THE COLUMBIAN. AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST. Tha Kxpenae Inrolteil In Secarlni Deitrfc ble lllghnnyi. An Interesting urttcla on country rond tmiiroveuient is published In Tho Wheel, froni the pen of "Viator," which cannot fell to Interest 'cyclers and farmer who are carrying on a vigorous campaign for better roads. Tho most salient points of "Viator's" arfeumontaro glvon below) Tho American mind Is nothing if not practical. The subject of road Improve ments has gained so Arm a hold on tho attention of our peoplo that It is simply now a question of time economic method and financial ability when tho roads ot tho country at largo will bo macada mised; in. other words, our ordinary dls-graceful,- wasteful, dirt roads will havo become "foundation roads." To promote "a consummation devoutly to be wish ed," It is only nocessary now to demon strate tho practicability of tho reform, and to show that it Is within the finan cial ability of tho average township to have, without delay, first claBS roads to an extent commensurato with their ne cessities. It has been settled by long, patient, costly and scientific experiment that the' motive power of a horse on a "founda tion," broken stono road is exactly double that of tho same animal on an earth road In very good condition. The experiments of Morin in 1888-41 havo established that beyond question. Tho saving in time is very much greater. Tho writer has him self recently seon a "pair of ordinary horses trotting at the rate of six miles per hour over a macadam road, hauling a wagon containing 7,000 pounds (more than three gross tons) of crushed stone on a lovel grade. liowj then, is It practicable to procure such roads at least in tho majority of our older states? We will suppose that the area of tho average township is equal to threo miles square, and that to put in touch with the great country road, and especially with markets and railroad stations, it is nec essary to glvo it two Intersecting "foun dation" roads, making in all twelve square miles of improved road. Of course the existing roads would be util ized, but on this principle it may be as sumed that these roads can be completed for $4,000 per mile, and kept in repair for 5 per cent, annually of their first cost. This would give $43,000 as the sum needed for which to issuo bonds. Tho yearly charge would then be 8 per cent, interest on $48,000 $2,400; sinking fund, 1 per cent, annually, for thirty y&rs, $480; total, $2,880. The repairs are not here included in the annual cost, because they are needed in any event, but under the present systems are com pletely wasted. The outcome of the plan bore indicated would be that as the sinking fund would "I liquidate the bonds at maturity the town ship at the end of thirty years would havo at least twelvo miles of thoroughly good road paid for, and which could be always maintained at a less cost than is now expended on roads that are some times well nigh impassable. But this Is an Infinitesimal part of the benefit aris ing from the improvement. In many cases the only reason why city business men do not reside in some choice locali ties is that they cannot have the pleasure of driving over good roads. Their settle ment in any rural district at once causes the value of property to Increase. In crease of population brings customers to the farmers' doors for milk, butter, eggs, fruit and vegetables. It establishes . ohurohes. schools, postof&ccs, libraries, and, finally, villages. So that in the pro forma case of twelve miles under consid eration the certainty would be that be fore the maturity of the thirty year bonds at least double the mileage would bo de manded ana built. Tho estimated price of $4,000 per mile here given is intended to apply to six in ail macadam roads based on the exper ience of building In New Jersey. But this figure is meant for roads that can be constructed by machinery. The demand for suoh Toads has developed the fact that they may be so built by bringing to-- gether machinery that hitherto has been used separately and not to the greatest advantage. It is now seen that traction engines may be used in conjunction with automatic stono spreading machines and steam rollers in one continuous train, so as to actually build and perfect a mile of macadam road in from three days to a week, according to the distance over which the material has to be hauled. A construction train would consist of first, a seven ton traction engine in the lead as hauler; next, ten to twenty stone spreading wagons, containing twenty to forty tons crushed stone, according to the amount of motive power employed; 'third, a fifteen ton steam roller, used partly as a pusher, whioh thoroughly compacts the stone just spread by the machines ahead of it. Col. Pope quotes Professor Jenks as au thority for the statement that "the Illi nois roads cost $10,840,000 in extra haul ing, and reduce the value of farms at a distance from railway depots by $100,- 000,000. If Illinois spent $250,000,000 on good roads, the total interest on this sum would Btill leave enough of the sum now spent on hauling to build a new state capltol every year. Good roads would gave the state its state taxes every year. Waking Up to the Situation. A bill prepared by B. Howard Hainan, an able lawyer, of ttie state of Maryland, is to be laid before the state's legislature at an early day. It provides for the ap pointment of a state road and bridge engineer at a salary of $3,000 a year and $2,000 for expenses, who is to make a re port to the legislature of the condition of the roads and make recommendations as to improvements. He is to have a gen eral supervision of the roads, and the commissioners of the several counties are required to consult with him before mak ing any repairs or imprpvemenu costing over $100, which shall he made by con tract on plans and specifications furnished ' by the state engineer. Tho legislature of Pennsylvania lias formed a commission to inquire into the condition of the state's roads and to sug gest means for their improvement. Food Adulteration. The question of Food Adulteration is now occupying pablio attention more than ever before, ana organiz ations are being formed in almost every state to prevent the Bale of adulterated food or drink. The following letter voluntarily given, speaks volumes for tho purity of Sneer's Port Grape Wine; N. V., June 3, 1881. Mn. Alfred SnsEitjPassaio, N. J. Dear Sin Tho resrk of my investi gation of your Wines convinces mo that theyaro perfectly pure and free from foreign or deleterious substances. The best I have ever tasted, and is all that can be desired in puro Port wine. Tho Unformented is especially nourishing, and whore the aotioit- of alcohol is not required it is well adapted for invalids. I speak as a physioian. Your Pedro Brandy fills a wot long felt in the profession for puro brandy can only bo obtained with great difficulty. A. S. COZNEIt, M. D. Analytic Chemist of Food and Drink. A BafeTrlp Assured. Passenger I feel kind of shaky riding along on the oars at this rapid rate. - , Old Patron Nofearjwe're perfectly safe. . , "What makes you feci so certain of It?" "The engineer's sweetheart is Aboard." Chicago TUntt. -Copjrubt, 188. 11 Her rf ac of rantlan, and of look, the imooth The iwlmmlng wftlcllr of i tpp and trtad, The Symmetry of form and feature, lat The foul afloat, eren like dellcloui aire Of Oat and harp." . I.LI-.. I...,. -. H-nll. for ncr raaicuit'ss luuaui hi mm iuuuuu. thli regal beauty was Indebted to perfect health, reetored by tho use of that tinenusled. invigorating lonm ana nervine, ur. rierce e Favorite Preacrlption, whioh sot In healthy action every function and gavo purity trad rlchneas to the Mood. "Favorite l'reacrlptlon " Is ft pomtlvo euro for the most complicated and otutlnato cases of leucorrhca, excessive flowing, painful men. ctruntlnn, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling ot the womb, weak back, ' f emnlo weakness," antoverslon, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronlo congestion, In flammation and ulceration of tho womb. It u cMiarnuteed tn ?lvn satisfaction Ih erens cac, or money refunded. iuanuiaciurea vy yi,hi.i jubi-uuhi Medical Association, Buffalo, N. V, Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the llvor. stomach and bowels. Thoy are purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. 11 no a Dose, gold by druggists. 25 cents a vial. If You Have CONSUMPTION I C0UQH or COW BRONCHITIS Throat Affection 8CROFU LA I Wasting of Flub Or amy DUea irAm th Throat and Lunct m' TnAnmrd. Zatfe cf Btrnath cr A'erm jrvwer, you can f relieved and Curtd fry SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. JtU for Seatt'M Emtililo. and M tie tsa- ftsnmtUn er .eoIlcKatfoii Indue vu ( mjI a rubetlrufe. Soli by all Drugguu. OOTT A BOWNE.Chomlato, N.Y. CLOTHING I CLOTHING THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Qentsp Furnishing GoodsEats & Sapii OF EVKIiV INSCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at abort notice and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Uall and examine tuo largest ana beat selected stook of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Btoro next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, Bloosusburjr Pa. L5AP DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. 100 styles, prices to suit olL WK. Ayres a Hons, Pbh.adki4hia Bold by all dealers. J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DEALERS IN PIANOS, Byttie following welllcnown makers; Chickcring, Knabe, Weber, Hallct & Davis. Can also furnish any of th cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. BtSttP-U- TOBACCO This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest piece for the money in the mar ket. W tin tag- ph each lump. Its extensive sale for many years has established its reputation. There is nothing better. Try it. For sale by dealers and grocers. HINDERCORNS. TtoobTr Bar Cur for Itor ntv H top All pln. KnffirM ogrirt to Hi ftO. lie At DrmryUu. UfouittOo., W.T, 3tt consumptive mm ail.xm buuiOju. ftalaUM AIM 42&-d-4t 7'-' cts3at slf n.aoo. H T 3JIRCWAnoV 1 t J -f?J, n 6nt . I a rtify iiUitr4'ittrl v rj fft P'''l'lr&Ov A ' 1 I AWEBWCKlCVr H riKJ wouf aan'BKii5N I 3 , (J JU V. un IK tat. V I '3) KiiftithnUFyie. , I ill tmSWVIrtJliUlW". M ftuJ.y. TiKllwIuJJrjT "VOl fll;, yL-J 50 1 ' ft jt Ar&fTn I "Otmos I'll ft-o home nnd try tWt, hnd U Z ctnt mtke UiHThoTjSnuul " Atkor rik-Ron, wM WILL ITAIN OLD m. NIN FUftNITUHC WILL STAIN OLAtS AND CHINAWARI WILL VTA1N TtNWAflC WILL STAIN TOUR OLD BAtUT Wl Lt Wtain Baby' Coach and Varntih at the anme time. IK- ON rfv it". WOLFF A nANDOLpn, PbUtvUtphift, The Recent El o:Uni It is common for the snocossful party to moet severe party chills during tho first year or two of a now national administration; but, tho elections this year, especially in tho President's own State and thronghout tho West gener ally, are nearly uniformly and jo over whelmingly ndverso to the party of power as to express deep-seated and wide-spread revolt against parly auth ority. .specially has tho pohtcial revolution been sweeping in Indina, the homo of tho President, ills own homo city elected its first Democratic ticket for nearly a quarter of a century and by a large majority, and this week suoh ltepuulican strongholds as Urawlorda vilfe, Lafayette, Lebanon, Noblesville, Vincenues and Wabash havo given decided Democratic victories, and some of them for the first time in their his tory. To these disasters must be added the recent defeat of the administration party by 10,000 in Chicago), its defeat by 2,UUU or more in bU raul. where Harrison bad a majority of thousands for President. ' When this startling political record is supplemented by the loss, for the first time in many years, of tho majority of tho election districts of .New York outside of the cities, and tho total loss of Uhodo Island, includ ing Stato officers and Legislature, it would be idle to assume that thew de feats, so general and bo decisive, are tho mere ebullitions ot tho personal disappointments which over after at tend now party anthority. lhcse popular expressions aro point ed admonitions to the President, to his Cabinet and to his majority party m both branches of Congress I hoy have a meaning aud a distant meaning and he who rans may read the truth they declare They mean that revol utionary government ended with the necessities ot war years ago, and that no party can return to it without anni hilation; they mean that war taxes in timo of peace, for the benefit ot select' classes, will bo overwhelmingly resent ed by the masses, and they mean that national profligacy must giye way to honest government. Suoh aro the plain, emphatio lessons of tho recent elections; will they be headed in Washington! It not, bo prepared to baltlo in desperation "to save even Pennsylvania to tho party in Novem ber next. Times. In The Spring Months Nature should be assisted when tho system is changing from tho full hab it of the winter months to tbo lighter diet of the warm season. Nothing does this as well as-S. S. S. It stimu lates tho sluggish blood and rids the system of heavincs and tho feeling of languor, it there is pension in tho blood", it generally shows itself in tho spring, and this h tho season to help nature to drive it out and bo cured. H. S. S. Beautifies the skin and makes the complexion rosy aud healthy S. S. S. Givts elasticty to the- slep and buoyant spiiits. b. b. b. JUakes-the tteble antl deli cate strong and robust. S. S. S. Is a tonio to the whole body aud increaea vitality. S. S. S. Is a simplo vegetable medi cine , liar rali M to the most delicate, yet bo powerful as to cleance tho sys tem of all impurities. Treatise on Blood tuidHlcIa Diseases mailed free SWIFT srUCIFIO CO., Atlanta, Ga. Don't Pay. A lecture that had forr several min utes harrangued his audience on the beauties of politeness, was interrupted by a man who arose and said: "That's all very well, cap mighty fine talkin', all that, but in this town politeness don't pay." , "your are mistaken sir," tho lecturer at-Bwcred, "politeness pays in any and all towns." "No you aro wrong," tho interrupter persisted, "it don't pay bor. I'll tell you why. For some time I have been eating at a lunoh counter 'round yon der, and I noticed that every man sat up to the oounter with his hat on, and as I wasn't brought up that way, 1 conoluded to lake myj hat off, and I did so.1' "Wei', but did any ono objeotV the lecturer asked. "Ob, no, there was no objection, but you seo, some fellow stolo my bat.''- Arkansaw Traveler. Everybody Knows- That at this season tho blood is filled with impurities, the accumulation of mouths of 0I08O confinement in-poorly ventilated stores, workshops and tene ments. All these impurities and every trace of sorofula, Bait rheum, or other disease may bo expellol by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho best blood puri fier over produced. It is tho only medicino of which "100 doses ono dol lar" is true Now is the timo when tho good woman of the house appears in bcr oldest faded aud worn dress, her head tied up in a handkerchief and wear ing an apron that looks like a three sheet poster on a hill board. Tho why and tho whereforo is that sho is clean ing houso and great is the misery theroof. "Johnny, what teacher are you under moslt" "They all sit on mo when they get a chance.'' Jlluniey'a Weekly. J. S. GARRISON M. D, IIOMKOIMTUIO rilYSICIAN AMD BUHOEON. tr Office over I. V, llartman & Son' store, residence N. K. corner Centra and Fourth streets, It Fell Flat. Quo day, as n Sixty avcuuo barber shop had but ono empty chair, n man wearing a very big hat and walking with a groat deal of swnggcr, cnterod, hung his hat on a pep, and then draw ing a revolver ho turned to tho idlo man and said; "I want a shave Just n common shave. I want no talk. Don't dsk mo it I want a hair cut or n shampoo. Don't speak of tho weather or politics. If you speak to mo I'll shoot." llo took tho chair, held tho revolver across his legs, and was shaved with promptness and dispatoh. When he go! up ho returned tho shoo'.or to bis hip pocket, put on I is hat, aud after a broad ohitoMo ho said to the cashier: "That's tho way to keep a barber quiet. Ho didn'futter a word." "No, sir ho couldn't." "Co.ild'tt" "No, sir; he's deaf and dumb."-ivew York San. Meat for Strang Men. Dartmouth Street Whure aro yon going this aummert Franklin Patke I don't know vet. I'want to find a plane where I can put in Bomo vigorous exoroiso and roduco my weight. "Come and take votir dinner at my boarding house." Jioston 2'imes. Tho Bast Burning Oil That Can bo Mado From Petroleum. It gives a brilliant llfht. It will not smoke the chimneys. It will not char tho wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It Is pre-eminently a family safety oil. . We Challenge Comparison with any other illuminating oil made. Wo 9take our Reputation, as Refiners, up. on the Statement that It is The Bmt mi IN TIIR WORLD. ASIC YOUR DEALEK FOR Crown - Acme. ACME OIL COMPANY, BLOOMSBURQ,- - - PA. PLUMBER&ND GAS FITTER DEALER IK Tin oofing a Specialty, ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Blo)m3burg Oera House B. F. SAVITS has secured the solo agency of Columbia county ior the Nation' al Sheet Metal Roofing Co. These roofs aro guaranteed to be far superior to any other roof, as they are both storm and wind proot. Sheet iron roofs of this mauu facturo cah bo put up as cheap as tin, and last much longer. Roofs ate mado of sheot iron tin, or copper, as parties may desire. Urders may bo secured through B. F. Savits, Blooms burg, Pa., who will put on the roots and guarantee the work. or may be ordered direct from tho 510-520 East'20th Stroot7N. Y. FRAZER GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. XtawtrlagQualUlM&raBaurvaMl. actually outlastloir two bozea of anroth.r brand. Not .ffcewd orbaat. irGCTflli; UENU1N:. FQll 8AUS UYDBALKKH OKNEBALLY. tyr rintrnit hukk omp iJUllOll Hlucl tacUlc lllock HALF TUB COST of hoisting butM to BioreKFeper, uuusuers, t anners, siaeu Inlata. llutldeni. Contractors and Ol'll KltH. Admitted to be the greatest. Ira. ErOToments KVKlt made In tackle locks. Irrelgat prepaid. Write tor cauuojuo. 7 niton Iron k Enffia Workx. sauiv m, 111 unwb be, Detroit, Mich, B. I Savits, THE GREAT German Remedy. TRUTHS FOR THE SICK.n For thoio deathly Unions SmilWilopenil Loou will bo raid for CAfo where 6lil PIltTR 1BTTERS WlU onSUMMIURlUTTEBS it will curft you. InotftselitorcurC. It 1 )n vnu (tu tier wltF levcf ffttlB. thnttiredamlallgonc ClefinsQ tho vitiated ecmifu 11 so, use blood, when you ece SDLrilUR lIITTEIia It will euro you. us impurmeB uurt na iiiruiiRti mo piuu n IMmnlea.lttotclics. i iitpmtti on m hti arc I closely confined ln ind Rorea. toV on sulfhou Hitters, pi tho mills And wotk shops; clcrknwhodo not procure sufficient oierclse, and all who ArcconOncdtnUoorn, should use PuLrnun KrrTRKfl. Titer will loir. SULr.IUK ItllTERS will eure MverCom plaint. Don't ho ttls not then be weak and ourageu: it wuicurei von. If ruu do not wish hULl'ltUU ItITTF.119 to suffer from Itheum kill bnl Id you up and make you strong and picalthy atlem, uso ft bottle of SULI'HUH JUTTKJtS It never ffllln to euro it Hitters Don't he without i .rf-lllmak'j rour blood bottle. Try ft! you will not resret It. 