The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 28, 1890, Image 1

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Ornci Front Room, over roi'.offlce,
ft. MAIZE,
OfFlCE Room No. 2, ColumiUM Dilltlng,
Office In Pint's Building, near Conrt House,
Office over Moyer Bro's. Drug Store,
Office In Brower'i building, 2d floor, room No I.
Office cor. Centre & Mala Sts.,CUrk't building,
HT Can be consulted (a German.
Office, Second floor, Columbian Buildlnj,
Office In Wlrt'f Building, and floor, Main St
Office In First National Bank Building, 2d flow,
W Pensions and bounties collected.
Office orer Dentlcr's Shoe store, Front room,
Office, Columbia Building, fl.or.front rSMa,
Otic Vjc RawKrigl' Meat Market,
OSes, corner of Third and Mala Streets,
B. McKELVY, M. D.,
Office, North side Main Street, below Market,
Office, North Market Street,
Office, corner of Rock and Market Streets,
OfllecWsctFirat St
Bpcclal attention given to the eye and
car ana tno titling 01 gmsscs.
J. BROWN, M. D.,
Office and Residence, Third Street, West
of Market, near M. E. Church,
" WOffice hours every afternoon and evening;,
Special attention given to the eye and the fitting
f glasses. Telcphoie connection.
TaxATUaxr or Ciibohic Diseases kadi a
Office ami Residence, Third St., below Market,
J. HESS, D. D. S.,
Graduate ef the Philadelphia Dental Cellefe,
having oytntd a dental office In LoCKAXE'i
BttxniHO, comer of Mala and Cutr streets,
fa rtyutd to receive all pxtkmta reqnirii fr
fessloaal ferrices.
Eleotbio ViDitaToit Used.
Ethkx, Gxi, amd Local Aimirnci,
Ajrdalstcft for the painless extract! n of tath
sVc ef charge whoa artiidjd teeth arc Uiertcd.
All Wou Gvaiaktud aj aummm
Teas, Syruts, Comz, Svoab, Mouuns,
tRics, Sricn, Bicabi Soda, Etc, Etc.
if. JJ. Corner Second and Arch Sts.
HTOrder will receive prompt attention.
MANurACTUxixs or
Carriages, Bugglei, Phaetons, Sleighs, Platform
Wagons, 4c
First-class work alwajri on hand. Repairing
neatly done.
WPilcei reduced to suit the times.
Office, Barton's Building, Main St, bel Market,
All styles of work done In a superior manner,
and all work warranted as represented.
Teith Kxtkactib Witkoot Paik,
Wv the use of Oaa, and free of charge when
artificial teeth art Insetted.
C To b opca all hours dmrlngUM dtj.
WM gT MSm SI rneugglt Whl.pMB VUtA. CvTn.
ma, ut ri-ii, k w,u.usrtiiaaa.
0. E. BLWELIi, t..,.i....
Finest Line
GOLD and
,nr PliUndrliihln.
Hclioot Opu vpt, IKtli.
Yrnrlr l.xprn-e, $500
Four I'artneiiti 8145.
Admlti knd classifies young men and hojn at anr time fits them
board with the Principal,
tnomi. Cvetv room has 1
rwiut wi nnniwsi. uiauuauiif iiann. uwoi me uni cquippcu
Teachers all men anr! graduates of
rooms. Cvety room has In It a steam radiator an J is completely
athletics, etc. Gyran.ilun:,
st sicaiu lauiaiui nu i tuiiiincteiy
Sneclal onoortunities for not ttudenU
Steclal opportunities for apt students
for btckwird bo)t. 1'atrons or students may select any studies,
3!edlaf Pn., nenr Phltn.
Hehool Open Hept. 'J 5 111.
Yrnrlr l'.xprnnc. 55IM).
Tvo rnrmenti, 8'J3U.
Graduating Courses In Classics, Literature, Science, Mathematics,
teachers aud lecturers. Superior Musical Department, School
racKwam jupu. inaivmuai stiention. Mnill Classes.
HJCty una dBpincis. new iimtifateii circular tree.
SWinilN C.SHORTLIDCK, A M. (Harvard Graduate, l . . . ...
MRS. HW1TIUN C. SHORTLIUGE. ' J Principals. Media. Pa-
North American, of Philadelphia,
rraruun, "
Pennsylvania, " "
Vork, of Pennsylvania,
Hanover, of New Vork,
Queens, of London,
North Britiih, of London.
OrnCK on Market Street, above Main, No. J.
' (Successor to Frcas Brown,)
Bloomsburg Fire & Lire Ins. Agency,
(Established in 1S65.)
iKtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, $9,528,388.97
Hartford, of Hartford, 5,288.609.97
Phoenix, of Hartford 4,778,409.13
Springfield, of Springfield, 3,099,903,98
Fire Association, Philadelphia, ... 4,512, 782.2c
Guardian, of London 20,603.323.71
Phcenix, of London 6,924,563.43
Lancashire of lint;., (U.S. Branch) r, 642,195.0c
Rdyal of England. " " 4,X53,564.o
Mut. Ben. I.f.In.Co.NeHark,Nj4i,3791228.'J3
Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office,
Office, Second Floor, Columbian Building,
Liverpool, London, and Glol.c, larnest in the
World, and perfectly reliable.
' Assets.
Imperial, of London $9,658,479.00
Continental of New York, 5.239:981.28
American of Philadelphia, 2,401,956,11
Niagara, of New York 2,260,479.86
Opposite Court House.
Laree and convenient sample rooms. Bath
rooms, hot and cold water ; and all modem
Exchange Hotel,
The undersigned has leased this well-known
bouse, and la prepared to accommodate the public
witn all the conveniences ot a firat-clasa Hotel.
LEMDEL DllAKE, Proprietor.
8JrT Office over Mover Bros. Drug "Store.
Residence West Main Street.
t&" Office over I. W. Uartman & Sons
store, residence N. E. comer Centre and
Fourth streets.
Homt of N. V. 1 Merchants' f Newark, N.
J. , Clinton, N. Y.'i Peoples' N. Y. 1 Reading
Fa. i German American Ins. Co., New York. 1
Orttawich Insurance Co., New York j Jersey
City Fire Ins.iCo-i Jersey City, N. J. I
These old corporations are well seasoned by
ig and fikk TisYiD and have never yet had a
loss settled by any court of law, 'Their assets
sra all invested la lotto sicukitus, are liable
to the harard of rill only. '
Losses laOMr-TLy ana Bonirrir aaiaitca
and paid as soon 'as determined, by CHRIST
IAN F. KNAPP, Smcial Aoint and Ad-
Che people bf Columbia county should 'pat
ronize tne agency where losses, If any, are set
tied and paid by one of their own citisens.
You Will SavoCATAttFlH
Time, W&?fAURrW!l
n.iii rrm BrillVCTVrD'&lu,
By Using
ADartlolela app ?a 1010 eacu nusiru iuiu a
mfubtt WceSJ cents at Drunrlitss by mill
rwerSS I 0rTm IthYiUWrilltlW, 64 warren
tor Builneti. any College, Folytecnntc School, for West
tint - class College, t-ine Imltdlniot uncle or doubla
ana ow imnagcu acnooi. 1XK1 UDIS. Ail tuuenta
lurniiiicu, uiounamrn acid! ior 1001-oail, Me-Mil.
to .lnr nnl.llv. rrivat tularin it ami tiwiil rtrtil
furnished. Grounds (ten acres) tor foot-Call. taebalL
to advance npWI
or a Business, Couepe-HrriMfatory, Llectrlcal. or CItII
rnvate mtorine tna special am'
hand, T-pe-wrltln(f, etc.,
alTurds every hnma tnm
,-itions for admisbion. New
rtifd Graduate), 1'rfnciua
MIn Eattman'i Celebrated School.
Music, Modern Laneuas. Twelve aeeomptlshetl
nas an orcan ann eieren pianos, rrivaie luiortnff loc
surrounded by such restraints as ate essential to theis
has an on
and eleven pianos. Private tutoring
BEING duo to tlio presenco of uric
acid In tlio blood, is most effectually
cured by the uso of Aycr's Snrsapa
rllla. Bo suro you get Aycr's aud no
other, and take It till tlio poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from the
system. Wo challenge attention to this
testimony :
"About two years ago, after suffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
gout, being able to walk only with great
discomfort, "arid having tried various
remedies, including mineral waters,
without relief, I saw by an advertise
ment in a Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing com
plaint, after long suffering, by taking
Ayer's Barsaparifla. I then decided to
make a trial ot this medicine, and took
it regularly for eight months, and am
pleased to state that it has effected a
complete cure. I have since had no re
turn of the disease." Mrs. K. Irving
Podge, 110 Ycst 125th St., New York.
"One year ago I won taken 111 with
Inflammatory rheumatism, being con
fined to my house six months. I cams
out of the sickness very much debili
tated, with no nppctite, and my system
disordered In every wnv. I commenced
using Ayer's Sarsuparllla and began to
Improve at once, gaining In strength
nd soon recovering my usual health.
I cannot say too much in praise of this
well-known medlHne." Mrs. L. A.
Stark, Nashua, N. 11.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rncrARED by
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Pries 1 J ill bottlra, $5. Worth 1 5 a bottle.
fases Pain Instantly.
Strengthens Weak Paris.
Quiets Nervousness.
Hop pfosten
A ,New England Etoasetiold Itomedf,
CTnlief-sHilr pwpultr because ot real medicinal
morit. Fur feuo countltwa paias and ncLcs. Borcn t-yar
ifoaJineBneu, no matter how caused or iiuv itcturti.
which attack the human budy, no rtinody iu the world
Is so prurapt and thorough la relieving, turiDgand re
tttorlnjr as the Hap lUnatcr
lniiitcltc4 Ti'itlraony of ttiuuHiid of jta&pltt,
and the constantly incre&tting Bale o( thube plasters,
la fimple proof ot the truth of thitt assertion.
C71IU1 I'l-ASTKIiS never hunt of Irritate.
If you kiitTer apply one nowj you'll feel happier to
morrow, i'tsoht good the moment put on.
BUT SEE HERE, Hop i'lu.u-r- are aold by
ali medicine dealero. Don't be awindleil into tuition
a fuitrstitute nr imitation, bignature of the proprietors!
will be found on the genuino eoodn.
Hop plaster comproprictors,boston.
Viilffit wAn you buy, Atoid dishonest dmler$.
DecJ'.ia Aug. 8.
varitd and txcilUnt eonUnti, it a library
in itulf.
11 wat indtti a haffy thought to print at
inlire nevtl in iach numttr.
Not a short novtUttt, but a long ttorysuck
at you are used to get in book form and pay
from one dollar to one dollar and a half for.
Not only that, but with each number you get
anabundaneeoj 'other eontributions, which gtves
you a good magatine besides the novel.
The ringing blows which have been struct on
the gateway of popular favor, have resounded
throughout the entire land, and to-day Lippin
cott's Magatine stands tn the front rank of
monthly publications, and is the most widely
read-and-talked-of publication of its kind in the
world. For full descriptive circulars, address
3 00 per year, 25 ""S "umber, (ji
The publisher ef this paper will receive yout 1
!?-57 6 mo.
TKfrBest Burning Oil That Can bo
Mado From Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light. It will not
smoke the chimneys. It will not char the
wick. It has a high lire tcit. It will not
explode. It is prc-umlnuntly a family
safety oil.
Wo Clinllengo Comparison with
any oilier illuminating oil made.
We Stake our Reputation, its Hcflucrs, tip.
on tho Btatement that it Is
Tim B e s t Ml
in tiiij woiti.n.
Crown - Acme.
Tht World's Fair Postponed
Until 1893.
Psvaral Amendments Matte to the lleas
nr ConEretimnn ltelden'fl Flary At
tack on Chicago's FlnanclAt Hacking.
Not a Dollar Shown Thus Fur, Its Said.
WAsniNOTON, March SKI. In tho house Mr.
Candler (Mass.) called up tho World's fair
bill. The bill was read and Mr. Candler, In
behalf of the conimltteo, offered on amend
ment providing that the commission shall
appoint a board of lady mnnngers, of such
number and to perform such duties as may
be prescribed by the commission, rind the
board may appoint one or more members of
all committees authorised to award prizes
for exhibits which may be produced In whole
or In part by femalo labor. Adopted, An
amendment providing that one of the mem
ber of the board created to be charged with
tho selection of the government exhibit
shall be chosen by the fish commission was
also adopted.
Mr. Candler's Spee-ch.
Mr. Candler expressed the satisfaction
which ho felt in being able to state that
Chicago, which had been selected by the
house as a site, had proved itself bofore the
committoe equal to all that had been ex
pected of it. The committee was satisfied
that Chicago had raised abonafldesubscrip
tlon of $3,000,000, and was also satisfied that
Chicago had done more than had been ex.
pected front any competing city in agreeing
that the subscription should bo raised to
110,000,000, In order to meot tho conserva
tive element which did not favor the hold
ing of a fair tho bill provided that the
f .resident should not Issue his proclamation
nvlting foreign nations until he was satisfied
that the contribution was a bona fldo one.
To Open Slay 1, 1803.
Mr. Candler then offered an amendment
on his individual motion, to be considered
as pending, providing for the dedication of
the buildings of the World's fair with ap
propriate ceremonies Oct. 18, 1892; nnd
further providing that tho exposition shall
be open to visitors not later than May 1,
1893, and shall olose not later than Oct. SO,
1893. lie said that this postponement was
not asked by Chicago, but he thought It
would inure to the benefit of the exhibitors
who were to take part in the exposition.
Mr. Hslden's Warm Attack.
Mr. Belden (N. Y.) said th&t New York
had accepted tho decision of the house in
regard to the location of the World's fair
in good faith, but that did not prevent
bor representatives insisting that there
should be Incorporated in this bill safe
guards that would secure that success in
Chicago which New York hod expected to
. After the site had been selected, the Il
linois members of the special committee
were asked by the members from New York
for the guarantee they had promised, and
lo and behold they produced a paper marked
"exhibit A." Tho first name on it was E. Bt.
John, and the amount mentioned (389,000.
Mr. Springer had told him that the amount
had been promised at a meeting of railroad
men. They had not yet subscribed. That
was the way that subscription started out.
Exhibit B, with more names, promised a
subscription of (1114,000. On the back was a
memorandum without a name on it promis
ing 1864,000. In regard to this memorandum
he had been told that the subscription book
was too bulky to bring to Washington.
Not a dollar of subscription had been shown
nor a single security ottered.
Some Guarantee Should lie Shown.
Mr. Belden prooeeded to argue that befpre
the bill passed Chicago should be compelled
to show some guarantee that the subscrip
tions could be raised. Ho claimed that he
was a better friend of a successful fair by
Insisting on provisions to secure it than the
men who stood in the houso and said: "We
will Ox it up bye and bye," and he gave no
tice that at the proper timo he would move
to recommit the bill, with instructions to re
port it back when a guarantee ot $10,000,000
shall be secured by the citizens of Chicago.
Mr. Chandler's amendment postponing tho
fair until 1893 was adopted without division.
Mr. Cummlngs for Chicago,
Mr. Cummlngs (N. Y.) said some months
ago he appealed iu the house for fair play
towards New York, and now he appealed
to the house for fair play towards Chicago.
New York had fair play in the houso, but
lost the fair through treachery in her own
ranks. There was a Benedict Arnold in
New York. He closed by saying that he
believed he would honor himself, his city.
his state and his eouutry by stand lag by
Chioago and doing all he could to mako the
fair a success. Mr. Flower (N. Y.) favored
recommitting the bill and make Chicago
show her subscription list. Mr. Belden
then offered bis motion to recommit, but it
was defeated without a division. The bill
was then passed yeas, 02; nays, 49.
Governor Hill's Communication News
from Albany.
Albany, March 20. Governor Hill has
sent to the legislature a communication, in
which he commends the objects which tho
Baxtou ballot reform bill professes to ac
complish, but expresses his belief that the
bill is not constitutional, and refuses to sign
It In its present condition. He recommends
that a joint resolution be passed by the leg
islature respectfully requesting the court of
appeals (.first and second divisions) to con.
veue at their earliest possible convenience
for the purpose of examining this measure
and expressing their opinions informally as
to the constitutionality of tho provisions
The governor Intimates that he will ap
prove the bill if the court ot appeals declares
it constitutional
The senate and assembly both sent tho
communication to their retjiective judiciary
committees by party votes.
In the senate Heuator Hawkins spoke
against the Jamaica bay fish bill, which ho
characterized as nn Invasion of home rule.
Mr, Stadler said that the people of Long
Island favored the bill with the exception
of eight men, who by their nets were do.
stroying the llthlng iu Jamaica bay. The
newspapers of the state also favored the bill.
Mr. Hawkins denied that the flsh oaught
in Jamaica bay were used as fertilizers.
The bill was for a few against many rich
against poor. Fish is a natural food of meu,
and tho ca'ch should not bo regulated In
the proposed manner. Nets are not set for
menhaden in Jamaica bay. He spoke long
and earnestly on the matter. '
Mr. O'Connor said that 15,000 persons bad
petitioned for tho bill
Mr. Hawkins said that Commissioner
Blackford held that sea fishing with lines
was not improved by prohibiting nets in
IUritan bay,
Mr, Btadler stated that the Bsh commis
sion favored the bill, The bill was ordered
to a third reading.
Sherlrr FUck Will Ileslgn.
Nkw Yoim, March SO, The Mail and Ex.
press says: "Prom an official source it was
learned late this afternoon that (Sheriff
Flack U fast breaking down, mentally as
well pnyslcally, From tho same source
it learned definitely that the sheriff
will positively resign his official position
despite the reports to the contrary. Ho
may reserve his decision on this point until
Friday next, when the motion to set asldo
the verdict rendered on Sunday morulng
will be made and argued, llut bis mind Is
made up to tender his resignation and It
wilt be made public as soon as circumstances
They Fear Johnstown's Fate.
Middlktown, Conn., March 2b. The resl.
dents of Johnson's Lane, a hamlet In the
suburbs of this city, have appealed to the
select men to send an expert to examine thu
dam at Hollow pond. The pond covers 123
acres, and the dam la forty feet high. Forty
or atty families live in the hollow below
the dam, and they are iu constant fear of
trouble.. Last Friday aud Saturday night
they sat up all ulght, fearing the dam
would givo way.
A woman's idea of a true friend is one who
will admire her children just as much ai she
does herself.
Condensed Itefort of Proceedings In the
Senate and ltonse.
Wabhinoton, March 20. In the senate
the Illnlr educational bill was defeated by a
vote of 37 to 81, Mr. Dlalr changed his vote
to tho negative In order to move a reconsid
eration. The house by a vote ot 15S to 14S declared
Mr. Conipton not entitled to his Boat.
WAsniNOTON, March 24. In tho senate
several petitions from Massachusetts and
Missouri wero presented protesting ngnlust
tho ratification of the extradition treaty
with Russia. The report on the Montana
senatorial case were presented. The bill to
dcclaro unlawful trusts nnd combination!
in restraint of trade nnd production was
taken. Mr. Turple nnd Mr. 1'tigh spoks
briefly In support of tho bill. The amend
ment offered by Mr. Itengan his nntl-trust
bill was the first question to lio voted on.
Mr. Georgo regarded tho amendment os he
did the bill, as utterly without warrant tn
the constitution, but thought the amend
ment more elllcient than the bill and would
vote for it.
Mr. Teller said ho was In full sympathy
with the objects of the bill, but he said It
would apply to the Farmers' alliance and
the National Farmers' league, which were
organized with the avowed purpose of In
creasing the prices of farm produce 0 thing
which he regorded as most desirable and at
alaolutoly essential to tho prosperity of ths
country, for everybody knew that unlesi
tho prices of farm products in this country
could bo increased, a groat many of the
farmers would soon be in bankruptcy nnd
turned out of their homes. Mr. George re
ferred to tho Knights of Labor as nnother
organization that would como within tho
scope of the bill, because tho object of that
order was to Increase their wages and con
sequently to Increase tho cost of production.
Mr. Heagau thought the first necessity wns
to strike down trusts and combinations
which gave life to Knights of Labor nnd
trade unions. Mr. Hoar criticized tho bill
in some of its legal aspects, nnd claimed
that it fulled to ntrord any adequate remedy.
Mr. Sherman replying to Mr. Hoar, said
that if the duty on cotton cloths or woolen
cloths was a llttlo too low to protect ths
manufacturers of Massachusetts, not a
month or a day would bo allowed to pass
before he (Mr. Hoar) would demand a
remedy In the wny of raising the duty.
Here was a remedy for a greater wrong
than any that result from a low tariff.
State courts had been endeavoring to
wrestle with combinations. He instanced
the sugar trust composed of seventeen cor
porations, nnd asked what remedy had the
people of New York against that combina
tion. None at all, he said, except against
one ot tho corporations Included in It. A
remedy would never come, ho said, from the
class of men engaged in such monopolies.
He had seon the gradual growth of com
binations and knew that their power wni
growing greater and creator and stronger
and stronger. Aud if congress was impo
tent to deal with that evil, if it could not
prescribe nnythlng but quack medicine, it
would prove itself utterly unfitted to por
form its duties. Tho bill wont ovsr.
Wasiii.voton, March 25. Tho senate
passed tho bill providing for a sjiecial inves
tlgation of tho seal Industry of Alaska. The
Bherman anti-trust bill was then takon up,
end Mr. George made n speech in opposition
to It on constitutional grounds. He said
that the amendment offered by Mr. Ingnlls
would meet with tho approbation of every
senator but for the fact that the constitution
prohibited the senate originating a tax
measure. He moved that the bill be referred
to the judiciary committee. Tho debate was
continued at some length. The motion to
refer was finally beaten yeas, 15; nays, 28.
An amendment proposed by Mr. Reagan was
agreed to yeas, 34; nays, 13.
Mr. Sherman moved to amend the first
section by adding to it the following proviso,
which had been suggested by Mr. Georges
"I'ivlded that this act shall not bo con
strued to apply to any arrangement, agree
ment or combination between laborers, made
with a vlow to lessening the number of
hours of their Ialrar or of Increasing their
wages, nor to any arrangement, agreement,
association or combination among persons
engaged iu horticulture or agriculture, mode
with a view of enhancing the price of their
own agricultural or horticultural products."
Tho amendment was agreed to. Mr. Ingnlls'
amendment, aiming at dealings in futures
and options, was agreed to. Mr. Coko then
offored his amendment, consisting of eight
new sections, to tho bill, and made a speech
(n support of it. He argued that the bills of
Mr. Sherman and Mr. Ilea gnu were uncon
stltutlonal and vague "wasps without a
Mr. Iloagan's amendment makes it unlaw
ful to create or carry out any restrictions
In trade; to limit production or to increase
or reduce the price of merchandise or com
modities; to prevent competition In mer
chandise, produce or commodities; to fix a
standard or figure whereby the price of any
article, commodity, merchandise or produce
Intended for sale, use or consumption shall
bo in nny wny controlled; to create a
monopoly in tho manufacture, sale or trans
portation of nny suoh article; to enter Into
any obligation by which they shall bind
others or themselves not to manufacture,
sell or transport any such article below a
common standard figure; or by which they
shall ogroo to keep such article for trans
portation nt a fixed or graduated figure; or
by which thoy shall settle tho price of such
article so as to preclude unrestricted com
petition. Mr. Coke moved to strike out nil
of the bill except tho amendment of Mr. In
galls or his own. Tabled yeas, 215; nays, 10,
Mr. Farwell Introduced in the senate a
bill, to pension Mary Crook, widow of the
late Oen. Crook, at the rate of $2,000 per
Fatal 1'all from a Church.
Lawiiince, Masa, March 20. Burt Gard
ner, Dolphice Renault and Michael Mulvey,
painters, while at work on the iiodnell
Street Methodist Episcopal church, were
thrown to the ground by the breaking of a
staging. Gardner was killed and Mulvey
and Renault badly Injured. The two latter
are now at the hospital. Gardner was mar
ried. Knocked Out Iu Ono Itouml.
OUAH, N. Y March 20. A prize fight
occurred hero last night for f500 between 8.
11. Anderson, champion of Luzerne county,
Fa., and Tom McCarthy, of Woburu, Mass.
In the first round McCarthy struck bis op
ponent on the neck aud knocked blm sense
less. He did not recover in ten minutes.
Tho light was awarded to McCarthy.
The SlierlrTs OBice Denounced.
New Yoim, March 20. The grand Jury
came into part 1, general sessions, at 11:50
o'clock, and handed a long presentment to
Judge Fitzgerald. In it the sheriff's office
s characterised as a disgrace to the city
and a shame to civilization. The present
ment states that It finds that the sheriff of
New York county, after paying all expenses
as to suits and other matters, has au income
ot more than 150,000 a year. It declares
that the sheriff's office Is and has been cor
rupt; that for the purpose of gaining some
advantage inconsistent with official honesty
the rights ot others have beeu sacrificed
and the sheriff's office has been prostituted.
The conduct of the sheriffs office has been
mercenary, slovenly and wholly Indecent,
and the jury recommend that the legisla
ture make the office a salaried one, with a
salary suitable to it and to it high responsi
bilities. A Package for Luokless llenwell,
Niagara Falis, Ont, March 26. A
package about a foot long, four inches wide
and two Inches thick has just arrived by
mail addressed "F. C. Henwoll, Niagara
Falls, Ont. From Chellenham, England."
It is said to contain photographs aud pho
graph hangers. Information has been re
ceived from llev, Mr. Pelley, of Baffron
Walden, England, fahorof young Pouglass
R, Pelley, who figured so conspicuously in
the Rlrchell preliminary examination, stat
ing that he has been In communication with
different peoplo in England who have had
business dealings with lllrchell, and all havt
cause to regret that they ever had anything
to do with him.
Governor Heaver' Proclamation.
IUrribbuho, !., March ISO. Governor
Beaver baa issued a proclamation calling
the attention of the manufacturers of I'enu
sylvanla to the international exhibition tq
be held 011 ths Island ot Jamaica iu Jan
nirr. lftlll n,,,l-e II,. ..!,..,. i.
- ., y v. tun awr
j einiutnt of that Island.
The World's News Gleaned,
Sifted and Condensed.
What Is Going nn of Interest That Is
Worth Heading 1 ho Wheat of the
Vorld's Metre Winnowed from a Whole
Week's Thrnshliig.
At Buffalo the Jury In the Sherman case
brought in n verdict of guilty. A stay ol
six mora uays was granted, nnu tno defend
ant wns admitted to ball In t2,WK).
William a Foley fatally stabbed Michael
Fury at Susquehanna, Pa.
The tot n rut! 111 realized nt the sain ot Hon.
Leland Stanford's horses at Now York ni
159,895, and averaged over 1 1,800 per animal.
May King, the celebrated stallion, wni
old by W. 12. Spier, of Glens Fnlls. N. Y
to Blbley & Miller, of Frnukfort, Tn., for
1 20,000. May King was bought ono year age
xor 5,uw.
At the annual meeting bf directors of tlx
Pennsylvania Itullrond company the old
board was re-elected without opposition.
The Aramlngo Mills company, of Frank-
ford, Pa., has mado an assignment to John
D. Biythe, of New York. The liabilities on
said to be about $2o,000.
The following fourth class nostmnstcn
haVo been appointed in New York state; P,
N. Burnap, Alburg; W. A. Tullorton, Ever
ton; B. 8. Goodyear, Goodyear; Mrs. N. E.
Smith, Olive; C. Harris, West Fayette.
Tho Right Rov. Mzr. Arthur J. Ilonnellv.
vicar general of thenrchdioceseof New York
and pnstor of St. Michael' church, In West
Thirty-second street, died March 23. Ho wni
born In Athy, county KIMare, Ireland, on
Jnn. 19, 1620, nnd came to this country with
ms parents wuen seven years old.
Mnry Giles, whllo suffering from n drunk
en delirium, severed the left hand from her
wrist with n large carving knife at No. 1.4SS
Second avenue, New York, and died sev
eral hours Inter In the Tresby terlnn hospital.
Uen. Boulnnger has written a letter in
which he renews his offer to return to
Franco provided the eovernment will ner-
m!t him to be tried by the court of appeals
or by a court martial.
Postmaster General Wnnamaker has ra.
colved a conscience contribution of $1,500
from New York, which ho turned over to
tho secretary of tho treasury. The letter
containing tho money waS without signa
ture, hnt said tho writer had stolen from the
Government and wished to make reparation.
Tho body of John Gallagher, a politician
of Scronton, Pa., was found In tho river at
bcranton. ioul play Is suspected.
Mrs. Louisa Brandt, tho wife of the chlnf
plumber of the West Shore Railroad com
pany, was robbed and nearly murdered by
anignwaymonln Fulton street, Weoliawken,
about 8 o'clock on Monday night. Pat Mup
phy, n newsboy, is under arrest.
In accordance with the recent order of
President Corbln, of the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad company, Engineers Peter
Haines, Gardner Cobb, Sherman Booth nnd
Albert Booch, and Firemen Harry McElwoe,
John C. Weisor, William Geusyl and Charles
Gibberson havo been discharged for drink
ing. They were served with n written no
tice: "You are dismissed for drinking."
Bulls for defamation of character are
The Massachusetts house of representa
tives has refused to adopt a resolution pro
testing against the Imposition ot a duty on
raw hides. Tho resolution was adopted on
n rising vote, but on roll call was defeated
99 to 92.
Count William Bismarck has resigned
tho presidency of the regency of Hanover.
It is asserted that Prince Bismarck has
purchased a villa in Switzerland, which he
will occupy In pursuit of his resolve tore
side out of Germany.
Governor Hill, of New York, has served
an order upon Sheriff James A. Flack, of
New York, recently convicted of conspiracy,
compelling him to show cause why he should
not bo removed from the sheriffs otllco of
New York city.
The National league has adopted an eight
club schedule, Washington and Indianapolis
James S. nyde', a ticket speculator, shot
and killed another ticket speculator named
William Turnbull Saturday night during a
quarrel iu front of tho Fourteenth Street
theatre, New York. Hydo wns arrested.
Tho men had long been enemies.
Pitcher Pete Conway, of last year's Pitts
burg team, has signed a contract with tho
Brooklyn Brotherhood club.
Fifteen masked men invaded the residence
of Richard Seybold at Westfleld, N. J.,
about 1 o'clock In tho morning, dragged. his
guest, Michael Brady, out of bed, made him
dress and then drove him out of tho town.
They nillbo prosecuted.
John E. Todd, for twenty years pnstor of
the church of tho Redeemer, at New Haven,
Conu., has resigned his pastorate nnd will
remove to California.
A fund of 400 ,000 has lwen raised by citi
zens and former residents of Hertford,
Conn., for tho establishment of a free pub
lic library and art gallery Iu the city. Of
this sum 1250,000 was pledged by a few per
sons conditionally upon the other $150,000
being procured, which bos now been doue.
The court of appeals of New York state
haB decided that execution by electricity is
constitutional in tho case ot William Keuun
ler, the Buffalo murderer.
Gen. Robert C. Schenck died at Washing
ton on March 23, aged 81 years.
The jury in tho Ramsey -Ryorson case has
awarded Plaintiff David H. Ramsey 12,000
damages. Ramsey sued ex-Postmaster
George L Ryerson, of Ramseys, N, J., for
50,000 damogis for tho alienation of the
affections of his wife and was, iu a former
suit, awarded 12,500. The case was ordered
to a retrial before Judgo Wheeler, of Ver
mont, In tho United States circuit court,
and was decided as stated.
Kate Spence, the young woman who was
shot Thursday night by her husband In the
rooms of Alexander Knox, 302 West Twenty-fifth
street, New York, Is dead. The
murderer was committed without bail to
await the action of the grand jury. The
dead woman was known as "Kato the
Gen. F. II. Smith, superintendent of tho
Virgiuia Military institute, died March 21,
aged 73 years;
Dispatches from Para state that the pro
visional government of Brazil has made a
loan of $3,000,000 to tho state of Para, Tho
loan is made to assist tbo state in develop-
uig iruuo uuu agricultural resources.
Lamarche, Provost & Co., wholesale dry
&uuu3 uirii-uuuuui juonireai, nave assigned.
Liabilities, $200,000.
The Louisiana Planters' association has
adopted a series of resolutions nrotestlnsr
against the reduction of the tariff on sugar
wuuoui a corresponding reduction on all
omer articles.
Priideuts Brush and Dav admit that In.
dlanapolls has practically been bought off
uy vti league, inougn tne details of the ar
I ,.t.nt are not yet completed.
General Markets.
Niw Yohx, March 85. FLOUK-Steady and
uiug iiiuio Avure; vny mill extras, XI B0&4 CO,
for West Indies; superfine, Ji.lOas 60; tine, $1.7t
02.80; Minnesota extra, s.'.154t5.t.
WHEAT Opeued steady and unchanged
prices advanced J(o. In the first hour, Lut subse
quently reached Mo.j receipts, S7,SOi) bushels:
shipments, none; No, 8 red, WUo., cash; do.,
COItN-Opened He. higher, but soou feil
I oft
SPAln. And At tinnn u o ....1. ni
bushels; shipments, KWS bushels: No. 2 "mil
87c, cash; do., April, 80J.c. ; do., May, 3?U
do.. June. S7Ud. "
OAT8(Julet but steady) receipts, 181,000 bush.
vvj, ,i,jM,vmB, ij.oii uusueis; jso. v miied,
mia., cash; d0., Mrcii, 4ia. do., April, ESo.;
POKKll)utl; mess, f ll.MJMS for new.
LAHU- Steady; May.JS.M; June, $6t8.
UULAbbLS-Quiet and easy; tlUe I for 50
TURrENTlNE Dull at
ROSIN-Qulet; strained to good, IMOQI.tiU.
J-ETnOlluMlNoroluaU "
BUrmt-Sieady; western creamery, fancy,
psrvjir-Ri.i., nt,u o., ...
Eua-Fairly actlte and firm; suite fresh.
BUUAU lteltued quiet; cut loaf aud crushed,
TKo-i granulated, 04o ; mold A, 6f,o.
TAUA)W-Qulet prime city ,o-OOF.'kX-cUtaJy,
fir Uk ttjje.
VOL. 25, NO. 13.
A Sketch of tho New Chancellor, Gen.
Von Cnprlil.
Beiiun, March 21. Tho gossip concern
ing Prince Bismarck's successor as chancel
lor has lxcn quickly silenced by tbo ap
pointment of Con. Von Caprlvl. Tho np
polntment Is generally regarded ns nn ex
cellent one. Ho Is able, firm an 1 well liked,
nnd is In thorough harmony with the views
raid policy of the enqieror, It Is now local led
that tho now chancellor hns had frequent
conferences with tho kaiser of late, nl.ich
fact glvos rle to tlio belief that the
resignation of l'rineo Bismarck was not un
exiwcted by tho omiwror, but was surpris
ing only In Its not having been presented to
bis majesty onrllfr. It Is not bollov d that
any marked chnnges in tho policy of Prluco
Bismarck will bo made for the present nt
least. The ofllco will not, however, Includn
the direction of tho foreign ministry as
during Prince Bismarck's chancellorship,
chancellor, ctlled into olllce by tho empero r
lurougn tins snctdonnessor l'rineo Ut.nnarrk's
resignation. 1 he general Is the son of Privy
Councillor Caprlvl, wns born Feb. JM, lblll,
and named Io von Caprlvl do Cuprum de
Montccucitll. He entered the kaiser Frans
guards regiment in 1849, rose In rank with
tho usual regularity until iu 18T8 und was
commander of nn Infantry brlgado nt Stet
tin; In lbSi was promoted to be IleuU-nant
general nnd commander of tho Thirtieth
army division ut Mu.z. In 18S3 the old
knier mado him chief of admiralty, nt tho
same timo rccr ndmircl of tho new German
navy. In lbb!), whou the naval administra
tion was reorganized, Gen. Caprlvl was ro-,
stored to tho army aud given tho command
of the Teuth army corps, with headquarters
at Uauover.
HUiiinrck's New Titles.
BEnux. March 21. A snecial edition of
Tho Reichsauzolgor contains Imperial re
scripts cordially thanking Prlnco Bismarck
for his services and appointing him duke of
Lauenburg, a colonel general of cavalry,
and a field marshal general; also appoint
ing Count Herbert Bismarck ad interim
minister of forolgu affairs, and Gen. von
Caprivi chancellor nnd president of the
1'russinn ministry. In the first rescript tho
emperor says that acceding to the request
made on tho 18th lust he grnnts Pi luce
Blstnnrck jicrmlssion to retire, hoping con
fidently thut the fatherland will proflt in
tho future, as it has profited In the past, by
bis counsel, energy and faithful devotion.
Tho emiwror says thnt ho had hoped that
tne necosslty would not arise for Bismarck
to think of separation during his lifetime.
lie regards It as the most providential dis
pensation of his lifo that on several occa
sions he has had Prince Bismarck by his
What the prince has achieved for Prussia
and Germany, and what the prince has been
to him and tho houso of his predecessors, he
will ever preservo in grateful remembrance.
Three Men Killed Through a Train 111.
pntchei's Mistake.
Mount Monms, N.Y., March 24. A fatal
accident occurred on tho Western New York
and Pennsylvania railroad the old Genesee
Valley canal division near Portago High
Bridge, about 9:15 o'clock Saturday night.
Thcro was a collision between north bound
freight train 285, Conductor James McDon
ald, and south bound passenger train 208,
Conductor W. J. Godfrey, of Rochester.
inreo lives were lost and two men were
slightly injured. The dead are:
McKenken, James, aged 70, of Rochester,
a hostler of the road. '
Poulson, George, brakemnu.
Reilly, Philip, brnkoman.
Mr. Neill, an operator at Rossrille. one
station south of Portngevlllo, received an
orner irom tno dispatcher, George P. Jack
son, at Olean, directing that train 285 should
meet train 2S0 at West Nunda. Null re
peated tho message to Olean to be suro be
was correct, and Jackson replied "O. IC"
In transcribing tho message, however, Neill
made tho fatal mistake of chnnging the tig
ures, and wrote that train 285 would moot
train 208 ut West Nunda.
Starving Miners Made Happy.
Wilkksuahhe, Pa., March 25. The Sus
quehanna Coal company has posted notices
that from April 1 the company's mines at
Nanticoko will work full time during the
whole season. Tho 5,000 miners who have
been on the verge of starvation for months
are nearly wild with joy, aud overy humble
homo in Nnnticoko is a place of thankful
ness and happiness. The notice states that
canal navigation will open about tho time
named, and unless some catastrophe like
lost May's flood occurs thoro will bo full
work during tho spring nnd summer.
The riucky Indian Fighter Succumbs to
Heart lllsease.
Chicaoo, March 22. Gen. George Crook,
the famous Indian fighter, died nt the Grand
Pacific hotel March 21 of heart disoase. He
was apparently In good health until tho sud
den attack of tbo dread malady, but died in
a very few minutes in his wife's arms. Gen.
utorge urooic was
born In Ohio, near
Dayton, Sept. 8,
1828. Ilegraduatcd
from tho Military
academy at West
Point In tho class
of '52. He was im
mediately assigned
as second lleutf-n-
ff 7S? AWfc,,iKV u"i to tne rourin
JK-1.M tinner! nn 11, P.
.... . -in- coast Here
maj, iir..v. cnooK. be had the advan
tage of active lrontler service till the out
break of the civil war iu 18(11. Ills prlncl
JU Indian fighting at that time was in the
Roguo und Pitt rivers campaigns of 185l-5T.
He hnd attained his captaincy when ho re
turned enBt to take command of the Thirty
sixth O'llo volunteers His first servico was
In Wtst Virginia, where ho distinguished
himself by his activity iu that broken und
difficult country. Thence ho was transferred
to Maryland nnd Virginia, attracting atten
tion by bis vigor and celerity, which led to
his appointment to the command of the
Second cavalry division In the Army ot the
Tennessee, July, 18C3.
Crook quickly gained tho confidence of
his commanders, nnd, after defeating WheeL
er's Confederate cavalry in the west, he re.
turned to West Virginia to harrass tho Con.
federacy with raids. '1 hence he joined
Sheridun in the final campaign of the war,
and in all that series nf lirilllnnt. nvi..0
operations Sheridan hail no more efficient
ueuienitiiv loan uen, urooK. rtiter lioldliij
quieter commuiids Gen. Crook was dls
Patched ill 1872 tn Arirnnn tn cattt.. !..
Apacho question, which hud been the chief
piuuicui ui i ncinu ueiiarinieni commanders
since 1848, Ho settled it, aud settled it to
staV. At its entl. bnth hnr.M nn.l m.,i
worn out, but the Apache was worn out for
Later, In 1675, the Sioux troubles pre
sented themselves for settlement, and the
selection of a commander to settle them fell
naturuuy on Ueu. Crook. Ha inlllcted i
vere blows on tho Indians at Powder ai
ioneue rivers. Inn snvfli-AB wlrl,.!..,. ,
make their successful attack on the gallant
CrOOk rtelvfil rhfnfnrpnitiAi,t. .n.l
sued them bo vlgoromly that by May. 187.
ho brought them to submission. Trouble In
Arizona cnllod Oni. Crook thither ag'ain in
188a. On this occasion ho captured the whole
band or trlbo of Chiricahuas. He next re
duced them to tho habits of Industry, and
within three years had thorn aud neighbor
ing Und self supporting. The army had no
luorei'iiergello olllcer than tho deceased gen
eral, nor, unless jierhaps In thu persou of
Uen. Sllles, any other olllcer of rank l
can be named In competition with hint as i
Indiuu lighter. His lust prominent act w
tbd selection of thu court martial to try
Lieut, mceie jor assaulting 1'iivuteWild
Jn army circles Gen, Crook is siokeii of
wuii tun inguest, regard as a nrave solder, n
good executive olllodr and an txceilent con
tue luueral of Uen. Crook occurred at
Chicago on Sunday at I p. in. The remsli
were taken to uikland, Md,, for Interment.
riesidelillal Nmiiliiations.
Washimito.v, March 20. The president
has sent to the senate tho Mlnning nomi
nation! Pay Director T. II, Lroker to be
chief of tho bureau of provisions and cloth,
lug, anil ptvuiasWr genial l. iha mvy,
with rank ot oiniiio biro, mj s mi
nor naval nomination.
L m
Items Which Are of Particular
Interest to Ponnsylvanlans. J
Drier Mention of Matters Which Every,
body Should Know Abont A Week's
Aeetdents and Crimes Aecnrately and
Concisely Chronicled.
Lancaster, Pa., March 19. At New Hot
land, this county, the carriage works of W.
O. Buck & Co., with dwolling adjoinlngand
large stable, were burned.
A Verdloi Against I.anth.
Bklletoktz, Pa., March 10. The Mer
chants' National bank of New York has ob
tained a verdict of 15,000 against Bernard
Lauth. Tht defense was that the defend
ant's signature to a draft of a limited co
partnership as a member of a board ot
managers did not make him liable. Tht
case will be taken to the supreme court.
Wouldn't Heed the Warning'
Johkstown, Pa., March 20. A young
man named Berrlnger was thrown undtr
ths wheels of an engine in tht Cambria
yards and Instantly killed. Us had been
warned but a few minutes before by the
foreman to desist jumping on the train, but
did not obey.
The rennsylvaula Hoard of rardona.
IlAnmsnDRO, Pa., March 20. Tho board
of pardons last evening recommended tht
pardon of Edward Morilz, of Philadelphia,
convicted of murder In the second degree,
and that the sentence of death In the cast
of James II. Jaoobs, the Lancaster county
murderer, be commuted to Imprisonment
for life. The application of Charles Carter,
tho Cambria county murderer, was refused.
A respite was recommended in the case of
William II. Smith, of Allegheny county,
convicted of murder In the first degree and
a rehearing was granted Charles Larabee,
convicted of murder in Venango county.
The case ot Joseph and David Nicely, con
victed of murder in Somerset county, was
Fatal Itiploslon In a Mine.
Wit-KKSDAHIUii. Pa.. March 20. While an
engineering corps and a few laborers were
at work In the Mldvalt colliery of the Le
high company, near Mill creek, yesterday, a
naked lamp carried by Fire Boss Patrick
Hays caused a sovere explosion of gas, and
the timbers caught fire. The fire soon caused
a second and moro severe explosion of gas,
tearing nearly all the woodwork of the mine
to pieces. Hays was badly burned on the
face and hands. Two engineers were knock
ed down but not seriously injured. William
Jones, aged 17, was seriously hurt After
the fire hail been extinguished a Hungarian
was killed by afterdamp, and Thomas De
von suffered so severe injury that he is
New Claims Against the Chase Estate.
Susquehanna, Pa.. March 20. Tho estate
of Hon. S. B. Chase, of New Mllford, who
failed in 1881, was about to bo settled finally
by the assignee recently when J. I. Blair,
of New Jersey, presented a claim of $20,000
in the shape of a mortgage on the Bangor
slate quarry. He claimed to have never re
ceived notice of audit. Another debt of
l.ooi) nas now been found, held by the
Hagden & Sumner bank, ot New Bedford,
which recently collapsed. These two claims
amount to moro than all the rest put to-
geiner, anu it is feared others will still be
Farewell to Minister Smith.
Philadelphia. March 21. A farewell
dinner was given by the Clover club last
night to its fellow member, Hon. Charles
Emory Smith, recently appointed minister
to Russia.
Arrested for Shooting- Ills Sweetheart.
LEIIIOIiTON, Pa., March 22. A sad cast
of shooting has just occurred here, which
resulted Iu the almost instant death of Miss
Gertie Hlskey, a handsome zirl. aeed 10
years. Webster Campbell, of Welssport,
Pa., was paying his attentions to Miss Hls
key. He says that after the other members
of the family had retired, he removed a re
volver Irom his pocket and placed it on a
Dureau. Ihe weapon fell to the floor and
was accidentally disoharged. The ball en
tered JSllss uiskey's brain and alia fell to tht
floor and soon afterwards expired.
The coroner's Jury rendered a verdict that
Miss Hlskey came to her death by a nlstol
Bhot wound at the hands of Webster Cemp-
oeiL iwocnamuers oi tut revolver were
found empty, and It Is alleged that. Instead
of accident, Miss Hlskey was shot by her
lover. Campbell was arrested and lodged
in Maueh Chunk jail. "When the family
retired there was nothing in Campbell's
conduct to indicate that he Intended to
shoot the girl.
Against Increasing Laity Representation.
CARLISLE, -Pa., March 22. The central
Pennsylvania Methodist Episcopal confer
ence considered tho question ot Increasing
the laity representation at the general con
ference, and after a lengthy discussion of
tho subject voted against tho proposed
change. The vote stood 41 for the change
and 144 against
Feurs fur the Urldgea at Johnstown.
Johnstown, Po,, March 24. Tho rivers
here are booming, and although they had
receded over threo feet during the day,
they are now higher than thoy were Friday
night, and are still rising fast There ore
grave fears for tho safety ot all tho bridges
and all the people ore becoming much
A New Miners' Organisation.
Pottsville, Pa,, March 24. A new labor
union called the Worklngmen's Benevolent
and Protective association bos been formed
here. Forty-one delegates, renresentine the
entire anthracite region, met and adopted
resolutions declaring that the deplorable
condition oi ine miners ot tno region la
largely due to tho unorganized condition of
the masses, and that the various organiza
tions in existence would better protect and
advance the common Interests of all if con
solidated into one. The resolutions favor
ho eight hour movement and arbitration.
The new order is Intended to take the place
of the old Miners and Laborers' Amalga
mated association and the Knights of Labor.
Committees on constitution and bylaws were
appointed. Another meeting will bo held
April 23.
A Itunawny Car's Terrible Flnnge.
Shenandoah, Pa., March 25. The rope
of the coal plane at the Indian Ridge col
liery broke yesterday and a loaded car thus
liberated dashed from the top to the bot
tom of tho plane and killed Michael Murti
cian, a Polish laborer, A young man named
Robert Tempest was severely Injured. Sev
eral men barely escaped with their lives.
A llurglar Iletrays Ills Friend.
Wilkesbariie, Pa., March 25. Several
men were recently arrested for the post
office robbery at Nicholson, Pa., Feb. 6.
One of them has made a statement impli
cating one of bis companions, Jesse Thomas,
In a number of robberies in New Jersey,
Detectives went to the house of Jesse's
father, Joseph Thomas, at Dalton, to search
the premises. Before they gained admls.
slon the old man cut his throat with a razor.
It appears that he was also implicated in
tht robberies. He ma) recover. ami llairour's Illlt,
London, March 21 Mr. Gladstone, in a
speech ot a dinner at the National Liberal
club last evening, said that Mr. Balfour's
laud purcbaso bill was a bold measure,
which Involved the British taxpayers as
suming a largo pecuniary liability. Re
ferrlng to the Purnoll commission, he said
be could not conceive a shorter method of
suicide for tbo government Ho severely
condemned the new methods of the Tories.
Silk Failure at I'atersou.
Patkuson, N. J., March 25. Coal 41
Knett, the well known silk manufacturers
of this city and Sterling, Morris county,
have made au assignment for the benefit ot
their creditors. The assignees are Harold
F. Haddon, Ferdinand Remmelmautt and
Henry U Gwallter, of New York. The firm
attributes its failure to bad debts and has
outstanding notes and open accouuts to ths
amount of 15,000.
Another Air Ship Scheme.
London, March 25. The Herald states
that a wealthy government contractor is
privately constructing near London an air
ship callable of carrying several men at a
rate of speed of 150 tulles an hour.
Hie Unties uf B Munslgnnr,
Philadelphia, March2U The Very Iter.
Nicholas Cautncll, vicar geueral of the
archdiocese of Philadelphia, was yesterday
luvested ith his robes of rank as a mon
signer of the first rauk or domostlo prelate
of the pope's household, to which dignity ho
nvm; rnisuu oy j-ope ieo iVUL l ie
, JV ivu.iuv.wi ni iuv iiiuii-uoi oi,
Mlipile Ntri, mid the tarred edifice Mas
crondeU ith priests and devotees of the
A lllclihlnder's Fifty Tear Senteuee,
Han FitANClsco, March 2d. Lee Chuck,
the notorious highbinder, has been sen
fenced to fifty years' Imprisonment for kill,
lug a fellow countrymen four years ago.
Virginia has begun to take steps to ascer
tain how large a pronp-ton of its taxable
properly is owned by colored people.
They are alwu' to bull I a new Masonic
Temple in Chicago, at a cost of $3,000,000