COLUMBIAN SUPPLEMENT Bloomsburg, Pa., Friday, May 9, 1890. 301) 100 109 100 140 28 ss 3 no 220 130 100 250 21 40 G5 10 34 101) SO 50 150 lia 373 30 3 14 14 211 73 833 4) 21 30 210 rjpREA.80ItEIV3 SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTV, PBN.VA. Hy Ttrtuo of Sundry Acta of the general Assem bly ot tbe Commonwealth ot Pennaylvanla, relat ing to the sale ot Seated and Unseated lands tn the County, ot Columbia, etc., tor taxes duo and un- Eald, 1 will offer to public sale In the Court House, i the town ot Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, JUNE Oth, 1890. at 10 o'clock a. m. the followltg described pieces nt land, or such part thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tbe amount ot taxes due and unpaid against the Bame, and continue the name from day to day as the aims may bo round necessity. TERMS OP 8LE. The amount ot taxes and costs must be paid when the land Is strucK off, or the Bale may be void and the property put up and resold, Acros. Warrantoo or owners. Twp's. Acres. S3 75 29 Brelsch Co ..Beaver.. ) S3 Benlnger Christian do.... 1 lot Beaver Charles do.... 3 lots Beaver Jesw 75 Brockway Abbot do.,., 118 " ' do.... 2 loU Butt linger do . 1 lot Bogart Mary do..., 2 lots Do yer F H do.... 100 Benlnger Freni in do ... 14 J acres Columbia coal IronCodo ..... 149 Cox o S Kx'r.01 Tench Cox do.. 129 do.... 237 " ' " ' do.... 273 ' " " " do 807 " " ' " do..... 1 lot Cannon M do.... 160 acres Davu Isaao do. . lis Davis Anthony 100 Douns Martin do..., 10 Douns John do... 3 lots Evans Kecso do..,. a lota Flanagan A do.... 3 lota Fry H 8 do.... Hot Uoarheart William ... Slots " " uo... 1 lo 3 83 10 38 1 33 1 of 8 01 3 1 33 SI 1 03 8 Id 93 41 1 40 3 50 ' KJ 6 30 S 80 51 10 21 5 lie 4 9) 1 03 1 33 1 33 1 S3 51 10j loo 1 02 2 S3 6 lota nuttman EG do ... 60 acres Uauck Jonathan do Slots Uunt Ellas do ... 2 lota Henry Ueorge do.... 1 lot Kline A do ... I lot Lewis Frank do.,.. 1 lot " " do 3 lota Lawrence w K do,... SOO acres Ma n Miller , do.... 6 tO 1 53 D2 40 51 2 46 2 2' e 83 Moore William do . 7 63 McKeynolds W U. do... Mlnldc Conrad do.., 12 50 6 01 6 01 3 74 3 SO 1 S3 Mlnlck Uenjiman ....... 160 Nungessr ueorge do,... d lots Patterson .; o : do 3 lota I'rice Clarence do.... 100 Slots ltulhford Samuel ...... do .... SOO acres bewurd William do.. . 218 acres swank Daniel ... 3 lots Schlcn J J do ... 3 " smith J W do 2 " Scott l'eter. do..,, 3 " Scott Peter do.... 5 " Wetzel U S do.... 1" Wood Augustus do..., 3 " Klace W W do..,. 2 " Wool Augustus do ... 3 " l'ruut Stephen Dec'd do ..... 51 acres Shuman F L do ..... 4-5 ot 6 lots Samuel, .. tiO acres Uluderllder Sarah do.-... 