'pnrp,rlth and utrongj imi yournesn nam. lndlea In delicate health, who nro all run down, should tine 'lrr auLPiuiit Hit. fER9 to. night, and you will sleep well SUMMItTTt lllTTKRW. Do vou want tho beBt Medical Work Dubllshedf Pentl 3 2-ecnt ft amps to A. 1. Ordwat A Co Boston, Maes., and rccelvo ft copy, free. Tutt's Pills tlmnliit.. (fa. torpid llr.r, atr.Da-tk-ana Ih.dlK.atlT. bow. la, aud avr. ua.qu.lwt aa ANTI-BIU0U8 MEDICINE. la malarial dUrlat Ui.lrTlrla.s ar. r.ccula.d, a iatf a.n.aa p.e Hilar prop.rtl. In rr.alns th.airal.Ba from tbat pols.a. Ei.aantir gal Dot. amall. Prlo., & a. Sold Everywhere. Office. 44 Murray St.. Now Tork. I'illLADKM'lIIA.l'A. I'mj at once.iio operation or loss of time from buMnesa. Cases pronoun red In curable by others wanted. Bena for Circular IURE GUARANTEED. Advice J n. Ofllco liouray to3. Aug 10 '89 ly. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hadr. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Faili to Reitor Qry Hair lotti Yoothful Color. Prerents Iandnitl uid balr fiJllim tOo. and tl OOatPrnptriirta. 4 25-d 4t. ni,'io.:aW.Mi. How Lost! How Regained, KNOWTHYSEIE THE SCIENCE op lief A Scientific aad Standard Popnl.r Medical Treatlta on the Errori ot Tonth,Iramatnr Decline, Nerroiu and l'hjilcal Sabtutj, Imparitlea of the Blood. anivnf9VBivnpwvPQi IteanltlnE from PoUj, Vice, Ignorance, Kxceame or Uiertaiatlon, Knenatlnr and unfitting the victim fur Work, Baiineaa, the Harried or Social Relation. Arold nniklllful bretendera, Foiaeaa thia crcat work. It containa too paeei, royal 8to. Beaatirul binding, eraboned, fall gUt. Price only t wo by mill, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. III119 tratite l'rpepectua Free, It yon apply now. The duUnjnlshcd author, Wm. II. Farter, M. D.. re ceived the OOI.II ANO SEVfEL-LUU MVUAI, from tho Fmtionnl Medical Asnorlnllon for tlila- I'lIIZU KSSAY on MlltVOUS and I'll Vtj IOA I. DUD I LIT V.Dr. Parker and a corp i or Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi dentially, by mail or In person, at the offlce of Till! PUAUODY MmilCAT. INstitittiv No. 4 llulflnch He.. IlOMtnn. Mm.... tn .hnm nil orders for books or letter, for advice aUould Le 4-25 d 4t. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. Iled Cross Diamond Jlraud. Th coir rctlibla till for ul. Ht anal art. l.adfeft, ik Drocilat tot trie ttonrt Hrandttii rd Bt4lIiobiM,ist4 Utk bluarlbboa. Takeneathtr. Mod 4. aia.n at. ItUrr. hw chkII JVa Hu. CUeltMtter CfctmUtd Co., JiadlMa bq., 1'htUds, 1'4W 4 25 d 4t. ItftlAI" frotr Ohio. Ilir-t.. nWUIllC portrait ot Mr. lUrrU ton. of lcni. Uhto. ilia write i 'Wi at work on a lann Fu a month t l now nava ao ateuty for t. C. Allan A Co a albunia and iiul.ll. lotions and oflen makMt'J.a z day,4 loifneaj v. It. oiukisu, William Kline, lltmabarir. I. write i "1 have never known anjthlne; to aril like your allmua. ffiterdajr I Itx.k order enough to paj ma over Htf ..' W. J. Kl more, Bangor, lie., wrircat I taka an orJcr for j-oar alBumat l u.l VTC17 llouiD 1 Villi. a frofll it often ai tuiiLliai IHtUO or altiKla daj'Hork.n Odiara&radolriaTouitaa. avrll 1 wa baiva not apatr 10 pivtt ci tract fro III their 1ntt-ra. t- r 1 bo takaaLoldaflhl ranrf hualni nil, Shall we start YOU in this busine, rraderT Wrlia tout and laant all about It for vourarlf. VY traaunitic tnanjri wenlllatart you If oa don t delay until uotuer(r thud of yog In ypur part of ibacountrr. If yon take hold you will ba blato jokk uproldfait. orlCo4til On account of a forced manufacturcra ) 1 Sft.OOO (n tlollur I"litKritilt A I Imi 111 at areto baaotd totlia pnutila for 4110 wh. Itound lu Hoy I Crimnin tillk VtJvet rluih. Cbarrolnrly decorated Inaidea. llandtoTneit altumilu lh world. Urfttt Blie. Ureaieit bargain aver knoun. A cent wanted. Liberal term, big mon.y for aftnt. Anyouecan beeomeaiii(eeiful-nit. Sella lielf on light little ornc talking ueceitary. Wbrriwr abown, every one want to pur ibaae. Agentt taka tboutanda of ordera with rapidity nem balura kuown. Great proflta await avery worker. Agentaar uiaktug fvrtunea. Vadieasuakt a tnurh at men. You, readrra can do well a any one. full information and lenua I'rt-, to llto.a who write for aaine, with articulara and tennaforour ramlly lliblea. Hooka and PvriodkaU. After you know all, oonldyou conclud to go no further, wby no harm It dona. Addraaa E. g. ALLLN at Ct' AuouT. UllKt. Jan. 18-W ly. TSEESHIK&maotSes SlmpltBt. Most Durable, lEcouomlcal. and perfect TnHEoHINu ENGINES "flS18 SawWUs, Shingle Machines, llav l'reeses, and A. ii. KAUOUIIAK CO.. Limited. Send for Illiu- I Pennsylvania Agricultural irawa euwiutruQ. i worKS, loaa. I'A. S-M3W. to Mitchell's Kidney Plasters t . -SJ Absorb all dlaease In the(Eldneys and f rcetor. them to a bcalthy condition. imJ. 01 J droBte kllner sufferers tay If" " they got no relief nntll they tried. VI MITCIIKI.WS KID.MIY PIASTEItH. Soldb7l)rngElstjeTeryvrhere,orecntbymallfor50o 1 Novelty Piaster Vrkf XMvrollt Alaaa. 