A, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. FRITZ, J ATTOKVSY-AT-I.AW, Office Front Itoom, over Poitoffic HI.OOMSPURO. PA. H. MAtZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INIWRAHOR ASD HEAL I5TATJI AOXTT, Offici Room No. 2, Coluuiuh BailiUg, BLOOMSBURG, VA. N, U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Ent's Building, ner Couit Home, BLOOMSUURO, PA. J C OIIN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office over Moyer Bro't Drug Str, PiLOOMSBURC, PA. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Brower's building, 2d floor, room No I. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office cor. Centre & Main Sts., Clark's buililafc BLOOMSBURG, FA. WCn be consulted In German. QEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Second floor, Coluubiam Bulldlsg, BLOOMSBURG, PA. TJ V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, Main St BLOOMSBURG. PA. P P. BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY,) Office orer Dentleri Shoe Hate, Froit roam, BLOOMSBURG, PA. T5 OBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Colvuiiax Building, I Star, front rsn, BLOOMSBURG, PA. lie "'WELL. . ) L it x, BITTEHBENDEE, trofnon. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1890. YOL. 25, NO.30 Finest Line of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES IN THE COUNTY AT J. G. WELLS' JEWELRY STORE. QRANT HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ottc. ts KawKngt' Meat Market, BLOOMSBURG, FA. H. RHAWN, ATTORKKY-AT-LAW, 'Office corner of ThinI and Main Street, CATAWISSA, PA. J- B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGE'OH AND PHYSICIAN, Office, North tide Main Street, beltw Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. jytL . C. UUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. D R. WM. M. REBER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, comer of Rock and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. L. S. WIN rERSTKKN, W. V. HECKIXY. Notary Public. -yyiNTERSTEKN & RECKI.KY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Loans secured, Investments made. Real cs tate bouoht and sold. Office in First National Bank Building, Moomsburg, 1'a. pjONORA A. ROBBINS, M. D. Ofllco West First St. Special attention Riven to tho ojo and car ana lue nttlng or. glasses. J J. BROWN, M. D.f Office and Residence, Third Street, West of Market, ner H. i. Church, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WOffiee hours every afternoon and evening, Special attention civen to the eye and the fittlaj el classes. Telephone connection. D R. J, R. EVANS, TUATUEXT Of CilBOKIC DISEASES MADE A SPECIALTY. Office and Residence, Third St., below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. M, J. HESS, D. D. S., Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Caflecc. havinf opened a dental office la Locxaeo'i lUUILDlKa, corner n Main ana uaatrt nreeu, BLOOMSBURG, PA., 1l prepared to receive all patUnU reqtdrlaf f- lessiwai lenucs. ElEOTKIO VlHBATOIt UsKO. Etuxe, Gas, amp Local Asxmancs, ainlslstere4 fr ttn palalta utnctlta 4 Wtlh free of chirp w& artHdaJ Ueth art nucxUa. All Wout Ovaeixtub xt IUvubrw, "tAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. 'TEAS, SYRUM, COFFXf, SVOAB, MOUAISO, RICE, SriCIt, U1CAB1 SODA, ETC., ETC N. E. Corner Second and Arch St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WOrderi will receive prompt attention. M. C. SLOAN & BRO., Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sldjhs, PUtfonn wagons, otc BLOOMSBURG, PA. First-class work always on hand. Repairing neatly done. WPrlces reduced to suit the timet. w, H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main St., bel. Muktt, BLOOMSBURG, PA. All styles of vrork done In a suptilor manner, ana all worn warrameo, si rcpicicmcu. Teeth Extracted Without Pain, 'jythe us of Gas, and free of charge when anincin leeiu j W To be open all hours duilcjthe day. PLUMBER AND Tin THE COLUMBIAN IS THE BEST. GAS FITTER DKAI.KIt IK co!i 15 a Spi;ialty ESTIMATES FUllNISIIED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsburg Opera House QHRISTIAN r. KNAP?. FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOUSBU&G. Home of N. Y. i Merchants, of Newark, N. 1 Cllntor, N. Y. i Pemlea N Y. j Reading, a. 1 uermin Amenta ins. Co.. New York, i Oretnwlch Inisrance Co., New York j Jersey 1.117 rm uai. wo., jersey wiry, n, l. These old corporations ar well seasoned bv agt and riu Tested and have never yet had a 101s seiuea oy any conn 01 law. i Beu assets u all Invested 1 souo securities, are liable to the hazard of rial only. Losses ikomftly and honestly adlusted and paid as soon as determined, by CHRIST IAN F. KNAPP, Sfxcial Aoent amd Ad. (uster, Blooussuro, Pa. he people of Columbia county should pat lonlie the agency where losses, if any, are set tled and paid by one of their own citUen, Tho Bost Burning Oil That Can bo Mado From Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoko tbo chimneys. It will not char tho wick. It lias a high fire test. It will not explode. It Is pre-eminently a family safety oil. Wo Challenge Comparison with any other illuminating oil made. Wo Btako our Reputation, as HcQncre, up on Uio Statement that it is ;ir tiii? wom.D. A8K YOUU DEALElt FOK Crown - Acme. ACME OIL COMPANY, HLOOMSUUHG,. - PA. D R. I. C.BREECE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. f3" Office over Moyer Bros. Drug JStore. Residence West Main Street. 