The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 06, 1890, Image 3

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Absolutoly Puro.
This powder never varle-t. A marvel of purity
rnnirtli nnd wholesomenoss. Mora economies!
timnlho ordinary ttnui. and cannot bo wild In
competition with tho multitude, of low ten, short
weteht alum or Dhosnhate rjowdora. SaM mdti in
cant, nor ai. IUiino rownin Co., lea Wall St., N.Y.
The Columbian
ivi'ubltshed every Friday. Subscription prlco, a year.
Entered at tho Post oraco .it Illoomsburg, l'a.,
as second class matter, March 1, 1688.
FRIDAY, JUNE 0, 1890.
Trains on the 1'. It, It. It, leave. Hupert is
ronows I
MOHTn. sotrrn.
7:32 a.m. 11:0J a. m.
3:31 p.m. 6:23 p.m.
Tralnsonthe D. L. W. it. H.leavo uioomsbuig
nohtii. south.
7 S3 a. m. 8:32 a. m.
10-49 a. m. 12:18 p. m.
2:35 p. m. ' 4:15 p. m.
tat p.m. 8:24 p.m.
Tratnsontho N. fcW.ll. Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows :
HOKTn. south.
10:48 a. m. 12:37 p. m.
t.20 p. m. i-so p. m.
hoktti. snrrn.
10:48 a m :39 p m
Talcing effoct MONDAY, SffilTBUUBlt 2, 1899.
, bout u. Nourn.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS, r. M. A. M. A.M. A.W. P. M. r. .
11100m9bunr,. 0 !8 11 4S 1 M 8 35 2 31 8 40
Main street 18 11 41 fl 58 s 42 2 4J fl 47
Irondaln 6 16 11 89 6 56 8 45 2 41 6 50
rapcrMlll 6 08 11 31 6 48 8 51 2 53 7 00
UKhUtreet. 6 05 11 28 6 4.1 8 66 2 58 7 03
OranKOVlllO 6 61 11 20 6 35 9 05 3 07 7 10
Forki 5 45 11 10 B 25 9 15 3 17 7 20
Zane?B -.. 5 41 11 06 21 9 20 3 20 T 23
Stillwater 5 37 11 02 6 17 9 2.1 3 25 7 21
llonton 528 10 556 10 9 S3 3 3.1 735
Edsons, 5 23 in 50 6 07 9 36 3 31 7 38
COWS CroelC, 6 20 10 45 6 05 9 38 3 40 7 40
KlgmmHNI 9 47 3 41 747
central. ,
Jamison city.
. 5 03 10 3-1 5 53 9 57 3 58 7 67
,6 00 10 30 5 50 10 00 4 00 8 00
LV. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. u. a. M. a. . A. u. r. u. r. u.
Fort Sat.k Dwelling houso In Blooms
burg, Oraugevillc, Epy find Rupert I'a.
Firms In Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir
ginia. Vacant lots lu Bloomsburg. Store
properties, Grist mills and olhcr prnnerty
by M. l Lutz, Insuranco and Heal Estate
Agent, Bloomsburg, I'n.
Fort 8m.b. House and lot In Rupert,
lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with
nine rooms. Bay windows, out
kitchen, lco and coal house, good stable,
chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever
green trees, good water, Two railroads,
Twclvo trains a day each way, to Blooms
burg, faro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A
great bargain, if taken soon.
M. 1'. Lutz, Insuranco & Heal Est. Agt.
FouSalk. Fine building lit, Main St.,
near Normal School. Apply to
0. W. Kkitbk.
J. G. Jacoby the popular Esquiro of
Berwick was In town on business Monday.
Woodin Uanley of Berwick is visiting
Bethlehem and other points this week.
William Leverett Esq. camo down from
Bcrauton to spend Decoration Day. lie
returned on Monday.
W. Clark Sloan came up from Philadel
phia Friday of last week and remained
over Sunday.
Mr. Samuel Pursel closed his years'
teaching at Pittston lan week and has re
turned to tho Normal school. Wo arc in
formed he made a very (successful year in
Mrs. Helen Noyc3 of Washington D. C.
was in town on Saturdiy looking after her
business Inlerests, Some land belonging
to her was advertised at Treasurer's sale,
and she camo up to attend to It.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Elwcll and son
Edward went to Towanda on Tuesday.
Mr. Elwell Is concerned in an Important
coal land lawsuit in which testimony Is
being taken befotc a Master In chancery
this week.
Rev. I. M. Patterson and wife and Mrs.
William Neal returned home last Thursday
after an absenco of two weeks. Thoy at
tended the sessions of tho General Synod
at Saratoga, and then visited Lake George
and Mt. McGregor. At tho latter place
tho cottage whero Gen. Grant died Is kept
Just as it was ut the time of his death. The
chairs ho sat on, tho fan he used, aro just
as ho left them.
Spring cnlckens aro scarce and high in
pi ice.
Henry M. Rupert Is erecting a lino porch
around hla residence on Third street.
The electric railway between Sunbury
and Northumberland Is now In operation.
It is rumored that Supl. Coughllu of
Luzerne count will rebuild and take
charge of tho New Columbus Academy.
E. A. Rawllngs is removing tho old meat
market adjoining his resldcnco on Iron
street. Ho will uso the brick to remodel
bis dwelling.
The Indications are that Hies will be very
numerous this summer, and moth promise
to be unusually plentiful. Keep an eye
on your woolen goods.
William Angstadt, a jeweler thirty-five
years of age, committed suicide iu Milton
onBunday, by shooting himself thiough
the heart.
Ex-Sheriff Aaron Smith was In town on
Monday. Ho says the Sunday School con.
vcntlon at New Columbia was a great suc
Thin and Impure blood is made rich and
healthful by taking Hood's Barsaparllla. It
cures scrofula, salt rheum, all blood die
Tho work of repairing 0. W. Neal's real
denceon Fifth street is progressing nicely.
When cnmnlelcd It will 1)0 as fine a bouio
as any In tho town.
Thero Is no curb stono market In Blooms
burg this season yel, Passing through
Danville the other day wo noticed a largo
number of wagons in Market.
Bomo very flue frogs are being brought
In by tho boys now. They command from
thirty to scventy-flvo cents a dozen ac
cording to the size.
Tho commlsBloucrs havo had tho Brus
scls carpet In tho court room taken up and
cleaned. It was found that the moth were
eating It badly.
