The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 04, 1890, Image 1

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OrrtCK Kront Room, over rmtoffieo,
OrFiw Room No. a, Columbian BalhUnt,
jJ U. FUNK, "
Office In Ent'j Butl-Ung, near Court Itouie,
u, a. BIiWBLJj, In...
VOL. 25, NO. 27
Office over Mover llrc'v Drug Stort,
Office In Bremer's building, 2d floor, room No I.
Office cor. Centre & Mitn Sti.,ClitV'i bulUIng,
WCm be consulted In Germno.
Office, Seconal floor, Columbian BulldUg,
jj V. WHITE,
Office In Wlrt'i Building, 2nd floor, Miln St
Office over Dentler't Shoe sUre, Froit room,
Office, CoLVMiiAnBuUdis,aMr,front
Officii rjK RiwUcfii' Meat Muktt,
: . Finest Line
GOLD and
Scnr tMillmltliilila.
Solum! Oih'iih It!i.
Vcurlr lixprim-, S.loo.
Four Pujiiicntit. SW5,
Admits tui cmMfies Twin men intl beys it iny t!mt fits them for Dullness, iny Collect, Polytechnic School, for West
Point ot Annipolis. Cttduating cls. One dI the best equinied tnd best managed S.hu4l. Good uhle. All itwlents
tird with the rrlnclidl. Teathefs all turn and graduates of ftrttass Collies. Fine tniUdinm ilnsle or douhU
rooms. Lveiy room has In It a itcam radiator ami Is completely furnished. Grounds (ten acres! lor foot ball. Ute-ttttL
athletics, etc. Uymnasium. 5icll onurtunitic for apt students to advance rapidly. 1'rivate tutortntr and special drill
lor Ijackwarj joyi. ratroni or students may select any itudles, or a Business, College Preparatory, rlecttkal, or CItIU
i uarwaiory. i-racucii utilities ijcpinment, Mion-nand, i ype-writinrf, etc.
r apt
etc. More fully supplied with &jaiatui than any other College fitting tcbool. Media Academy alfordi every honiCnm
lltuttrated Malum tent free to ftnv kdJrn. SWITHIM t RlIOHTItlKlK. A It.. I M MIinml r.riituit.i iMnrlrl
and PropHetor, Media, Pa.
.1 led In. I'm., nritr I'Mln.
cltoo Open Nept. 'iMh.
Vrnrly i:prnc. S-VH).
Two l'aynn nt, 8J30.
FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES. Mitt Eattnun's Celebrated School
r.raduatlnir Courses In Classics, I Jtrrature. Science, Mathematics, Music, Modem Language. Twelve accomplished
r tii L Funlli iiirmsint.l ti turn ratrtlat i r tonttil
llluirtl Cm uhr free.
Isictieri and lecturers.
I tack want i,pil IndivMual attention. Small classes.
1 Ufctv and ItaiAiineti. New Illuatrdtul Cmulat ftee.
bMiiitin miukii-iik.k, a M.uiarvafduraauate, titMii 'uitjti. r.
superinr Musical Department. School has an ereaa and eleven pianos, frlvate tutor) nr. wt
ruptu surroundi vy sucd restrauu as art essential u wua
B. F. Savits,
Office, corner of Thhrl end Mala Streets,
B. McKELVY, M. D.,
Office, North iJ Msln Street, bertw Market,
j, pimps, mil, lit,
Office, Narth Market Street,
Office, comer of Rock and Market Streett,
Notary Public.
Loans sccureil, Investments maile. Real es
tate bouRht and solil.
OITice in First National Hank HuiUling(
Uloomsburg, Pa.
a Specialty,
BEING duo to tlio presence of 'uric
acid In tho blood, is most effcitiially
cured by tho irso 61 Ayor's Sosri)iv
rllln. Do sure you got Ayor's and no
other, and tako it till tho poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled trota the
system. 'Wo challenge attention to this
testimony :
"Alout two years ngo, after suffering
for nearly two ycats from 'rheumatic
out, being ablo to whlk only'with great
iscomfort, and liaving tried various
remodlcs, including mineral waters,
without relief, I saw by an advertise
ment in a Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing com
plaint, alter long suffering) by taking
Aycr'u Sarsaparllla. !I then decided to
mako a trial of this medicine, and took
It regularly for eight' months, and am
pleased to state, that! it lias effected a
complete cure. I have sinco had no re
turn of the disease." Trs. R. Irving
Dodge, 110 West 123th New York.
"Ono year ago I was 'taken 111 with
Inflammatory rheumatism, being con
fined to my house six months. I came
out of tho sickness very much debili
tated, with no appetite, and my system
disordered in every way. I commenced
using Ayer's Sarsaparllla and began to
Improve at once, gaining in strength
nd soon recovering my usual health.
I cannot say too much In praise of this
well-known medicine." Mrs. L. A.
Stark, Nashua, N. II.
First door Moonwburi; Opera Iloitao
Offlco West First St.
Bpccial attention given to tho cyo anil
car aud tho tilting of glasses.
J. BROWN, M. D.,
Office and Residence, Thiol Street, West
t of Market, near M. h. Churcn,
S"Office hours every afternoon and evening.
Special attention given to the eye and the fittUg
el glasses. Telcpkuc connection.
TaaATUurr or Chronic Diskaizs made a
Office and Residence, TVtrd St., below Market,
Home of N. Y. i Merchants' af Newark, N.
J. ; Clinton, N. Y. I Peoples' N Y. ; Reading,
Pa. ; German American Ins. Co., New York, j
Orctnwich Inuarance Co., New York j Jersey
City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J.
These old corporations arc wall seasoned by
agt and riKK TTSTID and hart never yet had a
lots settled by any court of law. Their assets
ire all Invested ia SOLID stcuiiriis, are liable
to the hazard of nix only.
Losses IIOMMXY and honestly adjusted
and paid as soon as determined, br CHRIST
IAN P. KNAPP, Swcial Aoint and Ad
fusTii, Bloowsivig, Pa.
Vne people of Columbia county should pat
ronize the agency where losses, If any, are set
tled and paid by one o( their own citizens.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rniriiiED bt
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.
Itke 1 ; sis bottle,, 5. Worth ti a bottle.
Eases Pain Instantly.
Strengthens Weak Parts.
Quiets Nervousness.
J. HESS, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Philadelphia DestzJ CoIIecc.
having opened a dental office in LocXAS.D'f
Suildimo, corner at Main and Ceatrt streets,
It prepared to receive all patieats rejnMag ft.
icasionaz asrvwes.
Er.KOTitio VmiiATOii Used.
Ethik, Gu, and Locai. ASASTBtrnCS,
tdsalnlstcrod far Hit palnltB extract!! ti teeth
free of ckaip wt artUdal toath u tajtrted.
All Woajt: OirAXAtrrxxn At Kaiajtaimm.
Tkas, Syruh, Corrn, Suoar, Molassw,
Rice, Spicis, Bicabs Soda, etc., Ktc.
N. E. Comer Second and Arch Sts.
HTOrden will receive prompt attention.
Tho Bost Burning Oil That Can
Mado From Potroloum.
It gives a brilliant light. It will not
emoko tho chimneys. It will not chur tho
wick. It has a high flru lest, it will not
I explode.
I safety oil.
It Is pre-eminently a family
Hop Pfotevs
A New EasUnd Home hold Itemed.
lTntTraillr populur becaaBa of real modlclnil
merit. For tLe countleu paitu ana acueH. eoi-em w tr
wefcltnoiwofl, no matter how caaeod or liow etivere.
wUicli attack tho human body, no remedj in the world
In ho prompt and thorough In relievlnf , curing ana r
uturiug u tho Hop riaitor
iritttullclted TntlnoBr ofthounaoda of pnople,
and Un constants mcreaalng aalo of theao plasturs,
la ample proof of tho truth of this atortion.
QT HOI I'LAftTKltH XTcr bora or Irritate.
If jou nuffrr appljono dctwj you'll feel happier to-
x eeia guou uiu ciumcuv put uu.
UU I DUE nCKCf "VP satirra alia riu vj
airratxiiiuno dealers. lon't Ik dwindled Into takinff
a B'tlwtitote or Imitation. HiBDaturo of the proprietors
will bo found cm the cenoino goods.
Hop Plaster Co.,pROpflirTP,oosTON.
Dec. la-Aug. 8
Wo Challenge Comparison with
any othor illuminating oil made.
Yo Btalio our Hcputatlon, as Itcllncrs, up
on tho Statement that It Is
mm Most 9)1
in Tin; woni.ii,
North American, of Philadelphia,
Franklin, " "
Pennsylvania, " "
York, of Penarylvania,
Hanrrer, o( New York,
Queens, of London,
North British, of London.
Office oa Market Street, above Main, No. 5,
(Successor to Freas Brown,)
Bloomsburg Fire & Lire. Ins. Agency,
(Established in 1S65.)
A2tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, $9,328,388.97
Hartford, of Hartford, 5,288.609.97
Phoenix, or Hartford, 4,778,409.1;
Springfield, of Springfield 3,099,903.9
Fire Association, f hlladeipnta,...
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, Platform
wagon,, it.
First-class work always on hind. Repairing
neatly done.
Trices reduced to suit the times.
Crown - Acme.
Office, Barton's Building, Main St., bel. Market,
All styles of work done In a superior manner,
and all work warranted as represented.
Teeth Extra ctxd Without Paih,
'jt the use of Ga, and free of charge when
arUhcial teeth arc insenco.
tjr T be open all hours daring the day,
81.00 A YJ5AK.
uarditn. of London 10.601.121.7
Fbcanli, of Ixndon 6,924,563.48
Lancashire of Eng.,(U.S.I)ranch) 1,642,193.00
Royal of England. " " 4,8S3.504-9
Mut. Ben. II. In. Co.Newark,Nj41, 379,228.3)
Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office,
fjT Office over Mover Bros. Drug
Residence West Main Street.
Office, Second Floor, Columbian Building,
Liverpool, London, and Globe, Isrgest in the
World, and pcrlcctly reliable.
Imperial, of London, $9,658,479.00
Continental of New York 5,239,981.2!
American of Philadelphia. 2.401.0(6.1
Niagara, of New York 2,260,479.64
Cleantes au.1 beautifies I lit hair.
I'roiautet a luiuxUnt erowth.
Ntvar rails ia lUilora Oraj
rtairioiit voaiarm bir.
OrrosiTi Court House.
Large and convenient sample rooms. Bails
rooms, hoi and cold water ) and alt mod era
At n pleasant fmnllv reunion in Now
York tho hour and daughters of an old
comiuodoro of tho navy wero assembl
ed at tho liouau ot n well known citizen
to celobrato a domosllu nnnivorsary.
Tlio tablo had beou oleared, cinars
lighlod, and tlio vet ran, being urged
by tlio youtiH ladloit to Biln tnora a sea
yarn, related tho following story:
It occtirtd, ho Baid, booh after 1 en
tered the service, now moto than lorty
ycara ago. Wo wero just about to
leave Hain)lon Hoadtt on a cruise,
when.Uio oaptiiu a gig dafilicd along
nido, and with tho old dkiiiner camu a
slight, girliHh, fair haired boy, npiinr-
unlly a more child, but dressed In tho
uniform at that time worn by ilia mid
xhijimcn of our navy.
Tho littto fellow had boon gent to
cea to learn an honorablo profession,
because bis father, sinco his bankrupt
cy, could not educate bis son at homo
in a manner becoming his former
station. Ho stood uuoartatu for a
while on tho quarter deck, alono, neg
lected, abashed, until the captain, sud
denly recoleoting hitiKolf, tumod round
and introducing him to un cuded by
committing Ilirry Brougbton, ai I
Bhall call him, to my oversight, as tho
old'-Ht midshipman on board.
Wo wero soon on intimate terms,
and ho was so frank, generous and win
ning in his manners that you could not
for tlin lifo of you, odcapa loving tho
little fellow. Even the rugged old tars
would do anything to pleaso him, and
the seventy of tho first lieutenant him
self often relaxed itself when littlo
Harry, as wo all called him, had offen
ded against somo paltry rule of disci
pline. Always the first to turn out in
a gale, nover to bo found Bkulking liko
some of our other youngsters from his
t watch, and at all times eager to volun
teer on any extra duty, ho gradually
wouud ininscli into tlio hearts ol every
ono on board, from the landlubbers in
tho waist to tho oaptatn in his after
cabin. If wo went on shore Harry
was Burc to bo ono of our company, for
he was such a favorite with strangers
on account of hU youth and bcn'Hy
that wo wero always better welcomed
i no wns along.
Wo bad been out nearly three years,
crnUing on tho Pacifio station, when
we were ordered home, and nglit glad
wo nil wero to hear the ncwd. Tho
long, beautiful moonlights camo and
went like tuo sound ot musio, and a
hundred gallant fellows danced away
tho ovoniug watchos to tho lively notes
of tho violin.
Wo reached tho Philippine Islands,
passod tho strait' and at last entered
tho Biy of Bengal. Wo were all
hoartly tired of CI030 confinement on
ship'ioard, and resolved to run up the
bay and vmt a tow otlhooniot stations
011 tho coast. It was a glorious day
when wo first caught sight of Mtdrai,
with tho sunlight playing full on its
walls and minarets, the long, low
beach of whito sand crowned with the
walls of tho fort above, and a tremjnd-
oua sun rolling nud thundering in
ahead. Every beart beat high with
pleasure, and it was not a difficult tn li
ter to obtain pormiston to land. A
party of ofliccra, among whom were
Harry and mysolf, resolved to mako
an excursion into the town.
I should have mentioned that thero
is no port for vessels within twenty
miles of St. Georgo's fort, and as our
frigate would bo compelled to stretch
out and in until our return wo had but
little tituo for our adventure. Wo bad
intended when wo started to leave the
boats outside tho surf aid to land in
lilts which woro used for passing tho
broakors, and which, being sowod to
gether and without keels, aro admir
ably iiitted to resist the jerking of tho
suf and cannot without great difliculty
bo overturned. But when wo noared
the shore wo saw that nono of these
alive boats wero at hand, and as wo
bad but littlo time to loose wit lay upon
our 03rs just out tho breakers and call
ed a oounoil to determine what to do.
"What say you, Frauk, to making a
dash, a rid passing it at onoet It will
t. ...... i.:.. . .it. t
1 shook my head in disapprobation
as 1 pointed to the huge billows that
raced by us, and ourling over a cable's
length ahead broko with noisa like
thunder on the boaoh, whilo tho shiver-
wave boiled and foamed in tho vor
tex below.
"Givo way, my Bea dogi, givo wayl"
Bhouted thu third lieutenant, coming
up i breast in gallont style; "shall wo
ilasli in, Mr. TilltrT '
"It looks liko a vonturo whoio ono
cast is deaih, and tho other U ducking,
but what say you, Brougbton'"
"Oh, Bir," replied tho littlo follow.
his eyes kindling as ho Bpoko, "tlmy
say an English man of-war's boat pass
ed it a few yoais ago, and I'm suro hc
can do il, too. Besides Bir, wo oan
try it with 'ono boat first. It isn't suclv
a high surf, aftor all, and look there,
sir. they're watching us from tho fort."
lrno enough, the omcers of tho
garrison wero quizzing us already with
their glssees.
I still, however, objected, ft olincr a
Btrnngo kind of presentiment Ihat somo
dreadful accident would occur if wo
vnturcd in tho surf. But tho national
prido of our men had boon touched,
nud, the lieutenant, seeing it, wavered
no longer, and shouting tho order to
"Give way," our crew broko into a
cheer and dashed rapidly up to the
gigantio breakers.
Tho aspect of tho surf as wo annrn-
aohed it was terrible. Enormous bill-
owb rollod in, ono after another roo
liko mounters, paused a momont with
tbeir white crests combing before they
descended and thon hurled their mass
of water down into tho abyss below
with tho noiso of a mighty oataract.
Hitherto all had been careless on
boft'd, and josts had been flying plonti.
mny auoni, nut, overy man now felt
that a crisis was at hand, and accord
ingly th deepest silenco prevailed,
broken only by tho noiso of the oars
and quick orders of the lieutenant.
"Larboard!" Bhoutod Tiller, wavintr
hls hand, "larboard a little more!" and
riding on an enormous wayo we wero
winricd into tho Heart of tho surf, with
two gigantic billows madlv nur.
suing us on our quarter. For a mom
ent wo thought tlio crisis passod, but
all at onco tho wavo too mod to lose its
Impetus, and gliding from binoath us
broached us almost broadside to, whilo
tho foremost of our pursuois dashed
against us and hofrled us nearly over
into tho abyss. Wo wero losing all
command of tho boat, when suddenly a
volco from our oolloaguo outsido of tho
surf exclaimed!
"Look out, thoro's a Bhark on your
quarter!" At tho samo Instant Tillor,
p receiving ou) dangor, thunderod,
"Larboard, hard easo oft there, lar
board hardor, for God's sake, downl"
but tho poor coxswain, Btartlod by the
ill timed warning from tho other boat
and conscious of tho torriblo situation
in which wo wero, lost for a momont
nil command of his faoulties, and bo
foro ho could regain thorn, suflloiontly
to oboy tho command of his olTiccr a
wavo struck us full on our broadside
and in another instant, with a wild
cry of horror, wo found ourselves strug
gling in tho stitf.
Wnon I roao to tho surfaoo I struok
out boldly, but I shall nover forgot tho
sight that met my eyes. Tho boat was
already broken in pieces and tho frag
ments lowing about, whilo tho crow
woro strggling hero and there in the
breakors. A poor fellow wa just a
hoad of mo, buffeting with tho waves,
his agonized look fixed on n lingo,
shark that lay oyoing him just without
tho surf, IL screamed for succor, but
it was in vain. Tho current was grad
ually sweeping him nearer to his terri
ble enemy. Tho othor boat vontured
as near as it could, but it woul I havo
been madness to approach nearer.
Suddenly ho gave a quick, Bhrill shriek
Hung his arm) upward and sank. The
next iuslant the blood red hue of tho
surfaco told tho fearful cause.
As for mysolf, I Btruck desperately
for tho shore, and being a good s dim
mer as long as I could command my
faoulties I know I had somo chanco of
reaching land. I had turned in order
to cscapu tho current and find a place
whero tho surf rolled in less frightfully,
when I heaul a faint ory, and saw lit
tlo Harry struggling not two fathoms
off. He seemed almost exhausted, aud
was barely ablo to keep his head above
"For tho lovo of heaven," ho cried,
"Frank here!" But as I swatnj to
wards him tho noblo boy exclaimed:
"No! Savo yourself I'm nearly gone
am getting woak tell mother and
Fanny I died thinking of them.
"Courage! ' I shouted: "I'll ba thero
in a minute hold on, my bravo lad!"
and I strainod every nervo to roach
him, but tho current was powerful that
it balllo.l my efforts. Ono whilo tho
surf would sweep ns far apart, aud
again dash us almost to gethcr.
saw, however, that I gradually ncarcd
the gallant littlo leliow.
Tho crew of tho boat outsido bent to
their oars, determined at all risks to
securo us, when suddonly thoro was
cry,, "Tho Bhark! tho shark!" And
tho huge monster shot along not
twenty yarn nu between us and our
only hope, tho bint. My brain reeled
as I looked. Tho boat was rapidly
approcbing, but tho surf was too wild
to siiltdr it to come near whero wo
wero, and between us tho frightful
minster was sailing to and fro, wait
in for t'io tide to sweep us out.
"I'm going, Frauk; 1 can't stand it
any longer. Oh, my poor mother and
sister God forgivo ma my sins." faint
ly said tho boy.
"Hold on a minuto, for heaven's
sakef I cried, for I was already with
m a yard or two of him.
"Hold on!" thundered tho lioutonant
from tho boat; "we'll ba there if we die
for it givo way, lads, for life, hurrah!"
uut poor little Harry had held on
until naturo was comploioly worn out
aud casting a wild look on all around
ho faintly ejaculated, "My mothor,
sister oh, my ttodl ' and then, with a
convulsivo jerk of his arm?, sank liko
lead into tlio waters. The noxt mom
ent I would havo been by his side.
"Givo way! Givo way! Givo way!"
roared the lieutenant, wildly, as he
waved on his men.
"For God's sake, come on quiok!" I
shoutod as I dived.
But alas! my search was unsuccessful.
and when l roso to tho surtaco I was
far away from tho spot where Harry
had disappeared and noaring with
frightful rapidity tho shark on tho
edge of the surf. Tho boat was yet
too distant to promise auy effectivo
aid. I shall nover forgot tho emotions
of that instant. A sickening eoneation
camo over me; my brain reeled, my
joints grow woak and my arms seemed
to refuse their duty. Tho monster
was now nearly at my side. I could
sou his great Pus appearing aud disap
pearing, and almost feel tho lashing of
his hugo tail as it beat against tho
wators. 1 gavo up all ray hopo of this
world and all I loved, and shut my
eyes upon my tornhlo enomv as I brea
thed 0 silont prayer for meroy to God
A moment Hint seemed years ensued
a moment of torturo moro horrible
tlmn any I ever had conceived when
a loud, sharp ory rang out just behind
me, and at the samo instant a coil of
ropo fell bisidu mo ns a voice called
out in broken Ennlish, "Hold ou!"
Clutching thu cord mechanically, I
leit mysiii drawn rapidly 111 among
tho breakers, whilo tho enormous mon
ster, proooiving bo was going to be
disappointed of his prey, struck tho
waves wildly with his tail, and dashed
like lightning alter me.
'In U'lth him liflnil fwnr lionrlt'
shouted a voico, and I felt myself jir
ked into ono 01 tho boats common on
tho coast. At tho same instant a thun
dering ohoer rung from tho crew out
sido tho surf. Forgetful of ovcrytliiug
but my wondoiul preservation 1 lell on
my knees and thanked Uod I was
When I looked again, I Baw wo wtro
riding in upon thu surf and tho shaik
had sheered out to sea. Wo wero
soon landed, and I then learned tho
manner of my deliverienoe. Having
been soon, a boat had been put olt to
our rescue, and had already taken tip
several 01 our crow, wnon thoy dis
covered mo struggling against tho cur
rent. Had I not been ongaged In on
deavoring to savo poor Harry I would
havo noticed their approach sooner,
As it was four of our crow woro lost
Tho poor boy, thank God was wash
rd ashoro that samo aftornoon, and
thero was not n dry cyo on tho ship
when thoy heard of his untimely ond.
Wo burned uiui near Madras, and ro
ended our battlo with tho Burf. ?Vi(fl
Sunday Shaving.
An Eminent Proaoher's Opinion.
Ah wo waited in tho L. it N. depot
at Nashville for tho train, Bomo ono
began crying, and nn oxoitcmont was
raisod among tho passengors. A brlof
investigation provod thnl it was an old
colored man who was giving wny to
his grief. Thrco or four pooplo re
marked on thu Hliangeuoss of it, but
for somo time no ono said anything lo
him. Then n depot policeman camo
forward and took him oy tho arm, nnd
shook him roughly nnd Binds
'Sco here, old rami, you want to quit
that! You aro drunk, nnd if you mako
any moro disturbance I'll lock you upl'
'Deod, but I hain't drunk, replied
tho old man. ns ho removed his tear-
stalnod handkerchief. 'I'zo lostod my
Somo years atro tho locality of con
ducting tho business of a barber on
Sunday was decidod in tho negative
by Judgo Klwoll. It was one of tho
first oases of the kind brought botoro
tho courts of this Stato. A similar
caso Is ponding in Philadelphia and wo
print below a full report of it, becamo
of its general interest.
John II. low aud lid ward A.
Anderson brought tbo quostion licforo
tho Court by nn nppoal from tho sum
mary conviction of William it. Wald
man Magistrate Baird fonnd Mr.
Waldmnn imittv of violating tho Act
of 1791 by(working on Sunday. Tho
argument of Messrs. Fow and Ander
son was two-fold. Tlio first tioint was
that Mr. Waldman could not ba de
prived of bis liborty in a cilminal pro
ceeding witho it a trial by a jury. Tho
second point was that a barbel's work
was a work ot uocessity, and as such
would bo exempt from tho penalties of
tho ancient law.
Stresj was laid by Messrs Fow and
Anderson in their artrumont on tlio
first point that "tho thoughts which
inuuenced tho niomuors of tho Legis
lature and tho Constitutional Conven
tion, that no man should ba deprived
of his liborty and Buffer the ignomy of
an imprisonment at tho will of a judge,
but only on a solemn conviction ol a
jury of his oountryraoti. They woll
new that in the Court of Com
mon Ploas tho judge is omnipotent,
that tho verdiot of tho jury, bo it for
piainiut or doiondont, Commonwealth
or prisoner, is at tho marcv of tho
judge; ho give3 tho law to tho jury,
and thoy Bimply pass upon tho facts.
it tnoir vordict is not in accordance
with law as ho nnderstands it, or if the
facts adductod do not warrant their ver
dict or do justice between tho parties,
no may sot mo verdict aside, and bo on
until a verdiot is found that in his
opinion docs justice But in Court tho
Quarter Sossions, whore a man's liber
ty, instead of his property, is involved,
there tho jury is omnipotent, and tho
power tho judgo has is merely to dt-
tect, and not control, oxcept in ewes
vh 10 injustice has boon dono tho
Judgo Ponnypaokor decided this
point against Mr. Waldman, on the
ground that if tho Legislature had in
tended to tako away tho right of sum
mary conviction, it, would havo so ex
pressed itself in some law draftod to
meat tho caso. As tho Legislature had
tiooe nothing of tho kind, tho Court
could only read law as ho found it.
Advancing to tho discussion of the
sesond point Mr. Waldman's counsel
arguod that tho decision of tho quos
tion whether barber's work was a
work of necessity, was a question of
fact which a jury should determine,
but undor tho circumstances thoy
would hayo to submit this "important
q lOBticn of fact to his Honor's solu
Witnesses wero then called to tho
stand, all of whom testified that thov
shaved or wero shaved on Sunday and
considered it a necessity to havo a
clean face, and that it had been for years
a custom to keep barber shops open on
Mr. Andorson adlrosaod tho Court.
with particular emphasis upon tho
argument that tho riso and progress of
a custom in tho community establishes
tho idoa of its necessity. The argu
ment then followed closely tho lines
set by tho paper book prepared by
alossrs. Anderson and Fow. from
whioh thu following aro extraots:
"My cook prepares mv food on Sun
day, the maid cloans up tho home, wo
wash our hands and face: why should
not my barber shaio met Tho sun
goes round seven days as well as six;
a man s appetite is lust as stronir on
Sunday as any othor day; his hands
and laco grow dirty, his clothing
dusty and untidy and his board con
tinues to grow.
"A largo class of tho community aro
so ongaged as not to havo tho time to
got shaved on baturday, and to others
a Bhavo on Saturday will not render
them clean on Sunday; and as cleanli
ness is noxt to godliness, it is not only
a necessity to all, but a duty to those
who aro trod-lcanng.
"Distanoes nre annihilated by tho
wonderful inventions of man, modern
progress has caused tho wants of man
to increase, aud that whioh was not a
necessity in 1794 may bo a necessity
to-day. In 1791 thero wero but sevon
barber-shops that also practiced cup
ping and leeching in rhiladelplua.
Wo to-day aro better ablo to mdtro of
our wanls, from a point of necessity,
than our foro-fathors; and tho sonti
mont of this community is that shav-
: o j . . i.
ug mi ouuuay is n wortt 01 necessity.
At the conclusion of tho argument
Judge Pennypackcr announced that
"as tho position taken in tho caso af
fected the intorests of a largo and im
portant portion of tho community," ho
would tako tho matter into careful
Almost overy man at somctimo in
his life is Btnitton with a nowspapcr
mania, I fancy, BaysTalmago. Ho has
Bomo idoa, moral or politioal or relig
ious, and lie induces somo friend to nil
vanco tho cash to start a papor, and ho
gots ont a prospectus which throatons
to do groal things. Aftor a wcok or
two somo plain, raaltor-of-fact stock
holder finds out that thoro has been no
special revolution in tho univorso nnd
that the stiu and moon do not stand
still, and that men aro just ns big liars
as thoy wero before, and that baodl'irs
aro just as thick. Pretty soon a big
bill for whito papor comes in and ab
sorbs all tho sparo cash in tlio business
ofl!c3 and the printers refuso to work
unless tho "strings" aro cashed up; the
printer bows to tho managing editor
and tho managing editor bows to the
editor-ln-chiof and ho bows to tlio
stockholder. Tho stockholder bows
to tho ceneral pnblic, and tho sub
soriber in tho rural districts wonders
why his papor does not come any
more. My adviao to a mau who hai any
thing to B3y in a nowspaper is to say
it through somo papor that is alroa ly
an established institution.
An idea is provalont that a man who
oan do nothing olso can edit n news
paper. A man who cannot row a dug
ont aoross tho Mississippi rivor has no
bltsiness trying to onginoer tho Groat
Eastorn from Now York to Liverpool.
It requires, to edit n newspaper suc
cessfully, the brains of a philosopher,
tho skill, tho vigilance and tho bold
ness of a groat general; a man ought
to bo a statesman, an essayist, a geo
grapher, a statistician and an encyclo
pedia; and it moro men had found this
out earlier in their career thero would
havo been many fower cases of bank
ruptcy within tho last fifty years. My
advioo to tho young man who fools
called on to start a nowspaper is that
ho consider that tho first sign of soft
ening of tho brain, that ho plaoo all his
monoy in his wife's hands and mako a
rush for somo lunatio asylum and sur
render himself baforo he doos any
thing desparate.
I believo a groat improvement w'll
be mado in tin nowspapors when they
drop tho impersonal style. Tho belt
pens and tho best minds aro ongaged
to-day in writinn for nawspapors and
thoir writings ofton appoar in tho edi
torial columns, yet most of them dio
unknown, and livo, many of them, on
iuccmpotont salaries. After a whilo
thoir hand forgets its cunning and
without resources they die. Tha world
novor know them. If this impersonal
ity woro dropped in tho moro impor
tant of newspaper writings, it would
be a creator iustioo to those who en
gage in nowspaper work. It used to
add woigjit to an article in tho Now
York Tnbuno to see tho initals "H.
G." at tho end of it. Whun mon sign
tho'r names to what thoy write, liter
ary mou will corao to lirger apprecia
tion. No honorablo man would wrilo
anything that ho would ba ashamed to
put his name to, and writers can bo
held responsible for what thoy writ 1.
Tho imporsonal oditorial "wo" will not
stand between a man who has b;en
assailed and tbo writer who is respou
siblo for tho article.
I could preach a wholo sermon upon
tho everlasting blessings of a good
newspaper. A good newspaper is tho
greatest temporal blessing that Gxl
has given to tho people of this country.
In tho first place all tho peoplo rond
tho newspapers, and thon tho news
papers furnish tho greater portion of
tho reading of tho peoplo. They
don't read books. Tho old peoplo
look for tho deaths, tho young poop'o
look for tho marriages, and those who
aro unemployed road tho want adver
tisements. Great libraries mako a few
intelligent men and woraon, but tho
newspapers lift tho nation into sin
light. My idea of a good nowspaper
is a mirror of lifo itself, bomo peoplo
complain because the evil of tho world
is reported as woll as the good. Tho
ovil must bo reported as woll as tho
good, or how will wo know what to
guard ourselves against or what to re
form, Thoro is a chanco for discrimi
nation ns lo how muoh space shall bo
given to suoh things as prize fights,
but tho nowspaper that merely pro
Bonts the fair and beautiful and bright,
eunny sido of lifo is a misrepresenta
tion. That family is best qualified for
the duties of lifo who have told to
thorn not only what good thoro is in
tho world but the ovil, nnd is told to
solect tho good and reject the evil.
tloket nn' money, an' dat's what's do
'Boshl You novor had auy monoy to
lose. You dry up or awny you gol'
'What's tho matter yoreV queried a
man as ho camo forward.
Ths old man recognized tho dialect
of tho Southerner in an instant, and re
pressing his emotions with a great of
fort ho answered:
'Say, Mars Jack, l'zo bin robbed.'
My namo is Whito.'
Well, then, Mars Whito, somebody
has dono robbed me of ticket an'
'Whero wero you goingl'
Gwmodown into Kaintuck, whar I
was bo'n an' raised.'
'Whero's thatl'
'Nigh to Bowlin' Groon, sail, an'
when do wah dun sot mo free I 'cum
up tliis way. Hain't bm homo senco,
'And you had a tiokott'
'Yes, sab, an' ober $20 in cash. Bin
savin' up fur ten y'ars, sah.'
'What do you want to go back fort'
To boo do hills an' do fields, do to
bacco an' do oo'n, Mars Preston nn' do
good olo missus. Why, Mars Whito,
i'zo dun-bin prayln' fur It fo' twonty
y'ars. Sometimos do longin' has cum
till I couldn't hardly hold myself.'
'It's too bad.'
'Da olo woman is buried down dar,
Mars White do olo woman an' froo
chillcn. I kin 'memb3r tho spot samo
as if I sood it yisterdav. You go out
half way to do fust tobackor house, an'
don you turn to do left an' go down to
do branch whar do wimmon used to
wash. Dar's fo' troes on do oddor
bank, an' right undor 'em is wbar dey
is all buried. I kin seo itl I kin load
you right to do spot!'
'And what will you do whon you
got ihoret' asked tho stranger.
'Go up to do big house an' ax Mars
Preston to let mo lib out all do ro3t of
my days, right dar. I'ze olo an' all
alone, an' I want to ba nigh my dead.
Sortei company fur ma when my heart
'Whero wero you robbed? '
'Out doahs, dar, I reckon, in do
crowd. Sect Da pookct is all out
out. I'zo dreamed an' ponderod Pzo
had dis iournov in my mind fer y'ars
an' y'ars, an' now I'zo dun bin robbed
an' can't go!'
Ho set to crying, aud tho polioo
raan camo forward in an officious man
ner. 'Stand back, Birl' commanded tho
stranger. 'Now, gentloraen, you havo
heard tho story. I'm going to help
tho old man baek to die on tho old
plantation and bo buried alongside of
his dead.'
'So am II' called twonty mon in
ohorus, and within fivo minutes wo had
raisod enough to buy him a tickot and
loavo $50 to sparo. And whun ho
realized bis good luck, tho old snow
haired black" fell upon his knees in
that crowd and prayed:
'Lord, Vzi bin a believer in Yon all
my days, an' now 1 dun axes You to
watch ober doso ycro whito folks dat
bolievcd in me an helped ma to go
back to do olo homo '
And I do believo that niuo-tenlhs of
that crowd had toars in thsir eyes as
tho gatcraen callod out tho train for
Two Bides to a Character.
Prisoner (to visiting clergyman)
Yer right In what ycr say, an I sco
tho error o' my wajs fnllyi an' I glv
yer my word o' honor, it l t-ver get
out 0 this oro place, I'll never steal
agin, it don t pay. 1 11 stick to mm;
that nover got mo In tronhlo.
A Problem in Hanking.
Tho president of a bank was aekod
this question: "Supposo I givo a man
a chock on my bank for any sum of
monoy, nnd when tho cuook is present
ed tho paying-toller, not knowing tlio
holder, oortihes tho check; thu holder
gels It oashed outside; 111 tho oourso
of timo tho check reaches tho bank up-
...1 1. r .1 1
mi wiuuii it. is uruwu, in inu meaniimo
I havo learned that tho representations
upon which I gavo tho check are falso
nnd mado lor tho purposo ot commit
ting an illegal act; 1 Havo notihcd tho
bank that such is the case. When
thu check is presented is tho bank
bound lo pay it, and am I tho losor!"
Tho reply of tho bank prosidont is :
"Yes; tho bank must honor its own
certification; inasmuch ns tho check
was certified on tlio fact that you had
a bank acoount whero tho check was
prcsonted, and that tho sicnaturo of
suoh check was yours, you must loso.
iron nave no ruoourso unless you catch
tho fellow who mado tho misrepresen
tation, and that doesn't always get tho
money. I think Btioh nn act as tho
ono of which von speak is a poulien-
tiary offonco." Chicago 'Jribunt.
Doctors And Churches.
Tlio Dootors of Now York City say
Spoor's Port Grapo Wino has proved to
bo pure, unadulterated, ot a lino tiavor
and touio properties, nnd Is unsurpassed
for its rsstoratWo power, and thoy
prescribe it as a superior wine. Church
ed ujo it for communion.
On a train between Jersoy City nt d
Patterson a poorly dressed woman,
carrying a baby in her arms, walked
through two coachos and was unablo
to find a seat. Tho railroad hog was
there. In a dozen cases ho had tl.o
wholo scat by himsctf, and ho meant
to kocp it. Tho woman finally found
rofugo in tho smoking car, and by and
by tho hog went forward to cnioy a
Havana and found her crying.
"What's tho matter?"
"Baby is very ill, sir."
"And whero aro you going?"
"lo my sisters. My husband
dead and I havo no home."
"Havo you any money?"
"Not a dollar, Bir."
"Umph! Sorry for yon. Let
hand yon this."
Tho hog had been robbod of
bristles. Woman's tears had melted
his selfishness. Ho returned to his
oar, gathered tlio other hogs about
him, and said:
"Ootno down! Poor widow sick
baby no home. Cotno down.,'
Tho hogs wont down for their wal
lets, and in ten minutes tho sum of
$10 was put into tho woman's hand,
and tho boss hog observed:
"Thero thero it's all right not a
a word! Now como back hero!''
And as sho followed him Into tho
coach a dozen hogs roso up and insist
ed that sho tako their Bcate, nnd nil
gathcrod round her to voico tho senti
ment: "Poor woman! Poor baby! Isn't,
(hero something wo can do for you?"
Tho railroad hog oan't bo crowded,
but ho oan bo mol'.od. Troy North'
cm llmlget.
"Ah! your Majosty," said Sir Walter
Kallegh to Good Queen Bess, "I havo
a frightful cold in my head. What is
tho best and quickest cure?"
Tlio nxe, my lord," said I Hot An eon
and Ualcigli dropped the subject.
Puro salt of medium fineness and
with a body velvety touch should bo
Tho wholo of tho cream ehould bo
woll attired eyery time fresli cream is
added and half a dozen times a day
During tho summer tho best churn
ing tcmporaturo is 57 to S8 dogs; dur
ing lato fall and winter C2 to 01 degs.
aro preferable,
Tlio buttor should bo kept cool dur
iug tho working and also during tho
few hours whilo it may bo lelt tor tho
salt to dissolve.
Whon shallow, open paus aro used
for setting, the surrounding nir Bhotild
bo pure; si damp, musty collar iB no fit
placo for milk.
As soon as the salt is dissolved tlio
butte- may bo worked tho second timo
to correct any streakiness which tho
first mixing of salt may havo caused.
Three-quarters of an ounco of salt to
tbo pound will bo tho right quantity
tor most markets for immediate con
sumption, and ono ouu'co to tho pound
for packed butter.
Tho agitation of churning should bo
kept up till tho buttor comes into par
ticles larger than clover seed. Tho
buttermilk should then be drawn off
and puro water C5 degs. added in its
Two days boforo tho churning is to
bo done, about ono quart of cream for
overy four'pailfuls to bo churned (or a
quantity equal to 2 per cent.) should
be sot apart nnd kept as warm as 70
dogs. Fahrenheit.
Tho cicam for each churning should
all bo gathered into one vessel and
kept cool nnd sweet. A good practico
lor fall aud winter is to mix 25 per
cent, of puro water with tho cream bo
foro it has becomo sour.
Ono day beforo tho churning that
small quantity of cream called a fei
mentation starter, which will then bo
t-our, thotild bo added to tho quantity
which is intended for churning and bo
mixed therewith. By oliurniug this
for n miuuto or two tbo butter will bti
W Bhed frco from milk whilo it is still
in a granular elate. Tho milky water
may then bo drawn olt and replaced ny
a weak briuu at tho satno temperature.
After a minuto's churning the butter
may by left to drain in the cUuin for
hall an hour bufoiu it is removed to
bo pressed nnd salted. Professor
Janus W. Iljbeitfcon In Toronto
Euiilish Touri-t I am nfr.ild
size of my foot my astonish jou.
Chicago Shoemaker O, no, Miss I
It's quilt, below the average.
What-Decs It Mean?
"100 Doteh Ono Dollar" menus sim
ply that Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho
most economical medicino lo buy, be
cause it gives morn for the money than
any other prcpa-.ntion. Each 'botllo
contains 100 dotes aul will aiorajju to
latt a month, whilo Mlmr iicaraiioiia
taken according t dirtotions, fiiogcna
in a week. Thr icforc, bo euro to git
Hood's Sara parilla, tlio Inl blotd