The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 16, 1890, Image 3

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Bweet potato plants at J. Garrison's, 6th
Kdward Tustln 1ms purchased tho
property of Morgan Samuels on Hock
fttfrrt. frtr tartA
i ii u. eiubi ui me uariun 01111 company
Htcady employment, on salary. In niTirfrf has Introduced a new brand of flour called!
In another column, by E. 0. Pelrson & Co., "Nelllo Uly". It Is of a llttlo higher grade
Waterloo, N. Y. 6-0.4t. ' tnan lho "Unarm" brand, and Is meeting
W. Kitchen,
with largo sale. His "Charm" brand of
flour Is pronounced tho best flour made for
tho money.
Never had it preparation a moro appro-
l'rof, llarklns, Principal of tlm
llloomsburg I'ub'.io Schools wllldollvcr tho
memorial address, May 80, at Orangoylllc.
For bracing up tho ncrtcs. nurifvlna tlm Prlato nstno than Aycr's Halt Vigor. When
blood and curing sick headache and dvs. t!l0 cP'llary glands tecomo enfeebled by
pepsla, there Is nothing equal to Hood's dlaca80 a8C or neglect, this dressing Im
Grain, lift, Seeds and Balod lay.
Removal! Eemovall
Absolutely Puro.
TUIa powder never varlo. A marvel of purity,
strength and wholosomonoss. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, nnd cannot bo sold In
competition with tho raultltudo of low test, nliort
weight alum or phosphate powders. HoM oniu m
cans. ItOTAi. IHiiho rownsa Co., 10s Wall St., N Y.
The Columbian
rvrubllshed every Friday. Subscription price,
11.00 a year.
Entered at tho I"oat omco lit Bloomsburg, l'a.,
as second class matter, March 1, 1S88.
Foil Balk A second hand lutnn teal ear.
rlac, conveniently arranged for two 01
four persons, substantially built and In mind
N. ltioiiAiiT, Epy L'a.
Tho attendanrc at the Normil school U
larger this term than ever at any term In
its History. This school Is steadily rro.
grossing and will some diy rink at tho
head of schools.
IfMDAY, MAY 10, 1890.
Hon. 11. It Brldcns died at his homo In
Lock Havin on Tuesdiy, aged 72 years.
110 was a contractor ou tho U. & S. H. It.
parts renewed lifo to tho scalp, so that the
hair assumes much of Its youthful fullness
and beauty.
Tho cnlcrtatnouul glvon U thu Lutheran
church last Thur.'dty evening, entitled
''Crowning of tho Miiy Queen," was Well
attended and highly cuinnnnled un by
those present. Two excellent pieces of
music were rendered by Fnf. Brook's Or
chestra. Thu exercises were Interspersed
with select recitals. The piano used fur
tho evening was from tho music wareroums"
of J. Ballzcr.
At the meeting held M ty S h of tho
Benton Agricultural AsiocUtlou for tho
and resided hero for a ytar or more, nnifl election of olllcers. 'lhu,followlng pinions
was well known la this county.
Trains on the 1'. It U. It. leave ltupert as
ronows 1
7:31 a. m. ll:CM a. m.
3:31 p.m. 8:83 p.m.
Tralnson the D, L. & W. 11. It. leave Bloomsburg
nortu. ROtrrn.
7:19 a. m. 8:32 a. m. a, m. 1S:06 p. m.
2:85 p. m. 4:15 p. ra.
:.10 p. m. 6:47 p. m.
TratnBontho N.&W.ll. llallwaypass Bloom
rerry asioiiowBi
nohtu. poem.
10:48 a. m. 13:37 p. m. p. m. -so p. m.
108 a m 6:3 p m
Taking effoct MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 18S9.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS, ft H. A. H. A.M. A.M. r, M. P. SI.
Bloomsburg, 0 28 U 48 7 01 8 31 S 81 6 40
Main street 0 18 11 41 0 (S3 s ti Hi 6 47
Uondals 6 16 11 3!) 6 66 8 41 2 41 60
I'aperMIll 6 08 11 31 0-48 8 5.1 ! M 7 00
LlghtStreet. 6 05 11 88 6 43 8 SB 3 56 7 0.1
Orangovllle s 07 11 20 8 35 9 3 117 7 10
Korka, 6 45 11 10 6 21 U 15 3 17 7 20
Ziners .... 5 4! 11 0 6 21 0 2) 3 20 7 21
stl'lwater 5 37 11 ft! 0 17 si 3 21 7 21
Benton 5 28 10 M 0 10 9 83 3 II 7 33
Edsons, 5 23 111 50 6 07 0 31 3 37 7 3S
Colescreek, 5 20 10 45 6 05 9 31 3 40 7 40
suearloaf, 5 13 10 42 6 03 41 3 43 7 41
Laubachs, 5 12 10 40 6 no 9 47 3 ii 7 47
UentraL.V 6 03 10 31 3 53 9 67 3 58 1 57
Jamison city.... B 00 10 3) 5 50 10 00 4 00 8 01
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. m. a. m, a. u. a. M. r. u. r. u.
1 no ursl ball game of the season will be
played Saturday nttcrnoon at 3 o'clock.
wiui mmes-Marie. Tho Uloom team has
been reorganized and a good game may bo
Hemcmbcr the course dinner to boscryed
at the roora3 of tho W. 0. T. U, by the
Young Peoples Guild' of tho Episcopal
ehurch this Friday uftcrnoon and evening.
A great meal for 00 cents.
At a special mectiog of Town Council
held last Friday evening, bids wcro recelv-
cd for supplying gas natures for tho now
Town Hall. The contract was awarded to
Eshleman & Wolf.
wero chosen.
President Itichard T. Smith; Vica Presi
dent Johu W. Ilelless Sicretary 11 O. Mc
Henry j Trotsury H 0. Cilluy ; Librarian
A. W. Wilkinson.
Directors Calvin Derr; Simuel Smith 1
Elliot Lemons; T. II. Unit; 0. L. Belles.
Fair will be held Oct. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Tho 0 A it Sunday Memorial services
will bo held In tho Opera liouie, Sunday
May 25th, 1890, at half past 2 o'clock, llov.
Tanner of Scranton will deliver .the sermon,
all are invited to attend.
Fullmer's Hotel at Kycrsgrovo was de
stroyed by tiro last Friday afttrnoon at live
o'clock. The Qro wan first discovered in
the roof of the building, but had so far
advanced that It could not bo controlled.
Attention was then given to removing the
household goods. Thu greater. portion of
the goods were removed, but considerably
damaged. Iho building was owned by
Geo. Beagle and was a total lots there
being no insurance upon tho buildiug o
content 3.
TEliv. All are reipiestid to keep their lots
In good Older or clso It will bo dono by tho
Company and charged to tho lot owners.
By order of Committee on Grounds.
Monday, May 10th'. 1). P. Delliler will
sell house nnd lot In llloomsburg, situated
on Boventh street. An excellent oppor
tunity for good Investment. Kale will co.n
mencc at 2 p. m.
Foil Balk. A desirable and commodious
residence bn Main street, supplied with
water, ga9 and steam. Apply 10
jan20tf. L. N. Moykr.
Fort Salk-D welling houses In illooms-
Imrir. Oranirevllle. Ejnv and Kunert Ia
Firms in Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vlr
elnia. Vacant lots in llloomsburg. Store
nrnnnrtlrfl. Grist mills and other uroncrty
by M. P. Lutz, insurance and Heal Estate
Aent, mooinsuurg, ra.
Fnii Hai.h. Kouso and lot In Hupert,
lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with
nine rooms. Bay windows, oat-
kitchen, ico and coal house. Kood stable,
chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever
green trees, good water, Two lailro ids
Twnlvo trains a day each way. to Bloouis
liurtr. faru 8c round trin. Low taxes. A
great bargain, If taken soon.
M. P. Lutz, Ln9uranco & Heal Est. Agt.
F01: 8ale. Fino building lot, Main St.,
near Normal School. Apply to
G. W. Keitki!.
Berwick was represented at tho County
sell this week. Thero uro about forty hero
Interested in the suit between the borough
and M. Merkle. Amon tho number wcro
A I). Scely, 8. P. Uanley. Juo. G. Jacoby,
S. C. Jayne, and 1). Boucher.
Dr. J. It. Evans has one of the most
beautiful vines on the north side of his
home, corner of Third nud Jclfcrson street.
The leaves are very delicate" and the vino
adheres'closely to tho walls thus prevent"
lug birds from lodging tu It.
11. M Ilockmui of Berwick, Pa., makes
a specially ol j ibMug fruits and confec
tionery. He tells tliL'best and freshest kind
of go.jtW and his prices are very low. Any
one In need of uuoils lu his line will do
well to write.
In the milter of the division of Green
wood into two election districts, thero
being no exceptions, the report of the com
missioners llxiog tho polling placeB at
Mlllvllli- and Kolirsl.-urg was confirmed by
tho court las'. Thursday.
A man named Joseph Gravel was ar
rested last week at Berwick for stealing a
gold watch and chain, an overcoat, suit of
clothes, hat, and seven dollars in money
from John Karns, with whom ho roomed
at a boarding-house. He put the clothes
on and went to Kantlcoko and Bold the
watch for $15. Mr. Kirns works nights
at Jackson & Woodln's and discovered his
loss next, morning. A warrant was taken
out, and he went to tho station to tako the
cars for Northumberland, where he was in
formed Gravel had gone, but found Gravel
on tho train. On being arraigocd In court
on Monday morning Gravel pleaded guilty,
and was sentenced .to a year and two
months in tho pclnltcntlary.
Mr Editor
I have been asked by many persons to
allow my name to eo before tho people of
this county as a candidate for Assembly.
After duo deliberation I havo decided to
gratify my numerous friends by complying
with their request.
If tho people of Columbia Oauaty fee 1
assured that I am tho oroner mm for the
place I shall expect their votes and will be
thankful for them, but If they think dlff er
enlly then I belleye It to bo uot only their
right but tacir duty, to vote for a candidate
who thoy are satisfied has mire merit and
will represent them In the balls of 1:&U a
llon moro satisfactorily than
Yours Hcspectfully
Charles M. Blaker
If you havo, I know you will como again,
and If you havo not, thencxt tlmo you
como to Bloomsburg, you should como
down to tho corner of Cih and Iron Sts.
and call upon moat my new Ofllco & Grain
ware house. Don't expect to soo a largo
elevator, thero Is butono In tho County,
but wo will show you a neat llttlo ware
house, eighty feet long by thirty feet wide,
whero wo can unload your grain etc, so
quick that it will tako your breath, and if
you will give us tho opportunity wo can
load them up again Just as quick wtlh fer
llllzcrs, seeds, salt, mlll-feed, binder-twine,
baled hay, plows etc. You will always And
a very obliging young man at tho ware
houso to wait upon you. Ho is a Jolly fel
low and when ho talks to you about prices
you are sure to laugh. Everybody comti
Lots of room! Tho bargains you will get
not only In buying, but in selling your pro
ducc, aro suro to plcaso you.
Yours truly,
D. W. Kitchen,
Cth and Iron Sts. Bloomsburg, Pa.
Tho Woman's 1 Horns and Foreign Mis
sionary Society of St, Matthew's Lutheran
church will celebrate their eleventh anni
versary wl'h an Interesting programme
Sunday, at 7:30 r. m.. May 18, 1800. fho
following is programme In full:
Prutso God from whom all blessings flow,
By Choir.
Scripture Heading, By President Mrs. G. P.
Prayer, by Pastor, Itev. P. A. Uellman
Hymn, 277 Biok ofi Worship, by Choir,
The Work of tho General 8oclcty In the
Homo and Foreign Field, by Mrs. G.
A. Herring.
Hymn, 213, Book ot Worship, by Choir
Itcport of tho Secretary, Miss Sara Jones
Tract, A loan to the Lord, by Miss Mary
Ashamed of Jesus, (solo), Miss Mamo
Women In the Home Field,
Report of Treasurer, Mrs.
Fragments, by Pastor, Itov.
Anthem, By Choir .
by Mrs. P. A.
F. U. JcrAlns.
P. A. Helln an.
E'sw hero In 1I1U Usuo will ha seen the
card ot I)r. J. f. Fjx, diutist. Mr. Fox
comus ib with twentv ye us expert.
enco .mil has alio jist returned from
A Gheat Offer.
Here is a nronosition that ex
Cels aiiytllinK we have CVCr been I'liilade'phl i where lie completed a special for infringement, in
able to make heretofore. To course m deatisiry .ui mi its moro dim- taln peDi Bckett ,
1 ... 1 I UlUIILlHOi
cverv new suDScriuur, uuu w
every old
subscriber who pays
11 lii.
un arrearages, we win setui me
Columbian for one year, the
New York World for three
months, and a copy of Web
ster's Great Unabridged Diction
ary, weighing nine pounds, all
for $3.50. This Dictionary
has sold hitherto for $10. Send
in vour names at once, as this
olfer is trood onlv for a limit-
o .
ed time. lw.
I). W Kitchen no occupies a largo now
ware liouso on the orncr 01 oixiu ami
Iron a'.r-'eU, where he will handle grain,
fertilizers, seeds, salt and kindred nrtlcles.
He will retain his ullP'.e in Lockard'a build-
ins. See his announcement elsewhere In
this i.sue.
It. E. l'ettit ireniril superintendent of
tho Pennsylvania division, has tendered his
rcsigiiHlimi to tako effect on Juno 1. Uo
has been in tho erapluy of tho Pennsylvania
railroad for a number of years and nw in
tends spending several years abroad
Paul E. Wirt Efq. received a telegram
on Tuesday announcing that a decision in
his favor had been rendered In the United
States Court at New York In tho Sackett
case. A suit was brought uy ueo. ouckii
of Brooklyn, against. II. M. Smith & Co.
selling tho Wirt foun-
clalmlng lint Wirt's
fountain peu was sn Infringement on hi
patent. The casa has been pending for
several years, aud volumes of testimony have
been taken, Mr. Wirt bearing the burden
of tho defense.
This gives him a clear field, and after so
thorough and hard fought battle, it is
scarcely probable that any ono else will
caro to go over tho samj ground again.
Tho Wirt patents havo br-en susta'ned re-
peatedly, and thoy arc now so firmly fixed
that there ca.i be no disupto as to Infringe.
On Wednesday morning of last week the
application of residents or Mlllvllle asking
for Incorporation a9 a borough was laid be
foro the Grand Jury. Witnesses on behalf
of tho nrmlicants were heard all day, and
Mrs. T. It. Jordan of Townnda
Monday in town with friends.' ,
Mrs. Ario Pardee and daughter of
llazlp.tnn havi' beun vlsiUnc at Mrs. Mc-
Peter E. Knapp haa been seriously ill the
past two weeks, from an attack ot
Tnnmai Trcuch who spent the winter in
Flnrtiln returned homo Thursday of last
It. S. IJjwman of tho lkrwick Independent
av im a WIUIU III tUWll US
r " .
witness lu tho Berwick ca3e.
Mr. James Saltzcrw.lh his wlfciind child
nr fihli-nim u vlaitlnu his brother J.
E. J. Brown is visiting his father In
Maryland this week. His milk customers
are served by au assistant.
Mrs. O. O. Evans and Infant son spent
several days this week at Miss Sade
Sloan's. 0. 0. Evans Esq. was ulo with
them, while In attendance at court, being
concerned as counsel In the case of Marklo
against tho borough of Berwick,
A temporary rendezvous for the recruit
Inn ot men for tho U. S. Array, will be
opened in Bloomsburg on tho lSlh Inst, by Thursday was occupied In hoarlug wit-
Capt. Geo. 8. Djdd of the tho 3rd U. a, ne98e8 f0r the opposition. On Friday a
Cavalry. Only men between tho ages of naif j jy wa3 devoted to argument by coun
21 and 35 will bo enlisted. Further par- gei, jn the afternoon the Grand Jury ic
ticulars will be given hereafter. ported In favor of a borough. The law re.
. I quires a majority of tho freeholders resld
The newly elected officers of the wortu cs . wlLltin the liintU of any proposed bo-
.. . T -!.!.... I " ...
West llrancli ualiway uo. are: i rcaiucm, roun l0 sa IUo petition asking lor one
In this caio the petition set forth that there
Bloomsburg May 10, 1800. At a -.pedal
meeting of Bloomsburg Grange j23 P. of
U., held May 5th 1890, to tako action In
refrence to the death of our lato Brother,
J. G. Quick, tho following committee was
appointed to prepare resolutions commem
orative of our deceased Brother; Said com
mlttco respectfully submit the following:
Whereas: But yesterday the friend
whose death saddens our hearts and makes
this an occasion ot mourning, was with us;
he has now crossed tho dark river. To
morrow will come our turn to surrender to
tho destroyer, when others will drape this
Hall In memory of us, and placo our names
on ttie death-roll ot the Grange. Our dc
paitcd Brother was a member of tho Order
from Its Infancy, a Past-Master, and filled
tho ofllco of Secretary for a number of
years. Therefore It is eminently proper
that wo should glvo expression to our great
sorrow and manifest our fraternal
sympathies for those nearest and dearest to
him. Therefore:
IUiotttdt That whilst wc deplore tho loss
sustained by his family, .our order and the
community, our sorrow is softened with
the hopo that to him it was but the transi.
tion to a higher and better life.
Resolved: That we extend to our bereaved
Sisters the widow and daughter of our late
Brother, our heartfelt sympathy.
Remhtd: That as a token of our respect
and esteem for our deceased Brother our
Hall be draped in mourning for ninety
IUaolted: That at our regular meeting on
May 17tb, a portion of tho time bo devoted
to memorial services.
Resolved: That these resolutions bo enter
ed on our minutes, a copy furnished tho
Fanners' Friend and each of the papers of
Bloomsburg for publication.
f H. M. Grotz.
Committoe -I W. J. Bidleman.
I Geo. W.
Council Froceettliiiw.
llegular meeting of tho Council was held
In tho Council ltoom -of the Town Hall.
Wednesday May 8th. President and all
tho Members present.
M S. Williams wts granted permission
to miko repairs ot gutter In front of bis
rcsldcnco on Iron street, at his own ex
pense, town to furnish pipe.
Communication was received from Dr.
J. J. Brown declining to servo as member
of Sanitary Committee.
Upon motion C. G. Barklcy was contluu-
cd as counsel, In cass ot Wanlch vs.
Bloomsburg, until after this term of Court.
Petition was presented by citizens along
Catharino street between Third and Fifth
Streets, asking for extension of sewer.
Upon motion petition was granted.
Letter was read from Secretary of
Bloomsburg Cornet Band asking for room
In tho new Town Hall.
Upon motion L. Gross, seconded by L
W. Shutt, Friendship Firo Company was
granted privilege of occupying room on
second floor directly above Council ltoom;
Itcscuo Hook and Ladder Company room
on Tnlrd floor, and tho Bloomsburg Cornet
Band tho Small room on third floor.
B. F. Itlco, Agent, presented communi
cation offering tho Climax lload Mrshlno
for the sum of $200, in ono year, without
Interest, from May 1st 1890. Upon motion
action was deferred until next meeting.
Building permits wcro granted to P. S.
Harman and Stephen Knorr.
Wages for cobbling was fixed at $1.00
per day.
Albert Summers was added to the police
force and A. V. Howcr appointed as spec
ial policeman.
Complaint was made of the unsafe con
dition of many places along railroad street.
lleport of street commissioner was read
and bills presented andoiders drawnas follows:
Expenses of Highway formonth, $203.85;
police service, $11.12; Bloomsburg Water
Co., March and April. $100.00; Blooms.
burg Gas .Co., March and -April, $101X0;
auditing accounts, $10.75; C. II. Fornwald,
hauling vault doors, $.50; Wm. Krlck.
baum printing, $3.80; I. W. Ilattman, rent
of room, $30.00; J. A. Uutchlns, steam
pipes, $1.02; Creasy & Wells lumber, $10.
Bloomsburg Water Co., Town Hall, $21.80;
Harman & Uasscrt, door sills, Town Hall,
$24.80; Secretary for March and April,
-30 00.
IlcjclHtcrert Jersey Cattle.
The undersigned has 13 head of register.
cd Jersey cattle, including thrco bulls, ten
cows and hcl'ers, running from five
months up to six years. They are fine cat
tle, and can be bought for about one-half
what they would cost at astock farm. Call
and sco them. The earliest comors will
get the first choice. I havo also tour un
registered heifers, fine grade.
U. W. Hess,
2f Mlflllnvlllo, Pa.
Motlco To nulldcrs.
Plans and specifications for tho Building
of a Houso and Cemetery Uato way, can bo
seen at tho shoo store of i'blllp Unangst
after Friday ot this week and proposals
will bo rocclvcd up to Saturday noon May
Z4th 1890 for tho building of tho samo
By order of Bnnnisn CoMyiTTti.
10 8-t.
A Hprlllir Medicine.
Tho druggists claim that pcoplo call
ally for tho new euro for constipation and
slck-hoadachc, discovered by Dr. Silas Lano I
while In tho ltocky Mountains. It is said
to bo Oregon grapo root (a great remedy In
tho far west for those complaints) combin
ed with slmplo herbs, and is mado for use
by pouring on boiling water to draw out
tho strength. It sells at 50 cents a pack-
ago and Is called Lane's Family Mcdlclno-
. Washington Camp No. 810, P. O. 8. of
A., tako this method of thanking tho Bap. I
list Congregation for tho liberal welcome
and hospitality extended to tho Camp on I
unday May 4. They also wish to express
themselves as well pleased with tho able
and Instructive sermon delivered by tho
ltev. Elgar and would advise all, young
men especially, to go and hear him.
H. .M. Grotz.
Committee 1 D. It. Coffman.
There are
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
'Tis sold everywhere.
A New Woman "
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When Dbr wm tick, we fre her CutorU.
When the wu Child, she cried for CutorU,
When she became UI, the dune to OutorU,
When the had Children, the care them CutorU.
: It has been said the body or n human
; being Is renewed once lu seven yours,
; but.strnnge to say, any foreign substance
Z on It, such ns ptmplet, boilit tumors,
I cancers, etc., remain. Tho reason Is
Z that they are diseases and are fed and
I kept all vo by lm pure matter In tho blood.
; It will bo Been at onco that a cure ran
; only be accomplished by purifying tho
I. blood. This being dono tlicy die for
want of support- Many ot tho herbs to
bo found in the vegetable kingdom pos
Z teas tho power to eo cleanse tho blood,
I and, when combined with certain vita
jj Uzlng chemicals aro a power for good.
; That Urown's Barsaparllla Is such a com
; blnatlon none can doubt after reading
the following :
Mericex, Cok., May 9,'8
Urown's Barsaparllla Is unequaled as
a purifier, having used It In oar own
faintly, Yonrs truly,
35 Newton St., Merlden, Conn.
IlEvnnLV, Mass., Starch 29,'CT.
1 will state to you that I, have used
Urown's Barsaparllla and find It very
beneficial as n spring medicine, and
have Jntt commenced with Hngalnthls
spring, nud most cordially recommend
It to all pcoplo having any dlseais of
the blood.
Mrs. Sarah C Rtevfss, .
No. 10 Btouo St., Ucverly, Mats.
Mr. Oeorgo W. Llttleflcld of Orrlngton,
Maine, (ays!
By Using
Every woman may have new life and
vigor by using Urown's Barsaparllla.
No Woman having Kidney trouble, ac
companied with those deep pains across
tho back, dram log down pains, dlztlness,
restless sleep, etc., oanexpect comfort In
thin lire until the cause be removed.
This canto ts disease of the Kidneys,
nnd rau only bo reached through these
organs. Mrs. W.I'.'llerrlck of Cllenburn.
Me., was soaflllcted, and sought various
channels for help. Hearing of Urown's
Karsaparlllnshe tried It, began to rally
at once, and to-day enjoys good health,
Urown's Barsaparllla Is peculiarly
adapted to Kidney Disease.
Brown's Sarsaparilla!
M ai au Druggists i .oo. o Domes ruro.oo.
-ON'T take Something else "Just as good," IT 18 NOT
Aba Warbex & Co., Bole rroprletors,Uangor, Me. .
Hlicrin HoIch.
Nature and Method of Revelation. Ueo. 1.
Firher vo
Ood In Ills World. An Interpretation VO
, i . . . . ...
Old Friends. Andrew Lang J1.M JUSt OpeilCU ailU OU display
AVindow Shades. Twenty
dozen fino dado window shades
irfffl w. Chllriq If I i , l i - nn
The Village CoinmunTty. Oomind: "........I. 1.65 nianUItlClUre SliaueS IOr OUlCeS,
j.iuerai uviug upon Harrow Aieans. uerriCK ,7o
reticles and A8na&la. Landor. New edition.
v vui3. I
On May 0th SherlfT Casey sold tho prop
erly of H. 8. Rcay at Hupert, to W. H.
Rliawn, trustee for Mary V. ltcay, for I
On Saturday the following properties
wcro sold: John W. nnU Ellen Clark,
property In Centre, to William Bhalter for
T t -1 .1 ii I nt
hum In f !. It. r.t,l,ln fnr MBfl. owraa irom noneton 35 lUJTS 11UU CUIUUIT lieCOntUOUH U
b I T . 1 1" 1 1 I y i . t . i
Property of B. P. Savaco in Jackson to Jusl suciui xooKStore as VOUa pieaSO all taStCS ailU SUtt all
uuaiu utuusn iui ipiirovst i wrw vs. uv,iuuu o it i u, nv,tv- i UUloUl
Property of c. M. Girton In Bloomsburg Book table no proper book Great variety of new and de-
missing, sirable styles from the best mak
I rM . i
Dysnensia causes dcDravcd blood, which. era. OpCCimeUS, estimates aUU
New in the Camelot Series;
Spcnco's Anecootes .. .85
More-B Utopia 33
oaai b u uusuia ........ ... ,
Ktorlcs from carleton...
stores and dwellings to order on
short notice, all lengths, widths
and colore.
Fine side wall paper, hantr-
to Hannan M. Btohner for $70.
in time affects every organ and function of Large variety best Lowell ex-1 designs, furnished on request;
tuo body. As a remedy for these troubles, tra Super Ingrain Carpet at 65c If you are going to paper this
a yard the lowest price we Spring wo know we can save
ever heard of for these, goods, vou monev. No trouble to show
nothing can approach Ayc.-'s Barsaparllla.
It vitalizes the blood, strengthens the sto
mach, and corrects all disorders of the
liver and kidneys.
The China Matting at 58 the stock
roll ot 40 yards is unusual value.
run assortment of every grade
from 1 5 to 60c more than two
hundred patterns. You won t
in America
John Wanamaker.
rniLACXu-niA, Monday, May 12, 1690.
Only the finest cotton care
fnlWr wrirreA crftc inrrtrlf lrwnlv I r- . . .
"" V V b , ..-v nna sucn a variety in any
uranaenourgs. iumpy, Knotty tW. tnwn nr nth-
1a . . . . . ... v .. .. w. V u k . V. .
imitations(it is apt tcfibe the Ori
ental way to have them) but a
smooth, perfect surface is one
ol the chielest lirandenburg
graces. On such a cotton the
art printer can do his daintiest
work. Not even the rarest
Sateens outdo the Branden-
burgs in beauty of printing,
Hardly the stun you expect to
get at 20c a yard!
A large number ot exquisite
new patterns and
W. H.BR00KE & CO.
He Told llic Trutli.
I was troubled with Liver Complaint for I
years, and suffered terribly. Lako tho
druggist advised mo to tako Bulplmr Bit
ters. I took three bottles and now I am a
well man. L. Fenner, lruta-tun, Cbnn.
5-0 2t.
r NcrvoiiH Debilitated Men.
If you will Bend us vour address we will malt
you our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about
ColorinP'S I pu'ances, and their charming effects upon the nor-
lmv hffn rprpnrlv nHrlpfi- I ly restore youto'vlirorlandmanhood.namnhlet tree.
Marshall, Mich.
among them black hgures on
white grounds tor the tirst time.
aDd ADDllanceson l.lai.
l-d r-iy. VOLTAIU UBLT 1,0.
Norinul Hcliooi 2Soien.
D. .1. Waller; Directors U K. Buckalew, A.
J. Cissalt. J. N. UilUarry,, Jonu 1: ursen.
II. II. Houston. WUter Morris, William
Nei.l. Henry W. Palmer, Charles Parish,
0. II. Huberts, N. ParKer auortriugc,
Henry D. Welsh.
Tho Farmers Alliance are agitating the
subject of sending a m tit to Congress from
this district, who Is a thorough represents
live of their interests. It Is not yet deter.
mined whether they will endeavor to urge
a mau who receives tho support of ono of
the party conferences, or whether ho shall
bo a man selected, and run upon a distinct
Tho name of O. L. Sands of Mordansvlllo
U fnnuently rncntloneu as . repuoiicau
cindidate for County Commissioner. His
business as manufacturer of woolen yarn
W. E. Smith Esq. of Berwick has ob- has brought him mong all the people in
lolncd a patent on u fountain pen.
Mrs. Cathcart Is haying a porch erected
at tho side of her residence.
the county, and ho would make a good
man to gtard their interest as commission
AHred MoIIcnry of Benton Is taking
rillroad lies In exchange for merchandise
at his store.
Bloomsburc Band will hold a
Frldav anil RaturdaV CVenllUS MjY COlh
and Diet. Placo announced net wtek
On Saturday last a number of ladies
visit to Mrs. Jacob Evans on East
street, and very agreeably surprised her.
Great auamtties of provisions wero
brougut uy tue vmnus, aim u iuu CuJUJ- , dln horsos.) from a
I . . , T ... ,ln.n. I 11 " ... .
abio l mo was nan. u. mui-. - will leave
ly alleclei) by this manifestation ot friend- j)oomsi,rg for New Columbia at 8:40 a.
are 100 freeholders residing within llie
limits, and 70 of them signed the petition,
making three-fourths, a large proportion.
In tho Benton application a few mouths
ago, there was a atroat doubt raised by
tho opposition as to whether a majority of
tho freeholders were Jo fivor ot a borough.
Nothing more will bo done with tho
Millvlllo borough mitter until September
court, and in the raeautimo exceptions may
be riled.
The Twenty-First Annual Cuovi-ntlon of
tho Columbia County Sabbath School Ai
soclation will bu held at New Columbia
Union Church, Tuesday and Wednesday
Mav 87th and 2dth. The musio will ho un-
der the direction of Prof. J. H. Kurzen-
knabe of Harrlsburg. The opening Bervl.
.... .1 t... I,..- T U
ces will ue conuucicu uy h. ui"i
Presbyterian minister of the New Colum
bla Church, welcoming words by Rev. A.
It. Glaze, Lutheran minister of tho Now
Columbia Church, and responso by Presi
dent, II. "It. Bower of Berwick. Each
School In tho count Is entitled to two
d, legates aud au additional delegate for
cverv titty Echolars over ono hundred.
Entertainment will bo provided for all (in-
distance. Free
tho depot at
The Normal school now boasts of a reg.
ularly organized base ball team The boys
have succeeded In raising about $10, with
which to purchaso suits. Theso havo been
nurohased. and "the boys" look well. On
Friday, May Olh, they "crossed bits" with
the Berwick team at Berwick. The score
UrmilcemicHH I.Kiuor Ilntilt
nil 1 lie World mere Is but oue
cure Dr. llulueB' Golden specific
It can be eiven in a cup of tea or coffee
without the knowledge ot thu person taxing
It, effecting a speedy and permanent cure,
whether tho patient is a moderate drinker
or au alcoholic wreck, inousamls of
drunkards havo been cured who havo taken
tho Golden Specific In their coffee without
their knowledge, and to-day believe they
quit drinking of tholr own free will. No
harmful effect results from Its administra
tion. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular
and lull particulars. Addresb in confidence
Golden Specific Co., 18) Iiaco Street,
Clnclnnati.O. lO.iWly
Good serviceable Robe pat
terns of the French Wool Dress
Goods at about half.
8-yard lengths $2.00
10-yard lengths 52.50
This week at Clark & Son's larco lines ot
Gloria Silk Umbrellas at 00c, $1.30 and
$1.40. Best goods at ronarkably Ion
prices. Full line of good Salines at 10c vd.
another lot of thoso handsome Dress Ging
hams at 10c and 12Jc yd, n largo lino of
Thpv havp .1 nipce of the Rem- headed wraos at regular prices, fino
ineynave a piece 01 uie ivem 00ds. Laco curtains. Scrims, China silks.
nant Counter, OUCn a company Window shades, of best llollena. Bar-
E Is very much delighted. Whllo In
Philadelphia recently he called sn
E. O. THOMPSON, tho well known
Clothier and Importer, No. 1333 Chestnut
St., (opposite tho Mint), and bought an
of little-Driced biff-Worth Stuffs 6aln,a ,n IIo9,i,cry '"8 Hl;ca of hito dress elegant Black Fancy Cheviot Suit for $13.
1. ' 0 EiT.' Such a suit would ha
as you rarely see.
In Women's Summer Foot
wear uxiords and low cuts
have the call blacks or colors,
Ut course we set the pace in
prices; but that s not the most
important part. Fit comes first.
In medium grades as well as in
the finest we fit you perfectly.
and style
hair, special lot of all silk surah silk at 32c
yd. for dresses and sashes. Bracelets,
pins, jewelry, now lines of gloves, special
101 counterpanes, uiacn uress goons, giori
osa, see It. Kid gloves, ribbons, laces, &c.
Nov York City.
In workmanship and style we
I. W. Hartmaa & Sons. take xt that a11 these soods show
me perfection ui snueiiwiKiug,
I ob Twrt nf t h mncf nnnn
1 1 . 1 "rvv- K.v ...v. ...wk I'"!-"
uom planting is aimoat over, int.r;ce, nnfi jc. thnn
wheat has gone up m price, fnv)., fnr ,, tn :i, frnrn
I, ., 1 . Jvr J J - " . u . jvm w I'l.i .w..a,
sioouwio 111 lavur ui ul.u ia b.0 and we think there s at least a
tuny navo openeu ';-;-'"- ing in, egga are pie niy, an umssb lionar more Gf value n every
pair of them than you'll find in
like grades out-side. All the
betwixt and below styles just
as plentiful
1 wo High shoes, button and
lace. Mahogany goat. $3 a
pair, true value $4. AU sizes
readv for other engagements. The team is
made up of tho following students
I. G. Miller c, John Harman c. f, Morris
Sloan s. s, John O'Uonnell 3. b, W. S. Mil
lur n. J. U. Miller r. f. Wm. Shultz 1. f,
Jt.e. Qillaguer 1. b, Wm. Wagner 3. b.
Tho Electric clock recently put In the
building, arid which has been to tho fact
ory for certain needed changes and repairs
came to hand again Stturda SUy lUtli. It
is now doing duty and works admirably.
Vny of tho town people who havo not yet
seen or had cxplalucd tho workings of this
system of Electric bell, will he well repaid
by calling "on tho hill". All of the various
dally and night programme for all tho
buildings aro rung by tho bands ot tho
clock. You want to see It.
Tho Misses Bynon and Wylle, class of
'88, and Miss Btajer, class of '80 spent
Sunday with their Normal friends. Co no
again ladles.
The examinations of tlm Bentor nnd Juu
lor classes, by tho Btato Department, have
been Qxed for June 17th.
are intended to make the larm-
er happy, We are ready to in
crease their happiness by fur
nishing them and all others with
the largest and finest stock of
goods in the county. (Jahcoes
are no more on the run, yet
"ave em- umS,iama and widths.
Uhaiues, tsieges, c., aro out
running them this season, mug
ins are always in the market
without advertising, and we
lave them. We are ready
with good Spring dress goods
aud trimmings at all prices
Our sateen assortment is good.
havo cost him
Twenty Dollars at home. Had ho not
been In tho city he could have sent his.
nam? and address on a postal card or In a
letter and received by return mall samples
of various cloths, also simple cullo for
taking his own measures, free of charge
Any ono can order from Mr. Thompson by
mall with tho samo satisfaction as by call,
ing in person.
Est ale !
Two secoud-liand buggies for sale low or
will exchange on oats or hay, apply to
J. II, FoilUYLEli & Co,
Tho Mordttusvllle Free church will dedi
cate a new church building at Mordans
Vllle, Sunday May 18Ui ot 10 o'clock. A
cordial invitation Is ixtcnded to all.
Supper with cjif-jo loo croam aud cako
will bu served on 8 iluiiKy eve. May 17th
at tho rooms of tho W. 0. l U, commence
lng at live o'clock.
C. W. Neal I- nnkln? somo Improve
ments to his dwelling houso on Fifth street.
It U.11I 1... .rtmnlitli lv TL nioillted both Inside
and out.
Mrs. Jackson will luiild otwentyfoot ex
tension in thu rear ot thu HtrvUek M. E.
church and put In a plpiorjinhs aprfent
to tho congregation.
William Chrlmian Esq. tho Newly np
nolnti'il IMatr'rt Attorney, m ifnrineil Ihi'
duties ot his Olllco in Court with prompt
nosj, and lu a very satisfactory manner.
Ti.n llloomaburi! Car Company has been
lllllng a large dutract for cars for tho Iron
Car Company of Now York, which latter
company failed last week. The uiooms
burg Car Compsny aro creditors to tho
amount of 20,00J. A considerable
amount ol property at the shops hero ue
lonilngtothelronOtrOi. hts been levied
on under a foreign attachment Issued on
behalf of tho Bloomsburg Car Lo. 19 pro
tect llu'inselves, Just In tlmo to prevent a
Now York party from doing the same
.1,1.,,. t lur nnnnlo OXIlCCt 10 gel most Ol
tiiti.t,. -- 1 1
ihelr mouey out.
Thu followlug letters are held at Blooms
burg, l'a., post-olllce, and will bi sent to
tho dead li tter oince, may n,
II, Sanley Goodwin, A. D. Laytour Lu.
vcrno Bobbins, Fred S. Smith, Ed. O. Tay.
inr. Ulis. James W. Wettman.
Persons calling for theso letters plcaso
i.v were adverthwd May 18, 1890.
One crnt will bo charged .on each lottft
The Old, UidHtury.
A llttlo coughs a feeling III;
A headache nfl; a dally chill;
A slower walk; a quickened breath;
A frequent talk of coming death.
No strength to rise from day to day:
From loving eyes ho fades away.
N iw lifts no ruon tho woary head,
Tlie struggle's oe'rj the man is dead.
Such Is tho fatal progress of consump.
tion. How often li repeated thu old. old
Any ono Intending to buy Steam Engines atorv.. ytt not half so often as it was he-
of any stylo or bIzu or first class Saw Mills ( Jre knowledge camu to mankind that
will do well by seeing, or writing tuo un. lhtn, ...u8 .. discovery In medical tcU-ucu
dcrslgned for Catalogue and Prices before b wi,icu. tho dreud dlsfase could beams!-
buying. " llTa i"t""i I ed In Its early stages and tho patient re-
1-4 2 m urange.iiie, id. 1 (red to heallh. This wonilenul remedy,
m., may ami uuu iv.u. .v
Columbia at tho close of tho Convention.
All wishing tu avail themselves of this op
portunity of a tree rldo should send
Ihelr names to Jliss uzue migui, uucb
horn, not later than May 30th.
ICukIiic-m nud Haw AiiUh.
AU Vourl'rlcndnAliout It.
Your distressing coutib can bo cured.
Wo know it bcgUJo Kemp's llalsam with
in tho past few years has cured sn many
coughs at.d colds lu this community. Us
remarkable sale has been won entirely ou
Its eenulno merit.' Ask some friend who
Tennis, shoes $i to $5.
bach day now adds some
thing new and shapely for Men,
Women and Lhudren.
As good value as we ever
had in Cream Huck Towels,
T n rrrr. cl? - v - ,1 inriirc
Our Spring cloths are selling, finisl d lhe ;ce ,5c
l"vo US1.80 a dozen!. Thev'd be
and hundreds of other
ot lino goods aro on tho coun
tors and BhelYei. When you
como to town it will pay to
see our stock, towels, nap
kins, linen table cloths ami all
kituls ot linen goods are ono
of our special attractions, good
groceries, line dishes and glass
(tii nn ltd n in nns n ti 1 ofniiil InitWtCl
UiUU) 141lUliJ UllU EUUUV1 lUlltl'B)
tiro wuat wo boiust ot on tue
grocery department.
m mm AM I
l. w. aartmancft sons. ersare urnins
snapping quick value at 20c,
Handsome snow bleach Huck
Towels, damask borders, 25c
Sorts and sorts at just as win
ning prices,
li Dr. Plcrci's Golden Medical Discovery,
Thousands of cures follow tho use of Dr.
Sago's ChUrrh llemedy. SO cents.
Trout Iiliincr.
J, Jl. Mcllenry, tho well known and pop.
ular landlord ot tho Mcllenry houu at
Benton, will open to the public ono of tho
has used it what ho thinks of Kemp's Bat. rest feasts of tho year, on Saturday, Mav
sam. Thero Is no medicine so puro, none jji, trout dluntr will bo served, and
so effective. Largo bottles 60o and $1 at thero will bo a great abundance for all.
all druggists. I Don't mlsa It. Everybody ia Invited.
Notary Public.
Loans secured, Investments made. Heal
tate bought and sold.
Office In First National Hank Huildin2l
riiooiusourg, ra.
A DMlNH'I'lt A'l'uit d NOTICE.
ttahi( 0 Charles B. Trov, lot 0 Beater tiep aMfa,
Notice Is hereby given that letters ot admlnl.
tr&t'oa oa tbe estata ot Cbarles U. Troy, late ot
liepver township. do'd, have been irrantBd to
iTUiMUa Trov ami John K. Davis otztons drove.
fa., to whom all pemona Indebted .to said estate
ate rea-iested to make nayments, and tliOTi hav.
Inn clalmi r demands W make known the same
without delay to
K.H. Hitti il JOHN U. DAVIH. f Auinm.
awj, zioua drove,)'.
- ll-ia-Tu.
Do you keep an eye on the
New Book Table? It's a magic
mirror in which you can see at
a glance whatever the publish
out. Here are
two or three armsful of the newest.
Novels and Tales:
When We Were nays. William U'lirten ....11 10
Tbe Master ot tbe Magicians. Elizabeth
Muan rhelpsand II. 1). Ward .. ,W
Bister balm bulnlce. Valdes. Kroin the
Hpanlsii 1,10
A KareUn Match, lllgot T5
Tales ot New England. Harab Orne Jevsett .so
Hanuapl. Lain&rtlae. New EJItlou. .is
Utile Ualat KUzabeth. Mrs liurnell 1,10
History and Biography:
Scboulern History ol the felted states.
New edltton. 4 vols 14.15
Tbe Wile ot the First Consul. BaUit-
Armand, .90
History ol Mexico. N II is
Ulsroelt V, Carroll Brewster im
In Tlin Tri-nlinenl oft'lirnnlc llltt'i COrjtlneH
his practice to sucn cases only as are so clearly and
I'uiy uevmuiK-u iui ujiuaue aeoiniiiiauuu puyiuvu
Diagnosis without o.uestlonlnR or; allowlns l'a.
tlentsto makestatementsot their conditio n. un
this basis ot I'osltlve Diaunosln, for tieatment, Dr
uiarK's Kxpenence inn iii-i-uiiit) iriruy -iniiiuii-ril
by a Thirty YrnrM l'rnrlii-f- lilrli liivliiitt
Tnrlrty, mill nurc-MNfii! ri-illl t I'.jilitllt-tl by
Tiw und exrt-lled by nunn. I'ltllun'H, mnlp
ml u-iiiiiie, not rnr i-u liy orillnury -rri-nimi-ni
r In ilunbt hm In the linlure ol Ibl-lr dUt-nlt-N
SMiu-rlitlly Imllrit.
Ult- CbAHK Ort.lnated. Teaches and rractl-s
Iostttve Diagnosis aud by connalng hU I'raet'ce
to rultyd6elopedcUronle rllaeasei ot iten ana
Woinrn, has attained unujual suocess In the
treatment ot many so called incurable maladies
Tho Dr. can bj consulted freo or charse at
NBW YOHK CITY, at tho "llynn," 107
West 03lh sti-r-t. V- b Id to 'Jl and March
I) to 12, June lit t-i 17, Ana 'Jl to bept. 1)
Sent. US to Uet O. on. lu lo 'JU. ttov 1U ti
23, Dec. 7 to 14, 1800. Keb. 15 to 25, .Mar.
8 to 15, 1691.
MILTON, PA., Broadway lintel, Friday,
Alay 'JJ.
CATAWBA. PA., Hu tpiehanui House,
Baturdiy' May 21
BLOOMSBUIU1. PA, Bschaum Ili'i-I,
Monday, May 20. 5-10 is 20.
In pursuance ot an order Issued out et tho Or
phans' Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned
executor ot Lydla Bean, late ol the borough of
Berwick, deceased, will sell at publlo sale on tho
premises on
at 10 o'clock a. m. the following described real
estate: situate In the borough ot Berwick, on
.Font street, between .Mulberry and Market
streets, bounded on tho north by front stieet,
south by an alley, east by land ot L. Kurtz, and
west by land ot Ilattlc Kelchner, contalnlog tour
teen teet and six Inches on Front Etreit, on which
Is erected a
The composition of the Four
nuituv m
The LanKiugo ot llxa New 'restameau
cox ...
and uutbulldlnss.
TKllM8 0FBALK.-ll(iodown, ntty per cent, ot
the balance on conn nnat Ion ot sale and delltery
ot deed, and tho balance In one year after con
tinuation, with Interest, deterred paymenu to too
secured by bond and mortgage.
.... .11 ss
81m. i
1'AltH I'OIl HUN T
A f arm ot IIM uoa-s. wltl nanrlso-no nt-w Ikium
ana uirn, auu suppu-a wnn Auaauant wnier, wu
do remit! ai. a iuv ic-ut lor uio vnria ui uvt ii.irn,
to a i;ooa tenant who un Mrol-m nu own Btoek
nloiiljum. Tu tuai u tu tn cmanlim
Yttiir) un vtiu luwuiuip rua i iru'ii lmuju ittut- n
Audsnrvtd two m bs from llrinlo-ivllo 'id uear
dlrard Manor. KefervnoiM iwi K'iUM. Aldrns,
iikuekis. riiOMr.iOM, uuuiueer uiraru listato
l-otuvlllo, l'a Nov. l.ljr.
QR. J. T. KOX,
All the latest npliancuh' for - m inuftcluring.
trcatini;, filliiig and txtraLtin;; 1-eili. All
styles of work wuiraine I reprcsi-nml. Office
ou Mam Street, near . S l6-ly.
BXi'ivN'-rW FltdM STAltl'. Hi-V bellliiB (iwolal
Kierteiice unecetr' with us. OUTFIT
HKNrt'.vKli. t-inalal Induccu euls and choice ot
ten foil lo every man engaging now. Write for
terum iiulclt, tttttum age. Y S. TAFT & Ca,
iiocnoicr, ,
Save Your Hair
BY a timely useot Ayer's Hair Vigor.
This preparation has no equal as a
dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool,
and healthy, and preserves the color,
fullness, and beauty ot tho hair.
" I was rapidly becoming bald and
pray i hut after usiun two or three
bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair
grew thick and glossy and the original
color was restored." Melvia Aldricb,
Canaan Centre, N. II.
" Homo time ago I lost all my hair in
consequence of measles. Alter dua
waiting, uo new growtti apneareu. a
s uair v igor anu n
then used Ayer
uair grew
Thick and Strong.
It has apparently come to stay. The
Vigor Is evidently a great aid to nature."
J. Ji. Williams, Floresvtlle, Teios. "
"I havo used Ayer's nalr Vigor for
tha past four or five years and find It a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair.
It Is all I could desire, being harmless,
causing the hair to retain Its natural
color, and requiring but n small quantity
to render the hair easy to arrange."
Mrs. M. A. Uailey, 0 Charles street,
Haverhill, Mass.
" I have been using Ayer's ITalr Vigor
for several years, and believe that It has
causeil rny hair to retain Its natural
color." Mrs. II. J. King, Dealer- In
llry Goods, &c, Blshopville, Md.
Ayer's Hair Vjpr,
mtraain tr
Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mass,
BuM t lmiUttu4 l'ailuiurs.