The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 23, 1890, Image 2

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The Columbian.
if rkvvnI.
H, E. ElwtlL lltl1
J. S. BllUatalff.,
" B LOO MS B U KQ . PA."
Court Proceeding.
J. I). KnltUe, 8. It ltbawn, and Adam
Fedcrolf appointed viewers of a rol In
Franklin near W. O. Fisher's.
0. W. Davis appointed guirdUn of
James, Margaret and Francti Duffy, minor
children of Owen Dully deceased.
Mary Oltllng vs. I). F. Yohe, judgment
entered by consent.
Auditors' reports In estates of Alfred
Bower and Jesse Brunitcller, confirmed
Daniel E. Troy appointed guardian of Ira
B. Troy, minor child of Unas. Troy deceased.
Elizabeth J. Knorr vs. W. E. Knorr,
habeas corpui, order of court filed.
J. a Brown, H. A. Wllllanu and J. M.
llarman appointed rc-vlewers of a road In
Scott near J. M. 8hew'i.
1. A. Dewllt, W. U. Uvea, and Adam Utt
appointed vlewera of a road In Madison
near Oeorge Murphy's.
a J. l'ealcr, B. F. Crispin Jr. and W. A.
Kile appointed rlewera of a road in Jack
ion and Benton near Geo. Heath's.
lllrum Bowtr, 8. D. Neyhard and J. F
Blnk appointed re-vlewers of a road In
Uriarcreek near II. 8. K tea's.
J. B. Enltlle, Benjamin Barndt and
Joaeph Breiah appointed re-viewer's of a
road In Main near Jai. Klefer'a.
Bamutl Neyhard, D. W. Uarlg, and
Darld Long appointed Tleweri of & bridge
oyer Roaring-creek at the aaw mill of A.
M. Yocum In Locust.
Auditor's report In the eatate of Mary
Ann Cberlngton, confirmed nliL
M. A. Markle vs. the borough of Bcr
wick, case tried, verdict for plaintiff for
Mifflin townahlp Poor District vs. Charles
Gearhart, case tried, verdict for plaintiff for
The following deeds were acknowledged
by the aberlil:
To C. G. Murpby for property of Bridget
Clark for 9701.
To A. W. Deltterlck for property of
Mary Brader for $178.
To Hannah W. Btohner for property of
U M. Glrton for 70.SO.
To Bamuel Enecbt for property of Geo.
Bufnaglc for 130.60.
To W. Shaffer for property of John W,
and Ellen Clark.
To C. B. Bobbins for property of J. F.
Caldwell, for $5750.
To W. H. Bhawn, trustee for Mary V.
Rear, for property of II. B. Beay for
In re sheriffs sale of personal property
of H. V. Garret, rule on sheriff to show
cause why he should not pay proceeds of
sale Into court.
G. B. Herring appointed auditor In estate
Harsh Johnson.
G. E. Elwell appointed auditor In estate
of Mary Snyder.
Commonwealth vi. Philip Clemens,
bench warrant Issued.
Estate of Mary Hupert, Eva Rupert ap
pointed trustee to sell real estate.
Estate Isaac Wagner, C. L. Wagner,
aamlclatrator, appointed to sell real estate,
js. u. unio appointed, auditor la estate
Daniel Smith deceased.
U. A. Moyer appointed guardian of
Annie L. Howell, minor child of Theodore
O. W. Budman vs. Annie M. Budman,
subpoena In UWcrce awarded.
J. Jf. Uhapin vs. Z. A. Butt and A. Mo-
Henry, exceptions to ball, citation
At the session of the court on Saturday
morning, col. J. G. Freeze announced the
death of Herrey E. Smith, a member of
the. bar of Columbia county. W. II
Khawn mored that a minute of the an
nouncement be entered upon the records of
court, which Judge Ikeler directed to bo the
(JOne. J. II. TlnhUnn mnri a f . m..L.
h aw.. .bu.a,a.a,
and on bis motion It was ordered that the
bar attend In a body. The following pall
oearers were appointed by the court! Geo,
is. JSlwell, J. H. Maize, A. N. Yost, R. B.
IdttJe, N. U. Funk, and J. B. Robison.
The court then adjourned.
There will bo an adjourned court
June Oat 9 o'clock.
This actlre little town seems to he
noticed by tho newsgatherers throughout
me county. We presume thev think
have gone to sleep, but It Is not .the case
Here we are having a dally mall, bringing
great quantities or reading matter to our
homes and yet there Is never anything said
aooui us or wnat we aro doing. Our mer
chants with their clerks seem to be buiv
all the time, while tho forge of the black-
imlta is beard rlneinK earlv and late.
might tell you about the many fine real
uences wo nave and the Interest taken
education together with the nianv
meuU that wo are bringlni? about, hut npp
haps you would become Jealous and would
no, nouce us at all then: so we will
content for the tlmo belne If vou will onl
rescue us from the oblivion that has been
shown toward us.
Bomcthlng near two hundred dollars
already been subscribed for the nurnnin
putting a new fence around tho cemetery,
u,iue cemvicry is not very large It I
been agreed upon to construct the fenco
iron, wincn will not only give It a neat
pearaoce, but will be lasting as well.
Jacob Hlrleman has tho ground broken
lor n new nouso near here. He nas been
In the lumber business for anm tim a,i
on bis return to Jacksoa this spring finds
oiu nouse is not good enough any
lorn planting Is almost a thing of the
past, but has bad a long life on account of
me coniinous rain.
Wo are glad to hear that Mrs. Rebecca
itoberts, who has been sick for some time,
is rapidly recovering.
Frederick Hess, whoso wife died recent-
iy, is going to soil all his personal prop
crty this week and break up housekeeping.
As he Is one of the oldest residents in this
community It will no doubt bo painful for
him to leave his old home.
Tho fishermen seem to enjoy themselves
this spring among the mountains. It Is re
juried that tho 'speckled beauties' are
mora plenty this season than common. As
to their being any easier caught I have not
heard but expect to learn that for myself be.
fore many weeks. Bomo of tho fisherman
have gone to the bark woods; hope they
will not como back until August. X. Y. Z.
They Are Liable.
