COLUMBIA AM) DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ! The Columbian. S. B. Elwell, J. E. BUtnotnttr.. II Alton, BLOOMSBURG, PA. FItlDAY, MAY 2, JLB90. CANDIDATES. The following Is a list ot candidates for County omcosto be voted for at the delegato election held Saturday August 9, 1890, between the hours of and 7 o'clock p. m. Nominating convention Tuosdar August in Fott PrtOTHONOTAHY & Olkrk Courts. J. H. MAIZE, of Dlooinaburg, Pa. G. M. QUICK, of Bloomsburg, Pa. Hon. U. K. iiuckalow delivered an eloquent dlsoourso in oommomoration of tho lata S- S. Cox, in tho IIuubo of Rvpresentivea at WasbluKtou on Sat urday, April 10th. Tho olcotlon of County Superintend' ent will bo held next Tuesday, May Gth at one o'clock in tno afternoon. All School directors should be on their guard and be careful to listen to noth mg which may appear in a newspaper against any candid at o just before elec tion. All the eleventh hour articles are usually desperate ones. And where one candidate waits for tho last issue of a paper to set forth his reasons for election, when his opponent can havo no opportunity to answer them, all mon Btiould beware of.lhom. Don't listen to eleventh hour artiates. Don't help a man attaok another when too lato for dofenca or reply. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our regular correspondent, Washinolon D. O. April 28, 1890, The inuinstiee and absurdity of tho McKinloy tariff bill excited such cenor al dissatisfaction that the Republicans areobllged to abandon it. it is con ceded that the bill can never become a law, but the Republican majority the House has so thoroughly commit ted it self that the bill is expected to pass the House by a strict party vote. In the meantimo the republicans of tho Senate Finance committee are at work on another bill as a substitute for the McKinloy bill. They expect to report it to the Senato very soon after the McKinloy bill passes tho House. This shows tho impotence of Mr, McKinloy 'a specious ortory, that oap tivatea a careless crowd, to convince the business interests of the country o the propriety ot a singlo idea he entei tains on the subject of tariff. Tbo Republican joint caucus com mitto of the House and Senate have agreed upon the basis for the prepara tion of a silver bill. It directs the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase 4,500,000 ounces ot tree silver per month at the market price, not to cx ceod $1 for 371,25 grains of pure silver and bsue Treasury notes in payment of the bullion. These notes shall be payablo on demand in lawful money of tho United States, and are recivable for all publio dues. No greater less amount of such notes shall be out standing at any time than the cost the silver bullion then held in tho Treasury, purchased by sach notes, Upon demand ot the boldor ot any sucn xreosnry notes, me secretary oi the Treasury may, at bis discretion, pay off such notes with silver bullion at its market price. The Seoretary is also permitted to oom this bullion shold'it be necessary, for the redemp tion of these proposed Treasury notes $7B,uuu,uou neid to redeem the circuia tion of banks will be restored to gen erai circulation. '.mo investigating committee on in terstate oommeroe charged with in quirv into the relations of railroads the United States and Canada has con cluded its labors. Chairman Cullom has completed a report which, with sundry remedial recommendations, waits the approval of the committee, Tho report states that the good effects ox tne interestate commerce law are partly nullified by the competition of the Canadian lines. Uujust dis crimination is made by Canada against u. a. vessels in wen and canal tools, in violation of the treaty of Washing ton. The Canadian railroads control lines operating over a large part New England and Northern States, Canada ownB a system of canals that cost $51,000,000. The inter- colonial railway has cost $47,000,000. To the Canadian raoiuo railroad, which was begun as a government line Can ad baa !jS216,000,OUO but the road cost only 8107,000,000. The report states that it has been the inconcealed pur pose oi tne Canadian government secure a railroad across the continent of commanding lunuence which connection with subsidized steam lines wonld bo able to domlnato the trans continental commerce of tbo United States and deflect from American rail roads, vessels and seaports a large share ot our commerce with countries of Asia, Australia and Now Zealand In this endeavor it has met with marked success and is progressing. Canada subsidizes two lines of steam ers from Vancouver the westeran term inus of tho Canadian R. R., with $425,000; and one line from St. Johns, N. B., its eastern terminus receives a Bibsidy of $300,000. Tbe report refers to a conference of 'the commercial and industrial bodies of the Pacific coast held at San Francisco, July 1889. The report of tho oon ference declares that with such special .advantages the Canadian PaoiQo could afford to quote rates that must drivo the American steamer lines out of thu China trade, to the almost irreparable injury of San Francisoo and prodices general destruction for tbo larger part of tho American stcamor traffio on tho Facifio ocean, unless somo vigorous measures be adopted by the U. S. Government. A bill to make a territory of Okla homa has passed tbe Senate; SOyeas 5 days. Whenever tbe Indian interests in surrounding territory shall be extin guished it will be annexed to Oklaho ma. Tbo laws of Nebraska are extend ed over the new territory. DrmiUeiiiieHH Liquor Habit Iu all tile Woild tliero In but one cure Dr. iCuIiich' Ooltleu Hpeclflc It can be given la a cup of tea or coffee without tho knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, "whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck, Thousands of drunkards have been cured who have taken tbe dolden Bpeclllo in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effect results from lu administra tion. Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular and full particular!. AddrcM In confidence Goldxn Srioino Co., 181 Race Street, Claoinnali,O.-10-301y After DeUmater, SOME VERY VLAIK . HAUOm ARK AIMKI) AT TUB CI1 AWPORD SENATOR The Poltsvlllo Jtevublican lift printed a lengthy artlole to identlfiy Sonator Delamator with tho Standard Oil interests and tho dofoat of tho Billlngsloy bill. Tho paper says that when tho anti-discrimination bill, to whioh tho party was committed, was taken up, Dclemvter oonspired to do feat it. The article continuos: After investigation it was found that twenty-five republican senators would stand by tho bill. This was one short of tho required majority. A member of tho senato who was fam iliar with Dolamater's connections sug gested that perhaps thore win aotno way to reaoh bun through the stand ard oil company. Tho recognized and known lobby "representative of tho Standard oil company was visited and told tho situation, llo Baid that Delamator was acting foolishly and that he would seo him and fix the thing up. This representative of tho Standard who in connection with Dolamater was in charge of tho Stand ard's fight against tho Billingsley bill saw delamator very early in tho morn' mg ot March 17 at hts room at tbe liochicl house. A caucus of repaint can senators had been called to meet at 8 a. m. that day. Tho oaucus was in session when it was announced that Delamator was out sido nnd wanted to seo threo of the leaders. These gentlemen went into the hall and were told by Delamater that hrt.would volo tor tho aoti-dtscrimination bill provid ed they would make two promises ihe hrst thing that ho demanded was that henceforth ho should bo re garded as ono of thu republican leaders in the senate, and should bo consulted on all measures and questions of policy 1 his was agreed to. Tho second do mand was that tho men to whom he talked should agree to opposo the Billingsley bill and holp him def at it. This was agreed to also. Mr. Delara aler, radiant at tho success of this piratical scheme, then oame into the oaucus, pledged himself to vote for the anti-di. crimination bill and did vote for it later on the same day, deserting vvatres and the men to whom ho had pledged himself tho night before. "The agont of the Standard Oil comuany called on the republican sen ators, said he had Been Delamater and it was all right if they would be against tho liiuingsioy bill. "Ho was told of what had happened ana approved ueiamaters action "This is tho story in brief. The Standard Oil company had influence enough to bring Delamater to terms when all other eliorts tailed. "Wo challenge tho denial of any of theso statements. The facts can be had of any man who was a member of the senate in 1887. ' Early Convention Wanted. REASONS W1IT THE DEMOCRATS SHOULD CHOOSE A STANDARD REARER. Tho democratio pr. bs is speaking out in lavor ot an early date for the state convention. The York Gazette takes advanced ground on this sub ject. In its issue of Saturday in an able editorial it states its reasons for an early convention, as follows: "There ought to bo no difference among democrats as to tbe question whether there should be an early or late convention. We observe that the subject is being considerably discussed by our democratio contemporaries through the state, and that the weight . r : . : i. iri.ii . favor of an early meeting. "But what is, under tho oircumstan ces, early and what late? Any date before the republican convention is, in our opinion, early, and any date after that late, it tbe democratic conven tion shall bo postponed until after Mr. yuay has called himself in convention and named bis candidates, and made his platform, a month more or loss will raako very little difference in the ait uation, Tho only matter for us to oon sider is whether wo shall attack tbe enemy or await his assault; whether wo shall take the aggressive or stand up on the defensive. Wo have everything to gain uy mo lormer course aud noth ing to lose. If tbe democracy should come into state convention on the 23d day of Juno, express itself in decided terms upon tariff reform, ballot reform, trusts, stalo taxes, anti-discrimination and notorious abuses and corruutions in the state government, and nominate a ticket composed of men completely representative oi ineso issues, Mr. Quay a job, when ho should resolve himself into convention on the 25th of that month, would be found a very difficult one. He would have to tako unequivooal positions upon each ono of ineso vt;ai questions, llo could not, for instance, as last yoar, ignoro trusts ana uanot reform, or many other mat' ters almost as important, merely be oauso, as was saia men, there was no feeling about them at the time of bis convention, but if we now, in alvance, resolve, as wu certainly will do. favor of an immediate adoption of lb Australian system of voting, in order to seoure free and honest elections, Mr, Quay cannot again escape on th plea that there is no such suoh issue, no must Btcp up to tno line and sav ono thing or the other. In like manner if the democrats, meeting in advance declaro in favor of tbe repeal of tbe tariff duties, which protect" tho ti lists and enable tutm to plunder the people, Mr. Quay muBtcomo ontsquaie ly either for tbo trusts or against them. If ho goes against them and the people will understand very well that tbero is no going against the trusts except through a repeal of tbo duties whioh enable them to monopolize our 'markets no win lose at least Bome of tbe money with which he expects to buy the election. And if bo decides in favor of tbe trusts, tho eyes of thous nnds of honest republicans will bo opened to tbo essential corruption tho party and vote against the boss made ticket." A Heal Vindication. Matthow S. Quay cannot obtain a vindication that will dear him of tbe ohargea under which ho rests, by keep ing up tbo old dodge of "dignified si lence," nor by banqueting with respect able leaders of his party, nor by nomi nating his fitcnd.aud tool, Delamater, for Governor. Not oven tho bluff of a libel suit, after tho manner of Dudley, would help him with tho country, though it might bo accepted by some of the oomplaisant leaders of his party who frown upon rascality from the house tops while profiting willingly by its fruits iu grabbing greedily their share of the spoils which it secures. The Pittsburg J'ost, a near neigh tor of Senator Quay, suggests a vindi cation that would vindicate In these words: By securing a letter from Senator Don Cameron that he did not make good the Quay defalcation to tho ox. Uatf 100,000 sior or lets; or a letter fromcx-Allornoy-Grncrnl Wayno Qiao voaon mat ns council ho did not tako measures to rcstoro tho stolen money to tbo State treasutv and (om- pel a certain measure o( restitution from tho thlevos; or a lettor from Mr. C. L. Magoo that did notconfo's tho embezzlement to him at the Lochicl House in Harrlsburg, with man llin threats of suicide thrown in; or that Mr. Magoo did not at tho li'maiion of Senator Uomeron.ovprhaul tho tacasury books and repn't to tho Senate a do- doitof 5200,000 purloined by tny and Walters tho latter a dupe for put poses of stock gambling. All tli'to gontlomnn are within oaiy hailing dist ance If tho Senator shall tako any of thoho steps towards a real vindication Jfte world will not fall to lot its readers kuow the fact. World. The GrmigcrA' IiitcrHtntc Itxlilbl- Moil nt WllllnniH' Grove August 13, 1890. The following Is published by request! Tbero Is not even a shadow of truth about the statements that have recently been going thu rounds of tho newspapers that tho Williams' Grovo Grangers' Picnic Is to be moved to Mt. Gretna. Tho men who aro circulating theso reports aro not Patrons, as they represent themselves, but aro now, as they havo always been, tho enemies of tho Grange and intriguers against tho farmers' organization. There Is no division amongst Patrons as to their great annual gathering at Will. ams' Grove. Patrons who were present at tbo meeting ot tho National Grange, tho Stato Granges of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia and many other Btato meetings know that all theso bodies, each by a practically unanimous vote, en dorsed the Williams' Grovo meeting and Its management. And.ttmt this unanimous action throughout tho United States has practically caused Williams' Grove to bo ho mccca of tho Order. In view of this fact the Grangers' Intcrstato Picnic Gxhlbl tton will continue to conveno at Williams' Urovo from year to year, without regard to tbo meetings of any other organization un, til tho Patrons of Husbandry themselves determine otherwise. Tho meeting for 1600 will open on Mon. day, August 25th, and continue six days Patrons desiring to occupy their tents a few days previous to tho opening thy and many did this last year will bo so accom modated. Tho most perfect railroad arrangements more satisfactory than those of any pr c ceding year, havo already been fully com pleted with railroad companies all over the country. Tbe exhibitors of machinery and farm Implements will not fall short of that of any previous year. Tbe old exhibitors have alrcadi applied for all the spaco that will bo vacated by tho exhibitors who propose leaving Will lams' Grovo and going to Mt. Gretnn, and new exhibitors aro dally applying for space. Very important and extensive Improve ments will bo commenced at Williams' Grove as soon as tho Spring open?, and whatever objectionable features or Incon veniences there may have been in the past will be amended. In short, there on be no such thing as failure in any particular, In our Williams' Oroya meeting, except from causes such as might occur through adverse elements' of nature, which it Is no1 possible for human agencies to provide against. Within the past week letters have been received from Ool. J. II. Brig- bam, Worthy Master of the National Grange, tho Worthy Secretary, Worthy Lecturer and other officers ot tho -National Grange, end from the officers of twenty Btato u ranges, commending tbo manage ment of tho Williams' Grovo meeting, and pledging their unqualified support In the exertions being put forth to make tho Will lams' Grovo meetings greater tnan cvci heretofore. GU.VVA. Aaron itess. mo young uuiclier, made a flying trip to New Columbus on buslnes on Monday. Jesse lless has his barn raised and the raf lers on. Howard lless Is doing the car. pentcring. Thomas Hess Is delivering Wm. Whit. ncr & Son's railroad ties to Laubach's sta. tion. Mazy Drescbcr of Delaware, is vlsltlnz Myrtle Hess, formerly of Delaware. Louis Lowenberg, merchant tailor, from Dloomsburg, was up fishing for (rout, and returned with a one lot. Home people who load cars with lumber havo an Idea that it is the agent's duty to tag their car for them. Shippers should tag their own cars, for tho agent has no business whatever to bill or (hip a car without name ot consigner tag on car. If you want your cars shipped soon as loaded always tell your agent at once. Bacon came nearly meeting with a seri ous accident 011 Monday night while he was returning home from his saw mill. He had a young colt hitched In the Iteam, and Just as they crossed the 15. & B. It. It. at Cyrus Larlsh's tho colt commenced to kick and got ono foot over tho tonguo of tho wagon, then thoy became frightened snu uegan to run. nr. lless and his sen both took hold of tho lines and tried to stop them, but could not, so they ran them In the bail-, upsetting tho wagon, and Bacon fell between tbe wheel and hound). Just then the wagon became uncoupled and thus saved Bacon's life. It the wagon bad not parted It would havo torn his bead off. Bacon was bruised and scratched up very tma, and was hardly able to get home. II Is hoped he is not hurt internally. After tho team got free from its drivers It ran at a terrible rate from the bridge at Cyrus Larlsh's to Brad Long's, tnd In going through tho brlugo and making tho turn tbo forepart of the wagon upset throwing the horses on their backs and holding them there. Tho men at Long's had tho horses loose when Bacon and son arrived. Tbo horses were not hurt very much. W. F, ULE ON II EI US, Sim Matt of Mary Rupert, lateofBloometiurg, Cotum- In tbe Oi pbans' Court ot said County. Now the Seventh day or March a. U. 1890 Court grant rule upon the heirs and other parties Interested la the partition ot the estaio ot tne said decedent, to appear In open Couit on the First Met. day or May next, and accept or refuse tbe real state at tbe valuation Died by return or inquest, t or make bids on tbe same, or show eiuse why the same should not be sold, on their neglect or re. (UBal to accept tbe s line. In pursuance 01 tbe above order; notice Is here. interested In said estate to appear In orphans' court on tbe inith day ot May A. I). l$w la ac cordance with told order or the Orpnans' Court. W. li Bnvdih. J. U. Cisir. Clerk O. C. BherlQ. Handsomely framed life size Crayons, pho tographs all sizes, in correct styles and per fect finish, colored photographs, large or small, frames and moulding. 2WKIIJLIP BROS., Bloomsburg. 1 MlSuOj ftSAr jjSMMjiir., Oiptam Oonttnej! Savs: While on tho coast of Afrioa I had three men sick with malarial lover. I cured them with Sulphur Blttors. It Is tho greatest blood purifier I over saw. I always keep them in my medicine ohest, Ship JWatutilmts, Jlaltimore, The importance ot purifying the blood (sn oot be OTcreitlmated, for without pur blood yon cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one seeds a good medicine to purliy, vlUllze, and enrich the blood, and we ask you to try Ilood'i DoMillet- Sarsaparllla. It strengthens rtJUUIIcU Mi builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's 8arsaurllla pecul- -t-. colf tar curative powers. No 0 IISOII other medtclnebassuch a record ot wonderful cures. It you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not be Induced to take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is sold by all druggist. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Max. 100 Doses Ono Dollar DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents Lnng Fever I Cures Distemper, Ilea vest, Glanders, Loss of Appetite, Founder, Fevers, &c lib. in each package. Sold by all dealers. DR.BULLSSllii: Cures Wind BABY SYRUP Colic, &o. Believes Griping and Summer Complaint. Facilitates Teething! Regulates the Bowels ! Sold by all druggists. Price 23 cents. Bulus 'THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For tho euro of COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness, ROUGH Asthma, Incipient Con Croup, Whooping Couch. sumption and for the relief ot SYRUP Consumptive per sons. For Ealo by all druggists, 25 cents. ounrr LANOE S CUBCB C1QARETTL8 tor Co OIUUKt tarrhl PrlctlOCtt. At alt druijht. UDITOR'3 NOTICE. Alfred Bower, late of Centre (top. deceased. Tbo undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' court o( Columbia county to distribute uit-iuuaa in uie uanas oi ezecuior wm su at me office ot II. V. WWW, Saturday May 3, lsao at a. m. wbenand wnere all persons havlu? claims ngalmtsald estate must appear and prove the same, or bo debarred rrom coning in on said tund. IL V. WHITE, Auditor. JUIIOU3 FOR MA.Y TE11M QHAND. nAiv.r-Tpivl Michael, c. A. Htt'iman. Benton C. B. Mcflenry, Joseph Hoberts, C. B. Berwick WlUIam Roup, John K. McAnall, A. Glb- uuua. Bloom Emanuel Kelchner, John Armstrong, Miles w. uetz. Taylor Buckle, B. B. Press. Catawlssa George t. Gilbert. Centrallla undrew uallaghan. Centre-pnilUp Harris. Flshlnscreek Joslah Coleman, Hemlock N. P. Moore. Locust Daniel Knorr Martlsin Cat Demote Geo. B. Thomas. Orange Geo. P. sure'. Scott Elward nartman, Isaac Yocum. TltAVEHSE JUUOKS FIRST WEEK. Beaver Conard Dlltz, J. S. Heller. Benton Ell McIIenry, A brum llartman. Ilerwlck Clem Harman. W. J. Knorr. Bloom-It. U lUneler, C. F. Deltterlck, roula Bernard, John Rlnker, cnaries iioss, M. o. Crawrora, Wosler Knorr, H. P. Chamber- lain, Harvey W. oelger. Catawlssa Adam Mensch, II. V. Clark, D. B. Fredericks. Centre nanlel Whltemlre. John Miller. Conyngham Andrew Donahue. II hlnircreeK Samuel Coleman, A. A. Poaler. Franklin Tnos. Mensch. F. P. Cberrlogton. Greenwood-Q B. Mcllenry, John W. Ulllespy, Tnomaa Housek' echt. Jackson John U. Fritz. J. F. Dorr. Locust I. w. Wa'k, Wilson, Yeager, John A. Hllllg, E C. Cleaver. Mifflin It Jdolph seybort, Samuel Musa Montour Henry Vought, Joseph ltauch. ML Pleasant John L. Crawford, Ed. Beagle, Bar- ton Shaffer. Oranco loaeph Crawford. Koarlnircreek Urtas llartman. Scott K. J. stetler. Frank Lee. sugarloat Irvln Dlltz, John W. IIe3s. TIUVKHSBJDROnS-SKCOND WEEK. Beaver J. A. Johnson. Benton-W, n. Ashelra n, ltussel McIIenry. Bloom P, S. Moyer, Mathlas Shaffer, 1) F. Weiss, Chas. II. Fornwall, Harry Ithoads, w. M. Weaver II. II. Clark. Brlarcreek Stewart Ash. catswlssa-Fred Smith. Henry Pfhaler, O, E. Ran dall, Valentine Metz, Miner lllle, wm.Gelger. venire iiarvej ueonre. FlshlngcreckT. M. Wenner, II. IL Kelchner, P. J. Weaver, E. M. 1 auderbach, T. H. Bdgar. Oreenwood-F. P. Taylor, Joseph 8. Cole. Hemlock Hugh Purcell. Jackson Almas McIIenry. Locust G, M. stokes, Isaao Dyer. Montour Isaao llourey. ML Pleasant Wm. F. Crawford. Orange-Thomas McIIenry. lloaifngcreek-l. w Oherrtnglon. Scott -T. W. Hfgenbuch. M, It. Miller. Sheriff's Sale By virtue ot sundry writs Issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia County, ra., and to me directed, there will besold lathe Sheriff's of. lice at the court House, Bloomsburg, ra., on SATURDAY MAY 10, 1890. at o'clock p. m. all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Jackson township Col. Co., l'a., deacrlbad and bounded as follows, to. wit: On the north by land ot Joshua savage, on the east by land of Abram Knouse, and on the west by land of Joshua Savage, containing SIXTY-SEVEN AORES OK LAND, more or lees, whereon are erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Barn, Hay Shed, and other Outbuildings. Seized taken Into execution at the suit of E, Keeler & Co. vs. B. F. Savage, and to be sold as the propeity ot B. F. Savage, MiiiiK, Atty, Alias Vend. Ex, ALSO; All that certain lot or pleee of ground situate In tbe town ot Bloomshjrg, Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlti On the north by 111 Ige Alley, on the east by lot of U T. Sharpless, on the south by Second SL, and on tbe west by Centre street, containing TWENTY.FOUR and a half feet more or leas front on Second streett, and Two, Hundred and Fourteen Feet more or less on Centre street, whereon aro erected a FRAME HOTEL, HAKE HOUSE, Bam and other Outbuildings. Seized, taken into elocution at tbe suit ot Creasy & Wells vs, John F. Caldwell, and to be slid as the property of John F. CaldivelL wmriKSTiix C HisHiKo, Attys. fl pas, JOHN B. CASEY Sheriff, riirrr ihjlljlhs (or Lit SCHOLARSHIP jSu.U,fjC3' OUSIKLGS COLLEGE l,OJ I'buUut SL, I'kllada. Puvltloui forUrftdii-UM. T nartuglreilSUiuM. ilfcar I'vulniwL K4 Kim ! iuAt. .Ormtan ff (MM IMjf tkJL W F m w Y & . umjn Sheriff's Salt. By virtue ot sundry writs Issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, ra., and to mo directed, tnere will bo sold at tho Court House, llloomsburg, ra., on A1UNDAY, MAY 5, 1800, at s o'clock p.m., all that certain tract ot land situate In Centra township, Columbia County, l'a. Deginsing at a stone In Un) ot land ot laaao lless and In middle ot publio road, thence alorur the same north eevcnty.flve degrees oast thirty-two perches and nvo-tenths perches to a stone, thenco by land ot Wm. Bluffer north thirteen and a half degrees west seventy-two and sU-tonths perches to a podt in lino to land ot Samuel Neyhard, vuouctj vt me same soutn mty eoven degrees west thirty nine and nvo-tenths perches to a stone in lino to land of Jacob Snyder, thence by the same south fortj.nvo and a halt dogroos east ten and throe-tenths perches to a stone, south three and one halt degrees west Are and throe-twenty-ntths perches to a stone, thence by land ot heirs of George p. Miller deceased, and Anna miniT aoutn imrtoen and one-lult decrees cast forty-nve and four-tonths perchoa 10 ttuplaMof beginning, containing 13 AOUKS AND 19 PERCHES. of land, strict measure, be tho same more or less wnereon are erected a frame dwelling house, barn and other out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of John Appleman, executor ot Christian Weiss, decease d vs. Joseph Weiss, and to bo sold as the property ot Joseph Weiss. Barkley, attorney. aU Ft. Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot or niece of rmnnd mtnntn in tho Borough ot Centrall, Columbia County, 1 a., bounded a follows, to-wltj On tho north by lands of the locuit Mountain Coal Iron Co., on the cast by an alloy, on tho south by David Buchanon and on the west by Locust Avenue, containing twenty nve foet front and ono hundred and forty foetln depth, whereon are erected a dwelling house and other out-bulldlngs. Selred, taken Into execution at the suit nf irvin Bros., vs. Mrs. Klltabeth Thomas, and to bo min n tho property of Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas. J amoa, attorney FL Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate Id tho town ot Bloomsburg, bounded as follows, to.w it . ueguiDing on tne corner of an alley and lot of John K. Glrton, thenco alona the rear of said O Ir. ton's lot northwardly sixty-live feet, thence easb wardly aljng lot of aald Iiteler twenty-three feet to line tietweoa said lkeler and Kuhn. thenco southwardly along line of slid Kuhn and lkeler sutty-nve feet to tho line of the adjoining lot of said John K. Glrton, and to contain fourteen nun dredand nlnety-nve square feet, more or less, whereon Is erected an old stable. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Bern. ard Stohner vs. Charles M. Glrton with notice to Jonn K Glrton, ttrra tenant, and to bo sold as mo property of cnarlesM. Glrton. Parkle, attorney. n. pa. ALSO: ah maiceriam lot of irroutd altuata In the town of llupert, Montour twp., coL Co., Pa., be ginning actho northwest corner ot the platform of tho storehouse of Lloyd Paxton and Jeremiah II. Harman and runnlnir from thench north twen. ty-twe degrees, west one hundred and two feet andstx Inches to a post, thenco north sixty-eight degrees, east one hundred and forty feet and six inches to a post, thence south soveu and ono-half degrees, west one hundred and seven feet to a poet, thence south sixty-eight degrees, west eighty-three feet and ten Inches to the place ot begin mug, containing Forty-Oee Perche land Two nun dred and Forty-one Square Foot, more or less, wnereon are erected a frame bulldlnj used as a Paint works' office, sneds and other buildings, also ono complete paint mill, with engine, boilers, shafting, oven for burning, varnlan tub, 3 oalnt mixers, elevator, lroa mill for grlDdlog paint, 3 double paint mills, one cracker, halting nd pul leys, two sets ot levators and spoutln?, chest for packing stock, bevel wheels and pulleys, sot' 0 brake bars,:palr bevel wheels, iron waster, M f eel of shafting, boltlhs screen, 30 foat ot slx-lnch belting. Belied, taken Into execution at the suit or nivin Keay, trustee of Mary V. Bear vs Henrv s. itar. and to be sold as the property of Henry 8. Keay, Sundry writs ot FL Pa. RniVH, Attorney. JOBN B. CASKT, Sheriff. "JEGISTEK'S NOTICE. hSPH1? Is 1"'rehy Kivea to a'l lerates. creditors SS.',ntere,w,11ntheoHtate3 of the respective deoedents and minors that the follow. tnA.Sl2l'11Sr,r?t.'lr.'"toc'ltors' dlins aocouita SI'S fllea iaJhe omea nt th9 'Ulster of col ?i??'.ft Ul1 wm 09 Presented ttr eonnrma- 5A??1a"ow1.aMln.t,,e orphans' court to be l of uday 6th' im' " ' 'Cl)0l ,fiAii $n& ana fln'11 account of Simon Hel wig one of tho Kxecuton ot Anna Hove - late of locust township Columbia County, deceased- No. 2. Thenratandnoalacionntof Hiram W. &V.n,'Le.KeS!Foro,f,.,18lastw111 and testament ot EKSSlV t$ 'n9 .""V Ashing creek township Columbia county, deceased. No. 3. First and Anal account of Benlamln Bvaos administrator ot the estate oUohn Hansel ccSsed township Columbia county, dt lS; : ri!tt rtnal account of Jaoiea S Lowers township r ot ,03eI)n c,e wel1 'ate of Catawlssa -i"V P'retand final account of .1. J. Brown administrator d. b. n. c. L a. ot Mancaret Zlmmer man late of tbe town ot Bloomsburg Penna , de ceased. No. s. First and final account of nenry 8. Keck, nuardlanof Tbeodnre B. Shaffer, who was a minor child of David Shaffer Jr., late of Briar creek township deceased. No. 7. Flret and final account of p. K. I.utz ad mlnlstrator of thee tateof w. Klwool Filu, late ot Sugarloat township Columbia county deceased. oN.9".8-. 'J''?' and flual account ot Maria K. smith administrator of Daniel Smith late of Madi son township colutrbla county, deceased. No. 9. First and final account of John Bllhlme administrator of the Estate of Harriet Hllhime lato of Madison township Columbia county, deceased. No. 10. First and tlnal account of Michael Wea ?fI'K?Hl?1?.rc,.ement Uelshlin4 minor child of John W. Belshllne late of Pisuiogcreek township Columbia county, deceased ' nl0--1, Irstaniflnil account of Arthur M. noberts administrator ot w M. lOberts l.te of Montour township Columbia countr deceased. ..S0-1?! ft"' and rt"il account ot A. M. Mas if.'JSF administrator ot ElLsabetti Lutz, lite ot Mifflin townshlo Columbia "ounty, deceased. Nan. Flrstand final account ot Damn A. Creasy and 8. c. creasy administrators of Mary creasy la'eof Mifflin townihlp Columbia countr, deceased. . No. 14. First and final account of P. p. Croon and M.n. croop administrators ot the estate of Henry croop lato ot Centre township Columbia county deceased. ' No. 15. First anl tlnal account ot O. 1. Patton administrator of Joseph H. Patton lati ot scott township Columbia county, da .ease t. No. 1&. Flrstand flnal account ot Benjamin Barndt administrator of Mary Helwlg lite ot Catawlssa township Columbia county, deceased . No. 17. First and final fLrwmnt- nr iiantimi. Barndt administrator of Nellie Helwlg late of Cata. No. 18. First and null account of Benlamln Baindtadmlnlftrator of Ilebecca Helwlg late ot Cat iwlssa township Columbia county, deooasjd . No. 19. First and final account of Benlamln uarnot administrator of Catharine nelwlg fate of vuvunuva luwasiup ixuumoia county, deceased , No. to. First and final a. -count nt n-aniamin Barndt administrator of the estate ot EUzi Helwlg .-kiw. vuutnim IMnuUl VUIUUIWA lAJUniy U0- No. II. The second andtlnal account of Jonathan jrcuiuu auu ..lurovf i.-remaa uxecuiors ot Sam uel Loreman lato ot the township ot Franklin Col umbia county, deceased. Ho. S3, second and nnal account ot D. K moan surviving executor of tne last will and imtamcubui iu Deuu) inn, oi uranse townshlo Columbia county, deceasod. No. S3. First and final account ot Belle Laubacb administratrix ot Ullza Shlpman lato of Blooas. burg Columbia County Penna., deceased. Natl. Flrstand flnal account ot Hannah M. Fowler and Henry Fowler Administrators of John F. Fowler late ot Pine township Columbia county 1MAU1 Woodburn administrator ot (leonre Rrnerlck fate ot no. S3. First ana nnat nonaiint nr .TnaAnh A. -iiuuuwniuuili isuuuiui! vuumy, aooeaS6l, No. M. FTst and partial acco int ot B. o Adams executor ot Boot u Adams late ot the township of Brtarcroek Columbia county, deceased. No. 27. Second and flnal account or RiirahA,,. Strausser (nee. Fry) administrator d. U n. 0. t. a. ot lucmuwiuiiiiMiKa Y. atrauaTCr IW 01 MOOtOUT township Columbia county,deoeased. No. SS. Pint and flnal ao-Muat of N. u. Funk executor of Mary M harder late of the town of Bloomsburg Columbia county, deceased. No. S9. Flret and flnal account of John Johnson administrator of Sirah Johnson late ot Locust town; hip Columbia county, deceased No. 9a First und tlnal account ot .1. C. Sponen. bent and Lyrant Sponenberg administrator c t. a. of Hannah BponenbcrB la'e ot Brlarcrek townshlo Columbia county, deceased. No. SI. Fourth and final account of the execu. tors ot 0.0. Jacksou late ot Berwick Columbia oounty, deceased. No. Sk First and final aocount of J. M. Bucks, lew Executor of John Laubacb li'e ot Flshlnz. creek township Columbia county decased. No. S3. First and flnal aocount ot Francs Lelbr administrator ot John Lelby late of Locust town ship Columbia county, deceased. No. 31. First and flnal aooount Ottilias Conner and Mary C. Bobbins administrators ot Wm, A. Bobbins lato ot Urantro lownahlD Columbia count r deceased. No. 85. The flrstand float aocount of Julia K Barkley eiecutrtx ot Joa'nl K. uirkinr inn nf th town of Bloomsburg Oolumbli county, deceased. U. u. CAMPBELL, Keglster. JgXEOUTOK'B NOTICE XtUxte of lUr Kate, late of Denlun tiro. t'V u ra itaiia-ucuiary uentary on said estate havlmr been rranted to the undersigned executor, all ersons Indebted to said estate are notlllsd to pay tbe same; and those having, claims against said estate to present toe same to ueo. it, Kiweii, W. B. KISB. Kir. Atiy, Falrootutt springs, Pa Comes to tho front with a complete Men, Youths, HATS! CAPS ! SHIRTS COLLARS mU NECKWEAR, The enlargement of Business Clothing and not those that are ftSThe largest aud choicest line of Clothing, Hata, Capg, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pa. Thinking About Buying SEE OURS FOR $9.60 $12.00 $10.60 NeifcSpring Suits nnd Trouii rs nt Money Saving Prices. E.0 THOMPSON Merchant Tailor nnd Clothier, 1333 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite the Mint) PHILADELPHIA. FARH iron RUNT A farm of 100 aores, wltn nandsomo new house and barn, aud supplied with abundant water, will be rented at a low rent for the term nt tire years, to a good tenant who aan furnish his own stock nli-quhiiisnt. 'I'M farm Is In the Catawlssa Valley on tne Townsnip road from tlrindonvlllo to Audenretd, two miles from Brandonrlle and near (llrarl Manor, itetcrencos requested. AddrrBa llEB-Elt 8. TlIOMPdON. Engineer Olrard Estate rottsvllle, Ba. not. My. SALESMEN WAITED. SITUATIONS PKHMANENT. SALARY and EXPKNSKSI'KOM-T.Mtr. qulclc selling special lies. Experience unecessary wltn us. OUTFIT SENT 1. KKK. t-peelal Inducements and choice of territory to every man engaging now. Write for terms quick, staling age. Hooker Nurseries, Rochester. N. Y. 1 SHERIFF SALE. By virtue ot a writ of lev. Fa. Issued out ot the Court ot common risas ot Columbia county, ra., and to me directed, thore will be sold In the Sheriff's omoo, at the court llouse, liloomsburg, ra., on SATURDAY, MAY 11), 1890, at 8 o'clock p. m., all the Mlowlng described real estate situate In the tiwnshlp of Centre, County ot Columbia, state of Pennsylronla, bounded and described as follows: On thi north by tbe Pennsylvania Canal, on the east by the land ot Thomas U. Uchweppenhelser, on the south by tbe Susquehanna lllver, and on tbe west by lot ot Jacob Iteece, containing ONE-FOURTH OV AN AORK of land more or less, on which are erected a one anl one-halt Btory F RAM IS DWELLIN3 HOUSE and other outbuildings. Helxed, taken into otoeutloo and to be sold as the property ot John W. Clark and Ellen Clark his wife, JOHN a CASEY,, Atty, Sheriff. 4-U-90. QUAKTEIl NOTICE. Notice Is hereby glren that an application will bo made to the Court ot Common Pleas ot Colum. bla oounty, on Monday tbe ntth day of May next, at three o'clock In tne afternoon, under Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for tbe In corporation and regulation ot certain corporations." approved April nh 187t and 111', supplements thereto, bv lleuben ueilas, A. u. Herring, Ueonte s. 1'ieckenstlne, . It. ntowart and E. C Snvder. for the oh trier otun Intended corpiratton to bo oalled "Laurel II1II Cemetery Association," tne characterand oblectof wbich Is for tbo purpose ot pr curlnit lands by purchase or otherwise, I'uprov. lugaLddlvlltog the same Into burial lots, and selling or dlipoaing ot the same for such prices und under sucti regulation anil cnrMi I in. Hi m,v t. prescrltK-d In the lly. aws, and tor these purposcts to hsve. possess ana enjoy all the runts, bunens and pilvllegm conferred by tbe Act of Assembly aforesaid, and Its supplements, AJ4URSW L FRITZ. Solicitor. SOLUTION OK CO.PAIlTNEn- Dim -, The oartnerablo heretofora Axtaiinv h,.turr.n John Ilusb, Tuny linsh and Mazareno Maltera. doing buslosji at Jnolson citr, Columola Ca, as JohnUushfiCa; has this day bn dissolved by mutual t onsent of the pan Itr, by the withdrawal of Tonyliush. JoflN uuill, """''""" TONY I1USII, MAiSAKENO MALFIERA. . , -"tneson city, April 11. 1SW. Thft fLMA bURlnfUU Will hnraoriAP ru. r,r.l..n,l by John Uusa and Mazarena Mainara doing busi ness In the name ot John Rush & Ca, and all in. debtedneea due the lata oo-partnersblp is payable to tbe sail Jobn Rush and Mazareno Mainera. 1-lWU JOHN LUSH 1:00. N OT1CE. . nuvicv it uerooy given mat me touo in! a nas been nied In tbe Orpnans' Court ot Columbia I aouount opuuty, and wlU be proseuted to tho said co irt on tlie DrstMondiyof Hay. A. U. 189 1, aud corinrme.1 nisi, and unless exooptlons ard nied wltnta four days thereafter, will be oonlrmed absomtely. , 'v."0' ( i' M- Ukale, Trustoi ot Sarah Liubach, late of VuhUgemek township, deceased. M nm Wg.U.BNYDKIl,Clorkorao. Clerk's OXao, Blooawourg, p., April s, nto, a "Spring Overcoat! MA I The Reliable Clothier, BLOOMSBURG, PA. new Spring and Summer Stock Boys, and Children. Tho Latest IN ABUNDANCE. and the largo trade made accounts for our having well- made now made and cat to sell for auction. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, Carpets m& Oil-Cloifcls. VELVET, BODY AND XAPEST11Y BRUSSELS. Ingrain, all prices. .Bargains in Remnants and Odd Lengths. new iuG carpets; HEW mm OIL-CLOTHS, ALL WIDTHS. AT NEXT DOOR TO I. MAIN ST., BLOOMSBURG, SPRING! SPRING!! SPRING!!! D. LOWENBERGS Est., Sg.ouisliug, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF OABPET, MATTING, or OIli cjlovh:, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. m. BIOWIE'S 2nd Door abovo Court IIou A new lot of Window noorc aounts wanted My Story of the WarS n4 m iht UiUb-ltU. Br MJUlV A. LIVltl von uas riL siruuticiis . , SHP trfS.BKtutilum. TOO Ix. EtlfUd ,) felMl l'lUi. Sl.t Itoujuad. (TTSOOO mon lot fn hMii ndjlT r. rnT JiiHi,. A. lib WOHtUXNufoN 4i CoYuirtT&u. las.tiii A DMINHiItATOH'd NO 11015. Jfiftit of Cluirlea II. Troy, late of Drnirr tirp deo'd. Notice la herebv glve.a that letters of admlnls. tratlon on the i'..tau of Charles U. Troy, late of leaver townshi.i. d)'d, have been granted to PrlsclllaTioy and John K. mvls otzions drove. Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said estate aiereoueot'-dto m ike naynwuts, und tbosj biv. Ing claims nr demands to make known the same without delav to or to PRISCILLA TROY, jj-. i. oi 1 1 1. rfuiin u, u. . ' Admrs. Any, 11-18-VI. Zlous Grove, l'a. D.MINlSTHATOH'3 NOriOE. Xslate ofltoM Koclier. deocasiid. . Notice Is hereby given that letters ot admlnls trail n on the estate of Divld Kocber. late ot Sugarloat iowusblp, deo'd, grantel uy the Rel;wr to IHury c. .(ess and WePlngton IS. Koeherot central, Pa , to whom all persmi in. muted to soil estate ard nxi iestedi to raakd nay. meuts, anl those bating claims or dd nauds will make known the same without delay to or to 11EN1IYU. I1E34, JOIIX a VllISZS, W. It KOOUKlC tr. Ooutral, CoL Co., Pa. Em ! 1 of the mo3t Select Clothing for Styles of I. MAIER. W. HARTMAN & SONS. PA Curtains received this week. Men Wanted on Salary neusea ; v ' ,utlueir travel ng ex UUt.NTRi?f?ur?2;n.8toclc exclusively anc nam KffiS,' class In eTeri and Fffil'S.l"? ia is ordwd eTerv Ull uunwessary, Ap (Esublliuta o.ervO) earso Waterloo. N. v 4-ll-It.. ALESME WANTED L.OCAL. OR RAVELIN G. bteady employment guarintSd:'" '" o 10 SCH our Nursorv Rtm-lr sl ino.. and (-60 uuaoo Ultul'llEltH COMPANY, vvbl-Qltr, N, 1 Detroit u. Hfm,c un JIALKTllKCOJTof hollng atved to ff PrVjE1- """"hers, Karuif rs, Hach. Bits. AdmlltediobetbH ffrraiBst im. i ovemeat s KVKlt made In tackle locks Prelum, nrnn.i i u ,ii Q s - g If J. I g " 8 2g cJ Q w m o m aq w n CD ml 1 catalogue. , Pulton Iron ft Enilns Worki. KatuU, im, lu uriuh , Detroit, lllch. t-s-iy.