POWDER Absolutoly Puro. Till. nWitnp rMPf V.lrtrtl A ftrnt Kf nii.ltii Btrengi roneth and wholosomonoss. iioro f-nnnnmimif than The ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In competition with tho multitude ot low test? short wcbrht alum or pnogphato powders. soi,i n in cam. Kotal U axinq I'owdkk Co., 106 Wall St,, N.Y. The Columbian ttrrubliahed every Friday, Subscription price, f J.W U J vat 4 Kntercd at the Post Offlce at Bloomsburg, Pa., Lg Ijwuuu viooo uwiiwi) iuniu it 1003 BLOOMSBURCt, pa FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1890. CfJRHLCT BlltROlD Tim T1RL1. Trains on the 1. follows : NORTH 7:32 o. m. 8:31 p.m. It. H. K. leave Itupert n sotrrn. 11:0- a. m. 6:43 p.m. o- TralnsontkoD.L.: W.H.H.loave lHoomsbare NORTH. BOOTH. 7:11 a.m. 8:32 a. m, 10:51 a. m. 13:0(1 p. m, 8:33 p. m. 4:15 p. m. :86 p. m. 6:47 p. m Tralnaontbo N.&W. 11. Hallway pass Bloom NOnTn. 10:48 a. m. e.sa. p. m. UK DAT, K0RTH. 10:48 a m socrn. 1S:37 p. m. 4 30 p. m. notrrn. (1:39 p m BLOOMSDUna SULLIVAN IUILKOD Taking effect MONDAY, 8BPTEMUBU J, 1899. 80UTII. NOIITH. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lt. STATIONS, r. H. A. if. a.m. a v. p. u. r. u. nioomsbunf,-... S 88 11 43 7 05 8 SI S 35 6 40 Main street C 18 11 41 58 8 43 t It 6 47 Irondale - 6 19 11 89 6 66 8 41 2 41 8 M rarer Mill 6 08 tl 31 6 48 suni 7 00 LlgbtStrcet. 0 05 11 !8 6 4 1 8 60 S 56 7 03 OrangevlUe li 67 11 20 6 35 9 (37 7 10 Forks, 6 45 11 10 6 35 9 15 3 17 7 20 zaners . 5 41 ll oo o si b m 3 jo in suilwator s 37 ll 03 8 17 9 !5 3 S5 7 as Benton, - 628 10 55 6 10 9 33 3 33 7 35 Edsons, 6 S3 10 60 0 07 9 38 3 31 7 31 Coles Creek, 5 20 10 45 8 05 33 3 40 7 40 Susarloaf, 6 15 10 42 6 M 9 41 3 43 7 41 Laubachs, B IS 10 40 8 00 9 47 3 4S 7 47 CentraL.7 6 03 10 3) 5 61 9 67 3 68 7 57 Jamison City.... 5 oo io 30 5 50 lo uo 4 oo H 00 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. i. a. h. a. u. a. h. r. x. r. m. HAI.ItS. May 8. Mr?. II. r. Ilcay will sell valu oblo personnl property on tuo premises nt Itupert, commencing at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. Monday, May 10tb. I). P. Delblcr will sell liouso nnil lot In Uloomsliurh, situated on Seventh street. An excellent oppor. tuulty for good Investment. Sale will com mence nt 2 p. m. Fob Balis. A desirable and commodious residence on Main Btrcet, supplied with water, ga9 and steam. Apply to janaOtf. Xj. N. Moykb. Fob Sale Dwelling houses In Hlooras iiurtf; Orungcvlllc, Espy and Kupert Pa. Firms lr. Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir ginia. Vacant lots In Hloomsburg. Store properties, Grist mills and oilier properly by M. P. liUtz, Insurance and Heal Estate Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. For Bai.k. House and lot In Rupert, lot 120 x HO ft. Two story, bouse, with nine rooms. Bay windows, out kitchen, lco and coal house, good stable, chicken aud pig pen. Choice fruit, ever green trees, good water, Two railroads, Twelve trains a day each way, to Blooms burg, fare 8c round trip. Low taxes. A great bargain, if taken soon. M. P. Lulz, Insurance & Itcal Est. Agt. ForBalb. Fine building lot, Main St., near Normal School. Apply to O. W. Kkiteu. A Giieat Offish. Hero is a proposition that ex cels anything we have ever been able to make heretofore. To every new subscriber, and to every old subscriber who pays up arrearages, we will send the Columbian for one year, the New York World for three months, and a copy of Web ster's Great Unabridged Diction ary, weighing nine pounds, all for 3.50. This Dictionary has sold hitherto for S10. bend in your names at once, as this offer is cood onlv for a limit ed time. -lw. 1 crsuunl. W. L Fornwald baB moved to Scranton whero bo Is employed as tonsorlal artist. Mrs. E. M. Herring of Wilkes-Uarro is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. L. Qunton, West 4lh Btrcet. John Bllbimo has moved from Mordans villotoTurbotvllle. He is an old resident of this county nnd will be missed by many friend;. Miss Ella Fox speat last week in town, returning to Philadelphia on Saturday. 6ho possesses a delightful contralto voice, and la singing in a Presbyterian choir. Mr. and Jlrr. P. E. Wirt, Mr. and Mrs. ll. W. Oswald, Miss L. Barton and Mr. C W. Funston went to Wilkcs-Bairo on Saturday to hiar Emma Juch aud company in the opera of Faust. D. W. li. MMcr of Audubon, Iowa, camo cast Thuisday of last week aud Is visiting Wends in Ibis fiction. Ho went west aboilt 40 years ago, and this is his first return among his friends. He sijs he finds but few ot his aBsociatcs yet living, Mrs. 0. E. Smith of Wisconsin, and her two daughters, Misses Molllo and Lucia, are visiting friends here. Mrs. Smith Is a daughter of Judgo Elwell, and she expects to sail with her daughters for Euiope on the 21lh of this month. They will make an extended tour. Soda water Is now on tap at all tho drug stores. The Town Council moved Into their new quarters on April 31. For wull paper at lowest prices Mercer's Drug & Book Store. go to If. Danville will celebrate tho centennial an elvcreary of Its foundation 011 July 4th. Steady employment, on Hilary, Is ollured in another column, by E. C. I'eirson & Co.