421 " Hi. It Co do.... ss " Wells Charles 0 lieu ton.. ye ot soo acres Apple l'aul Brlarcreek 23 acres Brlttlan W A J fist do.,.. Ap.rea. 1 53 8 11 7 83 1 S3 1 33 1 8S U 2 51 200 2(10 110 100 61 1 33 1 03 1 S3 2 Oil 1 30 4 21 21 69 1 00 1 40 1 S3 3 SI ciem uzzie tat do.... Bowman J W Doty, I"ealer 2 18 7 50 6 00 8 73 S SO 23 5 30 ..un,,., Evans Francis.. rowter Gilbert lister Levi lllppensteel WtUlam.. Lainon Joseph IteuiD Daniel ... 5 ... 4 60 1 20 18 SO 2 SO 1 25 I 25 -do.... BUsh Keuben- do.. blackbouse Joseph, stackhouse o,... Lauon Joseph do,.,. Schuyler Mrs. ,, sultJohn 11 do.,.. Doty, Stewart SwayzeLdo. . . . i do,,., do.... Beach Nathan do.... " do.... Helen Noys Sister Lansdale.. Dodaon Charles B do.... HOUopeter D F do, ., Bender Christopher do.... Bryan Guy ..... 3 73 S3 14 2d 2 63 6 2 31 84 12 S3 2 : 34 05 2 fO 4 20 2 10 1 40 8 Sl 2 (0 31 50 23 23 2 80 1 13 20 b 30 2 47 8 40 7 60 CO 8 1 12 Si 2 80 2 09 3 41 iw ........ .do loo " " .do.... SM " ' do. .. sou lteeser Abraham do.... 4 schuvier .Mrs William ao ... SO Itobolns 11 do.... 5 Knorr Samuel 16 lieach Nathan do.... 200 ltelchard Lewis do ... 40 licnder .Christopher ao ... 14 su t Ileadiy do ... 11 Shuman lteiiDcn....ciawissa.. 30 Wearer K'las do ... SOI Dornbach Marsrelt ao,... 2s7 Kilner Kobert do.... 36 Newell rrej co . . 8f Yettcr Lewis E do.... 27 " " ... .do..., 8 uiddie heirs ;... 18 Clewell Joseph Est do. .. 7 nowor .Moses a .... 1 lot BirretMary Centralla.. 2 lot Ucrarhty Thomas do.... slot " " do.... 7 DO 6 Hi 17 20 8 16 4 It 6 80 1 60 23 1 5 2 lota neuron rm no ao .... Slots LehUh Mahanoy It It... .do.... l lot sweeny Aiargareii uo.... A ans Eno L Centre... Fowler ioIiq F do.... Good Jacob do.... llagenbuch Wm S Est do... M 1 uner Whltmeyer do.... Wbltmeyer Alem do. . .. 3 7 34 20 SO ys Stlner.Noih Hot Freas Andrew EsC... 31 1 lot " " ao.... Hot " " 1 lot Freas John do.... 5 acres Fisher William do.... 8 15 30 41 40 III Dj nacres news itouDen ao. lloa-res Beam Joihua . .conyugham. 2 lota Drclsbach Lewis.. do ..... do ..... do.... do.... do,... til ll'i acres Huslln Join.... 37 13 62 3 73 1 t6 13 acres Kl ne John h . Slots Kramer A W.... l lot Kramer A w .... Hot Lelby Charles . do.... 1 M 1 81 Hot Mcuuler Terranco 1 lot McMannanan Felix, 1 lot v orris Ann 11 do.... 2 lots Monroe John do ... 1 lot Monroe John do ... 5 acres Huston Thomas do.... 68 1 17 5 10 2 35 29 R5 119 40 33 00 Huston .Mary ao.... Trlen Jacob do.... Trlen Jacob do.... Young John lo,... Brelsoh Kobert do.... siourey John no.. . " " do " " do.... Kres Margrett. do ... ltelnbold W II do.... Ulllman & Divls do.... lAlor Samuel do..., Lelby Albert do ... S3 00 53 13 S 1') 4 3 3 1 2 7 1 1 . 6 37 6 Hi 5 51 8J ; 4i 4 70 68 63 8 16 2 33 1 bO 5 10 2 (2 1 01 8 II 10 20 10 20 1 14 6 10 1 25 8 5i 41 3 06 2 01 2 55 78 1 51 1 SO S 01 200 16 23 S 01 Acres. Doty, Tcaler 4: Stewart Flsh'golc " " do..,, Conner Ma;glo W do.,,, Illel-ch Iteuben do.... Fowler John F do.... Farver oeorge do. . . . Harrison John do.... Hoffman Freas do.... Kindt. John is co do.... Locnon Thomss do.... Montgomery Daniel Est . . . . do . . . Kobblns W A do..,, Zaner John do ..... Pealer ueorge do.... Hide J O W Whltemght William Est.. do.... Fealer M J do.... p irks James Est do..... Stones James do..., Unangrt M II di..., ltohrbab William. ...Franklin... Howell William do,... Manhart Ueorge,... Blbby Augustus do ... Albertson, Miles & Hartley O'n'w'd Berry John do ... McEuen 11 J ao.... Parker Anna do.... Moore A 1. do.... Appleman L I' Hemlock Appleman William do.... Miner, Charles W Jackson., Miller Neyhard do.,., Miller Neyhard do.. , Hess Clinton do Mucker Ella.- do ..... Keller Samuel Y do.,,, Parker co do ..... DlmmlcK Adam Locust.. lwwalj Ueorge do.... tverhart John... do,,,, Hughes Wright do ..... Kuip Williams do.,.. Longenenrer Phillip., Huston Mary do.... Huston Thomas. do.... Shaffer Henry. do ... lthodes Franklin,.,, Culp Darlington do.,,. Heaver Benitman do ..... Dasher Samuel Madison,, Hendcrshott K do..,. Uendershott E do.,,. 51 20 73 20 DO 30 31 3 21 12 50 II 00 SO 22 1 1 1 64 200 4 00 11 30 133 10 80 30 12 4 4 00 5 hO 1 79 3 14 23a 216 21 63 27 63 ;s 75 IS 30 7 S3 2 61 1 23 1 94 4 56 JOS 4 20 8 40 7 20 6 30 2 73 S3 01 SO 200 too Pealer Samuel J do.... sot 6 72 4 20 100 4.1 w 63 W 46 S3 S3 1 3 20 11 70 3 go 1 10 Shoemaker Jacob do ... . 127 " " do ... 18 " oo.... 17 Klsner James do .. II Demott Cyrus do.... 14 neiottEH do.... 6 dingles I H do.... 22 Johnson Chester do . 14 Demott Calvin ... do..... 21 cotuer J E do..... 63 lioblns Kobert. do.... 800 Eves 0 W do.,.. 10 ueagie Kicnoias do.,.. 21 Cox Joel do. .. 60 Kreppenlck John do ... 40 Hcydenrlck l'oblas do.... 20 Miller W B do 43 Oriham Edward do W nelser James ao...... -n jtiapieiier wmiam. ....... .ao ..... 24 Broekway Ent Main.. 20 Catawissa Deposit Bsnk. do,... 2 Derr Samuel do.... ICO shutnan Heub n do I loo Hchmeck, urobst, letter 'Hauk 7 Snyder Abraham .,. do .... 7 Shuman W T do 816 swartz, Shepp & Co do... 6i0 Turbert Willlim do..... 69 Bittenoender Jacob. ...Mintta.. 10 creasy Henry do .... 17 Dresner Samuel do.... soo Kramer A W,.. 2 Lutz Cathrlno do.... 3 Masteller Aaron .do,... 2H Masteller Joseph do,... l Menslnger Willi im Est ... co Nuks Jacob do.... 200 Nungesser W 3 do .... so schweppenhelsor so scbweppenhelser E V 6t Yono John It Kit do 13 ueurhart Charles do ... . 2tf Hartzel w H do ..... 2'io Keller M V H J do .. 18 Huntington Elmlra... Montour.. 91 Hutchliis ML .dj .. 57 Crouse, Hiram Audrew J Mt Plevt 10 Jacoby Hupert do 10 Jacoby samuel, 20 Sands WE do.... 1 llagenbuch M irgaret ...Orange., 11 Itemley s. stlner do..., it crawrord William ..,.dj.... 20 Everett Moses do.... COO Montgomery James U s Aggie E Mnittt 110 60 83 100 40 83 60 Hick UeorgeA Est Pine.... Lyons it W do ... Warner.Margaret do ..... Itoberta cole do.... lilllmever Henrv dn ... iruusy a wells... EvesC W ...di.. do.... do.... do,... .. do.... do.... , do.... do.. . 211 10 Newgester lsaao ... Frlok ueirgeAKst.. I'ursi-1 James Keller H t Klsner Samuel ...... LioosJames Eat,.., 112 3 25 16 SO 25 50 swisner unjih. do Buchor Peter ... Itoarlnmrpelt. 2 0 CoxosEx'rTench cox. 1 6 .do 200 60 do... ...di... 100 Huston John Klase Samuel Morris Huzhea.. 13 42 70 Navlnirer Jonai han rtn. . 600 Shoup Abraham do...; " ' .dj,... McMellan M M do shoup Abraham do,... Yetter Lewis Est do.... !' do.... Trlen'Jacob do .... Philadelphia City do. . Yeager George Wilson. .do,... BuckalewEvan sugarloat,. Cole Thomas B do ,,, Cliapln J K do.,,, " " do.... Custard Mary do.... cope Israel do.... Hess Joseph U do.,,, Hess, crevellng Co ..... Hess Wesley do.... " " do.... " " do.... McIIenryE J do. .. 8) 373 80 IS 66 60 60 63 193 40 2Vl 2 75 50 25 125 W119 XH9 X U 300 200 51 .ao.... 78 22 60 3 McHenry John J.... savage Joshua Est .'. Davenport F ...d . T REABURER'3 SALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENNA, Also at the same time and place tbe following lots, pieces, and parcels ot Seated lands, returned by tbe tax collectors, am to be sold, under the provisions oi an Act or Asaemniy, entitled, 1 90 A ft rainMrn m inaaaia nr inrtafn.itTfn f ma county," approved juarcn otn isos. 7 60 9 30 1 10 1 41 3 80 80 49 1 DO 80 60 2 20 27 80 03 1 62 3 80 I 93 5 60 73 16 1 92 2 .1? 3 61 6 9 10 8 50 1 9S 1 80 Waranteo or owners. Acres. Twps. Beaver 6 Lots Creasy Lloyd do.... 119 Acres caso Wolverton do.... cole N s and W B .. Miller Iflvl ...., do.... Mann Caroline Est do. .. Smoyer Henry MlllerO W do.... -1 34 2 Slots canton William ........ do A airesJohnson Joseph do . . 6 lots Miller tleorgd do.... 1 lot l'ursel Mrs E U Bloom.. 1 " licham John do..... 1 " Price William A do.... 10 acres Price lones Catawlssa. i " Kltcmeyer W. T. do.... 1 lot Unger Sarah do.... 1 " Weiver Abigail do.... 13 acros Ash Levi ttys Ellis vt II do ... 1 lot Holshue A L do.... 161 acres Pard-e Arlo do.... l lot itoadarmei uan do.... 49 acres shuman Lloyd do 1 lot Ostnan L P Est do ... 1 " cuk Mrs Bridget.. ..Centralla 1 " Monaghan Mrs Thomas .do.... 1 " Murphy Thomas. do.... 1 " MornaghanMO do,... 1 " Vlrlln thonias do.... 2 " Conway James do.... 1 " Irvln where do.... 1 " Monaghin Mrs Sarah.... do . 1 " Keller Strati Centre.... 1 " Collier Michael... Conyngnam 1 " CtseyLawrence do.... 35 acres Cummlngs It M Co. 40 1 acros curry El en .. ... X lot Dougherty Mary. .. 1 .lolco Itlchard oo.... 2 " Kealy Itlchard D do...... 16 17 20 7o 2 21 64 1 40 2 20 81 4) It 16 1 77 8 20 2 40 1 37 1 12 :) 0) 1 00 45 7 99 8 60 1 40 1 S3 400 acres Mitrpny nugnes Co .do.. 1 lots nenron Phlllin .do.. M lot Mcllalo John i! 400 acres Brown Nathaniel 1 lot Houghton Frank . ., 1 " Brown Wlllljm. .00.... ... .do.... do .... Flshlngcreek 6 acres LongeJames. 3 09 1 98 4 rorco jtu3sei .,,. il " Moore A L Greenwood.. 1 6 " Ebner wuimm Hemlock. if lit Neyhard Joseph do.,.. i " Nehard Hiram do ... 60 acres Ulassmeyer Francis F.. Locust 93 ' Th)mis Joseph ... N 14 Kuns Augustus do.... 6 acres Houser and Kro'in ..Madison 60 " Kramer.) aud Vin Mooro do. ... 62 " Crevellng aud Worman..Matn.. 10 " Eckrole Ohirl's Ktt.....Mimtn .. 30 ' Dresher William di.... )i ot 19 acres Baylor l'eter, John a d Uilas ..... .... Montour D6 a 5i 9 20 5 74 80 7 25 11 13 10 50 S 25 1 03 4 8S 82 2 33 84 74 37 acres uutcnins ml ... .do 31 " HowerCnarlesK...Mt Pleasant X " sauosj p no .. X " Thomas Evan do .... w) croiiley Ezeklel I'lue.... 23 ' oreiblebls Dallas d.... Ill " Fried Uo irgo A Est do so " Kline anl Patterson. ... 25 " Keller K M di.... 90 " ltoach Thomas Esu tioar'ogo'k 1 lot Boon andTremle ....coctt.... 1 ' Snyder Mrs Abraham 7 acres Columbia Lime and btone S3 74 53 ' 1 96 16 60 1 SO 6 00 1 80 S 00 2 01 7 64 Co do.... 1 37 2 1o.sElgarT W do.... 13 00 21 acred Hess Lavlna Sue irlo it... .1 65 31 " Kllno Aboer do.... 6 10 3M " sewarl Nathaniel do.. 2190 40 " Seward Lloyd do ... 3 48 1 lot Hess J A do.... 1 63 1 ' shatter Barton do... 1 S3 1 " waller D J do... 1 83 1 " WlllltsJ W do.... 1 83 O. A. IIHUHINO, Trcas. Treasurer's Office Bloomsbirg, Mar. 31, lb90. 1 80 14 00 I 6) 21 00 1 54 1 3 03 23 2 4o 1 50 33 4S 9 VI 31 UJ 3 66 11 38 11 56 A' DMINIBTKA.TOIV3 NOriCE. BataU of Xictd Kocher, OeceatM. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot admlnls 6 16 26 V6 tratlon on tbe estate ot Dtvld Kocher. late ot sugarloat township, dec'd., granted 11 56 11 56 13 48 uy us itegisier wj uury u, uesa uuu wei'iuguin K. Kocher ot central. Pa., to whom all oersons In 30 06 S3 10 30 80 7 70 16 4 2 73 debted to sal 1 estate are requested; to make pay- menu, ana loose ua tag claims or uenauus will make known the same without delay to orto 1IKNUY C. IIE8-4, JOHN Q. FRKRZK, W. E. KOCIIKIt, Attorney, Central. Col Co.,. Pa. 4-1S 6f JXECUTOIl'S NOTICE. Estate (VVter ifaiK, late of Demon turn. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned executor, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to pay tbe Bame; and thoso having claims against said estate to present tne Bame to Geo. E. Klweli, W. a KASE, Exr. Atty. Falrmounl springs, 1'a "An 'mil m. 1 93 31 30 11 SO 2 80 13 80 4 00 17 40 61 CO 19 23 33 6 SI 61 2H 72 6 01 6 00 3 30 1 10 2 20 24 20 62 6 60 9 90 17 20 2 40 6 45 1 05 1 75 10 75 6 45 3 40 1 13 3 73 1 20 253 34 91 f.l 5 10 4 07 2 45 257 CI 3 2) 5 68 3- 00 1 63 1 10 2 83 3 51 6 23 2 tO 1 01 Si 13 01 7 80 2 21 1 95 4 50 8 1,3 2 16 6 31 CO 3 50 8 83 3 16 16 3 61 23 7 18 10 21 1 41 10 87 63
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers