The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 21, 1890, Image 4
V THE COLtTMBIAJN" AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA I A MATOHMAKER'B MUDDLE- ( Moro limit any othor, tbo enpeoir., gift tibon Mrhioh Mrs. Ferguson prided horSolt wfis her t'nlonl for mtatelimakitig. Her largo, spaolotis liouso was full of cosy corners and tiny nooks, curtained, carpotod and daintily furnished, whoro a teto a-toto waa luxury not to bo dot pisod. Sho was a positive genius for effacing herself and all other wiper fluous people when John and Jano woro to bo brought to understand each othor, and bIio was constantly on tho w atoll for Johns and Janes to bonoGt. It oannot bo denied that Willstown, llko the proverbial republics, often provod ungratofal, tbo wrong Johns being frequently paired with tho Janes of their special abhorrenoo, and it had been moro than onco tohtspored by disappointed wooors that thoy "wished Mrs. Ferguson would mind her own business," But nothing would ovor convince that benevolent old lady that if marriages were started in heaven bIio waa not a special agent upon earth to forward thom. It may, therefore, bo imagncd what a "thorn in tho flesh" it was to this scheming lady to havo under her own roof daily at her tablo a nephew who at tiio'rnataro ago of 28 was, m spite of hor ceaseless endeavors (I had al most written persecution), still a bache lor. ''Poor Charlesl" liis aunt would sigh, "he is so shy, so reserved. lie will never, never havo tho courage to woo his wifo, and it is my positive duty to help him.'' But the more persistently she drove him into coziest hooka and corners with tho prettiost girls in Willstown, tho more ho avoided her parties, be they lunoheons, teas or evening gather ings. It was not entirely the fault of the pretty girls either, for Charles Barkor was 'a man to1 whom women naturally incline gentle, dreamy, pootio and exceptionally handsomo. Had he lived in the' present age for the esthetic, ho might hare been acoused of affectations of posing for admiration; bat it was with him a sincere adoration of art, a dreaming poetic temperament, tbat could lift itsulf and dwell in an ideal world apart. Wealthy, and not very strong physi cally, Charloa Birkordovotod his Ufq to his books, his pen and his ponoil, never attaining to the highest ezcel- ecoe in poetry, musio or painting, yot possessing talent above the average amateares. And into his droam life there crept a roality that filled his heart and ills brain with now visions and hopes. Ho fell in lovel Rather, ho softlv, tenderly, floated along upon the' musio of a sweet voice, tho light of a fair, womanly' beauty, till, scarcely uuuauiuus qi ma own iniauimuu, no gave. to Bertha English the whole love 01 a neart as yet nntoucnea by woman's charms. Tbat she was an heiress, wooed by others, the gentle belle of more than one social circle, did not trouble him for a moment He scarcely asked if he loved him. Thoroughly unpract ical, full of visionary, ideal dreams, he did not try to plan a future, seeking bis love in her home when he was sure ahe was alone, joining in her woodland rambles, filling his portfolio with sketches of her face and writing poems to her oat 'of the'fullness'of his heart. And1 there in he erred, for Mrs. Fer guson, "clearing up his rubbish" one morning a task she never trusted to a servant upset his portfolio, and plunged into the very heart of his se cret. She was delighted. Bertha English would have been her own choioo'from all the world of women. Bhe had been so afraid that Jennie Ralston would sucoeed in her brazen 'faced endeavors to captivate Charles 'that she had fairly trembled for him. It waa true that he seemed to be so- renely ncoonscious of that pretty, sauoy damsel's endeavors to win him, but there were' times when Mrs. Ferguson feared bis own absent ways might' draw him into some avowal that his, sensitive honor would compel him to repeat. Having mado hor discovery, Mrs. Ferguson next attacked the victim. How he shrank and quivered when his cherished secret was dragged out and spread before him I could never des cribe; how overv nervo shuddered and reooilod as Mrs Ferguson urged npon him the necessity of immediate aetion can never be told. It was like tearing open tho petals of a moss rosebud, and then biding it to'bloom to full beauty as it it naa been suaered to sottly un fold itself in the sunlight. "3Tou must propose soon oryou will lose her," Mrs. Ferguson bad declared. "Why, she has a dozen admirers. Do you suppose they will all shilly-shally as you do. She worried and badgered him until he actually wrote hja proposal, which she undertook to deliver. It was un like the courting of which he had dreamed as moon rays to gaslight, but 'he did ask to have his lovo returned, and beggod Bertha to be his wife. Only instead of "Bertha," being once started with a pen in his hand, be wrote "darling," and "dearest," and "mv own sweet love." Once potwessod of this douument,Mrs Ferguson became poetic, resolving that it should not be .delivered in a commonplace envelope, but, as suited suoh natures as tbat of her nephew, in a basket of flowers, buried in roses and smothered in porfume. 1 bo basket waa a marvel of beauty wnen aiary, juiss English's maid, orougnt n to tier room. "Mrs. Fergnson left it, miss, and uau not time to call, alio did not got out oi ner oarnege." Now Bertha had her dreams, too, whereof tbo hero possessod Charles Barker's velvety brown eyes, his wav- iujj uiuwu uair ami vanayKO oearu, hisclaesio features and low, musical voice. Heiress as sho was, oourtcd, flatterod and potted, she had a pure girlish heart, full of romance and ten denies, and she had given it in its first sweetness to Charles Barker. Loving hjtn, she, too, had visions of a day when he would whisper his heart.s secret into hor ear and, in soft tender accents, woo her to bo his own. She looked carelessly at the flowors then attraotod by their beauty, admlr ed and pelted them. "Mary," she said, "put on your hat and take this to old Mrs. Worth, with my love. I had intended to out her some flowers today, bat this is prettier than I could arrange." Mary obeyod, and Bertha took up the thread of her musings. "Doary mel" old Mrs. Worth said. "Miss Bertha is very kind. Thank her for me, Mary," Then she, too, fell to admiring the flowers, until sho suddenly remembered tbat it was her son's birthday. What could she give him that would delight him more than thoso pretty flowers? Sho put her card and a line "With mother's love and birthday greeting" on top of the fragment heap, and sent the basket to John Worth s bachelor Apartments. It was late in tho after- 1F A nODT TIBET A HODT tho result i collision, whether "comlnt thro" the Tie," or not. Life la full of colli, lona. We nre comtantlr collldlnjr with one body or something. It It Wt with our neighbor) it In with eotne 'drjcuil diieniea that "knocks lis off tbe track" and perhaps dis ables us for life. Women especially It secnM. hnre to benr tho brunt of moro collisions and afflictions than mankind. In all cases of nervousness, bcarlng-down sensations, ten derness, periodical pains, sick headache , con gestion. Inflammation, or ulceration and all "female Irregularities" and "weaknesses." T)r. 1'lcrce's Favorite Prescription cornea to the rescue of women as no other medicine does. It Is the only medicine for women, sold br druggist, under a positive fnaraiutee, from the manufacturers, that It wlU give satisfaction In every case, or money paid for It will bo refunded. Era guoranltt on bottle wrapper. Copyright, 18SS, by WORLD'S DM. MID. Air. Or, PIERCE'S PELLETS regulnto and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. One a Bote. Bold by druggists. Si cents a vial. Cexfress stables "Work horses In tie city are worth three times as much as country horses because we blanket them in the stable." FREE Oct from your dealer free, the Ya Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or thrco dollars for a sx Horse. Blanket trill make your horse worth mors and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test Ak for 80 other-styles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write tu. AHE' THE STRONGEST. NONE 0CNUINE.WITHOUTTHF: eVA LABEL MonnfH by V.,AraM hoot. rMtadx, whe nuke tbe umoun Horse l;r.m. Ual:er niankeu CLOTHING I CLOTHING CS- W. BERTSGH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. -:o:- Gents' Furni3hi&g:EjoodsHais,& Gaps; OF KVKKV DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notice1 and a fit"always 'guaranteed or do sale; Call and examine tho largest and. best selected stouk of goocls ever. shown in Columbia county. Btore next door to First National Banlt MAIN STREET, Bloomsbtirs: Pa. mm J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DK1LKKS IN By the followinit wellknown makers; Cliickcrin&f, Knnbc, Weber, Hallct & I;iVJh, Can also furniah any ,of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. BLANKETS PIANOS, at present, without tho card, whioh had slipped olT. Tho landlady, however, Wormed htm that thoy wero -loft by "his ma's girl," 80 ho wroto a nolo of thanks, anil sent the'liSake't, howlosinp; its first freshness, to tho lady of his lovo, intending to oall in tbo ovenlng to inform hor who "wan tho doiior- Tbe ba8ketiQulf delivered to Mios Jennlo Ralston, waa for tho ilrst time thoroughly examined. Tea was ovor, and liertha lihgiinh was In her pretty drawing. room alono, flinclnL' sweet melodfes by twilight, hoping a little that Charlie Marker might oall, when thoro waaia-rush and a flutter, and sho was oaught in an cm braco that dealt destruction to her pretty rallies and laces. "I am so happy I. must tell somo ono," Jeunlo Ralston ptfntftf, pulling liertha to a sofa and cuddling'OKHHj to her liko a baby. "Just think, tlear, he loves mo ho loves mcl And has ask od mo to bo his wifo." "Whol" asked-Jlsrtba lightly. "Ro- memhor you havo so many lovers that ho uoesn t help tno ono hit. "Charles Barker," Jonnio whispered, with a sidelong glance to eeo if the shot told. But, sweet as she was Bertha, was proud too. "Ubaries'isarKcri i (iiu noi Know uo was ono of your 'adorers." "Oh, yes, for quite, a, long time. . Uo oronosed today and I accepted him. Shall I Bhow you this letter!" 'Ob, no, noj'boW'Canyou snow anat to any body!" "Oh, 1 am not ono ot tuo seusiuvo kind. I do not lovo him, and I .mean to mako a man of hiinl Shako him out of his dreamy way, I mean, and put Komo'life'into'lnnu ' "1 nope you .Will oo vecy mappr, Bertha said and endured her evening of martyrdom ai sho oonld. Three vears .later Mrs; Ferguson, oalliiii? urion Bertha 'EnclUri one morn ing, .up-ised flier sobbing overajphoto- ttrauh ot Un&rioa 11 artier, uuriuu u;n, week bctore. nno am uoi iry w um . the picture as tho old lady cams up to kiss hor, but put ner neau u wn upuu lha broad Ir st and sjbbed moro bitter, ly. "VVhv. Bflrtha! Berthal" the uli lady cried, "you are not grieving for poor UharlieT "T matf lova'him oirain, now ho H doad," the young girl said sably. "Lovo mm!" "I can tell youl And he 11 dead now. 1 lovou mm long oeioru uo mw neVl .Tftnnie.1 "But why, then, did you refine himl "II l never reiusea nun. xiu uuvur asked me to marrv him." "Ho didl 1 saw mm writo mo ieuer and f Inft it nt vourdoor in a baskot of'fliwara. It was in June, when th roses wero. at their height, and 1 put the letter in a bed of rosec. It was not a week after that ho told mo no was nno-ared to Jennie. I 'wai nevor so amassed in my lite, out ne was fo very odd about it, so utern and cold, and treated me somehow as if I was to Mamn that I did not-dare say much to him I thought ho blamed me for hurryicg his proposal to you, ami uuu your rejeotion flung him into proposing tn .Tannin. Shu nearly killed him drivintr him about into society to the city' for the winter, breaking 'up 'Sir his old 'habits and roany mvuriBiw his.'strenKth. I warned her that his mother had consumption, but.ho would not hnfd ima either. Ho did not seem In p.arp." "You iav ho -proposed toy MetterT said uenna, tn-a lurangty un tu. "Yes" "Dh-pnled to tni't" "No. df ar: imt folded into' a cocked hat. and put amonc'tho flowers, quiet out oti sight.' -'Vl iian . ennio thounni 11 was iuu;iiu adfnrher. Ll sent the basket to old Mrs. Worth, thinkintr you would not mind, she told-Vne sho sent 'it w ner son. We all know ,now uniaiuaieu he was with Jennie, and although Ldo not know, it, I aw easily suppose he gave, hpr tho lnket. Shesiiowoi me the letter which hesan, 4My Dtl intr,1 1 fcinember wejl, and wa sign ed Dnvntadlv voirs. Charles Barker Twina T rofmnd lo read it, but her triumph was not complete until I wa. "fih. mv rtnar. i see ii j. ui Charlie! Ho could not toll a woman ' j , aha hftfi made suoh a mortifying ran take Oh, Bertha! why did I interfere! If I hid only let him manage his love affair in his own wav ne migni ue anve Ann hannv now. Oh. ray (dear, oan yomever lorgivo mei She was weepinc bitterly, ami Ber r i j ' ' thfi could onlv caress1 her. too muoli nvfiroome to Bbeak. ahftV,10ann UAH laiLIHUMV ... 1 e .t.i ii learnedj.and Mrs. hrgmon jntfrere no more lu tbo love affairs ot wins tnwn. Her last attempt at mitoh making cured her forever of a y dire ti eo' t'hu the oojupuioni iVetd York Jjeauer. SCOTT'S EMULSION CONSUMPTION SOROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS CURES pasting 'SlBe&ses Wonderful Flen Producer. Jlany havo gained ono pound per day by Its use. Scott's jEmnlnion. is not a.aecret remody. It contains ,the eUmulat ing properties of tho Hypophos-. phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, tho potonoy of both being Jargoly increased, wsubbu by Tnysiciana all over tho world. PALATABLE 'AS WllM. Sold byanHruggl. aOOTT A.BOWK1, Chamlata. N(Y. A YANKEE KING ABTHUfw' . COURT. AGENTSsWArJTEOV THOOShHOS!i OOLLAflfi MEN ONLY! ion of Errori or K ihiiii la Old orTtuuri' Mis ERIE MtfDICAt G$f PprrAlQ,W.V RTANLEY,S,"ilSl.'g.1' AOBNTb WaateA. Hilyoariiwn,audiMiamuof ill liaoK AeeLUyov know, and we will sami ron aeopyfrw. p. W, iUeyler Co., TWCU(toulBl., fbltaxUlpOU, Pa. WHAT tew The Knlffeo Muraer- TIIK OBANll JURY UNO NO lltU. AUAtNST TIIK ACUSKI). Tiiknton.N. ,T , J' h. lfl. Tho L'rand nry after consldcrine the ividcnoo in tho myacrtiotia Kuillln murder cwo, roorti.d to Jmtico Doaley. Thoy found no hill against Dr. Kniffin nor Mhs I'urnel. l'roaeoulor Stockton con soiited to tho discharge of tho surctlos on Dr. KntlhVs bond, hut not those of Mlas I'lmol'a bond. Ho gavo no reason for holding them, i xcettt that fomo thing might turn up. JiiHtlcu lleasloy aid both tho accused wore freo, because tho grand jury mid tho coroner's jury, after duo deliberation, could boo no evidenco on which to hold them. Tho order for tho release of tho bondsmen wns then signed. Teeth Oan tie. Replanted Few peopto appear to bo awaro, that a tooth can be extracted, cleaned and restored to its socket, and beoome again a useful nod natural tnstrum nt. One Liverpool ilontiBt, at leant, is in tho tidbit ol doing such a thing; and it appears to tturpriso most .people. A gentleman in 'a largo shipping offico had a toothttaken out, cleaned and re stored somo yenrdiagooand it is at the present Unit! a good" serviceable tooth. X Ins BUciresls tho (location .as to tho possibility of cztracting old teeth and inserting now ooe"! It would bd a boon to many, and is worth consider in !j by clever dentist?. 'Liverpool Mercury. The Spring Medicine. Tho popularity which Hood's Sar- saparilla has gained as a spring medi cine is wonderful. It posesses lust those elements of healthgiving, blood purifying and appetite restoring wliieh everybody seems to need at thia season. Uo not continue in a dull tired, unsatis factory condition whon you mty oe so much benetited br Hood's Sarsaparilla. It purifies the blood and makes tbo weak strong. f ebrnary Floral Hiats- At thia season everything begins to think of spring, and the plants in your window will slurl into new vigorous growth if given half a chance. Stir the soil in the pots. Uivo them all the sunshine possible, and as much fresh air as oan safely be aiiiitttel. Shower them daily, aud suo that no in sects ,aro allowed to collect and work on the now Shoots. Givo a watering with liqnid manuro once a week at least, twice is better, to all that are making new wood, "and repot those nee ting moro room tor their roots. It is quito important that thn attention thould bo given now, as a shift later on will interfere with tho growth of tho plant for a time,' and everything ca'cu lated to check its steady development should be avoided. Do what is neces sary before tho plant'gets muoh of a start.' i Bring np your Fuohsias -from -the collar and repot them, cutting the old branobes back, at least half, if that was not done when you put-them away in the fall. Give plenty of water, a good' light, and a rich, well-drained soil. They will soon break freely all over tbe old wood, and by March they will oe covered with now snoots and healthy foliage. Those who perdiet in keeping their Fuohsias in living room all winter know very little of what tb'n plant is capable of doing ,if given a complete test for three or four months. After such a rest it will make an astonishing growth in such' a short time, and be' loaded down with (lowers, a cood sharo' of the summer and falls but if kept in the light and heat all winter it will grow tall and spindling, and be wolk, and givo but fwwiblosoms. Kiikn E. ItExronn, an ladies'- Hvme Journal. Restorative 'Wiae , If you are jveak and iSufTerjtig from general debility, yonahojld useSpecr's .Port-Grape Wine; iUwill purify ,your blood, rertoro digestion, pud make you feel like a younger., person, in tact it makes you new blood. Speer's vine yards aro planted on, brown, stonehalp rock soil containing iron. There is over two miles of carriage dri e under grape arbors in h's vineyards. For sale by druggists. Fifty Years Ago. BVKNTS'VnilCII ASTONISHED AND INTER K3TKD TllK l'KOl'LE Ol' TIIK UNITED STATES. Fifty yc-ars ago the population of the United States wa9,only 17,097,420. The census cost tho Govermenv $833, 427. There were slaves in all the States execpt Maine, ManachusttlB, Vermont aud M'chigan. I-iwa had ,IG slaves, Wisconsin 11, Ohio 3, Indi ana 9, Illinois 331; total .in all thu States and Territories was 2,480,228. Fifty years ago tho first railroad spike inachino was put into, use, making iifly a minute, funning both point and head. Henry Burdt-n, of Troy, N. Y., was thu invontor It rnkod among the" best patiug inventions of modern times. Filty years ago tbe win party held its fiist convention at llarrisburg. nominating Gon. Wil um Harrison', of Ohio, as I'ruddetit of tho Uui od Stab's Fifty years ago Joseph A. Adam', for tbe first tinny made uo -of ilu- idta now embodiid in tho art or electrotype ing by reproducing from wood cuts Filty years ngo tbo first power-loom for wi avirijf carnots was setiin motion by K. B Bigebw uf Ujtton. Ten yards a day was its original oapioity. Fifty yaxB,ago (1839) the first wheat was shippod from Cuicauo. s.-ut East- wad by the lakes to BjlTalo1 Fiftv ono years ago tho fiist steam lire eugioo ever made was tested in New York. It waa invented by Captain John Ericsson. Fifty years ago tho Sirus and Great Western, th first ocean steamships, entered New York harbor on their ro furn trip No 1. Fifty years ago 1,000 eformed drunkards marched in pr ces sion at the first anniversary of the Washington sooioty. Fifty .years ago a law was enacted agaiust' dueling in the District of Columbia. It urew out of tho Gilley Graves duel. Fifty years ago tho Cheroke Indians .were removed from Georgia and placed west of the Mississippi river, Fifty years ago waa established tho first commer cial college in Amotion, Comer's col lege of Boston. Filty years ago tho tint patent was granted to Goodyear for vulcanized India-rubber goods. Fifty years ago a survey was niadu by John Daily for a canal aorqss Ceo tral America. Fifty yirs ago John Ericssop was allowed loiters patent on a Bleympropellpr, bout, -Fifty .years ago beet, sugar was first nm Itvpy J)vid L. Child, ofNorthampton, Mass, Fifty years ago tho banks of the United States resumid speqie payraont. Fifty yoars ago itiOiMa8aoiiuBoits Abolition party was organized. Fifty years .ago wooden, clocks had oq)y been in ujo one year. Fifty years ago tho daguer .reotype wai invented la France. As a rosult of a vorv larco numbor of analyses mado by tho Danish Dairy Supply Company, it is reported that evening milk contains moro fat and moro total soliiH than tno morning milk. In October and Norouihcr tho milk is richer in fat and total solids than in any other parts of tho year. The first school of dalrvitirr over or ganized in America has been started through tho efforts of Professor Henry at tho State University of Wisoonsin, It is intetided to givo thorough instruc tion in dairyini! and oheeso making, in cluding tho analysis of milk. Money well invested in fertilizers pnya hotter than in bank. , To him nothing is nossiblo who is always dreaming of his past possibili ties. Feather trimminas will be used in overy imaginable way, especially mar about feathers and uncurled ostrich plumdgo. Stranger, (trying to be friendly) "How is ynnr healtht" Dyspenlio (uruflly) "How do I know! 1 haven't hid a'iy for the last five years." Menu f'ir Afternoon Tea Uolled chlokon sandwiuhes, olives, gherkins, waters, tea. Enerjclio Coiunitteemm T.ike a ticket to our new lecture course t Benedict Thanks. I am married now. E. O. A thousind pardons. Mamma Whv, Bobby, your nn-o is all blue and yo'ir teeth are chattering I What's tho mat lei J Bobby IVti b-buen having s.s-ome big fun fun with the b-biv. rniwt'nir 1 Tint's Pills tlmu1ta tho torpid llTcr, strength n tlifllireallvrrniia. refill nta thm bow mud are unequal!! ne an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial riUtrlct their virtues are ,ldely recounts ed, as t hey peaaesspee ailler proper! ten tn freeins; tbe system from that polaon. Elegantly augav coated. Doae small. Prlee,30ets. Sold Everywhere. Office. 44 Murray St.. Nmv York -Xliouita'iUM fiHVj tKKU rviiiiantiitly cuml hy . mm rillLAUKLl'IIlAl'A. f j fiatonrrLnoin-rallin or luMof time from business. L&Mprunouiu'ttl ln curatilts'jy otheis wantwl. freitd rr (JlrcuUr. tURE OUARAIUEED. amk 10 '60 ly. OQi.4lioiirvtu3. 15 jij;n'11I O n nf tVi 'REE (lie M riu. uui ltillitiri( QD'qutlilt And to Intrmlucv oui 1 flnrioriroodiwAwltl MndFRKl toon a kiob lMcb WHty, MtboM, Only IbM who writt ouftt onrario mako iur el la cbMnc. Allyoubft. lodola rt torn li lo ibow our rood la OiM who call vour nlchbr nd IbAM around you. Tho bo ffamlnr of thU dvrtl.nitut hawi (ho 1111011 ond of tho uio parstlif l ll Kp. Tha fellowlsf eel ftroi tat tppwanca of II roducod lo ftbout the ttfllatb H ct lubnlb. H I, ITMd, )bU,ll, cw-, utirtiwIiNVt, owfy. W U1 1m ,liw jou bow tou can max, from S3 tu 1 0 a day al la,t, from Ibailart.ff lib put ai,l ,aca. Hcturwriu atooea. Wa pay all aiprata cbarfaa, Jlf,M,!I.HtLETTCO.. Boi 8 80, oILAJIO, UiKl 12 13 tf. PARKER'S HAIR BALAAM Cleames and beautifies the hair. Promote S luxuriant ffrowth. Naver Fails to RatTore Gray mr tuna i.aini.i y0iar. FrevenU Dandruff and hair failing oJjn.QJH. il WatHrofpOrU. 1 ai 4t Kow Lost! How Regained. KNDWTHYSELE 'TUIT Q O I ET tJ tr a-a? a Aclentlflcand SUndard ropnlar Medic&l Treatise on the Krrors pf Yfluth.lVemtturo Decline, Nerrom w?TsT i TTT f 1 UP"I" we JJioou. nen.!ioi; from. Foil, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Ovortusilin, KnetratlsK nd nnlluing the lcUm fur Hotk, l)jlneis, tlieiltrriedorSocTil IWitlon. Avoid nnakillfal pretenders, l'ooien this ereat W'r. ItconUlnsSOOpsges, royslsro. ISmuU.'uI Wndire, enibosaeJ, full pit. l'rice onlj by cull, poetpald, conceited In plsln wrapper, lllm. trstlis l'rospertus I'rer, If you apply now. TI.e duOnmiihcd aithgr, Vn. II. rrer, !. n., re ccived the 10r.l AN1ljr.l:i.I.Kl) BIIIllAI, front Ilia National AlrdicaJ Assorlatlou for '.la riM.IS IJSXAY uu MIUVOUS and PHVMOAl;I)l!lIILlTY.Dr.l'arkerandac"rp. of AtualAiit ri.jjWausiiiay la conanlted, coni. dcutlAlly, by mall or In person, at the olllce of TJI1! PIMiionv SIUOIOAi, lNSTITtlTl; o. 4 llulnucliSt.,lloalan,IIIaiu).,tawhonial orders fi r boots or letters for advlco should La directed aaaboie. 1-81 (1 41. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lied Cros Diamond Urand. Th only reltiilo rill tot tale. faf and ar. l.ajairt. aaU lira cat at for Ut IMa soona ilroaJtlu r J aiciailia boaoa, MaJfrd vlitit.uoribuca. TnLoaaothor. Hand tu f'taanj tor oMloUr oud lUUaffur . I'dH'V" (!, by mull. iNawijw, Cbltheotcr tten.:cl to., liadlsoa t-q.t i'bllada, l'a. 1 31 (1 4t Ha wrimi "ff al worhou a lartti rr WUO a Otonlbi I aow baa au aitrnry i d onto piano iftvu s tlay," Md) W, U,UAHHfbOZ, Wl.luat Kliue. Turriabure, l'a. t aKIIH VW . BlUlinil aVlU I1UU11 wniaai I bao ur known an j .Lin f lo aall llko )oitr allnj. Vaaicrday I nok rd-rnoujti to W mi rerHU.V W, J. KU ujura, Han for. al., wrloit "I a aoorotr iwr your allium al oat orttry bouM I UIt. II uttlll laoftaitaatBucbaiSUO yfor a In it la day work." OibeiaoradoiBa ouli.aa m rii jwa ba.o not auaco lo tio tn . I . oi ima rraiia uuaiuaaa iii.f i Mi Mm 1 1 ivc start YOU in ,u Liiaiiicb, rradrrf Wriu touaaail laaro all about II r..r yourarir. It, raatanliif mauyi Mawlllatart Jim If yea don t dtlay unill nuiner ana aupanoi you la uur part or lb, oounlry Ify.m lahatiobl you Mill b sbuto ick up rold fail, arllpnil IJh ucoublof aroreadniauurartunraaala 1 &A,Otl4l leil alullur lliutwaraiili AllHMna ar,( baauld lolha V.!t'l,. .or H. J u,Ma4 l Kofal Crtniaon silk VrUrt I lu,li.(-barnilofldaeoriUdinalda.tUiiduuir,l album, Imlif world. Urani alsa. Uraal,! Uraaioa af r kaow B. arrnl waulfd. IJbaral Irrroa. Hl( noucylorafetiL. Anyouaca Ijanma a aaiol. S.IK lUlf on ,1,1.1-lliil, or np lalkliif naittairy. Wbcravar tboM-u, try ooa want, lo bur. iliaia. lavula lakalboUMnda of ordtr, Mllb rapidity iiavrr bafora known. Ureal proftia awall arrry worker, Apenl, era luaklueforluuaa. Udiaaaiak a, murb ae m,n. lou.i.adrr. can do a, well ae any one. r"ull Inrormallou and lenna I rre. to. Iboea who wrlta for eome. wUb parllcnlar, end term, ft oar tamlly lllblea, Hooka and ferlodlrala. After you know all. bosklyon cooeluda 10 0 no funfaer, why no harm ia done. Addraaa b. C ALLIN 4 CU, Alulkla, Uaipa Jan. ly. AfaUMT Actlvp,"Eufar'tlo Men cad Mll-IV I O make from ."l tn 1150 per 1 A WTlil", mi'll Wing for ns ami enjoy VV iVn 1 IT, I J tUa comfori of knowlny that they arn workloi; f ir an old and tellabla firm tta Hrable terrltor' In towns and counties can bo bc m,t uj piuiupo uiviiuoMiun. 0 grow tuo stock we offer, .iirest VII aajirl IV Tta via e. r.r. Nurseninn, llaltimore, Md. jau.iiar. . GET YOUR JOU PRINTING DOtfK AT TUK COI.UM UA IOK WOIiW Jr493il ytr KhelH, Flint and lteof scraps Cend for new price list. YOKE CIIBMIU.U. WU1IKS, York Pi. 8 11-d-lt. FRAZER GREASE BEST IN TIIK MOULD. Ita marlaa nuaUtleaare uaaurpaaaaid. actaall j outlajrtJar two boxaa of anrotber brand. Not Oawtwl br beat, laTUKY TUK UKJb1 U1N K. . . afOKltBTDaUlBBOKlllfJULI.T. tiff msmm m M SskT TL 8 ma 7 V Wi IvABBI - aBnBuai7wawa JELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD, IlLOOMSUUKG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTH. r. M. r. M. A.M. A.W. 10 00 R15 10 1S A so 1019 .... 10 94 0 41 10 43 tH 10 M 7 03 10 37 719 It 05 120 11 13 7 91 11 Id 731 1190 731 1191 7 4 1131 7 49 II IS 7f.S NORTDUMBBHtANDtt 9 40 l eg Cameron 0 63 Clinlasky.,., Danville .... 6(N S 11 a so .... 6 SO 9 80 6 3J 33 6 41 8 41 Catawlssa ltupert Illoomaburg. liipy. i.une jtiutrc, 0 50 .... willow tlrore. Itl llrUrcrcck II &s Ilcrwlck T 05 S 59 lleacti Haven T 11 .... Hick's Kerry.. Tit nniCKaninuy 71m SO 3 SO II 48 8 06 IIUniOOK'8. , 7 41 Nantlookc... "10 11 ss 8 11 I 39 19 0.1 8 91 19 10 8 9H 1915 8 33 19 911 838 12 87 8 41 13 31 8 49 1S3S 9 53 12 40 BM 12 41 1(1 12 51 9 09 lbl If 17 109 9 93 1 15 .980 1 20 9 35 f. it. r. it wonaiio isi .... Plymouth IK) 3 45 Plymouth Junction 801 .... Kingston SOS Dennett..- 8 19 53 Manor a 17 Wyoming BS1 4 flJ 827 4 01 8 33 4 11 PlttsWn. neat 1'iiision.. Lvekawanna. 8 40 T.tylOrvlllOM.. 8 48 ...... SM .... 800 4 94 r. M. r, h. uciiCTue. 8CRAKTON. STATIONS. bOUTU. A.M. A.M. 111 9 50 613 9 33 620 1OO0 624 10 CH r. u. r. m IU 6 20 .... 6 23 2 02 6 30 2 10 6 87 21R 6 41 2 21 4 829 633 .... 639 2 87 7 0.1 8 40 7 07 8 45 719 9 50 7 16 2 33 7 21 9 69 7 2S 8 0(1 7 43 SSO 7 63 80R1NT0N lleUevuo Taylorvlllo i-icKawanna Ilttstnn. 6 84 1016 West mtston. 6 49 10 92 Wyoming 047 10 27 jiaurjy 6 51 tltmnett. 6 6! Kingston er8 Plymouth Junction. 70s Plymouth 7 10 Avondale... 7 14 Nuitlcoke. , 7 19 Uunlock's 7 tn 1030 11131 10 34 10 41 10 47 10 31 1051 1102 Shlckshlnny 737 1112 iiick's i-orry 753 1122 3 31 8 07 utttcniiavcn h ui Uermck 8 07 Drur Creek 813 1131 1140 8 40 8 47 3 31 8 97 Willow Grove...... 8 16 1150 8 57 SSI 4 02 8 33 4 09 8 41 4 15 8 47 4 22 8 52 4 91 8 67, 4 46 9 19 4 31 .... 5 00 9 21 513 919 r. m. r. m. umntuage 820 11 31 if spy. 8 26 12 01 um uioomstrarK 8 32 llUptTb , Catawlssa 837 1212 8 42 12 17 Danville 8 37 12 32 unuuuKy Cameron 9 07 12 41 NORTIIUMBBKHND...,,.... 9 22 12 53 A. M. r. M. Connoctloni at Ilupert with Philadelphia 4 lleadlog llallroad for Tomanend. Tamaqua, Will lamsport, sunburjr, Pottivllle, etc At Northnm bcrlan l with P. B. Dlv. P. It It tor Harrlsounr, Lock II a von, Emporium. Warren, Corry, and Krlo. W. F. llALiTiAD, Oen. Man;. Kcranwn, Pa. PHILADELPHIA & READING IU1LHOAD. ON AND AFTEIl NOV. 10th 1S89. TRAINS LRAVB BLOOMRIIUHQ as follows: (SUNDAYS KXCXITID.) For New York. Philadelphia, Heading, I'ottsvllle, Tamaqua, etc., 6:00, u:m a. ni. For willumsport, .Milton unj Dinvltle 7:3) a. m. 3:10, 11:01 p. m. For Cata .vl3sa 6-TJO, 7:30, 11:03 a. m., 12:20, 5:00 6:31 p. ra. For Ilupert 6.0), 7:30, 11:03 a.m., 12:20, 3:16, 6:00, 6:33, 11:03 p. m. ... TUAINS FOIt DLOO.MSBURO Leave Now York via Phlladelphl 7:45 a, m. 4:00 p. nt. ana via Hasten B:i3 a. m. 3:43 p. m. Leave Philadelphia 10.00 a. m. &00 p. m. Leave He Kiln; 11:50 a. 01. 7:57 p. m. Leave Hottsvilie 12:30 p. m. Leave Tamaqua 1:21 a. m. 9:18 p. m. Leave WllUainsDOrc Q.13 a. m. at n. m. Leave OatawUiA 6:33, 8:00 a. m., 1:30, 3:20, 6:15 Leave ltupjrt 6:19, 7:03, 8.08, 11:11 a. m. 1:33, 8:3 1, ' tor Baltimore Washington and the West via B. u. tu it., tnruuga trains leave uirara Avenue Station Phlla. (P. & It. It K.) 4:15, 8:00, 11:00 a. m. 1:23, 4:30, 3:51. 7:80 p. m. SunlayB 45, 11:00 a. m. 4:30,5:51, 7:10 p.m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Pier 7. Chestnut Street nuuii, uuu duuiu oirueb nart: FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Week days-Kxpreu, 9:00, a, m. 4:00 p. m. Ac comodation, 1:30 a. m. 4:3 1 p. m. Suudavs-Bxpress, 9:01a.m. Accomodation SM a. m. and 1:30 p. m. KBTCRNOtO, UAVI ATLANTIC aiT. Depot corner Atlaotlo and Arkansas A7enues : week days Sxpress, 7:, a. ra. and 4:00 p. m. Accomodation, 1:05 a. in. and 4:3) p. m. Sundays Kroress, 4:00 p. m. Accjmodation, 7:30 a. to. and 4.W p. m. . . .. . C. Q. HANCOCK, A. A, .McLBOD, Oen rass. Aoent. Vice Pret. aertu Manager. Pennslvaim Railroad. M Philadelphia &. Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern'Central Railway. TIME TABLE. In effect NOV. 10, 1889. Trains leave sunhnry EASTWARD 9.40 a.m., sea shore Express (dally except ttrrivius at. i-auaapipniaB.15 . m. ; New York S.C0P. m. I Baltimore. 8.10 n. m ' Wnnhlnrrt.nn 3.53 p. m., connecting at Phliodemhla for mi iwa Shore points. Through passenger coach to FhlladelphlA. 1.39 p. m. Day Express dally except Sunday),forllarrlsbarg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Phtladelph a 6.50 p. tu. i New York, 9.85 p. m. ; Baltimore 6.45 p.m.; Washington, 8.15 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches vu uu ,w uuauuipuin uuu ItaiLimore. aos p. m. Renovo Accommodation (daily for Uarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arrlv lngatl,hlladelphla4.25a. m. j New York7.l0o. m. llaltimore, 5.15 a.m.; Washington 6.30 a. m.: Pullman sleeping car from Uarrlsbure to Phllodel phia and New York. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. L5la.m. arte Mall (dally) for Harrisburtr and intermediate Btatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 a. m. New York, .so a, m.j Through Pullman sleeping cars and passenger coaches to Phllodel- 2.W a. in. -lonttnrn Eipresi (lvlly) for nirris ounr ana ntermedlate statlinj arriving at Biltl-' more 7.20, a. m. ai 1 WMOlajtoa 1.45, a. to. aid through Pullman Slo'plag otrj to Btltlmire and Washington, and througb pasenger caachej to Baltimore. W1SSTWARD. 9.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally), for Brie aol ai CanaMaigua tfl intermediate stations, Roches ter, Buffalo udNlagara Falls, with through Pull- uiuu ranajeuara an 1 passenger ooacnea to Brie and hoc taster. 9.51-News Express ( dally 1 for lock Haven auu iuiruiuumie Btatlons. 1.13 D. m. Nlairara Rnr(na MatlToinonr Unn 1 y) for Eann, Cana islgaaand InterinMlateBta Mons, K rUester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with thnughpassenger coaches to Kane and Kochestei auu a tujur vnr to lllianiopon. 6.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally exocptsundayjfnr R. novo, wa'klns and iDtertnedlate stations, .itb thro tgh passonger co vhes to Knnovo and wi ns. ..,?;!? P- m- Wllllaiaiport Kxpress( dally ) tor Wllllausrort and lntermwllate stations. THROUGH TRAIN" FOR SDNBIIRY FROM TUB EAS T AND SOUTH. , News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. in Baltimore, 4.3 jo. m itarrlsburg, 8.10 a.m. 1UII1 arriving at Sunburr v.33. a. m. m,. . ., Nlaijara Express leaves . uueuciuui, 9u n. ill. , t lUUIUgulU 0 1U O. Ul. BAN tlmore 9.00 a. m. (dai; except Hunda) arrtvlnir at ?.??.bli,7' b3 P-ra- "'rough Parlor car trum j'hlladolphu and tnrouirh patBengei coaches from Phlltdolnhla Hnrt IlRlflmnrn ' Fast Line leaves New i oi s 9.00 a. m. 1 Phlladel, pnti,ll.40a. m.j WasUlngioa, 10 o a. m. : Baltl. mora. 11.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at """"'I .o" M. ill. wilu auruuiu DaSSeOgOr coaches from PhlUtd jlpUla and' llaltimore .WllllanisooriBtpwdsio.aveaNew vork 9.0) p. m. Philadelphia 11.45 p. ra. Wiahlngton 8.30 p. m. Baltimore 4J3 p. m. (daily) arrlvlnj at Banbury 9.15 p. m. Erlo Mall leaves New York 8.00p.m.: Philadel phia, 11.25 p. m. ; Washington, 10.00 p. m. : Baltl. more, 11.20 p.m., (dally) arriving at SunburyMO f,l..m-J T1"11" trough Pullman Sleeping cars from Phllallphla, Washington and Baltimore and throafh psiienger ooaohes from Phllaleiphla HUNIinilY, IIAZI.KTtl.N ,V Wl I.KIC-IIIAIUtB KAILItOAII AMI NOllTII AND WKHT IIUANIIII IHII.U AY. w (Bally except sunuay.) Wllkcsbarre Mail leaves sunbury 10.00 a.m. arrlvlni at Bloom Ferry 10.43 a. m., wilkes-barre 13.10 p. m. ExprtBs East leaves Sunbury 6.S5 p. ra.. arrlvlnB at Bloom Ferry 6.26 p. m.. Wllkes-barre fwp. tu. Sunbury Mall leaves Wl lkesbarre 1 1 .17 a. m. arri v ing at Bloom Ferry' 12.87-p. m., Huhbdry 1.80 p. m- Express West leaves Wllkes-barre 3.05 p. m., or vtng at Bloom Ferry 4.30 p. m., sunbury 6.20 p. m 8UNDAY TRAINS. Wtlkesbarre mall leaves Sunbury 10:00 a. flyjriB at Bloom Ferry 10.48 a. m., wUkea-Borre IVMU aaU d Sunday accommodation leaves WUkts-Borre 6:10 FA', m at Bloom Wr7 P,m., Banbury 'ciias. E. PUQII, J. R. WOOD, Gen. Manager. tlen. Fohsonger Agt. PATENTS, veits and Trade JUrkjobtalnedjand all Paten t slne.seonluctedtorMOUKHvrKFKm. OUIl OFFIOK IS OPP ISITU U. 8. PATENT OFFICE. We have no Bub-agencies, all business Irect, hence can transact patent business In leas wLuww W3Tlbn ww remTtofroS Bend triodel. drawing, or photo,wltb description. We advise If patentable or not, free of choree! Our fee not due till patent Is iwcurea "se' A.S00F,",'.lt"? 9 owalaPatontB,"vrttUwfereneei C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite Patent cm Washington, p.g BUB80RIBK FOR THE COLVMBIAN. Spring Clolliiu FOll MEN', YOUrllP, nOYrf AND ('I1U.DI.KN. BAKERS AND Exchange Block, WHOLESALE flplsn ud :Clami Orders by mail will Hnmo, sn1 o'lp WHOLESALE DEALERS IN '.(Dafj, Cb.qi.affo, (C&nafy, FvO'tj Rotj. SOLE AOENT S FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. :e:e:itisi "sr gooids jl. siazj.ujrsr. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobaooo. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars i Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Sihrar..h. .any,ordcr for.Festivtls will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, oWmi Orfttieq, ,Lemort5, ream Nu.5, BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. R kOBBIIS, Foreign and Domestic BLOOMSBURG IIBUJCIMIIf Pianos, Ops, and Sewios Machines i iiitelll ll S Music - - - R0SC0E CONKLING: HI8 LIFE AND LETTERS. ?nl.1r.W,, il"1 amUlof. Thl work will lrtl. U laaucd fc, v,., a riJtf?$Zj Uu?2i iSHf ' 'lrtrilt, ud fao-almUn. 0 WE ESPECIALLY INVIT2 USSS3B AND MEN OUT OF BUSINESS, POLITICIANS, AND CANVASSERS, ' au. noa JrJJrt'oi,lottuiilUe to (When writing, B,auon m, m , CHARIES L,WEBSTEfT&. CO., A. . YtUgcs ,& Co. LEDOBU'U.UUUIN,q, .BIXCit.AW) PUESTNUT, rniLi)KLi:u.A. CONFECTIONERS Bloomsbui-g, Fa. and RETAIL facta ui MmIl receive prompt attention FAMOUS 15 Cent Stews- K- -IN- -AT- - Warerooms JB, WILLtAflBAUOTlOxNEKri. BLooMsiioiia, rA, Rsal Estats Umhi and Sail MADE WITH BOII4NQ WATEH. EPPS'S CRATErUL-COMFORTING. COCOA i HI?!1 WTH OOILINQ MILK. 4