Tho doctors aro all liable to be mis
taken. They wore la my cao. It
oost mo $200,00, beoatiso they said I
bad tho Heart disease, and then told
me I niuit die. Grandmother said it
wu livor oomplaint, and $2,00 worth
of Suphur Hittoru cured me. Jennie
J'oor, Jtocfcport, Matt.
That Tired Feeling
Too einsot always tell what Day be Its
Close. PoulMj It roay be dot to chant of
season, climate, or llfei poultry to overwork
or orerstodr, to mental toStrtnt, or nervous
ailments. Bst there Is no mistaking Its
c Sects. Ton know yon feel "almost tlx 4 to
death," without itrrorth to do anrthlfifi
amMUon seems to be an gone, and In Its place
laduTertoce to how the world wars aa In-
deserlbible lanruor and weakness. Ton have
no appetite, do not care about food, and only
tat teeatue It Is the boar for eiUur, or from
lorce of habit.
This must b stopped. Your condition most
be ehxsged at once, or uxe a ship drifting with
the inward tide, yon will soonTbe dashed upon
the rocks of Incurable disease and death.
Bouse the torpid kidneys and llrer, tone the
dlgestlre organs, create anew appetite, purl!
and vitalize the Impure and sluggish blood.
Makes the
Weak Strong
cure the beadacbeand overcome all the pros
trating effects of That Tired Peeling, by taking
Hood's Barsaparina, It Is Just what you need,
and to delay taking It Is unwise.
"Since taking Hood's fUruparfJIa that
extreme tired feeling has gone, my appetite
returned, and It has toned me up generally."
Clara W. rnELrs, Shlrlejr, Mass.
"My wife suffered from slek headache and
neuralgia. After taking Hood's Barsaparina
she was much relieved." W. B. Babb,
Wilmington, O.
Take Hood's Sarsapariila
BU Vy an dnnliU. (1 1 six rot S3. Prvpand only I Sold by all dragsliU. f 1 1 sU Jot Si Prepared only I Sold by all drugjUU. fl six for 15. Prepared only
by C L HOOD CO, ApothKulot, LowU, tf ws. I by C. I. HOOD A CO, A pothoearlM, Lowell, MsM. by C. L HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, lovell. Mass.
100 Do9B One Dollar 1 IOO Dosea One Dollar I IOO Dosos One Dollar
ThAnimefl of ths Democratic commit teemen tf
the Dlatricta or the county of Columbia are aa fol"
Hutu T. J. Bhuman.
Uixtoii A. P. Chaptn.
Bsawm K. A. D. Seely.
kiiwicx W. P. P. Preaa.
Buwu K. Cat. B. cm.
Buna W. Win. Chrlsman.
IlEUECRin-II-fJ P. Kaahlnk.
Catawiku St. B. Hamlin.
CMTHUi-C. o. Murphy.
Cnrraa 1. P. "dak.
coxvihjbix N. Thos. Bonis.
coxrxoHAX B. Daniel oerrlty.
reniocisii a. r. sagar. B. D. Lobrman.
oassirwooD Adam Utt.
Uaxioci Jacob llama.
Jacison Mcees Harare.
Loccst Wm. B. Snyder.
Madisox Wm C. Johnston.
miikw. w. seicnner.
Mirrux Samuel Snyder.
Monro ce o. A, Btonge.
Mr. PLXASAirr Amos tVanlch.
Oaixas-Jno. Iloffmin.
Pixi Darts Oardner.
The munirlnz li n Hit or candidates for Countr
offlcrsto be voted for at the delegate election
held Saturday August 9, lew, between the hours of
3 and 7 o'clock p. m. nominating convent Ion
rueeaay August win.
of Catawissa.
Fob Kepbesektative,
of Greenwood.
Fob AfisocfATE Jddoe,
of Benton.
Fob Repbesentative,
of Catawissa.
Fob County Cohvissioneb
of Scott Township.
For Hkoibteb amd Rfcobdeb,
of Bloomsburg.
Fob PnoTiioNcrTARY fc Clkbk op tihc
of Bloomsburg, Pa.
Fob CouHrir Tbeabuber.
of RoaringcroeU Township.
Fob Associate Judge,
of Centre.
Fob County Comuiisioneb.
of Fiabingoreek.
Fob Count- Commissi ones.
of Hemlock Township.
Fob Reoisteb Sc Recobdeb
0. B. ENT.
of Scott Township.
Fob Pbotiionotary fc Clkbk op the
of Bloomsburg, Pa.
Fob County Tbeasubkb,
of Conyngham.
For County Commissioner
of Bloomsburg.
JAst of Dealers in Columbia County
I hereby certify the following list of Dealers
taken, returned and clammed by me in accordance
with the several acts of Assembly la and for tho
year 1W0 is correct to the beii of my knowledge.
Jfami ana Butlnru. Clatt
a A Shaman store 14
Mrs. J l'Sinlth hotel , 9
TJtthuman store. ........ 14
DLMngley store 14
Geo P Drelabach stor) 14
J It Meagley store 14
Levi Michael store u
Norman cole distillery a
J II Mcllenry hotel s
j j McUonry utoro -. 11
Keller Bros stove and tin store... , 14
7 00
71 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
100 00
75 00
10 U0
7 00
ira Mdieniy store 14
Albert Mcllenry store is
T (3 Mcllenry drug store 14
Holland Mctlenry store,, , 14
It Brenner Co store 14
Chau"cey B Ikeler hotel s
o 1, o B Mollenry store. H is
Albert itantz restaurant 9
Uulme Uouscknecht store 14
Kohr Mcllenry Bou distillery t
OMHmltb store 14
Ju M KUne orgns;and machines,, 14
Cox Lutx store , 14
Joseph Klechner hotel,,., 6
Klwood Knuuao cosi 14
Ash Bros distillery,,., s
Geo w Miller hotel s
D P Powler store 14
Jackson Woodln Mt'gco store..., s
A p Young stoves and tinware It
II It Bowers store. is
O N Klsner drugs 14
Isaiah Bowers store 14
Kreaa Bros lumber.,.,, 14
B r bponenberg hotel t
11 Burirer rcstau rant - a
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
75 00
10 Oil
75 00
7 00
100 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
75 00
7 00
IOO 00
75 O)
7 00
M 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
150 00
150 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 CJ0
10 00
7 00
7 00
I 00
7 OJ
7 00
10 00
7 00
100 0-1
7 00
150 00
150 00
7 00
T 00
7 00
150 00
ltd 00
10 00
11 50
SO 00
7 00
Jo in it Gould drugs 14
J MUhelser clothing store 14
MLevy Agt clothing store ..... 14
T J Styles co drugs. ...m 14
II 0 Laubacb store it
o W Brubaker Ktore..,, 14
u u awai se a co store.. is
J 1' Proas store 14
B r Dreisbach machines and organs 14
si (i smith store 14
K P Kreaa Agt store. 14
V L DUlelhurst furniture 14
Smith Broaatore..., .. 11
Geo Tlloppes store ,,..,,, 14
Auirusi'iniei Dottier 4
MA Market furniture it
Jas II Patrman restaurant, , s
J U MoMlchael hotel ,,,, 9
J P Krerlr store.
I P Chamberlain store,.,,
if It Kocher coal
PMGllmore restaurant
Bernard Stohner restaurant. ,
I Ualer clothing store. ..
11 J clack Bon store
Jacob Keller store ., .,
M M Philips confectionery
w r uarimaa iwtw uut uawarv..
Every Ingredient employed In producing
Hood's Bantaparllla Is strictly purr, and Is the
best of Its kind It Is potslble to bur. All the
roots and hertx are carefully selected, per
sonally examined, and only the best retained.
All are ground In our own drug-mill, so that
from the time of purchase until the medicine
Is prepared, everything Is carefully watched
with a view to attaining the best result.
"Erery spring I take from three to fire
bottles of Hood's Barsaparllla, because I
know It purines the blood and thoroughly
cleanses the sjitem of all Impurities. That
tired feeling will never visit the system that
baa been properly earrd for by Hood's Sana
parllla." W II. Lawbekce, Editor Agricul
tural Epltomlst, Indianapolis, Ind.
"It Is a pleasure to sell such goods as
Hood's fumparllla has proved to be." C.
Bnowx, Milton, Penn.
Makes the
Weak Strong
"My daughter had an abscess on her neck
for fire or six years, being all the time under
care of physicians, without any perceptible
relief. Hood's Sarsapariila was then recom
mended to me for her, and It has entirely
cured her." B. Tnoxrsoir, Hardwood, 1
Pittsburgh, Penn.
"I highly recommend Hood's Sarsapariila
as the best remedy for sick headache. I hare
been KlUnj this medicine S years and not one
bottle proved unsatisfactory." P. J. Peick,
Prick's, Bucks Co, Penn.
PO Miller store H
7 00
7 m
7 to
7 00
it so
7 00
7 00
60 00
30 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 M)
7 00
103 00
7 (O
7 00
I 01
7 00
7 O)
aoaj u
Creaayc wells lumber l
C W Neal Bros coaL 14
II v wnlte oo grain store is
U O Jbhleman t wolf stoves and
tinware . . 14
Joseph Garrison feed store 14
uenuer reococK opera uoute.... i
Dand K Glrton pool table 8
Partners Produce Exchange store-. 8
" ' coal... 14
O W Keller st -re 14
C A Klelm drugs... 14
08 Purman store. 14
J II Btecxer grocery 14
W i corell Co furniture is
w Brer store.... 14
wmiubostore i
Peter aron bottler 4
Baker McBrlde furniture ... 14
L K wharr stores and tinware 14
(singer sewing Machine o store 14
3 Kaltzer organ and machine store. 14
u w urown store is
Oeorge Bertsch clothing 14
O K Harare Jewelry 14
PDDentIerboouandahoes....- 11
J o Wells jewelry 14
w II Brooke i!o More 13
7 CO
7 00
10 00
7 OJ
10 00
150 00
7 O)
ISO 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
ISO 00
10 00
1M 00
15 00
0 00
7 00
w k tuodb notei. . a
nannan n iiaasert coal 14
Wm oigger hotel S
Bloomsburg car Co coal 14
N W Barton store. . 14
B K Halston store 14
seoAurand hotel .. S
V Lowenbenr clothing is
J LGlrton hotel.... 8
J It Schuyler co hardware more.. 11
Chss w Banyan hardwarostore.... 1!
O N mison grocery It
Mtlckel s. Co confectionery It
CL'Marr store 14
Evans K Eyer clothing store 14
J A lien shoe store 14
J II Mercer drugs 14
D A Creasy store 14
Andrew Holleder shoe findings It
7 00
7 OO
7 On
7 55
7 0
7 O)
7 OJ
r vl variant paper suire is
Allen Annstronjr erocerr. - 14
J D rilsoa leatrendealer 14
7 OJ
7 01
illUChart store is
Uloomaiurv Car Co store IS
10 ro
WO 10
100 00
7 00
7 00
C B Bobbins liquor srore 2
wu Taylor bottler. 4
J iTMasteller store 14
Mrs wm wtoo tooacco "tore is
Lewis llemhard lewelry 14
OA McKelvy drugs 14
B r Sloan store 13
Lewis Oroas clothing store 14
Moyer Bros drugs 7
W 11 Brower store 14
Alexander Bros Co store 11
Mrs M K Ent store 14
7 00
10 00
7 00
It on
I 00
40 00
30 00
7 0
7 CO
150 00
10 00
160 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 OJ
10 00
I IT McKelvy store 7
1 V iiartman Sons store 8
E r Peacock Co hardware.. 14
J K rensvl store 14
John 8 Mann hotel 8
LTHBarpleta store is
w u Gllmore restaurant s
John Harnett store It
Geo P lungler drugs 14
Cummlngs tc Verdj confectionery 14
w It Kocher Co Btore 14
Bloomsburg Iron Co store IS
D W Kitchen grain doner 13
L A Kelly Co store S
L pettermaq store 14
o o Murphy store u
I) P curry hotel 3
u II Getchy store 14
John Davis store 14
o B Millard store ... 13
John McDonnell restaurant 3
Andrew Koony " 8
SamMulssky 3
John Nertner liquor store 2
Irvln Bros, store. 13
Albert Boll store 14
Johanna O'Conner liquor store. 3
John w Ooldsworthy leataurant... 3
" pool table-. 8
A Pelffer hotel 8
Thomas Collins liquor store. .. 1
Arthur McLaughlin restaurant.. 3
II C Ulchael lurnlture It
U o Black grocery 14
II Lent clothing store 14
Edward Mcfadlen restaurant 3
Andrew Lenlhan store 14
Chas Petterman hotel 3
Geo IT Davis store. 14
Thorn ta Bonn restaurant s
100 00
7 00
10 OJ
ISO 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
150 00
150 00
150 00
too 00
10 00
7 00
800 00
ISO 00
30 00
150 00
200 00
150 00
7 0X1
7 Ol
7 00
7 00
ISO 00
7 00
150 00
ISO 00
ISO 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
ISO 00
150 00
ISO 00
Joseph Bakey resvaurant 3
rfaintuM lunuj restaurant
Chas .Nahrgang conlecuoncry...
L B Davis drug store
Thomas Cleary store
Frances Michael store
II J KeUr notch
Thomas Collins restaurant
John Nortney restaurant
O O mints 'drug store
O IT Itnf jnjder hotel. ....
7 00
75 00
75 00
75 00
7 (0
75 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 O)
10 00
7 0-1
7 00
7 (0
7 70
Sam Pegly restaurant 5
Mrs Hester Klstler hotel 0
H B Ithawn -on store 14
8 B Ithawn restaurant ...... 5
MAlilbuycoal 14
G W Planer Agt drug store 14
8 D lUnard store .. 14
Hchmlck Son hardware store..,. 14
T K Harder furniture store 13
JU Blbby store 14
Juefph A Guttennaa store ...... 14
blmon Itaup coal 14
B M Tewksbury fertilizer 14
sharpless Bros store 10
T D Iternlngcr furniture "tore. 14
George lanhart shoe store 14
J It (Sterner store. is
O if Harder lumber. 14
OKClewell store .. 14
M A Swank store . 14
O P Harder lumber 14
8 Mendenhall stoves and tinware., 14
David Gllfen coal 14
II P spangler clothing store 14
Edward H'ard shoe store II
I II seesbolu store - 14
O H wu store . , It
Lloyd lierger store It
Lloyd Yeager hotel s
20 00
7 00
7 Oil
10 00
7 Ol
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 0)
7 00
7 00
75 00
Z T Powlertg rain dealer IS
J L Wolver too store.. It
Geo Mpon.ler store 14
T&otnaa lirobit Son store - 14
Low Bns Co store II
John L Kline hotel 5
M rs Christina Hlllman hotel 5
It W Lyons store 14
G H Leffler store II
G 11 Lerder hotel 5
U U Maser store 14
L O Bucher store 14
A J W Artley store - It
JMAmmerman store.. II
A Lewis store 14
Jonea Waller store it
Nathaniel Bclshllne Agt store It
G 'M Howell store 11
J P Mcllenry store , 14
M Mcllenry Bro store 14
W 11 Hosier store. 14
Edgar Smith distillery 4
AJDerrstore , , II
Jacob Itinu store 14
PI) Black store.... 14
8 K Porker store 14
J K WelUver store 14
A II Polluter hotel .... 5
VP Eves Ueurle furniture store,, 14
mils Eves lire store- 12
M asters Co store. is
O w lives store it
W M Eves Hons store ,., II
JII Pllnny Kvea Implements,,,. It
It Brenner Co store- ,. 13
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 CO
75 00
75 00
7 HO
7 00
75 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 OJ
100 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
75 00
7 00
12 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7f 00
7 00
O II Deltterlck hotel ,,,, 5
II N J K White store II
J 11 Henry store 11
11 II Hlrleman store li
7 00
Wm Adams store. -
Wilson Yeager store ,.,
J W Snyder store
Nathan Knorr hotel ,
L H Daniel store ,,
W II Bllllg store...
8 II Whltner store..,,,.
II M Yocura store
Livingston Yeager hotel.... ,
Kreamer son store
WmGlnglea store ,
A K Smith hotel -
Charles Helena rt store.,.. ,,,,
Boyd It Yettrr hotel
W M Longeoberger store...., .,
AW anuftua pvte),.,, ,,..,
7 00
7 On
7 00
73 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
75 00
7 00
7 00
15 00
7 00
71 00
7 00
79 00
Weak Women.
The more sensltlre nature of the fttr.i.e sex
renders women much more susceptible than
men to those numerous IDa which spring from
lack of harmony In the system. Kervoosness,
sick headache and other iHmenta peculiar to
women cause great suffering. Hood's Sana
parllla Is admirably adapted for ruch eases.
It glres great nerve, mental, bodily and dlges
tlre strength, cures headache, Indigestion,
and creates an appetite.
" for nine years I was In a state of constant
suffering, scarcely able at any time to walk
about the bouse, and part of the time unable
to be out of bed. By advice of local physi
cians 1 went to Philadelphia for treatment,
which gave me relief for a time, but 1 was
soon worse again and gave up hope of ever
getting well. The physicians said I bad a
Abrold tumor, I began taking Hood's Sarsa
pariila and Its good effect was soon apparent.
I began to Improve In health, and continued
taking the medicine till now I feel perfectly
well, and can walk six or seven miles a day
Makes the
Weak Strong
without feeling tired. I think Hood's Sarsa
pariila Is ust the medicine for women and
anyone who has bad blood." Jimi E.
Burnt, East Broad Top, Penn.
" 1 must say Hood's Sarsapariila Is the best
medicine I erer used. Last spring I had so
apiietlte, and the least work I did fatigued me
erer so much. I began to take Hood's Barsa
parllb, and soon I felt aa If I could do as
much In a day as I had formerly done In a,
week. My appetite Is voracious." Ms. It,
V. Bavaed, Atlantic City, N. J.
U I Campbell store 11
Allison Dcrr store - II
7 00
7 0)
A W Bnyd-r ttora ,,,, 11
Hchweppenhener Snyder store. - 11
John Knles hotel 5
Aaron '.V Hess coal n
7 00
7 01
75 00
7 00
' 7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
u a iieai con 14
J W Creajy store. . 11
A O Millard stores and tinware . It
A 4 Berninger furniture II
Albert Bldleman store .... II
inTorlmes 'store II
7 00
7 00
7 U0
7 00
75 00
(1 U Hosier store
paxton Human store.....
J W Ylnger store
B Uoangst hotel
TB Sands store
7 00
7 00
75 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
1 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 CO
75 00
100 00
7 00
a p Btlner store "... ,
O W Turner hotel
A B Stewart store
A M Dewltt store .
snyder Whltmire store
necxenstinec Bro store
O W Low fertilizers. ...
J B Delong stoves and tinware
II W Low lumber. .
G N smith stoves and tinware
White Conner Implements
T lleider furniture
PO Preaa hotel........
J K Powler Co distillery
ti vv iooa store ,
O W Cherrtngton store 13
10 00
7 00
Wm Cherrlngton store.
Sliver Spring Quarry Co 1 store..
J D K"orkheiser store
Mrs M M H'orman store
MA Blosaercoal
M A Ulo-wr store ,
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
75 00
7 Ol
7 00
7 00
75 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
N iticnard store..
r E Dletterlck store 14
OO J L Crawford hoteL ...
w ircrawiora store
Silas Young store
A I' Howell store
N L White hotel
A B Hmte store.
S B Bat stim an d tinware
indrew Laubach store.. ....
A M Harvey store
E P Albertaou hotel
K HesM store .. ..
7 00
7 00
75 ,
7 00
7 00
75 00
10 00
75 00
100 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
75 00
7 00
7 00
40 00
75 00
Jihu Bush store... 11
John Bush restaurant ... s
suitzco store 13
J w Perry hotel .. a
Auoiesron aistuiery.... 4
York's Herring store. 11
Tony Bush store, . 11
11 1) Cole store 14
Benjamin Lewis hotel 5
K -l force store. 14
Uitlcuart store 14
J C Smith pool table .
Chester Stlltz hotel 5
C It ftlchsrt pool table 8
30 00
Appeals will be heard at the Commlistoners of
fice in Bloomsburg on the 7th dv of June A. D.
mo. between the hours of s a. m. and 4 p. m ,
where you can attend if you think proper.
MerchantUe Appraiser. May 9, 1800.
Valuation!. Rett Tax. Am't Tax.
Built pp.. ..81,1 S0J9 00 f( 6 rollla 7,!3 DO
Suburban... 67,700 00 4 mllis 270 W
f arm, ....... It3,ss7 01 ii a mills 55167
Persona .... n,I88 00 i 8 mills 1(13 IS
Occupation, iso.uo Oj U s mills 1,113 81
l,e75,514 00 03,31 01
The above valuations do not Include the
following, via 1
Mlk Mill Co 1 g.oro 00 exonerated
School iurnlsulngCo... lo,wo 00 exonerated
119,500 00
Two per cent, ol the above valuation
la tajuoo M
The funded Indebtedness now Is..,.. 650,110 TO
And la due as follows, viz t
Bonds due 1890 61,480 00
do 1891 1,470 OS
do 1892 1,433 00
do lift) 1,000 00
do 1191 1,003 00
do I 'So .. .. 1,720 00
do 189t 1,785 00
do 117 1.S70 00
do 1HVS . 2,015 00
do 1KI0 1,9(0 10
do 19 0 1,703 00
do 19H1 1.3 00
do 19H2 1 410 00
do 1MU 1,453 00
do 1904 1,620 00
do 1905 1,000 00
do 1906 1,943 00
do 1907 M65 00
do 1908 , 610 00
J, 8. WILSON, Town Treasurer for 1889, 1a
account with the Town of Bloomsburg, Pa.
To amount on band April 1,
ISttJ, as por lust annual
statement 6 6 19
Beselved from N. Boon. Col.
lector, on duplicate 1S84..., 67 20
Beeelved from G A. Herring,
County Treasurer 681 00
Kecelred from I', s, llarman,
President, lor show license,
78.50 1 for sawer permits,
ilOOJjO ,. .7. 178 M
Be. elved from M. O. Wood.
ward, Collector, on dupll.
cats of 184 Lit) to
Becelved from 51 C. Wood.
ward, Collector, on dupll-
catoon&o 1,718 79
Received of W, B. Cummlngs,
Secretary, for dog tax 131 00
Becelved from State Tax ool.
Incted tor 18s9, tfl.i7l state
Tax oollucted lor previous
ears,SK97 8811
Becelvid from Tax Boll of
18X9 MM 01
Beoelved from K.
u.ovlDg rubbish 1 00
lir.TM II
By amount of orders paid
during year 7,91 07
Uy amount of coupons paid
during year 1,37 87
By amount of bonds paid
during year, vls.i
Bond No. 101-tlM 00
do 117- ISO 00
do 182 BOO 00
do 115 ISO 00
do 161 lso to 960 00
By amount State tax paid for
current Year 61 IT
By amount Treasurer otu... 155 38
By am't on hand to balance.. 2J7 64
110,750 11
JAMES 8. WILSON, Treasurer Sewer rand,
Western District.
To am't on hand April 1, 1339 1 s,0M U
By am't of orders paid during
year TT. 62,241 01
fly am't of Treasurer's torn . , 8111
By am't on baud to balance, , 198 91
63,063 64
JAMES 8. WILSON, Treasurer Town Mali
To am't received from bonds negoti
ated, luueof lew 111,000 N
By am't of orders paid during
year 69,001 H
My am't of Treasurer's com, , so 03
U$ au't oa baud to babuw , , JMJ
NEWTON BOONE, Collector for 18M. I
To balaneo on duplicate of I8S4 M 29
CP- t
By eh raid J. 8. VHon, Treaa.
nrei tjj f
By eaooeratlons allowed 27 00
M a
M. C WOODWAIlD, Collector for IS88.
To balance on duplicate of 1!?3...... ..!, 16
By eaab paid J. 8. Wilson.
VrfMure' 1M1 30
By exonerations allowed 21CM
By exonerat'oas ddittosal at
lowed 171
Balance due 7
II. SM 16
U. O. WOODWARD, Collector for 1889.
To amount ol duplicate 62,625 c!
By cash paid J S Wilson
Treasurer 1 716 70
Balance due.... l,arj 33
1.92 09
To arat. Sewer Pond on hand
Apr. I, I Mi IfiB 64
To aint. on hand Apr. 1.18-6
as per In t annual tt-ite-
mnt 6 16
Seo'd from Sewto.i Boone,
Col orDopllcaterfiesi.. 67 29
Bee'd of Q. a. Ilerilna. Co.
Treas 884 09
Bec'd or P. 8, llarman. Pres.
for Show License 78 80
Beo'd of P. 8. llarman. Pres.
for Sewer Permits 100 00
Bec'd of M. C. Woodward,
Col. of I m 1,4.0 50
Beo'd Of M. C. Woodward,
CoLoMSSt 1,718 70
Bee'd of W. B. Cummlngs,
Secy., Dos Tax... 133 00
Bute tax collected for 18 9.. 41 17
' ' prev
ious year 26 97
Bee'd on Tax Boll of lt,
collected by Treas. 6,440 61
Bee d of E Jaoolry, remov-
tngrubblsh 109
Beo'd from Bonds netfotl ted
Issue Ol Sept- 12.1389 12.090 00
6231 a
Amt paid W. J. Bldleman Com. of lllgh-
waya. 16 80
Amt- paid C B llousel,
Corn. of Highways 41173
Amt. raid tor labor and
baullr.2 1,S56 22
Amt. paid Uoadarrael and
Welllver. smithing 4 20
Amt. paid J. W Sheep. wotk
of road machine 16 00
Amt. paid C. W. SUIT smith.
ina 2 30
Amt. paid J. Bachman, ma-
SOOI7 55 28
Ant, paid J, 8. W llvjn, stone 151 50
Amt. paid W. II. ShaQer " 18 00
Amt. paid Creasy tc Wells
lumber 43 70
Amu patd J. It. Schuyler 4
Co. 8 08
Amt. paid llarman A lit.
sert, sundries. 20 64
Amt. paid C W. Una yon,
sundries 33 M
Amu paid Moyer Bros. Ce
ment and stone 8 43
Amt. paid Geo B. Martin,
smithing 25 90
Amu paid J. P. 4 S. P. Fea-
cock. sundries 8 41
Amu paid Wm. M. Lemons
cobble stone 3 S3
AmU paid Pred Schwlnn,
cash paid for repairs.... 123
62432 98
AmU paid B. B. Press, Chief
of Police 92 23
AmU paid Assistant police
men 63 80
AmU paid M. C. Woodward,
Town Constable 50 00
Amu paid M. C. Woodward,
serving notices 41 73
Amt. paid a T. Miller on
contract. 1,691 26
AmU paid O. W. MlUer con
struction of new line
sewer 542 feot Q SI. 55.... 427 50
AmU paid SamnelNeyhard
former 6upU Sewers. ... 69 09
AmU paid J. C. Brawn Bupu
Sewers 38 76
AmU paid CoL Co. Agrl'd
Society repairing sawer
ditch 10 00
AmU pi Id Eshleman A Wolf
construction, of exten
sion to east Second 8U
sewer 172 ft. 74 15
Amu paid Eshleman ft Wolf
construction of exten
sion to rust BU sewer
lUKft 7106
AmU paid Bsbleman ft Wolf
construction of Third
and Iron Bta. sewer 690 ft. 290 23
Amu paid Jackson ft Wood
In, water pipe for Third
and iron Bta. sewer 19 65
AmU paid J. S. Wilson, Trs.
freight paid oa water
pipe - 1 ojj
Amu raid Blwell ft Bitten
bendor, Whitman alley
ewer... 54 64
279 J
AmU paid C. S. Purman,
straps for ft. U. ft L.Uo's,
carriage DB
Amt. jnia Isaiah llagenbucn
rent June I '88 to Apr. 1
Do Q 625 per year 19 SS
AmU palil G. 11. Savery, iron
lng ladder 8 SO
Amu paid 1. W. iiartman
from Apr. 1 '88 to Apr. 1
'9... ............ 80 00
Amt, paid Geo. B. Martln're
pairs to hose Jumper.... 9 00
Ami. paid Winona Plre Co.
appropriation 60 00
Amu paid Eureka Plre Hose
Co., 1090 ft Kurekahue.. 855 00
AmU paid Bloomsburg Wa
ter Co.,n4eo!4ibyarant4
(JOOperyr. lore mo.... 150 09
Amu paid nioomsbarg Wa
ter Co. use of 4 jbydranta
Q 4-"0 peryr. for inu.... 480 00
Ami. paid liloom'iburjr Wa
ter Co, setting 3 fire hy
drants 37 50
Ami. paid Ludlow ValvoCo.
3 Are hydrant- 62 71
Amt. paid J. 8. WlUon, Tres.
frelgnt paid on Bro by
Omuls 163
tl.OSl 89
AmU paid Hloomtbuig Gas
Co. 43 p sis ff 1.75 per
month 9 months 708 79
Amt. paltl Bloomnbunz Gas
Co. 47 ixiut. Q II 73 por
month 3 months 216 79
utt. paid Eshleman ft Wolf
sundries and repairs,... 81 61
61,037 11
Amt, raid labor In dlgalne
cellar ..?.... ill 2S
Amu paid llarman ft Has.
sert, grntrs jo 00
Amu paid David Ilenslngcr
on eon 1 met 7. 13 J 22
Amu paid David Henrlngcr
on bill of extras 100 36
Amu paid Y01 k safe 4 Lock
Co. vault doors 105 00
Amt. paid J. S. W laon Tres.
freight paid on vault
doors 1 7j
Amt. fiald Sarah A. I'etrlken
and Anna n. Billmeyer,
. Town Hall lot 1.410 00
Amu paid Sarah A. I'etrlken
and Anna I). Billmeyer,
Interest on purchase
money Town Hull lot,... 30 00
Amt. paid W. P. Iiartman
gas and water fittings
mains to bulldlug 4329
Amu raid E E. 1111 ter part
of fee as architect 10 ro
69,062 64
t paid Geo. E. Xlwell
19 mos. rent OcU L 1888
Jto Jan.l, lttO 7106
AmU paid J. 8. Blue audit.
lng account or JS38 00
Amu paid 8. r. Peacock and.
lung account of 1888 9 00
AmU paid A. H. Yost audit.
lng aooount of 1888 E 00
Amt, paid Samuel Neyhard
former Town Surveyor. . 20 90
A" "aid Samuel Neyhard
er Seoretary 19 00
a: Id Wm. Krlckbaum,
.Uhtug annual atatc-
W nt 11 go
Amt paid Wm. Krlckbaum,
publishing ordlnanoosW,
47, 60, 61 U 90
Amt. paid Wm. Krlckbaum,
printing U 7S
Amount paid J. O. Brown,
publishing annual state
ment 19 00
Amt. paid J. u. Brown, pub.
llshlng ordinances IS, IS, 8 00
AmU paid J, C, Brown,
print ng U 29
Amu paid Elwell ft ultten.
bender, publishing an.
nual statement 19 00
Amt. paid Elwell ft Bitten.
ancos 41, 48, 40 t 29
AmU paid Elwoll ft Bitten.
bender, printing 10 60
Amtpald W in. 11. Cummlngs
Seoretary 169 00
A int. paid Win. H. Cummlngs
stationery, fto 1 10
AmU paid Guy Jaooby, am.
. davits .... j 00
Amu paid M, K. Cox, pool
ing notlcui , 3 06
AsnU paid C. G. liar k ley,
ooela In suit Wanlch vs.
Bloom.,..,..... 17 W
Amu paid to Moyer Bros.,
5 round rent, look up,
unel, '88 to June 1 ;.. 20 00
AmU pld 8. W. Bhntt, post
ing ordinances 43, 41, 41.. 8 71
Amu paid W. n. Brooke A
Co., dog register g 00
AuU paid W7 II. Brooke
Co , stationery 1 84
AmU paid L. UroM, vagrant
a. " HtoMisiW
I. M A I E R,
Comes to the front with a complete new Spring and Summer Stock
Traiks, Valises &M BMerweM1
The enlargement of Business
Clothing and not those that are
BtTlie largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish
ing Goods in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pa.
Amt paid J. W. Hears ft Oo.
council desk a) M
Amu paid J. w.MearsACo.
trough at Forks pump... 6 06
AmU paid B. r. 8a Vila, re
pairs at lock np and
pump 7 jo
Ami. paid 8. A. Petrlken A
Co. tent pound Apr. ,'&
to Arr. I '8j tg 00
Amu pad J. C. Brown,
Town Survey n. 96 83
Amu paid C U. uarkley, ser
Bcrrlces as solicitor Apr.
I, '87 to Ar. 1, "89 ISO 00
Amu paid Joslab Balaton
tax refnnded on double
aseeasmpnt 3 03
AmU paid Guy Jacoby depo
sitions In Welsh Burial
Ground case 7 00
Amu paid lxlsa Baker,
cleaning council room... lea
Amu paid Geo. A. Clark, SU,
tionery 5 as
Amu paid John W. Globs 8
months rent Aoa pound. it OQ
Amu paw C. O. Bariley ie-
taming fee for 1&9 ts 00
Interest paid on the follow.
InKorerdue orders:
Jll.SiJ oflffcB.. ..... .?. 16 71
Interest paid on overdue
bond No 130 90
Amu paid J. 8. Wilson com-
mbsson on Stale tax a
Paid on account of orders
outstanding, viz:
For l(l 7 M
"18S7 I H&
" 1W " 1 Am ij
Psldbonds- 'Soto
State tax paid lor current
year , , , 61 lj
raid Con pons of UJS7 117 70
lgfa.... in is
CommlEslon to Treasurer... S6S 40
Balance In hands of Treas. , . 6,683 30
w Vs6M
Deduct orders ontstandlng M76 M
Leaves amu equal to reoelpU .....OutiS
Balance on DupUcato of If u 0 04
" " " " 18.6 1.M3
" Rewerfund .. 7M 91
" Town nail fund.-. 1,846 T3
" Current fund U7 06
Due from sundry persons
for sewer permits MOO
Funded debt so.uo 00
Orders outstanding of 1886... to
.7 1' " 1" 00
" " " 1888. IS 24
1(89. 376 36
Coupons of 1089 unpaid.. ji 80
Amt -etalned from C. W.
MUler, contractor, being
lu per cent- on sewer
constructed 101 is
Amt retained from David
Uenslnger, contractor,
being so per cenu on
Town Hall construction 1,734 30
Contract with Bloom Steam
A E. L. Co. for steam fix
tures la Town Uall 711 03
Deduct aesu
Het Indebtedness. 6J8,U7 to
BjoocBatMirg, Astr, 60 I860.
. r,? undersign ed aadltors of the Town
W,anddo hereby oortltr that we bavs ax.
amined the soregoing aswoamls sasd ssBate
Se'aaml'1 n1 ttoa taumima sW f
J. ft. BIXJ ,
at. a. AUflX,
Handsomely framed
life size Crayons, pho
tographs all sizes, in
correct styles and per
fect finish, colored
photographs, large or
small, frames and
Wants, on .aim
To 1 enable men we will Eire steady employment
and LlilKHAL SALAItY paying their trsreUng ex.
Iicuses. we ktow our own stock excluslrely and
lUAlliNTBElt to bestrlcllr first class In every
particular, trur to namo as ordered. Full Inslruc
llons lurnlsnd. experience unnecessary. Apply
at once ti;iir ntw. Address B. C. l'Ji.ltSOl k
CO., Jlapif Giove huraerles, Waterloo, N. V
l&tkblHutQ oet voj ears.) S-U4U
lo canvaufor the tali of .Vurserv Stock,
FUOM sTAltT. Quick soiling specialties.
NociperteriM necessary, uutnt FltGd. Write
for terms, stating age.
H. E. HOOKER GO , Nurserymen,
c 1C Hl- Rochester, N. Y.
KiUite of Hannah Spcmtnberg.
Hie undersigned auditor, appointed by tho Or
phans' Court ni ( olumbla county, to distribute the
turds lu i bit bands ot James and Leirrand Hpo: en
beri;, Adm'r d. b n. c.t. a, will attend to the
duties olbU appointment at the onice ot C c
Evans, Ksq.. In lierwict 1M , on Haturday June Ttb
I i, at two n. m. Those harm; clatms win
please present them or be torever debarred from
uomlni; In on tho lund.
