COLUMBIAN kND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, The Columbian. a. a. zwu vi.r, 1, K. BHtonosnlsr., fB"Ti. BLP3I-jBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MAKCH 28, 18a0. A Baprems Ooart Daculoa JUSTICE TAXSOH DECIDES IN AN IMPORT ANT MATTER. Chief Justice Paxnoti, of the s.t jiroraa court, on Monday delivered a timely ni important opinion upon the subject of the rights and duties of tho respective patties to disputes between railroad companies or railroad com panies' and municipalises. This ques tion was involved in tlm appeal of the Kaston, South Euton and West End passenger railway compiny from a de cree of tho common pleas of North ampton county dismissing a bilt in equity filed by the company against the city of Eastern. In 1837 the company laid a track upon Third street in that city, using the flat or "flange" rail, but in Novem ber, 1838, it took up thoso rails and relaid the tracks with T raih. This was dono without any objection being made at the time by any of the city authorities. In June, 1889, however, upon the rebuilding of the eo inty bridge over tho Lehigh river, the street approach was lowered, and the car track from tho bridge to Washington street was taken np by tbe contractor in charge, without notice to tho com pany. A few days later the city au thorities notified the company not to relay with T. rails, and upon tho com pany's disregarding this notice, the authorities tore up the newly laid track. The company then filed a bill against the city, praying for an injunction to restrain any further interference with its road. A temporary injunction was granted and tho 'track was laid, but upon the final hearing the court decid ed against the company and dismissed the bill. From this decree an appeal was taken, and in passing upon the subject the chief justice says : "The question here is not what were tho merits of this controversy upon that we are not now called on to express an opinion but, were the city officials justified in deciding this question both as to its law and its facts, and then carrying iheir decree into effect by an act of brute force! "It is trae that a municipality may with the strong band abate a public or common nuisance which endangers either tho health or safety of its citi zens. But no ono contends that this road was a naisancs at all. It was a track laid down upon the streets under the authority of chartered rights ; and if the kind of rail used wai not of the best for the interests of the city yet it was put down in entire good faith and by authority of law. We cannot as aent to the proposition that the com pany is bound by its charter to the same kind of rail in use when the charter was granted. Tnere is neith er reason nor law to sustain it. "Such a construction would deprive the company of the be lefit of any ad' ranee in railroad soience, and woujd pi event the adoption of a better rail, even if it were "advantageous both to the company and to the city. The learned judge of the court below re marks that neither the master nor the court had a right to decide a question of nuisance or no nuisance upon a mo tion for a special injunction. But what right had the chief commission er of highways and bis assistants to decide that this track as laid was a com mon nuisance. If they did not HO de cide, or if in point of fact the track was not a common nuisance, they bad no right to tear it np, they were mero Iy trespassers and rioters, and liable civilly and criminally as such. "We are emphatic upon this point because we do not wish to be misund erstood. There is a growing disposi tion in this oommon wealth, especially on the part of corporations, private as well as munioipal, to take the law in their own hands and settle controvers ies by force instead of appealing to the courts to redress their wrongs and en force their rights in an orderly and peaceable manner. Instances are not rare, and are of recent occurence, whero bands of men have stood con fronting each other, some of them with arms in their hands, in the assertion of supposed rights. The public peace has been threatened and disturbed in this manner, sometimes resulting in loss of life. "It is well that it should be known that suoh persons, whether represent ing individuals, private corporations or muncipalities. are simply rioters, and answerable to tbe criminal law for their conduct. It is a serious mistake to suppose that municipal oflioers are above the law, and can enforce civil rights and perform even police duties in their own way in disregard ot ine forms of law. The officer of a muni cipslity from the mayor down to a police officer, are as much bound by the law as a private citizen and have no' right to transgress the law in the enforcement of the law." The decreo is reversed and the record remitted to the lower oourt with instructions to is sue an injunction as prayed for. WASHIK3T0N LEi'TEB. (From our regular correspondent.) Washington, D. 0. Mar 21, 1890. Ei-Spoaker Carlisle thinks tbe Lodge Federal otection bill ono ol tho most objoctionablo measures ever before Congress, and considers that it would be practically impossible to bold a legal election under its complicated provisions. In spjaking of the bill Mr. Carlialo saidt"Suppose wo do a little figuring on it to stare with, it this bill was a law there would bo at each of the 90,000 eleotion proeinots of ihe country, at every Cougreasional and Presidential eleotion, 7 Federal ofbVta's making a total of 030,000 men, and oostinc ten or til teen millions ot doi lars every two years. This estimate is based upon tbe present number oi voting precincts but tho complisations of this bill would make the process of voting auoh aelow one that tho number of precincts would have to be largely increased, perhaps doubled, in order to give too voters an opportunity to ue posit their ballots." The bill has not been much better received by tbe ro publicans than bv the democrats. The Blair educational bill is dead. Hot the Senator has come up smiling with another bill; this time the approp riatiou is onlv $58,000,000. The republicans of tbe House don't vote as thev talk in contested election cases. The democrats were led to be lieve that seven or eight republicans would vote witu them in tho ease oi Mudd vs Compton, but when the vote was taken juudd got the solid repnu lican vote and tho seat. There are four contested election cases in which all tho arguments have been heard, and it is expected that the republicans ol tho committee on hleo tions will try to railroad them through this week. A favorablo report has been made to the IIouso on tho bill providing for tho appointment of a commission to investigate tho liquor traffic The nnnouueement by tho republic ans of tho IIouso Ways and Means com mittee several days ago that tho tariff bill was complete) has brought a great deal of trouble upon them in tho shape of objections from influential members of their party to certain clauses of tbe bill. Tho result is that tbo bill has not yet been reported to tbo House and it may not be this wc(k, and it would not bo surprising if the pressure should prove great enough to compal i: 1 t. .i. i hi i t f- r.miciu uiiiiimus in me uui ueiore u is reported. It is probable that tho democrats will prepare a substitute, based on tbo Aims bill, but giving all raw materials used in manufacturing a placo on tho free list. So goneral has been the complaint against the paper used in the postal cards that the Post office department was compelled to tret alter tin con tractor, and that individual has prom ised to uso a better quality of paper hereafter. Tho IIouso has passed tho annual pension appropriation bill. It was for 98,500,000, mil every man who voted tor it knows that it is not enouab, and that there is bound to be a big defici ency at tho end of the next fiscal year, but that does not stop tho demagogues from gottiog up and howling lor ad ditional pension legislation. One of them in a speech advocating a service pension said, as coolly as it he was speaking ot buying an apple, that the total cost of rucb a bill wouM not exceed 018,000,000. When Mr. Carlisle s statement was published rec-nlly that the nppropria tions whioh the republicans of this Congress intended making would causo a deficiency in tho Treasury at the end of the next fiscal year, Mr, Cannon chairman of the House committee on Appropriations, stated that it was a misrepresentation male for political etiect. Now as good a republican as Senator llawley states on the floor oi the Senate that the appropriations to be made for tbe next fiscal vear will aggregate $523,000,000, ag'ainst an estimated revenue of $450,090,000, making a deficit of $73,000,000. Cer tainly Mr. Hawley was not talking for political effect. Now it is discovered that the Secre tary of the Navy needs an assistant. Anything to increase the pay roll is the motto cf tho party in power. ine i'an-Americau Uongrcss wants subsidized steamships and cables from San Francisco td South America. Senator Veal made a good toint when Senator Sherman's anti-ttust bill was under consideratioj by slating that the easiest way to abolish trusts was to abolish the protective tanlt which made them possible. The bill placing John U. Fremont on the retired list of the Army with the rank of Major General has passed the House. Tbe committee engigtd in investi gating tbe Ohio ballot bor forgeries has no tuieu .borakcr and ttroivenor that tbev will bo allowed until the 31 iust., to submit arguments in writing. The bouse will vote on the World s Fair bill tomorrow afternoon. Its pas sage by the House is carta in. Deformity From Bright's Disease. S. D. VanBuskiric. of Ditnareat. N. J., says Aug. 20, 1888: "Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Kemedy, of Ilon dout, N. Y., has cursd our daughter of rsngni a jJisease, atier an other means bad failed. She was so swoolen that she measured 45 inches around the waist, anil 18 inches below tho knnn. To say that we feel thankful for such n l. A. t?...:A T rt .. '. . 1.... poor expression of the feeling of grate ful parents. 3-7 1-m. Oountj Commissioners reply to John 0 Wenner. Bloomsburg Pa, Mar. 25th, 1890. Editors Columbian. After some consideration we did in tend to reply to an article published in your paper of March 7th over the sig nature of John C. Wenner, Cambra, (which is in Luzerne County.) But our time, had bsen too much employed by matters wo consider of more import ance, and now atter reading bis article as published in your issue of last week, we havobecomeentirely disgustelwiin such traeh and ignorance, and refuse to pay any attention to cranks and fanatics, and think the columns of your paper can be used for raattors of more importance, and bo more beneht to the intelligent public. Simply ridi culous! What is the matter with him! He must be off i&o. Asx is tho general expression of the people, so why waste time and space? Will merely Bay as to tbo taxation, valuation and distribution of tho taxes the intelligent pjople of uolumuia county can read and are able to judge for themselves, belter than have a person try to set their minds t. A .l l rjjui wuu buuu re&auuiug. Columbia County Couuissioneus. J. D. Bouine, Clerk, Beading's Hew Boiling Stock. lalCBKASINQ TRAFFIC DEMANDS INCREAS ED EQUIPMENT. The steady and rapid growth of the Heading itailroad l'assenger and freight business is attested by the Irequenoy and magnitude ot the addi tions mado to the motive power and car equipment of this popular lino. The l'ullman Uompany ot Uhioago has iust begun the delivery of a large numoer ot l'assenger coaches and ircigbt cars tor wluoli tho Heading Company con tracted several months ago. The order includes (000 gondola cars, 50 first class Passenger coaches and 0 baggage oars. The freight oars will be of the most substantial construction and each will have a carrying capacity ol 30 tons. Tho Passenger oars will bo similar in design to the very hand some coaches placed on the Heading Atlantic City line last Summer. Tho latter, which were likewise built by Pullman, elicited general admiration. The now baggage oars will bo of un commonly large dimensions being i i tended chiefly for the transporation of the scenery of theatrical companies, the Heading seemingly receiving the preference of tho followers of The pis in their journeying. In addition to this now oar equip ment, an order has been placed with tho Baldwin Locomotive Works for 50 hard coal burning locomotives, embrac ing 30 fast freight engines, 10 shifting engines and 10 passenger locomotives, the latter being of tho same pattern as those which havo aohieved lamoby roason of thoir extraordinary speed on the Heading's New York and Atlantic City divisions. It is expected tnat the opening of tho season will find the Heading fully prepared to handle the immergeooy augmented volume of busi Dttn which in management anticipate. Delicate Ladiosl Who havo that tired and all-gone feeling, and don't liko to be disturbed, will continue to bo troubled with this complaint until they renew their im puro blood. Sulphur Bitters will cause now and rioh blood to course through every artery and vein in tho human system. Seo another column. 3-28-21. Peculiar Many peculiar points make Ilood's Bar tapartlla superior to all ether medicines. Peculiar in combination, proportion, ana preparation ot Ingredients, uood'i gamparllla possesses tno full curative Talac ot the best Known remedies -TV of the vegetable king- XAy don, recuuar In Its i-,eV strength and economy Vliood's Bar siparilU laCJithe onlymedl. elne otyr Wy which can truly beaaRo " One Hundred Doses Ose Q Dollar." Medicine In larger and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce u good results as Hood's. Peculiar In it, medicinal m.Ht. Hood's Sarsaparllla accomplishes cures hlth- eno unknown, and ha won fnMtaat, the htle of "The greatest blood Jra-lt purifier ever discovered." recuuar in its " good name flume, iuero 13 now vjnore ox iiooa-a Barsaparlua S c S sold In Lowell, where ttyit li made, than of atl j Vother blood purlflcra. ApeenUar In its phenome- XnA record of sales abroad cSrTrso other preparation bas rr S Ever attained such rami. ana retained HS popuianiy yp ,S tna confidence among all classes S ot people so steadfastly. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get the Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla SoUbyandniRiiu. Jlillirorli rrtpuedonly t7 C.I. HOOD 4 CO., Apothecaries, IxnrtU, Hats. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents Lung Fever I Cores Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss of Appetite, Founder, Fevers, &c 1 lb. In each package Sold by all dealers. MDIII I!Cure3D7Knte,T' I DULLll and Diarrhoea. BABY SYRUP Cures "Wind Colic, &c. KcUevesQripbgandSonxmcr Complaint. .Facilitates Teething! Regulates the Bowels! Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cents. BULLS Hoarseness Croup, Whooping Couch. and for the relief ot Consumptive per sons. For Saleby all druggists. 25 cents. 'THE PEOPLE'S HEMEDY" For the cure of COUGHS, COLDS, Astntna, Incipient Consumption SYRUP ROUGH Bunrc L":BE S CUOCB ClOARtniS for Ca OflflHC (c PrlctJOCtt. Atoll druaglttt. FOIl SICK HEADACHE This Remedy Is the perecrtotlon ot one ol tho leading pnrsiciaoa 01 1'ans. rrance, and was usod br him with unparalleled success ror over thlrti rears. It was flrst given to tbe public as a proprie tary medicine In 1S18- since wnlch time It baa round 11a way into almost every county on the face o( the globe, and become a favorite remedy with thousands of tbe leading phjulctans. Medical societies have discussed Its marvelous success at thalr annual conventions, and after their 0 uclal chemists havo analyzed It and found that It con tained no ODtates. bromides or other harmful in gredients placed It among their standard reme- uies. TESTIMONIAL. L. It. BKOWN, M. D., S3 West Jersey St., Buhbhii N.J. J'jnoB, 1WJ. This Is to certify that I nave used tor some months with much satisfaction, tbe combination ot remedies, tor Ueadache, known as llrlggs' Headache Troches. Tbe remedy cures more head ache, especially such as affect Nervous Women, than anything I am acquainted with, and It this certificate wiu be tbe means ot bringing it to the favorable attention of sufferers from tbat trouble, I shall feel that I have done them a service L. K. UftOWN. PRICE; 2B CENTS. Bold by all Drujzliu, or ant by Kau on lie eclpt ot Price. Briggs1 Medicine Co., ELIZABETH, IT. J. TRUSTEE'S SALE OK VALUADLK Real Estate! Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of FL Fa. Issued out ot the bourt ot Common Fleu of Columbia Co., ra., and to ine directed, there will bo sold at pnblla sale in the Sheriff's office at ths oourt House, Dlooms- burrg ra., on SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m., all the right, title and Interest of the defendant In a certain tract or parcel of Ian1 situate In the township ot Drlarcreelc, Col umbia Co., ra.; bounded and described as follows Beginning at a stone In line ot land ot Jas. Lem. on, thence running by other land of James Evans north elghty-nve degrees, west fourteen perches to a stake; thenco north eighty-nine and one-halt degrees; west one hundred and etiht perches and seven tenths to a stone; thence along the land 0 Jibram Mart, or rather by a road running along by said tine of Abram Marti, north three degrees oast oin hindred and torty-tbroo perches and arc-tenths to a stone; thence by land of Oeorge Zaner, north seventy-flvj dejraei east one hundred and eight perches to a stone; thence run ning along tho aforesaid !ani ot Jams Lemon south thrcedegrees, westonehundred and seventy, throe perches and tour-tenths, to the place ot be ginning, containing NINETY-SEVEN ACRES, and fifty-eight perches, strict measure, whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE, barn, wagon shed and outbuildings, all Improved, with fruit trees, eto. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Harry Hakes rs. Mary Brader. and to be Bold as the property of Mary Ilrader. Hubs, Attorney. ALSO : Uy virtue of sundry writs of Ft Fx Issued out of the Court of Common moas ot Col. C3 , Pa ,, and to me directed, there will be sold at tbe same time and place, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate la the borough ot Centralis, Col. CO., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the so ith-east corner of Lo cust Avenue, and Second street, thence along said Locust Avenue, south seventeen decrees, east twenty-nve feet to a stake; thence north seventy three degrees eul one hundred and forty feet to an alley; thenco alon; said alley north seventeen degrees west twenty-rive feet to Second street and thence along said Second street south seventy three degrees, west one hundred anl forty feet to place ot beglnnlni', It being Lot No. 1, In Block No. l containing TTenty-ave Feet Front and One nundred and Forty Feet In depth, whereon aro erected a DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE, and outbuildings, netted, taken Into execution at ths suit ot The Citizens Building and Lo in Asrclatlon ot Centra- lla, Pa., ts. Bridget Clark, and to ba sold as the property of Bridget Clark. Attorney. ALSO . By virtue ota writ of Vend. Ex. lsned out ot the Court ot Common PleuotCoL Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will b sold at the same time and place, all that certain piece or parcel ot land situate In Mlfflth township, Col. Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: On the north by land ot Samuel Knecht. on the eaet by land ot L. B. Kohler, on tht south by land of E. P. Schweppenhelser, and on the west by public, road, containing one-tnlrd of an acre ot land, more or less, whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE, and Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Sch weppcnhelser & Snyder vs Qoorge Hut nagle, and to be soli as the property ot Geo. Uufnagle Klweu, Atty. JOHN a CASET, S-7-10. Sheriff. B. F. SAVITS, The undersigned trustee appointed by the Or. phaas' Court of Columbia County to sell tbe real estate ot Thomas Shearman, deceased, will expose at public sale on tbo premises In Beaver township on SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1890 at to o'clock a. m. tbe following real estate ; Bounded and described as follows, to.wlt : Situ, ate In Beaver township, cot Co., auto of renna. northwardly by lands ot John Baker. Thomas Lutz and Abraham Smith, eastwardly by landa ct Abraham Itice, siuthwardly by lands ot Coxe Brothers & Co , and weatwardly by lands of C. A. Hhuman and Conrad Diets, containing 1 more or less, witu appurtenances. OF SALB.-One-tulrd of the purchase money to bo p ill cash, one-tnlrd In one year from nnai confirmation with Interest from confirmation hi. st., and tho remaining third at tbo death ot the wl low of the dec eased with Interest from con rirmatlon nl. I., payable annually. The latter two payment to be secured by judgments or mortgage liens on the premises. M. V. WOODWAKD, Trustee. l'or County Hiiperliitc-iKluul. The undersigned announces hlmsolt as a candt. data for the otllse ot County Bnpertntendent, and respectfully ask to be supported for Bald onlce at J. S. QHIMES. I'or County Huperliiteiiclcnt. The iimlendLMod announces htmtelf as a Candl date tor tte ofMou ot Superintendent of Publto schools of Columbia County, and respectfully akksuiba supported tor thitofflje at the coming election in aay uei. W, O. JOUHHTOM, Jeneytown, Pa I HMWUlItlllf iMll has secured the sole agency of Columbia county for the Nation al Sheet Metal Eoofins: Co. These roofs are guaranteed to be far superior to any other root, as they are both storm and wind proof. bheet iron roots ot this manu facture can be put up as cheap as tin, and last much longer. Koots are made or sheet iron, tin, or copper, as parties may desire. Orders may be secured through B. F. Savits, Blooms- bun', ra., who will put on the roofs and guarantee the work, or may be ordered direct from tho 510-520 East 20th Stro9t,N . Y 0 11 1'UANS' COURT BALE OF VALUABLE MEAL ESTATE) The undersigned, administrator of tbe estate of Joseph a. Keller, late of tbe township of Green. wood. County ot Columbia, and State of Pennsyl. vanla, deceased, will offer at public sale, by vir tue or an order of the Orphans' Court ot said coun ty, on tbe premises on SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1890, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, the following desert- bod real estate, being the mansion bouse and 'arm ot the said deceased, to-wlt ; A tract of land situate In tbe said twp of Green wood, bounded by lands ot J. II. Johnson, B. F. Ilcdllne, belraoIE. K. Albertaon, Augustus Stand er, A II. Kitchen, M. J. Kline, Ellis Young, and Joseph Watts, contaln'ng one hundred and seven teen acres and tour perches, more or less, on which are a FRAME HOUSE. BARK, and other outbuUdlngsi partly cleared and partly Umber land. TEItSlS OF SALE. Ten per cent ot one fourth ot the purchase money at the striking down ot the property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the condrmatlon ot sale, and the remaining three fourths tn one year thereafter, with Interest from connrmation nisL DAVID T.KELLKlt, Adm'r. S-I-3t. Orangevllle, Pa. Men W&nted on Salary To reliable men wo will give s'eady employment uuiiLiuDHAUD&iiu p&jiug weir traveling ex. peuses. We grow our own stock exclusively and UUAItiNTUBlttobestrlctlrnrst class In every ons furnlshM. Experience unnecessary. Apply at once ttallnn aae. Address E. C. PK 1HON k iu., ample unjto nuwnes, Waterloo, n. Y, (Established oversOyeare.) s-it it 7 SALESMEN M WANTED. A1 to'oanvass tor the s lie of Nursery Stock I Steady employment gmraoiawi. sjwiv Au BS PK&3E3 PAID. Apply atonoa, stitlnr agt. Chaso Brothcra Company, ItOClIifclTKIt, N, V, are Invited to oon&ult son, rt tox s LtW. sws,theoIdftiteauullUl puoai arm In the Uaui Mt sum, uailav tuelr nouw orMn at Wash, ngtoo. a. v. Hrtutoee, It. W. Oswald and Vr, t?.BiUiKk. tf, Horses, Opttle, Sheep ft Hog ------ , r"J' v. in. ,auiu vura 91 pen OUtimpir. Sort and Wssk Eisi, Lung Fmr Citl.niii, Blolchii, and ll olttcultlsarli. Iso tram Impurltlts ol Us Blood. Will Hilt) HMM Stand. MtacUrt4hll J0PPA MaNUFAOTURINQ 00., lYOKS, N. T. Iron BAUS HI ALL DKAXKES, A MNUAL STATEMENT A OP BLOOM POOR DJSTRICT, From Jan. 1), I8i to Jan. IS, l'S JOHN K. UIIOTZ, Treasurer. DIL To Bah In Treasurer's hands Jan. 14 1419.. . 1 ill u TocasnKeo'donBloomdup. is8,.., 40000 neott 1. ,.. tw)87 " ' (ireen'wd dap. !8B4. 4M 4J " Kugarl f .... im SO " ' " " Bloom " 19..,. lwoo " " ' " HOOtt " 1M9 ... 310 IS " " " ' Orecn'wd " " .... W tt " " " sugarloat " ... 64 m " " " " unseated lands , Ml ii 11 u Long property SM 00 " " ' " Jlrs.C. BMwn-saoc'r... 83 01 " " " from Hester sterner (paid for A. Sterner) (7 75 To cash Itecd from Thos. McBrlde ..... lot 11 " " on Dr. Fulimr's acc't.... t ts " " " " Belief Ketunded MOO " " " " John O. Helden-s acc't 105 m To amU due treasurer 4to t c.n. By old orders redeemed ... I n f oners for fss redeemed 5101 m " commission M 1M 90 -postage vj t MO) it STATEMENT OP ORDEItS. DR. Orders outstanding Jan 11, l9tl8l 41 " Issuedfrom Jan. 14, 1S to Jan. is, !,... 1 6151 SC CIL Orders outstanding Jan. 14, redeemed t MT2 Error In outstanding orders Jan. II, 1 M 77 Orders Pf 1 s.9 redeemed 510J M ' 18J and ) out standing 1 s ro Orders ot Iff outstanding 44 71 TOtaioutsianaing oruers H EXPENSES FOR YEAH ENDING, Jan. Provisions and Supplies Fuel and Urrht Clothing, including shoes rnmiiure, ueaintr ana ury uooas....M Meliclnes and Medical suddUcs ordinary Itepalrs. , Travelling expenses urain una .,. Farm Expenses. smith Uork Incidental Expenses . Patent VermoDt Bake Oven Thomas Alclirlde, steward 02tOi Jacob -"churler, D'rector 100 00 L. il. Pcttlt, ' 19) (11 J.M. Linsi " 75 00 u. A. Kieim, seereiary 100 00 U U. Rnpert, " IS 87 Dr. Mclteynolds...... .. 60 00 Dr. Itedeker . . "5 00 Mrs Tnorais McBrla, Matron 50 00 auditors and Clerk, Jan. lSii Si 00 Tottlcurrent Expenses Buildings ind lmDruvements Oriersiiellef Printing statement ot 13 ITlniln? order books and rules for Poor House Expenses on brown house sunnortof Itobert Cook. Poott two Tramps jiareaua i;oib .....HHH ,-ni E. II. Ikeler. Attorncv's fees Coots In oeorge Samuel's Case, Bloom... Oomn for Wilson Dodson's Child, Bloom. comn for Tramp coram for .Mrs. Wm. Shoemaker. Bloom. Coffin and expense ot dlggltg grave, Aaron "natts, eugarioar Coffin for Hannah Tyke, Scott Digging grave tor James Leacock's child. Bloom Expense In Cams Turrell case and car fre Alleghany Asylum Expenses in William Leon in case, Bloom I MOO 31 1 tm 73 t rjM 75 14, 1890. 908 tO 78 11 51 03 S3 93 42 43 41 77 1 M 90 00 94 S5 as ss 1 00 ft 65 9Q1T IS INSANE IN STATE HOSPITAL, DANVILLE, l'A. George Fox, Scott, 6S 1-7 weeks 19 nuu si 13 per vreeK.... Jesse Kelly, Bloou 6S 1.7 wks 9 Z. Kahier. Bloom, 51 1.7 we'ks . w uuiiii is per wee tt . a M. sterner, Bloom, M 1-" VlriarS Oflrtaiil II Tt m. nit- Ioe Patterson, o-eenwoil S! 1-1 wks 9 J 00 and 41 "5 per VPMitr Bm IFrw fllMm Hi' . "".M I.."." : ..U. ' J I I.1W.U l-l O V ') fVl anrl 1 1 . n.. vl 1ST . Came TurreL, Oreenwd 'io'i-i w u 19 w aoa ma p?r w k ibki Alza II. OUT DOOR RELIEF. Mar. Blom sa 00 Carolina ftnlth, Uloom 84 20 uesier uomDoy, scott .. 176 70 III. UEVlgO I MIUMW, UIWU WOOd 12.1-RA Eph Parks, Bloom m 00 n.uanivu, uiuuui . J Jacob Adams, Sugarloat 27 51 niram jjonif, x-ioom 2 50 FredC Hess, sugaiioar 9-1113 Mrs c. 000k, Bloom . no ot George Jaeoby, 1110 m 77 !2 Amanda Bobbins, Greenwood. .. 2 23 Albert Cadow, Bloom 98 15 Frank ltnodemoyer, Bloom 10 30 Samuel Farver, Bloom 2 01 u&uiei iuuiu, biuuih 2i Wm. shoemaker. Bloom a 11 John Kramer. Bloom lis M Ann Mumej, scott 102 33 sin. wmimore tear rare to Hunt van Co., N. V. 5 00 Eph Ebner, Greenwood 1 47 Mrs. Wm. Ingold. Scott 11 15 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swisher, Greenwood sj 00 Levi Hall, Bloom . u o Mrs Penrose, Bloom so 01 Fred Weimer, Bloom 12 00 Van Lew. scott 11 m Hannah RandalL Bloom 1 1 n John Vandersllce, scott 73 Catherine Horn, Bloom..., ..... a to Harry Hartman. Bloom as n James Leacock, Bloom 1 50 Mrs. Ann Evans. Greenwood w Mrs. M. Walters, Bloom s m Samuel sttPs. Bloom m George Samuels, Bloom 103 00 I4s as AL Cadow; Flour from Farm ,5 00 We the undersigned Auditor or th.- comprising The Bloom Poor Dlstlret met at the Alms House on tbe second Monday In Januarr 18V0, that b-lng the 13th, examined tne accounts ot the Treaurer ana Dlreo'ora from lanuarr 14th 1639 to January nth is), and the vouchers for the same find them correct as net forth above DR HARRIET HERR, " 341 East B3i Btrojt. Naw York. will Haul tier valuabla U ml& la lleatln ta in, tick woman or girt sunertng froji any FiuaLs uiaruiin, mvui vafftt "f-waa, 1 wia)p. yi ow -whh .11 1J f 1216 67 2036 19 1S4 39 W 73 43 00 9 SO 2 33 10 33 8 07 SO0 00 178 00 8 46 6 00 15 00 12 00 21 44 8 00 75 0) 6 00 97 75 97 73 V7 75 97 75 97 75 97 73 702 76 a F. PSACOCK, wm. UUI: HKNHY C. IL DILDINE. SACOCK, T JO BUT; I " C. IIBf 'ILDIJJB. J Auditors. VLUEOP IIEKL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY January istb, uM. Bilancedueon Duplicates. Bloom. Bloom. KbV. Bcotr, ISH SOOtt, 1859, Greenwood sugarlojit Amtdup. mi ti-ai 10 2961 43 1001 42 11X13 57 8U5 31 313 Hi Paid. ii9l Oi 1801 00 675 87 310 18 Vi! 96 SI 83 Due. 1468 07 1169 43 430 55 665 3) 63 06 251 99 tio si Les estimated exoneration and lauuuPbious....,, ........ I 500 00 $3523 51 Farm and bulldlnm lavn nn 4 horses , 375 00 ICOll 6100 9 cauls , 220 0) la sunuia DO 00 4 turkoys...,,, s 00 96ohlckens 3000 180 bjsuelsot wheat ft (sic 147 60 3io " oats im so 8iO " " corn ears 8j 0) sow 10 pork 9 60 140 0) 40010 lard (a) isxc 50 00 IU1 UJ i l 00 75 00 2 6) 2 60 5 00 12 00 16 tons of bar 400 lb beef 100 bushels potatoes o utnti 10 " turnips. onions. .. 20 " rre ho lb packed butler 16 00 l uul sour arout,... ,,, too 2 vinegar. . jj 00 1200 sheaves corn fodder et so.., 00 00 12buodlea rye Btraw a 230...,., 3 00 Farm Implements .. TO' 00 Furniture In Alms House 25000 " " stewards House.,,, 200 01 It acres grain In ground 10000 3 tons coal 6 (0 - 119)13 21 PRODUCTS RAISED ON FARM 1899. 261 bushels wheat.. 211 0-1 oats 1 ill M corn ears XI 75 rye 14 40 turnips 3 01) txets 301 onions , too beans. 6 0) DOtatocs tat 111 a tons hay am 01 81 bundles rie straw... 7 73 931 head, cabbage 9 40..., .... as 28 315 lb butter ..... 128 75 423 doz. etrgs. 76 50 26115 lb POrk 9 CO 156 80 ito lb lard to 49 4121b beet 9 60 21 72 1800 sneavea corn fodder 9 50.,., im 00 3 Calves . 31 01 0 shoals ,. 7000 so chickens 13 'O I bbl s iuar Kraut . 16 bushels tomatoes. 5 turkeys.... .' ,,. Flour by Cadow...... 9 guineas.., No. paupers remilnlng in Alms house last report Admitted during year , No discharge during year No. died during year 6 fiu 7 10 a 25 13 0) 2 70 It 7 l. M A I ER, BLOOMSBUBG, - - - ZP.A.. The Reliable Clothing House, CONTINUES TO SELL CLOTHOCr, CAPS, HATS, TRUNKS, and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Just as low as before, and lower. I am determined to keep up the Reputation of being tll0 CHE PE3T and BEST CLOTHIER. Satisfaction Always Guaranteed. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, 1742 40 No. persons In Poor House, Bloom 3 No, Persons In Poor House, (Ireenwood. . g No. Persons Hi Poor House. Boon 1 No. remaining Jan, 1st, 8M .. JACOB SCHUYLER, ) fc3.iW mrecu,ra- Attest! C. A. R,LKIM, Secretary. WAN T E 0 IHKLIAULB PUSHINU MKN to 6611 OhOlco inuraerr ouwt. I'ompieu) asiortmenu Npienlld vjjw vuiiiij uiiciui itftsynus wur,, ny aaie mcu u,o Kiaju aimutms, inaujr set ing from IIO' to tW perwBck. send for Pro it and Tes'lmonlal. guuu u'iuiii; miu wtutea nere a. oao. Liberal Terms and tbe tw,t go ids In tbe market Write Faun K Yooxu, Nurauryman, ito-ihester, Y. 3 11 I. MAIER tThe largest stock and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish, ing Goods in Columbia, Montour, and Northumberland Counties, Pa. t Thinking About Buying a "Snrii Overcoat!" FOR u I I IT I! SEE OURS: $9-60 $10.G0 12.00 Kilale of Anna Kressler, late of Dloomiburg, (lecrasetl. Letters testamentArr on htm nfttatA hntin. been granted to the uuderslgned executor, afl persons indented to said estate are hereby notl fled to pay ths same, and those having claims against said estate to present tbe same to Gao. X. Klwsll, WILLIAM WOUKHEISER, . . . AHy Erecutor. 3.T 6w. UDlTOH'd NOTICE. KslaUofMerru Ann liotjerls, dewased. ineunoersiineo, an auditor appointed by the vuiu a wji 1. ui vumwuia county to make dls. tnbuuonof tne oalaace in handiot the admlnl iWi-m v; ' ... " m-tount, wm sit at thoomceuf ormt Ilerrtng, E31., in Bloomsbunr. j-a. on rnaiy, jiarcna, i-so, at o'clock a, m. whAn anil whAm ull . i.i ,1 .. .. hu.u .... i.o jui uiiiuu uiauus Ulfaiusi said ebtate must appear and prove the same, or IM nPtMFm I fill . mwln. In . . ' C. E. QEYER, Auditor. FARM FOR III?. NT A farm of 100 mjres. with nAnrtsnm., r.. hniiu and barn, and supplied with abundant water, will be rented at a low rent for the term ot nva years toagooatenantwhoaan furnish his own stock nl.iMJlpjmc. Tw tarm is la the Caiawlssa Valley on tne Towninip road fro n Brandon, I lie to Audenreld. two miles from Brandonvlle and near (llrarl Manor. References requested. Addrrss Pottsviiie, Pa noy, j.iy JIIH A 1'ODMOUIi. A,UOHHEOT3, OjiEBiiour llBii-Dma, WllkM'jarre, V, Branch Qbice. liloonnburg, I'a.. wlib J wo. M. Cl uk, Atfy. A Cour jller, l-aiii New Spring Bulls and Trousers at Money Saving Prices. E. 0. THOMPSON Merchant Tailor and Clothier, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite the Mint) PHILADELPHIA. 1890 SPRING OPENING 1890 A FULL LINE OF ON MABCM m, 189(1. MisssHEiWasley, NEXT DOOR TO I. W. HAltTMAN & SON MAIN ST., BLOOMSBURG, ... - PA SPRING! SPRING!! SPRING!!! w eg CD E XECUIOUy NOTICE. jgXECUTOU'8 NOTICE BstaUi nSIVter Kate, Xaleuflwnton lien. Letters testamentary on mi l estate l.nvim. h... granted to the undersigned executor, all persons indebted to sal t eataie are Uereby notified to Dav the same; and thoae having claims ai-alnst said estate to present tne tarns to uwi. a. wu. w. s. KASB, Kir. Atty. Polrmount Springs, Pa. otice. VMlAaloliauiii n4irAa. t, , .w..wi.m.,hj mivu tutiv a mwiiQ7 or me uu.u .uu ui. iwao m mo iijwh qi lliooms- hin at a o'clock p. ra.. oa Thursd iv tho 1st' day of Hid illn. iiiuinn mi i.?... n tlOtt. .i.(.m.u iud aaiu corpora PAUL C WIHT, bec'y. OMINISTit.VlOlfd NOl'lOa HiUiU of (Ituryt V Mllinan, lulu (f Conytigliam twuiiiafiijj, unnwd. Not'cels hereby given mat letters of admlnls- ... r,vaw. "'B" uminKn, late of Conyiigtumtowostilp, county ot Colurabli and staw of l-enniytvani. decease.!, have been erant. All In VVllDjin flAAil,nin rt linn,.., II i onunty, IX. w wlioin ell peraoaa lidebiito 411,1 our a tit ai-ia run inula 1 tn ..i.n . T tlioj aavlnvf cUiias or Uemandi will inako known IhA uima with mif. iltir tn. " f WILL.AM OOOOMAN, Johk (1. Pksizi Admlutstrator, s-inw. Ally. cenirallaPa Hi TT ll i III I LOWENBERGS Est, Blooiiisburg, . jpiu A GREAT OFFER. PATTERN FREE, on ob. wnereu he persoml and mlied property, Iran chlsos and rights of Hv IHnton Agricultural As. siclatloa were sold br the sheriff of Columbia county at aalei o i the seventh day of Jan. uary, unhand thi twenty.foirth day of Pebru. ary, 183', to th-) unl'Mlg ie.1 persw as by rele'. ence to the sild ojuvjy moe of sail personal and mlied priaerty anl corporate fianchliej and runts ot the sail II mtoq Agricultural Association. d4tedUi9iourteithdyof March 1S9J, and the same day dilnered, will more fully and at large appear. Now th-mfore. In a-cordance with the provision, ot the sjcond soctloi of the act entitled "A s'lpjleuitui lo aa act, e allied, an Act con. cernlnithe s le ot rallroalj, canals, turnpikes, brtdgw anl punk run, approved the eighth day of April A. u. omthomnd eight hundred and klxtyiOie, oitenlln,' tiii p-ovlso,,s of said act to coal, Iron, airel, lu uoer or oil or mining, ininufao. tuilng, triasiortmoa and telegraph companies lutntsuorauinwoilthand ofalf other corpora. llouscreatodbyoruuderanyUw ot this stale approved Miyihitweaty.ddn, A. U. lsTs. And tue tevsral au sipplementary to and amunaa. tory ot this act and the out ot which It U a bu plemenu Notice U hertby given, tbat the under, signed lor and on hi aouuut tue said properly corporate franchises and rl ntswere si uurcuas. ed Mill meet at tue omoe of 'r. o. Mclljnry, lu the village ot uenton, County ot Ooluqaoli am state of Peuniylvaiila,onthe rttin diy of April A. 1) at i o'clock lo the afternoiu far the purpose of urgamzlog a now corporation under ihs laws of the Commjnwealth of Penu. sylvan'a. In suoh caw mats anl provided, and for the further purpose of electing a presl. dent and board ol oil directors tor sai l naw cor poration and adopting a corporate name and com. luon seal lor the same anl determining the amount ot the capital stock thereof. When and wnere, all parous lnteraid uuy attend It Iter think proper. ' ' trass iwvu tiiukidoM. hi Wr WIWHSWdlw A MAIBBOMI GIFT to mm LABI m&smw ithOf S ""K ?'"B " ho'J" to a pattern stylish garment Is verv uM tn and 3& ,' 4? ,n,che? ,w" mMS A pattern oflh Is QbtainedV which Is alwa dellraW?, 'i5' u 1 ''i' ,iml leavl"G 1 '"era a plain basque is the house, y desiraWe I H i just such a pattern as every lady should have in .ics.NlLwe,hTthEeT0 ,Yrknh?a,.f ,0'fTisU ,Uese P di(Icre,,t Thlii,Ereatoircr asearhm, he,I' he -ompanicd & , 1 A II I F 001 fa" ,0 buy our Usue uf Allril 4h. J t out the 'Tat. PRPr oi:b?tic? rler'" whl;b wiU emUle to thu rr... r K b h . Ord.r Ihe PaFr Ince so thai you will be sure of it, a, the mbor willKlimfcK