THE COLUMBIA! AJiD DEMOCEAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA. COUNTY, PA- MAKE SURROUNDINGS ATTRACTIVE. Th Mnjr Value of fltiral Improvements CnMld.r.l A roscnt number of Garden ami Forest contalm a thoughtful essay on tho actual money to bo inailo by Improving country rmI nrnl making village and farm sur rounding attractive. The writsr says: Ono of the strongest considerations In furor of prrrvlng tho forests in moun tain regions liko that of New Hampshire is that they offer Irresistible inducement to people In tlio city who are looking for summer retwrts. Many people have coino to cotuider n summer residence nraong.lho hill as essential to their com fort as a winter homo In the city, nnd the growing practice among those who cannot afford to support rnoro than one establishment of spending somo wecki or months away from the corfinemenl of city life, makes It a matter of Impor tance that provision should I) mado fol those who find health and pleasure In the woods and amid the scenery of wild nature. It would bo hard to estimate tho direct pecuniary advantage which a state likt New Hampshire derives from this tide of summer travel which flows toward her mountains all summer long. Every ono of these visitors, in some way or other, helps the entire community upon which ho depends for a certain time each year for bis pleasure and subsistence) and it would not bo difficult to prove that the actual and prospective revenue de rived from this source Is so Important that the valuo of the material products of tho forests of the state, even under the wisest management, would bo insignifi cant by comparison. Hut It should not bo forgotten that there are thousands of pcoplo from the citi'-s who, Instead of resorting to moun tain and forest regions, or to the shores of the ocean, prefer to spend their sum mers in quiet country villages and farm houses. Of course it is quite as much to the interest of rural communities to make their neighborhood attractive as it is for the owners of sea coast and moun tain land. It is true that this should not be considered as the chief reason for ef fort to improve the appearance and add to tho convenience and comfort of coun try towns. Societies for rural improve ment accomplish' a4good work when they brighten in any way what Is often the dull side of country life. Every attempt to beautify the sur roundings of country homes and make them attractive brings its "own reward in tho happier life of thoso who inhabit these homes. But apart from this there is a tangiblo business advantage to be gained by country villages when they aro made specially attractive to city vis itors; and this profit accrues not to the Tillage alone, but to all the surrounding region, when the farm houses aro open to paying occupation and a market is provided for tho products of tho farm. It happens in this way that to tho popu lation of a largo district It is a matter of actual profit to have the neighboring villages and towns made attractive. The first work in this direction is to Improve tho roads so that tbero Is some pleasure, or at least some comfort, in traveling abroad. A visitor who reaches a villago over a muddy and rough high way receives no good impression of it, and as the road Is also tho last thing a well as tho first thing which attracts his attention, bad roads are among the most repellantand disagreeable features which any community can present. But where tho roads are smooth and hard, with llttlo dust and mud, and where good footpaths abound, a strong inducement Is presented to those who love to past much time in tho open air. Of course this is but ono feature of the reform in any community. Shady walks, roadsides clean and bordered with shrubs, where this is practicable; farm yards free from unsightly objects, gar dens neatly planted and kept all these things not only delight tho eye, as mani festations of beauty and order always do, but they suggest a cleanliness and propriety in all the details of life, and a proper regard for health and comfort they glvo assurance of good drainage and pure air, and all other conditions which make a sojourn in tho country desirable and beneficial. Now, inasmuch as all the inhabitants of a civen district aru Interested In matters of this sort, combined action is naturally suggested. Tlio Influence of personal ex ample is undoubtedly great, and many a man, by the proper ordering or His own grounds, has set a pattern which has been followed by las neighbors until an entire community lias been regenerated, But, after all, these matters can bo much moro efficiently carried on if it is done in an organized way. Many a town in Now England and in tho middle states has become prosperous because wealthy men from distant cities have bought lands near by, which have been trans formed into beautiful parks, Blocked with well bred cattle and horses. All this was brought about because in the beginning there was unity of