THE COLXJMBLJN" MSB DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAi The . Columbian 8B. 0. E, Elrrall, visit.,, J. S. BUtiactader., ! s"t!"' BOJABBUttQ, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1890. NOIIOE. Tho members of tho Standing Com mlttoo of tbo UoraocMtio party of tho county of Ooltitnlra, wilt meet at llio oflico of tho Chairman on Tuesday the 27th day of May, itist, nt 10 o'olook a. in., for tho purpose of electing four persons as delegates to tho Stflto Con vention which convenes at Scranton, July2, 1890. C. B. Ent, Wm. Ciirisman, Seo'y. Chairman. Warren county is tho homo of Mr. Dolamiter. O.i Salurtliy list at tho republican primary eleotioua C. W. Stone captured (he county, and secured the delegates to tho stalo convention. Ex-Mayor Richard Vaur has been nominated by tho democratic conven tion of tho Third district of I'hiladel phia. as a candidate for Congress to fill the vacanoy oaused by the death of Samuel J. Randall. The special elec tion will bo held on May 20. There were a number of other candidates but all stepped out of the way for Mr. Vaux'nnd ho was unanimously nomi nated. As yet thero is no announcement of any candidate for representative on this sido of tho river. The llaioo of Peter A. Evans of Montour township is being talked of, and his many friends are urging him to be a candidate. He is an intelligent man, and as be is a farmer he knows the needs of the farmers. Mo better selection could be made and if Mr. Evans consents to run ho -will get there. The people are get ting tired of professional politicians." State Senator. C. Larue Munson Esq. of Lycoming, B. S. Collins Eq. of Sullivan and pro ably Dr. Hoffa of Mouctour will be tho candidates fcr the office of St? to Senator for this district from tho'e counties. The namea of Grant Ilerriiig and A. L. Fritz are used ai probable contestants for the nomination in this county. .. ! S Court Proceedings. Com. vs Charles E. Smith, pleaof not guilty on first count, guilty on second count. Hen tenced to pay costs, floe of $10 and $25 lying id expenses. $15 funeral expenses. A. D. Seely sworn as High Constable of Berwick. Commonwealth vs. Mrs. Forney, keeping a bawdy house, true bill. Alvln Moser vs. Hora Moeer, divorce decreed. Commonwealth vs. Bamuel A. Smith, on motion or District attorney not pros allowed. Commonwealth vs. Nell Stroup, keeping a bawdy house, true bill, continued to next sessions. Commonwealth vs. William Tceple, con tinued, t Commonwealth vs. John Roadarmel, true blll,,nol pros ordered on payment of costs. Commouweelth vs. M. B. Eady, assault and battery, case tried, verdict guilty. Commonwealth vs. William Dlghmiller, larceny, recognizance forfeited to be re spited on appearance at next cessions. Commonwealth vs. Lotta Manhart, true bill. Commonwealth vs. Felix Hitter, not a true bill. Commonwealth vs. James R. Rltter, not a true bill. The following roads were confirmed ab solute May 0: Benton near H. Everett's store, Hemlock near M. C. Whttenlghl's. Bridge In Mifflin over Heller's run con firmed absolute. Collector'? bonds approved. Commonwealth vs. John Gulliver, on motion ot District attorney nol pros al lowed; Commonwealth vs. Daniel Baker et. al recognizance foi felted to be respited on appearance at next term. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Gravel, true bill. Grand Jury reported In favor of borough at Ml'.lville. Jurors were discharged on Thursday, grand jury discharged on Friday. MONDAY MAY 12. Docket called and judgments taken, Commonwealth vs. Josepn Gravel, de fendant pleads guilty. Auultor'a report in 'estate of Alfred Bower confirmed nisi. Amos Applcman was sentenced to pay fine of $500, and costs of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment In the Eastern Penitentiary for one year and two months, Mrs. Forney plead guilty on tho Indict, ment for keeping a bawdy house. Bbe was sentenced to pay a fine ot $50 and the cost of prosecution, and undergo Imprison, ment In the county Jail for one year. Ben. Unco for selling- lluuor without a license was suspended. Joseph Gravel was sentenced to pay fine of $100, costs of prosecution, and be lev prisoned In the Eastern Penitentiary for one year aud two months. Estate of George Zalincr, rule to show cause why recognizance should not bo satisfied. Annie M. Bondman vs. O. W. Bondman Guy Jacoby appointed, commissioner to take testimony Order for private saio In estate ot Eliza. beth Del t erica continued. O. B. Millard vs. Margaret Qulgley, rule to show cause why the Judgment shall not be stricken from the record, &c. Geo. K. Elwell continued as auditor In estate of D. W. Walter. B. F. Z-trr continued as auditor in cstato of John kicfer. Commonwealth vs. L. Fetterman et. al, cases continued, defendants ordered to re frain from cutting or removing from the lands described any timber or trees until the charges aro disposed of. ' Ettate of Elizabeth Gearbart, partition, Charles Gearbart appointed trustee to sell real estate. n. E. Hnilth appointed auditor in cstato ot V. A; Bobbins. J. II. Maize appointed auditor in estate of John F. Fowler. William Cbrisman appointed auditor In estate of Elizabeth Kline. O. W. Miller appointed auditor In estate of Mary Ilelwig, also In estate of Nellie Helwljr, and Rebecca Helwlg. W, D. Becklcy appointed auditor In estate of Mhrgaret Zimmerman. B. V. Hanley appointed auditor In estate. of O. Q. Jackson, C, Q, Baiklcy appointed auditor in es tate Of Geo. Emerick, H. Buckingham appointed auditor In estate olloseph CleweLI. David Yoat discharged as Committee of 0. O. IJetf, at' his own request. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is continually proving Its merit aa a valuable medicine, by the many cures It Is accomplish ing. This positive merit Is tho secret ot Its wonderful and unparalleled success. All we ask ot any one needing a good medicine. I that Hood's Sarsaparilla be given a fair trial. "Wo know that It Is prepared with the greatest caro from the best Ingredients It Is possible to obtain, that Its Peculiar Combination, Propor tion and Process do giro It superior curative Hood's Sarsaparilla power, and that tor all diseases or affections caused by Impure blood or low state of the system, It Is absolutely unequalled. It will cure, when In the power of medicine, Scrofula, Salt Ithcum, Sores, Dolls, Pimples, all Humors, Dyspepsia, Hick Headache, Indigestion, Catarrh,' Kidney and Liver Complaints, etc. Hood's Sarsaparilla "I suflered a great while with dyspepsia. I was urged to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and bavo taken two bottles. It has entirely cured me ot dyspepsia, and a scrofulous affection has also entirely disappeared. I can hardly find words to express my high appre ciation ot Hood's Sarsaparilla." Alle.v II. Mzliiolm, City Hotel, Lancaster, Tenn. Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldrugglits. Hi for H. r-reparedby C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecarlea. Lowell, Mm. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar jyjEUOANTlLB APPRAISEMENT. List of Dealers in Columbia County I hereby certify tho following list ot D:Mers taken, returned and classified by meln occo.-dance with ihB several acts ot Assembly In and tor the year 1890 u correct to the bejt ot my knowledge. BKAVBH. Same and Business. Class License 7 rjO 75 0 7 0" 7 (A 1 no O AShuman Btoro 14 Mrs. J PSinltb hotel 5 TJShumau Btoro... ...... ...... 14 DL, Kinder store 14 Oeo P Drelsbacb Btor H j 11 Meotriev store 14 7t2 100 00 LevlMlcaael store 14 Norman Colo distillery 3 BSNTON. J B Mcllenry hotel S J J Mollenry (store Id 75 00 40 00 iener iii J3 siove ana un store... . 14 Ira Mollenry store 14 Albert Mcllenry store 13 T o Mcllenry drug store 14 Holland Mctlenry store 14 It Brenner Co store 14 Chau".cey B Ucler hotel 6 G Li o B Mcllenry store. 13 AlbeT Rantz restaurant 6 7 00 7 OO 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 no 75 00 10 00 75 C3 7 00 100 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 iiuime uouseKpecht store 14 liohr Mcllenry A son distillery 3 o M Smith store 14 Jos M Kline orgsns;and machines.. 14 OX 1.UIZ SLoro 14 Joeph Klechner hotel ... . S 75 CO 7 CO 100 00 75 00 7 00 50 00 7 CJ 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 OJ 150 00 150 00 aiwoua unuuse coal . 14 BlUAHCIiEEK. Ash Bros distillery..... oeo w Miller botel 3 8 14 D F Fowler store BERWICK. Jackson Jt WoodlnMrgCo store.... A p Yo ing stoves and tinware 14 H It Bowers store. . '3 a N Klsner drugs 14 Isilah Bowers store 14 fr.-aa Bros lumber 14 B Ksponeuberg hotel 3 It Bunrer mtaurant s Jo iii it Caald drugs .' 14 J MUhelxer clothing Btore 14 M Levy A gt clothing store- 14 T J styles Co drugs. . 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ji uuiuuucasiore -.... 13 o W Bra ater store . 14 K B Swa ze a Co store- 13 J P Frr .3 slo.-e I t B F Drelabach machines and organs 14 7 00 10 00 7 CJ 7 00 7 OJ 7 OU 7 00 10 00 m u ouu.ii BUJie it k i rrf as Agt store F L Dlstelhurst furniture Smith Bros store I'eoT ii oppes store AugustTiuel bottler ., MA Mattel furniture 14 14 13 14 4 14 7 00 100 01 7 00 150 (10 150 00 7 00 7 00 Jas 11 Falrman restaurant..., J u iicsiicnaei hotel 3 J f nyeriy store it I F Ciiamberlaln store u BLOOMSBURO. W R Kocher coal . 14 7 00 150 00 150 00 '0 00 13 50 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 13 CO FMGllmore restaurant .. 3 Bernard Stotmer restaurant R 3 Iila er clothing store 13 n J Clark Son store-. U JacoD Keller store 10 M M ' Ulllps confectionery it vv r n?-iin&a sieves aaa unwuro.. is P a Miller store H . WW ..HW,. It Creasy& Wells lumber 14 o W Ncal Bros coal. 14 ii v wnite CO grain store u II O Ksbleman wolf stovea and tinware 14 7 00 7 00 Josepl Garrison feed store 14 went er reacocK upera House.... i DavldiK Olrton pool table 8 Farmes Produce Exchange store 8 " " " coal... 14 a W Kelter store 14 O A Klelin drugs 11 O S Furman stora. 14 J U taecker grocery 14 W J corell Co furniture 13 J w Kyer store 14 50 0 60 00 3J 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 100 00 7 UO 7 00 1 m 7 00 vt m nao j store 14 reterUrosa bottler 4 1 axcr Mcurtde lurnlture .... 14 L E Whary stoves and tinware 14 tttnzer SejvlnzMachlre -o store 14 J 8.JUe- orjan acd;machlne store. V. u w urown store 14 7 w 7 03 7 00 10 00 7 OJ 10 00 George Bertach clothing.. u , Darttvj jewelry F D DentTer booa and shoes , J O We'ls Jewelry w n uroote Co store...". WKTvbbs hotel. . IIarman Ha-se.tcoa' 1(0 00 7 OJ 150 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ISO (10 10 OJ 150 00 15 00 '0 00 7 00 7 t) 7 CJ 7 00 7 CJ 7 08 7 fiO 7 00 7 0) 7 0) 7 f it wm uigger hotel 8 B'oomsourg car Co coal 14 N w Barton store. .... 14 E E Italston store 14 neoAvrand hotel . 3 I) Lonenberg clotulng 13 J Loinoi hotel.... 3 J H Schuyler Co hardware autre.. 11 Chas Wltunyan hardnarOBtore.... 13 o N mison grocery it trtlctel co confectionery 1 1 ODMarr store 14 Evans Eye- clothing store I ; J A llesj sboe store it J II Mercer drugs 14 D A Creasy Bto 14 Andrew solleder shoe nrdlnri 14 P K Vanatta paper bU- 14 Al'en Armstrong grocery.... 14 J D If'llson'er 14 0 ltlchart store 14 Bloomsburg Car Co Btore 13 u B ltobb.ns Uouor srore g IT 11 Taylor bottler. 4 J WMasteller store 14 Mrs 'm H'ebb tobacco nore 14 Lewis Bernbard Jewelry 14 a A Mclielvy drv'-.-s 14 U tTWoan Btore M Lonls Cross clothing store 14 VoyerBiM drugs 7 it II Bro er store 14 Alexanfe- Bros Co store 11 Mrs M E Ent store .... 14 1 w McKelvy store 7 I ' Hanman Hons store 8 H F Feacoc'r, Co hardware...... J K Pensyl store , 14 John 8 Mann hotel 3 LTSharpleas store 13 W II uuruore.'restaurant 3 John Harnett store 14 (eo P Hingler drugs 14 cummlngs Verdy coifectlonery 1 4 W it Kocher Co store it IlloomsbJig Iron Co store 13 I) irKltclea gram doner 1J CRNTitALIA. h A Relly & Co store 3 L Fetteiman store 14 O O Murphy Btore , 13 1) F Curry hotel 3 c H oetchy store 14 John 1 lav la store 14 OB Millard store 13 John McDonnell restaurant 3 Andrew Itoony 8 HaiaMulasWy n M 3 John Nertney liquor store ! Irvln Bros, store. 13 Albert Ball store... 14 10 10 200 1 0 100 00 7 00 7 OJ 7 (J 7 00 10 00 7 10 40 00 7 00 19 (XI 7 00 40 MJ SO 00 7 01 7 00 ISO! I 10 00 150 00 7 00 7 01 7 CJ 7 OJ 10 00 10 OO 100 00 7 10 150 7 I 10 150 150 150 100 10 7 8O0 150 30 150 200 1(0 7 7 7 150 7 150 7 150 150 150 7 7 7 7 150 1M Johanna O'Conner liquor store. 8 -oun If Goldsworthy restaurant.,, 3 " ' pool talle. 8 A pelffer hotel . 3 Thomas Collins liquor store... .... 8 Arthur McLaugbllu restaurant 3 II C Michael turnlture., 14 1 O Black grocery,.,. 14 II Levltcloihlng store ... 14 Edward McFadlen restaurant 3 Andrew Lenlnan Btore.,, , 11 eras Fette.-man hotel 3 Oeo W Davis store. 14 Thomu Bonn restaurant 3 Joseph Bakey restaurant 3 James M itellly restaurant 3 Caas Nahrgang confectionery,.., 14 L E Davis drug store , it Thomas Clear store ' '. Frances Michael store 14 II J Kelly hotel, 3 Thomas Collins restaurant 3 John Nortney restaurant , 3 CATAWI8SA. CO niuitsdrug store .... 14 a Wltelfsnyde? TioteL a Kara Ft jly restaurant 5 Mrs IieiterKlst'er hotel ; s. 11 Ilhawn toj store...,.,, 14 SUHhawn restaurant 1 MA Bibb coal 14 u W Fisher Agt drug store , .. 14 B I) Itlnard store 14 Hchmlo'f Bon hardware store,... 14 TKlia'-der furniture store 13 J It Blbby store 14 Juueph A Uulterman store II Blmon Rauacoal 14 E M Towkhbury fertilizer 14 HharDlesa Bit n store 10 150 00 7 OO 75 00 75 00 75 00 7 (0 73 00 7 t 7 00 7 CJ 7 OJ 10 00 T VI 7 in 7 to 1 K 20 00 7 OJ T T 11 fiernlnger furniture store.. ,. . 14 ueorgBMaruurtisoe store.. 11 Hood's Sarsaparilla The marked benefit which pcoplo In run down or weakened state ot health del Ivo from Hood's Sarsaparilla, conclusively pioves tlio claim that this mcdlclno "makes the weak strong." It docs not act like a stimulant, Im parting fictitious strength from which there must follow a reaction of greater weakness than before, but possessing Just those elements which tho system needs and readily seizes, Hood's Sarsaparilla builds Up In a per- Hood's Sarsaparilla fectly natural way, nil the' weakened parts, acts upon tho blood as n purifier and vltallxer, assists to healthy action the kidneys andllver. " I have sold three times ns much Hood's Sarsaparilla as ot nit others combined, In my 17 years In business." r. l. MELtctt, Sunbury, Tenn. Hood's Sarsaparilla "Ihavo used Hood's Sarsaparilla and find that It accomplishes all that Is claimed. I was troubled with a breaking out ot the skin, commonly called 'hives.' Hood's Sarsapa rilla gave mo Immedlato relief. I can cheerfully recommend It to all those similarly troubled." Wm. OALLAOiiEn, Welghmaster 9th Ward Gas Works, Philadelphia, I'enn. Hood's Sarsaparilla Boltl by all druggists. fltslxforFS. Preparedby C. I. II OOO A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mill, IOO Dosos One Dollar ,1 it C emer store 13 10 no 7 01 7 CJ 7 on 7 OU 7 tJ 7 00 7 00 7 0) 7 0) 7 00 7 00 75 1)0 C II" Hitler lumber. 1 1 OECleirell store li M A H wank Btoro r c F Harder lumber...... 11 8 Koncenhall stoves and tinware.. 1 i David Girren coal It H F Spanier clothing store U uiwam ara suou store 11 I II Bocsholiz store H O rt H'allz store II Lloyd uerger store 14 Lloyd Teager hotel - B , CENTBE ZT Fowler -grain dealer 13 J L Wolver ton store- 11 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ueo Nponsior store 14 Tkotnaa Brotnt Son store 14 Low Bn;8 Co store l CONYNQIIAM John L KUno hotel s. 75 00 75 00 7 HO 7 00 73 00 7 13 Mrs Christina Biuman hotel 5 It W Lyons store o It Loftier store ' 14 o II Lettler hotel 5 U U Miser store 14 FRANKLIN LCBucho- store. . 14 A J W Artley store 1', 7 00 7 00 FISmNGCREEK J M Ammerman store. V 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 IOO 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 73 00 7 OO It 50 12 50 7 no 7 00 7 00 10 00 7! 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 a Lewis Btore 14 Jones Walter store 14 nainaniei ueiamine Agt store 1, O M Howe'l store 14 J F Mclleury store . 14 jucnenry uro store 1. w ii nosier score. 14 Edgar Smith distillery 4 GREENWOOD AJDerr store . 14 Jacob luntz store 14 I'D Black store 14 E E Parker store it J E Welllver store... 14 A 11 Foilmer hotel V p Eves Ilenrle furniture store., Ellis Evesfi Una store . 5 14 19 12 14 uaste."S co store. OW Eves store . , WMEves Hons mora 14 J B Pllnnv Kvea lmrjlemenLq 11 t mciiucr ou vu Buire u HliSllXHJK o n Deltteriok hotel D 1INJE White store ,11 J II Henry store 14 JACKSON II H nirleman store 14 LOCUST Wm Adams store. Wilson Yeatrer store 7 00 7 00 7 OO 7 00 75 00 7 IX) 7 00 7 00 7 00 75 00 J W Hnjder store x v xeager store Natbtn Kno-r hotel Li II Daniel store w 11 BPUg store EH Wu'tno.' Btore II M Yc:uin store Livingston Yefger hotel .... MADISON Kreamer Pon store...... . Wm Glnirles store 5 11 11 7 00 7 00 75 00 7.00 73 00 7 OJ 75 00 7 00 7 OJ A K smith hotel & MAIN Charles Relchart store 14 Boyd It Yetter hotel 5 WM I ongeu'oerger store 34 A W Bairn in hotel 5 U I Carapber store , 14 Allison Derr store. It MIFFLIN A W 8nyd'r store . ii Schweppenhener Buyder store. H John knles hotel 5 Aaron '.V Hess coal 14 7 (0 7 01 75 00 I 00 7 (ft) 7 00 7 OO 7 00 7 CO Diiiiesscoai m J W Creaky store... 14 A C Millard Btoves and tinware .... A J Bernlnger furniture Albert Bldleman store. MONTOUR II U (Times Btore ct B Hosier store Paxton II irman store J W Ylngor "store EUnangst hotel.... MT PLEASANT TE Sands store ORANGE OP stiner store . O W Turner jotel A B Stewart Btore A M Dewltt Btore Snyder Whltmire sto.e Fleckenstlne Bro store 11 14 14 14 14 II 14 5 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 75 00 11 S 13 13 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 7 00 75 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 OU 73 0) 100 CO 7 00 u w low fertilizers. .... J B Belong stovea and tinware . II w Low lumber. u N smith stoves and tinware Conner impiemeru.. T Boeder furniture 1'. PO F.eas hotel 5 PINE J R Fowler Co distillery 3 it 1 ons Btore ROAH1NQCREEK ow Cuer- j 1 store. Wmcherrtugu,. fre sCOTT Silver Nnrtnir Ouarrr Co 1 store... 11 13 14 10 00 7 00 '0 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 tl 75 CJ 7 01 7 00 7 00 73 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 11 J D tforkhe ser store 14 -MrsM M trorman store it MA B'ossercoal 11 11 14 H h A utosser store N Richard Btore H' E Dletterlck Btore t ) J L, Crawford hotel. s I , H Yf I Crawford Btore... 14 14 Silas Younir store. a 1 iioweiiBiore 11 N L mats hotel 5 A It iKoite Btore 14 N B Ent Btoves and tinware it Isuo Helchart store 14 BUUAltl Us..' indrew Laubach store 14 7 00 7 00 73 00 7 00 7 00 75 00 10 00 73 00 10J 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7J 00 7 00 7 00 40 00 A M Itarvev store 14 E P Albertson hotel 5 E Hess Btore 14 John liusli store it Joan Bush restaurant ft MlltzCo store 13 J W Perry hotel 5 A Cole con distillery.,,. 4 Yorks Herring store 11 Tony Hush store it B D Cole store 14 Benjamin Lewis hotel It J Force store, 14 C Wcari, store , 14 J O Smith pool table s Cheste- btlltz botel 6 I 0 It Itlchart pool table 8 71 00 so 00 I Appeals will bo heard at the Commissioners of. 00 00 00 00 Oil 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO , 00 00 OJ CJ 00 , 00 I 00 ' 10 00 00 CM 00 00 ft) OU 00 , 00 00 OO , (Id I nee in Bloomsburgonthe7th dy of June A, I). ib-ju, joeiween inouoursor u a. in. am 4 p. in, where you can attend If you ihluk proper. 11.0. MCHENRY, MerchanlUe Appraiser. Muy 9, '890. Shcrill 's Sale. By virtue ot a writ of Mlas FU Fa. Issued out nf tho Court of Common Plvas ot Columbia county, Pa., and to me directed, there will be sold on the premises In Centralta on SATURDAY, JUNK 7, 1890, at 10 o'clock, a. in., all that certain lot or piece ot ground situate Ip the borough ot Centralta, Col. Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands ot Locust. Mountain Coal and "iron Co., on the east by an alley, on tbe south by David Buchanan, and on the west by Locust Aienuo, containing Twenty. Hve feet front, and One Hun dred and Forty foot in depth, whereon are erected DWELLING IIOUSK and other out buildings. Seized, taken Into execution at be suit ot Irvln Bros. vs. Mrs, El'iabetn Thomas, and to be sold as tbe properl y of il re. Elizabeth Thomas. Juis, JOHN B. CABBY, Atl'y, Mierlff. HOOK AOHNTS WANTED von II.. fU p 41.. lir. or"lolUTUU I IK. fflV n rV Mill WH .wsiLsirmnucii. d ij "" isilislt" In II, . nri ttm tk lLtUVfl.Ll. UiUY A. UVKUUbliK. " .Vu cumprttftuw. TOO 1F t 4oJUMi. CCTftOOO A, IS. WUUTULkUXOM M Utl-, LUitsWA, VU4 4 25-cUt Hood's Sarsaparilla "Seven years ago, my little boy was bitten by a spider. Tho poison entered his blood, and sores soon broko out about his body they Itched terribly and caused him Intense suffering. Finally we tried Hood's Sarsapa rilla, nnd ho look one bottle and one-third of nnolher, when tho sores disappeared. He has not a snro siot on him now, and Is per fectly cured." wm. II, II. WAHD, Downing ton, 1'cnn. Hood's Sarsaparilla " I have taken two bottles ot Hood's Sarsa parilla for salt rheum and dyspepsia, with which I was troubled very much. After taking this mcdlclno I am feeling as well as ever In my life. I consider and advertise to others that Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best blood purlfler." 0. W. 1(osk, Pottsvllle, Penn. Hood's Sarsaparilla " For three years I suffered with dyspepsia, growing so bad that I was at one tlmo com pletely broken down In health. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla on trial, and see ing that It was doing me good, continued with It. After taking six bottles I gained strength and appetite and was restored to my former health." Join E. Hussell, Urookvlllo, l'enn. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, f 1 1 tlx f or $ 5, Prepared by 0. 1. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mais. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar CANDIDATES. The followine Is a list of candid ttcs tor County ofllcca to ba voted for at tbe delmrata election held Saturday August 9, ltm, between the hours ot a ana 7 ocock p. m. nominaiing convention Tuesday August 12th. For I'llOTIIONOTARY & Clkuk ok Courts. J. II. MAIZE, Tllk! of Blooinsbtif'T, Pa. For Pr'itiionotary & Clerk Courts. Q. M. QUICK, of Uloomsburg, Pa. For County Treasuuer, JOIINL. KLINE, of Conyogham. For County Tukasurkk. JOHN MOUIIEY, of Itoaringcreek Township. For County Commissioner STEPHEN PETTIT of Scott Township. For County Cusimipsioner. IS. Fit AN K EDGAR, of FUhingcreek. For County Commissioner DANIEL YOCUM, of Hemlock Township. For Register and Recorder, CHARLES II. CAMPBELL, of Bloomsburg. For Representative, E. M. TEWKSBURY, of Catawissa. Foit Associate Judge, MORDECAI MILLARD, . of Centre. For Chunty Commission ku Wm G. GIRTON of Ulooinsbtirg. For Register & Recorder C. B. ENT. of Scott Township. yNHUAIi STATEMENT oiin- TOWN OP BLOOMSBUHG, PA., rOR THE YEAR 1689. TAX ROLL FOB 1889. ValsKiHoflt. Rale Tax. Dnllt Tip., finburtmn. Farm si,w d,uxi ou ta o mills.. 01, iwj uu i , lra, 687 00 I Personal.. .,1M3 00 I Occupation. 190,640 00 1,675,514 00 9,K 01 ino koovo valuations ao not Include the following, vis I Bilk Hill Co 9,000 00 exonerated School Famishing Co... 1000 oo exoneraua 4)1900 00 Two per cent, of the above valuation is uxaoo M The funded indebtedness now Is 130,110 00 aaa u cue as rouows, viz t FUNDED DEBT. Bonds dne 1890 t,4S0 0 do do do do do do do 1,470 oo 1.535 00 1W3 1,600 00 1101 1,61S5 00 -JS t 1,720 00 1893 1.7S5 00 IS! 1,870 03 XM m..... 3,0 U 00 1899 1,K0 10 19 1,76100 do do do do do do do do do do do i'i l.Ifl) 00 lrj... 190J..., 1904... 1903..., 1900.,., 1907... 1908... 110,110 00 J. 8. WILSON, Town Troasarer for 1889, tn account with the Town at Uloomsburg, Pa. DR. To amount on hand April 1, 188), as per last annual statement 4 010 Received from N. Boon. Col lector, on duplicate 1884.... tit) Receii ed from (J A. Herring, County Treasurer 684 00 Received from P. 8, Harmon, President, for show lloenue, 78.50 j for swor permits, 100 M 178 50 llo elvad from Id. C. Wood, ward, Collector, on dnpll. cateof luss 1,453 SO Received from M C. Wood ward, Collector, on dupll. cute of 18ta 1,716 70 Received of W. B. Curaintngs, Secretary, for dog tax 135 00 Received from Stato Tax col. looted tor 1S.-0, sVJl.l7t State Tax collected lor previous years, S-M.97 88 II Received from Tax Roll of 1689 , 6,110 01 Received from E. Jacoby, re moving rubbish 1 00 10,790 II CR. By amount of orders paid during year 7,&63 07 By amouut of ooupons paid during year 1,873 87 By amount of bonds paid during year, vlz.t Bond No. 101 41C0 00 do 117- 160 00 do 132 800 00 do 145 160 00 do ltti 180 00 9O0 00. By amount State tax paid for nurrent year 61 11 By amount Treasurer coin. .. 153 59 By am'touhaud to balance.. 2J7 66 110,750 11 JAMES 8. WILSON, Treasurer Bower Fund, Western District. DR. To am't on hand April 1, 1CS9 1,069 M CR. By am't of orders paid during year fl.Ut 01 By am't of Treasurer's com.. 1144 By am't on baud to balance. , 798 91 03,003 M JAMES S. WILSON, Treasurer Town Uall fund. BR. TO ain't received frota bonds negoti ated, Usue of ltl 111,000 CR, By am't of orders paid during year V S.OM ri By ain't of Treasurer's coia., wei By ain't on hand to balnno ,. M4A 11 Am'tVam. ..$ et .. 970 80 ... 531 7 ... lea it ... 1,143 84 a t muis iJS mills. o mills... a mills.,. . 1,410 00 . 1,455 00 . i.a oo . 1,600 oo . 1,945 00 . 1,505 00 . 610 00 NEWTON BOONS, Collector lor 184. DR. To balance on duplicate of tHI......,.,.IOt 79 OR. By oa1i ald J. S. Wilson, Trcns. urer 12 7 By exoueratlons nllowod ........... tl os) WM M.O. WOODWARD, Collector for 1888. DR. To balance on duplicate of 1838 ..(1,636 16 , CR. By cash paid 3. 8, Wilson, VrcasuroV 11,433 90 Tty exonerations allowed.,,.. UC 04 By exonerat'ocs additional al lowed 4 74 Bounce dun 1 o 1,6M 16 U. C. WOODWARD, Collector for 1889. DR. To amount ot duplicate. ............. .03,976 61 CU. By casta paid J. 8. Wilson Treasuier 1716 70 Balance dut l,w M vn RKCEIFTS. To atnt. Se-r Fond on hand Apr. 1, 1889..... 3,C6B 86 Toamt. on hand Apr, l,l as per last annual i fx la ment 6 It Beo'd from Newton Iloone. Col of Dnpllcatenfissi.. 7 M Beo'd of O. A. Herring, Co. Tress 684 00 Beo'd of 1. 8. Harmon, Pre. for Show Licensed 78 60 Beo'd of P. 8. Harmon, Proa. for Sewer Permit......, 100 00 Beo'd of M. C. Woodward, Col.ofiSbS 1,433 80 Bee'd of M. c. Woodward, Col. of 1881. 1,718 70 Beo'd of W. II. Cummlngs, Secy., Dog Tax W 00 Bute tax collected for 18 9.. 61 17 ". prev ious year M 9) Bee'd on Tox Roll of 1889, colleoted by Treas 6,140 61 Bco d of K Jacoby, remov- lDg rubbish 100 Beo'd from Bonds negotl ited Issue 01 Sept- li, 1889 12.009 00 98,n 49 DISBURSEMENTa-lIianwATS. Ant paid W. J. Bldleman ' fonier Com. of High ways 16 80 Amt. paid O. R Uonsel, Com. or Ilirhways. ...... 471 73 Amt. raid tor labor and hauling 1,36 tl Amt. paid Roadarmcl and Welllver. smithing 4 20 Amt. paid J. W sheep, wolK of road tnachlno... 13 00 Amt. paid C. W. still smith- lng 3 30 Amt. paid J. Bachman, ma- sonry 55 28 Amt. paid J.B.Wilson, stone 134 50 Amt. paid W. II. Shatter " IS 00 Amt. paid Creasy A Wells lumbflr 69 70 Amt. pain J, R. Schuyler ft Co. sundries 8 66 Amt. paid liar-man ft Uos- sert, sumrles : 30 64 Amt. paid C. W. Buayon, sundries 85 64 Amt. paid Moyer Bros. Co ntent and stone 8-43 Amt. paid Ueo B. Martin, Bmltblng , 23 99 Amt. paid J. F. 8 8. F. Fea- cock, sundries 3 44 Amt. paid Wm. M. Lemons cobble stone 3 23 Amt. paid Fred Bchwlnn, cash paid for repairs.... 1 23 02.231S0 CONSTABLE AND POLICE. Amt. paid B. B. Freas, Chief of Police 99 33 Amt. paid Assistant police men 63 60 Amt. paid M. C. Woodward, Town Constable 50 00 Amt. paid M. C. Woodward, erf lug notices 41 73 " tMttV 8KWKBAOK. Amt. paid a V. Miller on contract. 1,691 2 Amt. paid O. W. Jtllier con atrnctlon of new line sewer 343 feet a 11.25.... 437 50 Amt. paid 8orouol Neyhard former 8 nut. Bowers.... 63 00 Amt. paid J. 0. Brown Bnpt, Sewers S3 71 Amu paid UoL Co. Atrrt'ol Boolety repairing sower ditch 10 00 Amt. pild Eshlemao ft Wolf oonstrnctlon of exten sion to cast Baoonrl 8U sewor 172 ft. 74 43 Amt. paid isshleman ft Wolf construction of exten sion to First Br. sewer lttUft 7103 Axat. paid Eahlaman ft Wolf eODStrnetion of Third and Iron Bts. sewer oo ft. 29323 Atnt. paid Jackson A Wood. in, water pipe for Third and Iron Bts. sewer 19 S3 Amt. paid J. 8. Wilson, Trs. freight paid on water pipe - 1 Axat. paid Kwell ft BltKm. bonder, Whitman alley mir 90 00 17743 31 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Amt. paid O. 8. Furman, straps for E. U. 4 L. Co'o. Ain tSif Isaiah Uagonbnc'ti rent Juno 1 '88 to Apr. 1 90 033 per year 43 63 Amt. paid O. II. Bavery, Iron ing ladder 3 00 Amt. paid 1. W. llortmon from Apr., 1 'MS to Apr. 1 '89 80 00 Amt. paid Ueo. B.Martin re- Palis to hose Jnmper.... 9 00 Ami. paid Winona Fire Co. uppiopriatlon 60 00 Amt, patti Eurexa Fire Uoso Co., 1009 ft Eurckabose.. (5) 00 1994 23 WATER DEPARTMENT. Amt. paid Bloomsbnrg Wa torCa,useol4ibydrants Q -'0 per yr. tortf mo.... 450 00 Anil, paid Bloomsburg Wa ter Co use of 48 hydrants Q peryr. fore mo.... 480 00 Ami. paid Blnom9buig Wa ter Co, setting 3 tire hy drants 87 00 Ami. paid Ludlow ValvoCo. 3 tiro hydrant. 83 74 Amt. paid J. 8. WlUon, Tres. paid on Bro by Omuls 1 63 11,081 et OASDE-ARTMBXT Atnt paid Uloomstm'B Gas Co. 43 p sts ( 1 75 per month 9 monllia 708 73 Aiu paid Blooinaburg Uas Co. 47 post. 11.73 per month 8 months 246 73 Amt. iiuld Eshluman ft Wolf sundries aud lepalxs..,. 81 61 01,017 U TOWN UALI Amt, paid labor In digging cellar 141 25 Amt. paid Uarman.ft Has- . serf, grates pj 00 Amu paid David llenalnger on contract 7.137 41 Amu paid David llenstnger . on bill of extras leo 36 Amu paid Y01 k tare ft Lock . Co. vault doors ica 09 Amu paid J. 8. W lson Trca. freight paid on vanlt doors 1 M Amu paid Sarah A. Petriken and Anna Ii. Blllmcyer, . Town Hall lot 1.410 00 Amu paid Sarah A. Petriken and Anna D. Blllmeyer, Interest on purchase .money Town Hall lot.... 30 00 Amt. paid W. F. ilanman goo and water IV tings mains to building 43 m Amu paid K . Hitter part of feeas arohltect.. 1010 J' ts.cea 64 MISCELLANEOUS- c ysvld Oeo. K. Elwell IS mos. rent Oct. L, 1888 J to Jon. 1,1890 73 OS AmU raid J. 8. Blus audit ing aooonrrt of 1888 6 00 Amu pold a. r. Peacock and. ltlng account of 18S8 3 00 AmU paid A. N. Yost andlt. log aooonnt of 1889 8 00 Ant, paid Samuel Neyhard farmer Town Surveyor. . 20 50 - aid Samnol Neybard r Beoretary 13 00 id Wm.Krlckbaum, .lshlng annual state- ln, ut 7. 13 00 Ami paid Wm.Krlckbaum, Jubllshlng ordinanoos 43, 7, to. 61 , 18 60 Amt. paid Wm. Krickbaum, printing 11 73 Amount paid J. O. Brown, publishing annual state. ment 15 00 Amu pold J. C. Brown, pub lishing ordinances 43, 49. 8 00 AmU paid J. C. Brown, print ng.'. 34 23 Amu paid ElweH ft Bitten bender, publishing an nual statement 13 00 Amt. paid Elwell A Bitten, bemlt-rpubllsblng ordin ances 44, 48, 49 1123 Amt. paid Elwell A Bitten. bender, printing 10 60 AmUpald Wm. B, Cummlngs Secretary 163 CO Amt. paid Wm. '. Cummlngs statlouerr, Aa 1 16 AmU paid Uuy Jacoby, ofO- davits 1 00 AmU raid M, E. Cox, post ing notices 200 Amu paid C. U. Barkley, iv sts in suit Waolcb vs. Bloom 17 20 . AmU paid to Moyer Bros., 5 round rent, lock up. uuol, '88 to June 1 'e9.. 20 00. AmU paid 8. W. Bhntt. pont- lug ordinanoos 43, 44, 41. . 3 73 Amt. pold W. 11. Brooke ft . Co., dog register 8 00 AmU pohTw. II. Brooke ft (Jo, stationery 183 AmU paid I Uroui vafran Is ftufr paid to MoiUlBS. The BLOOMSBURO, PA. Comes to tlio front with n complete now Spring nntl Summer Stock of the moat Select Clothing for Men, Youtli8, Boys, and Children. The Latest Styles of HATS! CAPS I SHIRTS! COLLARS AND NECKWEAR, Trains, Yrfises dl Ullil4BHWM, IN ABUNDANCE. The enlargement of Business and the largo trade made accounts for-our having well made Clothing and not those that are now made and cut to sell for auction. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. sVIAIER. iSThe largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents Furnish ing Goods in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pa. AmU paid J W. Mcara&Co. council desk so 09 Amu paid J. w. Meats A Co. trough at Forks pump... 8 00 Amt. pald'sV A"i:Btrikcn it IV lb 1IUUI1U Apr. 1, 03 In Anr f AI , a rfi AmU p. id J. !. Brown, Toa n Surrey r. 33 83 AmU paid C. U. nai kley, sor- ki .ivh no njiiviwr Apr. 1, '87 to Apr. 1, "89 133 00 AmU paid Joslah Katston mi. luuuuni uu uuuuis aMnrouiru. , QUI Amt. paid Uuy Jacoby depo- AmU paid Louisa Baker, cteaninsr council room... 153 Amu paid Geo. A. Clark, sta tionery a 43 Amu paid John W. UibbsS months rent dog pound. 13 00 Amu paid C. O. Barkley ie- wuiiiiu icu iur loty , 23 OO 769 OTUEIl PAYMENTS. interest paid on the follow- Ing overdue mdorr: No's f4, 65 4i5 43. 3, 23, S7H. 31L, 8a of IS) l fj Interest paid on overdue bond 130 30 AmU paid J. S. WUson com- musscnon 8taie tiz 321 Paid on aoronnt of orders uiinuiii4c, viz; Forlwi... " 1HS6 " 1887 18-8 Paid bonds ...7. State tax paid lor current year Paid Coupons of ltt7 ' 1"8 188P Commission to Ticasurer... Balance in bunds of Trios.,. Deduct orders outstanding Leaves amt. equal to receipts . 0:3,815 49 A88ETS. Balance on Duplicate of If 8 2 04 " 11 9 1,T9 S3 fewer fund 7991 " Town Uall fund. . 2,848 73 " Current fund 217 66 Dne firm sundry persons for sewer permits 10 00 LIABILITIES. Funded debt Orders outstanding of 1888. " " " 1888,. " " 1S89.... Coupons of 1889 unpaid... Ann otained from C. W. Mirer, contractor, being lo per couf on sewer cnnsirui'ted Amt leislncd from David LlenMnger, contractor, being 70 per oont. cn Town Hall construction Contract wlih Bloom Steam A K. L. Co. for stam fix. tureslnTown UaU Deduct ass'ts Het Indebtedness WM. B. CCilMlNUS. "i secretary. Uloomsburg, Apr. S3, 1890. . theunderslgned auditors of the Town or Bloomsbnrg met in the oXBoe of tin) Seers. IJfJ' 5d.'l0 hetDy .oortlfy that ws have ex. amlned tbe foregoing soooosts and oiatt. ments and And them oorrost and approv of the samo. 8. . PEACOCK. i. B. BLO B, A. . IOST, Audi tors. Handsomely framed life size Crayons, pho tographs all sizes, in correct styles and per fect finish, colored photographs, large or small) frames and moulding. M'KILLIP 3ROS., Blootnsburg. Men Wants, on hUr? To reliable men we wUl give steady employment and LIBERAL BALAUY paying their traveling ex. peuses. We grow our own stock exclusively and (lUAIUNTKKIito twstrtcilv n-Bt class In every particular, tru- to name as ordered. Full lnstruc lions furnlshrd. Experience unnecessary. Apply at once itiunj a'jt. Address E. a PEiitSoH k CO., Map)? move Nuioerles, Waterloo, N. Y (EstablHiieo oversuyears.) 5 9 It. salesmen wlmm to vanvuM or ttte sale of Surgery Stock. uitit li'invj nrniii vt uu mt itiv . tv 7 00 89 II 83 09 uaaw.-ai su.iu a a. uS4os. (. oaiM is 3 aim bJt. I'ENSKtl KltOM sTA UT. Quick selling specialties No experience necessary, uutnt KHEii. Write for terms, staling age. H.E HOOKER GO, Nurserymen, RochestkjJ. udTiohm'noiTce. Natal tit laniw Stionenberg. a Tbe undersigned auditor, appointed y the Or. phans' court if olutnbla county, to distribute tbe lurdstn ihH linndsot Jimas and Legrsnd Bpo en berg, Adm'r d b n. c i a , will attend to tbe duties ot hU appoldtinent at the oirlce of C C Evans, Ksq. l i lierwlck l'.i , on Saturday Ju eTlii li, at iwj p. in. Tlio) havlnj clilmi will please present lb';m or be forever debarred from coming In on tbo fund. C. B. JACKSON, Auditor. HIRES' fiisBiwjjriaTOOTiro I ROOT BEER! MM fiunH ROOT BEER. Tb most ArPTTOINO uul wbolxboio .Tsimnusos drink u Ui. world. XMUcloas and BparkllssT. THT XL Aok ysor Drasujlstsr Ortwar rw ts. .CVHIHsUr. fHIMSKifHIAi MAIEH, Reliable Clothier, ' Rcducod to 40 and 45 cents to CIosg Out Odd Lejigtlis, 12 to 30 YARDS LONG, AT KEITER'S NEXT DOOR TO I. W. IIAItTMAN & SONS. . Bi) OMSBURG, Cv I SPRING! SPRING!! SPRING!!! 1,400 4! o to .. 188 43 M .r-t Yl H CD 3,883 so tJC.JZl s4L ri2 u- C ! T , hI e 0 " li Tri 9w ? i m ::::::S1 2 x 1 HEPreaWenU I , t?r G ) 1 a. ! 2 . f r- D. LOWENBERGS' Est., 3SI;iiii$biir9 IF YOU ARE or Olt CliOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BEOWEE'B 2nil Door abovo Court House. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. IN THE COUNTY J. I WELLS' JEWELRY PA Pa, IN NEED OF AT mil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers