,Mllf,UkHtftlM117.VMlkMll.llkl.n. uMiitaSSuBlfibriiiMi,SMUi(wvria, Ml ..JWlMll aU. MM U MM. W. M. .8 Mm. HUfM. uin-.ljuuin.iu.iii so,v.iv.xis bill UDITOK'S NOTICE. JV'T' "u""'" ' ottr3V'-" auditor appclnted tf the Sr?.lB lVart 01 ttmhu conttv u mk dir. mSotlonoftberiiDdinh'nds ot the. admlnkir . um. uj mu umm sne ranwn ramied 'hereto, I wtu in at ths om ot Wutenteea A Uvctlr. tn lUoomibcri,-. on miir, Aurua wtL at ten o-a a. m., when aad wUre U tvrsons havtmr etntni afilnc aill emu man ipwi- and prove t jjji orbo detumd ntKioXiUn l H ull w. a. iixcKixr. AttdSMSV