The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 18, 1890, Image 3

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I 1
Absolutoly Puro.
A cream of tartar Inking powder. High
est of nil la leavening strongtli U. S.
Government Report, Aut. 17, 1839.
The Columbian
Itlif rubllshed ovory Krlday. Subscription prlco.
f 1.00 a year.
Kntorod at the Tost onico at Hloomsburg, Pa.,
as Bccond class matter, March 1, 1888.
Trains on the 1'. & It. U. It. loavo llupert xs
tollowa :
noktii. BnrjTn.
7:22 a.m. 11:03 a.m.
3:31 p. m. 6:23 p. m.
Tralnsontho D.L, W. II, H.leavo Illoomsburg
as follows!
north. nonrn.
TM a. m. 8:3J a. m.
10-49 a.m. 12:18 p.m.
2:35 p. m. 4:15 p. m.
:S8 p. m. 8:24 p. m.
Tralnsontho N.SW. 11. Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows i
north. socrn.
10:48 a.m. 12:37 p. m.
(.us p.m. 4'30p.m.
10:48 a m 6:38 p m
Taking effect MONDAY, SHITEMUER 2, 1839.
;souni. NoiiTn.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS. T. M. A. M. A.H. A.M. P. M. P. M.
Bloomsburg 28 11 43 7 0 8 a? 2 3? 6 40
Main street 6 19 11 41 fi es 91321; 6 47
Irondale 6 1(1 11 S'J 66 8 45 2 41 6 50
Paper Mill 6 08 11 31 6 48 8 S3 2 M 7 00
LlghtStrect. 8 05 11 28 6 43 8 66 2 60 7 III
Orangevlllo 5 57 11 20 0 35 9 05 3 07 7 10
ForkB, 6 45 11 10 6 25 9 15 3 17 7 20
Zancr's ............... 5 43 11 M 0 21 9 20 3 20 7 21
Btlllwator B 37 It OS 6 17 9 2, 3 25 7 2S
Benton, 6 28 10 65 (S 10 9 33 3 33 7 35
Edsons, 5 23 10 50 6 07 9 36 3 37 7 38
COlCS C'recfe, B 20 10 45 6 05 9 38 3 JO 7 40
Bugarloar 5 15 10 43 6 02 9 43 3 41 7 41
LauDaehs. 5 12 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 4S 7 47
Central. 5 03 10 31 5 53 9 67 3 58 7 57
Jamison city.... s oo 10 30 5 50 10 oo 4 ou 8 0)
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. II. A. II. a. m. a. u. p. m. r. u.
Fou Sale. An cltht room house and lot
in West Bloom9burg, by Wm. H-jbb.
Fob Sale Dwelling houses In Blooms,
burg, Orangevllle, Ejpy and Itupcrt I'a.
Firms In Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir
ginia. Vacant lots in Bloomsburg. Store
properties, Grist mills and other property
by M. P. Lutz, Insurance and Heal Estate
Agont, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Fon Balk. Houso and lot in Rupert,
lot 120x140 ft. Two story, house, with
nlno rooms. Bay wiidows, out
kitchen, lco and coal bouse, good stable,
chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, over
green trcc9, good water, Two railroads,
Twelve trains a day each way, to Blooms
burg, fare 8c round trip. Low taxes. A
great bargain, if taken soon.
M. P. Lutz, Insuranco & Ileal Kit. Agt .
Fon Bale. Fino building lot, Main St.,
near Normal School. Apply to
G. W. Keitsh.
Mrs Fatton of Carlisle Jis tho guest of
Mrs. YV. C. Lovcrctt.
A. C. Brown of Now York is visiting
friends here.
Miss Priser of Tamarjua is visiting at Mr.
D. M. Sheep's.
C. B. Kline and wifo of YVilliamsport
wero tho guests of F. II. Jenkins this week.
Miss Irene Scars has been elected a
teacher in the Mt. Carmel public schools.
Mrs. M. II. McKlnney and daughter
Miss Ella, aro at Avon, N. J.
Miss Eva Rupert is visiting her sister
Mrs. Stcck at Ilughesvillc.
W. II. Gilmoro went to Philadelphia on
Monday morning.
Prof. Noetling is spending bis vscition
at Sclinsgrove.
Mrs. E. M. Tacy of Bethlehem Is vhiting
Mrs. G. YV. Bcrtsch. Mr. Tacy spent Sun
day here with them.
Judge Ikclcr is endeavoring to finish up
his work so that ho can take a short vaca
tion during tho hot weather.
Charles Bertsch of Mauch Chunk camo
up on Saturday and spent n few days witli
his brother, G. YV. Bertsch.
I. V. Hartman returned from Ocean
Qrovo on Wednesday, after an absenco of
several weeks.
Mrs. N. U. Funk is recovering from an
attack of illness that confined hor to her
bed for a couple of weeks.
Harry F. Sharp'ess of Pueblo, Col.
reached Bloomsburg last Frldiy. Uo will
bo married before his return west.
Rev. VV. II. Schuyler and Miss Lizzie
Bchuyler aro visiting their father, Dr. J.
Mr. Louderhaugli and wife, P. V. Weav
er and wife, and J. 0. Welgand and wife,
all ot Uozleton spent last week at Jamison
city. They returned to their homes Mon
day evening.
A, M. Frcas ot Berwick has finished his
law studies at Yalo University and is at
homo for tho summer. Ho has not de
cided where ho will locate.
An equestrian pirty consisting of Mr.
and Mrs. U. A. M'Klllip, Miss Laura Wal
ler, and Divld J. Waller 3rd went toGano
ga Lako on Monday.
Miss Mary Loverett and Miss Elizabeth
W, McKclvy nro spending a couplo of
weeks with Mrs. R. 0. Neal at her cottage
at Spring Lako Beach N. J.
Mrs. 8. 0. Creasy is visiting fiiends at
Montgomery and Muncy in Lycoming
Miss Emma J. Townsend is spending
the summer at Wlnola Like, Wyoming
Mrs. Robert Vorris is spending tho sum
mer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L.
Bernhard. Sho will not return to .her
homo in Uellcfonto until fall.
Miss Jennie Palmer of this placo gradu
ated at tho Bloomsburg Normal School,
whu complimentary marks. Blio is a
pciscvering and bright scholar, and her
patient disposition and good education will
make her ono ot our best school teachers.
Northumberland I'rtu.
Miss Ida liernhard, of Bloomsburg, and
Miss Nina Murphy, of Scranton, aro visit.
ing Miss Mary Leighow, of Northumber
land. Tho ladles aro making many friends
in this vicinity during their short stay and
their departuro at tho closo of this week
J!U bo regretted by ijulto a number. Sur.
Dr. M. J, IIcss has just put in his ofllco
new dental chair of tho latest pattern
Eight carloads of people attended tbo
episcopal picnlu at Central last week.
D. F. Curry, candidate for representa
tive was in town this week,
Now awninirs linvn li..i nlnrnil nvnr tllO
dining room windows of tho Exchange
Thcro will bo no services at tUo Hcform.
cd churcli next Bunday morning. Bcrvlccs
In the evening at tbo usual hour, 7i45.
Bessie, ttio ten year old daughter of E.
A. Hawllngs, killed a largo rattlcsnako
wlilio on a recent visit up the creek.
J. W. Smith, tho popular conductor of
tho llloomsburg & Sullivan railroad Is
visiting ftlcuds In Bhamoktn.
J. C. Huttcr Jr., has been receding tho
congratulations of his friends on tho arrlv.
al of a little daughter In his household.
Ono of the furnacos at Irondalo W boon
blown out owing to a break In the water
wheel, Turbine wheels are to bo put In.
Candidate John L. Kllno spent a couplo
of days In town last weok, urging his
claims for county treasurer.
Every tlssuo ot tho body, every nerve,
bono and musclo Is made stronger and
moro healthy by taking Uood's Barsaparil.
Thcro will bo a meeting of tho school di
rectors Friday evening, July 25th, when
action will bo tHkcn In referonco to furnish,
ing coal for the coming year.
A dancing party will bo given In Miss
Armstrong's school room on Friday night,
by tho young men in honor of tho numer
ous lady visitors In town at present.
Mr. J. W. Mcars was caught by a buzz
planer recently, and bad .uollcsli torn from
the largo linger. Uo did not loso tho
linger as erroneously reported by others.
Ihellerwlck Fair will be held this year
on September yd, 4th, Gtti and Oth, and
promises to bo ono of tho best ever held
During the hot weather the Bunday even-
tng services at tho Episcopal Church will bo
shortened by tho omission of tho sermon.
and will consist mostly of service of song.
Trout season closed Tuesday. Tho last
few weeks wcro poor for the fisherman and
good for tho fish. Tho streams were so
low that but few lUli could bo caught.
Albert Colley, son of Dr. Colloy of Ben
ton, caught a 15 Inch trout in tho creek
near that vlllago on Tuesday. It was tho
last day of the season, and it was tho boy's
Uln birthday. Pretty good.
Bloomsburg market is now being well
attended. Huckleberries seem Ito bo tho
prevailing item among tho small fruits. A
few of tno dew-bcrries wcro in Market
Tuesday morning.
C. L. Sands of Mordansvlile, is making
a lively canvass as tho republican candi
date for county commissioner. Uo has a
largo number ot friends in the county who
aro anxious for hl9 success.
The Lutheran church aro about adopt
ing a now constitution. It will bo read
btforo tho congregation next Sunday and
will bo acted upon Iho hrst Wednesday In
The Bloom Band gave a concert on Mar
ket squaro on Saturday evening. A plat
form was erected for them, and they will
favor tho public with somo of their choice
music during the summer.
Extcnslvo repairs and alterations aro
being made at tho Normtl School. Some
partitions havo been removed, and tho
reading room and library enlarged. Tho
prospects for the next term aro bright.
Keep in remembrance tho date of the
Lutheran picnic at Central. Tho timo fix
ed Is ono week from next Thursday, July
31st. If it storms that day, tho excursion
will bo tho day following.
A family picnic composed of D. F.
Weiss and family, 11. W. Kline and family
and C. B. Kllno and wifo of Wllllamsport,
II. Jenkins and family, was held at Oak
Grovo Wednesday.
Aycr's Hair Vigor has long held tho first
place, as a halr-drcsslng, in tho estimation
of tho public. Ladies And that this prepa
ration gives a beautiful gloss to tho hair,
and gentlemen use it to prevent baldness
and euro humors In the scalp.
Tho Reformed congregation will hold a
festival in Music Hall on Friday and Sat
urday evenings of this wcoic. Refresh
ments of all kiuds will bo served. Band
concert on Saturday evening from 8 to 10-
30, All aro Inv.lcd.
Grant Herring Esq., met with an acci
dent last Thursday evening, by slipping
on a bananna peel near A. Sollcder's shoo
store, His limbs parted and his heavy
weight caused a great strain on tho mus
cles. Uo has been confined to the houso
for nearly a week.
Eli Dicmcr died and was buried from
tho Danville hospital about two weeks
ugo. llu was removed to the hospital be
cause near friends could not take caro of
him. Tho news ot his death did not reach
friends in this placo until some timo after
his burial.
E II. Little Esq., showed us tho other
day a head of timothy that grow on his
farm. It was 13V inches In length or moro
than twice as long as tno ordinary head.
It was not from seed sows, but grew up on
land which ho had drilled in wood ashes
and bono.
A meeting of "Tho Democratic Club"
will bo held on Friday evening, at 0 o'clock
to complete tho organization and make ar-
angemcnts for tho coming campaign. A
cordial Invitation is extonded to all Demo
crats of our town to Join tho club.
J. R. Townsknu, Pres.
Dclegato election will bo held three
weeks from Saturday next. Tho contest i s
growing warmer as tho timo approaches.
Wo trust that none will so far forget them
selves as to loso sight of tho right for tho
State ticket. In many sections ot tho Btate
thcro aro a largo number of independent
voters who will vote for Ex-Governor Pat-
Tho following letters aro held at Blooms-
bur?, Pa. post olllco and will bo sent to tho
dead letter olllco July 20, 1890.
Harold Lader, E. W. Vandino, Manuel
Crawford, Mrs. Allco Keller, Annlo Marge
rum, Ilattlo Roach (3), Mlchaol Rollly.
Persons calling for theso letters pleaso
say, thoy wcro advorttseu juiy 10, low,
Ono cent will bo charged on each letter
A. U, Catuoaut, P. M
Mr. Ell Jones brought Samuel Krcppcn
nccht up from A. J. Emmett's farm last
Friday night. Ho was removed by having
n bedding mado In a spring wagon, by
cupful driving ho was brought to town
without any Injury. About four weeks
aeo ho met with a serious accident by fall.
Ino? from an oak trco a dlstanco of about
fifty feet. Ho sustained sovero internal
Injuries, and had a narrow cscapo from
Imracillato death. By careful treatment
and good nurlng ho has b-cn brought
through, and now bids fair for speedy and
entire recovery. His homo is in urcen
wood township, but ho has. been working
as carpenter with Ell Jones for scvorsl
E. M. Towksbury spent a fow hours In
town on Friday, looking after his Interests
in tho leglilativo fight.
Tho Reformed Sunday School will hold
a picnic In Oak Grovo on Thuisday, July
Words cannot oxprcss tho gratltudo
which pcoplo feel for tho benefit donothem
by tho uso of Aycr's Sarsaparilla. Lone
standing cases of rheumatism yield to this
remedy, whon all othors fall to give relief,
This mcdtclno thoroughly expels tho pol
son from tho blood,
tt i . . .
imriimn anu uasscrt nayo been so
crowded with work that they have been
obliged to refuso orders. This, however is
only for a fow days, when they will bo
ready for all kinds of repairs. Their tcpu-
tation for doing first class repairing insures
tucm always a good patronage.
ino anniversary services of tho four
congregational Missionary Bocletles of tho
Orangovlllo chargo will bo held as follows i
On Bunday July 20, at Uidlay, 2:30 p. m.j
on Sunday July 27, at St. James, 10:15 a.
m., Zion, 2:30 p. m., and Orangovlllc, 7:20
p. m. Tho oxcrclscs will consist ot sing
ing, essays, responsive scrvico by tho
children, and tlio anniversary address by
reports. ,
A llltlo son of Charles bterner met with
a serious accident last Sunday. Whllo tho
parents wcro away tao llttlo fellow, (about
eight years of age) discovered somo pow
der In a paper and evidently thought ho
would havo soma flro works. With a
match ho ignited tho contents when an ex
plosion occurred, burning him Bovorely
about tho face, hoad and hands. Ills ono
cyo was somewhat Injured but not serious
ly. Miss Bobbins, of Bloomsburg, tbo
lady physician was summoned and gave
relief to tho llttlo sufferer.
Two games of base-ball wcro played at
Danville, Wednesday and Thursd-iy, be
tween tho Danvilio club and tho Cuban
Giants. The latter club aro tho cht mpion
colored club of America. "Juggor" Bhaf
fcr played with tho Danvilio nine, and Is
credited with making 0 out of 15 runs
made b Danville. Tho Cubans wcro de
feated on Wednesday 15 to 0. Shaffer
mado a four base hit, and got m three runs,
and brought In the others by his heavy
batting. When Danvilio wants a first class
catcher they havo to como to Bloom to
find him.
Guy Hawllngs and Will Lockard, aro try
ing to mako a record as tho groat pedes
trians of Bloomsburg. They wcro up with
the picnic excursion at Centra' Ia9t Wed
nesday; but desiring to sec the sights of tho
prosperous Jamison city, they wended
their way thither. When tho last train left
tho city tho boys were enjoying them
selves at tbo beautiful hotel, "Manor Rest
Inn." Tho sebedulo showing no other
train duo until tho next morning the two
started on their 30 mile walk. They reach
ed Bloomsburg at 3 next morning, having
made but one stop which was at Beaton
where they took supper.
The Philadelphia & Heading railroad
company furnished a sjcclal Pullman car
on Monday with which to convey to Phlla
delpuia, Miss Bishop of YVilliamsport and
Mis3 Grant of Sunbury, two of thu success
ful Press Prize winners. Great crowds of
people gathered at tho depots at Wdliams
port and Sunbury to greet the successful
teachers and wish them a happy voyage.
Tho special car was decorated insldo with
llags, dowers, bunting and ivy, and on tho
outsldo were streamers with tho words:
"iVesj Prize Winners: Miss Bishop, Will
imsport, Miss Grant, Sunbury." The train
reached Philadelphia at 10 o'clock in the
evening. Tho party sailed for Europe
Wednesday, accompanied by Miss Davies
of Philadelphia, sho being chief of tho
prize winners.
Tho announcements of Democratic can
didates for county olllco aro probably all
made. For Congress tho county is con
ceded to Mr. Buckalew without opposition.
For State Senator, Grant Uerrlng is the
only candidate named, and ho too will get
tho conferees of tho county. For Protuon
otary, tho contest Is between J. U. Maize
and 0. M. Quick, and both aro hard at
work. For Reprcscntatlye tho names pre
sented on tho north siiie ot tho river are
William Krickbaum and 0. M. Blaker.
Tho south side presents a largo
number, tho aspirants being E. M.
Tcwksbury, John P. Uannon, D. F. Curry,
Mahlon Hamlin. For Associate Judgo the
names of J. F. Derr, Mordecal Millard,
and H.F. Evcictt aro presented. For
District Attorney, William Chrisman has
no opponent, aid will bo nominated. For
county commissioner on this sido aro B.
F. Edgar, Fred Schwlnn, Daniel Yocum,
W. G, Glrton and Stephen PcttlL Jesse
Ilittcnhouse is tho only name announced
from tho south sido. For Register and
Recorder, Charles 11. Campbell is an ap
plicant for second term, with 0. B. Ent as
bis opponent.
For county treasurer, John L. Kline and
John Mnurey aro tho contestants
Tho delegate election will bo held on
Saturday, August 0, between the hours ot
3 ami 7 p. m. Tho convention will bo
held on Tuesday, August 12th.
Six weeks ago yesterday a joyous gath.
criog ot friends witnessed tho marrlago
ceremony in tho M, E. Church that bound
William B. Cummlugs nnd Maud R. Cross-
ley together for life. Whon tho happy
bridegroom premised that he would "love,
honor and cherish" his brldti "uutil death
us do part," he llttlo thought that ere th
honeymoon was over ho would bo parted
by tho relentless hand of tho great Destroy.
er. But It has come, and she upon whoso
bosom orange blossoms rested so short a
time ago, now lies beneath tho roses on ber
casket Ud.
Mrs. Cummtngs died on Tuesday even
ing at 7 o'clock, after an illness of short
duration. Her ago was 25 years. Her
wedding occurred on Thursday, May 29,
and her funeral will take placo on Friday,
July tho 18, at 3 o'clock, at the M. E.
church. Sho was a daughter ot A. B.
Crossley of this town, and she bad hokts
of friends among thoso who knew ber best.
The sympathy ot tho community is with
tbo young husband thus suddenly bereft ot
her whom ho bad chosen as his life com
panion. Fifteen contestants clad for tho fray,
Armed with good steel and in battle array,
Striving for lucre, aa bravo Kuights of old,
Btrovo for their honors and medals of gold.
Driving each shining pen over tho paper,
Seeking to sound as tbo most proper caper,
Tho praises of remedies known tho world
From Paris to Calais, from Calais to Diver:
But each Knight vainly stilvcs language
fail in description
Of tho manifold virtues of "Favorite Pre
When ill or depressed with that "drag.
glng-down" Icellng, consequent upon
weakness, suffering from headache, weak
or lamo back, and tho many ills common
to the weaker sex, tako Dr. Pierce's Pro.
ecrlption, which is guaranteed to give
satisfaction or prico ($1.00) returned, Bee
printed guarantee on bottle-wrapper.
Dr. nerce'n Pellets gently laxatiyo or
actively cathartic according to dose. 25
Bloomsburg Fa., July 10, 1890.
Regular meeting of town council, pros
ent, President Herring, and members
Gross, Fetterman, Rabb, Bhutt1 and Wells.
Tho secretary being absent J. U. Roblson
was appolntod secretary pro tern
Petition of citizens presented by 0. W.
Miller Esq., in company with Dr. I. YV.
Wllllts and N, U. Funk Esq., as a commit
tee, RBklng tho town to purchase Oak
Grovo Park or to exchango tho Bovcnth
street park for Oak Grovo Park. Tbo
town council to pay tho Oak Grovo Park
association $2500 In cash and gtvo tbo
park on Bcvcnth street.
0. YV. Miller also presented a petition of
sundry citizens reciting that tho Land Im
provement Company offered to donato
thirty feet on tine of Fifth street to mako It
80 'feet wide, and thcrctoro asking that
Fifth street be widened from East street to
tho line ot tho Lind Improvement Com
pany. On motion of Rabb and Gross tho matter
of tho purchase ot Oak Grovo Park and
widening of Fifth street Is laid over to an
adjourned meeting ot tho Council to be
held Monday evening, July 14th.
On motion of Gross and Bhutt tbo limit
for tbo payment of taxes to tbo treasurer
was extended thirty days.
Mr. Fetterman presented a petition of
sundry citizens for tho opening of West
street from tho D. L. & W. H. It. to Canal
8t. On motion of 2, Wells and Gross a
committee of thrco was ordered to ascertain
tho damages that would result from the
opening of West street as prayed for. Tho
president appointed Messrs Wells, Gross
and Rabb.
Proposition of Amos YVanlch for hlmscl f
and as father and next friend ot Lilly
YVnnlch for settlement of suits brought
against tho town for damages on account
of tho accident on Iron street nca tho B.
& S. railroad. On motion of Gross and
Fetterman the solicitor was dlrojted to of
fer a judgment of two hundred and fifty
dollars on tho suit of Lilly Wanicli and It
that is accepted to scttlo tho caso of Amos
Wanlcb, on tho award of tbo arbitrators.
On motion of Messrs. Gross and Fetter
man it was ordered that tho Bccretary no
tify 0. W. Miller to proceed forthwith to
tho completion of tho sewor contracted to
be mado by him, and that it be failed to
push the work speedily tho Town Coancil
will enforce tho contract according to Kb
Bower permit granted G. W. Keltor.
Building permits granted as follows :
Sidney Kinney, J. YV. Mcars A Co., 8am
uel Shaffer & Bon, Jas. Cadman and D. 0.
Creasy. Bills offered and orders drawn
for thu same.
July 14th. Sp:clal meeting of Council
called with all members present, J. B.
Robtson appointed Secretary pro tern.
On motion of Messrs. Gross and Wells
an order was granted tbo Bloomsburg
Steam & Electric Light Company for $379-
GO balanco on contract for steam heat fix
Bill of Eshlcman & Wolf tor $57.93 ac
cepted and ordered paid.
Mr. William Uidlay of Scott township
offered to furnish a ten.horso power por
table engine, with engineer, to run stone
crusher at $4.50 per day. Proposition ac
Mr. 0, YV. Miller offered tbo following
proposition: "Bloomsburg Land Improve
ment Company offer to sell to tho town ot
Bloomsburg what Is known as Oak Grove ,
sltuato on the South sido of Fifth street in
tho town of Bloomsburg, Pa., containing
eight acres, moro or less, for park pur
poses, together with tho improvements put
upon the samo by the Oak Grovo Park as
sociation for tho sum of $6250, and accept
as partpaymcnt for tho samo tho present
Park for the sum of $4000, It the town de
sires to dispose of tbo samo. Tho improve
ments of the Oak Grove Park association
to embrace all Improvements whether real
or personal. Tbo Land Improvement
Company to accept tho titlo tho town has
to tho present Park, taking all risk as to
Upon motion a committee of thrco was
appointed to see Rev. D. J. Waller Sr., to
ascertain the bost prlco that can be obtain
ed for tho town Park.
Upon motion tho propositions ot tho
Land Improvement Company for widening
of Fifth street was accepted and the solici
tor directed to prcparo an ordinance under
tho direction ot tho engineer for the pur
poso of widening Fifth street thirty feet on
the south sido from East street to the lino
of tho Bloomsburg Land Improvement
Company and to iucludo in the ordinance
tho said proposition ot tho Bloomsburg
Land Improvement Compauy and also tho
proposition of 0. W. Miller for his house
and lot adjoining th Land Improvement
Company lands ho would releaso all da
mages on condition that tho town build a
cellar and movo tho houso on tho same,
leaving It In Its present stato ot repair.
KulKtitM oftlic Golden Ragle.
Tho following are tho Ofllccrs of Theta
Castle, No. 270 of Bloomsburg Ta. for tho
ensuing six months' term:
Past Chief, W. II. Brooke; Noble Chief,
U. W. Hagcnbuchi Vice Chief, W. J.
Bhutt; High Priest, Daniel Laycock;
Venerable Uormlt, J. B. Blue; Master of
Records, Guy Jacoby; Clerk of Exchequer;
Lee Harman; Keeper ot Exchequer, I.
D. YVhlte; Blr Uorald, J. L. King; YVorthy
Hard, W. D. Cosgrove; YVorthy Cuamber
lain, Jeromo Woodring; Ensign, Elmer
Kester; Esquire, John D. Jones; First
Guardsman, John Chambcrlln, Bccond
Guardsman, J. W. Mover; Trustees, J. 8.
Blue, YV. II. Brooke, and W. 0. Fortune;
lieprcscntatlvo to tno urand uastle, J. ioa
ilarman. Tbo membership Is 112; Amonnt
paid for relict, $05; Adm'saious during tbo
past six months, 1, Amount ot fuuds on
hand invested $1390.00.
Have a full lino ot Binder Twine at
prices to suit the purchaser. Puro Manilla
Standard Hemp and Jute, all good for tho
kind. Ordors by mail filled by first freight
or stage.
A fow tlay IUkcs left, nil good rakes
and sold low to close out for tho seasop.
Superior Drills always on band and
guaranteed to give satisfaction or no sale,
Try one and you will be pleased.
lor Fall needing you should get a Wlard
Plow, No. 17 or 18, and you will save your
team, do bettor work than you can do
with tho average plow offered to tho trade.
Do you want a good wagon? Call and
sco tho Champion, tho Lansing and the
Millhurn, all nicely mado aud.palnted and
guaranteed to wear and run easy,
A carload ot choice recleanod Oats just
In and will be sold out at very low prlco.
Old wheat 0 03 and now wheat 85
taken In exchango for all goo J a samo as
ArreHtvd t
Charles A. Daley was arrested last even
ing for stealing from the drug store of
Bhlcfman, a bottla ot Sulphur Bitters. Bo.
foro tho court this morning, upon being
asked why ho should steal, ho slated that
his mother was troubled with Rheumatism,
and that it was tho only medlcino that
helped her, and bolnj out of money and
work was tho causo ot bis stealing, As
this was his first offenco ho was put on
probation. Ntwark tkwt. 7.18-21.
Itnnt Ilcntoii,
Tho Gubernatorial campaign opened In
oarnost at Cambra last Saturday night. A
largo hickory polo said to bo 00 feet tall
was raised. Delegations from all quarters
poured Into town until tbo streets wero
thronged. A goodly number of democra
tic ladles jraccd tho meeting with tholr
presence. Though 'woman suffrage' is do.
nled them, their influenco, however, Is
equal to suffrage. Tho occasion was on
livened with music furnished by tbo Ben
ton band and tho Pino Creek drum coma.
Tho meotlng was organized by electing tho
loiiowing oiucers: President, Alfred Mc
llonry of Cambra; Vice Presidents, M. 0.
Brlttaln, Hon. James Mollonry, Cambra,
Ira McUcnry, 8. M. Gibbons, J. C. Wen.
ncr, Bonton; Bccretary, Goorgo Gary, Cam
bra. Addresses wero mado by John Me.
Groaty and Thomas Martin Esns.. of
Wllkes-Barre. A Dutch son was sun hv
Thomas McGtaw of Beach Haven, candi
date for Commissioner of Luzcrno Co. Tho
Issuos of this campaign as set forth aro two
loid, tuat ot tariff reform aud whether tlin
liosscsand politicians shall own, dlctato
and rule this country, or whether tho
pooplo In their sovereign capacity shall
rulo It, whether partisanism, represented
by Quavlsm, or patriotism represented by
I'atttson, for tho pcoplo shall govorn our
stato socms to bo tho leading feature of
this campaign. Wo aro unable to mako
any predictions, but from several republi
can strongholds como encouraging reports.
Alter tno speeches a democratic club was
organized by tho selection of Alfred Mc .
Henry as President, Bruco Cary, Secretary
and O. C. Barret, Treasurer.
Tho harvest ls'about all cut and a lareo
quantity of an excellent quality of bay
made. Tho wheat Is said to be not vnrv
well filled.
If tho dry weather should contlnuo for
somo timo to como tho presont goo I pros
pects for corn would bo greatly Impaired .
At present thcro is somo Indication for
Tho campaign, general and local, Bcems
to bo a strugglo between the bo2scs and
tho people. Tho masses and working
classes aro oppressed and they begin to
realize that there la 'something rotten In
Wo believe that tho timo has como whon
men who asplro for political honors and
positions that they also advocate and as-
piro for a reduction ot salaries and emolu
ments for which tho pjoplo aro overburd
ened with taxes and depreciated values in
agricultural productions for their support.
the politicians and ofllco holders who aro
but the creatures of tho people should
sbaro with their losses in tho depreciation
ot their crop values and a'so of tho wago
earners of tho land, tho law to tho contrary
Tho immenso tunnol at Big Mine Hun
built by tho Locust Mountain Coal and
Iron Co., was successfully holed and by so
doing ono of the grandest pieces of en
gineering and rock work is almost com
pleted. Bo accurate was tbo work ot en
gineering dono tliat by exact mcasurcmont
the line from tho south end differed only
seven-eights of an Inch from tho line car
ried In from tho north end, and not tho
two inches difference as has been crrone.
ousiy stated in an issue of tho Jlmers'
Journal. Mr. S. M. Klley tho eneinccr In
chargo and his assistant J. B. Garner are
to be congratulated on this line piece of
After a holo had been blown through a
sumptuous repast was tendered to tho
workmen by tho contractor, A. 0. Doug
lass, after which A. J. Miller photographed
them in a group, amid tho waving of ban
ners and tho flying of Hags. A salute of
fourteen sticks of dynamito was fired, in
dicating tho number of months taken to
drlvo one of the largest tunnels in tho
Btate. It will require about threo weeks
to finish this tunnel when another tunnel
will bo driven to connect with tho North
Ashland Colliery and from thence to tho
Continental Colliery for tho purpose of
draining thoso collieries in addition to the
Hazel Dell, Centralia and Logan colleries
operated by Lewis A. Riley & Co. Mr. U.
Kellcy has now driven the tunnol across
the Centralia vein tho dlstanco adjudged
safe for them to go and tho water in the
Mammoth vein of tho old Centralia Colliery
will bo tapped by several 13-Inch drill
holes which will bo drilled In tho course ot
a fow weeks. Advocate.
A Cure for CoiiHtlatloa and Wlclt
Dr. Silas Lano, wb'lo In tho Rocky Moun
tains, discovered a root when combined
with other herbs, makes an easy and cer
tain cure for constipation. It is in the
form of dry roots and leaves, and is known
as Lane's Family Medlcino. It will euro
sick headacho in ono night. For tho blood
liver and kidneys, aud for dealing up the
complexion it docs wonders. Druggists
sell it at 50 cents a package.
By tho smiling countenance of Elmer
Strauss ono would think ho bad lots of
help in tho harvost; but tbo cause, no
doubt, is tbo bouncing boy whom ho ex.
pects to help him alter awhile.
Mr. Georgo Sellers and Miss Lily Kile
called at Bqulro Vorks' on Saturday, and
wu aro iniormea mat Miss Kilo is now
knowu as Mrs. Qoorgo Sellers.
Huckleberries will soon bo in season on
tho north mountain; but which aro the
plcntler, huckleberries or rattlesnake;, wo
have not yet been ablo to learn. It makes
a very pleasant recreation for usmojntaln
eers to go out berrying and havo a general
good tlmei and when tho berries aro full
thero Is somo profit in it too for those who
aro willing to pick and carry them down
tho side ot tbo mountain.
Candidates aro about as plenty aB empty
pockctbooks. Would It not bo better for
the county to pay its officers only Just on-
ougii to Keep them, and each tax.payer
keep the extra tax and sport around on It
himself? Mark thinks It would, althouch
be Is no politician, yet ho pays his tax just
the samo and likes to havo his say as well
as any ono.
Miles Everhart and Frank Fritz aro kept
very busy with their cord binders. Thcro
aro only a fow such machines up here.
1 ho farmers think it is cheaper to hire
their grain cut than to buy a machine.
Miss Bobbins of Mlllvlllo is visiting at
iurs. ueorgo llcss'. Boveral of our young
people also spent a very pleasant afternoon
at Mr. Hess' last Sunday.
iiruuucuueHH i.uiuor IlaOlt in
uu nuimuicru IN UUI UIIC
cure nr. Iluluea' uoideu Hnectflc
It can bo given in a cup of tea or collco
without tho knowledge of tho person taid ng
It, cllectlng a spcody and permanent cure
whether the patient is a moderate dilnkcr
or an alcoholio wreck. Thousands of
drunkards havo been cured who havo taken
the Golden Specltlo In their coffro without
their knowledge, and to-day believe thoy
quit drinking of their own freo will. No
harmful effect results from Its administra
tlon Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular
and lull particulars. Addrcsb In confidence
Golden Breoino Co., 185 Haco Btrcct.
Cinclnnatl.O. 10-SSly
nciuocrntn, Attention!
Thanking you for tho kindly sentiment
and encouragement I rccelvo from all parts
of the county, cither by visit or report, I
dcslro to say to you all, I will visit ovcry
election district, and canvass it as much as
posslblo, to which tbero Is no candidate for
Legislature, boforo August Oth, If my
health permits. I'loaso romombcr, that,
though I have beforo bon beaten for nomi
nation, I novcr tulUd, kitted or ran as an
i'uleperultni vrndidate, but havo always sup
ported tho tickot ns made; that In politics
I have novcr bscn anything but a Demo
crat. I think my long faithful scrvico to tho
party, as woll as hoarty support of candi
dates, privately and on tho'stump, without
asking what was tholr nofio.iaifv, eref. or
prinal and perianal opinion!, only that they
wcro iuo regular nomlnoos of tho Democra
tic party, cntltlos mo at this timo to your
support. If nominated and elected, I
pledge you a faithful service as Roproscn.
latlve, supporting tho ptatform and mcas
urcs of tho party, and in all things oboylng
tho will of my constituency, regardless of
my own prlvato opinions; that upon qucs.
Hons of jwrfy Interest, tho party caucus
would bo my rulo of action i that unoo
questions of public concern, I tho ocoplcs'
win would bo my law.
I desiro to pledge you my word that I
havo no personal objects unon which lctr.
Islatlon Is asked, and that 1 will faithfully
labor for, and in tho Interest of tho people .
E. M. Tewksduhv.
Catawlssa Pa., July 7. '90. tf
SlrH. Wutclicr'H Hlrnuice Case.
Easton, July 14. Sirs. Ellon Wutchbr.
of Whitehall, Lehigh county, who has not
partaken ot food in any form for over
100 days, was unconscious from Sat
urday morning until Bunday morn
lug when sho muttered half a dozen
words to her husband and remained un
conscious tho entire day. Tho convul
sions in which she has lain almost con
stantly for aver three months contlnuo In a
milder form, and tho sttength of ber hus
band Is no longer required to provent her
from falling out of bed or from dolnz her-
self injury with her left hand, tho right
uand being paralyzed. Bjyeral attempts
were mado last evening to arouse her, oyen
during spell in which sho was on other
days rational, but all efforts failed. Her
strength Is falling, and thcro is every indi
cation that her end is near.
At different times yesterday and last
evening her complexion and general ap
pearance was that of a person at tho nolnt
of death. It is now eieht voaw anil tlirnn
months since Mrs. YVutchar was first taken
sick. Sluco then sho has at no timo eaten
as much In a wcok as sho ato before In a
day. Uer last attempt to quench her thirst
was ten weeks ago last Friday, when she
mado an effort to drink a cun ot coffee.
Tho liquid spurted from her noso and
mouth, and sho has slnco declined all
nourishment In any form. Although sho
has been in bed eightcou months, thero is
a total absenco of bed-sores.
Boliool Business.
Thoro was a special meeting of tho
school board last Friday evoulng with all
thu directors present. Bills wero present
ed and orders drawn for tbo following.
William Krickbaum, advertising. $10.00:
J. 0. Brown advertising, $10,00; EIwcll &
lllttenbender, advertising, $1.00, YV. J.
Corull, $5.23, Baker & Bondor $1.83, Audi,
tors each $3.00. Upon motion it was de
cided that tho school buildings bo cleaned,
same as last year at an oxponso of $12.00
each. Committeo on supplies were direct
ed to get prices for 150 tons of coal. It was
ordered that tho directors in a body make
an inspection of tho school buildings Mon
day afternoon.
All tho directors met Monday afternoon
except O. T. YVIlson, and procedced to in.
sped the buildings. A careful examlna.
lion showed tho buildings to bo In good
condition. Tho black-boards need some
repairs, and a fow window-glass are
broken, while some of tho water ways at
tho conductors need adjustment, and new
timbers aro required at ono cellar door.
iuo stono pavement at tho Fifth strcot
building is too low and will bo raised about
six inches. The directors expressed satis-
faction at tho condition ot tho school
Hold It to tlic I.lulit.
Tho man who tolls you confidently just
what will euro your cold is prescribing
Kemp's Balsam this year. In tho prepara
tion of this remarkable medicine for couehs
and colds no expense is spar 'd to combin0
only tho best and purest ingredients. Uold
a bottlo of Kemp's Balsam to the light and
look through it; notico tho bright, dear
look; then compare with other remedies
Prico 50c and $1.
To tho Democratic voters of Col. Co.:
Owing to an attack of sickness I am un.
auio to canvass tno uounty at present as a
cauuiuatu ior Associate judge, lint as
soon as my health will permit will endeav
or to canvass much as timo will permit un
til tho delegate election.
7-11-41. John F. Dbkb.
Jackson, July 8, 90.
Pensions ! Veterans ! I
Tho Disability Ponslon Bill.
Act of Juno 27, 1890, grants pensions to
all ex-soldiers and sailors who served 90
days or moro in mo Army or Navy during
thu rebellion, aud wero honorably discharg
ed, and who aro now suffering from any
permanent, montal or physical disability
contracted slnco the war or during tho war
whether from disease, injuries or effects of
old age, at the rate of from $0 to $13 per
moniu, accoiuing to tuc degree or tits cits
abd'ty for tho performance of labor requir
log tbo exertion of physical strength ;
provided tho disability Is not due to vici
ous uauits. mis ponsiou is not restricted
to me veterans wno nave to mako their
living by uard labor, but Is equally duo to
professional men or clerks, provided they
have an existing disability which would
prevent tho continuous oxorciso of tho
physical strength ot an able-bodied man.
Thoso who havo applied under tho gen-
oral mws uuu wuu aro unauio to ptovo up
tho pending claim can apply for and Be-
euro this pension and then continue tho
p-osecution oi tno former claim aud secure
their arrears.
If vou aro now drawing a small pension.
say $3 or $4 per month, you can tako this
pension instead, and it you have an apnll
cation on Ale for increase or additional
pension ior now disabilities you can con
tlnuu the prosecution of such claims whllo
drawing tne now pension, or you can Die
an original ciaim ior a (usability contract
ed in tbo scrvico whllo drawing pension
uuuur tuis uuw aut.
Widows, children, and dependent moth.
era anu latucra aro entitled under this act
and can suspend the prosccut'on ot any
pending claim, and tako this pension, and
auerwarus complete tne prior claim and
got arrears.
Uaving bocn duly anoo nto'l an Aami
according to tho rules and regulations ot
iuu Ji:ailuivub ui iuu llliuuur in IUO pros.
ccutlon ot such claims and having bad sue
cess in a rumucr oi cases i am always pn
pared to give Information and assist claim'
ants, and will assuro tbem success It they
uiu auiv w vavuuuau iuu inula US required
ujr inn .
iiioso interested should call soon and
ciaim ineir rowaru,
nroiuiH V. HTKUNKU.
N.rlU JlarliMMc.
There are
many Yvhlte soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
'Tis sold everywhere.
Clotltlnir CIiiIih.
Tho 'clothing club c-aze'. Is now tho eo.
Tho plan Is this: Bevcnty.Qvo men form a
club and pay to tho tailor a dollar per
week each, and each week ono namo Is
drawn by chanco from tho pool, and the
ucky man wl-oso namo Is drawn gets his
suit for tho amount ho has then paid in.
Tho others contlnuo paying and drawing
for thlrty-flvo weeks, at tho end of which
timo tho remaining forty-ono are given
their suits. Thus ono man gets his suit for
tbo next for two dollars, and so on to
thlrty.four; tho othors pay $35 apltco, or
an average of $25.81 for tbo seventy suits,
prico very satisfactory to tho tailor,
whllo thcro Is enough element of chance
about it to mako tho scheme popular.
Bradford Argui.
TlieCnrnet Mill.
Notwithstanding tho many delays to
which tho Uloom9burg Carpet Mill has
been subjected, tho machinery has not
been idle, either In tho weaving or spin
ning departments.
In tho past thrco woeks largo shipments
hayo been mado to cities in Nobraska,
Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Arkansas
Virginia, Now York and our own state.
Besides thoso somo six thousand pounds of
carpet warp havo been shipped by tho
spinners. In a fow days every loom In
the mill will be running to All tho rapldl y
increasing orders that are coming in.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Whea Bby u sick, we are her CutorU.
When the u & Child, the cried for Cutoria,
When the became Htm, the clung to Qwtoria,
When she had CXmdren, the gare them CbutorU.
Two Old lla-iikcra.
Wcdnosday afternoon Casper Kressler of
Bloomsburg, 74 yoars of age, and Samu el
Kressler of E9py, 80 years of age, wero in
tho hay Held with Calvin Kressler, a ne
phew, and helped load hay. Casper and
Calvin pitched up tho hay whllo Samuel
did tho loadlne. Can any other veterana
beat this.
niootitHburK at HmIII van June lvuru-
Tho statement of earnings and expenses
of tho Bloomsburg & Bulilvan Hallroad
Company for tho month ot June, 1890, is as
iouows: uross earnings, U114; expenses
9iS0S; net earnings, $3310; proportion of
uxed Charges, $3500; surplus, $1010.
Tlie Qiiccu'h lrixe Competition.
Ten familiar Quotations from ataml unl
authors appear oach month under this
heading in tho Canadian Onun-j. anil thn
publishers of this popular magazine offer
$59.00 in cash prizes each month to those
naming tno largest number of tho authors
from whoii the quotations aro taken. This
Is a most practical way of encouraging tho
study ot standard authors and will Interest
every intelligent reader. A sample copy
of the Queen with full particulars and list
of quotations will bo mailed to any ad
dress for five 2c stamps. Tho subscription
prlco is only $1.00 per year. Address,
The Canadian Queen, Toronto, Canada.
ro Nervous Delililtalcd Sleu.
It VOU Will send U9 vonr nrMmfli wa will mnll
you our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about
Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltalo Belt and Ap
pUaccca, and their cbarmlnsenocbi upon the ner
vous debiutated system, and how they wilt quick.
ij rajwjro yuu.Lo,virar,anamannooa,pampnietrree.
It you are thus anllcted, we nulBOna you a llelt
and Appuancea on trial.
i-jr-jy. voltaic uslt uo.. Marshall, Mich.
1'niLADKLPniA, Monday, July it, 1890-
Closed at i P. M. Saturday.
Men's shirts to measure.
Right every time. No more
disappointments since Mr. Fenn
came. There's no ouess work
in his measurinor. no trusting to
luck. Every seam exact and
the work ready promptly
we say.
Muslin Underwear hints ;
MuaUn, Mother lluboard yoke of M lino plaits,
nectc, yoke and Bleeves trl-nmed with neat
Hamburg edire, 75c.
Flue Cambria Mother Hubbard yoke trl-nmed
with in rows noo llamburz Arii'd nii inort
Idb. with banding between, neeK and sleeves
uiuiiutxi mm uuo uamDurg oage, fi.j, the
Si.75 kind.
uood Muslin, wide hem and 18 spaced plain.
yoke band, soo
Flee heavy Muslin, extra wldo, wtfi wlds hem
and l spaoed plaits, yoke band, too.
Floe oambrlc, yoke of wide embroidery,
rr:k, yoke and sleeves trlmmol Uam-
berg odee, 60c
Fll 6 C'ambliO. VOkeorwtdATnn.hnn1n(v t.nnlf
yoke and sleeves trimmed wlti Torchon laca
U'lU ueuuiag, dug.
Corset covers
Fine uamuric, high square nock, 8 rows nne
Insertion and 41 Una plaits on yoke,
neck tiluuaed with llamburgledgo aud bead-
Fine Cambrlo. low Btmare neck, wllh yoke of
trlmrrod wth Hamburg edge and beadtng.sso.
Four items from
they come:
Linens as
Extra largo, heavy Damask Towels, knotted
Goad oualliy. heavy
ir mre, run ranje or pretty bordere,ssoeaeh.
At 400 a yard, Heavy Cream Table Linen, puro
uck Towols. loo each.
will pay Wo for
IB inch extra heavy Oermau Napkins, free
rrora starch or dressing, wu a aoma. After a
iw wasuings you'd tako them fo; fl.85
Axminsters, Moquettes,
Wiltons, Velvets, Brussels and
Tapestries are alike in the thick
of the Carpet price-cuttintr. A
midsummer clear-up sale will be
Bmjrna Carrots. Sii2fwt. M v rmm tit.
Hmyrna Carptts, T.Sxias feet, ttf.50 from I3ito
Kfnvm& nirnptji fiiru tr at 111 uifmin
Sets you thinking of Water
coolers anu Kelngerators and
Ice Cream Freezers, doesn't it?
They're here, all of them the
best we know of.
The Puritan Refrigerators
and the Gem Ice Cream Free
zers do their work with less ice
than any other kind.
John Wanamakkk.
Oil- ,
ll Philadelphia recently bo callod on
E. O. THOMPdON, tho well known
Clothier and Importer, No. 1333 Chestnut
St., (opposito tho Mint), and bought nn
elegant Black Fancy Chovlot Buit for $13.
50. Buch a suit would havo cost him
Twenty Dollars at home. Had ho not
been In tho city ho could havo sent his
nam: and address on a postal card or In a
letter and received by return mall samples
of various cloths, also simplo guide for
taking his own measures, free ot chargo.
Any ono can order from Mr. Thompson by
mail with tho samo satisfaction as by call
ing in person.
I. W. Hartman & Boas.
Special Sale of all kinds of
Spring and Summer dry goods.
bpeciaifoalo ot Parasols and
Fancy Handled Umbrellas.
Special Sale iu remuants for
July and Augusi.
Special Sale iu rcinnauts of
Silk and Trimruiiif'8.
Special Sale of White Goods
and Embroideries.
Special Sale of Dishes, Glass
ware, and Lamp:).
Fresh Butter and Etrjrs are
good sale with us.
I. W. Hartman & Sons.
Offer this week Dress Ging -tarns,
cliallicis, printed flannels ,
outing flannels, parasols, boys
waists, men's outing shirts at
greatly reduced prices. See
our window of GINGHA.MS at
cut prices, our window of Du
mond cloths, 12jc goods now
8Jc yd. Thoso fine Egyptian
cottons now 15c yd, beiges 5c yd,
50c mohairs 30c. The best
$1.29 and $1.49 Gloria silk um
brellas sold. Try our corsets.
Ladies' Jersey underwear at cut
prices. Whita dress goods and"
embroideries cheap. Perfum
ery &c. Try our fast black
Clark & Son.
Estate oflltnrv Croop, deceased.
Tho UndcrRlfftlM. an fttlrtllnr nnnnlntj,l hr th,
Orphans' court otColumola county on excptlon,
and to make dlstmutloi ot the funds In said estat o
wm sic at nis orece in uioomsourg col co. ra. on
Monday July 21. at 10 a. m.. when and where all
pseran havluscialms against Bold estate must ap
pear ana prove the same, or be debarrjd from coin
ing in on said fund.
Notico is hereby given that Haehael Brenner
and l'hlillp llrenner, her husband, ot ureenwood,
County of Columbia, l'a., and llebecca Urenner
and Myer llrenner. her husband, of Uenton twn
uuu outiu uiuiuoaiu, iuie tmiu uueuaei urenner
una Hebecca llrenner trading In tho nrm namo ot
V llrenner Jt Co.) by lleed of Voluntary Assign
men this day havo assigned to Joseph Louthuelm
ot the city of l'hlladelphla. In trust, for the ben'
lit of the creditors of the said It llrenner Co., all
the estate real, personal and mixed ot the said It.
llrenner 4; Co. aoovo named as well aa tho indivi
dual estate of tho said Fhllllp llrenner and Myer
llrenner. All persons Indented to the said H.
llrenner Co.. will make Immediate payment to
the said assignee and thoso having claims or de
mands will present tho same without delay.
ObantIUhrinu, Assignee for k. UrennerfiCo.,
Alty tor Assignee. 314 Market St., l'hlla.
July sth, 1S9Q,
Dr. Grosvenor's
? qultk ttUtf
JntBt pain.
Rheumatism, nrartlrt. rlmirifrj Rod ambol
umWiPUPM. W4TWWI.H4J I Or Ml VJ All imiKf IBU.
ruvr DOLLAJts for
1109 1'hcttmt SU, rblliii.
I'uMlttuDH fMrflraduntri
Time required 3 u4 tiios.
II ZiA T X.rUIJl'ixa. I1MI
Count ot Study. Circulars
'ru V Vvu nan uu pajOT.
IP not remedied in season, Is llablo to
become habitual and chronic. Dras
tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels,
confirm, rather than cure, the evil,
Aycr's I'llls, being mild, ctTectlvo, and
strengthening in their action, aro gener
ally recommended by the faculty aa tho
best ot aperients,
"Having been subject, for years, to
tonstipatlon, without being ablo to find
much relief, I nt last tried Ayer's l'ills.
1 deem it both a duty nnd a pleasure
to testily that I havo derived great ben
etlt from their use. For over two years
past I have taken ouo of theso pills
every ulght before retiring. I would not
willingly bo without them," (J. W.
Uowuiiiu, S3 East Main St., Carlisle, l'a.
" I havo been taking Ayer's Pills and
using them iu my family siuce 16.17, and
cheerfully recommend tliem to all In
need of a safe but f (lecttinl cathartic."
John M, Hoggs, LouUvlllo, Ky.
"For eight years I was afflicted with
ronstlpation, which nt last became so
bad that the doctors could do no morn
for mo. Then I began to take Aycr'a
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poses forwhlch they are econuuended."
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$1.00 A YEAH.