PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, " OFFICK Front Room, over TojIolHt I1I.OOMSDURO. PA. J H. MAIZE, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, INStJRANCR AND ItBAl. KSTATO ASSST, Office Room No. a, Colvuium MUk( I1I.OOMSBURG, PA. JyJ U. FUNK, " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Ent's llulldlng, near Court Haoie, 1ILOOMS11URO, PA. J OHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office over Moyer Bros. Drug Sten, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Browei'i building, 2d flew, iMaHe I. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office cor. Centre & MalnSts.,CIark'i bnltttaft BLOOMSBURG, PA. WCan be consulted la German. QEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Second floor, Coluubiam BoiUUf, BLOOMSBURG, PA. H V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Wirt'i Building, 2nd floor, Miln St BLOOMSBURGPA. J7 P. BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY,) Office oyer Dentler1! Shoe tore, Fromt room, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Columbia Bolldli&Bflaor, front BLOOMSBURG, PA. QRANT HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offico ovts RawUriK Meat Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. H. RHAWH, ATTOMIBY-AT-LAW, . Oficc, corner of Thiri an4 Main Street, CATAWISSA, PA. J B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEOH AND PHYSICIAN, Office, North tide Mils Street, Whw Mulct, BLOOMSBURG, JA. )R- . C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. D R. WM. M. REBER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, corner of Rock and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. L. S. WIN TERSTEEN, W. D. I1ECKLKY. Notary l'ublic. 7-INTERSTEEN & HECKLEY, ATTORNEYS-AT.LAW. Loans secured, Investments made. Real es ttate bought and sold. Office in First National Hank Building, Bloomsburg, I'a. JJONORA A. ROBniNS, M. D. Offlco West First St. Special attention given to the cyo and ear and tbe fitting of glasses. J J. BROWN, M. D., Office and Reiidenco, Third Street, Wat ol Muket, near M. . Church, BLOOMSBURG, PA. 9"0ffice hours every afternoon and evesinf . Special attention given to the eye and the fittlsg f glasses. Telcphaie connection. D R. J. R. EVANS, Tkiatmbxt or Ciibokic Diskaibs made a Specialty. Office and Residence, Third St, below Muket, BLOOMSBURG, PA. M, J. HESS, D. D. S., Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental CtScge, having opened a dental office la LCXABil fjUILDUta, conser et Mala and Coatre ftratts, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Is prepared to receive aU p stints retdriaf ft feaiioaal itniccs. Elkotkio VinnAToit' Used. Emt, Gas, axs Local Abauiiuibh, adanbusttrtJ for (ha paialea utrsxtjea H Usth 6oe of charts vfetft ttHidti teeth ate faulted. All Wotuc Ovaumtsid aj Kwibmbbb. w AINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. TlAS, SVBUFt, COFFII, SVOAR, M0LA15I3, Rics, Spicis, Bicabi Soda, ETa, Etc. N. E, Corner Second and Arch SU. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WOrderi will receive prompt attention. M. C. SLOAN dt BRO., Manufactvbiks of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, Platform Wagons, 4c BLOOMSBURG, PA. First-class work always on hand. Repairing neatly done. WPilces reduced to suit the times. W, H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main St., bel. Muket, BLOOMSBURG, PA. All styles of work done in a superior manner, and all work warranted is represented. Tiitk Extra ctbd Without Pain, 'jy the use of Gai, and dee of charge when artificial teeth u Inserted. MT To be open all hours during the day. 'OLUMHIAN 18 THE BEST. J.'K.'BIXIENBiHDSB, p "PtUtOti. Finest Line of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES IN THE COUNTY AT J. I WELLS' JEWELRY- STORE. B . F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER DKAI.Kll IN Tin oofing; a Spjsialty ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK" IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsburg Opora'JIIouso QHW6TIAN V. KNAP?. PIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBUXa Home of Jf. Y. i Merchants' of Newark, H. J. J Clinton, N. Y. i Peoplta' N Y. j Reading Pa. j German America Ua. Co., New York, J Ortenwlek. Insvnnce Ce,, New York; Jersey City Fire Ims. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These eld corporations sit well seasoned by sge and nil TUTBD and hare never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invested in solid ibcubitizs, are liable to the haxud of fibjs only. Losses rkOMFTLY and honestly adieated and paid as soon as determined, by CHRIST IAN F. KNAPP, Sfbcial Aobht and Ad. JUSTBB, BLOOMSIUBO, Pa. fht oeople of Columbia county should pat tonlie tne agency where losses, if any, ue et lied and paid by one of their own dtiiena. Tho Bost Burning Oil That Can bo Made From Petroleum. It gives a brilliant licht. It will not smoko tho chimneys. It will not char tho wick. It has a high flro test. It will not explode. It is pre-eminently a family safety oil. We Challenge Comparison with any othor illuminating oil made. Wo Btake our Itcpututlon, as Keflnere, up on the Statement that it is The Me mi ;ir Tin? woiii.ii. ASK YOUK DEALER FOB Crown - Acme. ACME OIL COMPANY, IIMXMSUUKO,- I'A. D R. I.C. BREECH, l'llVSICIAN & SUKGEON. loyi Residence West Main Street. 12-20. 1 y. J. S. GAKRISON M. D. IIOMEOfATIlIO l'llVSICIAN AND 8CR0E0N. 1ST OQlco over I. W. Ilartmon & Bon' store, rcBlilenco N. E. corner Centra, and Fourth streets. D R. J. T. FOX, DENTIST. All the latest appliances for inanufactut tng, treating, filling anil extracting teeth. .All styles of work" warranted as leprescnted. Oflice on Main Street, near Kait, 5l6-iy, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleaiues and boautiact lbs biu, 1'rumou a luxuriant arowtn. Nnr Fails to RstUra Orsi Il.lrlolli V.atarul C.l.r. IKy 11'' BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, Tndigestion 1 8 not only a dlstrossinr; complaint, of ' Itself, but, by causing the blood to become depraved and the system en feebled, Is the parent of innumerablo maladies. That Aycra Sarsnpnrllla Is the best cure for Indigestion, even' when complicated with Liver Complaint, Is proved by tho following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.: "Liver complaint and Indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered untold agony, was reduced almost to askelcton, and hardly bad strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed me, and only the most delicate could bo digested at all. Within tho timo mentioned several physicians treated mo without giving re-' lief. Nothing ,tliat I took seemed to do any permanent good until I Commenced the use of Ajer's Sarsaparilla, which has produced wonderful iresultH. Soon after commencing to tako tho Sarsapa rilla I could see an improvement in my condition. My appetite began to return nnd with it- came tho ability to digest all the' food taken, my strength im proved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I 'found inj-BeU a well woman, able to attend foall household duties. Tim medlcluo has given me a new lease of llfd." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rairanBD nr Pr. J. C. Ayer ,& Co., Lowel, Mats. Price $1 ; ! bottle., i. Worth tit bottle. tgQjl 4, I Tbe tint and only onmbtatd SooUilniT, Pfcio-KiTUiix, 1 Oar&tiT and HtniiKttMDUic Pl&aton ner rrepand. Hop Plasters A MPTcllel cwnblaatlCM of madjeal arctj Freab llopa, Utmkwk, 1jdo UaLum, asd Kii nreyarvu uu oyreau ou noBUO, tui I9QJ IO pui OIU 1 b New Kofflaatl reQdj, I'A IN, Krnea, InflamUoa mr' W tkm tC tviVutber recent or chromic. nomatUr wben Iooatd or lipy caaaed, Tieldt iaatantlj to tba all'DOwerfai madl ciivi property of tba 11 op riaalcr. Ti a arta are waadrTftellr itreilctbneLTiUUxed and restored to bealtb and rifor, JIOPJPLABTF.HB mevar knrmartrHMe. Art owd br iooaands of .people In rr walk of Ufa, alwtf a wiu aaccttM and aauafaotlon. yOVH ATTEtiTIOy-ihm1 Ut ur daaler fool JiM into taklnjc a obtrtitote or Imitation, All genome Hop Planter abow tbe proprieton licnatnre. HOPPLA8TCRCO..Ph0PniiT0B,0OSTON. A toll diAontU JkuUrt ami ulen you buy. Dec. la Aug. 8. B. r. HARTMAN BJtrBBJIHTS THB rOLLOWINO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES I Nortl American, of Philadelphia, FraBklla, " . Pnaajrlraaia, " " Vfc, of PartBsylvsnia, naavw, or new York, QMni, of London, north j Britlak, o Londoa. Omei Market Street, atxlTe Main, No. $ BLOOMSBURG, PA. M. P. LUTZ, (Successor to Freas Brown,) AGENT AND BROKER, Bloouiburo Fire & Lire Ins. Acehov, (Established in 1E65.) COMPANIES REPRESENTED 1 Assbts Mint Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, 0,538,388.97 Martfarii, of Hartford, J.sSS.'tog.of rkcealB, of Hartford, 4,778469.1 Cpringfiald, of Spilnrfielo 3,099,903.08 fire Association, Phllidilphli,... 4,512,782.20 Quardian, of London to.603.323.7i rhosntx, of London, v 6,924,563.48 Lancashire of Enx.,(U.S. Ufinca; 1,042,195. Roval of Eneland. " " 4.8(1.(64. Mut. Ben. LfiIn.Co.Newark,N J41.379.M8.33 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J- IL MAIZE, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Office, Second Floor, Columbian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Liverpool, London, and Globe, largest ia thi won a, ana pericctiy rename. ASSIIJ. Imperial, of London, 10,658,479.00 Continental of New York,,.'..... 5,239,981.3 Anerleaa of Philadelphia. 3,401,0(6,1 Niagara, of New York 2,260,479.84 JgXCHANGE HOTEL, - V. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR, OrpoiiTK Court Houix. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and eorrrcnient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold water j and all moden conveniences. J B. WILLIAMB, AUOTIONEEU. ULOOMBUnilO, PA. Eoal Estato Bought and Sold. Parties desiring to buy horses and wagon Noulil uc well lOau oa me auovo. whn rjintcmntatosDUrautniraoourse 0( stilly la tnecommercul brancrios, bUouU iuvo (reo copies of U10 Ulastraua circular and snu Annual Uata- loiruo or iu9 riNKrtblnir the now DulWIQi, wliton (or estent. MnonniAiiPA. f urDistilnv. detiaratloas and trenera eleiranco. U not eUuwUaro approaobed In tbe LnlUJl auto for llioroju, uracllui instruo tktnlntbousutut brancbos, tbu InttlUitloa baa , wiLLiiKtUousas. Uxiusrs,N. V, -v-r- THE PRIVATE'S STORY- F,ar from tho haunts o tho company ofilqers wio insist upon til inspectione, far from keen ' nosed BergHnts who snifLtho pipo StulTod into tho bedding roll, two miles from tho tumult Of' tho barracks, lies tho Trap. Ii ig h'tf old (3rj woll, shadowed bv" a twlaled' plpal ttco and, fenced' with high grass. Uero, in tho years gono by, did 1,'rivato Orihoils establish his dojioV arid me narrerio for snch possessions illvi6g' and dead as could not safely bo lutrojliico to lho barrack room. Hero woro gathered Ilotidin pnllots and fox tor nbrs of' undoubted pedigred and more than doubtful owdership, for Ofthoris was an inveterato poacher andpro-pml-tienl among a regimont of neat handed dog stealers. ' Never again will tho loner, lazy oven- inna VAhl.n t.- n.nin ..t. liug softly, moved surgoonwisd among tho captives of his craft at tho bottom of tho well) when Learoyd sat in tho nicho giving sago counsel on the management of "tykes," and Mai vaney, from tho crook of tho over hanging pipal, waved his enormous boots in benediction abovo our heals. delighting us with tales of lovo and war and etrangu experiences of cities and men. Orthoris landed at last in tho "lit- e stuff bird shop" for which vour soul longed; Learoyd back again in the smoky, stono ribbed north, amid tho clang of tho Bradford looms; Mill vaney grizzled, tender and very wise; Ulysnes sweltering on tho earthwork of a central India line judgo if I have forgotten old days in tho Trap! Orsh'ris, an allaa thinks knawa more than othor foaks, said bIio wasn't a real lady, bat nobbat a Howrasian. don t uamsav as her culler was a bit dooeky like. But she was a lady. Why, alio rode in a oarnago, an good 'osses too, an' hor 'air was that oiled as yo' could see your faioe in it, an' uho wore diamond rings an a goold oliain sine and satin tiressoB as miin a cost a deal, for it isn't a cheap shop as Keeps enough o one pattern to nt a figuro like ho-a. Her nitre was Mrs. De Siis8a, an' t' waay I come to be ac quainted wi' her was along ot our col onel's laady's dog Rip. 1 yo seen a vast o dogs, but Hip was t' prettiest picler of a diver foi tamer at lver I set eyes on. Ho could do owt yo' liko but speoak, in' t' colonel's laady set moro storo by him than if ho had been a Christian. She hed bairns of her awn, but thoy was i' England, and Hip seemed to get all t' coddlin' and pcttin' as belonged to a bairn by good right. But Rip were a bit on a rover, an' hed a habit o' breakin' out o' barrioks like, and trottin' round t' placo as if ho were t cantonment magistrato coom round inspectin.' Tho colonel leathers lm once or twice, but Hip ilnln t caro an' kept on gooin' His rounds, wi' his taail a wagcin as it ho woro tlag Big- nallin' to t' world at large 'at ho was gettin on liioely , thank yo 1 an how a osenl An then t colonel, as was noa sort of a hand wi' a dog, tees him oop. A real clipper of a dog, an' it's noa wonder yon laady, Mrs. JJeaufsa. should tek a fancy tiv him. Theer's one o t ten commandments says ,yo maun't cuvvot your noebor's ox nor is jackass, but it doesn t say nowt about bis terrier dogs, an' happen thot's t' reason why Mrs, Do SuBsa cuvveteil Rip, tho' she went to church reg lar along wi' her husband, who wan so miclt darker 'at if bo heiln t such a oood cooat tiv his back yo' might ha' ailed him a black man and nut tell Ice nawther. Thev say ho addled his brass i' iutc, an' ho'd a raro lot on it. Woll, yo seen, when thoy teeu Hip up t' poor awl lad didn t enjoy very good elth. So t' colonel's laady sends for mo as ad a naamo for boin knowl edcable about a dog an' axes what's ailtn' wi him. 'Why." says I, "he's cetten' t mopes, an what ho wants is Mb lib baty an' oompany uko t rest on us; well happen rat or two ud liven mm oop. its low, mum. Bays J, "is rats, but it's t' nature of a dog; an' soa's cuttin round an' meetin' another dog or two an' passin' t' time o' day, an' hevvin a bit ol a turn up wr bun like a Christian." Ho she says her doc maunt uiver Gcht an' noa Christians ivtr fought "Then whats a soldier lorl' says 1) an' I exDiams to her v contratrv quail ty of a dog, 'at, when yo' coom to think on't, is one o' t' curusest thincs as is. For they lam to be,bayo .the'trsons liko gentlemen bom, tit tor f loat o coora- pany they tell mo t' Widdy herself is fond ol a good dog an knawa ono when she sees it aa well as ounybody; then, on t'other hand, a-tow in' round after cats an gettin' mixed oop r all manners o blackguardly street rows, an killin rats, an' hghtin' like divils. T coloner laady says: "Well, Ioa royd, I doant agrco wi' you, but you ro right in a way o spoekin,' an' I Bhould like yo to tek Rip out a-walkin' wr yo' sometimes; but yo' maun't let him tight, nor chase cats, nor do nowt or rid: an' them was hor very words. Soa Rip an' mo gooes out a-walkiu' 0' evening's ho boin' a dog as did orod it tiy' a man, an' I catches a lot o' rats an' we hed a bit of a match on in an awd dry awimmin' bath at back' o' t' cantonments, an' it was none so lone aloro ho was aa bright as a button again. Ho hed a way o' ilyin' at them big yaller pariah dogs as it no was harrow offan a bow, an' though his weiL'ht woro nowt ho tuk om so sud dout like thoy rolled ovor Uko skittlos in a halloy, an' when they ooot ho stretched oftor 'cm as if ho woro rab bit runnin.' Saamo with cats when ho cud set t' oat acraato o' runnin.' Uno evening mm an' mo was tres passin' ovvor a compound wall after ono of them mungooses 'at ho'd started an wo was busy grubbin' round a prickle bush, an' when we looks up thero was Mrs. DaSussa wi' a parasol ovvor hor enoulder, a-watchm us. "Oh myl alio sings out; "thero a that lovo lee docl Would ho let mo atroko him, Mister Soldier." "Ayo, ho would, mum," iez I, "for ho'a foid 0' laady'a ooonipauy. Oorao here. Rip, an speak to this kind laadv. An' Hip, Beein' at t mon irooso had iretten oluan away, oooins up like t' goutloman he was, nivvor hauporth suy nor okkord. "Oh, you beautiful you preteo ilocl ' alio say, oiipptu' an clianti her epeecli in a way them sooart has o' thoir awn; "I would like a dog liko yon. lou aro bo voroo loveloo so awlullco prottoo,' an' all that sort o1 talk 'at a dog o' Bonso mobbo thinks nowt on, tho ho bides it by reason o' his breeding.' An' thou I meks him ioomp ovvor my swagger cane, an' shok hands; an' beg, an' lio doad, an' a lot 0' thorn tricks as iaadios tooaohos dog, though I doan't haid wi' it myson, for it's makin' a fool o' a good dog to do such liko. An' at luut! tenth it coom? out 'At Blte'd b"on thrawin' Bhoep's oyos, m I' Bayin' is at Rip for nany a day. Yo' boo, hor chillier was grown up, an' sho'd nowt mloh to do an' woro alius 'ond of a dog. Soa sho axes me if I'd tik soraethin to dhrink. An' wo goes into t' drawn room, wheor hor husband was a-sotting.' Thoy meks a gurt fuss oVvor t,' dog, an' I has a bottlo o' a3lu, an' ho gavo mo a handful o' cigars. Soa I ooomed away, but t awd lass sings out, "Oh, Mister Soldier, ploaso coom again an' bring tint prottoo dog." I didn't lot on to t' colonel's laadv about Mrs. DoSussa, an' Rip ho savs nowt nawther; an' I coos aciin. on' iviry timo thero was a good dhrink an' a handful o' good sraooaks. An' I tellod t' awd lass a heap moro about Rip than I'd over hecard; how he took t' foost prize at -Lunnon doc show and cost thotty-thrco pounds fower thill in trotn f rnan as bred him; 'at his own brother was tho prouputty o' t' i'rinco o' Wales, an' 'as ho has 1 pndigreo as long as a doak's. An' alio lapped it all opp, an' were nivir tirod o' admiriu' ira. Hut when t awd lajs took to g'vin mo monoy, an' I sood at alio was gettin' fair fond about t' dog, I bo7an to suspicion summit. Oany body may give a soldior t' prico of a pint in a friendly way an' theer's no harm done, but when it cooms to five rupees slipt into your hand, slylike, by, it s what t' 'leotioneenn' follows calls bribory and corruption. Special ly when Mrs. Do Sussa threwod hints how t' cold weather would soon bo ovver, and sho was goin' to Munsoreo ahar, an' wo was goin' to Hawalptn an Bbo would nivir sec Hip any moro outoss somebody aho knowed on would bo kind tiv her. Soa 1 tells Mulvanoy an' Orth'ris all taalo thro,' beginnin' to end. "Tia larceny that wicked otild lady manes, Bava t Irishman; " tis felony sho iB Bejucin' yo into, my frind Loa- royd, but 11 purteot your innooincc. 11 save yo lrotn tho wickod wiles av that wealthy ould woman, an' I'll go wid ye this ovonin an spako to her tho wurrds av truth an' honesty. But Jock, "iays he, waggin' his heead, 'twas not liko yo tokape all that good dhrink an' thim fine cigars to yerself, while Urth rin hero an' rao have been prowlin' round wid throats aa dry as imekiins, an' nothing to smoko but canteen plug. 'Twas a dirty tbrick to play on a comrade, for why' Bhould you, Learoyd bo balancin' yourself on butt av a satin chair, as if Terence Mulvanoy was not tho aquil av any body that thrades in jute!" "JiOt mo alone, stioks in Urth ris. but that's liko life. Them wot's real- fitted to dcoorato society got no show, while a blunderin' Yorkshire- man liko vou "Nay," says I, "it's none o' t' blunder in xorkshtrcman aho wants its Hip. He's t' gsntloman this journey." Soa t' next day Mulvanoy an' Rip an' mo goes to Mrs. De Sussa's, an't' Irishman boin a stranger aho wor a bit scs at lost But yaye heeard Mul- vanov talk, an' vo' raav beliove aa he I fairlv bewitched t' awd lass wal Bhe I lot out' at sho wanted to tek Rip away wr her to Munsboroo l'ahar. Thon l Mulvanoy changes hia tuno an' axes her solemn Uko consequence honest solders lands. Mra. Mulvaney turns round, open t'other taok an' smoothes her down, allowin at Rip 'ud bo a vast better off in t' lulls than down l Hengai, an' twas a pity ho Bhould't go wheer ho was bo woll beaked. An aoa ho wont on backin' an' fillin' an' workin' up t' awd lass wal sho felt aa if her lifo warn't worth nawt if aho didn't hove t' dog". Then all of a auddint ho aavs: "Hut yo shall have him. marm, for I've a leelin heart, not like this cold blooded V l.l 1.... ),. -It .... . AUI aDllllUIll IU UUW HTOIII VUBI VUI1UVI! nennv less than threo hundred runoes." unwiwi.!,!,, imif'..,,, 1; "f colonol a laady wonldn t tek fivo' .. . . .. . . . J hundred for him." "Who aaid wo would!" says Mul vaucy; "it's not buyin' him, I mane, but tor tho aako o this kind, good laady, 1 11 do what I novor dreamt to do in my lifo. I'll atalo him!'' "Don't aay steal,' Bays Mra. De Sussa; "ho shall havo tho happiest homo, uoga otten get lost, yon know an' then thoy stray, an' he likes me an1 1 like mm aa l never liked a dog yet, an I must hov him. If I got him at t' last minuto I oould carry him off to Munsooreo l'ahar, an nobody would niver koaw. Now an' again Mulvaney looked a crost at mo, an' though I could mak nowt o' what ho was aftoa, I conoluded to tak hia loead. won, mum, i aaya, "1 novor thowt to coom down to dog atoalin', but if ray comrado sees how it could bo dono to oblige a laady liko yo'aoo l,ra uut t man to bod back, tbo' it a 1IU UUV V IIIHU HI Ulsu VJ ..I. r. , V II W ,n l bad business' I'm thinkiu', an' threo hundrod rupees ia a poor Bet of asain t' chance o' thorn Damming islands oa Mulvanoy talks on. "I'll mok it throo fifty," says Mrs, Do Sussa; "only lot mo hov t' dog! no wo lot hor persuade us, an' alio teks Rip'a moasuro thoro an' thon, an' soot to Hamilton's to order a silver collar again I time whon ho was to bo hor awn, which was to bo t day alio set off for Mttusooree Pahar. "Sitha, Mulvaney, aaya I, when wo waa outaido, "you'ro nivor goin to let hor hov Rip!" "An' wheer'a ho to como through?" aaya 1. l.earoyd, my man, ho sings out, an a good comrade, but your bead is mado av duff. Isn't our friend O ;th' tia a taxidormist, an' a rule artist wl hia n'mbie whito ungdri An wba t a taxidormist but a' man who oan thrato s'lkins! Da you mind tho whito dog that belongs to tho cantoon argent. bad coas to him ho that's lost half his timo an' aoarlin' tffo rost! Ho shall bo lost for good now; an' do ye mind tint I ho,s the very spit In shape an stz) av I tho oolonol'a, barrin' that his tail ia an I inoh to long, an' ho has nono ay the it she'd thought of I woman, ru aeno a tnriue to t amor I urawwgs aro -unaor me personal sup- o' gettin, two poor but Victor for tho poor peoplo ho a alwaya orviston of Gan. John S. Mosby," who, sen t' Andamning le- beggm' for. I it appears, mado tho statement abovo Do Sussa berran to crv. so But me an Orth'ris, ho bein' cockney given to tho WorlcTs correspondent in 7 1890. ooior uiai utvaraihcs tho raio Hip, an hp tlmper is that av his master an worse, nut twnai la an inch on a dot's tailt An' f what to a nrofossionnl likeUrtirriBlsafewnnnstrakedsliDota cv blaok. brown an' whltol Nothin' nt all, at all.'' I Then wo meots Oith'ria. an' that I littlo man bcin' sharp as a noodlo, sood his way through t' business in aminnto An' ho went to work a praotism 'air'h'OD against tho nso of tho Unltdd dyes tho very next day, beginnin on States mails for tho transmission of eoino whito rabits ho had. an' then ho I drored all Rip's markln's on t' baok of a whito commissariat bullock, ao as to I get his ,nrHl in an' be sure of his colors; I shadin' off brown into blaok as natnral as life. If Rip hod a fault it was too muoh markin', but it wm straintrelv I rog'lar, an' O.'th'ris aottlod himself to I make a fost rate job on it when be got hud o' t' oanteon aargint'a dog. Theer I niver was Bioh a dog as thot for bad I torapsr, an' it did nut got no better I when his tail bed to bo fettled an inoh I an' a half shorter. Hut thoy may talk much puzzled by tho auti-lottery meas o' thoer royal academics as thoy liko. ago sont out by President Harrison. mver sood a bit o' animal paiutin to I beat t' oopy as Orth'ri9 mado of Rip's I marks, wal t' tiictor itself was snarlin' all t' time an' tryin' to got a Rip stand-1 in theer to ho copied as good as goold. I fl-tli'io nlltia l i.l na m. X a. n! . I Willi lia Ulll.3 UCU 9 luilill UUUUUlb ItU I himsen as would lift a balloon, an ho woor so pleased wi' his ahara Rib ho wor for teoking him to Mra De Sussa I beforo she went away. Bat Mulvanoy an m Btoppod thot, knowin' Orth'ris' work though niver ao eliver, was nob- but skin deep. An' at last Mrs. Uj sussa hxed t' dty for startin' to Munsooreo Phar. Wo was to lek Rip to t' atavahum t' a basko an' hand ovver just when they wis ready to start, an' then sho'd give us t' brass as was agroed upon. An' my wodl It were high time aho were off, for them 'air dyes upon t' otir'a back took a vast of paiutin' to keep t' reet ouller, tho' Orth'ris spent a matter o' aeven rupees air annas 1' t' best droogshops i' Calcutta. An t canteen aargiut was lookin' for 'ii dog overywhoer; an' wi' bein' tied up t' blast's timper got watts nor oyer. It wor i' t ovonin when t train started thro' Hswrab, an' wo 'elped Mrs Da Sussa wi' about Bixty boxes, an' thon ho gavo her t' basket. Orth' ris, for-pnde av his work, axod us to let him coom along wi' us, an' ho couldn't help liftin' t' lid an' showin' t1 uur as he lay ooiled oop. "Uhl says t awa lass; "tho bautoel How aweet ho looks!" An' just then t' beauty snarled and ahowed hia toeth ao Mulvancy shuta down t ltd and aays: "He'll be careful, marm, when yo tek him out, Ho'a disacouatomed to travel ing by t' railway, an' ho'll be euro to want hia ralo miatross an' hia friend I j in n r I Learoyod, bo ye II mako allowance for his felicga at fost.' Sho would do all that an moro for tho dear, good R'.p, an' sho would nut oppeu t' basket till they woro miles away, for lear anybody should recog nize him' an' wo wero real good and kind aoldier-men, wo were, an' sho bonds mo a bundle o' notes, an' thon cooms up a few of her relations an- frienda to say good-by not more than soventy-fivo thoro wasn t an' wo cuts away. What coom to t' threo hundred an' fifty rupceBt Thot's what l ean scarco- Una tell you, but wo molted it. It was sharo an' sharo alike, for Mulvaney said: "it l.earoya got hold ot Mra. De Sussa first, sure 'twas I that rernim bered tho sarcint's dog iust in tho nick av time, an' Orth'ris waa the artist av I janius that made a work av art out av I that ugly pieco av ill nature. Yet, by I way ot a mang ouerin mat i waa not led into felony by that wiokod ould an' I bein' pretty far north, did nut aeo it t' t' saamo way. Wo getton t' brass an' we meaned to keep it. An' Boa wo did for a short time. Noa noa, wo niver heeard a wo'd moro o t' awd lass. Our rig moot went to Pindi, an t' canteen aargent he got himself anothor tyko instead o t ono 'at got lost bo reg lar an was lost for good at last. Mudyard Kipling. To Arrest Decaying Teeth. li1 ) . -,. , . i?lldrSd V about tho teeth. Bhe is ao, and her teeth were t npm AntPii, u?hnn vnnnrr nrn it-rnmilar , j-ti -- '-b which alio supposes cannot bo helped, and aro deoaying fast; but she does not want to havo artificial ones. Is there anything that will arroat de cay? Certainly. Tako powdered oharcoal for tho stomach daily; brush tho teeth with it till they become white, whioh will tako a week, perhaps; then use prepared chalk and a good tooth wash for rinaiug tho teeth after meals. Eat only broad of entire wheat flour, aa that auppliea tho phos- . . . 1 i t pnatea lor bonea and teeth, and uso cracked wheat as a vegetablo freoly. it ia as good bb rico in every way, Thero ia a candy for children mixed with phosphatos which ia aaid to havo good effect on tho toeth, and ia of benefit to older peoplo I can vouch. Whether very strict caro ot health . J .1!.. II . 1. I . and diet would result in improvement and now growth of materials of tho toeth. as some dentiata av has occur. rod, ia a question, but tho advantago in . ... w, evor? oth"r .wav wula bo. 80 Br?at th0 oxponment is worth trying, it cer tainly ought to arrest decay. Acidity of tho atomaoh ruins teeth, and if this can bo provontod orumbling tooth will last a long timo Suiklky Daub. Blood Poison- Ia vory liablo to follow contact of tho hands or faco with what ia known aa poiaou ivy, especially in hot weather or if tho body is prospiring freely. The trouble may subsido for a time, only to appear in aggravated form whon opportunity offora. The great purify ing powera ot Hood a Maraaparilla thorough'y oradicato evory traco of poisoo irm tbo blood, aa tho curea it it also ouroa acrolula, salt rheum and all other affections arising from impure or poisoned blood Safe From Entry. First Burglar Th' paper 83vb th' lockB on th' government vaults at Washington ia so weak that any burg uler cud pick1 om! Booond burgular Iltihl Who wants them big theatro hat silver dollars' Jfew York Weekly. VOL. 25, NQ.3 DOW THEY DIFFER. ItAnitlSON AND HIS SON OK l.OTTF.IUKS. ew vohk, juiy ui The worm of last Thursday morning aaya; In Yosterday'a papers was printed a messago from tho President of tho United Stated to Congress, aftking that "Orty lor UdJitlonai stringent logisla letters addressed to tho Louisanna Lot tery Compariy an! advertisements of odhcem. In the oourao of his incsaago tho I'rosldcnt refer to "tho halefuf effect" of tho "establishment 6f 000 or moro lottery companies at Mex loan towns near our bordor." T,ast evening tho following dispatoh was reoetved lrom tho World s oorrcs pondent in San Francisco: Colonel Mosby, who runs a littlo lottery just, across tho Rio Grando from Kl Paso, is in tho oity and is very o said to day: "Throo weeks ago Rosscl Harrison was at Kl Paao nnd orossod tho Rio Grando to tho office of tho lottery and uegan to talk tiusiness. rno rosuit 117 1 o f li n f rrnt SZtnntl In DriDArhainn " l"J muv uv tv, vwwv .u t . w. 1101 ii lor jfiYanfc JjCslies juuttratea JVews papcr and 300 for hia paper in Mon- tana out of the lottery officers. Tho advertisement tens what a good thing too lottery is. isow, wnac Doiners ma Ia this: Is thoro is a family oombine, is Presidont Harrison after tho saints and Russel after tho ainnersr A Btatcmont of this importance could not, of oourao, bo printed in the World without tho fallost investiga tion. Tho recent files of Frank Les lie's Illustrated Newspaper woro rig orously examined, disclosing no a vortisoraent at loast up to date of tho oharaotor roforred to. Tho World last night also procured a oopy of tho Helena Morning Jour nal of Friday, July 25. At tho hoad of tho editorial columns of this num ber of this paper ia tho name of Rus sel B. Harrison as prosidont of the company, and this, thoroforo, makoa him tho responsible person under tha law for whatever appeara in its col umns. It ia an eight-pago paper. On tho aovonth pago of the Journal of date of July 25 is a three-column lot- tor dated at tho City of Mexiso. tho letter de;criboa In tbe most fer vid terms tho drawing of tho "grand lottery of Juarez." Tho threo columns aro intorspersoa with extremely well exeouted illustrations of tho ornate pagoda in whioh the lottery is drawn, a copy of tho lottery ticket and nura oroua instances of persons successful in tho lotterv. In tho course of the onthusiastio description of tho drawin" I is j r .i ;j i . t I ueoit ana ot the gooa tortuno ot van' ous tiokctholdora is this paragraph, which is a aamplo of tho ontiro lottor. Luokl Do I believo in lack? As Buredly I do, since a friend of mine has onoo drawn SS4U0U, a year later $10,000, and not long ago bought from a friend of his a ticket which won for that lucky mortal a clean $100,000. Thon, too,. I know a young man who never fails to get a prizo, and his list oi winnings through a series ol years is something formidable. Hia method? it ia to buy ot tho iirat man or woman ho moots who offora a ticket. Noth ing moro simple. xms loiter ia creditod to a corres pondent of tho Boaton Herald and its date ia contemporaneous with the time ot Mr. Kussel ii. Harrison a visit to the neighborhood of El Paso. In tho adjoining column to this long "roading notioo" ia a double-col- umu auvoruscment oi me lottery in question, in which it is stated that tho San Francisco, Tho advertisement covers aepaoo of sometning auovo nait a column ol tho Helena Journal, of tho company pub lishing whioh, aa said, Mr. Russel B. Harrison, son of Hcmamin Harrison, President of tho United States, ia i resident. A Familiar Instance of finest Courage, Tlr. i. tj n worm Aoiraniug. A Russian nobleman waa onco travel ing with his family in tho interior of tbo country alter Wtntor had net in On tho box of tho vohiclo was a serf, who had been born on tho nobleman's estate, and to whom he waa muoh attached. Suddenly tho littlo girl aaid to hor father, "What ia that atrange aound!" Tho father listened, and far away, through tho clear, cold frosty air, he heard a Bound which ho know too well, lio aaid to the servant: "Tho wolves aro alter us; drive faster and got your pistols ready." But tho same mornful aound came nearer and nearer and soon tho baying of tho pack I .:...:....!.. i. . .. . i i . i r i .i wao """uy uuuru. --uuu tuuy come up to us , aaid tho nobleman to tho serf, "you single out ono and fire. and 1 will single out another; and while tho rest aro dovounng thorn wo shall got on." Two abota were fired and two wolves fell. The others instantly BOt upon them 1 ana uovonrcd thorn; raeanwlnlo by this method the carriage gained ground. Th last two shots -wero finally firod I ttuu tuu lnul5u WM uuu" moro over- taken, and the post hotiso was still dis tant. The nobleman then ordered tbo servant to looso ono of the leaders that they might gain more timo. This was dono, and the poor horao plunged lranuoauy into tho lorest. Thon an oner norao waa acnt on. Tbo car riage labored on with tho two remain ing horses, liut tho post houao was still distant. I At longth tho servant aaid to hia I master, "Nothing now can savo you uuv uuu iuiuu. u-Jl uiu ttavu VOU. 1 ask you only to look after my wifo and l!t.l Tk. 1.1 UlllU UUUQ, LIIU UUU1UIUUU rUlIlOU- Btrated, but in vain. When tho wolros noxt came up, tho faithful servant throw himself among them. Tho pant ing norses gauopoti on with tho car- riage; tho gates of tho post house clos ed upon it, and tbo travelers wero safe, She And would you havo loved mo if I had been poor? lie 1 never would havo known you, darling. Diasaway Your d-dog won't me, win bel Farmer Spinwheel Goshl I hopo not. It spiles 'em fer woodchucka when thoy git dudo blood iu their veins. OUR CANDIDATE. wiiv iTtoiimtr i:. i'atxison niaiuua.i Jii.i'.iririvlB UOVliltNDH. STItONd Al'I'KAt. OK A I A KM Kit. TMK DKMOCItATB IIAVK PUT UP THE ONt.T CANDIIIATE TilK OKANqEKS CAN surronT. an iNTKitEsTimt I.KTTKIt. Tho following communication from Hon. Leonard Hliono will provo inter esting reading to tho farmers of tho atato. Tho article appears in tho cur rent number of tho Farmers' Friend: Okiicb ok Mahteu, Cf.nthk Halt, July lfi, 1800. To Patrons and Farm ers of Pennsylvania: It is but just to tho Patrons throughout tho atato that thoy should bo advised of what hag boen dono with tho returns mado bv tho subordinate granges in reply to tho circulars and blanks Bout out from my ofiico requesting on expression of profcrenoo for governor of Pennylva nla. OvHr 400 returns were mado to mv ofiico, tho overwhelming profcrenoo of Domocrata was for ox-Governor Paul son with votos scattering for Chaun- oey Black, Gerard C. Brown and oth ers that of tho Republicans was ovor- wholmingly for Gen. Hastings. Broth er Taggart and a few votes for others. Thoso blanks woro sent out with a private circular, so that politicians might not influenco tho ohoico of our peoplOt Tho result has been that thoro was tho largest voto at tho primary elec tions ovor known in our stato of both parttos. To givo effect to tho wishes of our peoplo interviews woro had with tho leading politioal managers of both parties to intluonco the nomtna- tlon of tho men of tho ohoico of our poopio. Had it not boon for tho arbitrary in terference of a political dictator and tho stupid obstinacy of a few manag ers, "tho field," representing thochoico of the peoplo of tho Republicans of this atato, oould havo beon combined and some one of tho choice of the people nominated. But corrupt and onrporato intluonco combined prevailed and tho Standard oil corporation can didate was nominated for Governor. Tho same Senator Delamater that had promised his peoplo at home, and timo and again assured tho Stato Grango legislative commlttoo that ho would do all in his power to pass tho farmera' tax bill, but whon it camo up in tho sonato ho spoke and voted oven against its consideration and was thereby lost by just tho troachory of that one voto. Tho same fight was made in tho De mocratic convention, but tho peoplo by an overwhelming majority nomi nated ox-Governor Pattison for gov ernor and Brother Black for lieutenant governor. Pattison during his guber natorial term labored incessantly for tho rights and protection of tho poopio and enforcements of tho constitutional authority of tho Btato; that the corpor ations should bo amenable to tho same lawa and authority that the peoplo wore 8ubject to, and that thoy should boar an evenhanded and oquitablo sharo of tbo taxea to support tho local and stato governments. Uur poopio did everything in their powor to aocuro tho nomination of fair and acceptable men in both parties i... i. i:...i men who could be relied on as being truo to thoir interest and Bee that jus tice be doalt out alike to peoplo and corporations without fear or favoritism ;..!; ii , r i . maiuuHuiug vuu Hupruumuy ui rigiib and putting down tho oppression of wrongs. mi fl . 1 . xnia now cuases 10 uo a contest bo- tween tho Democratic and Republican partioa, but becomes a contest between right and wrong a contest for tho au- promaoy between tho poopio and cor porations a contest lor justico and equity and tho supremacy of constitu tional government. Tho candidate.on thosidooftho people is ex-Governor Pattison, a man' truo and tried, whoso character is abovo suspicion. Tho candidate on tho eido ot tbo corpora tions and corrupt' powers of the atato ia Senator Delamater, a man who laa been tried and found wanting, whoso word can not bo trusted who, after tho most positive promises that ho would vote for tho farmers and peop led Tax bill, went back on hia pledges. 1 his is not a national contest in whioh protection and freo trado aro in volved, but that ot tho election of Btato officers a state issuo between tho peoplo and those who would sub vert and overthrow tho design and apirit of our institutions. Wo do not ask f armors to change I their political principles, but wo ask refusing to I them to enforce them by vote for men who misrepresented their interest when in political office, aa did senator Delamater. lhen, and only thon, will tho party of our proference nominate men the peoplo want. 1 have ondeavored thus early to lay beforo you what has boen dono to on fopco your wishes as returned through your reports, so that political manag ers could not construe our action aa being for partisan purposes. I now submit tho whole situation to your un- blasted political judgment and patriot ism, to do all in your power to elect men who will truly and honestly ro prcsont our interest irrespective of party projudico, remembering that if we continue putting men into powor, who, whilo in political position, work ed and voted againat tho farmera and peoplo'a interest, wo might as woll sur render to these usurpers liko menial alavea leserviug the contempt and do rision of publio opinion. Hespeoilully submitted, Lkonaud Rhone. His Bon Onred. Mr. W. II. Hinuan, a prominent and iiithiential citizen of Mount Vernon, 111,, Writes as follows, under dat-of March 11, 1S90: "Ono bottlo of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) cured my aon permanently of a stubborn case of Blood Poison that defied the best medical treatment available. I havo recommondod S. S. S. to others for blood troubles and diseases of tho akin and havo never known it to fail to cure in any case. ni.ooiii'OisoNcuiti:i). I was troubled for j ears with a Blood Poison in its vory worst form. I was treated by tho very best phytooiaua of Louisville, Ivy., and Evansville, Ind, but thoy laild to benclit mo in anyway A few bottles of Swift's Spooifio (S. S. S.) cured mo sound and well.- Ibis waa over four years ago, and thoro baa been no return of tho disease since, or any Bymptoms of it. I havo reoom- tnonded It to others lor blood poison, and in every caso thoy wero permanen tly cured" D. ii. KAiN, Alt. Vernon, in. Treat 'se on Illooil and Skin Diseased uialktlriw, SWIFT bl'tC'IfK CO., Atlanta Oa Bob Burdetto gita down to rock bito bottom facta in tho premises when ho aays: "Hon wasted muu when no mauo a man so mean aa to ten the postmaster to return a newspaper marked 'Re fused' when ho owes two or threo years subicription." r