The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 27, 1890, Image 2

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The Columbian.
ft, B. Slwtll, Billon.
FRIDAY, JUNK 27, 1890.
(From our Kosular correspondent.)
Washington, D. 0. Juno 22, 1890.
What has bocomo of the prinoiploof
protection bo prominent in tho Chicago
platform of 18881
Tho hardoat blow yot received by
tho Tariff, and tho ring, horetoforo tho
solo end has just boon delivered by tho
Prosidont. llo haa had hia occasion to
bo soriomly provoked by the manner
in whioh bia suggestions woro tabled
during tho prosont session, by both
Houses of Congress.
In fact, tho old Republican Ship is
at eea, and in ahoavy gale of wind. Sho
has drifted amongst dangerous rocks
that throaton her with destruction.
The Pilot has ordorod "hard a port"
and tho Q. O. P. is now drifting boforo
tho wind, diroctly out of tho oourso
that it has pursued "from suoh a time
that tho niomory of man runneth not
to tho contrary".
Tho constitution authorizes and en
courages tho President to frequently
offor advioo to Congress. But tho
tariff aud silver quostiom woro so oo
oult, and tho intricacies and interests
of his political position so groat and
various that tho Prosidontchoso to re
frain from any public expression on
tho subjoots. Nevertheless ho managed
to ha ve his oxaot ideas on both questions
convoyed to tho prominent republican
mombers. Bnt, in spito of that oau
tion, his own party has mado tho pres
ent administration appear ridiculous
and contemptible
When that body of illustrious and
conservative statesmen in the Senato
flew 'off 6n a wild tangent, and depart
ing from every sound principle of pol
itical economy passed tho silvor Bill,
tho ill-tidings of its action nearly took
away Harrison's breath. He cert
ainly deserves forgiveness, bluo-blood-ed
Presbyterian though ho is, if ho
made some remarks emphatic enough
to bring a blush to tho cheeks of Mr.
-.As tho matter nov stands, a few
men who own silvor mines in tho West
propose to arrango the whole busin :si
of trie country for their personal bene
fit. It is natural that they would want
a steady market tor their product.
Tho bill, which they have just succeed
ed in passing through tho Senate,
makes the government their regular cus
tomer, which is obliged to pay them
an exorbitant Drice for their ore-a
mice it would not command in tho
The President has been pricked to
heroio measures to recover from tho
Dosition it has held so long, to Froo
Trade. Bat to make the journoy oasi
er. as tho first stace tho President pro
poses to extend commercial liborty
only to countries of tho Westorn-nemis
Tho document, which was sent to
Concress through the medium of the
Secretary of State, is very long and
with it was transmitted a report of the
Pan-American Congress, recommend
ing treaties of reciprocity with Amori
can countries.
The inoreaso of tho duty on wool is
nrotested acainst a restrictive trade,
and utterly useless and unnecessary.
Tho MoKinley tariff bill is sternly at-
Tii 3 mi..
tacked; generally, ana iu uuiau. mo
Finanoo committoo of the stato acknow
ledges that a personal assault has been
madonnon it by tho President and
Secretary of State.
An amendment to tho tariff bill was
offered, and introduced In tho Senate
by Mr. Halo of Maine, the intimate
friend of the Secretary.
It nrovided that the ports of tho
United Stato shall bo declared freo and
open to the products of any country of
America, wnenever sucu country suau
admit freo bread-stuffs, povisions, and
other food products, petroleum and
other articles from tho United Statos.
The messago deolarcs that absolute
freedom of trade with tho countries of
America "would leap to the oponing of
now and profitable markets tor tue
products of which wo have so large
surplus, and thus lnyigoralo every
branoh of agricultural and mechanical
It was urced that to take tho duty
off sucar and wool would give tho
South American countries an advant
820 over tho United States, in commer-
ce; but it was recommended that tho
ports bo left absolutely free to all
American countries with whioh treaties
of reciprocity wero mado
Tho republican senators aro strain
ing themselves in an effort to pass tho
federal election law, that it may be
come operative beforo tho fall olootions,
Mr. Lodce has roportod tho bill, draft
ed in pursuance of instructions from
the rennblioan caucus. The republican
members say that they will allow tho
democrats about thirty days for debate
and nlabustering; it thoy aro so moan-
cu; but at tue enu ot mat period, con
sidering tho urgency of prompt action
on their part, disoussion.will bo cut off
and tho bill passed.
Muohevous Partisans
Wo can not commend the taste
temper of tho Democratic Journals that
are trying to introduco an element of
euirniy iu mo contest between Jur,
Wallace and JUr. I'attison for tho
.Democratic nomination for Governor,
fortunately there are not many
theso extremo partisans, but tho few
thoro aro seem to bo doing all thoy can
to array mo uemocratto party ofl'enn
sylvama in two hostile camps on the
Governor question. They carry their
personal auatnment to their favorites
to too groat a lenath. Thoro is no oc
casion whatever for tho introduction of
suoh warJnro. w
Nothing could bo in worso tasto than
for a Democratic journal to assume
that it opposes I'atti&on because bo is
Quay's oandidato, or that it objects to
Wall laco becanso ho is favored by the
corporations. Yet we find extremists
indulging in this mischievous kind of
foolishness. Neither of those charges
is true. Mat Quay is far from want
ing to sco Pattison nominated, and the
corporations oxpect no favors from
Wallace- In fact, eaoh of them has
an dement of strength peculiarly his
own. Mr. Pattison could draw tho
largor support from tho onposito party;
Mr, Wallace could raoro thoroughly or
ganize tho party that would nominate
Eim. Which of them would afford tho
greater advantage to tho party in a
contest with tho enemy is tho question
to which the convention should address
itself, without giving consideration to
any other object than lucocss. -Watchman.
Politics In The Btate-
Kx-Auditor Goncral Tcmplo, who is
ono of tho delegates from uroeno
County to tho Dcmocratio Stato Con
vention, being asked bis opinion as to
tho relative merits of tho candidates
for tho Dcmocratio nomination for
Governor said! "Democratic Groeno
is for William A. Walhoo for Govor
nor. First, becauso hor Democrats
favor straight Dcmooraoyi second, bo-
oauso they want a statesman to fill tho
executivo chair; finally, because they
bcliovo that Wallaco has a positivo
strength, both as an organizer and as a
representative of tho nonscrvativo bus
iness inttrcst of tho Stato, which would
add greatly to tho Democratic poll in
"I havo noticed that it is claimod
that Patison would get n great many
Republican vots. This talk comes
from a class of Republicans who try to
forco Quay to drop Dalamatcr in tho
Republican Stato Convention. After
that convention shall havo been hold,
tbcro will bo littlo of that sort
f thing loft. Democrats will find
themselves deoeivod if tbey permit
themselves to bo govornod by that
kind of influence in making thoir nomi
nation. On tho other hand, Wallace's
strength is solid and lasting. Tho
moro his record is oxanunod tho ungmor
it will Bhine. A man of national ro-
iiit.nt.tnn. Wlinn lin wim in the United
States Sen ltd ho was mado the aotivo
leader of tho party in that body at tho
suggestion of men liko Allen G. Thur-
man, Thomas t my am ana james u.
Book. Ho has given tho best years of
his life to the service of his party. It
will not do to turn down such a man in
order that somo personal preference
may be subjootod.
"I havo travolod over tho State a
good doal and I beliovo that Wallace
will bo nominatod."
Milk Without Ioe.
The following description by a phy
sician of his method of keeping milk
swoot all day in hot woathor without
ice is reproduced from tue miumore
"The mothod is this: Tho milk
when bought is at onco put into ten
or twolvo bottles yeast uotties aro
good enough ono bottio for oaoh
nursing. As muon water as is uesircu
is added, sav one sixth or one-quarter
tho amount of tho milk. The bottles,
ought not to bo quite full, are then
corked tightly with a wad of raw cot
ton two or three inobes longP Tho
bottles aro next placed, five or six at a
time, in a pan of water, which is heat
ed to boiling for at least half an hour.
Tho bottles aro then put in tho shade,
still corked with the cotton, and when
tho baby wants to nurso ono of the
bottles is unstoppod and tho nipplo is
put on as usual.
"Ono of mv patients keops mtlk
fresh all day in this way, putting it into
a cupboard in tho yard without any ice,
and the milk agrees nicely with her
baby. My belief is that tho introduct
ion of this method will save hundreds
of children's lives every summer. This
method is founded on scientific teach
ing, and is parctioally the same as that
used in the nest children's sanitariums.
The idea is to destroy all disease mat
ter that has got into the milk, aud not
let any moro get in. Tho cotton
strains out from, tho air any diseaso
mattor that may bo in it.
"Of course, the bottlos must be
oleanod immediately after eaoh nursing
with hot water aud soap, aud then fail
ed with cooking soda and water till
they aro used agaiu. Tho nipple and
rubber tube, if one is used, ra'ist be
verv oarofully cleaned also. Milk pre
pared in this way is vory nearly, if net
quite, as wholesome as if it wero drunk
directly from tho cow. This method
will, of oourse, not mako sour milk
sweet, but if tho milk comes from tho
dairy sweet it will keep it swcot for
sovoral days, and it will destroy dis
ease germs that havo fallen into tho
milk. Milk prepared in tnis way is
generally muoli moro wholesomo than
"coudensod milk" or "baby foods.1'
Children who aro fed all summor in
this way, if they take nothing but this
milk and water whioh has been well
boiled, aro likely to go all summer
without any diseaso of tho stomach or
Blaine's Significant Utterances
No careful observer of ovonts can
misunderstand the meaning of tho lm-
Sortant uHcranoes made by Secretary
iiaino on Friday last. Tho wholo
tone of his incisive letter to oongress
on reciprocity with tho American Re
public, aud of his reply to the Millers'
Uonvontion at Minneapolis, antago
nized tho wholo theory of tho MoKin
ley tariff bill, and it should arrest the
una! passage of tho measure.
Tho MoKinley tariff bill, as woll as
the amondod Senate bill, directly an
tagonizes Mr. lilaine s policy ot rectp
rocity, and the singular spectacle is
presented of a caucus mcasuro being
drivon through uongress under tho
party whip, while tho rremior of tho
administration is' publioly protesting
against its loading features, nut the
most pointed rebuke given to tho high
war tax champions was administerod
by Mr. Blaino before tho Senate com
mittco on tho samo day, where ho ap
pcarod to urgo an enlarged appropria
tion for tho Pan-Amenoan Congress,
Tho tariff was incidentally disoussod
during Mr. Blalno'a presence, and tho
Now York JleraUl reports him
making tho following pungent utter-
anco about tho MoKiuloy bill:
It is tho most dangerous, if not the
most infamous, mcasuro that was over
concocted by any i arly. Tho men
who vote for this bill will wreok tho
Republican party. If I woro in tho
Senato I would rather havo my right
arm torn out of its socket than voto for
this bill.
It is simply logioal that Mr, Blaine
should express himself in the lore
coin a terms about the MoKinney bill,
His two public deliverances mado on
the Bame day, ouo of which was an of
ficial letter to Congress transmitted by
tho f rosident without dissent, aro ut
terly wrong if the MoKinley tariff bill
is right; and Mr. iiiaine could not con
sistently declaro the views so boldly
asserted in his letter to Uongress and
his answer to tho Minneapolis millers,
and civo oven passive assent to tho
new tariff bill of eithor tho Honso or
tho Senato. It must bo obvious to all
that tho MoKinnoy bill has steadily
weakened In public approval since the
day it was roportod to tho House, and
Mr. liiaino oviuenuy sounds ino aiarm
by his soveral recent and emphatio
oritioisms of tho policy of tho measure,
lie states tho exact truth wheu he
says that it "will wreck the Republi
can party," if Inui.
Delamater Homlnatod.
Qooico Wallaco Delamator of Mead-
vllle, Crawford County, a disclplo of
Quay, was nominated Governor by tho
ropubllcan conven ion at HarrWburg
on Wednesday, in the third ballot.
An effott was made to porsuado Mon
tooth to takotlio nomination for Llou
tenant Governor but ho declined.
L. A. Watro8 of Lackawanna was
nomluatcd for Lieutenant Governor.
Wben I Was Biokl
My room looked liko a drug store, I
had so miny bottles In it. Tho moro
I dOBod'iho worso ott 1 was finally, i
paid my doctor and told him ho needn't
como any more. I was troubled with
Chronic Rheumatism, and couldn t get
out of bed alona Six bottles of Sul
phur Bitters cured mo. lienj. JPitch,
Adams House, Motion. 0-20 2U
The Beorets of Saoosss.
From The Lyons (N. V.) Republican.)
In 1879 Mr. If O. Filer, of this vill
age, became possessed of a lormuia
for tho compounding of a modiuiuo for
horses and catllo which had been in
his family for nearly a cjntury, having
been originated by his groat grandfath
er, a chemist in England. During
theso hundred years tho remedy has
been continually improved by experi
ment and expenonco until in 1847,
whon it was brought to this country, it
was known to all Btookmen in England
as without equal for tho euro of various
diseasos of horsos and cattlo and for
tho keeping of tho samo in fiuo condi
tion. During tho early years of its ox
istanco it was sold at four shilling the
iiound ($1). Whon it came into Mr.
filer's possession in 1879 ho conceived
the idea of putting it up in ono full
ponnd packago which should soil at tho
pice within tho reach of all. Ho gave
it tho namo People's Ilorno and Cattlo
powders, a name which has einco bo
como a synonym foroxcelcnco and pur
ity. Tho business, starting in a small
way, has rapidly extended under Mr.
Filer's management, until it cow reach
es every Stato and Torritory and takes
in Australia and South America.
At tho beginning ot tho prcsont
year the bnincss was converted into a
slock company, and is now being carri
ed on by the Joppa Manufacturing
The success of this remody has been
duo to its rooocnizod excellence and to
tho scrupulous caro which has been
taken to uso only the best of chemically
pure materials. Everythintr passes a
most thorough test, and when tho in
gradients go into the well-known red
label package and receive tho seal of
tho company they aro accepted at onco
as iust what thoy aro represented to
bo. 1 uritv has been insisted upon at
every stago of the manufacture, and
this is undoubtedly the groat secret of
tho success of tho goods, espeoially as
of lato years thoro aro great numbers
of tho light weight powdors,conoocked
of choap and worthless materials which
are put on tho market in competition
with f eoplo s f owders.
lho Joppa Uompany is now greatly
extending its business, and it is grati
fying to us to learn that the present
years sales promiso to groitly surpass
those of any previous year.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of catarah that can
not be cured by taking Hall's Catarah
F. J. CIIKNEY&CO., Props, Toledo
Wo, tho undersigned, have known F,
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
beliovo htm perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
ablo to carry out any obligations made
oy tueir lirm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Mar
vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O,
nail s Uattarb Cure is taken intern'
ally, acting directly upon tho blood
and muoous surfaces of tho system
testimonials sent freo. 1'rico 75o. per
bottle. Mold by all druggists. G-20 1
6,ooo,ooo I.clterH Yearly Fall to
Heacn xaeir ui ...muiiuii.
Tho number ot lost letters reported to
the post-office department at Washington,
last year, was very largo, and somo facts
regarding these stray missives may bo of
general interest. Thero were received at
the dead letter ofilco at Washington nearly
0,000,000 missives, which, for ono reason
or another, failed to And their addresses,
Ot these, 10,700 were not addressed at all
18;000 contained money, amounting in alj
to 935,000; and there wero inclosutcs of
checks, drafts, etc., to tho amount of
800,000 In 23,000 letters. Ot course in such
an Immcnso correspondence as is done
the United States, mistakes are lnvetlablc,
but ono would hardly expect that every
half hour ot the day and night a letter
would bo dropped in the post-ofllco with
no address whatever. Tho amount of
money which found its way to the dead
letter ofSco instead of to tho persons to
whom it was duo, indicates a singular care
lessness In financial matters. It ought to
be posslblo to trace tbo ownerships ot tho
checks and drafts, but much of tho money
doubtless will i;o Into the national treasury
because of tbe Inability of the officials to
find lho owners. Tbero is a lesson In theso
facts and figures, ot interest to all, for tho
Illiterate aro far from being tho only ones
to misdirect correspondence.
Mr. 0. M. Keraloy, who Is attending tbo
Dickinson Bamtnary has como homo to
spend a few weeks among the bills with
his old friends.
Several ot tho young folks from around
hero went to UUnton Bunday evening to at-
tcnd.tlio Children's Day exercises.
We notice Clarcnco Butt has come home,
lie has been attending the Bloomsburg
Normal Bchool, and expects to go back 1
flay making lias begun and it will not bo
very long until tho harvest will ha rlpo by
tbe appearance of the grain at present, hut
It will be somewhat later than common wo
Mr. Bamucl Yorks and wlfo of Central
wero visiting their parents, near hero, tbo
first ot the week.
Jefferson Fritz and W. h. Yorks went to
Bloom Saturday, to attend to some bust
Mabk Tavist
DriiiiVemieHH l.lquor llnbtt Iu
nil mo woliuuierc ih uui uue
cure Dr, IIulueM' uoltteii Upeclflc
It can bo given lnS cup ot tea or coffee
without tho Knowledge ot tbo person taxing
It, effecting a speedy and permanent cure
whether tho patient is a modcrato drinker
or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards have been cured who have take
the doldcn Hpecltlc in their coffoo without
their knowledge, and to-day believe they
null drinking ot their own freo will. No
harmful effect results from Its admlnittra-
tion, Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular
and tall particulars. Addresn in confidence
Q ou ii Bnomo Co., 181 ltaco Street,
l1CSaolaas,U,0. 10-ly
I.tKlit Htrccl.
Iter. Mr. Davlca of Bcranton spent a fow
days Kith J. M. 0. Itsnk, Esq., preaching
lu tho M. E. Church on Bunday evening.
Mr. Thompson of Now York spent a fow
days In town visiting; his uuelo 3, M. lluls
hlzcr. lknl. Illcks and lady ot Plymouth spent
Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hick.
O. U. Klluc and wlfo spent Bunday In
Mr. Wm. I Tcrwllllgcr, returned from
his wedding trip on Monday evening.
Mr. Harry Stout, ot Bugarloaf and Miss
llattlo Drako of Light Btrcot, woro mar.
rtcd at tho rosldenco ot the brldo's parents
by Hot. Bones on 8aturday ovc at S o'clock.
Numerous attractions for tho Berwick
boys Bunday last.
Miss Maggie 8how returned homo after a
long visit through Maryland and Virginia.
Mrs. Chas. Brown and dughtcr Martha
returned from New Yoik accompanlad by
Mrs. A. 0. Brown of New York.
Ijr at 1'ourUi-clnnn PoHliunHtcrn.
Representative Kennedy, of Ohio, has
Introduced a bill in Congress providing
that tho compensation of tho fourth-class
postmasters shall bo fixed on the basis ot
the amount ot business transacted at their
offices, as follows: On tho first 9100 or
less per quarter,! 100 per cent.; on the
next 9100, 00 percent.; on tho next 9300
80 per cent. ; on all tho balance, 40 per
cent. In addition to such compensation,
thoy shall bo entitled to all box rents re
ceived at their oSlccs.
Special cxcurflon tickets will be sold be
tween all points on tho Heading system
on July 3rd and 4th, good for return pass
ago until and Including July 7th. N tick
ets with this extended time limit, uoweve r
will be Isold for less than 35 cents for
adults and 13 cents for children.
Tbe nnccu's xrlzu Coiupctltlou.
Ten familiar quotations from standard
authors appear each month under this
heading in tho Canadian Qoein, aud the
publishers of this popular magazine offer
$59.00 in cash prizes each month to those
naming tbe largest number of tho authors
from whom tho quotations are taken. This
Is a most practical way of encouraging the
study of standard authors and will interest
every intelligent reader. A sample copy
of the Quekn with full particulars and list
of quotations will bo mailed to hny ad
dress for flvo 2c stamps. Tho subscription
prico Is only $1.00 per year. Address,
Tm Canadian Qoeen, Toronto, Canada.
Ih Importance of purifying the blood can
not be orersitimated, for without put Mood
you cannot enjoy good hialtn.
At this season nearly every ons nttds a
good medietas to purify, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and we aik you to try Bood'e
Danll'jH Siriaparilla. Itttresithens
rebuild! Md buildi up the iritem,
creates on appetite, and tones the digestion,
while It eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination,, proportion, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used giro to
Hood's earsaparltla pecul- p Itealf
tar euratlve powers. No W IIOOII
othermedlctne baa such a record ot wonderful
cures. It you bare made up your mind to
buy Hood's Sartaparllla do not be Induced to
take any other Instead. It if a Peculiar
Hcdlel&e, and Is worthy your confidence.
Hood's BarupaiUla U sold by all drnggiite.
Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Usee.
100 Doses Ono Dollar
The foUowlne Is a Hat of candidate for County
offices to bo voted for at the delegate election
ueia oaiuraay August v, ltw, Detwoen mu uuura ui
3 and 7 o'clock d. m. Nominating convention
iiusuay August, villi.
Fob Rei'kksentativk,,
of Conyngham township.
Fob Associate Judge,
of Jackson township
Fob County Commissioner,
of Beaver Township.
Fob State Senatob,
24th Senatorial Distbict,
BlooomBburg, Fa.
For District Attounev,
of Bloomsburg
For Count commissioner.
ot Bloomsburg
For Legislature.
of Ccntralia.
Fob Countv Treasurer.
of Roaringcroek Township.
For Associate Judge,
of Centre.
For Countv Commissioner.
of Fishiugoreek.
For County Commissioner.
of Hemlock Township.
Fob I'rotiionotabv & Ui.krk ok the
of Bloomsburg, l'a.
For Countv Tbeasurf.u,
of Conyngham.
For County Commissioner
of Bloomsburg.
For Rei'resentativk,
of Catawlssa.
For Representative,
of Greenwood,
Fou Associate Judoe,
of Benton.
Fob Representative,
of Catawlssa.
Fob I'rotiionotart & Clkuk
of Bloomsburg, l'a.
Fob Registf.b fc Recorder
0. B. ENT.
of Scolt Township.
For Countv Comisioner
of Soott Township.
For Register and Recorder,
of Bloomsliurg.
llrTlrtiioofawrltotKLKii. tauoj out of tho
Court ot Common I'leasotCol. Co. To., and to mo
directed, there win bo sold In tho .shcrlrf.s unico
In tho Court llou). liloomsbtirg, Pa., on
at s o'clock p. m, all tho right, tltlo aid interest
orjamefl Morrison, tho defendant, ot In and to all
that certain lot and pleci ot ground situate in tho
borough of Ccntralla, Col. Co, I'a, bouuded and
described as follows: lleglnnlnK at a point on tbo
north Bldo of Centre street Boventy-nve (isjfeet vest
ottho northwest cornerot.oentronna Wood strata,
thenco along Bald centre street south eight y-Bcren
(87) degrees west twentjr-flvo (31) foot to a stako
thence north three (Sjdegrooal west ono hundred
and forty (Hoi feet to an alley, thenco along sold
alley north cigbty-soven (i7) degrees east twenty-
nro (25) feet ton, stake, thenco south three (3) do.
grecacast ono hundred and forty (140) feet to tho
po.nt of beginning, being tho lot maikod with tho
number three (J) In block No. sixty (00) on the
map or plan of said liorougn as laid out by the
Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Co., on which aro
erected a
m Story kill Eouu,
and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into exocutton at the suit of tho
Citizen's lluUdlng and Loan Association ef centra
11a vs. James Morrison, and to bj sold as tho prop
erty of James Morrison.
Barkloy, JOUS 11. CASEY,
Att'y. ShcrlO.
Sheriff's Sale.
lly virtue ot a writ ot Vend Kt. Issued out ot the
Court of Common new or Columbia county, l'a.,
and to mo directed, therj will bo sold on tho pre
mises In CUawlssa, Cot Co., ra.. on
SATURDAY, JULY lOih, 1800,
At 10 o'clock a. m. tho following: All that certain
messuage and tenement or lot of ground Blluato in
tuo township ot Catiwts-u, Col. Co. I'a., bounded
and described ai follows, to-Kit; Ucglnnlng In
Main street In tho town ot Catawlssa, at the cor
ner of a lot marked and numbered In s aid to wn as
lot No. 63, and running from thenco by the samo
Bouthwost two hundred and ten feet to an alley,
thenco by said alley southeast forty-nlno too t nine
Inchos to tho corner of lot ot Jean K. Sharplcss,
thenco by tho sam northeast two hundred and
ten reet to said Main Btrect, thence by said street
northwest forty-nlno feet nine Inches to lho place
of beginning, wheroon aro erected a two-story
and outbuildings.
Seized, takon Into execution at tho suit ot oeo-
E. Elwell In trust for Watson Co., Peter n. Hal-
dy, K. 1). Schmlck, Mrs. K. U. Hayhurst and W. 11,
Creasy vs. Stephen midy, and to bo sold as the
property of Stephen llaldy.
JHwell, J011N U-CASBV,
Atty. Sheriff.
ilk;:;::- Fvs'Euii&enl
Mt. Gretna Park, Lebanon Go, Pa.
AUGUST; 17th to 33J, 1890, INCLUSIVE
&noo acres, rorauitteirrovos. mountain sconorr.
pure water Bprlngs, beautiful lake.
Amp'e railroad faclllt'es, very low rates, quick
uauvaKi wai aeco-mnoanion roc i;vu rartner
and their families; model Grange Hill, model
Farmers' AlUarce UalL lar.-o navlllton for nzi I.
culteral Olscrislong, mammoth audctorluin for
entertainments, numberless attracilons and
amusements, ta-xn square feet of platforms for
agricultural Implement exhibits, acres tor mach
inery In motio n.
Good boarding at satisfactory prices, everything
Agriculturists invited from overy part ot Ameri
Grounds open suurdar. Ausrust loth. oDonlnir
scrmou by llov. T. ucwltt Talm igo, D. 1)., sab
bath. AUKast 11th. Sacred muslo br ISO trained
For lull particulars address Eiocutlvo Com
mittee- American Farmers' Encampment, Uarrls-
ourg, l'a. s-20-zm.
Xslau) o George Sinertcle, Oececuied.
Orphans' court of V)lumi)Ia county to distribute
thotundslnthehandiorulinlnlst'rwlll sit at his
omco in uioomsourg, on wodnes lay, July 23, 10 n.
m when and where all persons having claims
against said estato must appear and prove tho
some, orbo debarred from coming In on Bald fund.
V. U. UAI.1U.IC1.
Kslate of Henry Croop, aeceasea.
urpuans' court iirioiumoia county on exepuoa,
ami Lamaxauismuuiiuu ui iiiu muui iu biuuiibluio
will sit at his omco In Uloomsburg C il. Co. l'a. on
Monday July 81, at 10 a. in., when and whero all
pserson havtngclalms against said cstaw must ap
pvar anu provu luu sauiu, uruu ucuarrcu iruu uuiu-
lug m ou saiu iuuu.
Notice Is hereby trtven tuat leturs ot adminis
tration cm tbo estate ot re tor B. Knapp, lato ot
tbe town of Cloomstmrg, county ot Columbia, and
fid to c. V. KnaDD. odm'r.. ot Hloomsbunr. Col Co.,
Btaie oi rennsrivama. aoccas. uavo warn untub
i'a.. to wnom au Dcraos lraeoieu 10 saia estate
are requested to mako piymenta, and tboso nw-
la? claims or aemanaa wm matto kujwu tuu buuiu
wimout ueuy to
is. jr. ivnan , auut.
"TSoUco Is herebr elven to tho tax.narers of tho
Town of Uloomsburg by tho undersigned that he
18 prepareaio receive Town taxes ror tne year isw
at lili ofUoo on the second iloor of the 1'oit.ofllce
hniminif. in said Town of moomsbunr. An tax
vnpald at tho eiplratloj of thirty days from this
nonce suau do paia wim nvo per centum penalty
ou tuo UUIUUUt uuuuu tuBrcm.
iuwu ireasun)r.
NuwerT Stock. Cooi Dlete assortment. Solendld
loonortunltr offered for sDrlmr work. My &&e-
men aavo goou success, many bl-miui; iruui uuu
to saw perweeir. Bona ror i-roor ana Testimonial.
a gooa pusniag man wanton uero at ono.
Liberal Terms and the best goods In the market.
Write Fbxd K Yocno. Nuruerrman. Rochester.
!N. Y. - A t.
fo oirmiMor Ute tale oXurnery Stock.
l'KNSKS KltOM BTAltT. Quick bclllo? specialties.
No experience necessary. OulUt KHGi. Write
for terms, BtaUn? aire.
H. E. HOOKER GO , Nurservmen, ..
s-io-ar. Hcchester N. Y.
On of th I
the world. Our icUiLcr
f prior rKMla wa will ndrtll
CMkbev. Ual tbo who writ
to ui at onctfB Diakc tat l
th thtn. AU J0 b tdl4
ntovUlo fcw or god t
Uoh who ctU-rour Mlchbri
tad thoM troud yo. Tk fc
ttnlur r this dTartlMll
U tfittk Kit ! lu " U ?!. H tl Ult.
u lut u w M "nr- W wlU tin ! k
.".A'Laa u 1 u ut Ink, i u. un.wfik.
. t . MM InH I II 1 jl, .
IHIINMHtiaii w
1 1 dm a. r iiai m Hfli. ra a
to Wf ww Cor lor Uornm. Btop all puto. Xunifd
)OPalWttoUfe)t.l&afctlJniiyUu. HwomAOo M.Y.
4 tUft
0-20-J 4t.
Who contemplates pursuing a oourso ot stuly In
theoommi branches, should have tree copies
of tho Illustrated circular and 7th Annual Cata
logue of the
describing the new building, which for extent,
convenience, furnishing, deooratlons and general
elegance. Is not elsewhere approached In the
United state. For thorough, practical Instruc
tion In the useful branches, this institution has
long stead at th e bead 6-sod4t, lloaiua. llocuiaria, N. V,
Carpenter's Automatlo
Ia:e Hack Suspender,
Combining every requisite need
ed in a Suspender. Kither halt
giving wllhout disturbing the
other half and no slipping off the
shoulder. At I elall by Uvt hous
es 60i, rtc, ILK). Samples
nulled freo on receipt ol price In
postal note or stamps.
tataam u md way, hw York.
Comes to the front with a complete
Men, Youths,
Tranaks, Talisus mil Uiiiidwwemir
Tho enlargement of Business
Clothing and not those that aro
tJrStTho largest and choicest lino of Clothing, Hats,
ing Goods in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pa.
Everybody is interested in
Wall paper at this time of Year.
Although the papering season is
Hearing its close, the demand ior
good papers at bottom prices
still continues. We are still
giving satisfaction to everybody,
both m prices and display.
Wall paper ot every grade,
design and quality, and prices
to suit all.
Remnants of from' three to
six rolls at wondertully low
prices. Special sale of remnants
this and next week. Don't put
off papering until fall or next
spring for in all probibility you
will never again have tho bar
gains we now offer
Come ana see our stock
whether you buy or not as it is
no trouble to show goods which
have led the market this season.
Sheriff Sale.
Ur virtue ot sundry writs Issued out of the
Court of Common Ploas of Columbia Co., I'a., and
to me directed there will bo sold In tho Sheriff's
oflluo in the rjourt Itouso, moomsburr, Fa., on
SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1890,
at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon.
All that certain lot or pleco of ground situate In
Denton township, Col. Co. ra., bounded and des
cribed as follows, to-wit: on tho north by land ot
John Bellas and John Kecfer, on lho east by lands
ot William smith and road leading to Camora, on
tho south by road leading to Cambra, and on tho
west by lands ot Joseph Iless estate, containing
of land, more or less, part ot which Is Umbered
and another part of said land contains a good ap.
pie orchard.
ALSO-AU that certain lot or plooo ot ground
situate In aald township and county, bounded and
described as tollow&On tho north by landot I'oter
Laubacb, on the east and south by land ot Hllllam
smith, on the wesc by road leading from still,
water to Minor Smith's store, containing SIX
ACHES ot land m to or less, whereon is erected a
Shoe Shop.
ALSO All that certain lot or piece ot ground
situate In Benton township aforesaid, bounded
and described as follows: On tho north by other
land ot John Keefer, on tho east by a mad leading
from Stillwater to Minor Smith's store, and on the
south and weit by lands ot Hllllam Smith, con
taining ONB ACRE of land more or less.
ALSO The life Interest and all tho right, title
ot the defendant, John Keefer, in all that certain
lot or piece ot ground situate In Benton township
aforesaid, bounded on tho north by land of Char
les Keefer, on the west and south by land ot mil
llam Smith, aud on the east by publlo roid, con
taining ONE ACHE of land more or less, whereon
aro erected a
Frame Dwelling House,
barn. epringbOMBO and other outbuildings.
ALSO .Ml that certain lot or piece ot ground
situate In Hen ton townsttlp, bounded on the north
and west by land ot Charles Keefer, on tbe toutti
br land of John Keefer, and on tho oast by road
leading from Stillwater to Minor Hmlth's store,
containing one aero ot land more or loss, whereon
aro erected a wood ahed aid pig pen.
sctzed, taken Into execution at the suit of nark
Callender executor of Jojepb Uoss deceased, va.
John Keefer et al an j to bo sold as the property
of John Keefer.
Atty, Vend. Kx. and VU ra.
E is very much delighted. While In
riillndclplila recently lie called on
E. O. TUOMl'tiON.tlio will known
Clothier and Importer, No. 1833 Chestnut
8L, (opposite tiiu Mint), and bought an
elegant lllack Fancy Cliovlot tiult for $13,
60. Bucb a suit would liavo cost lilm
Twenty Dollar) at lioinc. Had ho not
been la tho city ho could havo sent his
nams and address on a postal card or in a
Ictttr and received by return mail sample,
ot various cloths, also simple puilo fui
taking his own measures, (rco ot charge.
Any ono can order from Mr. Thompson by
mall with lho samo satlstactlou us by call
ing la person.
The Reliable Clothier, i
new Spring find Summer Stock
Boys, aud Children. Tho Latest
and the large trade made accounts for our having well-mado
now made aud cut to sell for auction.
Ingrain fJupetoi
Beducsd to 40 and 45 csuts to Close Out
Odd Lengths,
12 to 30 YARDS LONG,
2nd Door abovo Court House.
A new lot of Window Curtains received this week.
r I
to sell our Nursery Stock-, salary, Expenses and
bteady employment guaranteed.
mo.. and -w
Hocnester, N. Y
Dr. Grosvenor's
Glw qU riUif
Hilate nfJohn a. Quick, of Montour Hep, rtcifil,
Utters ol administration granted by tlio Hnrls.
terand Itecorder to William a Moier. of
Uloomkburgra.,and William Monscb ot Unpen!
ra , to wbom all persona indebted to said estate
aiereouest! to make payments, and tbObO ha.
Iok claims or demands will mako known tho sune
without delay to
or to WILLIAM & UOVKlt, UloomaUurg ra,
JounairasKr, WlLUAli MKNSOU,
S-O-41. ' "SSSrt.
of tho most Select Clothing lor
Styles of
Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish
Handsomely framed
life size Crayons, pho
tographs all sizes, iu
correct styles and per
fect finish, colored
photographs, large or
small, frames a n d
i'A it m rem intN-r
A farm of 100 acres, witnnandsorao new houso
iSU!SrlV B.n(1 ?UPP"1 wUU abundant water, will
bo rented at a low rent for the term of nve sears
W a eooa tenant who an furnish hu own Btocli
uileciulpment. Tne farm Is In the oatawlssS
Valley on the iViwnsWp road from Uranuonvllle to
nKS'd?0 W"111 "fandonvllo and near
ViKiiHit ?Mf;v.','.e',?S""iS8 guested. Address
Kuni& R,0UI"N' lur ujrawtotate
WANTKO, AU expense paid, to ao'l all tho lead
InK va'letlos and speclalllea In nursery sto-k. Ad
drees II, O. I'hllUps, Nurserymen, Itochester, N, Y,
Milkmen and dairymen. You can keep milk' and
cream fresh a week uuiiout uttiui ice. TUorouk'U
iruealthtaL Jtooiponao. send for sample and
circular. Tun FaniaTiLiKi Mm. Co..
VMHt. cedar uu. New Yoric
n p
tr G ef
n m m
o m w
aq w g
J (D I
S5 ga
11 1 1 1 1