4-25 d 4t Horses, Cattie8heep & Hogs. Eiceli my remedy forth, rapid cure ot Hard Coldi, Coughs, Hide Bound, VellowWater, Feier. Dlitempsr, Sore and Weak Eyes, Lung Fever! Cosllreneii, Blotches, and all dltScultlef arl' Ing from Impurltlta ol the Blood. Will rilllii Neaiei at once. lincturtd i, tki MPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y. ' Kill BIAS BT XLh CKXLElia. I 8-21.00 K IPI & I'ODMORE. AUOIIITEOT3, OarmtiiouT IlmuJiso, VVllktabarre, I' Branch Oftlce. Bloomsburj?, I'u., with .Inn H nrinir lmmjl..r I lT it aLRSH R All, R OAD TIMS TBLS J-ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. DLOOMSDUKG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOItTTI. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. 10 00 613 10 13 3 80 1019 .... 10 it tl 41 1013 618 10 60 -7 OS 10 67 718 11 US 7 20 11 19 7 97 1111 7 31 1190 7 31 NORTITCMSXRLiND. . t 5 40 IN Cameron .. JM ... ctiulaaky uanvuio , . ow a 11 cat&wlasa 023 .... Hupcrt o an S 80 luoomaounr.,... ,... b oa Eapy. S 41 8 41 Li mo lUdge... "60 .... vwiiow urove..,. .... ooi .... Drlarcrock sts .... lierwlcS T i3 9 (9 l!each Havoc. 7 11 .... 1191 7 4J 1131 7 49 11 88 7 66 11 48 8 03 11 61 8 17 IS 00 8 94 1910 8 CS Illck'a Ferry 719 xhlcksblniiy. 7 80 8 20 HUniOCK'8...., Nantlcoke, , Avondtle l'lymoutb I'lymoutli Junction . Kingston Uennott..... Manor , 743 .... 7(0 3 38 HI .... 7 69 8 43 HOI .... 8 08 8 M 819 .... 817 1913 8 19 20 8 1297 8 43 19 31 8 49 19 33 9 61 wjonnntr. 8!) 4 09 8 87 4 OH 12 40 8 38 19 4; vm West IMCUton... nttston 8 33 4 11 12 63 9 09 Lackawanna., 9 40 1 01 V 17 TajloirlllM. 8 43 8M .... 9 00 4 23 r. m. p. i 1 09 9 96 115 9 SO 1 20 9 89 ueuevuo...... SCRANTOK. p. M. r. x STATIONS. UOUTIJ. A.M. l.v. p. It. P. at SCRANTON 610 9 60 1 M 6 20 Keuevuo. Bis uu .... ova Taylorrtlle 6 20 10 00 9 02 6 30 LiHCKawnnna ora iuui lu d s l'lttjtOD 6 86 1018 218 6 43 webt nttston 6 49 1022 224 m Wy.imlng 6 47 10 27 2 29 0 63 Maltbr... 6 31 1(130 .... 6 69 Bennett. 6 63 10 31 2 37 7 03 KlOretOn IM 8 4U in. riymouth Junction. 7 03 10 42 2 43 7 12 I'lymoutn. 7 10 10 47 2 50 7 18 Avondale 7 14 10 31 2 35 7 21 NanttCOke 7 19 10 33 .9 59 7 23 UUnlOClfS 7 '.6 1102 3 00 7 43 Sblcksblnny 7 87 11 12 8 so 7 55 Hick's Ferry 7 65 1122 3 31 8 07 Beacn Ilavcn 8 01 11 31 3 40 8 18 lierwlCK 8 07 11 40 3 47 8 SU linarcrejk 813 353 837 Willow Drove. 8 1 6 11 60 3 57 8 31 Iimoltldge 8 20 11 31 4 02 8 85 mur. ouq 12 ui 4 i on Uloomsburz. 8 32 12 03 4 15. 8 47 Rupert 8 37 1212 4 22 8 52 CltawLjsl r: 8 42 12 17 4 2S 8 57 LUQVllle .' 8 57 12 32 4 46 9 15 cnulaskr 4 54 Cameron 9 07 1141 6 00 9 93 Northumberland 9 22 12 55 6 15 9 43 a. a. r. m. r. m. p. h, Connecting at Ittinert with Philadelphia & lteaainET itaiiroan tor Tamancna. Tnmanua. win- oerland with P.SE. Dir. P. K. It. for UarrlsDun;, uaven, amporiam, warren, uorry, aau nno. v. sr. UAiDittAL', ueo. hsum Scranton, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. " inn Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern L-entral Railway. M TIME TABLE. in effect MAY 11, 1890. Trains leave Htinhuty BASTW D 9.10 a. m.. Sea snore Bxnrnna idallr excent sanaayj, ior uarnaDuranaintrmeaiateBtanonB arnviat; at, rmiaaoipuia a.ib p. m. ; new xorK 5 50 p.m.: Baltimore. 3.10 D.m.; Waahlntrton 5.56 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Shore points. Through paBaonger coach to FMladelDhla, Baltimore . 1.33 p. m. Day Express dally except Sunday), ror liarrlsburg and Interme diate st&tlonB, arriving at I'hlladclph a 6.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.35 p. m. ; Baltimore t.43 p.m.; Washington, 6.18 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and paasenger ooaches liuruutfu bu ruuauoiiJuia ana uaiumore. 8.05 p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (dally Ing at Philadelphia 4.2s a. m. ; New York 7.16 a. m, luriittrrisuurif uuu uiinuirmHniftra HLnnnnR. nmv. naitunore. 0.131. m.; waaninnon a. m. ; Pullman sleenlne oar from llarrlstmrcr to Philadel. paia and New York. PnllalelphU passengers can njuituu iu fliwper uu'aisburosa until 7 a. m, 1.60 a. m. Erie Mallrdallvl for narrlnhnrc and Intermediate stations, arr'rlng at Philadelphia 0.50 a. m. New Yorc, 9.3) a. m.; Tnrough Pullman paia. 2.60 a. m.9MtHriEi?reji(liIly) tor lUrrla burjandlatermedlita stations arriving at uiltl- uwro t.u. a. Ul. .11 .V 13U1UWU T 43, a.m. SHU throueh Pullman Sleeping oarato Biltlmire and w oaiuuKbuii, aua turougo passenger o jacnes to WBSTWAKli. 5.10 a. m Brie Mall (dallrl. for Kris ml i Canandalgua at d Intermediate stations, Roches ter. Buffalo aad Nlaeara Palis, with thronarh 1'nll- man Palajoaari and passenger coaches to Brie and 9.63 News Eirjreao ( dally i lor Lock Haven 1.42 D. m. Nlaeara BxDress (dallrexoeDtsnn. a iy) or Kane, uana iialguaand Intermediate sta tion It 'heater. Buffalo and Nlazara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Kochester and Parlor car to Watklns. 6.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally eicerjt Sundavlf or He. novo. Watklns and Intermediate stations, with through passenger coaches to Kenovo and Watklns. p, m. wiuiamspon, express ( jaity lor Wllllauisport and Intermediate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR SCNBURY PROM THE A AST 4U BUUTU, News Express leaves New York. 12.15 niirht. PkuadelDhia4.S0a. in. Balllmore, 4.30 a.m. Uar rlahurg, 9.10 a. m. dally arriving at Simtmry 9.53 Ui. Nlacrara ExDress leaveB New Yorke.?n n. m Philadelphia, 8.60 a. m. ; Washington 8 10 a. m. Bal timore 9.00 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at sunhury, 1.42;, with through Parlor car from Philadelphia andiurough passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves New tors 9.00 a.m. ; Philadel. phla.11.10 a. m. ; Washington, 10.50 a. m. ; Balti more. 11.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at sunhury, 6.30 p. m. with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore WUUamsport Ktpress leaves New York 2.00 p. m. Philadelphia 4.25 p. m. Washington 3.30 p. m. BalUmore 4..13 p. m. (dally ) arriving at .Sunhury 9.15 p. m. Brie Mall leaves New York 8.00 n. m. : Philadel phla, 11.25 p. m. ; Washington, 10.00 p.m.; Balti more, 11.20 p.m., (dally) arriving at Sunburys.10 a. m., with Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and passenger coaches from Philadelphia and lulu, moic. SUNnilltY, IIAZI.KTIIN at WI1.KKMI1AUUF UAIl.UU.tll iXUlTll ANU WltHT UirAMllI RAILWAY. (Dally except bunuay.) WlUtesharre Mall leaves, sunburr 10.00 a. m. arrlvlngat Bloom Ferry 10.1S a.m., WlUtes-barre iwlU l,.Ul. ' Express East leaves Banbury 5.35 p. m., arriving at Bloom Kerry 6.26 p. m., Wllkes-barre 7.60 p. n. Sunbury Mail leaves Wllkeabarre 11.17 a.m. arrn. ing at Bloom Ferry 12.37 p. m., Bunbury W8 p. iri. itxprcss wcBi leaves wuxes-barre 3.05 p. m., ar. vln j at Bloom Ferry 4.39 p. m., sunbury 6.20 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Wllkeabarre mall leaves Bunbury 10:00 a. m., ar riving at Bloom Forry 10.48 a. m., WUkes-Barre 12.10 i..m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Bant 1:0 p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry, e.39 p.m., 3ui.ii .1 liMo. ra CUAS. E. PUOI1, J. R. WOOD, Oen. Manager. oen. PaHHengcr AkU PIIILADELl'lIIA & HEADING KMLUOAD. ON AND AFTER MAY 11th 1990. TRAINS LEAVE BLOOMSBURU da follows: (SDNOATS KXCIPTSD.) For New York, Pnllalolplila, Heading, Pottsvllle. Tamaqua, etc., 6:ou, 11:01 ,u m. For Wlldamsport, Milton and Danville 7:30 a. in. 3:10. ll:oo p. m. For Oatawlssa 6-00, 7:30, 11:03 a. m., 19:20, 3:00 6:3i p. ra. ' . For Rupert 6.00, 7:30, 11:03 a. m., 12:20, 3:16, 60, 6:33, 11:00 p. m. TRAINS FOR BLOOMSBUKU Leave New Yurk via Philadelphia 7:45 a. m. 4:00 p. m.-aud via Easton S:15 a. in. 3:43 p. in. Leave Philadelphia lo.uo a. in. a.00 p. in. Leave Reading U:50 a. m. 7:37 p. mT Leave Pottsvllle 12-.3J p. ra. Leave Tamaqua 1:JI a. m. 9:18 p. ra. Leave Wlllhuusport 9:18 a. ra. 4:15 p. m. Loave Catawusa T:oo 8:00 a. m., 1:80, 8:80. 6:15 11:01 p. m. Leave Rupert 4:16, 7:03, 8.03, 11:1 a. m. I:S8, 8:3 1, 6:92, 11:13 p. ra. 11 l o.- Ualtimoro Washington and the West via B. ft O. It. it, through trains leave Ulrard Avenue K- M. 6:00, lil in. 1:34, 4514, 6:48, 7:.'3 p. m. Sundays 4:16, 8.02. 11:27 a. ra., 41, 6:13, 7:21 p. ra. ' "'""" Al LAN no CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, pier 7, Chestnut Street ft'ua'f, and south Street Wharf: KOB ATLANTIC CITY. Week days-Express, 9.00, a. m. 4:00, 6:00, p. m. Accommodation, 1:30 a. m. 4:13, 6.3), p. m. hundnys Express, e:J0,9:0Q a. m. Accommodation 6:00 a. iu. anu 4.30 p. m. SITUaMIHO, U-AVI ATLANTIC CITV. Depot corner Atlantlo and Arkansis Avenues 1 Heekdays 3x press. 7:00, 9:00 a. ra. and 4:00 D. m. Ar xuntuodatlon, 6.00, 8:C5 a. in. and 4:3) p. m. ,iS?S"lPreft .4:0U 6:30 P- m- Aocomraoda lion, 7:30 a, in. and 4:80 p. m. . . u - 0 HANCOCK, A. A -McUiOp, atn'U IMti. Auelit, Ylc I'm. Jt Oen Manager. PATENTS, ve&M Uirkiootalael.ini ll t'atea t slnnoia1uoted(or tf limit ITS Fam. ouu offios id oi'e HiiT u, s. piTssr OFFICE. We have no sub-aShcles, all business Irect, uenoe oan transact patent business lu leas Itneand atLKji CC3Tthau those remote from Washington. send model, drawing, or photo,wlth description. We advise If patentable or. not, free ot charire Our fee not due till patent la Bocured. A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with re(ereni 0 actual oUenta In your State, county, or town, dot free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., oppula Patent OU Wash Ing ton, D.0 iiiiiiii & mum, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Exchange Block, WHOLESALE him d Clams & m mA 9mi j Orrlers hv mail will receive prompt' attention. 037-stex Paxiois -xxa,cxa.eo Come and o Irv oup FAMOUS 15 Cent Stews hs WHOLESALE DEALERS IN (Dvy, 1&oU(, (W(j, Fvoftj- an fiotj. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigan i Honry Clay, Londrea, Normal, Indian PrincosB, Samson, Silver Aah. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, M Mtowa I rri$e5. Lemons, m N iSanftnM, -peanuts, Alwondj. YG 1 nli5h W.lnUts, op rn fiUs- BLOOMSBURG, PA. g. 6. Robbies, Foreign and Domestic wwmw 4ii ANb BLOOMSBURG Pfi. am the In piireliasbg Iioueb bold ncccsHitieB, it is wiso always to select that which is tho best, it will bo the choai.cel in tho c-ml. A good article is always a sourco 61 uloature. J. SALTZEU has won a wido n nutation for spllinrr Lood goods at-low prices, llo buys direct from tho manufacturers, and can sell first class goods cheaper than can bo obtained elsewhere. Here aro some of tho ..I J ; . . Sawing Machines of threo grades, mado by thu Now Homo Sowing maohino Co., 3 drawer drop leaf, all attachments, from 810.50 to $G0. Royal St. John, $30 upwards. Standard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Have received tho agency fnr tbo Boojey D-tin Cornet, tho best cornet in tho world. A 'OOd aSSOrtmillt of vinllno trnitnra. 1, oiiinii nciiordeoiiR, drums, flutes, fifes and all kinds of musical instruments. The best of stringR f I'irklina onlto ..:.,i:..AAll hi s violins. Agent for Buttrrick's paiiurn-uuoK anu iasnion slioets. Pianos, organs and sowing machines sold on mouthy j ajments. A libera discount for cash. Do not tend elsewhere, but call and seo tho stcck of your homo dealor, who is always with you, and can give you any information or instruotion upon any instrument you may purchase. J. SALTZER, Musical Instruments and Sowing Machines am BLOOM 1UIS& liuiios-Org;iflis. Tlie traprpved method ot fastening strlmrs of pia nos, Invented by ua, u ono of Hie moat unporlant lmpro?emeuliioveriniKlo, miking tie Inslrunent morerlclilymuiloil In toue, inoro durable, and lew Uaulo to iiet out of tune. liotu the Mason & Hamlin Organs and 1'lanon exoclcnieaylntliatwnioa U tliecaiet excell nee In anvrmielrnllnatiiinaM nunlit.p . erthinga, tUougli important, are much lesa bo tuantnla. An ItutrunieDt wllU unmuiloal tones wauuuv wo K,wu. nmsirtiLui. uaiaiozuei or new fityloa, latroUucoa llUs beawa, Bent Iroo. MASON & HAMLIN .Opcm amd Piano Co. B0BT0H NEW Y0HK. UfllOAOO. -aid4C WillEROOi "A Wordtotho Wise," The word we would utter to the wise concerning' Clothing, is "Qual ity," On Quality hinges Cheap, ness, for a thing is not cheap un less it is good. Therefore remem ber when in need of Clothing, Man or Boy, that with us a low price never means a poor quality, A. C. TATES & CO., the n 6th and Chestnut Sts, yates 13th and ""Chostnnt ' Sts. STORKS J rnn.ADELrniA. Bloomsburg, Pa. and RETAIL I Crackors and , Wm if tw Estey Piano, 350 to $G0l). Sleek, S375 tn S600. 11. M. Bent & Co., 250 to S400. Brown A Simpson, 8250 to $100. Kstey Orcans, S90 to S175. Miller orpanc, S75 to S150. United StateR organs, SlL'5 to 8175. Cliioarjn Qottarrt, organ, SH0 to SM0 Worcefter organs, 875 to $150. Paris organs, 800 to Sl'10. Celebrated While Sewing Machines 83 to SC5. Now Domestio Sewing Maohines, 35 to S75. patterns, - K PA. J H- WlbblAMti, AU0T1ONKEH. IILOOMHBUHO, 1'A. Roal Estate Baught and Gold. I'srllo lcalrlntoliuy ioresanil wagon "onld dc veil to call on tho above. nn COIUCCM ME ".a 111 ll uatqutica, anil 10 iiiiroaura u ipriwr rontli m twill ttnilflil tottxi iKHftim la fch lucalUr, but. Only llio who writ t u ott n mk aui l tb t ttiuca, All ytm btt l iitunttilo ibow our food U tbonkft 11 your nvlfkbor nd thoM arouBd you. 1 b tha amall anrl of thm Ut- loS1'!. EVP "MfiREJ P5S Kp.M Urgt m U ui-1 carry. W will Uo jon kw lw lUtlVMlMM. htUrirrlM mt Hi UflUUHNttlU'ltf' U. KAtU.Tr CU Boa rvailBW, mUi4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers