llli mm POWDER Absolutely Puro. strenfrth and wbolesomonosi. More oconomloa? than tho ordinary kinds, nnd cannot bo bom In coropmltlon with thomultlludoot low test, short weight mum or phosphato powdcra. Soli oulu in Cam. UOTAL IUSINO VOWBHR Co., lot) Wall St., N,Y. The Columbian tvrubllshcd every Friday. Subscription price. Ii.oo a roar. Entered at tho l'ost onice ut Uloomabure, ra.. as second class matter, Marcb 1, 1888. blooMsbuIgTpa" FRIDAY, APRIL, 25,1890." fORIUCT UilLKOlD Till T1HLK, ' Trains on the F. & It. it. It. leave Itupertat luuuna NORTIJ. BOUTH. 7:88 a.m. 11:01a.m. S:31 p. m. C:a3 p. m. o Tralnsonthe D.L. & w. It, it. leave Bioomsbuie as follows i MOHTn. SOOTH. 7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10:57 a. m. W:0 p. m. 2:39 p. m. 4:15 p. m. :88 p.m. 8:47 p.m. o Trains on tha N. fcW. U. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows i north. porrrn. 10:48 ft. m. U:37 p. m. e.sa p. m. 4-so p. m. StWDir. north. BOOTn. -.0:'.8 a m 6:39 p m BLOOM9BUna SULLIVAN It.MLKO VD Taking effect MONDAY, 8EPTBMUBK 2, 18S9. ISOUTU. NOItTH. 'Ar. At. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS, r. v. A. II. A.II. A . r. H. r. M. BlOOmsbUnr, G Z8 ll 4S 7 0" 8 35 S 3 6 40 Main street 13 11 4t o es s 42 2 42 e 47 Irondale e is ll 39 6 66 8 n 2 41 tto 1'apCrMlll 6 08 11 31 6 43 lil'iM 7 00 Llghtstreet. e 05 11 ss 0 41 8 66 2 56 7 03 Orangevlllo e 57 11 so s 35 9 Of. 3 07 7 10 Forks, 5 45 11 10 6 25 9 15 3 17 7 20 Zaner'S 5 42 11 06 6 21 9 20 3 SO 7 23 Ulllwater 5 37 ll ti 6 n 9 21 3 21 7 as Uenton, 5 28 10 B5 6 10 9 .33 3 SI 7 35 ElSOns, 6 23 111 50 6 07 9 36 3 3T 7 33 coloa Creek, 5 20 10 41 0 05 9 3.3 3 40 7 40 Hmjarloaf 5 15 10 il 6 03 9 42 3 43 7 41 LaubacbS, 5 12 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 4 3 7 47 Central. 5 03 10 S3 5 53 9 67 3 58 7 57 Jamison city.... 5 oo 10 so 5 50 10 oo 4 oo 8 00 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. m. a. u. a. h. a. if. r. if. r. m. For County Hiipcrliitciiilciit. Tho understood announcM hlralt as a candi date for tte om:o of s iporlatendmt of IMbUo bchools of Columbia County, and respictliilly asks to be suppof d tor that ofll;o at tho coming election la May next. W. C. JonNSTOV, Jersey town, Pa. For County Suiicrltitcmlciii. Tho undersigned announces htrcnolf as a cand 1 date 'or the omco of county Snperlutcndent, and respectfully ask? to Do supported for sail oni:o at the election next .May. J. S. CI HIVES. SALKS. May 3. Henry C. Iless anil Wellington Kochcr, administrators o( David Koclicr, will sell personal property on tho premises In Bugarloaf township. At the same time will bo offered for saio a complctu stock of general merclianilUe. Mat 8. Mrs. II. 8. Itcay will sell vain able personal property on the premises at Rupert, commencing at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. For Salic- A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. li. N. Motkb. Fob Sale Dwelling bouses In Blooms burg, Orangevlllo, Espy and Rupert Pa. Firms In Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir ginia. Vacant lots In Bloomsburg. Store properties. Grist mills and other property by M. P. Lutz, Insurance and Heal Estate Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. Fob Sale. House and lot In Rupc-t, lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with nine rooms. Hay windows, out kitchen, Ice and coal bouse, good stable, chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, over green trees, good wnter, Two railroads, Twelvo trains a day each way, to Blooms burg, faro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A great bargain, If taken soon. M. P. Lutz, Insurance & Ileal Est. Act . For Sale. Fine building lit, Main St., near Normal School. Apply to 0. W. Kbiteb. IcihoiiuI. Abram Hartmau of Benton was in town on Wednesday. A. C. Freas spcut Monday In Wllkes Barre. Miss Stephens of Towanda is visiting friends In Catawlssa. Miss Edith Barton has left New Vork and Is now making her homo in Berwick. Mrs. IIcBter Sterner returned from Kan sas last week Thursday. She has been visiting her brother, John Merrill, for the past six months. It is expected that tho now council room will bo occupied next month. B. F. Bavits had thu contract for tho plumbing at tho carpet mill and has com. pitted IiIb work very satisfactorily. Foil 8alb A beautiful century plant, will bo sold cheap. Inquire at IhU ofllcc. John Wanlck has been In Wilkes-barre for threo weeks past, and Is doing con sidcrablu business in the injiirance line. T. E. Bands of Bryan's, Lycoming county, has taken charge of tho store of the lato J. P. Bands of Mordansvlllc. lie also has tho Post olllcc Have your eyes examined free of charge at J. Q. Wells' Jewelry store, perfect ill guaranteed. Chester Brader, wife and two daughters visited his nephew, Reuben Hess of Hup. crt, last week. Fresh bread, rolls and cakes every day at Phillips' Bakery. 2t Rev. J. R. DImm, D D. of Selinsgrovo will preach in the Lutheran Church of Ibis place next Sunday morning aud evening. Tho Independent Order ofOdd Fellows will eclobrate tbclr anniversary at Danville fialurdav tho SOth. Excursion tickets will bo Bold. Aro you going to paper your room this Bpring? Write to us for estimates. W. it. Brooke & Co, Mr. Phllti.' Unangst was presented with Uamlsomo Bible last Sunday morning by the members of the Lutheran Sunday Bchool as a token of appreciation for thirty years of faithful service as secretary. Mrs. II. 8. Reay of Rupert, lost a valu able cow Wednesday of laM week. The cow was on tho railroad track near the depot and was killed by the northbound afternoon trains. Steady employment, on salary is ottered In another column, by E C. Pelrson it Co, Waterloo, N. Y. 4.1 Mw, Tho order of Pulilotic soob of America of Milton Pa., aro making arrangements for a demnnfitratton on tho 14th of Mav. That being the tenth anniversary since tho great destruction by fire. 