THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJBG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, FEEDING rOR HUTTER. On.i by ono tho ncientllio authorities aro helping to put a qutottiH on tho mis leading and injurious stato that Uio proportion of butler in milk can not bo increased by feeding. It is strnngo that Ruoh a heresy Bhould havo obtain ed curronoy among thoio to wliom dairymen look for instruction. Tlio writer, led by long oxporlonce to differ from tho provolcnt belief, has singly fought tho error nnd has sustained the opposition to it nlono for somo yeais past. And now tho professors are coming to tho rescue, ono by ono, and already a powerful inihtonco for tho good of dairymen Is exerted to cn courago them to feed skillfully fur in creasing tho fat solids in the milk. First, tho Wisconsin Experiment Sta tion, in a bulletin, declared that by gnlta'jlo feeding tho proportion of but ter fats in milk may bo tncroasodj then Profossor Phelps of tho Connecticut Station, and now Professor Caldwell, of tho Now York Station, follow in making tho samo statcmont. Eight or ten years ago 1 gave a detailed ac count of tho effects of various foods in this direction, observed through a wholo year's oxpcr'raontal focding, which has been reprinted in tho Ame rica) Dairyman's Manual, aud which hows how various foods, rich in oil, tend to inorcaso tho proportionate quantity of tho butter in milk, and how thoy also offect the quality. This lost effeot ha? boou recently noted by tho chemist of tho agricultural depart ment nt Washington, and reported in a bulletin, and this is exceedingly noteworthy as showing tho importance of choosing thoso foods whoso fat will not deteriorate the quality of tho but ter. This point may bo worthy of some explanation. For somo years past tho nbvsiolans havo known that fats in food or in medicinal preparations, when taken into tho stomach, aro not digested, bat aro mixed with tho di gested fluids in tho form of an emul sion, precisely in & miliar manner to the mixture of tho fat globules In cream, and that this omulsion is ab sorbed without chango by the villi of tho intestines, wliioh aro very fiuo tnbos, set so olosely together as to leayo tho appearance of tho pile of vel vet, and whose offlco is to absorb tho nutriment and pass it inio tho thorocio duct, the largo vessel whioh is found passing along tho spinal column and close to it, and which convoys tho nu triment directly into the blood, so that tho minute globules of fat in tho food thus pass directly into tbo blood, by which they aro distributed to tho var ious parts of tho b)dy, and of courso to tbo minute glands of which the milk is formed. And when this glan dular substance is broken down to form the milk, theso same particles of fat are let loose and escape into the. milk and form the batter. Thus, tracing tho fat in tho food In whioh it exists in tho form of minuto drops or clobules in tho colls whioh mako np the tissue of plants or grains, uto we can follow it directly into tbo milk, without chance: and thus are ablo tc account for tho effects on tho milk of the various kinds of foods given. Tho knowledgo is of fundamental importance to the buttermakor, and the whole subject is worthy of the most careful study. It relates, too, to tho varying ability of tho oows to extraot J 3 j " l the fata from the food, for oows vary very much in this respect, and some can healthfully dispose of twioe or I . r i . . i l tnreo times as muon iat as oiners, ana some, as in the case of the Jersey oow Prinoess the Second, may be able to actually convert seven pounds of fats in tho foods into butter in ono day. This is a physiological function and ability, and is thus to bo inherited and conveyed by breeding, while it is ex cited and oncouragod educated, as It. may be said, or led out, as tho word signifies by feeding and training. Thus, it may not be right to think or speak of such cows as phonomenal any more than we should call tho extraor dinary young horses Axtell or Snnol phenomenal. They are not bo at all. They are instances of tho result of human powor skillfully exerted over the domestio animals, and everyone of the numerous oxamplos of tlrs success ful exercise of man's dominion over creation should be an inoentive to ex ertions in the same way by ovory in telligent dairyman in the improve- ment of his herd, and in his pursuit oflj. r. S1VL1 1 H. oCOUIlid- Within two hours there was a success and profit in his business American Agriculturist. An Organ's Book Down. Somo timo ago, during the contest for republican nomination for gover nor, tho Philadelphia Press surprised iti reodeis by declaring that tho charge of Lew Emrey that Senator Delamatcr bought bis seat in tho sou ate, was too serious a ono to pass un notiood and it called on tho now candi date for governor to let the people know just how much truth Emery's statement contained. If our memory serves us correctly, the Press said at the time that nntil Delamater explain ed matters he would remain under a cloud, or words to that effect, and its comments created no llttlo amount of talk in political circles. Yesterday, howover, speaking of tho republican candidate for governor, tho Press saw: "Mr. Delamater mado a bold, aggressive, winning canvass in which bo has oompolled the admira tion oven of his enemies. Ho will mako a thoroughly livo governor and give the stato an administration which the peoplo can conternplato with satis faction and pleasure, lie has tho capa city of attaching to himself men of high oharaotor and strong personality, and their active backing throughout his oanvaos made him a strong candi date independent of other aid." Wo desire to remind our Philadelphia con temporary that Delamater hasn't yet answered Emory's charges. What does it mean bp beslobering with praise a man according to its own statement is under a cloud? Patriot Not an Imaginary Line- It is not generally known that thero positively exists a marked boundary lino between Canada and tho United States. Most peoplo supposo tho lino to bo "imaginary. ' liut tho lact is that tho boundary is distinctly markod from Lake Michigan to tho Paoifio by cairns, pillars of iron, earth mounds and timbor clearings. Thora aro nearly foar hundred of theso marks between tbo Lako of tho Woo da and tbo foot of tho Rooky Mountains. The Ilritlsh have placed one post every two miles and the United States havo alternated between eaoh of tho British posts. The nosta aro mado of cast-Iron, and on their faces aro tbo words; "Convention of London, Ootober 20, 1818.'" Whoro tho lino crosses through lakos, small mountains of stones have been built, rising eight or ten feet ubovo tho level of high-water mark. In the forests, tho lino is defined by felling troee, making a clearing for a epaco of a rod wide coprrifM, isa "I,ITTI,E BO FEEP hid lnit her thorp and couldn't toll whore to nnd them." so tho om nurry rnyi o tbo old nursery rhyme nrt, and It noes on to bid her " ixiave them alone and they'll come homo and bring their fjilli behind them.1 All this may be true ot loat sheep, but It you hare lout your neaiirt IB. It you cannot afford to leave that alone. It will not come back ot Its own accord. Somo peoplo brag that they never twiner about colda. Thoy "let thorn bo tho way they came." Alas I too otton tho victims iro to consumptive' grave. Until very recently a cure for Consumption, which la universally acknowledged to bo scrofula affecting tho lungs, would havo been looked upon at mi raculous, but now people aro beginning to reallzo that the dlseaso Is not Incurable. Dr. l'lcrco's Oolden Medical Discovery will cure It It taken In tlmo and given a fair trial. This world-renowned remedy will not make now lungs, but It will xcstoro diseased ones to a healthy stato when other means havo failed. Thousands gratefully testify to this. It Is tho most potent tonic, or strength restorer, altera tive, or blood-cleanser, and nutritive, or tleah builder known to medical science. For Lin gering Coughs, Weak Lungs, Spitting of Wood, " Liver Complaint " and Dyspepsia or Indiges tion, It la an unequalcd remedy. on. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY cures tho worst oasoa, no matter ot ; now kw itanaing. tu cents, oy urugguu. WHAT ICOTT'S CONSUMPTION tOROFULA BRONOHlflt COUGHS COLDS Wtitlag SUmmi CURES Wonderful Nah Produowr. Many hav gained one pouad per day by iU use. BootVa Emulsion ia sot itcrai 'remedy. It oo&tains the stimulat ing pr partial of the Hypophoa- edtea And pure Norwegian God ,Tr Oil, U poUnoy of bott ball largely Increased. It is used by Fhysialanj all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all DruggUta. 0TT A BOWNI, Ohamlate, K.Y. CLOTHING CLOTHING O. W. BERTSOH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. SenU' Fttrnishing Boods.Bsbts & Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. :o:- suits maao to oraur ai Huori, uoiiuu i , . , , ana ant always Eoarauujou ur uu mio. , , , i i ai . ana oxamino tno mrgesi, ana von selected stook of goods ever shown in L-oiumnia county. I la. . .1 . I n -1 n..-V I Btore next door to First National Bank I MAIN STREET, ISloomsburg Pa. FLY NETS CHEAP AND STRONG. JU Milter styles 6-A Nets, prices to suit all' Vii tviimttHoNH, Philadelphia. muiu by ull doulors. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DIALERS IN PIANOS. 11 thotoUowlnswcllUnownuiMierii Chickcring, Knnuc, Weber, Hallet & Davis. cheaper makes at manufacturers -n- : i, I piiuca. xjj nub uuy u juuuu uc- tore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. SI8A.P-U. HAVE A CAB? Wlien ton ftr iddrt cd u ibove. vour first im polM U to look tt tbe drlrcr. It A da 1 itonoy tvnaint anier it wim nun, yon wu una mil nm weirs a M Fuh Brtod Slicker" tod b iU tdl yot tkat m ti comiorubl on th box t hit paMtft r u tat ctbt Pd uut I or Mi builatu hli cocl i Unluibl. Whin oa U odc jotldi a " FUk trud Slicker." thue'e HO sut,h thicg m wrttUff you. . It docio't mi itber It rnoi, i oi. bull, von art abtolaily and it onn . No dtnx'i ipttj oi f ouf not liklBs U afur t of mmy to buy toy otto rktf ao worthleu titer a ft if. Dwar oi worthWu in Ul trai. ji us vast waterproof colt. T icU ol I hull lutloa. CTry pnneat jurnp4 with tk "Fufc Jru4,Trdo Mark. Don't ecint nf t(rtof l ali.n wrt ran hftva Oi Flih fir fid Slltltl" 2Urifed without xtr cost. Putlculus b4 lllutritid tuulojii fr, A. Jf TOWER, - Boston, M0S K IPP & PODMORE. AnOUITEOTS, OsTEKnotrr Doildimo, Wlktsbarrc, Pa. Tlmncli Offlee. Uloomsburr. Pi., wltli Jtio. iL Ourk, Att'y. Si Counseller. 4 Jvvfy. nT von ft Rabbnr? Uxf tstt Whf. tiril TTimb bm f Vim tiA nnAat 4imm4 with WolffsAGMEBIacking I tDABM them look lika wt sod mt fhon sIm WIUlll. DDIO IDr pound IJmiahlt Ult naeaPine Tab a to Wali.ut. 4 Poplar Kitchen frets to Antique Oak. n tune nocner lomanoganjr. So bt ean be doi with 25 O. worth of WOLFF h RANDOLPH. PhlUdalnhlia. JVk In ilrtf, ftotnl tuil HovH r.radMiO Uotm, Lleut.-Gov. Jones, of New York State, contributes to a rioftit issuo of tho Journalist an eminently eensiblo article entitled "Wtiat I Know About Advertising." Mr. Jones is kiown as a shrewd advertiser of loity years standing, and what he li.n to nay on the sulijcect is well worth Imcnlug to, "No enterprise or business, be it ineri. ton one or otherwise, be Ba)s, "is lio ly to succeed in tills aso without ml viTtisiiiL'." If you aderliie iu a new paper ill 9 consideration of medium is of great impoitance. Of oourso 'circu lation should control largely a dicis ion; and on this question of circulation (he advertiser has rigbtB that many pul liBliers attempt to ignoro and wil- fuliy deceive, which is rimply nn ut tempt to perpetrate a fraud. Hut ad vertlsera havo become very indenend mt, and insist on knowing what they aro to receive lor their money, lint it used to bo tho manner of nowspaper men to fall back on their dignity when asked concerning their circula tion. Tuoy assumed tbat you Bhoul 1 buy a 'pig in the bag, and ivoro not willing that you should 'heft tho bag even it you did not ask to sco tbo pig ara guess mo amount ot pork with' out tho aid of a balance Tuo general ruio is mat tbo value ot a nowepipcr as an advertising medium is deter mined by the number of booa-fido sub ecribers, although it will lie noted that tuo smaller tho subscription list the more valuable the paper as an adver iisiug iiiBuiuui, in uiu uiiunauon oi tuo publisher, for reasons that von fail to comprehend. I Bay bona-fido suib- scaibers. liy tbat 1 mean thoso who subscribe, pay aud regularly receive tneir paper, ono ot whom is woith more as a prospeotivo customer than ten who recoivo tho paper cratui tonsly through tho extra edition sys tern. A paper tbat is regularly taken and paid lor is Uio oracle oi tho fam lly into which it enters. It is read tirst, and its teachinc. be thev Uirouch tho editorial or advertising columns, aro accepted as rspel. It is not an easy thing to write an advertisement tbat will command attention. A suo- -j.,j.; - ,. j ibuiuphojui; IUiIV UC CI mitU HUU 1.U ..,. i,. .,. ., j ri IwyuMit. uub ugici Duiwuiuuiu. VJUll tinnit ig a nooeRsit Advertise, tlien adVortiBe some m oro. and continue to advertise, as von cannot advertise too . .. ' r - maon jf you nave a product tho people want, and placo it beforo them through the right mediums." Wrestling With Spelllnc Not loner aero, a citizan of Austin had a small house to rent, and he got a paint-brush and a board and hung nutai sign reading: "To Wront.1' Everybody who passed by had a smile nt the orthography! but it was three or four days beforo tho owner ventured to ask of a butcher: ''Say, what on earth makes every- body grin nt the sign!'' "vvhy, its tho ppslling that gets 'era!" It was explained that tho word "Wront" was not exactly in accord' ttneo with Webster's "latest,'' and the speller went away' mumbling. "well, it they are so very particular nhnnt. if T nan Mianrra if 'I AttI Vii now sign reading: "Two Lot," Home seekers will nna tho last of the uv puhllo domain oi agricultural and SlOQ Brazing Taluealong the oreat North- T 0.J. em Uy. In Worth Dakota and Montana ItallUB N(YU7 1W or more along the Oreat Northern Hallway Line. Umlness chances. Towns WrlU) Whitney, Bt. l'auU Minn., .LUWIia for llooks, Maps, c. Write now. Settlers on Iroo Government lands a- .. long the Great Northern Hr. Lino li Uivl North Dakota and Montana get low T nit rates and nne markets for products. 1 1 uto S Htintinf Finest resorts In America along Great 1JU"""b Norhern lty. lino in Mlnntwota, Da- Fishinf? kotas and Montana, Ilest cUmate lor a ionium health soekers. Montana produces the nnost norses u.... and Cattle, tree ranires yet In Mouse, "01 Sso J orLauins.unWfCrVlUe5'8an'1 swcet Cattle Haalth '? Montana. Free lands. New Towns, iiuaiwi New itallwaya. New Mines, Low Kates Wealth land?' &ni 01 800d Vl":,"lt Bweot Grass Hills, Milk and Hun lllvor QUnnr, Valleys, Montana, reached only Dy tho ""OOP L,.l?,t,7?rt,lenl Hallway line. The Unnn Stock Kaisers' paraalso. Xl0g3 nnr The regions tributary to areat North uwlu erniullway Line In Montana produce nnol all tho precious and baser metals New towns and rauways are being built. Go to the Great narration of Mon- Mill, Una and get a good free homestead, iulln. low rates and Kreo Blocpers on Great Northern icy. Lino. Go now. lUVOr Hftrrl r Theso have made Montana tho richest iiuiuo state percaplta in tho Union, l'lenty Kfinnq ot room for more miners and stock-rat- ivimua ere. Now U tho time. A10M-th63rfiatNnrthlrn ItAllnrnv Line In Montana are f roe ranches and pasturage, inlnes of precious metals, Iron and coiL and new cities and towns. Now is your chance. Young Man Great Falls surrounded by a nne agricultural and grazing country, clone to mines ot p re do is metals, Iron and coal, possessing a "wt wjnw uuctiuBttai iu America, 11 Is Montana's indusiral centre. The vallevs of Itetl. Mnusn. Miavttiri Milk and bunltlvera maenad hvdntnr. G. N. R. L. I Northern lly. Line. Halt rate excur. slons fceot, 9. 13, and Oct. 11, itrM. wnto r. I. Whitney, St. raul, Minn FRAZER AXLE GREASE DE.ST IN THE WOULD. Ilf wrlDQulltlr uwimutd, actuillf ouU&atlnv two tMxes of anr othr brand. Not olroowd br Wt. r KT Til K UKN UIN K. lTOH BALK BY DEALKim QENERALLY. lfjf ZIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, with in variti animtiUnttontiHti. it a htran , hilul. Il wm imUii a kaHt IXiurkl j trim! a entire mevel in eatt numiir, A' a ikort nmlitli. tut a hog ihrytuch at jrou are uitd t get In teek firm and tat from one dollar to ee dollar and a half fir. Not only that, tut witk'eatk numlr yen git an alundanee efctktr lontriiutum. wkiii m,i yon a good magaiine luidti tie nnil. t ni ringing euui wau nave tun struck en Ike gateway ef foyulae finer, Aave reuundid Ikrougkoul Ike entire land, nnd to-day Litin. eotfi Magaiine itands in Ike rent rank ef nt,,? mmtmaiuns, ant il ine men widely read-andtaUed-efuilutlieneimUJinlke world. For full tditriftlve tirtulare, addreit UPPINCOTTSUAOAZINS, fkUaielfXU lyoo fir year, aseu.Hnglemmter. Tke miliiluf el Ull tl&ir tLU iWu tutunfMe, lt-37-ima A Lightning Change Artist, Tom Kellv, tho ticket roller of Bar- num'n ciroti". Is as much a spcclallft In hij peculiar lino ns any, strictly speak ing, professional man, Tho wlioli process of receiving tho money, giving tho tickets, and making tho change f done iu thrco movements with the regularity of clock-work. The ticket window is about -1 feet above tho bet- torn of tho wagon. Mr. Kully alts upon a high stool, with a largo sum of money in uollari, halvis nnd quitters piled upon tho flielf on his right. A oorrtBponding flit If on bis loft 1b cover ed with tickets and Hall tickets. All this is arranged b. fore tbo window ip opened. A lino of several Imndrtd impatiently clamoring peoplo wait out side. Mr. Kelly climbs upon Iuh (tool, tikes a long dotp breath, and opens tho window. Mouoy is received in his right hand and dropped iipm tho floor, Tho thumb of the left hand lira In tho menntlmo pushrd a ticket from tl o pile, and tbo right Imi.d li.n select''!, mechanically, tho ohatigo nnd prrson - od it to tho purchaser. No attempt i rando to pile np llio money rrceivtd It is literally dropped, and when tbo show commences Mr. Kelly sits liko a buoy surrounded by a sea of mon y, tbo crests of whoso waves mount up tn and priR3 closely around his waist nnd almost on n level with tho window ledge. After tho performance com mences, nnd no more People want jtickote, Mr. Kelly closes the window and steps carefully over this bed of moti'V. Then, and not till then, is any attempt mado to count and eon this sum, wliioh amounts to several thousands of dollars in pieces of all de- iiomlnat.ons. 11 eating by Electricity Tho Philadelphia Inquirer mu I ho electrician of the Pittsburg tl mr inillf, Minneapolis, has mado somo dis coveries nnd inventions that will lead to heating by tlojtricity. Tho de tails ot which ho has not yot maiK 'public is a process by which houses can do boated by electricity at a much les cost, as ho claims, than byT:oal. His great advantago is that ho can ulilizo all Hie neat developod instead of sus taining a lo o! 75 per cnt. by the uso of the ordinary combustibles. This is to uo aono uy a Bimpio system oi radiators, which will bo conneoted with n street wire from tho central Btation. There will bo a system of Rwitohes by whioh the heat in any room may be raised to any tempera' turo desired or tho beat cut off en tiroly. Jack Ileavydrink (who has just fill ed hw glass) Siy, b.xrkeep ir, there's a lly in thw whisky; gimme spoon. mrkecper Never mind the spoon; I'll put in a fuw drops nure, abd let mm uou oil the top. McCraeklo Hnso-ball is not so pop nlar in tho Ssuth at in the North. McCorklo That is auoer, too, for ono often Bcca cotton batting. Ar8onlo and Potash Three Times a Bay Tor TV V xiva xears. I havo been taking S. S. S. (Swift's Specific), and feel it to bo my duty to stato us results, tnat others wno are similarly aueotcd may profit by my ex perience, aud bo relieved of their Buffor- ngi. I had suffered for a long, long timo witn wnatttio doctors oalled Her pes, an eruption of tho skin, forming scales aud blotches which wai horrihle to endure. Under iho advio , of phy Mcians 1 took 30 drops of Fowler's Sol ution ot Arsenic overv day for 25 years besides many other kinds of in nl ioines, without a cure. 1 havo been taking S. S. S. for about two months and the eruption and unuleasant svmn toms have all disappeared, and I am continuing it to completely root it out of my blood, which I am oouudent it will do: and what it has done for mo I am sure it will do for others, for there are thousands of such cubph all over the country which resist all otlur treat ment I havo lived hero in my present nusmess lor 22 years. it. it. Kousr, iJualenn Jlnolnnery, ai nnd S3 west Maryland Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. Treatise on Blood ond Skin Diseases mailed free SWIFT BPECUIC CO. Allan ta Ga. Wo gloried in old days to hoir an admiral "lashed to tho mast," but the sweet girls of to-day would rather preier a jjieuienant-uommauaer ma-iii od to the last. Bnokward Suitor I don't know what to make ot you. olio i'leaae uon t make an oll maid of me, whatever you do. Epoch. Phyidoiana and shoemakers aro both l !l! .1 . laminar wuii me iieoiing art. Carpenter's Automatic Late Kaci Sascsnder. OomninlDg every reaulslte need cd in a Suspender. Either half giving without disturbing the other halt and no sltppingod the shoulder. At letall by best hous es so;, Tsc, J1.50. Bamoles milled free on receipt of price In Lice Dice BcsriNniH Co.. 6-27 U It. 537 and we Uroadway, New York, HINDERCORN8. -AT7TT1 Itt consumptive OoTJjKb. Mri)nol)i(la, Ant lima, lQUfUout Um . T?Oootrb. MrDoobiUa, AHtlnna. iDdlzw l-AKKBR'8 OINQER TONIC. It hu curwj worare aoiJ l77U-et rmtiy fur U UU wialna troia (UXaivt DutUkn. TeUUnu, tuul Who OODUSi-nnlatfil Duraulnir n cyiuran nf nriiiltr in tbe commercial branclioa, sUould uavo tree coplca or tbe Illustrated circular and unri Annual Cata logue ot tuo UOUIIIiHTlilt I1UMINKSS UNIVIIUMITV, aescrlblns tli new balldmif, whlcla tor extent, convenlenco, I urnUhlng, decorations and general elet'iDco. la not claewliero approached In the uwuxt biauja. ror thorough, practical Instruc tion In the useful branchoa, till tnatllutlon haa long stojdal tbo bead o-vod4t. WILU1M SlllKIIKS, JtOCnalTIU, N. V. diuiBcoiwn One nf the I HKhTTel.l arimri 1 li I roRauir MIllS the werlil. Our fJliu7iai ttnoo,ua.)d, tad la Inlrodaee out BUDoiiot M-e4a w will aendiBii ttB I-IBIOI ia eevck loaallty, Mtfcova. Only tket wka vmie tana at wraeaa tnaka tare at taa tkaac. All yea hat a tadeta returalel akow ixda U taM cU roar aaijkbett u tkoee around yea. Tk k rtaaLaf ef Iti avartUeaaaat akwa Ika a mill aad ( ta lal. HH Tke eVUewiaf tat giv Ui apyara afil r4at4 U at oat Ika ftAUtb pari f It balk- Il U a ! tla lata u6m. aa Urea a ta aaav ta tanr. Wa will alee kw W reej aaa aikt ttom MUtlOtaV atleaat, Iteai tke iau1,v al eipeeleaee. Betiae wrtu a ea. WeMT-U ! iUr, lllllll, n nil I all WM JH aw, vaikdt-)vt uui Hrrrvirit? aoe tiao. Catalotfue free THRESHING machines Blmplest, Most Durable, IKconomlcuL and pert rot, ui uao wtutmrj no grain; cieaisureauriormrKoi, THRESHING ENGINES Saw Mill. SMnQl Machitw, liny Prt4$e$, and OMi'tuur u MtniMrtiuriuM kludiiiiij, A U. PAltQUUAUCU, UmlUxl, Bend for lllus traiftl Cauaoguo. a-T-llw. 1'ennarlvanla Agricultural vvoraa, , ra. ,tlt!LuBlHr-T" IJPnW BaHUI 1 TUB COLUMBIAN I8T1IK BEST. THE GREAT German Remedy. TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. ror ttinwt ileruhlv ItllloiiBHpellflilpiM'nil onHlTUMIUHllirTEIV ItnlllrurornU' Hl.uKM'lil lio mid for nrAnowlicro fell ! li'ltlill lTir.Ill Will uotnsRlMorcurc. It merer fnlts. I tn mi mi it it w It h Ithattlrctlfludnllftonc fcc1.nK J It of tide Clonueo tho vltlntetl I l-)looi when you ncc ISni.MlITIt IlITTEllS: lit will euro yoti. nff through tho nkln n rimtilee.IllolchcB, I Inorntli rn n txi nrc Seloscif conflneil tu mil Horns, llolv on f tho mills ami work ui.l health will fol Ld I shops clerk9,rhndn not procure sti (Helen l exerctse.nnd nil who ftrccnnllneiltndoorfl, MhoiiM usoFtTLriU'it Hittkih. Thevwlll tow. Rttl.I'llltll 111TTK11I will euro I.Irer Ctun iil.ilut. Iimi'tliodls 'nurnppii: ie win rurc m not iiica uo wean onn von. Ft I If ;nu 1 not wUhi Mit.i'ifim IinTi;imfIl Tllllmll. you up And 111 timVn you strong and I I I to uocr from ltlicum I ft tl urn, tto n lwttlo of I nui.riiun jiitteiis; It never 1nU torure tl hULrilUlt lilTTEItS im't bo without n hnflti. Trv It! vnn :ti it m.ihc your uioou fr pure, rlrli nml Mronp. M I win iini rrpTi'i ir. nm yiniriicsii nnni. 'lrvhiLi-iirHliiT. I J -.Tile 8 tu (It'lU-jilr hcnltlt. who nro nil run down, houttl pc run in nli?ht, nml vim will deep well 9tTM'11lllt HITTFIH, tixl fi'i-l iirtter fnrlt. Da von want tlio licet iMnllcnl Wnrk miblUhcd? Pcml 3 2-ront Hanips to A 1'. Oltnw.w A Co, Ikieton, Mn., and leech o a cupy, free. T ear otlvncctbmftIUIn matt Ptnoreinoti u nurfffttir x mantt it uiual con Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties TattB Pills poiaB iimlltla tm mm uiiucui tifro. inu Speedily Hestore th bwU thalr uatnal porlilaltla aalUn, to ntlal to rcsiilarlly. Hol'l Erorywlioro. -Thuusa?idii liuvo bvn iK'rnintictitly cured by- rillLADRI.lMIIA.l'A. )-liboatoncei,nooicratU-n or loss of tiiDQfruin bulneaa. rasproiinuncnl In curable ly oi tiers w jutctl. bend fur circular. CURE GUARANTEED. omaourmo3. Aug 10 '80 ly. IfAinr (VoirOhlo, llcreU Vlllllh (" ot Mf.i.nrri. Wlllli Mn. 0f Kalrm. OI.I.v IU write t MWi at work on Innu tvt iJSO t month I now nav an na-fiicy K. C. Alien A Cat altiumi and i.uLIU atloai and oft in maliij H'iii at day," aj V, II, UARRiHOS. William Kiln. ltrrll.urp, I'a , wrtlcti MI hav never knowu anyihlnt- lo ell llkn your ftlltam. eaterday I look vtiWt niounh to pay ma ovcrMU.."- Yi J. KU mora, Hanyor, lie, writeai 'I e an ordrr fur rotir allium at alnioat aery houaa I vlnit. My ni iioiifn aitnurnai r a altirla dar'awork." Othr are tloliif quite iw4-llt lia not anace, to rive- ex. 'traela from their letter hverr ho lakes hold of thftrran.l liunlneti ullea utrrand iiroflla. Slmll we slnrt YOU in IliU luiint'sx. Trailer? Write-torn and learn all about It ruryotiracir. We areaUrtliir many mo will Hart you tf you don t delay until aiiotlitre-vta ahead of you In your iart of the countrv. Ifvuu take liold you will Le aide to pick uprold tt. Off"iCiMUl Ott acrount of forced manufacturer tale 1 !S,JOO ti'ii ilollnr Iliototrath Allmtiiw araio lold totlie iHvile fur W rich. Hound In Hoyal I'rimann MIktht riutli. tliarmlna-ly decorated Inildea. Hnlet albumi In the n rld. Larreit feiie, Ureatett barralni etrr known. Agenti wanted. Liberal tertni, lllg money for affenli. Any ono ran lionimi; a iurtcuful ejreiit. Bella Itaelf on tight littlo or lie nt king; neceiaary. Wherever shown, every one waul lo I'tir. ilme. ARfiita take Ihouaanda uf order, with rapidity never before known. Ureal pronis await every worker. Arenla are iitakinrfutlunea. Ladletmake aa much at men. ou, rmdir, caudoas well aa anyone. Kull Information and lerma !'. to ibnae who writ for aarae, with particular and lent) for our ramilr Iliblea, llooks aud fertoduala. After you know all tbuoldyou cod clad to cono further, why no barm la done. Add. K. C. ALLEN & CU4 ACUCITA, UAIXt- Jan. l&.90.iy. FOR MEN ONLY! For LOST cr FAILING) MANH00DI General and NERVOUS BOILU Y i.,,nr,i ni ituTinaiuDa. rn m Ullef ErroreorEzoeiBeilnOldorTounr,,LSblVKIrKIKKUAKSariHTgurflODT, .sfilll.r II0SS THKiTSKHTU...flt. ! dar B Uiltfr rru U SUI. ..d r.rrlf i.D.trl.t. ITriU IK.ia. l)Merttl( Rank, .ttil...ii.a an. Bre.r. Biatud(t.tltd) rr... ataitea ERIE MEDIOAL CO., BUFFALO, li. V. FOR Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Excels an, remedy (or the) rapid cure ol Hard Coldt.Cought, Hide Bound, YellowWaler, Fever, Dlitcmper, Sore and Weak Eyes, Lung Fever, Coitlveneu, Dlolchet, and aM difficulties aris ing from Impurities of (he Blood. Will relievo Neaieiator.ce. Manufactured ly Ike J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y. FOB BALE BV ALL SEALERS. 8-21-90 r-ly. IRES 9 tie HIRES' IMPROVED 2Ii ROOT BEER! iiuiu. niUKeitiTauiiiM uuun THUPAOJUII MAKES FIVE CALLOUS. ROOT BEER. Tno most APPETIZtNO and WnOLESOMB TSUPBRANCB DRINK. In the world. Dalloloua and SparklLnff. TRY IT. Aek your Pruggiat or Orocar for II. C. E. HIRES. PHILADELPHIA- 7.4 4t B. F. Savits, Hti.WtllUMHilVl illii hiia eecured tho solo agency of uiuuiuiu couniy ior tiioiMiuon- al Sheet Metal Hoofinc Co These roofs aro guaranteed to bo tar Biiporior to any other roof, as they aro both storm and wind proot. Sheet iron roofs of this uianu facture can bo put up as cheap as tin, aim last mucn longer -r - I 1 n t . . J.VOOIS are mauo ot snect iron tin. or copper, as parties may iiesiro. Orders may bo secured tlirnnrrli U V fltiJla T11..,a . "A , "'uu Titfs nils smm npRRA hr w . m sn nnn n UIUIT, L lit. W1U Will Hill. Oil IIIO I iMUJaiuuuiiU'JiiOiaiur uanun rc.r.3. ?' V' 1 , luu0Ult OfflOK IS Ol'l'lHtrK U. ti. I roois aim guarantee tlio work, or may bo ordered direct from the 510-520 East 20Ui Stroot.N. Y. KAJCIjKOAD TXZVXS TJIZiH MtHSEwlaflCiaHIBlKn TELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. 11I.OOMS11UUO DIVISION. HTATIONS. NOIlTIt p.m. r.M, .r. A.U. INORTiicuniKi.ixn... Caincron , Ulmlasky , 5 40 1 IjO SM ... 10 00 613 1019 680 10111 uanvuio 61H i 11 6 S3 . t . . m i to 6 84 3 33 0 4 J 3 41 6 50 0 51 ,,,, S5S .... 7 t'S 8 6'J 10 JJ 6 41 I Untawlssa 10 4.1 6 38 import , ltloomsburg 10 to 7 0S 10 37 712 111,5 7 20 ranr. , Llino ltldgo.. , 11 12 727 II 16 731 wiiiow urovo. UrUrcrcck UcrwIcK Ucucli Haven 1120 731 1181 7 42 1131 7 49 III .... Hick's Ferry 7 is II S3 7 33 1HS 8 0S MiicKBUinuy ., 7 au llutiiock b. 1 43 8 SO 1134 8 17 12 06 8 91 Nantlcoke. "CO 3 86 l A von, it ic T5 I'lymouth 7f 12 10 824 8 43 i'ii 1215 I'lvinouLiuunciion. hd 12 20 8 31 Kingston,.., 808 Ileunett. 8 II 12 27 8 41 1231 8 49 Maltoy S 17 12 33 9 33 Wyoming 8 si u est lltislon 8 27 llltston B 83 lckawasna 8 40 4 (rj 4 on 4 11 12 40 8 58 13 4 3 9 03 12 63 9 09 101 V17 I Ta)lorvlUo.. 8 48 1 09 9 25 ueiicvuo. 8M HOil 1 IS tl 4 SM 1 20 9 83 r. h. r, h r. u. r. )i STATIONS. BOUTII, A.M. A.U. 0 30 33 10(10 10 0S 1016 10K 10 87 1030 11134 103) 10 42 10 47 10 51 10 33 1103 11 12 1121 1134 1140 r. m. r. m MIUNTON..,. S IU 1 33 6 20 .... 0 23 nei eruo. oil Tajlorvllle u so 2 03 6 80 iicKawanna bin llltston 0 84 West I'ltuton 6 41 Wyoming 6 47 Maltby gel llennett. 6 6) Kingston , (IH I'lymouth Junction 7 03 Plymouth 710 Avondale 714 Nantlcoke, 7 IV Uunlock's 7 '.'6 thlckstilnny , 737 Hick's Kerry 7 35 lleacli Haven 801 tlcrwlck 807 llrtar Crock. 8 18 2 10 6 87 3 18 0 43 8 31 636 882 663 .... 669 2 37 7 03 3 40 7 07 2 45 718 2 50 7 16 8 33 7 21 3 39 7 83 3 00 7 43 3 20 7 35 3 31 8 07 3 40 8 18 8 47 8 SO 3 63 8 37 willow (irovo. his 11 30 11M 13 01 12 06 1312 12 17 12 82 12 41 12 35 3 57 B31 1K::::::"::::":: IS 4 02 8 35 4 09 8 41 Uloumsburg 8 32 Uupert 8 37 4 13 8 47 4 22 8 62 Oatawlssa 8 42 Danville. 8 67 Chulasky 4 2S B57 4 46 15 4 64 Cameron 9 07 I NORTnCMBIHLAMD 9 22 3 00 9 23 513 9 43 A. M. r. St. r. ii. r. m. Connections at ltunort. with PMladclDhla & lteaainir itauroaa ror Tamincna. Tamaoua. win- tamsDort. Hunburr. roitaviilo. etc. At Northum berland with I'. & B. Dir. r. It It tor Harrlsburg, lock uayen, umponutn, warren, uorry, ana trio. V. Y. llAWTUAD, uon. Man.. Bcruutuu 1 11, Pennsylvania Railroad. llxll Philadelphia & Eric R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ix! TIME TABLE. In cloct MAY 11, 18110. Trains leave Bnnbury KASTWAH y.o n. m.. Sea Shore Exnresn (dallv ezceo jand.y), CorllarrlBburgandlntermedlateBtatlonsI irriving ai rniiaaoipnias.iop. m. ; iiow iota i mod. m.t IUttlmoro. 3.10 ri. m.i WaanlnL'ton S.55 p. in., connecting at I'hlladelphla tor all sea I auoro points, -inrougn passenger ooacn to i Phiiaaeinnis. taiiunore . p, ia. Liar naprca. i except; nunoayi.ior uarrisourg ana inti dlato stations, arrtvlntr at rhlladelr 8.50 p. in. ; New York, U.35 p. m. ; llaltunore I 4.45 p. m. ; Washington, 8.13 p. m. Parlor car I through to fhiiaaeipnia and pa&senger coaches LnrouQ lo i niioueiDuiaanu uanimore. 8.03 p. m. Kenoro Accommodation (dally Iior iiarnsuurg auu uuiuiermeaiaio stations, arriv ing at Fhtlaaelphlam a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. ra. uaiLimore. D.ia m. : wasmnrton a. m. Pullman sleeping car Irom Ilarrlsbuar to Philadel phia and New York. Philadelphia passengers can remain la sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. 1.60 a. ra. Erie Mauidaumor narrisnurc ana I intermediate stations, arrvlng at Philadelphia 0.50 a. ra. Ner York, a. ra.; Through Pullman i 3ioeping cars aoa pxiaengor eoaones to i-nuaaui- paia. 2.50 a. m. So ltd ra stores (dillrl lor lltrrls- burz and Intermediate stations arrlvlnz at 11 lit 1- turousii 'ullm'insiesplnir cirs to UUtlmor'e and v, aauiugLua, uau uirougp paaaunger ououod tu uaitiuoru. WB8TWARU. 5.10 a. rn. Brie Mall (dallyl. lor Erie aoJ a- I .. ... - .... .- ..... ..... i uaauuiBiKUft .fctu luivruiuuiatu stationu, itouueu- ter. iiuniio aaaniitrarajfaus. wimtnroutru inu manl'aiticarsandpassengcrcoacheatoErlo.and I ito3a9swr. u.M News uzpress t aany i or lock uavcni ana intermediate siauons. 1.42 d. m. Niacara iUDresa (aaiirozceDtHnn- liyiror Kane. Caua .laliuaand intermediate sta - tlons, 11 (heater, liutTalo and Niagara Falls with tnrougn passenger coacnesto Kane ana uocnester ana ranor car to waiKins. 5.30 d. ra. Fast Line (daily except Bunaariror lie- novo, Watklns and intermodlate stations, with lhroagnpa98oni;ercoacnes to ltenovo and watxins. p, m. WllUamsport Express ( dally ) ror vviiiia j.Bport tiuu luterineuiate stations. THKOOaii TKA1NH FOH StINUUllY FKOM TUB BAST AND SOUTH. NewsBxorcas loaves New York. 15.15 nlzht. a. ui. Ltaitimore. .aj u. in. uar- rlaburg, 8.10 a. m. dally arriving at sunbury 9.53 a. ui Niagara express leaves New yorko.2ua, m 1'hlladeltihia.K.eo a. rn. : Washington 8 10 a. m. 11 al. tlmore 9.00 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at I sunbury, 1.43; p.m., wltb through Parlor car from i-niiaueipnia ana tnrongn passenger coacueB irom fnuaaeipnia ana Baltimore. Fast Lino leaves New xorx .uo a. rn. : I'huaaei. a. m. : WaaUlngton, 10.50 a. m. : Halt! more, li.ta a. m., tuaiiy t-jtccut ouuuut j arriving cuacuus irum ruuaueiputu una uaiuuioru wiiuamsporo Ktpresa leaves now ror .iw p. rn. Philadelphia 4.& p. m..Washlngton p. m. Ualtlmoru 4. .13 p. in. (dally ) arriving at Sunbur i .i3 p. m. Erie Man leaves New York h.ood. m. : l'miadei. Dhia. 11.25 d. m. : wasmnirton. 10.00 d. m. : Unit I. I more, 11. so p. ra., (dally) arrlvlogat Sunbury 5.10 a. ra., wltb Pullman Sleeping cars from rnuaaeipnia, wasuington ana iniumore and passenger coacnes irom ruiiaacipuia ana uaiti more. MUNIIIIHY, 1IA.I.KT4I.N .V WII.KIWIIAUIIH KAll.ltOAII AMI .MIIITII AND WKHT llirNI!II IUII.W.IV. Dally except Sunday.) wilkesbarre Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a.m. I arriving ut llloom ferry 10.48 a. m., wtlkes-barre .'.iu p.m. Exnress Bast leaves Sunbury 6.35 o. ni..arnvliiff at llloom Perry 6.89 p. in., Wllkos-barre 7.50 p. in. IDunuur .nun icaveb wiiKCbuarru 11. if u.m.arnv. Ing at llloom IVrry 12.37 p. m., sunbury 1.S8 p.m. repress nest icavea vt iiKea oarro ins p. m., ar. vlnr at Uloom Perry 4.30 p. in., Sunbury 6.20 p. in. SUNDAY TWAINS. Wllkesbarro mill Ie ives Sunbury 10.00 . m.. ar riving ut Uioom Perry 10.4i a. to., WIlken-IHrrc u tu a.m. .-lunaaj ucuommoj titon leavos wiueo-llar ,.0 p. m., nrrivuK at moni tftTry, p.m., rtv i:su p. m VUAt. K. 1'UUll, .1. It, WLKll). (len. Manager, ucn. Punw-nEer A;i. piIILADKLI'IIIA 1 HAILIIOAI). & HEAD) Nil on and Arriiit may nth im. TltAlNB LKAVK ULOOMHUUIKI as rollowt,: (SUNU1VS XXCSl'TID.) For New York. I'nllailelDhla. ltoidlnir. l'nttnviiin. ITamoquo, etc, . U, ll:on a. in. For n il i.uu.'iiurt, illlton anil Danville 7:31 a. m. 3:10. 1 1:'JJ li. m. KOr (Jatanl :l -(V1. 7:J0. 11:03 a. m.. li (! i-nn i a., n . I "." v. ... - ...... ror iiupoit o.oi, .jn, n.oja. m., 12:), 3:16, 0:00, ,..w y. tu. YltAINU I'Oll IlLOUMHllUItO Leave New Y.rlt vl t .Mil idolphla 7:4 a. m. 4:00 p. iu. nnu via Uastou S: 15 . m. 3:45 p. m. lA-avo i iiiuu -iiiu.i ;u.iu i. in. 0,-uo p. in. 1l'.ivo Ki-.ullia 11:50 ii. iu. 7:31 p. in. U-avo I'ottiivllia vi .n p. in. Ij-iive 'I'uinnqu.i Ui a. in, p. m. iJ-mo V lllliunsport IMf u. in, 4:1! p. in. Le.ive Cat iwlisi 7..I-I b:iio.i. :n.. Iisiv M-cn a-ik 11:01 p. in. L-elUiicrtii:16,7:Oj,6.ul Hill a. m. 1:38, 3:51, 11:13 p. in. ' ' Idr lialiunore Waihtnrrton unJ the w,wr. via it 6 o. K. It., through trains l .1(0 ulranl Avenuo Btatmn I'hlU. (I'. & It, it. it.) I: 6, f:uo, U:V7 a. in. 1:81,, :I8, 7:J3 i. in. Bunuja 4:IU, b.W, 11:;"I a. m., 4:41,5:18, 7:jj p. m. ' A l UNTIO CITY DIVISION. Lcavii t'hlladelnhla. Pier r. nhfwtmit utrun. tVhurr, nnd south Hrvet Whur ; rvK ATLANTIO l ITT. WoCk llaTS-KXPrenS. 0.00. IL in. 4:0(1. B:(K1. n. m AociiiuuiiKlatlou, i:M u. m. 4:l.v a 3 1, p. in. Kima.iys-Ki.reiH,f:(io,v.uua.iu. Accommodation 6:00 u. in. and 4:3" p m. HUTDKNINO, I.IAVg ItLiNTlO CITT. Depot corner Atlantlo and Arkansas Avenues i Week dais HxDre&s. 7.00. D.OO a. m. nnd 4:im n. m. A(ominodstlon, ecu, 8:116 a. m. and 4:31 n. ru. Hundars KxDreea. 4.iJ0. butt. n. m. Arnrninndn- tlon, 7:30 u. in. and 4.30 p. in. A. A .McLEOD, Om faee. Jaelit, !'( li te. Jk Qen'L Manager, PATENTS, - vents ndTrado Uirics uotalried.and all l-aton t ATKMT Of KICK. Ws have no sub-agencies, all busine&a troct, hence g in transact patent business In loas Imeand atLKJd COST than those remote Irom TV UOUlU(iUU, Bend modol, drawing, or photo.wltb description. We advise If tulenUble or not. tree or chm I Our tea not due till patent Is secured. A boolc,"iiow to Ubtaini'atonta,''wltbi-e(eTencet o actual clients tn Tour stale, countr. or town, dutlres. Address ' " C. A. SNOW & CO., H. WILLIAMS, AU0T10NKKH. I1LOOM8UUWI, rA. Roal EsUto Bought and Cold, Parties tluMHnr tolmv tinrcsnntl wncon "oiilil dc el lo call on tho aliovo. J' S. GAHUISON M. D. IIOMKOIMTIIIO I'llTHHHAK AND SUWlr.ON. Ia)r Ulllco over I. W. tlartiiiin & Hon' store, residence N. K. corner Centre and Fourth streets. QR. J. T. FOX, Dentist. All (lie latest mmlianccs for manufacturinc. treating, fillln" nml extracting lectli. All styles of work warranted a represented. Office on Main Street, near Kast. 5l6ly. Exchange Hotel, 11KNTON, I'A. Tho nndoralgniM has leased this well-known OUSO. andls DrcnartMl to acnommrKlitn Mm nnblln with all tho eonyenlonces of a nrst-clats hotel. LBMUKI, DHAKE, I'roprlPtor. Dotroit Hinti: r.itm Htt'ul Inclclc llloclc HAM'TllKrOSTof holitlng savod to Morekeoiiri, llufhers, Fanners, Macli. Iniats, HulldTR. Contruciors and OT1I. KH8. AdinlitciUobo the greatest Im- E'OTrmcnln KVKIt mado In tacklo locka Freight prepaid. Wrlto ror catalogue Fulton Iron & Ssglno Works. Estab. K32, 10 llrush Hu, Detroit, Mich, 6-2-ly. CUMMINGS :o: DKALEHS IN OOHPEOKOSERY, FEUITS and HUTS, AND MANUFACTUKEKS OF ICE CBEA.M, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EXCHANGE BLOCK, - BLOOMSBURG, PA. WIIOI.F.SAI.K DKALERS IN (Dj, CEW-, Cnit'eJ,, Fvot'tj- I2oly. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies- Fresh Every Week. iErasi"z GOODS sPEciAnrsr, SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's, Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars : Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princoca, Samson, Silvor Ash. Any order for Fettirals will Le supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, as futUai i MrnfJej, Lemonj, 1 Bananas, "peanUU, A"o05. J di En$li5h WalnUtj, 'Pop 3rM mattp BLOOMSBURG, PA. G. 6. fiOBBIS, 1 I I I Foreign and Domestic - at i JOBBES X35T CIG-AES. In jmrcliasing houco hold neeesHiiies, it h wise always to uelcct that which is the best, it will lio tlm clioauwt iu tlio cml. A good attiulu is always a xoiirce of pltnsuro. J. SALTZEIl has won wide reputation for selling good goods at low iiricca. JIo buys direct from the manufacturers, and can sell first das goods uhoaper than can bo obtained claowbere. Iloro aro somo of tho nrtiuk'S and prices : Sewing Mnchines of threo grade", mada by the New Homo Sowing mnohiiio Co., 3 drawer drop leaf, all attachments, from 19.50 to 00. Royal St. John, $30 upwards. Standard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Havo received tho agency for tho Hoosoy Distin Cornet, tho best cornet in tho world. A good asflortmi nt of violitiM, guitars, binjos, accordoons, driimi, llatos, lifer' .ml nil kinds of musioal instruments. Tho best of strings for violins, miiUrn, bmjns, violincello, and nans violins. Agenuor Uutteiiuks nuiuiii-iiuiiK uiiu i.vuion snceis. Piano-i, organe nnd sowing maohincs sild on m.-mthy payments. A liberal discount fur cosh. If 1 1101. solid 1'lscwhcrc, bllt call who h ' ways nn, and cri givoyon any information or lnslruotio any nij'.iummit vim may purclr so, J SALTIER Musical Instruments WAllliROOMS ltlOOIIISK(TltK SWEEPING PRICE REDUCTIONS Preferring to carry Undo Sam's )ollars to a big stock, wo have inaugurated a GREAT JUNE SALE. SWEEPNO PRICE REDUCTIONS! A. rare clianco to get Fine Clothing far below regular prices. A. C. TATES & CO. 6th and Chestnut Sts, (Lodger llulldlnv.) 13th and Choitnut Sts. NE88 a HIAB I0IIIJ Ctlltl l'rok'i 1NVIS1HLK TU1III1D t CUtKISaS. WblKn tiraril. Coin. r.rt.U.. r..,rrr.l.r. all H.B.4IM rail. WHjf. Hlrnx, aalj, Sit Ur'iw.,, k.w Y.rk, nrlt. r.r b..k .1 r.r. rata. 0-20 tl-4t. & VERDY. ream N5. Nty m m Edoy Piano, S350 to 000. Sleek, 375 tn t?r,00. It. M. Heiil & Co., S2.r0 10 S IOO. Hrown & Simpson, S2f0 lo S100. IMry Organs, SOO to S175. rtliller organs, $7-ri to iC0, United States organs, $12.r tn Snfl. Cliioao Cottanu 01 gm, 90 to SM0 Worcester organs, S7.ri to SlfiO. l,ariH-,rt;mii, SG0 to S100. Celebrated While Sowing Machines $'i to SC5. New Ilomrstio Sowing M,achiiius, 35 to $7.5. patterns, and SCO tlio HtniiW nf vniir Immn rlnnlnr. nun upon am MAW Sew iaciiiifis I'll l-i-iy