( Waterloo, N. V. 0-0 4t. Tho Supnmo Court has 1 dinned tho de cision 1 f the ColuiubU I'omily Court lu the case of Burrell against I he P. & li. it. Co. W. II. Jacoby fcturtid for Erie, Pa Wednesday night where he has u peuna ncnt place In thuSoldleu' Hume. Fine celling decorations that will muko a room look handsome, at Mum's Drug Si Book Store. H. As nrptatf In tho court proceedings, Amos AppUman has lee 11 refused u new trial, lie will be ttnttDCtd this with. Casper Kresslcr makes lco cream every day, In all iho popular flavors. U0 uses lie best of matcrl&l, and his cream has a igu reputation. H. II. Huttcr, editor of tho Uiighcsvlllt iifaif, Is sild to bo a candidate for rcprc. (.mauve in Lycoming county. Success to you, uarry. yio womans' Christian Temperance Union of Uloomsburc will meet nnTl Turn. fn. ... . uay attcrnoon, May 18, at two o'clock. Br Oitnan op W. a T. 17. Aro you going to paper a room? If to n our paper beforo you buy. " J. II. MlROKU. The D, M. Ash pronertv at Falrmmmt Springs has recently been divided among tho heirs, A. S. Ash and Mrs. W. llailett taking the farm. In another column Is announced tho sain of bouso and lot ol D. P. Delblcr on Duvcntn direct. This is a desirable homo tor a small family, and Is a good Invest mcnt of money. airs. 1 nomas Vanatta fell down tho stono steps at the entrance to tbo Epleco- pai cuurcn on Sunday night. A deep gash was cut on her head, which bled profusely. Eleven persons wero confirmed bv I!l. hop Uullson at St. Paul's Episcopal church on Sunday night. A large congregation was present, and tho Bishop preached an eloquent sermon. A dancing school will be opened In tho Grange Uall, Friday evening, Hay Otb by rroi. nnd Mrs. I'ratt. They have just closed a successful course of Instructions at Wllkcs-Uarre. For wall paper at all prices from 7Jc to 75c pir roll, go to Mercer's Drug & Book Store. if Edwin W. Williams, of Berwick, has been recommended to the War Department by Hon. 0. It. Butkalcw for appointment to U11 cadetshlp at tho West Point Military Academy which Is now vacant. Mamma (to her little boy). "N w Ben. nle, If you'll be good and go to sleep, mam ma'll give you ono of Dr. Aycr's nice sugar-coated Cathartic Pills, next time you need medicine." Bonnie, smiling sweetly. dropped oil to sleep at once. A coursedlnncr will bo served from five until ulno by tbo Young People's Guild of St. Pcul's Episcopal church on Friday. May 10th In the W. 0. T. U. room?, corner of Main and Murkct streets. Dinner tickets 60c. Phillips' Ice Cream parlors hive been fitted up In a very attractive man ier. Brussels carpet, lace curtains, and handsomo furni ture make themau Inviting placetodropln. But tho leading attraction is the excellent ice cream served dally to many customers. J. Irvln Steel the veteran editor of tho Ashland Telegram, has taken hi' son, Will Steel, in partnership with htm. This dally is a year old, and Is a sprightly sheet. The Steels stand In tho foremost rank of journalism. N11TICK TO LOT OWNERS IN R0SBM0KT CEME TERY. All are request d to keep tbelr lotB In good Older or elso lt will be done by tho Company and charged to the lot owners. By oidcr of Committee on Grounds. G-0.3t. Iiheumatlsm is saust-d by an acid in the blood; therefore, external treatment affords no permanent relief. To eliminate tho poison and make a thorough cure of the disease, nothing else Is so efficient as Ayer's Sareap.uilli. Give it a trltl. Price SI Worth 5 a InltK It Is said that confWhlc3 throughout tho Statu are forming au organization for the purpose of acting unitedly in getting a law enacted by tho next legislature paying them for visiting, monthly, places where liquor li sold nnd report to the court any violations of he license laws, as Is requir ed by the said laws. W. D. Becklcy, sou of 1). A. Beckley, waB admitted to tho bar on Tuesday, hav ing completed his studio in the otllce of L. S Wintcrstecn tlsq. lie passed a very thorough examination, and his career at the bar will no doubt bo a successful one, as be is p isscsscd of more than ordinary ability. F. r Window shades go to Mercer's Drug & Book Store. tf, At 1 lie election of stock holders of the Normal School held on Monday last the following persons wero elected for the en suing three years: Geo. E Elwell, L. 8. Wintersteen, Dr. W. M Ileber and J. 0. Brown. On behalf of the state the follow. Ing persons wero nominated, from whom the State Superintendent will select two to serve for three years: C, G. Barkley, Will. Urn Neal, F. P. Drinker, VV. B. Moycr. Ezekicl Cole died at his home la Sugar loaf townjhlp on Monday, May 4th, after a long Illness. He was nearly 80 years of a;c. Mr. Cole was a prominent xaan In his younger days. He conducted a mere chantlle business for some years, and he was known as an expert trout fisherman. He leaves a wife and a large number 01 chlldien. The funen.l took place an Thursday. On Monday morning Judge Ikeler filed an opinion in tho Belt Lino crossing case, which puts the cause In shape for some progress to be made. Exceptions bad been filed by tho plaintiff to tho defend.- anl'sianswcr, and the opinion dismisses tho exceptions. It is probable that a master will soon bo appointed, and then the case will go on to final hearing and decree. E. II. Gule. son of E. B. Guio of Cata- wissa, was sworn In as an attorney at law on Tuesday. He read law In tho office of W. H. Rhawn Esq., and is said to bo well grounded lu the principles of the profes sion. Mr. Gule is a graduate of Lewisburg University, and a young man of much promise. He is also an expert short band wrltei a very uaiful accomplishment tor a lawyer. We understand bis services can be obtained as a short-hand reporter, when needed, La9t Friday night u raid ws made on the two disreputable house that have nourished unmolested In this town for f nmo tlmo past. Mrs. Forney wa arrested on a charge ot selling liquor without license, and alio for keeping a disorderly house. Nell Stroup was arrested for keeping a disord erly house. Mrs. Forney and ono Inmate of her bouse wero unablo to give bail and went l Jail. Several men were found In tho houses, and they entered ball. On Tursday Mrs, Forney pleaded guilty to both charges. Tho Btroup cane was con tinued. . i'.iikIiich Hi"! Hnw Millu, Auy ono Intending to buy Sttsm