'Window shades cither plain or with Dado at Mercer's Drug & Hook Store. If, Dyspepsia's victims aro numbered by thousands. Bo aro those who havo bee lestoied to health by Hood's Haieapurilla For Window slmdis go to Mcnoa's Drug & Hook Store. tf. Uo's at lowest market nrlr'n. Peacock & tf. Miss Armstronir on a c 2 V V4 utl BVUUUI New stono fltens havn horn nlartml tl. . - - I'IVVU nk kliU cntrsnco to the bank of tho Bloomsburg Alfrd McHcnryof Benton has received rt nf ftnrlnr. . .. .1 . new stock The public t...uk. i,,u Buuiincr goous. will picaso call and examine prices beforo purchasing else. goods and where. Tho time of tho Bale nf ty of MrS. II. S. HcilV Wlltf.ll tr.ua I.. advertised for Saturday May lOtb has been changed to Thursday May 8th. Sale will commenco nt 1 o'clock In the afternoon. Choice confectionery, bananas, oranges and lemuns at 1'iiiiiips' Bakery. 2t, At a lato meeting of the Hoard of tllrec tors 1 or tno llloomsburg & Sullivan railroad, F. M Leader waa rlnr.!...! nan-i M Manager, his election to dato from Jan. 1st 1800. P. Ulllmever Esn. offlce of District attorney, and on Wedncs- day 1 ancrnoon the Judges of tho Court met appointed William Chrisman En. in and 1 1111 tho vacancy. Tho i'oung Peoplo's Missionary Society tho Lutheran church will glvo a Soap lbble entertainment at Mr. ITnant-ti'. nr. Centro St., Thursday eycnlng of this week. in cents admission and a souvenir clvtn at tho door. iCmkIiich mid Haw MillM. Any one Intending to buy Steam Engines any styio or slzo or first class Saw Mills ll do well bv soelnsr. or wrlilnr. thn n. Icrslgncd for Oatalogno and Prices before buyl ,nK- Whits & Conner, 4 2 m Oramrevllln. Pa. 4-4 Deputy ProthonoUry 0. M. Quick aud v. uibbs received n flno treat Fridav last from Marvin Mollenrv of Stillwater. T 'wo flno messes of trout wero sent them. Th ! first were caught by Andy J. McIIenry largest of which measured 16 inches. the Fino celling decorations that will mnUn room look handsome, at Mercer's Drue & Hook Store. if. Twu young men from Danville spent iturdny night and Sunday In tho Blooms. burg lock-up. Both were drunk, and wero driving a horse at a speed that was both dan gerous to thu traveling public and cruelty to me anlmil. Thev were fined seven ilnllara id ample time giveu them tosobjr un and .'fleet upon their miseonduct. Wall paper and window curtains at W. 1J. Brooke & Co's. More than two thousand farmers have applied to the Agricultural Department for seeds of tho sugar beet, of which tho de partment has imp rted several tons. This looks us if the farmers were going to try the Wet su?ar experiment on a scale large enough to give it a thorough test. For wall paper at lowest prices jto to Mcrcer-s Drus & Book Store. If. John Brtincr returned last week from hlladclphla, where ho has bsen a student Jefferson Medical Collegp, from which e gnduated and is now a full fledgod M. ., being one of the 330 upon whom that grto was conferred. May success attend him in his chosen profession. Milkille Tubht. Work Is being commenced on the lone ilistanco telepuono from Bloomsb urg Wires will bo run in the direction of Willi unsport an 1 WIIUes-Barro Some of the pole are b'.ing hauled, but nono have yet been placed, w-Tk is progressing as rapidly as can bo expected for so largo a contract. EM Molleury of Uenton drove 12 steers to Nanlicoke last week and sold them to Mr. Lapo. The cittlc averajed 1205 pounds, and tho average caln was 327 pounds Blnce December 7. They wero a flno lot of b eves, and wero fattened by Mr. McIIenry on his farm. Miss Minnie, daujhter of E. E. Bitten- bender, will graduato In tho School of Elo. cution at Grand Rapids, Juno 1st. Her recitals are spoken of with tho hlehest praise by the daily papers of (Irand Rapids. She expects to visit friends in this county during tho summer. By tho act of Assembly of May 22, 1890, all kinds of net and seine Ashing, includ ing outlines, is prohibited under a penalty af $100 or .three months impris ,nmcnt, or both, with the forfeiture of boats, nets and nppllances. The only legal way of taking amo fish Is by hook, lino and rod, except eels, which may bo caught by hand. Indow shades In all qualities, paper, foil and cloth, from 10c to $1.50, at Mer. cer's Druz & Book Store. tf. Tho ladles of the Presbyterian church have our thanks for a delicious dish of hieken cutlets prepared by Mrs. Rorer on Tuesday afternoon. If we may be permit ted to give expert testimony on the subject wo shall pronounce Mrj. Rorer'? cooking to bo beyond criticism. Tho lectures dur ing tho week havo been well nttendod. A gang of swindlers aro going around tho country offering to furnish a good eight foot fenco with iron posts for eight cents per font und secure contracts, which after wards turn out to mean eight cents per foot for each wire, or a total of sixty-four cents per foot. Look out for them. Don't buy of strangers when you can get tho samo articlo at home. You will al ways get cheated. Mrs. M. J. Hess was treated to a genu no Burpriso Saturday last. It was tho an nlversary of her birth, and her friends of Milllinvillo conceived tho idea of Inviting her many friends. About forty.flvo wero present. Mrs. Hess was Induced to go up town and in her absenco tho friends scmbled in tho parlor. Upon her return she was asked to go in the parlor for somo object, and opening tho door found tho room cowded with people. Tho day was pleasantly spent and all wished for many more such happy moments. Are you going to paper a room? If so see our paper beforo you buy. tf, J. II, MEKOXli. 0, Mears & Son havo invented ono of tho most uniquo churns ever put on tho market rho machinu is upon tho principle of tho propeller of a steamboat. The milk Is kept In great agltatiou and yet not beat so suddenly as to destroy tho pai tides of but' ter. It is easy in Its operation, and ha produced butter In as short a tlmo as 4 minutes. Tho churns aro made In Arst class stylo. Thero Is no doubt but that It will meet with a ready sale. Tho advan tages over other churns is its caso of oper ation, its rapidity In making butter, and ability to produce tho greatest amount of butter from tho cream. Tho machines also aro ulct'ly arranged tor gathering tho but ter after it is once found, and may bo worked and salted in tho churn without removing. Clover seed for Bain at tt V THJBi COLUMBIAN AND Tho annual meeting of tho stockholders oi mo uioomiburg Btato Normal school will bo held at tho ofllco of tho Secretary on Monday, May 5. 1890. at 2 n'r.lnrit In tho afternoon, at which tlmo thero will bo cico ted four persons as trustees on tho part of tho Stockholders, to servn fur thn norlml of threo years, and four persons will bo recommended from whom tho Superinten dent of Public Instruction may select two persons as trustees on part of tho State. Frank P. Hillmeter, Bcct'y. Board of Trustees. "I shall bo very much mistaken" said an old fisherman recently, "If tho bass Ashing In tho Susquehanna docs not provo tho best In many yearp. 1 explain my hopo in two ways. First, tho high waters, which gtvo all good fish a chance to swim out Into tho main channel. And secondly, tho absence of Ico. Whenever tho river Is frozen over for any length of time tho bass smother. That was truo four years ago, and It Is a fact any naturalist will attest. Now.'wo haven't had any Ice thlf winter and' It follows, therefore, that wo will havo bass." For tho delicate and aged and all in whom tho vital current Is Impoverished and sluggish, Aycr's Karsaparilla Is the very best tonic. It restore the wasted lis- sues, and imparts to tho svetem surnrlsine elasticity and vigor. Price Q. Worth $5 a bottle. An accident occurred last Saturday morning which might havo proved a serl oti3 one. John Gross was driving tho doublo team nf Peter Gross down Main street. At Market street thero wero a number of children playing ball, among whom was Eddie Mastcller, oldest boy of Silas Mastcller. As tho wagon approached him sovcral parties called to tho Utile tel. ow to get out of tbo way. Tho driver seeing tho boy pulled tho team to the right to pass him, and as he did sn tho boy ran directly under tho team. Uo was knocked down, aud tho wagon ran over him. Ho received injuries about tho arm, leg and chest, but at thiswritlng is much Improv ed. Tho store room of Mr. Hiram Crouo of La'r'lsyllle was destroyed by Ate laBtSatur- ay night. Part of a human body was found among the ashes when the tiro was over, and It Is supposed to bo that of Mr. Crousc, as ho is missing. Therein no cluo to the origin of tho Arc, but tho indications aro that Mr. Crouse was robbed, then murdered, and tho building fired to destroy all evidences of crime. A short time ago Mr. nir.im Crousa and brother had sold a farm for $10,000 cash. This cash sale to gether with the f ict that ho wis a batchcl or, and with plenty of money at his com mand, would naturally lead to tho suppo sition that some foul work was done. The Company lately organized under the name of Bloomsburg Land Improvement Company havo purchpsed what is known as the Hoyt farm Immediately East of the built up portion of tho Town. They have ready had that portion of tho farm situato North of 5th St. mapped out Into Town lots. At tho exceedingly low price they aro be ing olTercd will Insure a eaio of all quite soon, when tho attention will bo directed to those on tho South side of 5th St. As soon as that tlmo comes tho temptation to cut Oak Grovo into lots will bo so great that it will bo no more than might be ex pected to havo tho timber cut away and the last semblance of a shade tree within tho reach of tho masses of the peoplo will hove been taken from our people. When once removed It will be too late. Would it not bo wise to purchase the grove for a town park and ell tbo old one or mako an exchange with the company. In tho conveyance of tho old park lot to tho Town tho uso wa3 limited, but no doubt Mr. Waller would agree to tho re moval of tho qualification It tho matter were put in proper shape. Would It not bo well for somo of our citizens to tako tho matter In hand and cither call a public meeting to consider the propriety of taking some action in tho mat ter or ciiculato petitions for the citizens to subscribe to asking the Town Council to tako the necessary steps in tho matter. If it is a proper thing to do it should be dono at once. Pree Delivery. It Is said and pretty reliably, too, that tho Post Olll-o Department, in conformity with tho late action of Congress has decided to establish frco postal delivery In several Pennsylvania towns in which the business of the ofllco has "exceeded $7,000 for tho year closing March 3 last, while tho popu lation exceeds 5,000." The following towns aro patiently wait tng an edict from tho dcpaitment oidering them to prepare their offices fortbechan ge: Mahanoy City, Shamokin, Bellefontc, Ash land, Taraaqua, Bristol, Butler, Carbon dale, Columbia, Danville, Plymouth Franklin, Grcensburg, Oil City, Phoenix- vllle, Pottstown, Sharon, South Bethlehem , Sunbury, Towanda, Tyrone, Union town, West Grove, Duamire. Oiber may be added by the Increase of revenue shown at tho end of tho fiscal year. In cities of this Bize two mail carriers aro appointed and there aro two deliveries a day, ono In tho morning and tho other In tho afternoon. Bloomsburg ought to bo added to tho list. The business of tho post ofllco ex ceeds $7030, and the population of the town cannot bo loss than 5000. Tho cen sus will bo taken this year, and we shall then know whether or not the town Is lo havo a free delivery. O ir chtnecs ara as good as in iny of tho towns n mcd above TIic Huperliitciitteiicy. Messrs. Editors. I have been luformcd tint efforts are be ing made by somo person to create tho Im presslon among the school directors of the county thai i have ucon unnir in my ex amiuatlons of tcachcrs,tball bavodlscrlmi nated in favor of applicants who h ivo at tended tho Bloomsburg Btato Normal School, Whatever tnotlyes may prompt tho rnak ing of thoso statements, the person who makes them either knows that bo docs not tell tho truth, or clso Is Ignorant of the method of conducting examinations. I havo in no Instance discriminated In favor of tho students of any school. All who have shown the possession of a fair knowlodgc nf tho branches required by law, have received certificates, and any statements to the contrary aro falsehoods. From tho beginning of my superintend. ency, It has been my uniform custom to announce publicly at tho close of each examination that the manuscript of the candidates would be preserved and could be examined by any one who desired. One of the directors of tbo county recently received a letter in which tho writer appealed to hlmj "For God's sake don't vote for Grimes, ho Is a republican. All my family connections, savo a few cousins, as well as myself aro and alwayi havo been democrats, At the time of tho general election in November last I was called by official duties to one of tbo dls trlcts In tho county to settle a difficulty that hsd arisen and was not at homo to voto as alleged, but I took the precaution to arrange a pair with a republican, so that my vot wascot lost. J. 8. Gmuiib. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Maion & Ilntnlln lMnitoH Orgniia nnd Tbo Improved method of fastening tho strings of pianos, Invented by the Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Company In tho year 1882, Is unqucslliinably ono of tho most Important Improvements ever made, making tho Instruments moro richly must. cal In Its tones, as well as moro durable, and much less likely to get out of tunc Both tho Mason & Hamlin organs and pianos excel chiefly In that which is tho chief oxccllcnco In any musical Instrument, quality of tone. Other things, though im portant, arc much less so than this. An Instrument with unmusical tones cannot bo good musical Instrument. Illustrated catalogues, containing new and popular styles of organs and pianos, Introduced this season, will bo sent frco to any ono ad dressing tho company, Boston, Now York or Chicago. THU YHIl lUi-TItllM QUESTION. Messrs. Editors t Ono of tho arguments that Is being used gainst tho candidacy of J. B. Grimes for tho ofllco of County Superintendent for tho fourth term, Is that the ofllcc has not been Ailed by tho same person for more than threo terms heretofore. It Is truo that neither of tho two Imme diate predecessors of Mr. Grimes, held tho offlce tor more than threo years, but this was not owing to the cxlstcnco of any rule or custom to that effect. Chas. G. Barkley, Esq., was Bcrvlng his third term when he was elected Principal of the Bloomsburg Btato Normal School, and afterwards resigned the 'alter to pur buc his life work, the law. Wm. II. Snyder served threo terms and would have asked for the fourth had ll not been for tho fact that he promised tho di rectors at his last election not to bo a can didate for re-election. The promise is evident from tho following letter i April 15, 1831. Mr. Editje, Dear Sir: Being in receipt of letters soliciting me to bo a candidate for reelection of County Superintendent at tho next election, which I cannot conscientiously be, having Bald threo years ago that I would not bo a can. dldatc.' I thank tho solicitors for their ktrdnccs and hopo thoy will Bland by my successor as they stand by mo In behalf of tho public schools. Yoits Respt. Wm. U. Bstder. That argume nt therefore falls. Justice. GUAVA. Onen Long caught a very flno trout on Saturday. It measured fourteen Inches In length. -That Is pretty good for a boy only ten years old. Singing Bchool closed last Wednesday night. Our instructor Prof. Robbins, failed lo put in an appcaranco on tbat evening, so we concluded to closo singing school. Mr. Robblns can get his money duo him by calling on M. B. Fritz, treas urer. Peter Hess, Henry O. Uess, B. R. Lau. bach and several more took tho train for Bloom on Saturday. 0. F. Mann mado a flying trip to Bloom on Monday forenoon and returned in the evening. Flro seems to bo all the rage la the mountains. Tho two Whortleberry !raoun- talns ara all on Are at tbo present writing, and considerable damage is dono to tbo timber and fences. Should the parties be caught, who did tho firing, they would bo brought to justice at onco. Tho box festival at Uarlngion church proved very successful but we are unable to give tbo amt. taken In. Cornelius tlcss who was very sick Is ablo to bo out doors now. G. L. Hess is working at Jamison City n the Woods. BIglow Kile, C. W. Hess & Bro. aro farming C. M. Laubach's farm tblp. sum mer. C. F. M'cafeo is working very hard to get his section In good shape again. Ow. ing to so much rain this spring, it left the road in a bad shape, but they will soon be K. again if wn havo nice weather. Esq. Laubach and his grandson Otto Hees, started for tho mountains on Tues day, where they expect to stay a few day3 and enjoy the mountain air and fllsb for speckled beauties. Wo wish them success, W. F. Tile Comity Hnperlnteudency. On tho Oth of May the school tllrcctors of the county will meet to elect a County Superintendent of Schools for a term of threo years. By a recent change In tho school law they no longer Ax tho salary o mo omce. Mr. urimes uas ill ed the nosl. tlon tho past nlno years, Mr. W. U. Sny. der and U G. Barkley each Ailed the office for tho samo term of years. Mr. Grimes is again a candidate, Mr. Johnson, a gradu ate of tho Stato Normal School of Blooms burg and an experienced teacher, Is also a candidate. Now will Mr. Grimes bo con tinucd in office indeflnltely to the exclusion or otber equally competent men. Is It not enough that ho has served tho limit of tho unwritten law of tho County nlno years. wnv not quit gracefully and thank the peoplo who haye thus honored blm? Must no leed at tho public crib for llfo because of bis long term of service, that he Is more capablo of fllliug the position than a new man? Must our new man bo shut out by sucu argument? lhe law flxus thu terra for threo years only, this rule would Ax for life. Tho peoplo of this county when called on to pass judgment on this qucs tlon.bavo spoken with no uncertain sound 'you have had your term tho limit given to any ono who has filled tho office, step down nnd be satisfied," and bo they will decide tho County Superintendence by tho election of Mr, Johnson. A School Director. When the summer's roso 1ms faded What shall mako It fair again ? When the face with pain Is shaded What shall drive away the pain? Neyer shall a blossom brighten After blighted by the frost, But tho load of pain may lighten, And wo need not count as 'ost all tho pleasuro of life when the wife aud mother, upon whom tho happiness of home bo largely depends, Is afflicted with tho delicate diseases peculiar to womon. It is terrible to contemplate thojmisciy existing In our midst becauso of tho prevalence of these diseases. It Is bleb time that id! women should know that thero is ono sure remedy for all female complaints, and tha. is Dr. I'lerce's Furaale I'rescrlptlon. Do uot allow lll-bcallh to fasten Itself upou you. Ward It oft by tho uso of this stand. ard remedy. But If It has already crept In put it to rout. You can do It, by tho uso of the "Favorlto I'rescrlptlon." It Is guar, anteed to glvo satisfaction in every case, or money pald.for It will bo returned. For bllllousness, elck headache, Indigos Hon, and constipation, tako Dr. Pierce's relicts. nou't uel IiUcouratcciIt Because tho doctors say you cannot live. was troubled with Dropsy, and elven up to die, ut attcf using sulphur Bitters I ara well, it H the best medicine for all Kid- ney diseases I ever saw.-Ari. J, Urovn, .uiiuirjiuri, vunH There arc many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkablo qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap atid insist upon having it 'Tis sold everywhere. O. E. Savage Bloomsburg. Practical ' watchmaker, repairs all kinds of fine watches, also jewelry, all work guaranteed. A irmully Ice Mnclilnc. A process has already been discovered by which every family can, with but llltlo machinery, manufacturo sufficient ice for Its own use dally In a few minutes' time. The process necessitates tho uso of a cylln. tier that is capablo of holding a picssure of 1,200 pounds of compressed air to tho pquaro Inch, but with the uso of 700 pounds tho temperature of a certain volume of water can bo reduced to 80 degrees below zero In half a minute. Tbo machine will cost but a few dollars. Ex. Inquiry falls to dovclopo tho fact as to who tho discoverer of the process is, and whero these machines can bo obtained. If an ico making machine can bo purchased for a few dollars, tho man who Invented It has got a big fortune in plain sight. Families and parties served with ice 2t. cream at Phillips Bakery Jerseytown, April 21, 1890. Communicated : Tho tlmo Is closely approaching when the peoplo of Columbia county, In accord, anco with tbo school law of Pennsylvania will, through tho various boards of school directors, again elect a superintendent of the public schools of tho county. As the wclfaro of tho Bchools largely depends up on the course pursued by that officer, it Is important that tho competency and fitness of tho candidates for the position should bo carefully cnnsldcrcd. Having always been acquainted with Mr. W. C. Johnston, one of the candidates, can speak of him from personal knowl edge as an acquaintance and also as a school director. W. C. Johnston was born Juno 24, 1801. His parents, Isaiah W. and Martha Mas tcller, were respcctablo peoplo In moderate circumstances. When William C, tho youngest of a family of Avo children, was about' a year old his father enlisted in Company C, 21 Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, and bis mother died. At this tlmo Samuel Johnston of Jerseytown, a man of kind heart having no children of bis own adopted blm giving him his name, and with whom ho has.ever since lived. As a boy be manifested marked studious tendencies, and this characteristic has con tinued during hu. cntiro life. After hav- ng availed himself of such advantages as our public schools could give him ho be came a student at Greenwood Seminary where he prepared himself for the dutle8 of a teacher. After having taught a num ber of terms, pursuing his studies during vacations, ho Anally entered tho Blooms burg State Normal School and graduated from that Institution In tho class of 1837, lie was president of bis class and took one of tbo honors at his graduation. Blnco that lime when not engaged In teachlug be has been pursuing bis studies with the same energy that ho exhibited at school. For tho past ten years he has devoted his entire time to teaching and study. A a result he is an excellent scholar, a practi cal and successful teacher, and well ac quainted with the workings of our public school system. His education, bis uniformly good char acter, and practic 1 experience render him fully competent to All the office of County Superintendent, nnd bis Interest in lhe cause of education gives apsuranco tbat It elected on the sixth day of May next, be will make a careful and faithful officer and will devote his time and attention to the Improvement and best Interests of the schools. Thomas J. SwisnsR, M. D. Best display of watches of all kinds at C. E. Savages. All the .latest styles of jewelry, silver ware, clocks, rings, spectacles. &c. A Hquare lie al for Kverybody. To enable home and land-scekcrs to visit thy farming sections of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana, the "Great Northern Railway Lino will sell ex cursion tickets, with stop over privileges good for thirty days, at One Fare for th round trip, on Api.l 22d, May 20th, Sep tember Oth, September 20th, and October Hth, from St. Paul, Minneapolis, Quluth and West Superior. This will enable purchasers to see the famous Park Region of Minnesota, tho wonderful Red River Valley, Devils Lake, tho Turtle Mountain, and the Mouso River Regions of North Dakota; tho rich valleys of tho Big Sioux and James in South Dako. ta, and tho vast fertile districts watered by tho Missouri, Milk, Teton and Marias ltiv- era, la tho great Keservation of Montana: no land grant restrlctloos or extra costs there In securiug homesteads. The Great Northern Railway ruus threo lines through the Red River Valley, Is tho only lino to tbo Turtle Mountains, has three lines in bouth Dakota, and ruus tbo only solid through trains of Palace Dining and Bleeping Cars, Modern Day Coaches and Free Color 'st Sleepers to Fergus Falls, Moorchcad, Fargo, Grand Forks, Crooks. ton, Devils Lake, Minot, Ulasgo v, Chinook Ronton, Urcat Falls, Helena, and Butte, Montana. It Is tho only railway In tho west owning and operating Its cntiro sup erior equipment, aud with solid roadway 75-pound steel tracks, Insures safety, com fort and speed, Your homo agent can sell you excursion tickets to over 500 points on the Oreat Northern Railway Line. Maps, guide books or Information concerning travel or jettlement along this line, cheerfully fur- nisued uy any agent of tbo Company, or F I. Whitney, Gen. Pass, & Ticket Agent, G ii, Hy, bu Paul, Minn, tf, For nearly half a century Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has beentho roost popular cough remeuy in the world. Tho .constantly lo J creasing demand for this remedy proves It to bo tho very best speclflo for cold coughs, and all dlseaies of throat and lungs. A Cure for Conotlpntton nnd Hick Henilnclic. Dr. Silas Lano, wh'lo In tho Rocky Moun tains, discovered a root when combined with other herbs, makes an easy and ci r tain ce.ru for constipation. It Is In tho form of dry roots and leaves, and Is known as uano's je amuy jncaicmo. it win euro tick headache In ono night. For tho blood liver and kldneyp, and for clearing up the complexion it docs wonders. Druggists soli It at 50 cents a package. For wall paper at all prices from 7o to 75o per roll, go to Mercer's Drug & Hook Store. tf. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When lUby u oleic, we are her Culori. When the wm a Clitld, the cried for CMtoria, When she became Mini, ho clung to Cutorti, When the hid Children, ehe ga.e them OurtorU. Unst nciitou. Keller Bros, of iBcntnn, evidently have a good trade, as they frcauently pass this place for Luzerne county, Judgo Krlckbaum went to Bloomsburg Intt Saturday. The cold dry weather gave vegetation a back set Some farmers havo sown their oats. Tho coming week It will about all bo sown. At present winter grain promises n fair harvest. The Cambra Academy Is In a flourishing condition. The Rhode Island election caused quite a democratic brccczo In this section. Silo McHenry of Cambra captured 100 largo trout on the 15th lust. Anyone In need of a good (for nothing) dog that pucks eggs, and is assessed, a year and a half old, call on East Benton. Teims reasonable. The Indications aro that a drought has set In. Tho adago "a long lano tbat has no turn" may apply to the wet season. Of all pestiferous bugs tbat bcslego farm ers there is nono bo destructive to their peace and prosperity as modern humbugs. Miss Laura Stlne attends the Cambra Academy. Bho walks back and forth a distance of two miles. It Is said that E. M. Tcwksbcrry attend ed the salo on tbo premises of Samuel Wil son dee'd, late of Benton township. Subscribe for tho Colombian. Hold It lo the x.lIit. The man who tells you confidently just what will euro your cold is prescribing Kemp's Balsam this year. In tho prepara tion of this remarkable medicine for couzhs and colds no expense Is spar d to combine only the best and purest ingredients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to the light and look through It; notlco tho bright, clear look; then compare with other remedies. Price 50c and $1. WANAMAKER S. rmLAniLrniA, Monday, Apr.L 21, 1890. Brandenburgs. Ofrheb'.ood royal if ever a cotton stuff was. Put a scrap under a magnifier. See how clean and smooth every thread is. No knots, no lumps. Combed cotton. That's what does it. 30 inches wide, 20 cents. Almost two hundred of the I2jc American styles Ging hams. Such stripes and plaids You'll say that the Scotchmen have had a hand at them. No thing in the market better for the money, that's sure more likely it's the other way. No busier Dress Goods store than the counter in the ong stretch where the 6c Crepelines are flyinp: out. The fame of them has got over town Half of last season's prices and not a wmt benina last season s styles. These four items of Dress Goods are literally at half p-ices every piece imported this season: Twenty-five cents a yard. 63 varieties of 36-inch Striped Serges, some herring - bone weave, me colorings are 01 every popular sort. Also very large variety of other styles in the same quality of similar fabrics. Thirty cents a yard. 48 varieties of 40-inch Bor dered Serges also in the popu lar colorings, and with them large variety of the same quali ties in nearly related styles. Thirty-five cents a yard. 38 varieties of 40-inch Challis with borders. A most remark able lot. 66 varieties of 3o-inch Striped and I'laid aerges. Also with them other lots equally fine. Forty cents ayard. 69 varieties ot 'o-mch Striped Serges, very superior qualitv and remarkably cnoice selection When you hear of a Book just published it's almost sure to be already on our New-Book table. You're welcome. Or it isn't handy to come, Book News ( 50c a year) will brine everyooay s iNew-uook table to i- - 1.11 1 . your nome anu ten wnat crood judges tmnk 01 tne books. borne choice luction by dozen or so popular authors has been got up in handsome i2mo volumes, with illuminatep paper covers, and put at 15c, by mail 16c. Much better pa per and print than the ordi nary ioc books the regular price is 50Q. Autrefois A Hwallon's Wing. Tf e Diamond Buuon midys rolnt 1 lino's ticyiha ltented-A Uusband An Hour s I'roadso llurlteil's Lock Tha Veiled beyond Two Men As Common Mortals No. u btate Htreet (Mda Against ller liewltehed Temple lloiuo llrown utone Uor and other Queer IVodIo Tho Admiral Uay llldly ran? v Tho Secret of thu Lamas The Lav ot the Van macks The Nmugglera of Kite's cove Tho Danker ot Uanti'mvllle These from the Diary of Inspec tor Byrnes, by Julian Hawthorne. i Dull and lannuld, haven poor appetlte,HndV C IT YflllV CIO I Iborelsalackofnsslmllfttlonoffood.ltlsan II I UUI wCI indlcfttlonthaltheyUmiwcaken6d,andrcn- ; derfd liable to contract serious dlsoace. TheK : blood needs purifying-, and the general syitem requires a building up by tho bent of ; all Bpring tonloJJrown's Bariaparlllo, S Ki,PiNO,N.H.,May6th, 18S9. 5 - Brown's Barsaparllla Is a good medicine. I know this an It hns been In tho house! Sofmy folks, and It Is pronounced by them lo be tho Lent ofnll tho Hnreaparlllas for jf 5 the blood, and w411 work wonders after others !mo fulled, nnd wero I In need of any S ; medicine for tho blood I would toko that In preference to nil others for the blood, I Skldney,tlvorpk a 9 B nnd stomach. : ! Dull and Lairiisd'::;'"::;;:;::: S . Kpplng, N. II. : ; In the latter part of tho winter and spring of 18M, I felt I don't know how) no llfo;' : no ambition; nostrenglh; drowsy; no nppctlto worth naming, and no rollahror; ....... uvuu i um rau i uougni r. Dome or ; I cannot speak too highly of Ilrown's Snrsaparllla, . x ours truly, ; Benjamin Hill, Z York Corner, Me. S A very strong caso showing what Ilrown's Barsaparllla will do for the children is that of tho llttlgtlnughtcr of Don S - A.H.rowcrs,Es(i,,orioiilton,Mnlnc,brothcrofox-Congrc.ismnn PowcrF.nnd one of tho ; Z leading lawyers of Aroostook county. Hlsllttlo flvo year old girl had been In delicate - health, palo and with llltlo nppctlte.rortomo time Jlr.I'owcrs had nect tried nuy pat-1 ; ontmodlclnes,and had little faith In thom,but so numerous nnd utrong wero tho worrts s Z of commendation that enmo to him from neighbors and through tho prosn, that ho S ; nusiuuuceaio iryauouioor ilrown's Barsaparllla for tho little ono. This was uncd S accoraing lo directions, nnd a second one pur I chased. What was tho rcsultr Jlr. I'owcrs snys the variable nppctlto gavo way to a natn : rn! nnd hearty dcslro for fond. InrmnKpii vtni and vivacity wero notlccahlo, glowing checks nnd bright oyos took the place of tho Z . pallid face and sallow look, and tho hearts of tho parents were gladdened beyond ox- ; - presslon by tho wonderful change which hnd taken placo hi their darling. E I Annta B. Blodgctt of Lisbon, N. H., writes : My husband nnd my nlcco have both: S taken Brown's Barsaparllla by my advice, nnd wo ould not bo without n bottle of it ; In tho honso. It has relieved mo of many pains which I have suffered from for years. ; I have great faith In your medicine and wish 1 could commend It personally to all ! who are suffering from tho many complaints of women caused by poor blood. ; Brown's Sar At all Druggists I.OO. O DON'T tako Something clso "Just tt ba wabren v Co., folc JToprictors, Bangor, Mc. , "liiitiiiiiiiniinHii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin mil'1' aba wabren v Co., Folc Proprietors, Bangor, Mc. waxamaker's. The Orrat Hank ltobbery Another s Crime An American Penman icctlon as Here's by odds the best Ar tist's Outfit that we ever had for the money. Twenty - one tubes of VVinsor & Newton's best colors; oils and varnishes; palette and palette knife, aud 8 brushes, all in a neat japanned tin case, ana the whole thing complete for $5! At the little counter 'round the corner from Jap goods are a hundred other things for artists. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. Dress shields 7c pair, 4 pair ladles Hose 25c, Dress Hays, Elastics, hoso supporters, flno combs, raadlng combs, thimbles, marking cotton, ball knitting cotton white and colors, linen thread, ropo linen, table covers, stamped llnen3,towel3,tablo linens, aapkins.see tho 3ispccial bargains In count-cr-pancs Bay rum and "Florida water at 39c bottle, sold regularly at 50c, toilet waters; Try our Marchiel Niel soap at 25c, hairbrushes, tooth brushes 10c and up, perfumery, sachet powder &c. at lowest prices, buttons of all kinds, tapes, Enelish pins at Sc paper, needles, skirt braids, rlc rac. Torchon lares &c. at Clark & Bon. See our lOo hair curler. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3 doz. Life size Crayons only ijplU.UD. Viewing, copy ing and enlarging. Instant process used. it. Kid cloves, eilk cloves. Llslo thread and tho best lacing kid glovo sold for $1.25 pair at Clatk & Bon. More of those 89c 1U button length. Jlosn-Undrcssed kid gloves. To Nervous neiillltittcd Men. it you will send uavour aldrcss. wo will mall you our Illustrated pamphlet cxplatnliif all about 3r. Dye's celebrated KUwtro. Voltaic Uolt and Ap pliances, and their charmtnn effects upon the ner vous debilitated system, anl how they wilt quick. ij luaiAjiu yuu,iu.iuur,iimi.naauoou,p.iaipuiui,irev. It vou aro thus afflicted, wo will send you a Belt and Appliances on trial. j-a:-r-iy. voltaic uslt co Marshall, Mien. It will oav vcu to seo thoso Dress cloths at 20c yd. plain and striped. Seo tho 23c Henriettas. Ilandsomo sldo baud DcBeicc at 31c, 40 in wide flno all-wool. 40 In Henriettas at 78c yd. all colors. Tho best lino of Black dress goods, and shawls shown in tbo city, at prices that defy competition.. Bee our black silk velvets at 75 anil UOc vd. also tho low nrlces on our Velvet Ribbons; Grograln nnd satin engo an siik notions in nil colors. Try our gioria suk uratircuas 70c. 1 ne ucst unr of ladies', mens', and children's hnlcry snown. at tho lowest nrlces. Trv our Uor. don dye fast black Holsery. Ladles Jersey Ribbed vests 121c. 10 and 20c Best llaht calicoes 5c yd Indigo Blue calico the best at 01c Good muslin Co yd, Hill 7o yd, Clark & Son. Handsomely framed lite size Crayons, pho tograpus ail sizes, m correct styles and per fect finish, colored photographs, large or small, frames a n d moulding. M'KILLIP -SXtOS., ISloomsburg. tf. Wo havo turned tho Dross Gingham mar- kel around by the low price wo have pin" on them; 15c Zephyr Uinghanw '10c, 12e goods for 10c, 18o goodi for 18?, lUo tot 11c Largo linos of bandsomo patterns tr select from. 12)0 Seersuckers fur 11.5. Cal1 soon, Clark & son. Good ChaMlo 5c yd, Princess cloths 12e, Apron ginghams at 0c, goes fast. The best fiOc Dado window flnilrs on tho best spnnc rollers sold it tho tliy, at Clark d Son. beu them; also cmtalu poll s, 25c up. llliiek Pllk dr.ipcry nt t rr drtss a' Clatk & Son. Bpcel.il valuiis. So iLom- UDITOR'S NOTICE. Alfred Bower, tut? of Centre tirp. OeceasM. The undersigned, an auditor appjlnt-d by the Orphans' eo art of Columbia couulr to distribute Ir-e mods In tho hands ot eiecutor wl'l bit at the ofllco 0: 11 V. White, sa'urday May 8, tttM at 9 a. .ii. when and whero all p risons hivlui; culms atfalnitsaUt estate must appear and prove tho Bame, or bo debarred troin co nini; lu ou sail fund. II. V. WUU'K, Auditor. "JotTce; lotlee Is hereby Klvcn that the following ueeount hag been nied In tne urpuonii' Conn 01 Columbia eouuty, and will iw presented to llio said court on the Urut Monday of May, A. Ii I8'.i 1, and couilrraert nUL, and unless excoptlona aro nied vltbln four diys thereatter. will be 10a rined ubMlulcly. I. Account of .1. M. liuck Hew, Truale j 01 Sarah jAuuacu, lawui risuiuifcrii'K lowns jp, ue'eaiscu. Wn. 11. b.NYDKIt, Clerk o( O. c. Clerk's U roe, lilooumburg. 1'a., April 8, Ifcuo. W mow.' AWRAWEMB.trd. Tho following wldowj' appraisements will bo presented to li9 rpluu' Cuuit 01 Columbli Co inly on the 11 rat Moudiy ot .May A. D. IN), and coulrmcd nisi, and unless exceptions are rtli within tour da) s thereafter, will bj conttrmed at- BO'UUi. (leoree W. llllhuan Est., Conyusth im, Persobal tytJwiM. Daniel Mussrave Est, Sit, l'lsas int. personalty J.XO.OO. l-etcr Kaso Frit, Uenton, persoaalty IS7.M, realty fUi total tiiw.uu. Jeremiah Walp, Kit, Centre, realty f 300,00, Daniel 1. BUne, Ks'.locu.t. personally, I1M0J. Itlchard H. 'inorntou, Est, coll, iiersonalty, t87.W. K. C. Hhultz, Est, SUL'arloaf. personalty, (3 0.00. Jonu Itantz, Eat, Jackun, personally W0.uo Majbsrry wilder, E l, Loeuit penamiliy 13) Charles M. VaudersUce, Est, illoom, personally $3oa Jacob Snyder, Est, Orange, to nontlty IW 00. Jacob a Heo e, Kil, tvntrr, iTiual j' ; o. V. li, K.NYIi'mi. clerk ot u. v Clerk'i onice, DI.miii.Uuu I'a, April 11, VI. urowrranarsapariun. it seemed to do no ! Build Up the mm iur iuu nine one. mis was uncu System with! bottles for H.00 iu good," IT IS MOT. Last week's wall paper sales left us with some valuable rem nants in brown backs, white blauks and gilts. They will covev rooms 8x10ft to 12x14ft. If you wish to take advantage of these bargains measure your room3 length, breadth and height, count the doors and win dows. These pieces must go re gardless of price. The only question you need ask is; will they cover the walls? We can answer this question if you ob serve what we have said about the measurements. If we can not suit you in any of these, our regular line is full of the richest colorings from the best makers. We can't begin to tell you about the window curtains; come and see them. We will make them for you any width or length or color and hang them on your windows. W. H. BROOKE & CO. I. W. Hartmau & Sons. We have added to our dish department this week, three large crates of plain and fancy sets, also odd lots to match. Now the orders aro coming in for covering umbrellas, if you have a good frame with a handle you prize, bring it m and we will put 011 a good tilona (Jover In olden times the ladies carried nives attached to their belts tor protection, now we see the Maher and Grosh for men, large md strong enough to cut their way out of the woods, and for other purposes, all 01 them warranted. Have you seen our reduced dress goods and trimmings," Our job lot of kid gloves for 50c were 1,00. The new Beige for 8c. The new challies for 5c. Special lot of ladies spring stock ings, lUc were lioc. lsyd red table cloth for 75c. We are ready for all kinds of trade, tow n and country. Our team reaches all over the town aud near by places, goods delivered to the depot free and at all hours. I. W. Hartnian & Sons. DMlflM 1'RATOR'S NO TIOE. JiKtate nf Charles B. Troy, late of Bearer tirp dre'd. SNotlce Is hereby Riven .thnt letters ot adminis tration on tho estate of Charles U Troy, late ot Heaver township, dee'd, have been framed to I'rlscllla Troy and John K. Davis orziona drove, fa., 10 whom all persona Indebted to sold estate aro requested to make payments, and thoss hav ing claims or demands to make known the bamo without delay to or to ritlSCILLA TitOY.l E. II. SiTTii!, JOHN J. D.WIH, ' Adair's. A tt'y. Zlons a rove, ra. H-lS-'vO. DMINlbTRATOR'S NOTICE. 'Estate ofnarta Koclier, aeeeateiL Notice Is hereby given that lotters of admlnla Iran n on the estate of Dtvld Kochcr, lato 01 Hugarloaf township, doe'd., crantej uy tho ltejluer to II-nry u. tless and WeUlnston K. Kochcr of central, 1'a., to whom all persons In debted to sal testate aro reiiueatedi to mako pay ments, and those hav loj claims or demands will mako known tho same without delay to' or to 1IENHVC. HESS, John o. Kkbszb, w. k. kociihk. Attorney. Central, CoL Co., 1'a. Ms 6f B HINDERCORNS; Tlitonlr mre Cure rorUoriu. stops ill rln. tann eomlort to Uie tttt. lie, at Iirug(ruuil IU.cVii ,t Co., H.Y, sF consumptive tbti worrt caw amU il7Det rviuwlj fur all Ui fti-lnlng tnwjdefccUT Dulritiua, TikelaUm 60a. vnd tuS 4-UJ-U-41 Sick Headache IS a complaint from which many suffer nnd few aro entirely free. Its cause is Indigestion and a sluggish liver, the euro for which is readily found in the uso of Aycr's 1'llls. " I havo found that for sick headacho, caused by a disordered condition of tha stomach, Aycr's Tills are tbo most re-, llahlo remedy." Samuel O. Ilradburn, Worthlngton, Mass, "After tho use of Ayer's Fills for mauy years, in my practice and family, 1 um Instilled In saying that they are an excellent cathartic and liver medicine biisluiiilUR all tho claimsmade for them." W. A. Wcstfall, M. I)., V. 1'. Austin & N. W, Railway Co., Ilurnet, Texas.? "Ayer's I'llls are tho best medicine known to mo for regulating the bowels, and for all diseases caused by a dis ordered stomach and liver. I sutlered for over threo years from headache. In digestion, and constipation. I bad no appetite and was weak and nervous most of tho tlmo. Uy using threo boxes of Ajir's I'llls, and at tho same time dieting myself, I wns completely cured." l'hllip Lockwood, Topcka, Kansas. " I was troubled for years with Indi gestion, constipation, and headache. A few boxes of Ayer's I'llls, used lu small dally doses, restored ine to health. They are prompt and effective." W. II. Strout, Meadville, 1'a. Ayer's Pills, Dr, J, O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. 8utd by all Pructku tad Dcslut la UtdUiu.