ROVAl r 115& 4K.NG POWDER Absolutely Puro. A cream of tartar Inking powder. High est of nil In leavening strength. U. S, Oovernment Report, Aug. 17, 1839. The Columbian r Tvrubllshod every Friday. Subscription price, Entered at the Post onica at Uloomsburir. ra, as socond class maiter, March l, isw. BLOOMSBURa, PA FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1890. COBNUT lUILBOiD Till TiDLt. Trains on the P. it. it. it. Icbto ltupert as HOHTIT BOOTH. l:S3 a. ra. u-M a. m, 8:51 p. m. 6:a p. m, a . Tralnsontho D.L. & W. 11. lt.loavo DioomabnrB north. Bourn. 7'!ifl a. m. 8:32 a.m. 10 49 a. m, 13:18 p. m. 2:35 p. m. 4:15 p. m. :38 p. ra. 8:21 p. m. Tralnsontho N.&W. B Ferry as follows i Hallway pass Bloom north. 10:48 a. m. s.s p. m. SDNDtT, NORTH. 10:43 a m Bonn. 15:37 p. m. t'su p. m. sourn. 6:311 p m BLOOMsUUnO SULLIVAN KMLHO.VD Taking effect MONDAY, SEPTEMnElt 2, 18S9. ISOUTH. NOllTII. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS. r. M. A. K. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. nioomsbur(r,...... s ss n 7 oi 9 35 2 si 6 40 Main street 6 18 11 41 6 68 s 43 2 4 J 8 47 Irondale 16 ll 39 6 56 8 45 2 41 6 50 1'aperMlU. ......... 6 OS 11 31 6 48 8 53 2 53 7 00 Llghtstreot. 6 05 11 28 6 44 8 66 2 56 7 03 OrangorlUO 5 SI 11 BO 6 35 0 05 3 07 7 10 Forks, 5 45 11 10 6 25 9 15 3 17 7 2D Zanor's ... 5 42 11 06 0 21 fl 20 3 20 7 21 Stillwater 5 37 11 OJ 6 17 9 51 3 25 7 25 Ilenron, 5 23 10 53 0 10 9 3.1 Ul 7 35 Kdaons, 5 23 10 50 0 07 9 36 3 37 7 38 coles crock, o 20 10 45 6 05 9 38 3 40 7 40 HUgarloaf 0 15 10 42 6 02 9 42 3 13 7 41 Lauoacha, 0 12 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 48 7 4i Central. 5 03 10 31 5 63 9 57 3 63 7 57 Jamison city.... s oo 10 30 5 so lo oo 4 oo 8 oo Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. U. A. M. A. M. A. M. r. M. P, SI. 8AI.KS. Fort Sale. An cle,ht room house and lot In West Bloorasburg, by Wm. Ilibb. Fott Salb Dwelling bowes In lllooms burg, Orangevlllo, Espy nnd Kupert I'a. Firms In Pennsylvania, Kmsas nnd Vir ginia. Vacant lots in Bloormburg. Store properties, Grist mills and othnr property by II. P. LutJi, Insurance and Ileal Kstato Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. Poit Sale. House and lot In Hupert, lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with nlno rooms. Bay windows, out kitchen, Ico nnd coal hojsc, good stable, chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever green trees, good water, Two railroads, Twclvo trains a day each way, to Blooms burg, faro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A great bargain, If taken soon. M. P. Lutz, Insurance; Ileal Kit. Agt. FokSalk. Fine building lit, Main St., near Normal 8chool. Apply to G. W. Kwtkb. Pcrsnunl. D. A. Bccklcy spent a couplo of days in town last week. Miss Lllla Sloan expects to Go to Eagles mcro next week. Mrs. 0. Unangst is visiting relatives here. Mr. Harry Brittain Is tho hippy father o f a girl. Dr. B. F. Gardner and wife aro visiting their son Frank at Boston, Massachusetts. Prof. Grimes will enter upon his duties at Plymouth about tho Orst of Bcptcmbcr. A largo picnic from EJwardsvlllo occu pied Oak Grove on Monday. Thero were eight carload". Morris Sloan, Elmer Bruglcr and Frank Brown went to Philadelphia last week to visit friends. Miss Ucsslo Jacoby ha3 recovered from her illness, and Is again at her placo in tho post-ofllce. Miss Ida Ileedy of Eastou, and Miss Nellie Moyer of Siranton are visiting Miss Cora Hess at Hupert. Grier F. Quick has been registered as a law student, and is pursuing his studies in tho office of his uncle, Col. Freeze Capt. J. B, Uobison attended the fun era' of Dr. Strawbrldgo at Danville on Tues day. They were in Llbby Prison together. Mr. Ed. Boo tho tonsorlal artist at tho Central Hotel wears a broad smile over tho arrival of a ten pound daughter. Mrs. Frcas Brown and Mrs. Sarah Con ner went to Ocean Grove Tuesday, and will bo absent about two months. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chance with daugb ter Lou, and Georgo Wells and wife, all of Philadelphia are tho guests of William Kramer. W. It. Tubbs, 0. W. Miller, L. E. Waller and P. 8. Uarman wcro In Now York last week In the Interest of tho Electric Light company. E. P. Dunham Esq., and A. L. Grim Esq. of Laporto wero In town on Thursday. They wcro engaged in a lawsuit at Jamison City and camo down hero over night. Dr. Hobcrt Kumsay and family of Tama, qua, spent several days with Mrs. C. W. McKelvy last week. Tho Doctor has ac cepted a position as physician to a largo corporation at Birmingham, Alabama, and will remove thero soon . A rare musical treat is in store for tho people of Bloomsburg next month. Tho frame work of J. 0. Wells' new house on Fifth street Is nearly up. A new barn Is being erected on tho ltup ert Hotel property. Mlllvillo Is taking steps to organize a firo company. St. Ignatius Church at Centralla Is un dcrgoing somo repairs. Ent Post will havo a Camp Firo at Espy, Saturday, July 28th. Old nowsnancrs can be bou ;ht at this ofllco for 15 cents a hundred. Well, what has becomo of tho movement to open tho now Town Hall with appropri ate public exercises Tho Y. M. 0. A. of Danvillo ho'd a pic nlo at Hess' Grove, ltupert, Pa., on Wed nesday. A heavy frost is reported on tho 21st at numerous places, among them Tltusvllle and lloncsdalo. Fifty near bed-room suits havo bcon ordered for tho boys dormitory at tho Nor. rnal. Mrs. Nicholas Kindt of Ilohrsburg died on tho 15th inst, nged 70 year. She was buried on Friday last. Tho past week has been remarkably cool. Light overcoats and wraps did not como ftmlts. Tho Pennsylvania E dltnrlftt AeflnMattrtn spent last week at Washington, Old Point uumion, and other places. J. H. Glgcr Is supplying his customers With ICO as dear fill ft rrvatal nl &td . i.n - wu. Ho gets it hero by tho car load, and tho -w..a as nuuui ono iiuru. Wm. Gigcr's vicious horse. an operation was performed ( mention being made last week) died Monday muruing. Philip V. Weaver Esq. of Hazleton Is talked of as a democratic candldato for itcgisicr and Hccordcr of Luzcrno county, No better selection could bo mado. J. K. Lockard has Just r 2clved a patent for a mining car. Tho car has been thoroughly tested In many places, and thoso using them pronounco it tho best mining car made. . G. W. Kctter Is making an addition tn his hotieo next to I W. Hartman's. Tho front Is built out cyen with tho line of tho pavement, nnd a third story will bo added, with n Mansard roof Foil bAt.K. The contents of tho barber shop of Frank Parks In Lickard's building aro ror sale on easy terms. It Includes. chairs, cases, mirrors, cup3, razors, and a lull outfit Inquire of Geo. E. Elwcll. Next Sunday will bo a frco day at Oak Grove. Tho gales will bo open and every body will bo welcome. No games of any kind will bo permitted, nnd rowdjlsm and boisterous conduct must not bo Indulged In. Should tho privilege bo abused It may not bo repeated. The party held at Lockard'a hall last Friday night was a great success. About twenty couples particlmtcd. and all wcro In full dress. Bauer's orchestra of Scran ton furnished the muslc.and Mrs. Webb provided refreshments. . Oak Grovo Is now In oxccllont condl- Hon. Thero Is no moro beautiful spot In this section. It would be a pity to permit It to bo turned Into lumber, but that Is what will be 'done with It next year unlcsB some step3 aro taken to preservo It. Stephen Baldy of Catawlssa has a largo and valuable collection of Insects, preserv ed and mounted. It embraces some rare specimens. Mr. Bildy has given much at tention to entomology, and is well versed In the science. A negro named Joseph W. Dunn has been arrested and lodged in tho Camden Jill charged with murder of Annie Lecony. It will bo remembered that tho girl's uncle, Clialklcy Lecony, was tried for this mur der and acquitted. He offers a reward of 31C0O for conviction of the murderer. Thousands have been relieved of indi gestion and loss of appetite by a singlo bottle of Aycr's Sarsaparilla. The uso of this medicine, by giving tone and strength to the assimilative organs, has mado In numerable cures of chronic dyspepsia. Price $1. Worth $5 a bottle. We have on our list a number of sub scribers who are In arrears from three to six years, all of whom have been notified by mail several times. Wc do not pro pose to waste any moro postage on them. Tho bills will bu given to a justico for col lection if not paid very soon. W. B. Flcckcnstlne expects soon to add some more new horses to his livery, at Leonard street in West Bloomsburg. Ho has good horses aud knows how to care for them. Parties wishing cither single or double teams, or to be accommodated by four horse load should call and ace his turn outs. The storm last 1 hursday did much dam- ago all over the State. At somo points hall fell as largo as an egg. Hundreds of window glass were broken at Centralla, and much damage was done at Ashland. It rained very hard hero and thunder and rained almost steadily for an hour, but no damage was done. A hearing will be held on July 30th be fore 11. II. Little Ejq., the Master in tho case of the D. L. & W. II. II. Co., against the Belt It. It. and tho Philadelphia & Heading 11. II. Co. concerning tho propos ed crossing of tho tracks of the plaintiff by the defend ints near the end of the B. & S. tracks below tho Desk factory. Wo havo received from W. J. Barry of the Glrard Hou9C, Philadelphia, a copy of his "Guide to Philadelphia, and Its places of interest." It is alpamphlct of 80 pages, aud contains a street guide, table of dis tances, places of interest, a chapter on How to see Philadelphia," a list of monu ments, tombs ami statues, depots, ferries, chuichcs, and much other useful Informa tion. It Is just tho thing for a stranger visiting tho city . List vear. for tho first time tho manag ers of tho Bloomsburg Opera Houso wero compelled to pay a state" tax of $50, tho auditor general haying directed its collec tion. This year tho samo tax was demand- 1 and a caso stated has boon filed to test e locality of such a tax. Tho law im- poses such a lino upon theaters, and the lestlon to bo decided is whether tho pub s hall improperly callc 1 an 'opera houso' a theater within tho m anlng of tho act. It is told concerning It. J. Burdetto that he onco received a letter enthusiastically praising him as tho writer of the verses be ginning "Out on tho borders of moonshine land." Ho wroto threo or four pages of grateful ackuowlcdgmont flittering tho tasto of his correspondent and saying that ho always thought himself that thoso wero very good verses. Ho signed his namo then ho added : "P. 8. I didn't wrlto thoso verses. They wero written by my friend, James Whltcomb Hlloy." The stono crusher, ordered by tho Tow n Council, was received and put In opera Hon last week. Power was supplied by Mr. Hidlay. Iron street was covered with tho crushed stone, between Second and Third. Tho Btono is uow being hauled up. on Centre Tho crusher does lino work, Tho stones aro broken to a uniform size, When placed upon tho streets they make a good road and should last for many years. Any ono desiring to seo tho mach Ino at work can do so by walking down to tho field adjoining the cinder pile at Neal'a furnace. LiauxSriiKKT, Pa., July 23, 1890, To tho Democratic voters of Col. Co; It has been falsely rumored that I have withdrawn from tho candidacy for Regist er and Hccordcr, I know and can provo that this false hood originated with my opponent Mr. Campbell. In answer I will say that I am and havo been since announcing my uame a can dldate for this ofllco and am In tho race to stay. And I earnestly ask all democrats to dlsregaidand pay no attention to tbeio campaign lies, I hopo within tho two weeks yet remain log to canvass tho county and solicit votes lu tho same spirit I havo hitherto none. 7.254f, Cut uuts B. Ent. Chapter 1; Weak, tired, no appotlto, Chapter 2: Took Hood's Barsaparllla. Chaptor 3: Strong, cheerful, hungry. THE COLUMBIAN AND M. J, HcS. tho dentist at Lockard'a building, has Just added a now operating cuair. it is or tho latest patent and is tho finest chair made. It Is raised nnd lower ed without a Jar. Tho hlngos aro tho ball anu Bockct which admit of any position wnuo mo patlont Is not disturbed. It Is Without doubt tho tinea! rlmlr fnr llin nnr pose, and with all Its comforts greatly aid In relieving patlcnte of tho horrors of the dentist chair. Mr. Ucsa has nln inmln other Improvements in his rooms, which aiius to mo comfoit of the patients. With his electrical atinllancos teeth urn rpmrwcil without rain, and tho work of fllltni? Is mado an easy task. Oak Grovo is prlvato property, and no ononas any light there without permit slon. On Sunday last over ono hundred peoplo visited tho Grove, tho gates being open, although notices forbidding trespass ing aro posted up In many placo. This Indicates that the peoplo want lust such resort for hot summer days, and tho man- agement havo thcrcforo decided to throw tho Grovo open to tho public on Sunday next, tho 271b, if tho weather Is pleasant. Everybody cn go, and spend tho after noon there, or they can tako their lunches thero and spend tho day. A policeman will be present to preserve order, and no disorderly conduct nor desecration of tho day will bo permitted. Horses cannot bo tied Inside tho Grove. It Is hoped that tho frco uso of tho grove on this day, will Induce peoplo not lo trespass hereafter. Teachers examinations will bo held as followst For Mifflin, at Mlflllnvlllo, on Tuesday July 29; for Beaver, at Beaver valley on Wednesday, July 30; for Madl- son, at Jcrseytown on Saturday, Aug. 2; for Hemlock, at Buckborn on Tuesday Aug. 6th; for Orange, at Orangevlllo on Thursday Aug. 7; for Pine, at Iola on Monday Aug. 11; for Mt Pleasant, at Mll- lertown on Wednesday Aug. 13; for Ben ton, Jackson and Sugarloaf, at Benton on Tuesday Aug. 10; for Fishlnncrock, at Forks on Wednesday Aug. 20; for Scott, at Light Street on Tuesday Aug. 20; for Cen trc, at Grango Hall on Wednesday Aug. !7th. Applicants must bo examined In tho dis trict In which they expect to teach. Examinations will commence at 7 o'clock a. m. Directors aro respectfully invited to bo present. W. C. Johnston, Co. Supt. Tho upper stories of tho Western Union building in New York wcro burned out last Friday night and valuable batteries and tho great swltsb boards were de stroyed. The following account Is given of tho narrow escape of several people: "Meantime tho crowds which had col lected in tho street discovered half a dozen women and two or three men on tho roof. They ran up and down wiinglng their hands and shoutln? aloud for help. Great sheets of 11 imo wero burstiog from tho win dows Just beneath them and curling up ward in a most threatening way. these people on tho roof were the em ployees of the restaurant on the top of the building, where tho majority of the opera tors of tho Western Union main ofllco take their meals. They were prisoners. All means of escape were cut off. Tho Are was gaining ground. Tho women cried out pitifully. One advanced and put her foot on tho railing with tho evident inten tion of jumping down into Broadway. But tho crowd on tho streot yelled to her to keep back and she did so. The first order that Firo Chief Bonner gavo on his arrival was that ropes should bo sent up to tho roof. A rccktt with a ropo attach ment was let off.andlt landed safely. A sec ond rocket was sent up. II also carried Its rope. But tho people on tho roof were be wildered. Now that they had tho ropes they did not know what to do with them. They wero helpless. Every now and then they would be enveloped In smoke, and tho stubborn flames were creeeplng slowly toward them. Firemen were dlstiibuted on all tho adja cent housetops, where they directed streams of water Into tho fiery furnace. Tho water tower, extonded to its full height, was situ ated on tho Broadway sldo of the building. All tho lower floors wcro flooded with water. The upper ones wero aflro. They included tho battery room, tho operating room, tho gallery, tho dressing room, tho main office of tho Associated Press, on the lop lloor'.of the building, and the restaurant adjoining it. It did not seem likely tint the women on tho roof could be saved. Thero wcro no fire escapes from tho roof. Had thero been fire escapes there would hive been no danger. A long ladder was rushed upon the roof of No. 8 Dey Street and placed against tho rear of the burning building. It fell fifty feet short of its mark, for it did not reach tho women. A fireman scaled tho ladder. Ono of the women lowered him a rope. Ho climbed up, hand over hand, and reached tho eighth story. Plunging through a window, he fought bis way up the narrow stairway to tho root. Hero be sent the ropo that had been sent by rocket, hoisted up his comrades and lowered tho women ono by one to the roof of No. 8 Dey Street." From tho window of their room in tho Astor House, Now York, tho abovo scene was witnessed by P. 8. Harman, W. It. Tubbs and 11. W. Oswald. Tliroimli a TreHHe to neatli. TOWANIlA'fl CHIEF OP POLIOS KILLED WHILE OIIAS1NII TRAMPd. Chief of Police Charles J. Dlmmtck of Towanda, met with death at an early hour July 20, under peculiar circumstances. For several days a gang of tramps bad been committing various depredations in tho towa, and Chief Dlmmlck concluded to watch them. Early that morning the tramps attempted to break In a store on Main street when Dlmmlck camo upon them. Tho knights of tho road took to their heels and the Chief followed in hot pursuit. In crossing a high trestllng on the Le high Valley Hallroad Dlmmlck slipped and fell through tho structure. His skull was fractured and ho died an hour afterward. When tho tramps saw him go through tho trestllng ono of them returned and offered blm succor. Tho dead policeman was married and leaves a family. He was a man unlvorsally respected by all classes. Miss Larklns was bilious and feeble and sick, And It seemed as if nothing would ever relievo her. Her liver was clogged with Impurities thick, And her stomach was constantly burning with fever, Of tho great Q. M. D. she bought a supply, And directions for taking pursued to tho letter, 'Twas tho best thing on earth she could possibly try, And soon; very toon, Miss Ltrklns was better, Tho G. M. D. which sho took was Dr. Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery, tho great remedy for bronchial, throat and lung diseases, elcs headache, scrofula, dys pepsia, and all diseases that havo origin In Impure blood and a disordered liver, Tho cleansing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itcmedy aro uncqualcd. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Centre street Is being treated to a cover lng of cinder, broken by tho now crusher It ought to make a smooth and solid sur face. Tho members of tho Methodist Sunday school of this town held a picnic at IIcss' Grove, Hupert, on Thursday 20th, Spec lal excursion rates wcro obtained over tho D. L. & W. railroad. John Ltplnskl and Michael Cottllock miners employed at tho Logan colliery, Centralla, wcro caught In a fall of coal at that placo on Monday and Injured so badly that Llplnskl has stneo died, and Cosll- lock's death Is expected. Thero will bo a gamo of baso ball at Ath letic Park Saturday, July 20tb, between tho Danvillo and Bloomsburg teams. Gamo called at threo o'clock. Thcso clubs aro well pal rod, and thorcforo a closely con tested battlo may bo looked for. These two clubs aro scheduled for a series of threo games, and this Is tho first to bo played. The following letters aro hold at Blooms. burg, Pa. post ofllco and will bo sent to tho dead letter ofllco Aug. C, 1890. Mrs. Margaret Appleman, Lanco Brochc- yus, Mr. William Cox, Morris Crass, Mr. William Johnson. Persons calling for thoso letters pleaso say, they wero advertised July 2J, 1890. Ono cent will bo charged on each letter advertised. A. B, Catiioaut, P. M. Baker & McBrldc, undertakers, in com pany with W. B. Cummlngs, went to Mil ton on Tuesday for tho purpose of remov ing tho bodies of tho deceased sisters and brother of Mrs. Cummlngs. There were five bodies removed, four sisters and one brother. Tho ono sister was 21 years of age and was buried about ftvo years ago, the other died In infancy none of them reaching two years of age. The bodies wero interred m Iloscmont csmetery, Bloomsburg, Wednesday. Dr. J. D. 8trawbr!dgo of Danvillo died suddenly from n Btroko of apoprexy last Saturday morning, aged Ci years. Ho was a leading physician, and prominent citizen. At tho breaking out of tho war he enter ed the army as a bngado surgeon of volun teers and served until tho closo of tho war. Ho spent threo months In Llbby Trison. Ho was a Republican and served ono term In tho Forty-thlrd Congress from tho Thir teenth district. Tho funeral took place on Tuesday, and was largely attended. Mountain Grove Cnmp 1890. Meclinjj The meeting this year commences Wed nesday Aug. Gth, and closes Thursday August 14, continuing eight days. Pres ent indications are for a largo attcnden'cc and a great meeting, most of tho tents arc already rented but as thero always aro parties who, becauso of sickness or unex pected circumstances cannot attond, their tents will bo for rent to other parties. Others who do not wish to rent nnd fur nish tents can secure comfortable furnished sleeping rooms In tho new building at rea sonable rates. The tents range In price from $0 to .$3 according to size and loca tion. Tho Boarding tent has all the modern improvements and can accommodate 300 boarders. A commissary under tho direc tion of tho association supplies all needed articles to those who do their own cooking. All II. H. Companies East and West of the. Grounds will sell excursion tickets to and from at usual excursion rates. The Ministers of tho Danvillo District generally will bo present and bo rcinforcod by Bishop Thomas Bowman, Itev. A. B. Leonard D. D., of Washington, D. U.,ltev. Geo. E. Keed D. D., President of Dickin son College, Hov. I. H. Corcll of Williams port, a returned Missionary and other omi nent ministers. Rev. R. U. Gilbert of Chambersburg will deliver a course of hrlf hour lectures to children dally each Illus trated by 4 to 0 cartoons. Tho music will be in chargo of Prof. W. J. Kirkpatnck of Phllada. assisted by a largo choir of the best singers from all parts of tho District. The "Song Hour" from 3 to 0 every after noon a rare treat to all. There aro no Sun day trains the gates being closed over tho Sabbath, and all tho Influences aro moral, elevating and helpful and to persons need ing quiet, rest and health, no mountain re sort offers better advantages. Come your self. Come with your families and friends. Comcjand spend a week at Mtountaln Grove. For further Information addresi the Sect'y, John R. Roto Danville, Pa. X. Base null. Saturday last, July 19, was witnessed ono of the most interesting games of base ball played upon Athletic Park. The gamo was between tho Jcansvlllo and Blooms burg teams- The Jcansvlllo team camo here with a record of but ono defeat for tho season. Bloomsburg was sent to the bat, but failed to score a run. Jcansvlllo followed making a run. Tho game was continuous blanks for tho Bloomsburg team until the ninth Inning when Uagen- buch hit a low ball which passed tho pitch er, second base and centre flieldcr giving him two bases, Watts followed making a short hit, but by a bad throw to first ho mado two bases, and Uagcnbuch scored tho first run, amid tho wildest enthusiasm ever shown hats, caps, handkerchiefs and umbrellas were Hying in tho air, and tho voices of the coachers could not bo heard for the deafening cheers. Watts, Shaffer and Hays each In succession made a score, amid deafening roars nf applause. Tho Jcansvlllo club evidently camo here with tho intention of "shutting our boys out," but were disappointed. Tho followlug Is tbo score. BLOOUSBUIiO. R. II. P. A. E. 1114 0 1110 0 I 2 13 1 1 II 1 10 3 0 0 2- 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 3 4 5 27 33 0 JKANSVILLI. R. II. P. A. E. 1 0 10 4 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 2 0 11 2 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 110 0 0 4 8 8 0 0 110 3 8 27 21 "o INNIKOS. Uagcnbuch, 3b. Watts, c. f. Shaffer, c Hays, p. Heist, 1. f . O'Donncll, 2b. Ikeler, r. s. Caldwell, r. f. Irvin, lb. Totil Scbmear. c. (E. Monahan, s. s. I J. Monahan, c f. Zierdt p. Hacrariane, 11). McFaggart, 8b. Brcbm, r. f. Ward, S-j. O. Manahan, 1. f. Total Bloomsburg O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O -44 Jeansvllle 1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0 -3 Eained runt, Bloomsburg 8; two bass nu, a. Mouauan; nases stolen, Uilsl, Uagcnbuch, J, Monahan, E. Monahan; bases on balls, off Hays 1 oft Zlerdt 4; struck out Hays 12, Zlerdt 0; left on bases, Bloomsburg 4, Jeansvlllo 7t double plays, Zlerdt. Scbmear. and Ward: O. Manahan. Schmear, passed balls, Shaffer 5, Scbmear if lime 01 game uours. Tho evils resulting from habitual costive- ness aro many and serious; but tho uso of harsh, drastic purgatives Is quite as dang, crous. In Aycr's Pills, however, the pa tient has a mild but effective aperient, superior to ail otucrs, especially for family use. Wnllcr. Miss Blancho Fritz, whllo picking chor. rlcs ono day last week, foil from tho tree and hurt herself ao she will not bo out of tho houso for several weeks. Mrs. Putcrbach, of Unltyvlllc, met with what might havo been a fatal accident, Sho started to Benton with a load of buckle, berries, whon tbo horses becamo unmanag ablo and sho was thrown under tho wagon, which ran over her. She was not serious, ly hurt, but It was destructive to tho borrlcs. Tho surprlso party at Alfred Thomson's Saturday evening was enjoyed by all pro sont. Every ono was delighted, and pro nounced tho Ico cream and sweet meats tho best they had oaten for many a day. Mrs. Martha Vandersllce and her daugh ter Mrs. Kcstcr of Philadelphia, aro tho guests of Mrs. Vandorsllco's sister, Mrs. Joseph Yorks. Wo learn they will rustl. cato for somo tlmo beforo returning to the city. Mr. F. P. Vandcrsllco and family of Bloomsburg spent Sunday In visiting his relatives, tho Messrs. YorkB near hero. Wo aro haying winter and summer right atong up hero. Nearly all predicted snow squalls for Sunday, but wo do not think any snow fell this sldo of tho moun tain, although it was certainly cold en ough. Mark TArLSY. A Cure for CoiiHtlpatlou null Hick Ilcuilnclic Dr. Silas Lano, wh"o In tho Rocky Moun tains, discovered n root whon combined with othor herbs, makes an easy and ccr tain euro for constipation. It Is In tho form of dry roots and leaves, nnd Is known as Lane's Family Mcdtctno. It will euro sick headache In ono night. For tho blood liver and kidneys, and for clearing up tho complexion it docs wonders. Druggists sell It at CO cents a package. FODIt 1IDNDKKD MEN AND 1IOT8 TUK0WN OCT Of WORK AT HAZLETON. Hazlbton, July 21, Si-kohl. About 2.30 o'clock this morning as tho pump boys entered tho Uazlctoa mines, situated on tho Western limits of the borough, to at tend to tho pumps and look after tho mlno locomotive, they discovered a fierco fire raging at tho distance of about 100 yards East from tho bottom of tho slope. Tncy immediately returned to tho aurfaco and gavo the alarm. Word was sent to Thomas MUford, Inside foreman, and John Bonner, outsido boss of tho breaker, who Immediately repaired to the sccno of tho fire with a force of hastily summoned miners and took every means possible towards extinguishing tho flames. Super intendent Frank Pardeo and Mlno Superin tendent Thomas Dickinson nlso hurried to tho mlno nnd assumed control of tho work of fighting the fire, which had gained much headway and threatened to ruin tho whole workings. About 1000 feet of hoso was borrowed from the borough firo department, taken to the sccno and connected with ono of tho mine pumps, and a stream of water was thrown upon the flames, while other work men wcro at onco put to work to confino tbo tiro within Its present limits, in which effort they met with success. Other gangs wsrc put to work laving pipes and to erect a Cameron pump near tho sccno of tho fire. As soon as tho pump was placed In posi tion tho hoso was attached and, under tho direction of Superintendent Dickinson and Mino Inspector Williams, of Wllkcsbarre, a heavy stream of water was thrown upon tho burning mass of falling coal and roof. The location of tho fire is in tho sixth left, about 100 yards from tne foot of th c slope, at a depth of 900 feet from tho sur face, and can only be reached through the No. 7 slope, owing to bad air In the Hazle ton mine. From this point through under ground connections tho firo was attacked on both sides by a largo force of men working in gangs and relieved every fit. teen minutes during the day. Superin tendent Dickinson, Mine Inspector Will- lam?, Mlno Boss Milford aod a number of tho workmen wcro overcome by the foul air, but recovered consciousness as soon as brought to the surface. Fiyo mules In tho stable at tho foot of tho slopo were strangled by the foul air. Tho orlsln of the firo can only bo vague ly guessed at, but It is supposed that it caught from tho locomotive sparks having set firo to tho timbering. Tho damage to the mine can only bo conjectured and will not be known until the flro Is subdued. Four hundred men and boys will be thrown out of employment and will bo forced to remain Idlo for somo time to come. Hotel It to tlie MKlit. Tho man who tells you confidently just what will euro your cold is prescribing Kemp's Balsam this year. In tbo prepara tlon of this remarkable medicine for coughs and colds no expense Is spared to comblno only tho best and purest ingredients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to tho light and look through It; notlco tho bright, clear look; then compare with other remedies Price 60c and $1. If.-tiiiti siimt nriuu. If a man must drink tho best thing he can tako with his meals is a llttlo claret or light ltlilno wine, and if he wants Bomc thing a little stronger, Scotch whiskey with water Is tho best thing ho can have Tho habit of taking a drluk early in tho morning a cocktail or stimulant of that kind commonly called an eye-opener, is ono of tho worst things that can bo done. Tho effect of alcohol is to Inflame tho stomach, and It will do this even when di luted; and will do so a great deal more when taken on an empty stomach early In tho morning. Tho best di Ink that a man can possibly tako Is milk. Milk, though, Is hardly a drink. Ono can live longer ou It than any ono thing. Milk U more near ly a perfect food than anything; It contains more elements that go to build up tho sys. tem than any other article. Early In tho morning tho best drink to tako Is water. Tea and coffeo drunk in moderation will not hurt anybody, although they aro both stimulants. iIIh Ontli Wbh a Cuvhc A dispatch from Reading, Pa., says Sensational developements in tbo case of Lyons, tho detective, who was tried for ex tortlon here somo weeks ago, aro tbo talk of tbo city. In court Lyons always re fused to kiss tho book, affirming In this language: "I hope that God will paralyze mo It I took money." Lyons was acquitted of tho chargo but tho jury compelled him to pay the costs. To-day ho appeared on the street un&blo to talk even In a whisper, Ho was unable to articulate, and thero seemed to bo a partial paralysis ef bis vo cal organs. Tho affair has created con elderablo comment PULDn Timtu Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Hby u lck, we gave her CutoriA. When the ni Child, the cried ror CutorU, When the becamo Misa, the cluiif to CbjtcrU, When ah hd Ctuidreo, ihegttt them OutorU. Democrat, Attcntloiit Thanking you for tho kindly sentiment and encouragement I rccclvo from all parts or tho county, cither by visit or report, I desire to say to you all, I will visit every election district atd canvass it as much as possililo, In which there Is no candldato for Legislature, beforo August Oth, if my health pormlts. Ploaso remember, that, though I have before been beaten for nomi nation, I never tviktd, hUltd or ran as an Mepemlmt candidaU, but havo always sup. ported tho ticket as mado; that In politics I hava.nevor bcon anything but a Demo crat. I think my long faithful scrvlco to tho party, as well as hearty support of candi dates, prlvatoly and on thctitump, without asking what was their natio lalily, creed, or private and pcrmnril opinion), only that they were tho regular nomlnoos of tho Democra tic party, entitles mo at this tlmo to your support. It nominated and elected, I piedgo you a faithful sorvlco as Rcprcscn- latlvo, supporting tho ptatform and mcas- ures of tho party, and In all things obeying tho will of my constituency, regardless of my own prlvato opinions; that upon quos Hons of party Interest, tho party caucus would bo my rulo of action 1 that upon questions of public concern,! tho peoples' will would bo my law. I desire to plodgo you ray word that I have no personal objects upon which leg islation Is askod, and that 1 will faithfully labor for, and In tho Interest of tbo people. E. M. TKWKsnoRT. Catawlssa Pa.. July 7. '90. tf Till; CIJNHUfcl. Below wo give tho result of tho enumera tors as far as wo can learn at this writing. Tho results aro mado up mostly of esti mates and aro not tho accurato figures. We think the final report will vary but little from this. It Is remarkable at tho dc- croaso observed in rural districts, as com pared with tho gains in the towns and boroughs. Borough. 1870. 1880. 1890. Bjavcr 953 1221 1030 Benton 1053 1002 1205 Berwick 023 2095 2091 Bloom 3341 8703 4050 llriarcreck 1077 1172 1295 Catawlssa 1014 2003 2315 Contrails Boro. 1842 1830 2700 Centre 1823 1855 1180 Conyngham".... 1913 1805 271" Fishlngcrcck... 1372 1410 1100 Franklin 500 543 490 Greenwood 1538 1710 1870 Hemlock 1170 1080 050 Jackson 505 075 735 Locust 1534 2H4 1750 Madison 1038 1074 1055 Main 599 020 595 Mifflin 1039 1033 1020 Montour. 837 000 035 Mi. Pleasant.... 751 759 785 Orango 905 001 1000 Pine 751 911 905 Roarlngcrcek... 480 553 580 ?cott 1405 1347 1380 Sugarloaf 759 873 1305 County total 287C0 82409 80108 TUB JUNE DUO UAKPAKT. Tho bug Is a very useful Insect, but how objcctional It can mako itself on occasions is shown by an incident which occurred ono uigbt on tho Central railroad of New Jersey. The milk train was carrying two passenger coaches behind tbo milk cars, and as the night was warm tho half dozen passengers aboard had tho windows all raised. The train had been standing on a sldo track for a fow minutes when a swarm of largo June bugs, attracted by the car lightB, flew In through the windows. In five minutes tho seats wcro nearly covered with the bugs, and they began to crawl around the legs of tho passengers and to prove otherwise unpleasantly offlcious. In fivo minutes tho Insects had possession ot tho cars and tho passengers turned out. The problem which now presented Itself was how to get tho pests out of tho cars beforo tho train started. A firo was sug gested, and whllo the passengers gathered brushwood and kindled a roaring blaze, ono of tho brakemon went Into the cars and put the lights out. The ruso was suc cessful, the bugs deserted the cars and tho passengers went back, shut down the win. dows and sat in darkness until the train started. New York Commercial Advertiser. Mlcl-Hiiiumcr Hpot, CitHli HnrKalim. From now until tho first of August I will offer for sale, regardless ot cost, a lot of dry goods, notions, shoes, &c. These good aro all nice and clean, no old shelf goods, but they must bo sold at somo price, and at such prices that will astonish you. I ask tho public to como and look at my goods and see for themselves, for scc ng Is believing. Bring your cnh, butter, eggs and produce of all kinds. Remem ber the time is limited. Do not miss theso bargains, now Is the time to savo money. Be wise and tako tho advantago ot this offer. W. E. Dibttbbioii, Espy, Pa., July 21, 1890. ro the Democratic voters of Col. Co.i Owing to an attack of sickness I am un ablo to canvass tho County at present as a candldato for Assoclato Judge, But as soon as my health will permit will endeav or to canvass much as tlmo will permit un til tho delegate election. 7-11-4L John F. Dunn. Jackson, July 8, '90. Pensions ! Veterans 1 1 The Disability Pension Bill, Act of Juno 27. 1890. crants nenslnns in all cx-soldiers and sailors who served 00 uays or moro in tho Army or Navy during the rebellion, and were honorablv illiclmrT. cd, and who are now sullcrlng from any (leiiunuem, meuiai or puysicai Ulsablllty cuutractcd since tho war or duilng tho war whether from disease, inluries or efTertu nf old age, at tbo rate of from $0 to $12 per muuiu, oui;uruiug w iuc uegreo oi us (Us ability for tho performance ot labor rcnuir. ing the exert'on of nbvslcal strcni-ili provided tho disability is not duo to vici ous uauiu. i ms pension is not restricted to tho veterans who havo to makn ih,.ir living by hard labor, but is cauallv ililn tn professional men or clerks, provided tbey havo an existing disability which would prevent the continuous exercise of the puysicai strcngtn oi an ablr.bou'cd man. Thoso who havo aonlicd undo- tlm cral laws and who aro unab'o to piovo up the ponding claim can aonlv for ami m. euro this pension and then