The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 20, 1890, Image 3

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Absolutoly Puro.
KciMt alum or phosphato powders. Sold only tn
Jiru. HotaiIU nna rownxn Co., 106 Wall St., N.Y.
Wellington Uartman fin Inrrnntntta
mechanic. Ho has Just completed a violin
Hint contains CO different kinds of wood,
and 201 pieces. It has a fair tone, and Is
qulto a curiosity.
Remember tho sale of personal proporty
at residence of H. . Little, to-morrow
(Saturday) June 21st. Balo will commenco
at Iialfpast twclvo o'clock.
Tncro will bo a festival held In tho In
tcrest of tho Zlon church on Saturday
afternoon and evening, Juno 23, In tho
grovoof Mr. K. M. Laiihach, Forks, I'a.
A Pennsylvania railroad engine ran over
a skunk tho other night, and neither tho
uoll nor whlstlo were needed to announce
Its approach Into Broad street station, Phil
adelphia. Kon BALE.-Pour learn liorscs. Ono is a
pair of match grays. Double and single
drivers. Can bo tried before purchasing.
Tho W. C. T. U. of Hcnlon havo cngag-
. i. i I ...... i - i "" " "" . -i. I,
The Columbian
iir published every Friday. Subscription price,
' Enteral tho l'ost onico at HloomsburB, I'a., cu" Mrs. A. SalTerd of Kingston to deliver a
ireo lecture at tho M. E. churcli on Satur.
day evening, Juno 21st, at half past seven
o ciock, a full nttendanco Is solicited.
as second class matter, March l, 1883,
FRIDAY, JUNK 20, 1890.
Trains on the 1'
follows !
7:32 a. m.
3:31 p.m.
& 11. It. 1(. loavo ltupert as
U:0! a. rn.
6:33 p. m.
Tralnson tho D. L. ft W. It. It. loavo uioomabure
hohtu. socrn.
7 29 a. ra. 8:32 a. m.
10-49 a.m. 12:13 p.m.
i:3!i p. m. 4:15 p. m.
e;.)6 p. m. 8:21 p. m.
Tralnson tho N. HW. U.
Pcrrr as follows I
KORtn. socrn.
10:48 a.m. U:37p. m.
.s p. m. 4'30 p. m.
10:43 a m 6:3a p m
Taking effect MONDAY, BE1TKMUEU 2, 18S9.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS, r. M. A. . A.M. A.v. r. M. r. M.
u w
6 47
6 60
7 01)
7 0.1
7 10
7 2D
7 2)
7 2S
7 35
7 33
7 40
7 41
7 47
Dr. J. C. Hclfsnydcr has removed to
Milton and opened an clllco thcro over
Kramer's drug store. Tho doctor Is well
equipped for his work, and wo hopo that
no may uo able to build up a largo and
lucrallvo practlco In his new homo.
Charles Krug has tho coniract for build
ing tho threo story double brick houso for
tho Kinney sisters on Main street opposlto
CorreU's furniture stare. The llrst floor of
ltallwaypass llloom I tho building will bo two largo storo rooms,
and Wo second and third dwelling houses.
mnnmnbunr. 6 28 It 43 7 Oi 8 35 2 35
MalnHtreot o 18 11 41 6 rss 8 4j 2 u
Irondale .... 6 16 11 S't 6 66 8 45 2 45
I'aperMUl 6 03 11 31 6 43 8 61 2 M
LtKhtstreOt. 6 05 11 28 6 41 8 66 2 50
oraneovlllo 5 67 11 20 6 35 9 05 3 07
Korkl 6 45 11 10 6 25 0 16 3 17
zaner's . 5 4J 11 00 fl 21 u 20 3 20
dtlllwaWr B 37 11 OJ 0 17 9 25 3 25
Benton 5 28 10 65 6 10 3.) 3 3.1
Bisons, 5 23 10 60 6 07 36 3 31
UOlCSCreck, 6 20 10 45 6 05 9 33 3 40
HUgarloaf, 6 15 10 42 6 02 9 43 3 11
IAnharh. 6 12 10 40 6 00 II 47 3 M
ivntraC?. 6 03 10 31 5 61 67 3 53 7 67
jamlaon city.... B oo 10 30 s 60 10 oo 4 ou 8 oo
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. u. A. M. A. . A. H. r. m. r. u.
County Superintendent Johnston held
bis first examination In tho Third street
eehool house, Uloomsbnrg, Monday after
noon. Those in attendance report tho ex
amination ns a very creditable one.
Tho school board will meet Friday eve.
nlng to mako their selection of teachers
and janitors for tho ensuing year. Thero
aro seventy-six applicants and only twenty
positions to lill. Thoso who aro unfortu-
nalo In their efforts will havo many to
share their consolations.
SATORtHY Jusb 31 it U. U. Little and
others will sell valuable personal property
nt residence. Third street. Sa'c to com
menco at halt past twclvo o'clock.
For Salb Dwelling houses In Ulooms
burg, Orangovlllo, Espy and Kuport I'a.
Firms in Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir
ginia. Vacant lots in Hloomsburg. 8toro
properties, Orist mills and other property
by M. P. Lutz, Insurance and Heal Estato
Agent, Uloomsbnrg, Pa.
Kon 8alk. tlouso and lot In Rupert,
lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with
nlnn rooms. IJav windows, out
kitchen, ico and coal houso, good stable,
chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever
green trees, good water, Two railroads,
Twelvo trains a day each way, to Ulooms
bnrg, faro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A
great bargain, If tnken soon.
M. P. Lutz, Insurance & Heal Est. A?t.
Foil Sai.b. Flno building lot, Main Bt.,
near Normal School. Apply to
G. W. Kkitbi:.
"May woman propose?" It may not be
said that MUs Cnm, In ;iicr story entitled
"Iruth and Untruth," in lUiutwt's Maga
zine for July, attempts to nnswer this ques
tion, but readers of tho story who havo
hitherto wayered In doubt will bo helped
to a partial solution of it.
Miss Grant, of Sunbury Is In tho lead In
the voting contest Instituted In the Phila
delphia Vim. Tho teacher receiving the
highest votes gets a trip to Europe, the
second prize Is a gold watch, aud tho third
a two weeks' sojourn at any eastern sum
mer resort. Send in your votes for Hiss
wo aro Indobtcd to Bonator V. U. Mctz
gw for a copy of Bmull's Legislative
Hand Hook for 1890.
Charles E. Btccl of Mlncrsvllle, has boon
re-elected Grand Bccrctary of tho Grand
Lodgo of Good Templars of Pennsylvania.
Tho entire senior class of tho Normal
School numbering 84, tho largest In tho
history of tho school, havo passed a suo
ccsstul examination.
80,000 feet of Hemlock and Pino lumber
sold at a great bargain. Call at onco if you
aro In want of any, nt Moycr llros, or on
M. C. Dawson tf.
Tho question that agitates tho farmer
mostlntthls county Is: "Will Peter A.
Evans bo a candidate for the Lcglslaturef
Thcro seems to bo a largo majority who de
sire tho opportunity to vote for him.
lly 'the will of his raothor, Itobert 11.
Little, E9q., Is bequeathed tno property on
Third street, for many .years past occupied
by his parents. Ho Intends to movo Into
tho property, and his father will rcoldo
with htm.
Tho planting of tho mammoth poles of
tho long distanco telcphono has consider
ably nnnoyed tho patrons of this telcphono
exchange. Any dlsturbanco of tho wlro
would Interrupt the speaker. The poles
will soon all bo planted and tho difficulty
will then cease.
In October, 18S7, Mrs. Hose llurr, of
Nantlcokc, was walklug across the brldgo
owned by tho Susquehanna Coal Company
and when about half , way across sho step
ped on a loose board and falling through
into tbo river was drowned. The caso was
entered in tbo December term of Court,
1887, but was juBt decided. Tho Juryigavo
tho plaintiff a verdict of s3,000.
J. Dennett Smith of Kingston was In
town on Tuesday on his way home from a
fishing trip on tho North Mountain. Old
baso ball players will remember him as tho
umpire who had his nose broken by a bat
flying from tho striker's hands. It was in
a game with tho Bhlckshlnny nlno on tho
fair grounds, nearly twenty years ago. In
a return gamo the Bloom ntno presented
Mr. Bmith with a handsomo silver ico
Will Carlcton Is reported as having re.
ccntly said: "Other writers of verso havo
laid great stress on the artistic faculty
which many of them havo possessed in an
eminent degree, but with mo tho aim has
always been first and last to reach tho
hcait of tho people, and to say those
things which should both entertain and
make better. I hope I have not altogether
failed in my efforts. I would ratber ap
peal to the heart of a man than to bis in
Cyrus Dcmott of Eyersgrovo was In town
on business Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James McClosky havo been
visiting friends at Willlamsport,
Colonol John Jameson spent Sunday at
homo with his family.
News has been received of tho sate ar
rival of Mrs. C. E. Smith, daughter of Judgo
Elwcll, at Glasgow, Scotland.
Mrs. C. II. Hcico, who hai been visiting
licr narcnls for the nast few weeks return
ed homo Monday.
Air. and Mrs. William Neal . went to
Towanda on Tuesday to visit their daugh
ter Mrs. E. W. Elwcll and family.
Charles P. Elwcll is expected homo from
tho Boston conservatory of Music on Saturday.
Mrs. It. W. Oswald enent Tuesday in
Herwick with her father's family.
Judgo and Mrs. Ikelcr will attend com
mencemtnt at Lafayette collcgo next week,
Their two sons will graduate.
liass and pllto fishing aro now In season.
Judgo Sittser of Tunkhannock Is learn
ing to rido a bicycle.
Tho Berwick ludejiendenl entered upon its
twentieth year last week.
A. N. Yost, Esq., Is acting as Deputy
J. 0. Brown baa been appoluted special
agent of tho census in this district.
O. YV. Sterner has purchased tho brick
dwelllRir house of J. W. Eycr on Main
Tho rceular meetlni: of tho Woman
Christian Tnmnernuco Union will bu held
Tho Willlamsport Rcimblican of last Sat-
urday contains tho following:
The Bloomsburg Base Ball Club arrived
n the city on tho Ih.'iO Heading train, and
are a gentlemanly-looking lot of fellows.
Mr. Kunston, the manager, Is ono of
BloomiLurg's moat popular young men,
and is proud of his team of baso ballists.
The Philologian Society will hold a festl
val at Music llall on June 20th and 21stl
Strawberries, ice cream, and a'.l the delica
cies of the season will be served. Good
music will bo In attendance. Everybody
should patronize this festival, as tie
tho proceeds will be devoted to tho gobd
Among the short story writers who will,
bo represented in the July number of Uau
rail's Magazine arc two promising new
American authors, Jonathan Bturgcs and
Matt Crim. Mr. Slurges is already) favor-
ably known as tho uanslator of "Tho odd
Number," and Miss Crim contributed a
Oliver C. Kahlcr died at his homo on
East Street last Sunday afternoon aged 02
years, lho causo ot his death was bioou
poisoning arislnc from a bunion on bis
foot which was mado soro by his shoe.
When a young man he read law with Wil
ltam G. Hurley, but bo never followed his
profession. lie always lived In Blooms-
burg, and l'C leaves a wife, two daughters
and six sons. The funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon.
Tho Central Pennsylvania Telcphono
Company is putting In new poles through
tho town, very much larger than tho old
poles. Most of them arc GO feet long. Tho
change Is being mado for tho long distanco
telcphono wires, and tho lines will bo In
use in h few weeks. They arc now com
pleted between Bcranton and New York,
When completed ono can talK from
Bloomsburg to persons In New xork,
Philadelphia, Boston and other distant
cities. Tho charco will bo 81.50 for tlvo
minutes use.
On Friday afternoon a horso belonging
to W. A. Yctter and used by him In his
bright story to the Juno number of lUiu. omnibus, was so badly Injured that ho had
Eli's Magazine.
An Advisory Board of tho Fidelity Mu
tual Li to Association of Philadelphia has
been organized for this county. Tho mem
bers ol the Board aro Isaiah Bower, It. S.
Bowman, B. F. Crispin, Jr., O. F. Ferris,
Willard Smith, James E. Smith of Berwick
F. P. Billmeycr, of Bloomsburgj A. B.
Pifer, of Catawissa; P. J. Suit, of Jamison
City; J. M. Shew, of Llghtstrcct.
Teachers' examinations will be held as
follows: For Catawlssa and Franklin, at
Catawissa, Tuesday, Juno 24. For Briar
creek and Berwick, at Berwick, Wednes
day, Juno 25. Examinations will com.
menco at 0 o'clock a. m. Directors aro
respectfully invited to bo present.
W. C. Johnston,
Co, Supt
to bo killed. Tho horse had been hitched
to a delivery wagon and when tho driver
jumped from tho vehicle, tho horso start
od on a run. An awning post In front of
Fiedler's lowelrv store camo In contact
with tho wagon, tho shalts becamo detach
cd and tho hoarse started down tho pave
ment on a dead run, with tho shafts hang
Ing to tho harness. At Phil Schrcycr's
store, tho pavement makes a turn, and In
trying to get around this point tho shafts
caught on a post, throwing tho horso on
his knees so violently as to breik ono of
his legs. An hour or bo after tho horse
was killed. It Is almost a miraclo that no
one was injured, as tho pavement wns full
of children a few minutes before tho runa.
way took place. Jfiiton Record.
It Is always pleasant to rctuin to tho
scenes of ono'a childhood. A visit to Iho
haunts of ono'a early life cannot fall to re
call Incidents, and to bring to mind people
who perhaps may not havo been thought of
for years. Twenty-seven yearB ago last
March tho family of tho writer !cft their old
home tn Towanda, and Journeyed down
tho river to Bloomsburg. Tho household
goods were loaded on a canal boat in tho
Susquehanna Hlvcr, which flows just In
front of tho old homestead, thenco down
tho North Branch canal to their dcstlna
tlon. Tho family went by stagcon Troy,
and thenco by tho Northern Central rail
road to Bloomsburg. Tho Lehigh Val
loy was not yet constructed, and Towanda
was Isolated from tno outer world, bo far
as steam travel was concerned. Tho near
est railroad was tho Erlo at Wavcrly, twen
ty miles away. In thoso days a packet
boat ran dally botween Towanda and Ath
ens, and I well remember what a treat it
was to bo permitted to rido up to tho first
lock, about a rollo abovo town, and then
walk back.
Tho progress of tho times and tho on.
ward rush of modem Improvements havo
robbed Towanda of ono of Its greatest
beauties. Tho charming pool of water
formed by tho dam was pleasing to tho oyc,
attractive for boating and fLhlng In sum
mer, and skating In winter. Water street
was then ono ot tbo most dcslrablo resi
dence streets In town, but after tho con
struction ot tho railroad and the conse
quent abandonment of tho canal, tho'datn
was permitted to go to pieces, and tho river
has lost all Us charms.
Towanda la about tho slzo of Blooms.
burg. It Is picturesquely located, much
of tho town being upon a side hill. Thcro
nrcmanyjbcattful residences, and numerous
charming drives. Main street Is well pav
ed, and tho town Is Illuminated with elec
tric lights. Among tho prominent busi
ness industries aio tho HawcsToy factory
and the boot and shoe factory of Humprcy
Bros. & Tracy. At the latter place aro em
ployed about 75 hands, men, boys, and
girls, and It Is a most Interesting thing to
go through tho shops and sco tho.opcratlon
ot making a shoo, from tho cutting ot the
leather In tho proper shapes for soles and
uppers, through every stage to tho polish
ing of the heels. This business has grown
from a small beginning. It Is within tho
recollection of tho writer that tho father of
Humphrey Bros, conducted a factory
whero boots and shoes wcro mado by hand
by a balf dozen workmen, and his estab
lishment was looked upon as ono of tho
leading Industries of tho town. This firm
Is known all through tho country, and
their goods arc sold everywhere
Of courso thcro aro many othcrindustrics
In tho town but wo did not havo time to
visit them.
Twenty seven years has wrought many
changes. Most of tho business places havo
gono Into new hands, and very many of
tho old homesteads that wo knew in our
boyhood's days, and whoso cordial hospi
tallty wo havo often enjoyed, havo passed
Into possession of strangers. Ono bcautl
lul old mansion on tho bill Is now a con
vent, and another Is a tenement house.
They were onco tho homes of t vo of tho
most prominent families of tho town, The
signs on tho stores aro now to us, tho faces
wo meet aro unknown, though many of
them may bo tho children ot our playmates,
l3ut thcro is ono spot whero wo find
familiar names. They aro engraved upon
tho, tombstones In IUvcrsldo Cemetery,
A visit to this beautiful spot recalled many
scenes and Incidents and faces that had
been long forgotten. Hero tn this green
mound lies tho body of a soldier who was
one of tho first to givo his lifo for his conn
try, la tho rebellion. Ills shattered re-
maini wero brought from tho battlo field,
and buried with tho honors of war, tho
first military funeral that had ever been
li6ld tn Towandi. But all around aro
graves about which cluster memories of
tho past, enough to fill a volume wero I to
write them all.
Towanda Is blessed with four excellent
newspapers, tho lrjrm, tho Barter-Journal,
the Republican, and the Review. Editors
Parsons and Turner wero school mates of
tho writnr,when wo all went to tho public
school then taught by W. T. Davies, now
Lieutenant Governor ot tho state. Tho
old school houso still stands, but it Is now
used as a blacksmith shop or a stable, I am
not sure which. Its placo has been sup.
plied by threo largo brick structures,
where the schools under tho direction of
Prof. Benedict havo attained a very high
standard of excellence.
Though my Interests now aro elsewhere.
among tbo most pleasant episodes oi my
life aro tho occasional visits to tho town
and among the people of my birth place.
Old men and women, young men and
young ladles, boys and girls, children and
babies, all enjoy an excursion. An oxcur-
sion well managed Is not only enjoyable
but profitable, and a well written nows
paper report of a trip to a locality not gen
erally known to tho readers of tho paper
must furnish such reading as tho patrons
of tho paper are always clad to find. This
Is what ws thought when wo received an
Invitation from the Philadelphia & Head
ing Hallroad Co. to join the Editor's Ex.
curslon to tho opening of tho Mt. Pcnn
Gravity Hallroad, and tho following Is a rer
port of tha trip ns taken by our representative!
Thursday morning, 0 o'clock, Juno 12th.
wo left Bloomsburg from tho foot of Main
street by tho P. & It. early Philadelphia
train to join tho Editor's Excursion to
Heading and Mt. Pcnn. Mr. Brown of tho
Republican, and Mr. J. 0. Huttcr of tho Sen
tinel, wcro with us from tho first. At Hup-
ert wo wero Joined by Mr. nnd Mrs. B. A.
Lotlcr of tho IHnvlllo Record, and at Cata
wlssa by Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Handall of tho
A'roJ Item. With tho P. & H. now Pullman
coaches and hugo hard coal engine tho trip
In tho early morning over tho Catawissa
branch to East Mahanoy Junction was ono
of tho most pleasant wo havo ever enjoyed.
Hlslng gradually at Icvcry stroke ot tho
piston from Catawissa to Lofty, tho scen
ery as wo rounded tho curves, on the rug
ged points of tho mountains, crossed tho
high bridges spanning tho ravines or steam
od out of tbo tunnels that mako a short cut
to a now view was grand almost to the sub
lime. From Lofty to tho Junction down
the steep grades and around tho sharp
curves Hanked at cycry point by nature's
best display of mountain scenery was a
short and delightful ride.
At East Mahanoy Junction wo Joined
the Bhamokln train and mot tho excursion
ists from every town along tho lino as far
north as Willlamsport. Among them wo
saw Mr. J. I. Bteelo of tho Ashland Exning
Telegram, Mr. J. 11. James and Mr. C. W.
Hartman of the Ashland IjOcxU and Record,
Mr. II. C. Boyer of tho Shenandoah Herald,
Mr. C. L. Bricc of the Sunbury Xcia and
many others who aro not bo well known in
our town but who aro ablo journaltsts and
representative men. With this pleasant
party timo passed all too quickly as we
sped on down thoj narrow andl romantic
valley of tho Schuylkill, passing Tamaqua
and Port Clinton and retching Heading at
10 05 a. m. In the spacious bals of tho
Philadelphia & Heading depot tbo party of
journalists with their families, numbering
nearly 500 and representing tho principal
cities of the eastern part of tho Stato from
Philadelphia to Willlamsport and from
Uarrisburg to Easton with quito a largo
delegation from New Jersey met and wait-
ted the signal to start for tho mountain.
With tho arrival of tho Philadelphia train
came Horace M. Porter, of tho Fourth
street office; Superintendent It. B. Cable,
and Excursion Agent Hayes Dickenson,
who took charge of tho Headings' guests
and whoso intentions wcro such as to call
forth commendation at ovcry turn,
Headed by thoGermanla Band tbo party
crossed ovtr tbo tracks of tho P. & R. on
the cablo bridge to Ninth and Green streets
whero a long lino of carriages, omnibusBcs
and street cars wcro in waiting to convoy
them to tho station of tho Mt. Penn Grav
vlty Koad at Mineral Bprinj.
This station is a beautiful and commod
ious structure with largo platforms, along
which we found six elegant observation
coaches, ready to tako our party. With two
powerful and novel engines each drawing
three cars wo climbed tho glen and moun
tain, a distanco of two and a half miles to
Black Spot, tho highest point in tho valley,
being 1140 feet abovo the sea and 915 feet
abovo tho Schuylkill, at this point has
been erected a solid stone tower twenty-six
feet square with flvo stories of 12 ft. each,
and a verandah or canopy on four sides
fifteen feet wide. From hero tho City of
Heading with its red topped houses and
whlto streets looked like a checker board
and the valley and hills around furnish
view that Is as grand as extensive. After
climbing tho tower wo returned to our
train to find that we had no cngino but
when tho cars wcro loaded wo started off
at a rapid tato along tho brow of tho moun
tain going tho distanco of about a mile
when wo turned a sharp curvo and began
tho homeward run. After running a short
distanco our train camo to a dead stop at
Antictam Point and tho Band started for
tho grove discoursing such music that
party mado haste to follow.
On our arrival wo found tables loaded
wuu cuoico picnic laro, scats arrayed ou
all sides and soon all wcro comfortably en
Htuto Noritin! School, nloomnbtirir
Sunday, Juno 29, 10:00 a. m., Baccalau-
rcato Bcrmon by Hov. I). J. Waller. Jr..
Mothodlst Episcopal Churnh, Monday,
Juno uu, Examination of Undergraduates.
Monday, Juno 80, 8:00 p. m., Junior En
tertainment, Institute Hall. Tucsdav.
July 1, 8:00 p. m., Address before the Lit-
crary Boclcttos by Hov. G. Murray Klepfcr,
uanvuie, i'a. Wednesday, July 2, 2:00, p.
Exercises of Class of 1888. Institute
Hall. Wednesday. July 2. 4:00 n. m..
Class-Day Exercises, Institute Hall. Wed-
csday, July 2, 8:00 p. m., Calllcplan He-
union, School Parlors. Thursday, July a.
tiu a. m., Commencement Exercises.
Thursday, July 3.l:00 p. m., Alumni ltc.
union, Dormitory Chapel, and Dinner.
Thursday, July 3, 7:80 p. m., Bcnlor He-
ccption, School Parlors. Examination of
candidates for Bcnlor class, August 19,
1890. Next uchool year begins Tuesday,
September 2, 1890. For catalogues apply
to J. l'. Welsh, A. M., Prlnclpal-Elcct.
l.miir DlHtnucc Telephone.
G. 8. Whlto, manager ot tho telcphono
xchango of this place, was at tho parlors
of tho Wyoming House last Monday oven
Ing, where they wero testing tho long dU
tanco telephone. Tho Casino Onera
House at New York city was connected by
telephone nnd at tho parlors of tho Wyom
ing House, Bcranton, flftcon receivers wero
attached! from theso could bo heard very
distinctly overy part of tho play then In
progress. Afterward a funnel was attach
ed to tho transmitter and at tho telchhono
exchango on Courtlandt street, Now York,
cornet solos wore played; tbo company at
tho parlors In Bcranton sat upon their easy
chairs and enjoyed tho muslo, Tho sounds
could bo easily heard In any part of tho
room. Xhen n phonograph, conlalng
music which had been played by Do Cap
I a's band several months ago, was brought
Into tho exchango at Cortlandt street New
ork, and the beautiful strains ot muBlo aB
treasured up In tho wonderful machine
wcro brought forth to tho delight of all
n tho room at Bcranton tho music was
Tho Episcopal Convention of the DIoccso
of Central Pennsylvania was held lu To
wanda last week Tuesday and Wednesday.
Bishop Howo has placed tho entire admin
Istratlon of tho affairs of tho Dloceso In tho
Messrs. Pcocock and Kline, the census
enumerators, aro going ahead as rapidly as Willi, tlinlr wnrk. Thus farthCV
have not met with any such unpleasant ex- hands of Assistant Bishop Hullson, who
i ..... from iim rltv. I nrpdliled over tho convention. A number
Thev havo tho entire month In which to of unimportant changes wcro mado In the
tinl.h ihnlr wnrk. nn,l until then it is im- canons, and tho salary of Bishop
was raised irom 5,ouu in uu
treasurer was directed to refund to Bishop
Hullson 075 paid out by him for house
rent. In his address tho uisuop sam uo
wanted a home, and asked tho convention
to tako some action in tho matter. Ho
sta ed that bo had selected South Bethle
hem as hts permanent residence A com
mlttco was appointed to raise money to
purchaso an Episcopal Hesidencc. Thu
r ,, .,.! I, ml, nv-i.a fnr ft i ,i,, clriw.u of ltlnnmahurir will SOOn bo I nttnnilunnn was Isrcc. there being 75
- . I I .
next Tuesday evening at half past seven.
P. A. Altland, special agent of tho Fi-
dellty Mutual Lifo Association, is f penu
Ing tho Bummer nt Berwick.
i ir iinndv will removo his marble
v.r.l frnm Runcrt to llimhcsvlllo this
j - -
possible to tell anything about tho Increase
in tho population of Bloomsburg.
Tho Electric Light Company has mado a
rontnict with tho Edi n Company for
their machinery and apparatus. A con
tract will soon bo mado for tho cngluo and
boilers, aud tho erection of tho building
will aimrilv follow. This looks liko busi
ness, and it may bo confidently expected
blind lady from Shenaudoah on Tuesday.
Her sight was restored.
Illuminated bv tho brilliant rays or tue clercvmcn, and nearly as many laymen
i . . . .. . .
burnimr carbons. Tho sessions of tho convention wcru ueiu
In Christ Churcli a ueauiuui biouu mrm
An old but novel method, says an ex. turo which wa completed about a year
chauec. to secure auglo worms lor ueu ago. it is ono oi iuu uauuuu".i.
b ' .... ,.-!. T . . 1 nn.1 nlnirnntlv
buto, and ono that does not email any lauor a mo uioccse, v u wb--i v.vb-.v
noon tho fisherman Is to mako a strong finished. Tho windows aro stained glass,
Joseph II. Dawes, Jr. of Centralla Is a
. f . .... 1 mn1,ln
member ot tho grauuaung cias m ukmu'
son Bcnjnary.
ti, ,.un itnn, I nf (YntruHu will
i,ni.i o it o, ti,t ninon on .lulv 4th and oniiinn of nlt watnr and snrluklo It over L,i nearly all of them are memorials, rich
mi., a nnmiwrnf vleitlnc bands will bo ti. rnn,i. Tho best Plan is to secure a tn color and beautiful In design. The
present, place where angle worms aro likely to bo I iargc8t one, at tho end of the church
Witch," has been put on tho river at Bun
: ..' T.. . i cn.inM iim nrnnml thorauehlv. I! ilmro bv tho family of tho latu
steamboat caueu tuo -ivuut iuui.u uuu i , " , i ," ,AI . . .iI i,..,,. ti, itr ,P,n,ta
,nn inv inpni v nruwi uut uuu .jr i:mpi uuaiiuu uivii-w. . , ,
nuvu -t j - .. . . . i i,
seek uew quarters. It Is a mcmou mat ra,i, pnipit, lectern anu an m
i inin l.lmr. and doub c dis-1 furniture aro all cltts in loving rcmem
Invitations havo been scut out among our j . 80Be jepartC(l friend.
lBlncsa men to tho opening of tho Blooms- i-"""' ; . H.,BnlianC0 wa8 ioud In
rim fnllnwinc letters aro held at Blooms-1 nraiso ot tho beauties of tho church, tho
burp, Pa. post oluco anu will oo Bent to uiu attractions of tuo town anu iuu uutuii
hospitality ot tuo pcopio.
Tho next convention will bo held in St,
Stephen's Church, Wllkcsbarro, next Juno,
92,300 licwnril for a i.oHt Cut
business men to tho opening
burg Carpet Mill, Friday June 27, between
two and six o'clock.
There will bo a gaino ot baso ball at
Athletic Park Baturday afternoon between
tho llazleton club and Bloomsburg.
Gamo called at 2:30
Mr. William 11. Campbell of Centralla,
and Mls3 Mahala GcorEO of HoarlngcrceK,
wcro mnrrlu.l on Jnnu Otll by Hov, W.
The festival clvcn by tho ladies of tho
Lutheran church at tho Hlnk last Baturday
evening was well attended. Tho nctt pro
fits were about 180.
.lead letter office July 1, 1890,
Mrs. Mary A. Bhocmakcr, Hov. a.
Snyder, Mrs. Ana Thomas, Mr. u.
Jcnulo Glrton, Mr. II. Martin,
Tho caulvalcnt in English money of
p.-rsona calline for these letters plcaso .2.u00 was onco offered by an old lady In
low. rndnn for tho return ot a lavoruo cat
which had strayed or been stolen. People
called her a "crank," and perhaps sho was,
It Is unfortunato that ono of tho gentle
,, . - . , .. .,
Ono cent will bo cuargeu uu tutu 1
A. B, Oatuoakt, P. M.
Ti.n Annual Meeting of the Columbia Co.
Medical Boclcty was held at tho Exchange
O. 0. Peacock has purchased tho prop- nmel on Tuesday aiternoon.
iv, corner 01 jhuiu ami Uin " """" ., ,
sex should over galu this title, yet many
do. His, however, frequently not their
fault. Often functional derangements win
apparently change a woman's entire nature
Don't blamo bucU suuerers 11 mey
from G. W. Sterner. Tho bargain was Montgomery, llueuuorn, ur. iic,anky," but tell them to uso Dr. Pierce'
closed Wednesday.
G. W. Ilnrlnfli. fnrmerlv of this town, Is
now a probato Judco In Salt Like City,
Utah, and has amassed qulto a fortune
through land speculations.
' ...... I . . .. tnm tl.n .lflt
Geo. E. Elwcll has enlarged his law of. Tho growth o. tuo , .
n 1... . , ,1.. 1 1..-...I. vnir nt ill nas OCCH iiuuu uumu.w. ..
wu uv HUUIUK lUCrCKI UlU ruuni luiuinij j -- - . - . . 1 ,
occupied bv tbo Town Council, thus giving I meetings aro always uarmomou. .uu
dim two largo and convenient rooms. "wilt ai well aa Instructive.
iioniRuu'fc'ji 1 I "cranny," uut ieu imm i" "u '-
Espy, and Drs. Wllllts, Heber, Brown and FavorUo prescription, which Is an Infall
Breeco, Bloomsburg. uo ttuuual """""" iblo remedy for "female weaknesses."
of olllcers resulted as follows. I ... restore them to their normal con
Pres. Dr. Brown, Vice-Presidents, urs. . . irnrrnn..A , ive Bailsfactlon
Kllno and Hcdeker, Bccrctary anu o of money pau for ,v win
Dr. Heber. I rcU,mcd.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, tho original and
only genulno Llttto Liver Pills; 23 cents a
vial; ono a tloso.
A Conclimic Purly.
Wo clip tho following from Sunday's
Philadelphia Pre:i:
Mr. John H. Bennett, of tho Now York
Bar, and qulto as well known hero as on
Manhattan Island, has arranged a coach
ing party that will bo quite as notablo ad
will bo pleasant. He has a beautiful
aco at Danville, Pa. lie will entertain a
number ot friends there, and will glvo
them a view of tho surrounding country
for many miles from tho top of his six
horse coach. Ills guests will Include
Judgo Wallace, of Now York, Judgo of tho
United States Court ot tho Bccond Circuit ;
Judgo Colt, of Boston, of tho United
States Court ot tho First Circuit; Judges
Allen, O'Brien and Ingram, of tho New
ork Supremo Court; Colonel Bamucl Bell,
Clerk ot tho United States Circuit court,
of this city; John A. Shield, Clerk ot tho
United States Circuit Court, of New York,
and Mr. Frlck, of tho Danville Bar. Tho
party will meet at Wilkes.Barro on TUurs
day evening next, and on Friday morning
will tako tho cars to Berwick, whero Mr.
Bennett's coach will meet them. From
thero they will drtvo to Danville, and will
be entertained at dinner. They will bo
driven round about tho country on
Baturday, entertained domestically, and bo
Ivcn another drive on Monday morning,
and will leave Danville for their respective
homes about uooa.
This party passed through BJoomsburg
on Baturday last In Mr. Bennett's Tally-bo,
They Have Never I'n lleil.
i navo oocn bick lor mo last ten years
which has cost mo many dollars In doctors
and druggists' bills. The last two years it
only cost mo threo dollars. Why? Be,
causo ( used Sulphur Bitters Instead ot
employing doctors, They cured me i
Jaundice. F. F. Iiojd, Uoboken. 0-20-2t
ylng the cool mountain air In ono of tho
most delightful spots wo ever saw. At
;80 o'clock Mayor Merrltt, of Reading,
a neat brief speech welcomed tho guests
tho grounds and Invited them to tho
lunch provided. A more jolly, contented
and pleasant party will not dine soon again
on Mt. Pcnn. After tho lunch had dlsap
pcarcd wo resumed our pleasant journey
down the mountain, through groves and
past farm buildings to tho starting point
haying mado a run by gravity of over fivo
Wo then explored tbo Mineral Spring
Glen and would havo dono the city had
not a heavy shower driven us to tho hotclB
where wo spent tho '.Imo pleasantly getting
good suppers, leaving at 8 o'clock and
reaching homo lliSO p. in. having spent
full day of pleasure and profit, and been
rcBtcd and benefitted more than it is pos
Bihlo to gain from ordinary excursions,
The facilities tho P, & It. now have,
their early aud lato trains, their elegant
cars and tho care and solicitude exercised
by their officials in handling largo numbers
suggests that a trip to Mt, Penn would bo
most excellent treat to our Sunday
Echools this summer. Bhould ono or moro
of tho schools decide to mako up an ex-
curslon to Mt. Pcnn, wo can assure them
that tho I'. & H. pcopio will do their part
to mako It a completo success.
Tito Uiiceii'H lrlie Coiiiitelllluu
Ten familiar quotations from standard
authorB appear each month under this
heading In tho Canadian Qdbin, and th
publishers of this popular magazine offer
$59.00 In cash prizes each month to thoso
naming the largest number ot tho authors
from whom tho quotations aro takon. This
Is a most practical way ot encouraging tho
study ot standard authors and will Interest
ovcry intelligent reader, a sample copy
ot tho Qoebn with full particulars and list
ot quotations will bo mailed to any ad
dress for flvo 2o stamps. Tho subscription
prlco M only $1.0X1 per year. Address
Tun Canadian Qukbn, Toronto, Canada,
There are
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They arc not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
'Tis sold everywhere.
Noun.vr, hciiooi. notijh.
In our last Notes wo referred to our
Faculty examinations which wcro then In
progress, to tho coming of tho commit
tco this week. Tho result of tho examina
tion by tho Faculty was that all tho Bonlor
class wcro recommended to tho committee.
Of eighty-four Junlori, sixty-two wcro
recommended, nnd fourteen applicants
The armsful just in make at
least iooo pieces of the 30-inch
cotton Dress Cheviot that
we've had this season. Wonder
ful for wear. Neat plaids and
stripes, and only I2cl
1 2ic Ginghams are a rollick
ing crowd, styles into the
hundreds. Don't mistake them
lor Scotch. There's a something
short if you see them side by
side. Think of Scotch Zephyrs
at 25c though! andol that royal
ly rich range up to the Borders
and Damasee and so on at 75c.
Lightest, airiest cottons too.
French Printed Jaconet
Lawns, 25c.
Filmy French Printed Orean-
dies, 37 i.
French Printed Moussehnc
de l'Inde, like a cobweb for
weight, like a flower-speckled
meadow lor beauty, 372c.
You remember the white
groundPrinted Lawns of last sea-
sonr bo handsome, so stroncf,
so cheap? Here acrain, and for
five cents a yard.
Heavy cotton Skirt Patterns
40c. One seam and a band
from various high schools wcro cxamlucd and vou've a Skirt worth 7?C.
I,,.,.. .-.t-.1.1..ll-ll.K 1...I 11.. 1.1--1 J . . 'J
Dozen styles stripes with bor-
by us and added to tho Junior list, making
Tho Commlttco arc at work and havo be
fore them ono hundred and fifty-four stu
dents, all eager, expectant and anxious for
tho outcomo ot tho duties before them.
Our earnest wish Is that all may bo per
muted to enjoy tho
Tho work of tho commlttco la divided as
follows. Dep. Supt. Uouck, has Theory of
Teaching, History ot (Education, Methods
of Instruction and Psychology, for tho Ben
black and white
brown and white
nrvy ani whlto
Here at 80 cents a yard is
full fruition of their oreciselv the same rrrade of
I . CJ
liarnsley Table Linen that we
used to sell at $1.25.
Fine Full Damask Dinner or
Tea Set cloth 2x22 vds. dozen
eadlly recognized. Tho wire was about iors, and U. 8. History, Book-Kceping and U Nankins Sl.71;. We've VCt
Wn lilimlrn.l nn.l Of!.. l I .1. la III-- . I L . ' J
icuKiu, oiiciuug iur iuu juniors. i f 0 aPP jfo tn.itrh nt C
Extra heavy full bleached
two hundred and fifty miles in
being via Philadelphia, and thirteen miles
of It was underground wire. Ab soon as
tho long distanco lino Is comploted, from
this town a public exhibition will bo
Tho Willlamsport Republican of Monday
gives tho following report of tho gamo be
tween tho Bloomsburg and Willlamsport
clubs last Saturday:
About 330 peoplo witnessed tho gamo ot
baso ball on thu Athletic grounds Saturday
uui,rc;u iuu miuamspori anu
Bloomsburg clubs. Among tho number
was a goodly crowd of ladies who seemed
to be as enthusiastic as thoso of tho sterner
sex. Tho gamo proved to bo a lemarkablo
poo In several ways. At tho outstart it
looked as though tho homo club had at last
met us maicu as in tho first Inning tho
visitors mado threo runs, Shaffer hitting
tho ball for a threc-bggcr. This was a
surprise, and immediately doubt was ex
pressed by many as to tho homo clubs abil
ity to "get away" with the North Branch
representatives. During tho progress of
1110 llrst inning ono of tho Bloomsburg
plnycra was struck by a pitched ball and
disabled from further participation in tho
contest, ho becoming an unwilling witness
to tho subsequent sluegipg match; Peter
Herdlc, of tho old Willlamsport club! was
substituted for tho Injured visitor, and fill
ed tho position with credit to himself and
satisfaction to tho Bloomsburg club. In
uii,i, mrcu tunings mo uomo ciuu railed
to score, while in that timo tbelropponcnts
bad acquired four runs. In tho fifth In
nlng, as if by magic, tho Willlamsport
ouuucuijr lounu- nays' curves anu
twists, nnd tho way tho ball was pounded
Prin. Eckels of tho Bhlpponsburg Nor
mal School, has all tbo mathematics for
both classes. Supt Johnson, of Union, merman laDie L.inen,
Co. has tho Latin tor both classes, Junior I smooth, honest, 65c.
Grammar and Composition, and Benior I thought it che?p at 75c.
Bupt. Moyeis has Physical and Descrip
tive Geography, Civil Government, Physi
ology and Vocal Music for tbo Juniors,
and Natural Philosophy for tho Seniors.
Cool, easy, neat, and the
prices right We say that of
our Summer Shoes aof them,
Tho examination lu Drawing, Heading for bifT feet and little. The few
sort we tell ol are only to set
you thinking:
For the Mcir.
and other subjects is divided among tho
members of tho commlttco and tho class
Heretofore tho Model School teaching
by tho Seniors was left for tho last. It was
found by this arrangement that at that
part of tho program all was excitement and
tho teaching power was not fairly repre
sented. To overcome tho difficulty there-1 poy tile J3ovS,
tun;, ul. iTttuur urraugeu ku uuvu iuu l
teaching all dono Monday afternoon, and!
It is said to havo been dono well.
Tbo commlttco seemed at onco to havo I pgy Ifo Women:
gained tho confidence ot tho student, and
by their fair and practical, and yet compre
hensive questions, gained also their good
Tho classes are entirely in tho bands ot
tho coufmitteo with Prof. Curran as acting
Principal. Dr. Waller Is absent, his pre
senco being required in similar work in tho
Clarion Bchool.
On Friday and Baturday evenings of this
week tho Phllo Literary Society will bold
Brown Seal bluchers and Bala, ilaboganr
ltussla ' .It Licwl shoos, tM Hand made, f 6.
Tamplco ttuasot Uoat Laced buoes and Ox
lords. S3.
lien's Buck aliooa in tho best ot Calf, from ts
Mahogany and Chocolate- Goat and Uraln
l&xa uhoes and oxfords. Largo sizes, s )S to to $.S0; smaller zlzos, 11 to S, I.S0
and ft.
Wlno Hussla Calf and Brown Seal Oxtords, ts.
Gray O07.0, l'atent Leather, ard 003 and
Cloth Top l'atonc Loathe r Koxed oxfords, f 5.
Mahogany Tamplco Goat oxtords. 13.
Black and Colored oxtords at f J, 3.S0, $3, tXiO,
l-i uuu 40 IU buii, uuy luce?.
For the Big Girls:
Mlases' Flrest Chocolato Goat Foxed Button
and Laced Sfcoos, 11 to 2, all widths, IJ.W:
Tan Goat, whole quarter, J.
MlssrV Uhocoloto Tamplco U oat Button Shoes,
11 to s, widths A to D, 11.75. A Tery special
Misses' oonvaas Laced Shoes at Jl that wero
fLWandts. only ux, to 2 A to 11.
right and left was decidcly intercstlnir, and aa ic-rcani aQl strawberry festival In tho
John Wanamaker.
at the end of tho inning ten runs was tho
nnuiu mo remain ne part or tho irnmn
was not very much of a baseball contest,
tho homo club adding stoutly to its lists of
runs, while It was apparent tho visitors
were weakening. At tho end of tho game,
without tho Williamsport playing their por
tion of tho Inning tho camo stood 17 to 10
in their favor. Tho lllnnmnlmnr ntavoro
rink. They cordially Invito all their
friends and promlso them a pleasant timo,
CurIiich aim saw Mill h.
Any ono intending to buy Steam Engines
of any stylo or slzo or first class Saw Mills
will do well by soelng, or writing tho un.
1. W. H&?tsia& & Sons.
We aro glad to know our
stylo of advertisimr is worthy of
... iui.ii itivur. iuu Dioomsuurg niaycrs I J b . . -., .. -
were a gentlemanly set of players, Tarthoueh 1 Jerslgned for Catalogue and Prices before imitation, Others are lOllOWlllg.
tho 'chin miiolfi ) 1... ui.-fr - I !,.... ... I T..J 1 1 1 l:.... P
1110 -chin music' indulged in by Bhaffer
ana nays with tho 'kids' In tho audience
was somewhat out of placo and productive
of no good to their team. Tho score by
Innings was as follows:
1 9 s A r. n n
Bloomsburg 3 10 0 13 0
uniiams't u 0 0 10 0 3 4
A HprliiK aietllclue.
Wuitb & Connek, 1 J usi opened a liandsomo line 01
Orangoviiie, Pa. Graduating Faus; white goods
and embroideries are taking the
lead now days, parasols aro
following. We have bargains
all over both store3 in ureas
Next Sunday is 'flower day' in the Luth
eran church, and will bo celebrated over
tho entire country. A beautiful service will
bo rendered in the Lutheran church in this j goods, ill linen goods, in gloves
tumicu -a. luasv 01 riowers anu a aU(. HOSiei'V, 111 lailCV gOOUS 1U
DZ.h'JiT'" by, T ihmt? wedding and birthday present
church will bo profusely decorated with r 1 , J l 1
flowers and great preparations aro being 1" dishes 111 glass ware, in lamps,
mado for this beautiful anniversary. This anu uiousanus OI Oilier arilClCS
The druggists claim that people call
daily for tho now euro for constipation and
sick-hcadacho, discovered by Dr. Silas Lane
whilo In tho Hocky Mountains. It is said
to bo Oregon grapo root (a great remedy in day is Beiccted becauso lt la neare3t ono o A few of US llllVO ket)t tllC price
c,l win, tm; . "7 72 ,r uo0" imporant anniversaries in the 0t butter up to 14c. whilst all
u.u.f.u uwud a luaiiu iui ubu l I .IMImpon nlnmnlt iim .1 a.-, t Inn na l
. , - ... I vuuivu) tuu auuiiviuu ui UJU
uy pouring on boiling water to draw out Aucsbure confession, thn first r mfpanlnn
tho strength It sells at SO cents a pack- of Protestantism. Everybody Is welcome,
ago and Is called Lano's Family Medicine. I .
iho benefits of vacation season may bo
over tno country it has only
brought 10 and 12c. lb. Wann
weather, the hot sun, Hies &e.
season may bo I ,..:n u:. :i :..
Note From Ksy. grcaliy enhanced. If, at tho same time, tho " - UU" U' .m 1 V
On May 30th. at tho LMiheran n,,. 'WB cleansed and vitalized by ,. - ". jw,.
Mr. n,ivl,l sirnnr. .i Mio. nii ui. I tho uso ot Aycr's Sarsaoarilla. A cood an-1 TOllS, UlU' CUStOUlOrS like tllCin
petite, fresh vigor, and buoyant spirits at-
tond tho uso of this wonderful medicine.
Attention l'uriucm.
ubaum, both of Buckhorn, wcro Joined to.
gether in tho Holy Btalo of matrimony, by
the Kev. A. B. Glaze. This young couple
started at onco for their now homo at
Forksvillo, Sullivan Co. They carry with Now ia lho tImo 10 look n,ter cultivators
them tho beBt wishes ot tholr many friends and harvesting machines. Undersigned
lor a successful and happy life.
On Thursday evening of this week
and it is
see them
a measure for us to
I. W. HaEtman & Sons.
Thcro Is danger In Impure blood. Thore
Is safety In taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, tho
great blood purifier. 100 doses ono dollar.
Tlie Com ot n Tram.
The question Is often asked, what docs
a train cost? What Is a Pullman worth?
How much money Is thero In a locomotivo
Well, there is a good deal of money In
them all, and tho money that It takes to
equip tho ordinary express train as ruu on
tho great Pennsylvania Hallroad Company
lines, would bo moro than enough to mako
ono comfortable for the balanco ot hi
days. Tho ordinary express train repre
sents from $83,000 to $90,000. Tho cn
glno and tender aro valued at $10,000: thu
baggage car $1,000, tbo poBtal car $2,000,
tbo smoking car $5,000, two ordinary pas.
scngcr cars, $10,000 each, three palace cars
$15,000 each total $83,000. These aro
minimum prlco, Thero aro trains on tbo
Pennsylvania worth very much moro.
"My father, at about tho ago of lltty, lost
all lho hair from tho top ot his head. After
ono month's trial ot Aycr's Hair Vigor, the
hair began coming, and, In threo months
ho had a Hue growth ot hair of tbo natural
color," 1 J. Cullou, Baratoga Bnrlugg
11. if
Nora llartmau of Espy, aud Mr. William
Terwllllger of Llghtstrcct, will be wedded
la tho M. E. church by Pastor Whitney.
Tho public arc Invited and no doubt thero
will bo a largo number present to witness
tho ceremony and extend their congratula
tions to tho young party so well known by
Tho law has recently been Bcrvcd .upon
some who hayo bocn using the flno street
through our town for a race-course, lt
might bo well for others to tako warning,
unless thoy mean to deposit soino money
in our town. Fast driving through a town
Is dangerous, and will not bo tolerated by
tho citizens ot this place.
On next Bunday ovening Children's Day
will bo observed in tho Lutheran church.
Tho same will bo observed at Canby In the
morning. The collection will bo devoted
to tho Orphans' Homo at Loysvlllo, Pa.
DriiiiUcitiic-HM 1,1 cm or Ilnult In
nil tilt: WolliUIierc IH Uut one
cure II r. ilulueu' (lolilcu Hpeciri c
It can bo Klven In a cun of tea or coffco
without the knowledge of tho person tcslng
It, effecting a speedy and permanent euro,
whether tho patient is a modcrato drinker
or an alcoholic wreck, Thousands ot
drunkards havo been cured who havo taken
tho Golden Specific In tholr coffco without
their knowledge, and to-day believe they
quit drinking ot their own frco will.
havo just received full supply of "Ilcnch"
riding and walking wheel cultivators.
Walter A. Wood Harvesting Machinery,
also both hand and self dump Ilay Hako,
all of which wo will sell at bottom prices.
O-33-lt. WI11TE& CONNKU.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When Baby u ilck, wo gave her Cattorta.
When iho was a Child, the cried for CtrtorU,
Whoa she becamo Mlaa, the clune to Oattorla,
When the had Children, the care them Castorla.
notice To TenclierH.
Tho Bloomsburg School Hoard will meet I
on Friday, Juno 20, 1890, to select teachers
and Janitors for the onsulng year. Appli
cations from experienced teachers only will
bo considered. Applications will bo re
ceived by tho Bccretaryiup to said day.
J. 11. TOWKSKND, J. C. HltOWN,
0-C-3t. Becty. Pres.
rniLiDBLruu, Monday, Jure 10, lbw
A trade cyclone in cottons.
A carload seems like a handful
on the hot davs we have. Lucki-
No ly the carloads are here. Every
Fine Cabinet portraits only
3 doz. Lifo size Crayons
only 10.00. Viewing, copy
ing and enlarging. Instant
process used. tf.
I'o iscrvoiiH Dcmiltiilcil Men.
If vnn win ueml us your allrou. wo will mail
you our illustrated pamphlet explaining a'l aoout
sr. Dye's celonrated KUKiro-Voitalo uoit auil Ar
puancea, anu tneir cnarining enocia upon uio n er
vous debilitated system, an! how thoy will qulok.
ly restore;vliror;andmaiihooJ,pamihletrrit.
it yuu uru iuus muiutcu, no win kuu uu uvii.
ana Appuancca.oa mai.
l-3r.iy. tUl.TAlU llkl.1 1,., JMtllBilUll, alllt.U.
harmful effect results from its administra-lkind. No excuses: only have a
tlon Cures guaranteed. Send for circular 1 little natience. Yardsticks rn n't
auu iuu imiucuiuru. auurcsn in connuenco 1 (),, faster
-w. """1
Ulnolnnatl.U. 10-aoiy
Mciliiccil UntcH for tliu 1'otmti of
July outliu l'C'iiiiHylvanla
In pursuam o ot Its usual liberal policy
tho Pennsylvania Hallroad Company will
this year sell excursion tickets for tho
Fourth of July holidays between all sta
tions on its lines nt reduced rates. The
tlnlnla will I.a anM T..I.. n..l .n.l J.l.
..whw.b uv sum uu u u,j uiu auu tu, I - . .
valid to return Until July 7tb, 1890. This 40-Ulch liatlSte at iAc
Look at the breezy Branden-
burfrs. Was every any 20c cot
ton prettier or fitter for plaesant
Summer wear? Shepherd plaid
designs (4 sizes of black and
white checks) have just been
We've had lot after lot of the
Save Tour Hair
BY 11 timely uaouf Aycr's Hnlr Vigor.
This preparation has no equal aa a
drosilnp;. It keeps tho Bcalpclcau, cool,
nnd healthy, and preserves tho color,
fullness, aud beauty ot tho hair.
" I was rapidly becoming bald and
gray ; but after uslug two or threo
ottlea of Aycr's Hair Vigor my hair
grew thick and glossy and tho original
color was restored." Molvin Aldrtch,
Caiman Centre, N. II.
" 801110 time ago I lost all my hair In
comociueiico 01 measles. After duo
waiting, no new growth appeared. I
then used Aycr's Hair Vigor and my
hair grew
Thick and Strong:.
It has apparently come to stay. Thn
Vliror is evidently a great aid to nature."
-J. It. Williams, Floresville, Texas.
"I havo used Aycr's Hair Vigor for
tho past four or flvo years and find it a
most satisfactory dressing for tho hair,
lt Is all I could doslrc, being barinloM,
causing tho hair to retain its natural
color, and ronulrlng but a small quantity
to render tho hair easy to nrraugo."
Mrs, M. A. Ilalloy, U Charles Btrcot,
Ilavcrnlll, Mass.
" I havo bocn using Aycr's Ilalr Vigor
for several years, and bcliovo that It has
canted my hair to retain Its natural
color." Mrs. II. J. King, Dealer lu
Dry Goods, &c, BUnopvlllo, Md,
II i,jh1 IImiW lIlMAK
fter than we MVCK b ndll VlgUli
nrt Nitur Vn.l- n. 111.11 l. I 1 1 1 . i . i I r ," 1 1 1 , 1 nnmf tn tliain 1.1 .... . t- I .
,u ,i,n lum ui i uiifiuGiiiiiin null
moro and Washington, liy
tucBo nonets ono cau mauo a
holiday trip at small coat.
could point to them. Elerant.
w iM U2ht antl a generous dress pat-
Itern lor si or lcssl
rniriua bv
Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowoll, Matt-
BoM b Urof UU toil IViuuiit.