The Columbian. J' 'ttnenir., ( E". "BLO JMjBURG, PA FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1890. I.mticrnnn on the Hunciiicliniiun. Tho Susquehanna Synod of the Lutheran Church to which tho congregation rf llloomiburj? belongs m t In Its 2.1J Annuel Convention nt Catawlssn on Weiincftlnj May 21, continuing In session until Jlou day noon, May 20. This Synod covers tho country along tho Susquehanna river from Sellnsgrove to llaileton on tho North Branch and to Jersey slioro on tho West Branoh, This Is the least of six Synods In tho Bute, and this Is ny uo m -ans a small body. There aro forty-lhrco ministers en. rolloil, all of whom wen present, except, lngono, and each with a ilelvgntc, aod theso togctner with the visiting mlnlsUrs mado a body of about ono hundred. This much of an addition made to tho llttlo borough of Catawlssa so suddenly, added no llttlo l!fo to the town for tho time bilng. It wrs found necessary to Increase the sur ly of chickens but not of Ihe police force. Great progress was reported from every pastorate not only In addition to member, ship but Increaso of benevolence. AmoDg tho important business done was tho fo. lowing: Aid was granted nlno young men In preparation for the ministry, some at Sellnsgrove, at Gettysburg and Wittenberg. Pour were ordained as ministers In the presence of a largo audience Tho various representatives of the Hoards showed the Home and Foreign work in ex ceptionally good condition. Tho iargtstt collego In tho church Is In (Juntur India, with 378 students and u corps of 19 pro fessors. A now collego building is being erected at a cost $25000 to accomodate COO students. Tho work In Africa Is tho most hopeful of any mission of any denomina tion operating In tho darkjcontlncnt. Over 400 acres aro being farmed at tho mission and tons of coffee and rice exported every year. For church building tho church has given $16,000 more during tho last Bleu, nlum than during any preceding blennlum in Its history. Very strict resolutions oa temperance una tne Uabbath were passed pledging "is- oyuoa 10 unswerving opposition to liquor traffic by voice and roto. The des ecration of the Sabbath was deDlored and tho Bunday Newspaper denounced as an agency of evil. All labor should bo strlcted to works of necessity and mercv and the Lw of God faithfully preached on mean points. Ways were Introduced for me enlargement of the work. Flvo hun iImi) .1 nl t n . uiuaiB a year tor iwo years were pledged to tho Northumberland church atrugglingundcr a galllne debt, Flvo clerical and five lay delegates were elected to the General Synod meeting in irftmnonra., next May. The pulpits of vawwissa ana adjoining towns were sup puuu oy members of the Synod. Reys, Manhart and Dr. Scholl of Baltimore sup. plied the Lutheran pulpit of this nlr. The Synod voted to hold Its next Annual meeting In Bouth Wllllarasnort in Juno 1891. During the meeting of tho Synod a now organization was formed to be called "The Young Peoples' Alliance" which is similar to the Christian Endeavor, adding the literary and Social features. It will lno mristlan endeavor Lutheranlzed as UnllioJl.l. 1 . vuuuibu aoworwize It. Tho utmost good feeling prevailed during tho entire Synod, and the reaching influence of tho oynoa win ever be felt. The Holv Ban ment was observed on Bahhath n,nrnin. by the Synod first, followed hv , 1.' In all respects the Lutheran church In Cata- wissa is one of the handsomest in the Sv. aJ 1 I J " ouu ,UB congregation and pastor de. serve mucn praise for their taste and liber amy. A. P. H. wi,r,uH, Squire Vork was kept from work all last y severe attack of neuralgia, lie u now, however, up and at It aealn. Quito a spirited discussion arose here one evening last week on tho subject of raising money for church and Bunday Dcnooi purposes by festivals. As festivals are so well established for the nromotlnn of the 'good cause,' It seems odd any one uses in mis mountainous district should kick about It. There were onlv a few who thought it wrong, but would like to 'hear what other communities think about the subject. John 1. Hess died last Saturday at the ripe om age or B4. Mr. Hess has always uveu near nere aud is therefore well known. He has been very feeb'e for the last lew years. Interment took place on juunaay. We cannot help but ask "Fair Play" of uerra wuetner or not ho knows what Dro hibitionis? In your last issue he says the nora never mentioned it. and vet ha men, ilons the gospel that la tho power of God unto Salvation. Oeigoes on just as If he oaa read a Ulhlo or heard preachers ex. pound tbo Word much, different from the way wo read and learn. But ho surely nas not studied the same Bible we have. or ho would not put his thoughts in such language as he has. Now Mr. Editor as know neither "Fair Play" or tho ono a! luded to by him, I hope I am not Intrul Ing In asking space enough In your ever reliable paper to publish this and also an answer to theso questions. Wo would not ask this, but there has been so much writ ten down at our next neighbors fDerr'sl for anti-prjhibltloa that we would very mucu use to read somo genuine gospel and not so many empty words. Will "Fair rlay" please name a few chapters, only one wholo chapter will do to prove to the readers of Tub CoujimiiN that God's Word commands men to grant licenses to many or iew persons to Keep such saloons as the average saloon Is kept to day? Who Is It that sends these 60,000 strong every year into eternity, or gives permission for them to be sent, besides the untold troubles and the unmeasured tears that wear tbo life- blood out of so many dear and cherished friends? Mark Tapely. A Cure for Constipation mid Hick lleuclaclie. Dr. Silas Lane, wh'lo In the Ilocky Moun tains, discovered a root when combined with other herbs, makes an easy and cer tain cure for constipation. It Is In the form of dry roots and leaves, and Is known as Lane's Family Medicine, it win cure sick headache in one night. For the blood liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the complexion it docs wonders. Druggists Mil It at SO cents a package. They Are Liable- Tbo doctors are all liable to bo mis taken. Tboy were io my caw. It cost me 8200,00, beoauso they said I had the Heart disease, and then told ino I must die. Grandmother said it wu liver complaint, aud $2.00 worth of Suphar Hitters cured me. Jennie JPoor, Jloekport, Matt. THE Impure Blood Pennsylvania Railroad Man Tells Remarkable Cure of Scrofulous Humor-Read It. Mr. Ruby, who makes the following state ment, Is a well known railroad man, run ning on the Pennsylvania Railroad between uoiumDia, renn., and rhllarlclphlai "I feel that I wish to tell what has been done for us and our llttlo boy tv Hood's s&parllla. lie Is now six years of age, and, until a short time ago, has ever since birth been a terrible sufferer from scrofulous humor. Bores would appear on him and spread until they were as large as a dollar, and then discharge, only to be followed by others, so that the larger part of his body was one mass of sores all the time. The scrofula was especially severe on his legs and back of his cars and on his head. His hair was so matted that combing was sometimes impossible. Ills ears became so thin that could see through them, and were actually xrium ruzr would bbop ot. Ills legs were so bad that sometimes he could not sit down, and It was Impossible for him to run about and play llko other children. Fre quently when he tried to walk, his leg wonld crack open and the blood start from different places. The humor had a very offensive odor, and caused Intense Itching, so that at nlgbt wo had to tie his bands In mittens or stockings to prevent his scratching and tearing himself. We cannot tell how that pooa Bor SCTI-KniD for nearly five years, nor how his terrible con dition distressed us. We did all we could to relieve him. Two or three physicians agreed In calling It scrofulous humor, but did not effect a cure. We tried salves and ointments and other things but without benefit. At last I decided to give him Hood's Barsaparllla, as MT DRCOOIST HECOMMENDID IT. In about two weeks the Barsaparllla began to have effect. The sores commenced to heal Take Hood's Sarsaparilla told fay all AnirfiU. ft I ihtfortJ. Prepared only I 8olabjalldroUU. 1 slxforfS. Prepared only I Bold bj all droggUlt. ill ixforjfi. Prepared only by O.I. noOD CO., Apothecaries, LoweU, Mmi. by CI. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Msu. bj O. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, leireU, Hits. IQO Poe One Dollar I IQO Doses One Dollar I 100 Doses One Dollar The names of the Democratto committeemen ot me msincia 01 me county or uoiumnia are as 101. lows: Baavsa-T. J. Shuman. Bnmw A. P. Chapln. Uikwici K. A. I. Boely. Hrrwick W. F. P. Krcas. Uloom IL Chaa. 1). out. bloou V. Wm. Chrlsman. Bburcrisi it o F. Kashlnke. CATAWias 4 M. K.IUmtln. csntralia c. u. Murphy. ClNTRl-J. F. limit. COMTWinAM N. Thos. Bonis. CONTNoruM a Daniel (lerrlty. FisniNo:Rin 1). F. Edgar. Franklin i). D. Lohrman. qrrrnwood Adam Utu Hemlock Jacob Harris. .IiCKSON Moeos BAvaue. Locust-.Wm. D. Snyder. Madison Wm C. Johnston, Mam J. W. Ke'chner. Mifflin Samuel Snyder. Montour o. A, Stonge. Mr. FLiisiNT tmos Wanton. ORiNOi ino. W.'Uoriuiin. Fins Dvls Gardner. CANDIDATES. Tho following U a list of candidates for County offices to be voted for at the delegate election held Saturday August 9, ie), between the hours ot 3 ana i ociock p. ra. nominating convention iucuuajr August izui. For Repbesemtative, MAIILON HAMLIN, of Catawissa. Fob Representative, CHARLES M. BLAKER of Greenwood. Fob Associate Judge, H. F. EVERETT, of Benton. For Representative, E. M. TEWKSBURY, of