Engines ot any style or size or flrfel class Saw Mills will do well by seeing, or wilting the un. derslgni'd for Catalogue and Prices beforo buying. WlllTB&COMWKR, 4.4 3 m OrangevlUe, Pa, Window-trades In all qualities, paper, tit aud cloib, from 10c to $1.60, at Mer. cer'B Drug & Book Store. tf. THE COLUMBIAN AND Tho following letters aro held at Blooms burg, Pa., post-office, and will bo tent to tbo dead letter office, May 20, 1890. Mr. B. B. Ande (3). Bamucl Almy, Bloomsburg Axo Co., Mr. Hugh Campbell, MissAnnlo Downs, Miss Abblo V. Hot. dron, Charlie Keller, Mr. Wm. Mann, Geo W. Miller, John Quln, Mr. Ed. Ward. Persons calling for theso letters plcaso say, they wero advertised May 5, 1890. Ono cent will bo charged on each loiter advertised, A. B. OATMOATtT, P. M. Hcliool nlrcctorn' Convention. The School Directors of Columbia county met In tho Court tlouso on Tuesday at ono o'clock p. in. for the purpose ot electing a County Superintendent for tho ensuing three years. Superintendent J. B. Grimes called tho convention to order, and stated that he was ready to receive nominations for chairman. P. A. Evans nominated J. H. Townscnd, seconded by J. C. Brown. Dr. T. J. 8wMicr nominated Hon. C. G. Murphy, seconded by Patrick Flynn. Judge Murphy received 45 voles and Mr. Townscnd 88 votes, and tho former was declared elected. U. J. Campbell was elected secretary and the Cbalr appointed William Chrlsman and Geo. W. Davis as tellers. Th 1 secretary called tho roll and tho following directors answered to their names. Beaver John Klingermm, Simon Hons, W. A. Drclsbich, George Ulshafer, John Fritz, John llauck. Benton George Gibbons, T. L. Davis, F. I. Shultz, A. K. Btlne, Thomas E. Edwards, Dr. T. 0. McUcnry. Berwick J. U. Kurtz, 11. J. Dclttcrlck, II. F. Glenn, Dr. A. B. McCrca. Bloousbdro Wm. Chrlsman, Wm. Krcamer, O. T. Wilson, Joseph Garrison, J. It. Townsund, James 0. Brown. Brurorxek A. B. Croon, Morris lllttcn- housc, C It. Bower, Nowman Bower, Uenry Bower, M. U. Potty. Catawissa M. A. Bibby, Wm. T. Creasy, Simon Itaup, E. B. Gule, George W. Beirsnyder, J. B. Yclter. Centralu Andrew Lenlhan, Ed. Demp- soy, C. G. Murphy, D. E. Keller, Edward Williams, Geo. W. Davis. Centre Geo. Hlnkleman, Daniel Whlt- mlrc, John Kerchner, G cor go Uartman, W. II. Hess, T. D. Strauss. CoMTNonAM Alex McDonncl, Michael O'llara, Patrick Flynn, James Monhagan, Frank Brennan, Ira Ilodarmel. FisniNflORBEic A. T. Chapln, II. S. Hummel, W. C. Pennington, J. M. Wen- ner, T. 11. Edgar. FdANKLtN Georgo Uartman, Thomas Menscb, Charles Hughes, m, E. Uower, Flcmmington Stewart, Greenwood Jos W. ltecce, Theodore Lemon, Joseph Lawton, Wm. Dcmott, Schuyler Kramer, W. B. Eves, Hemlock Charles Bomboy, George Dent, 8. L. Brobst, Charles Workhclser, Wm. T. Eittly. Jaukson H. II. Hirlcman, B. F. 1 rltz, Henry Wagner, Georgo W. McIIenry, George W. Farver, Win. Brink. Loocbt Cnrlstlan Small, A. Kline, E. C. Cleaver. Madison Dr. T. J. Hwisher, JamesJKin- lan, B. F. Kcster, Kzr VanDlne, Joseph Wise, ElroyDcmott. Main U. J. Campbell, F. P. Grover, Samuel Alstetlcr, W. H. Fisher. Mifflin Ohadlah Swank, Rudolph Sey- bcrt, J. C. Hetler, M. M. Uarlzel, D. A. Hess, Eleazcr Schweppcnhciser. Montour G Y. Mourey, Daniel Baylor, Daniel Cotncr, Emanuel Lazirus, Hugh D. Quick, P, A. Pvans.. Mt. Pleasant M, Ruckle, Daniel Mor- dan, John Harp, Isaiah W. Howell. Oranoe Samuel Uldlay, II. E. Bown an. Silas Shuman, A. II. Kitchen, Isaiah White, A. Dowitt. Pink-G. U. Gordncr Jr., J. It. Fowler, W. U. Uayman, Thomas Fortner, Alfred Kitchen. RoiiiiNo Ciibek W. B. Uouck, Jacob Hoffman, A. Beaver, Soott Jacob Terwilllger, George Krcs- sler, W. J, Uldlay, Ell Schneidman, Isaac Reich ard, W. Schechtcrly. Suoakloaf C. M. Laubach, W. A.Fritz, S. J. Benjamin, Lpyd Giebertson, John Stout, J. N. Pennington. Therciare twenty-five school districts In the county, each one with six directors, making ISO altogether. AH but 10 were present. The Chair stated that nomina. tlons for County Superintendent were in order, and Dr. T. J. Schwlshcr nominated W. C. Johnston of Madison township, and Dr. T. 0. McUenry nominated J. 8. Grimes of Scott. The list of directors was called and each ono announced for whom ho voted. The result showed 84 votes for Johnston and SO for Grimes. Tho Chair man announced that Mr. Johnston was elected Couuty Superintendent. On mo tion the coivcntlon adjourned, JOHN O. QUICK. The death of John G, Quick of Rupert on Saturday last was a surprise to all his friends. Only a couple of days previously ho had been In Bloomsburg, apparently in good health and spirits. On Thursday bo wai seized with illness, and riled suddenly on Saturday. Ue was a well known man throughout the county, being identified with tho (1 range: e, and hieing recognized everywhere as a good citizen and an up right man. He had served as justice of the peace of Montour township for noirly 80 year;, and had filled many other local offices. Mr. Quick was born In Rush township, NoiUiumbcrland county, In 1884 and moved with bis parents in 1829 to the farm where be died. Ho was married in 18S3 to Barab, daughter of (be late John R, Mover of this town. Mrs. Quick and one daughter, Mrs. William J1dd6c1i, survive, Mr. Quick was a son of John II. Quick and a brother of the late W. Grier Quick, and the following who aie still living; Charles Quick of Marysvllle, Iowa, Mia. Rosetta Dletterlch, of Milton, Mrs, Maha'a Bark. ley, Mrs. Ilettle Barton, Mrs. Sado Thorn. ton, ot Bloo.msburg, Miss Kate Quick ot Rupert. Tbo funeral took placo at the house on Wednesday afternoon at o'clock, services conducted by W. C. Ley' erctt. Tiio alto odance was very large. KiHHcd AMottter Hau's 'Wile. "You scoundrel," yelled young Jacob Green, At bis good neighbor, Brown "You kissed my wife upon the street I ought to knock you down." "That's wbtT yotir'ro wrong," good Brown replied, In accents mild and meek 1 "I klucd her, tint I've not denied, But kissed her on tho cheek and ljdid it bi cause sho looked so hand some the very picture ot beauty an health. What Is the secret of It?" "Well replied Green, "flncu you ask it, I will tell you: she uses Dr. Pierce's Fuvotlto Pre scrlptlon. 