THE COLTMBIAJN' AJTD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJRG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. HOW TO UgE THE nOAD SCRAPER. font 1'a.fnl tllnU on th It'palrina; o Itoaila. In a llttlo hook on "ImproYpinpnt of Highways," prepared under the nusplccr) of tho Leafcu of American Wheelmen, an nnonymotu writer, who U vouched for as authority, writes as follows, on the mibject of road making at) nppliml to tho caro and Improvement of tin: tracks "To provide a smooth highway," he says, "Is now a very simplonnd Inexpen sive work, as labor saving machinery has recently Iwu Introduced which, un der ordinary conditions, Is very effective. Tho 'road scraper,' or hone, mounted in a fraruo on wheels and geared so that It can 1m set to any plane and angle, will smooth off and round up a dirt road quickly and cheaply, compared with former methods. The general practlco of the road master has been to defer the annual repairs till such n tlmo as the farmer has most leis ure or inclination to work out the road tax; this would usually be lata In the summer, or oven In tho fall when the road crust Is at Its hardest stage, and after being broken up and spread anew is too dry to harden again readily. Now that the 'road bono' may bo ucd, work that took a week in tho fall may easily bo done in a day In the spring. Thus the road will bo in tho right form for summer travel at tho opening of the sea son, instead of at its close. This would also bo making the repairs at tho earliest opportunity after the chief damage, is done. The worst ruts and ridges aro formed, early in tho spring when the frost is thawing out, and the ground, being loom and porous, absorbs all tho rainfall till tho road bed becomes spongy and miry. When the ground has dried sufficiently to bo neither muddy nor crusty, the rough ridges are in their most friable condition. They can then bo planed down with tho road hono with much greater ease, and the material carried into the ruts and holes, will pack and harden much better than at any other time, whether tho road be chiefly clay, loam, sand, gravel or small stones. Tills medium stagoof dryness gives tho best conditions for easy and effective work. If the work bo neglected for only a few weeks, tho crust may becomo so hard under tho constant pres sure of traffic and tho baking sunshine that tho bono can make no impression on it. If the work bo deferred till midsummer or later, tho 'crown' will probably bo worn ofl the center of the road, and Instead of shedding rain to each side it will carry it along Uko a water course. Heavy thunderstorms often cause great damage when a road thus becomes fiat or hollow in the mid dle. To restore tho proper form when tho margins become high and hard is very laborious work, whether dono with pick and shovel or with plow and scoop. Tho material will not pack readily in dry weather, and tho nowly repaired road may for weeks bo in worse condition than before it wag worked. Instead of extensive repairs of this .character only once a year, it would bo much better to give a timely scraping as soon as practi cable after the chief damagois done in the spring, and also on occasional boning after heavy rains, or whenever . from any causo tho surface becomes rough. Ono machine, would bo sufficient for a Jarge district, and the times, meth ods and terms of the work can be ar ranged on d satisfactory and permanent basis after a few years' experience. Un der ordinary conditions a fair road can bo maintained throughout tho season with simply this occasional passage of Iho road hono over it. Tho cost would bo very email compared with present methods. Of course these machines are only suitable whero tho road is built up with tho ordinary soil or eubsoil of tho district, or with perhaps more or less gravel or small stones in certain sections. This, however, is the ordinary structure of all our country roads, and hence this treatment will bo quite generally appli cable." In the same work Is printed a treatise by Mr. Clemens Herschel, which treats of the kindred subject of road repairs as follows: "Afteraroad has been properly rolled, and tho surface made compact and smooth, it Bhould always bo maintained in that condition, no matter how great is tho amount of travel on it. 