Catawissa. For County Commissioner STEPHEN PETTIT of Scott Township. For Reoisteb and Recorder, CHARLES IL CAMPBELL, of Bloomsburg. Fob Prothonotarv & Ci.ksk of Courts. J. II. MAIZE, of Bloonuuurg, I'a. Fob County Treasurer. JOHN MOUREY, of Roaringcreek Township. For Associate Judue, MORDECAI MILLARD, of Centre. For County Commissioner. B. FRANK EDGAR, of Fishingoreek. For County Commissioner. DANIEL YOOUM, of Hemlock Township. For Register & Recorder O. B. ENT. of Scott Township. For Protiionotary & Clerk Courts. G. M. QUICK, oi Bloomsburg, Pa. For County Treasurer, JOIINL. KLINE, of Conynguam. For County Commissioner Wm. G. GIRTON of Bloomsburg. jyjEKOANTILe APPRAISEMENT. List of 'Dealers in Columbia County I hereby certify the follovrtng list ot Dealers taken, returned and claasised by me In accordance with the several acta ot Assombly la and tor the year ltftO u correct to the bejt ot my knowledge. BEAVER. A'ame and Jhutlntu. Clou 14 .. S : il License 7 00 73 00 r 00 7 00 700 7 CO 700 109 00 7s on 10 uo 7 00 7 00 10 00 T 00 7 00 I 00 75 00 10 Oil 75 00 7 00 100 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 75 00 I 00 100 00 79 00 700 M 00 7 00 10 CO 7 00 O A Shuman store Mrs. t p smith hotel T J Shuman Btoro ...., DLSlngley store Goo P Drelsbacb Btorj J It Meaner store 14 veil aiouaei nwro ..., 14 Norman cole distillery 3 DINTON. J I) Mollenry hotel s J J Mcilenry ktore ., is Keller nros stove and tin store. , , 14 Ira Mcilenry store 14 Albert Mcllenrr store u t o Mcilenry drug store 14 Holland Mctionry store 14 It llrenner & Co store 14 Chau-cey 11 Ikeler hotel 5 O Lt 0 11 Mollenry store. . is Albert Kantz restaurant , a llulme Ilouaeknecht store 14 Iiotir Mollenry i Bon dlstlllerr 9 C M Rmllh store '. 14 JasM KUne organs .and machines.. 14 Cox & Luti store 14 Joseph Klecbner hotel g B4WOUU M10U3U coai 11 MtlAUCltEBK. Ash Bros distillery ... s Geo w Miner hotel s DFTOwier store 14 BERWICK. Jackson Woodln Mfg Co store., a r Young stoves and tinware..., II It Uoers store. (1 N Klaner drugs,.,, ., is&i&n uowers store Kreaa Bros lumber B F Sponenberg hotel . It Burger restaurant .. 7 00 iXI ' V' 150 00 150 0,1 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 04 T 00 7 Ul 7 00 10 00 7 00 10) 01 7 00 150 00 15100 7 00 7 00 7 00 150 00 150 00 10 00 IS 50 10 00 7 to Jo in U Gould druirj... J MUhelaer clothing store 14 M Levy Agt doming store ., 14 1 j HtyivS uo arugs. ,,Hn 14 II O Laubach store 14 o W Bruoaker tore ,, 14 H B Swat ie Co store- is J P Vreas store 14 u v Dreuuacn machines ana organs 14 M G Smith store.. 14 14 FPFreas Agt store , F L Ulatelhurat furniture 14 13 14 4 14 3 14 14 14 3 13 II 10 It Smith Bros store. Geo T uoppes store August Tnlel bottler MA Market turnlture Jas II Falrman restaurant J O MoMlcbael hotel J Y Eyerl store I F Chamberlain storo. ... ..,. ULOOMSBintU. V 11 Kocher coal v M filimore restaurant . Bernard Slobner restaurant , Naier ciotninsnore ujcia'kton store ............... Jacob Keller store ja M Philips coniecuonery W V Jiartauui stores and uawr, , COLUMBIAN kND DEMOCRAT. of a up the flesh began to look moro natural and healthy. Then the scales came oil and all oTer his body new and healthy flesh and skin formed. When he had taken two bottles ho was entirely frco from sores, having only tho scars to show where they had been. These aro Bar gradually disappearing. The little fellow was ruix or oRATiiuDig to Hood's Barsaparllla when he found It was curing him, and he would call for ' My medi cine when the time came for him to take It. We are unable to express our thanks for the good Hood's Barsaparllla has done our little boy." 11 Aim Y K. Rout, Box 3M, Columbia, Pa. A Later letter From Mr. Ruby states that his son Is now In perfect health, has no trouble from the humor, which Is entirely cured. He has many Inquiries about the recovery of tho boy, and advises all who suffer with such diseases to try Hood's Barsaparllla. What Can be Added To the above statement to make more cm pliatlo the evidence of the cleansing effect of Hood's Barsaparllla upon the blood? It would seem to be the positive duty of all who suffer from any disease or affection caused tr we Impure blood, to at least give Hood's Barsa parllla a fair trial. Its many wonderful cures have won for It Ihe title of "the greatest blood purifier ever discovered." Every Confidence "Among the few proprietary articles I re commend to customers Hood's Barsaparllla Is one In which I place every confidence. My patrons seem to have the same confidence, judging from Its sale, which Is more than all the other blood purifiers together," O. B. Little, Druggist, Ureensburg, Fa. POMlUer store It 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 50 7 00 7 00 SO 00 AO 00 80 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 CO 7 00 100 00 7 to 7 00 T OJ 7 00 coal Creasy Wells lumber 14 u WMeaisuros coaL , 11 v rtuteftco gram store..t. IIGEshlcmanc Wolf stoves and tinware 11 Joseph Garrison teed store 14 uenuer s raacocK upera uouse. ... 1 David K Glrton pool table 8 Farmers Produce Exchange store t " " coal... 14 O W Kelter Bt re 14 OAKlelmdrugs 14 OHFurman store. ...... 14 J U Stecker grocery 14 W J Corell& Co furniture 13 J W Eyer Btore . ... 14 Km ltabb store ., lt Peter Gross bottler 4 Baker & McBrlde furniture ........ 14 L K Whary stoves and tinware 14 singer Hewing Machine o Btore ... 14 J Baltzor organ and machine Btore. '.4 O W Brown store 14 George Bertach clothing 14 O E ravage Jewelry 14 FDDentler boots and shoes 13 J O Wells Jewelry 14 w II Bnoke Co store. 13 W u Tubbs hotel s Barman s Hassert coal 14 Wm Glgger hotel s Bloomsburg car Co coal 14 N H'tlarton store. . 14 B K Ralston Btore 14 neoAurand hotel m 3 D Lowenberg clothing 13 JLGlrton hotel.... 8 J H Schuyler Co hardware store.. 11 Chis iritunyanhardwarostore.... 13 0 N Hllson grocery 14 Htlckel Co confectionery 14 OUMarr store 14 Evans Eyer clothing store 14 J A llesa Bboe store . 14 J II Merger drugs 14 D A Creasy store 14 Andrew Bolleder shoo findings 14 P K Vanatta paper store 14 Allen Armstrong grocery ....... 14 J D Hllson leathendealer 14 iltlchart store 14 Bloomsburg Car Co store 13 c B Hobbles liquor srore 2 if H Taylor bottler. 4 J iruasteUer store 14 Mrs Wm H'ebb tobacco Ktore 14 Lewis Bernhard Jewelry 14 GA McKelvy drugs 14 II W Sloan store 13 Lewis Gross clothing store 14 MoyerUros drugs 7 If II Brewer store 14 Alexander Bros Co storo 11 Mrs M E Ent store 14 1 iTMcKclvystore..... 7 I W nartman Sons Btore 8 s F Peacock Co hardware . 14 J K Pensvl store 14 John s Mann hotel 3 LTHharpless store is w u Gllmore restaurant s John Harnett srore 14 Geo P lUngler drugs 14 cummlngs Verdy confectionery 14 W R Kocher Co store 14 lllootnsburg Iron Co store is D V Kitchen grain dealer 13 CENTRALlA. 7 00 7 00 7 00 ID 00 1 OJ XI 00 1M 00 7 OJ ISO 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 150 00 10 00 150 00 15 00 :o O't 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 7 7 00 7 UO 7 OJ 7 0) 700 10 00 SOO '0 10O0O 7 00 7 00 7 or. 7 00 10 00 7 00 40 00 7 00 IS 00 7 00 40 00 30 00 7 Ol 7 00 150 00 10 00 150 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 L A Relly Co store 3 100 00 7 00 10 00 150 00 7 00 7 Oil 10 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 200 00 10 00 7 00 100 00 150 00 So 00 150 00 200 00 150 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 150 0 7 00 150 00 7 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 LFctterman Btore 14 13 3 14 14 13 3 8 u u siurpny Btore . D F currr hotel.... C II Getohy store., John Davis Btore u 11 juiuara store John McDonnell restaurant Andrew lloony Bam Mnlaskr 3 John Ncrlner liquor store ........ 2 irviuuruH.Biore;.... is Albert Ball store 14 Johanna O'Conner liquor store. 2 John IT Goldsworthy restaurant... 3 " ' pool table-. 8 A PelBer hotel TTT. 3 Thomas Collins liquor store 3 Arthur McLaughlin restaurant ... 3 II O Michael turnlture 14 D O Black grocery 14 II Levlt clothing store . 14 Edward McFadlen restaurant 3 Andrew Lenlhan store 14 Chas Fetterman hotel a Oeo IT Davis store. . 14 inomia uorin rcst&urAnr. 9 Joseph Bakey restaurant 3 JameiM Rellly restaurant.. ,. 3 chas Nahrgang contecuonery.. . 14 L E Davis drug store 14 Thomas Clear Btore , 14 Frances Michael store 14 U J Kelly hotel. 3 Thomas Collins restaurant 3 John Nortney restaurant 3 CATAWISSA. OO mutts 'drug store - 14 a WReltsnyder hotel. s 700 7S 00 7S 00 75 00 7 10 75 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 ) 7 00 7 CO 7 re 20 00 7 00 7 30 10 00 7 OJ 7 00 7 (5) 7 O) 7 00 7 00 7 00 sam regiy restaurant s Mrs Hester Klstler hotel 3 8 B Ithawn ion store., 14 s B Khswn restaurant - . MA Blhbycoal u W Fisher Agt drug store S D Itlnard store .. Hchmlck Son hardware store., T E Harder turnlture store JK Btbby store Joseph A Gulterman store Hlmon Raun coal E M Tewksbury fertilizer , Kharoless Bros store , Nharpiess Bros store 10 T D liernlnger turnlture store..., 14 14 IS 14 14 14 14 George Manhart snoe Btore.. J 11 menier Btore. O W Harder lumber. OEClewell store M A Hwank store OF Harder lumber.. H xonilennall stovoa and tinware. 14 uavm Ginen ooai... 14 fam ,mcu imii,.. II F .-panitler clothing store. 14 rawara trara Bnoe store i I II seesuolU btore 14 O H Walts store .. 14 Llojd Berger store 14 Lloyd Yeager hotel 0 CENTRE Z T Fowlerarraln dealsr is 7 0) 7 00 7 00 75 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 75 00 75 00 7 10 7 00 75 00 7 00 J L Wolver ton store 14 ueo sponger store 14 Taomas Brobat Son store lt Low Br c Co store, , 14 CONYNGUAM John LKUnt hotel s Mrs Christina uiuman hotel 0 It W Lyons store..., . 14 0 II Leffler store 14 G 11 Leffler hotel.... 5 U U Maser store 14 FRANKLIN . h 0 Bucher store 14 7 00 7 M A J WArtley storo 14 FIsniNUCRBBK JM Ammerman store. A Lewis store Jones Walter store Nathaniel Bolshltne Agt store 14 14 14 14 7 00 7 00 1 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 0) 100 00 u jti iiuweu hujro J F Mcilenry store 14 14 M Mcilenry Uro store 14 W II Hosier store... 14 Edgar smltb distillery 4 GREESWOOD A J Derr store 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 75 00 7 00 It 0 1 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7t 00 7 OO 7 00 7 00 Jacob Runs store PD Black store . B E Parker store J E Welllver store A II Follmer hotel ... V p Eves Henrle turnlture store, Ellis Eves Hros store. , ... Masters Co store. , CW Eves store . if. u Vtraa It Uni WMEves Hons store Jilt Pllnnr Eves implements., tt Brenner Co store.. HEMLOCK O II Deltterlck hotel 6 HNJE Whlto store 14 J 11 Henry store 14 JACKSON UUUlrleman store 14 LOCUST Wm Adams store. ., 14 Wilson Yeager Btore , It J w snyder store 14 EO Yeager store , , 14 Nathan K norr hotel 5 L II Daniel store 14 W II Ullllg store..,.. 14 E II wnltner store .. 14 II M Yocum store 14 Uvlngeton Yeager hotel t MtDISON K reamer Bon sloro. ...,,,, 14 7 OO 7 00 7 Oil 7 00 76 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 00 75 00 7 00 7 CO 16 DO 7 ft) 75 00 1 A) Wm Cloglea store , AK Smith hotel MAIN Charles Itelchartstore.,,. 14 Bo;d 11 Yetter hotel , 5 W X Loogeuberger stor.... ...... 14 A w kmm mi ... FROM PIIItiADRIiPinA. Pretty Good for a Man of CO. The following Is from Mr. John nines, manufacturer of enameled dies, who has carried on business In Philadelphia since Oct. P, 1850, and whose testimonial In favor of Hood's Barsaparllla Is certainly worthy ot consideration, "One year ago I was laid up sick with pneumonia tor 14 weeks. When I got over that, my feet and legs swelled, were very much Inflamed, and causod me much suffer. Ing. Tho doctor said I had gout, which I did not beltevo. I tried a number ot cures, of no avail. Then some one asked mo to try Hood's Barsaparllla. I did so. I took It three times a day, before meals, neforo I had taken one bottle I began to lmprovo. I took In all flvo bottles, which cured mo and made me feel well otherwise. I have had no return ot tho affection. Can walk ten miles every day, which Is pretty good for a man 68 years old. I feel grateful for the good Hood's Barsapa rllla has dono me, and have used my influence) with a number of people to try It, and so far with satisfactory results." John Hairs. 40 North 30th Stroet, Philadelphia, Fenn. Cancerous Sore. " About T years ago I had a cancerous sore on my nose, which grew to be very trouble some and offensive. I concluded to try Hood's Barsaparllla, and after using two bottles ths sore disappeared and healed up entirely. It has been cured tor two years with no ap pearance of Its returning. I am now In my eightieth year and enjoying good health. I feel It my duty to recommend Hood's Barsapa rllla to all persons suffering from similar troubles. Be sure to get Hood's." Josian Hakvkv, Dehnont, Westmoreland Co., Fenn. Confirmatory Statement. The above eertlflcato Is from Joslah Harvey, Insurance agent, a gentleman well known throughout Westmoreland county. His statement In regard to the sore and enre performed Is correct," Z. ZaixziutAM, Druggist, Delmont, Fenn. N. B. If you decide, from what you have heard or read, to take Hood's Barsaparllla, do not be tndueed to buy any other. U.I Campbell store 14 7 00 Allison Derr store 14 7 OJ MIFFLIN A W Fnyder Btore 11 7 schweppenhelsor Snyder storo. 14 7 John Knles hotel 5 73 Aaron -.v Hess coal ... 14 D A 11683 COal.... 11 J W Creasy store. 11 A O Millard stoves and tinware .... 14 A J Bernlnger furniture 14 Albert Bldleman store ..... 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 MONTOUR Ilk Grimes store 14 o B Hosier store 14 Paxton Ilarman store 14 J W Ylnger store 14 B Unangst hotel s TOO 7 00 7 00 100 75 00 MT PLEASANT TB Sands store . it 7 ORANGE o p stiner store 14 O W Turner hotel 6 A B Stewart storo 13 A M Dewltt store 13 snyder Whltmiro store M Fleckenstlne Bra store 13 O W Low fertilizers. 14 J B Belong stove and tinware . 14 II W Low lumber..... .". . 14 700 75 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 1000 7 00 7 00 7 OJ u N smitn stoves and tinware 14 7 Whlto Conner Implements 14 T Bender furniture 14 r u rreas noiei r 7900 PINE J It Fowler Co distillery 3 100 00 11 w Lyons Btore 14 7 00 ROARING CREEK O W Cherrlngton store is 10 Wm Cherrtngton store 14 7 SCOTT Sliver Spring Quarry Col storo.... II J D irorkhetser store 14 Mrs M 51 irorman store lt M A Blosser coal 14 M A Blosser Btore 14 N Richard store 14 10 00 7 00 700 700 7 00 7 00 w a lncuencK Btore 14 7 00 tlf) J L Crawford hotel. s 75 00 ir vr iTawiora store 14 700 Silas Young store 14 7 00 A P Howell Btore 14 700 n u imuuj uotei s 75 00 A mute store 14 7 N B Ent stoves and tinware 14 7 Isaac Helchart store., 14 7 SUGAULOAF indrew Laubach store 11 7 7 75 7 7 75 10 75 100 7 A M Harvey store 14 E P Albertson hotel.. & 14 14 5 13 S 4 14 14 14 k iieaa store ... John Bush store John Bush restaurant...., suitzco store J W Perry hotel A cole son distillery..., Yorks Herring store- ... Tony Bush store u D Cole store Denlamln Lewis hotel 7 00 7 00 S 75 00 7 00 It J Force store 11 O Rlcbart store 14 J O Smith pool table h cuester Stllli hotel 6 ORRlchart pool table . s 7 00 40 00 It 00 SO 00 Appeals will be heard at the Commissioners or. nee la Bloomsburg on the 7th day ot June A.J). lonsucbmnuiuouuunioiva, m. ana 4 p. m where you can attend IT you think proper. II. O. MCHENRY, MerchanUle Appraiser. May 9, 1890. NNUAL STATEMENT 0TH TOWN OF BLOOMSBURG, PA., fob im year leas. TAX ROLL FOB 1899. n ... TaluaUoni. Rile Tax. Am'tTtox. Bnilt pp....i,j tan oo6mliu...7i7 2iier: Suboibwi... 67,700 00 S 4 mil ! .... J7 S Farm........ 1.3,887 on gs mills ...... 1A1 2r lVrsonal.... 57,188 00 g 8 mm, " " fSS Occupation. 19040 00 Q e mills!;"" 1,14s g A.l.675,614 00 9,3M0t toIiown,?.TvUV,,laatl0a d0 not ,nel0(1' mnF?ni.hln-i co-l'loffo S t& ai9,tj 00 Two per cent, oi the above val nation " tSltO tB The funded Indebtedness now Is W0.110 00 And Is due as follows, via 1 FUNDED DEBT. Bonds due lew l,4SOdo do 1801. ........ 1,470 oa do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ltvi,. 1893.. H9t . 1-9J... 1891.., l'OT... inns.., less .. 19 0.., lll. 1435 00 1,J0 00 Less on 1. 1,710 00 1. 1,783 00 . 1,870 00 . 9,015 00 . 1,10 10 1.7U00 l.riooo 1,410 00 1UOS., WW 1 455 OO not 1 aaj 00 iw5 :,.. 1 So I.... 1.915 00 ' 430,110 oa '. 8. WILSON, Town Treasurer for 1839. la kccouut with the Town of BloomsbargTra. DR. To amount on band April 1. l&M. as por last annual statement .....8 8 19 Re el?eil from N. Boon. Col lector on duplicate 1S84.... 87 29 Received from G A. Herring, County Treasurer 884 CO Rocelved fiom P. 8, Ilarman, President, for show U01 dm. I7S5' for sewer permits, 171 00 Itu eived from M. C. Wood. -waid, Collector, on dupli cate of 1184 1,433 SO Received from M C. Wood, ward, Vo'leotor, on dupli cate ofrt) i,7U 79 Rocelvj&of W. B.Curamlngt, Sceielary, for dog tux 133 00 Received from State Tax col. liiOtbd for lS39.SSI.lTf HtAtA Tux oollected lor previous )oars,m7 ,. Itecetv d from Tax Roll of 1889 Received from K. Jacoby, re moving rubblab ., 810,769 U CR. By amount of orders paid during year 07,Mt 07 By amount of coupons paid during year.......... 1.J7J ? By amount of bonds paid during year, vls.t Bond No. 101-tlrO 00 do 117 ISO 00 do in soo 00 do 145 100 00 do ltu- ISO uo 980 00 By amount Slats tax paid for rurrunt year 81 17 By amount Treasurer 0"tn... 155 38 llj ain't on band to balance.. 117 88 10 760 U JAMES B. WILSON, Treasurer Bewer Fund, Western District. DR. To am't on hand April 1, 1889 1 l,0t 88 CR. By am't of orders paid daring year l,ttt 01 By am'tof Treasurer'seom,, 1144 By am't on hand to balance... 798 91 83,088 88 JAMBS S. WILSON. Treasurer Town Hall Innd. Bll. To am't received from bonds negotl- ated, Issue of leal 811,000 80 OB. By am't of orders paid during year 89,089 '4 Hy am't of Treasurer's eou,. 90 83 By ain't on baud to iMlaue 1,848 78 O)M09t 8811 8,440 01 1 00 BLOOMSBURG. NKWTON HOONR.Colloctor lor 1814 lilt, TilbslailCOOllduplIcK'ilnr I8I i.3l 29 Lit. By rah nalil 3. 3, WII10.1. Trent- iiti t tf7 By uxcmoiatloni allowed 87 00 Oil 29 M. 0. WOODWARD, Collector for 181 1)11 To batanco on duplicate of 1888 I,6M 18 CR. By ens'! paid J. S. Wilson, Vn antrm- 81,411 SO By uio'irntioiH allowed li: 04 Bi I'jcnnemt o saiMitiir'iil al lowd 1 4 ? Balaiico due 7 "4 81 834 18 M. 0 WOODWARD. Collector for 18f9. DR. To amount ol it 11 pi In Uo ,9M 03 0 t. By cash poll -T. 8 Wilson Trimmer 1718 70 Bataucu duo I,9M W 9 928 08 RECEIPTS. To am t. So wrt fnnd on hand Apr.l, HOT 8,085 88 To ami. on hand Apr. I. IK 9 as per last annual stito. mnt 8 19 Bso'd from Newton Iloono, Col of Duplicator IKil.. 87S9 Bee'd of O. a. Hurling, Co. Trrns 84 M Beo'd of 1. s. Ilarman, Pros. lo- Show Licenses , 78 80 Reo'd of P. 8. Ilarman, Tree. forSewor Peimlta 100 00 Reo'd of M. C Woodward, Col.ofiM! 1,433 80 Reo'd of M. C Woodward, Col. of 188 1,718 70 Ree'd of w. II. cummlngs, Secy., Doe Tax WOO Statotax collected for 19 9.. 81 17 ' ' ' ' prev ious year , S3 9) Ree'd on Tax Roll of 1889, oollected by Treas 8,410 61 Rto d of K Jaeoby, remov ing rubbish 1 00 Beo'd from Donds negotl ted Issue ol Sept- 18.1889...., 17,000 00 818,811 48 DISBURSEMENTS IIiohwa vs. Amt paid W. J, Bldleman font or Com. of High ways 18 80 Amt. pad 0. It Ilonsel, Com. of lliyhwayg 411 73 Amt. laid tor labor and hauling 1,334 91 Amt. paid lloadarmel and Welllver. smltb Ing 4 20 Amt paid J.W Sheep. woiK of road maohlnn 16 00 Amt. paid C. W. Stiff, smltb- lna 9 80 Amu paid J, Baebman, ma sonry 58 98 Amt. paid J.S.Wilson, stone 133 53 Amt. paid W. II. Shatter " 13 00 Amt. paid Creasy A Wells lumtmr 83 70 Amt. paid J. R. Schuyler A Co. sundries 8 88 Amt. paid Ilarman ft Has sert, sunt rlos ... ., 90 64 Amt. paid C W. Bumyon, sundries 83 64 Amt. paid Moyer Bros. Co- mentand stone 8 48 Amt. paid Ueo B. Martin, smithing 23 99 Amt. paid J. F. A S. F. Pea- cook, sundries 8 44 Amt. paid Wm. M. Lemons cobble stone 8 23 Amt. paid Fred Bchwlnn, 00 00 00 casn paia ior repairs, ... 1 xa 81,231 90 CONSTABLE AND POLICE. Amt paid B. B. Freas, Cblef or Police 92 13 Amt paid Assistant police men 85 60 Amt. paid M. C. Woodward, Town Constable 60 00 Amt paid M. O. Woodward, crying notices 41 78 8888 00 SEWERAGE. Amt. paid C IT. Miller on contract. 1,691 9 Amt paid O. W. Miller con-, traction of new line ewer 843 feet S Sl ... 427 60 Amt paid Samuel Meyttard former Bnpt Sewers.... 86 00 Amt paid J. (X Brown Snpt Bewers 88 71 Amt paid CoL Co. Agrl'ol Society repairing sewer ditch 10 80 Amt p ild Esbleman Wolf construction of exten sion to east Beoond su ewer 173 ft. 74 a Amt paid Kshleman A Wolf construction of exten sion to First Bt sewer lOSKft 7108 Amt paid Bshlemaa Wolf construction of Third and Iron flta. sewer 690 ft. 298 St Amt (aid Jackson tt Wood- In, water pipe for Third and Iron fits, sewer 19 85 Amt. paid J. 8. Wilson, Trs. freight paid on water Amt'd"iuVeu'4'Bittoin ' bender, Whitman alley ewer 90 00 00 700 7 00 00 00 00 00 on 00 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 u;i! a FIRE DEPARTMENT. Amt paid O. S. Fnrman, straps for tt. U. ft UCo'a, . carriage (9 Amt. paid Isaiah Uagenbucta rent Jnne 1 '88 to Apr. 1 90 Q 823 per year 18 81 Amt paid U. 11. Savory, iron ing ladder 8 SO Amt paid 1. W. llartman from Apr. 1 '88 to Apr. 1 89 80 00 Amt. paid Ueo. B. Martin ro- pali s to bose j umper. ... 9 00 Amt. paid Winona Fire Co. appropriation 60 00 Amt palii EnrekA Flro Hose Co., low ft Bnrekabose.. 55 00 8934 29 WATER DEPARTMENT. Amt. paid Bloomsburg Wa ter Co.,uaooH)bTdranta 8'0peryr. lore mo.... 450 CO Ami, lull Bloomsburg Wa. lerCo usa of 4dhydranta (J 8 Per yr. for mo.... 480 00 Ami. paid Bloomsburg Wa ter Co, setting 3 Are hy drants 87 60 Ami. paid Lndlow Valvo Co. 3 tiro hydrant- 8174 Amt. paid J. 8. Wllon, Tres. frelgut paid on tiro by Uluuts 188 11,001 89 OAS DEPARTMENT Amt paid HloomMbivg Gas Co. 43 p sts 01i3 pir month 9 moot ha 708 78 Amt, paid Bloomsbnrg (las Co. 47 post 0 (I 73 per . mouth 3 mouths 248 78 Ami. paid Eebleman ft Wolf sundries aud repairs..,. 81 62 01,1)7 19 TOWN HALL, Amt, raid labor In digging a"".-.;".;v-- v;. t SS Bert, frratea..". 16 00 ' a uoixiiror aWK;,v". a 1".. ' iu ueneinger . on bill of extras 7 Amt paid Yoik tufo ft Lock Co. vault doora Amt mid J. 8. Wilson Tres. freight paid on vault doors Amt paid Sarah A. Petri kon 100 38 1(6 00 1 78 auiu u. luumeyer, Amt paldSarab AVpetrlk'en 1,410 00 Anua v.- uuimeyer, interest on purchase money Town Ualllot.... Amt. paid W. F. Hartmai gas and water flitlngs . mains to buUdlug Amt paid Ei E.Rliterpart of fee as architect.. ,WT. , j. - 30 00 43 28 10 10 89,082 64 MISCELLANEOUa c paid Oeo. B. Elwell 16 mos. rent Oct. L lets Jta Jan.1, IfflO Amt paid J. 8, lllus audit- . Ing account of ltaa Amt paid 8. r. Peaoook and . lUngaoocmntorleea.... , Amt paid A. II. Yost audit. log aeoount ofls. , , . . ... Amt. paid Bamnsl Nejhard former Towb Borveyor.. A"" -ld Eamusl Neybard er Beoretary -. Id Wm. Kxlckbanm, .Ublng annual state- W nt ".., Amt paid Wm. Krlckbaum, 718 coo 8 00 I 00 20 69 10 00 18 00 18 60 u n 1900 8 00 84 29 18 00 1123 10 09 183 00 1 16 1 00 1 09 17 28 80 00 3 71 900 8 vu uus rung orainancea 43, JT Ul M Amtjtald Wm.'Krickbaum Amount paid J.'o.'Virown', publishing annual state ment Amt paid J. C. Brown, pnb. ltshlng ordinances 43, 44. Amt . paid J. O. Brown, print ng , Ami. paid Elwell ft Bitten bender, publishing an nual statement Amt. paid Elwell ft Bitten. beuiler,publlshlugordln. ancos 44, 48, 49 Amt. paid Elwell ft Bitten. bender, printing Amtpald Wm.U, Cumulngs Beoretary Amtpald Wm. M. Cummlngs stationery, fto Amt paid Guy Jacoby, afll. davits Amt paid M. E. Cox, post lag notloes Amt paid C. O. Barkley, orris in suit Wanlch vs. Bloom Amt paid to Moyer Uro., 5 round rent, look up. une 1, '88 to Jnne 1 'cU.. Amt pld 8. W. Bhntt, post . Ing ordinance 43, 44. 41.. Amt paid W. 11. Brookoft Co.,iloreLiUr.......... Amt paldw. II. Brooke I fWMUMWI cUsfiL COLUMBIA COUNrT, PAJ 5 The Cornea to tho front with 11 complete new Spring nnd Summer Stock of the most Select Clotliing for Men, Youths, Boys, nnd Children. The Latest Styles of HATS ! CAPS X SHIRTS ! COLLARS AfJD NECKWEAR, Traanlks, YaHises Mid Uimden$ 'J he enlargement of Business and the large trade inudc accounts for our having well made Clothing and not those that are now made and cut to sell for auction. BThe largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pa. Amt paid X W. Kears ft Co. council desk SO 00 Amt paid J. w. Hears ft Co. . trough at Forks pnmp... 8 80 Amt paid a r. BavltaTre psirs at lock up and pump 7 go Amt paid 8. A. l'etrlkcn ft Co. rent pound Apr. 1, '88 . to ap-. f '89 18 00 Amt pld J. c. Brown, Town Survey r. 88 83 Amt paid C. U. Harkley, sor services as solicitor Apr. 1, S7 to Apr. 1, '89........ 133 00 Amt paid Joslab Balston tax refunded on donble assessment 3 00 Amt paid (Jay Jacoby depo sitions in Welsh Burial Uronnd case 7 00 Amt paid Louisa Baker, cleaning council room... 185 Amt paid Geo. A. Clark, sta- tlonery j Amt paid John W. Glbba 8 months rent dog pound. l 00 Amt paid O. O. Barkley te. tainlngfee for 18&9....... 23 00 f709i OTHER PAYMENTS. Interest paid on the follow- No's M, 83. 425 431, 2, 228, 9J0, 811,852 01 lftM.... Interest paid on overdue bond io ISO Amtpald J. 8. Wilson com mfesson on Stato tax .. Paid on account of orders outstanding, viz; rorlS8t...... 1888 " 1887 .TTT.. " 18-8 " Pfllilhnnri 18 71 90 821 700 89 II 89 09 1,400 4 2 9W (0 Bute tax paid' lor' 'current Paid (urnsoYi8S7.'.'.".,. " " y 18f8.... 81 17 1st m l is . " rn 1889 Commission to Treasurer..- 1,019 02 ass 4i Ualanoe In bands of Treas... 8,883 80 -; 8,049 29 Deduct orders outstanding M Leaves amt. equal to receipt A88KT8. -8A815 49 Balance on Dnplloatc of 1F81 i . . t " Bewer fund . " Town Uall fnnd.. " Current fund Duo from sundry persons for sewer permlU.... 2 04 1,209 S3 798 91 2,848 73 tans 40 00 89,134 87 LIABILITIES. Funded debt 8o,no 00 " 11 11 1 ay? 00 1 OA II " 1889... 870 S3 Coupons of 18fO nnpald 91 00 Amt -etalned from C. W. alll'er, oontraotor, bebig 10 per cent- on sewer constructed 401 is Amt retained from David Uenslnger, contractor, being JO per cent, on Town Hall construction L784 80 Contract with Bloom Steam ft K. L. Co. for steam fix tures In Town UaU 718 00 Deduct assets Net Indebtedness , , 833,411 18 . 89,184 87 .028,117 49 u n rnu. ,. G.A. HEBBIKQ, WM. O. CCMU1NU8. Prealdent Secretary. .,K . Bloomsborg, Apr. B, 1890. , thnndertljrned aadltors of the Town ,fJ?.1?2mHbQm?lln h ""oeothegVcri: iSnStlfe WoliScfu'LL'Vu'tf: B. 8". PK ACOCK. J. ft. BLOB, a. n. i oar, Andltoo. Handsomelv frnmeil life size Crayons, pho tographs nil sizes, in correct styles and per iecc iiniHii, colored photnirranhs. larirc or small, franies a n d moulding. Bloomsburg;. it. Men Wanted on hw TO lelldblA mArt WAWlll Hra .tuirfv.mnlA.m... and L1BEHAL BALAUV paylngthelr traveling ex !V5V?S..!le?rowourown exclusively and UUAKiNTghllttobestiictlrn sr class In oerr partlculsr. true 1 0 name as ordered. Full lnstruc lions fUruUhed. ExDerlenm unni.jniL-trv. imiv at once ttam,Q au. Address K C. ws IHOK k ?.?: !aP" Grove Nurseries, Waterloo, N. Y (hetablUutn oervoyears.) 9 9 4t. SALESMEN WANrSO to Vanvaxl fur ttut nt Vrun, SITUATIONS I'KltUANBNT, SALAHV and KX. I'KNSES KHOM sTA KT. iulck selling specialties. loexperleno necessary, Outat KllBi. Wrlle for terms, stallnir airo. H.E.HOOKER GO, i 1G-8' Rochester, N. Y. A UDITOR'S NflTinK J . miaus of uaimart Spontntny, TI,ni,nrfuMl.r.nrfn,Hitn. . -. - . , . , , , . , ' Mi'iiuiuiuu py tne ur. turds In ihe bands ol Jtmes and Legrand Spo-.en- duties ot Ids aupolutment at tho mice of C. o Kvans, ysq.. In lierwick p , on Saturday June 7tli .,v ,u. ,uun uV!U1f Ulllins Will please present them or be forever debarred from coming in on Ihe fund. u. jataau.i, Auaitor. I'A It SI Vnn lurisii' A F,,n. n, In, - . ... ....... . . ...r,uv". "immuuiaafl new nouse and barn, and supplied with abundant water, will " .vv ... m iww ivu, iur mo i m or ii VB yearn to a gooa tenant who an furnUh bu own stock Valloy on tne Township road from llrandonv Ule to (VUrarr&W PNSIONS ... J?! Boldlers. Widows and Dependent Relatives Write to D. I MUlti'iiy, P. a Box Ml, Washington, a O. lazbteen years' practical ex peiience 1 a Examln 5.t L JLalmn. Hupervlalng Kxamlner and chief Clerk V. h. IVasloa VMM to tliaryier adtdv. I. MAIE Reliable Clothier. BLOOMSBURC, PA. IN ABUNDANCE. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. ImgmM Qavpefts Eeducsd to 40 and 45 cents to CIoso Out Odd Lengths, 12 to 30 YARDS LONG, AT KEITER'S NEXT DOOR TO I. W. I1ARTMAN & SONS. MAIN ST., BLOOMSBUHG, - - - PA IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, MATTING, or OIL, CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT w. m. BEOWEM 2nd Door abovo Court House. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. SPRING! SPRING!! SPRING!!! Hjrt I I ST & g. . W 4 : 3". 2 81 ? P & S?" j sc S TlOWENBERG'S Est" - Blooiiisburg, Finest Line of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES IN THE COUNTY J. C. WElLi JEWELRY H01E X3 fWAIER. ti 3 QJ3 Pi8. 8 AT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers