THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE CANADIAN ROAD MAKERS. thty Arc lining Good Work In at firslem ntlo yfaj, It would bo Impossible for any town to bear tlio expense ot macadamizing nil its main rotuli at once. Tho cost would cat up the cntlro property of tho town. Sucli a proposition la manifestly absurd on Its face. But the cost of macadam itlng a short portion of tho main roads of the town each year, In pursuance of a complcto plan which would spread tho work over fifty years, would not be great. It would not be bo great each year as tho oost of maintaining tho extra teams which bad roads compel farmers and teamsters to maintain. In many parts of Canada thoy havo as good roads as Europe roods which are a dally blessing to every traveler, mid which invariably draw from thy visitor of New England habitat the wonder bow so poor and sparsely settled a country as Canada can havo so much better roads than thickly settled,-rich New England. The answer is simple: Tho Canadian road makers began with an Intelligent plan and purpose. For years they havo been macadamizing as much road as their means would allow, Every season great piles of stone aro broken and heaped all along the roadside. When a hole develops Itself enough of tl'd broken stones aro taken from the nearest pile to mend the defect while It is slight. When tho road making season comes on, what is left of the broken stones is used to extend the macadam. Every year the area of good roads extends, and every year the good roads grow better. If, fifty years ago, the business of road making in this little state had been un dertaken with a similar purpose and pur sued with similar economy, and skill, thero would not today be a Blngle mile of bad, or even poor, road in Connecticut. If a similar plan should be adopted this year, another half century would see the same result, without any appreciable yearly increase in the cost of road mak ing, and with a constantly decreasing ex penditure for horse flesh and wagons. Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin. Convict Work on County Flo ads. A correspondent of Tho Louisville Courier-Journal thinks that it would be a good thing in all respects if persons un dergoing confinement for minor offenses were employed in bettering the condi tion ot county roads. He says; ''The proposition to work tho county roads with jail prisoners convicted of misdemeanors seems worthy of publio attention. Tho city is hardly less inter ested than the county in having good county , roads, especially near the city, for not only do many ot our citizens use them, but upon their condition depends the cheap and qulok delivery of the larger part of what we live on. With better roads we can have better and cheaper meats, vegetables, fruits, milk and butteri cheaper hay and corn for our stock, less wear upon every city wagon or carriage that goes into the country. Besides, the people of any city have a direct interest in the building up of tho country immediately around it. , "The market gardeners, around Chi cago maintain many hundreds of the business houses of that city. I suspect that (10,000 expended annually by the city of Louisville in keeping up good roads extending, say, five miles from ihe city limits would yield benefits to the city five times greater in proportion than any sum we could expend upon any rail road. And yet the benefits from rail roads are so great that we have wisely expended many millions in creating them. It may bo said that the country should Wild its own roads. "But many cities find it to their own interest to build railroads into counties the people of which do not contribute a dollar toward building them. May it not likewise be to the interest of Louisville to develop, by roads, the country around her, even it the country people do not see the importance of it? "Our county roads are now worked by the people who live near them. If they should bo worked by the jail prisoners there would be no interference with our city working men. On the contrary, it would only benefit them by giving them more and better and cheaper food. As it is the prisoners are useless, cooped up and being diseased. To work such as are able bodied would be better for them and a great gain to both country and city." Jio Central Supervision Provided. A bill pending in the Pennsylvania legislature provides for a uniform road tax of seven and a half mlUs, to be raised in eaoh county by a board of road com missioners, and expended under their di rection by a county engineer, provided that not less than 40 per cent, of the road tax shall be expended in macadamizing or other permanent improvement. Tho act further provides that the county en gineer shall be appointed by the court of common pleas, that the roads shall be .classified into highways, roads and lanes, that the county shall ba subdivided into districts, each in charge of a supervisor, and that he shall make plans and specifi cations for all work upon roads, and re port at stated periods concerning the same. The only defect in the proposed plan is its failure to provide some cen tral supervision for the entire state, so that theroads should be constructed and maintained on a uniform system in the different counties. Peons ylTanla Snfcestlous. The Pennsylvania state , board of ag riculture, in session at Bethlehem re cently, spent one day discussing the mat ter of getting better roads, and finally Toted suggestions for road legislation as follows: First Privilege of working out; road taxes to be repealed. Second Supervisors to employ labor where beBt value can bo obtained, pref erence to be given to home labor. Third That all commodities of equal value shall bo taxed at the same rate as real estate. Fourth That some efficient bead in each county shall be appointed to pre pare plans aui supervise the work of road building. One of the remarkable tbincs in Utah is a mountain near Salt Lake City! completely covered with oystor shells. uurrent JMerature. Well and Happy. I take pleasure in submitting the following statement of facts that you may know tho great benefit that hog resulted from the use of your Specifio in tho case of my little daughter, now ten yeis of age. The child, when two years of ago, had a severe attack of scarlet fever, which left her with shat tered constitution. Among other evi dences of impaired nutrition was what the doctors called softening of the bones. In her fifth year she happened to a slight acoidont which resulted In the dislocation of tho bip joint, and, irora tuo irritation tuua set up, lernuiu abscesses of the hip ensued. Tho ab scesses, despite tho best medical treat ment that coald be obtained, remained for three years, discharging continu. ouely, At this time through tho intlu ence of friends, I pot her on vour S. S S. When this treatment was com menced the abscess was very large, having six perforations, pus discharg ing through them all. During this treatment several spioulae of bono carao out, ana iy me time she bad finished her fifth bottle the abscess had entirely healed, her appititeand general health bad been restored) in short, she was well and happy and so continues. Mrs. J. A. Wiimjnkr, Lower Main St., Slatington, Pa. Tnutlx on Mood and Skin Diaeiaai mailed free. tJOrtSIANDlSINO, or ovArntlnir, or tlio partaking of too rich nnd Imllecstltilo rood. Is a common cause ot discomfort and suffering.. To immediately relievo tlio stomach and bowels, from such overloading, a full dose of Dr. Pierce's Pur gatlve Pellets Is tho beet remedy. They op trato Rcntlr. yet thoroughly and without griping, nausea, or other unpleasant effect. If the too f rco Indulgence in such intemper ate eating has deranged digestion, causing dyspepsia and biliousness, attended .with a sense of fullness, or bloating .after .eating, coated tongue, bitter or bad tasto In mouth In the morning, on arising, drowsiness after meals, inaescrioanio iccung oi arena, or oi Impending calamity and hypochondria then you need to follow up tho use of tho " relicts " with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, to tono up tho stomach, Invlgorato the liver, and set all tho processes of digestion at work. Whllo curing indigestion. It purines the blood, cleansing tho system from all humors and blood-polsona no matter of what name or nature. Or from what cause, nrislng. There Is nothing similar to It In composition or ap proaching It In result. Therefore, don't bo duped nnd induced to take come, substitute, aid to ba 'Must as good," that the dealer may make a larger profit. . Monulacturod by Woatn's DisrWgABT Medical Association, Iluffalo. N..Y. $500 OFFERED of Dr. Cage's Catarrh Ilemcdy, for an iucurft- cio easo oi uuann ui uie uoau. WHAT SCOTT'S "HP EMULSION SS8SSyma CURES Wasting Diieases Wonderful Flash Producer. Many havo gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains tho stimulat- nntfinov being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over tno worm. PALATABLE A3 MILK. Sold by all Druggists. OOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, N.Y. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING G-. OT. BBRTSCH, THE MEROIIANT TAILOR. GcnU' Furni:bin2 Cc:d:,Eits & Saps OF EVKHy: DESCRIPTION Suits made to order at short notioe and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call iyid examine thu largest and best selected stook of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Btoro next door to First National BanV MAIN STREET, Bloo msburg Pa. HENRY M. STANLEY Tlio complete ttory of Stanley's reccrt UuKlIng adventure" nnd the dist 1oim.iv of his important ilia, coverlet will ajinr for tlio fiit time In tlio n oik Written hy IiIuihcK, entitled "In htiift Africa" In I wo lolttnu', profiifely tlluet rated, price $3.75 per vnlnire. Ho iut he derehed by any of tlio to-called ' Stanley looka " now being ottered as " pcnnlne " nnd authentic.' To no one of ttitr e baa Stanley contributed a lino, flPCNTC Th to.k wiN tc sold by subEcrip HULll 1 Oi Hon riily. Wo aru now ready to appoint canvassers. Applicants tlumld eUteeipeil ence. Jtomeinbcr that t-tuniey'o own booU the only one in which lie has a peraocal interest, will bear our Imprint on Ihe title puge. Address, Charles Scribner's Sons 030 WALNUT fiTKBET, piiii,aii;i.iiiia. L5A. DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. 100 styles, prices to suItn.lL WM. Ayres & Hons, Philadelphia. Hold by all dealers. J.R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DK1LBUS IN PIANOS, UjrtUe following wellknown makers: Chickeringf, Knabe, Weber, Hallct & Davis. Can also furnish any of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. ,o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. H MtPM- FRAZER GREASE MOT THK MOULD, lim wmHm Quailtlex ara nnaurpi ia4. ctuftllr outlutiotf two boxes of unyotber brand. Not aecwa oj ir 111t1ut.11 vinit you balk wr vjuixaa ammxixv, jyr tag properties oi tno xiyyopnos- ?hltes and pure Norwegian Ood .(.., nil (tin nntfinov of both .a . TT 1 "IN DARKEST AFRICA" ECONOMY. jy raeJW, If by th m of Wolff'sAGMEBIacking you bat ons pair of Shoe year, and bottl at to camta lasts ttara months, for how many years blacking will cms year's saying; In shoe IieatLsr payf Ak it Vng, Paint ow.l Bow FurniMMng StortJ'or rik.Ron, vMcK wiiL Stain old a nkw ruRNtTunc FarntsA will Stain glass and Cminawahc af f a will Stain Tinwasc samti WILL STAIN TOWB OlB SASRtTS time. WILL STAIN BAST'S CoAflM ANt wourr Randolph, rbiiad.iiihia. Ohinese Torture; what the ruifmiMKNT op uno cue rtEALI.Y MBANS. Tho last certainly amounts in theory to torture of the most horrible kind. It is applicable only to criminals of the deepest dyo, such as robols, parri cides, women who kill their husbands or murderors who kill threo persons of one family. It is called variously tho lingeribg process, the slow and painful process, eliciug to death, etc., atid the prescribed method seems to correspond with the last named term. Tho akin of the forehead is supposed to be sliced down, the cheeks slashed the nose slit, the breasts sliced off, the stomaoh cash cd, etc., beforo tho coup do grace is given. But when we come to ask how far the legal sontenoe is put in actual execution wo find some conflict of test imony. Mr. Giles affirm that "a slight gash only is made poross eaoh collar bone, and three gashes .across the breast in the shape of the character meaning 1,000, (indicatiug the number of strokes tho criminal ought to have received), and that decapitation follows without delay.' nut in the only case where I have hoard of a foreigu wit ness tho process seems to havo nnprox- imated much more nearly to the legal prescription fban to this assumption. But methods of exeoution seem to be ocua-iouly emplojed, at tho least in tho south, which find no sanction in the cede. Cases havo come under the notioe of foreigners of death bv cruci- nxtion and the victim being supened by the neck in a cage in such a way that he can only touch tho ground with the tip of his toes and being left' to die of starvation. Such proceedings are, however, distinctly illegal survi vals, probably, of an ago when Chinese IUIU UUU VU1UU3U Ul V lllAAIilUU, WM1UU have radiated from tho north, were less firmly established. So that what ever the law, tho usual practice in a given region would seem to bo mater ially influenced by looru popular opin ion. Que who would generalize from experience in Kiang-Soo would excite a smilo in Kwang-Sung, as tho impressions of one wbo had lived in SbanruDg would seem foreign to n resident in Fohkien. From the Fort nightly Neview. Burning Judas IuEfflry. ONE 01? THE OLD-TIME EASTElt EVE CUS TOMS IN 1'OItTUdAL Whatever may bo Baid against the n. ' .i 3 -it. ronuguese, iney are merry ana aminuie bright-and child-like. The latter trait is visible in many customs and usages. wuioli make a onildisn impression on the mind of a Northerner. Most prominent among theee customs, the burning of Judas in effigy is passion ately engaged in on Master eve. Deep mourniui; opprta-es the whole popu lation during the Passion Week. The hundreds of bell towers havo to keep their brazen tongues quiet; military music and pianos are kept quiot. Veil ed in black mantillas the dirk, curloy- haired beauties glide from ono church to another, and on Good Friday the wholo city seems to be sunk in one long worship of the aatonement. With sunrise on Saturday things stir outside. A mysterious activity begins on thu streets, and the Portuguese street arohin offers to ootributo his last ten reis toward tbe universal pleasure. "Judas' is tbe order of the day, and the betrayer appears in thousands ot variUes in effigy. There is scarcely a house in front of whioh there is not a grotesquely attired figure, of life size, with a hideous face and a long beard, set upon a funeral pile. And not only at house and gardens do wo bndthoin, but also high up in the air on ropes drawn across tho streets haug tho fantastical images and caricatures of the lost on'. Here and thero some pitiful soul has added a woman for company, bo that iiu win uub uu aiuiiu iu uiu urunu uuur, which is in store for him. The muliitudo orowd each other in the street; rich and pior, old and young are crowded together. With imp iriance lliey await tli'i giou mo uieirtr A, lust the bi-ll of the Se, tho beautiful, grand calhidral, ring forth a warning of the approach of Kaster, anil then arises an unexampled noise, a BhoulW, a rejoicing, a laughing and a cannonade which mocks that of Mttz ml Sedan. The bodies of the uuforturato Judases are filled with powder and straw, they explode with dreadful noiso and immediately all tho Judases are consumed by the names. In a few minutes tho whole city is naturally en veloped in the thiokest smoke, and those possessing tbe sense of smell quickly flee homeward, or possibly out as far as tho hi no sea to breathe fresh air again. When the fun over the streets are in great disorder, and it is difficult work duiing tho few remaining afternoon hours to give tho city a holi day air. from the iferman. Pore Brandy, Wo call our readers attention to tho following testimonial from undoubted authority on tho excellence aud purity of Speer's P. J. Brandy. New York Mr. Si'keu: I congratttlalo you on a recent un sought testimonial as to the purity of your brandy, uwy liatli Hardy, of London, England, an old acquaintance of mine, on testing from thu hottlo of brandy we brought from Passaic the other day, immediately asked mo to cot a like ono for her, I did this morn ing. Tho English aristocrat, von Know, mate ana lemaie, aro pretty good judges of braudy. Wishing you every success In your really good Woik, 1 remain yours truly, PHKNTICK MULFOUD Editor N. Y. Graphic Lord EeficontGe'a. DtSRAKU WAS CTTKRI.Y CttUSIIKt) tit TUB PAtLUittt ov ins Kinsr m'kkch. How pleasant it wax after tho long dreamy hours of Urn Ilousn of Com mons to find ourelvig In unci t ohcr fnl houso as-Deepdfiu', where,hol and hostefs onlydiri'd for Din Imppl'hcss of their guests! I romoinb r Mr Dinrnell alwajH posted down from L' ndon. He considered there was no I'tijnymcnt equal to traveling in a oriiforloble oirriago with a pair of good ponterf. How much wnstlie ehnrmof ihe travel enchanted whon it wa t efijoy n per iod of repose in a lionco which noss as. ed what a poet wrote evry house honld possess, tho throe L's light, lifo and lovo. It was on s'ich occasions that Mr. D'sra-li would tell us tho tnlu of his early life, which loally was the lifo of Vivian Grey. Tho Quarterly fieview said! "No one oan forgel his first impress iuna reading -vni n uroy.' nrd it m y wen no umifMnotl tint I hoao who en joyed tho ptivllego of listuning to his talo of tho dawn of that ambition, grand and crowded lifo can never or got it. Like Napoleon, ho aoh'ovcd emioenoe, not only without anyextran eous aid,but in spito of every disad vantage. He again, liko Napoleon, had faith in himself. It is oasy to preach tho doctrine of humility; but nioro careers aro sacrificed by men Moderating than overating themselves. He possessed tho admirable quality of rising after failure defeat never crush ed him. Like the fabled oak, he was strengthened hy every blow." It is well known that his failure on the occasion of bis first soeeoh in tho House in no wav daunted most men. Henry Bulwer, afterward Lord Dall- ing, told me that he dtovo witbJ3israeli trom Uoro llouso after this disappoint ment, and that he was in a most de- jeoted state. Sheil Baid it was not a breakdown, it was a crash-dow". A very short time elapsed before he ad dressed the House again, and sat down ajraed oheers from all sides. It was told of him he never told it himself during his boyhood that he was asked by liord Melbourne: "Well what do you intend to be!" and his roadjc re ply was "Prime Minister. " These part ies aj me ueepdane Buoseeded his marriage, when be returned from a long continental tour, during whioh he was received with distinction in overy court ana every society. ly every account, in Paris he was the observed of all tho representatives of all parties and opinions pud homage to his intellect. He was on the most friendly terras with he King, with whom he was frequently dotted. Lord Brougham, who was at paris at the same ti o, found himself eclii Bed and saw Disraeli's success with ill-concealed annoyance. from Miacfcioooa a Magazine. AFopular Implement. Charles Law, of Pittstin, Pa., has a peculiar bronze imtrument that was found neir tho soane of thi famou Wyoming Valley massicre, below un disturbed alluvial soil. It is ten inch es long and two inobe in diameter, re sembling an ordinary rolling pin. In each end are the rusty remains of an iron or steel spike. Through tho body of the implement is an eye two inches long for the attachment of a handle. it is identical with tho bronzes in the British Museum and will bo given to the Smithsonian Institution. From the Chicago Herald. What it Costs Must bo carefully considered by the great majority of people, in buying even necessities of life. Hood's Sarsa-parilla- oommends iisulf with speoial force to the great middln classes, be cause it combines positivo oconomv with great medicinal power. It is tho only medicine of which can truly be said "100 Do3s One Do.lar," and a bottle taken according to directions will average to last a month. B. F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER DEALER IN I Mi FITTI, k Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsburg Opera Houso TOBACCO This standard brnnil of tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest Iiiece for the money in the mar cet, YincQ tin tag on (ach lump. Its extensive sale for many years lias established its reputation. There is nothing better. Try it. For sale by dealers and grocers. D.BEASES QF WEN ONLY AM Of lCl,l'BJA.Bt'uldi)Ftitl (Ltroi Kni,lVraki ,, Nroul Itii.l! lUnlvHi. ru ri:ts of 1 nan n loath uaataMtlf Iv and lAi-mattunl I car!. Uon iUttti.afirMttt4iIrrr inalL The Greatest Blood Purifierf& TM flrfnf flirmnn MoitlMnn til it Chcnpcstinil host 12fldofiC8o( Bith mrtlir iiiiTl-'irqfrt! nn lAaathnn one rent ft doso. It will euro their HI wnrstrjincflor skin iiiMmso. rroiiw ltj a common tilmnla on tho fnco, to tlmt Awful flhcARO 8crofulft. W QITT.lMIITn lUTTHIIfl la ihflW beet mr-dlrlno to usa In All CABC8 of eurJi Ptubborn andWYonr Kid. dorp toAtctl dlfioascs. VoWMyBtiTonut not CVCT tilka JfnPnVilof.lTan BLUE PILLS sfsui'i'yujia 1'lnro vour tnist ini s't suL.rnui( jirrifiHs.j matter what nils tho mircst nnd you, uso mctllclno oror miulo. Inlnlinr Pillsrtl IiyonrTongnsOoatetLflT I H wlthnycllowstlckriTDoirtwnU nntll yoti M breath foul nndwaro flat on your back, offensive? yourybutgetsomont stomach la outjp'wlll euro you. Suliihur of nnler. Usc-lf Hitters Is SUnirr"iTho InTalld's Friend. lmmallatolyATTio younir, the nireil ami tot Is your Ur-ffterln)! nro soon mado well by lno thlcli.jfttsuso. lietnemlier what you ropy, clo.frcad here, It may savo your UUy, otmmq It has saved hundreds. if Don't wait until to-morrow, f S Try a Bottle To-day I E3 Aro you iow-Finnu-"u nnn wi-nKii i sufferlnir from tho excesses ofl I ithr If so. SULI'IIUU UIlTKltsI I wlU euro you. Ill Send 3 2-cent stnmps to A. P. Onlwny Co., BoBton.SIass-.for best medical work publlshcdr Intelligent Reaflers will notleo that Ws PiBIs re no "varranitd to ir" all dusts or dlKsui, but only anch as recall from disordered Ilrer, Tilt Vertigo, Headaciio, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious, Colic, Flatulence, etc. For these they aro not warranted liJ flHbU, but are nancarlyaoaiiltiapofr. slslolo make it remwly. l'rlev, aaets. fiOJLD EVKUYW1IERE. -ThousaaUs havd been iHirmanently cured by HIlLAUKI.rillA.rA. Ka-e at once, no operat Ion or loss of time front bushiest, cases pronounced In curable by others v, anted. beiid for Circular. CURE GUARANTEED. Offlcollournutol Arnr. 10 '89 ty. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant p-rawth. Ntver Fails to Reitor Gray "iruiii luuiniui boiori ITOTenU Dandruff and tuir faJllnff OrmlMaWtrngrirtfc; 4 25-d 4t. How Lost 1 How Regained. (NOWTHYM vtwibiibB wr Lire, .i?36 Rna ;Sao!rd Topalir Medicsl Trpstlfla "'" "'"W t "JJUX1U wfWiHHiiTlwJnlrl Resnlttog from Folly, Vice, Ignortnce, Kicesseo or JrerUistlon, Enerrstlne .nd nonttirig the victim for Work, Business, thell.rrledorSocuJ ltrlstion. Avoid nn.k Uful pretenders. Posse., this Rrcit JTrk. Itcontiln.soOpaMs.royslBvo. UesiTurul blndfflg, embossed, f of eflt'l'lco only ll.oo "by msU, postpaid, concealed In plain wrapper. Ilhis traUe I rospectns Free, If you apply now. The diftln nilshed author, Wm. fr. Parte', l"n . ri cclred th. tJOl.IJ Akn JnWT5I,T.EI Ml' I)AL of Assistant Physicians may ba consnlted, conil- No. 4 Ilullinch St., Huston, Maas., to whom ail orders for booka or letter, for 4vlc should bm directed as above. 4-85 d 4t. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. Ilea Cross Diamond llrand. Th only rtllttil rlU for Pre uii are. Ladles auk Uruggt)t tor tb IU. nond Jtrmntl, In rd mtlila boiM, iwtol vUbbluorlbbsa. TakeMootbfis Had4. (tun Oil for AartlaDlara and IIl.r . ldletV in Uttsr, by m1L Mamt) iWor. GUetteatcr Chatlel Cov, Madlaaa bq.. l'hlUda, 4 25 d 4t. kB IfflinP fronOhl. Iter lit a VUlllC portntit of Mr.Garri. ion. of Salem. Ohio. CM " PASO a month I not hsi an anaf "Wll at work Ota a farm f.i Lrtur k.. C. Allen A Co a alliuina anrl r,fciloai nad ofiea niakt fciSO a tUy,1 1 William Klloo, llarriiburtT. r., nythltig to tell like your illiou Viterdny 1 took ordrri pnoug-h to pay ru over W. J. bl- uora, San for, Ma., write i "I ,taka an order for our allium at rrofllUofleQarauliSiiO or a alnfla day atvork," r Other are Join c quit aa well t tt li&va uof tnace to artva si. kraeta from their Uttm. F.vr otis who UkfilioUoftbiajrraiid butliicaa pilea up grand proOia, Shnll wo start YOU in this business. reader 1 Wrlta to ua and learn all about It for yourself. Wi araaUrtlng manyt wt will (tart you If you don t delay until auuthLrrcta abrad of you in your part of tharountry. Ifywi take hold you will ba ablato lck uprold fast Of ICpihI liit aecountflf a forced roanufarturera aala 1 SA.OOU tcit tlollur JMiofogrupli Alliumai ara to b eold to tba iHtupla fur tt aacn. Hound In Hoyal Crimson Silk Velrtjt rluib. Charnitnrly decorated Inaldei. Ilandaomeit albunialn tbo world. Larpmt fiUt. Ureateat baraina over known. Acanta vtantrd. Liberal terma. hlg money for aftnta. Any one ran betomnaaucceiarulefteDt. Bella iiaelf on aigbt litlla orcc talking naceaaary, Whererer abown, every ona wanla to ur chaia. Atrouia taka tbouiaoda of orders vtlib rapidity uewr Urro known. Great foAi walt erery worker. Areata ara niafcfuKfortuitet, Ladleatuaka aa niucb as men. You.reader, ran do as wall as anyone, Full Information and terma f rff. t o luoea who write fwr same, witb partlcuUrs and terma for our Family bibles, Uooka and rerlodirala. After you know ail, abonldyou conclude to $o no furthor, why no barm Is dona. Addraa It. C ALLl&M h VO AloVHA. Ulilft Jan. 1S-M0 ly. tbey are working tor an old and reliable firm. Do- Plrable territory iutnwna nnri mnntio, , " ""mvsi'I.u IH3 BG- cured by prompt uppllcatloa. Wo grow the stock FHANKUN DAVIS CO. NUrjea2TM'ar. Baltimore, M4. THEESHIN& machines Simplest. Most Durable, 'Economical, una perfecc 111 tl4ff Waning nnrviMiln. ..,4.. i r'.V?lw .7. . . JL "JT-"ti wcnuaibicaujT luriU'trKcl. THRESHING ENGINES an?.0' Haw Hills, SMngln Machines, ilay Pi-esses, and Standard Implements Kenerally. a. H. VAimim a it pii iimiii Bend for lllua- i rennsyivanla AKricultural 5-7.13W. fa Milchell's Kidney Plasters ft Absorb til dltcasa In ILo.Kldncfs and A 1 I rwtoro them to shcallhy condition. ((Mm. oii chronlo Iddnejr eoflcrcri uj ill 601 no rcl!f!' BnU1 ,h,7 ull V'l MITCHHM.'H KIUNUV PISTUHH. Bold IrPragclstsOTerjwheretOrBentbj null f or 6O0 Novelty rijutUr 'Work, Iiwell, Alu. 4 25 d it FOR Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Excel tnitimtty for the rap d cur. si Hsrd Colds, Coughs, Hid. Bcund, Yellow WslerFev.r Distemper, Sort and Week E ,t. Lu.j F.!r' Co. I.eneei.Blolch,., .nd illd IBmhWIIJ,: ht from Impurltle. si Ihe Blood. Will Alii. J0PM U4NUFACTURINQ CO., LY0KS M r W UIJB By ALL Ipiuuii' 1 AGENTS Suf, g X. AXXROAS TIME TB1M3 jrELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOI1TII. r. m. r.H, A.M. A.M. 1000 6 IB 10 15 6 80 1019 .... 1034 3 41 10 43 S38 11)60 7 0.1 10 6T 7S 11 05 1 M 11 13 7 3! il in 7 3i 11 SO 7 31 1181 7 41 11 at 7 49 1184 7 63 11 48 8 06 11 51 8 It 12 Ofl 8 81 11 10 8 21 1315 8 83 13 20 8 34 12 87 6 41 12 81 8 49 13 33 9 63 18 40 8 68 12 43 9 03 1263 90S 101 H7 1 09 9 S3 115 9 30 1 20 9 89 r. m. r. h Northumberland B 40 l 60 Cameron S65 ... ChulasKy Danvlllo 8 0S 8 11 catawlssn 6 23 .... ltupert o uo s m liloomsburs ass s 33 Kapf. 041 8 41 1.1 mo Hldge 650 .... Willow Uroro... 6M .... lirlarcrcck A 59 .... Berwick. , 703 S 39 lloachllaTcn ill Hick's Ferry. siilckBlilnuy . Ilumock's.... Nantlcoke.... 7 IS 7 80 7 43 -to TM 3 W a 36 Avondtlo I'lymouth l'l ymouth Junction . . , Kingston llenuett..... 7 89 3 45 801 .... 8 08 8 53 813 .... 817 8 21 4 03 8 27 4 Oil 8 33 4 11 8 40 ...... 8 48 ...... 864 .... 9 00 4 S3 r.H. r.H. Manor Wyomliifr West rilteton nttston Lackawanna TaylonlllOM ucuevuo. BCR1NT0N STATIONS. bOUTII. A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M SCRANTOH 6 10 9 60 1 13 6 SO uenovue 6 lis 953 .... 023 Taylorvltle 6 20 to 00 3 112 6 30 uicicawanna , oa1 10 in xiu 0 a? nttston 8 311 1016 218 6 43 West llttston 643 10 2-2 2 21 660 Wyoming 6 47 1027 229 6 65 Maltuy 661 10 30 .... 6 69 Bennett. 6 61 1031 2 37 7 03 Kingston 6 68 1031 2 40 707 I'lymouth Junction. 7 CJ 10 42 2 45 7 12 I'lymouth. 7 10 10 47 8 60 7 16 Ayondale 7 14 10 31 8 65 7 21 Nantlcoko 7 19 10 63 2 59 7 25 nunlock'a 7:6 1103 3 06 7 43 Hhlckshlnny 7 37 It 12 3 20 7 65 MICK'S Ferry 7 65 11 23 3 31 8 07 Ueacli Haven 801 1131 340 8 13 Berwick 8 07 11 40 3 47 8 so Uriar Creek. 8 13 3 63 8 27 willow arovo. 816 11 60 357 8 31 Urns ludgo 8 30 11 64 4 02 8 3.1 Uspy. 886 12 01 4 09 8 41 Uloomsburg 8 82 12 06 4 15 8 47 ltupert 8 87 1313 4 23 8 52 Catawlssa 8 42 IS 17 4 29 8 67 Danville 8 57 18 32 4 46 9 13 unuiaaky 4 54 Cameron 9 07 12 41 5 00 9 si NOBTBUHBXRLAMD. 9 21 12 65 5 15 9 43 , a. h. r. if. p. x. r. x. Connections nt Itunert with Phlladelnhla Reading itallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Wlll- ituuHpuri., ounoury. roiuriiie, etc At normum. berland with P. K. Dlv. H. K. It. for Uarrtsburi?, Ijock Haven, Bmnortnm. Warren, Corry, and Brio. W. F. IIALITBAD, Oen. Man.. Scranton, l'a. DUIIADELPIIIA & READING a RAJLHOAD. ON AND AFTER NOV. 10th 1S89. TRAINS LKAVB BLOOMSHUI1Q aa follows: (8UNDAY1 EXCBPTBD.) For New York. Philadelphia, Reading, PotUvllle, Aaium...ut cm, u.m., O. IU. For Wllllamaport, illlton and Danvlllo 7:31 a. m. 3:16, 11:05 p. m. ForOatawlaC-oO, 7:30, 11:05 a. m., 12:20, 6:00 6:31 p. m. For Rupert 6.01, 7:30, 11:01 a.m., 12:30, 3:10, 5:00, TRAINS FOR BLOOMSDURO laare New York via PhUadelphla 7:45 a. m. 4:00 t. ui. uuu via ii.lhwu o: ia a. m. 0:4 p. m. Leave Philadelphia 10.00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. Leave Reading 11:50 a. m. 7:57 p. m. Loave Pottsvllio 12:3J p. m. "Leavo Tamaqui 1:21 a. ra. 9:18 p. m. Leave Wliliauisnortg.13 a. m. n. m. Leave OatawUia 6:65, 8:00 a. m., 1:30, 8:20. 6:15 11:12 p.m. ' Leave ltupert 6:16, 7:03, 8.03, 11:11 a. m. 1:33. 3:3 1. 6:22, 11:21 p. m. ' for uaiumore Washington and tho West via B. O. R. it., through trains leave Olrard Avenue Station Phlla. (P. fi It It, K.) 4:45, 8:90, 11:00 a. m. J:23, 4:30, 5:51. 7:30 p. m. Sualays 4:25, 11:00 a. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Pier 7. Chestnut Street num., auu ouuboLrueb vaun: FOR ATLANTIC CITT. Week dars-Etpress, 9.00, a, m. 4:03 p. m. Ac. comodatlon. 7:30 a. m. 4:3) n. m. Sundavs-Ksprou, 9.03 a. ra AeejmodatloaS:00 n. ut. ouu i.u y iu. BBTOKHINQ, LK1VB ATLAKTIO CITT. Depot corner Ulantla an 1 irkansis Wenues : weekdays Spress, 7:30, a. m. and 4:00 p. m. sundays-EsprosH, 4:00 p. in. Aocsmoditlon "do a, m. and 4:31 p. m. I . ,i,a c- a- HANCOCK, A. A. .ucLKOD, Om'U rasa. Agent. Vice Pres. Qm'l. Manager. i Philadelphia &. Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. in effect NOV. 10. w, Trains loaTe Sunuurj KASTWAltD " do onoro nxpreaa (dally except ... i.o,.wWU,s nuuiuwiruioaiaiosiationB arriving at Ftilladolpnla 8.15 p. m. ; Now fork w. , x.a.b.u.v,o, a.iu L'. ut. , wasninzton 5.85 p. m., connecting at Fnlladelplila for all sea rnuaaeipiua. r.w. . u.UuKu uMHDuuor coaon to dally except SundayJ.forliarnib'ufg" anitnierm dlate stations. Arriving, nr. uhil... J: V . .60p.m. ; New York, D.35 p. m.j Baltimore nSitJSttrlX nJSzzlKSir' v' m' "nor car throuizlitoPlilladBlntiliiiinrt HiitJsSSs ' i-om-nea Rn n m U.nnn. . j . ." . . , o ...wiMioai,wi,ttvioos arriv ing at PhlladoipWa.85 a. m. : New York a. in. Baltimore. R.1S m. , WnuhtnartAn fln . L. . I'ullman Bleeping car from liarrtsbure to Phlladel. . - - - " jtuu) uiuwcuKDrB can 1-50 i- ;o.-Krle Malltdally)for Uarrlsburg and ..50 aTm. New York, 5!si a. m7vkrom "pfflSSS s.50 a. ra.-siattnra Expresj (lilly) for Uirrls. barg ana mtsrniodUte stattons arrlvlns at BUtl. more J.o a. ra. t 1 .V miagtoa HAS, a. m. anl tnrousn FullmnSlaplng cars to Bjltlmire anl Washington, and tnroiigb passenger caacaea to Ilalt.fmnro. WRSTWAW1, u..u a. ono jnnij mmiyK ror jine aoi ai Canandalgua at d Intermediate stations, Roches- wti uiuiu AuunittKararaiiB, witutnroueh Pull man Pal HDUil And n,Mn9a,M..i... -Jr : Koonntir. ' " uu D.53-N0WB Express ( dally , tot lock Haven buu lUbcllUCUiaMj UlrO-llUUtf 1.13 p. m Niagara Kxpresa (dally except son- tloas, U heater, BuCfalo ana Niagara Palls with and Parlor ciFfi MIUi5npofi. r 8.30 p. m. Past Line (dally except Sunday)! ,r He novo, Wutklns and Intermediatfl stations. itb tnrongU passenger eoiches to Kenovo and WkI ins. V.IS n. m. Willi Itnannrr. Vmraea t ... WUUamsnort and IntormMiiti, ' ' lur THKOUGH TRAINS FOU SUNBlfKY PHO rm RlsT IHnLmnTii .... UVU . 1 . . ... ",DM ioo,ca l ailoucipma t.00 a. Ul Baltimore, 4.30 a.m. Uarrlsburg, 8.10 a.m. dills arriving at Bunburr b.m. a. m. 1 - awI PWladelphla, H.60 a. m. ; wSn4nBSTmTa? ttmore 9.00 a. m. (daily pxoopt Sunday artlvini- at ?.?.t"ilT I-.43 wlth Farlor car from S ft " aiorougn passenger ooachei! from Past Line leaves New tork's.00 a. m. ! Phlladai a. m. j Washington, 10. M a. m. : Ualtl. more. 11.45 a. m., (dally rxceptBunday) arriving at Sunburr. n. m. itiT itm.!' iXlUt? (ioachesrom PWtajUlpWa and Baltrmore " J", K.'?'5,P0.rf B jpfesale.wnaNew York J.00 p. m. Phtladelpbla 11.45 p. ra. Washington 8.30 o. m BalUmore4.3p.m.(ifiUy) arrtvlhg at Bunbury IM.'ll.tll..u.U. VA-WDAn . .. - . . ; . . n v.uu. m. . I'niiadel- phla.ll.S5p. m. j Washington, 10.00 p. m.: Baltk more. n. m.. MaiiTt rnviVait. t,ris..rr'rr f-v.!0-! y"" through Pullman Bleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and tfsi&nore and through passenger coaehea from PUliadelphla HUNIHIItV, HAZf.KTON Oc WII.KIWIl AllHIf KAIMttlAII ANI1 NIIUTII ANll nirNiii miMvAv, .iuoouniip jnii ivuvra ounuury laoo a. m ?:MoTra. Ferrr 10,43 a,m- WlUee-birre Kxpross'Kast leaves Bunbury 6.85 p. tu., arriving at BlMmKerry .ap.m., Wliies-barre fwp. Hlinhlirv Mall lAavAaUri liranh.n .. u vlng at llloom Perry 4.90 p. m., Bunbury .sip. m SUNDAY TKAINS. Wllkesbarre mall leaves Bunbury 10.00 a. 'aaoK)inmodaUon leaves WUkes-Barree:10 D. m.. arrlirlnD' At. TtlnAm van. a u .r .117 tiSO p m " """"'i ouaoury ciiAH. k. ruan, j, it wood, Oen. Manager. Oen. Passenger Agt, ATENTS. mi n X Trite MiMiodtatnet.aQd ptea t SSftrilf'tfi'" L 9''l'ilrK u: I'ATSNT Jreot, henoe oin transiot patent buslueia n less Wis InVtnn " romoto IrODl o aour'AiV.u. .y"5Sf? Terences dot free. Addfii, "f wn, C. A. SNOW & CO., t UOBie patent OH Wash lngton, ao fSl:1?..!'1 .SSW pMSt nrm inthl b. A. Hhattuet, Bloomibius Pa- 4-4-if. ' PLACES OF INTEREST To nil visiting: Philadelphia TI1K YATES STORES Olli nntl CIII5STNUT Bt Ijtll lliul CHKHTNUT S41 Our Supoiior Clothing for' Men and Uoya is rcnowiipc), and though prices aro very ov this Reason wo main tain tlio high quality. A. C. YATES I BfiKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Exchange Block, WHOLESALE :kn "tad lw Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Ouster arloxs -A-ttacrLea.. rimn i,nrJ o fpv n'lP FAMOUS 1? Cfint Stews ts WHOLESALE DEALERS IN C(vj-, cfjoiac-fo, (D&nA(j, Fvoftj an Hotj. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every W eek. IE3ST2S1"Z" GOODS JL. SFEOTXjOTZ-. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars i Homy Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Prinooss, Samson, Silver Ash. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market rrices, u Mlowi i Oranej. Lemon?, ream N5. Ent5h Walnit5, lop 8m Sj, BLOOMSBURG, PA. G. B." hiOBBIS, Foreign and Domestic -awi H BLOOMSBURG PI, In purchasing houeo hold ncceaHitiea, it i wise always to select that which is tho, n will be the olieanm in the end. A good "'artiole is always a source of pleasure. J. SALTZIilt lias won a wide r.putation for selling good goods at low prices. JIo buys direct from tlm manufacturers, aud can sell first class goods cheaper than oan bo obtained elsewhere. Here are some of tho articles aud prices : Sewing Machines of three grades, by the Now Home Sowing machine drawer drop leaf, all attachments, Si 9.50 to $00. Royal St. John. io uowards. Standard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Have received tho agency for the H:tin Cornet, the best cornet in tho good assortm" nt of violins, guitars, ceordenns, drum, fluw, fifes and all of musical inotrnmonH Tho boat nf f r violins. euitiri. bam r vruuiio, KuiHrs, uanj is, vioiincello, and b&SiM violins Agent for Butt-HcVs patterns discomiTfo'r cash."8 83W'n8 m3oh',Dea 8,1(1 oa monthy payments. A libera ,hnlA0.DOtECn'1-uUowhcro',,"lUaUand8eotho Kwk of your liomo dealer, Sv inst unt1 1 yn aml ?a giveyU 'tmMon It instruction upon any instrument you may purchaso. J. SALTZER. Ill . , r if Lvmsioa instruments Will l'iuiios-Oraiis. Jjjf IpPJWf? methoi of fiWVeninjBtrtnw of du. r" ut u, ii one or me inoit lmnoriRnt lean liable loiit odtit tine. ' ' u'm P.XiSifAS.!-... 'pilu Orsrans and Pianos iSSnV'ft. .lnJ.nst.r.'f."!?.t,.llt' uttTOeal totils r tuna-ssst asraass. ss.v?!gsr 01 u,w PASON & HAMLIN - '".Mo g0) B03T0N. MEVT0BK UfllOAQO. nro CO. LSioomsDurff, Pa. arid RETAIL Cwckc-B -&nd bk Estey Piano, 350 to SflOO. Sleek, $375 to SG00. It. M. Hent & Co., S250 to $400. Brown & Simpson, $250 to $100. Estfy Organs, $90 to Si 75. miner organ?, S75 to $150. United Stites organs, $125 to $175. Chicago Cottigo orgi'n, $90 to $140 Worcester organs, $75 to $150. Paris oreans. SCO to Sinn. Celebrated White Sewing Machines $35 to $05. New Doraestio Sewing Machines, $35 to S75. made Co., 3 from Roosoy world. banjos' kinds Dei., PA. J"B. WILLIAMB, AUOTIONEEU. BLooMsumta, pa. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Parties deilrlag to huy horios and wagon K1TBKIIIKH run hut rn on r tin C"nPBT rmtuuem turn BlfWLk th, the tu Itl. Our iBcUuiMaii unaqutilid, and to Introducaeiu Itumi kkiotf Iu BAth lucaltlr. ML utbtiu, Oay tboM wbo wrtt to met tiKtfa iuk iur ! tbt cbirnca. All yon Ut ldla toMiraUte how our goods t thM wbo eIV your niifbbon nd tboH ftrouna you. Tbo b fftnnUt cf tbU drtirol khovi lha diaII and at Iba Ulfr. CVI cop. ThcfoUowlsr col fin tba ppfna of It radacai ta ftUal tb ftftlatb part af lUUIk, It li a rnlldwjbUUUl Mt,uUTEaaalaoularr7.WawUUlaaLei7eaboivrw ua ftaut IWtooflUaaayat UaM, Aoot tba Uirt.wllfc awt paclatMav Botiar wrlaa at Wo pay all aascaaa abanaaw --i&-:?.-.t'-7.i4:ff-J:- nachine MWID ROOMS CI I