The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 11, 1890, Image 3

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Absolutely Puro.
weight alum or phosnhato powders. Sotit n itu m
can. ItoriLlUKWO 1'owderCo., 106 Wallst.,N.Y.
The Columbian
ivmtollshed every Friday. Subscription prlco.
fi.oo a year.
Entered at tho Fost omco at Hloomsburg, Pa.,
as second class matter, March 1, 1583.
FRIDAY, APRIL, 11, 1800.
COattkCT H11LK01D Till T1BL1, '
Trains on tho P. It. It. It. leave ltupert as
follows !
1:3! a. m. llito a. m.
3:31 p. m. 6:23 p. m,
Tralnsontho D,L. & W. it. It. leave IJloorasbure
as follows!
MOKTn. south.
7:19 a. m. 8:32 a. ra.
10:67 a. ra. 12:o p. m.
2:35 p. m. 4:19 p. m.
:38 p.m. 8:17 p.m.
Tralnsnnthe N.ftW. IJ. Uallwaypass Bloom
Ferry as follows:
NORin. socrn.
10:48 a. m. 12:37 p. m. -sop.m.
north. booth.
10:43 am 6:31 p m
Taking OHect MONDAY, SEtTEslUKIl 2, 1899.
rAr. Ar. Ar. I.v. r.v. r.v.
stations, r. sr. a. m. a.h. a w. p. m.
nioomsburtr, 0 28 11 43 J 0, s 31 2 31
Main street a is 11 41 n ,',s S4's 12
(1 40
6 47
6 50
Irondale 16 11 31) 6 66 8 45 a 45
Paper Mill 6 08 U 31 6 48 8 53 2 63
LlRhtStrcet. 6 05 11 28 6 41 8 1 56 2 50
' 03
OranROVUIO 6 57 11 20 6 5 9 06 3 117
7 10
Forks, 5 45 11 10 6 25 9 15 3 17
7 )
7 23
7 2S
7 35
7 3J
7 40
7 41
Zrner'8 5 42 11 Cl 6 21 9 20 3 20
Stillwater 5 37 11 02 6 17 9 25 3 25
Benton, 5 28 10 55 6 10 9 31 3 S3
Bdsons, 5 n 10 50 0 07 9 311 3 37
Coles creek, 6 20 10 45 0 05 9 33 3 40
Kugarloaf, 5 15 in 40. 6 02 9 42 3 41
Laubachs. o is 10 40 6 no 9 17 3 is
Central 6 03 10 il 5 5.1 9 57 3 58 7 57
Jamison City.... 5 03 1ft 30 6 50 10 00 4 00 8 01)
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. M. a m. a. u, a. si. r. m. r. si.
For County miperliitciiileiit.
Tho unctcrsUr ed announces himself as a emit
dato for tto omco ot s lportntendinl or 1' nolle
schools ot Columbia County, an! respectfully
asks to bo supports for tint ortloo at the coming
election la May next.
Jerseylown, Pa.
Par County Hiipurlmciitlciit.
Tho undersigned announcos ntnascir as a candi
date for tha omco ot county superintendent, and
respectfully ask? to bo supported for slid ortl jo at
tho election next May.
J. S. GlllVES.
Foit Sai.k A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gns and steam. Apply to
jan20tf. L. N. MoYsi!.
Fort 8alr Dwelling homes in Illooms
burg, Orangevllle, Espy and Utipcrt I'a.
Firms In I'onnsylvania, IC'insas and Vir
ginia. Vacant lots in Bloomsburg. Store
properties, Qrist mills and other property
by M. V. Lutz, Insurance and Ueil Estate
Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Fon 8jtiu. House and lot In Hupcrt,
lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with
ninu rooms. Hay windows, out
kitchen, lco and coal house, good stable,
chicken aud pig pen. Choice fruit, ever
green trees, good water, Two railroads,
Twelvo tralus a day each way, to lilooms
burg, faro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A
great bargain, If taken soon.
M. P. Lutz, Insurance & Heal Est. Agt .
FokSalk. Fine butldlntc lot, Main 8t.,
near Normal School. Apply to
O. W. KltlTltlt.
FOU 8ALB Three fresh cows. Apply
to William Ferguson, Woomsourg, I'a.4.U
Col. Freeze, C. E. Qeycr, Grant Herring
and W. H. Ithawn will attend Supreme
Court iu Philadelphia next week.
C. C. Trench returned from Florida last
week. Ho mado twelvo barrels of Orange
wine on his plantation while there.
M. F. Eycrly lias removed nil his house
hold goods to Willlamspott. His uddrtss
Is 53 Washington street.
W. M. Sears has closed his engagement
will) J. O Wells, and has gone to Cleve
land to tako a course in Optics.
Louis Townsend spent Easter at home.
lie is employed at Carlisle in the jewelry
store of O. J. Welty, and for tho past to
months has had chargo of tha establish
ment durlug Mb employer's absence in
Milton has an elegant new hotel, recent
1) opened. It is called tho Hotel Huag.
Willlamsport is to have a new opera
house, and perhaps two of them.
Furnlluro lower than cver'at Hiker &
The Slillvillo mkt
and is prospering.
Is three years old,
Towandn is now lighted by electric
lights. Hloomsburg will probably enjoy
tho samo luxury before the year is out.
Steady employment, on salary Is offered
in another column, by E. O. Peirson it Co.,
Waterloo, N. Y. 4-11-lw.
For Window shades go to Mercer's Drug
& Book Store. tf.
PhlllipsBakery wagon will begin calling
upon tho peoplo of Mlllllnvlllo Saturday
and will continuo all summer.
Sixteenth ce.Uury b'.d rcom suits at II titer
& McBridu'a.
Foit Balk: Early cnbhago pIidis and
early potatoes for planting at
J. Uaiikison's, Ceulre St.
Merchantilo appraised II, O. McIIenr
will soon be on his olllclal round.
For wall paper at lowest prices
Mercers Drug & Book Store.
go to
Arc you going to pipjr a room? If so sco
our paper before you buy.
tf, J. II. jlKllL'Klt,
Warren Ever returned homo from Louis
vlllo Ky. Monday evening and tho next d iy
started for New York Stato where ho is ar.
slsting Iu bulldlug neiv railroads.
Baker cfc McBrido have big bargains In
parlor and bed-room suits.
As hotel furnishers Messrs. J. It. Smith
& Co. of Milton, aro a succesi. They wero
recently awarded tho contract to furnish
tho Porter House, at WillUmiport,
They also filled the contact to furnish
tho new Hotel Haog at Milton, recently
Tho now town council was sworn in on
Clover seed for sale at 8, F. Peacock
Co's at lowest market prlre. If.
Notice. Tho firm of Baker & Bender
having dissolved Dccnii'xr Ut, all parties
knowing theineelves Indebted In tho lato
Arm will please call ut odco and mako set,
(. Q. IlAKKU.
Tho Commissioners of tho county havo
sent out tho itcglstry books, assessment
books, and assessors' general outfits.
Mrs. Phillips has had her Ice-cream par
lors refurnished, papered and painted
lco cream will bo served Saturday ovehtng'
and continued during tho warm weather. '
Tho regular mooting of tho Worn to.' Ch rls.
it.... -n ...
icmperanco union will bo held noxt
utesclay afternoon April 15, at 3 o'clock.
By order of W. O. T. U.
nno ccuing decorations that will mako
a room loot handsome, at -Mercer's Drug &
Book Store. ut
Whlto& Conner will sell plows, Scotch
and spring tooth harrows, land rollers, and
grain drills for spring trado at bottom
prices. Call and sco their lino of farm
implements. Mar. 7-0w.
Now Is tho tlmo to buy your furniture at
Baker and Mcllfldu's.
In 1833 the Commissioners nttemp'.ed to
assess occupations according to the Income
of each man, but found tint (the law pro.
hlbltcd this, ns all must ha the samo In
each class.
For 5vall paper at all prices from 7Jo to
75c per roll, go to Mercer's Drug & Hook
Store. tf
Biggest chance ever offered to obtain a
J30 gold watch guaranteed in every way,
from 51 to $30 by jolulug J. 0. Wells'
Watch Club.
l'.tiirlnuH niltl HllW .11 111 H.
Auy one intending to buy Stmm Eagincs
of any stylo or si, i or firs' cl Mills
will do well by seeing, or wrltlnir the nn.
dcrslgned for ijataloguo nnd Prices before
buying. WlIlTK & CoNNBIi.
1-1 'Jm Orangevllle, I'a.
Tho now postmijternt Sunbury has ro
moved the olllcs to Third street, an unde
sirable place, and there is 11 strong kick
agniust It by tho citizens. Better have left
Editor Eichhollz In the post-olUeo.
Window shades cither plain or
Dido at Mercor'j I) tin & Book Store.
The Continental Jublleo slngcm of Storer
College HarpjM Ferry will glvo a concert
at ihe Opera Home, Friday evening April
11, undor the auspices of the Young Peo-
pies' Social Club of tho Presbyterian
church. Tickets for Sale at Dentler'd shoe
store. Admission 25c. Reserved seat 9
Tho annual csnvention of tho Columbia
Co SibbUh School AssocUtion will bo
held Ihls )ear in the .New Columbia church
Hemlock township, May 27 and 28 Freo
conveyances will meet those cjining by
rail to Hloomsburg The programme giv
ing particulars will be out as soon ns ready.
A. W. Speak, Sec.
For ltnt. Two dwellings one contain.
ing 13 rooms, the other 5 rooms. Apply
at once to 0. V Stehnku,
4-11-2U Bloomsburg, Pa.
General Superintendent W. F H-ilUtead,
of the Delaware, Lickuwanua aud Western
Railroad, has been longer in continuous
service ns a gener.d superintendent than
any olher similar railroad olllcer in tho
country, says the New York .Tun. He has
had hU present place for nearly twenty
eight years.
At Ihe nnnuil parish meeting of St.
Paul's P. E Church on last Monday even
ing them being no one resent but mem
bers of tho vetry, no election was held,
and under the charier tho old board holds
over. 1 he vestrymen are li r . Ilartman,
E. li. Drinker. J G Freeze, C. F. Knapp,
P. E Whl, J. H. Maize and Geo. E. El-well,-
Mrs. Itorcr, who delighted a largo class
of ladies lust sprinir, will bj in town week
after next and will eive another course of
lllu tr.Ued li clurcs on cooking.
The lectures will be given in the ba90
ment of the Presbytrriau church, begin
ning Mond iy, April 21st at 2 p. m. Tho
dishes prepared will bo auctioned at tho
close of each lictnn.
Course tickets for
Single th'.kets 50s.
six lectures $2.50.
Window shades in all qualities paper,
fe't and cloth, from 10c to $1.50, at Mer
cer's Drug & Book Store. tf.
At tho commencement of Jefferson Med
ical colleiro of Philadelphia, last week,
Thomas Corrv of Ashland was among the
graduate. He is a nephew of D, F. Curry
of Ci ntralia, and a young man of pleasing
address, and unusual ability. His popu.
larity with I1I3 class-mates ivas shown by
his selection as class orator, and It fell to
Is lot to make the presentation speech l'i
the trustees of a portrait or Ur. B. li.
Gross to tho collego by tho class. His
speed) was n masterly effort and was pub.
lished in full In some 01 1110 cny papers'
We predict for Dr. Curry a brilliant career.
On Monday morning Judge Ikeler Hied
an opinion refusing a new trill iu tho case
of John W. Hollmau against tho Blooms
burg & Sullivan It. II. Co. The verdict of
he jury gave the plaintiff S1W0. The
reasons a signed for a now trial wero (I)
that tho verdict was 1 seesslve, (2) that the
verdict was against tuu weight and pre.
nonderanco of tho evidence, (3) that tho
juiy was misled by plaintiff's counsel by tho
us, of an unproved hydraulic instrument
to contradict a witness, (4) that the damage
should be pitd In stock ot tho company
as per written agreement. After a lengthy
review of these reasous tho couit refused a
new tilal. '
Tho Eister Services at the Lutheran
church Sunday last, wero Iho best ever
held in that church. In tho Sabbath
School tlvo additional musical Instruments
wero used to render tho selections for tbo
occasion. A beautiful design was placed
upon tho blackboard: (tho work of T. I.
Guntou), a cross overspread with white
Dues, it was a ucaiuum pn-uu ui wuui uuu
,verv aDnronrlatu. At tho servics in tho
r"., .- 1 1 1-
Auuuoriuiu, iiiiriy-iuiuu wtiu utcntw
to tho church 7 by baptism, 11 by con
Urination and 12 from other congregations
Tiie atlendanco at tho communion was the
largest for many years. The benevolence
offering was for church extension, to which
thero was a very llberul lesponse,
"W'hy need 11 bi?" wo say, aud Blgh
When loving mothers fado and die,
And leave tho llttlu ones whoso feet
They hoped to guldu In pathways sweet,
It need not bo iu many case;. All about
iifjvvoinen ure dying daily whoso Uvea might
Imvo beeu saved. It seems to bo a wide'
spread opinion that when a woman Is slow
lv fading away with tho diseases which
grow out of female weaknesses and Irregu
larltles that there is no help for her. She
Is doomed to death. But this Is not true,
Dr. Plcrco'a Favorlto Prescription Is con
staully restoring women nfllicted with dl
senses of this clasi to health aud happiness,
It Is the only mcdlcluu for theso ailmonts
sold by druggists, unibr a pttitivt gwranttt
from the manufaclurers of Its giving satis
faction In every case, or monoy paid for It
will bo rclunded.
Dr, Pierce's Pellets, the original and only
genuine Little Liver Pills; 23 cents u vial)
ono a dose.
A notice appears ltf tho Mlltvlllo Thlltt to
tbo effect that a majority of tho freeholders
of M 111 villo will present a petition to tho
court on May 5th, asking to bo Incorporat
ed as a borough.
Tho following letters aro held at Blooms.
burg, Pa., post-office, and will bi sent to
tho doad letter afflcu, April 23, 1800.
Miss Nora Boers, Miss Mary Fox, Kd.
ward Jones, Mr. Morris Lcvlnson, Mr.
Gcorgo Shenborger, Miss Luo Snyder, Mrs.
Maggie Vanllow, Miss L. A, Welch, Miss
Viola Williams, Eph Yohcy.
Persons cdling for theso letters ploaso
say, they wero advertised April 8, 1890.
Ono cent will be charged on each letter
A. B, Catiioaiit, P. M.
l'nriuerH Attention.
To each and every person tiklng ono ton
of any of our live .brands Standard Fertl
llzcr from the car at Bloomsburg on Satur
day next, April 12thwo 5slll furnish din
ncr and horsn feed at the hotel free ot
charge. II. V. White & Co.
At n meeting ot tho School Board ot
Greenivood township, tho following was
adopted !
To whom it mat owoEitv. We, tho school
directors of Greenwood township, do here
by recommend Miss Flora B Jones, who
has been teaching in our district for tnreo
successive terms past, as being a live and
ncrgctlc teacher, and heartily recommend
cr to any School Hoard tu need ot such a
J. W. Keeoe, Pres of Boird.
W. B. Eves, Sec.
Tho Bloomsburg, Baud will glvo a street
Concert on Muln Street, in front of the
Court House, SiturJty cvenlnj, April 12,
t half past seven o'clock. Should It rain
on above dato concert will take place Sat
urday evening, April 19th.
Overture, L'Espolr Da L' Alsace.. ..Herman
March, Bravura Volkcr
olka, Impromptu I. O Casey
Mcdloy, Heart and Hand Lecocq
election, Bohemian Girl Balfc
Galop, Iiecrealton E. Klcslcr
antasia from Strtdjlli....Arr. by Heincko
Overture, Mlgonctte E. Byer
Golden Wedding Waltz Faust
March, Kaiser Franz Joseph Strauss
Marengo, Barltonu OMIgatn itlpley
Schottlsche, Djwn Went McUlnty
J. O. Casey
A bill In equity wis (lied in court on
Monday by tho Koarlngcrcck Watsr Com
pany ng unst w. O. Ultton, Jesse Kitten-
house and Ezra Stephen', Commissioners
ot Columbia County, and Geo. A. Herring ,
reasurer, asking for an injunction to re
strain the defondan s from sidling certain
tracts of land belonging to the plaintiff, tt
Treasurer's sale for tho payment of taxes.
lie bill sets forth that tha plaintiff com.
pany was incorporated in 1874 for the pur
pose of erecting water works on Uoaring-
creek to supply tho Uirough of Shamokln
ith water, and that they havo expended
$174 000 in purchasing property and erect
ing reservoirs, laying pipes, tea , ana for
purpuso of preventing contamination of ihe
water, Ihey have purchased .tracts of land
along said stream, amiuntlng to about 855
acres, unproductive and all lrdlng llttlo or
no llmbjr. That sail lands havo been ad
vertised by the Treasurer for sa'.o on June
0th, for taxes, and that tho plaintiff Is not
leeally liable to piy said 'taxes. Col.
reezo rcpro'cnts lb) plaintiff, and Mr.
arr the defendants. Tills caso Involves
an interesting question.
Heed, oulq unci I'otatocs.
We have a car load of cholco Mlchiean
White Oats, samo as we sold you betore,
nnd offer It for seed at rcgula r market
price also car of Michigan potatoes,
choice stock for seed. Cam and see us
and we will ulvo you a good time. By
taking theso goods from cir aud saving us
hanbllng you will mako money and wosavo
II. V. White & Co.
Six apptlciti ns for appointment to the
Hire of Director of Bloom Poor District to
fill tho vacancy caused by tho resignation
f L. M. Pettlt were Hied In court n Mon.
day. Tliu applicants wero Dr. F. W. Kcde-
ker, Geo. W. Kelchner, B. F. Reighard,
Jacob Girard, A. C. Hidlay, and Stephen
i-ttit. Judgo Ikeler said that so far as he
was concerned ho should endeavor to in
duce tho associates to make tho appoint
ment, and read in support of his position,
from the speech of Chief Justice Paxson
mado at tho banquet In Now York at tho
U. 8 Supreme Court Centennial, in which
ho deprecates tho practice of tho legisla
tures In giving to the courts tho appoint
ment of petty political ofllclals. Judgo
'axson theory may lie correct, but tho
laws as they stand now require tho courts
to uppoint certain officials aad tha y
must assume all the responsibility that tho
law places upon them. When tho associ
ates agree no dlllkulty arises, but when
they disagree the laiv judgo must cast tho
deciding vote.
We laave received the fifth annual rcpoit
of tho Tuogchowfu Dispensary, in charge
of the American Presbyterian Mission, at
Tungchowfu, China. Dr. James B. Neal
Is tho physician In charge. Iu his repoit
tho Doctor says :
The past year 1889 has lucn one of
continuous w.irk at Ihe TcngchoHtu Dls.
pensary, and In many respects has been tho
most satisfactory cno iu un eiperiencu of
five years. Owing to the class of medical
students having been Id training two years,
I was able, when called away to tho famine
region early in the spring, to leave the
medical work In charge of ono of them for
the three months ot my absence, so that
tho dispensary has been open more days
than any year previously, and Iho attend,
anco of out-patients m tho aggregate by
severel hundred than ever bifore. Tho
total attendance of dispensary patient? dur
ing tho twelvo months whs 4,227, the num
ber of days during which patients were
seen was 302, giving an uvernge of 14 pir
day. Of these 4,227 ilslte, 1,59) were paid
by persons who had never received treat
ment at tho dispensary bstorc, tho bilance
being sccoii'l vlkils. In addition to the
homo work, 931 visits wero received from
patients in the famine region where, dur.
Ing about a month, a temporary dispensary
was carried on by tho pludcnts, who were
with me engaged In famine relief work.
This makes tho total for the whole year
5,158. During tho summer anil betore
going on his autumn Itinerating trip, Rev
Dr. Mills came to tho dispensary nearly
every day to talk to tho patients. Somo
among tho In. patients hayo recmcd some
what interested in what has b cn said to
them In a religious way, but no fruit has
yet been gathered Irom thu fivo years'
medical work In Tungchowdi, Wo can.
uot but hope, however; that some seed has
been sown that sooner or later will spring
up and yield some harvest, Onco during
tho autumn a man, who had been treated
In hospital last year, camo back from his
home, over a hundred miles away, to buy
a testament, and I found nn talKlug with
htm that bo had been Btudylng and inquir
ing at home, o that 1 felt encouraged to
hope that ho might soon come to a know
ledge of tho truth.
Joint IIcrrliiK.
John Herring was born In Lynn Twp,
Northampton Co. Pa., D20. 18, 1801. He
was tho second son ot Lnd wig Uorrlng
whoso father, Christopher, with his whole
family, Immigrated to this country from
Germany. Being of tho poasanlry of that
country tho head ot&ho liouso had no
means with which to pay tho cxpjnses of
tho long and tirenmi ncian vnyago of that
day, and according to tho common custom
then existing, when tho passengers were
landed at Phila. their services wero put up
and struck down to tho highest bidder.
Tho monoy paid for theso services wont to
tho ship owners as tho prlco ot their pas
Bago. Tho passengers bccimo then regu
larly Indented servants for a definite
period, Among thorn was Christopher
Herring nnd family who wero bound out to
different masters and consequently becamo
widely separated) somo uover afterward
being hoard of by others Three of tho
children growing Into manhood enlisted In
tho Revolutionary War, two of whom wero
killed In tho battlo of Brandywlno.
Ltidwlg, another child, was bound to
Valentino Brobst then living In what Is
now called Columbia Co.; ho served his
master till ho was 21 yuirs ol I, then mar.
rlcd an English women, Christian Bright
by name, nnd moved to Northampton Co.
About 1S10 with a rising family ho moved
to Orangevllle and it was here where the
deceased was brought up and spent most
of his life. Ot John's four brothers nnd
eleven sisters, six of whom are half-sisters,
but four ure living.
In 1820 John Herring married Rachd
Snyder nnd moved Into a house on Main
St, where they lived continuously for 54
y ar. His wife died May 11, 1881, having
been married 64 years. Nino children
were born to them, six of whom aro Btill
llvlng-C. D. Herring of Wilkes-Barre,
G, A Herring of Bloomsburg, Mrs. John
Neyhard of Wilkesbarre, A. B. Herring
of Orangevil'e, and tho twins Calvin Hei
rlng of Orangevllle and Elishn Herring of
ICnnknkee. III. Ho had 45 grand children,
22 great grand children, He was a carpen
ter by trade and his 5 sons and 8 grandsons
all followed In his wake by learning the
samo trade. In 1820 ho recived 02Jca day
which was considered big wages at thattimc.
For 22 years ho was foreman of carpenters
on tho Penna, canal from Wllkes-Barrc to
Northumberland. When not engaged
there he usually did contract work In this
aud neighboring counties. He served 10
years, as Justice of tho Peace for Orange
Twp. and at the' time of his death was
among the oldest of its citizens. lie joined
the Reformed church when but 17 yrs. ot
age and continued a member of that re
ligious body to the day of his death, April
4, 1893, at tho homo of G. A. Herring in
Bloomsburg. He was 85 years, 3 inos. 18
days old when he died.
In pnlltfcs he was a Democrat and was
always pleased to announce that ho voted
first for Jackson. Uc was a public spirited
man, always eager and zealous to promote
the interests of bis community. For a man
of his years ho was unusually rugged up to
within a month ot his death Slnco his
wife's death he had been living among his
children, traveling from Orangevllle to
Bloomsburg and from there to Wllkcs-bar-re;
and nine years ago even went to Illinois
with apparent caso and comfort. It hag
been only a month since ho first showed
any sign of breaking down. Even then he
did not take his bed and walked a little In
the house the day of his death. Oa the
evening of the 4th ho lay down very tired
and prepared as though-to take a night's
rest. Uo went to sleep at six and novel
aga'n awakened. Fivo minutes bctora 8
o'clock peacefully and without a struggle
his breathing bscamc fainter and f il nter
until the sleep of earth mergedintotho sleep
of death. Tho remains wero Interred at
Orangevllle besldo his wife
I have boeu asked to tell through the
CoLUMMAN how to find out, 'cheaply and
conveniently, just what kind of fertilizer a
given soil needs.
Put stakes in several places in tho new,
bow a small nlut of fertilizer around the
stake; write name of fertilizer, seed and
dato on stake and I think you will learn
what nuadtltv and kind of fertilizer will
glvo the lacking dement cheapest.
Mr. Tewksbury and other dealers, should
suggest to manufacturers of fertilizers, to
put up sample pound packages of standard
potash, nitrogen, phosphoric acid, carbon
dioxide, &c, to give to the farmers for
testing their soil. I think It would pay as
a modo of advertising. Farmers would
llko a change from long winded certificates
to a sample of tho thing itself.
An excellent soil for wheat contains in
100 pounds ot soil, 28 pounds of lime, 32 of
sand, 29 ot clay and 11 pounds of animal
a nd vegetablu matter. It takes nearly
equal parts ot lime, sand and clay, and as
much animal and vegetable matter as you
can afford to put on. Tho last la what Is
mainly needed.
Our grandfathers ratrcd more grain to
thoncru with tho leaf mould In it, and half
covered with stum J and stones, than we
do now. But why raiso wheat in compel!
tion with all the farmers of this country,
Russia, Austria, AustialiP, India, ArginMne
Republic and only England to buy wheat ?
In which sign of thu moon can tbo farmer
raise hopes in growing more wheat at
profit? Belter raiso products wo need and
Import by million dollars worth every year.
than raise tho prop that fivo other nations
produce against us and llghtlug all the
llmo lo supply our markets.
C. M. Blakeh,
Hlx MoittliH Pass Away.
Six months have passed away since
Charles Haue w is murdered at Shamoki
Dam, says Ihe Sunbury DaVu, yet Iho mys
tnry surrounding thu diath is as dark as
ever and will probably be one of the nn
murdeis which ore recorded without tho
murderer being found. It secin3 straugo
that in a little village the size of Shamoki
Dim a murder could bo committed with
out the person or persons being found, yi
such has proven to bo tho caso, Immedi
ately after the murder the father ot tho boy
hired several detectives to ferret out tho
case, but owing lo tho lack ot funds the
detectives wero soon withdrawn, not, how.
ever, brforo Martin Dctrlck had been ar
rested as tho guilty party. Uo was given
a hearing before J udgu Buchcr, Want nf
evidence caused his discharge. Hardly
had tho talk of young Dctrlck's arrest died
away when tho commissioners ot Snyder
county, who had before refused to "glvo a
reward, camo forward and offered $1,000
tor tbo arrest and conviction ot tho guilty
person or persons. Had this reward been
offered before tbo detectives left for
tho city tho offender might have been
brought IWorc justice. About two months
ago Sunbury and vicinity was thrown Into
a wild stato of excitement when It was an
nounced that Qcorgo Ilanc, thu father of
the murdered boy, had been aricsted,
charged with tho murder of lilt son. An
Investigation, however, proved that this
was not true.
Every tUsuo of tho body, every bone,
musclo and organ, Is made stronger and
more healthful by tho use of Hood's Bara-parllla.
There are
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it
'Tis sold everywhere.
ICiiHtcr Day ut HI. I'nnl'H.
All things conspired to mako a "glorious
Easter" for tho congregation of Si. Paul's
Episcopal church.
As ono entered tho Church at tho early
erylces, tho lesson of tho. Resurrection
was impressed upon the heart.
Tho Altar was resplendent in its garni
ture ot cxqulsttu cut (lowers, and tho
equally beautirul floral decorations of tho
font nil told tho lesson of hope and com
Theso lovely fliwers wero an offering
from two 1 idles of tuo congregation.
Tho exquisite calla 1 1 1 1 lea on the Altar
wero an offering from two children of the
'arlsh, In memory of a dear little brother
and sister In Paradise.
Many growing plants had been tastefully
arranged by tho ladles of tho Altar com
mittco, in tbo chancel and other parts of
the church, and together with tho whlto
anglngs of tho Easter-tldc, gavo brightness
to tho scene.
Tho gentlemanly ushers seated tho largo
congregation with prompt attention.
When the hour for tho oponlne of tho
servlco came, tho grand strains of tho or
gan and accompanying Instruments began
the musical portion of tho servlco which
was mainly choral throughout.
Too much praise cannot boa vardedGeo.
. Elwell for his painstaking efforts In be
half of tho Easter music of 3t. Paul's, tho
results of which wero so thoroughly enjoy
ed by those who wero present at the ser
vices. The singers deserve great commendation
and thanks, and to the young men of tho
orchestra, It. Drinker, E. Bearlos and A.
Cohen, who contributed so much to the
success of thu music, much appreciation Is
The Rector expressed tho sentiment of
ih.,i.,, -" -"
the large assembly when ho thaiked tho
choir for theit aDnroorlato music. Tho
Hymn, "Christ the Lord is risen n-day,''
was sung to music composed by Mr. El
well for this occasion and named "Lever-
ctt" by him for the Itcctor. It was flttiunlv
rendered as was every tuno and anthem.
Tho regular worshippers ot St. Paul's
felt that the solemn and impressive services
of the preceding woek had Indeed prepar
ed them for tho joyous facts ot tho Easter
At tho second servlco, 10:30 o'clock, a
sermon was preached ;by tho Itcctor, fol
lowed by tlao iloty Commuaioa, tho musl-
at portions being rendered by tho same
choir as at tho early service, without tho
orchestral accompaniment. A very largo
number of communicants received their
Easter communlob.
Tho offerings at both the morning ser
vices were for the missionary work of tho
church In tho Diocese.
In tho evening at 0:30 o'clock, tho Sun-
lay School held Its Easter service, consist
ing of carols, tho recitation ot tho Cato
chlsm, and other recitations, and tbo giving
of the Easter off.'rings. Theso offerings
wero large and wero given by each class
as a result of earnest work during Lent.
Each class had an appropriate name and
motto, and as each was called by the Hec
tor, presented in turn Its offering to him.
A plcasiug feature connected with tho
evening was tho givlm of their missionary
boxes to tho rector by several llttlo ones of
tho Parish, who are still too small to attend
Sunday School, but who have been collect
Ing their pennies during Lent,
The Sunday School classes who gave the
largcs', amount were thoso ot Miss Menden
hall, Miss Martha Clark and Miss Hattio
Tho great charm ot the Sunday School
service was tho bright music. Tbo organ
1st ol tho School, 51)3 May Blue, sustained
her part with much credit to herself and
tu .uu
pleasure to tho largo congregation, and the
children's singing pleased everyone.
Thus ended a Bed Letter Day in tho his-
toryoiou i-auisrarisn.
ilriiiiUciiiiesx l.tqiior HaUlt In
inline wutiuiitere inuuioue
cure lr. Iluluet' Dulittsu rtnteclfic
It can be given In a cun of tea or coilco
without tho knowledge ot tbo person tiKl ng
11, eueciing u speeuy uuu peruiaueuk curu,
whether tho patient is a moderate drinker
or an a eoho lo wreck. Thousands nf
. .
uniuiiarus uavu ueeucureu wuu uavu aaaeir
tho Qolden SpeclHo in '.heir colleo without
their knowledge, and to-day belleyo they
quit drinking of their own freo will. No
harmful olfect rM.llts from I la admlnlstra.
Hon. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular
and full particulars. Addresb In confidence
Uoldes ai'aoiKio Co., 181 ittce street,
Cincinnatl.O. lOaily
Court I'rocoertiiiurt.
Argument court opened on April 7lh,
the judges on tho bench ,
Hotel license of G. W. Hlllnwn transfer.
ed to Christian Iilllman,
Tims. IS. Ilartman appointed guardian of
W. W. Ilartman, minor,
Report ot prlvato sale in estate of Ellen
Monaghan continued nisi
Mary J. Davis appointed guardian of
aj'uint n. aim iviuia a. iojvis.
f I I. 1
....... .a, ...n-.l.i.I l ..&.... .
A. (J. illdlay appointed poor director of
Bloom I'oor District.
Jacob Yetter appointed guardian of Cora
Vomlit, Ida and Arthur Vought.
IS. A. Hawk appointed guardian of Wil
liam I1. Alfred, Charles, and Elmer Hawk.
Wesley Morris uppolutcd supervisor of
Greenwood township to 1111 vacancy.
Uoad In Fishinjcreek near Bamuol
Hhlvcs', exceptions ovcr.riiled and report
A Cure for Cumst Ipntluu unit Hick
ut. onus a.auu, wu-io iu iuu ivucay juoun
tains, discovered a root when combined
with other herbs, makes an easy and cir
tain euro for constipation, it u in the
form of dry roots and leaves, and Is known
-uo. i amujr mmiviin, n Tiiiiuuru
nil., uranaiiuu u uuu lUKUt. 1'ui iud UIUU11
llvor nnd klilnRV.. and for rl-irlm, ,m
,.ll, I, ...1 -I. ,. n ..,... U-- . 1. .. . .
complexion It docs wonders. Druggists
sell it at so cents a package.
I!nnt iientoii,
Prof. C. C. Hughes of Cambra bat been
provalted upon to tako chargo of tho Cambra
Academy. Tho school opens Monday
April 14th. About Si) students have al
ready applied for admission. Prof,
Hughes la an experienced teacher and suc
cess Is assurod under his tutorship. All ot
his predecessors havo rendered general
Tho Sacrament of tho Lord's Uuppor was
administered at St. James last Sunday.
Boveral wero baptised and conflrmod (is
communicant members and several wero
admitted on certificate.
Mrs. William Glddtngs was burled In tbo
Hamtllno cemetery last Wednesday week,
aged about 07 years.
Bon O. ICaso moved bacK to Ids homo
from Jamison City last Baturday.
Quito a number of empty houses in tho
East end of Benton township.
The roads have settled and bcomc dry
and people have forgotten that wo have
just passed through a muddy winter.
The "Weak and Weary Railroad" Co.
sent another delegation over their routo
via. Nob Mounbdn and entered Shlckshlnny
In triumph last Friday.
A few farmei s havo commenced spring
Never In tho history of our recollection
havo the peoplo so generally complained of
hard times as for tho last year. There
must ho a "screw loose" In tho manage
ment of public aff ilrs.
In all probability tho Sundiy Soh.iol at
Hamlllno will bo' re-org inlzod next Sun
day. All aro equal before tho law, but not in
tax ulon.
An lutcrcsling session of tho Teacher's
Institute is expected to be held hero on the
11th and 12tb. Btato Superintendent Wal
ler will lecturo on Friday evening. Extcn
slvo arrangements have been mado by the
local committees to afford entertainment
for tho visitors. Teachers aro expected
from Ashland, Catawlssa, Mt. Carmeb
Shenandoah, Oirardsvillc, Locust and other
Tho genial landlord, Daniel F. Curry,
has at last decided to becomo an aspirant
for office', and will enter tho field as a can
didate for tho legislature. Dan has many
frlct.ds; and wlllirnake a good run.
Better street lamps aro wantod. W hat's
thu matter with organizing a ga3 Com
pany ?
A recent issuo ot the Ashland' Advocate
thus speaks of ono ot our residents :
Captain Elward T. Kecse, who is one of
our most worthy citizens, was urged by
his many friends to allow tho use of his
namo In coanoction with tho election of de
legates to tho Republican Stato Convention.
-Mr. Itceso is a staunch follower of tho g. o.
p. and could easily have captured tho bon.
or it he so desired, but hts business Inter
ests would not roermlt ot hts accenting, nnd
ho quietly withdrew from the contost. At
somo future tlmo Mr. Reese may bo called
upon to serve his constituents by filling one
nf ,. ,,,,,, ... ,
of the highest public offices within tho gift
Of tho nonnln nf rirtl.imMa nnnnlu urn
Ol I
know of no person better nuillQad to as-
sumo tho duties of a responsible or honor-
able position than tho genial Captain 'Ted'
The collerie3 of L. A. Blloy & Co. havo
been working pretty steady during tho past
six months, considering the dullness In tho.
coal regions. Tho depression has been
felt hero, but not so much as in some other
James McBrearty has purchased the
Jomme3 thrco storv brick buildlnrr on Cen-
tre, between 8th and 9th streets in Ash-
land for a consideration of so,o)i. The
building Is at present occupied by Tobia3
Schwartz, but when his lease expires In
February next, It ts likely that Mr. Mc
Brearty will tako possession and open up a
David Uowcr died last week, Monday,
from tho effects of a boiler explosion at
Logan colliery. Uo resiled at Montana,
and was a fireman, Ho was on duty on
Sunday, and just as ho was putting coal on
the fires tho boiler exploded. When found
by hts brother Hower was In great agon y
The dead skin was removed from his body,
before medical aid arrived. Dra. Uw Inner
and Bleber dressed his injuries an l found
that ho had a so sustained a sea p wound.
Tho best of rare was taken of the ..nfor.
tunato man and every effort exerted to al-
leviato his Intense pain. Tho other victim
was a Hungarian, who labored about tho
colliery. Uo sustained a few slight Qcsh
Uowcr was married on tho 30th of las t
January, to Miss Harriet Beaver, of Mon'
tana. The youog widow has tho kindly
sympathy of all In her sad alllictlon.
l'mnDimiii, Moalay, April. 7, 1890,
Advance patter of the April
I T PL " UT I-
uiirgum onowers. merry ihumi;
lfyOU Want DreSS btufts or
Robe Patterns: not so merry for
the somebodv who Davs the
niper. Never mind, your con-
cern stops witn tne dollar s
worth lor
- rr c
r tllty Or Seventy-IlVe
y. . . . J .
cents. Ihe Chink: Ot COin that
mav be saved sounds from al-
1 " .In frl. nnp-
-v y v.Uu..-v.. ...
uuuus uiuc i.itvi; una.
:..t. All 1 C:
1 uniuu aii-wuui okiiuca
I lyhic never sold Wider SOC.
;nch Qmbre Striped French
I , ij j a
n i J t j
Ollle. SOCJ lUVer SOM Wider OKC,
1 i' unit:, suu: iLtuzr jvlil iiiLLitr lnl.
42-incll French Sero e, with
handsome sidebands, 50c; UCVCr
cnrf nit ii her
40-inch light weight Silk-and
wool Knickerbocker Suitings in
6 new shades, 75c; imported to
sell at $,
40inch Silk-and-wool lllumin
ated Plaid, $;imported to sell at
40-inch All-wool Uourette
Suiting, invisible .checks, $1 j ;;-
I ported to sell at 1.2 K,
I" . , . .
o.inph mimv hk-i t hnvinr n
I ... -
light weight stylish material for
whole suits, i5i.2;; imported to
sell at $.)0.
All- berge Dress Robes, with
decoration of black braided Net
in the new shades.
Hm.IIcI, r'mU nn,l ;.r,r.rto,l
' .. ' ' I
to sell at Sao.
Eight items
half a hundred.
that stand for
- I t 11 r -i-v r i
, -"'cas vjuuus
"'ere are numuers Ol patterns
and weaves that we control for
this market. Ol COlirSC they are
hmnnnr t in rhn cpd Ir isn't-tho
1 I h. . 1 w -
I g. rr 1 f 1 1
COmmOn TUtt Of Stuff tliat'S h.'trd
I to get. One maker excels in
I silk weaving, another in wool,
In the Spring
a The focllng of lassitude peculiar to the
S ssason begins to be felt Tho average
; stock of vitality has been pretty thor
: ougldy exhausted In carrying Its posses-
or through the rigors and changes of
the trying winter, nnd ns tho moro gent
Z nl season approaches nnd tbo (.train upon
S the system rolaxes a feeling of proslra-
If You
are Wise
5 Hon, moro or less pronounced In degree
nnd duration, la tho natural and lnevlto
Z hie result. During tha existence of this
1 feeling of lassitude and depression, husl
; nesN cares and exertions seem almost
Impossible of endurance, and even tha
; lightest duties and responsibilities of
; life are regarded ns a burden to be shirked
: or disregarded to the greatest possible
2 extent.
S To devise some preparation to conn
S tcract this tired feeling and rcstoro tho
; bj stem to something llko a normal con
Z dttlon has boon the endeavor of many
S peoplo moro or less skilled In medical
Z nclence, andcountlessconcoctlonsunder
the general title of "spring medicine"
; havo been placed upon the market, had
jj n brief boon nnd then been lost sight of,
to be succeeded by some other similar
preparation. The principal Ingredient
In most of tho spring "bitters," "tonics,"
Irown's Sarsaparillal
At all Druggists I.OO. O bottles for 8.00." 2
DON'T take Something elso "Jtut u good," IT IS NOT.
4,. Aba Wabein & Co., Bole rroprletor,Bangor, Mo.
another in silk-and-wool; this
printer puts marvelous pictures
on cotton, that on silk, or on
wool' Some of the best things
can only be had in little quanti-ties-so
few weavers have the wit
to make them. Here are three
from the BJrck Goods:
145-lnch Black AU-sllk Grenadine, with hand
some broad sldoDands, t.
2 45-lnch"All-sltkwlstedGroi!aduieforVflllng
llgnt, Inin, beautirul; Just tne ttilDg tor
8r aimer riding, ti siw, andts.
3 23-lnch BUCK Satin striped Grenadine, with
rows ot hemstitching, $1.23.
Not one of these elegant stuffs
can be tad in any otlier store in
Plenty more very desirable
fabrics among the Black Goods.
Half a dozen as they come:
:-incu saun striped urcnamne, 1, i)tf, 2, zyc.
8, and 4 Inch stripes, $125.
Plain all-aUk Twlstod Grenadine, 1, f2.50.
Plain Open-mesh All-slue Grenadine, 75c, tl
Plain Crepo do Chine, at-lnili, 1.23, (,ft.7j
H, $2.50; 45 Inch, I, $5, W.
Figured and striped All-silk Grenadines anl
Figured All-silk Crepo do Chine In largo
. vtrlety.
tile tlDle counter are lat-
est Episcopal Prayer Books and
Hvmnik in qetewirri nnnpnrl
nymnaiS, III Sets Wltll append-
ix and all the authorized alter
n . ! o 1 mo 1 .
ai-iuiis, ouc 10 so. SO Hie sec
UxiOld leachers Bibles
Igl.iotO $13.50
Revised Version New Testa-
ment, large type.
12mo, cloth, rod cdees, sac.
12mo, morocco, guilt edges, 40c.
8vo, elotn.rcd edges Wo.
8vo, morocco, gut. edges, 60c
You'll soon say erood-bye to
the Winter blanket. Here s
bpring weight that you Won t
care to kick off even on the
coohsh Summer nights. Warm
enough, but not a bit burden
Slnglo Bed, MM a pair.
Double Bod, 13 50 to is a pair,
Gttra Size, ts and (0 a pair.
That soft finish Bleached Ger
man uamasK is plenty once
more. When the sales of
linen like that run into tons and
tons every season it isn't al
ways easy even for US to keep
the shelves fan. By lontr odds
Ua. Uar.i r 1 . 1
the hSt 5C Damask We knOW
P1- genuine, Ilax every grain
Ol It no starch or loading O
any kind
John Wanam .keu.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
doz. Life size Crayons
only SjslU.Ol). Viewing, copy
inc; and enlarging. Instant
process used. U
ra NervoiiH nelillltatcil Men,
I ir you wm senu us your aiaress, we wui man
you our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about
I l)r. ma's Celebrated Klo :tro.Volr.alo Hair, and Aiv.
if you will send us your aldresa, we will mail
pUances, and their charjatn;; effects upon tin "o -
vousdeblUlatodsyste n, an ho troy win Tale';.
ly restore youja vlitor.and manhood.p imphlet free.
1 roe.
I 11 uu uro luu3
j tou aro inua uuuuki, we war sen 1 you
i.T Co , Marshall, Mich.
I ' 8" U10 different schools in tho country,
,1'vo """Jands dlo every year of llrlghi',
I dlseaso of tLo Kidneys, who could bo llvlnt
1. .. . .. . n ... ,!..-.
to-day It they had ;used Bulphur Ulttirs
They are uni quailed iu the vorld fur all
diseases of the kidneys. aVw Jlma Union.
Handsomely framed
life siase Crayons, plo-
lojjraphs all sizes, 111
correct styles and per-
- lect, colored
photographs, larjye or
sm till, irames a 11 u
As loo 111 sou r;.
HAMS ahaudmne
lino st exceedingly low pace. A line it
line, puyr u.uis upijiiinii m iuu. ) -for
tho 10;. uuallty at '(.'lark & Son. tout-
our Uc uprou gtughmus,
'AjcrV Hair Vigor Is a mo.t rxcellci i
preparation for tho hair. I spiuk of i-
from cxpcrlin'O. Its me prumnes tin
growth ot new hair, and unties it glostt.
and soft. Thu Vigor is it sure cum fi i
dandruff." J. W. Itowen, Edl'or K' quirir
McArthur, Ohio.
You will tlnd the largest & II -ht IUo (I
llosloy ut Clatk Jt roon'K, ut Hie lowest
prlcts. tiff our Special l!t)j ladles Hose.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorh.
When u ilck, e .to her C&atorl.
When the was a Child, (be crk-d for Ca.torU,
When the brcame Muu, sh clung to CutorU,
tic, alcohol, tha eiToot of which npon J
tho human system has been sufficiently S
dwelt upon through vnrlous public, mo- !j
dlumstorondernny extended reference S
to thosnmo unnecessary here. The torn- S
porary feeling of strength nndexhllcra- 5
Hon produced by this nctlro agent Is as 'A
certainly followed by n greater degree
of depre Mton,whlle tho results of contln- g
ucd Indulgence are a permanent Impair-
mcnt of tbo vital organs tha heart, kid- 2
ncys, liver nnd brain. S
Tho facts of tho case nro that you have
been living upon ment nnd other fatty S
substances to n grentcr extent than at S
any otlier tlmoof llio year! thoporcsof
tbo skin havo been closed, nnd upon tho S
kidneys nnd liver havo devolved all the 5
work of keeping tho system clear, llut ;
now summer Is at hand, and theso or- "
gans cannot keep up tho drain. The "
Yens will
pores of the skin must bo open, olso dl- I
feoso will step In nml throw you upon n
bed of eleknes. If tbo pores bo but
partly open, then you aro languid, Inry
and 111 at caso. You wanta spring clean- i
Ing process within yourself, and then !
you will bo filled with vigor nnd a test,
for work and business. You can havo
all accomplished by tho uso of
It will pav all biivers ot muslin to call at
Clark & Son's. Mil dins In nil widths.
In purchasing medicines, don't try ex
periments; tho first and only consideration
ehculd bo genuineness. Aycr's Barsaparil.
has stood tho test of forty years, and to
day it Is In greater demand than over a
triumphant proof of popular approval.
Clark & Son havo a comnleto lino ot
small notions of nil kinds, sco our 29c.
hair brush, our 10c. tooth and oiii 50c
clothes brush tho best 10c. curler in thu
city. Seo tho 25c. feather duster.
Ilolil it to the Litem.
Tho man who tells you confidently Just
what will cure your cold Is prescribing
Kemp's Balsam this year. In tho prepara-
lion of this remarkable mcdlclnofor couehs
and colds no expenso Is spar 'J to combino
only tho best and purest ingredients, -llold
bottle of Kemp's Bilsam lo the light nnd
look through It; notlco lUa bright,' clear
look; then compare with other remedies.
Prlco COc and $1. ,
You will find ttood lines of Dress -roods
of all Uluds at Clark & Son's Special lot of
wool Dress Cloths at 23j.
I W. Istoimii & Sons.
Our dfe33 ginghams and cltal-
tes are now ready on the count
ers, a line line ot tbem. The
Spring dress cloths are so cheap
every latly can havo one.. The
dish department aud grocery
stock is clean and pure. ' . ,
Window shades, laco curtains, screens
mcv draneriel China silks &3 ntfilark A
.1 tp-ea Dower, laU of Centre tto;i . deceased.
Tno undersigned, an amiirir nnnitntiva w ti,
Orphans' court, ot Columbia count to distribute
no funds In tho bands of exoDutorivIll sit at tho
omoo ot II. V. White, sarurday May 3. Isuo at 9 a.
m. wnenana whero all persons havln? claims
against said estate must appear ani prove, tho
same, or bo debarred trom comlnir In on said fund.
11. v. white, Auditor.
Notice Is herehv crlvnn Ihnt tlit.rnllft.iHnr.,-
has been rued In tho Orpnans' Court or Columbia
couuty, and will bo presented to the said Court on
the inrst Monday ot May, A. 10. 18ui, andconflrmed
msi., ami unless cxcoptions aro tiled within tour
days therealter. will bo conlrmed absolutely.
1. Account of J. t. Duck ilew, Trustee ot Sarah
Lauuach, lato of FlshlnKcrwk township, deceased.
Wu II LVVIiPll r.,.i:
Clerk's OJlce, ll'loo'msburg, l'a., April 8, 'isso.
l'ursuant to an order ot tho Orphans Court of
Columbia County I"ennsylvaula the undersigned
administrator of tho estate of Benjamin F. rtler
manlato of llenton township deceased will expose
to publlo 8.ilooa tho preralss on
FRIDAY", APUIL 25th, 1800,
at 1 o,clock 1'. M. all tint certain tract or
piece of land sltuato In llenton to wushlp Columbia
County Pennsylvania, bounded and dlscrlbed as
follows, viz; Beginning at a stone on Uuo odand ot
Howard WelUver, thence north thirty degrees)
east olo hundred and twelvo aud threo tenth pcr
ohes to a dogwoo 1 tree, thecco along lino ol
land of Joueph 11. Cole north forty Blx snd three
fourth degrees west, ono hundred and sixty eight
and six tenth purches to a stone, thence by lino
of land late ot Joseph Uutt, south thirty degrees
twenty minutes vest, eighty and two tenth per
ches to a stone, tbenco along line of land ol Jacob
Wclllver south thirty-six degrees and nfty nilnu
tes east, ono hundred aud seventy-nlno perches
to placo of beglonlng, coutalnlog
nd 8lxty.elgbt perches and alio wano.u, on which
are erected a two story
good bank barn and other balldlugs. About
fifty acres of tho abovo described land Is cleared
and In a good slate of cultivation. Thero are on
the premises a number of fruit troes. Also a lot
of flno growing timber.
TEltsIs OF SALE. Ten per coat- of one-fourth
at tho striking down of tho property, tho one
fourth less ths ten per cont at tha confirmation' of
sale and tho remaining threo-fourths In ono year
thercattor, with Interest from confirmation nlal,
Att'y. dmlulstrator,
Save Your Hair
DV a tlmoly uso of Aycr's Hnlr Vigor.
U This preparation has no equal as a
dressing, it keeps tho scalp clean, cool,
and healthy, and preserves tho color,
fullness, and beauty of tho hair.
"I was rapidly becoming bald and
pray hut alter using two or threa
bottles of Ayer'a Hair Vigor my hair
grow thick and glossy and tho orlglual
color was restored." Melvln Aldrich,
Canaan Centre, N. U.
" Somo time ago I lost all my hair In
consequence ot measles. Alter duo
waiting, no now growth appeared. I
then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my
hair grew
Thick and Strong.
It has apparontly corao to stay. Tha
Igor Is evidently a great old to nature"
J. B. Williams, Florosvtllo, Toxas.
"I havo used Aycr's Hair Vigor for
tho past four or five years and And It a
most satisfactory dressing tor tho hair.
It Is all I could doslro, being harmless,
causing tho hair to retain Its natural
color, and requiring but a small quantity
to render tho hair easy to arrange."
Mrs, M. A. Ilalloy, U Charles street,
Haverhill, Mass.
" I havo been using Ayer's nalr Vigor
for several years, and bellovo that It has
caused my hair to retain Its natural
fylor."-.Mrs. II. J. King. Dealer In
Dry Goods, &o., Ulsbopvlire, Md.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.
6vU by OntiMtuAVulaam,