1 I'MaaiaBjai wi is. - OOLIflffilAJr- DEMOCRAT: BLDOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUN'rY, PA. , OF COUNTflY nOADS. aMaeaa for XmprnTfment Action of tats , I A. m.Htxt LrrlUUT Hwrnm, Tho question of improving tho Ejmtotn e the country roads of America is now Wnfc dlscuipcd by Ipglslntorn, by men of den co, by economists and others having ft practical Interest in publlo moons for transportation. Some b titles havo re cently talten action In this matter, and tvthori are considering measures with a lew to securing tlio quickest and boat neolts. Pennsylvania has a state com ml'slon at work, inquiring about the Mods of tho state and tho best methods of reform. New Jersey adoptod a now road law last year, providing for a uni formity In highway building under a Ut engineer. In Tennessee the Vanderbilt university Instructs free of charge ono person from each county to supervise roads. During the present sessions of the legislatures Mils will be presented in New York, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia and Rhodo Island, and it is probablo that some ac tion will be taken in New Jersey and Massachusetts. A general awaking of interest throughout tho country has been brought about largely by tho efforts of the League of American Wheelmen, a Mtional association of cyclists. Last year the league issued a littlo work enti tled "Improvement of Highways," which discusses practical methods of making and repairing roads and gives the draft ot a bill which, with some modifications, may be tho basis for new legislation in the several states ot the Union. The rec ommendations for new roads treat prin cipally of some form of macadam, either for the whole road or for such portions of it as lie in places that cannot be thor oughly drained. The bill -which tho wheelmen suggest in order to secure uniformity in the vari ous states is substantially this: Section 1 constitutes a highway dis trict in each township not under munici pal control. Section 3 provides for an overseer for each highway district. Sec tions 8, 4 and 5 define tho duties of the overseer, who shall locate and open all public roads, and improve and repair the same. Sections 6 and 7 relate to sign boards. Sections 8 and 0 relate to the award of contracts. Section 15 pro Tides for a tax levy, and section 16 re lates to the method of apportioning and levying tho some. Sections 10, SO and SI place all toll roads and bridges under the care of tho district overseers, with power to compel the owners to repair them and also to close them whenever their condition is not according to the charter or laws governing them. In the states where the agitation has taken hold various plans are under con sideration. Last year a bill was beforo the Pennsylvania legislature providing for a uniform road tax of seven and one-half mills, to be raised in each county and ex pended under a county engineer. Not less than 40 per cent, of this tax must be expended in macadamizing or other other permanent improvement. Accord ing to this bill each county will be sub divided into districts under charge of a supervisor. i In Rhode Island the League of Wheel men have prepared a bill, and Governor Zadd, in his last message, recommended uniform road law, which "should seek act only to direct and control the proper construction and keeping of roads in tba state, but in a measure should also con trol the laying out of roads, with a view to prevent their unnecessary and costly multiplication, and seek to secure a sys tematic network of highways for inter town communication." The citizens of Rhodo Island have formed a State Roads Improvement as sociation, with the object of increasing' poblio knowledge and interest concern ing good roads, and to procure needed changes in legislation. This association petitioned the legislature to enact ap propriate laws at the session for 1890. Governor Hill in his last message re ferred to one of the plans under discus sion in New fork as follows: It has been suggested that the auto should pro cead to construct through every county two high ways, running In different directions and Inter aectlnf each other In about the center ot the county auch roads to form a part of a complete general system, those In each comity to connect wit those of adjoining counties, and to be known everywhere as state roads, constructed, cared for ao4 maintained at the expense of the state at large, under the direction and supervision of the state engineer and surveyor or other competent authority to be designated. This system, when one completed, would enable a person to start from Hew York city, Albany or any other point, , foot or In carriage, and visit every county in ,tbe state without once leaving the state roads, Butt uamrlQg comfort, convenience, pleasure and speed. These roads should be macadamised or constructed of crushed stone or other suitable nsrarisl, with proper currarta, good bridges, ade anate drainage, watering troughs and sign boards, o as to oompare favorably with the best country roads In ather countries; and -Hiwg highways sold be utilized for this purpose o f ar as feasible. These state roads would not only prove of great onvenience and vast advantage to the whole community, but they would serve as "object les sens" to the local authorities, the effect ot which would necessarily tend to Improve the ordinary town highways and prove of inestimable benefit. It is sot believed that the people of the cities of the state would object to this improvement, but that, on the contrary, they would hail it with pleasure, as daring the summer months they flock to the country in large numbers and are deeply kitsrested la all that concerns the material prog ran, development and prosperity of the rural aastrlcU. la the early history of the state If was the cus tom to construct Important public highways at general expense. The sesafoa laws from 1212 to Ml contain many acts making liberal Appropria tions for such purposes; but after the building of r canals ana railroads the practice was dlscon- Our free canals are maintained at an expense of over a million dollars annually, and the state avt various periods In its history has financially sided the construction otcertaia railroads. Some Interior counties have been heard to complain, possibly not without some reaaon, that those Im provement have not materially benefited their particular localities, but the plan here outlined would to some extent lighten the burdens to which they are now subjected, or at least tend to Another measure originating In New York is a bill sent to congress by the editor of The Rhineheck Gazette. This is a national affair and provides for the Improvement of country roads in the United States, at a cost of $100,000,000. The.Lcaguoof Wheelmen announce their Intention ot working up national legis lation after securing appropriate action on the part of the states. The Mnicuziueu. Chauncey M Dcpew In the characteris tic pose of an after-dinner speaker will be the subject of a full-page drawing from life, by T. de Tuulstrttp, to be published In JIarptr't Wttlly, February 20th. Richard Malcolm Johnson has written another Ogeechee story. This time ho ad dresses himself to juvenlllo readers, and tells them of "The Quick Recovery of Air. Nathan Bwlnt." Tho story will appear in the number of JIarpcr't Young J'coplt lo be published February 25th. The Rev, Dr. Deem will contribute an article entitled "discoursing on the ilu manltlei" to the number of JIarptr't tear to be published February 28tb. The itatce number will contain a story by Roso Haw. thorne Lathrop, and a poem by Jlhe Virgi nian poet, Charles Washington Coleman. OOMklON-BKNtjH VS. DOOTHINE. The son of a wcll-knownCambrldge fam ily was being given soma doctrinal Inttruc tlon with somewhat umstltfuctorv results one evening, when his Irish nurso appear. ' cd to put him to bed. Here was an open-' Ingt "Tom," said his grandfather, "who takes care ot you at nlglilf" Tom looked amazed at the stupidity of tho question. Why, Hrldget McCarthy of course, grand pal" Still undismayed the old gentleman persisted! "Who takes care of Bridget Mc Carthy, Thomas!" This was too much for the young man who looked first at his In. tructor and then at the stalwart propor tions of the Irishwoman. "I should think ', aid he, that Bridget McCarthy Wis big "THE KINO'S TODCn." In England, two centuries ago, popular su perstition credited the "ltoyal Touch" with curing scrofula. These superstitious prac tices cave now become obsolete, and In their piaco we naro a acieminc remedy in nr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery, wbloh eliminator) the impurities from the blood bv the natural channels, thereby cleansing the system from all taints and Impurities from whatever causo Arising. It Is truly a royal remedr. world-famed and the onlr liver, lunar and blood remedy owtran.d to benefit or cure In every enso, or money paid for It will be refunded. As a regulator of tho Stomach, Liver and llnwels, " Golden Medical Discov ery " cures all bilious attacks. Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhea and kindred ali ments. As an alterative, or blood-puriner. It manifests Its marvelous properties In the cure of tho worst Skin and Scalp Diseases, Bait-rheum, Tetter, Kciema, and Scrofulous Bores and Swcllln&a. as well as Lumr-ecrofula. commonly known as lulmonary Consump tion, If taken In tlmo and given a fair trial! world s tiisrsnsAivr medical- assocu' SIOR, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. V, fttFtJtTr REWARD t Is offered by the man ufacturers of Dr. Iih'i Cstirrh nm. for a case of Catarrh In the Head which they cannot cure. Dy Its mild, soothing, and heal Ing properties, Dr. Sage's Itemedy cures the worst cases, no matter how bad, or ot bow long standing, ruty cents, ry druggists. "How fat I'd get if I had one." .FREEQet from your dealer free, the yx Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a 5a Horse Blanket" will mako your horse worth more auu ea icss 10 Keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test Ask fori 30 other stvles nt nriecs to suit everv. body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. IT BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE aENUINEWITHOUTTHESM LABEL Msnufd by W. Avitrs .t fim. rhllada., whe make the famous Horse lintnrt linker Ulankeu WHAT SCOTT'S EMULSION CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCH8 COLDS Wasting Diseases CURES Wonderful Flsh Producer. Many havo gained ono pound per day by its uae. Scott's Emulsion ifl not a socrst remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophoa- bites and pure Norwegian Cod liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used ly Physicians all over tho world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all ZfrugglsU. OOTT A. BOVVNI, Chemlsta.N.Y. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING. G. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TA LOR. -:o: Ge&ls1 Furnislii&g Eoods,Ba,ts & Gaps OF EVH.UV DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine the largest and best selected stock ot goods ever shown tn uoiumma county. Btore next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, Klooinshurjr Pa. V.A 11 iy r" f . NG ARTHUR G Quart 12 m.'.m.tTT- m WImjC te-4i, aMnire.uMrrni tnQLrrC TUlCj 1-21 Sw. Bar LVIsabsi enough to take care of herself It she's ever solng to bet" There was no more doctrl hal Instruction that evening. a S. W., tn March WIDI AwaKI. ni aoniivxn ,aaiassv, Miss flcdingote. "No, Aunt Brlodle, I am not engaged. When 1 marry 11 will be a great man." Mrs. Brlndle ( doubtfully.) "Well; ,1 dunno Ydti can't always lelf ho n man will turn out. Now, there's. Joslah Miss Kedlngote "You don't ,raan: to say Undo Drlndle has ever, distinguished I., in. uimsciii Mrs. Ilrlndle-"Well, I'll tellijpil what ho did. I sent him down to the store, with a.rlbbon the other day and ha matched I'll" From Lirri.ioorr's Mioiimi for March. a. BlaSOKlBLX BIOttllTi "I havo only one last rcqu'eil' '6 make," said the dying man, aa hs painfully) raised bjs head from the pillow and surveyed the weeping group around his beds'lde. '"What Is It, my good frlendl" asked the clergyman. J'Anythlnr;iyW; ask, will hi done." "Then see that the newirapers don't re fer to mo as 'another old landmark gone,' " From LirriKoorr's MAOaztHi for March. "An Ocular Dclulon" the title of a bright social study In serial shape, which will bccln in the Nn York ttdgtr of March l.j The story holds the mirror up to club life In the metropolis, and touches lighty but with the masterly and suggestive stroke ot the etching hand, some ot the mere distinctive sides of New York Bo. clityLlfe. Several of the characters are so startttngly typical that they may be taken for any one of scores of the members of the "Four Hundred." The hero Is a flrjo combination of manliness, ready' Inge niilty and audacity, a youth with a rare amouLt of phosphorous In his cerebral gray matter And an equally generous amount ot red corpuscles la his velno a character wolcb the author bas elaborated with sym ps hetlc interest, and which, according to lb i Impression given by the advance sh :ets. renreaenta an oarsman of a rrrjnt criw of a leading Ameilcan co!ege. The author, by the way, la that brilliant young newspaper-worker, FaaNcUowaao. Hows son ot the late postmaster.Qoneral, Tlmo tby F. Howe, of Wisconsin. Willuu MoOsorcii, Jb., writes, about Western Mortgages; in Lirrisoorr's MiaiziKE for Marcn. Bo .first Indicates wliat constitutes a safe mortgage, and thin goes on to show the safety and value of Western raorteaircs. and the benAts that have secured trnm them. "A hint in Kt ,ellts,H by the well-known English novelist Wl U. Btacpoole, points out in an amusing manner how old material1 mlght.be worked ii pj Iuto new bonks. Anne II. Wharton haj an interesting paper upon "The Brown, logs In Italy," and Felix h. Oswald bas a brief article upon I 'Weather Prophets." Thought He Had Found OhuUe&ot "Fanny about Charlie RoesV'-wMn't ii, ijiimiuvj.uuuiui iuo.siaiera4int a vo troit drag store the other evening. ii wasn't very tunnv lor me. re plied one of the group, who had lately muvrii io xeiroit. "Why IlOtt" "Well about a vear after ha was sioien l was on a L,ake Shore train in Ohio. Two seats 'ahead of me was a man with a boV. He' was a touch looking man, and tho boy was the pioiare or ice lost, ijnanse llosf. ' "And you went lor him! "I made sure that I had the earns in myf 1 ands, got off at the same station ho did, and then collared him." "Yes." "Well, it didn't take over ten ruin utea to prove, thal.he kept a grocery iu mat very toyvn and that The .boy, tras nis fon. tie, in turn arrested me, and when I' was hauled into court and 'tried it cost me over $1000 in oath." ' "And and ',' "That's all I have been mlndiua my own business ever since, and sh all probibly continuo to do' so." From the Detroit Free J'rett. The Handsomest Aneriosn Tinsanl Mr. Alfred Speer. of. Passaic N. J.. han been long ami favorably known at the pioneer Grape. Grower of -rnf-rioa. Ilii Vineyards .at, Passaic, N..J are the handsomest, in the country and oontain over 300 miles of wire-stretch- cd on posts, and ovPr two' mies of carriage drive under grape arbors. At1 the season off the. Year when the gt-apea are being, gathered, for he press, it will repay one for, a isit,- Mr. Speer's'Wihes are used in the leadio? hospitals of the country: Can be bad at all druggists. A Skull For .a- Waterfall. There is a terrible story oomincr from North Queeniland abonl a man who was. lost in, the bush.- flensed nn all his; water and then droppod his, ' billy" in the agony of bin thirst. By an i by lortunately, he oame to a water-hole where he slaked his thirst and foun t the road again. Ilu had still some thirty railee to go, however, and he had nothing whatever to oary water in. Of course -it would have been madness to attempt to travel thirty miles on loot under a North (JueenMland sun without any water, so his ready invei. tlon dime to his aid. no, had been horrified a sh6rt distauoe back bv the skeleton of a mm who had evidently beeti"dad several years. Ha. .want hack and cot the skull, nlutreed ud thu eyeholes with clay and filled it with water. He then tramped that thirty miles on the water contained- in iIih skull. Can any novelist imagine' a more ohastly and friahlful idea, than thisj for which we can vouch. From the Jall Mall Gazette. J.R. SMITH& CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., niAUBS 1st PIANOS, llvthe following welUoown makers; . Chickerinfc, Knabe, Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furniali any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not, buy a piano be fore getting our prices. ,:o. . Catalogue ani Price Lists 0aypUsUloa. A Hot Brlok.in a-Bhari'i Btemaoh. A larco brick wai heated to a teH beatjn.tbe galley fire, and then apiece vi aiuesios packing was wrapped around.lt as quick as iwssible. The prick, with its covering was encased in piece of pork that was to-eed over-, board,. aoog. with aoveral other morsels which, tho sharks wjoro ready to devour antut bad no sooni r louchod the w.nter than it was swallowed. It took a few minutes for the heat to come through its covering of asbestos and pork, and during tbeso few minutes the shark swam among his companions and at tracted no special attsntion. Hut very pon nis movements snowed tne pain ho was feeling; he dartod violently about, apraoR oat of tho water, dove. rose ngain, and was ovidently suffering intensely, i mi continued lor perhaps nan sn nour, and ended witn I be crea ture turning on his bao't and dying in the' most horrible contortions. The oher sharks khon'ed Ibeir tendof feel incs oy attacking mm boloro ho was fairly dcadt they had no compunctions about eating him, or at any rate, dis played none, for ho was devoured bo- fore our evesj to thmvrnat rlolinlit nt tin sailors. jxeio xorK lAagtr. Everybody Knows. That, at this season the blood is filled wich Imputitics, the accumlation of months of , close Oiufinemont in poo'ly ventilated stores, workshops and tene ments. All these impurities andeveiy trkoe. of scrofula, salt rheum, or other disease may, be expelled by taking Mood sBargaparlla,jho bist blood pnri- unr ever iiruiincen. il is inn nniv medicitie of which "100 dotes one dol lar' is true. Tho officials of the Philadelphia and Readme Coal and Iron Comnanv hnvn issued orders that the name be painted injlarge letters on a prominent portion of each'of their rollieries throuchout tne antnracite coal region. RHEUMATISM. W n Ifcaa Tvr.at7.flv. TMUra. A Casat. I.M tviT. Tfc. DlMas Dari, I had InSsmmsiory Bhsiunatlna Tor ubuIj a rwrlaadfaUfsdaha tnmi4 In bed.' I could Arid ni) nibs'. Mr stomach a ralasdsait eat to flans with T-ovarfnl tatdldaw taksn to affect a curs ao IUIlvasxmUaaallv. cafanadaadwsUr. I aafftra4fortvatv.av.vearilathlswar. Iwmstn. .SnMlotrrIr.lsrld'KoMoVsravorls Viim,(1r. Bfad al Bondoal, X. aas I Am Now Wall. taaalnt i. Ibis BMdletea. Dr. iKMdj'i rTorlU ItonMdr Is rar but rUM. With II Z aa nablol it issJorasoodnhrhl-srMt. Also'food, nth as mast and rastrr. which I bavs bain 4prlvd of for ruars. hovlar.thU ilu ravorlt. Ttateedrhas bo squat for Uis rurt of tadlimllon and Dripeixl as vU. If anr should doubt this sUUnxnt I vrfll send th. fAr proof st one.. Oarreil Lanslnjr. Tror. It. T. 1 1 U mr llraV and absolato dotr. toward thoas .who sr. struts-Una- for varrlU. scalnit th deadlr Disoases of the Kidneys taaddinr.tMtlnumr lo th. alreadr walsttr erU oa of th. wonderful Bcacy of Dr. David JCenno drirsvorlUlIanMdr. Uy wU. wu a hopeleu rasa. ahaaaon)brh.rhralclana. Dr. DsvIdEuMdra' rtvorll. Bwrudr was rwortsd tt not Umum anr hoi. wis rlcd In It, but hseaoMnoUUns alu n-inalnnl-' All rntans and nudifiao Kn wlthoul avaU.- Ta.eflwt was llttl. short of amlra. j .n. swona botu. sh. had rwalnM stMacth, and con Un alt th. tnatBKat has fullj omnd aarSwMt,Alban7.X.r. FAVORITE REMEDY. irlcOn.dolltr. Prvnrad at Ilondant K. I, Or. KMMdy's Favorite Remedy. fans tit bj on. Ay. KKtxoT, XMNBoirf, n. t. MiaB4tts aursfS. aVraUOranlMa February xst, 1890. T. PAVK MINNEAPOLIS etc MANI rOBA'RV;aa4ltsbrnek.h..aae lk mil mm pj. ie ir too ass ootKa TOTUEFKEK FAltVii OF TUB MILK U1VBR VALLBT, Till TUB Great Northern Ryv Line. TO T1IB QOLD, SILVKIt, COPPER, IBON AND COAL MISK- O? MONTANA, TltSTKS Great Northern Ry. line., TO OBEAT FALLS, TI1K FtmjilB INDUSTRIAL CKNTHK OF TUB NOltTnWEST. TAKS TUB Great Northern Ry, Line. TO HELENA, BUrrE, SPOKANE FALLS AND TUB COAST CITIES. TiXS TUB Great Northern Ry. Line. TO FAUQO, cnOOK8TOJ, GRAND FOIIKH AND WBINNKPEO, TAKS TUB Great Northern Ry. Line. TO ALL MINNESOTA, SOUTU' DAKOTA, NOUTII DAKOTA, MONTANA! IDAHO,' 011KOON, WA!H1NOTON, CAlIFORNIA AND MANI 10 U A POINTS, TASS TSS Great. Northern Ry. line. For tickets.- mans and suldeit. anniv t vmi. boms tlckst agent or writs to p. i.vvmr.NKY, Oen. P&n. and ticket Agent, GESiTNOSTBUM KlILWiT, bt Paul Winn. rsr-ThS fill KIT NOItTIIUItX UAII.WAY ijinic. runs Its own Mummceot Dlnlnr Cars, Palace BUvspins- Can. special Apartment cars and Fre Colonist sleepers on Dally Through Trains. B. P. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER DKA I.Kit IN Fin k Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON . ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsburg Opera IIiusu HINDKRCORN8. lTrCONSyMPTIVE i THE GREAT German Remedy. TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. tl.OUU WllTTrOflTtl inntouiPDcllndotronU f 0 r ft ca mj w be ro b u L rnvn ikTTRiutiAflll I OB SII LMI URllITTEAA it win cure you. liiotARtlitorcurc. It jTsTfJiiiuiTTriaYTih IthattlmlindAllRonf feelir.fr; If o, use Clcanu thn t-ltlAtotl ct )looi when you sec is impnnuca uiirs. njrthrotitth the sklo iTTUicnro you, I tnrr 1 1 1 s.a tws n l'lmplcB.IilotrtiCB. ECioscir conuncd in " " inI Sores. Holy on line mills and work- SlTLMIUn BITTKM. K shops; clcrls.who 1I0 not nrocuro luMlclcntl vmi ncaua tvhi 10 1 1 Off. lozerclse, ami all wliof SlILPlIDHl.nTKllB Iare con n ncii 1 n doorn. ihouM uso Hi'LrittTii niTTEns. Thcvwll) win cnraLiverUom naint. lon't Ikj ills i not thca le weak tunl ouraired; Uwlllcurc If Visit sin Hot tsrlah Ht! Li' 1 run itirrtiu ltotifrcrfrorrUh(iini I will build j-ou iipnnd Imako you ctrotigond I atUm, nse a bottle on lacLriiUR iiiTTKRJi : lit tiCTfr f.illn to cure wiiimnkoyourblood pure, rich atvt strong, J bottle. Try It! you iiwi juiirui-Bn naru ljltltCH 111 ililii-iilri Try suuMiiiu Hit Ilia tonleht. ami I health, who are all I run ilown, fthonM iiirly ou will eleen well 3Ul.t llHU IHTTKRW. tnu ifn iwirrr mru. lksTOlI WAtlt ttm tt .Isflliil IVnvar titiKM.h.utS Pen J 3 2-cent etatnpa to A. 1 Ordwat A Co Boston. Maeg., anU recelre a copy, free. Ms Pills r enr. roatlvcnp.s th. m.illcln. tans marslhsn a nurislln. To b. per manent, 11 must contain Tonic, Alterative and , Cathartic Properties. TatS. Fills posasss tb... qimlltlM la ua.nsln.nt drsjr.., and Speedily Restore itath. b.w.l. th.lr natnal p.rl.talU. Ba.ll.n, no .s.ntlal to r.sularltj. Sold ET'onrwIioro. Thougajidg uaTJ UM.h perintiieiillj cured by rHlLAUKI.rHlA.l'A'. ha e at onrc no operation or Ium ot tlmo from b mines. C'aMa pronouiictil lu curable Ujr others wanted. bend for Circular. CURE GUARANTEED. omwIiTix Aii(j 10 '(0 ly. Onr MCOtrft :oirfi I n I ht htlLm the wrld. Our fociim tr. autUvd. nd lo Inirodacf UVJri IM sH H L I m p rJor ro "ill 'r.Jrmi fPM ttBHl'l UOFailinoii in tb loctttij. to DIM ttn inak sur o! tb tkaac. All yo ht t U do la sffVCaeiaHssssaa't"l,0 ,h"W OUr t' 'pruslnr lr1!onSBt shows tka mull 4 of tha tlo Hyt Tlo tollcwtaf etit fs Ui prre rsdntad to IrMt tb fiftlttk part of III bulk. 11 Ii rnnd. dovbU riit tl Acoue.u Urr u mit lo ctrrr. Ws will alio show jo how roj MsVmka Awn SH to 1 0 m daf il lout, from tka fvt,wft&-B ot HrlHN. Bstlsr writ at obco. Wo jj all otpraaa b&rf. sVddrts, U. UALLBTT h CO., &OS 8 BO, FOKTUap, ftUljra. 1213 tr. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promote a luxuriant rrawth.. N.v.r Falls to R.itor. Orsv Hllr lr It. Vn.lkful n.ln.. IPreTents Pftadruff and balr fJltn. 2-28 d 4U mow Lost! How Regained. lilENCEl KNOWTHYM - . i - . . amuccm THF 3PI F Upb n r. . , r - ASdenlUessil SUndsrd Popnlir Medical Trestlis on the hrrors o Tootli.lTnaatur. Decline, Nervous in ""- "wm.t tuiy ui mat qi iue UIOOO. Remittal! from Follv, Vie., Ignorance, Excesses or Oicruijtion, Knerrs-lnf and nnflttlnr the victim . 'S!k, Dd",".'' hlrrlsdor8oiTsl Kelatlon. WTk. UconUlniSJ0paeestroyaHvo. UraaUrtl -.1i,v.iws)Bii,4ui. cub nice on y ii.vj ur piU, p iitpiM. coacf aled In pltlu wrapper. UIsis trathe 1 rpa: tctua Frff, It sou apply now. 'i..c fill Infulnlto'l Ihnr. U'm Tl rtf.,i l n r -, ., vvwa. ii. j aii st i. ii), ii,, rr cci,edt:.:(iT.i AMjrarEi.i,ii an:ii.ti. iiiVMi;?av:iiVt..? sc.-tv.'w.'i'Vi'P. . or Asiisunt l'tjiLlans mr l. coninlud, com! aentldllr. liy mill or In jicrn, at tho offlco of orders f. r books or Utters fur aJilce should ba directed as above. 2 23 tl 4r. CHICHEbrCR'8 ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lted. CrutM. Diamond Urand. Tka ntT ral'aJilal vitrt frrr aaila tjWtTaia,nJ r. Idlca ak ttranlu for tlx 11. Ht4 iiraiBsl, la r4 nuliloboxaa,MUo4 with olMiibbaa. Tskeafttlici ft4. Ialavml.it hi rjarfJami&i-a ud lltlrr.. . lLj.t1f1 in UOtr, by ssvU. Xmm ffr, CkUkcotcr CktsmiooU Co MavtUow to., rkUada. 1'aV 2 28 4t WUluC t Mr. Gam. co, of HoUtn, ttbtti. i wriirat tWaa at work o a r.nn t, aatatO a tiliiailli I aow kava asi srrnr. tor L. C. Atlas A Ca a albums and mi 1,11. aliosa and eft as DiakoVO j dT. (oiD.4) W, IHUktHau, William KHmo, tUrriiburf, r!. win.. i i bus saTif anows anyihlnr to Mil Ilka your allm YoatanUf I look ordtri fmtutch to pajr ma ocroS;&.', W. J. fcu uvra, iPDf, m., vrnirtt -I uka an onJr tor joor alliuruat loaisjivr nouN 1 H. 1 front U oftao at muchaa H'Q or tin tr I a dav snuik " Olbof aro dwioe anil aa h HI t ttato not titiw lo gnat f, acla frorn lh.4r iim. iTi.m uii m ho lakaa bold of Ihla rrand buslnata llr vi yioitit koNi. Khiill we start YOU in lliis biibincas rvadrrl Writ to uaasd leant all about It for Tourarir. Wa isaiaort wt Mill atart you If you don t drlay until HI akrad Of TOM lu lour uart if Ihardunlrv. It m..u Kkt hold you will boablato lik up cold fast. rK'li(l Du aeeouittof forced mnufactarr aalo 1 SSA.OOtft leu claillur Ihotusru.U All(Umoarlo bt aold toiii wi iut S3t rocs), iwuira iii noyai .niuann bilkrlvl Husk. Ckamilna-lr dacoralad Isaidaa. llattJunt.si ail.uma (., world. LarfMi tilt a. Orvaivit Laryalo oter kuo n. Apt-utt wasted. Liberal I em a. Ulg nosay for a emit. Anroitoi.au Urom4aaucfulareBt. 0t1U liaair on aljhl litilo orur talkinc uaraaury, M brravaf skaaa. rw .hn an baaa. Arrnta takolkouaasdl of ordtra wltts rtidli) nry Vt urrai ufoniaawan ovary wMtvor, A a vasdoaa wall aa auyoo. lull ioforaiaiionand lanna f rtta tolboaa Who writ (ur aama, wUb particolari asd lortna fur oor ranlly lii b lea. Hooka aud Faeloalkal. AOar you know oil. booidyow cvnclodo to fooo furtbar, wby no bartu ladoua. v. aa.sA a iAa, AVUIII1, Maips Jan. 18--90 ly. IPUMTU Active. Knenrptlo Men can Vlinrli I J raalce rrom iz to $fio per per nloy that A Iv I la I i " wmuy iur us ana I ixiy i Ivl ) toe comfort ot knowing they are worklnf f)r an old and reliable (Irin. la- rlrable territory la towns and couDilej can to se cured by prompt application, we a: row ttio bttx k we oner, .".adres ViUNKUN DAVIS CO. Nunwrimen, Baltimore, Md. GKT VOUU JOH I'UINTINO ,UOKK AT THE fOI 1 MH1 AN 0"'vi, if THaM M f aa . f sUUUe ; Oisler HUetH, Kllut and liwf scraps Hend for nfw price list. YOHKCllKMIOAL WOUKS, Vork Pa. Ill-d-tt. CDA7Cn AXLE GREASE BEST IN TIIK WORLD. XtsvrMrlaaaaalitlM.ranuurtul.aAti.llv outlastlosr two boat, or any other brand. Not SKud brbMbrsrain'-fiiiiUKNUiNi:. FOB BALE BY I1EALER8 OErlEBaU.Y.' Ifr RUEN ONLY! rot LOSTerTAILlNa 1 ANBOOSl awsralaaSrlEUVOUS piolllTY VYtOniu.rilMlandUipa. Effects rl I ",i t'uocf ana Ul a. EITmH lll'.llllol Krr.r.orSic.M.I, Older Your. eeeefauiaer xsasr. giuri, ..wJ.r soas TasiTssaT-a.wsu u " ui. o raw n IvtUnDCBSSh it ITI - HI aaaaasssaw m vSavjaaaal sa Saw V.AZX.HOAX) SIMS IIXB JJELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. llLOOMSMURG DIVISION. BTAT10N8. NOHTH. r. ii. r. u. a. m. 1. v. 10 do e is 10 is 6 so 10 it .... 10 S4 4I 10 43 SS8 10 CO 7 03 10 AT 7U 11 09 in 1113 111 HIS 7 31 It SO 7 8J 1181 7 4i II SI 7 4'J II 18 7 SS 11 48 8 00 II 5S R II 13 0 8 S4 1310 8 !I1S 8 33 1130 8 3.4 1337 841 13 31 8 49 13 35 9 M 13 40 IIS 18 41 V03 13 M 09 101 VI? 109 91S 115 S 80 1 30 98S r. 11. r. m KontncuBinLiHS. S 40 110 Cameron , 5W cnaiasKr.t panville sw a ll catavrlssa t a .... Itlipcrt , SO 8 80 UloomsburK ess tl) Kspr. s 41 s 41 IJine lUdiro.. S60 .... Willow urore. sm .... Iirlarcreck. S59 , .. Uernlck , 7 0S 3 CD iwncn Haven 7 11 .... Hick's Kcrrr..... 71s .... KblckshlDnv , 7 80 8 20 lIUDiock-a. 7 43 ... Nantlcoke. 7(0 3 30 Avonatle im .... riymouth ,. ,, 7 to s 4j 1 trmouin junction 8 01 .... Ktnirston rim sm I)cnnctt.. 819 .... Msltnr 817 njonilDK. S Bl 4 03 w Ofit IMttatjin R V7 a iu llttston 8 S3 4 11 Ltckawanna nm Tatlorvllie. 84a Beilevuo.... , 8M .... fjouiNTON..,,. 800 4 as r. m. r. ii. BTAT10N& bOUTIl. SCHAHTOK 610 S0 113 3 30 Dcllevoe. 619 9 55 .... 3 33 Tarlorvllle 6 so 1000 303330 itcKawanna s 33 loot 310 81 llttrlon SSS 1018 SIR 6 45 West llttston 8 41 10 33 3 34 C4 Wrnmlne... a,7 me? ew m Maltby 8 81 10 30 .... 8 59 IJCQceil. est 10 31 887 703 Kington IM 108H 3 40 707 I'lrmonth JnncMnn 7ri injo o 710 rirmoutu. no 1047 s 50 us ATondala 714 10 Bl 3 55 7 41 Nantlcoke, in iiim 8 89 1 35 UUMOCk'S 7VR lim M 7H shickhlnny 7 31 11 13 3 30 7 6. llCk-8 Kerry 7 55 1139 8 81 8 07 Beach Haven 8 01 11 84 3 40 8 tl nf."?.0."! 8 07 11 40 8 47 8 30 Briar tireek 813 853 17 ..iiio.Ti.ruru. 8 is nag 3 sj flS1 urns wage 8 90 115 4 03 8 35 8 38 13 01 4 09 8 41 1 loomsourg B 83 11 08 4 15 8 47 KUDert R37 19 14 , O.) fiffq Calavvlssa 8 43 18 17 4 33 8 57 "J";"'8- 8 57 13 83 4 40 t5 cnulasky 4 m , Cameron 9 07 13 41 5 00 9 ii ubtiiuihkuhd, ,. 981 lies 58 945 a.h. r. m. r.H. r. v. Connectlnna At ltnnArt. with nhiinAint,!. . Heading Kaliroail for Tamanend. Tamanna, Will- """'iwih ouuuurr, ijiibiviiie. etc al ftorin'im. Jerland with P. t B. Dlv. p. u. it. tor Harmounr, lock 11a tea, Emporium, Warren, Corry, and Erie. tv. x-. uALtTOAu, uen. Man Scranton, Pa. PHILADELPHIA & READING ltAlLllOAD. ON AND APTEK NOV. 10th 1SS9. T11AIN8 LEAVE BLOOMHUUHO as follows: 1SUNDAT4 Rxr.rTH.,. TAm4finf. ptr a-m n.w . . Knr Wllilnmennrr uiltnn'unT,..ii.,..i. 8:13, 11:01 p. ra. 6:3Yp. ra: " " "" 'w -0r.i pert 01,7:30,1 1:03 a.m.. 12:20, 8:16, 5:00. 65, 11:05 p. rn. Tit A INS FOK BLOOMS BUIia IMTA J(tW V..l-tr trln Tshllrkrlnlnhl . an. "" ' ixaauju o.w rs. u. o: (I. m. u mi iciL)uia iu.iju a. III. 0,UU p. In. L!iye Headlnz HiW a. m. 7:51 p. m; Leave rottiriue 12.30 p. m. Leave Taraaqua 1:21 a. ra. 9:18 p. m. LiilTfl I!A.tHWlA4.1 R-". Q'lV. a m 1.M o.twi m.tm 11:13 d. m. '" Leave Itunnrt rt.ta 7-m an, n.n a m t.a ..a. It -51 T,rm ' ' " " Kor Ualiimore Washington and the West via B. ?,.M,iS.l.7 Ihrough trains leave ulranl Avenue i 5, a:t?" ?lVp- 8ual'llt'. a. m. 4:30, 51, 7:J0 p. m. Ai LANTIC CITY nivisinv. Leave I hUtdelphia, ner 7, Chestnut Street Wharf, and south street Wharf: FOB ATLANTIC CITT. Wenlf lava RTnm.j um a n. , . . . comodittoi, JiMal nTiSIp.L"' - .v. r" J m- Aoo.jmoaauon sW a. m. and 4:3J p. m. BSTCSSIKO, LSAVS ATL1KTI0 C1TT. Depot corner Atlantic and Arkansis Avenues: IrVPaaaf nan tst.ira a . . n . Accomodation, S:f5 a. m. and 4:3) p. m. 8'indaTa rtrnroaa a -nil ri sn InntnAl.ll.n 7:30 a, m. and 4:U p. m. A. A. .WCLKOD, Oen Pass. AgeiU, VUx Pres. , oen Manager. Pennsylvania Railroad. :un Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE. in etrest NOV. 10, isaa. Trains leave Bantury RARTWAnn arriving at I'hlladelphla 8.15 . m.: New VoFk 5.65 p. m., connecting at PhlUdelphla for all sea Pnlirade?Dnnu- T5lroaBn Phaser coach to dally except Bunday),for Harrlabarg anlniermS dlate stations, arriving at PttUsdelriTi. 8.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.35 p. m. Baltimore through to Philadelphia and passenger coaohu through to Philadelphia and BalttooreT coaoaM for Uariiabare and alltntermedlatOBtauons.arrtv. Inr fir Pnll nrlal ntils s n w j, t t . . . L . . uniwii'uia .w a. m. : now i or 7,10 a to. Half mnrn n 1 i m . i " SvSft!.n.L0 -iI!H can Bleeping cars and passenger coaches to Phlladel Dnla. 3.50 a. m Soith'rrn ErprtH(lilly) tor HirrU. burg ana intermedial stations arriving at uilti. more T.so, a. m. aa l w miastoa s 15, a m. and I? ,nl0RWni an" through pasaeugor oiachea to ubim mors. WESTWARD. 5.10 a. m.-Srle MaU (dally), for Brie aoj si rtMn"0 4MPa8eBe'!oaches wlrtJind . ?Vr .lunwi t tiaiiy except HQn y) for Kane, cans .islguaand Intermediate sts, tlons. K Chester, Buffalo and Niagara Kalis with turpughpasaenger coaches to Kane and Koc tester and Parlor car to Wllliamsport. T.n ion n a ufnrr m nAankiu. t.ti . . o i rrTiT.ii, " huqvo ana wai ins. .....!? Pl m- wtlllamspott Express ( dally i lor WUllamsport and Uitennwllaie sutlonaT ' THHODQU TRAINS POK8DNBIRY FKOk TM "aoi A11UDVUIU, News Express leaves PSUMelphla 4.80 a. m Ualiimore, 4.soa.m. UarrUburg, 8.10 aTm. dllU arrlv nt? at sunhurv g il a m ""' pniiaJeiDhis raSaTAmirt n.7."'uvB"r 2 . uiiviciiiui, duu uajiunvrc. nOurr, 5.30 p. m. with through pasBenger from Phlfadjlphta and Haltfrnore l&ii'a'n'Wi&iWi!! U1. n ttT V-. aillTtutf a OUQDUry ne aaii leaves New York 8.00 p. m. ; Phlladet- nhla.ii.n. m. . wa.hinann .ifXrl . ifHir moreTi.2b'ri.r:.VriaiTrT'n Philadelphia. Washington and Baiatnore and through paasengor coaches from vniuielpui, rlUNItllllY, IIA.I.KTON v- WII.KKSIt Alt ItH HA...UOA,. Ajju NOKTH ANU Wt" Tially except Sunday. , Wllkeebarre Hall leaves Banbury 10.00 a. m MZle' ?l Bloom Wrry ,0- a, WlHSs-Sifr, kipresa'Bast loaves Bunbury 5.85 n. m.. arrtvliii SS?,r7,'-M p-,m'l Wlies.baPirT7.wjrD? diid burr Mall lpjLTPBWiiiraMiha.HS . - r . . ing at Bloom Perry K.8Tp. rp., Hunbury i.so p m ..I'PWestleavBa WiUesama p. ni?; S Ttng at Bloom ferry 4.30 p. m., Hunbury .Wd. m SUNDAY TRAINS. WUkesbarra mall leaves Bunbury 10:00 a. m ar ffiolm. eTTTlM6 a, m., WlUBalri HtintiaW a rwvMYl m rvy4l m tia. t .... F:?o. m ' Bloom perry, s.3 p. ti, bunbury CIIAH, K. PUQIJ, J. IL WOOD, Oen. Manager. Oen. l'aieDger Agt PATENTS. vests sod Trade Marks obtalned.and all Paten t alnoM oondaoted for vt Jumt Kit! vss iJL.. ' vr " avou .uu-sgencirs, all business T?l?,eiZS'WiyW?ha buslnessiniel; wihlngton. vuu "iu" "mote from send model, drawing, or photo.wltb dOBCrlnUnn. We advlso 1 patentaDle or not, free of ctfaiS. Our fee not due till paiontls securedT cnare n iVfM',1,'0.'! '? ol,t4"1 Jatonl,,,wlth referenoes dntfreV. Address county, or town, C A. SNOW & CO., "'"i. waspirgtori. mo HUUSOItlBK KOH TIIK COLUMBIAN. Spring Clothing TOK MEN, YOUTHS, HOYS AND CHILDHEN. BMERS UND Exchange Block, WHOLESALE i;:; d Clams i'M Oj! Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. 037-steT DPaxloxs -tta.cHn.ed.- -N rnnp, o "M & Ipv nap FAMOUS 15 Cent Stews- ie WHOLESALE DEALERS IN (D'&tfj-, IBoiaffo, (D&n'ej', Fvof'ly an ftolr-. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. ZPZEISW" GOODS JL. BPECIAnrY". SOLE AGENTS FOR. F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. ' Sole ajtnts of the folWnf; brands ot Cigars t Henry Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princoss, Samson, Silver Ash. Any order for, Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, ss Waws , Ors.ttf.c5, Lcmonj. ream Nut5 Enli5h WalnMtj, 1ofs Qxtn BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. 6. kOBBIS, Foreign and Domestic BLOOMSBURG PB. Hit THE BEST In purchasing house hold necesidtUB, it U wiio always to select that whioh is thu bf-st, it will bo the cheapen in the end. A good article is always a source of pleasure. J. SALTZER has won 4 wide reputation for selling good goods at low prices. He buys direct from the manufacturers, and can sell first clasH goods ohnaper than oau be obtainod elsewhere. Here are flomo of tho articles arid prices : lBBflHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaB3f"r Sewing Machines of three grade?, bv tile New Unrrm . ..., U.HVUIIIV drawer drop loaf, all attachments, Siy.50 to $60. Royal St. John, 30 upwards. standard Kotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Have received the agency for the A 15001! assortratnt of violins, guitars, . .-nn, iiuwB, uitH ana an kinds of musical instruments. The bent of strings for violins, guitars, bmi ih. vinlinopllr. n,i i'8 violina Agent for Butteriek'u pattorns I attorn-book and fashion sheets. Il Anna nrnnna nrl nnn!M i f .. discount for cash. B u-acniues boi.i ou raontuy paymenU. A libera Do not send elsowhoro, but call and see the stook of your home rlnlBr J. SALTZER, lit 1 r iviusica instruments and sewing Machine WAREROOMS. BLOOM81S1JRO R0SC0E COiNKLING: HI8 LIFE AND LETTER. ti- v . l.tt.r.'f SS,1"?' "T" Portrait, sad fao-sliolls. tJ wtisrsor ewiwnl conUiaporsriM la botli puu. WE JE8PEOIAI.T.V TVIIriTTTTT. SAND MEN OUT OF "ui"wi f ULITIU ANS, AND CANVAfiRPRc ' b. . CHARLES L WEBSTER &. CO., Aa C.lTsitcs Co. LKIH1KK IHJILDINd.i PIXTIT'AND 011E8TNUT, rillllADKLl'lIIA. CONFECTIONERS Bloomsburg, Pa. and RETAIL Crackers d bk Eni y Pian, $350 to $600. Sleek, $375 to $C00. It. M. Bent & Co., $250 to $400. Brown fc Simpson, $250 to $100. Entry Organs, $90 to $175. miner organs, S75 to 5150. United States organs, $125 to $175. Chicago Cottage organ, $00 to $140 Worcester organs, $75 to $150. Paris organs, $60 to $100. Celebrated White Sewing Machines $35 to $65. New Doraestio Sewing Machines, $35 to $75. made VV.a U from Boosey banjos, . m PA. JH. WILLIAM8, JAUOTlONEKll. llLOOMSllDUO, IM. Eeal .Estate Biught and Ssld. i"" $ug to buy horse, and vrsgou. ouia dc cll to call on the above. MADE WITH BOIUNC WATER. E PPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING COCOA MADE WITH DOIUNG Mil K. 8 2iWU