The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 01, 1890, Image 1

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Orric Front Room, oyer" PoitofHoa,
Orn-Room No. 2, Columiiam Bidding,
Office In Ent'a Buildlnc;, near Court House,
Office over Mover Bro't Drug Stora,
Office In Brower'i building, 2d floor, ream No 1.
Office cor. Centre & Main Sti.,CUr1t'l bnililtifc
WCn be comulted la Germu.
Office, Second floor, Columbian Bulldimj,
Office tn Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, Main St
Office over Dentlcr'i Shoe (tore, Froat rom,
Office, CoLCTiiiAjt Buildlag, attar, front rsMt,
Offic r.K Rawrtagi Meat Market,
Ofio, corner of Ttdri and Mala Street,
B. McK.EL.VY, M. D.,
Office, North tide Main Street, bcVvw Market,
jyR. . C. RUTTER,
Office, North Market Street,
Office, corner of Rock and Market Streeti,
Notary Tublic.
Loans secured, Investments made. Real ea
itatc bought and sold.
Office in First National Bank Building,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Office West First St.
Bpccial attention given to the eyo and
car and tbc fitting of glasses.
J. BROWN, M. D.,
Office and Rejidenco, Third Street, Wet
cf Market, near M. E. Church,
WOffice hour every afternoon and evening.
Special attention given to the eye and the fitting
of glastea. Telcphaae connection.
TuATMiirr ov Ciihohic Diseases madx a
Office and Residence, Third St, below Market,
J. HESS, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental CtUefe,
having opened a dental office la LccxaidV
Building, corner 01 Main and Coatri streets,
Is prepared to receive all pitteti reqtdrUf -feulwal
Ethes, Gas, aus Local A5snirrtcs,
administered far tfc paialaat eatrictltatcf kth
free f efcarp vcvra MtttdJJ tecOa u autrted.
All Woax Uuxttmto ai Rayaxajmc
Teas, Syrum, Corrn, Suoab, Molawm,
Rice, Sfices, Bicabb Soda, Era, ElC,
N. E. Comer Second and Arch SU,
WOrderi will receive prompt attention.
Manufactueees or
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, Platfona
Wagons, 4c
Flnt-cliii work always on hand. Repairing
neatly done.
ar Prices reduced to suit the times.
Office, Barton's Building, Main St., M. Market,
All styles of work done in a superior manner,
and all work warranted 41 represented.
Teeth Extracted Without Paw,
'jythe use of Gas, and free of charge when
artificial teeth art Inserted.
W Ta be opea all hours duinglho day,
'bITTENbh158B, rpr!tton.
Finest Line
GOLD and
. F. Savits,
a Spialty
First door Bloomsburg Opera Jllouao
Home of N. Y. i Merchants', of Newark. N.
I. ; Clinton, N. Y. j Pernio' N Y. j Reading,
ra. i uerman Am en can ins. v,o.. new York, t
Greenwich Iruarance Co., New York; Jersey
City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J.
These old corporations are well seasoned by
set and nu Tested and hay never vet had a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets
are ail Invested ia solid secueities, are liable
to the haiard of rial only.
Losses lEOMrrLY and honestly adjusted
and paid as soon as determined, by CHRIST
IAN F. KNAPP, 8 fecial Agent and Ad.
Jfhe people of Columbia county should pit
fontxe the agency where losses, if any, are set.
lied and paid by one of their own citiiena.
Tho Bost Burning Oil That Can bo
Mado From Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light. It will not
smoke tbc chimneys. It will not char the
wick. It has a high lire test. It will not
explode. It Is pre-eminently a family
snfety oil.
Wo Challenge Comparison with
any other illuminating oil made.
Wo Btako our Rcputullon, as Heflncrs, up-
on tho Statement that it Is
Wkf Best Ml
:iN THE WORT,!).
Crown - Acme.
rT Office over Mover Bros. Drug ; Store.
Residence West Main Street.
ifiy Ollleo over I. W. Hartman & Sou'
store, rcsldeneo N. E.
corner Centre and
Fourth streets.
R. J. T. FOX,
All the latest appliances for manufacturing',
treating, lining ana extr -cling leeui. ,ui
styles of work warranted as represented. Office
on Main Slreet, near East. 5-l6-ly.
Cleauie ana h tuir.
I'romotM a luxuriant growth
Maar Fa I la la Rstilars. Qrav
HalrldlttYoathfUl CaUr.
rV(Dtsl Dftaldrnflt Md ItftU faiktaj
IN 1U first stages, can bo successfully
checked by tho prompt nso of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Even in tho later
periods of that uiscaso, tho cough Is
wonderfully roliovcd by this medicine.
" I bavo used Aycr's Cherry pectoral
with tho bcit effect in my practice.
This wonderful preparation onco savell
my life. I had a constant cough, night
sweats, was greatly reduced in llcah,
and given up by my physician. One
bottle and a halt of tlio Pectoral cured
mo." A. J. Eidson, M. 1)., Middloton,
" Several years ago I was severely 111.
Tho doctors said I was in consumption,
and that they could do nothing for mo,
but advised me, 03 a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking
this mcdicino two or three months I
was cured, and my health remains good
to tho present day." James Ilirehard,
Darlcn, Conu.
" Several years ago, on a passage homo
from Calllornla, by water, I contracted
bo sevcro n cold that for somo days I
was confined to my stato-room, nnd a
physician on board considered my lifo
In danger. Happening; to bavo a bottla
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it
freely, and my lungs were soon restored
to a healthy condition. Slnco then I
liavo Invariably recommended this prep
aration." J. 11. Chandler, Junction, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rmnniD it
Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Mats.
Bold tj all Drurtials. l'lltaSlJilibottltM.
a$es Pain Instantly.
Strengthens Weak Parts.
Quiets Nervousness.
Hop pwten
JL New England notuehold Itemed.
UntTtrvallr popnUr because of real medicinal
tBerit. For
which tvttxolc the human bod, do remedy In the world
lesaee. no mattr how caaBod or hovr Bevem
tue eoaotieta paina ana acnes, Boreneu or
BtoTinc as the Hop 1'latterv
ITnBolleltcA TrtUmony ef thouaands of pnople,
and the ooDBtantlj Increasing aala cl these plasters.
Is ample proof of the truth of this assertion,
CT HOP PlaASTEBH nercr bum or Irritate.
If you suffer apply one now; joa'U feel happier to
morrow, feela good the moment pat on.
medicine dealers. Don't De swindled into takinar
iEE HERE. Hon riastrrs are sold by
a si.bfltitata or Imitation. Hignatore of the proprietors
will be found on the genuine goods.
Kxamin xehen you buy, JivoU tlUAonttt dxUri,
au met
Iron i do
1JJ Aug. 8.
axrauiNTS the roLLOwiNO
Nortt American, of Philadelphia,
Franklin, ' "
Pennsylvania, " '
York, of Pennsylvania,
Haorrtr, of New'York,
Quiens, of London,
North British, of London.
Officii on Market Street, above Main, No. f.
yr p.'Lutz,
(Successor to Freas Brown,)
Bloousburo Fire & Life Ins. Agency,
(Established in ,1865.)
Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, $9,518,388.97
Hartford, of Hartford, 5,288.609.97
ttinnii. of Hartford i.7l8.j6o.I
Springfield, of Springfield 3,059,903.98
fire Association, Philadelphia,... 4,512,781.29
Guardian, of London, 20,003,323.71
rhosnlx, of London 6,924,563.48
Lancashire of Eng.,(U.S.Branch) 1,642,105.0c
Royal of England, " " 4,8S3.S64.oq
Mut Ben. Lf. In. Co. Newark, N J 41,379.228.3)
Losses promptlj adjusted and paid at this office,
Office, Second Floor, Columbian Building,
Liverpool, London, and Globe, largest In the
worm, ana penectiy rename.
Imperial, of London, $9,658,479.00
Continental of New York 5, 239, 98 1 .38
American of Philadelphia. 2.401.06.1
Niagara, of New York, j,a6o,479.86
OrrojiTi Court House.
Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath
rooms, hot and cold water j and all modern
P.jal Estate Bought and Sold.
Fartlos desiring to buy horses and wagon
roulu dc veil to call on ino a novo.
u'hn piintpmnliitfta nuraulnsr n oourso 0 atulr 'n
the commercial brancliOK, alioull bavo (reo copies
ot tne uiusiroica circular ana sua au-juiu uuvk-
lotrue or 1110
imi'lll'sTI'll HI!SINi:sH IIV 7 K its I TV.
iKwcriblne the new wbtcri for extent,
convenience, turntslilnt'. doaoratlon and general
eimrfinni. u not ebkiwbero approach' t In the
Uniuxt Mates, Vor tboroush. practlo ' lrutruo
Hon In tbo irjLif ul branctuM, lulu Institution has
lonffBUUdattbehetti. S-aid4t.
WiLtiiisfilWJiua, lt.wumu,N. V.
In tbo contro of n circlo of lodges
was tho ohlof, Torao Ohlol, his oyos
fixed with n jieouiirtr moaning upon a
captivo who was neatod near him.
Tho captivo was a beautiful young,
girl bound with grcon thongs, and as
sho gazed upon thoao her lips curled
in very scorn, and sha gavo utterance
to words indicattvo of irupatietioo.
"Do you fanoy you will over tamo
"Wo hope to do so."
"Thon you hopo in vain. I novor
can tolcrato you or your barbarous
"You will fool differently after a
timo. You will find many charms in
our wild, freo life, and when yoa bo
coma my wife'''
"Your wife!" shrieked tho girl some
thing liko a shudder passing over her
"Yes my wifo. Yon must forget
this Capt. Horvy Waller, for by tho
great Spirit I havo sworu that you
shall bo mino."
Tomo Chici spoko fierooly, and turn
ing from him tho captivo became Hi
lent. When tho morning dawned a savage
yell aroused tho oamp and tho chief
sprang to his feet. A gl mco betrayed
the fact that his captivo bad disappear
ed. Dartincr from his lodco ho found
ono of his guard lying cold in doath
oeioro it. it was tho discovery of tiio
body which Jiad raised tho alarm.
At the rear of tho lodtro the second
guard, whoso name was Attamaha,
was soundly slcepinc. At iirst the
chief thought that ho too had been
slaitij but tbo contusion aroused tho
savage, and springing to his foot he
gizeil wildly about him. Ho know
tho tionalty of negligonco, and ho
trembled whoa ho coptomplato his
position. He had reason to do , for
at the command of Tomo Chici ho was
instantly seized and firmly bound.
tv savage was found without tho
circle of lodges in a dying condition.
Ilu could speak with difficulty, and he
stated that he had been aroused during
tho night by low whisperings and tho
Bounds of footsteps, lie had left his
lodge only to receivo a knifo in his
brqast, , and, fell senseless. Tho avonyer
tvoro a scarlet coat, and Helen l'res-
cott, tbu captive, was in his company.
A search was made around tho camp,
and half a milo distant thero wero tho
marks where threo horses had been
tied to tho trees. They had ovidently
corao from Savanah, and had taken
their departure in that direction. Tho
chief knew that pursuit was useless,
and ho roturned to his lodge foaming
with rago and bent upon vengeance.
For a vear ho bad been engaged in a
plot for tho capture of Helon Presoott;
for he had seen her 111 Havanah, and
becoming enamored of her had re
solved to abdact tho maiden and
make her his queen. All his plan
had failed, however; but at loogth his
son, a young chief called lied Plume,
bad penetrated tho city in tho disguise
01 a lirilisn otlicer and succeeded in
bringing tho maiden away captivo.
Sho bad been but two days among tho
Indians when she mado her escape.
Ab soon as Tomo (Jbici roturned to
his camp ho ordered Aliamaha to be
bound to a stake, and brushwood was
heaped around him preparatory to
burning. Tho savage had recovered
his self possession. II 0 was a bravo
fellow, and had always stood high in
the estimation ol his leader.
Turning to his chief ho said: "I
know that I deserve death forsleepiug.
but if my chief will sparo mo I will
bring the captivo maiden."
tor a moment the clnet remained
silent, and then replied: "Yon shall
do more. Bring ire tho maiden and
tell mo that her lovor, Capt. Ho.iry
Waller is dead, urine me, as an ovi'
dence of tho fact, his scalp and Ira
scarlet coat. Do this and your lifo
shall be spared."
Altamaha promised that it should
bo done, and ho was released. Ho
started immediately in tho direction of
Thero was great excitement in Sa
van ah when it was known that Miss
Prescott had so mysteriously disap.
peared, and none partook 01 tins foi l
ng more strongly than did U10 voung
English Captain Henry Waller, her
betrothed husband. Iio bcHovcd the
savages were connected with the mat
ter, and ho at once communicated his
suspicions to Hen. Oglethorpe, tho
governor and commander of tbo post.
ilio general could not think as did tho
lover, and ho hesitated when asked for
troops. Should they advauco upou
tho Indian settlement tho treaty would
thus bo broken, and a bloody warfare
might be tho result.
Ho said to tho captain, howover.
"lake as many men as vou require
and approach within fivo miles of tho
Indian oamp. Thero you must halt
until you yoursell havo advanced and
found that yonr suspVions aro correct.
In that case you havo discretionary
poworj but act with prudence."
At tlio bead ot hity dragoons Waller
advanced, ueacmi'g tho designated
spot bo halted his men and thon rodo
forward with a Binglo orderly loading
intra iiorse. Approaching wiluin
half a milo of tho camp ho dismounted
nd advanced alone. Silently he
orlered tho circlo of lodgos and crept
to tbo one most prominent among tbo
number, believing it to bo occupied by
the chief- Ho listened and hoard a
mnrmur as if uttered in sleep. Hit
heart boat wildly, for he recognized
tho voico ot ins idol.
Before the lodro n cuard was seatd
but no appcarej Halt asicop. it was
an easy mattor to dispatch him, and
then tho captain crawled slowly into
tbo lodgo. Dwittly but cautiously thoy
passed along, and wero only interrupt'
ed by a shglo Bavago, who shared tho
lato ot tbo guard, Tlio horses woro
rcaohed and soon they joined tho
main body and rapidly rodo for Sa
Young Red Plurao had been abroad
that night, still wearing bia disguise
Suddenly ho camo in sight of tho dra
goons whero thoy wero waiting. Soon
ho discovered that the maiden had
boen rescued, and as tho cavalcado
rodo by ho joined them. Tho dark.
nesa and his disguise, wero his protco
tion and ho determined to recapture
Helen. (Jhanco J avorod Mm.
After a timo tho light hearted girl
bantered her oompamons lor n raco,
ami without awaiting n reply darted
forward at a furious rate Tho Ind;an
I followed her, and Boon tho two had
far outstripped tho others. A bond in
tho road shut thorn altogothor from
vlow. Tho horso on whioh Holen was
lfUn stumbled and foil, and she was
rendered in cns'blo. Now was tho
go'don opportunity, ard Hod Plumo
was not slow to tako advantago of it.
Ho oaiight tho maiden in his arms and
oavied lor into tho woods fanking
the roadway, leading both horse; after
mm. in n tow moments ho hoard tho
dragoons pas. , not o oof them ontor
taintt g tho loist suspicion that harm
had Infallen tho maiden. Tho savago
laughed in fiendish gleo.
Placing Helen on a mossy bank ho
watohed beside her until she had re
covered, and then lashing hor to ono
of tho horses ho began his return tow
ard the oamp. It was ovidont that
s'io had boen considerably injured, for
aflor proceeding a few milo sho
fai' ted.
lied Plumo rodo into an tinder
gro.vth bo donso that it almost shut
on. tho daylight. Ho paused by a
silver spring which had been roaohed
by a narrow, winding pathway, lim
ing tho captivo from tha animal upon
whioh sho had been bound ho took her
in his arms, seated himself by tho
fountain and began to batho her brow
with tho cooling liquid.
In tho moantime Attamaha had
reached that po'nt on his way to Sa
vanah. Ho turnod also to quenoh his
thirst and discovered tho Indian and
tlio maiden. Tho disguiso decoived
nim. There was tlio crimson ooat, and
ho believed tho wearer to bo Honry
Wallor. His heart throbbed with
fio'idieh delight, and creeping slowly
forward, ho pluugjd his tomahawk
into his brain.
Then he tore tho Boarlct coat from
his body and out the soalp from Red
umusliead. With tho maiden and
trophies ho rodo proudly back, and
advancing toward Tomo Chioi laid tho
ooat at his feet with tho gory scalp.
The duel looked at it, started, and
turning his Hashing oyos upon Alta
aha exolaimoa in tones choking with
passion., while tho warrior (jutvorcd
with dread:
"Whitehoarted dog and fooll You
avo brought mo tho ooat ot my Bon.
Die, cursed wrotch.l"
Ho drew his tomahawk from his
belt and hurled it forward with great
force, It buried itself deep into the
brain of AUamaha, and ho then fell
folest to tho gro'iiid.
Tho grief of Tomo Chici was yory
great. Ho led Lis captivo into his
lodgo and thon Boated himself. He
did not speak but an occasional groan
burst from his lips and bis powerlul
breast heaved violently. Hours pas
sed on and still no orders had been
given for a night guard. Suddenly
tho yelling of his warriors aroused
him. Ho sprang without his lodgo
and listenod. Ho heard tho rattle of
arms and tho tramp of horses' feet.
no quickly began the formation of his
wawlorsj but now a body of dragoons
burst into tho circlo and the tight be
In halt an hour alter llelon i'rosoott
was 00 hor way back to Sayanah with
tho troopers. Sho rodo besido her
over anil this timo felt no inclination
to indulgo in a race. Tho lesson tho
savages had received was a salutary
one, ahd tho cbiof was glad to enter
into another treaty of peace, for his
bro'cen faith had cost him dearly.
Helen Presoott soon after became
tho wifo of young Wallor and reigned
sole queen of his heart. iVeio York
Tho Forco bill is iutended ( its sup
porters allego ) to protect tho South
ern uogro at tho ballot box. It seems
never to havo occurred to these stupid
politicians that any man who is wor
thy of the right of suffrage oan protect
himsclt 111 its exercise, it is alleged
that the negroes aro in a maior'ty in
tho Btates of Lotiisana, Mississippi and
Soutli Carolina. If this bo tbo fact
tho negroes of those Btates are inoap
ablo of Bolf-govorumont or thoy would
assert their rights at tho ballot box. It
is not in tho natnro of things that a
minority can permanently suppress 0
mriority, and tiiis faot is quite sufli
e'ent to oonfuto tho arguments of tho
Forco bill.
There aro many intelligent and
wealthy nog.oes in tho states of Louis'
ana, Mississippi and South Carolina
Among thera aro shrowd and active
politicians, men entirely oapablo of
organizing a party strong enough to
matuia a its riguis ui iuu uauui. uui.
Why is it that no such organization
has beon tnadet How oomea it that if
tho democrats of thoso states aro in
tho habit of "suppressing tho nogro
vote," (as the ropaV'cans allego) tho
rich, intelligent and influential negro
politicians 01 thoso states havo not or
ganized for tha protection of tho voters
of their raco t It cannot bo that tho
mojorlty, whioh they represent, is in
physical lear ot tho minority. 1 hat
plea is bo absurd as to bo unworthy of
consideration. it,von tuo densely ig
norant negroes of ban Uomiugo as
serted tho power of iho majority.
Tbo truth ia that tho boutbern ne
gro cares less for politics than bo did
whon the republican oarpot-baggers
promised him 'forty acres and a mule,'
for his voto. Tbo rioh and intelligent
Southern negro is not a whit mo o an
xioiis than his wlnto brother to put
scalawags and spoilsmen in office, llo
had a surtoit of scaicwag and carpet
bag government m rooonstruotion
times, it is not Btrango, therefore,
that ho re f us oa to go into politiosnnd
that tho negro voto ot his stato is un
organized and to somo oxtcnt unpoll
Confronted with tho actual condi
tion of tho unwillingness of tbo South
orn negro to participate actively in
politics, tho politioal desporadocs in
power at Washington proposo to forco
him into politioal activity at tho point
of tho bayonet Thoy aro determined
to cocrco mm into an citort to dorni
11 a to tho whito man whero ever it is
physically possible. That ia tho moan'
ing, tho intent, tho Bum and Biibuanoo
ot tho infamous Forco bill. l'alixvt
Stranger I beg your pardon, sir,
Citizen Weill
Strangor I am looking for a teno
ment in this locality, sir, and 1 want
to ask you in ooufidonco if you think
that house yonder is situatod pencct
lioaiihy as 10 drainage, etc
utizen xcs, fir, it is. 1 am euro
of it.
Stranger Why aro you so positive'
Citizen Because I am tho owner of
that toiiomont house. Yankte .UUule.
Pennsylvania Ballot-Reform
Draftod by an abto oommittoo of tho
Pennsylvania IJilloMiiform Assooia
tion, and endorsed by many other or
Copios of this synopsis and tho bill
mav bo obtained by addressing tho
Secretary, Alfred N. Chandlor, Bullit
Building, at Philadelphia.
Skgtiok 1, Tho printing and distri
button of ballots at all oloctions to bo
a oounty obargo.
Seos. 2-9. Nominations. Party
conventions may filo certificates of no
minations with tho Secretary of the
Commonwealth, or, for looal oflloes,
with tho County Commissioners. No
mination papers, Bignod by a thousand
citizens nominating a oandidate for a
Stato oflloo, two hundred for a city,
oounty, Congressional or Legislative
ofVtao, and twonty-fivo for any other
o Use, may bo Bimilarly filed. Certifi
cates nnd papors so filed shall bo opon
to inspaction and objections made
thereto shall bo considered. Oandi-
dites may withdraw by filing a written
Skcs. 1U-16. liallots. All ballots
used at tho same voting placo at any
election bIuII bo altko, and shall con
tain tho namos and addresses of all
candidates, arrangod undor tho titles
of their oflioes, with proper party or
othor designations and a spios to tho
right of eaoli namo, whero a cro la
in ark (x) may bo made to indicato tho
oandidato votod for. Thoro shall bo a
hi ink at tho end of every lift for tho
insertion of names of porjons not
nominated. Tho ballots shall bo
printed by tho County CommWionors
and sent in sealed packages to tho
judges of oleotions.
Iho names ot alt candidates aro to
bo advertised as thoy aro to appear on
the ballots, and copici ot tuo ballots
posted about tho voting plaoes. Pro
visions mado for replacing lost ballots.
Sues. 16-18. Voting l'laces. In
every voting placo a sufiiciont number
of voting Bhelvos or compartments, at
least ono for every utty names on the
Auo-ujr'rt list Bhall bo provided, in
which voters may mark thoir ballots
scroonod from tbo observation of oth
ers and a guard rail placed so that
only the election ollicora and persons
voting can approach within six feot of
tho ballot boxes or voting compart
ments. Sues. 10-20. The Sooret Ballot.
Upon receiving his ballot tho vo' ir
Bhall, before leaving tha enclosed
space, retire alono to ono ot the com
partinonts and prepare his ballot by
placing a oross-mark (x) opposite tho
namo 01 mo canaiaatu ui ins oaoico, or
by filling in the blank spaoo provided
thorefor, the namo of any person do
sired, and in tho case of a question
submitted to tho voto of tho people,
by marking in tho appropriate margin
cross-mark (x) .opposite tho answer
liu desires to give.
iisloro leaving tho voting compart
ment tho voter shall fold his ballot,
ithout displaying tho marks thereon
and after obtaining from tho electio.1
ofiioer and marking thereon the mim
bor of tho ballot, and covering tho
samo by pasting over it tho corner of
tho ballot olready prepared with ad
hesive paste, shall deposit tbo ballot in
tho box.
Each party or group of citizens that
has filed a nomination paper shall bo
allowed ono watcher at each voting
placo who shall bo allowed to remain in
ho voting room outside the guard rail.
No persons bosides thoso authorized
and a number of voters not oxcooding
ten shall bo permitted to remain in tho
voting placo.
All lists of voters with tho numbers
of their ba'lots, as now required by
law, shall bo closed in Bealed envelopoa
botoro tho opening ot tho ballot boxes
at tho closing of tho polls.
No poraon shall tako a ballot from
tbo voting plaoo. If n voter inadvert
ently spoils a ballot, ho may obtain
anolhor upon returning tho spoiled one.
okcs. 21-22. Illiteracy. It any vot
er declares to tho pros:ding election
officer under oath that becauso of illi
teracy or physical inability ho is un
ablo to mark his ballot, tho officer
Bhall direct two officers, representing
opposito political parties, to aid tho
said voter in preparing his ballot in
tho voting compartment.
bees. 2a-25. .bribery and Intimi
dation. It is mado a misdomoanor
lunishablo by fino or imprisonment, or
both, for a votor to allow hia ballot to
bo seen with tho intention of letting it
ho known how ho is voting, or shall
endeavor to induco another to do bo,
or shall mako a falso statement as to
his inability to mark his ballot, or
shall attempt to cast any other than
tho olllcial ballot, or shall lntorieio
with any votor whon insido tho guaid-
Sbo. 20. It ia also mado a misdea-
mcanor punishablo by tine or imprison
mont, or both, to wilfully destroy or
dofaco any ballot or to wiltully des
troy or sappreas any nomination papor
any lotter of withdrawal, or filo any
cortificato or paper of nomination,
knowing tho samo to bo falsely mado.
Seo. 27. Uilioml Neglect. Any
pubiio omcer upon whom a duty is 1m
posed by this Aot who shall wilfully
neglect to porform such duty, or who
shall wilfully poriorm it in suoh a way
aa to hinder tho objects of this Act, or
violate any ot its provisions, Bhall bo
nnnishablo by a fino not oxceedini' ono
thousand dollars, or imprisonment not
exceeding ono yoar, or both.
Why It Is Popular.
Becauso it has proven its absolute
merit ovor and ovor again, bocauso it
has an unequaled reoord ol cures, bo-
cauBo its business is oonduotod in
thoroughly honest manner, and because
it combincB economy and strength, bo
ing tho only medicino of whioh "100
Doies Ono Dollar ' ia truo-theso strong
points havo mado uooc s barsaparilla
tho most successful medicine of the
Mr. Goodhoart Regarding thoso
kittens, my doar, tho president 0! our
society says tho most humano way to
drown kittens is to put them in au or
dinary llowor-pot upsido down in a pail
ol lukewarm water.
Mrs. Goodlieart Why, yes, that ia
good idoa, isn't it, booauso you know
there is a holo in tho bottom of the
flower-pot for tho poor littlo things to
breatho tlirouglu Ntto York Weekly
VOL. 25, NO. 31
THE net! LAW A f AldUfiE.
That peculiar hen law passod by tho
last legislature at Hartford has had a
disastrous offect on a well known Dan
bury farmor'a hennory, says a letter
from the latter plaoo to tha N. Y. Sun
and has caused tho dissolution of
friendship which has oxistcd over
slnco tho two farmors wero boys and
fought to osoort tho namo girl homo
from singing-sohool. Darius and Sto
phou are tha front namos of tho two
former friends.
Stophon Is a man who dovotos his
timo to raising garden truck. Aftor
the hen bill became a law last Juno ho
had a field of fino awoot-oorn, which
was coming on niooly. Hens would
get iuto it, howevor, and one nftornoou
he found a largo patch of tho corn
mined. Returning to hia houso ho
took down his shot-gun, loaded it, and
calling on Darius ho bogan, patting
Ins gun hignihcantly :
"Dari, ef I soo any moro o' your
chickens in my corn I'll disposo of em
to wunst, an' tho IaVll uphold mo in
it, too. I gin yon fair warain', Dari,
and now I'm goin for 'om ovory timo I'
boo 'om."
"Bat, Stophon" bogan Darius, in
an explanatory tono, but ho wai shut
off by his neighbor, who said:
"Now, 1 don t want any words, ju
you don't keep "your chickens outon
my oom I'll shoot 'om on tho spot, and
tho law'U uphold mo in it."
Tho next morning tho roport of tho
gun was heard in Stephen's corn field
and in a fow minutes that party ap
proaohod Darius' houso and threw over
tho fonoo as sleek and plump a rooster
as over scratched up corn-hills for a
numerous harem. Mrs. Darius went
out and picked up the fowl and at
noon tho family onjoyed a ohickon-pot
pie dinner. For a weok every morn-
ng Stephen's gun was hoard, and ono
or two and sometimes throo bens or
roosters would bo thrown ovor into
Darius' yard. Ilia wifo pickei them
np, drossod thorn, liko all country
house-wives, driod tho feathers under
tho Btovo and Btowed them away for
future uso for Darius' arm-chair or pil
lows for tho lounge. What Dariua'
family, which was a good-sizou ono,
could not oat of tho fowls wero aold
to tho market men whon they camo
around, and the good wifo already had
a nice littlo sum of monoy laid by in a
broken bluo saucer on tho pantry shell
whioh sho oxpeotod to devote to pur
chases wion she wont into town again.
Finally Stephen's wifo remarkol to
him ono ovening that her chiokons
wero disappearing remarkably fast,
and alio couldn't understand it.
"I reokin that blamed fox ia around
agin," aaid ho, "and 1 11 lay for him
with my gun. "I'm gottin' to bo quite
a shot," and ho chuckled as ho remem
bered bow ho had filled Darius' hens
with b'rd shot. Tho next morning he
started bright and oarly for tbo corn
hold with his trusty gun. Thero was
tho Hook scratching away as usual.
Stephen singled out a fino rooster and
laid him out cold. Picking him up ho
proceeded as usual to tako him to Dar-
us' yard and fling him over tho fenoe.
Mrs. Darius was in tho yard as tho
roostor struck tho ground.
Thank you. Stephen, sho said na
sho pickod it up and started for tho
"Mrs. Darius, how many chickens o
yourn hey I killed in tho last ten days?
asked (Stephen.
"Chickens ot onrsT Why, btenhon,
wo never kept a chioken in our lives,"
said tho woman, while a suppressed
amilo crept into her oyes though her
taco was sober onough.
"Uret Christopher! Hain't them
your hens I've boon shooting all this
"They wero not, Stephen, though wo
havo folt grateful to you for your ex
ceeding kindness in giving them to
Wo haven t been obliged to buy
any moat in two wooks, and though I
must confess wo aro gotting kind o
tired of chickon, having had thirty of
Stephen sat down on a stono and re
fleeted, llo remembered hia wifo a re
mark about tlio disappearanoo of her
chiokons and, rising, ho took hia gun
and brought it down with a vim aoroes
tbo top ran ot tho lonce, breaking tho
stock off and bending tho barrel. Then
he threw tho remains away nnd wont
homo. Ho met his wifo in tho yard
and told her tho story.
"1 vo mado a consarnod old fool o
myself. I thought 1 waa mighty
smart to kill thorn bons, lor thorn tell
ers over to llartford passod a law Hay
in' I could. Gosh dang it, there's
thirty hens as fino as ovor wtis raised
in Fairfield oounty, and I'vo killod 'om
and giv 0111 to Dan when ho hadn t
no more right to 'om thaa ho has to
Gabriel's horn. I'll go right to town
and soo a lawyer, and it tho stato ot
Connecticut don t pay mo for them
bens then 1 11 tako tho law on tho dod
blasted fool what writ it."
What a Leading Physician Bays.
Dr. R. S. GonuoK, a loading physi
cian of Mt. Carmol, 111., writes tho
following under date March 10, 1890:
"1 ohoerfuily recommend Swills
Specifio (S. S. S.) oa a tonio and general
health restorer, also in caso of Blood
Poison it always gives satisfaction.
"For years I havo beon troubled
with a blood taint that has bafllcd tho
skill of tho bent physicians of Ohio nud
Indiana, tbo uiseaao finally atfected 111
oyes to such an extent that 1 was
most blind. I was thon inducod to
tako a oourso of Swifts Specifio IS. S.
S.) and am thankful to Bay that after
taking a fow bottles I was entirely
nureil. Mv nvn sirrht i nntirnlv riu
Btorod, and my general health is bet-
vor than it has boen for years, and
there is no trace of tho disease left. I
consider S. S. S. tiio best blood puri
fier aud general health tonio to-day on
tho market."
Oscar Wjlkb, Huntingbury, Iud.
Treatise on Blood and Ekln Dlhsawe mallnl tree
SWirr bl'EUlFlO CO. Atlanta Ua.
The Champion Onion Eater.
Qeorgo Thompson, of Now York, is
vory fond of onions, and would rather
havo an onion any timo than an orange.
Ho recently ato thirty largo oulous in
half an hour. Ho ato neither salt nor
pepper with themnor did heshod a tear
ovor thorn. Mr, Thomas thitiks that
bis uapaoity for onions would bo about
sixty, New York Journal.
niititnicrliiir nun I'nrm.
I'm living In tlio country now, upon a
quiet farm,
Whero I am frco from city nolso and sato
from urban harm;
And 'stead of horrid cantaloupes and early
summer meats,
1 toed upon tho cool crtap snu&su and
blood.rcd winter beets.
I havo a room wlta slanting rooft no wear.
isoma design,
Upon tho wall Is thero to greet theso tired
eyes of mine.
But honest, coarse, sand-paper walls aro
thoso nbout my head,
'I'on which I rub that fevered spot whero
mosquitoes havo fed.
No narrow bath tub havo I hero to lavo
myself within,
Hut ono largo basin on tho floor, a dipper
mado of tin,
Ob, how tho cooling waters splash, and
o'er my shoulders flow,
Dcsplto their leaking through tho floor, as.
suaglng all my wocl
And, as I'vo said, no city nolau doth break
upon tho car-
Naught savo tho cooing ot llo frog, tho
bleat of chanticleer.
Tho crowing of tho Durham cow, tho low
ing of tho hen:
Theso aro tho solo disturbances In this my
rural don.
And oh, the habits that this lifo, this coun
try lifo Inspire si
Tho breakfast set at flvo A. M. ahl how
my soul admires
To rise at four, and ero tho sun has started
on its way,
To don my duda and enter on tho' duties ot
tho day I
Inatoid of working at my desk lu hot scor
suokcr coat,
To scok tho Holds and toas tho hay, to food
tho bounding goat,
To dlno threo times a day on pie, washed
down by berry wine.
And when the sun has set nt list retiring
at nine.
Thla Is a noblo life to lead; from caro nnd
strife so free; 1
It tana tho check, the muscles gala, It Alls
tho soul with glee.
But when noxt summer comoa this way, I
fear 1 can't afford
To swap tho sweat of brow aud brawn for
rural bed and hoard.
Uirptr's Maiar.
Herders Dafendln: Wheat fields from
Flooks of Geese and Daoki.
"It may sound funny to peoplo in
tho east to be told that to protect tho
grain orops in soma of tho California
counties from wild ducks and geese
tho farmors havo to employ a largo
forco of what aro known as herders to
patrol the fields and shoot, club and
destroy and frighten away by various
means tho enormous nocks 01 in-10
ravonons fowl that swoep down on
tho young and growing grain and de
vour it, but suoh is tho faot," aaid
Jatnos K. Palon, a largo grower of
wheat in tho Saoramanto valloy. "Ilia
ravaging awarms of ducks and geoso
begin their work of destruction oarly
in tho fall, as aon as tho wheat begun
to sprout Tho lowl invado tho
country along tho rivers, but they do
not tarry thoro an nour atter tuo tains
havo mado the wheat plains habitablo
for them.
"I havo seen a tract ot soventy-hvj
acrea in Colusa county absolutely cov
ered with wild goeso, so densely pack
ed aa to resemble picture? I have Been
of aoabird rookeries on souo ocean
rock. When they hrst coma thoy wax
fat on tho wheat stubble, and are juioy
and aweot flavored for tho table, but
whon tho young winter whoat appears
. . , . . . flM .
thoy work on me green Kpruuw. ru
haa tho effect of making their flesh
rank, and no ono in any of tho wild
gooso ridden districts will eat of theso
fowls thon. Thoy aro shipped by tho
thousand, all tho same, to San Fran
cisco and other markets all winter long
where tho peoplo bociu to think tho
greon wheat fed .birds are a delicacy.
Hut if. tho. .markets could toko ten times
as many as they do the number would
bo small compared with tho thousands
and thousands ot tho destructive towis
that aro killod and left lying on tho
ground. . ' ,.
"Tolo county, wnere 1 live, especially
in its northern part, I once thought
could boat all creation as a feeding
plaoo for wild gocso, for I hayo seen
theso flocks ao thick in tho air, going
to nnd from their favorite pasture, that
only fow-and-far-botwecn glimpso of
tho sky oonid bo ouiaineu lor an nour
at a timo. But when I went into Col
usa county I mado up my mind that I
had novor seen wild geese enough be
fore to spoak of. Thero is a large ex
panso of barren plain in that county
which auords an unnvaiea piaco 01
rendezvous for both get-so and dncks,
and I have seen those barrens whou I
thought that all the wild gocso that
went forth to all parts 01 tno land,
near and remote, must surely havo
their starting plaoo on tho Colusa
county barrens. Thoy may bo seen
rising up from tho plains in a sarins
liko the locusts of lurypt, and goiug
forth in all directions to prey on tho
fanners. Thoy remain all winter long
and tho wheat tho farnieiB cut in tho
harvest they havo had to fight tho
geeso and ducks for months to retain.
"There aro many large wheat ranch
es in those two counties, such as tho
Glenn ranch, tho Bogg and others.
From twelve to twenty fivo herders
nro employed by each of tho big
ranohes to patrol tho wheat fields aod
wago continual warfare agaiust tho
geese and ducks. Theso borders livo
in cabins scattered about tho ranches,
and tramp about tho fields from day
light until dark, aud loug after night
loo, if tho moon ia shining, for both
geoso and ducks feed on tho wheat
fields at night if it is moonlight. Ducks
aro more trouble.-omo than geoso nt
night, and it was discovered accident
ally a fow years ago that a light in a
field would frighten them away. Lan
terns wero placed in large numbsra
among tho wheat, and for a long timo
tho fowl wore ho shy of tho bright
lights that tho farmers woro benefited.
At last howover, tho ducks bcoaino
used to tho lanterns, and grew so bold
as to feed by their light.
"Tho small farmers in tho wheat dis
trict, boing unablo to individually em
ploy borders, havo combined in a sort
of a mutual herding rssociation, and
pay for patrol protection out of a com
mon fund, many of tho farmer doing
herding duty themselves."-
Neio J ork
Ono of Horace Groeloy s nephews is
a barber in a little town in Warren
county, Pa. In personal appearance
ho ia not unlike his distinguished undo.
Ho thiukB Horaco might alo havo bo
como a great barber if ho had not got
switched off in another direction when
ho was young and immature.
Japaneso chickens with tails from
eleven to thirteen feel long aro being
imported into this country.
Ilnin-ill-tht!.Faci,1 the gn-at Sirux
ohieftaiu, has applied for a position ou
the polico forco of Bu-maiuk, Dak.