purpose in the community to mako the town at- tractlvo, and transient guests wero ill' duced to become permanent residents, Examples like this should be an encour agement to all country neighborhoods, and especially to such as have Homo na- tural advantages. There will bo no aban doned farms in a region whero there Is associated effort for rural improvement, Such effort cannot fall, In any event, to add to tho comfort and pleasures of rural life, and It is moro than probable that it will Insure n moro substantial return In actual revenue than any other equal out lay In whatever direction it la Invested A new tiro ordinance went into effect in St. Louis Jan, 1. It provides for a doublo tax to be levied on all vehicles that do not havo tires of specified width. The width of lire is to bo proportioned to the blzb of the nxlo. A steel or Iron axla ono and one-quarter Inches must havo tiro at least one and one-eighth inches wldo, nnd bo up to four inch axle, which requires five inch tiro. A llko set of a jKJClflcntions aro given for wooden axles. Vehicles with axles less than ono and one-quurter inches are not subject to tho ordinance. The Judce'i Time Was Preolons. A Southwest Georgia justico of tho peace had listened to tbo evidonce in a case thtit was being tried before him, and when that had concluded ono of tho lawyers arose to mako a speech in favor of his client. The Judgo listened patiently for half an hour, and then began writing on a pitco of paper in front of him. A few minutes latoi he interrupted the lawyer by saying: "Gentlemen, whon you finish your epeeches you will find my decision written on this pleco of paper. You will havo to exouso me for a while, as I havo to plant Bomo potato slips. Lot mo know whon you havo concluded, and I will return and sontonco the prisoner." It in unnecessary to mention tho fact that another young lawyer had his UlUll UIIUlllUI JUMIl I finost effort out short, The Value of Pare Wine in Bioknesa, Tho chief diflioulty with reliable w inert has been their scarcity and rich ness In body, but this has been removed by llie'introduotiou of a pure naturo wine, produced by Mr. A. Spcer of Now JxrBoy. Hm has submitted his wluo to the test of many celebrated physicians aud chemists, and all con cur in its purity, rich iiiodiool proper ties and superiority to all l'ort Wines. Most of them prescribe it in uasis of debility, affections of tho kldnoys and nhrnnlo eoinnlaintv. reoniriiiir a tonic, stuloritlo or diuretlo treatment. ii'-e- anintr f-n rvnfltlwf rrf tho mannfaettmrt of Dr. .Baet 'nriiT!i Itcmrily In tlirtr ability to cure Ctimnic Ottoilli la Ilia If c-cd. no matter bow bail nr of hnw lotifr ttsndlnjr. that Uwy ofTrr In entrt faith. the nbore reward, for a ease which tbey cannot cure. SYMPTOMS OF CATAHRH. tlS'fsrhc, cMmctlon of noo. dlKharires fallliiir into ttmxif, sorm-tlmi'S profuse, watery, arxl acrid, at othfrft, tfclclf. tenacious, mucrus, r.urukut, bloody and putill; eyes weaV, rt-tj. iner In r-are, dfafrif-M, difficulty of clearing; throat, rxricrtGraliOfi of orfinnlto matter; LrrAth oQVnslvc: smell anrl tut Impaired, nnd crenprnl rlf Lilltr. Onlr a law of Uich iTisptntni like tr In fj prieriit at once. Thou- rands rr cnsfe result lu consumption, and end In tho BTar. 11 Its mild. tonMng, sntlfptle, elean.lnrt and Iwnllnz Krtln, lrr. Hss-n'a Itemnly rires tho worst rows. "Cold 111 Uio Head" Is mrrd with n few applications. Catarrhal Ilcadaelio Is relieved and curtd ss If by mado. It ivmoris offensive breath, loss or Impairment of the rmie of Uute. smell, or tarlnir, wittering or weak ejrs, and Impaired mrtmrrjr, whn caused by the vlo--nm of Catarrh, as they oil rreo,untly are. Bold by dnnnrtsij, at fifty cents. Manufact ured by Wohi.d'b l)!Fixsnr 1!xdical As sociation, on Main Street, Huffalo, N. V. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS rX IixBtiv", or Cathartic, accord in to cizo of dose, a f urug?ii4. 3 cent a vi&l If You Have CONSUMPTION I COUQH OR COLD BRONCHITIS Threat Affcctkn SCROFULA I Wasting efFlesi Or mny DUenf uhr th Throat and Zunat art Inflamed, Zath of Strength or JTerM T9tr, you can be rtlbtd and Curtd fry SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. AtHfor 8eoW Emiiliton, and tti no -fUmalUn T tollcltatton. induct you ( mcerpt a ubtlitutc Sold by all Druggists. aoOTT BOWHE.Chemiota, N.Y. LOTHINCH CLOTHING Gr. W. B23RTSCH, THE MEHOHANT TAILOK. M' Furnishing ki'M 1 1:;: OK EVEItV UKSCKII'TION. Suits made to order at tdtort notice and aDlalwajs guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine the largest and best! seiecuiti svock oi goous ever miuwn in Columbia oorjnty, fitore next door to First National Bank MAIN STHEKT, Blooinl)iirir Pa. February xst, 1890. Tim NT. IMIll,, MINNHW'OMM s JfANI. IMS r bee El TOIl.t ItV. anil lla branchr beciime the IF TOO IKS 001 K1 TOTiiEFiiBB PAitvs ok tub milk uiVEii VALLEY, TASK TUX Great Ncrthem Ry. Line. TO THE (lOLl), SILVKIt, COPPEIt, 1I10N AND COALMINES OV MONTANA, TAKE Till Great Northern Ry. Line. TO (lltEAT CALLS, THE FUTUHE INDUSTRIAL CENTHEOFTHB NOKTIIWEST, TAIS Till Great northern Ry. Line. TO HELENA. BUTTE, SPOKANE FALLS AND THE COAST CITIES, the Tlia Great Northern Ry. Line. TO FAllOO, CIIOOKSTOV, (IIIANI) FOUKS AND WEINNEI'EO, Till THE Great Northern Ry. Line. TO ALL MINNESOTA, SJUTII DAKOTA, NOItTII DAKOTA, MONTANA, IDtlfO, OKMION, WASHINGTON, CAMFOKNIA AND MANITOBA POINTS, Till THE Great Northern R Line For tl.'kets. mans and eulJe3. appir to 'ur home ticket aKuut or write to i'. i. win rvuv, dun. Vans, and ticket Agent, GKK1T NOHTUKttM ItilLWiV, SU I'aul, Minn. lir-ThO (lltHtT NOItTIIHIIV ICAII.WAY l.l.llt runs 113 unu i,,iiiuk vain, l'.Uaco Hloonlnic Cars. Snccul Apirtinunt Oira ana Free colonial Sleepers oa umr iuwuku iruma. J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MII.TON, Pa., DKsLKKS IN PIANOS Iljtne following wcllknown uakersi Cliiclcerincf, Wcbcr, Hullct & IaviH. I1,, A, loll nm, np flin Vlli tiiou IVIIJIIOI, Mill v. , . . !... cheaper mitkes nt nianufacturors JIVICCB. 1JQ not uuy a piano oe fbro pottintr our nrices. . " O. Catalogue and Price lists On application. H Mr p H- rn7rn axle rr.HZ.C51 GREASE ii est is tiii: wom.n. Itswe&rtoaauslUle8srsunsurvud,actullr cmtltstlnir two bosss of unyothsr brand. Not .ffMUd tr jrui:r-i ii i: ii:.n uin :. KOIt BALK Iiy nKALy.KS OKNEllAfXY. 1lir SIIIiSCRlHE FOR A AJJM, CiULlUMUlATf. "ti (a fmn lS.1 ta IrairjAfiA. who Tjrld. bfas- ali od bis U4jr ippMnne. ca tr7 so toob. bfcMra dirt. And sU this auUaM coald t anidsd U ta voeidoja woif('sACMEBackins on Ms shoes, sad yet bs sri It Is tha flosst Drsaain ta tb irortd for his hsrsMs. Changt a Pint Table to Walnut. A fopiar uneven rrtit ro nrc was. A Can Roclttr to Mahogany. Bm hst Cuba dona wtth 20C. werthof IK-OON . nt" if, W0LT7 BJJTDOLPH, mUdtlphla. Pfohibitioa in lr& ASSISTANT I'OSniAflEK OF.NKItAI. CLAItK- 80.S WANTa TIIK Uff JIODIFIEll. First Aisis'aat I'o.lrniter General Cl.irkHoti, in an intriew lately, spoUe of tho causes thai led to tho holding ot the Iato stnto Convention uf Iowa Itcpnblicans oiipntcil to the con tinuance of the prohibition Mr. Clarkson admitted freely that the con vention win ouiniioeu ot lutluentiai IteiiUbltcans, headud by ii-z-Uovernor and Kx-Scctctiry of the Interior Kirk wood. Iowa, Mr. Clarkson said, ha, always b en a eltong temperanco htate. In tho fifties tho, when in con trol, enacted a law prohibitini' the sale of liffhorB, wines and b"erfl. The KepubliuanH, about the Uecinntng OJ the civil war, under the uitluccces of German immigration, modified the law so as to permit ttie sale of ale, wine and beer. Temperance agitation con tinued until ll crew strong enough to demand prohibition in the form of a constitutional amendment. This was carried June 27. 1882, by 3,000 major ity, but the buprcme Court declared the amendment invalid on technical timunds. Ihe tempctanco people then ie- mmded tliu enactment of apnhibitory law by tho Republican party, which was compiled with, llm has been on ttial for seven voirs. Thoug i Mr. Clarkson supported tho constitutional amendment and alio the prohibitory law, bo feels that while it has proved admirabiu for the agricultural towns and smaller town", it his lulled to tind the necessary public opinion to enforce it in tho larger cities and in tho cutin tiei along the Misa'Hsippi river. Tbo liepublican party has never been nnited in itn support, as many as fifty to sixty thousand being opposed to it though they have gone aloug wjth the party willing to sea the experiment tried. Now that it has partially failed, they insist th t thj 1 w sDall be amended so as to give prohibition to the HO per cent, of Iowa where public opinion favors and enforces it, but that some other methods ot regulating ana repressing the iraino hiiouui lie g-,vcn t0 the 20 per cent, of the State w,ero experience tibowe that it nev.r can bo eulorcud. "My own judgment," concluded Mr. Clarkfon, "is that somo such modifiea' ttoti should be made. Of course, it would cause some injury to the party, but it is pretty plain thai greater in jury will be caused to the party if it is not done. Besides, if it is right, it ought to bo dono on that account. The dcunnd of this convention fur a silent platform will not bo succcFsfa', It is not tho temper of Iowa people to bo silent on any qu?stion. Tho pre sent Locislalure should, in my judg ment, modify tho law, as demanded by tho 0Xpcriece of actual ttial." The lit st Etsnlt. Every ingredient employed in pro ducing Hood's Satsapaiilla is strictly pure, ami is the ueu ol us Kind ll is possible to buy. Ail tlio ro.ots and herlis aro carelullv telfcletl, pfcimrmiy examined, and only tlio hist retained. So that from tho time of purchisj un til Hood's Sarsipatilla is prepived, ever) thing is cireftilly watched with a view to a'l.Vuing to best ics'ilt. Why don't you try it! A Few Things That Are Worth Remember ing. Tho greatest distance at which ai US cial sounds aro known to havo been heard was 011 December -1, 1882, whin the cannon at Antwerp wen: heard an tho Erzijebirgc, 870 miles nway. Tlio dolphin is eaid to b.; tbu laslis' swimmer in ttu s a; it has been oh. served to dart through tho waters at a rate greater than twenty milts an hour and it is often wen swimmlnc round una round a vces-l that is railing lit lis iiigne-i speed. present 13 Out differ ent lauguages spoken by tho inhabit ants ot our glohe, whose religious con victions aro divided into 1,000 differ ent cried. mo umo required lor a uurnev around tho ourth by a man walking day and night, without resting, would do 43M days; an express train, -10 dayp; round, at a medium temperature, !i2A hours: a cannon bell, 21JJ horns; light, a utile moro man onc-teuiii ol a second; and circtrioiw, passing over a coppi r wire, a uuiu ices inuu ouc-iciiiu 01 second. Five Strong Points of B. 8-B- 1st. It is entirely vegetable, contains no minerals or poison of any kind, and builds up tho system from tho first doso. 2d. It cures 0 nicer of tho skin. No other remedy or treatment was over known to euro it, 3d. It cures hereditary Blood Taint, even in tho third nod fourth genera- lions, no oilier romedy lias over dono it. lth. It has never failed to eradiuate Scrofula (or King's Kvil) in all its torms trom tliu system, olti. Jt cures contagious Mloou i , ., . i it . poison in all its stages by eliminating bo horriblo virus fr"om ufa lvm tht giving relief from tho consequence of I this bane of tho human fam ly. i uf i.t i i . ..i - iuy uiuuu iiuu uvuu ttu uui, ui uruer uuring mo summer oi moa mat i virtually had no health at all. I had no appetite; nothing I ale agreed with me. I was feeble, puny, and always teoiing bad, 1 Had tried various ro medies without rccotving any beneli until at length I commeiiced on Shift's Specilio (S, 8. 8.) That m-dicine in troasod my womhl from 155 pjiinds to 177 pounds lu a lew mouths, and undo mo as well and heallhy-asany man now living, o. . 0, is uunotibtedly the greateet blood purifier t -day on tho Aiueriom ooiilinent, John Hkmj'.w, N. 149 North Slate St., Chi tagu, UI.', TrtatUe on Blood aud Skin Uluuytd milled f too. wirc wvxwvj Ctt, Atuuu, ua. Mns'osJ WolTts. A riaiNi.MAN TKLM A IX'KXT sTTORT Or A VISTUKWOME TENDEHIOOT. S ill further proof of tho superior iharac'er of the wolf is f nnd, accord ing to Mr. M mfonl, in i a mulcal taste, lie a, p that oncj; up ,n a time a tenderfoot came to hi c bin In Feb ruary and engaged bis l.ulp iiutcuring a number of wolf pel's. As tho esslesi way to accomplish this Mr, Munford anointed the niaoV heels wi-h a sifetida and tent him off up a gergu where wolves wore knonii to b,. Wolitu will alwiys follow mcli a trail. The nun was to go to a tree previous!) pointed out and climb into the htai.chi s and f otn that perch shoot as many wohes as he liked, fir It w.ts cetlain thai lh wolvfn in smelling the drug would make bantu to come to him, The (wit ga'hcrcr etarte i off as dt-cri b:d, but very much tootier llnti he ex prctt-d he beard ihe hol r f tho fis amorous beait on his trail, Uj wa 1st tie. I by thi wlien a few mom ents later another eoulful houl made h air tremble he became a.a'niel. Tho tree seemed a ttrrible way off and for it he fled for dear lile, with tho wolves in hot pursuit Out of brcMh and half wild with fear ho reached the tree and up he went. In his excite merit ho left his r-lie on the ground. A few minutes Iatr a hall wolves were snarling and yelping beneath and biting at the bark of ihe tree in the most ferocious manner. The tenderfoot, being safe, recover ed his composure after a little, but the wolves continued to narl find light under tli9 tree. The man to pa-s away the time until Munford should cimo to his rescue, took a mouth organ from his pockel and bpgan to play "Home, Sweet Home." As the strains floated out on the air the wolves stop ped fighting. A look of astonishment ctme over each wolf's face. They swayed and stepped from side to side and then down they squatted on their niutiche, np went theirnoies, and with one accord, they opened their mouths a"d howleil as nnyer before. Ho soon er did they get through with the first howl thao they caught their breath and BtArtvd in agiin. It was at this juncture that Munford arrived. The sight cif a row of wolves sitting np as an audience to such a concert and en coring the star. performer in such a conts was too mich for Munford and he rolled on the ground and laughed and phoutcd aloud. Thereupon the wolves clapped their tails between their legs aud sneaked away through the brush, an I the hunt was off for that day. From the Jftte York Sun. MARRIED. IiVEItE r r NE YIIARD. On March 2oth, 1890 at tho residence ot the bridi by Rev. Samuel W. Sears, Mr. F. M. Evo'ett a-id Mis Emtnj A. Neyhard bth of lileomsburg Pa. MATHEIt GIR.TON Oil March 29 1690 by Hev. Samuel W. Sears Mr. Harry If. Mither and Miss Ella J Girton both of Bbmsburg Pa. WEAVER 130MBOY. O.i April 2, 1S90, atthfi bride's homo, bv Rev, Samuel W. Sears Mr.. W. M. Weaver and Miss Aliagio M. Bjmboy both of Bloomsburg Pa. ECKROTH COLE On March 20th 1890 by Rev. W. T. Auman Mr, Harry Eckroth of Uloomsburg and Ansa Kaohacl Jolo ot tola. RHONE MILLER. At his resi deuce in Jaokson Twp. on March 8th 1890, by W. L. York", Justice of the Peace, Mr. John A Rhone of Jackson to Miss Nancy A. MiiU-r of S.igarl laf all ot Uol. Uo. 1'n. AMMERMAN SAVAGE At tho residence of thn brides mother in Espy Columbia Co IVnna. March 13 1890, by Roy. J . II. 1 uhbs. Mr. O.'cir Am merman ot Light Strel to M'.ss Maggio savage ot lispy, ra. IIUNSINGER NAUS Josiah Ilunsiugpr and Emma Nans both of Beaver Twp. April 3 1890, bv Guv Jacouy, Justice of tho peac L5AP DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. 100 styles, prices to suitnlL Wk Ayfies A Hons, Piulatjelfiixa. Bold by all dealers. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER 'DKAI.KIt IN Tin Roofing a Specialty, ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. Kirst door Hloomsburg Opera House hit a corn fOSSASf. tn Oncnflhf S iii:h'i,'1vi V (PssCOlM't I u y, tbe wurld. Out rUfufiaf(j WbsxiuftUd, and l luUodkicstui .. ut-rior KOod ni tvlll Mndi ill UOMt riRatOM iBMcb l4kllty, bf . Oulj who riM luii onctccB ntk U tbnc. Ill jwi ht Udl ntuiliU hw ur fs4i u thot wh cftil nlflitor and Ihi r4 ft. TV g-iftnliif f thU 4vrtiHsva aha Ik a amaJI a Bid sf Iks) Ula loC1,. kbotaUtt AMitk tt riubulk.llba itiMl.dMiklUtaU aopa.U Urgt U I Mif Ucarrf. W UUlMlbw ff fcwr4 ms auaka hum Hit (IUi4iyil lasUi, hm lk iavt.V Ml iisHta4. Utiuv wrtMtl m4. W Mr UctnwsAsU B. F. Savits my ins The Greatest Blood Purifier HI KNOWN. This Ortat fferman iledldne I tbey ehipe.t nr I ly-t. jn notes oi i wm fill It I1ITTJ K3for(l.rp,lslhan one cent a o iimucunjiw ront ones of sun oiscaw, to that awful il'viw ScTofal. B si'U'iivn nimnts is thf tort TTMttlrlna to uee in Sllff Oitrt of such stubborn aDdionr Kt'1 derp seateil diseases. IMneTsarennt nri n.r IaIa Cnfnnln t u BLUE PILLS ?."' " pr mrrcnrr.tbey are dead ."a are '.tVi, no III matter what alls I I ' .j, a the vurest nnd ... ili malklwi ever made. Snlthor Ell lui III yisjstuTcapuCcttKlfl' ' ... Pi wllh n yel I. .v I. ifffPrmt milt rmU I yon " III breath foul an.lare flat on your bark. I I III offensive? YVrarAbut get some at onre. It I I l lstonMch g outiyVuienreyoo. Snlpharl I 8Surruil"e InTalld's Friend. ImmwllatclyVTbeyounff.tbeape"lanl tot-.. Isyourrr.(tertin;n"ionnuileweUby I Ine thick, iu uw. Ilcmemtrhatyoa I rory.clo ffnvl here. It mar sate Joor , udy, oryilfe, It has sated hundnsls. o- yiXjuHwalt until to-morrow, L ff Try a Bottle To-day I B Are yon low-eplrited awl weak, svor suffeilDC from the e-w of ?youth" if to, fcL'LPUUU I1ITIEE3 will euro you. Sewl S Int itimps to A. I". Onlway l'o- Boston. Mass.. for be.t mei Ucal wort pubiiincu i TaenrernstlTenevilliomeillrlnemnst d more iiihii a purffaciie. so do per msnsnt, It ullivt coutatn Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Prooertieo. Tntta PIIU pons tlita i"!-!!! la su ciDiucui uccreot tau Speedily Hestore t the bowel their uataal purlwtaltla motluu, bv vKrQuilul to resularitjr. Sold Ep-Qrsrwlioro. iUjusa'i(Js b.Ttf l -i fvrtj:i e'l.ty curo-i Iiy I'llil.AUKi.i'iilA r.v. catotics.nffT.i-atuft orlunsof itmoIiMni bu .ties- ijiproiiou .f -tllu- cunu.u!iriXutiat tl. twou ot nru..r VURE GUARAiiTLEO. oaiiJiLVx Aim 16 ly PARKER'S HASR BALSAM Cleanse and beautifies the hair. Promote a luxuriant growth. Ntver Fails to Reitor Gray H:irtJ 111 Youthful Color. reTnU lianrlrntX arfl tuUr falling inc. ani H no t limtrgtut. 3.2? tl 4t 10WTHYSELE THE SCIENCE OF A Sdcn'iBc and Standard Popular JfedicaJTrffiUBe cn the Krrora ot ToQth,lremtnrelOeflJnelNerYum 53 HesolUne from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Eiceatea or OvcrUraUon, Knerratinz and unfitting the victim ftr iVork, II JBlnesi, the Married or Social Helation. Arcid nnikUlful pretendera, Pobsm th!a prent wirt. It contains piefs, royal 6vo. lieaniiiul olnlinff, emboad, fail eDt Trice only 11.03 hy mi2, i stpill, concealed In plain wrapper. Illns tratiTe 1'rof pectns Frer, If joa apply now. Tue dhrinr'-lshed a ithrr, Wm. It. Tarfccr, M. I)., re cftirtdtUa;()M ANI JHWXLLIill MVMXU from tho Nmlounl flfcdlcxil At"or Intlon far thU VllV.K INiiAV nn.MIKVOirrt and IMIVSH'AJ, IluniLlTV.Dr.I'arUerandacrrpi oi am st-i i I'hjikiana may to conenltul conil dcr.tUl y, br m-ill cr In person, at the office of Till: I'KMKIIJV Mi:iICAIi I.NSTITUTI No. I IIti!llfir!i bt Huston, 3IaAi. to whoraft'l crie-a f -r hooka orjettcra for Advice abcuUl te tiirf rtfd &c aMve, 8-23 (I'-lt. CHICHEi.rErt'S ENGLISH PENrlYROYAL PILLS. ll3tl Cross Uluraontl llrund Tb enly rcltabU elll for !. Pfe low. oak IlrocsUt rjf U lllaV Chlehcttcr Chemical V, UiUa tq., I'bLUda 1 3 i8 4t VOICE ! frorr Ohio. lltr I iu)rrsu( ot Ur. tirn. an. of Bftlcni. ttalo. Hawriifti W at work n a Una t Sll a month i 1 now hara an urar lor K. IL Allan A. to album arid uubli atloni and oflco matketf'JO & flay.' (Slfnaslj W, H.UAIiBlso.- m Kllnt?, Harrfkburr. Ta.. wriUlt I Iiave ntver hnnwu anyihiDir lo wll lika your aMitiw ) trtildj 1 look ordrri tnwiiKh 10 py ma frl.1.' W. J. H. niuia, Haoror, lf., wriiet- HI laka anortlcr for ywtr iHiudkI aluoal ary hvUM I Ut. My proni Mpnen mnrnas ifor a alnxla lr wuik.' Olbcfiaradoinxuuliaai well to ha uot !' to kiw ti. tram from ibclr Irtirr. F.vtrr oiit Khc ukei tioldoflblirraml buaiotit fUra uvfJtot ttH Shall vc start VOU in IhN Ijhmiu'ss. rtaderT Wrile lout and learn all about It for y outwit. raiurtluroaiiyi wa will aUrt you if jou dou t dalay unlil tuoihrrrtli abead of you In yotir art of ibaeonulry Ifyxt uka bold you will U abla to pick up rold fan. af-ICt'tnl-tia arrountof a fumd roannfadorcr a ! 1 lil,00(k If It tliilhir lhntusrith Altttima arato bo aulj lo Hit wtKiijIa for ' each. Uutuud In Itoyal C'rimton HUktlrH I'lutli. Ilsannlnrly decora led Intldea. Ilaadaomcat albiulu the Morld. Latent Visa. Urtatt-at bariraini aver koown. Artnii anlrd. liberal lenna, ISig money for gnu. Anyonarau luK-inn" a amteiiful rrnt, Htlla llatlf on lgtit llilla orur talking un'oaury. Wlitttter ibown, evtry ouu wanli lo ur clta, A rent laka IhuuMuda of ordars ilb rapidity utrf bf"M kitowa. Ureat prodii await afy wofktr, Aatuti ara atakliin fonunai. Ladin mako aa much at rutn. You, reader, can do at wtll as any oust. ull Information and Kmn I'rrr, lo Hiom who rita for Midi, wills partk'ularf and lerui for our Faudly flTblra, Hook and I'eriodlcala. After you know all, bofthj you cuucluda lo to no furthtr, wby bo harm la dmv. aUdraaa K. C ALLVX 4 VO.t AlUUITi, llAUlK Jan. lJO ly. APRTT Miv ETJWtlo iten can VTl H niuiht'inig rnr tsstkna enjoy YV t .y 1 lil ) tho comfort, qf irnowinir that they aro worMu;: r t an old aud unable firm. Da. tiraoie territory lutownaiindcGunuea can bo Be. curea uy prompt iipuodtio-u We grow the stock we oner, .uiuresi FUANKLIN DAVIS CO. Nursenmen, lialrtmore. Md jan, c. Mar, ' THRESHING- machines A Bl'KClALTY. Blmplfst. MOBtuurablo, ;Goon tuilcal, huU wrrecc iu ua'j nnaieB (lucrum; Cltia B ll n'ailir IurmrKeu Sato iJUts, tshlnQlt Machiiws, ! i'rtwcjr, n&d A. 11. KAllOUHAULM.. Ulllttjd. Send lor lllua I'enniylvanM Airilcuitural iraicu i,uuiiuxue. i vorKd, iokk, l' a, &.7.13W, 'Mitchell's Kidnev Plasters Absorb all dlscaso la tliu Kldiicjrs and rcutoro th.Tu to a health condition. OU chronic kidney gnccrcrs sar tbej got no relief nntll they tried MlTClMH.I.'H KII.M:V ii.asti:iis. Bold bjPrngElsts everywhere, or sent by mall for 500 Nuvulty i'ljutber Vork. JmwvII, Mum 8 28(1 4t FOB Horses, Cattle, Sliocp & Hogs. "eels any remedy for the rapid euro of Hard Cfa,.Cou8hs1HldsBound.YeiUwal,.F?,Vr. DllUmp.r. Sm and Weak Cj, Luna Fever Cos I.eness.Blolchei. and alldlHculir,, arls' Ing fror.i Impurlllei of Ihe Dlood. Will relievo Heevesalcnco. MHMfMtur,Jl,th, JOPPA UANUFACTURINQ CO., LYOKS, N Y irott BALK ht AIX i.g'ir v""' Tt 3.'l.l) How Lost I How RogalnecJ, LIFE it RAUKOAD TIJH33 TBI.B Milk D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBLKG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTH. r. . r.M. NOKTHrVBIXUDIP. 5W IW Cameron SU ... a. v. 1. 1. 10 a) is i I) 10 ID CM rnuUsty Ointllle . S0 i 11 Oil 1011 iro 10 y. 11 15 It 13 11 IS li to ll 1131 n M 11 49 n i- 12 09 Catawlsu lluprrt Uloonuburc Espy Uio- Mice.. willow urate. En irereel:..... Berwlex lieach listen Mors Ferry ta tat t M tl 641 S.M 6 51 tii 114 I 11 7 IS TIM T no 7 it r ts 801 8 to 8 11 SIT ".Jl 87 8Q 9 40 8 49 , SM 900 J 11 t 59 j ii id i'ih ni-tii!iiir immocK'a Nantleoke. ATondile.. Plymouth Himoum Junction.... KlnjiUin 12 10 8 24 IJ 15 8 9) 1! 20 88" 127 8IJ 1211 8 19 U-'OOflU. . M tltoy Wyoming t PlUaton. Piitston. LteUwaana S 12 33 1 4 w 4 01 4 u s : !w 9ii Ttylomile. oeuetue. . 1 15 9 30 saixrOK ISO 111 r. x. r. ii STATIOXS. toirrii. l.H. 614 1. V. !M U moo 140-1 1016 10 22 1027 1030 10 31 103 10 42 10 4 10 SI 10S1 1102 11 12 1122 1131 114') ii'ii r. x. r. x SCR1XTOX 111 620 .... 6 23 S i-i 61 S 10 6 27 21.1 45 BllCTQe. 611 TsrlirTtlle 620 Li caawaDuA 0.4 Int-ton. IN UoSt HtUtOD. 6 41 W jo alng 6 47 2 21 M 229 6S3 .... 6 39 237 703 140 TOT -HJUQ-r , 0 31 BvsDoir. in Klru-iton 6 M rirreoota Janctloa. 7 os Plrmontri. 7 10 AYOB-lale 714 N-inUcnl-e 719 2 13 712 150 716 2 33 T21 159 7 23 llaalcd'a 7 6 306 3S0 MllcS sUInnjr 7 37 5fi incitTj reirr .13 3 31 3 40 3 47 353 3 37 4 02 409 4 IS 4 22 4 24 8 07 8 13 tvucli Haren 8 01 iKrwicic b W Knr Crwi.. 811 820 827 willow orore. 316 831 um-Kid-re sm 1134 8 31 llipr. 824 ltl 8 41 iUO'.msSanf 9 32 12 OS 8 37 12 W 9(2 HIT 8S7 12 32 i'k liVl 9 22 12 33 a. x. r. x. 8 47 S52 jtapri , C'iiawis3a , Dantf.le. Cliulailcr Cameron , Xosrocx-iBLAXD. , 8 57 4 46 9 19 4 34 S (0 9 2) SIS 9 43 r. x. r. x. Connectlin at Ruaert with Pntladelohla Keidl2z liallroad tor Tammenl. Tamaoua. WI1U i.uujrH .uuj, ru.fci.iuc cw A. .iuiba.ui ueriao wiia r. k. uir. f. ic n. lor uarrioaiv. loot lUrcc, Emporium, Warren. Corrr, and Una. vi. t. UAiaiiuiJ, uen. mad., Scranton, I'a. PHILADELPHIA it HEADING KiVlLHOAl). ON AND AFTER NOV. 10th 1889. TRAINS LEAVE ULOOM-HDltO as follows: (8CNOAT4 IXCSPriD.) For New Vorfe. PnllnelphU, Reading, PottjTllle, For Wll.lauTi'port', Jlilton and Danville 7:3) a. m. &ie. ii:oi p. in. Fori'ata'l V16-0), 7:30, 11.-03 a. m., 12.20, 3:00 6:1". p. in. For leipert 6.0", ':1t 11:01 a. m., 12:20, 3:16, 3:00, TRAINS FOR BLOOMSIIUKO LeiTO New Y Tit via l'niaielphli7:(S a. m. 4:0) p. m. uai vi i isiswn s:ia a. m. .i:n p. m. IKiTo I'hiuislpiiu lO.uO a. tn. 6:00 p. m. I;.ito Renin? 11:50 a. m. 7:07 p. m. Invo I'otuvilio 12 3) p. in. SLtavwTa'niriai 1:2: a. in. .t8 p. in. LeiYO wnlLamsDorcu i a. m. i;nn. m. Leave (JaUUu 6:53, 8:00 a. m., 1:30, 3:20, 6:15 11:12 p.m. leave Rupert 4.16, 7:01, SM, ll: a. m. I:i3, 3:3 1, 6:22, 11:21 p. m. ForBiltlmoro WAshlnirton nnd the Wea5 via B. o. R. It.. throujairUistTave Olrard Avenue Station I'Wll. IP. fi R. H. H.) 1:23. rt. 11:00 a. m. 1:23, 4 A 3:31. 7:31 p. m. sanlarslris, 110 a. m. i:-xr, a:oi, t'jLj p. m. AT LANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leive rallilelphla, Her 7, Chestnut Street nuari, sai siruct nnarr: PJB ATLANTIC CITT. Weelcda7ii-itpfju,9.0), a. m. toj p. m. Ao oomlUo i, :: a. m. 1:1 1 p. m. Suada3-Eprou, 9.0) a. m. Accomodations) a. in. auu f :, J p m. ektukkivu, li iva- athxiio citt. Depot corner AtUntlc aui Arkanns .7enuei : vveelcdiri !tpre,7:W. a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Accomoli'.loa. S:u3 a. in. and 11 p. m. nundars-Kprii, 4:0J p. m. Accomodation, UU U. LUt U. I... I JJ. . . , CO. HANCOCK, A. A. MoLK)D, Oin'Urnts. AaeiU. Vice Pnt. .ir aen'U Manager. PeaQsyl7aaia Railroad. 14 rv !l l.l i ' r- ri ri . rnnaaeipma ct crio n. n, uivis ion, and Northern Central Railway. 3 TIME TABLE. 1 a effect NOV. ia 1889. Trains leave Hunbtur EASTWARD y.40a. m,. sea snore Express (dally except Sunday), lor Ilarrtatmrg and Intermediate station a arriving ui ranaaeipaiaa.iD p. m. ; Nevr York 5.50 p. ta.; Baltimore, 3.10 p. m. i Waaninifton i. m., c'jDnecunt,-at rnuaaeinnia for all snore points, xnroagn paasenger coacn to FMiadelphia. 1.39 p. ra. Day Exprea uiabo, arn via at r aiiaaeipa 6.50 p. m. 6.45 D. tn. New Vorif, 0.35 p. m. ; Baltimore I WasnlnTt UIJ nis s.10 d. m. r&rior car I througli to Fhlladel Hnnii and passenger coachee tnrongb to I'nlLadclplila and Baltimore, 0-1 o. in. Kenovo Accommoitttion Mativ ftlp tfn prttihtira anrl nil IntjnnnJIaia.i.HA.. lncat rniladeiptita.S5 a. m. : New Vorfc7.lba. tn. Haltlmorv. 5.15 a. m. ; Waahlniton 6.S0 a. in.; inillmanslevpiu5curfrora ilarrlftburif to Phlladel. pnia and New VorK. 1'Mladelphta ptwenrs can icuiim m oo-jicr un iirtLurwi mill 7 a. m. I j 1.50 a. in. 3rie Mall (dally) tor llarrisbnrff and lnlerrnMiaro dtntlous. arrelnir at Phlladainhia 6.5t a. m. New York, 9. a. ra.; Tnronjn luUciac Bleeping cars una ptuwiiser coacma to r nil aa el I puri, 2.50 a. m. 4iiti-n Rri-o! fi itir r.iF ti tps-ia. burs' and lnt?rnedlate sutlin arrtrinff at uuti- ., in. in v fsiijjym i. is. a. am throuKb iutimia Nle-pine cirj to Hiltlnnre ana pasvnser ooacaea to uaiiimure WESTWARU. J.lUa. HI. Erie Mall (rtallvl. Inr Crla in .i CiaaaddUaa ic a Intermediate nt.ntiona im,-hp,-. ter, U'lllilo i id Niagara Falls, with tarouuh rull- uium rai.jouara aui paseanrcoacnea locrieaca NOWB EzDresa I dallr i rnr I ivlr lr.vr.ri au'j luierinBuiait aiauona. p. ra. .-Niagara uinress (dally eiceDt sun jjiuraaau, mna 'isigua ana intermediate eta- tlonsU Chester, Burfalo and .Niagara Falls with thruKhpaaaenirer coaches to Kane and iin.'hiwtr and l'arlorcar to Wllllarasport. B.QU y.iu. rwii uui uaiiy except Hanaayt lth throi:u p &bs Hirer co ichea ro llennvn indWin r.a. .ic p, m. wiiinmtdjort Express ( aal v i (or w lutanieport and Intermediate stations. TUKOUQII TUAlKs FOK SDNIIIIKY FKOJ- TUB ISA", f A.1U HOUTU. nmi r.xpresa leaves rauaaeiphia 4.S0 a. in uaiumore, 4.30 a. in. Uarrtsburi,', S.10 a.m. dally tl V .it.MUt.lJ .tMLiUtt ... , t. Niagara Expreaalwivee Philadelphia, S.S0 a. m. j Washington 8 10 a. m. mi. tlmore 9.00 a. m. (dally exoept Sunday arrlvlDi! at Hanhury, 1.41 p.m., with through Parlor car Irom Philadelphia andinrough passenger coaches from . imticiiuii aim iiauiiaorc. fast Line leaves New iohu.OO a.m.; Phlladel. ?aa,ii.ioa. m.; Waahlogton, 10. w a. ra. ; Haiti- more. 11.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at j 1 "tj y. m. mm luruuiru paa-ienger OHttlihtM Mm llhtt.. .Initio 1..1.? "&V1 tTViV.. ttii.jiiii.i tiaiviuiuru Wllltainspori Ktp -ens le ires New Yorlc tM m. Philadelphia ll.n 0. ra Waahlnutan sua n. Ualtlraore 4.H3 p. m. (duly ) arriving at sunbury Krle Mall leave3 New York 8.00 p. m. i Phlladel more, p.m.; dally) arriving at isunbaryMu a. in., with through Pullman Hloeplng oara from PMl.rfalnltlo W.olt4rtr.ttn tl.ttfJ;-!.. unit., n. h, m. , n nauiuioa, iu.uu p. ro. : llaltt . .. .fu.-, .iiHitiitjwu ruti uatlliUUrO ana thmit.h rt.ainrvt.. nn.tnWaa ...m t.t. I . . -t i. . . wvwuq. iiuji ( UUK lOipUia MUNBI'llV, IIA.I.KTON .v Wll.KI'.SllAltltH i.niitiiii.111 ...-if Ami WItST ttially except sunuar.l WlllcesUarre Mall leaven Htinhtipv mrtrt . . arriving at, lllooai Kerry 10. is a.m., Wllkoa-harro 12.10 p, in. EiprebH B.wt leaves Sunbury 5.85 p. m., arriving itintin ... iKcauarron.if a.ta.arnv ing at Uloorn Wiry 12.97-p. m..Hunburr n. m Kxproris west leaves Wllses-barre d.05 p. ra", ar vine at llloom Ferry p. m., Hunhury .0 p. m BUNDAY TUAIN8. Wllkesbarrfl mall Innrna Uititrttinr in.n.t A M - iiTJS uloom "rry ,,4,, Wllltea-barre 11U &.IOa Bunlar accommodation lrtvAfi U'ntrAa-itat.AK.n (Jen. Jtlisftager. Uen. Paimcnger Aet. TENTS, vin 111 tvu-. (,r.irti .ni.n o sl in. 1 1 1 1 mt 1 1 r,r vi in ilT-nS 1 1 V ""u yrrit.ii,. niumuu Buu-aKencies. a 1 bus nans nirnnrtlAa all K,ni ttitiv, uuMuwwau vn.u3.ub (j.ioub uusineas in less li?0?.?11 f'Ksa cos r than those remote from Washington. ,.S.ea'i",0,le.,i lfwlne. or photo with dewrtptlon. We advlso If patentable or not, tree of chareo Our fee not due till patent Is seoured. curK- A boolt,"llow to obtain Paumts'wlth reterenses Qht free-. AddfeM wuul)r' " lown C. A. SNOW & CO., MMt''rnr-in wa shlntion, D.0 consult lOK Att.w. c,lhoileal lataOIUUM puei, nrin iimiiH'T.;.",' ".I.?"?!; "".1 .? the u-A. Bhattuc. UlooiaSoiu; i'sL "awJ,1J .UUC' ii i PLACES OF INTEREST To nil visiting Philadelphia arc Til 2 YATES STOI1ES Ctll nnd CIIIJHT.NUT Ht. IjlliniiaCIIISHTNUTht. Our S.s, tier Cl thing for Mm nnd Iitm i klomi'iI, nnl thotmli priors aro viv ov lfii fcson wn main, tain lb"! Ii'i'li q'n'ity. l ti - - ' BRKERS MD pwhanre Block. WHOLESALE HpfcB sd Hami ill! tata ul Misli Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. 037-ster Parlors ..ttacea.. M nnniR snd tpy o'ip FAMOUS 15 Cent Stews WUCt.r-ALl: DEALERS IN (Dy, (Lt(s, Ftj r. SOI.F A0HN1S FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh fc.very weeK. SOLE AGENTS FOR. F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars i Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, a loikm i rn, Lcmor.5. n$li5h WalnVttj. lop Stmt BU BLOOMSBURG, PA. c. B. Robbies, Foreign and Domestic -aHi BLOOMSBURG? PR. 11 Iffll In purchasiiiK liouse hold nece6HilicB. it is wiso alu-nvH to Rnlpnt tlmt which is the best, it will bo thn cheapen iu the end. A good article ia always a source of pleasure. J. SALTZElt has won a wiJo renutation for sellimr uood sea goods at low prices. Jle buys direot class goods cheaper than oan bo obtained elsewhere. Here aro somo of tho artiults and prices : 31 S. wing Machines of thrco grade?, iiy the New Home Sowing machine drawer drop leaf, all attachments, $19.50 to $G0. c. 11 j. , KOVal bt. John, S?0 Upwards, A. J, n .VJ 1 Standard Rotary, $40 upwards. iNew Home, 530 upwards. Have rer.eivrd llm nrumti. fn. . IJKtin Cornet, the best cornet in thn A sood assortrm nt of violins, gnltarn, banjoi' nrcordeous, drums lluU-s, nfes and all kinds n' muiical instrument. Tho bust of string-i f- r violins, guiUrf, banjos, violiucello, and Itn.s violins. Agent for Hutteiiok's patterns, pa. torn-book and fashion sheets. discomafo'r' S"8 HWi"g mauhIoe3 Bjld oa moay payments. A libera Trt . r- 1 1 I I ... ,. iiul Etriiu L'lHUWiuirn. it nr. pn who is always w th you, and oan L'iva mm,.n. . ' ' i. I ailV lUStrUinCnt Vnil mnu Iturnltncn I . J imivuiinu, I " I J. SALTZE Musical Instruments i,Av!,.J.Jr.D. "V oriaateulngs'rinra of pla. ."" "ivrnveii D us, Hone 0(1 im7.... ' " f1"1 ul lua ra0j' important improvements ever mad ). m tklnir tue lnatfumniTr imn. . r..v llOththe MjHnn je. Ilnmlln rt.,ana A4 . Kin. m,!V.,,a,t wUlutt la the chief excel n?e In aiiv muHlcal Instrument, rm ility of lone, oth fi'ii t5'u,' .faparta'nt, are much. .s so innl'i 'S W,1! n"nt wltb unwisldil tones stTSnWucedt'K 0t MASON & HAMLIN "" "'!o Go. HEW YORK UfllOAQO. imroN. 8Mi It, 1 ASTHMA m&MWSi anyoii. sffltcei V-tklxilUX,nxC,,u! all CONFECTIONERS BioomsDure, ra. and RETAIL re.m NWJ. from the manufacturers, and can sell first Esley Piano, $350 to $600. Stock, $375 to $G00. It. M. Uent & Co., $250 to $100. Brown & Simpson, $250 to $ 100. Kstev Organs, $90 to S175. aliller organs, $75 to S150. United Stites organs, S125 to S175. Chicigo Cottage orgin, $00 to S110 Worcester organR, $75 to $150. Paris organs, $G0 to S100. Celebrated White Sowing Machines $35 to $05. New Domestic Sewing Machines, $35 to $75. mado Co., 3 from IT! ;i V, .f T n 'ti:t,(y nm r i 11 von nnv infnrm,iln i ! "ualur " ln'0"aatl0n or instruction upon l and Sewing" Machine J H. WIUiUMH, .AU0T1OMEEH. liLooMsuuna, pa. Boil Estate Bought and Sold. Tartles Ueslrlu,; to buy horses and wagon "ouhl ilc ell to n m hi,,,. MADE WITH BOILING WATEK. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH UOIUNC MILK. J ilia 3.83 d 4t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers