The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 27, 1890, Image 1

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OrflCE--rront Room, over l'ostoflJoe,
bloomsihjro. va.
OrncK Room No. 2, CoLUHiunKtllAlag,
bloomsburg, pa.
u. a. EfcWELL, 1 -
VOL. 25, N0.26.
Office In Ent's Building, near Court limit,
Office over Mover Bro'a. Drag Star,
Office In Brower'i building, 2d floor, room No I.
Office cor. Centre & Main Sts., Clark's bnililnj,
WCin be consulted la Germu.
Office, Second floor, Columbian Building,
Finest Line
GOLD and fek
watches mBm
Office in Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, Main St
Office otcr Dentler'e Shoe etare, front room,
Office, CoLOUHAif Building, geor.front rawst, I
Office Vjtz RiwUni' Meat Market,
Office, corner of Ttifd and Mala Streets,
Admits ln4 claiiltet yewnff men nt boyi fct tnv time fits them for RutlneM , toy Collee, Polytechnic School, for VfeH
Point or Annaolit. Griduilinjf cluiei. One of the tmt equipped tnd best mnjjed School, onod uble. All student)
Near l'lillndclpMiw
hctiool Oipih iyi, IHili.
Yearly llxpcntir, 3300
Four rariicntfl,3tvt5.
kthlellet. etc,
for tackwtrd boys.
lth the Principal. Teachers all men and graduates of fint-cUn Cwlleges, Una bulldlnesi single or double
i-Teijr room nas in it a steam taaiator ana 11 completely lurnisriea. urounai (ten acres) lor loot bail. I.ate-naii.
GymnMiun:. Special opportunities for apt students to advance rapidly.
rnyiicai ami ocidici a-uoriory. rracticai txismess L
fort. the twit educati
Illustrated cataloi
anil rropitetor, i
Medln, I'n ticmr Ptilln.
chool Open Kept. !25th.
Yritrlr llxpenwo. S300
Two rarmcnts, 8430a
rations or ttudrnts mar select any studies, or a Iluilnes.
and the
intfnrerinz count. Physical and Chemical Laboratory,
ic. mow iuiiy vuppneu wnn my
inn rat ua than iny other Collepe-fittlnff school. Me
ie best traf nine. Hed prices cover every einense.
lo any address. SWITllIN C. S1I0RTL1DGK, A.l
etre-freoaratorv. TlectrlcaL or Civil
1'ractlcai Busineit lpartment. Snort-hand. Type-writ Inc. etc
Mcai AciucniT inorai every nonoconi
B.,A.M.(HmirJ Graduate), Priaclpal
FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES. Mist Eailmia't Celebrated SchooL
Graduatlnr Courses In Classics, Literature, Science. Uathemstlct, Music, Modem Lanuuaers. Twelve ucoplbhc4
Htm IllukUated Circular free.
teachers and lecturers.
I kick ward i'ptls. Individual attention. Small classes.
ikleiv and liiUiinei. New UluitiiteJ Circular free.
SWITllIN C.SH0RTL1D0F, A M. (Harvard Graduate, ,,.,.,. s
MRS. HWITHIN C. SlIUKTLILKiK jritoeipui, HedU, .
Superior Musical I)eartment. School has an orrsrt aad eleven pianos. Private tutoring? tat
rupui surrounueu vj tucn renrainis m ra cssenuaa so ume
B. F. Savits,
, B. McKELVY, M. D.,
Office, Nerth sW Main Street, blw Market,
pvR. . C. U.UTTER,
Office, North Market Street,
Office, comer of Rock and Market Streets,
Notary Public.
Loans secured, Investments made. Real es
tate lioupht and sold.
Office In First National Bank Building,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Onice West First St.
Special attention Riven to the eye and
car and the. fitting of plasscs.
J. BROWN, M. D.,
Office and Residence, Third Street, West
of Market, near M. t. Churcn,
" Office hours every atternoon and evening.
Special attentionpven to the eye and the fitting
of elasaes. Telephone connection.
Tin oofiug a Specialty.
IS .1 blood disease. Until tno poison la
expelled from tho system, there can
be no cure for this loathsome and
danRerous malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment is a thorough courso
ot Aycr's Snrsaparllla tho bestot all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
tho better j delay la dangerous.
" I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies,
and was treated by a number ot physi
cians, but received no benefit until I
began to tako Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A
few bottles of this medicine cured mo of
this troublcsomo complaint and com
pletely restored my health." Jcsso M.
lloggs, Ilolman's Mills, N. C.
"When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec
ommended to mo for catarrh, I was in
clined to doubt its efficacy. Having
tried 80 many remedies, with little ben
efit, I had no faith that anything would
euro me. I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
had nearly lost tho senso of smell, and
my system was badly deranged. I was
about discouraged, when a friend urged
mo to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re
ferred me to persons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After taking halt a dozen
bottles of this medicine, I am convinced
that tho only suro way of treating this
obstinate disease la through' the blood."
Charles II. Maloney, 113 Kivcr St.,
Lowell, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rnzriniD sr
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
1'iito (l; six bottle., 15. Worth (a a Bottle.
First door IJloiirwbifg Opera Houao
iiy AiiTiiun o. oniesoM.
Tlio Green Mountains wero beauti
ful in a oarb of 'perfect white, their
huge, council forms etrongly outlined
ngniuSt tho dun winter sky. The snow
liiio'a limit was abruptly marked n
thousand feet abovo the level, and tho
I dark earth below, with its bleak, brown
Bhrubbery, afforded a contraat M novel
as it was beautllnl.
At tho foot of tho mountains, peace
ful and picturiBcmo lay the villas of
Meadowvalo, which was liko many
towns of rural Now England. Tho
place possessed no distinguishing char
acteristic: it was ono 01 tno tuofpy old
hauutB that abound in tho Vermont
hills, with no claims to famo, no ambi
tion, no distinction but cxlstauce. Not
a startling event marked its municipal
record, and its progress for a suoro of
years could bo told in a breath.
Climbing upward from tho villago
to-ward a solitary and dilapidated littlo
but winch hum; on tue mountain-sido,
was a slcndor, wnn-faccd bov. poorly
clad for that seasou of tho year.
Through his roseod shoes hU hands
lacked mittens, and his jacketand pant
aloons were thin aud tattcrod.
But his oyos wero bright aud bis ox-
premiou showed a spi'it of honesty
and resolution.
Tho path was steep and rugced, and
presently tho boy paused for breath.
Ho heated himiulf on a convoinont
rock, and irazjd with a mjanoholy air
down upon thu village.
All the region was sileut. it was
early moraine and not vet t'.rao for
the sound of tho woou-ohopper s axe to
echo through tho mountains. VolumeB
of white-fringed smoko rose hesitatingly
from the chimneys ot tho littlo weath
erworn dwellings, and vanished in the
hungry atmosphere. Far down a wido
irregular street, almost at tho ond, ho
could discern bis own humblo home,
doarly beloved, for ho bad uover known
a 'jotter.
From ono of his patched pooketa the
boy drew a half-dozen old coins, of al
most no intrinsic value, and began to
I jingle them in his hand. Tho sound
was pleasant to him. it wa3 not oftou
that no heard mouoy rattle, and altho
ugh these pieces wore praolioslly val
ueless, thoy wero his own, aud as thov
I rattled musically ho could imagine them
gold. Ho really prized them highly,
not lor what thoy would purchase
that was littlo, indeod but for their
ago and their poouliar oharacter.
Two or throe weeks uMoro somo
Boston dealer in bid aud raro coins,
having eomohow secured his name and
address, had sent him a catalogue with
I descriptions and prices of ancieut
money pieces, and it had interested
him. straightway ho had becomo a
I coin colector. In tho bottom of ono of
tho old bureau drawers where his
mother kept odds and ends, he remem
bered lo havo seen somo curious old
copper cents, largo in size two' or
three times as large as ordinary cent
it back with a sniff of disdain.
"I don't liko bookl" ho doolarod.
"That's all bosh, any way."
"No, it isn't," Harry assented, with
spirit. "Now, If I had a dollar of
1804 do you know what I could got
lor ilt Fivo hundred dollars!"
Sam was much amusod at this state
ment, nnd burst into n loud guffaw.
'Uosht" ho exclaimed.
It's so,'' continued Harry, firmly.
"Thero wero thousands of 1804 dollars
coined, but no ono knows what bocomc
of 'cm, ercopt about ten or twelve.
That's all any ono knows anything
about, this book buys, bo lliero s n
The Oorroct Version.
tub STonv of tiik 'swr.r.Tiii;AnTs" as
TOM) tir A I.ATICK DAY novelist.
"So this winds tho thing up, does 'it,
.Mies Pankoyf
"It does, Mr Swaokharamcr."
"And you haven't any explanation to
"What explanation do you wantt I
havo told you I wished to break off
the engagement becanso it has becomo
irksomo to me. Isn't that enough?"
Tlio young man unorosscd his logs,
got tip, nnd reached for his hat.
"Seems strange, '' ho said, as a yearn
ing look catno into his oyos, "that tho
engagement didn't becomo irksomo to
you until tho oyster season was ovor."
Miss Patikoy did not dolgn nny ro
ply, and Algernon Swackhammor,
with n low bow, turned upon his bocl
and walked out.
When tho door had closed upon his
retreating form tho young woman sank
norvously into a chair.
"Tho Btupid wretch," sho oxclaimcd.
"lid ought to havo bad moro senso
vailed, and ho went slowly baok to- progress near Philadelphia as creating than to tako mo at my word,
ward tho hut, resolved to oxplain to tlio a marked sonsation throughout tho Suddenly eho stooped to tho floor,
old raiser tho valuo of tho coin which ontiro country. This was tho caso of pioked up a small ivory tablot that
bn htifl linnn bnrtrilino ho mmv Inn.r Mrs. Clnnman aooused cf taking tho had dropped from Algernon's pocket,
years perhaps sinco it was coinod lifo of her husband by poison. Tho pressed it passionately to hor lips,
nnii rntnm t t.n him iii Tnbanrrn fnr dotalls. as broucht out in tho trial, are bowed her hoad upan hor hands and
mistakablo figures, "18011"
ISO wonder ho was agitated, in ins
hand was a pcrfcot specimen of tho
most famous and valuable of nil Amcri
can coins tho realization of his dreamt
It was Harry's first irapulso to rush
exultantly down to his homo nnd to
his mother's bodsido, nnd thoro pro
claim his extraordinary wealth; but au
other sontiment, aftor n struggle, pro-
An Almost forgotten Crime.
In Captain Basil Hall's account of
Hi travels in;tho United States, in 1881,
ho rofcrs to tho murder of Dr. Wil
liam Chapman, of Bcnsalem, now an
almost-forgolton crimo as follows.
"In Captain Basil Hall's account of
his. travels In tho Utiited Stales in
1831 ho rofcrs to a murder trial m
UUUUl, bUlI3 IIUUI DtVO. tllUIUD 1. .... . ' ' I ' , .1 , , I lilt 1
sort of a mystery about that dollar, and another of tho value intended to bo Btrango and sensational in tho highest sobbed aloud.
!. ! .!. I !,nrtr,,t I lcfrf(l. YOSrS had 11
I The first and only oomblnad
Soothing, Fiin-KiUlnt,
3 OoratiTe and btrenjrUieBinf
Plutersover Prepared.
Tuatmut or Cnnosic Diskaiss maok a
Office and Ueiidence, Tlird St., below Market,
Home of N. Y. I Merchant!', at Newark. N.
J. ; Clinton, N. V. I Peoples' N Y. ; Readinb
1 Fa. ; German American Ini. Co., New York. ;
Qrcenwick Iniarance Cs, New York ; Jersey
City Fire Ins. Co., Jeraey City, N. J.
These old crnoTatleni are well teasoned by
gt and riu TETKD and have never yet had a
loti letlled by any court of law. Their aneti
art all levelled in sour) iicuiitiu, are liable
to the hazard of rui only.
Lotaei I'BOHrTLY and honutxy adlsited
and paid as toon ai determined, by CHRIST
IAN F. KNAPP, SfECIAL Aoxnt and Ad
Ivstii, BLoousiuto, Pa,
JFhe people of Columbia county should pat
ronUe tne agency where losses, if any, are Ki
lled and paid by one of their own citiiens.
Hop Plasters
A tnarrclloai combination of medlcU ntj
Pre id Hops. Hemlock, rms Uklwm, ana fxtrcu
preparuJ nnd epre&d on muiliu, all raulj to pat on.
ha New England remedy.
I A I V Up,i,s.i. I nflum m kllnm aw WMntHMA.
whether recent or chronic, no muter when located or
how cauMMl. J ielda inBtantlj to the aU'poweriui meal
firml nmiwollea of the Hon lMuater.
The parU are wonderfully strenstl.eofri,TiUlized
and restored to health and rigor.
1101 PLASTKIM ntJtr burn op Irritate. At
ntwd l7 thoaaanda of people lo efery walk of tile.
alMaa wiih aucceea and aatUfaction.
I'OVJC ATTENTJOy-ttonH let mi dealer
fool you into taking a obstltute or imiUtion. All
genulno Hop riaater ahow the proprieton lisnatora.
Atoll iluhonw dniUrt and txan,B4 wkn you out.
J. HESS, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental CaUece.
having opened a dental office In LCKAlD,f
BUILDING, corner 01 Mam ana v.oaua nrceu,
Ii prepared to reedte all f UieaU teqalrinj ft
feaslanal lerrice.
Kleotiiio Vidkatou Ussn.
Etbik, Gaz, and Local AscaTRmci,
administered far tb palnltiH utnetica of lath
free of tUtft w&M wtifLial tactk u fauerted.
Au. Wojc OoULumzD aj Kiwanvi.
Tho Bost Burning Oil That Can bo
r Mado From Potroloum.
It gives a brilliant llcht. It will not
smoko tlio chimneys. It will not clmr tho
wick. It Una a high tiro test. It will not
explode. It U pre-eminently a family
safety oil.
Wo Challenge Comparison with
any other illuminating oil made.
Uicx, Sricis, BlcAnn Soda, Etc., Etc
N. E. Corner Second and Arch Su.
WOrderi will receWe prompt attention.
Wo Btako our Reputation, as Hclluers, up
on the Statement that it Is
Dec. lb Aug. 8.
pieced. Eagerly ho wont to learn their
data?, out nono ot ttiom was qioted at
any prico.
These odd coppers his mother had
naved as relics of her girlhood, si net)
I they had been the first money she bad
over owned, and now, being eivon to
him, they served lo ostaulish tho
foundation of his collection. But just
there his collection stopped. Ho had
no money to pay for other coins, nor
did ho know of any ono who had coins
to exchange. So ho was not much ot
a collector after all.
As ho rattled the copper and fanci
ed it gold, ho began to think what ho
would do with so much money, and tho
I shadow on his fauo lighted and his
eves danced.
"Mcdiciuo lor motnor mat wouiu
inako her well right away that tho
first thing," ho soliloquized. "Then
Mary should go to that type-writing
cchool in the city and loam to bo a
type writer, and then get a position at
twenty dollars a month, s Deem
drcnuiiu' of tint this long time ever
since tho read that peace in tlio papc-r.
Then then Id havo a now pair ot
I shoe, turo's I'm a Hvin' boy. No
second-hand shoes of Sam ltigland,s
This fine air castle was suddenly
dashed to ruins by the sound of appro-
aching loolsto,)s, and, turning around,
he beheld a boy of about his own ago,
but heavier nnd warmly dressed, com
lug down the steep path
it's so scirco tlicsn ricli men in tho
cities that liko to own curiosities aro
willing to pay nn awful Ai price for
one of 'em. I tell ye, I wish I had
"STou'ro a ninny!'' said Sam, contem.
ntuously. Then ho changed the sub
ject by as'diig, "When aro yo goin, to
pay mo for them bIioo, Ilonloyt''
llarry hesitated. "I'm hfraid I can't
tako 'cm, Sam," ho replied.
"Can't tako 'oml Well, what did yo
mean by sayin' you'd tako 'oml Thoj ro
good shoes I novor woro 'em much,
'causo thov'ro too small for mo, and
they're well worth a dollar, nnd twice
that. I wo.ildn't lot anybody olso but
but you havo 'em for a dollar."
This last remark was a very persuas
ive charactor, but it lost its force when
Harry remembered that tho shoes had
beon offered to ono boy for ninoty-fivo
ocnts. But ho did not rofer to this.
"I'll toll you why I oan't tako 'em,"
ho said. "Mother's como down Biok
sinco I mado tho bargain with you
shu's'pwful sick with pneumonia aud
I'll havo to lako all tho money I oan
got to buy medicine for her."
The boy's pinched faco was pitiful as
ho Baid this, his eyes bent on tho poor
shoes that only half oovered his cold
feet. But Sam Ilagland was not ono
to be touohod by any suoh picture
Ho began to scowl.
"I thought you was a follor of yor
word," ho muttered. "You said that
as soon as old Brown paid you for
workin' up thai wood you d take tho
shoes. And you said you thought
you'd get yer money last night or this
morning. Now I want to go ovor to
Carter's Pond this afternoon, and I've
got to havo igomo ammunition, 'cius'p
Im nearly out. I've been dapondin' on
that dollar you promised to buy some
moro shells with, and 1 vo got to havo
it, that's nlli"
"I neod tho' shoes bad enough; I
guess," replied Harry,'morufullyj "and
I know I told you I'd buy 'era last
night or this morning. But I didn't
get through' tho wood as Boon as I ox
pectcd Thore was the bicaest four
cords lovor Haw. And when 1
d, mother wasn't sick "
"Yer mother bein' siok don't bvo
nothin, to do -with tho case,'' averred.
Sam, angrily, as ho got upon his feet
aud took up hi9 gun. "xou bargained
to take them shoes, and you've got to
do it or take a lickin'. You said you'd
impartod. degrco. Years had passed. Tho atternoon
When ho knocked at tho door the "Mrs. Chapman was tho wife of sun waB gilding tho protoutious spires
old man thrust out his head with the William Chapman, a well-known and and oupolas of an ambitious western
savauo Inquiry, "What is wanted!" highly-respeotod school-master, who town, and tho soft, weird musio of tho
"You'vo givon mo a dollar worth kopt a boarding houso at Andalusia, in fish pcddlor's horn was heard in tho
fivo hundred times a dollar," Harry bo- Bucks county. Ho was espeoially buo- street, when a mlddlo aged man with
gsn to oxplain. "I mean to say' ho cossful in treating children who had im- a valiso iu his hand opened tho gato
stammered on, "you oan sell this for pedimontfl of speech and many of his in front of a modest but neat and well
flvn lmmlrnd ilnllnrA. nr mora " scholars woro of this olas3. His wife's built cottaco, walkod briskly up tho
"Yuu'ro orazvl" oriad tha old hermit, raaidon namo was Wins'.ow and sho stops and knocked at tho door.
was a JNew Jinaianaor ny mrtn. rro-
"Clear outl x ou can gat no moro
money out of mo. Clear outl"
Ho slammed tho door. Again llarry
started down tho mountain. Ills step
was lighter now. Ho had dono his
duty; his consoionce was for tho
momont clear. Indignant at his rudo
treatmont, at tho despicable insult, he
mado up his mind ho would not again
attempt to explain tho peculiar value
of Iho coin to the ignorant misor. Tho
dollar of 1801 was his his very ownl
Half-way on tho steop decant ho met
Sam Hagland, who bore, in addition to
his gun and cartridge-belt, a brown
paper parcel. Sam was, as usual ac
companied by h'w unsightly dog.
"I'vo brought you tho shoos," was
tho younK hunter's Erectinc. "I wont
to your house, but you was go long
oomin' I oonoludod to hunt yo up. I'm
on my way to Carter's Pond now, and
1 want that dollar to buy ammuni
tion." Harry gavo dotailod explanation of
tho circumstances which prevented his
parting with that prooious silver coin.
Ho tried to impress upon Sam an idoa
of its won Jorf nl value, and ho promised
h'ni .hat in a fow days, as soon a3 ho
c mid soil tho coin, ho would tako tho
shoos as ho had agreed; but tha youth
ful rough was obdurate.
"You'ro a fooll" was the epithet he
hurled at llarry. "You can't trifle
with me! Gimma that dollar."
Harry's lips closed resolutely as ho
drow back from tlio bully. He would
resist the outrage with all his power.
Ho attempted to thrust tho dollar into
his posket, but it slipped from his
fingars, and wont rolling down tho
mmntain side!
Harry sprang forward after his
traasuro, but Italian ! blockod his
vioua to her mamago to Mr. (Jliap.
man sho had been a teacher in
Madame Lo Brun'a Lidios' boIiooI on
Spruco stroet, Philadelphia, and had
an oxoollent roputation. On tho 10th
of May 1831, Mr. Chapman and his
lamily woro seatod on ttw porch ot
their dwelltnc at Andalusia when n
small, dark man, vory shabbily dressed,
camo into tho yartl and in broken Eng
lish asked for something to oat. Chap
man was kindly in disposition and
gavo largoly in charity and be order
ed tho man into tho kitchen, whoro ho
got a good meal. Ho then asked per
mission to sleep in tho houso that
night stating that ho was penniless.
"Mr. Chapman soems to havo dis
trusted him, but, to the surpriso of all,
his wifo took part iu tho discussion by
insisting that tho tramp should bo pot'
A lady auawerod tho knock a lady
well prosorvod but no longar young.
Tho strangor barod his head. Ills
hiir was boginning to lurn gray, but
tlma had evidently dealt with him
louiontly, aud caro had left no deep
traces on his brow., Ho spoke:
"Is tho gentlemen of tho house am
I dreaming! Isn't this Cassimero Pan
key! Or rathor" and ho Btnilcd
"isn't this tho lady who was onco Miss
Casslmore Pankoy!"
"I am Miss Pankoy," sho answered,
and you aro Algernon Swackbammer.
1 recognized you na soon as I saw
you. Won't you como in!"
"Well, woll," said tho middle agod
traveler, as ho sat in an easy chair in
the front parlor a few momonts later
and looked with interest at tho taco
of the lady. "Who would havo
thought of mooting vou hero! And
milted to stay, and ho entcrod tho you toll mo you are still Miss Pankoy!
houso into which ho was fated to bring isn't this your home!
Mrs. Chapman scemod
doublo crimo.
to be tnfatnatod with tho man, al
though to others ho was a fawning,
abject croaturo. He gavo his uamo as
Lino Araalio Ewosy Mina and stated
that his father was Governor of Cali
fornia and his wealth onormous. So
oontradictory woro his statoments and
so paipaolo his lies that those who
camo in contact with him at onco set
him down as an impostor, but Mrs.
Chapman phatnpioned him and, having
command ovor her husband, got him
to advance money for a suit of clothes.
Sho personally accompanied htm to
James Page's, at Sixth and Chestnut
Stroet, whoro ho was measured tor an
oxpensivo outfit. Pago wroto to
Chapman to bo on his guard as ho be-
hoyod tho Mexican was n scoundrel.
lie was now an inmate ot tho family
taraisiMTs Tin roixowiNO
North American, of Philadelphia,
Franklin, "
Penniylrania, " "
Yoric, of Penmylvania,
Hanrrtr, of New York,
Quttn, of London,
North British, of London.
Orncx en Market Street, abore Main, No. 5.
Carrlagej, Bugiei, Phaetons, Slelgha, rlatfarm
WBgODI, vw
Flrst-clail work always on hand. Repairing
neatly done.
CTPrices reduced to suit the timei.
Office, Barton'iBuildine, Main St., bel. Market,
All itylea of work done In a auperlor manner,
and all work warranted 11 repreiented.
Tutu Extracted Without Paw,
't tho nit of Gaa,' andfiee of charge when
aiunciaj iccin u,b,vc,.
- To be open all houri daring ths day,
81.00 A YHAll.
in 'run woui.n.
Crown - Acme.
BLooMsnuno,. - IA-
(Successor to Freas Brown,)
Bloomsburo Fire Si Lire Ins. Agency,
(Established In 1865.)
,Btna Kire Ins. Co: of Hartford, $0,128,388.97
Hartford, of Hartford 5,188.609:97
Phcenia. of Hartford., 4,77.4t9-
KnrinirAeld. of Snrlnffield I.Mq.QOVQ
Fire Association, Thiladelphia,... 4,-512,783.29
Guardian, of London, , 20,603,323.71
fhosnlx. of London, , 6,924,563.48
Lancashire of Eng., (U.S. Branch) 1,643,105.00
Roval of Encland. " "
MuL Ben. LUn.Co.Newark,N J 4t,379.'33
Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office,
Tho now-comor carried a gun on his
showlder, and woro a belt of cartridges
about his waist. At his heels trotted
a dog, a big, shaggy follow, that cer
tainly had uo claim to beauty. Tho
animal resembled his master in this re
spect, for the latter had courbe, un
pleasant leaturcs and an awkward
'Hullo, Henlyl" said tho young
spoilsman, familiarly. "You seem to
haye lots 01 money this moiniug. 1
heard tho chink of your coins way up
llarry uonly Biniiod laintiy. "JNot
very much money," ho said Bhortly.
"lias old Miser mown paid you
"Not yet, was tho reply. "I'm on
my way up now to finish tho job, and
then ho'll pay me, I Buppose. I'll got
through about noon, I guess, Theso
aro some old coppor cents mother gave
"Let mo look at 'em," said tho other."
gut through the job about noon, bo I'll
see yo then, an' bring tho shoes, an'
don't vou forgot to hayo tho dollar
Harry replaced tho coins and cata
logue in bis pocket and aroso, tjo.
Sam did not wait for him to reply, but
whistling to his dog, strodo down tho
mountain toward tho villago.
'I wonder what the old man will
pay mo,1' Harry murmured to himsolf,as
ho continued his way up to tho cabin,
"lie said ho'd pay mo woll. He's bo
awfully stingy, though; I reckon he
can't pay me less'o two dollars two
dollars for four cords is awful cheap.
Then, if I havo to buy themBhoea I il
Iru u a dollar left for tho medicine
"Old Miser Brown," as cvory ono in
Meadowvalo called him, had lived alono
on the mountain for forty years. lie
was an avaricious old man, who hoard
ed his pennies as if thoy would savo
his soul. It was said that ho had a
largo amount of gold and silvor secret
ed somewhero about thu hovel hu called
his homo money that catno into his
possession when ho was young. But
lie fipent none ot it except for his scanty
He had offered to pay Harry Henley
"well" lo saw a lot of wood for him
onougli to last him many months, with
I is economical uso of fuel and tho
poor boy had jumped at the chanco of
earning the tnlle.
All tho forenoon tho boy worked nt
way, and in turn leaped after tho ooin. I and his relations with Mrs. Chapman I Swackhammor, "that
it'll, iiu, nil nuvibiiiiuu. I uugiiu iv uicibu Duauuni. x iiujr wem
Tho dog soized tho rolling silver-1 out riding togothor and woro Boon by
piece in his mouth, and dashed pown I tho neighbors in compromising situa-
the declivity at lull speed. ittons.
Alter him ran tho boys, Ham calling I "Un Juno lo Altna camo to tins
city and wont to IJnrand s drug store,
at tho Southwest corner of Chestnut
and Sixth streets, Ho wanted arsonia
for presorvinp; bird skius, ho Bald, and
was civen two ouncos. On tho 17th of
lo him to stop in harsh, loud tones: but
the dog thought it evidently all play,
anil did not oboy.
Harry was in despair. His precious
dollar would oertainly bo lost. Tho
dog would drop it at some spot whero I Juno, Chap "an was taken Bisk and
i. .1 i V e l. If . .u- I n i i . i nr i
tho pile of wo".d, which by his con
tinued application, had been growing
beautifully leas, and was now nearly
done for. At intervals ho sat on his
Baw-horso to rest, and at such times ho
was Bttro lo draw forth tho fascinating
coin catalogue.
By noon tho last stick waa sawed,
and Harry knocked at tho cabin door
to ask for his hard-earned pay. Tho
old man shufllcd out, to mako suro that
no stick remained uncut, and then
extended in his withered palm one
silver dollar with-out saying a word.
"Harry's palo faoo crow still more
palo. "Is this all you aro going to
giyo moT" he asked faintly.
"Yes,'' was tho sharp answer.
"But you said you'd pay mo woll,
and thero was four big cords four big
cords ''
Tho miser glared at him with tho
ferocity of a wild beast. "Not anoth
er oont,'' ho cried, harshly "not anoth
er cent, not one, sirl',
"My mother's Bick, Mr, Brown," be-
it would never be found: or if not that
Sam would get it, and spend it for am
munition, aud in either caso his loss
would bo irrevocable.
Sam followed tho animal as fast as
ho oould, and Harry kept at his hoels,
all tho while trying to out-distance
him. Finally, when tho bottom of tho
mountain had boon reached, Harry
made a spurt and got past his awk
ward enemy; but the dog was getting
farther and farther ahead.
Tho raco into tho villago was a fran
t'o and desporato ono. Down tbo
main street of tlio town thoy wont,
causing moro consternation than the
place had known in many days.
The raco ended presently in a dog
fight. Botweon llagland's dog and
another cur of tho villago thoro was an
unen ling enmity, and whonovor the
two met they fought with groat feroo
ity. "As tho mischievous animal, with
Harry's fortuno in his mouth, dashed
gayly down tho stroot, his canine
enemy mado his appearance, and im
mi diatoly there was a sharp oontest
between them.
While tho combat ragod and specta
tors woro gathering, Harry roachod
tho sceno just in timo to perceivo
"Jedgo" Bloom, tho villago Justice of
tho Peace, pick up his bright dollar
lrom tho ground whero tho dog had
relinquished it.
"It's mine, Jedgcl" he had lust
Office, Second Floor, COLUMBIAN Building,
Liverpool, London, and Globe, largest in the
World, and peifectly reliable.
fir Office over Mover Bros. Drug Store.
Residence West Main Street.
Tninerial. of London.
Continental of New York 5.339.9
SI, 21
American of Philadelphia
Niagara, of New YorV
Cleanie ami beautifies the batti
Orrosrri Court Uouii.
1 ..... mnvenltnt sample rooms. Bath
rooms, hot and cold water j and all modem
Ho leaned his tiun auainst tho rock
whero Harry was, and sat down on a gau tho boy again, but again ho
rocK near by. imcrrupiuu.
"I tramped up tho mountain to find "Clear out!" tho old man fiorcly
something lo Bhoot, but I havon't seen tcred. "Clear outl
a cottontail this morning," ho remark- With a hoavy heart Harry turned
ed. "lhis aiternooo I'm goin' over to nwny anu wok 1110 pain uon tno
Carter's l'oud; I hear there's a lot o' mountain. Ho was almost too dazed
ducks over there.''
"He took tho coins in his hand antl
glanced ovei them carelessly.
'AU coppor centB, aint thoyt ' said
'I wish ono of'era was dated 1703,
Sam," oxclaimcd Harry.
"Why! '
'It'd bo worth two dollars. There's
a premium on poppers of that date, be
catteo tboy'ro mado difiereut from
others and aro soarco."
'Who'll pay two dollais for ono I'd
HlAi tn Icnnwl"
"There's a man in Boston that would strango cry oamo from his throat.
for ho savs bo iu this book I'vo cot in I Tho coin was bright and now in
my pookto." pearanoe, and had evidently boon tu
'What book!" I circulation but littlo. But it was not
Harry produofld tho catalogue, which that so suddenly auimatod the boy.
was already worn with tho owner's Ho noted first that tho head of "Liberty
frequent study of its contents. Ho faced to tho right, instead of to tho
handed it to sam pointing to tho prize- left, as on ordinary dollars, and then
! list of old cent meoes, but bam throw ho sa. boiow tho bust, tho bold, inl
and disappointed to think with any
clearness. When ho arrived at tho
rock which had afforded him a scat iu
tho morning, ho again sat down, to
brood over his ill-fortiitio and plan Iho
disposition of his single dollar.
Beforo very long he gavo expression
to this discussion; "I'll tako tho prom
ised lickcu boforo I'll take tho shoes.
That dollar" and ho mado a determ
ined gosturo with tho ooin in right
hand. But ho did not finish tho sent
anco. As his oyos foil upon tho piece,
ho btartcd oxoitodiy to his feet, and a
o'ouglt breath loll to grasp tho words,
aud tho Justico graciously placed tho
coin in his hand without question.
When Sam arrived his interest in
tho dollar was for tho moment sus
pended by the neoefsity of a quick in
terference to savo his dog from being
worried. When at laBt ho got tho
two beasts separated, Harry was safely
at home, and ho gavo up his trip to
uirtor s I'ond m uinguet.
Harry wroto to tho Boston dsalor in
coins, ond gavo a description of his
1801 dollar, and of tho strango cir
cumstance by which it camo into his
possession. In rpply ho recoived, a
tow days later, this letter:
Dbak Sir : If tho coin you describo
is in as good condition as you allege,
wo will pay you eight hundred dollars
for it.
Harry went with this lotter to tho
miser's cabin, and tried again to ex
plain tho matter, but Mr. Brown
would not listen. Then Harry sent on
tho coin and promptly recoived his
pay; and after that, it is needless to
say, his mother novor suffered for
medicino nor ho for a pair of shoes.
Youth's Companion.
ooufiuod to his bod. Mina nursed him,
but tho unfortunate man grow worse,
and on the 23d ho died. Tho house
keeper had noticed that somo rico soap
that sho had mado for tho sick man
and which Mina had taken to his
room, when thrown out in tho yard
had killed a number of ducks belong
ing to a neighbor, but sho kept her
own counsel. After tho funeral was
over peoplo began to talk, and when,
on tho 5th of July, twelve) days afttr
her husband's death, his widow was
marriod to Mina, public suspioion be
gan to tako the shapo of a legal in
vestigation. "Mina had, immediately after tli 1
wedding, commenced to collect and
sell tho furniture in tho houso and
Mrs. Chapman's eyes woro then opened
to tho character of tho scoundrel who
bad misled her. Taking her four chil
dren, tho eldest a girl of ten, sho lied
to Erie, Pa, and here sho was arrested.
Mina escapod to Boston, but in Sep
tember ho was oaught and brought
back to Doyloslown.
"Mrs. Cli3ptnan was triod first bo
foro Judgo Fox. David Paul Brown,
William B. Heod and Polio McCall
wero her lawyers. In tho trial Brown
mado tho effort of his lifo and was re
garded thenceforth as tbo greatot-l
criminal lawyer in tho United States.
After reading iho ovidonoo it Bocras in
credible that a hard-headed oountry
jury could havo noquitted tho murdert r .
"It is my brother's Ho is a widow
er. I koep housa for him."
"And you novcr marriod?"
"How havo you prospored!"
"I I havo no roason for complaint.
And youl"
"I havo had a great many hard
knocks, Oasaimoro Miss Pankoy
sinco wo m3t last. By tbo way, wo
parted rather unceremoniously, didn't
The lady Bighed.
"And I always folt that I owed you
an apology," h'o continued, "for not
sending your photograph back nftor
you bad roturnod mine; but tho fact
is," ho went on, awkwardly, I or
couldn't find it. It got lost somehow.
Miss Pankoy sighed again.
"That reminds mo," pursued Mr.
I lost a littlo
book Blato tbo last evening I was at
your houso. I must have dropped it
out of my pooket in somo way. It
wasn't of any particular value, and I
don't know whou 1 havo thought of it
bafore, but tho recollection of it hap
pened to occur to mo just now. It
was a littlo black book elate, with"
"I think it was au iyory tablot."
"No. 1 am qutto posttivo it was a
littlo blaok book slate."
"I'nrsuro it was a white tablet.''
Going to tho mantle' sho oponcd
plush linod jowol casket and took
a littlo Ivory tablet.
"Hero it is," sho said.
"And you have kopt it all thoso
yoars!" exclaimed Mr. Swackhammor.
"I see I was mistaken. But to
chaugo tho Subject. Do you consider
yourself aw fixed iu life? Havo
yon no plans for tho futuro?
"Why, I"
&ho pausod, aud her visitor pro
ceeded. "In a sense, I suppose, you aro a
fixture here? Your brother's children
are to somo extent dependent upon
' Of curso, but"
"Then permit me. Miss Pankoy for
the sako of old times," said Mr. Swack
bammer, rapidly, as ho opened His
valiso and took out a number of docu
ments, "to call your attention to the
fact that lifo is uncertain, disease and
death stalk abroad in tho land, fatal
accideuts may happen at any time,
and it is tho part of wisdom to pro
vide against contingencies by securing
tho60 who' aro or may bo dependent
upon us ngamst want. In tho policies
of tho Lirapinlazarus Life Iusuranco
company, which I represent, nnd for
which 1 havo travelled for tho last
seven yoars, you will find tho most per
fect Bystein, tho surest guarantee, tho
In hor laBt loiter to Mina was this 6t absoluto security oilercd by any
sentence: 'Bcliovo rati Lino, that God company in tho hold, anil cither on tho
will not Buffer you or mo to bo happy ten year, tho endowment, or tbo lifo
this sido of tho gnvo.' On tho 20th of plan, as you may prefer, you will fiud
February Iho trial ended and Mrs. tl premiums smaller in proportion to
Chapman was free, but sho was shun tho gilt edged charactor of tho insur
ned by all, and twolvo years aftor her a" afforded than in nny that has
accquiltal a gentleman who know her over como under your notice, whilo tho
well was in tho town of Lancaster ami non-forfeitable fcaturo of tho policies,
visited a poor Variety show. A peculiar to our company alouc, to
wretched looking woman and a poor gethor with tho dividends that acoruo
ihin cirl wero sincinc on the stat'o alter tho third year, thus steadily do
and ho recognized them as Mrs. Chan
man and her daughter Lncretia, This
was hor retribution.
"Mina was tried and convicted May
1, 1831, and was hanged In Doylcs
town. Ho mado n confession, co
kncwledging that ho administered tho
poison to Mr, Chapman in his food
aud that Mrs. Chapman was cognizant
of all ho did. Ho was a nativo of
Cuba and was born in 1800." Doylcs
town Democrat.
Lady (giving a tramp a luncheon.)
"I oujtJt not to givo .you this. 1
snpposo you never work."
Tramp "You aro mistakon madam.
I work hard every day,"
Lady. "What do you?"
Tramp "It's hard work getting
moals for nothing, 1 tell you," TJ-
pincotCs Magazine for July.
Ilia Purest and Best.
Articles known to modioal pclenco aro
used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla.
hivory ingredient is carotuiiy eeiectod
Under the Bpell of a Snake
Jacob Kishor, of near Pinegrove,
had a thrilling oxperienco near Jones
town says tho Beading JZagle. Hu
was out fishing, and whilo soatcd along
the edge of somo bushes his attention
was attracted by a rustling noiso In
looking around his oycB cnuo-ht thoso
of n huge black snake. In an iuuaut
Mr. Fishor bocamo apparently para
lyzHt, llo could not movo nor litter a
word. Ho was powerless, liver v
musclo in his body seemed to twitch aud
tremble. Ho was conscious but could
not movo a raueolo. In thu meantime
the replilo eeemod to bo approaching
closer and closer. Ho tried to cry for
help but could not. Ho said ho tut Hep
.i. i. . ..
personally oxamined. and oulv tho best c'1 inl0,'a? aS 7 ?. uib perspiration
" mi. !!!.. 1. 1 I lirmmPil lrom ma lornoad.
vi-itnl nn1 'PI in 111 nil I nl tin a nrnnarflil
.,n.ll.n annnrvlann nf lliArnilnl.lw "WO OamB ill Bight O'lll
competent pharraaoists, and every step
in tbo proocess of manufacture is caro
fullv watched with a viow to securing
in Hood' Sarsaparilla tho best possiblo
tho snake.
being soared by tho noise, disappeared
In tho bushes, .Mr, lusher was In
Blantly released from tho spell and ro
turned home. Ho said it was tho
most thrilling exparienco of his lifo.
creasing tho annual premiums, whilo nt
tho samo timo
"Was this your objoct in calling,
Al Mr, Swackbammer?"
"It was MiBS Pankoy. I've jiiBt be
gun to work this town."
Uneuing tho littlo ivory tablet 110
began jotting figures down in it with
great rapidity.
"isow hero you win see, 110 saw,
that on tho ten year plan -let mo eer,
what is your ago, plcasu
"You will plcaso oscuso mo sir. i
havo somo bread in tho oven that I
must go and look nt, and I don't need
any lifo intutancc. Nciiher does my
brother. I wish you suoccse, far.
Swackhnminor. G.od afternoon "
Mi-is Cassimero Pankoy sat in pen-
sivn Bilenco a minute or two after her
caller had departed, then picked up
Iho littlo ivory tablet, put it back tuto
tho plush oovered jewel case, took thtm
both out to tho kiuii.-i', toei-cii them
into tbo etovo anil went nbout her
work with a firm and decide.! cxprcH
pion on her face.
Thrco weeks afterwards sho married
a baldheaded dentist 57 years old, who
had been making lovo lo her unsuc
cessfully for about eight years. CVti
cago 'Jrtbune.
Customer Have you anything that
will euro a corn.
Druggist Yes, sin here's a prepara
tion that 1 put up iiiYst-lf. It'ti a turo
euro. Why, i,vo got a oorn that I'vo
been putting it 011 for nearly two
years, nnd I wouldn't think of using
any ether icnicdy, Weft Shore.