1 accept jour apology. Good nleht." "Favorito Prescription" Is the only remedy for the Ucllc.te dirangemenli aud weaknesses m iwnaics. sou uy urug, gists, under a potitlit puaranlte el g(vng satisfaction In every case, or money aid for lt returned. For bllliousness, sick headache, indige tlon, and constipation, take Dr, Pierce' Pellets, Steady employment, on salary is offered n another column, by K (J. Pelison &Co, Waterloo, N. Y. 4-U-4w, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Gunvn. W. U. Bollngcr spent Saturday evening and Bunday at Benton. Student at Lau. bach's looked after bis business whllo ho was alicnt. W. 1). SutlllT, Operator at Ronton Is vary sick with the mumps. Several are victims t tho same complaint Jno. Dtlts our promising supervisor, took the train for Bloomsbufg on Monday. On his return he reported everything booming at Bloom. Look out for a wedding soun, Tho parties aro known, and a big tlmo is ex pected. Boys get your tin paus ready for the fray. "Our two professional fishermen Brad and Bradcr Mastcllcr have caught about ono thousand trout this spring. The community ot Jamison city was hocked at tho sudden death of Chat. Brown, foreman and yard shipper, who was instantly killed on Monday morning at 8 o'clock by falling between the bumpers and being cut nearly In two. Mr. Brown was aged 22 years, and leaves a mother and sis ter tomourn his death. He was formerly of Buffalo N. Y. whero his mother, and sister still live. The remains were sent home on the six o'clock train Tuesday morning. W. F. Central 111. Logan and Ccntralla collcrics made about 14 days each In April and expect to make a few days more in May. Centralla colliery Is putting a new hoist- ng engine in their inside slope, which will ncreasc its output and consequently cm- oy more hands. The size of the engine can be imsgtnod from the fact that ono of tho cranks was loaded on a wagon at tho depot all right, but tho wagon had scarcely moved when It spread out like a pancake. The company then concluded it was chcapor to move it by rail. Mr. Edward Reese, ot Centralla, was very pleasantly surprised on Tuesday even ing. He has been taking quite an interest tbo school hero for some tlmo past, and order to show their appreciation of his efforts In their behalf, tho teachers ot the borough and Conngham township, thir teen in number, tendered him a surprise. Mr. Reese was to mako tho fiag presenta tion speeches, at tho township school houses, on Wednesday, so the teachers thought It very appropriate that he should have one first. Mr. Shannon, principal of tho North Conyngham township school, presented the flag, and maio a speech that would nave been a credit to a county pcrintendent. Mt. M. W,. Brennan and Mr. Lcnaban also spoke, and Miss Cook made a few remarks in behalf ot tho lady teachers. Somo singing followed, and al together made It an occasion to bo remem bered with pleasure. Jfc Qirmcl News. Benton. Benton Is lively. 0. B. Ikeler tho popular young landlord Is about starting a fully equipped livery stable. J. J. McUenry Is repairing bis store building. Ue still takes the lead In fishing stories ' Beveral new houses are being 'built. B. W. Crossley expects to build a fine resi dence on Market street, near depot. G. and 0. B. McUenry, the live merchants ot this place, have the contract for build ing. Keller Bros, are doing a rushing busi ness. A committee has been appointed by the Presbytery to Investigate the probability of Presbyterian church at this place. Wo bone they will bo successful, and that the churches ot this place that have been aided In tbelr Infancy by outsldo help will now show their gratitude by lending a helping hand. "True charity begins at homo," and a kind word sometimes goes further than a dollar. Occasional. East Men ton. Miss Laura Wcnner of Bendertown has just received a large assortment of millin ery goods. Alll ladles wishing to avail themselves of cheap hats should call upon her at once before buying elsewhere. The Misses M. A. Wcnncr and Grace May Edgar of VunCamp and students at the Cambra Academy were visiting friends In this neighborhood last Saturday and Bunday. Prof. 0. 0. Hughes has charge of this school. The corn planting season has again ar rived. Some corn has already been planted. Bowman Crawford captured SO large trout one day last week. Ue is tho boss fisherman along the waters of flshlngcreek. Quite a hard frort at this placo on the morning ot May 2nd. John W. Bmlth is building nn addition to his barn. There Is always more room on the up per shelf" and the "surplus" is about all shelved and still there Is plenty of room for more class legislation. The prospects for a good crou of wheat are very fluttering at present. A Hquarc Deal for Everybody. l'o enable home and land-seekers to visit jo farming sections of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana, tho Great Northern Railway fyne will sell ex. curslon tickets, with stop over privileges good for thirty days, at One Fare for the round trip, on April 22d, May 20th, Sep tember Oth, September 20th, and October 14th, from St. Paul,- Minneapolis, Duluth and West Buperlor. This will enable purchasers to eeo the famous Park Region of Minnesota, the wonderful Red River Valley, Devils Lake, the Turtle Mountain, and the Mquso River Regions of North Dakota; the rich valleys of tho Big Sioux and James in South Dako ta, and the vast fertile districts watered by tho Missouri, Milk, Teton and Marias litv crs, in the great Reservation ot Montana: no land grant restrictions or extra costs there in securing homesteads. The Great Northern Railway runs three lines through the ned IHvcr Valley, is the only lino to tho Turtle Mountains, has three lines in bouth Dakota, and runs tho only solid through trains ot Palace Dining and Bleeping Cars, Modern Day Coaches and Free Colonist Sleepers to Fergus Falls, Moorebead, Fargo, Grand Forks, Crooks. ton, Devils Lake, Mlnot, Ulasgo v, Chinook Benton, Great Falls, Helena, and Butte, Montana. It it tho only .railway in the west owning and operating its entire sup. erlor equipment, and with solid roadway, 7S-pound steel tracks, Insures safety, com fort and speed. lour homo agent can sell you excursion tickets to over 600 points on the Gieat Northern Railway Line. Maps, guide books or Information concerning travel or settlement along this line, cheerfully fur- Dished by any agent (if the Company, ur F. 1. Whitney, ueu. Pass. & Ticket Agent, 0 N. It'y, SL Paul, Minn. tf. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When lUby was sick, we tiro her Cutorl WUn tho h a Child, th cried for Cwtcila, Wbau k Ucm Ulu, the clung to CutorU, Wtw ih had Children, iho riic them CutorU. There arc many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They arc not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it 'Tis sold everywhere. Prof. I'ratt'n Dancing- Hcliool. Prof, and Mrs. Pratt of Pittsburgh, late of Wllkcs-Barre will open a class for ladles and gentlemen, Friday evening, May Oth at 8 o'clock- and a class for ladies, Misses add masters, Saturday afternoon, May ;10, at 8 o'clock in Grangers Hall. Tuition 10 lessons gentlemen $5.00, ladles, Misses and masters $3.00. For further in formation call at Exchange Hotel. ' m A Voniisr Worann s anccess, Ono of tho brightest women In New York, Mrs. Isabel Mallon, who, perhaps, knows more about woman's dress and fix ings than any woman In America, has been added to the editorial staff of The LtvlUs1 Home Journal, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Mal lon la an-experienccd editorial writer, and will conduct ono of the fullest and strong est fashion departments in tho Journal ever attempted in a genera) magazine. Her new position makes her the best-paid fash ion-writer In tho country. Mrs. Mallon ib young, pretty, and one of tho best known women in New York society. Court Proceedings. Court convened on Monday, May 6, at 10 o'clock a. m., Hon. E. R. Ikeler and As sociates Murphy and Jackson on tbo bench. Mansfield vs. Crane, opinion of court filed, rulo discharged. T. James Fcrnley vs. Henry Klelm, opinion filed. Bloomsburg Belt R. R. Company vs. D. & W. R. R. Company, exceptions to an- swer of defendant, opinion filed, excep tions dismissed. Constables called and made their returns. Grand Jurors called, and Daniel Knorr appointed foreman. Geo. S. Gilbert and Andrew Gallagher, excused. Commonwealth vs. J. U, Robins, on- tinued to next session. On motion of J.. U. Malzo Esq., W. D. Beckley and E. U. G lie sworn in as at torneys to practice in the several courts of Columbia County, Order to viewers continued to viewers of a private road in Brfarcrcck near Busan and Conrad Markle's. Report In favor of a bridge in Sugarloaf near Bacon Hess' confirmed nisi. Report In favor of a road In Jackson, near Forks School house confirmed nisi.; Road In Mt. Pleasant near stone bridge at B. Leacock's, confirmed nisi. Report in favor ot a road in J act son 1 near John Young's, confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. Amos Appleman, rule for a now trial discharged, prisoner to bo sentenced during the present session of court. J. K. Grotz et. al. ys. 8. A. Petrlkcn case stated, judgment for plaintiff. Susan E. Cooper vs. J. a McMlchacl certiorari to J. P. exceptions of plaintiff sustained. Return of sale In estate of Catharine Johnson confirmed nisi. Report of viowers against a road in Madison near barn of John McNInch con firmed nisi. Auditor's report In estate of Mercy A, Roberts confirmed nisi. Report of sale in assigned estate of Em mor Dicttcrick, confirmed nisi. lteport of viewers against a road In Briarcreek near A. Suit's, confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. John Morris, con tinucd. Report of sale of real estate of James HUc confirmed nisi. ltustce'fl account in estate of Sarah Laubach confirmed nisi. Report of sale In estate of Tbos. Shear, man confirmed nisi. Bale ordered Is estate of II G. Creveling. iiugiBiera accounts and Widow's ap praisements confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. M. B. Endy, assault ex., true bill. Commonwealth vs. Andrew Nolan, con tinued. Commonwealth vs. Lawrence Burns, surely or peace, continued. itoad in Hemlock near M, C. White. night's, exceptions to report filed, also pc. tition ior rev)cw Bled. lAimmonwcaiw vs. John Wise, answer of Mrs. Margaret Wise to petition and rule on tho put of defendant as to reduction of weekly allowance, filed. (joramonwealtb vs. Jas. It. Rltter, ha beas corpus granted. Charter granted to Laurel Hill Cemetery Association ot OrangevlUe. Common ncajtb ys. W. Teepje, true bill Petition filed for incorporation of Mill vine as a borough. Bale ordered in cs'ate of Lydla Beam W. W. Huret & Co. vs. O. W. Ludwle. rulo to show oauso why Judgment shall not be opened. Report of sale In estate of Joseph 0, Hess, confirmed nisi. inquest awarded In estate of Thomas Cole. ViolalB. Sawlnski vs. Anthony Bawlnskl, eubpcsaa In divorce awarded. iteport 01 alien confirmed nil In estates of B. F. Petcrman and Jas. O. Koller. Petition of Charles W. Fisher for ehange or name tiled. Commonwealth vs. Lawrence Burns, re cognizance forfeited to be respited at next term. common wealth vf, Jas Hitter, habeas "orjius, defendant discharged, county pay costs. Commonwealth . Mrs Forney, selling I'quor without license, true bill. " That tlrcd'feellng" Is entirely tivercnme by Hood's Sariapanlln, which gives a feel. Ing of buoyancy and strength to tho wholo system. Hold It 10 die l,t(lit. The man who tells you confidently Just what will cure your pold Is prescribing Kemp's Ualsam this year. In tho preparal lion of this remarkable medicine for coughs and colds no expense Is spar.-d to comblne only the best and purest Ingredients. Hold a bottle of Kemp' Uuliam to the light and 00k through it) notice the bright, clear ooUj then compare with other remedies, 1'rlco 60c and !, Eli Bobbin I died at his homo at Asbury, Wednesday of last neok afior an Illness ot about two weeks. Heart dlseaso is sup. posed to ho the cause of doath Ho was aged al) mt 07 years and had lived In Fish. Ingcreek township nearly tho wlnl t nt hit life. Ho leaves a widow, one son and two daughters to mourn his loss. Mr. Bobbins was a man of moro than ordinary nblllty and had hosts of friends In the county who will miss him. Tbo following resolutions wero passed on his death. Whereas, It hath pleased Almighty God In Ills wise Provldcnco to rcmovo from our midst our friend and brother Ed Bobbins. Thenore Rttnltti. That tho Church has lost an old and esteemed mombcr of fifty ycats standing. The Sunday school an enthuslastio and 4lthful tcaobcr. Tho class meeting a regular attendant. Tbo community a tried friend and his family an affectionate husband and father. Jlaohtd. That, while we deprecate our loss, yet cherish the assurance that our los is his gain. A. A. PlALER. Nathan Smith. B. J. Pialxe, A Cure for Conxtlpnttoii and Sic It Headache. Dr. Bllas Lane, wh'lo in tho Rocky Moun tains, discovered a root when combined with other herbs, makes an easy and ccr tain euro for constipation. It is in the form of dry roots and leaves, and is known as Lane's Family Medicine. It will euro sick headache in ono nlgbt. For tho blood liver and kidneys, and for dealing up tho complexion lt docs wonders. Druggists sell lt at SO cents a package. WANAMAKERS. lUILiDiunii, Monday, May 8, 1S90. We have been giving one hundred and eighty feet of counter space to the surprise ot oi French Wool Dress Goods at half prices. Not room enough. We have now crowded some oi tnem on to another long counter, and for your convenience ana ours iney 1 t .1 ' I are cut into aress tengtns 8-yard lengths $2.00, io-yard lengths $2.50. hat's 25c a yard. The goods are a regular 50c grade, and this year styles. Where the yardsticks are fly ing there are plenty more of tiese quarter dollar goods, and heaps of the 40-in. Borders 30c 40-in.- Bordered Challis 30c 39-in. Strp'd or Plaid Serge 30c 39-in. Striped Serge 40c i-in. bordered berge 50c 38-in. Jacquard Striped and Plaid pure Mohair linlliantines ;oc r Double the price would not be out of the way for most any of J them. I Twice over the fullest assort ment oi thin Black Dress Goods lat we hear of. The old favor ites, and styles that no one else in town has Newest patterns, and prices as they should be. upen?mesn aiiuk iirenaoine Twisted Silk Grenadine suicand-wool "Iron" Grenadine All-wool Grenadine Sailn Striped Alt-silk Orenadlne Hemstitched and Batln striped Grenadine Figured Mile Grenadine Crepe de Chine he whole Dress goods stock is built up on the same generous plan. Four items from the Linens: Extra heavv. full bleached nprmnn TViM T inin fr frrim , , . , ' , I starcn or dressing, 05c a yard. Udged by prices OUt-Stde it IS worth 8 "JC. Old-fashioned Barnsley Table - . . . w I Unen. hftavv. hnnpst frnnHs in r":": v : :. 5 tuciic wiuc, ouu a yuiu. vvc vc sold tons of it at Sr. 2 5 a yard Heavy Damask '2x2 yard Tablecloth, and twelve i' Nap- ins to match S"? in value for $3.75 the set. Large stze Double Huck Towel, clean, pure flax, 25c. M I A . .1 1 . ejiaisn stones 10 oe sure, out no thrifty housewife can hear them too often, A trnnrl clmro of tr,f wnmir, within ri ViiinrlrpH mllfc rif tnvvn know the "L. R." Corset. No r,r.er,c nlonl ll- onrl tUt ......... - .....va v. r , 1 v .. iu way iui name. x uui muiicy QtvU nimlirt. rirrKr h v.r, ...... Shane nnrl nr nnth n p ck when you put it into the "L. R." I he "L. K. bummer Corset at i sbetter than anv ft,.,- ,- . v Imported Corset we know of. The 7Sc Summer "L. R." holds the same relative rank. in coutu and lean, white or drab, there are "L.R.Vat 75c, 95c, and $1. A new Lawn Mower the Wanamaker. We wouldn't have that name on them if there were any guesswork about the machines. Note the modest prices: 10 inches $5.00 12 inches $5.50 14 inches $6.00 16 inches $6.50 18 inches 7.00 Nothing slighted. As good a Mower as we know ol. Ifany human being under sianas tne wnoie art and mys tery 01 rans, its a lap. Kins for fixing up, Fans for ceremony, Fans for raising a breeze. Handsome always, and r 1 i. .1 ' ior surprisingly nine money. Such a Japanese Fan flight as we ve lately nad 1 1 axe one sort, Folding Parchment Fans: 5c, 10c, 20c, and so on by eight steps to $1.50. Or the favorite Pockets' Fans long or short, as you please: I2c, 20c, 25c, 45c, 75c. Let them stand for all. joiiN Wanamakeu, Does s nackacho with n Drawing-down Tain, - Weary, Tired Fccllnir, DlUncllnatlon to ; Labor, Painty and lllirh Colored Urine S I f von havo nnyot these troubles you may ; bo sure you liovo Kidney Illirn.o. Aro : you blllousr Have you Jaundleor Do you haven snllow complexion T Aro you ; troubled with constipation? If so, you I have Liver Complaint and.shoald read jj tho following testimonials! Back Ache I Mn. Chas. IfATnonw, It rcarl St, ; Itatigor, has been very low with Kidney ; Disease I she has been eonflncd lo her bed for some time. Had a constant and In I tenso backache with nil other symptoms S of Kidney Disease. Her husband bought S Hrown'aBartnpnrllla; she wns Cured by - It, nnd la now In better health than for : years. Her friends say Urowu's Barso- - parlllasnved her life. Jons miLi-tra of Tayloretown.Waeh. tngton Co., Pa., soys! 1 had suffered dreadfully from Stomach nnd Mver trouble nnd was reduced to 117 nonmls. - when I commenced to use .l)rown"s Bar- saparilla, and now weigh I W pounds. 1 consider It the belt Mnltetne I avr utcd, and had tried a great manv. nlilmtit re. i lief before taking lirown's Barsnparllla. iou inoy rerer la mo whenever you please. The railroad men of the United States are among the most capable, Industrious and faithful of her citizens. To them Browet's Sarsaparilla! V AtaUDruggljtal.oo. 0 bottles for B.00. ' V DON'T take Something else VJurt as good," IT 18 HOT. Aba Wakrkn & Co, Me Frot)rletors.Biniror. Me. LOCAL MUTICES. H. J. CLARK & SON. Invito VOU to call and pxamlnn Iho larim stock of Wash Dress Stuffs thoy are now showing, of all kinds. Thev call vour special attention to tho large assortment of dress ginghams at tho popular low prices oi u, in, ii, izjcyd. uoruparo tho quail- l?hMM tul mouairs, white dress a i&e. A comnletn linn nf white dress goods, counterpanes, table linens, napkins, &c. See our big bargains in lace curtainB this week, also Doles. I21o colored Scrims at 8c yd. Wind iw shades. Try our 07o kid gloves. Ribbons, laces, collars, gloves, ties, hosiery underwear irom iuc up. Buckles, clasps, elides, but tons, &c. Largo lines of Black Shawls. Big bargains In Beaded Wrapa thla week Beige Co yd. worth 8. Bolts of all kinds we invite you to call. Clark & Bom. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits onlv $3 doz; Life size Crayons ?nlv $10.00. Viewing, copy- e luu vumiblu- -"ww" Prcess used. . tt. He Toid ue i-rutu. 1 WAS trnillilprl wtlli T.tartr Pmnnlnlnt tor years, and suffered terribly. Lake the druggist advised mo to tako Sulphur Bit ters. I took three bottles and now I am a well man. L. Fenner, iran-iury, Conn, ro Nervous Debtlltntcd Men. If you will Bond ua vour address, wo will mail you our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltalo Uolt aid Au- puances, ana their charming Hirocta upon thd n er vooa debilitated BTHtem. an.l hnw thav win nnirLv ly restore you,Xo;vliror:and manhood.p-unphlet free. ir vou are tnua afflicted, we will send you a Belt uuu Apimuuceaun uiai. i-a r-iy. voltaic ult vo., Marshall. Mich. Drunkenness Liquor Hnblt In all tlie Woilcl tliurc 1h Hut one cure Dr. Italnen' Golden Hueclflc it can be clvcn In a nun nf tea nr enffen without the knowledge ot the person taxing it, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether tho patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wrock. Thousands of drunkards have been cured who have taken tbo Golden Specific In their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit UrlnkinE oI tuclr own free will. No harmful effect results from Its administra tloa Cures guaranteed. Send for circular anu 1 Pa"icui"a. Address m confidence LT """"". ' a"KVl lAninvu Hnnmmn fin 1D I-. U a uincmnati,o.-io.a5iy I. W. Hartnm & Sons. The Toile du Nord Ginfr hams are a standard wash dress goods and of great popularity we have a large lino of nil styles n.l nAl f Tk 1 im enjiura. tu- uc xjeige anu 5c Challies are in large quanti tities, we have four qualities in onaiues up 10 an wool at oUe allies UiaCK StOCkltlgS I Pr 101" OC, I I i 17 1 1 1 uu.u 1 W 1 ll03- ,ieavy V '25C. Our dress goods counter and I , i , w SUClVCS Have many attractions ,. . ci..:., a.-.i I"" '"u,ul uiiniiii, xiui now wo are showing the White Goods, laces and embroideries. nr t ? , i ... .l"obi'"-' u ince I i- i ., -i.ii 1 mi. . ut 4 munjn. iuc pas this Spring are cheap and handsome. Tho stripe flan nels for waists and outing dresses are in season, we have a big line ot them. Wo outrht to control tho sale of dishes in this c, , V ', l!u "2reo w0 Jiav, th0 I i li . slQCK u2r V1 )cmty aml ch.eaI'- 1 ?s crt.e3n uuttor peKSs Uml dned ,ruit' l)otlltes &c, wanted, T "TaT TT P P 1'. S, You can buy a hand some sateen dres3 ot in very cheap next week or this Satur day. I. W. II. & Sons. HIRES' HIRES lUPROVED III ROOT BEER! IIUHM. HO lOlllKllimtUIIIM lAlultVI tkh fACKA.gr, mix 3 rivt CAltOKI. ROOT BEER. Vh moil APPKTTZINO) ul WnOLEBOlIB T111PEHANCH DRINK to tbo world. DtUcloua uui BprkUng. TBT IT, Atk your Druggltt or Oroo.r for It, C C. HIRES, PHILADELPHIA,- 6-0 d 4U Detroit Huiticoim WUUUIl nivv uicklo mock HALFTllKtXMTor hoUllDir S4uv to Morekerrwrs, Uut-hens. Fanners, Mai h Inlsts, Builder, COhti actors aud Ol ll Wis. Admitted 10 le tho erealwl I in. p oirmeniB KVKIt made In tackle blocka. rrehjht prepaid Write for catalogue, Fulton Iron k Engine Worlt, EataUIKW, 10 Unu.li hi , llrut, lch, f-J-iy. 1 Your Immense Interests aro Intrusted, ond ; without them wo should mako little or no progress. In their dally toll, thcro Is ; called good Jndgment, honesty, fidelity, : quickness of thought, hand nnd eye, nnd ; coupled with these, they ore required to Z do an Immense amount of labor. Thcro i Is little or no work connected with the j building and maintaining of n railroad i that docs not bear heavily on tho Kid- 5 neyn. On the track, In laying rails and H In grading I In the shops whero the mar. S vclous engines, and palatial cars nro put jj together: In the bnggoge room,at the s desk, on tho engines, or wherever tho S railroad man may be, his work opens n ; path for Kidney trouble. Itallroad men S therefore, cannot fall to bo Interested In 2 the statement of a mnn, who, for 10 years, ; has been orondmastcrou tho big lloston ; A Maine RallroruLand now having charce of over 600 miles of roadbed. Itcad tho jj following t - Use Great Falls, n. II, May 18, 1887. ; Oentlemen-I have nsod lirown's Bar. jj enparllla for Kldneyand Liver troubles, ; and can truly soy lt has dono moro for 5 me than all the doctors I ever employed, ; and I hove had occasion to require tho 5 services of tho best physicians In tho " State. My wife has also been greatly ; benefited by Us use. Ilespcctfully, 2 E. A. Smith,. : Headmaster Boston & Maine R. It. s Window Shades. Twenty dozen fino dado window shades just opened and on display. We mapuiacture shades tor oihees. stores and dwellings to order on short notice, all lengths, widths and colors. Fine side wall paper, hang ings and ceiling decorations to please all taste3 and suit all mrses. Great variety of new and de sirable styles from the best mak ers. Specimens, estimates and esigns, furnished on request. If you aro coiner to nanor this Spring we know wo can save you money. No trouble. to show stock. W. II. BROOKE & CO. EXCHANGE HOTEL BUILDING, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Sheriff s Sale ! By virtue ot sundry writs Issued out ot tho Court of Common rieaa of Columbia County, Pa., and to me directed, there will bo sold In tho Sheriffs of flce at the Court Uouso, Bloomsburg, ro, on SATURDAY MAY. 10, 1890. at 2 o'clock p. in.aU that certain Dlece or Darcel of land situate In Jackson township CoU Co., l'a. described and bounded aa follows, to-wit: On tho north by land ot Joshua savage, on tho east by land ot Abram Knouso. and on tho west by land ot Joshua Savago, containing SIXTY-SEVEN ACRES OF LAND, moro or loss, whereon are erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Barn, Hay Shod, and other Outbuildings. beized token into execution at the suit of E. Kecler JE Co. vs. B. F. Savago, and to ba sold as tho property of B. V, Savage, miilir, Attr. Alias Vend. Ex, ALSO: f 11 that certain lot or piece of ground situate la the town of Bloomsburg, Pa., bounded and de scribed aa follows . to-wlt: On the north by Ttldgo Alley, on tho east by lot of L. T. Sharpless, on tho Bouth by Second SL, and on the west by Centre street, containing TWENTr-FOUR and a half feet more or less f root on Second streeti and Two Hundred and Fourteen Feet more or less on Centre street, whereon are erected a FRAME HOTEL, BAKE HOUSE, Barn and other Outbuildings. Seized, takeu into execution at the suit ot Creasy & Wells va, John F. Caldwell, and to bo sold aa tho property of John F. Caldwell. WlNTKKSTIBN&nBBHINO.AttyS. Fl. FaS, JOHN a CASKV Sheriff. PAKM FOR RENT A farm of 100 uores. with nnntlsnma nw hmian and barn, and supplied with abundant water, will bo rented at a low rent tor the tsrm ot live years, to a gooa tenant who an furnish his own stock nlequlpooent. Taa Urra la in the Catawissa vauey on mo Townauip road from nrandonvllle to Audenreld, two miles from Brandonvlle and near oirarl Manor, llefereneea requested. AddrtBS UKWsus.Tii0Ml3Otf, Knglneer oiraru Estate I'ottBvllle, l'a. Nov. l-ly. SAXESJJIE1V WAICTJEl). SITUATIONS PPHMANENT. SALAFIY and EXfKNSKS FltOM RTA11T. ()ulck selling special tie Experience unecessary with ui. OUTFIT bKNTKHKK. t-peclal Inducements and choice of territory to every man engaging now. Write for terms quick, stating age. F, 8. TAtT CO.. llochcster, N. V. ' 0.0-d-at. s ALESME WANTED s LOCAL, OR TRAVELING. to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expensca and Steady employment guaranteed. CUASK UltOTllEllS COMPANV, ma.l and -uo llochcster, N. V yDMlNlSritTrOR'S notice! : Hiiate f Cliarlea D. Ti-vu, lata of Jtoiivr irj dee'd. Notice la hereby glvon that letters of odmlnls trillion on the estate of Charles II. Troy, late ot lieavor township, doe'd, have been eranied . to 1'rlscllla Troy and John K. Davis ofZionn drove, l'a., 10 whom all peinoua Indebted lo full cstato aie requested to mako payments, and those hiv. log clalm-i or demand to make known tho Bamo without delay to orto FHISCILLATUOY.l .rt- K. II. cITTts, JOHN ll. DAVIS, j . A it'y. zions drove, l'a. 11.1S.W. Constipation, IF not remedied in season, Is liable to become habitual and chronic. Pros tic purgatives, by weakening tho bowels, cohllriu, rather than cure, the evil. Ajcr'n I'll Is, being mild, effective, and strengthening in their action, are gener ally recommended by the faculty as the best of aperients, "Having been subject, for year?, to constipation, without being able to tlnd much icllef, I at lait tried Ayer's Pills, I deem It both a duty and u plensuro to testify that I huiu derived givat ben. ellt from their use. For o er two years past I liuvu taken ouu of tliena piU every night befolu retiring. I ould not willingly ha without theni." U. W. llowuiuu, 'M IZant Muiu al., CurlUlc, 1'u. " I hnve been taking Ayer's Pills and using them lu my family suu u 1637, unit cheerfully rceoii.iiiend tlirin to all III need of n Bafu hut i-lT. i t iml iiitlmrile." John M. Host's, l.nulat llle, Kj. " For eight years I was afflicted wllh constipation, which at lait beeam so Kid that tho iloi toiH could do no mora for mo. Then 1 liegnn lo take Ayer'x l'lllii, nnd noon the bowels leeovcred their natural ami resular ui'tloii, so that now 1 am in excellent health." 8. ! Iughlirldge, llryun, Toxas. " Havlni; used Aycr's I'ills, with gool results, I fully Indorse them for thn pur. )Kes for which they aro rrcoinmumled." T. Uonners, M. I)., Centre Hrldge, IU, Ayer's Pills, rasriain ar Or, J, C. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mats. BaU by all Prucgltli tad Iclr la Uidl.law i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers