THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA I HQ POWDER Absolutely Puro. This powdor never varies A marvel of purity, Btrenglh and wholesomencss. More economical man luuununary Kinus, ana cannot be Hold In competition with the multitude ot low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sow oulu in cam. Hotil HiKiNa rowusaCo., 11 wall SU, N.Y. The Columbian nr rublished every Friday, subscription price, kntered nt the Post omco at Illoomabure. Pa., BLOOMSBURG, PA FItlDAY, MARCH 7, 1890. COURLCT RllLkOiD Till T1HI.I, Trains' on tbe P. follows : NORTH. 7:32 a. m. 1:31 p.m. 11 it. 11. leave Unpen as PODTn. 11 :M a, m. 0:83 p. ra. TralnBonthoD.L.t W. loavo Bloomsburg north, notrrn. Tilt a. m. 8:32 a. ra. 1057 a. ra. lj:(v p. tn. 2:35 p. m. 4:15 p. m. 6:88 p. m. 8:47 p. m. Trains on ths N. AW. B. K&llwayposs Bloom ecu uaiuugwBI NORTIT. 10:48 a. tn. .S6 p. m. BDKS1T. NOKTIt. 10:48 a m Bourn. 11:37 p. m. 4'80 p. m. tornr'. 6:39 p m ULOOMSBURU SULLIVAN UA1LKO D Taking ofect MONDAY, SEPTBUBEIl 2, 18S9. SOUTH. NOKT17. fAr. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS, r. u. . h. A.u. A v. v, . p. jr. BtOOinsbUrg,.. 6 J8 11 43 7 01 8 312 81 6 40 Mam Street 6 18 11 41 6 SS R 42 2 41 3 47 Irondalr 6 16 11 89 6 66 8 41 2 41 6 50 Paper Mill 6 08 11 31 6 48 8 M 2 P3 7 00 IJghtstreet 6 05 11 !S 6 41 8 M 2 SS 7 03 Orangevllle 8 57 11 so (1 35 9 8 07 7 lo Forks. 6 45 11 10 6 21 9 15 3 17 7 20 Zaner'a 5 42 11 on o 21 9 20 3 20 7 21 HtlllwatCr 5 37 11 02 6 17 21 3 25 7 2? IlOOton 6 28 10 S3 6 10 9 33 3 SI 7 35 Edsons, 5 23 111 SO 6 07 9 36 3 37 7 38 Coles ureek 5 20 10 45 e 05 38 3 40 7 40 BllgarlOaf, 5 15 10 42 6 02 9 42 8 43 7 41 Laubachs, c 12 10 40 6 00 9 47 8 4 7 47 Central. 8 03 10 3 1 5 63 9 67 3 68 7 67 JamlsOD City.... 500 10 30 560 10 00400 8 00 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. u. a. u. a. if. a. 11. r. ii. r. M. HAI.I!H. MAiton 8. J. J. Urown. mlmr , etc., of Jacob Yohe.wlll sell personal property anil real C9tatu In Mlfllln towuship, at 1 p. in. Bee advertisement. Mxnon 8.-1"). Ii Everlmrt will sell perso nal property, horses, cows, wagon, farm Implements, grain ifcc, at 10 a. m.. At the same timo he will oiler 120 acres of land, good house, stable &c, all In Jackson township. Makoii 11. John Wolf will sell valuable personal property on his farm in Centre township, commmenclnf! at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. Horses, (Jattlo and farming Implements. Mahcii 13. V. 8. Kase, xccutor of Peter Kasu deceased, will sell valuable personal property on tho premises In Heu ton township, at 10 u. m. Makoii J 3 M B. Endy will sell horses, cows, wagons, farm Implements, potatoes, grain, &c, in Mllllln township at 10. n. m. Maiioii 14. W. J. Wintersteen will sell valuable personal property at his residence In Mack Hun, Madison township, at 0 a.m. Maticii 15. 8. O. Jayne, assignee of Em mor Dietcnck will sell several tracts of real cstato In Briarcreek and Ccn'rc town ships. See advertisement. Makoii 15. Jackson Kama will sell val uable peisonal properly at his residence on Eighth street, Hloomsburg, at 10 a. m. AIahoh 18. John Cailmnn of Orange township will sell personal property on tho premises commencine; at 10 o'clock. Conslsl Ini? of horse?, cattle, hogs, and gen eral farming utensils. Makoii 29. M. C. Woodward, trustee, will sell real estate late of 1 homas Shear man In Beaver lownshlp, Saturday March 29, at 10 o'clock a. m. Maiioii 81. Mrs. Mary Ilazlvtlno will ell personal properly at the Ilupert Hotel. Good new range, stove, chairs, dishes, lot of new carpet, &c. 8ali commence at 10 o'clock. Foil Sai.k A. desirable anil commodious residence, on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. L. N. Movrnt. For Sals Dwelling bouses in Hlooms bur, Ora'iucville, Epy and Ilupert I'a. Firms lu Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir ginia. Vacant lots In Hloomsburg. Store properties. Grist mills and oilier property by M. 1'. Ltitz, Insurance aud Ileal Estate Agent, Hloomsburg, Pa. Fort Halc House and lot In Ilupert, lot 120 x 140 fl. Two story, house, with nine rooms. Bay windows, out kitchen, ico ami coal house, good stable, chicken and pig pen. Uholce iron, ever green trees, good water, Two railroads, Twelve trains a d-ty each way, lo Blooms burg, fare 8c round trip. Low taxes. A great bargain, If taken soon. M. P. L'itz, Insurance & Ileal Est. Agt. For Hunt. The room on the second floor of tho Uolumuun Building, now oc tho Town ''-oiificil, will be va. cant April 1st, 1800. It Is a law, lizht room, sleim heat, gas, and water on same floor, Inquire of Ueo. E. Elwell. For rent at Ilupert. One fix room house pply to V. E. J011S9T0N'. I'CTHOIlUl. W. A. Man Esq. of AshUud wus in town on Friday on legal business. Wm. F. Bodlne and wife visited friends In Luzenic and Lackuwanna counties last week, Mrs. J. lv. Brugler of Butler, Mo. with her little son, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. i. llrower, and her staler Mrs L. B. 'Wintersteen.' Frank Sloan was home vlslllng f leuds the early jiirt of lhe week. Wednesday morning ho started for New York state. He will bo enzaged In aiding to make stir. cy for a new railroad alon,; tho Hud- von river about 40 miles north of New yoik city. Geo. E. E.woll is at Bcranlon this week A juryman In tho Supreme court. J. H. Fowler, Pine Biimmll, Intends to rcct a fine residence next summer. Reese Falrmau of Orangcville has takiti chaigo of a hotel at Ncscopec. Swct ping reduction In various lines of boots an J shoes at D.'nthr'd. Our fox hunters were out Wcdut-sday but returned with no game, I. W. McKflvy put In a new platform scale at his store Wednesday. Kmandus Unangst, formerly of Orange f tile, but lately of WlllUmtport. has be come the landlord ot the Hupcrt hotel. All newly dieted Justices of the Peace must flle their notice of acceptance in the I'rutbonotary's ofllce before March SO. Tho dining room of the Central hotel has been very much Improved by being newly papcrtd and handsomely palnuil. Bamucl Neyhard is making a survey for branch railroad from Central to Batim town, on the west fork of the FUhiug -creek, Eshleman & Wolf have Just rrrdvid fine lot ol Plant aud garden and trucklntr Implements both fo: Iloibc or hand use rail And ecu them. Mr. lllcharil Btlles has tendered hta re. slgnstlon as steward of tho Normal School, W. L. Fornwald has sold his barber shop to Ed. Itoo. Mr. Fornwald will remain with him for tho present. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Poust of Shlck. (hlnny celebrated their silver wedding on February 21st. Hoofing spouting and any thing In tho sheet metal lino dono at bottom prices at Eshleman & Wolf. Dr. I. W. Wllllta cloned hU bnnlo In 1.1. Individual practice on March 1. All nr. counts unsettled after 00 days from that umo win oc put In hand for collection, llcv. I. J. Corrcll. a missionary from .tn pan will lecture In tho M. E. church, Bun day, March 0th, morning and evening. All aro cordially Invited tu bo present. F. P. Vandersllcu returned ucme in Kansas, Monday morning. He uas accepted a position In ttiu Senttntl of. ucc. White & Conner will sell plows, Bcotcb and spring tooth harrows, land rollers, and grain drills for spring trade at bottom prices. Call and seo their line of farm Implements. Mar. 7-0w. Thcro will bo a lecture on Blblo Lands. Friday evening, March 7tb, at the Prcsby- terian church, by Mr. O. H. Llnvill, subject, Jerusalem Illumined. Lecture Will commence at 7.80. PLOWS! PLOW8I tho latest out.Prlnccs improved Plow, South Bend chilled, the Elmlra clipper, and Bight and Left clipper corn rianicra v.S, seid sower ull kind farming Implements at Eihleman & Wolf all kind Heap rs. A Bpr'ng medlclno Is needed bv everv one. Winter food, largely conslstlnc of salt meat and animal fats, causes tho liver to become disordered and the blood impure hence tho necessity of a cleanslotr medl. cine. The best Is Avcr's Sarsanarilla. In this issue appears the first of a series of articles on Hoad Improvement. They will continue weekly. Every supervisor In tho county should read them. Tho Columbian Is only $1.00 a year. Sub scribe now. A young man named Mcrrcll, a crand. son of Jesse Merrell of Espy, spoke In the Methodist church last Sunday evening. He has been a leader In the Salvation army for several years, and is now preparing him self for the Ministry ' In the Issuo of April 4th of the UoCdm. litAN.wlll bo printed an order that will en- title the holdei to one A Demorest's hand- some basquo patterns, tbe price of which is 25 cents. Buy the p.iper of that date for 5 cents and the pattern is free. Older the p iper now, or there may not be enough lo gu around. 3.7 4t A lecture on Jerusalem and Bible Lauds illuitratt-d by colored Scloptlcan views, will be given in tho Prcstyterian Ulmrch on Friday evening March 7ih. at 7 30 P. M. The proceeds of the lecture, which is under the auspices ot the ' o'clock Band" will Le devoted u tho New Church. Ice cream and Cake will bo furnished in the Basement, at the cbsu of tho lecture. The, first real snow of the winter fell WedUtsduy night and Thursday. At tbe time of going to press (Thursday March 0,) the snow is 8 inches deep, and tho storm s'till continuing. Duriug this entire winter there has not bien three l-iches nf 1c;, and consequently m lea has been gathered in this place. Tills storm is watched with grout anxiety hopeful, that cold weather may lolluw and ice mny et bo gatluri'd. The fifth annual O.mnty Convention of the W. O. T. U. will lv held at Esp Tues. day and WidnemUy nf next week. The session will open with business mooting Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Enter, lalnment will bo given Tuesday evening. uusinces session Wo luesday. A cordial invitation is extended to all tu attend every session. Mr. Benj unln Z'egler of Zmy illed sud denly Monday evening. He arose in the morning in apparently good health, and was soon after stricken down with paraly sis. Tho attack was a severe one. and Ufa was soon extinct, Ho was about 73 years of age; anil was one of the oldest residents in the place. Funeral services were held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Prof, J. P. Wclsch, proftssor of Enclish in the West Chester Normal School, and editor of Wcltch's Grammar, was In town Jloud ly and Tuesday. He is a sou of Ab ner Weisch of Orangevllle, and has become quite prominent among our Instructors on account of the Introduction of his grammar, a lext book which is meeting with general use in many of tho schools of the state. The sale of personal property of Horace Creisy at Mllllinvllle last week was large ly attended, and the articles commanded kuiiu iriiau, j c. n imams was me auc tioneer, and he rendered good services to Mr. Creasy. The bills wero printed at this nlllce. Parties iu need nf salr Mils should call at this olnce where they can cet tho best valuo lut their money, and pet a not'ee of the sale In the Coluuiiian free of charge. A notice of a meeting of tho stockhold crs of the Bloomsburg Bridge, Company ap. pears In the papers, to be held on the first diy of May next for the purposo of holding an election for or agaiust tho dissolution of tho company. It ils generally understood that the corporation will be dissolved and the money paid In will bo refunded', less each one's share of tho expenses. Every stockholder should bear this meeting lu mind, and attend. At tilt: Opera IIouhc, Marcll 2Jl8)1 UNOEll TUB ADSPICES Ot THE U A It. A grand cyclorama, of tho Battle of Gettysburg which has been exhibited in the leading, Cities of the Union for the past ten years. Showing the entire thrte days bat tle on mammoulh canvas lu life like form. Under a most powerful calcium light Picketts famous charge on tho third day, and the solid line of blue that met them on that memorable field, aro among the lead lug features. This Willi be a rare treat to the peoplo of this county, a chance of a life time. The expense of produclnirthls grand cyclorama of the Ballla ot Gettysburg, Is so gieat that the management heretofore havo not attempted Its proluctlon, out side of tho larger cities. Capt. J, B. Long, the monarch battlefield guide of Gettys burg, will describe the gorgeous transtor roatlon scenes, assisted by Prof, W. K. Zlcglcr, giving a select anil instructive en tir lalnment. Over 300 scenes will be ex l.llilloil Popular prices 23 and 33c. Becuro youY scats in time. 'Aycr's Cherry Pectoral has given me cieat relief lu brunrhllU, Within a month I havo tent some of this preparation to friend sulTerlng from bronchitis and astb inn, It has done him so much good that ho writes for iiiore," Chsrlei F, Dumter- Ylll , Plj inoiilh, England. WAI.1.1WS TION, On Baturdiy morning lat Dr D, J. Waller took tho oath of ofllco Bupctln. tendent of Public Instruction, before J. O, Brown.Notary Tubllc. At a meeting ot the Board of Trustees of tho Normal Bchool held In tho evening of tho eamo day at the rcsl- uenco of William Ncal, President of tho Board, the resignation of Dr. Waller as Principal of tho Bchool was presented. It reads as follows) Bloomsbduo, Pa., FEn 25th, 1890. William Nral, Esq., President of the Hoard ot Trustees of tho Btato Normal School t Dim Bui Permit mo through you to pre- sent to tho Board my resignation of the prlnclpalshlp of the school, to lake cllect as soon as, In the Judgment nf Board, tho interests of tho school will permit. The only motive Is my appolotmcnt to the position ot Superintendent of Public Instruction. I cannot close without assuring you nf my profound appreciation of tho unswerv Ing support received, and of tho cordial relations that have existed between the Board and myself for almost thirteen years. Very truly, D. J. Waller, Jb. l he resignation would havo been hand ed in on Tuesday prccccding, but the re gular meeting o tho Board was adjourned until Saturday After sotp remarks by several of the trustees a t j the valuo of Dr. Wall ct's ser vices to the school, and the difficulty in filling his place, thn resignation was ac cepted, to take effect at tho end of the school year, which will bo next July. On motion n committee was appointed to tako appropriate action upon tho resigna tion of Dr. Waller. Tho committee con sists ot William Nca', Jno. M. Clark, Geo. E Elwell and C. G. Barkley. There has been a marked feeling deve- loped In the community In favor of strone efforts to induce Dr. Waller to remain with the school, and this took definite shape In the following petition signed by all the members of the Faculty: BLoousntJRa, Pa., Feb, 10, '890. To the Trustees, Bloomsburg Btato Normal School. Gentlemen s Wo tho members of the Faculty of the Normal School, cannot otherwise than with you sharo the honor that has been confer red upon our School by the appointment of its Principal Dr. D. J. Waller, Jr., lo the highest educational office lu tho gift of the Btato. But while we feel thus honored, we nt tho same lime slncerly be livc that the continued prosperity of the School depends upon his connection with It as its Principal. Seriously therefore be lieving as we do, we deem it our BOlemn duty to entreat you to use every illort in your power to retain him. Hoping that our n quest may meet with your approval, and that Dr. Waller may remain in his present position, we sub- scribo ourselves, Very rcsptctfu ly yours. II. U. CurtitAN, Ciias. II. Albert, Wm. Noetlinq, II. E Cruris, George E. Wilboh, Anna K. Limberosu, I. W., Sarau M, Hacet, F. II, Jenkins, Clara E. smith, Enola B Uoik, John G. Cope A similar pelltioa was presented by the students. The Beuior class prsente.1 the following: To the Trustees of ibo Blooinsb irg 8tate Normal school, Gentlemen : At a meeting ot th'3 Ssulor C! us held on the 21st Inst., tho following rcsoltuhn was unanimously adopted : Whereas, The Governor has seen tit to appoint our esteemed Principal, Ur D. J. Waller, Jr., to the position of Superintend. ent of Public Instruction of tho Common wealth of Pcnnsylv.ini 1, and, wh"rca, we realize that the success of the present as well as of future Senior Clisaes depends upon his remaining with us, ha ,lt there fore, Jtttolvtd, That we respectfully ask you to make it as advantageous as possible for him to stay. Signed, Eleanor Haymak, ) Jennie Ddnooiie, Com. .'.W. Burke, ) On motion, these petitions were referred to the above named committee. No one could be more interested in re. tainlng Dr. Waller's services than tho Board of Trustees, but It was tin unani mous feeling that while they would part with him with deep regret, it was not right for them to stand iu thu way nf his promotion by refusing to accept his resig. nation. Dr. Waller went to Hirrisburg on Mon day morning and assumed control ot the ofllce ot State Superintendent. Cemrnnu. The Logan aud Centralla collieries have resumed work. Judge Murphy was in Bloomsburg on Friday to attend to his official duties. The school children at Montana gave an entertainment on Washington's birthday. Miss Brown of Cincinnati has been visit ing Miss Mama McBrrarty D. F. Curry Is a possible candldato for legislature. It is said that one ot the men elected to a borough office rt fuses to pay bis share for the priming 1 f lhe tickets n Inch elected him. We nro Informed thai Centralla is not the only ploro in lhe county where candidates refuse to pay lhe primer ufur the election is over. Patrick Lynch died last week Wednes- day, leavmir a wife and Severn children. The Ashland yocaf snjf: A heart rending scene was witnessed by your reporter as he was on his way home on Monday ctcning. On nesting Mc- Laughllu's corner a loud cry of murder was heard coming from the direction ot Park Street. Hastening to the spot he found a mother almost broken hearted, cudeavo log to get her fourteen year old son home, who was Intoxicated and in a teuil-iincon. scions condlliou, uttering oaths and ex claiming now and then "I am going to Hell fast!" Then tho mother stated that tho whiskey was given her son by men who are well known, and whose names are withheld for tbe sake ot their families. "Mid pleasures and palaces, tho' we may roam, Be It ever so humble, there's no place like home," especially if bless, d with a wife whose hours are not spent 111 misery "aiued by those dragglng-down pains arising from weakencsses peculiar to her sex, Pierce's Favorlto Prescription rtllovea and cures these troubles and brings aunthlne to many darkened homes. Bold by diugglsts under apoi!u yuarantfe from manufacturers of satisfaction or money refunded. Itcad guarantee on bottle.wrappcr. Tho cleansing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. Bage's Catarrh Itemedy aro unequaled. Coucf,, Proceedings. Adjourned court was held Saturday last, all tue judges on tu bench. On petition Michael Laugbllo, appointed Supervisor ot Conyugham, towuthlp. Tavern license of Mrr. Mary HaiUllno at Ilupert trausfered to Einadus Unangsl, Private sale ordered In estate Ellen Mon. aghan, deceased. nioi', BIIYVI'.Il mtM.H. Tho twenty-flfth anniversary of the wed din 1 of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Williams was celebrated at their homo on Fifth Btrect, Friday last, February 28th. Invitations wero Issued to the number of about two hundred, most ot which was to friends In distant points. By reason ot the lenten season many were debarred fromatlcndlng who otherwise wou.d have hi en pleased to attend. Thcro were present aboi t thir ty couple. The announcement had set apart 8 o clock as the hour for conven. ing, out owing to tho exceedingly lasuion- able inclinations of tho good people of the town It was nearly ten o'clock bctoro the guests arrived. The wedding match was played by Mr. Baccus of New York city, and iron after dancing and card playing was freely Indulged In. At 11 o'clock a bounteous repast was served. About the t!mu the month ot February was closing and March quietly stealing noon tho happy gUesls.danclng and card playing was again resumed and continued until about half-past three, when all reluctantly separated. lit addition to tho many friends from this place there were present Mr. Baccus, of Nfiw York City,Mcssrs. Hodgdcn and Dare of, Scranton. the Misses Toolo and Mrs. Jdhnson and daughter oi Northumberland, Mrs. Carter of Blnghampton, N. Y. Among the many beautiful presents given were thb following articles of Silverware! Cake knife, plo knife, berry spoou, fish "fork, salad fork and spoon, set of sliver tea knives, euirsr sifter, souo ladle, nenner and salt box, glove buttoncr, olive fork, butter pick, silver carving set, pudding dish, drlid beef fork, olive castor and fork, sil ver tea set, fruit dish, cream jug and sugar bqwl, high German silver dining table lamp, chocolalicr act, dolton pitcher. In addition to tho silverware were handsome towels, and tablecloths, several checks, old oak buffet and handsome cut flowers. All present enjiyed themselves hugely and extending there congratulations to the host and hostess, wished them long life and continued happiness aud prosperity. in order to reduce stock, for the next 30 days I am offering special Inducements to cash purchasers from my largo stock of boots and shoes. F. D. Dcntlcr. I STOVES! STOVES! of all kind and at bottom prices at Eshleman & Wolf Center St.' Opera house. Tho cold wave has .struck us at last, hope il will remain long enough to make some ice. The local Institute held here last Batur- day, proved quite a success, notwithstand ing the muddy roads. The principal sub jects unbraced were "Bchool Improve ments," Higher Wages for Teachers," and .More Luxurious Bchool rooms." It is wonder to us who is solna to nay the bill, when we havo to sell wheat for 80cts per bushel. Tho article from Mr. "Farmer" In your last Issuo was carefully pcrsued, and found very pertinent to tho subject. Wo would like to bear from more farmers on the sub ject, until we get at the real caus -, then probably a remedy can be applied. Miss Lena Colo and her fretnd Miss Hurdman of Jamison City attended our Institute. A delegation of the I.0. 0. F of Orangc ville, visited the Lodsto at this place last Saturday evening, for the purposo of initi aling some new members. They returned the same evening by special itraln on the B. &. S. It must have been amusing to seo thu Boys "ride the goat," The Benton Choir rendered some very excellent music at the Institute. Parties are negotiating with H. H. HulmeSfor his timber tract. Our enterprising citizens are anxiously awaltlnglfor spring to opon, that building can be resumed. We expect a great many new house to bo built this coming summer. Iientonlls the town.of upper Columbia. We were sorry to see our old friend Will Brown leavo us, on Monday, for Montana. ill is a good steady fellow and s ems to bo quite a favorite among tlw ladies. From all appear inces last Sunday nleht. we think he will bo back soon. Then Charlie will have lo keep an eyo on him. "Occasional. " ATLANTIC CXTV. IMPROVEMENTS ON THE READIN'O RAILROAD'S bEASHORE LINE. Those of our readers who know Atlantic City only as a hol-weather resort would be amazed to witness the cvldeuce and activ ity now observable there. The largest of all our coast resorts, It well deserves Its title of "The American Brighton," having within the past few year3 betn metamor phosed from a mere summer pleasuring place to a great and permanent sanitarium and abode of recreation. Tho Spring sea son is now booming; all tho leading hotels arc open, and during the dally promenado hour the beach is crowded with votaries of fashion and seekers after health and rest. Tho remarkably heavy buslnes done on the Heading Railroad's Atlantic City line last year has encouraged its management to still further improve that excellent road. By thu liberal ai d judicious expenditure of large sums of money In strengthening the permanent way, and the equip ment, supplemented by wide and skillful advertising, this route hap Jumped to the Iront of seashore lints lu ;a way that a? loiindeid conservative railroad men, nod thu cour.igo and enterprise of President Cnrbln and his able coadjutors were amply rewarded by au enormous Increase In the load'a patronage. In anticipation of a still greater volume of travel during tbe coming Bummer, the road is being double tracked over ltu entire length with 70-pound steel rails, and It is expected that this improvement will be completed by April 1st, making tlm Bend- ing the first, und, for tue present, thu only double-track railroad between Phlladel thla and the seaslure. This will enable r alns to bo moved with Increased prompt- ne", and It will also have the effect of es. tabilshing an additional safeguard against accident. lhe Heading's new depot In Atlantic Clly Is said to bu the finest and most com plete railway structure on tho coaBt. It Is 650 'eel long, with a frontage of 300 feet on Atlantic Avenue tho main thorough fare. I be train sheds are 430 feet long, with room tor six tracks, and between these aro platforms twenty.flvo feel wide. The capacious waiting rooms aro artistic ally finished in oak, with mahogany fur nishings aud rich curtains Architectural. ly, the station 1b a beauty, aud Its great dl metisions will enable the railroad people to handle immense crowds without ditOculty or delay. Arrangements have been made to augment Iho motive power and car equipment to meet tho expected 'boom,1 and Heading officials predict a phenomen ally big season ot travel. UrnuUmotlier rJaH) When ubo was a girl that hur mother al ways gave her sulphur and mollasscr to pnrlfy her blood, but shn now gives Bui phur Bitters to her grandchildren, at it Is j the best medicine she ever saw, Tht t4h- 2-28.21. Clover seed for sale at B. F, Peacock & 4Co's ut lowerl market rrlce. tf. UOAVA, Tho peoplo seem well pleased with their singing master, and aro learning very fast. Tho oyster supper nt Bruce ButlllT's, on Thursday and Saturday night, forthe bene. fit of Huv. Porry was largely attended) but we aro unable to give amount taken tn yet. Tho social party at J. N. Penslngton's was not very well attended on Batufday night. The p. riles II was- made up for, fallod to put In an appearance, on account of bad roads' But wo learn dt will bo some other evening biforc long. Hev. Shortcss preached his farewell ser mon In tho M. E. Brandon church, on Bun day evening. Wo hope ho will got" back on this charge again. John Fritz closed his school this week. Chas. Mackafce look the train for Bloomsburg on Monday, ho was called to tho latter place oh business. O. F. Mann our prominent 'Operator' has la Ms charge two stitlons now. Jamison City and Laubachs. Ho Is carried to Jam), son City tn tbe morning on n freight train, and back on any train ho wishes to come on. Iu order to carry on business proper ly In tho two places, ho baa secured tho services of Frank Brunsteller nt J. 0. and B. H. Laubach student for Laubachs. Wo aro expecting him Boon to wear a now silk hat. Ho Is deserving of one anyway. Mrs 0. L. Hess and family wero tho" guests of Andrew Laubach on Bunday last. Tney arrived In Pa, on Wednesday last. They camo up from Deloware to Phila. In a steamer, but were detained ono day by tho steamer running on a sand bar, where they were compelled to remain from 7 a. m. till 5 p. m., until the tide had risen. Mr.1 G.- L. Hess will drive from Philadelphia to this place and expects to arrive somo time during the week. O M. Kilo and wife and a numbor of others, took tho train for Bloom and other points on Saturday. W. H. Bollnger formerly "Opr" of Jaml son City, was visiting Chas Mann Thurs day and Friday. Come again Mr. Bolin gor, you are always a wclcoma visitor. B. U. Laubach is kept close In the office since C. F. Mann has taken chargo of the two offices. VV. F. To.NijtM mill To-JIorriiw NigUt. And each day and night during this wock you can get at all druggists' Kern p's Bal samfor the Throat and Lungs, acknowl- j edged to bo tho mist successful remedy ever sold for tho cure of Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Consumption. Get a bottlo to-day and keep it always In the house, so you can check your cold at once. -fPrice COc and $1.00. Bamplo bottle free. lCunt iicttion. Mrs. William Ipher ot Benton township is In poscsston ot a large and beautiful butterfly that measures'c inches from tip to tip across its wings. We saw this beau, tlful object on Feb. 18th. Sometime ago wo reported the weighs of Joseph Deatrlck's hog, near Van Camp, erroneously. Instead of 430 It should have beeu530 lbs. The young man that wanted to hire Miss Bplnnogle for a few weeks was promptly informed that when she hired, (married), she hired for "unmerun avaich und alsfort." Charles Kcefer's family, all of whom have been daugerously ill are reported as getting better. At this stage'of Iho progressive age, It is proposed to run tho elections hero after by steam. "Fraud and boodle'' are too slow. Tho electric era is not far distant as ex- perlmenls 'already prove a partial success, since lightning strikes la unexpected places. Verily "tho World moves," but boodle moves it. Joshua Hess, a former toll gato keeper at the "Arch Bridge" died at his home neat- Heelster Feb. 20 A young child of Frank Karns' was bur ied In the Ccmelcry at Uamillne last Tues- day. - W. 8. Kaso was appointed executor of tho will ot Peter Kase, lato of Benton township. David Yost Esq., is now hobbling about on crutches. We met John I Crevellng Esq. and his wife In Bloomsburg last Mondiy. We did not recognize tho young attorney, even after a hearty shake by the hand. Job n was always a good boy, and Is now' a Suc cessful lawyer at the bar of the Luzerne county courts. To all readers of the Columbian and to tbe travelling public, Interested in good loads, who may favor tho proposed schemes with regard to now road laws and road money taxes, we refer to the Bblckshlnny Turnpike, on which tbe travelling public pay tribute lo the Company or Corporation, 2 cents per mile with 2 horse wagon and team and li cents per mile with 2 horBe sled and team No county road on which the tax has been worked out, Is In less fit condition for travel and carting, nor has been for the last six months than tho Dhickshinny Turnpike. We do not ask ycu to tako-nur word, but simply say to you go and seo for'yoursolves, and satisfy yourselves that tho proposed road tcheme will be tho worst "gobble" that has knock ed at the door for a country steal. Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine In tho po ciilur way In which the proprietor of Kemp's Balsam tor Coughs and Colds does is indeed wonderful. He authorizes u'.l druggists to glvo those who call for It samplo bottle Free, that thoy raiy try It be- roro purcnasing. ruo L.argo uouics aro 50oand $1.00. Wo certain! would ad- vise a trial, u may save you from con sumption , Notes I'roiti lispy, Birthday surprises seem to take tho lead in our qluct town of lato. . On last Friday evening a very agreeable surprlso of tills kind was given In honor of air. William Dietrich, ono of our prosper, ous business nv n. Thu honorablo gentle man upon returning from Bliomsburg In the evening, found his house well filled with guests waiting to greet him, and tauie spread wun a variety ct tne many good things In this life. After all had par. taken of the bounteous repast, and enjoyed tho music given by the young people, they returned to t..clr homes feeling that they had an evening of delight, and converse with their friends. Noah Oliver Helghard, son of B. F. and Susan Bulghard, who suffered Intensely during tho last three years from tho disease of Scrofula, departed lids life Feb. 27 at tho age of 10 years and 10 days. Tho funeral services were held at the ' house of the deceased, near Light Btrect last Batur. day afternoon at 10 o'clock. Half of the Jul lies Mausion at Espy Is yet for rent, anyone desiring a good house to live lu during tho ensuing year, nt a low rent, may tin well In calling upon Hev. Ulaze who is to occupy oue side ot the houBe. Great reduction In shoes, Shoes that havo been $3.00, 2 75 and 32.60 reduced to $1.60 a pair at. Pender's. The riamo nf Hon, J. Ii. Knlttle of Cata. wlssa, Is ibeiillnned as a piobablo candl.. j dato for the cilice of Prothonotary, at tho coming election. There arc many white sdaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. Tis sold everywhere. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. ' Wlmn Baby wm tick, we jato her rjutortt. When sbs wm a Child, she cried for CtorU, 'When she, became Miss, she clung to OutorU, When tbe had Children, the eve them OutorU. A niooiiiHlmric Inventor. nichard W. Oswald of tho Bloomtburir Car Works has received through his attor neys, Mason, Fenwlck & Lawrence, a very valuahlo patent for a method of manufact. urlng Chilled Car Wheels. Hood's Sarsaparllla is on tho flood tide of popularity, which position It has reach ed by lu own Intrinsic, undoubted merit. AtiotUerRnt Story. Threo rats, were caught at ono time in one trap at I. W. McKelvy's barn last Thursday. Bchuylcr'a Rat Killer !dld the business. Tub Creates! sufTererH Wo: Id. In the Are women) their delicate, organizations being particularly susceptlblo to derange ment and disease. Dr. Kennedy's Favor ItelHemedy, of Houndout, N. Y., purifies the blood, Invigorates the system and for tifies It sgatnst tho diseases incident to age, climate and season. It Is the best medi cine In the world. Keep 1 In the house for yuur children's sake, as well as for you own. ' 3-7 4t. tPUMPSlPUMPSl Superior Pump.Novelty Pump, Cucumber Pump, and any kind you may want at Eshleman & Wolf. UrunUciiucHM Lleiuor Hatm In alt tile Wolldlhen! Isbnl nnn cure Ur. Matties' oolden rJpcclfl c It can be given in a cud ot tea or coffee without the knowledge of the peson taKlng it, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether tho patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck Thousands ot drunWHrds have' b'cin cured who have taken the Golden Specific la their e.offeo without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effect results from Its administra tion. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and full particulars. Address In confidence Golden Specific Co., 181 Hace Street, Cineinnatl.O. 10-2oly WANAMAKER S. PniLADKLpniA, Monday, Mar. 3, 1S90 If you've watched the market you know how Cashmere and Henrietta and all that family have gone up in price Bad lor hand to mouth stores, We ordered before the advance. yours the saving. l"or instance, here s an all- wool silk finish Henrietta, not simply French, but made in rrance. lhe 38. inch ia 50 and 65c;.the 46 inch is 75c, 85c, Si, and $1.25, cheaper, quality for quality, titan last seesotr rorty three shades, includiner all the new ana delicate tints. Anodiec from the same shear- ing, urapa Amazon, nas a broadclothy look: crowds the finest brodcloth hard in sub stance, dyes, finish, beauty but lighter weight A delight ful stufi for - women's Spring wear. 50 inches, 51.50- Drap de Paris is still another friend winner. Spring weight and bpnng shades. 48 inches, Fancy Tricot that is remark able for three things: 1 width (45 inches); 2 good looks; 3 bargain price on new goods, ine oroacusn stripes are in sateen weave, and are self colored. All the desirable shades are in the line. JBut here's .where the fun for you comes in: We practically give you nine inches 0 width with every yard you buy. 36-inch Fancy Tricot of this grade would be 50c; this 45-mch stuff is 50c and two yards less of it is enough lor a dress pattern. Wool Surah. ; Like a very fine grade ot seree, but clothy t the touch. Entirely new, and rjust lovely the salespeople say. lhey know. In twenty three shades, including the most delicate ol the season. 42 in dies, 75c. The little priced Cottons. We've been skipping their two or three hundred feet of counter all the season. An hour of quick looking and you'd not . ..11 .1. gei at an meir newness and brightness and sturdy worth. Year by year these modest unpretentious stuffs have been bettering and bettering. The wit of prouder goods is quick to show in them. Take the Seersuckers, not the crinkled ones, but tho plain sturdy sort that has held friends for ten years. Gingham style and gingham beauty tied to the quality that every thrifty mother knows so well. 2lZc The I2c Ginghams are a handsome host. The Yankee' has been getting his work in here too. Feel the cloth; study the patterns. It won't do for the Scotchmen to go to sleep when I2c Yankee Ginghams are so wide awake. 1 2 ytc Sateens as well. Lay the best from over sea beside a piece of these and see if half at least of the old time French boast style or quality isn't clone for. The 20c Sateens crowd the French hard at everv point. Perhaps a bit less beauty of finish, a spark behind in origi nality, a trifle off in fineness, but maybe you'll say not. That's how the money-mod-est Cottons run. All that's to tell of the many sorts would fill the paper. Choice Copyright Fiction- A series of 121110 volumes with illuminated paper covers. By a dozen or so popular American writers. lhe books regularly sell at 50 cents each. Our price iS cents; by mail p cents. Autrefois Temple rtouso The Veiled Uorond A Swallow's Wing Two Moo Thu Diamond Button as common Mortals Ualdr 'a Point No. l state street's honho Odds Agalost Her lteatod A Husband A 11 nek v oas An Hour's I'romlso Bewitched. uurketfs Lock Urown stono Bor and Otner Queer l"ccplo. New Man at Itoss'nere. The Admirable Lady Biddy Fane. The secret of the Lamas. Tho Last of tho Van Slacks. The smugrr ot Klng'a Covo. lhe Bannerol Uankersvllle. These form the Diary of In spector Byrnes, by Julian Hawthorne; The (treat Bank Hobery. Another's crime. An American Penman, section MS.. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits onlv $3 doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copy ing and enlarging. Instant process used. If. I W. HABTSIAN & BONS. Our special linen sale has begun, 35 and pieces, many aro below first cost. call see them when you come to town, Livery Htnble for Hale. The undersigned offers nt nrlvntn snln thu entire outfit of his livery stable, on Iron Street, In Bloomsburg, Including horses, harness, buggies, sleighs, carriages, robes, blankets, &c., also au office building and contents. It is an old stand with cood business. Address tf. J. W. Girds, Bloomsburg, Pa. I. W. HABTMAN & SONS. People aro aakln? of other nrnnprv houses "do you Keep Hartman'9 Baking powder." Wo have it pure and Intend selling It only at retail at our store. For sale at a bargain. 1 good bay horse. 115011)9. 1 ffood crav horse. 1000 lbs. B sets single harness, 2 top buggies in good condition. Apply at once. O. E. Tea Co., Old stand. I. W. HAHTMAN & SONS. The house kceDcrs are examining our nice dishes, getting ready for Annl mov ing. Wo keep the lineal line In tho county, young house keepers can bo supplied with handsomo goods. Great 80 day lea sale from now until the first of April. All tea of every description will be sold nt cost. Elegant mix tea 4 lb l, oest imperial tea now 40c, hest out 00c, tea was 00c, now 40c, good JBIack tea for 35c was 50c, Green Japan 25c was 60c Also a complete lino of groceries equally as uucap. jjoni miss tins cnancc. ltespt. 1'. J Weaver, Tea Co. Old Bland. I. W. HAHTMAN & SONS. We are ooenini ud Snrinir nlmrhams. seersuckers, also challles and all kinds of -prini Dress U001I9. Mark our low priced IgUb WClgllb ClOlll III, ZJC. Handsomely framed lile size Crayons, plio A lugrupus an sizes, in correct styles and per- iect iinisu, colored photographs, large or small, frames a n d moulding. M'KIIJLIP 3ROS,, Bloomsburg. NOTICE TO CANDID VTES FOB OF FICE OP MINE INSl'KCTOll. Natcelaher:b' given thai the onices of Inspec tor or Mines, tor the eifin Inspection mstrlctlo im. prising that part of tho schuylnill coal Bold In Schuylkill county, lying north ot llroad Mountain and est ot a meridian line through lhe centre nf tho horomh ot oinrdvllHjan 1 for tin seventh In spection Distrlctf comprMur all Ihet p.ert of tho hchuylklil coal fleld In dchuylKUl County, lilng south or the Mabaniy Valley ad the countviof Ujtutnn) win bo vacatotnytheexplra lion otthe commissions ot thj present Incum bents on tho twenty-second diy of September IHO, and that an ex unln etlon f oialMitos for theseomoes will bo held on Tueslir Mireh 4th 18U0, at 10 o'clock a m. In the second story front room of scltz balldl- g, No. 1 1 ! south Centre . street, Poitsvlllewhea and where all canlldates are re quested to present t emselves for examination, .NO nreVtOUSnOtlnctlOn Ot lnUtntlen tn nnnlv It rA. quired. HtBgHg, Thompson John It. HorrMiH TlIOHiS KvmsoN WIU.UHJ. Ml LUSH V. II. Dkvek. Feb. 14-it. Examining Hoard. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Rcsil Estate AND Personal Property ! Theundorslgned administrator D. U. N. C. T. A. of Jacob Yohe deceased ml eposj tj publlo salo on the premises latelv occupied by ltachacl Voho deceased in Mllllln tovnsnlp, Columbia county. I'a., oa 8.YTUHD.W, MAK'Ml 8th, A. I). '90. atlp. m., ot aatd dsy, the fMlowtoj psreonal property, to-wlt; 2 shoits, U chickens, J ok stoves, 1 parlor stove, lot stove-pipe. 4 beds, corner cupboard, lot dishes, knives, forks, spoons. 2 bureaus, writing desk, lot rag carpet, about SO yards ot bruasls carpet, ONE PARLOR SUIT, t eight day clock, lolsc'iurs, t lotage, l sofa, lot pictures and frames, lot tinware, lot earthenware, pots, skillets and pans, stands, lot salt meat, 1 Iron kettle, S wash tubs, 1 wash boiler, 2 cider barrels, meat stand, LOT OK POTATOES, hoes, shovels, forks and a large variety of house hold snd kitchen furniture too numerous to men tion. ALSO; A tract ot mountain timber land of about 75 ACRES, more or leas, adjotuln? lands of Keubm lions and others la Miniln townshtp. Terms made kuown on day ot sale J. J. UllOWN, Adm'r I), H. N. 0. T. A. Feb.tO.tsw. 0tJa(:0,' Xoiieiiax:XMi' JXECUTOll'S NOTICE I etlers teaiarueniary on sal 1 is! at 1 Having been irrstileil to the utul'-rslntNl etee-itor. all uerna fifuwr 'v rwr auw, uuv uj trwun fir;;. riideblert to salt iwtite ure hrnvlif not Wed to psy thesamo-, and those biviug cUlns agalust sold estate to pre-cm tue samo tu lluo. K, ulwell. W It . Kr. Atly. Ftilmio, , .gPa. RONSUMPTION, IN Its first stages, can Ibo successfully checked by the prompt uso of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Even tn the later periods ot that disease, tho cough Is wonderfully relieved by this medicine. " I havo used Ayer'a Cherry I'ectoral with the best effect In my practice. This wonderful preparation once saved my life. I had a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly- reduced in flesh, and given up by my physician. Ono bottlo and a linlf ot tho Pectoral cured mo." A. J. i:idson, M. V., MUlillefon, Tennessee " Several years ago I was severely 111. Tho doctors said I was in consumption, and that they could elo nothing for tne, but advised me, us a last resort, to try Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine two or three months I was cured, and my health remains good to tho present day," James Ulrchard, JJarlen, Conn. " 8evcrnl years ago, on a passage homo from California, by water, I contracted so severe a cold that for some days I was confined to my state-room, nnd a physician on board considered luy lllo In danger. Happening to havo a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used It freely, and my lungs wero soon restored to a healthy condition. Since, then I liavo Invariably recommended this prep aration." J. 13. Chandler, Junction, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rniriREXi ar Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mats. Bold by ill DroggliU. I',lct$l;ililxUlri,t. ASSIGNEE'S SALE -OP The undersigned assign) will by vlrtuo of an order to him directed by tho Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county cxpoao to public sale the following described roil estate on the prom ises on SATURDAY, MAUOII 15, 1890. Piece No. 1. Sltuato In Briarcreek township, Columbia County. Pa , bounded an 1 described as follows, to-wlt r Beginning la a publlo road lewl ing from IUttenhouw's Mill to Solomon House, knecht, thence north v degiees west S perches to a stone, thenco north 8JdegoeesE19elght-tcnth perches to a stone, thence north tfi degrees west 13 two-tenth perches to black oak stump, thenco north 7IX degrees east, lj 8-10 perches, thenco north MV degrees oast, 10 perches, north 3v degrees east, 4 S-tO perches to corner, South f aegrecawest.6 perches to stone, south se,v de grees east U perches to stone; south "I degrees east 32 pjrehes to a stone, south 7X degrees east 5? perches stump, thenoo south llx degrees cast la perchoa to stone, south degrees east 28 4-10 perches to a stono corner south Bi de grees west 180 5-10 perches to place ot beginning, containing 76 ACRES, more or less; on which aro erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, large bank barn and out buildings, good orchard, about all tho land under cultivation. This farm la known as tho Delterlcls nomeste&d. No. s. Piece of land sltuato In Centre township, Columbia county, I'a., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a red oak corner, thence north 9 1-9 degrees west 58 7-10 perches to Pino stump, south 87 1-i degress west 4t s-to per ches to maple, north 81 degrdes we3t M 8-10 per- ,'hcs to post, thence south 8 1 3-1 dogroos west 97 perches to plno stump, south 2 3-3 degrees oast. 37 2-10 perches to a stone, thenco south 73f degrees east f6 6-to perches to stono earner, north ti de grees east 0 5-10 perches to stone, bouth Hi degrees east 41 6-10 perches to corner, "place ot beginning containing 31 ACRES and eighty perches moro or less; also adjoining the above beginning at a stone in road, thenco by other land of Delterlck;! north 5 degrees west M perches to stono corner, south 89 1-1 degrees east s? 6-10 perahes to stone, soutn a degrees east 14 perches to 9tone, thence north 70 3-4 degrees east 915-10 perches to stone, south 5 degrees east 47 7-10 perches to stone, In township line, south 7)4 degrees west 14 3-10 perches to pine stump south so l-t degrees west 44 perches to place of begin ning containing 18 ACRES, 19 perches more or less. One piece ot land In Ilrtarjrcek township, described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at corner In BummerhlU road. In twp lines north 5 degrees, west 40 M0 perches to stone, north 70 3-s degrees eastjCl 8-10 perches to stone, south 1 a degrees east 51 6-10 perches to stone corner, south 81 degrees west 52 s-10 porches to stone, south 77X degrees west 3 7-10 perches to stone, place of beginning containing IO ACRES and S3 perches. Also piece ot land In same twp., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Begin ning at stone by land once Samuel M lllard's,sout h I degrees wesc 54 perches to pine kio'j west 4S perches to post, south 6 degrees cast 58 perches to pine trees, south 8t degrees east 88tf perches to post, south 88 1-4 degrees east SJ perches to stone place ot beglonlng, containing IO ACRES, II perches, more or less. All last four describe liploces of land aro adjoin ing each other and U50.1 as one farm containing 83 ARES, and ono perch more or less ou which are erected a J bank barn and outbuilding, good orchird. No. 3 -One other piece of land In Briarcreek twp UoL Co. ra.,;bounded and described as follows, to wlt: Beginning at a stone on south si le U B. It. It. by same north 81 degrees west 8 4-10 perches nort h 87 s-4 degrees west 12 perches to stone, south 7 3-1 degrees east ct 6-10 perches to lbne stono, south S8.X degrees oast 7 4-10 perches to lime stono, north 35 1-4 degrees east 319-10 perches to mtddleot North branch canal, thenco by same north 7T dgrees west 9 8-10 perches north 8 1-4 de grees oast 18 H-10 perches to stone, north If de grees west 4 9-10 perches 10 vtoac, north 7 3-4 de. grees west 189-10 perches to stone, place ot be ginning containing 8 ACRES 7 perches, more or less, on which a erected a large BRICK DWELLING, largo stable; store building; and cinal wharta the same la known as the "Urlarcreek eirocery ." lleco No. s v, 111 bo sold on the premises descrlb ed as No. 2 atlo o'clock a. in. lleces No. 1 and J will be sold on premises des cribed as number one at s p. m. TSltMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one fourth ot the purchase money to bo paid ou striking down otthe pioperty one fourth leas tea pur cent on confirmation ot sata when deed will be ilellvered-balancelnoneyear from oomlruntloa of sale, wllh Interest from coutlrm Hlou and to bo secured by bond and mortgage ou tue premiss is. C. IU Jacisom, S. C. JAYNE. Alty. Assignee of Km mor UeltertcL". TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE Re;U Estate ! The utdertlgned trustee appointed by the Or- nhana' t'onrt of f'olumblA rnuntv tn tell thn ral I estate ot Tho as Shearman, deceased, will esj-aie , at publlo sale on the premises la Beave; township Iou SATURDAY, MAUOII 29, 1H90 at 10 o'clock a 111. the following real estate ; I Hounded and described as follows, to-wlt 1 Mlu atj In Boaeer township, Col. Co., State of f'cuna. n rthwardly by lands of John Baker, Thomas J.'itz and Abraham smith, eastwardly by landsot Abraham life, Bjuthwardly by lauds ot Coxe Brothers i Ca, and webtwardly by lands of C. A. tshuman and Conrad Diets, containing 5;: Hundred d h: km, more or less, with appurtenances. I TKHMS OF SALIi-One-ttilrd of the purchaaa money 10 be pild cash, one-thtrd In ono jear from ( final confirmation with Interest, from continuation 1 I s'., and the remaining third at the dea'h tf the wPow'ot the d cccaaed w ttti tuterett Horn eon. nnn at Ion nl. si., payable annually. The latter two payments to be teoured by Judgments or mortgage liens on tbe premises. M. C, WOODWAItO, Truite. j JSTO.ICE. " Notice Is hereby elven that a musing of th' stfiekliolleraot the lllooniklmr IlilJg. t)a lit L held at the UMa Houm) in the towl o' Womiih. buif at 2 o'clock p. in., on Thuradav the ln dai 0. Al y, l-WJ '"r the nnteiee 01 ti' dint, iiu ilie-!iu lir uraalna luuiUNa.iuiluiual.,. ! t'ornoiu llu ', I'AII.K. WIItT, beo'l. I