1 2-20-1 y. J. S. QAHIHSON M. D. IIOJIEOI'ATIIIO 1'IIYBIOIAN AND SUIIOKON. tS" Ofllce over I. W. Hartman & Bon' store, residence N. E. corner Centre and Fourth streets. D r. j. t. foj:, DENTIST. All the latest appliances for manufacturing, treating, filling and extracting teeth. All tylesot woiK warrameu as represented, unite on Main Street, near East, 5-l6.y. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clcautc ut fecaulities tlt hair. I'roiiiotfi a luaurlial crowth. Nr Fills lo RTor Crijf lAino in uiiui vir. Rheumatism, BEINO duo to tlio presence of uric acid in tbo blood, Is most effectually cured by the use of Aycr's Sarsnpo rllliv. Ite suro you get Ayer's and no other, and take, it till tbo poisonous acid la thoroughly expelled from the system. We challenge, attention to this testimony : "About two years ngo, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic 8 out, being ablo to walk only with great iscomfort, nml having tried various remedies, Including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise ment In a Chicago paper that a man bad been relieved of this distressing com plaint, after long suffering, by taking Aycr's Sarsaparllla. I then decided to make, a trial of this medicine, and took It regularly for eight months, anil am pleased to state that It bos effected a complete cure. I have since bad no re turn of tho disease." Mrs. It. Irving Dodge, 110 West 12Sth St., Now York. " One year ngo I was taken 111 with Inflammatory rheumatism, being con fined to my houso six months. I camo out of tho sickness very much debili tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparllla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. II. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rniraRiD t DrvJ. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. TtUs tX ; six ttetllM, S. Worth S a bottle. SOPHRONIA It was a email story and a half oH tage, pinto 1 white, with irroen Minds; tho whlto paint had lost it? pristine purity and the greon of tho blinds was faded and dusty. A hlno of the gato was broken and tho gala swan and creaked hideously) tho little p.itoh of grass in front sorely nooded attention. Tho sewing maohino agent, noted theo things without knowing it, as he jumped from his buggy and walked toward tho front door, lie was of an unboautiful Yankee type, bluo oyod, sandy haired and shambled somewhat in his gait, yrt you might look long in hisloinfacd with its twinkling cyei and frequent smile beforo you oould detect an untrustworthy lineament. There was no boll, bo ho rapped. No answer. lie rapped again. This time a footstep might bo ho"ard within, and presontly tho door was held slight ly ajar and thon flung wido open, as if to welcomo a long expected guest The sewing inachino agent was used to all kinds of reception, and did not lose a second in commencing his well learned lesson. "I am representing the firm of Gus set & Ilcmm, sewing machine manu facturers, madam, and would ltko to Mm. Twitoholl, smoothing tho sunny hoad. Azariah sat down in tho nearest chair. "You could knook mo down with i feathor,'' said he. nrosontlv. "That child Is a living image of ono I kuowthitry odJ yoars air). What's your namo sissy 1"' "Atiuio a. Twitcuoll, solomnly ans wered the llttlo ono. with n stoa Iv look out of hor doop bluo oyos. "1 nis llttlo oirl I used to know w.n Sophrony Sophroi y Miller. You nam t no relations named Mil or, have youf ho askod Mrs. Twltche'1. "les, but they're tar removed." she replied, with unconscious bittornes'. Far removed, InJeod, was theboautiful child Sophronla from the middlo ageJ, worn widow 1 witolioll. Aztriah seomod to have forirotton his tnual onorcotio hasto. With soft,- euoil voice and ingenious coaxing ho onticod tho llttlo ono to his stdo, thon to his kneo. Mrs. Twitohell took up her soaring and liatonod to tho talk go ing on uetween tno two. "Where did you know thoso Millers you spoke oil' she said aftor a while. Decided Scruples. A DKUCIOUS DISQUISITION 1'nopniKTT. ON OFFICIAL TIIB l'ltMIDKNT ACCKl'M A IIOUBK, FUUNI TUltK AND OltDOKttlKS, IIEOAUSK IT W0UI.U UK INDKl.lOATI! FOR HIM TO PAV HIS WAY. Mr. Ilindolph Koim has written a letter about Mrs. II trrison whioh oan hardly fail to closo the doors of the Whito Homo and the Gift IIouso to him, though it might bo arguoJ by an aonto lawyer that to djny this gontlo man the right to bask in tho sunlight of greatnoss, and to disport himself in proximity to Presidential families w.n a oruol and unusuil form of punish ment from whioh the Constitution protooted him. If it be truo as Mr. ICeim says, and say corroctly as wo do not doubt, that "If any ono supposes that Mrs. Ilirrison courts prominence ho is greatly mistaken,'' thou Mrs. Ilarirsou om notjtoo promptly banish the aforosaid Keira from her train. It was ICeim, we behove, to whom tho "Tnoy lived iu tho same nlaoo whoro I world is indobtod for tho imaginative I was born," said Ar.iriah. "Sonhronv oio.uro of Mm. Ilirrison, with a hand- Miller was tho prettiest crittor you kerchief wrapped around her head, ever did seo. She looked just liko this 'weeping tho Whito IIouso. It was little ono of your'o and whou sho was Koim who attributed to Mrs. Ilirrison show you one of tho machines unless youhavoooe already. Havo you a just about as biir as this ono. she and I remarks about bad housekeeping iu Booking to advanco Presidont Olovo sewing machine! used to rro to snhnnl tnrntlior nn.l sii. tho Whlto Ilusa iirnvirm tn lmr ml. land i nolitioal or pecuniary lntorosH, No answer. bath Bohool. tos. Shn huln't. no mr. vent whioh n lidv would not. hnvn Tho bill for tho bridao became a lay Wo sell thorn for cnh or iustall- ents. so her aunt brnnrrht lmr nn. If. been likelv to make. It w.n ICim without tho President's sigoatuio inents, and warrant them satisfactory, don't seom but a Hutu whito sinnn who has at divers timi ronrnfmt.ii Tho oxtension of Missaohusotts aye I would liko to show you a Gmset A Sonhronv and I wnnt nnnr tho Mrs. Ilirrison as mik'mc nomnl.iintH nuo was ordered booausa tho owners of . . t , . . . r. ... i ... . , . . i i.s i. iu;ut tUU 1U1UU1 JlUUUy U1U lOUJUVeUl- I fcu'' i.uiwi nuiww ,w or givo tho transaction tho appoaranco of a deliberate money-making echemo. Wo hopo the Commissioners of the District, whoai P.esldent Harrison an pointed, enjoy this dolicato compli ment to them. Tho fact that tho gon tleman whom tho Presidont nppoinlcd Postmaster Generat was ono ol tbo donors of this summer rosidonoa to Mrs. Harrison probab'y suggested to Mr. ICeim this flutcriug estimato of CoTimissioncrs Douglass, Hinos and Hoberts. Mr. JIjr.it Halstesd, exiled from Ohio on aooount of his conduct during tho last campaign has recently bcon circulating 1 10 story tint the valuo of Oik Viow was enhanced by improve ments nude by commissioners an- nointd by President Cleveland. Mr. tlalstoad probably knows that this is false; if ho does not he ought to. The improvements rfferrod to can only bo the now bridge on Woodly Road, an 1 tho extension of Massachusetts avenue Tho bridgi was vo'.od by Congress, with Oito'braneh of whioh Prosidont Cleveland did not have as much influ ence as ho was ontitloi to, aid the other branch of whioh was controlled tr tiid nn1itintl nnnnnnn r. Hflnafnr .Tnhn Tnn.oa TnrfnlU thn nhnlrmin took frichi and I irkod, tho bridlo rein of tho oommittoo on tho Dis. riot of by which ho held hor parted in tho nr.l,iml,in TTn tun nntfnr nn.tnaml nt middle, tho 000 OOanOOtinc tho tWO Letter From Mrs- Ur- Heal. CiibFoo, China, Afnti. 17, '00, Mr Dr. xn Mothrk: Wo aro at Zon Soe, fairly started now on our wny to our now homo nt Oho Nan Foo. Wo loft Tung Chow Tuesday, April 11. Tlicro wcro so many last things to bo done, so many camo to say good-bye, that it was noon before tho ShcnUzo was packed and off, thon wo got on our horses to go around to say our last farowell to all our Missionary friends, making (ho rounds quickly. It uas dreadfully hard at tho last to turn our backs on all our old haunts, our work at Tung Chow nnd tho frionds of six and a half years. Tho good-byes wcro sorrowful, more liko a funeral than anything else. Tho Doo.or say when ho went into tho school room to toko leave of tho girls that they nil had their heads on their desks and wcro crying hard. Wo rodo fast that first afternoon, but tho slicnt- sze had three hours start of us nnd wo did notovertako it until wo had gono almost 23 miles to our first stopping placo whero wo stayed over night. Tho next mornlnir wo nriain started the boy and Bhoutszo off aliead of us, but I was so t'trod by tho long rido of tho night before that whou I had gono about eight miles I was gtad enough to get in the shenlszo to rido the re maining eight to our noon resting place. After dinner wo started tho boy off again ahead so that wo oould havo a longer rest at the Inn, but I didn't wish to rido on horsobaok all tho fifteen remaining miles into Cho boo, but after riding n short distance wo name to a stream over wluon tho bridgo seomod unsafe to load our horses, so we walked on the bridgo, tho Dr. loading tho two horses ovor by the bridlo, he on tho bridge, they in thi water. His horse nttemptod to Ho down and when he shouted at it mino Hemm, oould bring tho machine right hand in hand together, pioking black iu and show you how it works. Did berries, or wintorgreons, or whatever umi Biif rmi bail !l Inqnlilnol'' . No answer. "Or, if you havo a maohino and it isn't quite satisfactory, wo would take to cording to tho season or sat to gether in tho meetiu' with my old grand'ther feeding us pep'mints to keep us quiet. Ho was a master hand for pep'mints loved 'em and always carried 'om. Fact, ho smelt so strong of 'em all the timo they used to oall him old Pep'mint Adams. Annie had hoan rnrrnr-flinrr Mm with Sho might have bo m great gravity, and now askod: "Do old, tho agent's own you lovo pop'mintst I do. AftUiah burst into a lnnrrh. hand on tbo woman than the man. He "You Bee if I don't bring you some noted that sho trembled and looked next timo I oorae." said ho. "But fixedly at him, and thought, in his there's a woman a milo il nwn tli mm! Yankco yernaoular, "Nervous crittor, hero that's oxneoting a maohino. and if h in part payment, lo.' me new ono. He looked at tbo hguro beforo htm, a little woman dressed in black her oaoo sunny hair streaked with gray and bidden under a widows oap, her foe pale and worn. 35 or 40 years age, but time had laid a heavier I dont net it to her this afternoon sho'll givo mo ballyhaok, so I must go tolling his wares, and finally wonnd now. Givo mo a kiss, Sophrony Au- , jrim.. - J.UJUBU luiuu i mu uia- nie, i mean, anu gooa-by ma am. afraid of'tramps and peddlers, l!':ely." He rambled on in his usual fashion. oxtollin up chine and seo how you like it. At this tho .woman found her tongue. "No, don t, sho said, breath lcesly. ' Did you say you had a inachino, madam! ' asked, tho, agent. "Yes.'' sho said; and thon added, hesitatingly, "but it is out of order. remaps vou coulu hx it lor me. and held tho door open wider as a mute Twitoholl did not purchase it Then invitation for htm to enter. He avail- he called to seo little Annie. Thon ho ed himselt ot it at once, walkintr oalled bold v to see Mrx. Tu-itnhnll Ho took bis loan, lank frame out of tho houso leaving behind him two firm frionds. Ho came auain and brought tho hemmor, and somo peppermints for enco ot the llouso whioh would not havo ben in very good taste if sho o id mado them. It is Koim who iu the Philadelphia Inquirer of last Sun day represents her as sayiug: "The Executive Mansioa, as every ono knows who is at all advisod, is not suitado lor tho ocjupanoy of a large family. The President should at least have tho consideration of any other citizen, when ho takes enjoy ment in having all tho members of his family aronnd him. Some parsons having tsken except'on to our having a U'go tatniiy. 1 enjoy tho presence (if my father in his declining years. We enjoy our children and our grand children and wish to havo them about us all tho time. It would be unnatur al for any fattier or mothor to feel dif ferently. Tho Government furnishes inadequate accommodations for the ftmily of tho Presidont and besides during uio summer, witn too oonvon tion d restraints put upon the Presi dont and bis household, tho Exooutive run gave the land for the ayonue, and the opening of tho avenue won'd make a qiant!ly of agricultural land taxable as city lots, and thus provo a good in vestment for tho city. Tno extension of tho avenue will bo of great import ance to tho owners of land across Rook Craok from Washington, now ootiroly inaocessiblo, and to land lying too far aou.h of Woodley Road to bo roaohed by it. Tho place Presidont Cleveland bonght, fronting south on Woodloy Road and woit on Tenallytown Roa1' and at least -109 yard) north of tho ox tension of Massachusetts avenue, will not ba ronderod ono particle moro ao oassiblo or dosirablo by that oxtonsion, whioh is still very far from oompletc. A man of tho section is onough to con vince any ono that the oxteusion of Massachusetts avoinio cannot add to tho valuo of Oak Viow. If the avenue wero to run north of Oak View it would add to its value by giving it a now frontage, but running 400 yard south of tho south front of tho plaoo it Annie. Then he called to show a now I mansion is a very uncomfortable placo. I will ba of no bencht whatever t o any attaohmont to Bowinr manhinna. nnrl I Senator Harrison's family was not I property that Mr. Cloveland bought. insisted on leaving it for a trial. Then large; it is not perfectly clear why liut thon, it is hardly worth while to he called to tako it away, as Mrs. I Presidont Harrison's family should ba instituto any comparisons botween tho I The rim ud only eomblMd Boothia-, Pila-KMlnc, OartUva and BtrvnxltMofnff PUiton Ter fropvvd. Hop Plasters A nutrrelloaa omblnUI .of tnftdJctl imdU- KrwiU llopd. Hemlock, I ins iitium, ud KiumU prepared and spread on moalln. ail r4 to pat on. 1 ba New England remedy. PAIN, Hrctie. I nil an nation mr Weakataa how caoeed, rlelda inaUnt to the all-powferfal medl cin&l urovertleB of tho 11 oo 1'laaUr. The part are woaderfiillr trMJfthened, TitaUzed and rotOored to health and Tifor, HOI I'LAftTKKB neTCr bant r trrlUte. An umhI by thousands of Doojila in efery walk of lila. SIV1IJI Willi RUCIXWB 11H4 MU1IKUOS. XOVK ATTENT10X-nmt Ut & dealer fool roa into taking a rabcutau or Imitation. genuine Uop Flaatera ahow I be proprietor ticnatara. Hop PLASTERCo., Proprietor. BOSTON. A tvid ilUhunttt dialer $ and exubt M tcit you hV, Dec. la Aug. b. F. HARTMAN KrUINTS THE rOLLOWINO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES i Nortl. Americin, of Phllidelphla, FrsaVlln, ' PtanijFlTtnli, "f " York, of PnniylvDii, HaTtrf ol New york, Qns, of London, North British, of London. Onc a Msrliet Street, sbore Mln, No. 5. BLOOMSBURG, PA. yr p. lutz, . (Successor to Freas Brown,) AGENT AND BROKER, Bloousburg Fire & Lire Ins. Agency, (EstiblishcJ In 1865.) COMPANIES REPRKSENTED : Assets. straight nto the email tront room, bare uestituto .of ornament, its most costly furnishing beiiig the sewing machine, at which ho seated himself without loss 01 a moment, it sunc and buzzed nnder tbo stress of his rapid foot atd hand. '.Needs oiling, ho said whirr whirr "A new bolt would be a mighty good thing on this ere; I'll tako this up a little" whirr whirr ''Now I'll toll you, madam, you better let me fetch you a Gus?st & Hemm, "vou 11 like it a great deal better than this one, and you can havo plenty of time to pay lor it 111 'Mo, no, said tho widow, hastily. "I couldn't pay lor another one. I was two years doing shop work enough to pay for this, and I had to support my child besides. "ishol yon don 1 agent with sympathy. price, didn t ye! candidly there don' tho matter with this, except it ain't tho newest fashion. Hero's my card Azariah Adams, with Gusset & Hemm I'd like to leavo it, and if yuu want any sowing machine supplies, needles or winders or anything of that sort, ill take your order now and bring it when I come around to de liver machines in two weeks. "Bring me some neodles," said the widow eagerly. The agent took out his note book, "What name, madamV 'MtB, Twitcholl," said tho widow, nnH unomDil In lnnV unavnltinr.lt, through her glasses at tho agent, IIo scribbled a minute, thanked her, went out and scrambled into his buggy with a word to his horse, and drove away, whistling cheerily. Mrs. Twitohell dropped into a seat, buried her faco in her hands and cried softly, but 11 n ceasingly, until her little daughter herself. The noarest neighbor 'ooked out of the window at tho frcnuont visitor and observed: I believo my soul Widdow Twitchell's got a beau!" 1 ho courtship was short. Azariah made his appearance ono evening in Mrs. Twitchell's front room, and at once assumed his favorite attitude, ono kneo crossed over tho other and balano ing his chair on two legs. "See here!" ho said abruptly. "You know I told you onoo about p. girl uamea sopnrony iilillor. so largo that it oannot be oomfortable in the Executive Mansion. But this is a mere trifle; it is simply singing tho old song which Mr. Keim has bo in singing tor a year because ho knows a iood architeot to supervise tho ereotion of a largo addition to tho mansion. Mr. Koim has made all his previous attacks upon the good sense and good tasto of the President's family seem small by inserting the following in his letter to tho Inquicr of last Sunday: un uiu Huujrut, ui tue acceptance ot a cottage, Mrs. Harrison said: "Last year the I rosulent thought best to oo cuoy a cottago at Deer Park. This President who buys his house and his chair and his flo'ir, and tho Presidont who saves his monoy by accepting ai a pressnt a "boautiful oottage fully equipped. The Great Ant-Eater. IT IS A HIDEOUS ANISIILANU DANdEItOUJ TO rilOVOKK. "Yes," answered tho widow, in I summer the prospect of a late adjourn the breathless way which scorned to be habitual "Well, I didn't tell you sho was mv girl,'' continued Azariah, "but she was. We was encaced. Wo was uointr to bo married. Everytlrng was all ar- ranged, and I went to the citv to pet t say so, said the t na ia., 1 .,..j '.. t.a.UI a.. '"B"1 and when I corao baok. lo and behold. WCll, 1 11 tell yOU Sni.l.rnn" u,n r,nnl Vna T tn Fire Ins. Co. of Iftrtford, $9,518,388.97 minora, 01 lur lord 5, onma Il0mu from i. Th , , t homli, of IUrtford '. 4,778,469.1 Springfield, of Springfield, 3.bQ9,903.9 fire Associition, Philadelphia,. .. 4,(12,781.29 Muaraian, 01 London 20,003,323.71 fhasnli, of London, 6,924,563.48 Lancaihlre of Eng., (U.S. Branch) 1,642, 195.00 Royal of England. " " 4,853,564.00 Mut Ben. Lf.In.CaNewark,NJ 41,379,228.33 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office, BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. MAIZE, never know where, nor why, except mat. tier aunt died, and sho hadn't no home, but sho would have had a home if she'd waited till I got thero. "Well nover mind Sonhronv now. only she's tho reason why I nover wanted to get married since till now! lou roraind mo of her, and I took to ym tho first time I boo you. I can tako care of you and Annio too. Say, what s tho reason you and I can't get along together!" .Mrs. Twitchell was visibly tremb ling, and her voice shook as Bho re plied, "if you can't havo Sophrony, you'll take me!'' ".No matter about Sophrony I want you ' "Suppose you could have Sonhronv and me toot" "Well 1 ain't a Mormon." commenc ed Azariah, but tho widow interrupted him by leaving tho room abruptly. Azariah stared after her for a moment, letting tho two foro legs of his chair drop to tbo Uoor. She reappeared as hastily as sho departed But was it no signs ot tears, however. To her sho was tho same gentle, careworn, si 1..... ,,!,. !, I..l !... 1.., icub uiisiiivi duu uau uiwutB nuuwil, I ir l rn . i ,i , nor could the little ono dream that old ulu, ,Ymo Aon, wiiu, speotaoies nml rnol.inir ttuu u;lF U180arlloui a 1X8081001 HUSH J. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Office, Second Floor, Columbian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Llrerpool, London, and Globe, largest In the worm, ana perfectly rename. Assets. Imperial, of London, $9,658,479.09. Continental of New York 5, 239,981. jj American of Phlladeluhia. 2.o!.oc6.n NUjars, of New Y01V, 2,260,479.84 J7XCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR, OrrosiT Court House. BLOOMSBURG, TA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold water j and all modern convenience. J" B. WILMAMB, AUOTIONKEH. 11LO0M8UUH0, PA. Heal Estato Bought and Sold. Parties desiring to buy horses and wago n -vould dc veil to can on tue auovo. memories wero rising within her mother's heart liko tho spring Hoods, almost overwhelming her with lorco. When Azariah Adams camo again Uio summer had lairly commenced, and Mrs. Twitohell sot doors and windows wide open that tho Rwoet per fumed air might fill the wholo small cottage. Besides, sho placed a boquet of the common wild flowers in a glass tumbler on tbo sewing maohino. Sho herself retained hor former aspect, ox copt that her black dress was laid aside and a gray dress and whito apron lent her a Quakor liko scm bianco. Mr. Adams gavo greeting as to an old and valued customer, with respect anu tervor, proauoeu tno needles, ro ccivod tho few cents which wero duo and took up his hat to go. But tho widow, in nor usual hesitating way, uuimucu mm. "Shall you bo this way again soon!'' sho asked. " ires, 1 shall," said Azariah, prompt ly, "I'vo sold more machines this time, and I've got to come and deliver them inside of a "fortnight. Changed your mind about a new machine!" "No,"' said tho widow. "I only lending the bloom of youth to her pale checks, her hair arranged in tho fashion of hor girlhood, smiling, vet with tears sparkliug in her eves, mik ing thorn bright as of yoro. Azariah made two strides across tho narrow room, and his long arras closed about her siondcr form. No doubts wero his, no question arose in his faithful heart; ment, possibly oxtending into early autumn, necessitated the selection of a nearer point to tho Capital. Thero havo been suggestions from various sources about purchasing a summer homo in tho suburbs of Washington, which at tho end of his official terra might bo sold at a considerable ad vance. Wo have had an example of this, but tho President trill not nse his official rank as a means ot making money, oven to tho extont of purohas- ing a homo for his summer use nnd selling it when ho retires from office. The President has deoidod scruples about that. Tho Commissioners of tho District, his own appointees, would doubtless feel disposed to mako improvements in that direction which would still further givo tho transaction tho appearance of a deliberate money making soherae. " It happen ed while we wero considering what plans it would be best to make that I was surprised by the tender of this beautiful oottage, fully equipped and reauy lor our occupation, lis accept ance seemed to mo to bo tho best that could be done. None of tho gentle men oonoernod oould havo any object other than tho courtesy of making ui oomfortable. As far as thoir names are known none of them seek oflioe. It does uot involve tho President iu any money-making for his personal benefit. How others may bo benefited does uot concern us." It is incbnoeivablo that Mrs. Harri son should have mado any such offen sive and untrue allusions to her hus band's predecessor, or that sho should havo made theso absurd remarks about tho superior "dehoaoy" of accepting "this beautiful cottage, fully equipped th? r,?" a8 followf llf and ready for our occupation' a! a ?atcr hT Tn anl?' W present, as compared with Presidont has fo?,Dd ul ono f lle.,r n ninUn,!'- Ji,.0 r i.! i opens tho upper part of it w Clovelands purchase of bis homo, his furniture and his food. This must be ar- rr t. ..i .. all lie said was. "Sophrony. Sonhronv ?. ." 'UB?L 01 '?mm"jr' ia " I uuu wu ulul uuairiiiu ino anger ot a I ...i :...Ti: . .1." ouuoiuiu anu IMVUMlVUl UUHUUlUIl UKO It is a most uncanny-looking creat ure; its curious looking head, with small eyes and ears, and extraordinary long snout endingin a diminutive mouth its great toro limbs armed witu enor mous claws, which it carries lolded 111 upon its plalms.andits huge, bushy tall giving it an odd appoaranoe ot bein all out of proportion. This odd np pearanoe, indeed no doubt gavo rise to the extraordinary stories trat wero told of it by tho earlier travelers and writers such, for example, as that wi.b in tho habit of climbing trees in search of its food, a story which aroused the wrath of tho lato Charlos Waterton, who attacked both tho story and its authors with bis usual fierceness. This author also strongly objected to "the remark that the long visage of this most singular quadruped is out of proportion and unsightly," stating that ho "considered it to bo quite in unison ivith tho rest of tho body, and admir ably adapted to the support of life;" adding. "Wt'at could tho ant-boar do without its tremondous claws and cylmder-shapod snout, so tough as to enablo it to perforate huge nests of ants, which in oertain districts of South America appear moro liko tho roofs ot Chinese temples than the work and habitations of insignificant liltlo in sects!'' Tho ant-eater's method of obtainini; its food is said to be as follows: Hav ing torn open an ant lull with its powerlul claws it draws its enormous long, flexiblo tongue, which is covered with a glutinous saliva, ovor tho masses of insects which rush out in de fense of their home, with the result that numbers of them adhere to it and are thus drawn into tho animals mouth and B J quickly is this opperation ro pealed that we aro assured that tho tonguo is put out and drawn in again covered With the insects twice in n see- on 1. Quaint Dr. Brookes dosoribes "IIo (the ant- ben ho ests ho opens the upper part of it with his claws that ho may havo room to put in bis snout and tongue, i his is bebinoar- ed with a slimy liquor and is soon coverod with ants, which, when he horses broko and off went tho horses. Tnoy woro tired and didn't oaro to bo . . .! . L - "TV- ciugni, so overy nine uiu ut. uauio near them his horse would run farther away and mine after hor. Aftor about half an hour he sucoeodod in catohing mine, and aftor throe quarters of an hour of tantalizing faiiuro, ( for his horse would follow mino but not allow itself to bo caught ) be offered a dol lar to a passing Uhinaman it lie would catch her. Tno man niada a quick divo and omght hold of ono stirrup but tho horso wheeled itself romd and round in a oirolo till tho man, hanging on a'l tho time and flying around with it, was almost taken off his fe3t; final ly she suokened up a uttio, tne man grasped her by tho bridlo and tho vio tory was won, and.ho poakeled his dol lar a happy man. Then we mounted and came towards Clio Foo at a rapid rato.but there was no catohing up to tho shontsze; it reached bore fiftocn min utes ahead of us, and we oanw in both well tirod out. I had riddou on horse back -17 miles out of 55, tho longest ride I ever attompted, and havo been very tired ovor since. 1110 uorsos are to go baok to Tung Chov until wo find out whether we can use them at Cho Nan Foo. Wo aro at Dr. Novius' whero we aro always mado so welcomo and aro only waiting for a stoamor to start to Tiontsin; ono is oxpectoJ to morrow. Wo wish to push through so as to get settlod at Cho Nan Foo beforo tho hottost days 001110 on. From Tientsin we want to g) to Pekin, then to tho Great Wall, b30k to 1'okiug and Tioutsiu from whero wo will tako a oaral boat to Teh Choo, from thero have thrco days by wheel-barrow or car, to our final destination. With dear lovo to all, Kver devotedly your daughter, Eu.AiiETii S. Nur Note. A Shontsze is a litter swung between two mules, one walking bo- fore, another behind. It has a can vass cover but no wheels. "I had to go away after aunt died," the President of having his extraordi- fiwl?,' ho ilTiTnt0 h,a T11' anU nary view at othcial proprieties attri buted to Mrs. Harrison. "Tho President will not use his offi. Ioial rank as a moans of making raou oy." No, indeed; he will simply use his olhoial rank as a means of irettinc? a "beautiful oottage" of twenty rooms, "iiuiy equippou- with lurnituro and said oopuroma, later in tho ovoning. ''I wont to seo if 1 could earn a llttlo in the factory. I ain't no hand to write, you know, I rover was, but idid writo niter a while and nover got no answer. Then somo of the girls from homo oamo visiting tho taotory, and they said they heard you d got married In tho oltyl f00d, and possibly clothes, for uothi ng. "'1 was a lie,' said Azariah. thump-1 "Vnnn nf tlm n Mill Inmnn iAtAr ..1 ing tho tablo with his fist. oould havo any obieot other than the "I just gavo up thon! And whon Mr. I oourtesv of making us oomfortablo." Twitchell came courting me, 1 thought Of course not, but Bomo how or other I mittht as well take him. IIo wasn't. I it hannens that t.linan nnniM.irntn good to me, Azariah, ho drank; ho I geDtlomen never thought of making died beforo Annie was born. Annie's I President Harrison comfortable whou name is Annie Sophronla. I expected I he lived in the Woodmout Hats, and sho'd tell you so long beforo now. I'vo I was only a Senator, and did not have earned her living and mine doing hand I the federal patronage to distribute. .1 l.T 111 l . ... M. . " luougut i wouiu navo a now nenimcr sowing, and it weakened my eyes, bo if you oould bring one." I commenced to wear glasses, but With bis usual miperturbablo cheer-1 since I'vo bought ray sewinc machine I benefit." who oontemplatei pursuing a oourso ot atuly la Ce commercial branches, sliiuM litve Iroa copies oi mo uiugirauxi circular uuu vhh auduai uaiu- lOL'ue oi tue i:o(:iii:sri:u iiiminins irsivKitsiTV convenience, (urnlshlni;. awioratloos anl general elettuico. Is not ulsowliero approiotea In tbe IJuluUBUOod. For tuoro'Jiti, practical instruc tion la tba useful braocbiM, tills laitltu loa lias tmuratoidatLuanoakii. fuaa. WlLUlMJtKOUSU, UoeuuT, N. V, "It doesn't involve tho President in any monoy-making for bis personal benefit." Far from it: It onlv i fulness, Azariah noted down tho now I they've grown strongor, and I'm goiug I bis making a houso, a quantity of fur order and prepared to depart, when I to leavo off tbe glasses now. Azariahl I nituro and a supply of provisions for "What sayi repnod tho lover, beaming with unmistakablo happiness, "You was truor to me than I was to through the open door Hashed a vis ion of beauty, n tiuy 0 year-old girl, gold halted, azuro oyed, musia voiced. Sho stopped short at tho sight of the strauger, thsn lied to hor mother's side. "l swannyr said iho sowiug ma chine agent under his breath. "Ibis Is my little rim, volunteered to you, for 1 got married and you didn t. But you didn't know mo till I took off my oap and specs, and 1 knew you tho nrsi uay you oamo peddling to tho doorl' Kloanor W. F, Batcr in SpringlUUl Jltpublican. his porsonal benefit. It is so much more "delicate ' to acoopt a valuablo presont, givon on aeoount of tho great olliee you hold than to mako a fctu. uate investment with your own money. "Tho Commissioners of tho District, his own appointees, would doubtless feel disposed to mako improvements in that direction which would still tuith- swallows them. He ropeats this praot- ice us long as there are any remaining or at least as long as they will run into tho sa.iio snare. When ho is hungry again ho will go in quest of another nest.'' The tonguo is a wondorful or gan, much longer than tho bead, round and capable of being projected sixteen or eighteen inches; in appearance it is very muoh liko uu enormous worm; when at rest it is bent backward in tho mouth, or, as Dr. Brooks has it, "he is obliged to bond part of it back when ho keeps it within his mouth, for it is long enough to bold it without this artilieo." When tho animal at tho Zoo Is led this curious tonguo is most no ticeable, sweeping round Mho pan iu which the food is contaitiod in a most extraordinary manner. &iturlay Jie view. What It Does. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1. Purifies tho blond. 2. Creates an appetito. 3. Strengthens the uorves, t. Makes tho weak strong. 5. Overcomes that tired feeling. 0. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc. 7, Invigoratos Iho kidneys and liver. H. Relieves headache, indigestion, dyspepsia. Heligoland. Germany's now acquisition in tho North sea is a milo long aud one-third of a milo wid. In sizo it is not a groat acquisition, and will become less as timo goes on, for tho action of wind and waves is fast wiping out Heligo land. Its wholo population, English oflkial residents aud all, does not ex ceed 2,000. Tho native inhabitants of Heligo land aro among the most interesting people of modem times. They aro Frisians, a Germanic race who havo kept their blood almost puro from classic limes to tho prcent. They aro largo lunged, healthy, strong, slow, handsome, too, and of moro than aver age size. They live to bo very old, SO or 90 being no unusual ago with them. The ancient Frisian language is horo preserved in its greatest purity, and it resembles tho old Anglo Saxon moro than any other longne. Still tho Heligolandcrs speak German also and often Danish. Tho men aro fishermen and soamen, leaving tho women to do all the agri cultural work, which 5b not heavy, Binco vegetables aro tho main crop. small as iho island is thero are num erous flocks of sheep, which are kept over winier by feeding them on fish. 1 ha enoyclopedia says so. An ornithologist who has studied and painted birds of the miniature is land says ho has found thero birds from overy part of tho globe, evea from Australia and South Africa. They had been driven to this rocky refuce by storms. Although tho island has belonged to England sinco 1807, Gorman is tuo language taught in tho schools, but tho Heligolanders seem subliinoly in different to whether thoy belong to England, Germauy or nobody. They have had a succession of owners, in cluding Danes, Germans and English, but through all thoy havo romaied tho same, and kept their lives simple and honest and their old heathenish Frisian blood pure. They aro beyond all tho ficrco excitements of modern life, political and otherwise That is why thoy. live so long and aro so healthy and good looking. Thoy will allow no gambling on their little is land, though largo rovenuos would ao- cruo 10 mem inercQV. iioiiguiuim m a piradieo for tho tired citizen of tho world. A Oouutlv Jokk This occurred in tho Pittsburgh license court; "Did you over havo a retail licensiV "My son- in-law had." "What does your son-in-law do uowl" "He's an undertaker." Attorney Cohen "That s a good busi ness." Judgo Ewing "It will bo if wo license all theso applicants." Mr. Crisscross Pass mo tho butter, uleaee. ... .. l HT'.l. II reaiiieruono wiui uu my Crifoross Only tho butter, Miss heart. Mr. please. "Why, MUlcr Singer, hns doy turn ed you oil down at do hotel, whar y oil's bin woikin't" Kx-Woitcr "Not .nttly. It romes bout dis May. you set: ley l'd mo dry didn't hab'no furdrr u.e fur mo after dis inomiu', and I jisl ,',ot mad and quit." V t I