The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 14, 1890, Image 1
PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. FRITZ, KEYSTONE STATE NEWS. ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Office Front P.oom, over roitomes, HLOOMSnURO. PA. Items Which Arc of Particular Interest to Pcnnsylvanlans. h. MAtZE, IN THIS AND Nl'.AUIir COUNTIES. ATTOr.NEY-AT-LAW, IKSVRANCl AND REAL BSTATK AOnrt, Omci-Room No. 2, Columbian Buldli), BLOOMSBURG, TA. U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Cfliee In Ent's Building, near Court Home, UI.OOMPnURG, PA. J OHN M. CLARK, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office over Mover Ero's. Drug Start, BLOOMSBURC, PA. Q W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Brower'j building, 2d floor, room No i. BLOOMSBURC, PA. b: FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office cor. Centre & Main Sts.,Clarl's building, BLOOMSBURC, PA. sffT Can be coniulted in German. QEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Second floor, Columbian BulltUag, BLOOMSBURC, PA. H. V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, Main St BLOOMSBURG, PA. JT S. WINTERSTEEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in First National Bank Building, 2d fleer, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W Pensions and bounties collected. "P P. BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY,) Office over Dentler's Shoe itsre, Front rom, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Coluwsiaji Buildings fleor, front rooas. BLOOMSBURG, PA. QRANT HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offic Vjv. KawUngs' Meat Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. H. RHAWN, ATTORKKY-AT-LAW, O&ce, corner of Third and Main Street, CATAWISSA, PA. J B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, North side Main Street, below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JR. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURC. PA. D R. WM. M. REBER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, comer of Rock and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JONORArROnBINS, mTjd. Onieo West First St Special attention given to Hie eye and ear and tbo ttttiugof glasses.:; J J. BROWN, M. D., Office and Residence, Third Street, West of Market, near M. E. Church, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WOffice hours every altemoon and evening. Special attention given to the eye and the fitting of glasses. Telcphoae connection. D R. J. R. EVANS, TaaATUtST or Ciirofic Diseases mads a Specialty. Office and Residence, Third St., below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. M, J. HESS, D. D. S., Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental CtUegc, having opened a dental office In LocXAXD'f Building, corner of Main and Centre streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Is prepared to receive all pitleits requiring prs feuional services. Enixx, Gas, and Local AHAa-nuncs, administered for the painless extractisa of teeth free of charge who artificial teeth an inserted. Au. Wou Guajuustexd as Rttutaumo, AINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Teas, Syrum, Corrii, Suoak, MoUItS, Rick, Spices, Bicabi Soda, Era, ETC N, E. Corner Second and Arch Eta. PHILADELPHIA, PA. StTOrders will receive prompt .tfthttfr, M. C. SLOAN & BRO., MANUFACTUXEM OF Carriages, Buggies, Fhaetens, Sleighs, FUtfofA Wagons, kc BLOOMSBURG, PA. Flrit-clui work always on hand. Repairing neatly done. (sTPrices reduced to suit the timet. w. H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main St, tel. Market, BLOOMSBURG, FA. All styles of work done in a superior manner, and all work warranted as represented. TlITH ExTBACTXD WITHOUT PAW, -tythe use of Gas, and free of charge when artificial teeth art Initncd. tr To be open all koun ttarlaclLtS day, HESS ft Ntll HOISH eUStlW CUSHIONS. Whlper Oom -SMij.tU . tSj rfsViiejIeXS. 1 1 1 Z Z . ,7.; f.;l HiJL.r. UlMllf. warn . B. ELWELL, , . . il. &. B.TTENBENDEB, fnm' -J. G. WELLS- HAS THE GREATEST FACILITIES FOR REPAIRING WATCHES, CL.OIfc$, aiul JEWELRY. IN THE COUNTY. B. F. Hiirtman is now wearing glasses that give him entire satisfaction. U Ho is only one out of great numbers who have been fitted by IJ. G. WELLS, Optician, of BloomsMrg. Near I'Mlnilcllililu. .school Open t-rpt, t Sill. Yearly i;virni', &.)(), I'uur ru)iiicnt, 8l!i5, MEDIA ACA rSRtoiSSnSWwEtSiA'SVXt 'SSL.'" r College, rolylechnlc School, fof Wen R2?.'.V J."' '."."' ".IIMor nJl.cociipl.ielrfiinilihed. On,ndKKn l"i foil.Kl. h.2jll ....Ti.llJ .T , . ' -'" I'roprlctor. Med).. Pa. .Itcdln, In., nenr Plilln. School Oprui Srpt. a.llh. Ymrlr llxppu.'o. 85(10. Tito I'nrmrnl., 8430. FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG hi kwuil I Vi.i il. U.L .i ..i"' iV.r wiViiili0RI'. B. F. HARTMAN aiMISlNTS THE FOLLOWING AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES . NortL American, of Philadelphia, Franklin, Pennsylvania, ' York, of Pennsylvania, Hanover, of New York, Queens, of London, North British, of London. 0nc on Market Street, above Main, No. 5. BLOOMSBURG, PA. M p7lutz' (Successor to Fieas Brown,) AGENT AND .BROKER, BLOOMSBURG FlRE & LjIFF. INS. ACENCV, (Established in 1 865.) COMPANIES REPRESENTED i Assets. tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, $9,528,388.97 liaitfocd, of llartfnid 5,288.609.97 Phoenix, of ITartfurd 4,778,469.11 Springfield, of ppringfield 3,099,903.98 Fire Associaiion, Philadelphia,... 4,512,782.29 Guardian, of l.undon, 20,003.323.71 Phcenix, of London, 6,924,563.48 I.ancasliiic of Eng., (U.S. Branch) 1,642, 195.0c Royal of Enqlind. " " 4,853.564.00 Mut. Bn. I.f.In.Co.Neark,Nj4i, 379,228 33 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office, BLOOMSBURG, TA. J H. MAIZE, TIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Office, i'ciond Floor, Coi.umuian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Liverpool, London, and C.lolie, largest in the World, and perfectly reliable. Assets. Imperial, of London, ,g, 658,4 79. 00 Continental of New Yoik 5,239,9X1.28 American of Phlladelph.a 2,401,956,11 Niagara, of New York, 2,260,479.86 JXCHANGE HOTEL, V. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR, Offositk Court House. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold water ; and all modern conveniences. Exchange Hotel, UENTON, PA. The undersigned has leased tuts well-known aouse, and la prepared to accommodate tbo putillo ft til all tbo conveniences ot a Urst-class boutl. LEMUEL DRAKE, Proprietor. D R. I. C. HREliCE, 1'IIYSICIAN & SURGUON. HT Office over Mover llros. Drug ;Store. Kesidence West Main Street. 12-20-iy. J. S. GAKUlSON,M. D. 1-UY8ICIAN ANI1 SUltOKON Office corner of Centre and Fourth St., Bloomsburg, I'a. wanted: to canvass for the sale of Nursery stock l Steady nmnnimpm iniiranLeeu. dju.aiii Ann ni. I'KNSEU fAli). at once, sf itlnsr age. Ghaso Brolhers Company. (,ir'0r.)hla Jan. &. Mar. JtOC'UliSTEft, N. V. FARMS P Hi.IL CIIimiiI" nnil Location mine houiu Jlirmnt, vx MT-d-4t. QHRISTIAN V. KNAPP. , FIRE.pSURANCE, BLOOMSBURC 1. 1 Clinton, N. Y. I Peoples' N. Y. Reading, i'a. German American Ins. Co., New York. ; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well seasoned by see and rim TiSTiD and have never yet had a . " ... .... . .11 TV. .1. ...... lot seiuea oy any cuuu ui are all Invested in SOLID SICUHTISS, ate liable to the aard of rill only. ind paid as soon as determined, by CUIUS r IAN V. KNAPP, SriciAL Aoeht and Ad Iustks, Bloomsburo, Pa. ffhe people of Columbia county should pat tonlxe the agency where losses, If any, are set. tied and jaid by one of their own dtimis. K AO SI EN BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1890. ut.tii.c .Kjir, rnvate luronnc' ' imiLi,wi BROOKE HALL, D pidi o akin ttkt r a ... - . . . . . LADIES. I"' "!" "n't eleen fianot l'ri.le tuio. in lot - .,n5IV A l! .("i"lC.luMe. I Pri.clpll, Mtdll. r Indigestion IS not only a distressing complaint, of itself, but, by causing tho blood to become depraved and the system en feebled, is tho parent of innumerable maladies. That Aycr's Sursnparllla is the best euro for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, Is proved by tho following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Drockway Centre, Mich.: "Liver complaint and Indigestion made my lifu a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four year I suffered untold agon v, was reduced nlmost to a skeleton, and fiaidlv bad strength to drag myself about. Ail kinds of food distressed me, and only the most delicate could be digested at all Within the time mentioned several rihysiciiins treated me without giving re let. Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent Rood u ul 11 I commenced tho use of Ayer's Sarsoparilla, which has produced wondeiful results. Soon after commencing to take tho Sarsapa rilla I could see an improvement in my condition. Jly appetite bogan to return and with it rami! tho ability to digest nil the food taken, my Miength Im proved each day, and afler a few mouths of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, nblo to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given luo u new lease ot life." yer's Sarsaparilla, MErAHED ST Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. fllrftl; H tiottlf., 45. Worth (5 tioltle. Cases Pain tnstanily. StrengtteitsH'caA t'aris. Qut'ctl nervousness. asters A Notv England llooaehfild Kemudy, Cnltfifttillr popular bticausti ot ro.U (acjicfaal merit Tor luo count Jotui pnini and nch tcri.i. r cr ApaLnesses, no mattur how cnuped or ha revere, which attack tho human body, no rtmody in tho world ij ho prompt and thorough ia relieving, cuncc and ro ettitingan tha Hop iMuster. ITnullolli'd Trotlmoiiy of lliuiittinit vt Jonpla, and the oonetanttr iucroaiin( b'.o id tbuso planlera, Id fuupl proof ot tho truth ot tliis atfctrtion, CZT HOP l'LH J i:iH ncrvr bum or IrrKctc. If you stiifrcr aprity one now; you'll fff- happier to morrow. I'ttcld good the momtnt put on. OUT SEE HERE, ilnp Vlnrtrr are noM by all incJtrliio deoltirs. Don't l-o snindled into t"k!ng a bnlxtt.ttite or imitation. B&nature ct the proprietors will Ijo found on tha genuino goodri. I lOP Pi ASTER CO., PnopRltTORS.COSTON. oimJn when pvu buy, Acuid duhonat dmUrt. Dec. la Aug. 8. ZIPP1NCOTTS MAGAZINE, with in Viriti and txciUml centinti, it a Mrary in ititlf. was iitdtti a happy thought to print os tntirt novl in iaeh nuiniir, AW a short novtlttte, but a long itorysuch at you are useJ to git in booh form and pay from out dollir to one dollar and a half for. Act only that, but with each number you get an abundance of other contributions, which gives you a good magaiine besides the novel. The ringing blows which have been struct oh the gateway of popular favor, have resounded throughout the entire land, and to-day LippiH' cott's fagaiinc stands in the front rank of monthly publications, and is the most widely read-and'talJted-ef publication of Us hind in the world. For full descriptive circulars, address UPPINCO TrS MAGAZINE, Philadelphia. f3 00 per year, as its, single number. The publisher of this paper will receive font subscription. l!-37-enio. M CROWH ACHE, The Best Burning Oil Tha. Can bi Hide From Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smofea the chimneys. It will not char the wick. Q has a Ugh fire test. It will not explode. It It pre-eminently a tasaily safety oil. t We Challenge Comparison with any other lUnrnlrutlng oil made. We rStake Mr fepMtfttiois, as refiners, upon the statement that It is IN THi: TVOUI.I1 Ask fcra dealer for CROWN ACME. ACUI OIL COMPANY, BAtfYILLE, jPa. Traia far Blooms burg and ridadty supplied Vf Bloomabury, Pa, Hop Pi FOR BENWELUS MURDER The Birchells Held by the Cor oner's Jury. IlKSUMEOF AN INTKKKSTINU CASK The Career of Illrelielt, nlln "I.or.l Somerset," the Vonng Kaiiulslts Who Is Aremril at F. C. Jlenwell'i Murder. The Theory of the I'nllcc. I'ni.NCKTo.v, Ont., JInrch 11. J. llet;lnnld Blrchell must answer for the murder of Frederick C. Uenwell. Tho coroner's Jury, after considering all tho testimony, 1ms so decided. They rendered a verdict finding that Bemvell camo to his death at the hnuds of Blrchell, and they Implicated Blrchell's wlfeaghavlnBgullty knowledgeof thocrlme after its commission. After n lengthy con sultation tho following verdict waaagreod upon: Verdict of the Coroner' Jury. "We find that the said P. C. Uenwell camo to his death by two pistol shots fired Into his head from behind, one at or near the nape of the neck and the other a little behind nnd above tho left ear, either one of which was 1 ' MR. AND MRS. l)inCIIELI suftlclent to causo death, and your jurors have reason to believe, and do believe, that sold shots were fired by the hand of Ileal nald Blrchell, alias Somerset, with deliber ate purpose, wilfully and feloniously, to commit murder, on or about the 17th of February, IS), nnd we nre of opinion that Caroline Blrchell, tho wife of snld Reginald Blrchell, was accessory to tho murder after tho fact," Mrs. Illrchcll's Position. Thero wus very llttlo difference of'opinion amoug tho jurors as to tho question of guilt, the only question being whether or not a verdict should be given in the absence of the prisoners. Under tho law of Canada a wife cannot be punished for shielding her hus band, and therefore Mrs. Blrchell cannot be mnde accessory after tho fact, in tho general sense of the term. Tho Hotly Kxhutneil. When the inquest was resumed D. H. Pelley, the young man who nccomrumied Ilenwell and Blrchell to this country, was taken to the grnvo of the murdered man, where the body wnsexhumed. Ho recognized tho dead man as Benwoll. After Pelley had Identified tho body of his murdered com panion he was put in tho witness box. Ho again told the wonderful story of his asso ciations with Birchell and Benwoll as he told it at Niagara Falls. Wore There Other Victims? New and sensational developments are cropping up in connection with the tragedy, and the question now is whether there havo not been at least two victims. Somo two or three years agoayoung Englishman, Neville II. Pickthall, came here, and about a year ago purchased a farm six miles south of Woodstock. About four months ago he married the daughter of his minister. Feb. 10 last Pickthall raised n 1,000 on a mort gage on his farm and left here, saying to his wife: "I am going to double this money be fore I come back." He was seen at Niagara Falls that night, and then said ho was going to Now York to meet his sister. He Was Never Semi Again. The testimony In the Birchell examination showed that Pickthall reached New York and thero met tho Birchells. Since thon no trace of him has been found and no word has boen received from him. His disopear anco paused a stir af tlie tinie nnd tho police aent descriptions of him all over the country. The theory now is that he was enticed to New York by Birchell with the expectation of making a large sum of monoy, and that ho was put out of the way for the money he carried with him. A search of Blrchell's buggoge will be mode for anything that might give a clew to Plckthall's fato. l'elloy's testimony, if true, shows conclu sively that Mrs. Birchell aided and abetted in the swindling of Pelley and the deceased, whether she knew of the murder or not. Bhe frequently mentioned the fictitious farm to Pelley. Jtlrptiull'e StrmiRn Career. What is known of Blrchell's career Is not at all to his crodit. It is said that he was always a liar, always an adventurer. In college ho loved to poso as the scion of some great family. If caught in a lie be would easily laugh it off. He made the acquaint ance of the daughter of David Stephenson, a traffic manager of the London and North western railroad, and won her heart by his dasliiug ways and taking lies. Ho said ho was a great laud owner and stock raiser in Canada. They were secretly married against the father's wishes, who wished to know moro about tho young man, nnd sailed nway for Canada. And here, in tho llttlo village of Woodstock, which they reached In tho autumn of XS83, they began to cut tho swell which made him Buch a local celebrity. Here He Was "Lord Soineraet." Here be was Blrchell no longer, but (Somer set, Lord Somerset, or nt least the son of Lord. Somerset, with all the glumour of a title about him. He was an exquisite in every way. His linen was embroidered to suit his runk. He even went in debt like n lord, uml when bo left Woodstock there wero many poignant memories in the shape of un paid bills left behind him. His wife, a blue eyed, light haired, pretty little blonde, wus a fit companiou for one so high bred. They left ot last and went back to Eng land, and for a time lived with Mr. Stephen son, who forgave his daughter for her secret marriage. The girl told no tales out of school, though it Is certain that by this tlm.i she know her husband to be a rascal. Aud meanwhile "Lord Somerset" set ubout some ineansof recouping his exhausted exchequer. In the course of time he fell in with Frtd erick 0. Uenwell, of Cheltenham, England, and Douglass Raymond Pelley, of Saffron Waldon, Essex, and lurod them to Canada as heretofore described in these dispatches. The Theory of the I'ollce, Birchell, his wife, Benwoll and Pelley crossed the Atlantic together on the Oar mania By the time they reached Buffalo Palley had been blad 174 How much Bsu. will was mulcted does not seam clear, al though Blrchell Is said to have carefully ex amlned the thirteen pieces of valuuble bag gage the murdered man had with him. Birch, ell also knew that Ilenwell had considerable money with him. The party reached Buffalo Feb. 10. The next day Blrchell and ilenwell started for the mythical farm, leaving Mrs. Blrchell and Pelley in Buffalo. Blrcholl re turned alone that night aud said Ilonwf.l bad gene further up the country looking for desirable land. For the next few days Mr, and Mrs. Birchell and Pelley remained at the Falls, and during this time Blrchell acted so suspiciously that Pelley feared ot his life, I'elley's Wild Oonse Chase, Ous day Blrchell said thut a message from Beuwell to the Stafford house had said to send all his baggage to the Fifth Avenuo hotel, New York. Two daya later Blrchell came Into the house aud saldt "What do you think I have seen In the paper In connection with that man fouud murdered at Princeton. They have found a cigar case marked V, C Benwoll." It was arranged that Pelley should go to New York and make Inquiries at tha Fifth Avenue, He did so, but found uo clew. Re turning to Clifton he found a coiiAabla on the tteM of the Baldwin house who told him Blrchell had Identified the body aud was likely to bo arrested. Bo Pelley went dowu to Magistral Hill and told but atorr. know. ingatlne time tnat ho was supectod ot complicity In Ibe murder. The I'lllillnu if the llody. The spot where Frederick Bonn ell was murdered Is an uncanny thlckot set In tho midst of swamps lu the llttlo hamlet of Princeton. It Is desolato nnd fearful in Its Isolatloa Until the rough cart track was cut through tho tract in 1S88 the forest had been deserted oven by tbo woodcutters for yeArs. Several days after the murder the body was discovered by two woodsmen. When the body was found It was lying nstrldo a rotten tree stump. The legs wero partly crossed, while tho trunk itself bolf rested, half hung over the stump. The head was bent backward ngalmt the spine. ' Tho eyes were closed, so was the mouth. The right arm and hand hail been frozen Into a clinched position of defiance, while the left hung limp. The flesh was blue from oxposuro to the cold. Thero wero two bullet holes in the head. How the Heed Wnn Done. A very plausible theory is that Bonn oil nnd his murderer were walking down tho road, tho one before tho other. Tho mur derer, when his opportunity was best, drew out his revolver and fired two shots luto the neck of his companion. Ho must havo lieen hnrd upon his victim, for tho powder from 0110 bullot, as it en tered tho fide of the hoad, burned the oyo nnd scorched it with tho powder. The other bullet entered just below the base of the brnln, squaro In the back. Blrchell wus seen within five miles of the spot on Monday, Feb. 17. Ho was seen to lave the station at Kastwoodf Out., with Frederick Benweli shortly before noon, nnd Inter tho inir wero met walking together along tho (lovernor's road lu tho direction of Pi lucoton. When Blrchell wus next seen it was towurd I o'clock in tho afternoon, and ho was alone. , FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Condensed Report of l'roeeedlnga In Sen ntu nnd Hnilsp. Washington, March 7. In tho senate the following public bulldiug bills wore pnssedt Sterling, Ills., 50,000; Oakland, Cal , MOO, 000; Cheyenne, Wy. T., 150,000; Chester, Pa., $100,001); Helena, M. T., 100,0 0. Tho bill appropriating $500,000 for a building nt Salt Lake City gave rise to debate, Mr. Plumb dosiring to havo the appropriation reduced to $100,000. At 2 o'clock the bill went over and thn educational bill was taken up. In response to Inquiries, Mr. Blair said ho could not fix n day for voting on tho bill. Several sena tors were still to speak, among them Mr. Evnrts, who was to conclude the debate. In tho courso of his remarks on the bill Mr. Blair said that any longer delay In dispos ing of this matter would bo unjustifiable, and ho would look upon It as n perpetual abandonment of the effort to give national aid to the schools of the country, The Re publican party was pledged in its platform to the passngo of tho bill, nnd if that pirty failed to inako good its plcilgo that fact would put an end to the pnrty. Like many other mpn in this country, he owed no jio lltical allegiance to a party thut lied. Mr. Hale spoko in opposition to the bill. It had been before tho senuto for eight yenrs, nnd all tho time thore had been a rising tide against it. In his state, Mr. Halo asserted, the press and educators and clergymen wero against tho bill, and the incrensod opposition to it was only because obbervatlou nud reason wero ngalnst it. He controverted Mr. Ulaii's assertion that tho condition of education was worso now than twenty years ago. If tho bill bocame law, tho lino of state, and local interests and iutluenco In educa tion would fade away aud ultimately bo swallowed up by federal Influence. Washington, March 7. In the house tho resolution declaring Mr. Clark (Ala.) en titled to his seat was adopted, and several measures 011 tho private calendar wore dis posed of. When the report on tho Throot CJurk contestod election case had been agreed to, tho home passed senate bill in creasing from $158,000 to $JOO,000 tho limit of cost of the public building at El l'aso, Tex. Senate bill referring to the court of claims the. claim of W. E. Woodbridgo for tho use of Inventions of projectiles forrlfhd cannon was defeated 111 to 1U& The houso then went into committee of tho whole on the prlvuto calendar. Tho bill directing tho secretary of the treasury to pay $175,000 to Albert H. Emery, of Connecticut, in settlement of his claim for tho usoof tho testing muchluo invented by him, wob tnken up and dis cussed. No action was taken. Washington, March 10. The houso con curred in the senate, resolution providing for au investigation by a joint committee of tho scnato house committees on immi gration Into the working of the federal nnd state laws relative to immigration from for eign countries. The resolution was amended so as to di rect tho joint committee ta iuvestigato the effect on American workmen that is like ly to follow tho purchase of American in dustries by foreign capitalists; also to report to congress tho olllciul correspondence on tho propostl to make Bedloe's Islaud, New York harbor, an immigrant dejiot; whut title tho government had to such island; the buildings to bo erected and the officers nud employes it is designed to employ at such immigration depot and whother ill the opinion of tho committee such island is tho best and most suitable place for such depot, A bill was passed increasing to $100 a month tho pension of Gen. Horace Bough tou. Senate bills wero passed for the nscor tainmeut ot the ainouuts due to the Pottawa tomie Indians of Michigan und Indiana, nud for tho taking of tho census in Alaska. The senate bill to prevent the Introduction of contagious disease from one stuto to an other was passed. Mr. Lacey (la.) reported from tho com mltteo 011 elections a resolution for the ap pointment of a sub-committee to go to Ar kansas and maUo a full investigation of the Clnyton-Breckinridge contested election cai.e. Agreed to. Among the bills introduced aro tho fob lowing; By Mr. Watson (Pa.) Appropriat ing J 00,000 for the purchase of a site und the erection of u public building at Brad ford, Pa. By Mr. McClellan (lud.) Amend ing tho pension laws regarding widows who reiuurry. Similar to Mr. Vorhees' senate bill. lly Mr. Cogswell (Kan.) Appropri ating $100,OJO for a public building at New buryport, Mass. By Mr. AVorson (P.i.) Appropriating $00,000 for a public buildimr at Oil City, Pa. Tho house committee on war claims has authorised a favorable report on the bill In troduced In tho house by Mr. Malsh to au thorize the payment of damages sustained by citizens of tho state of Pennsylvania from Union and Confederate troops during the late war. Tho bill appropriates $8, 4l7,iH.'i, payable to the governor of the state of Pennsylvania, to provide for tho payment of these claims. The bill passed tho com mittee by n vote of 6 to 4. The minority will probably submit a report opposing the passage of the bill. A petition numerously signed has leu presented to Secretary Windom protesting against tho selection of Bedloe's Island, Now York harlior, as an Immigrant station. Secretary Windom said Bedloe's Island had been selocted after much euro and consider ation and he saw no good reason to chango his determination to locate tho Immigrant station there. 'aiis. stun wins, 1 New York, March Bi Judge Ingraham, In the 6pocIal term of the supremo court, yesterday decided that Mrs. Allien F, Btorra Is entitled to a separation from her husband, Uoorge M, Btorrs, tho sou of the late Emory A. Storrs, the Chicago lawyer. The partic ulars ot her suit, lu which sho charged cruelty and drunkenut against her bus. baud, have boen heretoi.ii e told. The Judge concluded that Mrs. Storrs was a devoted wife and mother, aud that her husband no unworthy of belief and treated her lu a cm t and Inhuman maimer, The llllne Fire i.itlnirul.lieil. WiLKEsiuiiHt, I'a., March 13. The ilanies In the South Wilkesburro shaft were ex tinguished yesterday afternoon, and lb pumping process has been stopped The Murdered Woman Identified. Nkw Yohk, March 12,-The body of the woman fouud In No. 3 Eldridge street has been Identified as that of Bally Ureeiibure aged 80 years, tho divorced wife of Isaao Jacobs, the murderor. She was hU second wife and lived at 113 Chamber, street Borne t ma ago she was about to return to live with Jacobs, but tha proposed agree ment was not carrlsd ont. Nathan B. Lsvy. Uwyar, idsnUflad tbt bod. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES The World's News Gleaned, Sifted and Condensed. riiL'sii tips rno.u Tin: wihi:s. What Is Going 011 of Interest That Is Worth lteaitlne The wheat or the World's News Winnowed from a Whole Week's Thrashing. The trial of James J. Sloeumat New York for tho murder of his wife, Ellen, on New Year's ovo has closed, the Jury returning a Terdlct of murder lu tho first degree. Mrs. B. II, Stotts, aged 05, of Clarksvllle, N. Y committed suicide by cutting her throat Causo unknown. A fight has been arranged between Billy Murray, of Now York, nnd Jack Lynch, of Philadelphia, to take place before the Erlo County Athletic club nt Buffalo on April i), for a purse of $500. Professor William 1'. Atkinson, professor of English literature and history at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for many yenrs, died March 11 of congestion of the brain. He was the author of many works of high merit, including numberless pamphlets, nud had long boen prominent as a lecturer. A widow, two sons nnd two daughters survive him. Attorney General Miller has decided that under tho law Chinese merchants cannot land In tho United States in tho absence of certificates prescribed in tho Chinese ex clusion act Tho Central Presbyteilan conference of the Evnngellcal church has finished its work at York, I'a., and ndjourned to meet in March, 1S91, nt Berwick, Pa. The Now York chamber of commerce has rescinded its former condeinnntioiuof tho McKlnley customs bill nnd adopted a re port favoring tho mensure, providing that n clause be inserted permitting questions of fact lio tried before juries. Thero is now a strong possibility that tho divorce suit of Capt. O'Shea against his wife nnd Mr. Pnrnellwill notbotried before fall. Mr. I'arnell has askod and obtained fuller details of the times and places of the al leged acts of adultery. Roland Mather has resigned the presi dency of tho Society for Bnvlngs nt Hart ford, Conn., which he lias held for cloven years. John C. Parsons, who has been counsel and trustej of the society, was elect ed president City Clerk John Bhanloy, of Brooklyn, difd Mulch 11, after a long illness. He was ! ! years old and served ojie term in tho Now York assembly. William Hyde Appleton, Ph. D., has been elected president of tho Sivnrthmoro (Pu.) college to succeed Edward H. Mnglll, re signed. Dr. Appleton is a graduate of Hor vnrd university, and his boon professor of Greek nt Swarthmoro since 1871. The Missouri nnti-trust law has been pro nounced unconstitutional by Judgo Dillon In the United Statos circuit court Henry S. Hebard, tho newly appointed postmnster of Rochester, N. Y., died March 11. Mr. Hebard was to assume tho duties of the postmastersliip March 10, but he con tracted a severe cold which developed into pneumonia, the immeillato cause of his death. Mr. Hobard was 03 years of age. Tho common council of Rochester, N. Y,, has directed the city attorney to begin pro ceedings against tho bondsmen of Davis, tho defaulting city treasurer, to recover tho amount of the bond. The Philadelphia Times has offered a to ward of $1,000 to the person or persons who may discover and bring to conviction in the New Jersey courts the murderer or mur ders of Annie Leconey, It has been plainly shown that J. Blrcholl, the alleged murderer or Ilenwell, Is Reginald Blrcholl, son of tbo Into vicar of Church Kirk, and a young mou of good connections and of excellent education. Henry M. Btanley has finished the last pages of his forthcoming book. Rev. John P. Cowles, for many years a professor in tho Obcilin (O.) college, died at Ipswich, Mass., March 11. Ho wus bo years of ago. Ten Jurors have been secured In the trial of the case against Sheriff Flack, of Now York. Sheriff Davis, of Hudson county, N. J., testified before the ballot frauds committee March 11: He said he had uo knowledge of tho "joker" ballots, and repeated a former statement that he thought tho smaller pack ages lying on tho tables in the rooms of tho county committeo the night befure election wero inoffensive "pasters." for legitimate use on Republican and split Democrat tick ets. Ho admitted that ho talked to au in dividual over the telophone from tho court house on election day, but denied that lie had used tho words, "Stuff in nil tho jokers you can." Clara Barton, of Red Cross fame, has issued nn appeal to tho country for assist ance on behalf of tho starving settlers of North nnd South Dakota. lu spite of the uso made of it by the New York bank wreckers, the Asbury Park (N. J.) bank has boen pronounced perfoctly solv ent by Bank Inspector James. The gunboat Concord wns successfully launched from Roach's shipyard at Chester, Pu., March 8. John Pow, the founder of the houso of John Pew & Sons, the largest firm iu the American fisheries, died at Gloucester, Mass., March 7, agcil 83 years. The Hon. James Russell Lowell, although still couflncd to his bed, is so far improved as to bo able to see aud talk with the mem liers of his family, Henry Lecnto, the alleged defaulting agent of Sunford & Cook, diamond mer chants ot New York, has been hold in $0 000 bail for trial. The villuge of Liberty, Casey county, Ky was consumed by lire. Loss, $40,000; no insurance. The villago had a jiopulatloii of 35. At the nnnual meeting of the Southern society Hugh R. Garden was elocted presi dent; James H. Parker, Charles A. Deshou, Jiimes Swanu and W. L. Trenholm, vice presidents; T. A. Beall, secretary, nnd How ard Saunders, treasurer. Tho executlso committee is beaded by J. C. Calhoun. The president has npjiolnted A. C. Bar wick, of New Jorsey, to be collector of cus toms for tho district of Burlington, N. J. The head of a Nihilist traitress was left at tho rosidenco of Prince Dolgoroukoff, governor general of the city and province of Moscow. AVith it was found it letter say ing that the writer would outdo the deeds of "Jack the lllpier." At Now York a controlling Interest in tho Twenty-third Street Railroad coniany lias been told for $WO,000, to a syndicate made up of W. U. Whitney, Daniel B. Lnmont, P. A. II. Widener and W. 8. Elkins nnd other owners of tho Broadway ruilroad syndicate. The price paid Isequal to about $300wr share. Munroe, Eckstein & Co., of Four Corners, B. I have failed, giving preferences at $123,0)1,09. The total amount involved Is General Markets. New York, March ll.- FI.OUH-Qulet and without material change; Minnesota extra, $ J.15 5.10; city mill extias, $J3JJI.5J for West ludles; flue, Jt.wa.'.'.SJ; superfine, S-'BS 55. WHEAT Uiened weak and ilecllued Sfc. From this there was a rally of tjc. but at noon prices were down uKaln to the lou est figures; receipts, 18,150 bushels; shipments, IM.TsU bushels; No. ii red winter, teo., casln do., March, H!o.; do., April, bG)tU; do.. May, eCUo.; do.. Juuo, fuu. COUN-Opeued weak aud declined by 13 o'clock; receipts, 10,800 bushels; shipmeuts, 1!15,. M0 bushels; No. II mixed, 8;0. cash; do., March. 8Cc.t do., April, 8C5,o, OATH Hull but steady; receipts, Sl.nuo hush, els; shipments, 80,978 bushels; No, ii mixed, S8e. cash; do., May, KC'&c. UAltl.EY -Nomlual. l'OUK-Diill; mesa, 10.76ai 1.60 for new, LAItli-QuIrt; $M1, April; May. MOLAKSIM-Flnnly held at 83Wo. for 60 test TUKI'ENTINE Steady aMJlfj I3e. ltOSI.N-Ilulli striiued to good, J1.15Q1.30, PETltOLEUJI-Nomlual. KllliIOiri'8-Q.ii.t and unchanged. UOTTKll-Steady for choice grades; western creamery, fauey, VUo ClIEUSE-Btrong; Ohio flat, 7rSai0e. Etl'JS Lower und uusettled; state, fresh, 15J1 (5101 I western, fresh, I5mi5c. 81 3AU-lteflued steady; cut loaf and crushed, Tjio. (cumulated, C 7-lCo; mold A, CUo. TALLOW -Hull; prima city, 4,c. om'Els-kSU'Ady; fair Ilk, cargoes, Mo. VOL. 25. NO 11. TAULBEE 18 DEAD And Correspondent Klncnld Must Stand Trial fur Murder Washington, March ia Ex Congressman William Preston Taulbee, who was shot in an altercation with Charles E. Klncald, the Washington correspondent of Tho Wtlivillo Times, In the houso wing of tho Capitol, on the afternoon of Feb. St), died March 11 nt Providence hospital; His death has been exiected for several days, but whllo there was still a chance for bis life the physi cians thought it advisable not to pcrmithitntomnko an anto-mortem Btati miit of tha clrciiinstnnces sur round liicr t lie shoot ing. He dlod, therefore, without making any statement, and the case ngalnst Klncnld will rest entirely on thetestlmony of himself anil tile two eyo witnesses of tho tragedy. One of those witnesses wns Samuel Donaldson, of Tennessee, formerly doorkeeper of tho I101113 of representatives, who has lefused to mako any statement for publication. Donaldson was with Taulbee at the time the shooting occurred. Tho other witness was n boy who cannot be found. The stories of the shooting differ in one important particular. Klncald and Taulbee had au encounter some time prior to tho shooting In the cor ridor adjoining the houso of representatives on me oast, it was just before the shooting took place that Klncnld had armed him self, and after tho first encounter witli Tnulbeo, and seeing him going dowu the stairs that led to the basement, bad run after him, called to him, and as ho turned shot him in the fnco. Kin- KINCA1D. cold claimed that he armed himself In fear of danger from n further encounter with Tnulbeo; that Taulbee had warned him t arm himself, and that Tnulbeo insulted and attacked him on their second encountor, rendering his resort to tho pistol a necessity. As soon as the news of Taulbeo's dentil reached police headquarters an officer was 6ent to Kincald's room. Ho was awukened, and after he had dressed was taken to tin police station, where ho now Is. Thothcory of self defense will be set up by Kincai d's lawyers. Aaron Kohn, the noted criminal lawyer of Louisville, Ky , and Judgo Hnngls, the well known jurist of Kentucky, havo b en engaged by Kincald's friends to defend him iu his trial. Boon nf ter ho was shot Mr. Tnulbeo re quested that no prosecution against Klnculd should bo taken, but tho low will ha fol lowed. Tnulbeo wns born iu Morgan county, Ky., Oct 21, 1851; wns educated iu privnlo country schools; studied for tho ministry from 1875 to 187S, and for tho law from 187S to lt-81; was ndiiilttul to tho bar in 1881; w. s elected clerk of the Miigollln county com t In 1878 and ro elected In 1882; was elected to tho Forty-ninth congress and was ro-olected to tha Fiftieth congi ess us a Democrat ANOTHER MINE HORROR. One Hundred and Sixty Lliea Ileportt-d Lost in Wuli-s. London, March 11. A torrifio explosion occurred In the Morsrt colliery, Glnn raorganshire, Wales, which, it is feared, will bo attended with much loss of Ufa. O110 hundred miners are entombed and commu nication with them is impossible for tho present It is feared that all of them have perished. Later advices from the Morsa colliery ni o that 300 miners were entombed, but that 00 have been rescued from tho workings nearest the mnln shaft Most of thoio taken out nre unhurt, but several have re ceived fatal injuries. Heavy foils of rock prevent tho explorers from reaching tho 11101 e remote workings. Tho clioko dump is spreading, nnd it is feared that 100 lives have been lost. A further fall of debris into tho wreched Morsa colliery has completely blocked the pit and rendered nil attemps to rescue tho imprisoned miners futile until tho mnssan bo cleared nway. The latest estimate places tho number of dead at over 100. Eight bodies, horribly mutilated, have been taken out of the Mois-a pit. It is rumored that the rescuers Iiato heard ap peals for help coining from tho entombed men, but the rescuers are uuablo to push their search because of the gas and flame which confront them. DEATH WAS VICTOR. Young Ahrnhum I.liii'olii'n Ilmvo INkM lor 1.1 r.i United. London, March U Abraham Lincoln, m-i of Mr. Robert T. Lincoln, United Stntes minister at tho Court of St. James, died Murch 5. Young Lincoln passed away quietly. He wus in a comatose state and his stoiuucli rejected all nourishment The at tending physicians, after n cureful examina tion, expressed tho opinion that their pa tina's t nd was ouly n matter of a few hours. For a time previous to his death he was entirely lree from puiu. All the mem liers of Mr. Lin coln's family were present at the bed md. Young Lincoln was luirn in C'hica go in 1873. Hollved tl.fre until 18S1, when bis f a t h or was appointed sec- ft i t tnrynf war under Hon. Garfield. AfmAiiAM Lincoln, Then the family moved to Washington, tth ro they remained until 1SS5, when M' Lincoln retimed to Chicigo. When Mr. Lincoln wjs upiKilntod minister to England onrly In President Hurrlson'sndmluistrutlo'i ho took his family with him to Loudon. Toward tho end of last October a largo carbuncle appeared on young Lincoln's left side. His condition soon bocumo so critical that his father wns summoned post hoslo from London, The French suigeous Usui the knife lioldly, nud otter the cnrbuuclo had been thoroughly opened poulticed the wound. The effect of this treatment wus rut hs successful as Minister Lincoln could havo desired. The young uitlent bad a number of relapses, and a largo inflamma tory growth appeared urouud tho seat ot the carbuncle. On Nov. 18 another operation was performed by tho French surgeons nn I some tissues, supposed to be gaiigreuous wero removed. Tho second operation li ft ruling Lincoln In a ery enfeebled state. Mr. Lincoln was all this time very mucn dissatisfied with the course of treatment car ried 011 by tho French physicians, ami fin ally, In December, had his sou removed to thu embassy in London. Thoro lie was at tended by several surgeons, but iu splto of tho most unremitting care, slowly sank from exhaustion and weakness. The queen has sent to Minister Lincoln a message of sympathy ami condolence upon the death of his sou. Tho body of young Lincoln will I e Interred In the family tomb at Bpriugfield. I'fiuk nn Trial, New York, Murch 11. James A. Flack, sheriff of New York county, his son, Will, nnd Joseph Meeks, indicted for conspiracy iu obtaining u divorce for tho sherilf from Mrs, Flack by fraudulent means, werj plueed on trial in the court of oyer an I terminer before Judgo Barrett, yester day, The three defendants named were prompt to apjiear at thu opening of court. Tho woman Cherry, who was ludlotod Jointly with the other alleged conspira tors, did not appear. It is the current report that she cannot In found witlil.i the Jurisdiction ot the prosecuting attorney Judge Rookstuvor, who played unimportant part In the celebrated ouse, did not come to court. After five Jurors had been procured the court, adjourned for the day, Ibe St, I'uiil irid Won, Bur-FAto, March U Jim Kennard, the St. Puul "Kid," and Jack Lymuii, of New York, fought eurly this morning at the Arlington Athletic elub for u purse of $100, Lyiuuu was kuockd nut Iu luo l. uty -e v. ond round, and tu fight w.m kw .y to K in uird. wilt llrlef Mention of Matters Whlrli Kverj body Should Know About A Week's Accidents and Crimes Accurately and Concisely Chronicled. PlTTunono, March 7. By the explosion of a box of dynamite -in a contractor's tool house on Center avenuo Duvld Hayes was Instantly killed nnd William Bodily fatally injured. How tho explosion was caused is , not known. Hayes was 40 years old nnd , leaves a widow and two children. Soddy was uumnrried. It Savored of Nlavery, ' Philadelphia, March 8. The first test easo In a Pennsylvania court between tho League and Brotherhood of baseball play ers came up here In tho suit of tho Philadel phia League club against Hallmau. Tbo cBsocameup before Judgo Arnold and Judge Thayer, who handed down n decision In the famous Metropolitan club Injunction suit five years ago. In tho course of the argu ment one of tho Judges remarked that the contract savored strongly of slavery. Tho caso wns tnken under advisement I Ho Tell Ilown ii Mine Miafl. ScnANTO.v, I'a,, March 8. A pump runner named .Michael Mulia fell a distance of 400 feet dowu tho Cayuga shaft, in this city, nnd was Instantly killed. His body was lit ' erally innshod. Mnlia had lieen hoisted up I the shaft and signalled Engineer Rogers ! that all was right Tho enitlnoer arenrd. ingly let the carriage down again, nndMalla was flung down the shaft with great force. The quivering body fell In n heap among a number of workmen employed at the foot of tho shnft A Narrow. Kscape. Rkadino, March 7. Rev. Francis Hoff man, an nged retired minister ot the Evan gelical denomination, and bis wife made a narrow escupo from suffocation from loop ing cool gas lost night. They rctlrod at tho usual time last evening, but thii morning when their daughter went to call them to breakfast there wus no response. A dupli cate key was procured and the door opened, whon both were found insensible, Mrs. Hoffman appeared to bo dead, but after ward both wero revived. As they aro both upwards of 80 feors of ago and somewhat f oeble, tho accident may yot lead to fatal re sults. The gns came fiomji small stove In the room. ,' A General Poor Law Sciianton, March 7. Hon. Lewis Puirhe. of this city, chairman of tho stnto poor com mission, says tho work of tho commission so far reveals a failure of the overseer system to properly provide for the poor, nnd that when the work is completed they will pre pare a general poor law to bo submitted to tho next legislature, tho objoctof which will bo compulsory establishment of a county poorhoubo in all counties not so provided ot present An J.Ttenslve Cavo In. Plymouth, March 7. At 3 o'clock nn extensive cavo in occurred hero, affect ing over ten ncres of land on Curry's hill, lu tho lower end of tho town, and doing considerable damage. No warning was given beyond a heavy roaring noise im mediately preceding tho cave that car ried terror through the neighborhood. i lie people oro alarmed and keeping them selves in readiness to moro should the cavo In continue. Tho mine officials believe no further troublo will occur and aro doing all in their power to influenco tho miners not to abandon their homes. An Alleged Murderer Acquitted. NoniUBTOWN. Pa.. March S. Tho trial of John Konderosch, a Hungarian, charged wuu vue murueroi jouu wnomo, ended with a verdict of- ucquittul, the commonwealth deciding that tho ovidenco was not strong enough to press for conviction. Mrs. Cho mo, the wifo of the murdered man, was in dicted with Kendorosch, but her counsel elected to bo tried separately. She will probably bo also acquitted. Killed nnd Mangled on the Kric. CAmiONDALE, Pa., March 10. Throo Hun garian laborers, who wero on their way homo from their work ot Forest City, were struck by tho Erie express train and in stantly killed. Ouo of tbo men was hurled through tho air and struck the precimtoua rock that lines tho road at a point about six miles from this city. Ills body was horri bly mangled, as wero thoso of the other vio tlins, who wero crushed by another train coming from the opposite direction. To round n Olgnlltlo MUstou. PHILADELPHIA, March 10. Postmaster General Wanamaker has under considera tion the idea of founding, in tills city, a gigantic mission church, nud it is said that the famous Bethany will bef oro long be trans ferred into a great cathedral which will havo no equal iu this country. Mr. Wanamaker is also on the lookout for a large farm ad joining tho city, on which ho intends to build n largo houso to bo used as a resort for deli cate and sick persons connected with the church and Sunday school. Tho postmaster goncrnl has also under consideration tho idea of establishing au institution for training deacons. Ills Hotly Destroyed. Franklin, Pa., March 10. A terrible glycerine explosion occurrod two miles north of this city at il o'clock. J. P. Mitchell, agent for tho Rock Glycerine company, was ongnged in thawing out a pan of glycerine by placing it under tho exhaust pipe of the engine, when It exploded with terrific forco. Mitchell's body was destroyed, and scarcely a rWticio of It can be found. Ho leaves a widow and three children. Muss for tho Minn Victims. WlLKESiHAiuiK, Pa., March 11. The Rev. Futher Thomas, of Hobokea, N. J., con ducted tho requiem mass celebrated in be half of tho entomliod miners in tho South Wilkesbarro shaft at 8 o'clock Monday morn ing in St. Mary's Catholic church. The ser vices, whicli were of a most solemn and im pressive nature, wero attended by about 2,000 people. Wtll Take Strikers' I'laces. Philadelphia, March 11. Messrs. Ames nnd Pitchard, representing tho Union Iron works of San Francisco, will leave hers Tuesday for California with fifty iron mold em, who are to take tbo placeof the striking uuijn men in their shops. Tho men are skilled mechanics. Killed by ii Landslide. Fiieepoiit, Pa., March 11. TwoAustrlans nniued Perio Bilyuk, aged 40, and Pero Sas tarn, nged S3, were killed on tho Wlufleld branch railroad. They wero caught lu a landslide from tho bill which covered them, and before their companions could get them out ihey wero lifeless. 4 IIuiinoii (lets Klght Years. NonnisTOWN, Pa., March IL Frank Hanson, the young German who last week brutally outraged a 7-year-old-girl, bai been sentenced to eight years' imprison ment rrushTflKtoii IflevllTes. Among the bills reported favorably to the seuate was one increasing the Hunt of cost of tho building at Newark, N. J., from $350,000 to $050,000. The house committee on invalid pensions bus nuthorii'd n favorable report on tho bill introduced lu the senate by Mr. Davis to amend a section of the revised statutes. Tho bill repeals that section of the revised statutes which provides thut no claim of n state militiaman on nccount of wounds re ceived In battle with rebels or Indians when temporarily rendering scrvico shall lie valid unless prosecuted to u successful iMie prior to July 4, 1874. It further pro vides that tho claims of nil such persons now pending or hereafter filed shall bo ad judicated iu tho sumo munner as claims of otiu is in tho military service. The house has imssod bills to provide for the erection of public buildings at the fol lowing points! Cedar Rapids, la.; Ches ter, Pa. ; Columbus, Ga.; Atchisou, Knn., Alexandria, La.; Hamilton, Me.; Lynn, Mass.; Lafayette, Ind.; Baton Itotue, Ui., and Freemoiit, Neb. Also bills providing for Increase of the limit of cost of public buildings ut Newark, N. J.; Scranton, Pa.; Troy, N. Y. ; Dallas, Tre., and Springfield, Mo. Tho measures pasaod involve au ex peudltuie of$L8 15.000 j;vu wants ruriioii. Mai'm Lamumi, N. J., Mir eh 10. Law yer Samuel li Perry, of Muy's Landing, who defended Mrs. Eva Hamilton lu the proceedings which terminated in her sen tence to state prison iu September, is circu lating a petitioti for her fmrdou. The peti tion has been signed by many oltiMiis pf i Annniio county, ami win be presented to tho New Jersey court of pardons, which ; will soon convene iu Trenton. Mrs. Ham- ilton has served a llttlo more than five months of her tentvnee, and she Is reported as confident lhat she will be wrdonL If tho pardon is grauted sho will make au active fight iu the divorce proceedings now (leudliig. Huiin, Ills., March 5 - At Lllley Lake, Gustav Rluden, a boy of VJ, with u Usui be hind which he was riding, were struck by a I'kicugu, Mluueanulis uid Kansas City train aud instantly killed.