THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. mi msm Clover seed for salo at B. F. Co'a at lowo at market price. Peacock Ss tf. Ooo. A. Ilucklngliarn has bought Berg- cr'g taloon In Berwick, anil will tako pos session as soon as tbo license In transferee. Tlio scries of article on Howl Improve ment now appearing In thoCoLtmnUN, aro nlono worth more than tho cost ot tho paper (or a year. Bhow It to your neighbor. 8-14-2w. POWDER Absolutoly Puro. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholosomencst. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In competition with tho multitude ot low teat, short weight alum or phosphato powders. Sold onlv in cans. Hotal mum 1'owdkb Co., 106 Wall St., N.Y. The Columbian Itrrubllshod every Friday. Subscription price, 11.00 a year. Entered at the Post Offlco at Bloomsburg, Pa., as second class matter, March 1, 1888. BL00MSBUR&,PA FRIDAY, MAKOII 21, 1890. rOBRLCT BlILUOiD Till TiBLK. Trains on the P. & It It. It. leave Kupertas tollows i NORTH. SOUTH. 7:33 a. m. 11:02 a. m. 9:31 p.m. 6:23 p.m. o TralnsonthoD.L.ft Bloomsburg as follows! NORTH. SOOTH. 7:19 a.m. 8:32 a.m. 10:6T a. m. 12:0 p. m. 8:SS p. ra. 4:18 p. m. :88 p.m. 8:7 p.m. Tralnsonth9 N.SW. U. Katlwaypasa Bloom Ferry as follows: NORTH. SOUTH. 10:48 a. m. 1J:87 p. m. .so p. m. t'&o p. m. BUXPtT. NORTH. SOUTH. 10:43 a m 6:3' P hi BU0MSBUHC1 4 SULLIVAN HAtLUOAD Taking etioct Monday, sbptembek a, iei9. SOUTH. NOUTU. rAr. AT. Ar. LV. Lv. Lv. STATIONS. r. M. 1. M. A.M. A.. P. M. P. H. BlOOmstJUre,- 0 1 II 43 7 Oi 8 85 2 3 6 40 Main street 6 18 11 41 6 68 8 42 2 4J 6 47 Irondale .. 16 11 39 S 68 8 45 S 45 6 50 raperMIU 6 08 11 81 8 48 8 53 2 M 7 00 UKhUtrOOt. 0 05 11 !8 4-1 8 56 2 50 7 03 OraneevlllO 8 57 11 20 35 9 05 3 07 7 10 Forks; 5 45 11 10 6 25 15 3 17 7 20 Zane?s -.. 5 4i 11 on o 21 9 20 s 20 7 23 Stillwater 5 37 11 02 0 17 9 23 3 25 7 21 Bonton, 5 28 10 65 6 10 9 33 3 S3 7 33 Bdsons, 5 23 1(1 50 0 07 9 38 8 37 7 S3 Coles Creek, 5 20 10 43 6 05 9 38 3 40 7 40 snirarloar, 5 15 10 6 02 9 42 3 43 7 41 Laubactia, 0 12 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 43 7 47 Central.. 6 03 10 SI 5 53 9 57 3 58 7 67 Jamison city.... 5 oo 10 30 5 50 10 oo 4 00 8 oo Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. it. a. u. a. u. a. k. r. x. p. u. There la danger In Impuro blood. There Is safety in taking Hood's Barsaparllla, tho great blood purifier. 100 doses ono dollar. Tho ltcpubllcan county convention will meet on Monday, March 24, to elect dclo gates to tho Stato convention, 'lho prim nry elections will bo held at tho usual poll ing places between Ave and six o'clock p. m. on tho 22 ail, PLOW81 PLOWBI the latest out.l'rinccss Improved Plow, South Bend chilled, the Elmlrn clipper, and ltlglit and Left clipper corn Planters V. 8, seed sower all kind farming Implements at Esulcraan & Wolf all hind lteap jra. On Monday J. J. Hyan, high Constable of Centralk, brought to tho county M John Morris, who on Saturday last, stab, btd Michael Hlnckln. If tho wound proves fatal Morris will bo held for trial Ht tho next court. Wo would call attention of our readers to tho announcement ot horse for salo by P. J. Weaver. Mr. Weaver (Great Eastern Tea Co. old stand) also offers great Induce ments to purchasers ot all kinds of grocer. Ics. Tho Ucllcfonto lKafcArnan very truly re marks i "We havo some exchanges on our list, that waste a groat deal of tlmo and space blowing their own horns. It they would dovnlo part of tho tlmo they take to write thcmsclv a up, In looking around for and preparing news for their columns, It would hardly bo necessary for them to be eternally and everlastingly tell, lng tbo pucllc how enterprising and Inde pendent or fcarloss they aro. If they wvro worth half as much as they seem to value themselves at, tho public would know and recognize It, without being reminded ot tho fact a half dozen times each issue. Tho Bloomsburg & Bulllvan 11. It Co. will run a special train leaving Main street Immediately after tho close of tho Panora ma Saturday evening, March 22nd. Great reduction In shoes. Shoes that have been $3.00, $2 75 and $2.60 reduced to $1,60 a pair F. D. Dbntlbk. It Is predicted that gamo birds and fish will be plentiful next season because of the mild winter. But there Is no rose without a thorn. It Is also predicted that all kinds of Insects and bugs will bo un usually numerous next summer becauso of tho warm winter. White & Conner will sell plows, Scotch and spring tooth harrows, land rollers, and grain drills for spring trade at bottom prices. Call and seo their lino ot farm implements. Mar. 7-6w. The Ladies Aid Society of tho Prcsby terian church of Orangevlllc, will give an entertainment in Music Hall on Friday Evening Mar. 28th. Refreshments served In tlio rooms bclo w at the closo ot tho entertainment. General Wesley Merltt, U. B. A., will contribute to the April number of IlAiirxB's Masazine an article entitled "Three Indian Campaigns," accompanied with maps and illustrated from drawings by 11. F. Zog. baum. Tho article gives memorable Inci dents Illustrating tho different phases of Indian warfaro in tho West. The cam paigns referred to aro thoso against tho Cheyenne, Apache, and Uto Indians. Gen eral Merltt quotes and confirms tho portion of ii report by General Sheridan, declaring that It would navo been actually less ex pensive for our governmcut U an army of 00,000 or 70,000 had been maintained for tho prosecution of thoso Indian wars; "'and moreover, tho blood of gallant officers, soldiers, and citizens would not havo rest ed on our hands." Tho cloan newspaper, It has been truth fully said, has In the long ruu the most permanent circulation and patronage, Tho paper which goes Into tho home and Is read by the family la tho paper wblcb counts lis subscribers by the year Instead of depending upon tho fluctuating sales of nows companies, and has no llttlo Inlluenco on tho thought of tho day. Et. Bonton Is still llvclyi no causo to com plain oiccpt mud and Harrison times. Tho more wo talk nbout road Improve ment, tho muddler It gets: It will tako more than ground or snap stone Macadam to withstand this kind of weather. Mrs. Jonas ltanti was burled last Satur day. After being a fuffcrcr for eleven years sho was called homo from all earthly pain and sorrows. Tho funeral services wcro held in tho Christian Church by tho Itcv J. N. MacNamara. Mrs. Geo. Dodson did last Sunday night at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. lllchard Smith of this place. Interment took place on Wednesday, surrounded by a large concourse of old friends, llev. Win. Mather officiated, Wo arc In a fair way of getting a special mall carrier. This will Insure our mails more promptly; as It Is sometimes impos sible for our station agent to do Ivor them at once. Our enterprising Merchants G. L. & U B. Mcllenry expect to ship In two car loads of corn and ono car load of potatoes this week. Dr. I. E. Patterson sold a lino match team to Matthew Mcllenry last week. The Dr. keeps a good stable of horses. A good deal of changing nbout Is expect ed on tho flrit of April. Hope wo will havo butter roads by that tlmo. 'Oocasional." GrcntcHt HurrercrH World. In ttic BAI.KH. Mar. 2-1 L. B. Koehlcr will sell horses, mules .cows, pigs, wagons, farm utensils, grain, hay, &c, at 0 o'clock a. m. in Miflllo township. This will bo ono of the bisgost sales of the season. At tho same tlmo he will offer his farm of 80 acres. Good build ings, &c. Maeoii 25. Amandns L. Fritz will sell valuable personal property on his premises In Sugarloaf township at 10 o'clock a. m. Maiioii 20. Mrs. llebccca Cramer will sell valuable real estate on tho premises In Centre township, noar Fowlersvlllc. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock. Mahoh 27. William Goodman, adminis trator ot Geo. W. BUIman, deceased, will sell horses, harness, wagon9, farm imolc ments, &c, at 10 o'clock a. m. at Montana, Conyngham township. Mar. 2911. W. and G. W. Brunstettcr will sell horses, cows, wagons, Tarm uten sils, &c, on tho premises in Orangevllle, at 10 o'clock n. m. Mahoii 29. David T. Keller, administra tor of Joseph G. Keller, will sell real estate In Greenwood township, at 10 o'clock, on tho premises. Bee advertisement. Mauoii 29. SI. O. Woodward, trustee, will sell real estate lato of Thomas Shear man In Beaver township, JBaturday March 29, at 10 o'clock a. m. Maiioii 31. Mrs. Mary Hazletlno will sell personal proporty at the Kupert Hotel. Good now range, stove, chairs, dishes, lot of new carpet, &c. Salo commenco at 10 o'clock. Fob Balk. A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jau20tf. L. N. Moteb. Fob Balk Dwelling houses In Blooms burg, Orangevillo, Eipy and Rupert Pa. Firms In Pennsylvania. Kansas and Vir ginia. Vacant lots In Bloomsburg. Store properties. Grist mills and other property by M. P. Lutz, Insurance and Ileal Estate Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. Fob Sale. House and lot In Rupert, lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with nlno rooms. Bay windows, out kitchen, ice and coal house, good stable, chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever green trees, good water, Two railroads, Twelvotrains a day each way, to Blooins burg, faro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A great bargain, If taken soon. M. P. Lutz, Insuranco & Real Est. Ant . For rent at Rupert. Ono six room houso apply to W. E Johxston. FobSalk. Fine building lot, Main St., nea- Normal School. Apply to G. W. Kkiteh. For sale at a birgaln. I good bay horse, 1160 lbs. 1 good gray horse, 1000 lbs. 3 seta single harness, 2 top buggies lu good condition. Apply at once. G. E. Tea Co., Old stand, PcrHounl. Esqs., Grant Herring and A. L. Fritz, spent Monday In Philadelphia. Mrs. Isaiah tlagonbucli is visiting friends In Philadelphia and Washington. Miss A. D. Webb spent Sunday in Bloomsburg. Mrs. Dr. Mitchell ot Mt. Carmol was In town on Monday. A. N. Brice, editor of the JVw has been appointed post-master at Sunb ury. Tho salo of J. B. Kcefer of Benton twp. has been postponed to March 23. J. H. Maize, Esq., returned Irom ruua. "I have used Ayer's Pills for the past 30 years, and am satisfied I should not be alivo to-day If It had not been for them. They cured mo of dyspepsia when all oth er remedies failed." T. P. Bonner, Chester Pa. Ayer's Pills arc sold by all druggists- Mrs. Sarah WIchtdled Wednesday morn, lng at half past nlno o'clock, aed 71 years, 9 months and 18 days. She w 19 the mother of three children, Emma, wife of Wm. Gllmorcj Sarah, wife of Llewelyn Prosser, Clara, wlfo of Peter E. Knapp. Funeral services will be held at tho Episco pal church Friday at 2 o'clock. Dr. L A. Bhattuck sent up a bairel of fine Florida oranges raised on his orange grove at Fruitl and Park, Floiida last week. The greater part of the oranges were dis tributed among friends In this place who wish to express thanks to the Dr. tor his kind remembrance. Several dozen ot' them were put on sale at I. W. llartman & bons groceiy store They are the sweetest orange lever brought to this town. Tho following letters are held at Blooms burg, Pa., post-office, anil will ht cent to tho dead letter office, April 1, 1890. Mr. R K. Burger, Mla Sarah E Fritz E. C Jones, Mr. D. Mcllenry, Miss Alice Seybert. PersonB calling for these letters pleaso say, they were advertised Mar. 18, 1890. One cent will be charged on each letter advertised , A. B. Catooabt, P. M. A large and fashionable audience greet ed Gilbert & Dickson's production of U. Ulder Haggard's wonderful romance, "She," at lho Opera House, last evening. "She" is too well known for us to enter into details; suffice it to say, the picco was well cast, nnd the scenic, mechanical and electric effects were all, that could be de sired. St, 2W DaVy Qlobe. At tho Opera House, Monday March 2-tlh. A largo number of voters havo determin ed that a pcimanent Democratic Organiza tion should bo formed for the town ot Bloomsburg, and with this vlev tho Demo, cratlc citizens ot the town are requested to meet at Dcntlcr's Hull, In tho third s tory of his business building on Friday evening of this week, March 21, at half pvt Beven. Democrats. The publishers of "Plunder," the Illus trated Humorous Weekly, In order to In troduce their publication in every family, will give every tenth yearly subscriber sending amount of subscription ($2.00), direct to tho New York offlco a present of $10.00 In cash. Ten subscriptions can be sent In one envelope it desired and the per son sending samo will receive $10.00 A sample copy will be sent free of charge by tho publishers. Gmns Bbos. & Mouuan, 57 Rose St., New York, to every one of our readers who will send for It and mention name of this paper. In order to reduce stock, for the next 30 days I am offering special inducements to cash purchasers from my largo stock of boots and shoes. Jf. U. DENTCEB fl. Gilbert & Dickson's "Sho" Combination opened last evening to a packed house, who witnessed a magnificent production of Uaggard's famous romance. The scenery was the finest that has ever been seen In our city, "ThoTcmplo of Truth and Ruin ed City of Kor" being a wonder in scenic art. Special mention should be made of tho mechanical and electrical effects tho electric storm at sea being one ot tbo most beautiful and realistic effects wo havo ever seen. (Council Bluffs Nonpareil.) At tho Opera House, next Monday night. Secure your seslt now. Mrs. Margaret Glrton died at tho homo of her son, Jacob L. Glrton, In Blooms burg on Friday morning, March 14th. Bho was one ot tbo oldest residents, having been born on Decamber 27, 1803, making her ago 80 years, 2 month3 and 14 days. She was the relict of John 11. Glrton who died May 27, 1875. Mrs. Glrton was born In Hemlock township, and was tho daugh ter of Abraham Shoemaki r, a revolution ary soldier who was butted In tho Prcsby. tcrlan graveyard on Third street on July 4, 1844, with the honors of war. Mrs. Glr ton was the last of her father's family. Sho always lived in Columbis county. Her sur viving children aro County Commissioner W. G. Glrton, Jacob L. Glrton, proprietor of the St. Elmo Hotol, F. M. Glrton of Ply mouth, and G. M. D. Glrton of Colorado. Three are deceased, namely, Mrs. Emily Meredith, Oscar P. and John. Tho funeral took placoon Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock, tho services being con ducted by llev. W. C. Lovcrctt. The re mains were burled In Roscmoni. ' Are women; their delicato organizations being particularly susceptible to derange. mcnt and disease. Dr. Kennedy's Favor ito Roraedy, of Ilonndout, N. Y., purifies the blood, Invigorates the system and for tifies It against tbo diseases Incident to age, climate and season. It Is tho best mcdl. cine in tho world. Keep It In tho houso for your children's sake, as well as for you own. 8-7 4t. ovava. Wo wcro visited with soveral snow storms last week, but the snow vanished at once when old Sol made his appearance. The lumbermen wcro in high spirits, think ing they would havo good hauling, to de liver their lumber and load cars at Lau- bachs, but tho snow that fell, only made the mud worse. Cbarltc McAfco and wife, took tho train Saturday night for Light Street, where they vldted friends and relatives over Sun day. They returned on tho early train Monday morning. Howard Ucsa Is busy boiling sugar this Spring. He has at present made nearly one hundred pounds of nice sugar. He thinks this spring will be tho best for boll lng sugar, that wo have had for several years. Public sales can bo seen advertised on every barn and corn-crib. Irvin Diltz on the 22nd and C. W. Hess and Amandus Fritz the following week. W. F. puiLACRLrniA, Monday, Mar. 17, 1890. Cachemire Renforce streng thened Cashmere. There you uve it. The beautv, the finish, the touch that you associate with cashmere, and added strength. More than that, silk finished. The look and feel of Drap d lite. In all the new Spring shades. 38 in., 50 and 60c. 46 in., 75, 85c, Si, $1.25. Take the $1.25 grade. The most beautttul goods of tha character that we ever offered. Nobody makes better. Goods irom tne same- 100ms nau a front place at the Paris Expo sition. Merit put them there just as it puts them here. Dcatli of Mrs. II. J. Clarfe. Mrs. Sarah Clark, wlfo of H. J. Clark aud mother of H. B. Clark, died at her home, Centre street, Sunday morning, March 10, aged 57 years. Sho was a great BUfferer for tho past seven years with an Incurable disease. Tho best ot medical skill was consulted but with no avail. A loving husband and son gavo her tho best of care, and provided everything posslblo for her comfort. She was tbo daughter of William and Anna (Knorr) Hagenbuch. Sho was born and raised near Milton. An only sister, Eliza, wife of John Hess, died at Dixon, III., last fall. Threo half-sisters and two balf-bjotners survive her. She was married in 1855 to II. J. Clark, and moved to Bloomsburg lu 1868 whero sho has elncc lived. Funeral services wcro held at the houso Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock, conduct ed by Rev. W. C. Lcverett, of the Episcopal church, of which church she was a mem ber for many years. Mrs. Clark, by her kind and loving disposition had many friends in tho community who deeply mourn her loss. DruiikemicMS Llnuor Habit la all the world there is oat oae cure Dr. Haines1 Ooldeu specific It can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without tho knowledge of the person taning it, effecting a speedy and permanent euro, whether tho patient Is a moderato drinker or an alcoholic wreck Thousands of drunkards have been cured who have taken the Golden Specific In their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effect results from Its administra tion. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and full particulars. Address In confidence Golden Speoivio Co., 181 Race Street, Clnoinnatl.O. 10-251y Light Street. W, c. T. V. Coaveutlou. Tho Columbia Co. W. C. T. U. met In convention in tho M. E. Church at Espy, March Uth and 12th. After the usual preliminaries, u cordial address ot welcome was extended to tho convention by Mrs. Rev. Mallalleu. Mrs. Mcllck of Llghtstreet responded appropri ately. The President In her address, urged all mcmbors to work on In tho Christian tern, pernnco spirit, regardless of opposition and discouragements. Buperlntendents of tho departments ot Baeramcntal Wine, of Narcotics, Press and The young people of town enjoyed a trip on last Tuesday evening down to the Paner Mill, bcinc the guests !of Mr. and Mrs James Bhow. Jr. Mr. D. L. Brown and son returned homo on Sunday after making a trip through the northern part of this state. J. J. Keller Is Improving his property by treating it to a new coat ot paint. Mrs. Samson Towscnd is still confined to the house, in a precarious condition. Mrs. M. M. HIcks is slso on tho sick list. Quito a number ot tho people town met at the residence, of 11. W. Kling on Tuosday evening to give ihcm a surprls as their stay wltb us is ot short duration. since they Intend making Scranton their future homo after the first of April. llev. Mallalleu preached his lat sermon on Sunday morning preparatory to his leaving for conference. 89 much la 85 MluateH. A NOTABLE BUN ON TUB BEADING KAILUOAD The mjtt remarkable feat In tho history of American railroading was accomplished Prison work, Bcientltlo temperance Instruc a few ,iayg BR0 on the Now York Dlvlslo The world-wide reputation of Ayer's delphia on Tuesday, where he ht d been to Barsaparllla Is tho natural resul t of Its sur passing value as a blooil medicine lng, in tho wholo pharmacopcela, attend the funeral ot his brother Dr. Barter's new veranda Is completed, and Is a great improvement to the prop erty. W. B. Mllnes ot Espy was tho build-cr. Just opened flno Dado window curtains at W. H. Bhooku & Co's, Luzerne county has 887 for the sale of liquor. licensed places H. J. Kelly has securtu the contract for tho driving of a long tunnel at Centralia colliery. Tho post-ofllco at Bloom burg, began lRsulnir the new nostuco stamp, wcunes day. It la smaller than tho old one, 1U color Is red. tlon. B. School work, Young Womens work, Literature, Sabbath observanco, Motbcra work and Evangelistic work all made reports both Interesting and encour aging. Tho prison in our County has beon vlslt- u.l bv ladles of tho W. C. T. U. On two occasions prayer was offered and at other times tho scriptures read and ll.eraturo dis tributed among tho prisoners. Invariably quiet and order prevailed, and the visitors were treatad with courtesy. Tho work of Scientific temperance In. structlon has received much attention and It is proposed that through tuts ueparl. ment, lho law regarding the study of Phy slology and Hygiene, with reference to tbo effects of alcoholic drinks and narcotics on tho human system, shall be enforced In this ci unty. Excellent plans of work were submitted There arc many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. Tis sold everywhere. WANAMAKUR S. You know the grade of goods Lupin makes. No better wool stuff from anywhere. Certain, reliable. See that name on a wool dress material, and if the color's right, it's safe to buy with eyes shut and hands down. udo-e then what sort of a Lhalhs Lupin sends out! Grab a hand ful of adjectives that stand for grace, beauty, quality, and sling them all. 1 hey 11 ht, and there'll be loveliness yet unlimi ted. Full lines of shades. 46 inches, 75c and 1. Ingenious Japs, and thrifty. Wonderful how well they do the simplest things. You've seen bright bits of their handi work for home prettying, but have you ever seen any 01 their Cloth? Here's a line of it. Very ikely a yard of the sort was never on sale oeiore tn tins country. Like canton Crepe. Hard twisted cotton threads packed into a crinkly stuff and stripes or checked in seventeen striking patterns with fadeless colors. "Japanese Koshina Crepe," they call it. Un the top wave for style. 40c. Nowhere else in town. Mousseline de 1' Inde in a cloud of neat patterns has settled down by the breezy Organdies More filmv and farvlike than even the Organdies. As fine z cotton dress stuff as you're like lv to see and as pretty. Printed 35c green, navy, black, garnet, with white figures; plain, 30c black, lavender, cream, navy, light blue, pink, garnet, Organdies are 37 c. Atlnultc City, nnd flic lciiiinylvn inn Hoiironnn i nciutieH lor Kcnclilufc It. Atlanlio City occupies nunlnuo position In tho seaside resorts ot America. From a distinctively summer resort, of which not many years ago dally excursionists wcro the predominating patrons, It has develop ed Into a great scastdo city, whoso gates aro open throughout tho year, and whose hotels entertain tho winter seeker after quiet and rest with as much comfort as they afforditho hosts of summer on pleas ure bent. Nothtnghas contributed so much to this development ns tho magnificent trnnspor" tatlon facilities which tho city possesses through tho llbirallty and enterprise of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Not content with a singlo lino In tho West Jersey road to Atlantic City, .tho Pennsylvania llallroad, with that unerring foresight which Is a marked characteristic of Its management, some years ago secured control of the Camden and Atlautlo linn also, so that It now practically operates a double-tracked roadway between Philadelphia and its great seaside suburb. Both of tbeso lines aro In splendid condition. Tho road-bed? aro laid with Meet rails and ballasted ; tbo block signal system 'controls tho running of trains j and track tanks placed between tho rails obviate tho necessity of stoppages for water. Tho very hlihcst ra'o of spe d consistent with safety and good manage. m nt Is maintained, and year by year the schedule tlmo Is reduced. Willi tho lm prnvemenls and bottcrmonts of tho present wlnti-r and spring, a further reduction will 0 mado for the approaching scasin. Tho equipment of tho lines nto execp. Uonally good. Commodious and cherry passenger coaches havo replaced the old boxes of tho past, and sppcUlly.hulIt par lor cars afford any additional caso or lux ury ono could demand. Btandard hard coal-bumlng locomotives of tho pattern which has given tho Pennsylvania llallroad locomotlvo a;world-wldo fame, aro used on the fast trains, and every detail, both of management and equipment, Is accorded as much consideration on theso lines as on tho other divisions ot tho Pennsylvania system, Possessing such abundant resources, with its improvement and renovated sta tion at Atlantic City, and the great excur-slon-house, located on tho choicest portion of the beach, the Pennsylvania Railroad's facilities for successfully handling tho en ormous volume ot Its summer business aro superior in every respect. This applies to every class ot passengers, and the advan tageous locations of its stations In Phila delphia makes it apply equally as strongly to tho residents of other sections as to tho people of Philadelphia. Steady employment, on salary Is offered in another column, by E 0. Pelrson & Co., Waterloo, N. Y. 3-14-4W. LOCAL lNUTICES. Look at our handsome lino of now clnc- iiuuis uuu watsu gUUIJB HI ii. W. Sloan's. 4,tni""MiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiniM,iiiiimiiMi,,,f- A new Dent Ulove lor men Just Irom London. New in two ways new in this country, new price, (jlance af a window lull on Chestnut street and you will more than likely join the proces sion for the counter where they are for sale. $ .25. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3 doz. Life size Crayons only $1U.UI). Viewing, copy ing and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. The best GOc cashmero in tho county. 40 in. and a beautiful black at H. W. Sloan's Interested People. Aavcrtlslnc a patent medicino In tbe pe culiar way in which tho proprietor of Hemp's Ualsam for Uouehs anil Colds does is indeed wonderful. Ho authorizes all druggists to give tuose wbo call tor It a sample bottlo Free, that they may try it be foro purchasing. The Large Bottles aro 60c and $1.00. We certainly would ad vise a trial. It may save you from con sumption Look at our 0 hook real kid gloves, gray and ulacK, 9l.' at moan's. I WlHhecl I Was Hentl. After suffering several years with tho Leu- corrhoca, and no doubt I would havo been, onlv a lady Induced me to try Hulnnur Hit ters. Now I am well. Three bottles cur-1 ed me. Mrs. Cbppn, Newport, R. 1 3-14 2t. Uandsomo table linens, our COc linens in bleached and unbleached, aro extra good for the money. Tablo linens from 25c to $1.65 at Bloan's. Handsomely framed lite size Crayons, pno- tocrrapns all sizes, 111 correct styles and per fect iinisn, colored photographs, large or small, frames and moulding. Bloomsburg. 11. by a committee and adopted, and a special 49J minutes, an average speed of C8J miles aud Tuesday was a lovely spring day, and on Wednesday tberu was tho heaviest snow fall of tho winter. Owing to several lengthy communlca tlons, much other matter Is crowded out this week, "She," as produced by the Gilbert & Dick- eon Combination, Is a "ecenln speciacic-i surpassing In grandeur anything over be fore seen In our city, .tlanta (Qa.) Cbasli Culion. Tho outlook for a plentiful supply of shad Is blight. This Is owing to tho open condition of tho Susquehanna and Dcla ware rivers, which is favorablo for tho run of tho great fish In the Delaware and Ulicsa. peake bays. House) & Hcrblcc, and O. B. Chrisman havo sold soto nlco shad at their fish markets tho past week. PUMPSIPUSIPSI Supurlor Pump.N ovolty Pump, Cucumber Pump, and any kind you may want at Eshlcman & Wolf. Noth. effects more astonlsuing results, in mruium, rheumatism, general debility, and all forms of blood disease, than this remedy. Another ttuddeu Dentil. Ellas Mendonhall died on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Ho was down town In tho afternoon and soon after bis return homo ho was stricken with paralysis. A more extended notice will appear next week. Gilbert & Dickson, tho managers of the Company which will play "Bhe" at tbo Opera House next Monday night, wish to call special attention to tho fact that every pleco of scenery, and all tho effects adver- Used by them, will positively oe useu in tbe production. Many spectacular com panics slight thought stands in this par- licular but tho wuuagc-s of "She" promise a performance cnmpleto in every detail, and exactly the same as tho one they have given In all the larger cities, from Maine to California. Tlie People aro not slow to understand that, In order to warrant their manufacturers In guaran. teclne them to beneflt or cure, medicines must possess more than ordinary merit and cuiatlvo properties. Dr. Plorce's Golden Medical Discovery Ib tho only blood medi cine sold, through druggists, under u pott- )ng tru9tecs of tbe church for the use I .lit guaranty tnai u win uencui vi vuio 0 inc. building, tUc cUolrror wet music, money pnld for It will bo refunded. In all cierKymen for their services, also the blood, skin and scalp diseases, and for all ,..up. 0t K,ny for their hearty welcomo I scrofulous affections, U Is sp'clflc. I nd generous hospitality. Convention ad. 8500 Reward offered by tbo proprietors journcd to meet lu Light Street, Beptem. nr. Catarrh Hemcdy for an Incur, uer aru anu ui. of tbe Philadelphia & Heading Railroad when a special passenger train covered tho distance ot 00 miles between Pbiladclphl and New York in the almost incredibly short tlmo of 85 minutes. Tho engine which made tho rscord-smashlog run Is designated as "No. 800.-' It is ot the pecu liar type originated by the Reading Rail road, and was built for tho regular fast passenger service of that road. The engi neer was Frank Wagner, who, when he climbed Into tbe cab, little fancied that be would leave It the hero of the fastest run ever mado between tbe two big clllis. No special preparation was mado for a fast run, both cnglno and crew being selected hastily aud almost at random to meet a sud den call for a "sp' clal.'' Tho first reyolu lionof tho drivers was mado at 11 .48 a. m, and lho real running began between Wayne Junction and Bound Brook was covered in effort will bo mado to carry them Into ef feet Mrs. M. O. Walker and Mrs. J. P. HerU both read essays which were meritorious and pleasing In composition and matter. Delegates from the L. T. L. of Mlllvlllo, delighted the audience Ith a program of their own and the llttlo ones are to be com mended for their successful efforts. Mrs. Olive Pond Amies of Scranton, lec tured on Friday evening. Her subject being tho object and work of tho W. O. T. U. Her resume of Its past and present with the forecast of future bucccss was cheering to tho White Ribbon Band, Mrs. Amies also touched upon the various de partmcnta of work, which proved a ttlmu ins tn the workers and the audience was delighted with tho manner and matter ot tho address. Suitable resolutions wero adopted, thank per hour. Tho highest rato ot speed reach ed was 87 miles per hour, and stretches boy. cral miles long wero run at the rato ot 81, 82 add 84 miles respectively, A little cal culation will show tho terrlfia velocity im plied by theso figures, and tn Btand the strain involved requires tbo very perfection of machinery and roadbed. Tho best pro. vlous record made by any train between New York and Philadelphia was that ot 1 special, also on the Reading, which con veyed thb lato President Qowou on his re turn from Europe several years ago. Th time then made was 00 minutes tor 89 and four tenths miles, an has never been equal ed until now, when Engineer Wagner and "No. !S0O" have beaten it by 6 minutes, Angel Cake, Sunshine Cake. How many good cooks have tried and tried to make them and other delicate sorts and been heartsick over failures? Simple enough now, anyhouse wiie can do it. Of course it was a woman's wit that showed the way Mrs. VanDusen's, The old trouble was that the cake settled and sogged in cooling, Turn the mold bottom up, said Mrs.VanDusen, and to keep the cake from droppine from the greased tin, don't grease it. nut the cake sticks: lo be sure it does Just there's where the woman s wit shines out bright. A little slit just above the bottom, closed with a slide when the cake's baking, lets z knife blade in when all s done Presto! there you have it free, light as seafoam. You can see cake making and baking in these molds go ing on any day, among House keepincfthincs, in the Base ment. John Wanamakkr. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Bab ni tick, we Jo tier C tori Wben the iu a Child, she cried for Ct'torU, When he became Uits, the clung to Oastori, When the had CUIdreo, the n?e them OuKoria. able caso. tJftourr . To.NiKlit milt To.JIorrow Nltflit And each day and night during this week you can get at all druggists' Kemp's Hal sam for tho Throat and Lungs, acknowl edged to bo tho most successful remedy ever sold for tho euro of Couehs, Crou Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma an Consumption. Get a bottlo to-day and keep It always In tho house, so you can check your cold at once. Price COc and $1.00 Sample bottle free. . W. Kartmau & Sons. In the Spring s Tbe ftellne of lastltudo peculiar to the ;non begins to bo felt. The average slock of vitality lias been pretty ttaor S oughly exhausted In carrying It posies Z tot through tbo rigors nnd changos of jj the trying winter, nnd ns tbo more Rcnl Z nl reason approaches nnd the strain upon S the system relaxes a feeling of prostra- if You Wise I Hon, moro or less pronounced In degree nnd duration, Is tho natural and Inevlta S Mo result. During tho existence of this ; feeling of lnssltudo nnd depression, tmsl Z uess enros nnd oxertlons seem almost S lmposslblo of endurance, nnd even tho ; lightest duties nnd responsibilities of : life are regarded ns a burden to be shirked or disregarded to the greatest possible extent. S To devise some preparation to conn- teract this tired feeling and restore the system to something like a normal con S ilttlon has been tho endeavor of many people moro or less skilled In medical k science, nndconntlcss concoctions nnder the general title of "spring medicine" Z havo been placed upon the market, had n brief boon and then been lost sight of, ; to bo succeeded by some other similar S preparation. Tho principal Ingredient 5 In most of the spring "bitters," "tonics," eta, alcohol, th etrfcet of which upon I the tinman system has been sufficiently B dwelt upon through various publlo me- jj dlixnsloronderany extended reference to the eamo unnecessary here. The tern porary feeling of strength andexhllera- S tlon produced by this active agent Is as s certainly followed by a greater degree ; of depresslon,-hlle tho rcsulU of contlrv J ncd Indulgence are a permanent Impair- mcnt of tho vital organs the heart, Jt Id- ncys, liver nnd brain. S The fuels of tbe case are that yon have been living upon meat and other fatty substances to a greater extent than at S any other time of the year tho pores of the skin have been closed, and upon the S kidneys and liver have devolved all the S work of keeping the system clear. But now summer Is at hand, and these or- S sans cannot keep up the drain. The You will Take i a pores of the skin mnst bo open, else dl- I scase will step In and throw you upon a 5 bed of sickness. If tho pores tie bnt S partly open, then yon aro languid, laiy S nnd 111 at ease. You want a spring clean- jj lng process within yourself, and then you will bo filled with vigor and a test ; for work and business. You can have all accomplished by the use of S Brown's Sarsaparillai At sit Druggists I.OO. C bottles for .OO." DON'T tako Something cbe "Just as good," IT IS NOT. Aha Wixskn It Co., Vole Froprletors,Basgor, Me. inn iiiiiiiiiiiii limit 111 iiiiisassisMimiiiiiMH lllllll ''tlllll iiiiiini A SINGLE NIGHT. MONDAY, MAMCH -:o:- SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF GILBERT & DICKSON'S BIG Spectacular Co., IN A CARLOAD OF SCSHERY I SfMLII ELECTRICAL EFFECTS ! All wool cloth, 25c. 50c quality cloth 37 i. Colored Mohairs. Black Mohairs. Henriettas from 25c to 1.25, Handsome Trimming Silk. New styles in Braid. New Buttons. Stylish Gossamer Coats. New Sprine: weight Jackets. Table linens good and cheap. Best quality 25c towels, New Foilo Du Nords. Dress Ginghams 10c yd. Sonic Bargains in decorated China. I. W. Hattman & Ssns. SZBIH5 'PITT? T-TI? A tl? TUTT 17irPIUTDT A XT I THE DANCE OF THE "HOT POT ! 'nut? nil., CHASM THE AMISSION OF THE ROCKING STONE ! CAVE OF THE FIRE OF LIFE.! : ; 25 35i ndl 5 cents. SECURE SEATS NOW! ru NcrvoiiH ItcUllltnteil Men. It you will send us your addnwa, wo will mall you our unutrauxl patnpmei explaining an arxmt Tlie CoMinoitolltuii. Do you read Tub Cosmopolitan, that bright, sparkling young mniazint 1 Tlio cheapest Illustrated monthly in tho worlil; 25 cents number; $2.40 per years enlarged October 1889 to 123 pages. The Cosmopol itan Is literally what lue"iNew oik i imes" calls it, "At its price, tho brightest, most varied anil best culled 01 mo Jiagaziues Subscrlbo an unusual opportunity sub scribe. For new subscribers, (or one year only : Tim Cosmopolitan, per year, i2 40 Tun CoLOmilAN, per year, 1 00; prlcu of tbu two publications, $3.40. Wo will ftirn. isli both for only i J.50. Thin offer Is on'ir to new subscribers to The Cosmopolitan, and only for ono year. "H bas morn articles in each number that nro readablo, and fewer uninteresting pigfB, lhan any ff Its contemporaries." (lloston Journal.) The Cosmopolitan furnishes for tho first tlmo in magazinu literature, a splendidly Illustrated periodical at a prlcu hitherto deemed impossible. Try it for ,i year It will bo a liberal educator to tivcry member of lho household. It will make tho nights pass pleasantly. It will give you moro for the money man ynu can oniain 111 nnv mn er form. Do vou want a llrel-elafs Haga zinc elvlnc annually 1S39 pages by the the ablest writers with moro than 1500 Illustrations, by tho elevcrist artists as rsdablo Magazine as money can makt a Magazlnu that makes a specialty of live pllancea, aDd their charming uHoeta upon the uer- tvteoi II ou are thus antlctcd, wo will send joi voua dellUlated Bymein, una how they will quick lr reatoro jrou,tniv 10 Ilea and Ap- r.and manhood,pamphlet Irve. Ami Atmllancm on LrLll. 1-si-r-ly. voLTiioUnLTCa, Marshall, Mich. subjects 1 Tlin 1: Tho marvel Is how tbu publishers can glvo so much for tho money," VkiladtlphU Wmi Otll, fend $3.50 to this otllco and secure both The CoeuoroUTAN and The Columuian. tf. Save Your Hair BY a timely uso of Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing, It keeps tho scalp clean, cool, nnd healthy, and preserves tho color, fullness, and beauty of tlio hair. " I was rapidly becoming bald and pray ; but after using two or threa bottles of Ayer's Hnlr Vigor my hair grow thick and glossy and tho original color was restored." Molvln Aldrich, Canaan Centre, X. II. "Bomo tlmo ago I loit all my hair In conscqucnco 01 moaslca, After duo waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew Thick and Strong. It has apparently como to stay. Tho Vigor is evidently a gTont nld to nature." J. D. Williams, Florosvillo, Toxas, "I have used Ayer's Ilalr Vigor for the past four or five years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for tbo hair. It Is all I could deslro, bolng harmless, causing tho hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render tho hnlr easy to arrange." Mrs. St. A. llailey, U Charles street, Haverhill, Mass, " I havo been using Ayer's Ilair Vigor for soveral years, and bellevo that It has caused my hair tn retain Its natural color.' Mrs. II. J. I Ury Goods, &c, BlsUoii King, Dealer ivillo, Md. in Ayer's Hair Vigor, rniFABID BT . Dr. J. O, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. 60U by DrugjIlUsnJ l'vrfumtrt. am Invited to consult 1 vaion, r-ic & WW. lull nutent nrm lu the iimtm KLitiM. luivi ii- muir nuiuo uiuuu iu, nanu. lui:tou, U. C. lteloteuce, H. W. Oswald and. Dr. ,' UA..-UVJI0t "Wo wislito return thanks to our customers among tlio readers of the C01.U.MDIAN for tho trade they favored 11s with during tho J Fall Paper season Inst year, and direct your attention this way iigitin in the Spring of '00. Wo aro not satisfied and won't bo until every reader of this pa per is a customer. If you will try us we will do our share and know that we will more than please you. Our stock of Fine Wall Hang ings and Ceiling decorations is the most complete and varied in Columbia County. If you aro thinking of paper ing wo can mako it decidedly to your advantage to call and seo us. Wo havo just opened a fiuo line of Dado window curtains; besides that wo mako curtains to lit any window, wido or nnrrow, W. H. BROOKE & CO. Hloomhlnirg; Pa.