continue the prosecution of tho former claim aud secure incir arrears. If vou aro now drawinz a small nenalnn say S2or $1 por month, vou can take thl pension instead, and It yoa have an appll. cation on file for increase or additional pension for now disabilities you can con. tinue tho prosecution of sich claims while drawing tho now pension, or you can fllo an original claim lor i disability contract. eu in mo service wmio drawing ponsion UUUCl IU19 UUW HUU Widows, children, and denondnnt mnlV era and fathers aro entitled under this act and can suspend the prosecu.lon of any pending claim, and take this pension, and afterwards complete tho prior claim and get arrears. Having been duly appointed an Agent according to the rules and regulations ot tho Department ot the Interior in ccutlon of such claims and having had sue ueoo iu uuuiuer ui cases i am always pre pared to clvo information and assist rlaim. ants, and will assure them success if thev ... .I.ln tn .l..l.l!.l. tl.n . ...v ..v.u uuuum mu mum us required by law. Thoso interested should call soon and biBuu.iuvir ruwaru.i flBOUUit W. MTIlIINKlt, T-ItMIui. UUmhiwi Vm. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They arc not, but like ail counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of tlie genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. 'Tis sold everywhere. John i. Kaiiiioii WltlitlrnwH. Conynqiiam Twi, July 22, 1890. Eds. C0LUM.1t an: Uavlng announced my name somo tlmo ago as a candidate for the ofllco of Hcpic. sentatlve, and nut being able to go from home on account ot sickness. I havo con cluded to withdraw from tho contest Thanking my friends throughout tho coun ty for their earnest support I am, Yours Rcspcstlvely, I'. IIannon. wo.ui;nani duroolarh. HOW A TIMID WOMAN PRgVENTSD A HOUSE ItOBBBUr. "I think buglars are more often utterly routed by women than men," said a police, man to tho reporter tho other day. "It Is wonderful what a woman will do somo. times whon sho hoars a strange nolso in her house at night. I know that my own wlfo is a nervous, excitabio invalid, who often lies awake in the night, when I am out on my beat trembling In hor bed with apprehension lost a burglar might enter tho houso. So far she Is an absc-luto cow ard. But lot her really hoar a noise in any part of tho houso which might bo mado by a burglar, and tho opportunity for action is a positive relief to her. Up sho gets In a minute, and without a second's hesitation makes her way in the dark all over tho houso, booking for tho intruder not a sign ot fear then but as the fact that no body has actually cntorcd tho houso be comes apparent, her fear lest somo ono might do so returns, and sho goes back to bed a coward again. Strange, Isn't it? "I remember a despcrato burgl ar, who was hanged for killing a man whoso house ho had been discovered robbing, telling mo that tho only tlmo ho actually felt scared at finding himself faco to face with ono of tbo inmates of tho houso ho was 'cracking' was when a slight, delicate woman, clad only in her night dress, camo lunnlng down the stairs, and, putting her hand on his arm, inquired in a terrified tone: "What's the matter? Is there a burglar In tho house? Oh, protect me!" In her terror sho did not think of him as tho robber, and tho evident comfort it gavo her to find somo ono to 'prot. ,-.t' her gavo him a new sensation altogether. He was staggered a moment by tho situ atlon, but, hearing other Inmates moving up stairs who had evidently been aroused by her loud exclamations, he quickly said: "Certainly, ma'am, I'll protect you havo no fear. Just stand here behind tbo door while Hook in the kitchon, where the noise seems to como from." "Oh, thank you,' sho replied, as ho slip ped out into tho kitchen, picked up hip shoes and vanished out ot tho window, leaving the booty piled upon tho floor In a table cloth, which ho was Just tying up when tho woman camo upon him. Boston aiobe. DriiiikennesB I.touor Ha'ilt lu nil tlie Woildlhcrc lit bu. one cure nr. IlalneH' Golden ttoccin c It can bo given in a cup of tea or coffeo without tho knowledge of tho person taKing it, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether tho patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards havo been cured who havo taken the Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day bellcvo they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effect results from its administra tion Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and lull particulars. Address, in confidence Golden Specific Co., 185 Haco Btrcet Cincinnati.O. 10-251y WIS BAT LOTS OF PliANlim Tho average vicld of ncanuU annnara tn bo about fifty bushels to tho acre, although It sometimes goes as high as seventy-five nnd falls as low as twenty-five. The valuu to tho producer of tho cron of 1839-90 Is estimated at not less than $2,000,00. A simple calculation will show that tho dally consumption 01 peanuts In tho United mates is about aoo.uw nounils. or ten car loads, representing an expenditure by tho consumer 01 irora jw.uuu to $3U.U00 dally 61. Louis Fost-Dttpatch. 8tciltciiHUu'H IliiMluesM College. WILLIAUSl-OliT, l'A, Completo Course Bookkeeping, Bank log, business arithmetic, commercial law etc. Short hand, typewriting and ofllco work. Instruction given by mail. Bend for Collcgo Journa'. Notice to tlie l'uriuern or I'ciiiiu Tho National Farmers' Alliance and In dustrial Union will establish headquarters at tbo American Farmers Encampment, at Mt. Gretna, Lebanon county, Pennsylvania August 17th to 23d, inclusive, where the objects, alms, and purposes will be fully explained by courteous gentlemen, and all information furnished and literature dis trlbuted that will assist thoso who aro in terestcd in becoming familiar with our work. Every one, and especially tho farmers, visiting this encampment are cordially in vltcd to call at tho Alliance headquarters1 For further information address J. U. Tdrneii, Sll Oth street northwest, Washington D. O, Notice. Tbo threo Sunday Schools of Orangevlllo with their rcsptctlvo congregations will unite in holding a union picnic In tho Park near Jamison City on Tuesday, August Gth. If this day should bo inclement, It will bo held on tho next favorablo day. All are Invited. Tho usual excursion rates will bo given from all stations along the line. All IiitcrcMtliiKT Kxperliiieul. Asliland Is tl havo an original packago house, tho first In tbo coal regions. If it is a success thero will bo plenty ot imitators all over. Tho sign painters of Hazleton are anxiously watting to hear whether its a 'go' and whetner tuey will liavo to sum up a picturesque lorm lor mo worus "un. glnal 1'ackage House." Advertising soli, cltors aro wondering whether tho o. p. peoplo will havo tho game codo ot ethics a4 doctors in regard to advertising. N15W TUANS . COftriNltNTAlT niiini!. VIA, 0111000, MILWAUKRE & ST. I'ACL AND NORtllXHN 1-ACiriO IIAILROADS. Through Pullman Sleeping Car loaves Chicago dally at 5:30 p, m. For St Paul and Minneapolis. " Fargo, North Dakota. " Helena and Butte, Montana. " The Yellowstone Park. " Spokane Falls and Tacoraa. " Portland, Oregon. Best ltouto to Seattle and All North Pacific Coast points. Tho Bccnlo lino to California, via Port. land and Shasta Route. Tickets on salo everywhere. For information apply to any Agent, or address A. V. II. CAiifKNTin, General Pas senger Agent, Chicago, 111. ArrcHtcil I Charles A. Diloy was arrested last even ing for stealing from tho drug store ot Shlcfman, a bottle of Sulphur Bitters. Be. fore the court this morning, upon being asked why ho should steal, ho stated that his mother was troubled with Rhcumattsm, and that it was tho only medicine that helped her, and being out ot monoy and work was tho causo ot his stealing. As this was his first offenco ho was put on probation. Newark Semi. 7-18-2t ro NcrvoitH nelililtnlcil Men. If you will Bond us rour aldross. wo wilt mall you oar Ulustratod pamphlet oxplatnlnt; an about Sr. Dro's ccleoratod Klootro-Voltalo Halt and Ap pliances, and their cbarmlnz effects upon tho ner. vous debtntatm system, and how the will quick, ly restore;t leor and manhood.pimphlet free. It you aro thusamfotcd, wo will Bond you a licit and AppUancos ou trial. i-3r'iy. voltaic uiLT i aiaranau, Mien. WANAMAKERS. rmuDiLrnu, Monday, -mir 81, IS. ) Closed at i P. M. Saturday, Once more a jjood supply of the Women's Black Silk Gloves with the patent finger ends. No wearing out now where they used to go first. Good Lawns 3c. Neat Challis 6c. 10c Chambrays at 7c. That's the way Cotton Dress Goods prices are all leaning. 1 hese btnped Ginghams at 6c started the season at 10; those strong, wear-till-you-are-weary Seersuckers, brown and white, are just down from 12 to 10c. Mere are choice bcotch Ginc- lams at 18c from 2 sc. Outine stuffs, too; a wonder ful range of handsome, flannelly patterns at 8 and 10c. If you haven't tried you'll be surprised to see how little ice will keep a ruritan Refrigerator close to zero. The cleanest, simplest, best Refrigerator. Uprights, $9.75 to $25 Sideboards, $14 to $45. Ice Chests, $4.50 to $20. Carry the Mosquito Canopy with you, if you please. Here's a $1.50 Turn-over Gauze Can opy 90 inches deep, 9 yards skirt that you can slip into the trunk almost like another dress. Think of a Sad Iron that stays hissing hot all day long. Think of the steps and backaches saved, and the better zvork done. It's Mrs. Waterman's. $1.2 for family size. John Wanamaker. I. W. Kartman & Sons. We are making a big drive this month in remnants of wool and cotton dress goods. Warm weather brings buyers tor Uhal lies, Bieged, White goods and Embroideries. We are sellinc Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, many of them less than cost. Our bargains in Sateens and Embroidery dress patterns are great. Lots of trimmings less than half prices. Our 5c, 10c and 25a tables of glass-ware and dishes are attracting buyers. Butter and Eggs have gone up. Side and shoulder wanted. Dried fruit will bo scarce. We will buy them in season. I. W. Hartmaix & Sons. j"OTICE OF ASSIGNMENT. Notlco Is hereby given that ltacliaet llrenner and rnlilln llrcnncr, her Humana, ot ureenwood, County of Columbia. I'a., ard Kebecei Uronner and Myer Uronnor, her busband, oi Benton twp. andbiate aforesaid, (the mid lUchao! llrenner analteboccaUrennertrailnglutbonrm namo of It llrenner Co.) by Deed ot Volurtary Asalsn inert tins day have outlined to Joscpb LouiUiiclm ot tbo city of l-miadelnula. In trmt, for ilio bene -nt of tho creditors ot tho said It llrenner K Co., all tho catato roaL personal and mixed ot tho said it. llrenner Co. auoto named oa well as U'o indivi dual eststo or tho said I'lilll'p Urenner aud Mjer Uronner, All persona IndeDtod to tho Batd It. llrenner Co., will make lmmcllato payment to tho said assignee and thoso having claims or de mands will present tne same without de'ay. (Signed) JOSBl'U LOUCIUIKIU, (IhintIIiikkimj, Assignee lor u. Uieuner Ca, Atty for Assignee. 31 1 .Market t-u, l'Ulla . July tth, lvjo. Save Your Hair BY n timely usoof Ayer's llnlr Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps tho scalp clean, cool, nnd healthy, and preserves tho color, fullness, and beauty of tho hair. "1 was rapidly becoming bald and pray ; but after using two or threo bottles of Aycr's Hair Vigor my lialr grew thick and glossy and tbo original eolor was restored." Molvlu Aldricb, Canaan Centre, N. II. " Somo tlmo ago I lost all my hair in consequence of measles. Alter duo waiting, 110 now growth apiwared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor aud my hair grow Thick and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. Tho Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature." J. B. Williams, Fioresville, Toxas. "I havo used Aycr's Hair Vigor for the past four or fivo years and find It a most satisfactory dressing for tho hair, It is all I could doslro, buinc harmless, causing the hair to retain Its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to nrrango." yira. M. A. Ilalloy, U Charles street, Haverhill, Mass, " I have been using Aycr's Hair Vigor for several years, and bellovo that it has caused my hair to retain iu natural color." Mm. H. J. King, Dealer tn Dry Goods, &c., lllshopvillo, Wd. Ayer's Hair Vigor, ruiriatu ut Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matb Bld if Druf (Uu ssd l'f rawn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers