THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG , PA. FlllDAY, JUNE 20, 1800. President HarrUon will visit ML Qrctna on Jaly 21th during thu stato militia encampment. Congressman Scranton hai been re nominated by the republicans of Lck awanna county without opposition. Montour county ha instructed its dclogates to the Democratic stato con vention to vote for l'attison. Tho republican state convention will be held in IlarrUbarg next week Wed nesday. Tho delegate from this county aro J. C. Brown and C. E. Geyer. Our guesa ia that they (fill vote for Delamater. Tho Doylcstown Democrat has changed hands, Gen. W. W. II. Davis the veteran publisher, retiring from tho paper, and is succeeded by tho Doy lcstown Publiahinir Company. The announcement is mado that thoro will be no change in the politics of the p'per, and that it will battlo in tbo tuturo, as in uio past, lor tarty re form. Judge I'ennypackcr of Philadelphia nag delivered an important opinion on tho rights of hucksters in connection with the trial of John Bradley, a ban ana peddler, against Martin Pleiffer for assaclt and bsltery Bradley wont into PloifTer's store to sell some ban anas, when he was struck over tho head with the spoke of a wagon wheel by tho defendant after be had refused three timoa to leave the store, 'Huck sters have no right to force themselves on house holders, and if they do they are trespassers," Judge Pennypacker eaid. "whore a huckster is a tres passer a householder ia entitled to put uim out. Tho positive announcement has been made that Senator S. P. Wolvcrton of Sunbury will be a candidate for tho congressional nomination in this dist rict. Ho is a man of marked ability ana is well known through this county. Wo have no direct information aa to Senator Buckalew'x intentions, but have heard repeated rumors, some of them coming from those who ought to know, that he will not bo a candidate for a third term. Tho warm friendship existing between these two (listing nished gentleman, leads to the belief that tho reports aro true. In this event, we do not know of a more avail able candidate than Mr. Wolverton, nor ono who would represent tin Uis trict more satisfactorily. The latest announcement in Demo cratic circles i that Chauncy F. Black of York county, has decided to retire from the contest for the Dcmocratio nomination for Governor, and that he will use his votes and inflaenco in favor of tho nomination of Ex-State Chair man William U. Ilcnsel, ol Lancaster county. Ex-Chairman Hensel has been re peatedly spoken of as a possible com promiso candidate between tho Wallaco and Pattison forces. He will start in tho raco with thirty votes, made up aa louows: 'len Irom York, nino from .Lancaster and tho remaining eleven from Borks, Lebanon and Philadel phia counties. Neither Black nor Ilcnsel aro classed aa favorable to either Wallaco or Patt ison and tho friends of tho ex-chair man are determined to try and land iuu pnzu ior mm. The latest analysis of tho preferences ernor is as follows For Wnllmw 90 for Paulson. 18; doubtful, 17, with 8 seats contested. Unly SO of G4 dele gates from Philadelphia will have a voice in tho appointment of the com mittee on contested seats. It is stated that Congressman Maiah has been off- OTP.1 trlft nnmfnntlfln (nr liniilnnnn(.nnir. ernor, but tho delegation from York . . -. . . uuuuiy in composca oi earnest support TS of Ghfltinnv T?- frr flin rrnhnr natorial nomination and they will not permit any suggestion liko that just mentioned to tempt them from their loyalty to Mr. Blaok. They aro not v.n ...I. .ill ! I mvM niiu win uuugu jii uuy uuunmur incr for minor clacr a on tlin tir.Wpt. Thus far tho following named count ies havo instructed Tor l'attison: Law. roncc, Warren, Cambria, Montour, Delawaro, Chester and Tioga, repres ented by twenty-ono delegates and giving about 10,000 republican major- ItV. Thn flnlprrnfM n1nrji1 frnm flnm. bria and Montour (dcmocratio counties) are, howovor, personally friendly to ttuiiuuv. iiiuru aro mi delegates in the slate convention. WABHIHQTok LETTER (From our Ilcgular Correspondent,) Washington, D. O. Juno 10, 1800. " Paradoxical as it may appear, the recent oxtremo warm spell seems to bavo cooled public interest in tho pro ceedings of Congress, and thinned out that body to about the rcquirod nurabor to constitute a quorum and transact business. Tho old adage that "ho who can wait will eventually get anything ho desires" was never better demonst rated than by tbo action of tho prosenl uongross. ino oiu nanus, the quoen bees,, tho old shepherd dogBof tho (lock, havo acquired to a great extent what they had panted for, and aro now dozing amid leafy ;bowora along tho soa. Whllo tho publio is anxious to havo all discussion dropped Is tho opportunity for tho mediocrity of tho national legislation to approach tbo uocond tablo and reduco tho surplus. The aotion is comparatively tinnotiood unoarodfor and unsung. Manv mil lions of dollars aro appropriated evory day, with a brief word of explanation made by tho members In chargo of a bill regarding its contents. When tho members of cither IIouho aro sufficient ly aroused, thoy diroct their shafts of wit and Baroaam at uio oincr branch respecting its want of deliberation in pasting bills and appropriating tho publio funds. Thoy aro equally guilty howovor. Thu House has charged tho Sonato with passing bills at tho rato of 120 per minute. Its record in passing publio laws lias noon siiown to have exooed this rate, but wasn t as ibsi as that of thoIJouso. Tho prlvato bills aro usually disposed of on ovenlng sessions, when thoy aro usually dumped liko a load oi coal n a bunoh. The republicans of Congress seem to break up camp, and woro perfectly regardless of tho furniture. They havo certainly acted in a manner this session that would justify Duohrt fooling of dtWpair on their part. They havo planned for tho appropriation of enoogh money, this ecmon, to pay me national iveoi. After they go out, at tho next election, they will probably try to raiio a sen timent against their successors on ac count of a lack of money to discharge publio obligations and individual hopes, created by tho gang last discharged. The House silver bill has been re ported back favorably from the Fi nance committee to tbo Senato, and offered as a substitute, by Mr. Morril, i . i a . - t,Ml r. i ! f ior iuu ovuatc diii. 11. uuuiaiiis im portant amendments that materially alter it in a direction unsatisfactory to the free coinage men. Tho provision making tho certificates legal lender is struck out; also that maVing certificates redeemable in bullion at the option ot ho Secretary of tho Treaiuryj and tbo section providing that when tbc mantel price oi silver is i.uu ior 371 grains oi silver, it shall be lawful to rcceivo bullion for coinage, and the purchaso of bullion be suspended. Ho was lollowed by Mr. reverts wno gave a very interesting review of the history of silver legislation. He said that in 1873 the two metals, gold and sliver wero on a parity, and bad been since 1803. That no trado or law of nature had broken that parity, but it had been accomplished by tho "wit and wisdom of man". That in 1873 Congress, while in a hypnotiocondition, had pass ed tho law demonetizing silver, which eventually reduced it 30 per cent in value. Mr. Vauco followed bim in de nouncing tint act of Congress and said that tho tariff laws had contribut ed further in spreading bankruptcy and ruin amongst the farming com munity. Speaker Iteed, lait week, announced tho appointment of Mr. Mills of Tens to the committee on rules. He noti fied tho Speaker that he declined to serve. His friends say that his refusal to rervo on a committee with the Speaker is based upon personal grounds. The peculiar rulings of tbo Speaker during tho present session, and bis utter disregard of the ordinary court esties duo tho minority has provokod a feeling of unfriendliness on the part of Mr. Mills that would mako scrvico on tho same committee distasteful to him. A caucus of tho republicans will bo hold on about tho 18th, to consider suggestions to be offered by the spec ial cominitteo now straggling with the subject of federal elections. A bill will undoubtedly bo provided contain ing tho superviicry provisions and tho worst features of tho bills introduced by Messrs Howell, Lodge and Mc Comas. Tho conference of the anli trust bill has been rejected and another confer ence orderod with instructions from the House committo to recede from the House amendments. Edward K. Valentine, the republican nomineo has boon elected Sargeant-at-Arms of tho Senate. The Ilouao do voted tho most of Sat urday in paying tribute to the memory of the late Samuel J. RandalL The principal oration was delivered by Mr. O'Ncil of Pennsylvania, who was fol lowed by many others in unstinted praise of tl e late statesman. The flew Trans-Oontlnental Eonte. VIA 1IIB CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & BT- PAUL B'Y AND THE H0BTHE8AH PA0IFI0 E B. Commencing Sunday, Juno 15, 1890, there will be established a through lino of Iret-class vestibuled Pullman sleeping cars running daily between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Helena, Montana, Spokane Falls, Taooma and Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, making tho fastest time to and from all points on Paget Sound and the North Pacific Coast, and affording an excellent through routo for passen gers destined to California points. West bound trains will leave Union Passenger Station, corner Adams and Canal Streets, Chicago, daily at 5:30 p. m., arriving St. Paul 7:00 a. ra., Fargo 4:55 p. ra., Helena 1;15 a. ra., Spokane Falls 6:00 p. ra., Tacoma 10:50 a. m., Soatle 11:15 a. m., Portland 0.30 p. ra , Theso tiaius will carry all classes of passengers and will also provide the finest dining car nerv' 3 between Chi cago and the Paoiflo Coast. Trains of all lines from tho East arrive in Chi cago in amplo timo to make connection with tho 5:30 p. ra. train from Chicago. In addition to tho foregoing, special Pullman sleeping cars for the famous Yellowstone Park will bo attached to those trains, thus affording during the summer months a direct through car lino to tho."wondrland" and tho Lake Park region of tho Northwest Timo -18 hours to Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel. Tho advantages to be secured by purchasing through tiokets via a routo composed of such favorably known and well established linos as the Chicago, Mi'waukoo & St. Paul and Northorn Paoifio Hallways must bo apparent to all first class travelers. Forsloepingcar rcservations,throagh tickets, timo tables and further infoma tion apply at City Office of Chioago, Milwaukee & St. Paul H'y. at, No 207 C.ark St., or at Union Passenger Stat ion, Chicago, or address F. A. Miller, AsM't G. P. A., M. & St. P. H'y, Chi cago, III. HO SUITS. AIM INST Til K SOUTH FOUR FISIIINO AND HUNTING CI.UII. PiTTSiiuito, Juno 12. An Ebons burg, Pa., spcoial says: Notwith standing tbo fact that over a year has elapsed since tho Hood at Johnstown, in whioh thousands of lives wero lost and millions of dollars' worth of prop erty destroyed by tho bursting of tho South Fork fishery aud hunting club, no suits, either criminal or civil, havo been brought against tbo club In tho Cambra county court, as threatcnod just aftor tho terrible disaster. A short timo after tho Hood a fund was ralsod in Johnstown for tbo purpose of making a test case against tbo club in tho courts hero. Tho case was placed in tho hands of savorol Johnstown at tomoys and tho legal aspt-ot of tho caso considered by thorn, but nothing was over done. It seems highly itn probablo at this lato day that tho club will over bo prosecuted, at least by tho sufferers in Cambra oounty, for main taining tho fatal dam. Wbea IWuBlokl My room looked liko a drug Btoro, I t rnt pad so many uoiues in it. i uo moro T ilrmnil'lliii worso off I was Finallv. T paid my doctor and told him lie neodn't como any more. I was troubled with Chronic Rheumatism, and couldn't get out of bod alono. Six bottles of Sul phur Hitters cured inc. MenJ. Fitch, AiUwu Jloute, Botton 0-20 2U Impure Blood Pennsylvania Railroad Man Tells of a Remarkable Cure of Scrofulous Humor-Read It. Mr. V.abj, who mixei the following ut tntnt, Is a well known nurotd mui, run ning on the rraniTlranU railroad between GolnmbU, I'tnn., u4 rhltflelpblti "I feel that I wish to tell whit bu been done for us ind our little hoy bj Hood's Bar sipartlU. He li now tlx rears of age, and, until a thort time ago, has ever since birth been a terrible sufferer from scrofulous humor. Bores would appear on him and spread until ther were at Urge as a dollar, and then discharge, only to be followed by others, to that the larger part of his bods was one mass ot tores all the time. The scrofula was especially seTere on his legs and back ot his ears and on his head. Ills hair was to matted that combing was someUmes Impossible. Ills ears became so thin that wo could tee through them, and were actually Ariuro Titer worm crop orr. Hit legs were so bad that sometimes he could not sit down, and It was Impossible for him to run about and pUj- like other children. Fre qnenUr when he tried to walk, his leg would crack open and the blood start from different places. The humor had a Terr offensive odor, and caused Intense Itching, to that at night we had to tie his hands In mittens or stockings to prevent his scratching and tearing himself. We cannot tell now that rooa nor icntiro for nearly five years, nor how his terrible con dition distressed us. We did all we could to relieve him. Two or three physicians agreed in calling It scrofulous humor, but did not effect a cure. We tried salrcs and ointments and other things but without benefit. At last I decided to give blm Hood's Sarsaparllla, aa XT DECOOTST RECOSOIZTDID IT. In about two weeks the Barsaparllla began to have effect. The tores commenced to heal Take Hood's Sarsaparilla Bahtbyandregglttt. UlslxforSS. Prepared only I Sold by an dreggUM. glslxfort. Prepared only I BoldbyallAngglits. 51 1 Hi for IS. Prepared only by C L HOOD CO Apothecaries, LowsU, llul. by C L UOOD CO, Ayolfctcarlet, IjirtU, Mats, by C. 1. 1IOOI) CO ApothMarlei.Lowell, Mau. IOO Doses One Dollar I Court Proceedligs. An adjourned court was held on Tues day, Juno 17, at 9 o'clock a. m. Hod. E. IU Ikelcr on the bench. Tbc following order was made: Now June 17, 1890, it Is ordered that the following be added to the standing order ot this court : That the first six cases on the civil trial list be placed for trial in their order after the criminal list, (or Wed nesday ot the first week at 10 o'clock a. m. In the event of either or all not being call ed or reached for trial during said first week, tbey shall not loso their precedence aud standing on the list for the second week. The following order was made In the matter ot tho division ot Greenwood town ship Into two election districts: And now May 8, 1890, the report ot the Commissioners dividing Greenwood town ship Into two election districts is confiim ed. That division as made by said Com missioners lying west ot the division lino shall be known as West Greenwood, and the other shall be known as East Urecn wood Election District. In West Greenwood the elections shall be held at the house now occupied by Frank a Herring, In Mlllville, and in the East district the elections shall be held at the bouse now occupied by William Black, in Robrsburg. At the next election and until others are elected and qualified, the election officers in Wett Greenwood shall be as follows: Uriah P. McHenry, Judge, Ilenry Kis ner, Inspector; Jacob E. YYclltver, Inspect or; and in East Greenwood the following, viz: David Albertson, Judge, George W. Derr, Inspector, 1L J. Kline, Inspector. By tho Court. Koad in llcmlock near M. C. White night's. Exceptions are dismissed, and Isaac A. Dewllt, William Black and Hiram It. Albertson appointed reviewers. O. W. Hess et al vs. Bloomsburg and Sullivan It. R. Co. Geo. W. Derr, Frank Derr, Moses Havage, H. U. Hlrleman, Jr., G. W. Farvcr, Geo. W. McHenry and Miles Everhart appointed viewers to aasess dam ages. Sheriff's deed acknowledged to Hiram Crouso tor property ot H. F. Savage. Also to W. U. Rtiawn, irustece ot Mary V. Rcay, for property of H. 8. Bcay. W. B. Ilouck appointed guardian ot ltachaol and Geo. M. Williams, minor children of Charles Williams. A. M. Johnson appointed guardian ot Mahala and Clara George, minor children of Ellas George. Petition filed for writ of lunacy in estate of Eve Btroh mover. It. H Little Esq , appointed Matter and examiner In D. h. & W. B, H. Co. vs. P. & K. K. Go. and Bloomsburg Belt li. It. Co. J. B. Itobiton Esq., appointed M aster and examiner in Bloomsburg Belt It. It. Co. vs. D. L. & W. II. It. Co. E. U. Guie Esq. appointed auditor In ci tato of John F. Fowler. C. E. Gcyer Esq. appointed auditor In estate of Samuel Loreman. Court adjourned to July 1, at 9 a. m. Waller. Mr. U. E. Yorks, who has been teaching near Wllliamtport for the past year, return ed borne Monday evening to spend bis va cation and look after the trout. The funeral of Charles Hobcrts, which took place here ju Tuesday of last week, was very largely attended. His age was 22 yrt., 4 mo., and 11 da. Borne thing Is the matter with tbo oats, but what it Is secmt only to bo a matter of conjecture around here. Some say the cold weather is the cause ot its dying while others attribute It to tbo green lice which we notice aro very full, lie It what it may tho oats at present looks as If it would bo a failure. We notice a P. B. to "An Open Loiter" In last week's Sentinel, It alludes to some subject proposed by us in the The Colom bian ot May 30. We are pleased to learn that they haveinot remained unnoticed but wo wish it distinctly understood, it it was not stated plainly enough at that timo, that wo wlllinot take tho time nor space to enter any controversy on tbo subject ot pro hibition. God's word is plain enough for us. Wo only asked "Fair Play" a few questions, the answers to which we thought would Intercut the public general, ly. That Is tbo object we had ia view, and although we would so much like to write our opinion, yet wo never could see any good como from such personal contests, wo will deny ourselves even tho commence ment ot them. "Mark", however will ex pect space to vindicate himself, should he deem It necessary and proper at any time. Tbo Directors increased tho wages of tho Bcliool teachers so t iat it Is not necessary for them to teach for $12 a month and "board around" as we have heard they formerly did in thU part of the county. The (estiyal on Saturday afternoon and evening was tbo most successful one ever held In thls'place. Tbo total receipts were over a hundred dollars leaving about soventy.flve dollars net. Iter. 8, P. Boon delivered an interesting and Instructive sermon here on Sunday evening. Hit text was Ps. 100, IS, Ilev. Boon believes tnjprcacblng tho Gospel as be finds It recorded In the Bible, without clothing It In language to "tickle" tho er merely, but preaches It In such a way that It must touch the heart, or be ot nonejjtect. MajoTaph.t, up the fleth began to look more natnral and healthy. Then the scales came off and all over hit body new and healthy flesh and skin formed. When he had taken two bottles he was entirely free from tores, having only the scan to show where they had been. These are gradually disappearing. The little fellow was rcu. or oHATrrccK to nood't Barsaparllla when he found It was curing him, and he would call for 'My medl cine' when the time came for htm to take It. We are unable to express our thanks for the good Hood' Barsaparllla has done our little boy." IUBUTK.Rcsr,BoxS,atambla,Ia. A Later Letter From Mr. Ruby states that his ton It now In perfect health, has no trouble from the humor, which Is entirely cured. He has many inquiries about the recovery of the boy, and advises all who suffer with such diseases to try Hood's BarsaparUtr What Can be Added To the above statement to make more em phatic the evidence of the cleansing effect of Hood's Barsaparllla upon the blood T It would seem to be the positive duty of aU who suffer from any disease or affecUon caused by Impure blood, to at least give Hood's Barsa parllla a f sir trlaL Its many wonderful cures have won for It the title of "the greatest blood purifier ever discovered." Every Confidence. "Among the few proprietary articles I re commend to customers Hood's Barsaparllla Is one In which I place every confidence. My patrons teem to have the same confidence, judging from Its sale, which Is more than all the other blood purifiers together." O. 1). Lirrxz, Druggist, Ureensburg, Pa. 40 on IOO Doses One Dollar A Newspaper Family. Will A. Steel has become a partner with bis father, J. Irvln Bleel, In the publication of the Evening Telegram, of Ashland. Harry G. Steel, another son, continues as local editor on the same paper. Charles E. Btcel, another son, is editor and pub lisher of the Mlnersvllle (Pa.) Fret Prat, and two more of the brothers are associated with him. This makes a father and five sons all doing creditable newspaper work atone time. It there is another family that can beat this record, let us bear ot it. Printer's Circular, Philadelphia. Light (street. Harry, son of Rev. Whitney, a cadet at West Point Military School came borne last week for the first time in four years. During the heavy storm which passed over our little village last Thursday, light ning struck the spire of the Evangelical churcb, making quite a wreck of it. B. W. Drake ono day last week turned out a new wagon for Mrs. Cbarlei Itelg bard of Malnvllle which speaks well for blm. h. M. Pettit and family have returned from Bbamokin. He will giro bis atten tion to hauling stock. A. B. Wblto is improving his residence by way ot a new awning whole length of front of the building and treating tho latter to a new coat of paint. Will Mcllck who Is engaged at Wilkes Barre at printing is home on a visit to bis parents. J. M. Hulshlzer and wife are spending a few days at Muncy visiting friends. The "Sentinel" correspondent docs not seem from appearance to think It much of a success for the valley boys to come to our town. We say come on boya never mind what he says as he can't shine where you stop. How's This? We offor Ono Hundred Dollaru re ward for any case of catarab that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarab Curo. P. J. CnENEYifcCO., Props, Toledo O. We, tho undersigned, bavo known F. J. Cheney for tho last J 5 years, and believe him perfectly honorablo in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their Arm. Vost fc Truar,. Wholesale Druggists, Tolodo, O. Walding, Kinuan Ss Mar vin, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Cattarh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho a atom. Testimonial sent free. 1'rico 75c. per bottle. Hold by all druggists. G-20 1 CANDIDATES. The fouowlng Is a list of candidates for County omortto be voted for at the delegate election held Saturday August V, ltw, between the hours of s and 7 o'clock p. in. Nominating convention i ucaua? August ixiu. For Associate Judqf., J. F. DERP, of Jackson township Fob County Commissioner, JESSE RITTENHOUSE, of Beaver Township. Fob Statk. Senator, 24th Senatorial Distbiot, GRANT HERRING, Blooouiaburg, Pi. Fob District Attorney, Wm. CHR1SMAN, of B'oQ.iisburg. For County commi8hionf.ii. FRED SCHWINN, ot Bloomsburg. For LkoiiH.aturk. D. F.CURlty, of Ceulralia, For County Trkahureu. JOHN MOUREY, of Roaringoroek Township. For Associate Juikjb, MORDEOAI MILLARD, of Centre. Fob County Commiibionf.r. B. FRANK EDGAR, of Fisbingoreek. Fun County Coumissionkb. DANIEL YOOUM, of Hemlock Township. Fob Photiionotary fc Ci.kiuc of Courts. G. M. QUICK, oi Uloomsburg, Pa. THE For County Treasured, JOHN L. KLINE, of Conyngham. For County Commissioner Wm. G. GIRTON of Bloomsburg. For Representative, MAIILON HAMLIN, of Catawissa. Fob Rei-resentativk, CHARLES Al, B LAKER of Greenwood. FnOM PiniiADRIiPHIA. Prttty flood for a Stan of CO. The following It from Mr. John Hlnei, manufacturer cf enameled dies, who has carried on business In Philadelphia since Oct. 9, ism, and whose testimonial in favor ot Hood's Barsaparllla Is certainly worthy ot eontlderaUon. "One year ago I was laid up tick with pneumonia for 11 weeks. When I got over that, my feet and legs swelled, were very mueh Inflamed, and caused me much suffer ing. The doctor said I had gout, which I did not believe. I tried a number of cures, of so avail. Then some one asked me to try Hood's Barsaparllla. I did so. I took It three timet a day, before meals. Refore I had taken one bottle I began to Improve. I took In all fivs bottles, which cured me and made me feel well otherwise. I have had no return ot the affection. Can walk ten miles every day, which Is pretty good for a man M years old. I feel grateful for the good Hood's Barsapa rllla has done me, and have used my Influence with a number of people to try It, and so far with saUsfactory results." Jorrx nan, North th Street, Philadelphia, Perm. Cancerous Sore. " About 7 years ago I had a cancerous tors my nose, which grew to be very trouble some and offensive. I concluded to try Hood's Barsaparllla, and after using two bottles the sore dlsapeared and healed up entirely. It has been cured for two years with no ap pearance ot Its returning. I am now In my eightieth year and enJo)tng good health. I feel It my duty to recommend Hood's Barsapa rllla to all persons suffering from similar troubles. Re sure to get Hood's." Josuit lUavrr, Delmont, Westmoreland Co., Penn. Confirmatory Statement. "The above certificate Is from Joslah Harvey, Insurance agent, a gentleman well known throughout Westmoreland county. His statement In regard to the tore and cure performed Is correct." Z. Zimmerman, Druggist, Delmont, Penn. K. 11. If you decide, from what you hare heard or read, to take Hood's Barsaparllla, do not be Induced to buy any other. IOO Doses Ono Dollar Foil Associate Jcixje, H. P. EVERETT, of Benton. Fob liEPREaENTATive, . E. M. TEWKSBUKV, of Catawissa. Fob Protiionotart & Clkkk ok thk CODBTS. J. H. MAIZE, of Bloomsburg, Pa. Fob Heoister & Rf.coi:ikh C. B. ENT. of Scott Township. Fob Countv Commissioner STEPHEN PETTIT of Scott Township. For Register anij Recorder, CHARLES H. CAMPBELL, of Bloomsburg. I:: American hmi h:m'i Mt. Grotna Park, Lebanon Go, Pa. AUGUST 17th to 23d, 1890, INCLUSIVE. woo acres, romantic grove-, mountain scenerr. pure water eprtnes, beautl'ul lake. Ample railroad facuit'es, very low rates, quick Canvam tent accommodations for lX) farmers ana their IamlUs; rrodel Orange Hall, model Farmera' Alliance HalL l&rra nnvniinn tnr nf-M. cultrral discissions, manuroih audetoilum tor entertainments numberlces attractions and &uiu;uir-iia, kwj etju&ro leet oi pi&Liorms Tor agricultural lmplemeu; exhlblu, acres to r mach inery In mono n. Good boarding at satisfactory prices, everything Agriculturists invited from every part of Ameil. ca. arounds open Saturday, August 16th, oponlne sermon by llev. T. Denltt Tannage, D7 D., 8a h rijs ouorcuuiusiu oy inj trained Kor full particulars address Exejutlve Com mltteo American Fanners' Encampment, narrii- 4DMIN:ST11AT0U'S NOTICE. KtUite orleter K. Knnnn. nr ninnmtfm Notice is hereby klven that leturs ot adminis tration on tbe estate of I'eter E. Knapp, late of the town ot Dloomsburg, co jnty of Columbia, and oufcu? ui i ciiua, ivuuiu, deceased, nave ooeu grant (id to C. F. Knapp, admT., of Ulojmsbur;. Col Co.. ra., v wnom au persons irdebtsd to said estate mjuau-u w uiiuo pixuieai ana tnoso nav lb7 claims or demands will make known tbe same v. r. KNATivAam'r. T OWN TAXES. "Notice Is herebrtrtveb to the tax.nirnra nf thn Town of Uioomsburgbvthe undersigned that he la prepared to receive Town taxea for thn reAr :Kun at n's omce on the second door of the roii-orflce l building, in said Town of Uloomsburg. Anr tax vupaiu ai. -.uouxpirauou oi ininv -ays rrom this uutiuu buuu uu paiu wim nve per centum penalty JttneU.lSSO. 4t- UOUr. UUCKIMOIIAM, Town Treasurer. WANTED ItBLIAIILE PUSniNO MEN to snll nhmn Nursery Stock. comDlete assortment. KnipndM SODDOrtUnltv offered for fcniinir wnrlr. M. anina: ;iucu utt.u huuu success, insay selling irom 110 iwj ijuipcmwjt. reuu ior itooi auu Testimonial. a guuu pusuiag man wanieu nero at one.! Liberal Terms and the best goods la the market. Write FasoE Young, Nurseryman, Rochester, N- Y. &--tt. SALESMEN WANTED to canvaufor tie Kale arXursmi star. SITUATIONS PERMANENT, 8ALAHY and EX. BWUATluriB l-JtKMANKNT, SALARY and EX PENSES FROM START, (iulck selling specialties. lur terms, staling ai;e. H.E.HOOKER GO , Nurservmen, nccnester N. r. Us. Pianos 1130. Catalogue free, ALU) Daniel P. Watty. WashlnittoD. N. Y. Ousb orth llKN'l' TI. the w or lil. (Hir cUitit ui Bttoqnulwl, and liBtfodsitaeu ftjparior roods tvt will totidrt tl M ttbovt. "Ussly tbtM vk writ t n ! eoctfa srtAk o t cksju. All yo kvf ttlvi U to thow oar f o4t U 'ftuUr sjf tblt 4vactlsstti thawrsi ihst amaJl asad tit Ota 11. Ko?4. Ttt foUewbif est rtnt ik Dpparwc of It r(4sutl U pBusjl Biua lb pan sjs ih vu ssi ibhviwsh, kw- Mcf. u Urf U ttsur ts carry. Ha will Jo Lw yoa aawrt tfm snfc from IMS to X U tUy l lt, fro so U lUrt.wUa hi aipHft. fitttlM writ al . W mt ill ipr)M siitis. 144nM. U-UUJiTT s CO.. t ttBV, 0TLAX, kLuAm. UlunrDrniiuQ -Zrf r Vr for Xrn. stops aJI tiD. tainiM xwtfort to ih feet. 16a t Driirri-t-T lidr& cZZx y. ZZ m . ' mtM i m. iwt r.nml J lur .lull WUiul O-80-i) 4t. HENRY M. STANLEY "IN DARKEST AFRICA" Ttie eomplele story nf Stsnlcy'i roeent Ihrllllng uJicnluro. and Die dlu lu.ure uf lilt linnoftsut ills, cnxrtes will appear fnr tlioflrrt llmoln the work avrlltrn ly lilmsrir, inllileil "In lkitlit Africa." la two vumei, irufuu)y lllu.lntfd, price S3.J3 rr volume. Do not ledilteil by any of tun so-called "Stanley book." now betog offrml as " gtnulno " and " autht nilc." To no one of I Lew has Suolty contrlbnud a line, ARPNTQ -Th0 work l' sold by subscrlp nuulllu, lion only. Wo are now ready to appoint tsursiwn. Applicants thould state eipcrL euce. llruiemUr that hlunley's uuu book, the only ono In which he lias a lroual lotcrctt. Mill bear our Imprint nu ilio title pa;o. Address, Charles Scriljiier's Sons oao sTurr.T,'iiia. MILK PRESERVATIVE! llllkmnn ani dalirmen. You mn irr.m ,niii cream t.esh a week without uMttu, ri.nrnn0i.. ly healthful. Noeipense. Bend lot sampla and circular. THil'aisisviUHaMru. lw.. w veau sw., Nf none 0r ATM UI UfL tsWkMM FIUIU-r HS-CONSUMPTIVE I. MAIER, The Comes to the front with a complete new Spring mul Summer Stock Men, louths, JJoys, and Llnluren. The iintest atyies ot HATS H CAPS I SHIRTS I COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. IN ABLiNDANCE. The enlargement of Bushier and the large trade made accounts for our having well-made Clothing and not thoe that are now made and cut to sell for auction. &Tho largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Cap3, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pa. Everybody is interested in Wall paper at this time of year. Although the papering season is nep.ring its close, the demand for good papers at bottom prices still continues. We are still giving satisfaction to everybody, both in prices and display. Wall paper of every grade, design and quality, and prices to Buii all. t Remnants of from three to six rolls at wonderfully low prices. Special sale of remnants this and next week. Don't put off papering until fall or next spring for in all probibihty you will never again have the bar gains we now offer, Come and see our stock whether you buy or not as it is no trouble to show goods which have led the market this season. W. H. BROOKE & CO. Sheriff's Sale. lly virtue of sundry writs lsued out ot tho Courtot Common Pleas of Columbia Co., Pa., and to me direcwd there will bo sold In tho Sheriff's offluj in tho Court House, illoomsburj. Pa., on SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1890, at 10 o'clock in tbe torenooc All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In Benton township, CoL Co. Pa., bounded and dea crlbed aa follows, to-n .t: On the north by land ot John Bellas and John Keefer, on the east by lands of William Smith and road leading to Cambra, on the south by road leading to Cambra, and on the west by lands of Joseph Hess estate, containing FORTY-SIX ACRES of land, more or letu, part ot which Is Umbered and another part of said land contains a good ap pl" orchard. ALSO All that certain lot or pleeo ot ground situate In said townthlp and county, bounded and described as follows:On tho north by land of Peter Laubach, on the east and south by land ot William Smith, on tho west by road leading from Ulll. water to Minor Smith's .store, contaln'ig SIX ACHES ot land m re or leis, whereon Is erected a Shoe Shop. ALSO All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in Benton township atoresUl, bound l and described as follows: On the north by other land ot John Keefer, on the east by a road leading from Stillwater to Minor Smith's store, and on the south and west by lands of nillam Smith, con. talnlng ONE ACHE ot land more or lens, ALSO The life Interest and all the right, title of the defendant, John Keefer, In all that certain lot or piece ot ground sltuaw In Benton township aforesaid, bounded on the north by land of Char les Keefer, on the west and south by land of Hilt. Uam 6mlth, aud on the east by publio roa. con. talnlng ONE ACHE of land more or lev, whereon aro erected a Frame Dwelling House, barn, sprlngho ise and other outbuildings. ALSa All that certain lotjor plc:e of ground situate In Beaton township, bounded on the north and west by land of Charles Keefer, on tho pouth by land ot John Keefer, and on the out by toad leading from Stillwater to Minor Smith's store, containing one acre ot Und mire or less, whereon are erected a wool shed an t pig pen. Scliod, taken Into execution at the'sult of f lark Callender eiecutorof Joupa lla djceasod, vs. John Keefer et al an J to b) sold as tbe property of John Keefer, IISKHIYQ, Atty, JOHN II. CASEY, Sheriff. Vend. Kx. and Vi. Pa. HE is veiy much dtllgbtcd. While Id riilhilclplila recently ho called on E. O. THOMPSON, thn w,.lll,nn.n Clothier anil Importer, No. 1338 Chestnut Bt., (opposite la Mint), and bought an elegant Ulsck- Fancy Cheviot Butt for $18. CO, titicll a Slllt would lmvn l,lm Twenty Dollars at home. Had he not uceo in me clly Uo could have sent his nams and address on a nostal canl nr In . letter and received by return mall samples m various cioms, also slmplo gullo for talilopr his own measures, frvn nr rii.rn Any one can order from Mr. Thompson by mmi wim iuu lamu satisiacuon as by call. Ior in person. SALESMEN on SAT.A'R.V WANTED. All eipenaca paid, to sou all tho lead ing varieties and speclalUM la norsery atonic. aT. drew U. a runup, Nujrirjnienrwecie!Srv K ,, SMMt Reliable Clothier, BLOOMSBURG, RESPECTFULLY YOURS, -1 1 Imgmim ftev pfta9 Seduced to 40 aad 45 cents to DIose Out Odd Lengths, 12 to 30 YARDS LONG, AT KEITER'S NEXT DOOR TO I. MAIN ST., BLOOMSBURG, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, JJlATTOfa, or Olli CJLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BMOWIE'S 2nd Door abovo Court Houso. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. SPRING! SPRING !! SPRING!!! j, JS V-41 B ffl r & 3 ! C TfJ Om i Fmt - I-. M s i - . 1 LOWENBEffSM Blooiii.sbur, ALESME' WANTED LOCAL OR TRAVELING ma.i and t on """ wiisua ivxrANr, ma.s and MO Hocnestt r, N. V fill .ui. tit,. .T.. ....... . iDr.Grosvenor's bell-cap-sic thSSfiC PLASTER. lift, e-w-it. A nMINISTRATOU'S NOTICK." Ala nfJohn a. Quick, of Montour Urn arfit iS fSJ ll WWlam MeniiU ot 'ffipert Ljjjt, llupett. PA of the mo3t Select Clothing lor I. MAIER "NV. II All TM AN & SONS. PA ..yra"tlso,"cly framed Iilc size Crayons; pho tographs all sizes, in correct styles and per fect finish, colored photographs, large or small, frames a n d moulding. 'MUIP 3ROS., Bloomsburg. tf. IHPHiiSB PINSiONS WfiKor Boldlers. Widows and pondeut iie.atlvea Cleric 0. a. i-enslon omoa Sli etorworMctS. JPa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers