The Columbian. r JiS. Blttoaaanior., Edit on, 'JtlDAY, JjAUOII 7, 1H9q. Abraham Lnooln, only son ot Hob ort Lincoln, Mlnlstor to KnglnnJ, diod Wednesday morning, agod 17 yoars. IIU tloalh wa from gangrono, caused by carbuncle under tho lolt arm. To The Oomlj Oommissioners- EDITORS COI.UMMAN. deaii sin Wo call tho attention of tho County Commissioners to tho uti cqaal and unjust valuations of Uititon towushlp as compared with tho border townships. For yours wo havo con tended that tho valuation of Benton townships were 20 percent higher thin equitable and just valuations. Every effort to remedy this evil, or to equalize this unjuBt valuation by triennial Assess monts has been ignored and duliautly sot aside by tho Commissioners, regard less of tho protests of tho injured and over taxed nltizons of Benton. An an alysis of tho subject shows tho follow ing results According to tho census of 1880 tho population of Benton township was 10G2. Tho comiy tax assessed to Benton last year was $898, 08 ,or 84 cents per capita. Fishing orreek with a population of 1 140 was assessed $1161.01, or 80 J cents per. capita. Sugar-loaf with h population of 872 was assessed $4 17.9G, or 51 cents per. capita. Greenwood with a population of 1710 was assessed $1279. 03, or 75 conts per, capita Jaokson, with a population of 675 was assessed $295,10, or 41 oonts per. capita. Pine, with a population of 911, was assessed $108,97, or 45 cents per, capita. Loca tion with regard to tho commercial world favors Fishingoreek and Green wood so far as relates to valuation. Fertility, iraproveraants and physical features are dooidedly in favor of Fishingoreek which pays only 95 per. cent per capita assessed to Benton Susarloaf pays 61 per cnt, Green wood 88 percent. Jaokson 52 por .cent and fine 53 por cent ot lion ton, entire population per capita assessments. Tho rale of county tax on real estate and personal property was 2J mills on tho dollar valuation. Tno amount of county taxes nssossed to the several towiiships abovd namod shows an ag croc a to and per capita valuation as follows, viz; Benton, asfgrogate vain ation $359,232; per, capita $338.25, Fis'iingoreek, aguresMto valuation $165,605; per capita $322. Suojarloaf aggrega'e valuation 5179,185; per capita 82 J5.5U. liro-jnwooa aggregate valuation $511,993; per capita $299, 41. Jaokson, agreaato vauation $118,010; per oapita $170. Pino ag groeato valuation $163,503; per capita $180. ready. Bouton has an assessed valuation per capita $10 25 more than Fisuinsoreok, $132 75 more than Sugarloaf, $38.84 more than Greenwood $163.25 more than Jaokson and $198.50 more than Pine. Othor valuations assessea to the above townships for state purposes was mills on the dollar. This valuation is not here annexed to tho valuation of real estate and personal property, but is distributed in the following order; money at interest Furniture fco Benton S21.18U. Fishiniroreelc 32,100. Green wood $103,273. Suguloaf $6,580, Jaokson $12,920, and Pma $3,020 Tho entire population of Benton has an assessed valuation for county purposes of S17,2G8, more thau an equal ponti lation of Fnhingoreek, mi I pays $13,- 17 more county tax. The same has $11,259 more assessed valuation than an equal population of Grconwood and pays $103.15 more oounty tax. The entire population of Sugarloaf has an assessed valuation of $115,769 less than an equal population of B niton and pays $289,42 less county tax. Tho entire population of Jackson has an assessee valuation of $110,298, less than equal population of B inton and pays $275.75 less county tax. The entiro population of Pine has an assessed valuation 01 SI 14.557,loss than an equal population ot iienton and pays $361,39 less oounty tax. The aggrt gate taxes of the above six townships last year were an avenge of $748,93. Bdiiton paid $149,10 above the average. Wo very muoh regret that we have not tho aroaof tho several townships, but Benton is muoh the least in area of the aboye townships, under consideration. We did not have acces to statistics or reoordd other than the county statement, and the county population iu detail. Wo challenge the commissioners and their clerk to examinen and investigate the above statement and comparison, and if cor root, we demand in tho name of justice a revision and fair reluction of our assessed valuations, and that before another tax is levied, as suoh gross injustice uhuld not go uncorrected fo a single day. If the commissioners refuse to mako tho desired reduction wo hops that they will give .1 publio reasou tor suoh refusal. It they Deg lect this important duty wo counsel every taxpaying citizen of Benton of all partiis, to support no candidate fur commiasioner either at the primary geneaal election, who will not pledg limine! in written bond, to givo us fair and equitable valuation. Tin1 people of Benton have paid extortion ato taxes for years, and no ouo but tho commissioners will say that tho peopl of Ben.011 aroin better finanoial oircura stances than the people of Fishingoreek and Greenwood, cr that there is muoh actual valuations be tween Benton, Sugarloaf, Jackson and l'mf. John C. Wknnkk, Cambria. Tlie CUHiuoitulllnii, Do you read Tim Cosmopolitan, that bright, sparkling young magazine? Tho cheapest Illustrated monthly In the world 25 cents a number; $2.40 per year; enlarged ucioDer 1S8U 10 iwj pages, the uosmoi'ol, Han Uliterally what the "New VorkTimes' calls It, "At its price, the brightest, most varied anu oesi cuiteu 01 me diagazines.' Subscribe an unusual opportunity sub scribe. For new subscribers, for one year only : Tub Cosmopolitan, per year, $3.40; Tub Columbian, per year, $1.00; price of the two publications, $3.40. We will furn ish both for only $3.00. This offer Is only to new subscribers to Tub Cosmopolitan, and only for one year. "It has morn articles In each number that are readable, and fewer uninteresting jiagre, iimu any 01 us contemporaries." Button Journal. Tub Cosmopolitan furnishes for the first time in magazine literature, a splendidly Illustrated periodical at a price hitherto deemed impossible. Try it for 4 year. It will bo a liberal educator to every member ot the household. It will make the uights pass pleasantly. It will give you more for the money than you can obtain In any olti. er form. Do you want a first-class Maga zine, giving annually 1633 pages by the the ablest writers,' with more than 1600 Illustrations, by the cleverest artists as readable Magazine as money can make a Alegflzlnn that makes a specialty of live subnets? "The 11 1 marvel Is bow the nublithers can give so much for the money," PhilcuUlphia .You17 (lull. bend $2.60 to this office and secure both Tub Cosmopolitan and Tin Columbian, tf. Seed Ihonghtson farming. KDlTOIl COLJMMAN. To your question "Does farming pay so" I send you for publication tow seed thoughts for tho larmors to thresh out, I think farming does not pay a profit at tho present prioo of produce, because there aro too many tax caters for tho taxpayers! office holders farm the farmer) too much, Uonsumptlnn of produo is limited wliilo production is unlimited. Daring tho last nine years tbo expansion of tho crop area of wheat, corn, oats it a has boon nbout 31,000,000 aoros in United StatiB. At this timo produce from tho Southern llemlsphoro is coming in market whilo wheat on hand after a certain timo In Calfornia Is taxed. Rumors to snvo paying tho tax are now showing it on tho market; all this with railroads and combines of oapit- alistB in their greed for grain oauso low prices and help wreok the farmers. l' armors must farm loss land and mako it moro produotivo and thereby save moro oxpenso of farming and taxes. farmers Blotild tax themselves for good roads and get them. It costs too muoh to got to market with thoir pro duce. Bad roads is a tax on what is hanlod from the farm as well as what Is hauled to it, and farmers pay it, every time they pass over them in horseflesh, repair to wagon, ctj. It costs 180 times moro to haul a ton by wagon than by railroad and that is why tho West oompste with the h.ast. Uvci production thronghout Uip country makis prices low, but it is over-production of inferior products that hurts farming as thero is never enough of thj best. The farmer is a consumer and be must keep close to the producor. Ho must soli at whole sale and should so btw his supplies. lie must learn what, when and where to sell as ho j? to produce. The farmer has too pay too high a rata of interest for neooss try money. Tho Government for the past 28 years havo loaned to bankers so ray $35U,090,U00 that didn't cost ihem one percent whioh they loan to farmers at 10 percent. The Govornment should lean this money direct to larmors at say 4 per cent, ami tak-j a mortgage on tho land and produce as do tho money sh irks In the one case the government would be receiving income at a fair raw of interest in tbeotboritis beinir premium taxed to pay the interest on the bond, to got these bonds held by capitalists. Scarcity of money or aear money, make cheap produce and it is the contraction of the money at the present time that is hurting tho farmer as muoh as overproduction. Tneoiinags ot silver should be unlimited so that money can beoomo plenty and produce dearer by enabling more consumption taxation is unequal. Capitalists, val liable unseated linds in large tracts are held for speculation and rated low; while farmers aro taxed n-arlv full value on tho land and improvements. Clear case of blessed be nothing. Railroads pay no tax on "right of way" no matter how valuable. Uailroad and corporate property should bo no 1 sacred than farm propertv. unjuBt uiiu uiDunmiuaunB legislation against thn farmer by officials who when running for an office promise anything but do nothing for interest of farmer after circled. Did the honest farmer give him his vote with tho understanding that If elected, half of their time would be spent in drawing visionary bills and voting for repeal of fonco and other laws 111 the interest of railroad and other corn'irations. and the otht r half drawing tliuir salary arid tiding on free jnssesT r arinets rnu't know how vote as well a a two dollar bill. farming mteiests i-ai not ixpjct to prosper under legislation of legislators whoso only qiiilifiealio s is ' boodle" and ability to steal themselves rich. Vote for men whose heads do not have to be split opea to lot Heht. i and who aro all show, but no go whfn .1. f . 1 t .. tun interest 01 me people aro at stake. Speculators and trusts keep down tho price of produce to nearly cost to producer but'thfre is no coi responding prioe to tho consumer, and scarcely an article the farmer consumes but what is doubled 111 price from the time of leaving tho manufacturer. Thoy say, "your necessity our opportunity," and corner the produce of tho fa-rafr and rob him of his profit on his wheat, ifco and the consumer they starve and freeze unless they pay an exorbitant price for flour and fuel. The fow are robbing the many right and left, rob bing them in tho name of commerce and civilization. Industrial warfaro and oorporato forces are all arrayed against tho farmer. He must fight fire with firo. Manufacturers, railroads and cor porations can get all tho legislation they want, why nni the farmer ! The government can do anything it choos es; it can mako tho cormorants who havo fattened for years upon thn farm er take tho poor pasture field awhile. It oan exercise police control of thieves in purplo and tine linen as well as farmers and laboreia rags. It oan help agriculture much by passing revenue laws for tho "greatest good of the greatest number'' instead of fur some particular industiy. It must protect the farmer first of all, even if it lias to take it taxes in prnduco, as in old en Jtimos. I must slop or you will think I too am farming the farmers. O. M. Bmkkr. Beformity From Bright's Dispase. S. D VanBuskirk, of Dmarest, N. J., says Aug. 20, 1888: "Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Ron dotit, N. Y., has cured our daughter of Bright's Disease, after all other means had failed. She was so swooleo that sho measured 45 inches around the waist, and 18 inch's below the knee. To say that wo feel thankful for such a boon as Fivorito Rjraolyis bat a poor expression of the feeling of grate ful parents. 3 7 1-m. Why Farming Dss Not Fay EDITORS COI.U1II1IAN. We are glad to seo tho columns of your valuable paper thrown open to Iree discussion of so important n subject as the above. The farm is the germ, tho origin, the sustaining power of all trale and oomnioroo and a6 suoh should be protected by our Government. Hero is whero the great secret lies, in our legislation. The protection that our Governmental laws of to day offer to the farmers is that kind of protection or relief that a horso Jockey might offer lo a sick baby; both ignorant and lod'ffuront to tho cause of complaint neither oan apply an efilolent.remedy. Tho reason of this is obvious, we elect lawytrs for our representatives, Jaw yerofor our ooncressraeuanditlaiaw. yers for the cabinet. Wo elect men from farming communities who, you might say have never seen a farm but they knov it all, they know what wo ne d, thoy have learned it frcin books, bntsirj there is a vastdilferenco between farm ing on paper and, on side hill farm. THE COLUMBIAN AND What wo want Is good solid sensible farmora tocomnose n nnrt nf nnr Innta. lators, that wo may havo laws onaotod 1 10 Donoui ourselves and tho wholo pooplo. To do this thoro must bo a union of tho farmers into ono grand solid body, regardless of partisan lines trying to perform tho greatest good to the greater nnmbor of people. Nearly ten million of popio engaged iu agriculture nnd not directly repre sented in our logislattyo halls, is it any wondor that wo cry out from oppres sion) is it any wonder that wo aro op pressed when wo will not unltot In union thoro is strength and in strength there is dofcat for Hiilroad corpora tions, for svndioa.os tor trusts and death to high protective tariff which does not protect any thing or any body excopt tho syndicates and the capitalists. Is this tho proper form of govern ment for the welfaro of our people! to lay Inavy import dtitios on tho actual neoessarics of life, that we aro com pelled to havo shipped from foreign portsT To protoot tho Kulroads to nroteot tho Goulds, tho Vandorbilts, tho olochamos and leavo the farmer to his fatot Tho man who toils from day light until after dark is leit to battle against tho combined agenoies of wealth position and power. If the railroad demands a hichor froight thoy get it or thoy won't haul the goods. This is Tariff protection. If the Sugar trust wants 2 cents moro on a pound of sugar, wo aro compelled to pay it, lor the trust is baoked, aided, iostered and proleotod by "otr high Protective Tariff" If tho Meohauio demands higher wages, or shorter hours ho invariably gets them, or a striko will bo tho result in which tuny are gennerally victor ious on acoxtnt of their vast strength. Now wo will -oo how the farmer is protected; ho takes a load of grain to the market composed of wheat, ryo, corn and nats. Ho cannot fix his own price liko tho morobant, tho trust, and' tho mechanic, but will bo offered 80ota. for bis wheat, 50 for his ryo, 40 for corn and 28ots. for his oats if it is very clean- The only alternate is for him to take what ho can get or starve. Tho idea of a farmer forming a trust Or causing a strike among the farmers would be laughed at and hooted at with the reply to strike if jou want to, we can import whoat from India where they raise it for 50ots. per bushel and pay six cents a day for labor. This is tbo kind of steel trap protec tion, that the party now in power of fors the farmers; we havo accepted; the trap is sprung; we aro fast for threo moro vears. Then the spring of the trap will bo broken a grant, resurrco tion will tako place and Grover Clove land will once more tako his seat. We would liko to hoar from others on this subject. Yours Respctfully. A Farmed. Two Years Ago- I was a sight to behold anil was un able to enjoy life at all. Now I am tno picture 01 health and can eat any thing. What did itt Sulphur Bitters cured me of Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint, niter suffering two veirs W. IT. Boioman.Manchester, Jf. JV.2-28 2t. SCROFULA It If that Impurity In ths bleod, wbldi, ae eumulxtlcg In tba gliBds ot ths neck, pro duce! tuulgMly lumpi or sweUlnci; which causes painful running aorci on the arms, legi, or feet; which developes ulceri In the ejti, eiri, or note, often causing blindness or deatneis; which Is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other minlfesta tlons usually ascribed to "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, it Is the most general ot all diseases or affections, for very tew persons are entirely tree from It. How Can It Be CURED By taking Hood's SarsaparUla, which, fcy the remarkable cures It has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine tor this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparlua. " My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she was&months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed In her neck, and one of them after growing to the slie ot a pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. We gave her nood'a SarsaparUla, when the lump and all Indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she teems to be a healthy child." J. S., Naurlght, N. J. N. B. Be tore to get only Hood's SarsaparUla 814 br lU drnctbU. fit tlx for S. rrtputdonly Vj C. I. I100D CO., Apetbtuitw, lowall, suu. IOO Doses One Dollar DAY'S HORSE POWDER i-e Prevents Lung Fever! Cores Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss of Appetite, Founder. Fevers, &c lib. In each package. Sold by all dealers. DR. Cures "Wind BABY SYRUP Colic, &c Relieves Griping and Swnmer Complaint. facilitates Teetlimg! Regulates the Bowels! Bold by all druggists. Price 23 cents. HEHI BULL'S 'THE PEOPLE'S EEMEDY" For tho euro of COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness COUGH Astnma, Incipient Con Croup, Whooping Couch. sumption and for the reliof of Consumptive per sons. For Sals by all druggists. 25 cents. cunretKC3 CU0KB CI0ARCTT18. for Of OmUnb Unhl nicilOCtl, AtalldruwItU. I'or County Mupctiuteudeni. The undersigned announces himself as a candl. date for the office of County snperlntendsnt, and rmpectfully asks to be supported for said office M the election next May. J,S.ailIMES. I'or Couuty Hupcrluteiidcut. The undersigned announce s htmself as a candi date for Us offloe et Superintendent of Publio schools of Columbia county, and respectfully aaks to be supported for Uti ornoe at the coming election la Hay nexU W.O. JOHNSTON, Jeneytown, pa. INVRNT0RSJ runes, the oldest t-iabltti are invited to commit vusov. Fa nutLiv. a lull A., .ita... M . . Untied States, having their home oraoe at wuh. Ington. D. o. Reference, K. w. Oswald and Dr. J, A. Bhattuck, tf. SYRUP DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tree Eduoatlcm For Girls. HOW (lini.1 CAM ORT A COI.I.KOR CATION WITHOUT COST. KI1U- A most praiseworthy movotnont Is about to 00 set on foot by tub Ladim' IIomk Journal of Philadelphia. It proposes to givo to any young girl of 10 years or over who will buik! to it, between now and January 1st, 1891, tho largest nnmtier of yearly subscrib ers to tho Jouunai, a complete educa tion at Vassar College or any other American collegu she may seleot. The education ofleml includes overy branch of study, with every expense involved. To this is also pinned a second offer whioh guarantees to any girl of 10 or over who will scouro 1000 yearly subscribers before January 1st, a full term of ono yoar at Vassar or any other preferrod college, with all expenses paid, thus making it possible tot any number of young girls to re ceive freo educations nt tho bost col leges. Any uirl oan ontor into the competition, and any snob oan bo thor oughly posted by simply writing to Tub Ladies' IIomk Joumar. at 485 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Tho man agement says that it has been led to iu generous offers by the fact that thire aro thousands of parents throughout tho country anxious to educate thoir daughters, and yet who cannot afford the expense. This step helps to a comparatively easy solution of tho uro- 1.1 . .! !. .t.. I 1 .Y. uiviu, iiuuu ib luruws i hub etiucauuu into the hands of any briuht and active girl. Tho Journal's movement is one that certainly cannot be too highly commended and praued. JBRIGOS' FOH HEADACHE SICK Herrous, Bilious, or Consesths Forms. This Remedr Is the erscrtptlon ot ono ot the le&dlnz EhTrtclaM ot ana, France, ana was uaea uj uuu YTua aaparaumea success lor over imriy years. It was Orst given to the publio as a proprie tary medicine In 1818- Macs which time' it has round lta way into almost erery county on the race of trie globe, and become a favonto remedy with thousands ot the leading physicians. Medical societies have discussed Its marvelous success at thslr annual conventions, and Alter their 0 nclal cnemisu nave analyzed it and round tnat It con talned no opiates, bromides or other harmful In irrnuents piacea it tamong their standard reme- aies. TESTIMONIAI L. 1L BROWN, M. D., S3 West Jersey St., Eliubsth M. J. Jane 98, 1889. This Is to certify that I nava nnl fur mhv months with much satisfaction, the combination ot remedies, for Uetdache, known as Urlggs' Headache Troches. The remedy cures more head ache, oapodally auch as affect Nervous Women, than anything I am acquainted with, and It this certificate win be the means of bringing it to the favorable attention of sufferers from that trouble, 1 umu LKtwuViUUIDUUUDUlDUl M BCTTICV. L. K. BROWN. PRICE; 26 CENTS. Bold by all Druggists, or sent by Halt on Re celpt of Pries. Briggs' Medicine Co., ELISABETH, H. J. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of FL Fa. Issued out ot the Court of common Pleaa of Columbia Co., Pa., and to me directed, thero will be sold at public sale In the Sheriff's office at tin Court Ilouse, Blooms, burrg Pa., on SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m , all the right, title and lntere-t of the defendant In a certain tract or parcel of lan 1 situate la the township of Brlarcroek, Col. umbla Co , Pa s bo unded and described as follows. Beginning at a stone In Uno of land of Jas. LemI ens thence running by other land ot James Evans north elghty.flve deg recs. west fourteen perches to a stake; thence north eighty-nine and one-half degrees; west one hundred and eight perches and seven tenths to a stone; thence along the land of Abrain Martz, or rather by a road running along by said line of Abram Vartz, north three degrees east oan h'indred and forty-three perches and nve-Untbs to a stone; thence by lind ot George Zaner, north B".venty.nve degreei east one hundred and eight perches to a stone; thence run ning along the aforesaid land ot James Limon, south three degrees, west oncbundred and seventy three perches and four-tenths, to the place ot be. ginning, containing NINE TY-SEVEN ACRES, and nfty-elght perches, strict measure, whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE, barn, wagon shed and outbuildings, all Improved, with fruit trees, to. Belzed,.taken Into execution at the suit of Harry Hakes vs. Mary Brader, and to be sold as the property of Mary Brader. Iliiis, Attorney. ALSO : By virtue of sundry writs ot PL Fu. Issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Col, Co., Pa., and in me airtctea, there will be sold at the same time and place, all tha certain lot or piece ot ground situate la the borough of Centralis, CoL co., pa, bounded and described as follows, to- wlt: Beginning at tho so ith-eaat comer of Lo. cost Avenue, and second street, thence along said Locust Avenue, south seventeen dejrees, east twenty-nve feet to a stake; thence north seventy three degrees east one hundred and forty feet to an alley; thence along said alley north seventeen degrees west iwenty-Q ve ten to Second street and thence along Bald Second street south seventy three degrees, west one hundred an! torty feet to piiceot beglnntni", It being Lot No. 1. In Block No. 143, containing Twenty-nve Feet Front and One Hundred and Forty Feet In depth, whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE. and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of The Citizens Building an! Lo in Association ot Centra lla. Pa., vs. Bridget ('lark, and to bi sold as the property of Bridget Clark, Iuhilst. Attorny. ALSO : By virtue ot a writ of Vend. Ex fasued ouf ot tba iXMirt of Common Pleas of Cot Co,, pa., and to tat directed, there will be sold at the same time and place, all that certain lot or pleoe of ground situ ate In the Borough of (Vmtralla, CoL Co., I'a, bounded and described as follows, tn wit: Be ginning at a stake on tho e t-t side of Locust Ave nue thence along stld Avenue, north three de grees west, twenty-lve feet; thence north eighty, seven d-grees,eist one hundred and forty feet to an alley; thence along Bald alley, south throe de grees, east twenty-nve feet; thence south e'ghty. seven degrees, west one hundred and forty foet to the place ot beginning, containing Twenty-nve Fe .t lu front and One Hundred and Forty Feet In depth, whereon are erected a KRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Btablo and Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Hen rietta Orosser admr1! of Auguit Grosser, dece mod vs. Robert Farrell and Margaret Farrell bis wire and to b) sold as the property ot Robert Farrell and Margarett Farrell, his wife. Mark, Attorney. ALSO . By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. Isued out ot the Court of Common Pie is of Col. Co., i'a., and to me directed, there will bo sold at the same ttrae and place, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Mifflin towntbip, Col. Co., Pa, bounded and described as follows, to-wlti On the north by land otaamul Knecht. on the east by land ot L. U. Kohler, on ths south by laqd of E. P, Sobweppenhelser, and en the wust by public, road, containing ope-tolrd 0t an acrj of land, more or lees, whereon are eiected a DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE, and Outbuildings, Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Sen. weppenhelserBn)derTs George Hufnagle, and to be soil as the property ot Cleo. Hufnagle Ja.wxt.1, Ally. JOHN U, CASKV, Sr7f0. bfcprftr, OTOCKUOLDB03' MKBUNCL The stockholders ot the North Mountain Lumber ..ompany are hereby notified and requested to meet at the 0 coot theootnpiuv, in tue town of Bloomsburg, on Tuesday the IStli day of March. lSy0, at 1 1 o'clock In the forenoon, for the p urpoS of voting for or agalast an Inert) 13 of tho caoltal stock sad injeouklacmot said company. By onxtr at (' Uoara of btnuort k . SAMUEL W1QFALL, Lsbuna., secret. A NNUAIi STATEMENT 1V OP BLOOM POOR DlSTUICT, From Jan. 14, 18i9 to Jan. 19, lo. JOHN K. GltOTZ, Treasurer. Dlt. Tonal. In Treasurer's hands Jan. II iss ... 1 To cssn llec'd on Illoora dup. lf8 1 . ., H00tt ,.,, ' " " " (ireen'wd dup. 18S3...... " " " Hugarl'f " " .... " " " " Woom " ist9., 1 ii 1, ii Hrott xm i(i " " " " (itvon'wd " " ,,,, ' " Kiwarloaf " " " " " unscatd lands , h i i,,- property '; " Mrs.0. unwn-sace'r... " " from Ileoter Burner (paid for A. Werner) To cash Reo'd from TIhw. McnrMo " on Dr. Fullmer sect,.,. " Relief Wefunded . " John O. Ilelden-s aoo't ToamUduo treasurer . sss St 400 M ISO 87 441 4S 1S4 M 1800 00 MO IS ni es M M SS It 3.10 00 83 01 tT 75 101 SI S it 48 00 103 SO 490 ft t U00 St CR. By old orders redeemed f vt 71 orders for l redeemed...... 6lo M " commission 103 to "postage to I 5300 M BTATBMKNT OF ORDBllS. DR. Orders outstanding Jan 14, issst 1 B4 4 " Issued from Jan. 14, is to Jan. 11, 16TSO Clsl a $ MM 75 OIL Orders outstanding Jan. 14, less redeemed t 93 11 Error In outstanding orders Jan. 14, 1189 M 77 Orders of 18S9 redeemed 510S 00 " ' 18?7 and ss out- 1 standing ,. f s 00 ' Orders ot lsts outstanding 41 7t Total outstanding orders M 76 I MM IJ EXPANSES FOR TEAR ENDINO, Jan. 14, 1890. provisions and Supplies tos SO rum ni'uuKUb Clothing, including shoes. 7S 13 ei 03 43 43 41 71 1 SS 90 00 94 es OS 84 1 00 Tl S3 Furniture, Ueddfg and Dry Ooods., Auyncines ana weaicaiHuppues,. Ordinary Repairs . . Travelling expensos M nraln DrUt ,. . Farm Expenses smith Work- Incidental Expenses ,.,, Patent Vermont Batie Oven .. Thomas McBrtde. Rteward sunt n Jacob schujlcr, Director 100 00 I M. Pcttlt, " 100 on J.M. Larlsn n 00 a. A. Klelm, Secretary loo 00 I B. Rupert. " is 7 Dr. McReynolda no 00 Dr. Redekcr is 00 Mm Thomas McBrld, Matron Co 00 Auditors and Clerk, Jan. 1S39 S3 00 1216 47 Totsl current Expenses .. SOM 19 Buildings nd Improvements .. l4 89 oners Relief wis Printing statement of 1888 45 00 Prlnlhu order books and rules for Poor llouso , 9 so Expenses on brown bouse S8S HUDportot Robert Cook, Ecott twp je S3 Tramps 8 07 Mare and Colt 90000 E. n. Ikeler, Attorney's fees 178 00 costs In Oeorge Samuel's case, II loom ... 848 coffln for Wilson Dodson'scblid, Bloom. 6 00 coflln for Tramp 15 00 Comtn tor Mrs. Win. Shoemaker, Bloom. IS 00 Comn and expenses of digging grave, Aaron Miatts, Sugarloaf.... 91 44 Comn for Hannah Tyke, Scott.... 8 00 i"SKiK Kravs tor james i'acocK'S cnua, Bloom 1 95 Expense In Carrie Turrell case and car fire Alleghany Asylum 75 01 Expenses in William tennon case, Bloom 5 00 SSIT IS INSANE IN STATE UOSPITAL, DANVILLE, PA. George Fox, Scott, 55 1-7 weeks J 11 00 and 1 75 per week ... 97 75 Jesso Kelly, Woo 11 it l-I w'ks 3 wauuii i 1 per ween ... v; U z. Kahier, Bloom, 511-7 we'ks (A S2 OO and SI 7ft iMr wnelr ... UT 7S: jonn uoyer, wott, ii 1-7 weeks 9 S3 DO and tl 7ft rwr wpelr 97 75 97 Ii Alza M. sterner, Bloom, 59 1-7 wk'a ia S2 00 and tl 7ft nnr w'lr u. ixm raiberson, u irentvooj i-i w ks dtsiw ana si is per week 07 7s Win. Fry, Bloom 52 1-7 wk's 12 00 and It 75 nnr w'k V7 7S Carrie Turrel, Oreonw'd 10 4-1 w'ks $J 00 and $175 pww'k 18 50 OUT DOOR RELIEF. M. May. Dlo'tn M ro Carolina smith, lltoom 84 50 uesier uomooy, ocoit its 70 Mrs. Oeorge Vannatla, Green wood . 123 M Eon Parks. Bloom asi mi Mrs. M.Dawson, Bloom si 3) Jacob Adams, Sugarloaf 87 91 iiiram ixiug, uiootn 24 00 Fred c. Hess, sugarloaf tt in Mrs c. cook. Bloom so oo George Jaeoor, Bio im 17 k Aminda Robblns, Greenwood. .. its Albert cadow, Bloom 9s 15 Frank llnodemoyer, lltoom 10 so namuei rarver, moom Daniel Ingold. Bloom Win. shoemaker, bloom John Kramer. Bloom Ann Mumey, Scott Mrs Whltmoro (ear fare to Sulli van Co., N. Y...... .'.. Eph Ebner, Greenwood Mrs. Wra. Ingold. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swisher, Greenwood . Levi Hall, Bloom Mrs Pentose, Ulojm Fred Welme', Bloom o Van Lew, Scott Hannah Randall, Bloom John Vanderellct', Ncott Catherine Horn, Bloom Ilarrv llartman. ltloom 2 ot Si -9 118 Hi 102 S3 5 SO 1 47 II 15 73 til) 1 W S 01 12 00 II 01 4 0 7s S3 50 41 93 1 50 11 IS 6-HO e 00 10J 03 James Leacnek, Bloom -nrs. Ann uvans. treenwooa ... Mrs. M. Walters, Bloom Samuel stll a. Bloom George Samuels, Uloom 1489 21 AL Cadow; Flour from Farm... 15 Oil We the underlined Auditors or th -. iin.M.. comprising The Uloom Poor Dlstlrct met at the Aims Mouse on tno Heconu Monday In January tswi. thai, belnir the 13th. iiuiim ih. .7..i of the Tn'a-urer ana Dlrec ors from 'anuarr nth 18-9 to January nib inuo, and tho voucue re f or the same find them correct is set forth aoove 8. F. P 4ACOCK, DOCK, 1 BUT: I !. IlVtSSf DINE, j HENRY C. Andltors. C II DILDIN V4.LUEOP RE S L AND PERSONAL PROPERTY belonging to "The Bloom Poor District" January 1 lib, tMM). Bilancedueon Duplicates. Amtdup. Paid. Due. Bloom, 1SBS l.'-uj 10 Bloom, 1-S9, iwil 45 Scott, 188S 1001 4 SCOlt, 18S9, 11105 57 Greenwood 895 32 sugarloaf 813 81 i99t 03 tts or Itttkl 11O 1159 43 573 87 410 55 310 18 683 3J WJ 36 S3 04 51 S3 2)4 99 SIV2S 51 1ya estimated exoneration and commlvelona I 600 00 1511 51 Farm and buildings ijj) 00 horses 875 00 1 colt gioo a cattle. jho 01 tSshnats jn 00 4 turkeys ,,,, s 00 sschlckens..., so 00 180 bushels of what 13 Slo 147 60 310 " " oats ins so SM " c rn eats so 01 so 0 lb pork c . ioi 4' lb lard Utfc M 00 is tons ot hay tos OJ 400 lb beet 11 00 liiO bushels potatoes 7500 5 ' news 2 si 10 " turnips ... 2 50 5 onions. a 0") M " rye ... 19 00 solb packed butUr it oj 1 bbl. sour krout ,,,, 1 i 9 " vinegar u 10 1800 shemes corn fodder(4 so ,, 60 to 12 bundles re straw a 250 3 14) Farm Implements 71 00 Furniture In Alms lion), .... sso 01 " ' Stewards House.... 20)01 16 acres grain la gi ound iw 00 2 tons coal a ro r lM SI I'llODUCTS RAISED ON FARM WJ. 261 bushels wheat, , .. ., 21302 504 " oats 111 ti 81T " corn ears M 7s 81 " rye 11 40 12 turnips s 04 " beets soj t onions so) 8 " beans. so; 140 " potatoes io oo W tons hay aw w 31 bundles ryo straw... .,,. 1 7t VJfheads cabbages 4o..., ss M 613 lb butter 12s 73 4J1 doz. caga. r. 7a w 420 lb lard , to 4s 4121b beef 6a . " , u 79 1800 sheavs corn fodler a 50,... woo Calves .. 31 01 roshoata , 7000 W chickens 15 M 1 bbl saner Kraut s ro IJbushels tomatoes, 7 ro 6 turkeys 0 23 Flour by Cadow u m 9 guineas 970 17 e) No. paupers remtlntng In Alms house last report Admitted during year No discharged during year .7" No. died during year.. ... No. peraons In I'oor House, Woom No, I"enioo8 la I'oor House, Greenwood. No. rYntons In I'oor llous. Hjott it 7 JACOU KCI1UVLKK, 1 J. M I.AItlail, L L, M. ficTTIT, f tl C. A. KLBIH, Soon Directors. Attest! C. A. KLBIH, Socretary. THRESHING machines A tJI'KCULTY. BlmpKet. Most Durible, 'Economical, and perfect In us-waste no grain; clear It ready fqr msrlfet. &iu Ifllli. SMntjit Mixchinn, llav Vymm, and ' LUiMm A Implements generally. ' Tl A. IT. FAltllUllslt CO.. Umlted, send for lifus f I'ennsjlvanU Agricultural tralod catalogue. Works, Yomc. fa. i 7-lw. I To Kltvoiih Hen, I If you will fiend ui vour aldr. w will mn you our illustrated pamphlet explatnlug all about .mioi an bnvu;iuu Uttlfc au AD- tuusu-ruimaicu si a. au i now mev wu c ly nitore you ui Igor, manhtui and beali t juu am vuua amicuiu, we wui itena you Appliances on Ida1. i l-M-My. Voltaio Diur CO., Marahall. I. M Al ER, BLOOMSBURG, - - - PA. The Reliable Clothing House, CLOTHOTO. ami GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Just as low aa before, and lower. I am determined to keep up the Reputation of being the CHEVPEST and BEST OLOTHIIOR. Satisfaction Always tJSKVThe largest stock nnd choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Columbia, Montour, and Northumberland Counties, Pa. Thinking About Buying SEE OURS . FOR $9.60 $12.00 $10.G0 Ncwfprlng cStiiie mid Trnurra nt Money faying Pricis. E. 0 THOMPSON reliant Tailor nnd Clothier, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite tho mint) PHILADELPHIA. QUl'HANS1 COURT SALE OF . V-ILUAHLE UEAL KSTATK! Th) undersigned, altnlnlstrator of the estito ot Jowph G. Kellur, lato ot tho township ot Green wood, Couuty ot Columbia, and State ot PennsyU vanla, deceased, will offer at public sate, by vir tue ot an order of the Orphans' Court of said coun ty, ou the premises on SATURDAY, MAUCII 29, 1890, at lo o'clock la the forenooD, tho following desert bed real estate, being the and farm ot tno aatd deceased, to wit : A tract ot land situate la the said twp of Green wood, bounded by lands of J. IX Johnson, Ii. F. Bedltae, helra of K. It. Alberteon, Augustus stand er, A II Kitchen, M. J. Kline, Kills Young, and Javph Watus, contain ng one hundred ana seven teen acres and four perches, more or less, on which are a FRAME HOUSE, BARN, and other outbuildings; partly cleared and partly timber land. TUItUS OF 8 VLB Ten per cent ot one fourth ot the purchase money at the striking down of the property, the one.fourth less the ten per cent at tho conannatlon of sale, and the remaining three fourths In one yeir there ifter, with Interest from contlrmstlon nlst. UAVIIIT!, Adm'r. Oringevltte, fa. UDITOII'S NOTICE Mate o ITiltfam H'ppnulefi, annum. kTh.J,15?ersS,,l'l1 ' Mr appoloted by ths nr. ri?.'?.?2!!rl. "'Columbia coin,.. Co dlstrtbiVi. , i "1B nanasnr the aeauntant win I oo q. a. m,, wneu and wlie-e ai Sprwris haiin? fSSd U,' or aoDlr tw" ,niag in bn I I rw.ti.iiw. '-"nia. jPJXEUUroil'ij NOTICE. Mate o Anm Krmwr, inui of flloom.buro OVlMWd. ' Letters testameatary on ssll estate hvin been grauted to the-?m lemlined eiwutor Sfi asardteTpt'ar ...... Lwiu, WILLIAM WOltKllKIHCH Atty. 3,; ew, Kxecutor. UDITOH'3 NOTICE. BtioU of Mmv Ann nobrrti, Otcta$el The undersigned, an aujitor annolnted hv ih Orpnan's coin ot Columbia oounty S maK me tnbutlon of the oalanoe la baadi of the MmirTif. "a nnal account. wn?'? ?,t-, I I'a! onVrlja'y VSNtfifk 1T$ ne ueoarrel from toiniog in on said tali. C K GKVKIt. Auditor, UOfTOH'd NOTICE. lUiUofAnn ruling, arcta lau of fir.,. ineuuderiiiiiHM, an auditor appointed I bf i!i Orpha; jourl of Columbia County tiitfL'niin exoepUons to aocount and make i di tSiXSiSPl?. the balance la the hinds of tho ibSunAJ? S5 where all persons having claims agtlSt UfiS fSn,3 P. K. OBYKlt, Auditor. HA N.IU I i.l il w . i. . I i u. mi mk..b., M, . .... i . '1" .- oxrinonT a "Spring Overcoat!" WmMM) I 1j u ! t.. .. . All Ibl Wurk v iwk and TZ'ifirS CONTINUES TO SELL HATS, CAPS, RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIER A CHANCE TOSAVE MONEY!. CHOICE FAMILY. FLOUR. 4.50 PER RARREJL. It gives satisfaction every time. Try it, only 5(Jc for 25 lbs. Old process Graham Hour, fresh ground. BRAN, MIDDLINGS, CHOP, ALL KINDS. 1000 bushels choice heavv recleaned White Oats not stained nor musty. Good for seed. At the old Aqueduct Mill, Rupert. Lvavo onlnu at KEITER'S CARPET STORE, MAIN ST., BLOOMSBURG, SPRING! SPRING!! SPRING win rK - I , I & Iff" j ' ta H J 2 11 Tfl ipgp? P m $ rS S w I r ffi I l3S lA hsm gver D. ELY'S Catarrh Cleanses thi 4Sll I'aissges, Alli pain and r:fl lofnailon, ileal the It.-tores th H"n of Taste 'anl smel). iu: -"3 UUKE-HAY-FEVER W SVlfff inu nosim and la SegUi.,!' 5. to e,8e M MDla at lratot8 i by mall? i'iV.dT"111"8' M -Varrenst,. New York, mm GUARANTEED IMcrce .oan&i,,veH,mei,i Co. H,. ua.-uiiii, Wash. Mane invfbtmenui In ltiai V....Y. 7" In sums ot, HiJo) one tdo?iIr"Sre8"le'" and guarantee pront. Wtifn ?n,"SS.'?.uP"a.r1s ....... '""I "V.tu.. nm w . map, tio. . .,iWa, rreudent. g-iMt, JIPP it PODMOUE. AncilITEOTS, OjWMioor Hdildiho, Wlllte.barre, I' jKoruCUhfflcc' 'oornb..rK, V th J.-!iy?L1,,K' MVr- Oonniellc' W"h QHAUTEU NOTICE. " taS'S Sjv1rntor"f VPtlon wu. Chester Hfa&i&r lE'xcfS 5frra?!' ' titled "An act to nrbilda i in. ,L A,8 em'''' -n. "9. regulation of irum cornoraIinSorporallon April 9tb 1974 and theliveral'Sinn ?2,a . P1? to. lor the charter or an ir,iaiJI.lpplera,'n, there, oalod "iii,' i BtwWnS,itii to be Pany- the characte ?nd owee' "oTOiyn3!'1, Co'" burpoao of erecting mmSSi. hl? la ,or "ie Same, the driving and notur?!rr iSSf ,ruc.tlon ' lumber on the W ert Lanch i'n?'!?Sfltlmb'r "d theoountleaof ri,,t??cl .fl'hlng Creek in lite rlgut Uicr oux, ImDrovn i'.0 len?ln w'" Kdama, ereanewPoffll'ntlu1"Mlae mo. en, crib and wld.n the aarna" Wralolo, deep! All'ytfor Appucants Mltchell'iKldntvPliiitliM AWh All dlaeai, ttiU,,,, Old thronk 11,1.. LOWENBERG'S Est. m m m i TRUNKS Guaranteed. PA B. F. SAYITS, I HV IUII lina eecured tho boIo agency of Columbia COUHtv fnr rl.nJ.; . r . J -v.. lliu 4.1C1L1UII' al Sheet Metal Roofing Co. xi.uao roois aro guaranteed to oe far superior tn nnv niln roof, ns they are botli storm and wind proof. Sheet iron roofs of this manu facture can bo put un as chenn aa tin, and last much longer. Hoofs are made of sheet iron, tin, or copper, as partiea may desire. Orders tbroush U. "P. Roxria -ni . burg, Pa., Avho will put on tho roofs and guarantee tho work, or may be ordered direct from tho iiona MMUROBfinoGii. 510-520 East 20th Stroat.N Y I'A It M lion UltMT A farm of loo and bari nT;?V'.'Jlna'rne. new nousa berented-at alo'Snt fo. Thfi?S.2f "iSL"' 1 Vollrron ihi' il''" 111 'lwlksa Au eni?idl twSSSJJ ,a?,'min "rn lon.llle to 'llrirl Manor Ofnlon'tm and near I'KIIKM K TH0ip n?n?! 'I,i-t'M. Addr w GENTS WANTED1" 0l re'1""'" aalea. . U'arge prodtK. nulot aies, sample free. A rireopporlunllr. - - - ,,nj. a. ovoit, u uway, M. a ... " .l A1BP1 I mtumm . MM HDDSB. BL M A M P