"My daughter was greatly troubled wllh
Scrofula, and, at one rime, It was feared
ho would loso hir sight. Ayer's Barsapa
rllla has complete'y restored hir health,
and her tyet aro as well as ever, wllh not
ft trace of scrofula In hir tyitem."-G.
King, Kllllngly, Conn.
'1 lio examination of tho Senior class will
begin Tuesday, Juno 17,
Invitations aro out for tho matrlago of 0.
0. Baker and Miss Nora Sterling, Juno 18,
at the Reformed church,
Tho Womans Christian Temperance
Union will meet on next Tuesday, Juno 10,
at thrco o'clock. By order of
G. W. Miodcs has resigned his position
at tho desk works and accepted an offer at
Sunbury. Ills family will remain In
Bloomsburg far tho present.
Col. 11. Bruco Rlckctts of Wilkcsbarro
lias been appointed ono of tho Commis
sioners for the World's Fair at Chicago, by
tbc Governor of Pennsylvania.
Thcro will bo an Interesting game of ball
played at Athletic Park Saturday afternoon
betweon tho Sunbury team and Blooms
burg. Oamo called at 8 o'clock.
The ladles of tho Reformed church will
hold a lawn Sociable on tho church lawn
Saturday evening Juno 7lh. Ico cream,
cakes, berries &c, will bo served.
Thcrn will bo a mecting of tho Bonlta
Lawn Tennis Club at tho homo of Miss.
May Kuhn on Ccntro Street next Monday
Tho members of tho Phllolnglan Society
of the Normal School will glvo a festival
In the Rink Friday and Saturday evenings,
June tho 20th and 31st.
Col. Victor Plollett, of Wysox, Is danger,
ously 111 with kidney trouble. Several
operations havo been performed without
permanent benefit. Death is expected al
most daily.
The postoftlco department has directed
that hereafter letters on which tho postago
Is not paid shall bo forwarded promptly,
and that, double postago be collected at the
point of delivery.
Last week Wednesday was C. Hears'
birthday. Ills son's infair was being held
at his residence In tho afternoon, when tho
alarm of fire was given and tho Perfect
Washer factory was buined down, It was
an eventful day in tho Mears family.
Mrs. Evans who has resided on East Bt.,
for several years, died last Friday. Sho
was tho widow of William Erans who was
killed in a mill in Green wo )d township a
couple of years ago. Tha remains were
taken to Rohrsburg for burial on Sunday.
The Public Schools ot Centralis gave an
entertainment in 0 id Fellows' Hall on
Decoration Day for the purpose of raising
funds with which to purchaso additional
books for the High School library. An
Interesting programme was rendered, and
enjoyed by a Urge audience.
Wm. Kramer is beautifying his homo at
corner of Fourth and Iron streets, by glv-
ng the house a fresh coat of paint. Ho
has inaugurated a new idea in this town,
and that is by giving the shingles of tho
house a coat ot paint. It makes the house
look as if having a tin roof.
A counterfeit tea doll ir bill Is In clrcu-
latlon. The bill Is fairly good looking, but
upon close ex iralnation it U found to bo
poorly executed. The plate thread or fiber
ot silk, which Is in nil genuine notes, Is
imitated by ruled lines. It is on the Ger
man National bank of New Orleans, letter
0, bank No. 830, series 1882.
Census Enumerators Peacock and Kline,
began their w.nrk on Monday. Tho work
must bo completed in two weeks. At the
same time all the enumerators In tho
county staned to .-.ount the populace. Now
Is the time to d your guessing. Who says
Bloomsburg will run ovi r OOX) 1
J. F. Peacock and J. 8. Kline, tho census
enumerators of this town commenced tbojr
work Monday morning. They have rent
ed a room on the second fljor of tho Wirt
building where any person can call In the
evening to give any information pertaining
to I ho more accurate gathering of tho cen
1 he Board of Underwriters ot Columbia
county held Ithelr regular monthly meet
ing at the olllco of J. 11. Maize Esq. last
Monday morning. This board;Includes all
the lire insurance agencies In tho county
and its object Is to maintain uniform rates,
so that everybody shall pay the same for
nsurancc, It is tor tho mutual protec
tion of the agents and policy holders.
I hu school Loard met In tho public libra
ry of tho now public school building Mon
day evening June 2, for the purpose of or
ganization for the present year. J. 0.
Brown was elected president, J, R, Town-
send, Secretary, and O. T. Wilson, Tre&s
unr. Friday evening, Juno 20, was fixed
as the tlmo for tho selection of teachers for
the next year.
The Convention of tho Protestant Epis
copal Church of the Dloceso of Central
Pennsylvania will open at Towanda next
Tuesday and contlnuo for two or three
days. It will be attended from here by
Rev. W. 0. Leverett, President of tho
Standing Committee, Col. J. G Freeze,
Chancellor of tho Diocese, and Paul E.
Wirt and Geo. E. Elwel', lay deputies.
Ecklcy B. Coxe's big iron breaker at
Drlflon will be put luto operation soon.
It is one of tho most perfect coal breakers
ever constructed, absolutely Are proof,
thero not being live thousand feet of lum
ber in the whole structure and built In a
manner to make It perfectly safe for tho em
ployes. It Is tho only breaker ot its kind
In the world, and when In operation will
bccanabloof preparing all tho coal that
will come from the mines at Drlftou.
11. W. Drake, who has the well knqwn
waironmaker stand of J. II, Kelm at
lilahl-Strcct, Is doing a good business
there. Ho is prepared to do all kinds of
carriage building, blacksmithlng and gen
oral lepalr work. Farmers will find it to
their interest to call upon him. Frank
llower has chargo of the piloting, and he
Is an excellent workman In that lino. Mr,
Drake expects soon to make an addition to
the building which will bo used for paint
ing and Untitling.
Thero was a meeting of tho executive
board of tho Columbia County Agricultural
Society ut the Exchange Hotel Saturday
last whero bids were received for printing
tho pamphlet of tho list of premiums to bo
awarded lv tho association. Tho Sentfrcl
bid $1.10 per page and the Columbian 87J
cents nearly ono third less.
Will Krlckbaum pleaso call tho attention
of tho County Commissioners to this ceo.
nomy and urge them to got their blanks
and stationery of tho lowest bidder.
Tho Webster's Dictionary offered by the
Columbian with a years' subscription, and
thrco months' subscription to the New
York Weekly World for 43.60, Is furnished
by tho World. Wo havo received many
letters of Inquiry, and In answer would
say. that that the book is the edition ot
1817. Tho type is small but legible, and
tho book Is substantially bound. It
npurlv as larco as the present edition. For
ircneral uo lt is a big bargain for tho mon
cy, but wo would not rccommond lt for
school', us It Is not the latest euiuon.
Tho following lottors aro held at Blooms
burg, Pa. post olllco and will bo sent to tho
dead letter office Juno 8, 1800.
Mr. James M. Bright. Mr. Edward Rose
well, Mr. F. E. Rcnner, Mr. J. 0. Tubbs.
Persons calling for theso letters pleaso
say, they wcro advertised Juno 8, 1890.
Ono cent will bo charged on each totter
A. B. Oathoakt, P. M.
C. Mears & Son havo leased tho old plan
ing mill at Espy, whero they will make
their washers until permanent arrange
ments can bo mado for their rebuilding In
this place. Their business of making
washers Is increasing year by year, and
when they rebuild lt should bo In some
place whero thoy can enlarge a? tho busi
ness demands. Until arrangements can be
mado they will bo prepared to furnish all
hinds of planing mill work at Espy. South
ern poplar for wagon maicri' uso always
on hand and dressed to ordei on short no
tice. Thomas Gory has received tho contract
for building tlu dwelling house and recep
tion hall for the Roseuiont Cemetery. The
building will bo located at the routh east
corner of the plot and will bo 30 feet
square. Adjoining tho building will be an
iron entrance gate for footmen and next to
it a double Iron cntrancj gato for teams.
Thcro will bo a reception hall and water
closets tor tho use of the public, while the
building Itself will bo occupied by the sex
ton. No organizations In the Cnltcd States
have multiplied moro rapidly In tho past
ten years than the slck-boneflt, funeral-aid,
death-benefit, and otbir kindred societies.
As l hey are generally confined to the
humbler walks of life, tho good thoy havo
done Is Incalculable, carrying aid to thou
sands ot stricken families and Inspiring
thoso who are fortunate enough In being
members with a courago which might not
exist in their hearts without them.
The members of these organizations will
be glad to learn that Hon. Robert P.
Porter, Buporintcndent of the Eleventh
Census, will endeavor to secure tho statis
tics ot the noble work these associations
are doing, and lt is safe to say no other
branch of tho census will be more Interest -
Tho business ot gathering the data has
been placed In chargo of Mr. Charles A.
enny, special agent of the insurance di
vision, 68 William street, New York City.
nd all associations throughout the United
States whether Incorporated or prlvato,
shouldiasslst by sending to htm the ad-
rcss of their principal officers.
Although many people left town last
Friday to visit Berwick and other places
the attendance at tho exercises of Memor
ial Day was Urge, the parade was impos
ing, and the exercises Interesting. In tho
morning, Ent Post G. A. it. accompanied
by the Bloomsburg Band, started out In
wagons, and visited Vandjrsllco'a, Light
Street, Hldlays, Afton, and other ctmolcr
ies, and decorated tho graves of soldiers.
At 2:30 a procession was formed on Market
square in the following order: Bloomsburg
Band, Ent Post G. A. R., Bloomsbnrg
Camp P. O. 8. of A., Sons of Veterins,
Gllmore's Band, Friondahlp Fire Company
No. 1, KnlghU of the Golden Eagle.
Marching up Main sticet to the Normal
School tho procession was joined by the
Phllologlan and Callicplan Literary socie
ties and all proceeded to Rosemont Ceme
tery. After tho exercises there, an ad-
dress was delivered In the Opera House by
Rev. D. M. Ktnter.
CouHlHtency In n Jewel.
Both the editors of the Oolmahian and tho
Revuilican soma time since tried to take a
cood bit of credit tor economy to tax pav
ers by cheap letting inicourt calendar?. As
tney aro ooui on tuo scnooi Doaru now we
will leo whether they will apply tho same
rule to advertUlne the Bchool statement
consistency is a jewel Try the lowest
uiuuers once, iry it. aerutna mm mi.
The school board having awarded tho
printing of the statement to the .SWifinei and
Republican, without bids, we presume
Krickbaum now cares vory little about
economy to tax payers. It he has tho
least spark of the jewel of consistency he
will call tho attention ot his readers to the
fact that the only printing tho County Com
missioners let to the lowest bidders was
the Court Calendar and the Columbian was
nearly one-third lower than the Ssatinel. If
Krlckbaum is sincere let him urge upon
tho County Commissioners to put all their
printing, blanks and stationery, to tho low
est bidder. Let him call the attention ot tho
County Commissioners lu his next Issue
that they aro losing an opportunity of eco
nomy to the tax payers.
Itesolutlouu of Ilcspecl,
VAN DAMP LODOB, NO. 140, I. O. O. F.
Bloomsburg, Pa., June 2, 1890.
Wmbkeas. In view ot the loss we have
sustained by tho decease ot our friend and
associate Peter E. Knapp, and ot tho still
heavier loss sustained by those who were
nearest and dearest to him. Therefore be
RggoLyEi): That It is but a just tribute to
the memory ot tho departed to ay, that wo
regret his removal from our mldsti wo
mourn for him who was worthy of our re
spect and regard.
Resolved: That we sincerely condole
with tho family of tho deceased, on tho dis
pensation with which It Ins pleased' Divine
Providence to affect them, and commend
them for consolation to Him who orders all
things for tho best, and whose chastise
ments are meant In mercy.
Resolved: That these resolutions be
spread upon the records of tho Lodge, nnd
published In liio towu papers and a
copy thereof be transmitted to the family
of our deceased brother,
Wm. E. Rinker )
W. R. Riuauosi. f Comra'ttee.
W. 0. Biivfoule. )
A Womiiii In tlie Cane,
There always H. She is ii power
behind the throne. A woman's Influence
over the man who loves her Is often abso
lute. To wield so great a power to guide,
strengthen and help her husband, a wom
an's mind should be clear and beallhv. lt
cannot be If she Is suffering from any func
tlonal derangement. How many n home
is made unhappy because she who should
be Its lite and light is a wretched, depress.
ed, morbid invalid I Wives, mothers and
daughters, why suffer from "femalo com
plaints" which are sapping your lives
away, when Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presc
ription will renew your health and gladden
thoso about you? It has restored happr
ncss to many a saddened .life. Why eu
dure martyrdom when release is so easy?
In Its special field there never was a res
toratlve llko the "Favorite Prescription."
To cleanse the stomach, liver, and syi
tem generally, use wr. rierce-d reueis,
25 cents.
Notice To TcncliurH.
The Bloomsburg Bchool Board will meet
on Friday, 'Juno 20, 1890, to select teachers
and janitors for the ensuing year. Appll
cations from experlencedltcachcrsonly will
be considered. Applications will be r
oelvcd by the Bccretarylup to said day.
0-0-31. Bccty. Pres.
A gamo ot baso ball was played at tho
Park Monday afternoon between tho Llsht
Street club and n club of cobrcd players
from this town, resulting In tho defeat of
tho latter bya score of 27 to 23.
Miss Ada Hartman, daughter ot I, W.
Hartman was married on Tuesday to Rev.
B. E. Batcman, pastor of the Lutheran
church at Uagcrstown. Hov, S. W. Bears
pastor of the M. E. Church performed the
ceremony at tho resldcnco ot tho bride's
parents, In the presence of a few of tho
near relatives.
nnse null.
An Interesting game of base ball was
played at Athletic Park Saturday last be
tween tho Danvtllo club and Bloomsburg.
Tho Danville club came up hero wllh tho
best players thoy could gather for tho oc
casion, and evidently Intended to shut out
tho homo team. In tho first Inning tho
Danvtllo team scored four runs, thrco of
which wero obtained on account of wild
throws, this put a chill on the game from
the start. After tho first toning thcro was
good pUylng done by both sides, and
everybody acknowledged It as nice a gamo
as has been played upon tho grounds.
Tho following Is the score In full.
R. U
Shaffer, c.
Hageubuch, 3b.
Hayes, p.
Heist, r. f.
Sylvls, I. f.
Sloan, ss.
O'Donnel, 2b.
Irvin, lb
Watts, c. f,
25 10
R. II. 0. A. E.
McCoy, 8b. 3 112 0
Shlnehouso 1. f. 1 1 0 0 1
Shannon J. 2b. 12 8 10
Ammerman r. f. 1 1 1 0 0
Itccd a. s. 2 12 0 1
Shannon W. p. 1 0 0 17 0
Goshc. 0 0 7 0 1
iioHuer lb. 0 2 12 0 2
Hollowayc. f. 0 0 1 0 0
Total 0 8 27 29 6
Ammerman and Hoffner out by being
bit by batted ball.
Bloomsburg 0-0-0-0-0-0-2-0-0 2
Danvlllc-4-0-0-0-1 -0-0-2-2-9
Earned runs, Danville 8; two baso hits,
O'Donnel, McCoy; three baio hit, Reed;
bases stolen, Bloom 7, D mvllto 1; bases on
balls, on Hayes 6; struck out, by Hayes 11,
by Shannon 15; left on biscs, Bloom 4,
Danville 5; hit by pitched ball, W. Shan
non; passed bills, Shaffer 3, Gosh 2; wild
pitches, Hayes i. Umpires Uousel and
Attention I'nrmera.
Now Is tho time to look after cultivators
and harvesting machines. Undersigned
have just received full supply of "Ucnch"
riding and walking wheel cultivators.
Walter A. Wood Harvesting Machinery,
also both hand and self dump Hay Rake,
all of which we will sell at bottom prices .
5-33-4L White i&JCoNNsn.
Decoration day was pasied rather quietly
on the hill. The societies had gathered
great many flowers In anticipation of
their joining with tho citizens In tho exer
cises of the afternoon, but tho rain put an
end to their prospects and they were con
tent with simply sending several details of
tho young men to deliver the flowers to the
commlttco In charge of tho decoration of
graves. In the evonlng, howeverr, tho
two societies and their rainy friends from
town, together with the Col. Ent Post, as
sembled In Norm l Hilt, to listen to tho
joint prognma prep trod by tho two liter.
ary societies.
The cxcrcbcs of tho evening were open
ed wltl- singing the national hymn, "Amer
ica," tho entire audlcneo joining. This
was followed with a brief but very timely
address by Prof. G. E. Wilbur, after which
came a recitation, "Our Gbry, the Army
ot tho Dead", by Miss Minnie Kitchen.
Tho Misses Karcher and Garrison then ren
dered a very pleasing instrumental duet,
after which Miss Edith Moses recited " The
Pride of Battery B", and this was followed
by a mile quartette by Mossrs. Yotter,
Yost, Bldlcman and Colley. The even
ing's programmo was concluded with a
short address by Hsv. D M. Kintcr, tho
same gentleman who delivered tho Memor
ial address in tho Opera House In the after
Tho entertainment over, the students re
paired to the dormitory where a short time
was spent socially.
Among tho visitors who spout Decora
tion day or Sunday with us wero Miss B.
A. Breslln, of Hazlcton, clasi of '81, and
Mr. H. 0. Hell, class of '85 .
Mr. Sim Pursel, class ot '89, has finished
his year's work, and is back to school as a
student to continue his studies beyond the
Elementary Course.
Binco our last 'notes' wo have enrolled
three new students, and thus our 'big fam
ily' Is constantly growing.
Dr. Waller spends Monday ot each week
In Harrlsburg, attending to tho duties In
cident to his recent appointment. Tho re
mainder ot tho week he devotes to the
school. As tho year draws nearer it3 close
and the days arc being counted, express.
Ions of regret are heard on all sides, at the
eparatlon of our honored Principal
While all wish him much succosj, and aro
glad nt his appointment, all will part with
him as from a faithful friend, a wise coun
cilor, and a capable, earnest teacher.
About thirty students took advantago ot
the Friday holiday last week, and spent
three days at home.
Tho Normal School has been mado a
separate district In the enumeration ot the
sensus, with Prof. Wilbur as enumerator,
The Queeu'H Prize Competition,
Tenfimlliar quotations from standard
authors appear each month under this head.
ng in The Canadian Qoeen, and the pub-
Ushers ot this popular magazine offer $50,.
00 In cash prizes each month to those
naming the largest number of the authors
from whom the quotations aro taken. This
is a most practical way ot encouraging the
study ot standard authors and will Interest
every Intelligent reader. A sample copy
of Hie Qoeen with full particulars and list
ot quotations will be mailed to any address
fcr five 2c. stamns. The subscription prlco
Is only 1,00 per year. Address, The
Canadian Queen, Toronto, Canada.
XtiiKlneM ana Haw MI1IH.
Any one Intending to buy Steam Engines
of any style or size or first class Saw Mills
will do well by seeing, or writing tho un
dersigned for Catalogue and Prices before
buying. White & Conner,
4-4 2 in Orangevlle, Pa.
A. Unity Waved.
luce birth my baby had running sores
all over his head, and the doctors said that
he mu t die, tor they could not heal them.
I used everything I ever heard of, but it
was no good. He got so bad that he
would not nurse. My husband's siste
told mo to try Sulphur Bitters as sho had
great faith in them, I used a bottle
and the sores commenced to heaU After
using two bottles more, the sores all heal
cd and I considered my baby saved.
ifiMtr, Concord, N. II. 0 L-2.
Tho members of tho Dcmocirtlo county
committee met on .Monday to elect dele-
Sates to tho State convention to bo he'd In
cranton on July 2nd, for tho purposo of
nominating candidates for Governor, Lieu
tci.ant Governor, anil Secretary of Internal
Affairs. There was no music In tho meet
ing, everything going off smoothly, The
following wcro chosen ns delegate!: Hon.
Chas 0. Murphy, ot Centralis: W. II.
Rhawn. Ksci . of Catawissa: Robert Buck
ingham, Eiq., of Bloomsburg, and R. G, F.
Ksblnka, of Brlarcrcck, The delegates
wero uninstructcil.
Tho lun was all brforo tho commlttco
met. George W. Stcrnor was n candldato
for delegate, nnd had been working Indus
trlously for several weeks to mako tho rif
fle, but he fell Into n pool so deep and dark
that his name did not como beforo the
meeting. Wo offer our condolenco, and
would suggest that tho next time George
comes out as n candldato he take a clean
shave, hair-cut, black his boots, put on a
clean collar, brush his clothes and wear a
close muzzle. Oitawlm News Item, Mayi29,
All business men do It. For cxnlanatlon
Inquire of the late nominee for Register.
It Is something singular, fourteen or
more lu tho family, Gorrey thrown in be
sides all their ramifications, then they
merely countaf a majority for Pot Sterner,
tho gazetpcr of tho barns, sheds, hog-pens
and woods, over poor lonely Bill Jacoby.
Now what are thoy going to do: And what
havo they got? Let tho land owners, busi
ness mcu and properly holders In thq
county answer. Bill Jacoby was no boun
ty soldUr. Locked his olllco, served his
time, honorably discharged, nnd home to
fight another day. What's tho matter with
you: Aro you hard up.
I'ct Htcrncr tbc candldato for Register
for this County seems terriblv exercised
lest ho should havo opposition at tho polls
from soino Indtpcndtnt quarter. Ho hss
reason to entertain such fear, knowing, as
bo does, that nine-tenths of tho Democracy
scorn the idea of voting for such n thing as
himself. Ho knows too that tho people
did not desire bis nomination, as they re
garded him totally unfit to flit tho office,
being yaln. blgeotcd, pugnacious: qualifi
cations more suitable to a person about to
enter an asylum than ino itegislcrs'
Tho Democrats need not tote for him, but act
as In the casu of John R. Yobe, when they
elected I. S. Monroe nnd everybody was
satisfied. Yobe was just as fit as Sterner.
They will remember when they scratched
tho ticket and defeated J R. Millard for
Sheriff and elected Aaron Smith, every
body wero Democrats and still the Dartv
survived. Two years ago tho party did
tho samo thing by electing Ent, who is
maklnir a rood officer, still the nartv Dolled
Its heaviest vote last fall for Hancock!
Scratching tho ticket and voting fora better
man, your cuoice, l not Dolling the ticket.
That Is what Is meant by a free ballot! And
everybody would enjoyed It. From News
IUrm. "Bloomsburg Business". Taken on
the wing by our own correspondents, after
the Democratic nominations In 1831.
And now this tame old coon that has been
wandering wild of lato years in tho politi
cal woods destroying growths of honor and
vlrtuo by casting alt kinds ot filth at
farmers and laboring men, deserves to bo
hunted down. I would suggest setting a
trap at Scranton July 2nd, baited with
$100 for a suit of clothes. He seemed to
work well at that in 1878, and it It
had not been for his friends he would havo
been caught In 1879 and placed behind tho
bars. The Republican of April 16, 1885 can
tell how near lt was done. Ho Is beneath
our further notice.
Gbokoe W. Btbkneu.
Tho vocal organs aro strengthened by
the uso of Ayir's Chorry Pectoral. Clergy.
men, lawyers, singers, actors, and pnbllc
speakers find this preparation tho most cf.
fectivo remvdy tor Irritation and weakness
of tho throat and lungs, nnd for all affec
tions ot tho vocal organs.
We notlco the farmers aro beginning to
cultivate tho corn. The grass docs better
than the corn eo far; perhaps we will have
some warm weather yet to help the corn
The age ot Mr. Hess whose death was
mentioned in your last issue, was crronc.
ously stated. His correct age was 82 yrs.,
7. mo. and 17 days.
Mr. Thomas J. Yorks, who has been
home on a visit for the last few weeks re
turned South last week.
Tbc festival is all the talk around here
now. We havo decided to have one early
In tho season, and think June 14. will bo
tho time to hold it.
Decoration Day was rather quiet here,
but on the day following we observed It in
rather a novel way. As is generally tho
case with country burying grounds, ours
has been left to be over-grown with weeds.
Saturday was tho day appointed to meet
and fix up the ground and there wcro so
many came and worked with such dill
gent and willing hands that it was general
ly agreed to go over tho ground several
times and dig up all tho noxious weeds and
roots. Then after thoroughly pulverizing
tho soil, sow it with some kind !ot grass
seed, it was not all done Saturday so a
meeting has been appointed to be held
every Saturday until it is finished.
Mark Tapkly,
AMU Your I'rlcnUH About lt.
Your distressing cough can be cured.
We know it because Kemp's Balsam with
in the past few years has cured so many
coughs and colds In this community. Its
remarkable salo has been won entirely on
its genuine merit. Ask somo frieud who
has used it what ho thinks ot Kemp's Bal
sam. Thcro is no medicine so puro, none
so effective. Large bottles 50c and $1 at
all drugglstSj
HilHt tlcutou, '
Peter Laubach, a highly respected citi
zen of Benton township died on Wednesday
lhc23tu Inst, aged a llttto over 05 years.
It Is said by f aimers that tho crows were
never so destructive In tho corn fields as
thii season.
Cora Is very backward in starting this
spring. No one has worked In his corn so
far as wo know.
It wheat will do all that It now promises
there will bo a heavy yield In our locality.
luo new road machine has thus far ren
dered satisfaction. Macadam has uo roo m
among our farmers in this locality.
Still some corn to plant yet.
Rev. W. T. Auman of Bloomsburg and
grand son ot tho late Roy. Tobias, a form.
er pastor of tho Bloomsburg charge ot
which Orangevillo charge was then a part,
filled Rev. A. Houtz's pulpits .M Sunday
at St. James and .Ion, at 10:15 a. in. and 2
p. m. respectively. He preached from
Numbers XXX 1 1-5 an able nnd Instructive
sermon. Wu were pleased to meet tbo
young Brother and congratulate him for
his brilliant effort.
The above dlscoursu wu devotedly listen
cd to at St. James'.
Tho season for the people to "knuckle'
to political bosses Is beginning to develop
UruiikeiiiicHH l.luor llalill In
fill luu wuilfllllerc iHUutimu
cure nr. IIulm-H' OoWleii Hpcciric
It can be given in a cup ot tea or coffee
without the knowledge of tho person taxing
it, cttecting a speedy and permanent cure,
whether the patient Is a moderate drinker
or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards have been cured who havo taken
the Golden Specific In their coffee without
their knowledge, and to-day believe they
quit drinking ot their own free will. No
harmful effect results from Its admlmstra.
tlon Curos guaranteed. Send for circular
and toll particulars. Addrcsb in confidence
Gold em Srsoirio Co., 181 Race
There arc
many white soaps,
each ''
represented to be
"just as good as the IwiyHX
They arc not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
Tis sold everywhere.
Tho 21st Annual Convention ot tho Col-
umbla County S. S. Association mot a
New .Columbia Tuesday nnd Wednesday
May 27th and 28th.
Tho weather was perfect and everything
combined to make It one of tho plcasantcst
and best in our recollection. On Tuesday
o e- - -"j , . w . ... .. "... i
gct within tho doors. About 150 delegates I
were present and no doubt as many vlsl-
tors. Many ot our schools throughout the
county were not represented, howover,
probably owing to tho fact that tho placo
was so distant from railroads.
Tuesday morning's short session was fill
ed wllh the cordial wclcomo words and the
response and a full report of the Statistical
Secretary A. W. Specr. HI report shows
a decline in S. S. work In tho county as
shown by Twp. Conventions. Aftor the
appointment ot committees In the after
noon a discussion of S. B. finance was
opened by Rev. Tustln. Ho stated that
four classes are benefited by tho S. B. the
teachers, tho scholars, tho church and the
community. All of theso should help sup
port tho school. Tho S. S. is tho placo to
teach the children giving and that system. !
atically. This should bo pari of the work
ot every school. Ho was followed by oth
ers on the samo subject, all urging tho
' 'puttlng-f onr-hand-ln-f our-po cket-and-gly-ing"
method ot raising money for B. B. use.
The rcpoit of the delegate to tho Btate
Convention was full and very interesting.
It told nf the M. E. 8. 8. of Wllkca-Barro,
fihowlnp thi, nnaAlhlllttna nf tlin R. R Thlo I
8, This
scLodl is thoroughly graded and scholars
pass from ono grade to another by exami
nation as In public schools.
The essay of Miss Curran on the qualifi.
cations of tho B. 8. Teacher was full of
grand thoughts expressed in beautiful Ian-
guago. Sho urged the necessity of teach,
ers being trained to their work but placed
above training or tact, knowlcdgo of tho
pupils and of the text book and far above
that tho love of Christ permeating tho Hfo
of tho teacher.
In tho evening Dr. RUtenhouso of Car
lisle College dellvcredia grand address on
rruth'; What a 8. B. teacher teaches."
After showing tho inefficiency of other re-
liglons and of anciont and modern phlloso
phy to satisfy the longings of mankind he
declared that Christianity as rovealed in
the Bible Is the Truth, the whole truth and
nothing but truth. Christianity alone
leaches without error. In all other reli
gions there aro a few grains of gold In vast
piles of rubbish a few goodly maxims of
spiritual wisdom burled in vast tomes of
folly. 'Christianity alone proclaims truth
with certainty and authority not as a dis-
covery but as revelation. Christianity pro
cluimstruth In all its symmetrical com
pleteness and organic unity a marvelous
and majestic balance of tiuth in all its rela.
tlons. Instead of broken fragments of
Jewels Christianity holds up a great Kohl
noor 01 truiu, ior tho saso of which we
would sell all these fragments. Christian.
ity gives an ultimate statement of truth
and alone brings us saving truth
Two stirring short talks on Temperance
were given by Rev. Crumbling and Rev,
Mllroy which closed the program for tho
Tho most of Wednesday was occupied
with busineps. The reports ot delegates
showed that most ot the schools aro pros
perous and the work growing. The com
mltteo on Time and Place of next meeting
reported In favor of Benton, the first day
ot Juno, which was accepted. Two other
invitations had been received by tho com-
mittco and we regretted that we could not
accept all three.
The election of officers resulted as fol
lows: President, U. R. Bower; Vice .Prcsi-
dents, Rev. E. Crumbling, Rov. A. Houtz,
llev. U. Myers; Treas. Mrs. Annie McHen
ry; Stat. Bee. A. W. Spcer; Rec. Sec. Miss
Eva Rupert.
Delegates to Btate Convention Miss E
Rupert, alternate A. W. Bpear.
Penna. has the honor of the International
8. S. Convention this year and our county
entitled to ono delegate. It meets at
PlttBburg the last (week In June. fl. R,
Bower was elected our delegate and Miss
E. Rupert tho alternate An open hour
with talks on plans of work brought out
somo good plans, but was not as helpful
as It might have been if many delegates
had prepared themselves to glvo poetical
methods. The question box contained but
four questions; ono addressed to Rev. Gal.
loway which was "Is a man dethroning
the Holy Spirit when he listens to his own
spirit?" Uo answered. No, not It tho
Uoly Spirit is really enthroned. Tho Holy
Spirit will gain tho ascendency "As many
as aro led by the Spirit they aro tho Sons ot
God." The other thrco questions were ad
dressed to Prof. Kurzonknabe, Shall a
man give to tbo 8. 8. if bo owes any man?
"ies, we owe infinitely more to JGod than
to any man." Shall horns, violins and all
soils of Instrument bo used in B. 8.? Yes.
wo are called upon to praise God with In.
eiruments as well as with tho voice. Should
B. 8. have festivals to raise money? No, If
you cannot get money any other way some.
thing U wrong uud yuu'd bettti get down
on your knees.
ThcTrcas. reports receipts for
yer $ 71 30
Bal. from last year 21 93
Expenditures $ 80 21
Balance 7 Od
03 JO
i.ach session had been opened by devo
tloual exercises. The Bible reading Wed-
nceday morning by Rov. Galloway on the
In-dwtlllog of the Holy Spirit In tho heart
ot tho B. a. Teacher was bcautllul and very
helpiul one of tbu treats of the Convcn
I'rof. Kurzenknabo of Harrlsburg lod
music during all the sessions and Inspired
the whole congregation with real to praise
the Lord with Joyful tongs.
The Committee ou Resolutions gave the
following reporti
WiuuitASi Wu recognlzo the Importance
of the Sabbath school as an aiuilliary of
1 the home and the church lu securing tbo
I religious instruction, tho conversion and
subsequent training of tho young anil
Wuekeab: Thcro aro many children In
tho itato and nation, who do not rccelvo
Instruction la the Babbath Bchool, there
fore Resolvedi That wo regard tho holding
of Conventions, whether local, county,
thodsof conduct nir Hundav Behoola ili-
cussed, as conducive to tho advancement
and success of our schools.
Resolvedi That tho Twcnty-flrst Annual
vyonvcniion as ucm at xhow waiumuia urb i
Resolved: That wo havo heard with
pleasure and profit tho comprehcnslvo re.
port or Bro. Spear, Iho delegate to the
State Convention, and that wo thank him
tor tho many suggcstivo thoughts which he
has gleaned for us.
Resolved: That wo considered cheerful,
liberal, systematic glvlug tho best way to
support tho Sunday school financially.
Resolved: That after hearing tho excel
lent essay by Miss Curran, wo recognize
moro than ever the Importance and respon
sibility ot the teacher's work and tho ne
cessity of a moro thorough preparation for
that work.
Resolved: That It Is very Imp irtnut to
havo our schools properly graded.
ResolvkD! That wo havo listened with
appreciation to thn muterly address of Dr.
Rlttenhousu and that In all our work we
will seek tho Holy Spirit who shall guldo
us Into all truth.
Whereas, The traffic In Intoxicating
liquors as a beverage is an unmitigated
i. . c u u l uuuu.i jr uuu 11 juivq ...... -uv. w-
ae we realize tho Importance of earnest
tcmperanco work, therefore
Resolved: That we uso all honest means
to secure tho prohibition of tho liquor ilJc Cheviot. Like the LeV
trafflc. Inns, onlv thprrVs Silk irmfp nrl nf
Resolved: That wo will rrnko ovcry cf-
fort to shield tho young under our care
from tho evils of intemperance.
Resolved: That wo thank tho Trustees
of the New Columbia Cnurch for tho use I
of their church.
Resolved: That wo havo appreciated the
services of Prof. Kurzonknabe and that we
extend to him our hearty thanks for tho
Resolved: That wo thank tho officers of
the Convention for their efficient service.
Resolved: That we extend to the people
of New Columbia, .our heartfelt gratitude
for their generous hospitality.
E. Ckumblinq ,
Anna MoUenhy,
Mart R. Cdruan,
Tho following township Vlco President a
were elected: Benton, i. aj. onuitz
Bloomsburg, W. J. Bidleman; Berwick,
iirlt Ktrknndall-Brlarcrcek. D. W. Martz:
.... A ...... t w
Catawissa, Geo. Manhart; Ccntralia, J. W.
Fortner; Center, M. I. Low; Conyngham,
Charles Beaver; Fishlngcrcck, John Sutton;
Franklin, D. A. Munson; Greenwood, EaBt
L. M. Betz; Greenwood, West, J. E. Eves;
Hemlock, Peter Bruglcr; Jackson, T. W.
Smith; Locust, A. IUrlg; Mdlson, Albert
Girton; Main, J. W. John; Mllllin, A. Clay
berger; Stontour, W. C. Rlchart; Mt. Picas"
ant, E. L. Applcman; Orange, 0. B. White;
Pine, P. Faus; Roaringcrcek, Mrs. Cher.
rington: Scott, J. 8. Grimes; Sugarloaf, A.
L. Fritz.
The Convention closed about 3:30 p. m.
Wednesday with the benediction.
Eva. Roi'Kitr, Rec. Sec.
20,000 feet of Hemlock and Pino lumber
sold at a great bargain. Call at once if you
are in want of any, at Moycr Bros, or on
M. C. DawBon tf.
ToiikIih Terrorize a Hnloou.
After a pigeon shooting match betweon
Clarenco Miller, a colored man, and
Michael Conners, of Ccntralia, on Decora.
tlon Day, tho party entered Goldworthy's
anlnAn xn.l .U.nt, frtilir Til Btf llPPfimn
very noisy and wero ordered to leave, but
refused, whereupon the proprietor ana uis
assistants pushed them out. mis angcrcu
them to such a degree that they ocw.
again with drawn knives, headed by Mil-
ler, who flourished a revolver and snapped
It several times, but tho weapon was not
discharged, as tho cartridge had been wet.
several 01 inoso wuo parucipaieu iu iuc
fight wero badly cut
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby w&s sick, we gave her CutorU.
When she was a Child, she cried for Cm tort.
When she became Miss, she cluog to O&storia.
When she bad Children, she gave them Cutorla.
CtiuimiuicH Crowtilcy.
A large numbtr of invited friends and
relatives assembled in tho Methodist church
last Thursday, May 20, at 3 o'clock In the
afternoon, to witness the marriage cere
mouy between Mr. W. B, Cummlngs and
Miss Maud Crosslcy, both of this town.
Thn rcriMTinnv was nerformed bv Rev. S
W. 8ears. The bridesmaids wero Miss Clara
j . - 1
S. Cummlngs and Miss Macgie bterllng,and
tho groomsmen wero Mr. Frank B. Irvln
of Montandon andj Mr. Geo. W. Verdy,
business partner of tho bridegroom, 'lhe
ushers wore Messrs J. Leo Harman and G.
G. Baker of Bloomsburg, John C. Auten of
Sunbury, and Harry B. Chamberlln of
Bethlehem. Tho bridal party entered the
church whllo Miss Jennie Auten of Sun
burv plaved tho wedding inarch. The
beautiful ccrenuny was soon performed
and then tho bridal party, with a number
of friends repaired to tho homo of the bride
and nartook of refreshments. Mr. and
Mrs. Cummlngs took a week's tour, visit
log many places of Interest. Wu extend
our heartiest congratulations.
A Hpruiir aiecllclne.
Tho druggists claim that people call
daily for the new cure for constipation and
tick-headache, discovered by Dr. Silas Lane
whllo in the Rocky Mountains. It Is said
to bo Oregon grape roov (a, great remedy in
the far weit for those complaints) combin
ed with simple herb, and is made far uso
by pouring on boiling water 10 draw out
the strength. It sells at GO cents n pack
ago aud Is called Lane's Family Medicine.
! Nervous Iclullalcil Men.
If you will send us your allres-t, wo will mall
you our Illustrated luuipmei oxmvuiu' jii auoui
br. Dye's Celebrated ttle :tro-Vo!Uli Hell a'l I Al.
DllatKXW, ana lueir cnariniusiutww upau iu 1 er.
- I lv restore yoa.xo,vlgor,aadnuuhood,pjmphlut free.
II you are 111113 amicus,
nnil Amtll3.nctfi on tllal.
ouare thus arulcul, we Hill twiu you a bell
. .. ' . . . tl., lull
1'uihdklniu, Mondiy, Jure 4,1MU.
More than fifty styles of
Brandenburgs now on the
counters. One of the newest
has white figures on garnet
irround. Another has stripes
on a blue ground The line of
light colors is again complele
and fuller than ever.
Beautiful Brandenburtrs! Hx-
nuisite in printing, artistic in
coloring, but the peculiar clnrm
-t" -1. :.
IS 111 U1C sun iiacii. 1uu1.11
smooth as silk. Not a lump or
knot or scraggly place on the
delicate surlace. But not a hint
of weakness! Try to tear a bit
warp or woof way, no odds
Nothing slimpsy there.
the polish of culture and
Kuuu uiumji a man or
Woman above the common, SO
the nerfect make and finish lifts
rt, Rrnnflnnlinrrro nhnvo nrlm,-
.,,. n:. io r i
il ' larilllllC U1IJ rivals an arc
light. I he wonder of wonders
is that Brandenburgs are
20 cents a yard.
Forty-inch Batiste.
An unusual width, but the
price i2c is even farther
out of the common. By eood
rights it should be 18c. The
maker meant it to be iSc or
more. A little slow, the sea
son got ahead of him, and you
save at least 5 cents a yard.
A sheer, clear, smooth, thor
oughly good stuff.
oi&CK on wniie
blue on white
cardinal on white
Three neat designs in each. By
iar the best batiste we ever had
for tJle money.
Perhaps the daintiest of all
the Flannels is the soft clinging
p A , cnfycc nnj
, .. ' eP , . , ,
delicacy of finest wool With the
nenness anu Sirengtn OI stlK.
No handsomer or fitter Stuff
for women's playtime waists
and blouses, or for children's
out-door wear, ever came from
a loom. In quiet stripes and
plaids that grow on your liking
like the colors ot an Oriental
Rug. 75c a yard.
Ceylon and Llama Flannels,
25 372, 50, 60, and 75c.
Range enough for any taste.
Count the styles: we never had
more. There needs to be
many when everybody is after
them. Good reasons Flan-
nplc tht irm, nn enr. nnrl
and wash
and wash
Three of the popular Scotch
Cottons for hot weather wear
Madras, Oxford, Cambridge,
Sturdy stuffs. Pull a thread
irom either: strong enough to
sew with almost. Each has
goodness peculiar to itself, and
the color is woven into the fab
ric every time.
Madras is the stuff that has
driven out that old-time favor
ite, Printed Penang. Cooler,
lighter, pleasanter to wear, and
prettier withal. 32 styles at 40c,
28 styles at 30c.
tor hard knockabout the Ox
ford. Look of linen, wears like
linen; solid, substantial 23
styles, 30c.
Cambridge is a twin brother
of Oxford, only that it is a twill
1 instead OI a plain weave. 2.1
1 styles OC
A of these t ff j.
. -' ,
'ent for women s dresses, men's
sntrts, or ior Clllldren s wear.
I Styles that are as bright and
breezy as a May morning.
A good share of what you pay
for a wvLawn Tennis Racket
goes lor the name, suppose
you could get the best possible
in every erade and nothincr
to pay for the trade- mark?
We've fixed it so you can. We
believe either of the "Wanama-
maker Special" Rackets to be
the equal of any make costing a
third more.
Juvenile, 11 llclmont, J3W
Youth's fi.M WlssanlckOD, 13.50
Falrmount, u (lennantown, 4.50
Ardmore. ta.ta flprmnnr'n stwlal tft
Cork handles extra. Take the
Germantown Special, with cork
handle, $6.50. JNo matter what
I you pay lor a
Racket or what
name is on it, you can t get any
thing better. The frame is
right, the gut (best hngltsh) is
right, and so is the hang of the
whole thine
The other Rackets are here
too, everybody s forty-seven
kinds in all, counting cork
Every sort of sporting goods
Base Ball, Cricket, Croquet,
Archery on the same gener
ous scale. And Wanamaker
John Wanamaker.
Save Your Hair
BV a timely use of Ayer's Hair Vigor.
This preparation has no equal as a
dressing, It keeps tho scalp clean, cool,
and healthy, and preserves tho color,
fullness, and beauty ot tho hair.
" I was rapidly becoming bald and
gray ; but after using two or thren
bottles ot Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair
grew thick: and glossy and the original
color was restored." Melvlu Aldrich,
Canaan Centre, N, II,
" Somo time ago I lost all my hair la
consequence of measles. Alter dun
waiting, no now growth apjieared. I
then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and tny
hair grew
Thick and Strong.
It has apparently come to si
stay. Tho
Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature."
J, 1). Williams, Floresville, Texas.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past four or fivo years aud find it a
most satisfactory drussiug for the hair.
It Is all I could desire, being harmless,
causing the hair to retain lu natural
color, and requiring but a small quantity
to render the hair easy to arrange."
Mm. M. A. Ilalley, 0 Charles stroet,
Haverhill, Mass.
" I have been using Ayer's nalr Vigor
for several years, and believe that It h&s
earned my hair to retain its natural
color." Mrs. U. J. King, Dealer In
Dry Goods, &c., Bishopvllle, Md.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
rairusD bt
Or. J. O. Ayer fc Co., Lowell, Matt.
BM if lirsiftoUukirniiuutfM.