THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.. The Columbian. I B LOO Aid BURG, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1890. CANDIDATES. The following Is a list of candidates for County omocsto be voted tor at the delegate election held wturtay August 9, 18W, between the hours of Tuesday August mh. Fob PnoTiiONOTArtv ifc Gi.krk Couivrs. J. II. MAIZE, of Bloomsburg, Pa. Q. M. QUICK, of Bloomsburg, Pa. For County Tukasuheb, JOIINL. KLINE, of Conyngham. JOHN MOUREY, of Roaringcroek Township. Fon Cobntt Comuissionkr STEPHEN PETTIT of Scott Township. B. FRANK EDGAR, of Fishingorecfe. DANIEL YOOUM, of Hemlock Township. Fort Register ani Recorder, CHARLES H. CAMPBELL, of Bloomsburg. Fob Representative, E. M. TEWKSBURY, of Catawissa. Fok Associate Judge, MORDECAI MILLARD, of Centre. Tho Democrats of Rhode Island, having a majority in the Logisaturo, will eleot governor, lieutenant-governor, attorney-general, secretary of Stato and treasuror. Under the ballot reform act, with a roforru Democratic administration to secure n fair eleotion, it is likely to be a long timo before the Republicans again get control of tho State of Rhode Island and tho Provid enoo Plantations. Jerseytown wont home in great glee on Tues lay, for her favorite son, V. C. Johnston, secured the County Super intendenoy. Mr. Johnston is a gradu ate of the Normal Sohool and posses ses the ability to make a competent official, and will undoubtedly do so. Whether or not tho three term role has prevailed heretofore, it is now fully established as a precedent, for that was one of tho strongest faotors that operated against Mr. Grimes, and brought about his defeat. Another element of Mr. Johnston's strength lay in the concentration of his forces, and t''e assistance rendered him by prominent politicians. Tho fight was a warm one for two weeks previous to the convention, and we are glad to re cord the faot that through it all no un kind words were spoken by either of the candidates against the other. Mr. Grimes fought well, but within a week the tide turned against him, and be had to succumb. He can retire from tho of fice with a consciousness of having performed his duties faithfully, and that his rejection for a fourth term was not on oooount of any personal reasons. Property Valuation. I notice in your paper some aeitation hang von mio-ht nnt. ntiit-. tn mv ivingabitof my experience in that ireotion. People who read Mr. J. C. Wenuer's Article in vnnr nmnr nivinn uirtnin 5oraparisons of valuation between Hentnn nnil IViahincTnrnalr Tnarnaltinii may come to the oonolnsion. that we of Fishingoreek 'are rather highly iavorei. m b townsnip this may ue the case. I do not intend to enter in to any controversy with him on that aooro. 1 have neither the time nor the disposition to go over the ground, to see whether bis conclusions are correct But I shall cite a few individual cases to show that we are not all bo highly favored. 1 own two properties in Fishinc creek Township, one of which is val- np1 for tnv nnmuni ol--! An. lars above what I paid for it, the other rUlIlrltr torn lltltll.rnrl HnlUn mnro There is another farm near by that is train Or! far aluitra ita nnat n.inn Tmn tnorn ihnt nrn nr. tn fhoir nnat nrlnn If Benton can beat that we are ready the farming community, besides keep irk hour frnm t hnm inn' within the healthful influence of But it is not to beat Benton, that I am writiiiL'. I nresume that Wen ner's statements aro cnrroc.t. From my knowledge or acquaintance with tile min. I feel aafa in nonnltidinr. that be knows whero-of he speaks, immbinou Ltm , uu his presuming to critioiso the doings men in official position. At the risk of being called a crank I shall do the samo thing. I shall confine myself to tho unequal distribution of our taxes by the unfair valuation of real oitale, I have atready mentioned some farms as being valued up to and some above their selling value; if all were thus valued for tax purposes, there would be no just cause for oomplaint. But snob is not the case. There are farms in our township, that aro rated but little over ono half their selling value. And the same is true in regard to farms in adjoining townships. I have been informed by good authority, that thero aro properties in the town of Bloomsburg, rated for tax purposes at less than half of their selling value. My informant mentioned a property that he owncd, or of which bo had con trol; that was rated at four thousand dollars, and that bo had refused ten thousand dollars for it, and would do tbo Btmo again. Ho also stated, that his was not an isolated case. Now theso thingi ought not to be, There should bo some way of securing a more equal valuation of properties for tax purposts. I havo buen told by tne (Jommiseioners when I have asked for a reduction of my rates, that tht valuation nati been in ado by men ander oath, and they had noricht to change it. Perhaps they thought mis was tno case, wtii-n it came to reducing valuations, I have however been told, that thoy havo at times made sweeping changes, where they suppcBcd iroterty was rated too low. Now I suggest that if they have right to lovel do wo, that tliey level up bv inaLint: the valuation of all property not only up to but above iU selling! rh ! ?t?1 80,0.; I illlU iDk HI IB llliu IU Uliliiiuu ii vv win? to farm iiropcrly, lut lo property in towns as well. Xhoro is no doubt but tbo farmer is tho highest taxed person in tho community. Tho luxury of monoy fit interest is somolhlng tho avorngo farmer knows nothing abut) so nil that ho posesses Is in opon ylow, and of course does not csoapa tho asses sor's vision. Ills farm may be mortgaged for half its value, no matter, ho will bo taxed the samo as if he had it clear. IThn i.nrimn ii'nlilinrr ttin mnrtfrjitro will nf n,,rn im tnrml Tnr that. Tl.Y mar bo lint, but plain pcoulo fill to see the Hostico of ll. But that mat'tr is not within tlio control of tho assessors or commissioners. Bat a llttlo effort on their part might scouro a more equal Valuation of real estate. It Is not fair, that some persons lands should bo rated higher for tar mirnoscs. than tho samo lands would bring on tho market, whilst somo arts rated at less than half in some cases, and but little more than half in tntny others, Thero nro somo other matters in re- card to our Rvstom of taxation to which I shall perhaps call the atton tion of tax payors at no distant day. James I. Oampuihx. WAR ON DELAMATER. FORTY THOUSAND QRAKQBE3 AH- Senator Delamater cannot hope to net tho support of members of tho Grangers' organizition of Pennsylvania if mentioned tor governor, sam Worthy Master Leonard Rhone, tho head of tho Grangers oruanizition in this State. inPhilalelphia. Mr. Rhone is a resident of Center County, au ex member of tho House of Represent! tives and now a member of tho Stato Revenue Commission. Worthy Mai ter Rhone, as tho head of the Stato Granue. sneaks for an orcanizttion that numbers 40.000 votes within its ranks in tho Commonwealth, Several weeks ago," said Mr. Rhone "I sent out innuiries amonc tho rep resentativo men in our organization as to whom their communities preteroa among those who are disouised as Gub ernatorial candidates. I havo received 800 ronlies and thev no to show that the Democrats want'to seo ox-Gover nnr Pattison renominated, whiie tho Republicans aro all oppised lo Senator Delamatoi. "Our organization is solidly arrayed against Senator Delaraiter, beoause it wa9 tnrouga mm mat iuo umuntn Tai bill was defeated in tho la Leg- is-laturo, though he had previously pledged himself to vote for tho measure Senator Delamator promised our State Grango and tho Grangers at Lis home in Crawford Cotintv. that he would do all he could to bring tho bill out of the Finance Committee of the Senate to which it had been referred and of which he was a member and he further more promised to advocate the passage nf thu Mil. Wa waited until the very latest moment before making an effort to take the bill out of the committee and nlacini? it on the Senate's oalandor so as to insure its consideration before the adioummeot of that body. When tho resolution was offered in the Sen atn tn tftko ihe bill out of tho commit' tan Hanatar Tialnmatar made a BDOOoh against its passing and tho resolution failed by one vote. Had he voted as ha had aereed to do the 'resolution would havo been carried. As itwai the bill was buried in tho oommitteo and lost. The Heed of Gsod'Boads. Colleee professors, civil engineers. and m3cazine writers aro directing nnhtin attention to tho snhieot of rrnntrv hiehwav. and the Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, has gone so far as to provide for the freo instruction in road engineering of one person for more Sun. which is agitatine the question in Maryland, poin's out that the power required to draw a wagon weighing with its load one ton, on a level macadamized road of broken I stono is sixty five poundi, whiolt is in I CrPHRPtl tO IWJ hllnUrea DOUnaS OU ooramon dirt road. Prof. Ely, jouns nopKins uuivemny, hmuokd that poor roads cose ine larraer, on au averace. S15 per horse, and Prof: Senks, of Knox College, Illinois, ar- guns that with good permanent, ruuuB freight could otten te uauiea ten muutj on wagons oheaper than it could be taknn one mi e on a airt roaa to a run- road station, unloaded, put on oars and carried to its destination. Of social infiuences'of good road, ho says that "a large part of the mental inspiration I nf tho farmers denenda on their ability to attend church, lectures, concerts, and I HOA' ill Cft ll Ofi n CH ttt a dUtanCrt and really good roads, by enabling them to I crn Hfl rilllfll mOTS'llv. WOltUl dOUbt- Tbss raise the whole intellectual lone ot the farm many who aro now forced - 1 to tho towns. JSIc, I Charles OosEroyel I Who has cot beon ab'e to attend business for years, was interviewed to our renorter vesterdav. and says. For of yea I wa? troubled with Bright' dis - ease ot lue iuuuojs. ino hocioib gave me up. Through an Etatoru friend I obtained a bottle of Sulphur Bitters. I took fivo bottles and now I am almost well. Ifeth sails them. San Francisco Call. Peculiar Many peculiar points make Hood's Bar stparnla superior to all other medicines. recullar in combination, proportion, and preparation of Ingredients, Hood's Earsaparllla possesses the full curative value ol the best known remedle ot the vegetable king om. Fecullar tn It strength and economy s Bar- taparllla Is only meal- cine of which can truly be said, "One Hundred Doses One Dollar." Medicines In and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as Hood's. recullar In Its medicinal merits, Hood's SarsaparllU accomplishes cures tiltli- rtA finVnnwn. And h.lflwnn forltKlf the Htleof "The greatest bloodyTOil purifier ever dlscovored." fl Teculiar lnlts"ioodnamo jr. trO"yiki borne," there Is now vnore of Hood's SarsaparllU sold In Lowell, where rOJnt Is made, than of a.y .other blood purlfler. irrecuUar In Its phenome- record of sales abroad,r Viio other preparation lias fVevtr attained such popu- I Ity In so abort a time, At.ln-.l tta rnularltv M1U ......... . . - . 9 y mi cordUenca among all claitet yet peopl so steadfastly. Do not be Induced to buy ether rrtparttlonj, but be tore to get the recullar Medicine, Hood's Sareaparilla BMWaUonuUta. flsUft. yisyarsaoaly y 0. L BOOD A CO..X ftttuhiit, Ltrw U, Hut. no '1W -X. - 110 rzir me irv nn T M V larger SHERIFF' SALE. lly virtue ol a writ ot Ujc. IsviM out of the Court of Common rises ot Columbia county, r-a., and to me directed, thero wilt .be sold In the Sheriff's offloo, at tho Court Homo, JiloomsDurg, l'a., on SATURDAY. MAY 10. 1800. at 2 o'clock p. m., all the following described real ostato situate In the township of Centre, County ot Columbia, stato ot rennsjlTonla, bounded and described m follows: On the north by the Pennsylvania Canal, on the east by tho land ot Thomas U. Bchwcppenhelscr, on the south by tho Susquehanna lilver, and on tho west by lot of Jacob Iteeco,contalilnj ONJCFOUUTII Ol' AN ACKK ONE-FOURTH OF of land raoro or less, on which are erected a one and ono-hatf story FRAME DWKLMN3 HOUSE and other outbuildings. seized, taken lato encoullon and to bo sold as the property ot John W. Clark and Ellen Clark his wife, JOHN a CAUBV IliRKLiT, Ally, Sheriff. 4-SS-90. no ore aohnts ivaivtkd for SI11PXK Auuntn VAn MyStoryof theWar, M"HJriTUU TKK SOIlLIITtUMCSlS Il'RSl. In IlMoltali. ltd on fti luuie-rtfM. AotO trllinn tdC4 ciktjir. 6plndl4 Meet TUteo. JiM U'Mr(.Uan and 1 nd on th l).Ul-(lfM. nrMAttT A.IJVKllMOIUS. ai.fe iimiMMf. r tiso oo wan Agmn Itcwa w.n nq women. i'LM..r....n. NNUAL STATEMENT 0 TBI TOWN OF BLOOMSBURG, PA., rOR THE YJSAB 1889, TAX ROLL FOR 1889. Valuations Rale Tax. Am't Vat. Built up... .1,9(8.099 00 6 mills I7.9M 09 BUDnrDan... C7,?uu uu t rami 1F3,S87 00 i Personal.... 17,188 oo Occupation. 190,640 00 1 i I mills 170 80 it mills Ml 67 S mills 1S3 1S i mill 1,113 84 1,75,6U 00 KfiX 01 The abore valuations do not Include the lonowing.vui Silk Mill Co t O.ono 00 exonerated Konooi lunuNUDKUO,,, ipiuw czonerawu (1900 00 Tworir-OAnt.nttha above valuation is ma The fanded lncebtedness now Is 1)0,110 CD And Is dne as follows, viz i FUNDED DEUT. Honda dne 1890 !, 00 ao itrai.... 1,1711 w do 1891 1,M3 00 do 1893 1,600 00 do 1191 IfiBS 00 do 199 M,.. 1,790 00 do 1893 1,783 OO do 1(97 1,870 00 do I89S 9,015 00 do 1X99 1.9C0 (0 do 19 0 1,76.) 00 do 1901 -1,820 00 do 1999 1,410 00 do 1903 1.49S 00 do 1901 1,620 00 do 1999 l,eoo 00 do 1906 1,913 00 do 1907 1,863 00 do 1908 610 00 (30,110 00 J. 8. WILSON, Town Treasurer for 1BS9. la account wltn tne Town or uioomsourg, i DR. To amount on band April 1, lfcgn, as per last annual statement ft 6 19 Received from N. Boon. Col lector, on duplicate IBS!.... 67 99 Receded from U A.Ucrrlng, county Treasurer w w Received from l. 8, Uarman, rrostdenu for bhow iicnue, 78.69: for sewor permits, iiooxo 178 M Ro. elvod from M. C. Wood. ward, collector, on anpu- j-atn of r.. 1.433 SO Received from M C. Wood." ward, coneotor, on anpu- rntAnfl8S9 1.716 70 Rocelved of W. U. dimming. Secretary, ror aox lax i w Received from State Tax col. lected tor ins), n.wi atato Tax collected lor previous vears. i W 88 11 Received from Tax Roll of 1889 6,440 01 Received from K. Jacoby, re- moving ruoDisa w 10,7M n CR. By amount of orders paid daring year ...7,962 07 By amount of conpons patd daring year 1.S73 87 By amount of bonds paid uurmg '', .... m UDUU J1W. Jul ,iw w do 117 10J PO do isi ton 00 do 143 16U 00 an 16.1 ISO IX) 900 00 By amount State tax paid for eurrent year 61 11 159 36 237 60 By amount Treasurer c ni ... By am't. on band to tialauce.. 10 790 13 JAMES 8. WILSON, Treasurer Bower "und, ur,.i.ii ni-.rtrt. DR. To am't on band April 1, IE89 , w CR By am't of orders paid during year iwam't of Treasurer's com.. 22 44 By am't on band to balance. . 798 91 3,065 SO JAMES 8. WILSON, Treasurer Town uau r unu. DR. . ubIvaH frtm tinnrifl. nffrntl. iBBUlHCVB " .lift, ated, issue or v cu. By am't of orders paid during year ., 1.0M 't By am't of Treasurer's com .. 9j 63 By am't on hand to balance.. 2,846 73 111,000 09 NEWTON BOONE, Collector lor 1834 DR. To balance on duplicate of 1684 .....iOl 29 CI(. By casb paid J. 8. Wilson, Trcas. By exonerations alio wed ,... 27 00 51 29 It. O, WOODWARD, Collector for 1888 1)11. To balance on duplicate of 1688 tl.CM It Clt. By casb paid J. 8. Wilson, Vrcasuror 11,43.1 30 By exonerations allowed..... ait. 04 By exonerations Additional at. lowed 4 7 Balance due 1 $1 696 IS U. 0. WOODWARD, Collector for 18S9. DR. To amount ot dupllcato CK. By cash paid J. 8 Wilson Treasuier 1710 70 Balance due l.W" ,11,920 08 in - 2,916 RECEIPTS. To amt. Sever Fund on hand Apr. 1,1889 8,063 M To amt. on hand Apr, 1, 18S9 as per last annual it 'to. ment , 6 19 Beo'd from Hewtoi Boone, Col of Duplicate rfisji., 4)7 29 Beo'd of O. a. Herring, Co. Treas 094 00 Beo'd of F. 8. Ilarman, Pres. for Show Licenses 78 90 Beo'd ot P. B. Uarman, Pres. for Sewer 1'ermlta 100 00 Beo'd of M. C. Woodward, CoLofiass 1,433 80 Beo'd of M. C. AVoodward, ColHofl88 1,716 70 Beo'd of W. B. Cummlngs, Secy., Dog Tax 13100 State tax oolleoted for 18-0. . 6117 . ii m prey. tons year... , 26 97 Beo'd on Tax Roll of 1889, collected by Treas 0,410 01 Beo'd of E Jacoby, remov ing rubbish 100 Beo'd from Bonds negotl ted Issue ol Sept. 11. 1889 12,000 00 to tiy t?s,eio t D13BURSEMEKTS IIiohwats. Amt paid W. J. Uldleraan former Com. of High ways Amt. paid C. R Uonset, Com. of lliti hwavs. AmU raid tor labor and hauling Amt. paid ltoadannel and W clllver. smithing....... Amt. paid J. W Sheep. won of road machine Amt. paid C. W.StltT smith. Ing Amt. paid J. Bachman, ma 411 73 1,3S8 11 4 30 18 00 VI) 93 24 13tlM 18 bo Ci 70 8 91 oury., Amt, paid J.S.WlUon. stono Amt, ild W. ILabader -Amt, paid Creasy A tVclls lumber , Amt. paid J. II Schuyler A Co. sundr ei Amt. patd Uarman A Has sen, sun ries vioi AmU paid C. W, ltunyon, sundilts 81 94 Amt. patd Moyer llron. Co- ment and stone , 8 41 Amt paid Oeo 11. llarttn, smltblng 13 M Amt. pall J. t. AS. K. l'ta. eook, sundries 8 41 Amt. paid Win. M. Loinous cobble stone 9 19 Amt. rtaM Vre.l Schwlnn. casupaia tor repairs.... i a (1,13 CONSTABLE AND POLICE. Amt. paid II. II. Kreas, Chief of l'olloe W 13 AmU paid Assistant police men w 90 Ami, paid al. C. Woodward, Town Constable WM AmL paid M. O. Woodward, serving uoUee.. ......... fl I RKWERAUK. Ami. paid O. Miller on contract...... 1,6a I Amt. pM a. W, Miller con. BCTKHirjn ot now UQD anwnr Ml feet a SLM.... 4W BO Amt. paid HamuelMeybard xonner oupu newer. .a i w Amt. paid J. 0. Brown Bopu Bawors.. M. ....... 99 71 Amt. paid Col. Co. AgTl'o'l dltoh 10 00 Amt. pttd Kshteman A Wolf cunsiraowun ui riwu" Ion to east Seocnd HI; oner 179 ft. ,. II U Amt. paid Eshleman A Wolf coneirucuun ui uin Ion to First BU (ewer lftstift not Amt. paid Kihloman A Wolf OODiimvuua til Jiuro and lron8U.worC)fl. 99(98 Amt. raid Jackson A Wood. in, viKr JPIP" lur loini and Iron Bts. sewer...... 19 63 Amt. paid J. 8. Wilson, Tra. rreigm pam on waior elm...... 1 Amt. paid Blwell A Bitten. Denaer. rrniunan auoy ewer 90 00 IJ7MB FIRE DEPARTMENT. Amt. paid C. S. Fniman, Birapa iox r&. u. a u.1.0 caxriiico ... Amt pild rattan Uageabach rent .iuiio t oo w ajii, i uu (i 2fl ner vcar urn Amt. paid U. II. Barery, Iron InK ladder AniU paid 1. W. llartman iitiu Jkpr. i o3 w Apr t t9 MOO too Amt. paid Geo. U. Martin ro palisto Uoio jampor.... Ami. patd Winona Kfro Co. appropriation Amu iaU Euroki Klre lloss oooo C90i WATER DRPARTMBNT. Amt. patd Bloqmsbnrw W- tor UO..USO iso ui 1 itvunuia O t-0 ner yr. lor mo. 440 00 Ami. pal nloomsburff Wa ter Co. use of 48bydranU il ft.'O mir vr. fore mo.... 480 00 Amu hUI lUoomsbnrK Wa. flmiita..... 87 00 8174 Ann. paid Ludlow Valve Co. Sfliehydratru Amt. paid J. 8. Wilson. Tres. ireigili putu on uro ny drunta 1 8 11,001 80 GAS DEPARTMENT Amt paid nioomHbn'K Oaa vo. 9 p 8 Us g i.ja pr moiitti 9 inonllis 708 79 Am: patd llloouisbura Oas Co. 47 post-- 43 II 73 per innnth S montlL4 - 146 75 Ami paid Ksbleuian A Wolf euuurics unu rcpau-a.... oi oa TOWN HALL, Amt paid labor In digging collar.. uiitir, 14195 AmU paid Uarman A llaa- seru frrates Amu paid David Ilenslncer 16 00 on contract 7,137 S3 on bill nf extras Amu paid Yoi k mro A Lock Co.. vault doore Amt. paid J. 8. W Ison Tne. 160 88 1(0 00 ireigui pain on vault doars 1 70 Amu paid SarnbA. I'otilkon ami anna r. iiiumei'cr. Town Hull inl. 1 lln m Amu paid Sarah A. Pctrlkon nnn Anna u. n l infver. Interest on purcbaso moner Tnwn IIr'i Int. 80 00 Amt paid W. K. Ilarttnan gas and water n tings mains to bullilliif? 43 29 Amu paid E- K. ill' lor part o: ice as arennect 10 10 9.C2 64 MISCELLANEOUS. c. ytild Geo. IS. Elwell 19 mos. rent Oct. 1. 1SSS .. to Jan. 1. 1890 7100 6 00 AmU raid J. S. Blue audit- lng account of 1888 AmU paid 8. r. Peacock and- lung aooonnioi iceo.... AmU paid A. N. Yost audit. too lug aoooumoi ibod......m Am. paid Samuel Nejnard I rmer Town nurveyor.. r h1i1 Bamuel Neybard jr Beoretary lil Wm. Krlokbacm, .Ibblng annual uto In. fit tow 15 00 U00 Amt. paid Wm. Krlckbaum, publishing ordinances 43, 47.60.01 18 50 1175 Amt. paid Wm. Kiiokbaum, Drlntlng Amount paid J. C. Brown, publishing annual state- ment.. 15 00 Amt. nald J. C. Brown, rjub. Islit 4S4 usnlng ordinances 43, 40. Amu raid J. C. Brown, nrtnt ns.. S4 13 Amu paid Klweli A llltten- beniler, publishing an nual statement 15 00 Amt. paid Klweli A Ultten. uenurr.puousning ordin ances 44. 48. 49 its 10 63 1(5 00 I 15 1 00 too 17 20 M 00 5 75 800 186 AmU paid Elwoll A Bitten. uenuer, printing , . AmUpald W m. II, Cummlngs Secretary.., AmUpald W m. H, Cummlngs suillonerr. Ao AmU paid Guy Jacoby, am- davits AmU paid M. K. Cox, post ing notioes Amt. -paid C. O. Barkley, crsts In salt Wanlch vs. Bloom u Amt. paid to Moyer Bros., 5 round rent, lock np, unol. '88 to Jnne 1 V9.. AmU pld 8. W. Shntt. post-. lug ordinances 3, t. Amt. paid W. 11. Brooko A Co.. dosr rt-cUter AmU paid W. 11. I'rookoA i;o . siaiionery... AmU paid L. Gross, vagranu tare paid to xtortnnm berland 75 (0 00 AmU paid J W. Mean A Co. council desk Amt. paid J. W, Meat s A Co. trough at Forks pump... AmU paid B. P. 8avlta,re- psirs ai iock np ana pump... 710 18 00 90 mm too T 1 95 til urn 83 00 Amt. paid 8. A. Potrlken A Co. rent pon nndAnr. I.'sa to AC. I '89 ai .......... AmU p.ld J. C. Brown, Toan Survey ir. AmU patd C. U. ilarkley, aer- services as sououor Apr. l,'87to Apr, 1. '89........ Amu pud Joslab Ralston tax refunded on doublo assessment AmU paid Uuy Jacoby depo sitions in welsh Burial (Jround case AmU paid Louisa Baker, cleaning conncll room... Amu paid Geo. A. Clark.ata tlonorr , Amt. paid John W. Ulbbs 8 monius rent aoa pound. Amu paid O. O. Barkley ie- nlngfee for 18t9., 7691 OTHER PAYMENTS, Interest paid on the follow ing overdue orders ! No's M, 69. 429 43 ', 1, 9t8, J7U, Sll.JiaoUSW Z Interest paid on overdoe 03 II 71 bona mi isa Amt. paid J. S. Wilton com muison on Stn'e tux .. Paid on ao'onnt nf orders outstanding, viz; rorli,.... I' 1SH6,,,, ,',. 1887 "!L . 18'8 80 11 99 60 1.40U 41 eo to 61 11 117 70 t.1 19 1,013 01 68 43 8.S83 SO Paid bonds . State tax patd for current rear..., Pat A Coupons of 187..., ls-s. ' ". " 18S9 Commission to Treasurer.. Balance In bands of Treas... VW!9 a.'O.igi Deduct orders ontatanritng, tnsM Leaves amt. equal to receipts . ..!, 4 ASSETS, Dalanee on Duplicate of 1181 104 11 1 1,T9 M " Sewer fund 798 91 Town Hall fund... 1,846 71 " Current fund H7 06 Due fiom suudry persona for sewer permits 40 00 (9,114 LIABILITIES. Fqnded debt 30,110 00 Orders outstanding of m... Ml I m 13 24 370 84 II 00 iuv " " I' 188S... " " ' lbtll.. Coupons of 1889 nnpald Aoit otalned I torn U. W. Mirer, contractor, being 111 per cent' on sower constructra 401 It Amt ittnlncd from David Uentlnger, contmctor, being V0 per cent, tn Town Hall construction 1,7M 30 Contract wl'b llloom Steam A E, L. Co. for steam tlx. lure lu Town Hall Ill 00 ail ,. Deduct ass ts .,,,,-, Net indebtedness.,,...,.., WU 11. CUMMINUS. Secretary. SJ1I7 . A.urcimtNO, President. Ulooinsburg, Apr. B, ltlo. We the undersigned auditor of the Towa of Bloomsburg met In lb olnoe of the Bear. tary and do beieby oortlry that we bav ftX amlued the foregoing aoooonU and itttt menu and and them correct and approve of the tauiu, B.I. PEACOCK, J.B.BLUII. A. St. TU8Y, Aadlwutv 94 TnB COLUMBIAN I8THKBJ2ST. jyjKllUANTILB API'KAiBEMKNt. LUt of Dealers in Columbia County- I herebv certlfr the following list of Dealers taken, returned and classified by me In accordance with iho several acts of Assembly In and for the year 1890 is correct to the best ot my knowledge. HEAVED. .Vrttns and Ihulnttt. Clot a A Shurnan etore , .. 14 Mrs. J l'Hinltb hotel.......... 5 T J Bhuman storo . 14 Ltctntt TOO 75 00 7 00 7 00 1 00 7 00 7 t 10100 ii L Hinmey store 14 Oeo P Urelsbacb stori 14 jllMeagley store , 14 iti siionaei Bioro. ...... .-. 14 Noimancoledlstlllery.... 3 111NTON. J B Mettenrv hotel 8 75 00 10 09 TOO 7 00 10 00 T 00 T 00 7 00 75 00 10 on 79 00 7 00 100 00 7 00 1 00 T 00 75 00 7 00 100 00 79 01 7 00 J J Mollenry More is ivcuer uroH siove ana tin store... . 14 Ira Mcllenry store 14 Albert Mcllenry store .. II T 0 Mcllenry drug Btore 14 iiu.muu inuiiciiiry suire... a....... 11 It Brenner Co atom 14 Chaurcey 11 Ikeler hotel S U LAO UMoUenry Btore. 13 Albert llantz restaurant 5 Hulme A nouacknecbt store 14 ltohr Mcllenry A Son distillery 8 CM Smith stem ! JaaM Kllneorgsns.andmaohlnos.. 14 CoxALutzstore It Joeeph Klechner hotel 5 Xlwood Knouse coal ,. 14 BBIARCKEEK. Ash Bros distillery .... I tleo w Miller hotel s I) F Fowler storo 14 BERWICK. Jackson A Woodln atrgco store.... 6 60 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 01 190 00 190 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 oa 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 OU 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 01 7 00 190 00 190 00 7 00 '7 00 7 00 ISO 00 190 00 10 00 It 90 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 aii Dung stoves ana tinware 1 1 II II Bowers store 18 G N Klsner drugs - 14 jBiuan miwrrsBiore m.m. 14 Kreas Bros lumber 14 B F Sponenborg hotel 8 It Bunrer restaurant 9 Jo in it Gould drugs 14 J Mllhetscr nothing store o 14 ni i-wvy Agiciotnmg store 14 T J styles & Co drugs. ....... 14 II CLaubacu store 14 o W Bruuaker ftore 14 HBSwaj ten co store 13 J 1" Freas store 14 o r iireisoacn machines ana organs it M G smith store ,, 14 F P Kreas Agt store, 14 F L Dlstclhnrst furniture 14 smith Bros store 13 Geo T iioppes store 14 August Thiol bottler 4 MAMarkel furniture ... 14 Jas II Falrman restaurant 3 JO McMlchael hotel S j r uyeny store 14 IF Chamberlain store.... l BLOOMSBURG. rit Kocheicoal 14 F M Ollmoro restaurant 3 uernara stonner restaurant 3 I staler clothlns store . 13 II 10 It 14 14 n j cla'k Son store Jacob Keller store m jh t'nuips confectionery W F llartman stoves and tinware. i tinware p a Miner store coal 14 Creaflyt Wells lumber 14 7 00 7 00 19 90 O WNtalABros coaL 14 11 V White A Co grain store 19 11 a Kahleman wolf stoves and unware 14 7 00 7 00 50 01) JOBeph Garrison feed store 14 uonuer i-eacocK opera liouw.... i David K Glrton pool table 8 Farmers Produce Exchange store... 8 " " " coal... 14 Q W KelUir BMre 14 UAKlelmdrugs 14 O H Furman storo. ....... 14 J II stecker grocery 14 W J Corell & Co furniture 13 J W Eyer store 14 Wm Itabb store It Peter Groes bottler 4 Uaker tt .McBrtde furniture 14 L B Whary Btoves and tinware 14 Slnzer Sewlue Machine o Btore .... 14 60 00 SO 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 IK! 7 00 10 00 7 00 7- 00 100 7 7 I 7 7 7 7 10 7 10 190 7 ISO 7 7 7 190 10 100 19 0 7 7 7 I J Saltier organ and.macblne store. '.4 kj rf uruwu eujru George Bertach clothing 14 ravage jewelry i DDentler boots and shoes . 13 U Wells lewelry 14 W II tircoko A Co store. 13 W it Tubbs hotel 3 Barman Uassert coal 14 wm Glgger hotel 3 Bloomsbun? car Co coal 14 N W Barton store. 14 se ltaiston store , 14 seoAurand hotel . 3 D Lowenberg clothing 19 i.uinon uotei. o It Bchuvler Co hardware store.. 11 Chas ITltunyanhardwarpBtore,... 13 O N Hllaon grocery : 14 miuKui & i;o comecuonery if COMarr store 14 Evans A Eyer clothing store 14 a uem Bum store j II Mercer druca 14 7 7 D A Creaar store 14 Andrew bolleder Bhoe findings 14 r iv TtuiaLta paper store. it Allen A Armstrong grocery. 14 J D Hllson leatherulealer 14 Oltlchart Btore 14 Bioomsounr car Co store 13 10 00 900 10 100 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 eo 10 00 7 110 o B ltobblos liquor srore s it u xayior Dottier. 4 J H'Masteller store 14 Mrs H'm H'ebb tobaoco tora 14 lewis Bernhard Jewelry 14 OA McKelvy drugs 14 II H Sloan Btore 13 Lewis Gross clothing store 14 Noyertiroa arugs it it urower store nM it Alexander Bros A Co Btore 11 Mrs M E Ent store 14 I it McKelvy store 7 w llartman sons store B 80 00 7 01 7 00 190 00 8 F peacock A Co hardware... 14 J K Penarl store 14 John 8 Mann hotel 3 LTSnarpless Btore is W 11 GUmore'restaurant 3 John Harnettstore 14 aeo p ltingier drugs u uumnuegs veray conrectionery it w it ttocucr co8tore ,, it nioomsbunr Iron Co store 13 D IT Kitchen grain dealer 13 CENTRALIA. L A Belly A Co store 3 L Fettcrman store 14 100 Ou 7 00 10 OJ C G Murphy storo is li f curry notei, 190 00 7 00 7 (XI 10 00 C II oetchv btore John nails store ouMuiara store JohnMcUmnell restaurant . Andrew Roony " Ham Mulasky " JohnNertney liquor store .. 190 00 190 00 soa oo irvin uruo. sujra.. Albert liaii store. Johanna O'Conner liquor store. i jonn it uoiaswortny icsiaurant... s 190 eo pool taoie... u A I'elffer hotel 3 Thomas Collins liquor store... ...... 9 Arthur McLaughlin restaurant ..... 3 u u mcnaei lumiture it D c Black: grocery ........ 14 II Levlt clothing store ... 14 Edward McF&dlen restaurant 8 Andrew Lenlhan store It Chas Feltennan hotel 3 Oeo If Davis Btore. 14 Thomis llorin restaurant 8 Joseph baker restaurant 3 James M Itellly restaurant 8 Chas Nabrgang confectionery. . . 14 L E Davis drug store j,..,, 14 Thomas clear j mora.,,,,, 14 190 II s Kelly ho-eL '."'.I'.'.".'.'.." 3 Tbomss Collins restaurant 3 John Kortney restaurant 3 CATAWISSA, OC OT111U drugstore 14 u n iteuanyaer notei. o Bam Fegly restaurant ,, 9 Mrs Hester Klstler hotel 6 uiilthawnC(.oo store 14 8 Ullhawn restaurant..,, s UAUiDbrcoai 14 U W Fisher Agt drug store 14 b u luiiaru BLuru l HchmlclcASon hardware store,,,. 14 T E Harder furniture storo 11 JR Ulbby store 14 uosepn a uuitcrman Btore i Simon Raup coal 14 u M Tewxsoury fertilizer 14 Mharpless liros store 10 T D liernlnger turnlturd store it aeorgeAlanhartshoe store It J It Werner store is O W Harder lumber. 14 OKclewell store 14 M ABwanlcstore 14 OK Harder lumtr. 14 a Mcndnnball stoves and tinware,. 14 xj&viu Miueu coal., a.Mlilcuuuai..., f, 14 II Kspangier clothing etoro... 14 Edward Ipard shoe Btore 14 I U rieesbolU Btore 14 OH Ifaltz store 14 Lloyd lierger etore 14 Lloyd Yeager hotel 0 CENTItB I T Kewlerrgraln dealer is J L Wolver ton store- 14 aeo bponsler store 14 Thomas llrobst Son store .... 14 Low liros it Co store 14 CONYNOflAH John L Kline hotel ,, ,,,,, ( MrsChruitlnaUtllmaQbute),,..,,.. s It W Lyons store.,,,.......,,,, 14 (I it Injer store,,,, ,,,, 4 (I ii Leraer hotel.,., 9 II U Masor Btore,, , 14 KHANKLM LODucberetore 14 A A J W Artley store 14 FISniNUCKEKK JM Ammerman store. 14 A I-ewls Btore.. , .. ,,,, 14 Jones Walter storo 14 T Kamaniei ueisnune Agt store 14 o 'M Howell store 14 J K Mcllenry store .. 14 M Mcllenry A Uro store..., 14 w ii nosier store. it Edgar 1; Smith distillery..,,,,..., 4 qitEENWOgo AJDerr store 14 Jacob Hints store.; i u inaax store,. 14 It 14 9 14 14 11 14 14 II 13 9 11 14 E E Parker store . J U Welllver store...., A II Koilmer hotel V I Eves c Heinle furniture store Ellis Eves tin s stoie Masters Co store. O W Eves Btore...... WMEvrac Hons store J 11 A Pllnny Eves Implements... ill 14 1141 it urenber ui mure . HEMLOCK O II Deltterlclc hotel ,,. 41 II N J K wmie Btore.., J 11 Henry More., JACKSON UUlllrleman store 14 LOCUST Wm Adams store. 14 Wilson Yeager store.,.,,,.. II J W nnider store 14 E O Yeager store .... It Nath in Knorr hotel.. 7 9 L II Daniel store 14 w It UlUlir btore 14 E II Whltuer store 14 II at Yooum store.. 14 UTlngstoa Yeager hotel MaU'SO. Kreamur C W nVoro AKBu-llb hote) .... AJ CltarKf Krtchijrt tttit.,,,. The Comes to tho front with a complete new Spring niul Summer Stock of the most Select Clothing for tr tr 1 .1 t 1 1-ll.!1.1 'IM.n T ntnal- Qltflna nf HATS ! GAPS 1 SHIRTS COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. Trairaks, Talises and Underwear IN ABUNDANCE. The enlargement of Business and the large trade made accounts for our having well- made Clothing and not those that are fl-Tlre largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pa. Boyd It Yetter hotel . 5 W M Longeuberger storo 14 A W Shum in hotel 5 UJ Campbell store 14 AlUapn Derr store. 11 7J 00 7 00 79 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 01 71 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 OO 7 00 00 10 00 01 00 00 1)0 00 00 0J 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 eo 00 00 00 00 MIFFLIN W Snrdsr store 11 Bchwenpenhelr A Snyder store. 14 John Rules hotel a Aaron W Hess coal 14 Da Hess coal 11 W creaky store. 14 j Miuira stores ana tinware .... 14 J Uerntntrer rurnttura 11 Albert Bldleman store . 14 MONTODIl Ft P. Grimes store 14 O B Hosier store , 14 Paxton A Ilarman store 14 J w linger Btore ; 14 E Unangst hotel 9 MT FLEAS ANT B Sands Btore . it OKANQff op stlner store .. .. w Turner notol . B Stewart storo M Dcwltt store 7 00 7 00 Snyder A Whltra'ro store FlecltenstlneC Uro store w low fertilizers. B Delonz stoves and tinware . 1 00 7 00 7 0.) 7 01 700 H W Low lumber. a K smith stoves and tinware White Conner Imnlemente TBeider furniture u Freas hotel PINE It Fowler Co distillery a It w Lyons store 14 ItOAtllNGCKBEK O W Cherrlngton store 13 wmuuernngwn Btore 14 SCOTT 40 00 Silver Spring Quarry Co 1 Btore.... 13 J D H'orltbe'ser store 14 Mrs M M a'orman store 14 MA Iilossercoal 14 7 00 13 00 I 00 40 00 H A Blourr store 14 N ltlchard store ,., 14 IT E DletterlcK store 14 IIHJ L Crawford bqtet, , s IT IT Crawford store 14 1U 00 Silas Yo.idj Btore 14 00 A l now eilofrw , if N L White hdtel s A B H-hlto store.. 1 14 N B Ent btov5a and tinware 14 Is lao Uelchart store . 14 00 01 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 SUOAHLOAF tndrew Laubacu store ... 14 A M Harver store 11 B P Albertson hotel .. 9 E rids Btore 14 John Bush store 14 John Rush restaurant s suitz & co storo 13 J If Perry hotel s a uoie c fwn oistiuery. 4 York's A Herring Btore. 14 ISO 00 Tony Hush store .... 14 u u uoie store... 14 uenjtmln Lewis hotel ...,, s It J Force store. 14 10 00 7 00 C Klchart store 14 J C Smith pool table n soa oa ihester stlltz hotel 9 so oo 190 00 au oo 150 00 7 00 7 00 7 OO Anneals will be heard at the Commlsatonera Doe in Bloomsburg on the 7th day ot June A. lew, uetween tne noura or a. m. ana 4 p. nucm juuuaumivuuujuu uimK proper. II. O. MCHENRY, Mcrchantlle Appraiser. Mays, 1800. 7 00 190 00 7 00 ISO 00 190 OO 190 On 7 OO 7 00 7 00 7 00 190 00 190 00 190 00 700 Thinking About Buying 79 0J T9 00 79 00 7 10 79 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 01 10 00 T 0 7 00 7 OO 7 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 0 T 00 7 Ii 7 7 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 7 01 7 00 7 00 79 00 SEE OURS FOR $9.G0 10 00 $12.00 7 7 00 7 00 $10.G0 7 Op New tiprlog Bulla and Troujcm at a "Spring Overcoat! Having I'rlces. E. 0 THOMPSON Merchant Tailor and Clntbler, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite the Mint) PHILADELPHIA. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 100 r 7 7 7 71 7 11 1 7 7 7 Waniod o& S al To relUHtt ineu a e will give steady emplnyinent ana L1UUH.V1. HALAHY p x loif ttiolr traveling ex. tHjUdt-a. e vrow our own stoclc eicluilvely ud.1 ItUAIt.NTElSlltobestriciltrnat cUa In every particular, trur to name as onlerrd, Pull Inst rue. lions turnliii u Kxpertence unnecessary. Apply al ouue iite. Adlreas K u. PK ItSOti k CO., llapif liroe Nunurtcs, Waterloo. N. Y (Ksttbiunta orei tu j ears.) tvo 4t. 10 00 7t 00 I 00 7 in Ilundsoincly framed life Hize Crayons, plio toirranlis all sizes, iu 7 01 7 p0 7 w " . - - 1 I "! I correct styles ami 5w feet finish, colored ' photographs, large or Tj w uuinll, I'rames and mouldin&Ts TUO 7 00 74 01 M'KILLIP BROS., BloomBburg, MAI Reliable Clothier, BLOOMSBURG, PA. wen, i ouiiis, xoys, una uiiiiuiuii. mu jvaiwi. v. now made and cut to sell for auction. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, ' , I. 89&0I&I B&fgaia Reduced to 40 and 45 cents to Close Out Odd Lengths, 7 00 7 00 7 00 I 00 79 00 12 to 30 YARDS LONG, 7 00 7 00 73 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 01 7 00 7 00 7 00 73 00 KEITER'S NEXT DOOR TO I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. MAIN ST., BLOOMSBURG, 100 00 7 00 SPRING! SPRING!! SPRING!!! 10 00 7 00 of. D. 10 00 r. - i-. ?Sg W (J f Yt IX r A g rod' m & 119 o 1 a v y S3 a .as. h JS 2 JP ts I 9 iig ULJ 8 ft i s -2 Ml J.B. '-d n S & V w S h D. LOWENBERG'S Est. B!;oiiislnrg, IF YOU 'CARPET, or OIX YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. m. BEOWEE'S 2nd Door abovo Court House. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. Money Finest Line of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES ary . per - IN THE COUNTY J. G. WELLS' E R , t MAIER -AT- PA J ARE IN NEED OF MLATTING, AT JEWELRY STORE. Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers