The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 20, 1890, Image 1

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OFFICE Front Koom, over Potofflo,
Office Room No. a, Columbian Btlldlnc
w.oomsiiurg, pa.
Office In Ent' Building, rear Coutt Home,
Office over Mover Bro'i. Drug Stora,
Office In Browcr's building, id floor, raomNo I.
Office cor. Centre & Main Sti.,Clark'l building,
&T Can be coniulted la German.
Office, Second floor, Columbian BuilJUg,
Office in Wlrt'i Building, and floor, Main St
Office over Dentler't Shoe atore, Front room,
Office, CoLtrMiiAaBinldint,tflor,(rontrMa,
Offica c5 HawUngt' Meat Market,
Oficc, corner of TbM and Mala Street,
B. McKELVY, M. D.,
Office, Nrrtfa aide Main Street, btUw Market,
Office, North Market Street,
Office, comer of Rock and Market Streeti,
Notary Public.
Loans secured, Investments made. Real cs
Itate bought and sold.
Office in First National Bank Building,
Bloomsburg, I'a.
Ollko West First St
Special attention Riven to the eye anil
car anil the flUIng or glasses.
J. BROWN, M. D.,
Office and Residence, Third Street, Wejt
of Market, near M. E. Church,
fTflffict hours every alternoon and eveninz,
Special attention given to the eye and trie nttlng
of glasses. Telephone connection.
Office and Residence, Third S'fc, below Market,
jyj J. HESS, D. D. S.,
Graduate or the Philadelphia Dental Calltje,
having opened a dental office in Locsaad1!
Building), corner ( Main and Ceatrt streets,
Is prepared to receive all pitleati reqolriag pro
fesslonal lenict.
Ei.kotiuo ViniiATOii Used.
Etuiz, Gaj, and Local Ahmtuitics,
dmlnlstere4 far lie elols eitractlca f ttoth
fret of caajfa wt trtildaJ taetk ars tauertei.
jUx Wouc GvAJuutTUD Ai lUruaxrns.
Rice, Sficis, Bicabi Soda, Etc., Etc
N. E. Corner Second and Arch Sts.
COrders will receive prompt attention,
VOL. 25, N0.25.
Finest Line
GOLD and
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Slelgha, Platform
YVagoni, ate.
first-class work always on hand. Repairing
-neatly dose.
JWPrlcei reduced to suit the times.
AVur I' liililiu
hl'hmil 0cn vvl. IMIi,
Vcmlr llxiiru.p, fc3(.
Four l'lwiiimls, St'JS.
tlliluiei X"?1! !?en "yttmej fiti them for thiitam. iny Collect. PoMfchnte School, fof WeM
5 !. ?5pol.,i 9fllJUTinftcl"?; noflhbclequipndbc$tininaffedScii'l. hood uble. Alt Mw.ei.ti
Dra wiw uie iiincii!. Teuheu &U men od grtJuite of fint-cUw CoUfges. Hne butldinir?! irtirle or doutl
room nu in it radntor tnd Is completely furnished. Ciotind (ten crei lor foot-ball. Use-halt,
t,""i' r ,,fI!" my It iny Itudiet, or ft Dmtne, College Preparatory, riectrical, or CUIU
athietici, etc, Gymnatturu,
iik imtawiru uoys,
tngineerine course.
f-irt, the
and Proprietor,
cioiB lutiy sui'pucu wmi a ifaraiui man any otner tou-fitUno icAool. Met! a Acidrmv aifnr.i vrv tiAtnornm.
the nt education, and the bet I training. Hed pricea coer every eitne. No etamlnatlon for admilon. New
niuMrated cat1tnie tent free to any addreti.
. Media, I'a.
SWirlllN C. SHORTLIUGU, A.D. A.M. ( llanard Graduate), Principal
.flrdlnt In. nrnr Phltn.
hrhool Opens Sept. U5tb.
Yrnrtr Kxpenne 8.MI0,
Two rarmentsi
FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES. Mlia Eaitmin'i C1bntf ScamL
nra-laHt(r Coursei In Chislcs. Literature, Science. Mathenatlct, Mualc, Uolern LanfniaeM. Twelve accoaipllsbe4
teaOiera and lecturen. Suwrlor Muiical Icpartment. Srhoot lit an orn and leen piano. Private tutorinrfb
rupiia uirvunueu 117 lucn muunti u mim menuu 10 taf
backward t 'pH. Individual attention. Small clatua.
hicij tum sMi')'iitr. new aiiowiiieti iircimr irer .
MRS. KWITIHN C. SHUKTLlUGel ' jrriacIpaJi, Media, r.
B. F. Ms,
sm pumps, ran, k
Tin oofing a Specialty.
First door Hiootmbiirg Opora Houao
Home of N. Y. 1 Merchants', of Newark, N.
T. : Clinton. N. Y. Peoolea' N Y. i Readlnp.
Pa. t German Anencaa Ins. Co., New York. 1
Oreanwlch InsMnce Co., New York 1 Jersey
uty rirt ins. t., Jersey city, n. J.
These old corporations are well seasoned by
sgt ana nu tutid ana navs never yet naa a
Ion settled by any court of IsW, their assets
art all Invested la IdUD HCnUTltl, are liable
to the hazard of nil onlr.
Losses r&OMFTLY and honutlv adjusted
tnd paid as soon al determined, by CHRIST
IAN F. KNAPP, Smcial Aoimt and Ad.
IUstii, BujOMisuao, 1a.
JThe people of Columbia county should pat
ronize the agency where losses, if any, are set
tied and paid by one of their own citUen.
IS Nnturo'9 cfTort to expel foreign sulv
utances from U10 bronchial passages.
Frequently, this causes Inflammation
and tho need of nn nnoilyno. No other
expectorant or anodyno is equal to
Aycr'u Chorry Pectoral. It assists
Naturo in ejecting tlio mucus, nllayn
irritation, Induces reposo, and is tho
most popular of all cough cures.
" Of tho many preparations beforo tho
publio for tho enro of colds, coughs,
bronchitis, and kindred diseases, thoro
la none, within tho rango of my experi
ence, so roliablo as Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral. For years I was subject to colds,
followed by terrible coughs. About four
years ago, when so afflicted, I was ad
vised to try Ayor's Chorry Pectoral and
to lay nil other remedies aside. I did
bo, and within a week was well of my
cold and cough. Since then I liavo
always kept this preparation in tho
house, and feci comparatively secure."
Mrs. L. L. Brown, Denmark, MIs9.
"A few years ago I took a severe cold
which affected my lungs. I had a ter
rlblo cough, and passed night after
night without sleep. The doctors gavo
mo up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
which relieved my lungs, induced sleep,
and afforded tho rest necessary for tho
recovery of my strength. By tho con
tinual use of tho Pectoral, o permanent
cure was effected." Horace Fairbrother,
Rockingham, Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rmrjoiD nr
Dr. J. C. Ayer lc Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Druggtati. Trice (1 i als bottle., $3.
Eases Pain Instantly.
Strengthens Weak Parts.
Quiets Nerrousness.
It gives a brilliant light. It will not
smoke tho chimneys. It will not char tho
wick. It has a high 11 ro test. It will not
explode. It is pre-eminently a family
safety oil.
VOffice, Barton's Building, Main St., bel. Market,
All styles of work done In a supeilor manner,
ana an worn warrauica
Tutu Extracted Without Pain,
Ut the s of Gas, and free of charge whin
artificial teeth ax Inserted.
W Te be open all houri during the day.
'ho Boat Burning Oil That Gan bo
Mado From Petroleum.
"Wo Challenge Comparison with
any other illuminating oil made.
We BtaUo our Reputation, as ltctiucrs, up
on the Statement that it Is
Hop ptevs
A Now Enalasd Ilowhol J Itemed;,
UnlTPrtollr popular bec&tue of real medicinal
ment. For tue counties! pains and acnes, torenett or
weaknesses, no matter how csnsed or how sefere.
which attack the hoinan bod, no remedj in the world
is so prompt and thnrotuib In reUeTins-, curing and re
storing as the Hop fleeter.
Unsolicited Trstlmoer of thousands of people,
and the constant! Increasing: Bale of these plasters,
is ample proof of the troth of this assertion.
CP HOI' l'LASTKUS never hunt or Irritate.
If you suffer apply one nowi you'll feel happier to
morrow. Feelfl good the moment put on.
BUT SEE HERE. Hop I'laseere are sold by
alTmedicine dealers. Don't be swindled into taking
a substitute or imitation. Big-nature of the proptietonl
wiU be found on the genuine goods.
1 mwf uhtn fret tey. Avoid dUJuHuit dmler.
bee. la Aug. 8.
Quito a number of bills liavo boon
introduced In Congress for tlio nmond-
mont of tho patent lawf, one of which
(II. It. 9953) wo will now briefly ro
Tlio firet section is to tho effect that
patents mny bo insucd and will bo
valid, provided tho invention ia now
nnd has not been patented or described
in any printed publication beforo tho
invention or disoovery theroof by tho
Tho second neotion provides that no
paiom shall imiynueu lor tn invention
already patented in a foreign country,
unless thu patent shall bo applied for
within two years from thu dato of tho
oirlicst foreign palui.t.
As tlio law now bttnils, an Ameri
can patent may bo granted at any
timo during the term of tho foreign
patont, provided tho invention has not
been In uso for tnoro than two years.
Tho second action also provides that
tho American patont issuod ns abovo
shall run for 17 years from tho dato of
tno earliest foroign patent.
under tlio present law the American
patent expires whon tho oarliest for
eign paiout expires. This is a good
amendment and should bo adopted.
Tho third seotion provides that an in
ventor, alter describing his invention
in tho specification, may uso such lan
guago in stating his claims as ho pro-
Wo do not oxactlv iterccivo tho ob
ject or valuo of this amendment As
tho law now stands, tho inventor miy
uso suoh languago as ho prefers in pre
senting tus claims, it is trno, tno cx
attuning oflicor, in rainy oases, objects
to tho wording of claims, and inven
tors are subjected to long delays in an
swering and overcoming those objec
tions. If tho object of tho amend
ment is to compel tho examiners to al
low patents upon whatever tho inven
tor choosos to present, the amendment
should state so explicitly.
ouch an amend ir eft, it carried into
effeot, would make a sweoping ohmgo
in tho present practico of tho oflico. It
wouu render unnefoisary the present
cumbersome system of oflicial exami
nations. It would givo to ovorv appli
cant a patont, and Icavo to tho courts
the settlement of tho question whether
tho patent was valid or wo thloss. This
is tho way thoy doal with patents
in nearly all other countries, and tho
plan works well.
It makes the inventor his own ex
aminer, and if lie chooses to take a
patent for an old device, it is his own
atlair. it is too opinion of many that
this is tho best method, aud sooner or
later it must be adopted in our Patont
Section 5 provides that all assign
ments, licenses, and oonvoyances of
patents shall be void against any sub
sequent mortgage or purchaser, unless
rooorded within threo months from
By this provision a bona fide pur-
chasor and actual possessor of a patont
may bo deprived ot his property with
out compensation.
To accomplish tins it is only ncces
sary for the former owner to giyo a
second deed to another party aud place
it on record, tho first deed, perhaps
through ignorance of tho holder, over
sight, or tnok played rpon him, hav
ing boon kept away fiot record for
three months,
This section needs amendment bo as
to prevent injustice to tho first bona
Jute purchaser.
Section G provides that aliens, rest
dent hero a year and having declarod
intentions ot (.ltizenslup, may mo cav
oats. At present two years' residence
is required.
section 7 provides that when an ap
duoe it hero.
If tho object of this soctton Is to out
oil nnd extinguish patents that oertain
porsons oonsidur to bo good for noth
Ing, If suoh extinguishment is deslr
ablo, then tho pronor and bettor way
to cilect it would ba to provide by law
that any holder of n patent who de
sires to surrender and cancel tho same
may do so, and shall, on maklntj suoh-
surrender, rooolvo back tho sum of
twenty dollars, being part of tho gov
ernment fee orimnally paid in. It
would bo better to repay something
to tho patontco, in order to oauool his
patent, rather than oppress him with
taxes after liavlntr given him tho pat
ont. ikientlic American.
Germany's New Gun.
Tho now gun with which tho Ger
man infantty is to bo equipped bids
fair to rovolutionizo infantry tactios
and to mako war so dangerous that on
listmonts will bo a matter of difficulty.
Tho now woapon is tho small calibre
repeating gun of tho model of losa.
Its calibre is but oicht millimctors and
itfl rango is 12,500 foot, or 2C00 foet
greater than that of the weapon whoso
placo it takes. It is very light and is
constructed for tho uso of tlio now
smokeless powder. Earth breastworks
less than two and a half feet are no
Evils of tho Proposed Tariff.
Tho minority of tho ComtnUtco on
ways and moans, being unable to agree
with tho majority in reporting nndro
cornondiug tho MoKlnloy tariff bill,
submitted their report showing the
ovils of tho bill. Among the items
enuuioratod aro tbo following.
According to tho stalomonta mado
beforo' tho committee, tho protootod in
dustrics of the oountry have novor beon
at any timo in our History in suoh a
depressed and disoouraging condition
as thoy aro now. After nearly thirty
years of continuous protoction by Gov
erment taxation for their support, a
groat many of them aro reportod to bo
on tho very vorgo of bankruptcy and
ruin, while vorv few of them, accord-
to tho testimony, aro yiolding a fair
profit on the capital invested. A great
many of tho parlies engaged in these
industries havo deolared in tho oourso
ot our investigation that tho slightest
rodnction in tbo ratos of duty now im
posed upon oompoting toroign products
would compel thorn to close their
necossary to enable somo of our man
ufacturing establishments to carry on
their business and supply tho goods
thoy aro now making for thoir custo
mers! butif this bill passes nnd tho
samo quality is imported next year
it will oost tho pooplo S797,771,G1 in
addition to tho valuo of tho hair itsolf.
Tho imposition of this duty, llko tho
imposition of all other duties on raw
materials, works a doublo injury. In
the first place, it Imposes nn unnecessary
burden upon tlio consumers, who in tho
end pay all tho dntirs with profits ad
ded) and, in tho socond place, it destroys
tho nower of tho domestic manufacturer
to compoto with his foreign rival in tho
production of tho goods into which tho
taxed material is converted.
Longstreot on the Bace Issue.
General Loncstroet is known as Iho
ouo of Lio's ohtef lieutenants who b )
came a pionounoed Itepablioan soon
aftor tho war. and has since thou uui-
formily acted with that party. Ha was
nnnntntnd Naval Ofltaorof NowOIoins
works and disohargo their employees, hv President Grant in 13C9 and was
and othois have oyen gone so far as to United S'.ates Mirshal in Goorgia un-
A description of it says :
"1'rom now on oven tho stoutest
trees will givo tho foot saldior in battlo
littlo protection, for the balls from tho
new guns will simply pass right
through the ti links. Six mon in a
column, each sovon pacos from the
nun boforo him, may bo shot through
with one bullet, provided that it comes
in contact with no metalio substanco
on the person of any of them. Tho
advantage that tho buliot of tho now
gun loaves only a small hole behind it
is comparatively insignifioaut. More
over should an onomy, as has often
happened, defend himself behind a
villago or court-yard walls, ho will bo
protected only in oaso tho wall is re
markably Btout, for balls from tho
now guns havo repeatedly ponotratod
with case walls a brick and a half
With a ranco-findor attached to suoh
a woapon as this, miking overy bullet
it fires effeotivc, its murderous qnal-
ties will be bo comploto that no ono
oxposod to its fire oould live. But
whon wars got to bo as dangerous as
this, and recruits know that tho
chances of osoapo aro not moro than
ono in a hundred whoro will govern
ments get thoir troops! Chicago
Didn't Know Ths War Wa Going 0a.
When tho wostorn troops brst en-
torod that peculiar region north Cum
berland Gip thoy found in tho soanty
population many a family so isolated
that it naa soen no noighbors tor
months, and had ovon "lost tho run of
tho diys and woeks." A vory curious
fact (and it is a fact only vouched tor)
was that in somo narrow yalleys tho
fow familios had guossed that some
thing unusual was going on because
thoy hail Been no strange hunters or
tourists for a long time, but did not
know of tho war. An omoer in tho
first cavalry company to penetrato that
region relates that after a long rido
over rooks and through forests his
company came to a tolerably well
built houso in a circular hollow, where
there were perhaps hvo acres of ar
able land. An old woman rushed out
and catching sight of the uniforms,
exclaimed: "Laws a missy mo of
here ain't ono o' General Jackson's
mon. Why, mister, I 'lowed all his
men was dead years and years acone.'
"And so thoy aro, ma'am." And who
a shower or monkeys,
In India, tho paradise of tnonkoys,
thoy aro held in high honor bcoauso of
tho aid which their king, Ilnnooman
"in days of old,'1 gavo to God Kama,
when, to roscuo his wife, Sita, ho in
vaded Ceylon, Ilanooraatt helping to
btidgo tho strait.
Duty had taken mo to Dharnmla, a
hill station considerably west of Simla.
On tho return jourtioy I turned off tho
main road at ICaugra, an ancient fort
ress, named by Itunjoct Singh "tho
koy of tho Punjab," though uttorly un
ablo to stand n week's ticgo from a
oivilizod army.
Tho main road passes through a
denso wood not 100 yards from this
house, which was more than half a
mile away from tho nearest part of
town. From tlio road a narrow avo
nno had been cut among Iho tree? to a
small clearanco around tho house,
otherwise, it was buried in tho wood.
Sauntering under thoso trees I sud
denly becamo conscious of noises in tbo
branches abovo mo. I looked up and
about, but though tho branches stirred
nnd tho loaves moved, I oould sco
nothing. I was not, however, long
loft in doubt or speculation. A mon
koy, a largo mato, dropped from a
branch to the ground nt a distance of
about thirty foot in front of mo. As
ho reachod tho ground ho squatlod on
his heels resting his hands on his knees
nnd gazing fixedly and solomnlynt mo.
His uravity upset mine. Then near
him another monkoy dropped down; a
a third and a fourth followed. It be
gan to ram monKoyB in tons, in
scores, in hundreds; old, middlo aged
and young; largo and small; males and
fomales many of tho latter carrying
babies, somo on their backs, others in
thoir arms kept dropping from trees
around mo. I was standing under i
mighty giant of tho forest; and against
its trunk somo fivo foot in diameter, I
set my back, as tho monkoys in their
hundreds squatted down in an irregu
lar aomicirolo around me.
protootion against thiB torrible woapon. fu"P308ions ol work and gonorai con- pondont of tho St. Louis Globe J)emo- surrounded nv hundreds.
iiiurju oi miourtaiuiy uuu luseouruy in icral, the leading Uopubhoan organ At some distanco beyond, sovcral
their relations to thoso who givo them Wost of thn Mississinm. Snaakinc of unnno-mnnknv tirnhins. which tnofer-
omployraont. Thoso laborers, fully tho nogro in tho South, Gauoral Long- red play to curiosity, kept suspending
realizing tho fact that this systora has 9troot said: themselvos from tho brauchea in long
wholly failed to incroaso thoir earnings , , livinrr nhnins. hnldinrr on fto each
or improve their condition in any way, VdoK othe?s hands or tails, and '.winging
to.SE to ft d2i SllS? Uiomselves pendulum wise to and fro.
b7nffintfVjf. thatPbeoausoamaaisUlack that ho is SSSSSnrLffin0
nrnlnntinn nnd thnan Uriniu nrn-ini Republican. A negro is like mOSt lUreS genaraiiy seen 111 iWuptJll mo
protootion, and these various orgauizv r , , nagenos, but tho real gouuino Indian
tions now afford tho only effio ont any other man, ho will voto to tho a'l- b ' f , , t, ,
maans at thoir command for the pres- vaucemenl of his own interests. Ho "T,Z(n 3.
ervation ovon of tho existing rates of ' vo xo ug ns, a negro wn o s go o .n .
wa808- f.,. r ral,iua s,tlhnmn o,hi many suoh, among others of smaller
But tho majority, admitting that ' tr . -n .,, I size, in tho crowd around mo.
thoso industries aro depressed oven to Smth urn wh tta mm tint ho knows It had not taken throo minntes to
tho full extent stated baton tho com- aglmSl a politician from tho North f that semicircle of monkeys, i hey
raittoo, will contend that tho only rem-1 cji,ia , nri,;nn. I hid co-no down as thick ai a showor
rdy is tho imposition of moro taxes ,,, , " of colorfla ra, tha of hail-stonos; but so softly and gently
upon tho peopo for their boneht. Ihis South. Tho dovelopunnt of tho oountry had they doscondod to tho grass and
is die theory of thoir bill, and it can rot ia givilll! him new avenues of employ- loa.f oovorod ground that scarcely auy
bo defended upon any oher grounu. t Vhat he is griiuilly getting noise had been made, lor a short
Aojording to their theory thoro is but ia boUor wages, and what ho needs is time thoy sat motionless and silout,
ono method of protecting or promoting 033 politioJ Sad raedileing from politi- staring hard at me: and a baby mon-
ojr domo3tio.industrios, and that is by :nn key, having mado a noise, was instant-
levying a hoavy tax upon every article I ly smacked by its mother in a most
of foreign origin whioh the pooplo of Tho atato-nents male by General human fashion. Thoy looked at mo,
Uns oountry desire to buy, and tor uongsiroot were sosqu'iruiy varmuuo then at oaoli otuor, and again at me;
whioh thoy aro ready and anxious to wiiuino ueoiaratioas oi ixonuoraq ana tQon began to chatter hrst ono,
oxchango tho ootton which thoy cannot I agitatois on luo raae issuo tnai inoituonafow togother, then many at
spin, tho corn aud wheat whioh thoy correspondent suggested to him that I onoo, finally all in a chorus. Thoy
cannot oonsurae tho oil and coal whioh I ho "was bogining to talk like a D jmo-1 talked, chattorod, jabbered, disousiod,
thoy cannot burn, and many other pro-1 oral,- w) wnion iuo irauit oia soiuiur
ducts of our farms, our forests, and I said "No, I talk as I always did, like
our mines. a fnond of the South.
Wton our own market is f ally Bnp- doubt tn the mind of any intolligont
plied with any given artiolo, tho pro-1 citizen of oither seotion, that Wanoral
duction of that article must oeaso or Liongsireot presents uio raoo prooiora
bo carried on at a loss, unless a market in tho South just as it is. He sums up
for it can bo found somo whoro elso; tho wholo issue in tho single deolara-
and this is tho groat difficulty in tho tion that "what ho tho nogro needs
way of many of our important indust- is less politics and meddling from polili-
riea at tbo present time. Thev havo oians.'
Tho oxpenonco of tho past vory
assort that thoy will bo obliged to go
out of business if rates of taxation are
not increased. At tho sains time the
laboror.s in thoso industries aro com
plaining of insufficient wages, repoatcd
der two Itipublioan Presidents. Ho
attendod tho recent coromonios of uu-
voiliuir tho Richmond statute of Goneral
Lee, and there interviewed on tho poli
tical situation in tho South by a corros-
no market whioh will pay them for tho
oost of production undor our unwise
systom of taxation, and yield them a
reasonauiu prcmi upuu muir invest
ments. To attempt to remedy this
evil by still further increasing tho oost
ot production is simply to begin at tbo
wrong oud,' and will groatly aggravate
the Bituattou.
Nortl. American, of Philadelphia,
Franklin, " "
Penrujrlrinia, " "
York, of Penasylvani,
Haorrer, of New York,
QuMni, of London,
North British, of London.
Omci on Market Street, abore Main, No. 5,
(Successor to Freas Drown,)
Bloomsburo Fire & Life Ins. Agency,
(Established in 1S65.)
Btna Fire Ini. Co. of HartTord, $9,5i.jP8-97
Il.rtfarJ of Hartford.....' C.288.660.Df
Phomlx, of Hartford, 4,778,413
iringfltld, ot bDiirgneid 3,099,903.90
re Aisociatloo, Pnlladeipnia,.,. 4,w,jtf.y
plication is mado for a patent for an bo you' Ullsv' "Union Boldiers, ma'am
liivuuuun aireuuy paiunieu, L'ia 1 muni.
Ulhoo may, by the assent of both part
ies, decide the question of priority and
grant a patent to tho new applicant if
ho proves priority.
If the assent of both parties is not
given, tho Patent Olllco may tako ex
parte testimony from tho applicant
and givo him a patont if ho proves a
dato of invention earlier than tho dato
of tho filling of the application of tho
hrst patentee. A simi'ar provision ap
plies to rejected casr i and connoting
applications. Whoever proves by ex
parte testimony that h's invention was
made beforo tbo dato ot tho tiling ot
tho application cited against him, is to
receive a patent.
This section if adopted would put
an end to a vast amount ot litigation
now carried on beforo tho Patent
Ofllcc, under tho general designation
of intorferenco proceedings: it would
turn over nearly all questions ot prior
ity to tho courts, whore thoy properly
belong, nnd where, in foot, they now
go lor linal settlement.
Section 8 provides for issuing corli
fled copies of patents at n chargo of
twenty-uvo cents extra lor tho certih
canon, section u provides that in
eu'ts no damages or profits eliall bo ro
covered except tor sir years last pro
fighting for Old Abe, as you folks
say." "Old Abe! Who's he!" "Why,
Abraham Lincoln, President ol tho
United States." "Lawd sakes! An'
what's you'uns in li'yarl To fight. Is
the British oome in againl" This
brought an explanation and acoount of
tho war, at winch the old woman was
almost paralized with astonishment; and
then followed this oolloquy: "Ma'am,
are you Union! ' "Naw. "Aro you
seceshl" "Well, I hain't nover jincd
nothiii' yit, but most of tho folks
around h yar is Baptissos, and bo me
and rny old man sort o' loans that
cloarlv wroves that tho colored doodIo
of the South havo no moro deadly foes
than tho demacrocrio agitators of tlio
North tho men who never allow tho
nogro of their section to riso abovo tho
menial oflico of spittoon cleaner or
messenger in politics, but who insist
flint tlm .nlnrnr? itannln altall rnln thn
it cjn 00 demonstrate! mat, wo navo whites ot tho South whether tney vote
the capacity to produce most of tho or rofuso to voto, or whether they voto
manufaolurod staples at loss cost and Republican or Democratic The color-
at tho samo timo nav bichor wanes cd neoulo had ton voars ot canet-ua'
than can be earned in any other coun- and eoallawag rulo and ondod in utter
try in tho world, but in order to do so I demoralization and pbiect poverty.
we must navo somo imports from other I Thoy wero thon compelled to go back
countries free of duty. If it was not to tho whites, who owned the desolat-
for tho excossivo oost of production in I cd lands, to get corn and bacon, and
this country, causod by tho unnecessary since then they have nover polled a
taxation ol crude and partially manu- solid voto or anything llko a solid vote
facturod materials whioh aro essential for the Hepublioan party. All who
in tho process of our industries, wo havo acquired property want it protect
oould export and sell overy year largo cd, and they uniforraily voto against
quantities of tho products of our shops a restoration of Republican rulo in
and factories, after fully supplying tho their States. Thoy havo no trust in
homo demand at reasonable prioes. such demagogues as Alahonr, (Jhal
Tho original argument in favor of mora, and it is not surprising that they
protective duties was tnat tuoy were refuso to follow tho disroputablo parly
necessary to tostor intant industries uy leaders of that section.
provonting ruinous competition fro Th6 00lored people of tho South havo
abroad imtil thoy could secure a hold haa lh experienco 0 fr0odom from
argued, shouted and yellod; gosticu
lattng meanwhilo, making laces and
Tho laughjwilh winch i greeted tho
first of my visitors died a vory sudden
doatb, for my curiosity to watch thoir
behavior did not prevent ray roahzing
the fact that I was not in a vory sato
position. Hero I was, unarmod, noth
ing but a light riding whip in my
hand, surrounded by hundreds of mon
keys, to which my white face- and
Estimates of tho cost of tho Disabil
ity Pension bill lust passed by tho
Houso show that it will bo far moro
expensive than its terms would indi
Who would bupposo that 250,000 of
the survivors ot tho war aro "suttenng
from a montal or physical disability ot
a pormacont character, not tho result
of thoir own vioious habits," which in
capacitates thorn for self-support! let
this is tho number which tho friends
of the bill think will bo added to tho
at tho homo market and thus becomo
self-sustaining, and it was again pro
dieted by tho oarlier advocates ot tho
system that a tow years of publio sup
port would onabio llicm to do this.
But tho prosont bill is based upon pre
cisely tho opposito viow. It is framed
upon tho resumption that as our in
dustries grow older they grow weaker
and moro dopondent upon tho bounty
of tbo Govornmont and tho forced con
tributions of the people who purchaso
and oonsumo their products, and, ac
cordingly, wo find that, as a general
rule, tho important increases in tho
rates of duty aro made with a viow of
still further protecting tho products of
tho disturbance of political domago
uos under throo adminstratons. rrcs:-
dent Hayes let tho nogro alono, and ho
at onoo began to prosper and to enjoy
his rights. The samo polioy was con
tinued under rresidont Arthur and
later under Presidont (Jlovoland, and
during thoso twclvo years there was
political tranquility in tho south and
wondorful inuutual progress. JNow
tho Mahoncs, tho Chalmors, tho M'z-
ells of tho South ato on top and their
only hopo of regaining political power
is 111 a riotous raoo war 111 luo south,
they appeal to tho ignorance, tho cup
idity and tbo ambition ot tbo
eeediog tho bringing of Buch suit. This li8 Certainly tho law will put a pro-
will bo a holp to infringers,
Seotion 10 provides for tho rooord
log in the Patont Oflico of all injunc
tions relating to patent infringements
Section 11 authorizes U. s. court?
to pass tho titlo to a patont by decreo,
in tho case ot an insolvent or bank
rtiptf such decree to bo rooorded in the
Patont Ullico.
Section 12 relates to infringements
mium upon disability, and is therefore
a paupor pension net. Tho lowest ei
lunate of its cost is $35,000,00(1. And
this In addition to tho 8110,000,000
paid out during tbo present year I
it is not a Democratic -journal, but
the Republican Philadelphia J'res),
which says that, "as tar as tho House
is concerned, all tho surplus rovonuo
for tho noxt year is voted away,' The
our oldost industries, suoh as mannfact- C(1 10 tho oxtent of driving all reputable teeth at mo.
uiuio ui ..uu uuuntuui, yyuuiuu (juuus, wnuo llopublicans oither from the
COllOn gOOdS m Vniltil0tUrC3 Ol llax, nr, nr fmm u nurtimnntlnn in nnlit.
nemp, etc ... . os. and old race antagonisms havo boen
u wuuvi u.iuiiunu noio su luiui rnL-ini 111 nn n v In fivn nn lllivll atirv.
cess to tho worst political elements of
tho South. Tho only people who must
suffer by this raco conflict nro tho
negroes, but tho oarpot-bogger and tho
Crown - Acme.
ifiT Office over Mover Bros. Drug Store.
ReslJence West Main Street.
12-20-1 y.
fin ..,( n nritm &n I lO.'OOI. 127. 7 1 I .
ft 7 .n "J" i oii i6i It ot design patents, and mates a vordiot "i'"""ucU i 0uij,,u u.
Phoenix, of London......... ..0,924, 55.411 ..P. ' ' . , . . I sirm nnn nno. nH fon!,, a ,lnfin
Lancashire of Eng., (U.S. Branch) r 641,195.00 I 01 liiiniiuemeni vo uo conoiusivo ovi- v.v.,..,.. - . .-w.rb
stJi r v.uft v " yAi8M.rtZoo dnnco that the nrnfibi madn hv thn ,ln. And yet it talks of reducing rovenuos
Mut Den. I.f.In.Co.Newark,Nj4t378 33 fendant wero duo to tho infringement. by n'"'B taxoa I World.
Tisnromiillrad ujled and paid at thU office. J-"" oeoiiiB uumjiajaaarny uuveru anil
l I needs revision.
Office, Second Floor, Columbian Building,
Liverpool, London, and Globe, largest In the
World, and perfectly reliaDie,
81.00 A YEAR
Ciesoscs aod teaulificf lbs hair.
Promotes a iusiui'
NsxrFalli ( HssTsr Ori
lnrnU PandniS wl kalrTaUbC
Imperial, of London, $9,658,479.00
Cnllnental of New YorV 5.39.9'
J&trlcan of Philadelphia, a,4li956.IJ
Niagara, of Nw York 2,260,470.84
OrrosiTi Court IIousx.
1 and convenient sample rooms, Bath
rooms, hot and cold water j and all mod ere
conveniences. t
Section 13 provides for taxing pat
ents ton dollars at tho end of fivo
years, and .rcnty-flvo dollar at tho
end ot ten yoars. if lor any reason
tho tax is not paid, tho patont ceases.
Ono of the important differences be
tween our patent law and thoso of oth
er countries is that whon a patent is
given it holds good for tho ontiro timo
without taxes or co ml'. ions of any
kind. There is no need of any such
taxation as that here poposed, and it
is to bo hoped Congress will not adopt
it. Its only efleot would bo to deprive
Inventors or tnoir tamutos ot their pat
ents, who by oversi'iht, inability, ub-
Bonce, or death, should nogloct to pay
tho taxes. Tbo in von tor should be
treated, every time, as a bonefav.or to
his oountry, not as a criminal or wrong
doer, requiring to 00 goyornod by spe
cial pains and penalties. This 11 tho
luiropoan method, lxit as not Intro-
Weill Weill
out in detail tlio numorons increases in
tho rates of duty on imported goods
which this hill proposes to make, but
a fow will Bufljoo to bIiow tho gonorai
character 0'. tho raeasuro nnd tho puip
oso ot its authors and supporters. The
lowest grades of woolen yarn, worth
not over ol) centa per pound, aro to bo
subjectod to a duty ol 112 percent.,
whilo tno most costly yarn will pay Ti
percent, Uno grade ot course, cheap
blankets will bo required to pay 10G
per cent., but tho finest blankets will
pay 72 per cent. Tbo contest aud
cheapest woolen hats will bo subjoctto
a duty 01 111 por com., and tho
finest to G6 por oent. Women's
a,id children's cheapest dress goods
with cotton warp are to bo taxed 10G
per cont., and Iho finest 73 por cent.
Tho lowest grade of woolen clothes
will pay 125 porcont., and tbo Inchest
grado 7G por cent,, but the finest and
Bcallawag caro nothing for thu negro
boyoud using him to revive sectional
asperities. As Uenoral l.otiustreet
says, what tho Southcran negro most
needs "is loss politics nnd meddleing
from politicians." Givo tho blaok man
a chancoj rescue him from tho pesti
ferous political adventurer; lot him
alone! Times.
European dress wero evidently objects
of as much aversion as curiosity. Na
tives thoy did not mind, but hiuropo
ans thoy soem to regard with hatred
duo to intrudors.
the ciKcxi; anows ssiai.i.ku.
I fully realized my danger, but con
tinued calm and collected, and reason
ed tho position out to myself. Tho
only chanco of safety was to remain
quietly against this friendly tree, si
lently observing tho monkoys, carolul
to givo no ollenso or provocation,
watchful to givo them no advantago
over me, till tho return of tho care
taker or Borne other chanco carao to
my aid. Had I attempted to Btriko
them, or to frighten them, or to break
through them, or to fleo from them I
have not tho slightest doubt that L
should not now be writing this ac
count. Thoir enormous numbers
would havo emboldened them to
any act. 1 should .liavo been quito
helpless in their grasp would, indeed,
have beon pounced upon by scores of
them, ovorpoweied bitten and torn to
pieces, bo, making a virtue ot neces
sity, I kept up a bold front, watched,
waited prayed.
In ono of tho intervals of silence tho
great monkey that had first arrived
ind that seemed to be one ot tho lead
ers, suddenly hopped nearer to mb
two feet or bo. lit action was im
mediately imitated by all tho monkeys
forming the front row of the semi
circle, while thoso behind oloscd up at
before, and tho seinicirolo contractor
around mo two feet in tho radius.
Moro chottoring and gesticulating fol
lowed, moro growling and grinning,
with intervals of silence. They had a
groat deal to sty, and thoy all said it,
and it was about me, too; for thoy fre
quently poiutcd nt me with their
bauds and snarled and gnashed tueir
Again they contracted
tho semicircle, ns beforo. And so tbuy
kept gradually coming noaror and
nearer, and growing moro and moro
But my deliverance was at hand. In
tho midst of ono of their most noisy
discussions, thoy 0110 and all becamo
suddenly silent and perfectly still.
No Albany, Iiid., Juno 9. Tho
Harrison countv wlnUi cans woranoaiu
on tho road early on the morning of
tho 7th. Thev visited tho resi ionco of
Walter Ttowe. fivo miles from Corv. most oxponsivo will pay 78 per cent.
don took him out of bod. tied him to a Woolen Bhawls of tho corscat nnd low
troo, and gavo him soveuty.flvo ladies est grado, used by tho poorest pooplo
on tho baro baok with switches, laoer- will pay 135 por cent., duty and worsted
ating him in a savacro manner. Thoy go'is ot tuo iowosi, graue, win pay iau
chamed him with Btoalinc somo chiok- 1 cent., whilo tho highest grade will
ons from a noighbor, bat this chargo liay 00 for oent.
both Kowe and his wilo denv most I uamui a uuir, a raw material oxien
stronuoualv. nnd thoir neighbors do not eivoly usod in this country id tho man
beliovo it. Howe is a farmor and ufaoturo of certain kinds of goods, and
stands woll with tbo pooplo of his I whioh has boon admitted free of duty
neighborhood. for a groat many yoars, is by this bill
Let us boo. Indiana isn t a southorn I w"n horn tho ireo list and subjected
state nnd its electoral vote was oast to a lax of 22 coats por pound, whioh
for tho present republican presidont 8 equivalent to 77 por cent, ad yaior
two voars aco. vet a lawless bind om. Uuring tho last lisoa.1 yoar wo
known oa tbo "Harrison Wh'j Oina" I importod, froo of duty, 0,018,0')7
aro painting things red, Weill Weill I ixwwl of material, whioh is absolutely
An Atlanta Lodu's Sad Oonuitloa,
"About two years ago a soro camo
on my nose. 1 called in a pbysioian
who could arrest it only for a few days
when It would appear as bad as over.
Finally it becamo permanent, and drs
pito tho constant attention of several
physicians it continuod to grow worse,
the discharge from tho uloor being ex
ceedingly offensive This was my
uonuiuuu wncii 1 uuuimuiiuuu iu ihku
Swifts Speoifto (S. S. S.) about 0110
month ago, but I am now happy to say
that after taking four largo bottles of
your wondorlul modicino my noso is
entirely well, and my general health
better than it has beon 111 ton years,,,
Mns. Lucinda. Rush. Atlanta, Ga.
btvilt s apeoiiio p. . s.) oured 1110
of a blood taint that had troubled mo
for yoars. I consider it without an
Jamks Siikkwooii, Naahvillo, 111.
Treatise on Ulood and Bkln Dine (wen mailed lm
nwirr Draiuiriu iv., Auanio, ua.
They eeemed to bo listening attentively.
I listened. 100, but at first could oitcit
no sound any win re; tho slillnesi of
death was all around, for oven tho
young monkeys had ceased their
tricks. What could havo distuibed
aud silenced tho noisy thronut Or
what did ihoy now propose! Next
from afar off camo tho loud cry of a
monkey evidently tho warning call
of a fccout 011 outpost dutv. Thou,
first faintly from afar and then gradu
ally nearer and louder, came, down
tho main road through tho wood, thu
welcomo Round of tho clatter of a
horse's hoofs at a swift walking paoo.
This it was which their quicker ears
had detected long beforo 1 luard it.
T'oy kept their ground for n few mo
ments more, but their attention was
now evidently divided between mo aud
tlio approaohing horso. Again, nnd
nearer, tho scout's cry sounded through
tlio wood. Thoro was an immediate
stampede. Ono and all tho monkeys
rushed off to tho neighboring trees,
and, scrambling up the trunks and in
to tho branches, they wert', in tho
twinkling of au eye, lost to sight in
Iho leafy canopy oveihcad. Thoy
had diap'peared in their hundreds as
rapidly as they had come, almost as
s'lently, savo when tho rustling of tho
leaves indicated their coiirio as thoy
passed from lieo to free aud lied fu -therinto
tho wood. Chamber't Journal,