'A stitch in tlmo saves nine,' hero as well as else where. The tendency is to produce ruts: these gather water; this soaks into the road bed and spoils the whole. The prouiem can do put in tins way: to nave a good road it is necessary that there be no dust or mud on the same, and that there bo no ruts; therefore, removo the dust and inud as fast as they are formed and fill up tho ruts as fast us thev are made. The wholo matter is hero in a nutshell. It may bo thought, at the first view, that this is too expensive a system. Its principal beauty lies, however, lu the fact that it costs less per ruilo of road kept one year than the pernicious system of annual or semi-annual repairs, as can be shown and proved. The above two rules sweep ou mo muu ana uust as fast as thev aro formed, and fill nn tho ihlh and bad places with new materials as fast as they appear aro all that is necessary to bo carried out in order that there be con tinually a good road. Without continual repairs there can bo no such thing as a constantly good road a proposition that cannot too often be repeated, liv repair ing a road annually, or twice a year, it -matters not which, tho result is, strictly speaking, a good road at no time during tho whole year. The road is wretched just after repairs; it becomes passable after awhile, and deteriorates from that day forward until it is again mode wretched; and so on ad infinitum, ac cording to tne present only too common It followed Bvstem. Dv tho other nieth ou is offered us a road as smooth as a .floor, year in and year out, and, let it .not bo forgotten, at less expense." Tho following, from W. T. 0. Ward well, of tho Khode Island board of agri culture, states tne rarmcrs ylcw: "mere can bo but one view taken iu regard to the advantage of good country roads, not only to tiio farmer but to the whole state, In the increased value of property. Why tho fanners, paying their propor tion of the taxes, deriving no benefit from any fire service, having no police protection, still submit to tho miserable country roads without a vigorous pro test, is Deyonu my eompjenenuoD," How to Oare a Headaoae. Dyspeptics or bilious headache U very common, and, it seems to me, it Ib tho boadaclio which is moat easily traoo able to its causo and most readily avoided without medicine. Every ono who boa ever suffered from it knows, as well at I oan tell them, tho cause and remedy. It is the old story of appetite, indulgenco and punishment. If you wish to know my advico as toouring bilious hoadaobe, I say Don't get it. Eat suoh food as agrees with you; bo temperate- in all tilings, and bo as regular as clook-work about your habits. In tho caso of young pooplo this headaolio can always bo traced to some error in diot as rich food in iramoderato quantity, eating at unreasonable or unusual hours, drink ing wine or beer, eta, etc. and it readily gives way to an emetio ami sleep. Almost any emetio will do iH!cao or sulphate of zino. In tho caso of elderly persons, however, tho headaches, although loss acute, are apt to bo moro todious and moro exhaust ing. Host in bod,, cold applications to head, and some purgative modlcino taken so as to operate in the morning, will usually effect a cure. Da. Mao IIknkv, iu Xadies Home Journal. That silence is golden is proved by the faot that it is somotlmes a very oostlp article to ouy. Hailstones intendod for 'Publication . Are usually as big as heu't eggs, j -nciioi nciioii iiciio I it" "Well; what Is it 7" "How la your mother, this mornln " "Very much better r be hail a real restful fccplaat nlshtl tho laalmoal rid of hernlgbt wcata. couch ami mrroutncM, nnl la grow ing quite cheerful. llow frnitefut wo all ara to jou for that bottle of medicine." " Don't apeak of gmtltudo. What dots the doctor aar". . . . Ifo nays no never saw so wonderful a change In aucb a serious lung1 trouble. He still thlnVs wo are irjvinic hi medicine. I don't like to te ll him." "That's right. Ho'a an old friend, you know. I'm auro your mother will get wtU now; but you won't forget tho name ot the medldne, will you 1 " " Never 1 Dr. I'leree'a Golden Medical Dl eovcry " are household words already, and It haa come to atay. Do come and see what aun ahlne It baa brought already, and let ua thank you again for It. "I will, flood bye." The foregoing la a fair representation of a very common occurrence. "Golden Madlcal Dlacorery" ho cured revere, lingering cough and arrested Consumption, or I.ung-acrofula. In tbouaanda of cases after doctors have failed and other mcdlclnea have been tried and aban doned aa useless. Tbo " Discovery " ta truar anteed to benefit or cure In every case. It taken In time and given a fair trial, or money will bo refunded. DR. 8ACE'8 CATARRH REMEDY cures the worst case, no matter ot now loo! tending. W cents, by druggist. WHAT ICOTT'S EMULSION CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLDS Watting LlaHHi CURES Wonderful Floch Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is noi a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of tho Hypophos- E bites and pure Norwegian Cod river Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicions oil over tho -world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by aU jyrugglst. -OOQTT &BOWNI, OhemUtaj.H.Y. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING G. W. BERTSCH, THE MKROIIANT TAILOR. Goals' Far&ishing GoodsHais & Gap& OK EVKltr DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to ordor at short notice and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call and e'xamino tho largest and best selected stock ot goods ever shown in Colombia county. Btoro next door, to First National Bank MAIN STREET, B loomsbur jr Pa. DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. 1IYI fifv1. rW tn an It nit. yfm AYHES X BOXH, i-JIILADl , PlIILADCUZIUL J.R. SMITH&CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DEALERS IK PIANOS. Br the following wellknown makers; Chickcrins:, Knabe, Weber, Hallct & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers -wv .1 . prices, no not ouy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. S MLP-U- TOBACCO This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged' to be' the best chew nnd the largest' piece for the money in the marf kct. Vinco tin tag on each lump. Its extensile sale for many years has established its reputation. There is nothing better. Try it. For sale by dealers and grocers HINDERCORN8. -rrr 'f?r?n.'irl!0'VVrn Mop. . u jaoa. TaroTM Vjajott Cj 15 At brugritu. liucuiSouuILK -S5.d-4l ott CONSUMPTIVE CAR KIR'S OINOKR TO NlOVf iiii m wpr.bMMM .twi 14 iuTws r.iuJ fwr all IU. arUufl lam itUi uuuulua. ItLalu Uum. U. u4 auC Shoe Brush I 01 Battlt WOLFFS ACME BLACKING And clean your Shots WITH A SPONGE In plsct of a B ru th. EVERY Housewife EVERY Counting Room EVERY Carriage Ofher EVERY Thiftu Mechanic EVERY Bodtf able to hold a bruV BHUULD UB1 IK-DON WILL STAIN 4 MIW rW.NITU.I MIL ST.IM OLAS. AN.CHINAWA.. WILL STAIN TINWANI TarnUh at (A. WILfc NTAIN T0VN 9LB NAA.IT. fm WILL STAIN A.T'a COAM AN. "' W0LT7" Ja RA.HDOLFH, Phllad.lptil. A tm Vng, i1itt on J Row rrnUkig Storm, Killng the Horse- A DEED THAT 8I0NIKIKD DEATH Oil VICTOnV. At Towton where the White Rose triumphed miinly through Warwick's izenerauhip and courage, ho roJe a horsj named Malecb; and at the crisis of tho battle, when tho Lancastrian were earning the upper hand, lnnnrcu his men to renewed effort by killing his horse to nhow that he would rather he than retreat. Horo is Momlrelet's lescription of the incident : "tne bail, heinnz that hti uncle was slain ind his men defeated, .cried out, with toaw: "I pray to God that He will receive the souU of all who die in tbU battle;' then exclaimed, Dear Lord God, I have nouo other succor hut Thine in this world now, Who art mv Creator and Redeemer: I ask vonpeanco, therefore, at Thy hand?!' Then, drawing his swoid, he kissed the cross at the handle, and said to his raon: 'Whoever chooses to re tarn homo miy, for I shall live or die this day with suoh as may like to re main with me. On sayioR this, ho dismounted and killed his horse with his sword." This exploit was frequently perform ed by the medituval heroes", a-id War wick himsell repeated it at Isarner, his last field, when he rode his favorite black deserter, Saladin, an animal o' great size and beauty. "lie kissed tho destrier on his fron tal, says Lord Lyttou, in his brilliant historical romance of "The Ltst of tho Barons," "and Saladin, aa if oonscious of the coming blow, bent his proud bead .humbly and licked his Lord s steel-clad hand. So associated to gether had been liorso and horseman that, had it been a human sacrifice, the bystanders could not have been moro moved, And when, covering the charger's eyes with one hand, the Earl's dagger descended, bright and rapid, a groan went through tho ranks. But the effect was unspeakable! The men knew at once that unto them, and them alone,, their lord entrusted his fortune and his life, and they were moved to moro than mortal daring.'" Adulterating- Mr. Alfred Speer, of Paasaic, N. J., having noted the want of a strictly pare and a first-class wine, has for the past thirty years d-voted his time and capital to raUing tho Oporto Grapo from the vino brouaht from tho Doura valley in Portugal, with the viow to supplying this want; has been eminent ly successful, the endorsements which his Port Grape Wino has received from physicians all oyer this country and in Europe will testifiy. The Warmest He ion on arth- There are manv very wirm spots on the torid zone, but Bohrin, by the Gulf of Persia, seems ti bo, as far as torn peratnro goes, absolu'o'y without a rapid. For forty Odnsicu ivo days in July and Augu.'t la-t year, which was by no mi-ans an eic-piional sea"on, tho thermometer was known not to fall lower tha-i 100 degrees Fahrenheit, night or day, ami ofteu ran up as liii;h as 128 degrees in tho aftprnoon. Na ture, as if to mako tho 6pot as, intoler able to human beincs as possible, has banished all water from tho rocks of tbo looality, at least nono has ever been procured by digging to depths of nearly 500 feet, and the numerous pits or dry wells in tho neighborhood show how thoroughly the upper stratum has been tapped. In spito of thefo appar ently insuperablo obstacles, however. mankind has contrived to 11 urith and multiply in this region to an amazing extent, and the necessary fret-h drink ing water which tho land has refused to yield is obtained from the 3ulf of Persia, where, at a distance of moro than a mile from the shore, itmracrable copious springs buist forth. From the Scotsman. The Rainbow of Promise from Iho store-house of nature camo by intuition a priceless boon to the human raeo,throngh which phjBioal suflercrsjn untold thousands are made to rojuieo in the restoration of health, and all tho blessings, joys and pleasures thereunto pertaining. "Swift's Spocifio (S. S. S.) has boon a bletsing to me. Afllictod with rhoura atisra and female weakness for a number ot years, during whiob time I took a great deal ot medicine, nothing giving mo relief but Swift's Specifio (8. S S.) What I sufferul and endur I'd before commencing on Swift's Spec ific (S. S S.) is painful to oven think about; but after taking that medicine I got well, and have continued to enjoy tho best health since. I cannot say more than I believe. In tho praiso of Swift's Spocifio (S. S. S.) Mns.tM. A. PpEF.En, Morgantown, N. Q, Treallso on Ulood and Hkln iMaeaaoa mailed free. HWHT Hl'KC'ino CO., Atlanta, On. JIPP it PODMORE. AI10HITK0T8, Ostkiihout Hdildino, Wllkesbirre, Pa. lirancb Office. Illoomaburfr, I'a., with Jno. HI. Cubic, itt'y. & Counsellor. J-Jl-lr, J)R. I. C.BR15F.CE, PHYSICIAN & SURGHON. T Office over Mover Droa. Drug Store. KetUcnce West Main Street'. IJ-3o-ly, J. S. GARRISON M. 1), HOMKOI'ATIIIO rilYBlOUN AMU SOUOKOn. tmr Olllco over I. VY. Hartman & Bon tore, residence N. K. corner Centre and Fourth street. M AS KUMF I did tor Tim rr fc atr Taoiea By Perfumes- A LEOPARD THROWN INTO TnANSPOIlTS IIT TUB MKU. CF MVENDltR WATER. Wild animals aro completely fascin a ed and can bin tamed by p rfanie . There was a ,Mrs,( l,oe in India who had a lame leopard that playtd In the hoiiao with her oMIdren Ho was vcr Innnisltlve, as all .f thu, cat Iribo a-c, nnd loved to stand on his hind legs and w th his foro paws rm tho window sill look out nt the pisscrp.) by. When thr children vtant'-d tho place themselves they would Jill lake hold of his tail nnj pull lijr,i,ilownh by tha. Ho was gefernlly ery amiab'.p, but sometimes, his claws being very sharp, tho children weto pcratchl'dt So Mrs. Leo taught Si! t keep hi- claws sheath ol by uivinj klm when he did so ft little papr tray on which lavender wat4 r had been dropped. This would throw h.m Into trans ports of doliKhU'i'ircV woald tear the piper into bits and rolljovec with ihcm ou tho iloor. With nothing but a bot tle nf lavender water, I havo becomo the best rf friends with a leoparJ. a tlgrcs and lioties in the menagerie. Don't Feel Well, And yet you aro not sick enough to consult n doctor, or you refrain from so doing for fear you will nhrm your self and friends we will toll yon just what you need. It is Hood's Sarsapar ilia, which will lift you out of that un certain, uncomfortable, dangerous con dition, into a stato of good health, cor fidenco and cheerfnhicss. You've no idea-how potent this peculiar medicine is in cases liko yours. COWJf ScJjyrjB, Tho Best Burning Oil That Can bo Mado From Petroleum. It gives a brilliant llht. It will not smoke the chlmncysj It will not char tbo wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is pre-eminently a family safety oil. We Challenge Comparison with any other illuminating oil made. We 'Stake our Reputation, as Refiners, up on the Statement that it is TM Mmt Ml IN TUG WOU I,IJ. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Crown - Acme. -:o: ACME OIL COMPANY, BLOOHSBUBO,- - - PA, B. F. Savits, PLUMBER ANJ) GAS FITT ER DEALER IN Mil, PUMPS, Fini, s:. Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORiriN HIS LINE. First door Hloomsburg Opera Hiuse B. F. SAYITS, , IU., hna Snnnrnd ilin anln nnnnnir of ooiumuia county lor tlio INation nl Sheet Metal Roofing Co. These roofs aro guaranteed to be far superior to any other roof, as they aro both storm and wind proof. Sheet iron roofs of this inatiU' facture can bo put up its cheap as tin, and last much logger. Roofs aro mado of sheet iron, tin, or coppor, as partios may desiro. Orders may bo secured through B, P. Savits, Blooms burtj, Pa., who will put on tho roofa and guarantee tho work, or may bo ordered direct from tho Hailonalheet MeUl RooSng Co. 510-520 East 20th Stroot,N. Y. FRAZER GREASE BEST IN TIIK WOULD. "M" two box., of ur olKT ttSnSTHot okuh br bt. ir-u kt Tli i; tl km u in i:. yon SAUS BY DKimU QEBU11IXY. Jyr Jhe Best and Purest Mediclneg EVER MADE. sVAV.Itwlll drive tho UnmorTrora j-onr vj,C7X?clciin knit eniooth. Tliof JV. ij, 'i !! ennseil lir Impure M 'J ' . -1J V J- ' . . Jf o. mooii. una cjin ne rcmoveillneliorl r roa are 9 anil use ercat tnuillulyatcaV'., t-n )- Tho now I ImmllAlno. Trr I 'J'- k. Sj v '. I you will lio eatltflod. Oct It ot your IJrn>et. ft; dostWait. GetitAtosce I It vAn nm u(Tcrlnir from Kid' Incy IltscaN?, and lh to Urn UiT old age, ik Sl'UMIUlt B1TTE11S, I Tncy never iaii to cure. Send S Jcent atams to A. 1'. Onln ay Co., Iloetou.Majs., for bent muUlcal work publUhcd r Tint's Pills Th dyapcptle, tbo debllltaUd, whuli" r from exceaa or work or mtnd or body, drink or cxpoanr In Malarial Regions, will nnd Tntl'a Fllla tho moat Kenlal raaloratlT orar ofTaraA tho anfrerlng inralld. Try Them Fairly. A Tlcornna bodjr, pare blood, utrong fttrre and a cheerful mind will realU SOLD BVERVWIIEUE. l'JULADEM'JIIA.l'A. he at once, no operation or luu ot time f rout business. Cases pronounce I In curable by others wautol. bend for C1rcnlar JURE GUARANTEED. omVillx.Tiix Aug 10 '89 ly. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleames and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Nver Fails to Rsitor Gray HiirtolttYoathM Color, rnrents Dftndrutt and b&lr f&Utng 4 25-d 4U HBESIillSraSl How Lost! How Regained, KNOWTHYSELE TUr cmrurv rc ice? APclenUflcsnd Standard Popolsr Medical Treatlso ou the Krrors of Touth.lmatara Decline, Nervous 13 WMimmSmi .Kinlling from Folly, Ylc, Ignorance, Eicnsca or Oicruitlion, KnerTitlng andnnattlng tha lctlm M Work, Husincn, tbo Married or Soclil Kclition. Avoid unikillful pretendtra. Potaeu thi, rrcjt W"rt. Itcontiln,S0l)pj!e,,rojal8Ta IltauUrul btaljig.eMbotiel.fiill gut l'rlca only tl.00 br B l, poatpald, concealed In plain wrapper. Illna. tjtlie l'ipinectna l'rer, If yon apply now. The du:ln;utahed author, Win. II. Parker, M. I).. re ceived the COI.H ANl.imVKI,I,r.II SIIUlAIi from tho Nnllonnl Medical Association for Ihl, 1'ltIZK KH.SAV on MillVOUS and riIVSICI;pi!IllI4TV.Drarkerandacorp, or ,u slant l'h,fclani may be conealud, coni. dentiillj. by malt or In person, at tho office of THE i'i;aiiodv AIKDIUAI. institute, No. 4 lIulnncli8t.,ltonton. Moms. ,towhom all order, for hooka or letttra for advico thould ba directed a, above. 4-23 d it, CHICHEfaTCn-S ENGLISH .n.HHIItUTAL PILLS, Ilod Croaa Diamond Urand. mi mr rentble pill ror ult. ftfo n4 J.adle. ak Ilmtcl.t roe lb. JM; aMMurlMe. TaLauoolbrr. HnlT Calahutcr Chel..lC, ll.dlisi i-aiulaVti 4 25 (1 4t. a W U III I porlrslt of llr.GairU frorr Obtd. Ilara ! o W ,H wriieit "W tt work on a farm for 1 aon, of Halem, Ohio. W: tO a monlh i I now have an agency fur k. U.Allen A r'aiillium, mnA ...,hu' fatlout and of! en maka W! day," (mtned) W, II.UABRIRU3. Wllllatn Kline, Harrltburr, Pa", , ntrtt anown anyihlna: to ll Ilka jour albaL i aatcrdaj I look onlcri enourli I j litjrfnt mr . W j. tl- iviw, (Jaocgr, wnicar" k an order for your allium at moal every uou 1 vim. Mr profit la often aimui.bat0 tpror a alnult dayawork." Oijier art dolug quite aa well t ' bava nol in en ta ntra ei. one v. ho takea bold of tbltrrand bmlneia pi lea op iraml wo flu. Minll uc stnrt YOU in Ihis biihiiicfi. rraderr Write oui and learn all about U for youraelf. We areiUtiluittuaoyi wawlllatart you If you don ( delay until luoibergt.iialiea.tofyoulnyourpart or ifascouulry. Ifyon fakiliold roa will ta able to pkk up rold fait. o-ic-iMl l)n a.rountuf a furced manufaeturera aala lVft.OOO If it 1 f 1 1 a lho(uiiruih AIlMimnareto beaold to the Br'KU ,or a fch ilwund ' 'toyal Criinaon Hlik Velt 1 lutli. Chamiliifly decorated lnaidea. llanilaomeit albuma lo ll.a world. LarReat Uo. (ireateet Urp.ini trr known. Arrnti wealed. Uberat terrna. Hit; money for agent. Any out can bctomraauecitruarent. iiella liaelf on elfht Hula ornc talklug iiecetaary. VVfaerever ahown, every ono wanta to pur. ban. Agente uka tbouaanda of ordera wllb rapidity i.evrr befoea known. Unit moSii awK tvery worker. Aginla art mat uf fonunei, Ladieamaka a omeb aa men. ou,reader. ran doaa well aa any one. full lo formation and ternia free, i? l5iMih? w t "?! HitlfaUrs tad tarniafor our family Ulblea. Uooka and I'eriodlcala, After you know ail. should you i conclude to fo no further, wby no barm la done. Addraao E, u ALLLN 4 tX-, AiutaTi, UAUtaV Jan. 18--V0 iyt Iracta from iii,n tr. cnyJ?nt'ffetl Wen can WANTED XW0S v"-' ""'""e ,i " uuumiaoie nrm. Da- Blrabla rrrlt.Orv In tiwrm nnd oni.mir. . , .-.. L,vUunL,csaa uo ae- curtxl by prompt application. Wo grow the stock FUANKLIN DAVIS t CO. Nureerymen, llaltlmoro. Md THBESaiNlr MACHINES pirnpiesi, Aiosi uurame, iKoonornlcal, and perfect In una wastes no grain; cleaualtreadyformirket. ... ...... ..... OlbUIALll. Sawmilt, SMngls Machines, liny rnstet. and A. II. fAUOMIIAU 111. I.tmtrwl Rannrl tfr tltllU. I lK.nnorlD'r.Ml. a 1 . ovf-iaw. ,f3 3)Mi(cheirs Kidney Plasters jr. all dlacaae In tho.KIdnejt, and At j rcatoro them to a healthy condition. IhmL 014 ehronle kidney aollerera ay III tht;r E' B0 KUct untu th,)r wd 'l I WITCIII!I.I,H KIU.MIY ... , , 1IMSTI!IIS, lbyDnif,UeTcryiiher,,oraonlb7inallfor60o Hoyolty i'laatvi- Vrk, Iweli, Mhm. 4 25 d 4t FOR Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. f 7 rtnuoi lor tha rapid our, ol Hard Dllt.mper, So;, and VVtak E, Luna'r,.,, Co,tln,,Bloich,i, and alf dlJficullfe. i,tl: Inj Iron Impurltlt, ol th, Blood W ,,!,,. JOPPA aUHUFACTURINQ CO.. LYONS N V, if i '-isuimLM RAILKOAO SIMS TBLXI 1 i ,lL JELAWARE, LACKAWANNA : WESTERN RAILROAD. ULOOMSUURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOItTII. r. H. p.m. A.M. A. II, io oo e is 10 13 830 1019 .... 10 SI 8 41 10 43 8 68 ll)W 7 0S 10 31 7 13 11CS 1W 1113 Til 11 I 7-31 II XO 731 1131 7 4i 11 34 7 49 II S 7U 11 49 8(1! 11 5 8 IT 13 03 8 2-1 13 10 8 2? 1313 8 33 1130 8 34 13 37 8 4S 13 31 8 49 13 33 1M 13 40 8 68 13 41 9 03 NORtnCXBIBLlKD. 9 40 1 60 Cameron (U ... ChQlaaKy..... Danvillo am 8 11 Catawlssa 625 .... Itupert i i so luooinsuurL;. ........... ow ao EflDT S41 11 41 uino llWIfC..-. 6 50 Willow drove. 6M .... L! run: reek. cm ... lierwick in t tg iwacn uaven Til ,,,, HlcH's Kerry 7 la .... shlckshlnny 7 20 8 SO IIUniOCK'S. , 7 41 . .. NanUcoko. 7 to 3 38 AvODdilo.,. , 161 .... I'lymouth 7 69 3 15 I'lvmouth Junction 801 .... Kingston 8 08 3 M lxnnetu... 813 .... Mnltny b 17 ...... Wyoming. s 2 j 4 in Wmt Pltuton 887 4 OH Ilttston. 8 33 4 11 8 40 8 43 ...... 8M .... 8 00 4 Zi r. v. r.u 13 63 9 0V 1tckawanna I 01 V 17 Tayiorrllle. llcllevTia. MRIMTOH 109 935 1 13 SB0 130 9 83 r. v. r. m STATIONS. HOUTII. a.m. a.m. r.u, r.u SCRANTON. 6 1D 950 lit 830 TO1I0VUC. 019 9 83 .... 25 Taylorvllte 8 30 to 00 9 V3 8 30 iicKawanna 6 as loos 210 e st I'lttston 8 34 1018 3 If) 8 41 West Ilttston. 8 41 10 33 2 31 6 W Wyoming.. 8 47 1027 2 29. &s MAltby 631 1030 .... 8(9 ttonnctt. 8 8 10 34 9 37 7 03 Kln.-ston CM 103S 340 7 07 I'lymouth Junction, 7 0s 10 43 3 43 713 I'lymouth. T 10 10 47 2 60 T 18 ATonaa e 714 10 61 255 721 Nuntlcokrj 7 19 1083 169 T 23 IluntOCk'B 7V6 lift! 3 08 7 43 shlckshlany 7 87 1113 3 20 7 63 hick's rerry. 7 65 11 33 3 31 8 07 Beach Haven 801 1134 3 40 Sit Uertrick 8 07 11 40 3 47 8 20 lirlar Creek. 813 3 5.1 8 27 Wlliowurovo. 8 16 11 50 3 67 8 31 I.lmollldgO 8 20 11 54 4 02 8 35 lUpy 8 23 13 01 4 09 6 41 Hloomsburg. 8 33 13 06 415 847 Itupert 8 37 13 13 4 23 8 53 OatawPssa 8 43 1317 4-33 8 57 Danville. 8 57 12 33 4 48 9 15 unuiasny 4 61 Cameron 9 07 13 41 5 00 9 3S ftOHTnCHBSRLAND 9 33 12 63 5 15 9 43 a. u. r. u. r. u. r. x Connections at lidpert with Philadelphia uuuuiuK luiupjau tor lamanena lamanua, win. berland with p. a. utv. 1'. It. It for Ilarrtaburtf, laiujl uuveu, cinponum. warren, uortT, ana Brie. W. F. llAMTSAD, Oen. Man Scranton, Pa. TDUILADELPIHA & 'HEADING A HA1LHOAD. OK AND APTf R NOV. 10th 1889. TRAINS LEAVE BLOOMSBUUO a3 follows: (aCHOATS KXCJPT&n.) ForNew Vork. Phllalelphla, Reaatnz, I'ottaytlle Titmiri'la. et.. 8:01. ll:lrt a. m. For wmumipart, Milton and Danvillo 7:3 1 a. m. 3:10, ll:ov p. m. ForUata.vli6-W, 7:30, 11:0J a. m., 12:30, 5:00 6:15 p. m. For lMpcrt 6.0), 7:3J, 11:03 a. m., 13:20, 3:16, 5KW, TRAINS FOR ULOOM3BURQ Leave Now Y vrk vU I'htladelphli 7:15 a. m. 4:00 Leave Phlladelphlt 10.00 a. m. 6.uu p. m. Leave Itoadln? U:53 n. m. 7:57 p. m. Leave pottiviue 12.3J p. m. ljlave Tamaqua 1:31 a. m. 9:13 p. m. Leave Wllllamnort Q n a. m. a.i k n tn ..f'0 Cauwlaia 8.5 S:Wa.m., 1:30, 3:30, 6:15 . if a "upert 6:16, T:03, 8:03, 11:11 a, m. 1:33, 3:3 1, :22, 11:21 p. m. ' ' ror Baltimore Washington and the West via D. e O. K. it, through trains leave Htrard Avenue Station Fhlla. (1. fi It 11. K.) 4:, 9:)0, 11:00 I m. l:S:?5:'7:Wpm iUr3Mi:i a. m. XI LANTIO CITV DIVISION. Leave PttltiUJlphla, I'ler 7. Cheatnat street ii uaui uua imu.u irevb udrr: FOB ATLAKTIC CITY, Week days-mproH 9.00, a. ta. 1:00 p. m. Ac- COraOdUIOO. 1:10 um 4:3ln. m. v suadais-atprou, 9.00 a. ra. AoojmJdatlon 3:00 l AAA. auu JJ, Ida KHrOHKlVU, UIXVX ATLANTIC CITr. Depot earner '.tlantto and Arkansii A7enues: Weekdays Sx press, 7: 10, a. 'n. and 1:00 p. m Accomodation, 1:05 a, m. and 4:3 ) p. m. ?.2i1"173?D,OT, 1:00 P- - AcoDmoditlon 7:30 a, m. and 1.3 ) p. tn. . , c- JIANCOCK, Vtc& Pres. A Qen'l. Manager, ;iu Philadelphia tk Erio R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. in elect, 1889. Trains leave aunourr BASTWatn 9.40 a. m., sea Shoro Kipresa (dally except irrlflui'it Fhllale m'zz i MuinuiMiu, o.tu u. hi, ; wasiiini: R. M n. m nnnr.antlnr, at Ihii Jt., . .. l?.re. P!nt8. Through paaaoneer ooaoh wniioiAirinia dally except Srxnday),foriilrrPlsuurefna intermS dlatn nrriv ri. at in. ,1 . . . . .wt. 8.50 p.m. i New York, 9.35 p. m.f Baltimore 8.45 p.m.i waahtnjrton, a.u p. m. Parlor car through to PhlladeFphla and paasoneer coachea through to I'Mladelphla and Bailor!. coaone p. wiwiu Auuuinmoaauon aaily fflitaV .T" ": " !,:""" n. praNrafc-'i-h iiuittiu m mropor unuismru-.l until 7 a m in,m;rB!le..Mal"dall'or Harnsburg and i "wPS? 'n&VS.?"''0 Rt Philadelphia sieopiaij cars ana pawengor coaciaasio riiUadei burg ano. intermedlita stations arrlvtne at Uiltl. mure a. rn. tu .V miigtoi a. m. and Baltimore. bww t" WESTWARD. K inn vn t7afn 1 r n 1 1 jj.h. . . FrnHMllr?iTV?'i ' 2 '"Wraedlale' atatlons, Hdche" ter, Uuffalo A,id Niagara Falls, with through Pull- MniTna fcaa"",'ruoacne8 lourie ana ..SSKSfr I lot Haven 1 At n tn VlanaA V.nln.. I ... . i r!.rrJZ V. 1JT'va uour except snn- through passenger coaches to Kenovo and wiiuW WUllamsport ana lutermwilate stations. TUnOUQH TRAINS POUSDNBUItY PKOUTHB Baltimore, 4.30a, m. Uarrtabarg, a.m. daily Ph ttSS RS I,,VR5 Passensercoaohet from Pistldne leaves New hoik's.oo a.m. j Phllalel. . n nauuiitwjii, iu.du a. m. t uaiti. ;rlMalUoavesNef York g.00 p. m. : I'htladel- iT.r..v.r ."OUIUBluu uauimoro and through passenger coaohos tronj Phlialelphii SUaU.H.X:I?ll.T,i?..'?y''KKSBAURB iUally except sunaay.i vvaaeaoarre Mall leaves Sunbury looo a m SlSvfm!' W00m VeTTr lM a'm" wXs-barre lHfJE!?.?lfst Ifi Whbury 5.35 p. ta arrtvlni: at Lfopm I'erry e.S p. m.. Wllkes-barre i to d uf Sunhurr Mall leavS, wi .. 'J' ""! Ingat Bloom Ferry 18.87-p. m.,Hunbury.i 30 d m S5p??f,We8y.('aTe WUos.birreWp.m.'S vtng at Bloom Porrr 4.80 n. m.. HnnhSiS I'JiV - w-. -i vMuwsa U.4AJ Ul SUNDAY TRAINS. .i!fS m1u Sunday aeoommodation leaves WlUes-llarre cio uuas r.un"' j- wood, Oen. Manager. oen. I'ansenger Agt. ATE NTS" veati in I Trade Miricjootalnol.aqjaii paten t f.1.1.?.40?.'1 1 1'WJtor lUKIUTMPHSj root. hjaoeoantranet'i ?ifent Kslnessm'lelf Washington. irom Lf16.1; "lowing, or photo, with description Wp ad viae 1 patentah lo or noi, Iree Tof oharSa Our lee not duo till patent Is secured! onare. C. A. SNOW & CO., HI" Pa-atenton w,u Ingtus, I1.0 am lnol.11 ... riui,.'.0lal establ Uhed patent nrm In tha u a. shatwex, uiootrmoie ri Mn, fi.MWIalfrXGJ BAKERS AND Exchange Block, WHOLESALE Eyitedfa Crackera and Wik Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Ouster Sa,rlors tta-clxecl. Cnm0 "id 'p" n'ip FAMOUS 15 Cent Stoffs i WHOLESALE DEALERS IN (Dvy, (Soiaffo, C&ni(j-, Fvofly an4 Otj. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars i Henry Glay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Auh. Any order for Feial will be lupplied with the Lowest Market Price, u Mloaav t Orit$e5. Lemonj, ream N5 1 4 fiananas. peanUtj, . Alwonelj. J 5i Enilijh Walnit5. op 8tnt BL00MSBURG, PA. G. B. OBBlflS, Foreign and Domestic 4BLQQMSBURG ?R,P , In P ifcliasmg bomo hold neccgnities, it ia wiso always to select, that which 13 the bes., it will bo tl e o'lomest, iu the end. A good article is always a souuo of pleasure. J. SALTZER has won a, wido rt piitation for selling good goods at low prices. Ho buys direct from the manufacturers, and can sell first olas goo Is cheaper tLan can be obtained elsewhere. Hero are soma of tho articles and prices : a ia - - - -- Sewing Machines of three grade?, by tho New Home Sewing machine drawer drop leaf, all attachments, LaBBBBBBBBBllialHHiBBaBBlBiBBBHLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU iM'J.OU to iJliU. Royal St. John, $30 upwards. Standard Rotary, $40 upwards New Home, 30 upwards. Havoroceived the agency for the Boosey 1 1'ntin Cornet, tho host cornet in tho world. A. ijood assortmint of violins, guitars, banjo?, rw cordeons, drums Hnts,fifeB and all kinds of musioal inotrument.. Tho best of strings f.T violins, uuittr!., banjos, violincello, and la8 Agent for Butterick'a patterns, pattern-book and fashion sheets. Pianos, organs and sowing machines sold on monthy payments. A libera discount for cash. Do not send clsowhero, but call and see tho stock of your home dealer, who h always with you, and oan give you any information or instruction unoa any instrument you may purchase. 1 J. SALTZER, Musical Instruments and Sewing Ifacliine WiREROOMS. Piaiios-Oi'tfaiis. The Improrrd mettiod of fastening strings of nia. .77 i3;vii iush uiucuu (.Utility or IDllti. Ilth- cannoru, Sa-im5S IJSmiXS Btjrles, luiroduocd tuts season, sent f tco. & HAMLIN 0,SJON. NEWY0KK UHI0AQ0. TIIK COLUMBIAN IST1IKBK3T. "A Word to the Wise." " Tlic word we would utter to the wise concerning Clothing, is "Qual ity." On Quality hinges Cheap ness, for a thing is not cheap un less it is good. Therefore remem ber when in need of Clothing, Man or Boy, that with us a low price never means a poor quality, A. C. 'YATES & CO., the ) ' 6th and Chestnut SU. yatks nth and Chestnut Sts. STOltES J rniLAPttrnu. CONFECTIONERS aioomsourg, fa. and RETAIL E-ley Piano, 350 to S00O. Steck. S375 to SG00. K. M. Bent & Co., 250 to S-100. Brown & Simpson, $2.r0 to $100. EstfV Organ?, S90 to S175. filillor organe, to S150. United Statec organs, 12.5 to S175. Chioago Cottage orgm, 90 to SM0 Worcester organs, $75 to Si 50. Paris organo, $G0 to $100. Celebrated White Sewing Machines $3 to $05. Now I) iinestio Sewing Machines, $35 to $75. niada Co., 3 from I ili?ifii'i2di J fi. VVILLIAMB, AUOTaONKKU. BLOOMSUUltO, PA. Roal Estate Bought and Told. Parties JcslrlnB to buy liorscs and wagon Nould dc well to call on tlio l,ove It tip itftlni ! riruuri 1 ii I inn hui 111. uur fatliiUrt UottiUatlxl, tnd to lutivduc out (witrUirveodtw twill udrill ! OKI IfcHlOM 1H tiatch looLlf. lotiiai oucccau nana fui tb 1 bini' AU you ttu lo 4lm taiuntlila bow our goodi I thot who tU your nlfhboit ftnd tLoi traund you. Iho t flotior of tbU dvtrlUittii t9f. Tb feUovlsf c u, tS,?it,tae. ( U i.dactd lo oboul lh flftUta ut r lu bulk . ll U fund, doubl tit tilft u Urgt oa U mi; to cony. Wo will 0I00 tbow you bow you ouko bom U1 to II 1 U o doy ol loool, from tbo uil,w Ilb o( 0BpriM. Boiioirwrtio U okoo. Wo ooy oil ipcouobuf 09- k mm whit 13 cciKacn-rv. roa many ,.fivv "'HiltW!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers