BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAJ THE COLUMBIAN MSB DEMOCRAT, MACADAM ROAOS. ' Ootutrott Rtone Pmm&atltma ul Top Sarfeeta. A roadway mads with Email pieces of rtono firmly got In place U called nmao ftd&m road. Thero arc many methods of oostrnctiou, and tho variations am eblcfly in tho foundation. A macadam top may bo placed upon a common dirt foundation, but tho best macadam roads mm built with a rtano foundation. Tho method of constructing such a road la gtvcm in tho following extract from tho fecotisoot Mr. Clemens Horechcl, printed In tho book on "Improvement of High ways," published by tho Lcaguo of American Wheelmen: "The truo principlo of roadmaking con aistsln givlngovcry road two component ports; one tho foundation to bo solid, enyieMing, porous and of largo materinr; fc other tho top surface to be made Op of lighter material, bound compactly aod evenly over tho rough foundation. Tho roads of this kind, with mac adam for the top surface, are called Tel ford roads by English writers, from Tol tord, who first built them in England, The Central park 'gravol roads' belong under this head, gravel taking the place of the macadam of tho Telford roads. These foundation roads are of far greater Importance than any other kind for tato, county or town roads, also for parks and driveways. The top surface of all theso roads must liavo a certain Inclination to cause efficient surface drainage. Various authorities give vari ces rules for the amount of this inclina tion or sido slope. It would seem just that it should depend on tho nature of the top covering, being less or more solid than for looser or softer materials, and also on tho grade of the road. "In Baden, one of tho smaller German states, but which is worthy to be taken aa a model in matters of road building, and in France, tho riso at tho center is given as 1-40 tol-C0 of tho width of tho road, according to tho nature of tho ma terial; that is, inclinations of 1 in SO and 1 in 80. Tho rules in Prussia prescribe inclinations of 1 in 24 for roads fnlling mora than 4 in a hundred; and 1 in 18 Car roads on a grade of between S and 4 in a hundred; and 1 in IS for tboso in a grade of loss than 3 in a hundred. When first built tho center should be made romo four inches too high to allow for after settling, . -rur .o rerr HALF OF CROSS SECTION. ' "If the stono for tho foundation for which most anything will do, and that kind should bo token which is cheapest to procure happens to bo got out cheap est in larger pieces than tho above dimen sions, it will do no harm. This founda tion course is sometimes set so as to pre sent an inclination on top, and tho cover then put on of a uniform thickness over the whole breadth. This is perhaps best, but is somewhat more expensive. It will do, in nearly all cases, to Bet tho founda tion course on a level, or as near so as tho stones will allow, and then make the top crowning, by making tho covering say three-quarters of an inch or an inch less thick at the edges than in tbo center. Tho stones forming tho foundation should not be set in rows, nor ever laid on their fiat sides, but set up on edge and made to break joints oa much, oa possible; that 1b, set up irregularly. After thoy ore set Bp, tho points that project above tho general level may bo broken off, and the Interstices generally filled up with small tone. "More or less caro and work ore neces sary in this part of tbo operation accord ing to the importance of tho road and tho-dopth and character of tho material Bed -for the top covering. To roil the read at this stage is to bo recommended; afterwards it becomes a requisite. Tho point never to be lost sight of is that this aoundation course must remain porous, most be pervious to water, so that all rain water that shall soak through tho top covering will find through it means of escape to tho ground underneath; thence, according to tbo nature of tho subsoil, it is left either to soak into the ground or must bo further led away by appropriate drains." Another authority in tho same work, writing upon the top surface for a stone road, says: "Experience has shown that while six inches may bo a sufficient depth for light travel, twelve to eighteen Inches are accessary if heavy loads must be carried at all seasons of tho year. For country macadam roads tho limits would bo be tween six and twelve inches, according to tho character of the Bubsoil. For the thorough construction of macadam roads the stones aro now crushed by machinery and then rolled with' steam road rollers of ten to fifteen tons weight. The weight of the roller per square inch on the bear ing surface should be equal to the ex pected weight, per square inch, undor tho wheels of the heaviest loads. "Where thorough work of the best character is wanted, engineering skill and experience aro requisite, but the gen eral methods may be briefly stated, so that wherever bad sloughs need lillingup with stone, tho macadam plan may bo followed at least approximately. The trench or road bed should be dug out to the required width and depth, the larger sternal should then bo selected and firmly packed together across tho foundation In irregular courses, in the general form of a street pavement. They should all rent on their flattest or broadest surfaces, and tho thin or jagged edges upward. Che-interstices or spaces should be close ly filled up with chips and the whole mver be well rammed or rolled into a gjlfc mass. "On top of this place a layer of finely broken stone of the thickness requisite to bring the surface to grade, with a Exl crown in the center. This should rolled until the wholo mass is firmly md together, and then covered with sharp gravel or fine screenings of broken stones of sufficient depth to bed and bind the layer of broken stone. In the future maintenance of such a road the most Lm- rtant point is to prevent the formation ruts, by keeping tho surfaco so uni formly even that there will bo no induce ment for travel to follow beaten tracks. The cost of the macadam structure pre cludes its use on country roads, except in occasional bad spots where stono is necessary." The Married Woman's Act- bights aiVFN nv the statute deined BY T1IE SUPREME BUNCH. The Supreme Court has officially de cided how far a married woman who had not been declared a fene sole trad er could be held responsible in busi ness transactions. Tho net in question baa proved a puzzling one to every court in tho State and each ono of its seven sections has been differently con strued from time to time by different courts. Several points under it have been decided by tho Supreme Court, but tho Supreme Court gives a compre hensive view of tho wholo act. Tho decision was rendered in tbo appeal of Oliver Iloop and his wifo, Fanny 0., from a decision of Court of Common pleas No. 3, which refused to open a judgment enterod by tho Real Estate Investment Company on judg ment note signed by Mr. and Mrs Hoop. Passing over tho minor claims of the Roops for a reversal of the court below,. Chief Justice I'axson in deliver .ng tho opinion addresses himself prin cipally to tbo act. Quoting from it ho refers particularly to tbo restrictions mentioned in tho different sections, which aro that a married woman shall have no power to mortgago or convoy her real estate unices her husband join in tbo conveyance, nor may she become endorser, guarantor or surety for an other. "We do not think it was intendod to confer a power to contract generally," says the opinion. ''Tho act must be considered tut a wholo. Viowed in HUB JEWELS AND LAOE9. " OA, jrlrl -with tho Jewelled (lnfreri, Oh, girl with tbo laocs rara I " What aro your )ewol and what aro your lacca worth to roti If, from undergoing tho trying onlrnlj which faahlonahle aoeletr lm- f09ca on It dovnteett. enough tn tt tho pbyfr cal strength ami rnduranoo of tho mint ro bust, you break down, loae your health and become a phrelcal wreck, as thouaanda do from auch cnu? Under such clrrumittancea you would will, lngly give all your Jewell and all your luces to rrgaln lost health. This you camlo If you wlU but resort to tho use of that great restorative known as Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription. Thousands of grateful women blcsa tho day It was mado known to them. For all derangements, Irregularities and weaknesses peculiar to women. It la the only remedy, sold by druggists, under it positive tmrniitco from tho manufacturers, that It will gtvo satisfaction In every case, or money will bo refunded. This guaranteo has been printed on tho bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. An Invigorating tonic. It Imparts strength to tho whole system. For feeble women gener ally. Dr. Pierce's Farorlto Prescription Is the greatest earthly boon. Dr. Pierce's Pellets .. .. . .... and cleanse tho liver, stomach and bowels. Ono a doss. Bold by druggists. 83 cent! a rial. "How fat I'd get if I had one." FREE Qet from your dealer free, the Yk Book It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a Sa Horso Blanket will make your horse worth more auu cm. icro iu Keep warm. RIA r:.. u:i. 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric Ask for 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to rait every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. ANICETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE OENUltlE WItMoUTTHF. SA LADEt Murium by Wsi Avirs vm.i. piiiada.. vritc nuke the famous Horso HiTin.! Daltor lllanlctx WHAT SCOTT'S EMULSION CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITI8 COUGHS COLDS Wasting Slsoues CURES Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many havo gained ono pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret re; emody. It contains tho stimulat- Incr properties of tho Hypophos phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, tho potenoy of botn being largely Increased. It In used by Physicians all over tho world. PALATABLE A3 MILK. Sold by all Xrugglst. OOTT &BOWNK, Ohomlsts. N.Y. CLOTHING J CLOTHING Gr. W. BERTSGH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. OF EVKltV DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notioe and a fit always guaranteed or no sale, Call and examine tho largest and best soicoted stock of goods evor shown in uoiumbia oounty. Btore next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, BloomRhnrg Ia. YANK tut KING' ArVTHUgS wi . . . y j. -' ' . - . . . -."v agentsawanTtedl this light it unfetters a married woman subject to the restrictions mentioned, lor three purposes, viz; (1) whoro she engages in Irado or business. (2)ln tho management ot her seperato estate and (3) for necessaries. For any of these purposes sbo may bind herself And her ratato or business' by her contract, and 1 bavo no doubt may lawfully confess a judgment. Hut boyond this wo do not think tho' act confers any power. It is entirely1 lirotier that tho law should clotlio her with sufficient power to properly manago iter seperato estate, Rl.d when it authorizes her to embark in business it is right that sho should bo hold to hor contracts, which can only be dono by Authorizing her to makosuchi contracts.' So Tn regard to necessaries, If sho may purchase them sbo should bo authorized to bind hoTsclf and her tistito'f6r tht-m in the usual manner and by tho usual forms by which contract's aro mado by per- eons sin juris, lint wo nro not dis- post d to say for every purpose, Bho may make contracts and bind her estato generally as may a femtne sole. Tho Legislature must say so in lang uage too clear to be misunderstood be fore we will subject tho estates of mar' tied women to such a peril as this." ''It was considered that this judg ment was given by a married woman. It was not pretended tbat it wai dono in tho management of or for the bene fit of her seperato estate, or in the prosecution of any business in wliicb sho was engaged, or for necessaries. On the contrary, if not given as surety for he husband, it was given upon his importunity, and to aid him in his business ono ot tho very perm irom which tho law ought to protect a married woman. ''The judgment, having been con fessed without authority, i yoid as to Fanny C. Roop. The order of the court bolow is roversed as to Fanny 0. Roop, and tho judgment against her is Btncken Irom tho record." for The Ola Procedure. the surnr.MK court disapproves the ATTEMPT TO SIMPLIFY PROCEEDINGS. The Supremo court filed an opinion, at its own suggestion, in which it very severely criticises the Act of Assembly of May 9, 1889, intended to simplify law proceedings by providing that pro ceedings taken to the Supreme Court should be by appeal, abolishing writs of error and certiorari "Instead of simplifying proceedings ic this court,'' says the opinion of the whole court, delivered aa per curiam opinion, "tbo Act ot lbay uas produced nothing but confusion. It was not cilled for by any publio need; it was not aked for by this Court, nor by any considerable number of the mem bers of tne bar who practico tbcrem, and it serves no usual purpose. We unanimously and respectfully suggest its earlyjappeal by tho Legislature. "As some confusion exists as to the proper construction of the act of 9th oi May, 1889; P. L. 158, relating to writs of error and appeals;" says the Court, "we deem it proper to say that tho' primary object of said act appears to be to substitute an appeal for tho ancient and well understood writs of error and certiorari. This is a mere change of name; the proceeding itself is unchanged. The1 writ of ierror whioh comes hero under tho mask of an appeal is still a writ of error in ef feot, with all its incidents. The same may bo said of appeals whioh oome tip in the place of a certorari. In each' of this claes of appeals the appeal mast be taken in thin court as writs of error and certiorari woro formerly taken. Tho provision in the second seotion of said act that the record on any appeal perfected in the court from which the appeal may be taken, may bo filed in the Supreme Court without requiring a writ of certiorari' 'evidently refers to appeals from the Orphans' Court, ap peals in equity, abd from tho distri bution of money, which have always been taken in llio court from which the decree appealed from was made. As to such appeals the practice remains unchanged. In such cases a certiorari was almost iavariably issued to bring up the record.- It is the only proper and legal mode of doing so.'' Substitute for Goifee- V i - - ' A now substitute for coffee may turn up in a berry known as "gaert nera.'' The British Consul at Reunion says that at one time be received many letters from merchants in Eng land asking for information respecting a shrub then called "muBsaeuda," the discovery of which, it had been aid in some commercial journals, would deal a severo blow to the coffeo and chicory trade. About two yoars ago a rumor wa? spread that tbo berry of this shrub could bo advantageously employed as a substitutes for coffee and chicory. It grows to about ten feet high, bos very few leaves, and its branches are wide apart. The berries do not crow alontr tho brandies, as is tbo case with coffee, but in buncnes at tbeir extremities. At present it is only met with in the mountains, whrro it grows wild. It might be produced ou an extensive scale; but with its inferiority in frag rance and color it could hardly com pete with ooffoe: To Make Hew Blood Good for Old People. um and lnlirra persons need come mild tonic or gentle stimulant, especi ally in warm weather. The wine mado in Now Jersey by Mr. Speor, oalled Sp"cr'x Port wiue, makes new healthy bio id by reason of thu iron in the soil. It is used by thu rao,t eminent tihvsi ciaiw and in hospitals a the best tonic wine known. Speer's Claret is olso regarded as thu purest. J.R.SMITH&CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., PSiLIRS IN PIANOS, By the following well known makers; Cliickcrinsr, Knnbc, "Weber, Hnllct & IIuvIh. Can also furnish any of tho cheaper raakea at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano bo foro getting our prices. ,o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. S.MtP-U The Tolling of the Bell- Tho modern "tolling" Is in many places synonymous with tho passing bell, and tho sexton Is said to pass tho bell when ho sounds tho melancholy funeral knell. Tho truo passing bell was, however, rung during tho last raomonts of the dying. Durand, in his "Rationale," 1190, ssys: "When any one is dying bobs must be tolled that tho pcoplo may put up prayers. Twlco for a woman, thrico for a man) if for a clergyman, as many times as he hath orders, and at tho conclusion peel on all tho bells to distinguixh tbo quality of the person for whom tho pcoplo nro to put up their prayers." This was a very ancient custom. It is oven mentioned by the venerable Bede. IIo gives tho following inter csting story a rolio of tho dim and distant ages: When tho Aboss of St. Hilda's was dying n Bister in a distant monastrv heard in her sleep a bell like that whioh called them to prayers whon a soul was departing, and she accordingly aroused the Inmates of her convont to pray and sing requiems. Han Francisco Chronicle. The Btandard "I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla as hav ing passed abovo tho grado of what are commonly oalled patent or propri etary medicines," said a well known physician reoently. "It is fully entit" led to bo a standard medicine, and has won this position by its undoubted merits ana by tho many remarkablo oures it has effected. For an alterative and tonic it has never been equalled." RHEUMATISM Vor Bier tku Tprt. A Cm- plets KeoTr J. Tk Sleua L'd. X hid TnlUmmttory RheumAtlun. Tor neutr ft Tttrlhmd totaled and tora3 tn bed. Zcouldfind norellef. Mr tmtehw rained and cnt to ptecet lth rowerfal medlelnea taken to effect a cxm io that I wu eomreUed to lire on broad and water. I nffered for twentr-flre jrean In this waj. I wai In. faced to trr Dr. Darld Kennedi Farori t Remedy, made at ltondont, N. V., and I Am Now WollJ thanka to thla medicine. Dr. KennedTa Farorlta Pemedr la mr beet friend. With It I an enabled to njor a irood nlirbt'i real. Alio food, inch aa meat and raatrr. which I hare been deprlred of for rean, abowlnr that the Farorlta lUmcdr haa no equal for the cure of Indication and Drtpepela aa welt If air ahonld donbl thla atatament I wUt aend the ready proof at onca. Oarrott Lanalncr, Troy, K. Y. It la mypleaanro and abaoluto duty toward tboaa who an atruirglln for Tery life atralni t the deadly Diseases of tho Kldnoys to add my testimony to the already wrighty art. dance of the wonderf nl efficacy of Dr. Darld Eenne-dy-eraYOriteEemedy. My wlfewMahorclcaicaaa, abandoned by the phralclana. Dr. DaTld Kennedya TaTorlte Bomedy wea reaorted tot t becauio any hope waa placed In It, but becanae nothing elae re mained. Ail meana and medlelnea had been tcated without araU. The effect waa Utile ahort cf a mlra. ala. At the aeoond botUe aha had refrained atroncth, nd continuing the treatment haa fully recoTerod. ay Sweat, Albany. X. r. FAVORITE REMEDY JHae On dollar. rrpawdatBondoat,N.t. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. OX. DAVID KKNNBDY, KONSOCT, H. Te tlraa battle Bli tar M, Br ail drmrtiala. February xst, 1890. Tlii- HT. I'AVU MINNEAPOLIS & .HAM TOI1A UY. nod Ita braqehea becniue the IT. r too irx 001 so TO TUB FREE FARMS OF THE MILK KIVKIt VALLEY. TAKE TBI Great Northern Ey- Line. TO THE GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, IRON AND COAL MINES OF MONTANA, taxi rni Great Northern E,y. line. TO GREAT FALLS, THE FUTURE INDUSTRIAL CENTRE OF THE NOUTUWEST. takb -na Great Northern Ry. Line. X) HELENA, BUTTE, SPOKANE FALLS AN THE COAST CITIES, TAKE TBI Great Northern Ry. Line. TO FARGO, CROOKSTON, ORAND FORKS AND WEINNEPKU, TAKE TUK Great Northern Ry. Line. TO ALL MINNESOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA, NORTH DAKOTA, MONTANA, IDAHO, OREGON, WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA AND MANITOBA POINTS, TAX Till Great Northern Ry, line. For tl.-keta, maps and guides, apply to your uomo ucicei agent or wruo 10 I'. I.Wllir.NUY, (Jen. Pam. and ticket Agent, Ghbat Northern Mailwat, bt Paul, Minn. rr-The niiBiT noutiikiin kaimvay .... tUUQ bB UVTU ftingllll.WMI. LSIUtUg IHIS Palace Sleeping cars. SpecUl Apartment. Curs and ffrwi-uiooigtoieupers oa uaiiy mrou?u 'ituiu?. B. F. Savits. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER DKAI.KU IN S, PUMPS, FiTfl, h Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FUKNISIIED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door IJiooim'jnrg 0,ora II maa HINDERCORN8. TM omJy tur Cnr for Ocra. atop til pJn. Eonr comfort to hM Umi. Ua. tt l)nxsrwULni7i A rvi N Y. torr CONSUMPTIVE TOUOOOaTh. Nmnflillli latl.n.. fnHl., trots (UrcUvt cuaUkAiw T&l la U104. tea,ut4 4 SUM. 2-23 d it, THRESHING- machines Btrapkat. Moat Durable, Ecouomlcal. and perfect THRESHING ENGINES "82 XawHUli, UMitglt Utichliut, Jl.ii IT flies, and Stanaara implmnnua generally. A. I). KAltUUUAlt CO., Limited, Send (or luua- reanajlranta Agricultural whxj l.whuc 1 noaiui. I la, I A. -7-laaT, MTie Greatest Blood Pun ill KNOWN. Ill Tlilant-pAtnprmAn MMMnn 1 I neheapettnml bcrt. lMiloacsof SUL imiitii niTTV.ltHrnl.nn.lMiilhanA HI ono cent n Uoic. It will euro thc Ifc ft mmmnn t.lmtiln rtn thn tneCM mf III? SULPHUR B1TTEKS la 1 1 beet meillclno to uo In all, icaiea or eiicn etnonor I deep aeatcil dlacasca. Vonr KM. iPVBnrcout not crcr tako B DLUE PILL8 171 or mereurr. they nro de TI.I'IIUItrTI 'ntwrna 1 1 I lly. Plneo rotir tniKt In vmi are I IHULI'llUll Ull TK! I I tho piircet and be I medicine crcr made. 1 It m n....j matter what alia jrou, U60 or Bitters with a vcllmrtlrkTnon't wait tintll Ton tJ breath foul nndyaro flat on your back, olTcnilro? Yonrbut (ret BOmo at Btoinnrh la oiitwlll curojrou. Sulphur or onier. ueeaiiuirraia HITM'limi H. . int. I" I m tn n. ? I n I i t . . 1 1 ...... v. ....... jr Aiiuuuiif(,iiiuKi-'n.". Is your Ur.JrtcrinK aro oon mado well by Ino thick, ufo. ltemcmlicr what you rony, clo-rcad here. It may aavo your uuy. ordure. It lias aavcu nunureus. Don't wait until to morrow, Bottlo To-day I Aro yon low.tplrlted and weak, r Buffering trom the cxreappB ot ulh? If bo. BULPIIUK DITTEIW r wm euro you. bend 9 .ccui stamps to a. i'. uniwny llotoD.Moi., for beat medical work published? Intelligent Heaflen will notice that re nofirarranteiifopura" all classa or, but only auch oa rcaalt from adlaordered llrar.irlal Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious. Colic, Flatulence, etc. For tbeae they aro not warranted fiU f!IM, but nro aa nonrly an aa It la jioe alblo to ruako n reined)-, l'rleo, aSota. SOLD EVUKYAVlLEltU. a luvn btiuu pcruianemi) cured by riULAHKLl'IlIA.rA. loatonctMiooperatUu or loss of lime from buslne&s. CaBprunouiirpflliia curablo jy utbers wanted. bend for Ctuular. tURE GUARANTEED. omMiiiTtii Aur 10 '89 ly. ine rm. wot iicuimhih unqutlrd, nd to Inlrotluctouf uptriof fwdi w twill ndrmi to or B I mo In ch locilitr, at above. Only Iboie h writ to ui at one ran maka rara ot the chxnr. All you bava to do in rttamtito ihnw our food ta tbe who call yoor nlRhbori and thoia around you. Tha bv ptnnlpr f ihti adTrtlicmut ihnwi tha imatl and of tbo ttla. TO&'f, CY Mop. Th foUowirif cut (Tea tho ippfafinca of It rcducad to rl JlUt ajmjtlW tbonl th. rrt Ittbulk. H I. ft, doobl. t.l ea aa fr5m 83 to 8 IO 4r .tj-.l. from Ih. .Urt.wltli. .ul .jp.rl.ot.. Bll.r writ, it on... W. p.. .11 ispnuebur... aji...,n.iuu.iiTT a CO.. ni 8BO, VoaiLaao, tuuii. 12-lStf. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleames and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant trrowth. Ntvr Faili to Reitora Gray Hiirto UiYoithful Color. PlDTenU PandrufT and baJr falling 2-23 d 4t. How Lost! How Regained, KNOW THYSELF THE SCIENCE OP Lire .VScUnllScand Standard Popular Medical Treatise on the lirrora of Youtb.,l'reuitureDe(.Une,Ksrvoul and Pbraical UebUitr. lumuritlM of th; lilood. 'lesnlUus (rom I'olljr, vice, Ijiorance, tic'csscs or Jmtnx.tion, i:tierva:ln,r anctunCttine the vlctlra for uurk, ll.iatno.s, tlLaalarrleuortiocI&l ltclatlon. Arold ua.kilirut pretenders, l'otteas this Lre it wnrk. It contitnasoopazca, royal 8to. BcauUfLl mi:i. i.iitp.t!d, coucealcd? In plain wrapper. II tntiie rretpecim I'rtr, If jou applr nw. (llB'Inilllalieil aitlllrAVm. II. Pnrkrr. t. n uin nuy, cniuiJB.eil, IUU EUU ITlce ODIT t l.WJ 1)JT 111.19- 1,.C rc- teiyi-u kit. 1. If 1.1' Jill UIiVIil.l.i;iJ JtllllAL. truiutlie Nntlonul Jlledical Aniurintion lor flit Titl.B E'KAY on MIIIVOL'S aiul I'lIV.slt!'rkeraudacorpi of AtF3lstu.t i'l-.Fi'iunsmaf to conaulted, conil dentlUlr. bY mull or in prrBou. at tha orate of Tin: ri.wnoiiY sii:i)ic'Ai, intituti:. No. 4 llulfinch r-t., llntun, ilia!., to whom aU ordera for booka or lutura for advlco ahould La ilirected aa above. 2 28 il 4t. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lied Crosa Ulamond llraiid. Tha ft 111 tall ah la r,IU far 1. Kaf ui aro. Iadlf. k llrscclat foftlialHa Buond Jlrund.lo red mu.uta boaea, acalad mltb bluirlbboa. Takeaaotbor. Peo!4. fitadiDil for rartlalaTi and llllaf Tarn i,Mdlr,M filler, by ma.Il. A'omi I'apT, Cbemical Co., MadLaaa bq., 1'bUadft, CUabaaUr 2 28 4t A VOICE i frorr Ohio. Hera li a porLraii of Ifr. (tarrt un. of Balin. tlliiu. II writat Wi at work on a lirni H&O a matilh i I naur hava in urmr. for h. C. Allan A Co'a album and i.uLH. ailom and oftau maha WtfO t day. William Kline. lani.lurr, I'a write i - ( pa never auovta auytbtnf to ill like your all.uaa aiter lay 1 tank order euwugh t pay ma over $2.;." V. J, Kl tuore, Uaofpr, Ma., write "I Lake an order for your allium at uvai .trrj liw nan ny ioftlU often wuchaiWCO aior a ilnitlo dayawnrk." Ulben are dulnaTuulteaa rllt kfarla from Irlfrra. L on a bava nut rntti to u n. t lake holJ of Ihla mnil liualua-aa nra.,.1 ...Hi aShnll ho fttnrt YOU in IhU lnisiiu-h, reader? Wrile ton aod leant all about It fur y.iurtrlf. Wo riartinctiiuyi HawUlatart you If you don t delay until anotberiteii ahrad of you In jeur fiart of thecounirv Ifyou lake hold you will ba able la pick up told fan. O a" I tend On accouulof a fvrccd nianufacfurer ala lUJitttO leu ilullar llwtOtfriiih A llmnia are lo be M in,e peojile fur W each, llound in Itoyal I'mnaon hllkSrhet 1uih.('baiiulu;lydworalediafde8.lUndonieil album in lb world. Larue! els. Ureatet bargain avtr known. Arm 'I wauled. Utxral term. Ulg money for agent. Any one ran become a ucceful aa-ent. ttell llaelf on lht Ullla or nr lalklup: tiecttury. W hrrever tbowti, evtry one warn 10 pur. cuum. Afiniatakatbouaandi f order with rapidity neer befure knuwn. Great prorli await every vtorker. A cent tar nuklua; fortune. Ladaeanuke a much a inen. ou.rradir, can da a well a auy one. Full Information and term I ret, lo ittote who vtrlia Fur aam, with particular and term (ut our family Itlblc, Hook and Periodical. After you kuow all. tnvuldyou conclude lo jono furtbartwby no harm I done. Addraee IC C. ALLLN A CO., AtOLlTi, Uaiji Jan. 1-90 jy. JPPMTC Active. Knewtlo .Men can iUFyl I O mak from fil to jiso per 1 A Al'Pli ll mnith wlilntf lor uaar.d enjoy VVVn 1 VA) the comfort of knonlnjr that they are working for an old and tellable firm. De- Mrable territory In towns and counties can be se cured by prompt application. We grow the stock we offer. Address PltAN KLIN DAVIS & CO. Nurserymen, lUltimore. Md. Jan. I Mar. DA7m AXLE GREASE BEST IV Tur. wnitr.n. Ita waarlog qualities ara uuaurpaased, actually outlaatlna two boxea of anyother brand. Not aSacUd by tiaat. I VU i:T Tl 1 1! J i:. UIM). FPU BALE DY DEALERS GENERALLY, lyr TVor L03TarFAIUNO MAHHCOUl lUlSM A' llal..BJK,;f vtl.-.l UiTillif ErroraorEicutaninOidaiYoiuiir, .1.1. BtaihWDhllrVnuna. llil.I.V. a;J ihMiii.i. n.r.iiiaf noaa niiiiBtsr-t:...!!. laac.r! M.a Uatllj rr.M Utl feLII. ..4 .rrl t.mrl. Mitchell's Kidney Plasters Abaorb all dlaeaae In Uuldntyi an4 restore them to a IiealUir condition.' JULta. Old chronlo kidney atuTereri say 11 they got no relict until they tried VI MITC'IIIiT.VH KIUNltV l'l-AHTUUH. Sold by DrufslaU avarywhcia, 01 ant ty mall I ot 60s . Wtty llAaUa Wotka, tAmll, Hut, Do M . m i igaeuoaiBDj owatlckr ? Isyonrjfl'i ul anOffCL 1 lonrjfbi 8 ontlrwll Ueeltl UsXho lyjwTlioyo r-M tcrlnf? j jfflte Ufo. ercad hot fllfe, It li t B Try a iff Aro Tutt s Pills - intmUENUtky -X IT await t3;Xr?v ran mm mnvi a wuu t RAIL RCflD TIME mm, JELAWARK, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. llLOOMSHUKG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOUTII. r. M. r.M, i.ii. a.v. KORrnOUBIRUND 6 40 1 W 10 00 0 19 Cameron 5M ... lots 010 Cliulasky 10 is .... Danrlllo "CM S 11 10 M flu catawisaa 6:3 .... ion dm llupert , S3') iw 1050 7 oi lUoomsburg. 6 8J 8 35 10 ST 7 IS Kapy. 6 42 2 41 1105 T 20 lime Hldjro. 6 50 .... it IS 197 willow drove. 651 .... 11 19 731 llrlfircreek- 6 5 .... 1150 7 33 llertvlck 7 05 i (9 1121 7 41 lleacli llaren 711 .... 1131 7 49 lllck'a Ferrr..... 7 IS .... 11 KM 755 MllCkSulnur 7 30 8 20 11 43 8 06 UUniOCK R. 7 41 . .. 1151 S II NantlcOWe, 7(0 3 36 1206 8 21 Arondile 7 54 .... 12 10 821 l'lrmotithi 7r, 3 45 1215 8$) I'lrmoutli Junction 801 .... 1920 ft a Kingston 8 08 8 53 12 27 8 45 Dennett.... 8 12 .... 1231 849 Mltltny 817 12 35 HI Wyoming 8 21 4 02 12 40 8 68 West lUlston 8 27 4 06 12 15 H 03 Ilttston. 8 a3 4 11 12 53 9 CP Lackawanna 8 40 . 1 01 V 17 Taylorvillo 8 41 109 9 "A DellCTUO. .. sw .... lis 980 SCK1NTON 9 00 4 21 1 20 9 85 r. m. p. u. r. . r. a ETATIONS. UOUTU. A.M. A.M. r.M. r.M SCRANT0N 6 10 V 50 1 53 6 20 renevue. 615 955 .... 025 Taylorrlllo 6 20 10 00 202 6 so Mckatranna 6 29 10 OS 210 6 87 IU I sum 6 86 1016 218 6 45 West Ilttston. 6 42 10 92 2 24 6 50 Wyoming.. 6 47 10 27 2 29 6 55 Maltby 651 10 30 .... 6 59 Dennett. 6 5t 10 31 2 37 7 03 Kingston 6A3 1031 2 40 7 07 Plymouth Junction 7C5 1042 245 712 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 2 50 7 16 Avontlile 7 14 1051 255 721 Nantlcoke 7 19 1055 259 7 25 Ilunlock's 7 16 1102 3 06 7 43 .Stilckrhlnny 7 37 11 12 3 20 7 55 Hick's Kerry 7 55 1122 3 81 8 07 Ucach llaren 8 01 11 31 3 40 s 13 llemlck h 07 11 40 3 47 8 20 Briar ("reek 8 13 8 53 8 J7 WlUOWUrOTO. 816 1150 3 67 8 31 Llmelildgo 9 90 1151 402 8 35 Kipy 826 12 01 4 09 8 41 Dloomburg sj; 12 00 4 15 8 47 llupert 8 37 12 12 4 22 8 52 catatrissa 8 42 1217 4 29 8 57 Danville 8 57 12 82 4 46 9 15 Chutaiky 451 Cameron 9 07 12 41 5 (0 9 29 Northumberland 9 21 12 55 5 15 9 45 a. u. r. M. r. m. r. u. Connections at llupert with Philadelphia & Readmit ltallroaa tor TamanenJ. Tamartua, Will lamsport, sunbury, Pott mile, oto. At Northum. berlaml with P. 4 E. Dlv. P. it It. for llarrlsbunf, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, Corry, and Brio. W. P. IIALSTSAD, ocn. Man Scranton, fa. PHILADELPHIA & READING UA1MIOAD. ON AND APTEIt NOV. 10th 1889. TRAINS LEAVE BLOOSISUUKO aa follows: (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) ForNewVork. Pnlladelphla, lleadlnff, Pottsrlllo, Tamiqua, etc., 6:00, 11:05 a. m. For vVllilamspjrt, Jlllton and DanvlU8 7:3) a. m. 3:16, 11:01 p. in. For Oata.vl.i 6-00, 7:30, 11:05 a. m., 12.20, 5:00 6: p. m. For IMpert 6 0, 7:30, 11:01 a. m., 12:20, 3:16, 5:00, 6:35, 11:05 p. m. TRAINS FOR llLOOUSDUItO Leave New Y rk via Pall idelohla7!i.i o m. 101 p. in. an.1 vu Kvston8:t5 j. m. 3:45 p. m. Le,ve Pttlladelpbla 10.00 a. in. 6.-00 p. in. Leave IteaJlnr ll:50 a. 111. 7:57 p. m. Leive 1'ottsvllie I2.30p. 01. Leave Tamaqui 1:21 a. m. 9;'8 p. m. Leave Wllliamsport 9 15 a. ra. 4:15 p. in. Leave Uatawlsja 6:55, 8:00 a. m.,- 1:30, 3:20, 6:15 11:12 p.m. ' lavo llupert 6:16, 7:03, 8.0J, 11:11 a. m. 1:33, 3:3 1, 6:22, 11:21 p. m. ' For Baltimore Washington and tho West via B. & O. It. It, through trains leavo ulrard Avenue Station Phlla. (P. it. K. It.) 4:15, fi: w, 110 a. m. 1:25,4.30, 6:54.7:30 p.m. Sundays 4.-2S. 11:00 a. m. 4:30,5:51, 7:30 p. tn. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Pier 7, Chestnut Street vVharf, ana South street Wharf: FOB ATLANTIC CITT. Weekd.ys-Expr0M,9.W, a, m. 4:00 p. m. Ac comodation, 7:30 a. :a. p. m. sundavs-Kxpress, 9-.0J a. in. Accomodation S:M a. m. and 1:30 p. nl. KKTORNINO, LKAVI ATLANTIC CITT. Depot corner Atlantic and Arkansn .Wenues : weekdays Sspross, 7:i0, a. ra. and 4:00 p. m. Accomodation, 8:05 a. m. and 4:31 p. m. Sundays-Kxpreaa. 4:00 p. in. Accomodation, 7:30 a, m. and 4:10 p. m. ..... a - HANCOCK, A. A. MoLTJOD. 03i't, oent. rim Pres. Jc Oen'l. Manager. Peansylvama Railroad. i Phil adelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. in enect NOV. 10, 1889. Trains leave sunbury EASTWARD u.., oc ouuid uAprcaa toaiiy except Sunday), fornarrtsburgandlntormediatestatlcDa arrlvlas at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. j Newiork 5.55 p. tn., connecting at Philadelphia for all sea Fhllidelniala. vu w dally eroept hunday),for Uarrtaburc and lnterme dlat stations, arrt?lmj at P U 1 1 a a e 1 d h a fLUi n. in. Nuto Vnrlr n OK n . . t . , i . . M5 p.m.; Washington, 6.15 p. m'.' Parlor car through W Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. vu,uco KD( r. n. l.annnA ... .... for Harrlabure and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at PhUadelphla .25 a. m. j New Yorfc 7.10 a. m. Baltimore, 5.15 a.m.; Washlneton C.S0 a. m.: Pullman sleeping car from llarrlsburg to Phlladel. nnlA nn.-t Vour Vnrlr Vhti..inhi. remain in sle-)por uniutntbed until ? a. m. 6.50 a. m. New Yorte. 9.0 a. m.; TUrougU Pullman ....h. wtq .uu traanuBi rnuauei phla. .5Ua. rrx.-Soith?rnEiprosj(1Uly) for ntrrls. burg ana lotirmedlite statlous arriving at Biltl mora 7.S0. a. m. aal Wasilaswa 15, a.m. and through Pullman Sle -ping oars to mitlmire and WfLAnt ntrtnn an A thMtmh nn nannru -v. Baltimore-. v 6 ' l"""iuuJ lu WESTWAIUi. 5.10a. m. Erie Mall (dally), for Brio and a1 uiu.uuuKu.aiu lutermeoiato Btauons. Hocnos' ter. BanTalo vnd Nlacara irAiia. with th rnntrh lnlt. manpaiajoars andpasaengercoaches to Erie and Hocnjtor. 9.53-News Express ( dally ) tor Loct naven 1.41 p.m. Niagara Einreas (dally cxoeDt Hon. i y) for Kane, Uaua lalguaand lntermedlatesta tlons u rhester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Itochester and Parlor car to Wllllamsport. 5.30 p. ra. Past Line (dally except 8unday)tor Fe novo, watfelns and lntermedlatfl stations, vim thro tgh passenger coaches to itenovo and Watt Ins. mil? P' m' w,ulal5"P" Express ( dally ) tor THROCOU TltAINSLVOltSUNmiKY PllOMTUE News Exnreas leaven Plitlailnlnhia a i a Baltimore, 4.30 a.m. llarrlsburg, 8.10 a.m. dally arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. .., . , Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, K.50 a. m.; Washington 8 10 a. m. Bal. tlmore 9.00 a. m. (dally except Sunday arrlvlntr at Bunbury, 1.43, with through Parlor car from Philadelphia andtnroughpasbengei coaches from Phtladelnhla and Baltimore. Past Line leaves New Yorx 9.00 a. m. ; Phlladei. plila,il.40 a. m.j Washington, 10. 60 a.m.; Balti more. 11.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at ........... ., u.w y. 111. nibu luiuuvu ooaches from I'h ladilnhla and imnimn " Wllltansoors Ktp ess leaves New York: .Cr) d. m. Philadelphia 11.45 p. m. Washington p. ra. r. . tuti, , arriving at sunbury 9.15 p. m. Erie Mall leaves New Vnrtranrin.m ,nnA. phla.ll.ssp. m. ; Washington, ld.00 p.m. ; Baltl. . m Ht'.i 'll t' r(tiuKi ouuourya.10 r r"u vuiuuku 1 uiimu oiocptng cars irom Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and through passenger coaches from pniuieiphia HUNIIUIiy,IIAZI.KTtlft .V Ulf.KEMIIAItltK ltirNIIII Hiil.WAY. (Ually except suuuay.) Wllkesbarre Mall leaves sunbury mm . m arrtvlngat Bloom Perry law a. m., Wllltes-barre Express East leaves Sunbury 6.85 p. ra.. arriving Sunbury Mallleaves Wllkesbarre 11.17 a. ra.arrlv ingat Bloom Perry ls.srp. m.,Hunbury 1.30 p. m Express West leaves WlUtos-harre 3.05 p. ra.. ar ring at Bloom Kerry 4.S0 p. m sunbury 5.80 p. m SUNDAY THA1NH. Wllkesbarre mall leaves Sunbury 10.00 a. m.. ar flying at Bloom Perry IO.411 a. m., Wllkes-Barre Sunday accommodation leaves w ilkea-Barre 5:10 I'm n m miuiiar, p.m., BUntJUry CUAS. e. puan, Oen, Manager, J. It. WOOB, (Jen. Passenger Agt. PATENTS. vetts and Trade Marks obtalned.anl all Paten t slaeoon1uotedforMDBItTE PEES. OL'lt OKPIOB IS Ofl' (SITE U. H. PATENT omcK. Wa have no sub-agenclcs, aH't)U8ineB lrect, hence oan trausact patent business In less WMnfugfou CO!i'Ula,l "oae remote from send model, drawing, or photo.wlth doscrlpUon. Wo advlsa If patentable or not, free ot chart Our fee not due till patent la secured tuare- A lnok,iiow to obtain l'atnta,"withreferenco SaWreV. AddrSi? 8WW' """r. or townT C. A. SNOW & CO., fclMH rutin 1 ni Vanhlifiou, IM) TJnnn Tiifl roK TOUtTIH Crushed I JQQclO JmiWCU Orstr HUella, Flint and I Ikn'f Horapa. feud for new price llaf. YOltK CUBUIUAU WOUKS, York vZ 1 HM-IL Spring lof liiiigjiA. CKalcs Co. FOIt MEN, YOUTHS, HOYS AND dlllLDHKN. OT -aaar wiiwm' - BIKERS UND CONFECTIONERS Exchange Block, Bloomsburfj, Pa. WIIOLliSALE and RETAIL OysUn ui fa m Ml Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Cnqq m 3nr C5 fnv nti? FAMOUS . 15 Cent Stows i- WIIOLKSALK (boUot (ConAfej, Fvoftj an Holy. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. ZFEISnS "ST GOODS JL. SPECIAIjOTZ". SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars ; Henry Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princoss, Samson, Silver AbL Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, as follow t ranges, Lemons. ream N5- & ng!i5h WalnMtj, top B4lj. BL00MSBURG, PA. G. 6. hiOBBIS, EILER iH Foreign and Domestic -OBL00MSBURGP fun i hi mi In parchaainc houeo bold nece8Hiti(B. is the best, it will bo tho cheapen iu tho end. A good article is always a source of pleasure. J. SALTZER. has won a wide reputation for scllinir cood goods at low prices. Ho buvs direct class goods cheaper than oan bo obtained articles and prices : Sewing Machines of three grades, made ty the New Home Sewing raachino Co., 3 drawer drop luaf, all attachments, from $19.50 to $G0. Royal St. John, $30 upwards. Standard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Havo received tho agency for tho Booaey Ii tin Cornet, tho best cornet in tho world. A good apsortramt of violins, guitars, banjo! ruvnrdeons, drums, Autos, fifes and all kinds of musical instruments. Tho best of string f. r violins, guitir, btnj-ie, violinuello, aiid ba-H violin. Agent for Butterick's patterns p letn-book and fashion ghoebt. discoulafJr cash."8 8eWi"S machinea Bold on raont,iy payments. A libera Do not lend . elsewhere, but call and see tho stock of your homo dealer S a?rtW,lh yW' aBd ?ln &v0tt ay formation oyr inat u" t on upon any instrument you may purohase. ' J. SALT Musical Instruments and Sewing Machine BSLOOMSlfiVRG R0SC0E CONKLING: HIS LIFE AND LETTER8. WE ESPECIALLY INVITE LAS.?S AND MEN OUT OF BUSINESS, POLITICIANS, , AND CANVASSERS, thai, moily e"0rf(ita,Bre'tM W'PorlunlUea CHARLES L. WEBSTER &. CO., LEDI1EI. nUILDINO, ,BIXTH AD CUliSTNUT, rillLADKLPIlIA. aar DEALERS IN it is wiaa alwava to select that which from the manufacttirern. and nan nell first olsowbere. Hero aro somo of tho Etey Piano, $350 to SG00. Sleek, $375 to $G00. It. M. Bent & Co., S250 to $400. Brown & Simpson, $i.r)0 to $100. Estev Orcans. SQ0 tn S17S. Miner organs, 57a to 4515U, United States organs, $125 to $175. Chicago Cottago organ, S90 to $140 Worcester organs, $75 to S150. raris organs, ijuu to isiuu. Celebrated White Sowing Machines $35 to $05. New Domestic Sewing Machines, $35 to $75. ' PA. JH. WII,LIA.Mp,:a.UOT10NEEU. ULOOMHUUKO, P.oal Estata Bjught and S:H. I'ftrtlcr. ilt'lrlrK linrftSr,n, wsgons nuld ilc HJ to call nil the AUlVI: h MADE WITH BOILING WATfR. E P PS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING, COO OA MADE WITH BOIUNC MILK. 1 lsjyyw'at