THE COLUMBIAN ATNT) DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA- i THE AOVAtoTAG3 OF MACADAM. IaWrMllg Point AdraMd bf tMl R. ' At recent meeting iU tUa VttiQijrt tiU SUte grange at IiMfkburgtf, Worthy Past Lecturer H. IC Downing delivered juijuidrt of Lntrei to all who cars for Ui (improvement and rrreaervMion of highway. In the course of hit remarks Mr. Downing saldt A .not verj ready tntulcian knows how tlrpxjme it may I to compos n now tad and liow uy to lajieo Into tbq old air. And o with new ideaa, polioi or cooomiec. The old idea la cherished, fondled and em braced until there Is jealousy of the new. Thus, when an catuyhjt point out tlialamacad am road 1 not a pike! that a mac k adam can be built for less than nikea have caaI. uuel h. owkiij. ut a mtLCSuilu cost twa for repair, and that it la Die most economic road, tome vry jrood people will not so rnuch as wrextle with the new toying, but, clinging to the old ideal, will argue that inasmuch, as pike are rough, macadams mutt be rough; Inasmuch u pUta axe, built below frost, .macadams unit be so built; that Inasmuch as the hand hammered pike baa coat aa much aa $5,000 per tulle, and, because of its coarse construction, $100 per- mile annually for repair, that con sequently a machine crusher, roller made macadam structure must coat the same ($5,000 per mile) for the making and ,the same (1 100 per mile) for annual repair. It: is becoming usual. to call pike, macadamized roads. A macadam, load,, is not a pike, in that .the ruiieadaui.U.ln-. finitely better and low, eiptiisive than roads heretofore called pikss. The imperfections of a pike are: First In that it is composed of loose tone In its making and repairing. Thus the pressure a pike receive from passing wheels deepens into, rut. A rut once mads, although filled and reQlled, will reappear. Second Pikes hare been constructed of hammered stone. Unmoored stone; Is too coorne for the beet superstructure of roads. The originator of the macadam principle stated before a committee of the house of commons that a (.tone rood wa&a aaving of repair iu ratio with Die fineness of the stone used. Thus a bed of one inch atone would cost in repair. of such bed but one-hslf of that of a bcdf two inch stone. Again, a pike composed of hand broken stone may liavp cost. $3,000 per mile for building, and $100 per mile an nually for repair $3,000 per mile fpr building, because the stone was liaml broken, at41 per perch, and $100 annu ally for repair, because the superstruc ture was coarse and loose. Thus ruts are started and are expensive to erase. The experience of macadam builders teaches that a rut will fqllow a rut, that Is If a too bed is laid upon a rutted clay base rut will appear in. the stone bed directly over those of the clay foundation. Thus one rut In a pike is the predecessor of an -sodleeaacrlva ofimU and an endless bill of 'coats. On the other hand, a macadam struc ture avoids these Imperfections of a pllce in that (first) its superstructure is coin .pseidof smallistooo, and stone siftlngs px chips, And (second) while wheels press ..the iinknltted. loose surface of a pike, nd reach solidity within pne track at wo inches-below, the general surface, .thus arming, ruts, the roller used in macadam structure does exactly what wheels do, but further, it presses tlie , entire surface of the bed, so far as wlieels can penetrate. In ruts, and thus makes he entire bed. as- solid as the-base of a rulS Thusagaln, a macadam is so unj formly resistant of wheel pressure that ruts cannot be produced In some moo Adam within a period probably .of ten ears. A crusher turning .out 80 perches of stone per day will earn in a day, at 1$ cents per .perch, $12,, wUkhv, will easily poy.for.tiujxost of runulnga crusher per iday.' Tlie dillerencp between $1 per perch .for hand broken stone, and IS cents for crushed stone Is 85 vents., In the re oljiatlon of this coin pf 85 cents by the uaoof.a crusder-iwe can reasonably con clude that a macadam ought to bo-built tot less than half the cost of hammered dices. Then again, at to the, economy of a jjoacadatn. .over that of a pike. A mao--stfUm' being virtually rut and water proof, and continuing, so for ten years, what cost to repair a, macadam ?r jnUe annually durlng.ten years? I think you will reply, really nothing. But will a macoduui wskti wheel prcs- .auio.fur, say, ten- years? In answer w are unialid proof In an cIght-ycar-ol4 macadam leading fromtlu IVnniivlranla railroad rrlghi and pasHenxer station ut Devon, Chester county. Mr. Charles Falstu, superintendent for tlio Doron Land, company, tells me ,that tliis, inac. .fdam,hauduredall the trafllcirom the rsllfoiul,-. being, equal .at, times to two tons at a draft, and yet this- macadam boa. not cost a cent for repair for eight 7f ars, and, as. 1 saw for myself, (ma not , yet,.o rut. TI)o question thsn urines ybU.rnacadnnii being, aa good as ft was :Ut years ago, will it not endure eight .years more- without n cent for repair? IrUs far Writers ux Uviula, I There are fewer subjects of. greater Im .jpertauce before the people today thau to Bka easier- communication with mar ket. To aid ill the dlscusslou of thh pent by competent writers aro, tlng called for and written. Fur in stance, the University of Pennsylvania has offered jirlzes or $100, $200 and $100 for he best .tapers on the onglnetiring, economic and Icfjielatl vo features of the construction, reconstruction and main tenance of roads. Oilier prizes Imvobeen offered by-TheKngliieerlngand Uulldlng Itecoi-d. of Now York, of $150 for essays on tlie methods of construction and main tenance of good roods. Kxchingo. III tho proclamation just issued by Gov, Beater Friday, April 11 nntl iWay, 2, 1H90, havo been designated an Arbor davs. llu savi". "In those tinr. lions of tho Commonwealth vbere the cllrusto conditions aro favorable the day. runt above named should bo oh served for treo planting and conducting such ohtr ciefiire. as lias u bum mual orireay tlK dehrjblo in onr ichcoU nnd'by thp jiubjio g'ripraHy, fn th litbbriatitttdai and moro ti"rtlinly in ti of iho Commonwealth tho day luunamnajuan ha ootorvod.'' Uuv. Heaver niggtBts Uxi orfjntiiratlon of Tiiuigo niiproveiDBm., pouiai 'HI I pi cs, try Bf80cif(MotiP. 'pelScratifoi) Vht(h saysi It is now sliteen montbs sjneo thti terriblu lU r,atiMud Kun hurled- ) many rouit) into vmn ty ontl ncaimca ami dii(lglred othoraifor life. Among tho latter was Mary Cannon, of thti llam. Iiton, wonf-iiaaoiis.Umluor oyery tody, and wi0 iaj tho deep sympathy of all. Iltr. injuries wore feurfnl. A rlioituimu sIiko Dr. lirady, of WVbt ltcKBwfliinii Bvcmic, (ni8U(i m mui iii'.JuT (olialf ind aboJs much improved bjibisicarff. 1 Tlio Hcaln a;it ioyfiipix (if thu foichiad wcro hurnnl away.piitliavu entirely r placed 1 1 u-1(10 .tpplioatioim of s jn (Fiafw lalo-n frfm livjup; j)mous. To V0UtB wnaiiJi pyv r!nlilivviawlflly rstr but si tt uan now difgnvrr a tjad .laovjng bi-forti ticr.fdpu and innyyet, tctsuvur her lt vinjop. The, avo (a crcnljuci iBtepu-iiiU'CMt TliprunJafotaiHiln of thusaaluihn cured iirr of eicrnoiailiii' beadachon that (ormpnUsd her before, j ( A U IUmt ad JuHrt.) A promlwnt phrslclsa calls the kiss "sa ,rj(at, drtf nloAlor ot dlxauH." Il Mrs, Jfcnr Is lurrs'l by It. to are lung- dlswe. nut ntin the iniSrM sna sapWoa Tsuaboodl Kvsitoilr-IUMH-an.not rot tucb ts b. sad tlitoM tor nu-s UMisrstw tre Kmt Lt him to matins ourwomrc nttlthr sad bmnmlnit that ku- mt t" kl-f. Tbtt ca tuoilr iM-dam tiy um uw of I'r Pltm's t'svprU. I'xetctliilko, wbll, It tmplr mt leal (i) euriBK .tip r5ulitr u fteitli. After ttklni'tt for a rr-atontble Irosth of tlmt Umtii trill b do mors Irrrf ultrttr, bk tchf. brlt)-lown Knnsstloni. UCTVoutipro. trtti'U), rent-nil deMUtysadkladred tllrerau. It It ibe tny tnedlcftti ff omn. told by 'dnr(fgtts.:uiider a. pttve sruarantee frma IJwiraaaurtctiirert, tlmt it will sire sat- uixeiltm in trvvrt c&ta. nr mnnr-r refunded. ' A Iklok of 100 ptirna, on " Woman and Her msftsauaiid UKir.itf-rure." tent, post-paid, to nt,tMnMtvtlv .tcaUd Id a plain en velope, on n-celpt of ten pmu. In sttmps. AcMntf, WOlil-Jj'S I)IPS5S1RT MtLICJt, AaaudATiusaa Mtia Mm-t, tlutftio, N. Y. DrffiRCE'S PELLETS I'nreJr VctreUblo and Perfectly Ilarm lewk (Jncniitltd u I.ltcr I'll I. Bmsllest, rhmtrnW-tttUn -Take. One liny, fcHstr rotate tajsllrt, a Dote. Cure Melt Htfliiarh'-.fWIIont Ilrtdtfho, (TMntllljuiioii, Iiidlxettlou,-Billons AU 'aclji tntisll dc-Ttngcnient of tbe fltmnjic scd K,irU. Swpui vUl, by CrogsUU. If You Have UNtWIPTiONICOIMHen C0LI ROMCHITI8 1 Throat Affcctloja SCROFULA I Waiting of Flfi ttr ty DUeaM whr fAt Thral and Zwyf an IMmti JtUicf Blrtnitk T Xm SCOTT'S EMUlwSIQN 'ot PURE COD LIVER OIL Vlth Hypophosphltes, JPtALATADUE' AS MILK. Atkfof Ocpll't Jsmufi and lHitm jtiuiatUn, ir fttcttalloit tifdiut you, to Sold by all VfygqUU. JMBTTtVMVtlEjCrm8!(l.V. G. W. BEHTSCH, piIE. UKJIOIIANT TAf JiOIt. :o f 11 OF EVKIIV UKSCRIPTION. Suitn mode tQ-ord:nat.-hprt notice and a fitalwuv au$rot)til or no sale. Call-and eruinjne,bc;lagwt and Ufet viuctuuiiiwK. ut g'Krai ever buuwu in Lolnmbia county. Btore DMtidoor. torVirit National liark MAIN 8TUKET,' Bleotngiiurir Pa. February iut,, 1x890. Thlt HT. VAVIh .HIJtMKtPlir.tH e 9IANI TOIIA ItV. unci II; hninphcj beenmit iha If TOO1 AH! OOINO TOTIIEKE fAfiU-S QV- TiIK 1IIUC JUVEIt VALLBY, Tits Till Gr-t Northern Ey- Line. TO, TUB 001.0, SILVKIt, COITBH. UIUN AND COAL MINKS Of MONTANA, T4KS TIIS Great- Northern, Ey. Line. TOOKEAT VAI'l.1, TitK FLTU8E WDUBTMAL TASS TUB Great Northern Ey. Line rOIICLIiNA, UUTTB, M-GKANE VALLH AND TIlKCOAtlT CITIES, TiSS Tns Great Northern Ey. Line. TO PAIIQO, CUOOKSTOX, OltAND POItKS AIJI) WEINNEPKO, TAIS THS Great Northern Ey. Line TO ALT. MINNESOTA, BOUTII DKOTA, NOltTIJ DAKOTA, MONTANA, IDAHO. OlIKdOM. WAfJUINOTON, CA.tlfillOtA AND M AMI roil A l'OINW, Ttss THS Great Northern R L'nD for tl htm,. maps -and guides, apii V) soma ticket aiecal ur wrtui la I'. I. M ill TNI! V, apn. J'lun. and tlct' t Ascot, OuTKariis htlLirtr, bL I'sul, Mian. I-Th0 (Iltl!T MOItTlllIltl IfAIf,VA' i.irnit runs-us own MtjininceaL uiainir uars. rtlacuHlftrplnir cart: tfpecul Apartiaent Cjrs sod nee coiomai Bitrepers oa uauy rurouira TrtiDH, J. R SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DgAI.KHS N PIANOS, ily tlie lollowiDtf wellkaown laakertt Clilckcrlnsf, Weber, Hullet & DuviH. Cun also furnish any of tlie cheaper makes at manufacturers prices, uo not uuy a piano be lure getting our prices. .o. Cataloguo and Price Lists On Application t p t. FRAZER GREASE BENT IV TIIK M'OHr.U. It wmtIos Qutiitlot trt utsurpttaad. actotllr pulltatlas two bos.t of tnrotbtr brand. Nui sxud byhatt. i-tiirr Tin: av.x uini:. rougiLBi)rtKAUnmoi:wKiuLi,Y. tur suu8cninn for Tlllfi COLUMBIAN. WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING A pcrfcct Harm css drcssino. VBZO DT atEX. WOMB uro CTinjlBBTt. A SHINC LASTS A WEEK. LEATHER PRESERVER. A Handsome polish. IS WATER-PROOF. EVERY Houtshold EVERY OfPca EVERY Mechsme EVERY Stable niru) nr '"' oit riiiTvt fartiUk '" ! lWt 0 YA IUIUH ti.ii ,In, w,L&.SrlMVtwnOl Btrrt flffw, ' WOLTf S BAKDOtPn, ruitdalphlt. Oolilg Down to ths Sea The accident to the City of Paris i of a kind to causo trembling to the peoplo who go down tothoseainsbiot. Shu is of tho latent tjpa of marine arch'ttectnro and fitted with every ap pliance for sift-tv; vi t sho was only saved from going to the bottom by the inc cainine a 01 the tcai and her near- nefs to port, which she reachrd iast in ima to find a safe reMing place upon tU shallow bottom. 'Si-e wai fitted with duplicate engines and 60ec, and she had a doable bottom and bulkhead acro8 and lengthwise, but a'l these supposed insurances of safety failed before tlio devastating crash ol broken jron that crushed engine', bulkheads and bottom and left htr helpless upon tbe tea and powerleji of preservation tbrongb any .power ot htr own. All of which shows again thjc man may pro pose bat he cannot dispose; and tends to increase the ranks of oar Prepbyter ian friends who believe that what will be will bp, and that they aro at safe without ss with tne insurances of bci- enoi; though it is not to be disputed thai the. most of these good people are rf-ady to take the insurances, notwith standing their faith. lhesnrpriso about these accidents to. ocean steamers is not that they occur, but they do not hijipn oftenel. Mrivon at ttiu highest speed, and with so many parts liable lo breilc with the cnorraouB strain put up 'n Ibcrn in the struggle thiough raging feai, it mist b an over present reiluttion by those abroad that they are in conHantdanger of disaster. Tlio infrcquency of it causes a coiratio to which such inci. dents as this, when they comp, give a lively shock. And doubtless there would bo' greater shocks if we heard, of a'd the accident tfiat o;cur. Ship of- ncers realize this apd aro stnniou in concraliog everything that happens . t. .-. 1 ; 1 . I . . 1 . 1 . . ' I r . iui is iiKi-iy 10 aiarni tnu iiinm. JZx. Poison Oak Tho followtnz extract, taki-n from a .letter written by Mr. E. A. Bell, fully viiiiain iieii; While surveying lan 1 in 1883 I acei dently handled poison oak vine, and in less t'tan three hours (the erup'.ion usu ally. iciulthig from snch contact begins in .ten .days) ray ifaco was swollen and disfigured, and my hands aud arms sefiouply affected. I immediately be Ean Lakinc Swift's Specific (S. 8. S nd(a(ter taking three large bottles I .foupd. all signs of the breaking out-en-iirely ftmovpd. I was ltd to empeit us return at the same lima next tear, djd not, nor has there been any indications of its return since. My little boy, eight yea-s old, was afllicted wjtli tho snmo oison 1881. Afltr taking neveral buttles of Swift's Sp.c.ifin (S, S. S ) the eruption entirely disappia'ed. A very sliglt form of the eruption returned during tho next spring, but wq th- n n sumei) the S. S. S. and having taken ei ough durjng that seaon to make the cure pcmaneni, ho has not since had any return of tho dis ?ase. Swift's Spocijic (S. S S.) cert ainly effected thorough cures in both thce cases, aud I regit d it as a won i-fftc'.ivo remedy for all such disrasis. E. A. 15km, Anderson, S. C. Treatise on Blood shisktn DKasesmslled rreev BWIFT m'KCiKlOCO.AOauU.Ott, Bwindhnj Tarmera- A NEW HEV1CK l-OIt OIITAININC TIIKIB SIO NATUIIEriTO 1-ItOMISSOltr NOTKK. A neat and ingeniojs device for swindling farmers Ji-ts liitoly b-en put in praelice in the interior of the state. A stranger callol upon a well-to-do farmer- of tho totvn of Coventry and exhibited a plooghiiharp, which ho claimed to bo of an improved pattern over ol. I styles, doing it wptk belter an i with easier draught. He was in troducing the, plo'iL'hhhare,- he said, as t o agent for a llaffaloaurieuliural ma chine. warehouse Ho offer- d to leave a.ploughslnra with t'io farmer on trial If satisfactory, a stipulated price was to be.remtttrd to tho HufMo lions", and,tie farmer was lo iccommend tho nowitooj to his neighbors. It int sat isfactory, the ploughshare should cost the farmer nothing. Tho proposition appeared ro Mr that tho Cpvcntry mm accepted it, and as a matter of form, the agent said, signed his namo to a memorandum of tlie agreement, whioh thp fluent wrote out on tho spot with a fountain pen that heproduced frcm his pocket. A few days later tho farmer was amazed by tho presentation lor payment of his note of hand for $230. The note was presented by a neighbor, to whom tho aent had sold it, with a'plauslblo ox tdsnatiorj and at a slight disrount. At first tho victimized farmer indignantly pronounced tho signature a fnrgory, but a revived rcollection of his deal with tho plowsharo agent and a closer inspection of tho handwriting satisfied him that tho signaturo was his iwn. How did tho sharper work tho trick! Tho accepted theoryjs that ho wrote out tho contraot with an ink that soon faded out, and then substituted for the farmer's uso in signing tho document another fountain pen filled with com mon ink. The Iriok gavo him, after the fading out process wai oomplctcd, a piece ot papor freo of any mark ex cept tho genuine signature, which ho converted into a promissory note. Thero is no concern in Huffalo doing business under tho firm namo given by tho sharper. "Every Bpnnir." Says one of tho best housewives of New Kngland. 'Ve feel tho necessity of taking a good modiolno to purify tho blood, and wo all tako Hiod's Sar. ranarillu. It koeps the qJi'iIcImii free from humors, my hinhand says it gives 1dm a, good appetite, nail fnr.mvuelf I am sure I could tibyer do all my work, if it was pot for this sploudld moiioine. It makes me foel stronir and cheerful. and I am never troubled with headache or that tired feeling, , as I used Uj bo." i 1 Ton Wast to Be Lored. Don't find fault. Don't contradict people even if you're sure you are right. wont ue inquisitive- about tho a flairs of even your most intimate friend. Don't uqderrate anything became you dont pw?ss-it. IJoq't -baevt that ererybqdy in the world is htppler tbin you. Don't conclude that you have never had any opportunitiet m life. Don t believe-all the ctil vou hear. Dcu't repeat gossip, t yen if it does interest a ciowd. Don't go untidy, ou ,the. plea that evtrtbody knows yoo. Don t be rudb to ytur ihferiots in social ivsiiion. Don't over or tinJer-dre. Don't expre-s a -positivo opinion nn lets jou peifeolly ui)derUnd what you are talking about. Don't get in a liablt of vulgarizing life by making light of tht leatiment oi i;. Dou't jer at anybiJdy's religious be lief. Don't try lo be anything e!o but a gt-niu woman and that metns a woman who has coniideralion for tbe whole world and whoje life is governed by the Golden Jlule, "Dj unto others as you would be done by." Ladiei' Home Juunial. Woat Oholr Umgera are Faia. A eopran ), in an averaa city, vill be paid, ai n beginoer, anywhere from $200 to 300 per annum. At she ba. oomts betUr known, and is in more thorough command of h-r voice, she will average from &503 to 8300. Hotton pays about $200 per annitm bett-r to choir sincers than ar.v other city in ray knowledge. Several sopranos mere receive yearly taianes of ?1000 and $1200, and a few $1500. A woman with a goad contralto voice will begin at an annual salary of $200 which, if she is succ-jstful, may rise to any average of $300. There aro two churches in Philadelphia, I bv litve, which pay their contraltos $400: Dut tuutyin oitics outside of Bonpu, whioh.aa with sopranos, avenrre abont $200 higher, is unutual. And even a genuine alto that rarest. of things iu these days will command but from $300 tq $400 per annum. The Hob, of course, does better than this, by ad ding $200; but even with this addition none ot tbestt salaries appear .precisely extravagaut, pr to admit of much lux- .nryjn Ityirig, and salaries aro rarely increased. Should a rival church ma)to an offer for a voio , if the firnt, church is desirous of retiining it, tbe rival's price is overbid, aud the voice retain ed. But this is tho only reason, of which I havd knowledge, for increasing sa arie. However it mifgtbe remember ed that this salary is paid fpr singiqg only at two service, aud fpr attend -nce at one or to rehearsals a week. All the rest of the singir's tiino j bpr own to dispoie of" as she phjases. Prove she an apt pupil to ber new master,-he will send to htr, for instruc tion, scholars whom ho has not tpc time to teach. Or she may secure ep gageracnu to sing at different churoh concort, or, laying aside her musip, may take to sewing, painting, decor ating, or any of the rainy wavs jn which girls are able to make a living No work most be undertaken whioh ,will i'i any way ojnfl ct with the oboir ain,,!n (ah . I . t .. . - 1 . . t ' re-ion ofibcr existenoj. She' is first and bafore.all-else a singeri that-is hqr, proiefsion. uet this nevitr tie forgotten E. Alinb Osuoou in LadM ITone, Joutpal. - 11 Tbe Standard 'I regard Hood's Sarsaparjda as hay ing passed above tlio grade of whit are commonly called patent or nropri etary ai-idiciiieH," said a well known physician recently. "It is fully cnti( led to bo a ettndard modicine, and haf won this podtiin by its undoub!c(l mcriUand by the many remarkablp cures it has effected. For an altcratip and toaio it has never been equalled.'' Pennsvlvania still raiintains its posj tlio "banner department" of thp Grand Army of tho Itepublia Tl p membership is littlo.short of 48,000 at prcpent. Wines for lJebilitated Females- Physicians have used Spcer's wino, and having applied to it the strictest fst known to oheminry, they do not hesii tate to pronounce, it pure vyjne of jned. ium strength, and r commend it to' bp of great advantage to tho aged and in firm, also in low and typhoid fevers Sjr er's wine will bo found ycry super inr. b. rws, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER DKAI.KIt IN Mil, m umi k Tin Roofing a Specialty, ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK-IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsbu-g Oicra House il'vFREE inn Hr isittqu&lrd, ftad ta Iniruduc out V labMB rOM iacfc loclltr, !U ut tt ntfl ttn Mki ur tb tbioc. All J on la Jo U tttniU I kaw or f ft4 U tfthtinlttJl-if lkbn sHUsT of UU 4vrtlMs(Bl kti iLst ua&li sst4 of Ik bL. ncftia Lt m I sy t isrry. W wIUcIm iat)MktwMi ia Hstka ftssi isUB talMIU ssU sti 1aM. ftisH tk ULmltm Ml riIM. 6tU rU ftl HN. WMi iISfMttAUMk lilt U wmtncmnissiv - mm AYilinDCBKE muiit.'v I THE GREAT German Remedy! S TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. fur Ihows lii-atblj BlllouiSpcllfdepeniJ nnSctruLiiltirTEiL' ItwIllcnreTtm- I iljjw will l rai'll for cam w here fc c L-1 rnnn Itttr Willi 1otuir1torcuxv. Ill 1ki you saCcr wlUi CleaDM Ibe TUUted 171 ilool when 7011 ttl u I rap n rit lei tnrrt Ijl rthroofh the Alol I n rimnlcs.l!1Mchcf I'I f ecu iii; if to, ok StTLPIIL'It BlTTEES; It will care you. 1 Itisnraili- inlmiri trvl 8ortA. Heir otiLl tno mint mi wotk tbop; clerk, who d not promrc taddent exerd awl all who arc con 11 noil In tloor tn.1 kotillh taltl frtl I! OK. HcmiLR lnrrtiu Ulcere WrerCoin lUlrrt. IontbciU oaragod j U w IU cure ma. Urrrtit. nrw!l) rwj not uku iM wcas umi. If you Uo ivt wHL to rv net from Kbrnm fitlum, uw ft NUle ol MJLMirK iJITTEIU -rill LalM vtixt ttt aim luake yoa etroDg&Dtl iraiiny It nrrrr f.ilU tnrure m:lpiilh Hitteiu IttIII make Tour Mood ixin t llG WltlHIUt fil boat. Try Hi yon i nre, nci hiki f iron jf, i win nm mmi iu idi yourccin naru. Ijittlti In uciicatt henlth. wlo arc all 'i nr aLLriicii JiiT- rr.iw to night, ami run iIowti, thoaM nit rou will alcet well rn Fill R IITT7TR. I la tou want tho lt?et 11 ct lien I Work riabllshfrii 8end 2 t-cnt etampi to A. 1. Ordwat & Co, Norton, Jtlaet., atvi recclre a copy, free. If You Have K aptet!f, Indlareatlen, FlMtaUoe, Hick Ifailch, rum dona," lorn lag flh, jou will rind M Pills fha remedy yoa need. They lone tip tlie wtik Btouiactj and build up tbe flff;lnr eiiwrrlea. Hufferere from anental or physical orerwook. w11! rind yellarrroiu llim. Cicely auar coated SOLD EVEttYWUEIiE. mm -Thuiiiaids liar! Uvn TviuiAueuUr cured Mi l'MlLAUKI.rnIA. l'A. Yjl eatonce,nof'Twatloa vr lmot lime from bulJiew. Cav nronfjunceu In curabllyunrt waited. bend for Circular. JURE GUARANTEED. oatSu&tXZi. Aue 10 'f0 ly PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promote a luiuriint erowth. Nyer Failt to Rcitora Gray fisiiriiiY Touinrui tfOior. PrerenU Hand rufT and hair faJUfig 38 t! At mm HowLost I How Rogalnotl, KNOWTHYM THE fimriinr re icer A ScltnUlc tnl SUndsrd Topnlir Mlicl Trf ilieo on the Error ol yontli.l'remiturellocline.Ncn oaj nn ltaTt TiKIt; T . i i . k . . ImoJUos from Kollj, rice, Ipiorsnce, icctm or Urrruiitloo, Kntmtlnr nd nrattlng th lctln I01 Work; Bnilntw, HioUirrledorSoclsl ItcUilon. Arold untklllful pretenders, 1'oiieii thil creat wort. ItconUlnSMD,roT18ro. BeeoUful Unjioe, emboiieJ, roll pfit I'rico onlr 11.00 hj nmj, i.!tpilcl, coocenled In plain wrapper. Illoa. tjitlel;rpK!ctQ voo apn! now.-! Tlie du-Jn mlihel a ithor, Wm. II. Tarker, M. !., rc ceiref tho lloi.ll ANIlJnUI,I,l:i .UlID.ll, rroin Iho Nntlonnl IlleillriU Afmoclnllou Tor llili I'llIZB IISrtAY nn NliUVOUS nr.d riir.siUAI.DCnir.ITV.Dr.I'srkersndscorns of An'.iunt 1'rBirlana may Ijo contulted, confl. ileot Jllr. bjr mall or In perron, at the office of TJII5 riMIlOIIV JIIUUICAr, IXhTITUTU, No. 4 IIulflnchHt.,Iloaton.;)Ia..towbotnal orderg for booka or letters lor advice should Lo dlrectevl aa above. 3-!8 iir4 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lied Cross Iilauiund Hi and ThO Alii 1-dlsvt.U nlll tap as.1a. Haf. ir,l are. Ia1Ic, ftL Ilracdtt for lta Ulsv innt Jimud.ln rd mulitaboiea,caU4 blMiltiboa, TAbeDoother. f)ft44. v A- litunr) (ur I'KTtleulwa ul MllUef tow I Lndle.n in litier, by mtUL AmmW) CaUkuter ClamlU Co MdUon H.f VhlUdu, I'm, 3 28 it WUIIlP Pornit of Mr Uirri. W WIVb son. ,f i.iiu. (itiio. !! writeti "Wi at work e a form fur H'ZO k montbi I now baa an tiney r V.. C.jllltn A. Cat alliums and i.ul.lL. tlooa and oft in mkliiV w tlar." (SlrilKl) W, H.tiAKCIM.v Wlliu"m Klfna, ll.rrlsturr. fa- wriiii Ml Lava nevrr known . anjiUlBf loacIllikajtfuralbaMt. I 1 aatcrday I ickU ordm mu h l I pa ma o .. W. J, LI I uiurt, Utvfor, Ma., wrliMi "I luha an ord for jour allium at mnsiaTcrj nonw I nf prftfitUbrtcaaimuchaaSU afar a alnrl day'awoili," rOtben ar iIoIdb: qulu ei ell a baa not aiiara to a-la i. aratla from ihlr ltira. 1'iHt on i bo uktt holdoflbli rrani truainM tka uiirnn-ll'ronia. Nlnill we itart YOU in Ibid biisiues. rvaJrrt Wrlw torn and Uini all about fl foryoowlf. Wi ratanlittnat7 w will start fon If on don I dclaj until tmxherftt ahead of you In your part or tb country. Irjon laia bold you will bo atl to lik. up rotd fast. OrlItnl Ihi account nf a forced manufactumr al 1 3i,ttH ttit tlollur I'liotugrJtl'h Allium anlo boold lolba Pru.ta tut tf'Zfmcli. Uwuud In IWral Crimson Hllk. clrl litita.CnannlaflydaconlrdinaidH, HaodaoniMt album In Ilia world. Larrrtt fcU. Crtlt Urfaia tier known. Afeula waatr-d. Ubctal terma. Ilia; money for autoli. Any onaran MrnnfaauccfMrulatrcnt. SallallMlf on algtit IlltU ornc ulUuf nacoMry. Yt kmiir akown, every wanra lo i.ur. elisM.. Agruit lake thud tan da of ordart wltb ra(iidlly uecr Intuit kuuwn, tireat proitra await wry worker. Afantaara uaklnf rtftunct. tadivamakt aa mntb aa men. You, rtatter, rn do at wall aa auy one. Full Information And tarnia frt, lo iIiom who wtila (of Mmc.wltli partWUra and lennafurovr raially 111 tin. Hooka and 1'erludicala. After you knw all, tbouldyou contluda to go no furtoar, wliy no bartn la dout. Addreoa E. C ALLKH a CU4 AusbsTA, ilAlv Jan. y. AHRNT's A:VV,'. En-nftla .Men can .All IT. IN I O mak from ta 10 wo per W A H U n t? ",IU "".l lD ,ur us n ' enjoy VVJll 1 ill J Ui oiiufori. or knowloe tuat tney are worllnir f r an old and iclUlile flrm. lie- slr&blo territory In towns and countloj can bo se. cured by prompt uppllcatloo. we grow tlio stock weoBcr. .iddres- Klt.V.NKLIN DAVIS CO. nurserymen, Jluttlmoie. Md. Jan. & liar. THRESHM machines o, , A SI'Kl'IAUTY. Wrnpst.Mostuuriblo, Econ-inlcal, and perfect la u-vfaitcs no grain; clea sit re.i-lv foriuirket, THRESHING ENGINES "fowBiw." HatoilUU, Shlnul J,iri(if, linn P,:te't, and hUiiuSartl ImtAinwiUi keni-rally. A. 11. KAlKjUIIAltllO., UullU-d, Send for Itlua l-ennaylvanu Ainhi'itural traun Caulosue. I Worki, Yokk, l'a. S-7.UW. ,& 5)Mitchell'sKidnGyPlaslers jr. S Abaorb all dlicaao In Uio.lIIdncyi and f j rcatore tliem to a healthy condition. (OJsjf Old chronic kidney enHcrcra uy they got no nllet until they Mod l 1 iiitciii:i.i,'h iuim:y ri.AhTKliM. EoldbyDroixlita everywhere, or sent by mall for Mo Nuvsltr l'lutor AVerku, IiiTell, Mua, 3 28 il 4t Horsas, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Eicsls anyremcdr forth rieVd cura nl DliUmptr, Sort and Weak Evei. Luna F.J.r Cot ln.H,Dlolchei. snd all dimcul"?f S,?,'! las Iron Impurities ol lhs Blood Will VsH,m J0PPA MANUFACTURINQ CO.. LYONS II Y, 4! Q JKH JatsTjsKrfSl .F aaTjsssTjksW D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTn. r.x. SO 11) toi SO SSI tit til sso . Sll Hi Tl4 Til , H , T30 , 7J TCO , ?M . in , SOI 8 01 , 8 18 SI? . an , 817 . en , SM . 8M . SM . r r.v. r.n. I to 1. . 1. H. 10 CO SIS 1 1 J 8 30 I0IS .... 1014 Sll 10H tSU 10 SO 7 0S 10 M 711 KORTHCIIISLaXD.-.. Cameron CDnlarty uanniie . caumua Rupert - i so X 33 i 41 Hioom-vrarg- Espy. Um' IU.1?- Wllloir OroTC nrurmek. Berwick It 14 11 It II 14 II 10 il :i II si Kuca inven Hick's rerry nicksblnuy il si II 44 80S II M RI5 It 04 8 31 It 10 8H It 13 8 31 itn SS It 27 81', 1J 31 till It S3 S3I It 19 8 34 1111 CI ItM 101 I 01 V 17 IC9 la iiuniocKS .. Kinticoke. 3 Si Arondi le - inymouth Piymoatu Junction . Kingston... lv-nneiu. xiiiny , Wyoming West Huston ntuton. l.v:kiwaana. Tajlomile. UeUerue. 8csiktosm ETATJOXS. 4 OT 4 (X 4 II 1 13 4 24 r.n. 120 SU r. x. r. m boirru. A.M. i.X. SCRiKTOy Sill SM Hellene. Sis 9 a Tiylomile IM low Lickawanna 8 2S 10 os IMUton. (134 10 IS West lltttton. Sll 10 it Wymnlny..... ........... S47 1027 Malt by 6 31 1030 Ifnnetu (31 10 31 Klnson CM 10 34 r. v. r. v 1 u 879 .... 6 23 J-rJ SSI 2 10 S II 218 IS 2 21 sal 2 29 SM .... 6 39 3ST 703 140 707 2 43 712 2 so : u 2 35 7 tl llrmonth Junction. 7C3 10 41 Plrtnouth. no lor? Avondale 714 1031 Nantlonlto 719 1033 Ilunlock-B 7-.S not SUcksblnny 7 37 1112 link's Ferry 7IA 11 33 UeAcnllaren 801 1131 uermcK so? n 40 Bnar Hreelt. 811 tviuoworore. sic II SO Umnltldge 9 to 11 .it E-ipy. 8 34 it 01 liloomsburj si! 11 CO Hapert 837 15 It Catawusa 842 it 17 Oinvliie 817 13 32 Chulanlcy Cameron 9 07 It 41 NoamcxBtRHHB 9 21 It S3 a. M. r. V. 159 7 23 IM 711 3 20 7 53 3 31 8 07 3 40 8 t 3 47 BW 3 3.1 817 3 31 s 31 4 02 8 SJ 4 09 8 41 4 15 S47 4 23 8 St 4 24 S 37 4 16 913 434 6 (U 9 84 513 I3 T.H. r.V. Connections at Itnnprt with Phtladelnhla Jt Iteadln? Kallroad for Tamanend. Tamaqua. WUI- lauisp-jrt, sunuury, rovbiviiie, ec ai, nonuam Derland with P.tE. Dir. p. it it for Uarrnnunf, Lock llaren, Bmporlum, Warren, Corry, and Erta. W. r. 11AL1TAD, Gen. Man facranton. ra. OHILADELPIHA X- HEADING -- UAll.HOAD. OM AND AFTER NOV. 10th ISS9. TRAINS LEAVE follows: (un.VDIYI KICEPTID.) ForNew York. Pnllalelphli, Iteadln?, Pottsvllle, .ntl.IMJ IO, CM. U.W, a. iu. For U.laraspjrt. Milton and DinrlUe 7:3) a. m. 3:10. ll.-ul o. m. ForOata-vtaarOO, 7:33, 11:0 a. m., 12.20, 5:00 6:1s D. m. Forltipert6.01,7), 11:05 a. m., 12:30, 3:16, 5K, TRAINS FOR 11LO0MSBURO Le-iTe New Vork via PhU tdelphla 7:13 a. m. 4 03 p. iu. ttu-i vn cviuju o: a. m. 3.i p. no. Leave PWUlelplila tojo a. ra. 6.0J p. m. Leave lleadinz nao a. in. 71 p. mT leave Potuvilie li.Kp. m. Lare Tamarju irii a. rn. 9:18 p. m. leave Wiuuiiiinort 9 tn. m. n n m Leave uatawlsia s:o) a. m., 1:30, 3:30. 6.15 11:12 p. m. . if T8 '"pert 6:16, 7:01, 8.0J, Urll a. m. 1:38, 3:1 1, 6:22, 11:21 p. m. For ualtlmora Washlnjton and tho Wast via B. v. n. iw. luruufa trains iave uirard Avea'ie ftation I'hUi. (P. it It ft) 1:23, n:oo a. in. 7:W P-m- sanlays 4.-2S, 11:00 a. m. -Saf I UA. A1 LANTIO CITT DIVISIOS. Leave PilUHlphla, Pier 7, Chestnut Street ,1 uau, iiu.j ntu amxb nuan: rOB ITHXTIO CITT. Weelc diyj-'Stprau, 9 w, a. m. im p. m. Ac comodatloi. UsO a. m. imi n. ,n. suadavs-EtpreH, 9-.0J a-m Aejomolatlon8:0) rx. in. au'j i.- I ux. BsroaMixo, Lsavs athxtio cirr. Df pit cirner Atlantic and Arlcms is Avenuoj : Wee dayi-lxpreji, 7:50, a. n. and 4:00 p. m AccomodaUoa, 4:03 a. m. and 1:31 p. m. Handays-ExorMi, 4.-00 p. m. AccimHtIon 7:30 a. m. and 1:1 1 p. ra. . . , c- 0 HANCOCK, .. . Ofn-U Pass. Agent. Vice Pres. & Oertl. Manager. Pennsylvania Riilrni. M Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. W TIME TABLE. in eaect NOV. 10, 1889. Tralra leave sanhaty EASTWARD 9.40 a. m., sea Shore Express (dally extent arrmng at" PhUadelph'uris f. m.? Ne'" vi? I,'.. v uaiumure, a.iu p. m. : waititnston n. n n. m tnn y ajt 1 nival Dli. m J9 . uVTZi. r"5 w ""ciuia ior an FhllMe?DMa' Tnroaeu Pnger coach dla& Vtatlnn. ,''1"'": 6.50 p.m.; Now Tors, 9.33 p. m.j Baltimore 6.45 p. m. i Washington, 8.15 p. m. Parlor car in n mVTi. V T Tl mwiuiiiaiD BtniiucB, amy ''cijuich.m a. in. ; new vorK 7.10 a. ra phla and .New VorK. Philadelphia paisonsers can remain In Rlpanpr nn.fljtn.h... - " l.sna. m Prli uil I .l.ili.J.. .? iwa7m.-NlwvVr-i,9:30"k.mhro phfal Ca" Passenger coaches to t-hlladel- !.V)a.rn.-sjit1r-iEr3re3i(litiy) i)r mrrla. bur am I Lt-rmedUle atltlinj arrlvinT at BUtl moro l.-M. a. m. til v ininwi I. m. inl w"1?11 uUm? H'9'P'aF to Biltlmire and WaahiDirton, and througb pasienger oacaes to Baltimore, WESTWARli. a llln m IFrlA Man ,.ti. . yianj)t mr ip ai man Pan woara an! paiaenerooaohes to Brio and - . . -- w j , uau i i .j j lock iiaven and Intermediate stations. tlons. It .heater, Buffalo and: Niagara Falls with thr Ujthpasaenger coachesto Kane and Rochester and Parlor car to WllllaniBport. ' u.oju. m. piMnjuciaariy except sundaylfor Ite novo, WaiMnB and tntennedlatfl stations. Bith thro'iifh passenger coaches to Itcnovo and Wat ins. ,,-nif p' WllUA'uiport Express ( dally ) for wuilauisport and mtennedlato BUtions. TUROUOn TKAINh FOR HimilllRT PKOi: TUB EAST AND BOUTII. "l"IluH NrW TCmreea Inivaa ni.iiyAit.i. . H a-. mvq nillUaCIUUiK l.OU H.. IU. ------ w. iwiiij mwkv ouuutii nrriviDir at lld-fLl-m- "H.tnroueu I'arlorcariroS Ph KSS Kh : Ti i!?,i?2rxu'sm. acnes irom n.8,t. LJnoloavesNew inrsVoo a.m. ; Phlladet Shla.11.10 a. m. , W.,hln-r,An ,n ft . !J ....... coaches from Phlladjlphta and Baltimore w,!Ll ?'?,,10J',' Bp-osaloaveiNew Vorlc joi p. m. PhUalelphU 11.45 p. m. Wwhlngton p. m. f'UBj;,ally) arrlvlni at Sunbur mS?6.11 lwt Now Jcrk 8.00 p. m. Phlladel phla, p. m. j Washington, lffoo p. m. j lialtu r " ...Jf.w-,li ." ' "nvingai BUnDury5.10 n'hifS'JP t'.?'1Vi tollman sloopln? cara from .'?iiad?.lpl"a' Washlnsrton and Baltimore and through passongor coaches from ruilslslpiu mi 4N.II1 llAII.tVAY, W""T (Bally except buuu ay.) Wllkesbam Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a m "rtjiwt doom Ferry 10.18 a.m., Vllkes-biSe "kxprbss Kast leaves Sunbury 5.8a p. to., arriving at Bloom Ferry (. p. m., WllkeB-barro f w i. uf Sunbury MaRleaves Wllltesbarre 11.17 a.m. arrlv Ingat Uloora Korry lu.S7-p. m., Hunbury 1,80 p m vlng at Bloom Ferry 4.30 p. m., sunbury 6.20b. m simnav tii hjo " ,i!Lkea.b,7rr6 rai." l81?es sunbury 10.00 1S0 a.'nl 3m Kerrjr,0-Is ". Wim-BaVre Sunday aoommodatlon leaves Wllkea-liarre a-m mrUln? " B'00m P. S, BanburV CIUa V.U1"' J- " WOOD, Cleu. Manager. oen. Passenger Agt. patents: 9ltl lit fill Mirri )bt uel.tal ill Paten t Sinn inliitiifodl lUiittrK FiaV ' OFFICE We hive no'sub'agencies, all bui,,, vra2?e,V SSSP&ff La0. description. our fw not duStlTl rjlwntTs SMu're'dT C"ar,fe A booc,llow to Obtain Pateota,wlth referensea C. A. SNOW & CO., nn,- ikiciivuu w BhlngtOD, 1.0 ytNoastueoldost eaiaUlliled piteac llria In the Umted StaUM. having thnir nm .Vrr. is.. ! ? lugwn. l.a IteferenoB, It W. Oiwltd ni nr 1. A. Bluuucit, uiooinSarg vi, Hit. PLACES OF INTEREST To all visiting Philadelphia TUB YATES STORES 6111 mill CIIK8TNUT HI. IJIH niltl CIIRHTJtUT Mt. Our S.ip lior Clothing for Men anil Hoys m rct.ownr-il, and though prices ate vtty low this tuison wo main tain tho high qualify. . C. YATES & kslIltllBVIV-l Vl B BibsB BUKERS Md Exchange Block, WHOLESALE :l:fi tsl Clana $ W I l anl Mill Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. 5! 03TBtex Parlors fi.tta,cri.eca.- Cnn ontj (q) fpy o'ip FAMOUS 15 Cent StBws-1& WHI)'F!ALE HEALERS IM Carj, Cbiaao, (Dni(J', FvOtj an TOtj. SOI.F. AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars i Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, as Mfanra i Oranges, Lcmort5. ream Nut IS Banana5, pennM. Awottdj. Entijh WalnMt5, lop ra fli.. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. 6. ftOBBIlfe, eleR iH Foreign and Domestic BLOOMSBURG Pfl In porcliasing honEo hold nceesHiticg, it is wise always to select that which is the lies', it mil he the clioapect in tlio cud. A good article is always a source of pleasure. J. SALTZER hag won j. wide reputation for selling good goods at low prices. He buys direct from thu manufacturers, and can sell first clasi goodi cheaper than can bo obtained elsewhere. Hero are somo of tho articles and prices : Sf wing Machines of three grades, made hy the Now Home Sewing machine Co., 3 $Stod$00. 'e8f' a" atla0hmentP' frm Royal St. John, $30 upwards. Standard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Havo received theTgency foT tho Boosoy 111 tin Cornet, tho best cornet in tho world. A ood assortmint of violins, guitar, banino, ni ordeons, driim, lluu-s, fifrs and all kinds o' musical intrnmenu. Tin. I.aat r i: , , ""V ui niuillfi I r VIO inp. friiitnm. liini .si ,....,...,,. -Ti l-i 4 violins. Agont for Butterick's patterns, discouinfo'; ensb."8 BeW'"S machinca 8 ,ld on montby Pay menu. A libara bni)0r0tfeml1'!OW,loro,JbutcalUn(lseotho stock of your honn dealor, y,z ?z:r you any iDfor,naiion of i J. SALTZE Musical Instramenfs and Sewing WARBROOMS. IiiiiB1S-flh';iHBS. kailUbloWit out ot tune? uurtt0,e' ttna ItiMlltllR ttaunn tr M 1- .-. . . E5S " l1uJta 1'npjrtani, aro mucli iesa sa strrei.iutr0TuTeatY.rsii(W7 utw MASON &. HAMLIN tN 1IEWY0SK 0H10AQ3.. aro CO. CONFECTIONERS tsioomsdurg, Pa. and RETAIL m w E-itey Piann, $350 to $G0O. Steck, $375 to SC00. It. M. Bent & Co., S250 to 8-100. Brown & Simpson, 250 to 100. Estpy Organs, $90 to S175. Miller organs, $75 to $150. United States orgaus, $125 to $175. Chicago Cottage organ, $90 to S140 Worcester organs, $75 to $150. l'arn ora'H, SGO to S100. Ci'lehratcd While Sewing Machines $3 to $G5. New Domestio Sewing Machine, $35 to $75. PA. J H. WILLIAMS, .AUOTIONKEU. DLOOMSBOlia, PA. Heal Estate Bought and Sold. ri" ? drE!,rlDK t0 bu" norscs and wagon oul( tic fill to call on tlio above. ii Mmimmm im tassm 4 tmr ! Machine MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P PS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING, COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. 3-28 d 4t,