COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. J, K. Blttnnir., f ""tori. BfjQJAIjBUKG, PA, FRIDAY, MAROII 21, 1800. SeoondUropofBeol Thoughts. Mil. Editor. Prodaoo markets tmy bo dull, but thinking was never more aotlvo among tho farmers and some of thorn will think out a way to control tho influences that control tho prlooi botwoon the f.irmor and oonaumar. Tho farmer are bogiuning to p9r ooivo that aa a farming nation thoy havo to faoo a condition of overpro' duclion and under consumption that affeota them throughout tho nation . This condition should canso tho farmers to loirn that tlio prion of tho surplus of their grain Is sot by tho prioo of tho surplus ofoioh crop at Liver pool, England, in froe tnmpotitioti wit" tho surplui ol all othor grain pro duoing oountrios. So far as grain is concerned, it is a free trade market. If the farmers, working at the un profitable business of raisinc Brain. whioh they aro forced to sell in a free trade market, while thoy supply their own wants in a high tariff market, oould be brought to see tho Treasury urplm in a prjpar light, an ojkIuj'i tim wo A I b moro sat- Bfastory. Thank fortune, it is beginning to bo felt at the monoy centres, that if tho millions of peoplo who do the farming do not get good pay for their labor, thoir ability to buy of merchants aud manufacturers is curtailed, and trado with them is much reduced. If they want tho golden eggs, they must not kill the gooso that lays them. Farmers aro also beginning to per ceive thai a legislature is neoded that can and will do its own work, and not shoulder on some commission the work it does not know how or negleots to do. They begin to Bee that thoy must elect men for the legislature who know the needs of tho State; who are inform ed on sjbjoots pressing for legislative consideration. The farmers and others who are complaining of the burdens of taxation are learning that tho owe it to tbcmselvos to see that they aro rep resented by men who understand some thing about tho questions which they will be called to vote upon in the leg islaure; not what his business calling has bo an or may be now a man who takes an interest in polit'tos.for the common good of his fellow citizens and not for nis self pride or perquisites mainly perquisites. Ttio farmers are beginning to rcalizo that their representatives must have an idea of how to harmonize trio various conflicting interests in our Common wealth; the interests of labor and cap ital, of the manufacturers and import ers; in short, of all classes, regions and individuals. To this end to make now law amendments to old ones, eo as to secure equal j ustice to all for the common good. Such subjects a good repre sentative will be postod on before elec tion. The next legislature will havo the all important question of Revenue or taxation to determine, as well as tho re-uislnottng of tho state, and elec tion of United States Senator; and any voter, farmer or otherwise, who ex- Eect these matters to be- properly andled and discussed by men who know nothing about them now, does himself a great wrong. Representatives who do not Btudy and learn what to do with such mat ters before they ai e elected to office, never learn afterwards, no matter whether they havo served one or more terms. In tho legislature men do not learn how to propeily draw or write out a bill, bat simply the manner in which a bill becomes a law; some of them only learn "addition, division and silence.'' Within tho noxt three or four months the candidates will be nominated, whioh in this county is generally equivalent to an eleotion. This is the time to name in your mind themen, who know what is neoded to be done, and who will have the courage and ability to accomplish somothing for the good of the county and state when eleotod, and not lie like a knot on a log in the legislature. Tho farmers must not expeot the legislature to do what they do not liisist sha'l be done. The power is in the hands of the people, next Jan nary tho legislature will have it. The farmers should determine to let tho political bosses know that while they (the bosses) may fool some of the people all the time, and all tho people some of tho time, they cannot fool all tho peiiplo all tho time, even if they havo held ofllco many years and hold a mortgago on the county offices, for the farmers have learned to their sor row that representatives possessed on ly of political hog power and boodlo are not tho kind they want, that such political hogs may root, but they must die politically. Yours truly, 0. M. Bi.akeh. Greenwood Pa. Jurors paynud Constables returns, $810.77" Cost Commonwealth cases whero county becatno liable. S214.00i Commissioners office and Court IIouso, $2590.09; County Jail nnd Prison Requisitions, $2131.09; Printing, Sta tionery, Stamps, &o., $612,141 lnqulsi Hons, $10.17; Bridge Repairs, $431.20; Assossora Pay, $81.95; Soldlors Burial ifco., $15.00; A total of $9020.91. If these expenses applied to lionton Mr. Drown could Increaso thorn a thou sand dollars moro from tho county statement. Hloomsburg received $5407.25 moro than was paid in and $1778.95 more than wca nsspsscd to that place. Now thoso aro only tho ordinary annual expenses drawn from tho treasury by Bloomsburg, in addi tion to whioh ftoveral yoars ago $75, 000 for oounty jail wai drawn and still later several thousand dollars for court houso repairs, Wo think that Mr. lirown, when swooping beforo our door would have dono wellby having swept beforo his own, and again con signed a portion of tho contonts of his comments to tho waste basket instebd of to tho columns of tho Jlepublican. tit . 1 r ,. ... .1 1 ! I . tvu uuu nu lauu wuu uiuuiHi'urterapnt of the county funds, but merely call attention to the fact to show that "peoplo living in glass houses ought not to throw stones." John O. Wonner. Deformity From Bright's Disease. S. D. VanBuskirlc, of Dannrost, N. J., says Aug. 20, 1888: "Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Ron dout, N. Y., has cured our daughter of Bright's Disease, after all othor means had failed. Sbo was bo swoolon that sho measured 45 inches around the waist, and 18 inches below the kneo. To say that wo col thankful for such a boon as F.ivorito Rjmeily is bat a poor expression of the feeling of grate ful parents. 3-7 1-m. KoMoreOold Dollars- The act prohibiting tho further coin ago of tho $1 and $3 gold pieces and 3-cent nioklo pice has passed Congress and is now awaiting the President's signature to beoome a law. The utility of these coins as currcncy,it is said, has ceased. Some two yoars ago nearly C, 000,000 of gild dollars were brought to tho Philadelphia Mint, moltod and coined into double eaglos. Some doubts were expressed as to whether in destroying tho gold dollar the unit of yalue would not ba destroyoJ, but the unit of value is reprosoulod by a fixed quantity of gold, i. o. 23.22-100 grains. Experience Taught Mel After years, And my money paid for it. having Liver Complaint four and spending money on nostrums and doctors who didn't help me, I tried Sulphur Bitters. Six Bottles cured m I shall always use them. O. N. llutler Uohoes, JV. jr. 3-14 2-t. Ei " ' The Benton Assessment. Editors Coi.umman: We did not raise the question about tho disbursment of the county funds as to how and whero ex ponded, or to what applied. The presnmptioa is that thoy uro generally proper and legitimate. We aro not concerned about that, but we aro con cerned about tho equality of values from which theso exponses aro to bo drawn. In reply to Mr. Brown's com ments in last woek's Jlepublican, speaking of tho amount of taxes assess ed to Benton and Btill due, said: "Now what was drawn by tho (Benton) town ship from tho treasury!" A sura of "$1230.80," and othor items not men tioned, $332.72 more than was assess ed to tho township. Now this state ment misleads the publio mind to some extent, and some peoplo may conclude that Benton is moro detrimental to the oounty than beneficial. Mr. Brown did Benton an injustioe in that particu lar. Wo do not charge this' upon hira as a malicious intention, but upon reflection, wo bolievo ho would havo done otherwise To set the publio mind arurht unon this question wo will follow tho lino of his suggestions as applied to Bonton, and see whoro it leads to. ureenwoou arew iroai iuu treasury $1740.93 and was assessed 81279.93 Jackson drew fiom tho treas ury $11C2.67 and waBassessedSjzyo.iu, 'ishlnicreek drew siHO. in caoii case other items aro not mentioned. Tho nountv statement shows that $4217.09 was assessed to Bloomsburg and SG28 30 Btill duo. "Now what was drawn by Bloomsburg from tho oounty treasury! unuer uio various heads we glean as follows: Miscellaneous Eiponsee, 9168.07; Tho Importance of purifying tho blood can not be overestimated, tor without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich tee blood, and we ask you to try Hood's Dan ilia r Sarsaparllla. Ititrengtheni rebuild! and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparllla pecul- -y- 4.eaf lar curative powers. No ' O I15SIT other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you bare made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not be induced to take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Haas. IOO Doses One Dollar Cures Liver Complaint, Bilious Affeo I A Y A I) ft D Apatite, Sick I AAAUUn ?che.Sick Stomach, Old- 1 V A RAD diness.Costire- A A A U U If lic".r,7 sII,la Kidney trouble aud all delicate Female Com plaints. Sold everywhere. Prioo 25 cents. DREXELSACDLQGNE Fragrant I Lasting! The Leading Peifume forlhe Toilet and Handkerchief, Sold by all dealers. Price 25 cts. Salvation Oil 0 Prlct only 25 ttt, Sold by alldrugyliU. Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings,Bruises,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, .Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites. Chapped Hands and Face, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. nuciuMNM'S flUOS, The flrot lokiccMn tlMt Prlct 10 Ct. At all eruutiti. Ior County Hupc-rliiteiuleiit l The undersigned announces himself as a candl. date for Ue oiHco of superintendent o( Publio schools of Columbia County, and respectfully asks to be supported for that office at the coming election la May next. W. C. JOHNSTON. Jersoylown. l'a. XoVlINisTHATOIfa NOTICE. FOIl- SICK HEADACHE IN ITS II! 1 1 on Thlfl HcmMr In thft nttrartnttnn nt nnn nf tha loading physicians of Paris, France, and was Used by him with unparalleled success for over thirty years, It was nret given to the publio as a propria lary medicine In isls- Since which time It has found Its way into almost every county on the face o( the globe, and become a favorite remedy with thousands of the loading physicians. Medical societies have discussed Its marvelous success at their annual conventions, and after their o.tlclal chemists havo analyzed It and round that It con tained no opiates, bromides or other harmful In jredlenta placed It among their standard rcme- SdaU TESTIMONIAL. U IL linoWN, M. D S3 West Jersey St., . . BuiiBrmN. J. Juness, 1889. This Is to certlf r that I hAvn naM tnr om months with much satisfaction, the combination ot remedies, for Headache, known as llrtggs' lieadacbe Troches. The remedy cures more head ache, especially such as affect Nervous Women, than anything I am acquainted with, and It this certificate win bo the moans of bringing it to the I Bhall feel that I have done them a norvlce. u IL IJltOWN. PRICE; 26 CENTS. Bold by all Druggists, or sent by Mall on Ito ccipt of Price. Briggs' Medicine Co., Elizabeth, n. j. 0-27-lr. ADJOURNED ASSIGNEE'S SALE OK- Rcal E state ! The UndemlmiM Agralcrnnn will hr vlrttin nf nn order to him directed by the Court of Common neaa or uoiumoia county expose to public sale the followlog described real estate on the prem ises on MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1800. Peloe No 1 will be sold on tho premises at two P. M,. and Dlece Nn. 2 will ba aold nn IhA nrpmlwa in center Twp, at 10 A. M. Piece No. l. situate In Brlarcreek township. Columbia County. Pa, bounded ant described as follows, to-wlt i Beginning In a publio road lead ing from Hittenhouio's Mill to Solomon House, knecht, thence north v degiees west 3 perches to astono, thence north W degeoes E Height-tenth perches to a stone, thence north e,v degrees west 18 two-tenth perches to black oak stump, thence north lix degrees east, lj 6-10 perches, thenco north 5SV degrees east, 10 perches, north 3v degrees east, 4 8-10 perches to corner, South H aegreeswesc.o perche3 to stone, south 8Y de grees east 42 perches to stone; south 71 v degrees east 31 perches to a stone, south S7 degrees east BS perches to white oak stump, thenco south lly degrees east lg perches to stone, south K degrees east 28 4-10 perches to a stone corner south XI de grees west 180 5-10 perches to place of beginning, containing 76 ACRES, more or leas; on which are erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, large bank barn and out buildings, good orchard, about all the land under cultivation. This farm is known as the Delterlck Homestead. No. 2. Piece of land situate In Centre township; Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a rod oak corner, thence north B 1-3 degrees west 56 7-10 perehos to Dine stump, south 87 1-1 degrees west 41 s-10 per ches to maplo, north 81 degrees west 23 8-10 per ches to post, thence south 81 3-4 degrees west 27 perches to pine stump, south 2 3-3 degrees east, 37 2-10 perchei to a stone, thence south 75X degrees east 8 6-10 perches to stone corner, north II de grees east S 5.10 perches to stone, south 12 degrees east 41 6-10 perches to corner, place ot biglnn lng containing 31 ACRES and eighty perches more or less; also adjoining tho above beginning at a stono la road, thenco by other land ot Delterlck; north 5 degrees west 51 perches to stone corner, south 89 l-l degrees east 376-10 perches to Btone, south 23 degrees east 14 perches to stone, thence nirth 70 3-4 degrees east 01 5-10 percles to stone, sou'h 5 degrees eist 47 7-10 perches to stone, la township line, south 1 degrees west It 3-10 perches to pine stump south SO 1-4 degre-'s west 44 perches to place ot begin ning containing 18 ACRES, 19 perches more or less. Oneplecj of land In Brlarcreek township, described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at corner In Summerhlll road, In twp lines north 5 degrees, west 40 7-10 perches to s'one, north 70 S- degrees east.61 3-10 perches to stone, south 1 yi degrees east 51 6-10 perches to stone corner, south 81 degrees west 51.8-10 perches to stone, south Ti degrees west 3 7-10 perches to stone, place ot beginning containing IO ACRES and 82 perches. Also piece ot land In same twp,, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Begin ning at stone by land once Samuel MUlardsouth 6 degrees west 51 perches to pine knot; west 4b perches to post, south 6 degrees east 56 perches to pine trees, south 81 degrees cast SStf perches to post, south 68 1-4 degrees east 22 perches to Btone place of bcglonlng, containing 16 ACRES, 40 perches, moro or less. All last four descrlbeJiplecos ot land are adjoin ing each other and used as one farm containing 83 ARES, and one perch more or less ou which aro erected a ! bank barn and outbuilding, good orchard. TtBM8 OP SALE. Tenner cent, of and fmirth ot the purchase money to be paid on striking down of the property, one fourth leas ten per cent on connrmitloa ot sale when dead will be delivered balance In one year from condraiillon of sale, with Interest from connrmitlon and to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premlsss. C. B. JlCISOH, 8. C. JAVNK, Atty. Assignee ot Kinmor Oeiterlck . TRUSTEE'S SALE OP VALUABLE Real Estate! The undersigned trustee appointed by the Or phans' Court ot Columbia County to Bell the real estate ot Thomas Shearman, deceased, will eipose at publio sale on the premises In Beaver township on SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1890 at 10 o'clock a. m. the following real estate ; Bounded and described as follows, to.wlt : Situ ate in Beaver township, CoL Co., Bute of penna. northwardly by lands ot John Baker, Thomas Lutz and Abraham Smith, eastwardly by lands ot Abraham nice, southwardly by lands of Coie Brothers Co., and weetwardly by lands of C. A. Uhuman and Conrad Diets, containing more or less, with appurtenance. TERMS OP 8ALK.-One-tnlrd of the purchase money to be paid cash, one-third in one year from final condonation with interest, from confirmation ni. si., and the remaining third at the death of the wt1ow of the deceased with Interest from con firmation uL U, payable annually. The latter two payments to be secured by Judgments or mortgage Benson the premises. M. C. WOODWAItD, Trustee 'tUiU of Otorge W. BUIman, late 0 Conyngham Notice Is hereby glvon that letters of adminis tration on the estate 01 Oeorge W. lllllman, late of Conyngham township, county ot Columbia, and Mate of Pennsylvania, deceased hve been grant ed to William uoodman ot Centralla, Columbia county, Pa,, to whom ll persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and thoso having claims or demands will make known the same with out delay to or to WILLAAM GOODMAN, John a. Fasxzi Administrator, 3-14-tw. Attr Centralla Pa WANTED inKUAULK PUSHINU VltH to Bell choice i.-Hunierr nij.. H, t .v,. ....... w.. ....... IODPOnun'lj ouciru sursyuuB nui. mj w men have good sucoesi many felling from $100 uood pusbliar man wanted here at once. Liberal Terns and the bent goods In the market writaViiDB. 00x0. Nuweryman, Uochester, litifV" " Sheriff's Sale. By vlrtuoota wrltotn. Fa. Iued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia Co., pa., and to mo directed, there will be sold at publio sale In the Bherlft's office at tho Court House, Blooms, bnrrg Pa., on SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m., all the right, title and Interest of the defendant In a certain tract or parcel ot land situate la the township ot Brlarcreek, Col umbia Co., Pa.j bounded and described as follows Beginning at a stone In line ot land of Jas. Lem on, thence runptng by other land of James Evans north elghty-nre degrees, west fourteen perches to a stake; thenoe north elgbty-nlne and one-halt degrees; west one hundred and eight, perches and seven tenths to a stone; thence along the land 0 Abram Msru, orrather by a road running along by said line ot Abrara Marts, north throe degrees east one hundred and forty-throe perches and nro-ientns to a stone; thence by land of Ocorgo Zanor, north seventy-five degrees east one hundred and eight perchea to a Btone; thence run ning along tho aforesaid land ot James Lemon south three degrees, westonehundredandsoventy three perches and four-tenths, to the place ot be ginning, containing NINETY-SEVEN ACRES, and ntty-elght pcrchos, strict measure, whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE, barn, wagon shed and outbuildings, all improved, with fruit trees, etc. Belted, taken Into execution at the stilt ot Harry flakes vs. Mary Brader, and to be Bold as the property of Mary Brader. IUiis, Attorney, ALSO : By virtue of sundry writs of PL Fa. Issued out of the Court of common Pleas ot Col, Co ., Pa., and to mo directed, there will be sold at the same time and place, all that certain lot or piece ot ground situate la tho borough of Centralla, CoL Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wlt: Beginning at the soith-c 1st corner of Lo cust Avenue, and second street, theace along said Locust Avenue, south seventeen degrees, east twenty-five feet to a stake; thence north seventy three degrees east one hundred and forty feet to an alley; thenoe along said alley north seventeen degrees west twenty-Die test to Second Btreet and thence along said Second street South seventy three degrees, west one hundred and forty feet to place ot beginning, It being Lot No. 1, In Block No. 143, containing Tffenty-ave Feet Front and One Hundred and Forty Feet In depth, whereon aro erected a DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE, and outbulldlilgs. Setzed, taken Into execution at the suit ot The Citizens Building and Loui Association of Centra lla, Pa., vs. Bridget Clark, and to b sold as the property of Bridget Clark. Bikxlit, Attorney. ALSO. Dy virtue ot a writ ot Vend. Ex. Issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas of Col. Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be sold at the same time and place, all that certain piece or parcel ot land situate In Mifflin township, CoL Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-witi On the north by land ot Samuel Knocht, on the east by land ot L. B. Kohler, on the south by land ot E. p. Bchweppenhelser, and on the west by public, road, containing one-tnlrd ot an acre ot land, moro or lees, whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE, and Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into exeoution at the suit ot Bch weppenhelser Snyder vs Oeorgo Uufnajlo, and to be Bold as the property ot Geo. Hutnsgle Elwsll, Atty. JOHN B. CASEY, 3-7.TI0. Sheriff QTOCKQOLDKRS' MEETING. The stockholders ot the North Mountain Lumber .ompany are hereby notllled and requested to meet at the 0 1 ce of the company, in tne town ot Bloomsburg, on Tuesday the 18th day of March, I89O, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, tor the p urposa or voting tor or against an Increase of the capital stock and Indebtedness ot said company. I1V order of the DoarCt of Director! SAMUEL WIOFALL, Bloomsburg. Pa., Secretary. Jan. 11, 1S9O. B. F. SAYITS. has secured the sole agency of Columbia county for the Nation al Sheet Metal Roofing Co. These roofs are guaranteed to be far superior to any other, roof, as they are both storm and wind proof. Sheet iron roofs of this manu facture can be put up as cheap as tin, and last much longer. Roofs are made of sheet iron, tin, or copper, as parties may desire. Orders may be secured through B. F. Sayits, Blooms burg, Pa., who will put on the roofs and guarantee tho work, or may be ordered direct from tho 510-520 East 20th Street,N Y FOR Horses, Gattle, 8heep & Hogs. Ejesls an, rsms J lor ths rapid curs ol H.rd Colds.Coughi.HldsBounJ.YsllowWsHr.Fsrsr. Dlitsmpsr, Sort and Wssk Eyis, Lurio Fir! Coitlitnall. R nfohfti mA iiM...,,r. lag from Impurities ol Iht Blood. Will illlm Histssatoncs. MunuMlunJ t, iki 4 J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, K Y. 1 POU BALK by ALL CEiliUJB. ' 8-ai-uo.r.Jy. 1 GENTS WANTEDS t6 DR HARRIET HERR, I.ADIKH PIIVHICIAN, ' 311 East 83d Street. Now York. will send her valuable (lulde to UraltH to any me'r. woman or girl suffering from any Psuils covruiNT, free ot charge, sealed, la plain wrap per, bend address. S-M-d-lU OTICK. Notice Is hereb? clven that a meetlnr or the stockholders ot the Bloomsburg Bridge Co. win be held at the Opera House in the town ot Blooms burg at t o'clock p. m., on Thursday the 1st' day of May, ibw, -o me purpose oi nommg an election for or against the dissolution ot the said Corporation, Eeo'y. I'or County Buperluteudctit. The underalirned announces himself aa a candl. data for the office of County superintendent, and respectfully asks to be supported for said orace at J. D, UltlMEoi N OT1CE. ,1 upich lug uviouum auu uii.n, iuci t J , ima cnisefl anu ngaia oi ma jwniou Agricultural As sociation were sold by the Hherin ot Columbia county at Sherltt's sales on the seventh day ot Jan uary, 1B40, and the twenty-fourth day of Febru ary, 189 J. to the undersigned persons as by refer ence to the Bald conveyance of Bald personal and mixeu prupervy aua corporate iraacuitei ana rlehts of the Bald Benton Agricultural Aaaocl itton. dated the fourteenth day of March 189, and the same aar aenverea. wm more ruiir ana at lara appear. Now therefore, In aiysordance with the provisions oi toe accona secuoi oi me aci enutiea "A supplement to an act, entitled, an Act con cerning the s le ot rallroals. canals, turnnlkea. bridges and plank roads, approved the eighth day ot April A. li. one thousand eight hundred and alxtv.nno. extendtne the nrovlaoaa of B&id act to coal. Iron, steel, lumber or oil or mining, manufac turing, transportation and telegraph companies In thla Commonwealth and of all other corrjora. lions created by or under any law ot this mate," approvea May me iwenty-niin, a, is. ists. Ana tue BOYerm aoui supplementary to uia amenaa tory ot this act and the act ot which It Is a sup plement. Notice Is hereby given, that the under signed lor and on hit aceount tne Bald property, co mo rate franchises and rl tits were so ed will meet at the onice ot T. C McIIenry, In ihe village of Benton, County of Columbia anl btalo of Pennsylvania, on the nrth day ot April A. I). lbW, at t o'clock In the afternoon for the purpose ot organizing a new corporation under ths laws ot the Commonwealth ot Penu. ayivania. in case mane ana proviaea, and for the further Durooae ot eloctlnir a nreal. dent and board ol six director tor said new cor. Deration and aaoDtlnir a certiorate name and com. fuon aoal for the bame and determining tha amount ot the capital stock thsrooL When and wnere, an persons iniereaiea may auena li tney mm urvper, T. C MCllBNKY IL K. E1HIAIL HUTU (ilUMllkjN. A. W. YV1LKINBON. K IPP & l'ODMOUK. A NNUAL BTA.TE MENT OP ULOOJ1 POOH DlSTUIOT, From Jan. It 18 to Jan. IS, I'M. JOHN K. C1IIOTZ, Treasnrer. DR. To BaL In Treasurer's bands Jan. It lis.. $ tsi SI To casn Heo'd on Bloom dup. issa 40000 HOOtt " " 50 87 " " " ' tlroen'wd dup. 188.M 49 4S 11 ii .1 Dogarri .... im to ' Bloom " 18.,,, ir 00 " BOOtt " 15S ... S0 18 " ' " ' oreen'wd " " ss. " " sugarloat ' ' ... M fa ' " " " unseated lands e J 1 .1 11 idu property 830 00 " " ' " Mrs.O. Uriwn'sacc't... 85 04 " " " from Uostcr Sterner (paid for A. Bterner) 97 73 To cash Keo'd from Then. McBrlde ..... 101 81 " " " on Dr. Fullmerg aoo't.... t li " ' ltellof Kefanded .... 48 00 ' " John O. Hodden's aco't 103 W To amU due treasurer ,,,, tsotv I WOO M CIL By old orders redeemed M 79 " orders for 189 redeomed SIM M "commission 103 so "postage so cut ia INSANK IN 8TATB HOSPITAL, DAKVILLS, PA. George Fox, scott, 52 1.7 wools . $CJandll75perweek.. U7 75 Jesse Kelly, Bloou BS 1-7 w'ka 9 wwitumi ,a per wuok ... vi ,0 Z. Kahler, illoom, 53 1-7 weks A CI (IO anil 1 1. na, waalr UT John Boyer, Hcott, 52 1-7 weeks j nuu,i is per wee ... vi ia AUa M. sterner. Bloom, Bl 1-7 vk'iatinnanriii HmpmI, 07 II. I.Do Patterson. Qreenwood 32 l-T w'ks o $1 00 and f 1 75 per Wm. Fryi BYoom'M'i'7"wk's"i3 12 nn anil CI 7K nttr w-V w -I Carrie TurreL Greenw'd 10 4-7 W'ks 4 J 00 and 1 75 per w'k 18 60 703 79 OUTDOOR RELIEF. M. Mar. Bl0"rn S3 m Carolina Hrnitb, inoom 84 90 u eater uoiuooy, scott 17s 70 Mrs. George vannatla, Green wood .. lsvun Kph Parka, Bloom . sti 00 Mrs. M. Dawson. Bloom u . Jacob Adams, Sugarloaf B7 11 iiiram uing, uioom S4 50 Predc lies), sugarloaf wiis Mrs C. Cook. Bloom an nn George JacoDy, Bio m 77 s- Amanda Kobblna, Greenwood .. 2 25 Albert Cadow, Bloom s 15 Frank Rhodcmoyer, Bloom 10 so Samuel Farver, Bloom 2 04 Daniel Ingold, Bloom 34 Wm. Shoemaker. Itlonm a cq John Kramer. Bloom us 81 nun Mumey, BCOir, .,. 102 35 Mrs wmtmore (car fare to SuBl- van Co., N. Y. boo Kph Kbner, Greenwood 1 47 Mrs. Wm. ingold. Scott 11 15 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swisher, Greenwood s no Uvl Hall, Bloom u to Mrs Penrose, Bloom 511 01 Kred Welmer. Bloom 19 An C Van Low, Scott 11 n,i Hannah RandalL Bloom 1 m John Vnndorellce, scott 75 Catherine Horn, Bloom 3 250 Harrv Ilartman. Itlrmm n James Leacock, Bloom 1 50 ,o. auu b,4uq. urmunuui ..... Mrs. M. waiters. Bloom 5'no Samuel StU a. Blonm am George Samuels, Bloom . 10J 00 AL Cadowj Flour from Farm 1489 25 15 00 We the underslsmod Auditor nr th.-, ,nnBv.i comprising The Bloom Poor Dtatbxt met itthe J y". w" uwuu jnuuuay in januarr 189a that th-lntr the lath. mminM 1.. of the Trea.urer ana Dlreo'ors from lanuary nth! 18S9 to January 13th lsao, and the vouchers Tfor the same nnd them correct as set forth above. V4LUROF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY wvuttub tug uiuuui rwr VldtriCl January 13th, 1W. Balance due on Duplicates. Amt dup. Paid. Due. Bloom, 1888 IhO-J 10 C1MI 03 8 07 Bloom, 1, 2964 45 1800 00 11811 45 SCOtt, 1883 100S42 675 87 430 55 SCOtt, 18S9, 1C33 67 310 18 S35 3 Greenwood 895 31 mi an n im Sugarloaf sis w si 83 253 9) tuna si Lea estimated exoneration and commifsions ..... $ 800 00 Msales. Sample tree. A rare 01 .rtunltr. iway, iu AU0HITKOT8, Ostkbiiout liuiLDisu, Wlllteslurre, l'a. Urancb Oftlce. Hloomsburg, l'a., wllU jho. m. uuu, any, a, vMuineuer, MM. STATEMENT OP ORDERS. DR. Orders outstanding Jan 14, lSfi9 1 ti 49 " Issued from Jan. 14, 1919 to Jan. n, 1830 ...... 1161 H CIL Orders outstanding Jan. 14, Jest redeemed f 93 72 Error In outstanding orders Jan. 14, 1189 85 77 Orders of I&S9 redeemed SIM 50 ' " 1837 and 83 out standing 1 5 00 Orders of 1939 outstanding 43 7 muu uutawnning oroere 01 vs EXPENSES FOR YEAR ENDING, Jan. provisions and Bupplles Fuel and Light Clothing, Including shoes...... Furniture, Beddlig aad Dry Goods Medicines and Medical Supplies Ordinary llepalra Travailing expenses Grain Drill Farm Expenses. , , smith Work Incidental Expenses . Patent Vermont Bake Oven Thomas McBrlde, steward st 00 Jacob Hchuvler, Director 10)00 L. M. Pettlt, " 100 01 J. M. Larlsh " 75 CO C A. Klelm, SocreUry loo 00 L. a Rupert, " 16 S7 Dr. McKcynolds m 60 00 Dr. Rodeker 75 CO Mrs. Thomas McBrlae, Matron.. 50 00 auditors and Clerk, Jan. 1839 25 00 Total current Expenses ... Buildings tnd Improvements orders Keller Prlutlng statement of 1888 Priming order books and rules tor Poor House , Expenses on brown house support of Robert cook, Ecott twp Tramps Mare and Colt E. R. iteler. Attorney's tees .. Costa In George Samuel's case, Bloom . . . Comn for Wilson Dodson's Child, Bloom. Cotrin for Tramp Comin tor Mn Wm. Shoemaker, Bloom. Comn and expenses ot digging grave, Aaron xhatts, sugarloaf. Comn for Hannah Trice. Scott uiraiQg grave ror i ames Jjeacoccs cnua, Bloom Expense In Carrie Turrell case and car fire Alleehanv Anvlum Expenses In William Lennon case, Bloom t 5300 Si I 5335 75 t 5333 73 14, 1890. 208 SO 72 13 61 03 85 95 42 43 41 TT 1 23 90 00 94 63 U 81 1 CO 71 55 1216 (7 SOM 19 184 39 7 43 00 a 60 2 38 10 83 8 07 900 00 178 CO 8 45 8 CO 16 00 12 00 21 44 8 00 75 00 6 00 8. F. PEACOCK, "1 Wm. BOGEUT; I HENRY O. litis f & U. DILDINE, J Auditors. 13521 61 Farm and buildings 13500 00 4 horses 375 00 icoll ..... fri 00 9 cattle. 20 0J iSshoats ,,,, , 5000 4 turkeys 00 96 chickens ao 00 180 bushels ot wheat a 8 jo , 14750 310 " 11 oats 108 80 320 " " oorn ears so 0) soju 10 pore a as , ipooi 400 lb lard a uo jo 00 is tons ot hay. .... joi 00 400 lb beef m oo 100 bushels potatoes 7500 a - ucbu 2 5J 10 " tu'nlpa 2 id 6 11 onloia. r nn so " rye u no 80 lb packed butter is 00 1 uui. ouur kruut , s 00 2 vinegar it 00 1800 sheaves corn fodder (4 60.,. 6000 It bundles rye straw 13 250 3 (10 Farm Implements roo 00 Furniture In Alms House 250 00 ' " Stewards House.,., 200 ui 18 acres grain In ground m 100 00 2 tons coal ,,,, g 00 119953 21 PRODUCTS RAISED 08 FARM 1889. 2l bushels wheat,,. ill o oats 161 28 corn ears, 211 73 rye 14 40 turnips 3 00 beets sol onions s 00 beans. 6 00 DOtatoea int m 92 tons hay JS6O0 31 bundlearve Btraw... 1 va vsrheadi cabbages 4o.. 38 28 615 lb butter jss 75 425 doz. eggs.. 7 60 2605 lb tiork (S 60 158 80 4ao lb lard to 40 412 lb beef a 60 11 72 icwmneaves corn loader g so.... 9000 3 Calves ini to shoata 70 00 60 chickens 15 o 1 uoi aiuer Kraut , 6 ou 1 bushels tomatoea.. 5 turkeys Flour by Cadow 9 guineas 7 ro 6 liS 15 00 2 70 No. paupers renaming In Alma bouse last report Admitted during year No discharge during year No. died during year ... 1741 61 It 7 No. persons In Poor House, Bloom .w, iciwun lu iwr uuiuie. Greenwood. Na Persons In Poor Houss. scott riu. remaining jan, 1st, ISM..., JACOB SCHUYLER, j, jii. uAitinu, I. M. PETT1T, Attest! C A. KLBIM, FecreUry, Directors. I. MAIER, BLOOMSBUBQ, - - - Au The Reliable Clothing House, CONTINUES TO SELL CI-OTHIWCr, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, and CS-ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Just aa low as before, and lower. 1 am determined to keep up the Keputation of being tho CHEAPEST and BEST CLOTHIER. Satisfaction Always Guaranteed. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIER. The largest stock and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Columbia, Montour, and Northumberland Counties, Pa. v Thinking About Buying a "Spring Overcoat!" iff SEE OURS FOR, 9.60 I10.G0 $12.00 New Spring Suits nnd Trousers at Money Saving Prices. E. 0 THOMPSON Merchant Tailor and Clothier, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite the Mint) PHILADELPHIA. 1890 SPRING OPENING 1890 A FULL LINE OF ON ABCH 2. 18! MissHtEWasley, NEXT DOOR TO I. W. HARTMAN & SON MAIN ST., BLOOMSBURG, PA. SPRING! SPRING!! SPRING!!! O Ul'HANS' COURT SALE OP VALUABLE HEAL KSTATE1 The undersigned, administrator ot the estate ot Joseph O. Kellr, late of the township of Green- wooa, county of Columbia, and State ot Pennsyl vania, deceased, will offer at public sale, by vir tue of an order of the Orphans' Court of said coun ty, on the premises on SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1890, at lo o'clock In the forenoon, the following desert bod real estato, being the manslon.hou3e and farm ot tne said deceased, to- sit : A tract ot land situate In the said twp of Oreen. wood, bounded by lands of J, II. Johnson, D. V. Kedllne, belra of K. It. Albertson, Augustus Stand. er, A II. Kitchen, M. J. Kline, Kills Young, and ousepu ivaus, contain ng one nundred and seven teen acres and four perches, more or less, on which are a FRAME HOUSE. BARN, and other outbuildings; partly cleared and partly timber land. TSHM8 OV 8VLE. Ten per cent ot ono fourth ot the puroha.19 money at the striking down of the property, the ono-fourth less the ten per cent, at mo connrmaiion ot sale, and the remaining three fourths In ono year thereafter, wnh Interest from connrmatlon nlsL DAVID T. KELLEIt, Adm'r. S-Mt. Orangevllle, Pa. UDITOifs-NOTinK. ' Xttate of WUIlam Utpix-iuleel, aeeeated. . uuu, uuuium upiiuiuujii vy ills ur- phtns' court ot Oalumbl county, to distribute -7T- muu. ... mo IHUUUIBUI, Will sit athlsomce.irer the Hlrat National Danlc. in Uloomsbunr, on Wednesday, Marca is, ma, at 10 ciums against slid estate must appear ami prove - -- w, w. w uuv.uiu iiuui ujmiDu m qu saiu rurirL u or.iTut. ifco. SI, 1890. Auditor. Estate qf Stuui Krwler, Into Bloomburg aetvasea. beon srantM to me uudereUnod executor, all fled to pay th-j aarnj, aud thoje havliig claims Ono. S. Kcwiill, WILLIAM WOHKIIKISKIL S-7w.AUJr Kxecutor. Wanted on him To relahle men we win giro steady employment and LlUEllALSALAllV pajlng their traveling ex. peusr We grow our own stock eicluslvely and uUAlUNTKBtttobtiatrt.tlrtlrst class in erery particular, true to name as ordered. Full Instruc tions furnlih'd. Kiperlence unnecessary. Apply at once ttaUnq aye. Address K o. I'K muN ca, Maple drove Nuiserles, Waterloo. N. Y. (Kstabllahea overtu years.) 3-u-it EQ AXLE mi IU wrwlog 4uAttuti ,n tnuuriitu KetaAlly miUMtlsir two bout of ur oib?r tr l. UDITOU'SNOTIOK. KtaU Qt Mtrrtll Ami Itottertt. rfvi ., Tbe UDderrilirnftil. All flil.lltnr annnlnil . I.a Orpnan'sco irtot Columbia county to make dls trlba 'ouot tne oilin'M In haudof the admlnls !tatoia' P'frilrst aria final arcount, will Bit at theontce -f Ur.ut Uirriuf, Ksi., In HloomBbure Pa. on ifrldiy, Marcha, lsao, at f o'clock a, m.. when and wnere .ill pomus having claims against said estate must appo ir and prove tne same, or be debirre l fro n uoimo; in on said fund. C. & UEYKIt, Auditor. UO'TOH'H NOTICE. HtUMofAnn Young, area 1.1(0 of Greenwood tiep The undertUned, tn auditor appointed by the Orphans' court or Columbia County to paw upon exception to accouit and make dl'tilbutlou of tue balance li the hands ot the accountant to and among tin pirtles entitled thereto, will perform th jdullis of his appointment at the of. ilea of drant Herring Ksq. in HloomtburgonTues. day Man'i) ihii, iw, at 10 oclock a. in., when ard wuaro Ml p -rsom l vim claims against said lujrt im'st app'ar and or ire the s ime or be debarred from any snare thereof. a E. (IttYKIt, Auditor. I'AIIJI l'OIl HUNT " A farm of 100 aoree, witn nandsome nuw bouse and barn, and supplied with abundant water, will be rented at a low rent tor the term ot nve years, to a gooa tenant who uau furnish, bis own stock nleimpiniat. Tag farm Is in the Catawlssa Valley on tne Townsblp road from Urandontltle to Audeureld, two miles from llrandonvlle and near (llrarl Manor. References requested. Addnw HKUKrt 8. THOMPdOM, Knglneer airard Kaute 1-otUvUle, Pa. Nov. l-ly. gXEOUTOH'8 NOTIUE, Httalt of reter Kate, late of Benton tiep. Letters testamentary on said rotate having been granted to the undersigned executor, all persons Indebted to sail esHte are here oy nolltted lo pay thesajoe; and thoso havlug cliltns against said estate to presgni tne saiae lo ueo. e. ctw.iu w. a kasb, iur. Atty, Fatrnwoat iprlog, l'n. CD o- o o V0 ? pa. CP Q m m QJ St ig 3 Ba ft rtf ?r zZi Km ft o CD t2 D LOWENBERG'S Est, Bloouisbui 9 Pa. A GREAT OFFER. PATTERN FREE, GIFT TO OBK JLABI m ABIES IMrf olr Baig, ifrJnrTi!!" "OrJer" enti.lln, ,he holder .r, . lr.V:"" . .C U"'1U(' '"sl"'fJ4. 3&. 33. or 40 inches In bull me or, a .i, 7,k T. obtaineS, which is alwavs deZh?, im 7 mfil ''"'"S 0,1 lhe P'l bawue U the house. y rable ' and U JuU ,ucn r"n every lady should have in We havi mail vxHn l i.t ..... . ir, a. abov, so tha the holder of il n T"! fttf,hh Pil,ern' in ,lineKI' I ft II I F Q ll n' faU ' bujr 0ur Usue of AP"' 41". and cut out the "I'at- mrr orir'.h 0,".n rler'" wiU en,1,le yu ,o w pcm. r K h h Order the paper In advance so.lut you U1 bcu,e ol it, as the number will L L7e7 "