0. B. JACKBON, Auditor.
I'Altll l'lt HUNT
A tarra of too ores, with handsome ner house
and barn, and supplied with abundant water, will
bo rented at a low rent lor the term of Ore years,
to a Kooa tenant who van furnish bis own stock
ntnimpmeat. Tat) farm is la the Catawissa
Valley on tne Township road from Urandontllle to
Audenreld, two miles from Urandonvlle and near
Ulrarl Manor, lteferencea requested. Addrna
UKUKlt u. TlIoUfdON, Eneloeer Ulrard Estate
PotUTUle, j?a. Nov. My,
For Soldiers. Widows and Dependent Ilclatlrts
Write to u. I MUiti-iiv,
P. O. Box Mt VV aahlDKton, U. C.
Kliihleen years' practical eipeneme ss Kxainlo
erof t'laims, riuperslslDkr iciamuier and Chief
CUrk V.sXt'eaalouOmea, u tharator adtUt.
The Reliable Clothier,
iNIeu, Youths, iioys, and (Jhiklren. llic latest styles 01
and the largo trade made accounts for our having well made
now made and cut to sell for auction.
Seduced to 40 and 45 cents 'to Close Out
Odd Lengths,
xx to 30 YARDS LONG,
lv I i T-, BLOOMSBUKG, - - . -
2nd Door abovo Court House
A new lot of Window Curtains received this week.
HB l very much delighted. While In
I'lillailclpbla recently lie called on
K. O. TUOMPoON, tUe well known
Clothier and Importer, No. 1338 Chestnut
( pposlto tho Mini), and bought an
elegant Black Fancv Cheviot Suit fur am
V). Such, a suit would hive cost him
TwenK Dollars nt home llud hn not
" en In tho city uu could liavo sent his
namsund address on postal cird or In a
letter and received by return mail samples
of various cloths, uls simple gullo fo'
taking his own measures, free of charge.
Any one can order from Mr. Thompson by
mall with the sjme satisfaction as by call
ing in person.
&ta of cttarle D. Troy, late of Braver tep Oec'd.
.Mf.l1Jlreb!rB"rea t!lat lottrs of adraluls
iS1.42.n htne,estateol Charles U. Troy, late of
S.aTf, tSw.nsn"'v deo'11. " been granted to
i.'i.wn?llllUlwr800s indebted to sidl estate
,VS!uc'8W4Jl0m,l'ePa"mel't81and thou hiv.
KtmdVu7troajw makenown "
K. U. Sirrts. joun d. DAVli, ' Admr's.
lI.l8.a.'Jr Zlonsarove.Pa.
Real Estate!
In pursuance of an order Issued out sf the Or
puans' Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned
executor o( Lydla llean, late of the borough ot
Berwick, deceased, wm sell at pubtlo sale on the
premises on
SATURDAY. .TirVM 7 iun,i
alio o'clock a. m. the following dcecrlbed' real
""'i oimm ia tue uorougn or Berwick, on
Kiont street, between Mulberry and Market
streets, bounded on the north by Front stieet,
south by an alley, east by land of L. Kuru, and
west by land of Dattle Kelchner, contauilDi four,
teen feet and Kit inches on Front nn
and OutbulldlDgs.
TKllM8OKBALE.-110OHnwn nftru. . .
1 -- " WUV. VI
the balance on confirmation ot aale and delivery
nf (1 anil lha V t ,
i v wauuivo iu une year after COn-
Bimatlon. Wlthlntxrmt ikhnm . . .
. i -. . . uium m uq
secured by bond and mortgage.
of the most Select Clothing for
New York City.
lu The Trrntrurnt of Chronic Diseases eonHnes
his practice to such cases only as are so clearly and
folly developed ato make a complete and positive
Dl&suoa's without Questioning or' allowing Pa
tients to inakestatancntsot tholr conllt lo n. On
this bisls ot Positive UUgnosIs, tor treitment, Or,
Clark's Bsperlence bus bee o strlrtlr 'inlluilt-
I'd by n TMrly Vrnri I'rnrllco Klilrh In extent,
Turlety, iiad siircritarul results Is rtmnllrd by
Tetv nnd rxcrllrd lif none, l'nllrnla. Millie
and friu nip, not cur t-d by ordinary Trenlmrnt
or In ilonlit us to Hie nulursof lliclr dUcnses
ICalierlnlly Invlli il.
Vlt CI.AUK Orlfflnabal, Teaches and Tractlies
rosttttf Diagnosis and by confining his Practice
to fuUydeielopedchronlo dlseasei ot Hen ana
Honwii, has attained unusual sueoass lu the
treatmentoi many so called Incurable maladies
The Or. can b couiulted free ot charge at
NEW YOltlC CITY, at the "Uyron," 107
West 'Will eti-i I, Feb. 16 to 23 and March
0tol?,Juncl3tjn, Auc; 24 to Sept. 3,
Kept. 29 to Oct 5, Oct. 10 to 20. Nov. 10 to
23, Doc. 7 to 14, 1890. Veb. 15 to 25, Mir.
8 to 15, 1891.
MILTON, I'A., Broadway Uotcl, Friday,
JI iy 2d,
CATAWISSA, PA., buiriiiebauna House,
Saturihy' Msy 31.
IlLOOilSIiUHO. IA, Exchaniro lintel,
Monday, May 20. 0-10 & 20.
By virtue ot a writ of ltas YU Fa, Usutvl out of
the Court ot common Plaaot Columbia county,
Pa., and to me directed, there will be old on the
premises In Centralla on
at 10 o'clock, a. m., all that certain lot or piece or
ground Eltuato In the borough of Centralla, CoL
Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: On the
north by lands ot Locust Mountain C'oal and Iron
Co., on the i-ast by an alley, on the south by David
Buchanan, and on the west by Locust Avenu".
containing Twenty. Klre feet front, and Ono Hun
da'd and Forty feet la dsplh, whereon are erected
and other out bi ndings,
Belied, taken Into execuiltin at the suit ot Irvln
Bros. vs. Mis, r.ll2beth Thomas, and to be sold
as the properly ot Mrs. Blliiuelb Thomas.
tt'y t-herltr,
Kttale of John O. Qulcl-, oJui(our(ifp,uVf'd.
Letiersof administration trrant&l by I hn Itrglr
"and Hfcorler to William K Moyer, of
liluomfbiirg Pa., and Wllium Menwh of llupeit.
I a , to whom all persons Indebted to sail e-tie
aieit-queetedtonukepiymenta, and Ihoie liav.
lng i lalms or demands will make known the s line
without delay to
' n WILUAMB.MOYilILBloomahurgl'a.
JOIU a Fastis VVlLUAlJ MBNaoiI,
, Atty. Hupert.