The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 18, 1890, Image 3

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Absolutely Puro.
This powdor nevor v.irlei. A marvel of purity,
strength and wholoiomencis. Mora economical
than Iho ordinary kinds, anil cannot, hn nntd ir
competition with Uiomullltndaof low tost, short
welirht alum or phosphate rowders. Sold nuiu in
catu. HOTAL IlAtINU l'OWDKR Co., 106 Wall SU, N, Y.
The Columbian
iKTubllsbed every Krlday. Subscription price.
11.00 a year.
Entered at the Post omco at Illoomsburg, Pa.,
FRIDAY, APRIL, 18, 1890.
roDBiCT niiLHoiD Tint liiat.
Trains on the P.
follows t
T:32 a. ra.
3:31 p. ra.
It. It. It. leave Kupert it,
11:(W a. m.
6:23 p. m.
Tralnson tUo D, L. 4 W. It. H.leave Bloomsburg
ft, I0110WBI
7:11 a. m. 8:32 a. m.
10:51 a. m. 13:06 p. m.
i!:ss p. ra. 4:is p. m.
:36 p.m. 6:47 p.m.
Tralnson the N. SW. II. Hallway pins Bloom
Forry as follows i
NORTn. eouTn.
10:48 A. m. 19:37 p.m.
i.tlp.m, 4'30p.m.
10:48 a m :S9 p m
Taking efTeot MONDAY, SEPTEUUBIt 2, 18S9.
sorrrn. noktii.
'Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS, r. K. A. M. A.M. A . r. M. p. M.
nioomsbunr........ is u 43 7 o s 35 2 31 6 40
Main street 6 18 11 41 as 8 43 . a 6 47
IrODdale .. 6 16 11 39 6 66 8 45 a 45 6 60
Paper Mill 6 08 11 31 6 48 8 51 l 63 7 00
Ughtstrect. 6 05 11 S3 6 4'i 8 MS - 6tl 7 03
orangevllle 5 67 II SO 6 35 9 06 3 07 7 10
Forks, 6 45 11 10 6 !H 9 15 3 17 7 20
ZPner's 5 4'J 11 Oil 6 21 9 20 3 20 7 SI
Stillwater 5 37 ll Oi 6 17 9 21 3 Vi 7 2S
Benton, 6 28 10 65 6 10 9 33 3 1) 7 35
Kdsons, 6 23 111 60 6 07 9 36 3 37 7 31
coles Creek 6 20 10 45 6 C5 9 38 3 40 7 40
Sugarloat, 6 16 10 43 6 02 9 42 3 41 7 41
LaubachS, B IS 10 40 6 (10 9 47 3 4H 747
CentraL 6 03 10 3.1 5 61 9 57 3 68 7 57
Jamison City.... 6 00 10 30 B 60 10 (10 4 CIO 8 00
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. yt. A. II. A. m. a. u. p. m. p. M.
Cor County HiipurliilciHlent.
The undersigned announces htmiMtai a emit
date tor Ue oHie of s inalotea Dnt of Pibllo
schools of Columbia County, anj nupjctfullv
asks to be supported (or tint, onlja at tlio comtaj
election la May next.
Jcrtcytown, I'a.
For County Huiiurliiteiulenr.
The undersigned announces hlmlf as a cand 1.
date for the ofllco of county Superintendent, and
respectfully ask? to be supported for sill ot&x at
tho election next May.
Mat ll.-r-Mrs. H. S. Ilcay will sell valu
able personal property on the premises at
Rupert, commencing at 1 o'clock In tbo
Fob Balk. A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
jan20tf. h. N. SIotbb.
Fob Sals Dwelling houses in Blooms
burp, Orunitevllle, Epy and Hupcrt Pa.
Firms in Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir
ginia. Vacant lots in Bloomsburg. Store
properties. Grist mills and oilier property
by M. P. tiiitz, Insurance and Ileal Estate
Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa."
Foil Balk. -Houso nnd lot in Hupcrt,
lot 120x140 (t. Two story, bouse, with
nine rooms. Bay windows, out
kitchen, ico and coal house, good stable,
chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever
green trees, good water, Two railroads,
Twelve trains a tlty each way, to Blooms,
liurg, faro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A
great bargain, If taken soon.
M. P. Lutz, Insurance & Ileal Kit. Agt .
FouBai.b. Fine building lit, Mttu St.,
near Normal School. Apply to
G, W. Kkitbh.
FOU BALE. Three fresh cows. Apply
to William Ferguson, Bloomsburg, Pa. 4.11
Robert Oman of Ijightstrect was among
the visitors to town last week.
John Knles, the genial landlord of
Mlffllnville, smiled on his Bloomsbum
friends on Saturday.
H. U. Neal spent Sunday in town. His
family returned to Harrisburg with him on
Geo. A. Clark has been at Tyrone lately,
and rnnlemDlatei eneaiiluc In business
Last Friday was the 23th anniversary of
the marrlago of Sir. und Mrs. U. Jl. JJrinK
er. llev. W. O. Levcrett spent last 8unday
In New York.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Irt wcro in New
York last week.
T vv Mi'KhIw sncnt several days In
Philadelphia last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ctias. Bpeigelmyer of
Wllllamiport. visited friends in Bloomsburg
this week.
Frank V. Preston, representing tho
Wllllamsunri Xnn and Uanner cave us a
nleasant call Wednesday.
Commissioner Girton was confined to
iho imnoo oil nf last week bv illness. He
is able to be out again.
Mrs l. H Kiilin went to Mauch Chunk
ninr,inv lnst in slslt her daiiithtcr, Mrs.
Dr. G. Stuart Klrby.
Jlathtaa Gilbert of Eldrcdsville, Sullivan
., , in tnwn lust Saturday, llo
basiebtlthuCoi-rjiiHiAS and its predecea
Bore over forty years.
Miss LUloy lliruelt and Miss Bertha Fink
of Shlckshlnny, visited John Harnett dur
Itig the past week.
Superintendent Harman of tho Hazleton
Schools, and Superintendent Fallon o'
Uazle-township, Luzerne Co., werulntown
jut week, nnd visited their alma matei,
tho Normal. Mr, Harman made a pleasing
address to the students. Uo graduated In
1873 and air. Fallon In 1833,
David Yost of Fishlngcreok was In town
last Baturday, und was obliged to walk
with tho aid of a crutch. He Is still dis
abled from the effects of an accident that
happened somo weeks ago by which his
leg was lujurcd.
Tho llosemont Cemetery Co. will cell
old buildings on the grouuds on Baturday
at 2 o'clock.
Choice confectionery, binanas, oranges
nd lemons at Phillip' Bakery. 3t,
J. R, Rico handles all kinds of wagons,
trom tho heaviest farm wagon to tho light
est hiiffirv nr mad cart. Call On him for
enj -
' prices.
Furnlluro lower than ever at Baker
0. II. Relco has cleaned tho surplus looso
earth out of tho alley next to his butcher
short and nut coal ashes In it place. He
wants to avoid tho constant mud.
Aro you going to paper a room? If io seo
our paper before you buy,
tf, J, II. ilEHOKlt.
Tho Columbia County Medical Society
held a meeting at tho Susquehanna Hotel
in Catawlfsa on Tuecday afternoon. wr
lleuor and Redekcr represented this side
of tho river.
oioversccdforsaloatB. F. Peacock &
io s at lowost market price. tf.
John Harnett of Bhlckshln
ft notion and variety storo In Browcr's store
room next to U. 11. Hobhln's.
Over fifty nno trout wcro caught In a
"mil siream oi water near Catawlssa on
Aucsuay. , .
t II, -
c amines anil parties served with Ico
cream at fhllllps' Bakery 2t.
ine wanil concert In front of tho Court
nuuso on aaturilay night was listened to
by hundreds of people, and was very much
".jo, i no appreciation was such that
iuo uanu should repeat the entertainment.
Tl. 111 . ,.
."U aiiiies morrcii liave moved to
Jicniieieiioifs bullillni! next to f:IM. .
ton s and havo opened up a lino lino of
opring millinery.
For wall paper at lowest prices go to
.ueicer s mu & Uook Store. tf.
Rev. O. L. Soncs, pastor of the Kvannell
cai Uhurcu, will preach, hereafter, every
ounuay morning, at half past ten o'clock
instead of Sunday evenings.
It Is reported that a new locomotlvo and
two now passeuger cars will soon be nut on
the W. W. ll'y and from tho movements of
certain officials we Infer t'j it work will bo
commenced at an early thy. Tablet.
A project Is on foot to oriMiitzoa Nation-
am ink at Catawlssa. The charter of the
uiuwissa Deposit Bink will cxplra soon,
and it will not be renewed if the new bank
Is started'.
Fob Balk i Early cahhago plants and
early potatoie for planting at
J. Gaukison'b, Centre St.
Tho extra leiture in tho course next
week, subject "Caudy Alaklug" will bo
given by Mrs. Rorcr Friday evening.
0. 11. Campbell was tho first pcKon to
bring trout to this town this season. Ho
was out Tuesday tho 15th and captured
eighty large ones.
L. T. Sharpless his opened a fine stock
of canned goods, groceries, fiults &c. in his
store room liitely occupied by the Great
Eastern ;Tea Co. Ho sells at wholesale
and retail.
Eirly on Wednesday last week people
who were awake were startled by a very
loud crash of thunder. It was found later
that tho lightning struck a large tree near
tho reseivolr of the Water Co.
0. B. Ohl, Superintendent at tho shops
of the Bloomsburg Car Company, Is very
popular with nil who work under him. Ho
Is tin excellent mechanic, una ho also pos
sesses a considerable amouut of political
Fine celling decorations that will make
a room look hands mc, at Mercer's Drug &
Book Siore. tf. of the lectures glv en by Mrs. Rortr
next week In the bisement of the Presby
terian church will bo "Unw to Prepare and
Servo a Dinner for Fjiir Persons for One
Dollar." The wholi dinner will be pre
pared during tho lecture.
ISiiKiucN mill Haw aillls.
Any one Intending to buy Steam Engines
of any style or eU) or Ural class Saw Mills
will do well by seeing, or writing tho un.
leralgned for ''italoijue and Prices before
buying. Wiutb & Connbb,
4-4 2 m Orangevllle, Pa.
Tho sale nf the Farmri'a Produce Ex.
change ttore to W. It. Koeher ife Co. fell
through. Mr. Supiee continues as mana
ger of the slorc as heretofore, and Koeher
& Co. nie ttlll rperntlng their storo on tho
corner of Sixth and Iron streets.
Wall pjper und window curtains at
W. II. Brooko & Co's,
A bell has been hung in tho tower of tho
Town Hall, anil tho American Flag flung
to the Incize from the Ihg stall op the roof
by Friendship Fire Co. When tho build
ing is ready for occupancy llicro ought to
be some sort of public demonsltation when
it is dedicated to public use.
Now is tho time to buy your furniture at
Baktrnnd McBride's.
IlLOOMSiiuno, Pa., April 13, 1890.
An organization of the Bona of Veterans
was organized In G. A. R. Hall on Monday
night at which 24 names were handed in
for chatter. It was unanimously decided
to name the camp Cant. 0. B. Brockway,
Camp No. 207 8. of V; T. 0. Fisher, Capti
Ed. Barton, 1st Lt. Due notice of muster
will bo given. All eligible aro earnestly
requested to join the organization.
T. C. Fisnsit, Capt.
Plain and dado curtains on spring stop
fixtures very cheap at W. H. Brooke & Co.
Armstrong & Allen are supplying the
market with all kinds of green truck that
cun be obtained. The recent cold weather
in the south bs made gardtn truck scarce
but Ihls enterprising Arm has succeeded in
getllog enough tn supply their trade,
They have u Quo lino of groceries.
The school directors of Columbia County
will meet in cmventiou at tho coutt houso
on Tuesday, May 0, at ona o'clock p. m. to
elect a county superintendent to serve for
the next three vcarJ. Tho candidates for
tbo ofllco are J.S.Grimes, of Llghtstreot
tho present incumbent, and William U,
Johnston of Jersoytown.
For wall paper at all prices from 7Jc to
75c ntr roll, bo to Mercer's Drug & Book
Store. t'.
Dr. J. II. Evans has erected a handsome
monument on his lot In Rosemont Ceme
tery, In memory of his wives and child
It is of bronzo, and is In tho form of an
ancient temple, rc.tlog upon a base of tho
same material representing rough cut stono
I'ho monument was purchased through
Mr. Johu A. Owens of Lowlsburg, P.
Steady employment, on salary Is offered
In another colurau, by B. 0. Pelrson a CO.
Wuterloo, N. Y. 4.11-4w
Bcrofula Is transmitted from parent to
child, and thus becomes a family Inherit
ance for generations. It Is, therefore, tho
duty of every scrofulous person to cleanse
his blood bv a thorough and persistent
course of Aycr's Barsaparllla.
Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver returned
from their wcddlnc tour last week, and aro
boarding wilb the parents of Mrs. Weaver,
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bomboy, on Rock
street, until next fall. Their wedding was
a very pleasant affair, and their numerous
friends wish them a happy iiio. wr,
Weaver Is assisting In L. T. Sharpless' now
linker .fe McBrido havo big bargains I
parlor and bed-room suits.
The School Desk Factory has Its own flro
protection. About 1000 feet of hoio are
distributed Ihrough tho shops, to arranged
that water can bo turned on at a moment's
notice. A test was made last week Thurs
day, and lt was found that every point of
the buildings can bo covered by a stream
of water, thus greatly reducing tho pos.
nihility of another loss by flro.
II. 8. Ueay, formerly of Hupcrt, Is now
permanently located at Lljulsvlllo, Ky.
as superintendent of a largo paint Manu
lactory. His oldest son Is with him, and
niso uas a gooej situation, wo are sorry
to looso Mr. lleay from thli county, but
aro pleased to learn of Ids good fortune In
obtalnlog his present position. Mrs. Itcay
with tho rest of tho children will join her
husband about the middle of May.
Sixteenth century bed room suits at Baker
A McBrido's.
Tbo following letters aro held at Blooms.
burg, Pa., post-office, and will bi sent to
tho dead letter office, April 29, 1890.
Mr. Hugh Campbell, Mrs. E. D. Caller,
Miss Anna M. Downs, Miss Ida Girton,
suss blva Gulger, Mlnulo Henntnger (i),
Mrs. Uarry Jones, MUs Lucia Mather, 0.
0. McCrccry, Mrs. Pheobo, Rev. 0.
u. Bones (3).
Miss Mary Fox.
Persons cilllng for these letters please
say, they wcro advertised April 18, 1890,
Ono cent will bo charged on each letter
A. U. OATnoART, P. M.
On Friday morning last about 0 o'clock
tlio new bell on tho Town nail began to
ring rnpldly, and It was soon
learned that It was a flro alarm.
George Lockard'a barn on the rear of his
premises was found to be enveloped In
flames. All the hoso carriages were soon
on the ground, tho Friendship being first,
and two streams of water soon extinguish.
ed tho Are, but not until tbo barn was des-
troyed. The Are had gotten under strong
headway befoto It was discovered. A cow
and borso were removed from tho barn
without Injury. The origin of tho flro is
unknown. T. M. Dawson who was at
work plastering in tho Town Hall was tho
person who sounded the first flro alarm on
the bell in tho tower.
Window shades cither plain or
Dado at Mercer's Drug & Book Store.
For Rent. Two dwellings ono contain.
Ing 13 rooms, tho other C rooms. Apply
at onco to G. W. Btkrnbb.
4-11-2L Bloomsburg, Pa.
On Thursday afternoon last week a flro
was discovered in the houso belonging to
tho 11 & 8. H. R. Co. which stands at tho
intersection of that road with the D. L. &
W. Tho house wus occupied by C. 0
Coleman, nnd his family was away from
homo at tho tl i.c. Coleman built a Arc In
the cook stove, and tho pipe hnvlng be.
come disjointed In the second story, the
roof caught Arc, and was In a blazo when
discovered by persons at tho Desk Factory.
Superintendent Schoch ordered out the
force In tho shop", and In a very short tlmo
a stream was thrown upon tho Arc and the
flames extinguished. The goods In the
house wcro damaged by water.
"After a varied experience with many so
called cathartic remedies, I am convinced
that Aycr's Pills give tho most satisfactory
results. I rely exclusively on these Pills
for tho euro of liver and stomach com-plalnts."-John
B. Bell, 8r., Abilene, Texas.
Half Rntca for the I. o. O. P. via
PeittiHylvauia Railroad.
Tho Independent Order of Odd Fellows
will celebrate their anniversary at Danville
Pa., on Saturday, April 20th. 1890, with in
tcrcstlng ceremonies. For the benefit of
those- who desire to bn present the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Riverside (opposite Danville
valid for the day of Issuu only, from Re
nova, Wilkcsbarre, and Intel mediate sta
tions, at a linyle farc for the round trip.
Window shades in all qualities, p iper,
felt and cloth, from 10c to $1.S0, at Mer
cer's Drug & Book Store. tf.
A bokuh
I. initio.
Agent in
The fraud is caught In Carbon connty
and will probably serve out a long sentence
In tho Penitentiary. Ho miy lu tho same
fraud that was victimizing farmers In Falls
and Overfleld townships, this county, a
few months ago, claiming to bo agent for
the Democrat. He was afterwards operat
ing In Luzerno county in tho same bust
ncss. He is described by the Mauch
Chunk Timet as giving his name as Charles
Johnon and bo said bis borne was In Con.
necticut. Ho appears from 25 to 30 years
of age, is of medium weight and build,
about Ave feet seven inches tall. His faco
is adorned with a mustache, stubby in np-t-carance,
otherwise slnved clean. His
countenanco Is intelligent in expression
but bears the marks of dissolute habits,
the chin being somewhat red and a well
formed nose somewhat colored red. The
suit of clothes on bis person was consider
ably worn, but evidently had not passed
through manual labor." Tho Times says
It Is the Intention of the newspaper pub
lishers of Carbon to see to lt that indict
ments are plied so thick upon the chap
that he will never trouble anybody again
for Bomo timo to como. Ex.
This Is probably the samo man who col
lected money in this county, representing
himself ns an agent for different newspap
ers. The description is very much like
Aro you going to piper your room this
Bpring? Write to us for cstim ates.
W. tl. Brooko & Co.
prof. J. 1'
On Tuursday night last week, the Bvird
of Trustees of tho Normal School elected
Prof. J. P. Welsh to succeed Dr. D. J,
Waller as Principal of tho school. Prof,
Welsh Is a son of Abncr Welsh of Orange
vllle. He graduated at the Normal in the
class of 1870, and then went to Lafayette
Collego where he graduated In 1880. For
several years he has tilled tho English chair
at Westchester Normal Bchool, ono Jof the
largest In tlio state. He has been Assistant
Principal of that school for the pist three
years, and has Hail oilers fiom colleges to
take a professorship wllh them, lie is
public lecturer and Institute worker, and
is also tho author of an English grnmmar
that Is being widely adopted. His wlfo Is
a lady of education nnd culture, and she
tools an Institute worker, and a very
pleasing elocutionist. They wcro both in
attendance at tho la9t Teacbci's Institute,
and becamo very popular with the teach
ers. Mr. Welsh was selected from among
flftccn applicants for the position. Appll
cations wcro received from Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Ohio, North
Dakota, South Dakota, and other states,
The testimonials of each were of tho high
est character, and It Is no reflection on any
of them that they were not selected
was a case where a choice had to bo made
and under all tho circumstances Mr,
Welsh was considered tbo most eligible
man for the place. His election was un
anlmous. It is probable that he will spend
somo tlmo at tho school during tho present
term, In order to becomo acaualnted with
tbo details of tho work beforo Dr. Waller
leaves. The now principal will uo doubt
havo the hearty co-operation of tho com
inunlty In holding the school up to its
present high staiidard,
'Why doesn't he take Hood's Barsapa
rillaf" is the general Inquiry of friends
when a ncrson suffers from any dlscaro ef
tho blood.
In 1885 it becamo evident to Iho leading
business men and most enterprising cltl
zens of Bloomsburg that our town rtqulred
f,omo now Impetus to got It out of tho old
ruts and to set tho wheels of trade In mo,
tlon. Other places wcro holding out ln
duccmcnts to foreign capital to kento fac
tories In their midst, and thus furnish
employment for a largo number of working
people. As nothing could bo accomplished
without organization, ft Board of Trade
was formed, largely through tbo efforts
of our late lamented townsman, David
Lowcnberg, who was elected President of
the Board. Numerous committees were
app intcd, and vigorous steps wcro at onco
taken to Induco manufacturers to locate
hero. Many letters of Inqutry wcro rccclv
cd, thus showing early fruits of tho now
organization, but much of this correspond
ency amounted to nothing, as It was found
that many of those who proposed to lo
cale hero wcro willing to do so, provided
our pcoplo would accede to most unreason
able demands. They wanted the wholo
earth, but wero willing to compromise by
a gilt of tho wholo town. All such were
dropped without ceremony.
Among tluso who mado reasonablo prop.
sitlons was James Magco of Philadelphia,
and the negotiations with him resulted In
tho conclusion that monoy should be raised
for the erection of a large carpet factory.
Tho proposition was that tho land should
bo purchased, end buildings trcctcd, which
when completed would be taken by Mageo
Si Co., and the subscribers secured bv
mortgage and bonds. It was largely
through tho efforts of L. N. Moycr that
Magee & Co,, were Induced to como here.
About $40,000 was subscribed for the erec
tion of tho plant, and a building commltteo
representing tho subscribers conslitlng of
0. W. Miller, C. 0. Peacock, U. V White, I.
B. Kuhu and L N. Moyer was appointed,
who entered at onco upon their work.
A lot was purchased of William Neal near
tho fair grounds, a contract made with
David Ucnslngcr for tho buildings, and
tho work was completed a few weeks ago.
Thcro is ono largo brick building, four
stories blgb, also au engine and! boiler
house, and a dye and dry house. These
builaings aro separate and connected by
bridges. Tho Arm of Magee & Co. con
sists of JBtncs Mngce, W. H. Vanrhcrcnen,
and James Magee, all from Philadel
phia, where they have bcenmaklng carpels
for many years.
On tho first floor of the main building aro
tnc business offices, large and handsomely
finished in hard wood. There aro also
sample, flnl'hlng nnd shipping rooms. On
the second floor are 28 Knowlcs Improved
looms, all set up and ready for work, nine
teen moro will bo put In. A machine at
tho top of each loom, known as tho Jac-
quard, regulates the design of tho carpet.
On tho third floor aro tho cop frames,
and winding machines. Tho cntiro build
ing Is heated by exhaust steam from the
engine, which is utilized through a Berry,
man heater. Water pipes aro placed all
through, and a complete system of flro
protection will bo adopted.
There is a large dyeing room, drying
rooms, sulphur rooms for bleaching, and a
toilet room for female employes. It Is
probable that In course of time a library will
be established for the use of all employees.
There are two elevators run by Morse &
Williams' steam elevator machines. The
englno was made by Green, of Providence
II I. and Is run by two 100 horso power
boilers. The fly wheel Is 13 feet In diam
eter and makes 100 revolutions a minute.
The belt connecting with the shafting is
3 ply leather, 20 Inches wide and 78 feet
long. In tho englno room is a Blake pump
for flro purposes. Tho boilers were made
by Charles W. Ervleo & Co., Philadelphia.
Mark Bnyton Is tho engineer in charge.
All persons employed at the Carpet Mill
will be token from the town, except a loom
fixer and wirper who must bo skilled
workmen. About 100 hands will bo em
ployed as soon as everything is put in
working order. The capacity of the mill
is about 4000 rolls a year, with 120 to 130
yards to the roll.
It is the custom in many mills to charge
beginners $10 tor teaching them to operate
a Inom, but this will not bo done now
Learners will be expected to work the flrst
two weeks without pay, and after that, they
will receive three cents a yard.
The first carpet made at the mill was on
March 30, and several yards wcro wovcu
tho first two hours, which Is qulto an un.
usual thing for new looms. Mageo Ss Co.
aro wide awako busiuess men, and their
coming to our town will no doubt provo
mutually beneficial
Tbo basement of tho O.rpet Mill Is occu
pied by Holmes Midgley and James Haley,
who havo put In a large number of ma.
chines for making yatns. They have
been In business many years and are prac
Ileal men. They come here from MoDt
goraery N. Y. Their machinery is such
that they will bo to mako yams
not only for tho use of tho Carpet Mill, but
also for all kinds of knitting purposes,
coatings, ladles' dress goods, and in fact
for any purpose for which worsted yarns
arc used. This opens up an' important in
lustry here, as It creates a supply for any
kind of weaving establishment that may lo
cate here, and offers a rare inducement for
such industries to como fo Bloomsburg,
Messrs. Mldgloy & Haley will employ a'.
least fifty bands, all of whom will bo Be.
ectcd from tho town. They will bo ready
to begin work about May 1st.
It Is the coming of such Industries and nf
such men into our coronymlty that has
brought Bloomsburg largely into notice In
the outside business world, and that prom
iso for her a most prosperous future.
For Window shades go to Mercer's Drug
& Book Blore. tf.
Tho lecture next Wednesday afternoon
In Mrs. Rorer's courso will bo "Cooking
for Invalids."
Uun'l Pool.
away precious monoy and trilla with your
health experimenting with uncertain mcdl
cineB, when Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery Is so positively certain In Its
curative action as to warrant Its manu
facturcrs In guaranteeing It tocurodtseases
f tho blood, skin and scalp, and all scrofu
lous afflictions, or money paid for It will bo
$500 reward offered for an incurabl
case of Catarrh by tho proprietors nf Dr,
Bago'a Remedy, 50 cts., by druggists.
IJriinUeiiiieMH T.lquor Halilt In
nil iiic wot lamere in mu one
cure Or. .milieu" Ooltleu tipectnc
It can bo given In a cup of tea or coff co
without the knowledge of tho person taxing
It, effecting a speedy and permanent euro
whether the patient Is a moderato drinker
or an alcoholic wreck Thousands of
drunkards have been cured who bavo taken
the Golden Bpeclflo In their colleo without
their knowledge, and to-day believe they
quit drinking of their own free will. Jfo
harmful effect results from Us admlmstra.
tlon. Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular
'and full particulars. Address In confidence
Goldis Brsomo Co., 185 Race Street,
JCSnclnnstl.O. 10-251y
There arc
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
'Tis sold everywhere.
BLOoMsnnRQ, Pa., April 14, 1890.
Tnc council met at 7.30 p. m. for organi
zation, G. A. Herring President, and J.
Fettcrman, W. Rabb, L. Gross, F. Bch.
wlnn, 8. W. Shutt and E. 0. Wells, mem-
bcrs being present.
As W. II. Cummlngs, Bccrctary, was un-
ablo to attend the meeting on account of
illness, J. 0. Brown was appointed Secre
tary pro tem.
On motion tbo salary of secretary for en
suing year was unanimously fixed at $180
being the samo as for previous year.
Mr. Gross nominated W. B. Cummlngs
for Secretary, and on motion the nomina
tions were closed, and Mr. Cummlngs was
unanimously elected by acclamation.
Mr. Gross moved, seconded by Mr. Rabb
that Treasurer's commission for ensuing
year be the samo as for previous year viz;
one-half per cent, on tax and one per cent,
on bonds. Tho motion was adopted un
anlmoiiFly. Tbo following nominations for Treasurer
were made: Robt. Buckingham, A. N.
Yost, James B. Wilson, Emanuel Kelch-
ner, G. W. Sterner and F. P. Drinker.
Tbo flrst roll-call resulted as follows:
Messrs. Gross, Rabb and Bchwln voted for
Buckingham, Mr. Fetterman Tor Drinker,
Mr. Bkutt for Yost, and Mr. Wells for Wll-
son. Tho second roll-call, Messrs. Rabb,
Gross, Schwlnn and Fetterman voted for
Buckingham, Mr. Bhutt for Yost, and Mr.
Wells for Wilson. Robt. Buckingham
having received four votes was declared
Mr. Gross moves, seconded by Mr. Fet
terman that salary of Street Commissioner
be $1.75 per day. Tho motion was unani
mously adopted.
Peter Billmeycr, Frank Taylor, Wm. J.
Bidlcman, Chas R. House), Levi Cox, Isaac
E. Yost, Elijah Bhutt, Gideon Heist and
Charles Harman wero nominated for Btrect
On the flrst ballot Gross voted for Yost,
Rabb for Bidlcman, Schwlnn for House,
Fettcrman for Heist, Bhutt for Shutt, Wells
for Billmeycr and Herring for Taylor.
Second ballot, Gross and Fetterman vot
ed for Heist, Rabb for Bidleman, Schwlnn
and Bhutt for House), and Wells for Shutt.
Third ballot, Gross voted for Yost, Rabb
for Bidlcman, Scbwlnu and Shutt for
tlousel, Fetterman for Heist, and Wells
for Billmeycr.
Fourth ballot, Gross and Rabb for Bidlc
man, Behwinn for Yost. Fettcrman for
eist, Shutt for Billmeycr and Wells for
Fifth ballot, Gross, Schwlnn, Fettcrman
and Herring voted for Yost, Rabb and
Wells for Bldleman, and 8butt for Bill-
eycr. Isaao E. Yost having received
four votes was declared elected Btrect
Mr. Gross moves, seconded by Mr. Sch
wlnn that salary of High Constablo bo $50
per year. Unanimously adopted.
On Motion M. C. Woodward was unani
mously elected nigh Constable.
Wesley Knorr, Frank P. Uaum, Daniel
Laycock, B. B Freas and Albert Herbine
were nominated for Chief of Police.
Tho flrst roll-call rosultcd as follows :
Gross and Fetterman voted tor Laycock,
Rabb for Baum, Schwlnn, Shutt and Wells
for ICnorr, and Herring for Uerblno.
Second ballot, Gross voted for Freas,
Rabb and Fettcrman for Laycock, Schwlnn
Shutt, Wells and Herring for Knorr.
Wesley Knorr having received four
votes was declared elected Chief of Police.
Mr. Gross moves, seconded by Mr,
Shutt that salary of Solicitor be $25.00 for
the ensuing year. Unanimously adopted.
V. u. liarkley and J. II. Roblson were
nominated. Gross and Wells voted
for Barkley, Rabb, Behwinn, Fet terman
and Bhutt voted for Robison. J. B. Robl
son having received a majority was declar,
ed elected Town Solicitor.
J. U. Brown and Samuel Neyhard were
nominated for Town Surveyor and Super
intendent of Sewers. Gross, Bchwiun
Fetterman, Bhutt and Wells voted for
Brown, and Rabb for. Neyhard. J. 0
Brown having received a majority of tho
votes of tho council was declared elected,
Mr. Schwlnn moves, seconded by Mr.
Gross that during the ensuing year labor
ers upon tho streets leccivo $1.25 per day,
one horse, wagon and driver $2.00 per day.
two horses, wagon and driver $11,00 per
day, no drivers to bo under 10 years old
Upon motion the following policemen
appointed: Wesley Kuorr, Chief, D-iniel
Laycock, W. W. Hirrett, B. B. Freas,
R. Dr ike, Nathan Chromls, F. P. Baum
G B. Martin, George Knorr. O. 0. Kesty.
Robt. McBrlde, Moro C. Jones, Frank
Knorr, Jno. B. Williams and David
Building permits wero granted to Eihle
man & Wolf for a double framo dwellln
houso an Sixth street between Wesley
Knorr's and J. Klwood Ueacock, and
M. P. Lutz for a slablo on tho rear end
his lot fronting on Third street.
Mr. Wells gave notlco that at tho nex
meeting of council he would move that the
tax rato for tho ensuing year shall bo
mills on tho dollar.
On motloniadjourncd to meet on Monday
evening, April 21, 1800, nt7.80 p. in.
Tlic JSortlieru Hummer ItrnorCn
of Wisconsin, Minesota, Iowa and Dakota,
not forgetting the famous Excelstor springs
of Missouri, aro moro attractive during tbo
present season than ever beforo.
Ac illustrated Quido Book descriptive of
a hundred or moro of tbo choicest spots of
creation, on lines of tho Chicago, Mil
waukeo & St. Paul lt'y, will bo sent free
upon application to A. V. 11. O-htkntek,
Uencral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.
to John It. I'olt T. 1'. A. Wllliamsport, la
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta.
When tUby wu sick, we gar her C itorts.
When she wu Child, she cried for Outorio,
When she became MUs, the clung to Ou rtoria,
Whu she bad ChlUrca, she gave them CoMoria.
Ilnrratt-ttenrf nicer.
Mr. William Rarratt and Miss Ida Ucar.
Inger wero married Tuesday afternoon of
last week at 3 o'clock, at tbo rrrldcnco of
tho brides parents Mr. Samuel Oearinxcr,
Too ccrimony was preformed by ltiv. P. A,
Ucllnuu pastor of tho Luthcrau church.
Thero wcro about thlrty-flvo present at tho
ceremony,!! near friends of tbo contracting
patties. Wu offer congratulations, with
tho wish for a long and successful life
Fresh bread, rolls and cakes
at Phillips' Bakery.
every day
Auk Your I'rleiidM Auout It.
Your distressing cough can bo cured.
Wo know It because Kemp's Balsam with.
In tho past few years has cured so many
coughs and colds In this community. Its
remarkable sale has been won entirely by
Its genuine merit. Ask tomo friend who
has used It what ho thinks of Kemp's Bal
sam, 'there Is no medlcino so pure, none I
so effective. Largo bottles SOe and $1 at
all druggists. ,
rniLiciLpnli, Monday, April. II, 1890.
Brandenburg Cloth! Why
Brandenburg? No reson why
save that the Brandenburg
arms make a brilliant trade-
marK ana uranaenDurc: is a
grea-, strong name.
The cloth is cotton. Such
cotton! Shades of Moses on the
Nile! did you ever see better?
ligypt or South Carolina cotton
we know not winch, nor care
we, so strong, so close the
thread. You might almost call
it linen, the yarns are so clean
and smooth. The printing is
exquisite. Who dares to chal-
If.rwrf tlif imnrrlnririnn of Pliilnrl-
elDhia when such Cotton Dress
Goods orintinp is done almost
within sound of our city church
lust this one stuff was needed
to make what already was the
greatest Dress Goods Stock in
all the world more complete
with an added, almost super
fluous, completeness.
Jiixamine the goods. The
colors lainy sparkle, and you
think at once of France and
China, of Foulards and Shang
hais. Comparisons are odious
or otherwise, according to the
point of view. But a compari
son of this with any fairly com
peting cloth must be odious
for the other cloth.
The width is 30 inches lull, the
price 20 cents. Compare the
count of threads, this shows 20
per cent finer; compare the
strength, this gives 30 per cent
more strength; compare colors
and design there is no com
parison, the Brandenburg is be-
yond and aoove it. bheer as a
batiste, solid as a drill, lirrht as a
. ' . , 1 l
zeohvr. stronp- almost as leather.
'1 11 . Rrnn1fnViirrr fille n
piace in couons ana is oorn to
Lrepelme is going. 5000
yards a day. Why shouldn t it?
Crepeline would be foolish to
tay here when it can get out at
Yx cents a yard. 1 he buyers
win and laugh as Winers always
do. lhe maker loses poor
fellow, he doesn't laugh.
An humble but late arrival
the latest. Wool check dress
nrnnric 'JT inchpe wirlf fifr re
. .. .. .j t ,11
Liiiui tt- yuru. vve -uiu vuu
once thev were cheaD at 2 ? cents
. v - . -
and told the literal truth. You
believed and bought them freely,
uot anotner lot to sell you as
above. INotrt wool, but too
much lor the money. Another
maker weeps, but you laugh
No matter what wear use you
want to put Stuff to dress oar-
ade or banging about ust the
- . . . J . .
rirrht- nunliHrnnH cf-iilf nnrl nripp
. .b 1 v, "V ' t"
is here ready
to your hand,
Jocauard Fluiired Robes, three deslirm and
Rooa llueot Colors in each, fl.j Imported to
sell at t-rt
Mottalr la plain and glace enocta, great variety
ui euiurs, dk, you, u,
tO.locli All-wool Hurah Twill. In nineteen col
ors, all new shades, bandwme and service
able, tl
6-4 Waterroot Dundee Plaids, In large and
buidii designs, specially auiiea tor laaies'
wraps ai.acararcn's jacKets, tl
since ihcy were ti60.
40-lnct All-wool Indistinct Ktrlpos with dashes
oi uourt'ieu inruugn inem; a ngai weigae
luuuriu lur oJriu)$ uuu Duiuuier, iau 1 ru u
At tneuiacK counter is a liiacic Nun s ve
and a Ultclc Uatlste. both 33 Inches wldd
wool and light weight, 37XC, imported tbls
ssas' n to sell for 5uc.
w&eiiT"1"1 1110111,1 bor4er' " lncuca
The wonderful Crepe Neck-
wear is in lull bloom at both
ends of the store. And such
prices! 50c stands for $1 and
Oi course you can get Crepe
Neckwear in two or three places
in town at 50c, but there are
Crepes and Crepes. These are
the extra ones; extra cloth, ex-
tra embroidery, and extra made,
The Underwear wonder is
how so much muslin and stitch-
ing and trimming can be had for
so little money:
Drawers made ot Fruit ot Loom Muslin, with
uciu uuu a pmiio, -rvct
Very heavy and fine Muslin Drawers, with
neat Hamburg ruffle, and lt plaits, dot. By
ibi uio ucai fiwiicio no cttrr uucrvu.
Heavy Muslin Gown, with yoke or allaver em.
broidery and plaits, neatly trimmed wllh
jiuuiuu eugrc, oru.
1 nars tue way tne story runs
through every chapter.
John Wanamakkr.
Handsomely framed
Hie size Crayons, nlio
tocfrnplis all sizes, in
correct styles and per
fect finish, colored
photographs, large or
small, lramcs a n u
Scrofula and
The hcrlUiRoof whlrhevcry human be-
In Is ntmostnsrertnln ns ho Is of ntr,
S sunlight nnd breath, IsHcrohiln Humor.
Far away In the realms of history we
catch gllmpncsof what a curve upon tho
pcoplo this all-prevalent contamination
made Itnelf. Poor diet and In.umclcnt
; food, 111 ventilation, filth nnddnmpneiw,
: all assist the slumbering kctitis of Rcrof-
uln to overpower tho vitality of tho body
and mn riot In tho system. Tho blood In
Its process of renewing tha.wasto can-
; not expel any Inherited taint of weak
news or Impurity. It can only bo rc
S moved by tho action of some purifying
medicinal agency, which insisted bynu
S trltloua food, well digested nnd nMlmlhv-
tcd Into blood, gradually Insures the pos
session of sound health. Such a renovat-
Cured by
; Ing remedy 1ms llrown's Barsaparllla
proved itscirtobo, whether this taint has
given rise to Bcrofula, Baltllheum Ilheu
matlsm, Neuralglo,Llvor Complaints, or
Kidney Il9cases,whlch arc tho most fre
quent manifestations of Its presence, all
havo readily yielded to tho clean and
purifying action of Drown's Sarsaparllla.
of Bcrofula, cured by Drawn' Barsapa
rilln, hos excited the peoplellvlng In and
nround tho town of Lee, Me. Mr. Aver
Ill writes us as follows! "My son has
now taken fourteen bottles of llrown's
Barsaparllla, and I nm sure lt bas com
plctcd a cure. Ills case was the worst I
ever saw. Ills face was covered with
what seemed to be scales or scabs, and the
Itching was so In tolerable that ho tossed
Brown's Sarsaparilla!
. At all Droirrlsts l.oo. hniiti fnr b.oo.
At all Druggists I.OO. S
DON'T take Something else "Just u good," IT IS NOT
f Aiu Wabrbn & Cur, Eohj Proprlctors,Bangor, lie.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3 doz. Life size Crayons
oniy $u.uv. viewing, copy
"IK and enlarging. Instant
process used. tf.
fo Nervous Debilitated 9Ieu.
If you will send us your address, we will mall
you our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all abo ut
Sr. Dye's Celebrated Kloctro-Voitalo Halt, and Ap
pliances, and their charming effects upon the n er
vous debilitated system, ani how ttcy win quick,
ly restore youjo tlmrjand manhood,pamphlet free.
If you are thus affllcfod, we will send you a Belt
and Appliances on trial.
i-a.-r-iy. yult.iu uilt e.o., uarinau, Mien.
Of all tho different schools in tho country,
havo thousands dio overy year of Brlgbl'a
dlscaso of tho Kidneys, who couldbo living
to-day it they had Juscd Sulphur Bitters.
They are unequalled in tho world for all
diseases of tho kidneys. New Haven Union.
Full lines table and stand covers at
B. W. Sloan's.
200 moro of thoso handsome GOc dado
window shades on Bpring rollers at Clark
& Son's; With full lines of laco and other
curtain goods.
Look at our beautiful strino clntrkams
for 18.0 at Sloan's.
lCc Kentucky leans for 11c yd. 8eo our
6c ginghams. Another lot of those flno
zephyr dress ginghams at 10c, regular price
15c. 85c dress cloths for 20c
seersucker &c. at Clark & Son.
Beat $1.85 kid clove In the city at
See tbo special bargains In dress ponds
viarie cc son are ottering.
All our lino trench satlncs. such as have
been 37$ now 25 at Sloan's.
The Dlaco to buv vour hosiery anil
underwear Is at Clark & Son. Largest
siock, lowest prices.
Now corsets this week at Sloan' s.
Ulack silk drapery netts for dresses nt
Clark & Son's..
New tucklncs and lots of beautiful cm
broderies at Sloan's.
On Saturday wo will offer the best value
in gloria silk sun and rain umbrella shown.
Hall & see Clark & Son.
Medium weight underwear, just the
thine for th s season of the vnar. t.iVi'
ana meu 8 we aid 75c at Sloan
1 , , ,
Chlldrcus Lace cam and hats nt Cllnrk .t
8on's at prices that defy competition large
A Hpriuir Medicine.
Iho druggists claim that people call
daily for the new cure for constipation and
sick. headache, discovered by Dr. Silas Lane
while in tho Kocky Mountains. It is said
to bo Oregon grape root (a great remedy in
tho far wcit for those complaints) combln
cd wltu simple herbs, and is made for use
i,uu"uea uomng waier to uraw om
I llin BlrpniTth Tt .,,11. tit K! nta n nnAl,
ft fB;'n
it sens at ou cents a
age and is ca
called Line's Family Medicine.
I. W. Hartman & Sons
Whilst the farmers and house
cleaners were very Jbusy this
week and but few in town we
have been extra busv trettintr
tllilltTS in order fur Krttiirdnv'fi
r , . ... , V .
OllleS, Which Will be gOOtl if the
weather permits. Don t foreret
we have again 3000 yds. of that
nice oc clialne and lots ot extra
good up to 50c yd. Wo are get-
ting up otitis and ends ot Dishes,
cheap, good and clean articles
Our dress goods and trimmings
meet the wants of buyers. Our
ribbon department is in trooil
and tiishionuble style. The
white sjoods and embroideries
sell well. Have you given
(Hartman's) baking powder a
trial? The boarding house
keepers say it is the best.
People are looking around for
good canned and dried fruits,
Try our California peaches, apri-
cots, prunes, pine apples, Ac.
I W. Hartman& Sons.
IlVed Owner, lau of Centre fop, w.wcj.
The underslirned. an auditor aDnMnt-M hv th
Orphans' court ot Columbia oouuiy 10 dl.tilbulu
lbefund8lothohaiidiOfe.o:utnrwlll sit at lie
omce 01 11 v. wiut, ba uruay May a, liaj at a.
in. when and whore all pjrsooi tnvtujr cUlmi
siraln-t said estaeu muse annear ani nrnvn Lhti
same, or be debarred trom exvuloe' in on sill fund
II. V.
Willie, Auditor.
Notice Is hereby trtven that the rollou lncr arann ut
has been nied In thu O'U'iauV Cour, or cniumtiu
couuty, ai'd will be presented to the said Co irt un
iuo iiree muiiuy oi yiny, a. 11, ioy i, unu connrmed
nisi, and unleuti exceptions aro riled wliuln four
dajs thereatter. win bo coairmed ubjolutely.
1. Account ot J. M llucklltnv. Truhtmnr ri.irh
Laub&ch, late of Vlsblugcnt'lc township, deceased.
II M. 11. Ort l libit, vitiin 01 u, i'.
Cleric's O.bce, liloomsburg, fa., April , law.
r ONCE. -A
u xfe.ii
i IserirM
MitbrtiwiU-rlllBiliwU. UU-rlMlrjrl't.f'-B-
li(. , ii...Jt asfk. L,lnr iif . alA. I ui fui
tetWiJilwM, ltofciall4. t,th.- III ,MllMlMlU.
Salt Rheum
aboitt In ntrony Ihrough many n slet
less night He commenced somo weeks S
ago lt uso Ilrown's Hftnaparlll In con. S
nrctlon with tho sntvo you sent to nllar S
the Irritation, nnd now he Is so far recov
ered that wo consider his cnmplots enre !
ns certain." Mr. J.W. Iliukeof Lce,chnlr. ;
man of Tcnobscot Co. Commissioners, Z
snyKi "lt Is wonderful what llrown's Bar. S
snpnrllla has dono for young AverllL" -In
this case-llrown's Barsaparllla threw i
open tlio bowels and pores of the skin,
at tho samo tlmo entering the blood, S
beginning a vigorous warfare on ttio 2
Impure matter found thcro, and which jj
was a constant source of supply for tho 5
scrofulous humor on the outside. In Urn S
this was expelled from the system, and j
only puro matter entered the blood. E
the Use of
On Dnvls Street, In Uangor, resides Mrs. -Edwin
Wiley, whose daughter was ba41y ;
nralctod with Baltllheum. At times her Z
face and hand would bo covered with I
blotches. Bo Intense was the Itching ;
sensation that applications of salt were Z
mndo to dostroy It For a long time no S
relief could bo obtained. One day some
one suggested llrown's Barsaparllla, and 2
a boUle was purchased. Later Mrs. Wl- -Icy
brought her daughter to the ertab- ;
llshment of Mr. Ara. Warren whose Z
Brown's Bnrsnparllht Is made. The face
that n short tlmo previous was covered E
with blotches, burning and Itching, pre- Z
ecntcd as fair nnd smooth an appearance
as that of nny young lady. Ls&a tuak E
bottles for B.OO.
Last week's wall paper sales
eft U3 with some valuable rem
nants 111 brown backs, white
blanks and gilts. They will
cover rooms 8x10ft to 12xl'ift.
f you wish to take advantage
of these bargains measure your
room3 length, breadth and
leight, count the doors and win
dows. Ihe3e pieces must go re
gardless of price. The only
question you need ask is; will
icy cover the walls? We can
answer this question if you ob
serve what we have said about
10 measurements. If wc can-.
not suit you in any of these, our
regular lino is full of the richest
colorings from tho best makers.
We can t begin to tell you
about the window curtains; come
and see them. "We will make
lem for you any width or length
or color and hang them on your
Tho following widows' annralsements will ho
presented to rtie rplunv Court of Columbia
cojnty on the first Monday of May A. D. HM), and
conilrmed nisi, and unless exceptions aro nied
within tour days thereafter, will bo connrmed ab
solute. ueorgo w. nuiman Est., conrnghim, rersonal
tywoo.oo. Daniel Musgrave Est, Mt. r:ta3iHC, personalty
reter Kiso Kat, Benton, penonalty 131 55, realty
f!4ii total sJoo.
jeremian waip, Est, centre, realty w.00.
Daniel I. silne, Est, Locmt, personally, $300.00.
KlcUard 8. Thornton. Ear. Knt.t. nprsnnftlrv.
k. u. snuitz, Est, Sugarloat, personalty, t3T0.00.
John Itamz, Kit, Jackson, personilty f3no.oo
Mayberry unyder, Kit, Locuit. personalty $300.
Charles M. VanderaUce. Est. Illunm. nnrannnltr
jocod Bnyder, Est, Oranje, personalty I300.O0.
Jacob s. Kec-o, Est, Centre, personalty $300.00.
wu. II. N VDEll, cierK of o. C.
Clerk's omce. tlloem9burg Pa. April l, ni).
te of diaries 11. Troy, late of Bearer top aec'a.
Notice la hereby given :that letters of adminis
tration on tho estato of Charles U. Troy, late of
ueaver lowusmp, ase'd, nave been granted to
l'rlscllla Troy and John K. Davis of Zions Urove,
1'a., io whom all persons Indebted to said estato
are requested to make payments, and those hav
ing claims nr demand to make known tho samo
without delay to
orto rmsciLLATnoy.i ..,,
E. II. 8ITTLB, JOIIN d. DAVH, f -Att'y.
Zlons Grove, Pa,
Real state
Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans COTirt of
Columbia County Pennsylvania tha underalgnod
administrator of tho estate of Benjamin V. Peter.
ma-late cf Benton township deceased will czposo
to public sate oa the premises on
FRIDAY, APRIL 25th, 1890,
at l o,clock; I'. M. all tint certain tract or
piece of land situate In Benton township Columbia
County Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, viz; Beginning at a stone on line of land of
Howard Welllvcr, thence north thirty degrees
else ono hundred and twelve and three tenth per
ohes to a dogwool tree, thence along line of
land of Joseph lt. Cole north forty six snd three
fourth degrees west, one hundred and sixty eight
and Blx tenth purches to a stone, theaco by lino
of land late of Joseph Butt, south thirty degrees
twenty minutes vest, eighty and two tenth per
ches to a stone, thence along line of land of Jacob
Welltver south thlrty-sli degreci andfltty nilnu.
tea east, one hundred and seventy.nlne perches
to place of beginning, containing
nd slxty-clglit perches and allowances, on which
are erected a two story
fifty acres of thi abovo described land H cleared
gocd bank bam and other buildings. About
ana" "a good state of cultivation.
the premises a number of fruit tn
tot mm growing timber.
Thero aw on
trees. AUo a lot
TKUMtt OV HALE. Ten per cont. ot one-fourth
at tho striking down of the property, tho one
fourth less th ten per cent at tha continuation or
salo and tho remaining three fourths In ono yoar
thereatter, with loter"St from conrtrmatlon nisi.
Att'y. Administrator.
IN its first stages, can 'bo successfully
checked Vy tlio prompt uso of Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral. Kvcn In tho later
periods of that disease, tho cough la
wonderfully relieved by this medicine.
" I have used Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
V.HU the best elfect In my practice.
This wonderful preparation once saved
my life. I had n constant tough, niuht
sweats, was greatly reduced in llesh,
and Klven up by my physician. One
bottle and a linlf of thu l'cclornl cured
me," A. J. lUdson, M. I)., Mlddleton,
' Sevcrnl years ago I was severely ill,
Tho doctors bald 1 was In consumption,
and that they could do nothliiK for mo,
Imt advl'cd uie, as a last resort, to try
Aycr's Cherry l'cctoral. After taking
this uicdlcino two or three, mouths I
was cured, and my health remains good
to the present day." James llirchard,
Darien, Couu.
" Several years ago, on a passage homo
from California, by water, 1 contracted
so severe a cold that for fouiu days I
was confined to iny state-unim, und a
physician on Imanl loiibldercd my Ufa
In dnncer. llappnilms to have u liottlo
of Ayer's Cherry l'ectornl, I used it
freely, and my limits were soon restored
in n iiKnltliv condition. Slnco then I
have Invariably recommended this prep.
" J.Ji.i
. Chandler, J unction, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rnsriaiu st
Dr. J. O. Aver It Co., Lowell,
Bold by U DruscUu,
IllootlMn 1 V - o'K' iiti,lt!a.trn'-d. iUmi
riu U' , rn" Si . ibtlJ tll'T I KUnb kki r
tilUNbt r ore it q illfcr i-rail uui. iriufcuiill
carwt. IVii H' 'inn i i'UrvwlJjMiU'l. ;i tn U int.ll.