THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 Tho DIreot Tax Bill. tT PASSBS THIS SENATK WHAT PENNSYL VANIA Witt. nKCKIVK. Tho bill known as tho Diroot Tax bill, whioh was passed bv tho last Con gross and vetoed bv PrV.1,1 Ant. fllntm. land, has boon passed again by tho Sen ate Thcro wasaonsidorablndlamiHiiInn ovor it. Mr. Sherman stated that it was ozaotly tho same, word for word as tho ono whioh liasscd tho l.iU. Onnirrn and that it had rcoelved tho unanimous voto of tho I inanoo Comraittoo. Mr. Vest and Mr. Berry both declared their unaltcrod opposition to tho moasuro Tho bill passed tho Scnato by a voto of ioiiy-iour 10 soven. Tho bill makts it tho dutv of tho Sea. retary of tho Trcasnrv to orodit locaoh stato and territory a sura cqaai to all tho collections made from tho slites and territories under tho aot of Con gress approved August 6, 1801. Thcro is no doubt that tho bill will pass the Houso, and thero is no reason to bo hevothat itwillonoouiitcrn vetoo from President Harrison. In tho last Con- irress. after tho bill had boon votood bv President Clovoland. on constitutional grounds, it was passed again by tho Bon n to, but its consideration in tho Houso was prevented bv obiootton. Undor tho bill tho total amount to bo returned to tho various states will bo $15,227,G32,05. This amount is oxolusivo of tho 15 per conk commis sions which woro allowed to tho states or to those who paid tho tax. Tho I amount whioh Pennsylvania will re ceive undor tue bill is also oxclumvo of commissions, $1,054,711,43. This is a larger amount than any other state will receivo eicent New York, whose Claim amounts to $2,213,330.80. Ohio ranks next to that of Pennsylv ania being 1,332,025,03. Delaworo will recoivo 370,332,83 and New Jer sey 382,014,83. Mr. Sherman has said ot this Direct Tax bill: "Probably there never was a bill up on the Stato calonder whioh has been more throughly considered. The bill scarcoly raises aosnslitutional question It involves aimnlv a dUno.-ution of public monoy. It is simply to roUoro money to some of the Btatos who paid tho tax, and relieve other States who did not bear their sbaro of tho burden. The Railroad Unplex Ticket- THE LGOAirr OF THE 8UUC1IAROE SUl' POKTED DV THE SOFREME COURT. In the suit of Reese against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, ap pealed from Uommon fleas (Jourt io2 ot Allogany county, made tho first Pennsylvania decision upon an lnter- osttng question ot railroad law. lbe charter of the Pennsylvania Railroad provides that in the transporation of way passengers no cnarge exceeding 3 cents a mile shall be made. The dist ance from East Liberty to the Union Depot in Pittsburg is four and a half miles and the rogular fare is 14 cents. Reese boarded a train without having purchased a tioket, aud the conduotor insisted upon nis paying an additional ton cents, for which he ten dered him the ordiuarv refunding alio. It was olaimed on Rees's behalf, that this extra ten cents would make the fare for tho four and a half miles twenty-four cents, thereby violating the charter of the company, and that the regulation requiting tho payment ot excessive fare by passengers without 1 tickets was unreasonable and illegal. The Supreme Court holds, in an opinion delivered by Judge Mitchell, Judge aterret dissenting, that where a railroad iiomnanv fives nasssnf era a ; c o 7 r convenient place and opportunity for buying tiokets botoro ontenng a train and if they omit to do so, tho regulation that they shall be charged an exco over tho regular faro, to bo afterward refunded, is a reasonable regulation, and the exacting of such excess is not a "charge," and cannot be regarded as any part ot the regular rate of tare. Grazed Hy Drink. A CENTIULIA MAN THE VICTIM 01' A DEI1AUCII. Tho Ashland Advocate gives the following particulars of the death of a resident ot centralis, which ooeureu a week ago Friday. John Ilaffov. a miner employed at Logan colliery bad been on a debauoh for two weeks and on Friday night he was seized with delerium tremens. He was a man who has dissipated considerably during his life time, and for several days he bad been in a bad way. On one occasion be traveled from his home to tho mines in a nude condition and roamed about the town and woods in a half bewild ered frame of mind. On Friday morn ing Haffey went to the home of Charles JUcUmrp, who was married to his sis ter. While there ho got an attack of poker and his sister sent to tho store for a bottle of laudanum, and gave it to iiattey to quiet bis nerves and put bim to sleep, but it did not seom to have that effect, notwithstanding that the dose adminstered was about half ounce After indulging again in tho flowing bow), Haffey returned to McGtiiro's bouse and laid down to sleep when he was taken with ooovulsions. Dr. Gwin ner was sent for and soon reaohed the man, who was in a very bad way. He presoribed some medicine but the un fortunate fellow took but ono dos when death relieved him of 1 is suffer ings" Rev. Father Simpson was sum moned before llalloy expired and ad ministered tho rites of tho church. Deoeosed was 30 years of age. He bad resided in Centralia for tho past 22 years and leaves a wife and four small children to mourn his loss. Dr. Gwinner viewed tho body on Sunday. lie cannot stato positively what caus ed Haffey 8 death. Ho says that pois oned by laudanum and poisoned bvloa ions of alcohol aro about one and tin same thing, and he doubted whether a post mortem would throw any light on tho matter. Deputy Coroner Welsh empanelod a jury as follows: Martin Welsb.Jas. Thompson Patrick Conway, .ratrioK iiowan, jas. yuigioy and JCioli and Benson, who held an inquest on tno remains Monday afternoon. Bait Bnenm With its intense itching, dry, hot skin, often broken into painful oraoks, anil tho little watery pimples, often oauseB indescribable suffering. Hood's Sar saparilla hat wonderful power over this disease. It purifies the blood and ex pels tho humor, and the ekin hoaU without a scar. Send for book con taining many statements of oures, to C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell Miss. Tommy "Pawj what is a 'Senator ial courtesyf Mr, Figg "It means that no Sena tor is expected to ask another ono what ho paid for his neat." Terra Jfuute Express. Husband Too bad about that spoon. Wife WbaOpoont Husband Why, the ono in the coup, WHICH AVI I, I, IT T, 7 Wlilcli Is tho fairest, n row or n lily? arf Whlrh In Inn anrrelpnr. n nr-nrh nr n twi Mmtv'i conuptlsli. nml cbarmlni Is Mlllr Dora to irtntloand fair. her, Sweet as u llowcr was her face when I kissed (lxvo Is tho romanco and irlory of llfo,( Willy, my playmate, I lovo " llko n sister," nut uuru 1 uiuumj lur my vvue. That Is right, young man, marry the girl you lovo, by nil means, ir alio will liavo you. Hhoulil her health become dcllcato anil her lieauty faito nftcr marrlaee, remember that this Is usually iluo to functional disturbances, weaknesses. Irregularities, or painful disor ders peculiar to lie r mix. In tho euro of which nr. ricrco s i-avoruo rresenpnon is Ruaran leeil to glvo satisfaction, or money refunded. Seo the printed ccrtl&cnto of guarantee on bottle-wrapper. For overworked. " worn-out." " run-down." debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," housekeepers. nursing momers, ana reebie women gener ally, lir. lMcrco's Favorite Prescription Is tho greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial ana restorative tonic, or etrcngtli-glrcr. Copyright, 1SSS, by WORLD'S DlS. Man, Ass'K. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. They aro purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. Ono n Do.o. Bold by druggists. 23 cents a vial. S7fa Greatest Blood Purifier, KHUWNi m ThlsOrcatOcrman Mcdlclno!thok. I cheapest and liest. 123 doses of SUL-i fliUKiHTTi;iisrorfio,iessinanj one cent n dose. It will euro the raj worst cases ot BSiauiseasc, irnm tala common oimnlo on tho face J to that awful disease Scrofula. AT fir SULPHUR BITTERS Is tho I best medicine to use In all " leases of such stubborn nrJilyonr iiieep seated uiscases. JJOYncvsaroout InOt Over takO nfnnl.cIT.n I BLUE PILLS kuil""H normcrcury.thcy are dead " tr:flC nn ifer,? 1 1 tho nnrest and bestyu'UB0 I medicine ever mode. UJ. m !..- a.syvur.OBgneuoa.euv rwi wttha vcllowstIckvnon't wait until yon M substance? Isyouran unable towalk.or breath foul oniljraro flat on yonr back, offsnslvo? Yonrbnt get some at once, It stomach Is outArwlll cure you. Sulphur or oilier. useiinM.ra its SULl'IIUR A C3 IlITTKH3.y iiiimiu a iiivuu.m Is your Ur-terlng aro soon made well by lne thlck,its use. llemembcr what you ropy, clo-pread bcrc, It may savo your uuy, orUfe, It has saved hundreds. j fflXm t wait unUl to-morrow, E3 I Try a Bottle To-day 1 E3 IB1 ft- m Am vou low.rnlrltod and weak. Hi I I 3or suffering from tho excesses of III 2youUi? If so, BULP11UU UITTKIIS III vwiu cure you. Send 3 2-ccnt Mmnps to A. V, oniwav x uo., Boeton.Masa,, for beet niottlcat work publlahoitr fMfht BilUrslI USE IS-; Eieotriolty's Mlorobe- A MYSTEHT WIIOHB SOLUTION WIU, ltK VOI.UTIl.NIXK TIIF. lNDUSTltlAt. W0IU.U. Bad for Pigeon Shooters- JtlDOR TKUKES SUSTAINS THE INDICTMENT AftAtNST A. NKI.SON LKWI8. C.H.PZARSON&C2.-?---BALTIMORE.Md. J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, En., DBALIR8 IN With all tho paraphernalia of tho modern physical and I'Vclrioal labora tory, tho instruments of precision that will natidio a millionth ot an Inch as readily m a labotcr li is pick and shovol with all tho evolution going on through eenorntione of scientists, and the al most inuossant wrestling of secrets from tlio bosom ot nature, wo doubt, It sol onco is any olnsor to the isolation or at tenuation ot tho microbe of tlio mag' not. it is absunl to supposo that a primary ontrcy is impressed upon a piece of hardened steel onco for all The transfer of that energy into aotnal work mould destruction not only doos not take placo, but tho very exercise of the power strengthens tho magnet. A horeohoo ot steel may bo maunct- Ized In ten seconds by thn current of n: tew amperes lrom a battery, n rtdiou-i ously small amount of enemy all toldi and such magnet can lift many noundsj rt iron in omtact. isnt without t contact it may lift and hold a poind ot iron easily, it win hold that pound. lor uu cterniiy, anu every seconu Itiat lime without end tno magnet expending cnerny until it foots up an almost inconceivable total oi notuai power. Not alono that, but tro raag-i net of ono pound lifting power-to-day may and will bn stringer to-morrow. Where docs all this really tremend ous amount of energy come from! By Doyi.estown, Jan. 27. An opinion was handud down to day by Jnugo Yurlces in tho enso of tno Common wealth vs. A. Nelson Lewis, who is a momber of tho Philadelphia Gun Club, an organization whoso mftnocrs aro aconstomed to enjoy pigeon shooting matches at Andalusia, liuoks uotiniy. Mr. Lewis was indicted for cruolty to aulmals by a iury at tho December term of oourt. Tho dofondant was indicted under tho first seolion ot tho Aot of March 29, 18G9. which providos that any person who shall "wantonly or oruellv ill troat. overload, beat, or otherwise ahuso anv animal shall bo deemed uuilty of a inrsdomeanor. Tho oourt in its opinion says: "liy thu act tho legislature intonucii to bring all bruto creation under the shelter of tho law. Tho t.rosent act includes any animal being which is not human, .endowed with tnu power of voluntary motion. To mako out tho olTunsa tho Commonwealth must show first that tho pigeon was ill-treated or abused. Seoond--That tho manuer of the treatment was wanton or ornol. Ono of tht pigeons was wounded anda'ighi ed upon a tree, and as Boon as is woundedi condition was discovered it was killed. Ojr conclusion is that wanlop or cruel ill-treatment or abuse K AXLKOAD TI KB 9 7 D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. IILOOMSDUKG DIVISION. btations. noutii. NOBtiitiiimm.AttD.. Cameron chuhuity Danville Uatanlssa ltupcrt Moomsburg. Kspy. IJme lttdi. Willow drove.. .... Itrlarcroe Ilerwlck..... Pick's Perry Nhlckshlnny. Iluniock'n... Nantlcoko...... Avondile l'lymouth - Plymouth Junction, Kingston llcnnoIU. Maltoy West l'ltuton.. nttiton. ...... Ickawanna.... Taylorvllle flellevuo. STATIONS. Taylorvllle.... Lackawanna.. Wyoming . Mai toy ... PIANOS, tod without necessity or good reaton to justify the act. That whilo a reason may exist for the lnuictton oi paui, magnetization of a bar of steel imku I of it a-inachino for tho transformation of energyt Not a reaction iry or Btori ago dovioo whioh like a tied ipri:ig, honestly aives baok approximately all it has received, but a perpetual trans necessity must bo suoh as warrants the By tho following weiunown makers; forming or converting machine. Thcro I not; the object to bo attained must bo Nantlcoke. IInnlock'8 . Chickcriuof, Itnabc, Weber, Illlct & IavLs. Can alHO furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be tore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists is a hiddon process coing on of soma I n uronoition to tho means used, must "j?6.11111?6 Kinoj energy is going into uio m-'gnev juslity it, must bo adequate. IS SHOOTING JCST1FIA1I1.K1 "Wo ari'now brought to the question cnuiasky.. Ml p-M- On application DISEASES OF MEN ONLY EliwiroiBou.OU -ni--ofKIlntri,n!Rddertitiil"thron ITinli,Vr.-ikLc-.. NvrrunlDo illty.Lo-t Manhood ri nttaot r.ron n Vouti are.pMHlflr end prmunntlt cared. Oon u'tit!on nn I trittM(-Rl-dt Ir-fl hrmflt Aaarws JJE. afcLNDLt, 171 W. 1ZU Bt, Kaw Xoik. Cexpress stables) " Work horses in the city are worth three times as much as country horses because we blanket them in the stable." FREE Get from yonr dealer free, tie Ya Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a Sx Horse Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile j 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. J H. WILLIAMS, JAUOTIONEKR. BLOOMSBUUQ, PA. Esal Estate BmM and Sold. Parlies desiring tn buy horses and wagonf "rnia uc veil to call on uie auovo. all tho time it is doing work energy insom-iorm Wnero ones it com-' I from gravity! atmosphoret solar rays earth currents! Who can say it is a threat problem, worthy of a lifetime of indetaiieabic research, it is a miorohe and it will be disoovon-d, and tbo di. oovery will make elcotrioity the queen if natures forces, anil stoim will be come a dim vision of tin dark ases of the past. Electrical Review. What a Visit totha Qaeen Means. It is a mistaka to Btippose that tho Queen's cuests at Windsor (Jastlu haye any opportunity for protracted or conndential communication villi Her Majesty, except suoh Mini'ters ai navo audiences. Tlio visitors arnvo at the castle about, soven o'clock, ro th o to their respective rooms and as semb e in ilm corridors in full dress at I 'hnlf.nafif : airrlit Tim Onpnn nrpaptittv w...r J l . -, . nnna fnm . I.Tii'.ln oun.tmnii. I 1U 111' CV. a IWO CllVVid IIUII1 UM Ll.l.U.U PIIUI.un.Uh I , . . . .J and after bowlne to tbo company, and rmy reguiauons ao noi prov ue .or Derhans sooakinc a lew words to ono . ui' ". or Ion fricnnV slio nne into Urn din. but Wlttl the rillo aud ball. All no- mom, followed bv the miests. Af. states use tho rifle range and target tor dinner, durine w'hioh tho convert- practice with filed ammunition as tion. as a-matttr of course, is to tbo ?.esl ndoptfld to tram moo last degree vapid aud commonplace, Ilerwlck Briar Crock Willow (Irovo.., Ksny., Hioomsburg ated an adequate reason or necessity for subjecting tho pigeon to tlio pain and punishment inflicted upon i t Ac- ooidins to the Bndintr of tho iury it was nrimaruv ior tesi oi skiii m muritB- mansliin. secondarily to prepare the bird for sale for foo3. Conceding that those racreations wh'oh nervo a manly excercises are conducivo to so'd'erly aualities. is ehoolinu piceom from trap the recreation caicu'a'co 10 oesi promote inn qutiuiBai tuning.-, cu durance and niaiiy marksmanship aro amongst the most necessary acquire ments of tho good soldier, it woum bo offensivo to anv citizen po3e9''oJ of a spark of manhood to assert that his courge had fallen to so low an ebb as to requirj me t-xiiertse oi auu'iuug at helpless tame pigeous to qualify him in mortal comoai. ine the P.M. r.H, X.U. A.M. 6 40 1 W 10 00 6 19 btS ... 1015 8 SO 1010 .... SOT 8 11 10SS 41 029 .... I03 A68 6 Si) BO 10 50 T OS 8 36 8 85 10 6T 7 18 0 41 8 41 11 115 7 20 0 50 .... 11 18 7 51 051 .... 1115 731 0 64 . 11 80 7 31 7 l'5 8 69 It 81 7 48 711 .... 1131 749 715 .... II .IS 7 55 7 80 8 80 II 43 8 0S 7 41 . .. 1161 8 17 7 60 3 88 IS 00 S 84 7 61 .... 18 10 8 81 7 69 3 45 1815 8 S3 801 .... 1380 889 8 OS 8 63 18 97 8 41 811 .... 1831 849 S17 18 85 HI 8 91 4 O'l 13 10 8 68 8 87 4 00 114 1 903 8 S3 4 II 18 63 9 09 8 40 .... 101 V17 B41 1 09 9 85 , SM .... 115 980 9 01) 4 21 1 80 9 85 r. h. p.m. r. . r. m (SOUTH. A.M. A.M. r.u. r.K , 6 10 9 50 1 t3 6 SO , 0 15 9 65 .... 0 85 , 080 1000 9 03 S80 , 0 81 10 OS 3 10 0 87 , ft 88 1016 818 6 45 , 6 43 10 83 SSI 6 60 . 47 10 87 8 89 6 55 . 661 1030 .... 659 . 6 10 34 8 87 7 03 . 6 IV) 1081 340 707 . 7CS 10 48 3 45 7 IS . 7 10 10 47 8 50 7 16 , 7 14 10 51 8 65 7 81 . 719 10 51 9 69 7 95 . Ill It CIS 8 06 7 43 . 7 37 II 13 8!0 7 65 . 7 55 11 33 3 31 S 07 . 80t 11 31 8 40 8 18 . 8 07 11 40 3 47 8 80 . 813 3 51 8 3? . S16 11 50 3 67 8 31 . 9 30 11 51 4 03 8 31 . 888 1801 409 841 . 8 83 18 00 4 15 8 47 ,. 8S7 1813 4 S3 853 ,. 843 1817 431 957 ,. 867 1333 4 4 6 9 15 4 61 . 9 07 1141 5 00 9 81 . 9 22 13 55 5 15 9 45 x. m. r. u. r. m. r. a. AT YOUR SERVICE With tlio best lino of Overcoats in Pliiludolpliia for Men, Youths and Children. No ninttor what kind of an Overcoat you want you will find it here, nindo in our well-known reliable way, nt tho lowest prices ft. C. YCTES & CO. MDSKlI'BUlt.DWO. Sixth and Chestnut. BRKERS fiND CONFECTIONERS Exchange Block, Bloomsburg, Pa. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. -sj rnmn ini n'jr FAMOUS 15 Cent StewsffK W110l.r.SAI.E IJEAIXRS IK (Dfvj-, clWc, &iti(?s, Fvoaj- r I2otj. Connections at ltupert with 11 lladol phln & Heading Hallroad for Tamancnd. Tamaqua, Wllt lamspDrt, SunDurr, Pmnvlllo, clo. At Northum berlana with P. E. Ulv. P. li. . for HarrHOunf, Lock Ilaven, Emporium, Warren, corry, and Krlo. porlum, Warren, Corry, and Ki v. V. llALiTiJAD. oen. Man.. Bcranton, ra. 1 :i 'J rtCbJit mi How Lost! How Regained, OF Ml IFF fiTHlgMNCEW IOTTHYM tbe company return to the corridor, and tbon the Queen speaks for a few minutes to each person in turn, and then bows to the circle and retiree, after whioh the party proceeds to one of tbe drawing-rooms for cards or mu sic, and tbo men ultimately hnd thorn selves in tbe smoking room, wbioh is a very comfortalle apartment. Noxl morninc tbe cueHs leave tho cistle tho as sol tiers. We, aro therefore boiin I to oinobile that lti-t of skill at mirksmanship is not suoh a necssary or adequate objeot at will compensate for the intliotion ot pain by wonnding pigeons at trap shooting. We cannot agree that tho demands of fashionable sport warrant lbe praotico. TUB WlIIHSfOK FASHION. "Iii, Ford ys. Wiley J. Hawkins, slid tint while docking horses might ba Atk fcr BLAHICETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE QCNUiriEVITHOUTTHC S'A LAQEL M.imir'l liT ".'M Y i H A K rti. 1' wlic u'.n ihatuurit III w Umii'I linker Dlnnl. u CLOTHING I CLOTHING CS-. W. BSTSOIT, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. - -:o; bis' Fumisli ' ? OF KVKltr DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at hhort notion and a fit always guaranteed or uo silc, Call and examine tho largest and be"t selected stock of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Store next door to First National Hank MAIN STREET, Bloom 9bari; Pa. THE SOIENCF OP I 1KB K WcnUficimd SUndtrd ropalwMeilicilTrMtiee cutSe Errori of Yotli,lrmaiurI):lliie,Nervom 3 wmsmmm 1 I kJi 11.11 UJ-jiJS ffl'JIII'IKlUIPWlHII iti.JtlDii from Follr, Vlc, Ipioruu, Kxcewe or JfcrUiitlon, EncmllDK nd unfitting the ictlm fcr .Vprk, Builnem, tluMtrrWorSocUl KcUllon. Avoid imiklllful pretender. I'ottui thin gro:t liln l,De,'mboied, falf cut. Price only tl.oo b m'J, iiuitpild, concealed In plln wrapper. Jlln, tHtne l'roipectnl I'rr, if ou apniy now. f! t.iii'liiiTiilahrl anthnv Wm If n..f... i. ceitcd th ( ano jevei,lei MLDAI, frunlhe Nntloaal Medlnl Annoclatloa Tor PltlZK K1HAY on NIUtVOUH nod I'insicAi. lii' I'-.t.-.-TH ,.. of ABfilstftnt Ph-lilrliinM mil tu .m.nll.J . ijr,t:.illT. by mull or In person, at the oHce of THU I'KAnolIY AIHI1IOAI. INSTITUTE, No. 4 IlulfIneliHt..Iloiiton.niiij.H..tnivhnm orders for books or letters for advloo should is 1-81 d 4t. takes ncr meal alone in hor on uu vate roorasi. Edmund Tatea hi fyn don Wrld. To Believe The Oonrta- A. MEASURK TO STOP DELAY IN TUP AI- JIlKtSTIiATION OK JUSTICE. tho few tho MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH 1-31 d 4t. BOILING MILK. after breakfast, and they depart with- justified, he held a very strong opinion ont having again seen the Queen, who I against allowiug fashion or tho whim ui an iiiuiviauiii ur uuy ninuuui ui ndividua's to afford a jastitioation for such painful mutilation an 1 disfigure ment. Here is where an important distinction arWes as alTeoting the manner of killing oaotivo or tamo ani mals. The right of mm to kill in order to render the animal more servi ceable for his uso is undNpu-.od, there for one may lntliot sue i pain and Buf fering as may bonecosiry to kill the animal for his tue f .r f od without being ohargeablo with cruelty. He may shoot or otherwise tako animals in their wild state, although it may re sult in lingering piin because the ani mals, not b.'ing within his control, it is tho o ly practicable way to obtain their nse. In snob oib nacoMity just ifies the pruliablo infiicion of pain. ' lint when an animal is in captivity, man in the exercise of hU right to kill is required to in - such methods, having them in his power, as will avoid unne cessarily prolonged pain. All the cases citea agree to t'm proposition, r rom these considerations wo are of the opinion that up'ie tho facta of the special verdict the defendant is guilty in manner and fo-tn at he stands in dicted. "And now, to wit, Jan. 27, 1890, the conrt find and zvlju ig upon t.ho special finding of tact by the jury tint tho de- lendant, A. .Nelson l.owis, is guilty in manner and form ns he stands indimed. 4a of the HKSTT'I tki world. Our facuiiu.i iMqul. Cad 10 Inlrodsra ia UONItriBtolf ia teb lMtllty. Mftbv, Oslr tbM who wrlu lovitt enctea iuk. tur tk 1m.. All ran SAv l do I nlanlllto thow our rood, to. ibom woo cur-roar m ond tkoii onood voo. Moisolo of 1U odiortiMoiao.1 ...a. iho .email ood Cf Ik. tol. Too followtof cat (.. Ibo of pMrooeo or U rodooodto bout tbo flftlotb port of iu bulk. II U o frtud. doubU lit Ulo Mt,aJUrf 0 0. U our loeonr. Wo will ol.o .bow JO kWTW nr unenKE Tbe Judiciary Committee of Hoose expects to report within a days a bill to afford somi relief to overburdened United States i'oikIh, The importance of some ohsnge in the judicial system which will enable the courts, and est estally the buprem Court, to dispose of tho largo number lot casts now accumulated, and decide current cases as they shall como up on the decket, can hardly bo exaggerated, Numerous plans have been sugge-ited, and a number ot bills on the subject have been introduced in botn branches of ConcreB?. The measure tbe Judiciary tjommii' tee now has under consideration was I one introduced by Mr. Rogers. It proposrs to withdraw oriifinxl juris diction from tbe Circuit Courts, a id mado them courts of appeal, to decide cases taken up from tho District Courts. I Tbe Uommuteo has not bmshed con sideration of tbo bill but it is doter min ed to find a remedy for tho crying evil of delay in the administration of justice in sonio of the circuit courts and in lbe Supreme Court, an ovil which amounts - ... . I practically to a denial ot justice in a I large number ot cases. PHILADELPHIA & READING I RAILROAD. ON AND APTEU NOV. 10th 1S89. TItAINS LEAVE BLOOMSBUUQ as follows: (BUNDHYH EXCEPTED.) ForNew Tort. PMladelphla, Iteadlnj, PotUylllo, Tdmaqan, cic., o:w, u:m a. in. For Wllllamsport, Milton nod Danville 7:31 a. m. 3:10. 11:0.1 p. m. For catavmsa 6-W, 7:30, 11:0 a. m., 12:20, 8:00 (S:H p. m. For ltupcrt 6.00, 7:80, 11:0 a. m., ltM, 3:16, 5:00, C:3S, 11:05 p. tn. TItAINS FOK llLOOMSBUnU LeavoNew York via I'htladelphU 7:13 a. m. 4.00 p. in. ana via Kasioa s:u a. in. s:n p. m. Leavo 1'nilalelpiUi 10.00 a. m. (i.-oo p. in. Iiave Iteadln? 11:50 a. m. 7:5T p. m. Loavi) 1'ottivlllo ii.3) p. m. Leave Tamiqua 1:21 a. m. :I8 p. m. Leavo WlthamsDOrt II 15 a. m. 4:15 n. m. Lcavj CatawUu 6:35, S:00 a. m., 1:30, 3:20, 6:15 ll!l2p.ra. Leavo Kupcrt 6:16, 7:03, 8.03, 11:11 a. m. 1:33, 3:3 1, o:x, u:i p. ui. For lialilmors Washington and tbe West via 11. C o. It. It, tbrougb trains l.'.ivo Ulrard Avenue Station Pnllo. (1. It R. It.) 4:25, :, 11:00 a. m. 1:25, 4:33, 54, 7:30 p. m. Sunlars 4:23, 11:00 a. m. :3U, o:oi, r.ou p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Ijavo Pbllaaelphia, pier 7, Chestnut Street wnari, ana eoutn sircet nan: FOB ATLANTIC CITT. Week davs Bipreas, 9.00, a. m. 4:00 p. m. Ac- comoaatio i. v.w a. m. 4:i p. tn. Bundat s-Kxpreaa, 9.00 a. m. Accomodation 8:01 a. m. ana t:aa p. m. BliTtlBllUia, LIAVK ATL1NTI0 CITV. Depot comer Atlautlc and Arkansas A7enuos : Woekdars 3ipreas,7:10, a. rn. and 4:00 p. m. Accomoaauon. 8:05 a. m. and 4:31 p. m. sundays-Kxoress, 4:00 p. m. Accimoditlon, wo a. in. uou :ju u. m. C. O. HANCOCK, A. A. .McLEOD. Oei'J, 1'iuj. Ageitl, Vice Pres. Ji Qen'U Manager. Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia ot Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. lnene .t NOV, 10. 1889. Trains leave tfnncury I KASTWAUD 9.40 a. in., Bea snore Express (dally except I Sunday), tornarruburgandlntermedlatestatioiis I arrmn; at rnuaaeipuia B.15 p. m.j New York I 8.10 D. in.: Ilaltlmore. 8.10 d. m. : Waahincrnn 5.55 p. m., connecting at Pblladelpnla for all Seal Bbore points. Tbroagh passenger co&cb to I Ftuiadelpnla. I 1.39 p. m. Day Express I daUy except Hunday),f or Ilarrlsburg and lnierme-1 dlate stations, arrtvlne at Fblladeinh al 6.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.35 p. in. Baltimore I (.45 p. m. ; Washington, 8.15 p. m. Parlor car I SOIX AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Weetc SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole acents of the following brands of Cigars i Henry Clay, Londre3, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash. Any order for Fe.tivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, as folio. , Orn$. Lemon5. ream Nut Enlijh WainMtj. Pop wn t BLOOMSBURG, PA. c. 6. Robbies, Foreign and Domestic HQ Ms TOBBEIS CIG-AES. H BLOOMSBURG Pfi INBUCIMINT8 -IN- The Voioeofthe People oa Wine- It i a well known fact that Lucy (aged eleyen, who is ren Hug a above all other liquors are grossly paper) "It it perfectly dreadful !" ulteraled, but when a pure artiil Bather "WhatM dreadful, Lucy 1" plaoed on the raarktt and people . I - ,1.1... wU. -I W.. Yi . Ty. T .11 .1U..M oil. iJJjuV, U. IMLLETT UU.. Hoi 8 BO, Vomt B, puif. 12-13 tt. Lucy "Another faithless wife, the motiiHr oi hix uiiiiuren, runs on with a married man, who leaves a large fum- Iily behind. Dear me, if thin doesn't stop prvtlv soon there will not be any parents int.' 'Jexas Siflturs. through to Pblladelptua anil passenger coaches t nrousn to Pmiadelpaia and lialtltnore. 8.0; p. m. Keoovo Accommodation (daily for II.irrlBburs and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at PnlladblpMa4.25 a. m. : New York 7.10 a. m. Pullman sleeping car trom llarrtsbuiu to PWladel-1 luuwi'iAQii iur&. rmiauoipaia paiaengers can i rsiuftiu ui nimpcir uu(iismru?i umu 7 a. m. l.Ma. m Brie Mall(dally)(or Uarrlaburg and tntermllate stations. antTlne at Phtiadninhu .60 a. m. New Yorlc, s.SO a. m.; Througn Pullman I oimyui j uans uuu psotfur ooanes to rnuaaei uuin- o.M)a.m SaithraKxorejiMLilvt ri ni.Hi. burfanll'it!rmedlat9 stitlma arriving at Biltl- moro 7.40, a. m. aal wwalnztoi j.45. a m. anl tlirouifli Pull tn in sle -ping oirsto uuttmira and Washington, and tnrougb passenger coaones to Daiuoure. WESTWAKlJ. 5.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally), lor Erie and ail Canandalgna rd Intermediate stations, ltochos-1 ter, Uuffalo i id Niagara Falls, with throagti Pull man ruiijo oars ani pasienger coacnes to Brie and nwiiiT'inr. D.oS-News Express ( dally - (or ioclr. Haven and Intermediate stations. L p.m. Niagara Express (dally except Snn. y) for Kane, cica lalguaand Intermediate Bta. tlona, K Thester, Burralo and Niagara palls with thf.ugupassenger coaches to Kane and Hoohester and Parlor car to Wllllimsport. .M p. m. Kant linn ,dally except 8unday)tor lie-1 novo, Wa kins and Intermellato stations, with I through passenger en ii-.hes to Henovo and Wai Mm I 9 it p, m. WMlvmport Express ( dally ) for I Tnuouon thain.s pok sunbuiiy fkom tub I jsvr-r Anu BUUTU. Pianos, Oriaos, and Sewinj Macli s mm ran R0SC0E CONKLING: HIS LIFE AND LETTER8. By hit nephew, Alfred B. Cackling. Tkli work will bortly b lued by ui, and told tirtcUy ly nltcrtp- OtUTO, COO p(te, Im1 portrilt, and fuxlmllo of isiien oi eminani oontemporariu in both pulle. WE ESPECIALLY INVITE LAWYERS AND MEN OUT OF BUSINESS, POLITICIANS, ANU UANVAoabnS. to mike arly sppllcallons for tha iclalT control or lerritory. One or tbe greatest oppoitunltlee to J w.c. UUNWI, (When writing, mention tils paper.) CHARLES L, WEBSTER & CO., 3 Kaet 14tb Ittreel, fny Vprk. C3 HI ih VOICEi portrait of Mr. llarrl. mb. of HaUiu. IlLlu. !! writ It "Wn ! wurkoa i brm t,x 'MtlU m. mouth t 1 bow Lav an ari-u for K. U. Allan kCau alltuuit aud t.ukll. lAtioua a4 oftta nak Hlft cpdar. 1 m . writ i bava mtttt knowti aujriblor to tll Ilka your albino k anorJrr (or your aibiynal MMlvarr lW I viatl. Mr .rom it oiuw at uncut W win ofl ad- le is plaoed on the raarktt and people find it out to bo ptiro.they all with one voico reoommend it. Tho Irt Qiane Wiue from tho vinovordd of Alfred Spccr. of T..nn;n M I .,nJVnni;..i ii, ...,n.,ai; I Nftws xrresa leaves Phlladeiontft .ao a. m lied feiidorao'unt of tin mdioil faculty arrtvioz at Hunburr a. m. 1 and of thotiHai.d of invalid who hvn - . t?JPrefl8Jeave I bdOU won hack to health by their U8. tlmore 0.00 a. m. (daily exoi-ptKunday arrinn? at IA i i i , t I SunD'iry, 1.43 p.m.. with ttirougb Parlor car trom For tale by drugulHtH. P&iU'lelpnia anfJinrou?h paasengei coachep from 1 uiwiriiiuiu nuu uaitiuiuroi Vof I Inn tan vae Naur Vniu a nn n n . Ti . t O.ind MiniHLnr I'nwaitinrT tha nnnonr. I DhU. 11.10 a. m WashintMon. 10 mi a! rn. ltmti! ww.uv uuui t uuauJitium auu iiaiviuiuru - . w . . niiiiaiusuurb niurrin iHdVrli NHW YnriT 11 iittlo uti uy apron. 1 a coin to m, putiaieipm u. p, m wiaumnon d. m. anoe of the lady ol tho houRe) 'What H that, mv lutlo dfar fro PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleamet and beaulifici tht halr.l 1'romolM a luxuriant Rrowth. , I Never Feile to Reitore Qreyl ii.irt. 11. ipimiui eiar. PreveuU IKmlruir and hAlr rftilla(l w b. mot ittr to ci.a . tromi th.u- laitara. K.h nil. who uk.i QoUl of tail rrn4 bu.ln... llr. ulrrtnilitttAII. nuitii we start iuu in ihih uusiiicbk. Tr.u.r. n ni. i ill ana ihih an auouiii lor fovrarir. na aruniaraiant wawillaiart 7011 ir rou don t aalay until auvtli.r aaia ofroa la yoar part of tho counlrr. Ifyoti lakobold jrou will boablala lca up rold r'lCa-iiil Uu aacouuto a forcadnaaufaeluiar aala 11A,000 alullHr lliataie:rii.ll All.uma iroto Laa..ld lolba liotda Mu oarb. IJwuad In Roval -rtMaim Hllb Vatr.t 1'tiub.Cbaraunf It doeoralad laaldai. Ilaudaouio.l album, lu tho wuihJ.Lart.M alio. Llicata.l bafgataa avar haowu. ar.utl waalrd. liberal Irraii. biff mono? for afeota. aa; ou.tu broomoa auccaMful HallallMlfwu airht llltlo or ar talking nacaaaarx. Wbmfar Ibowa, ovary onaaianti lu .ur. oba.a. Aganla uka tbou.aada of Ofdarl with raiidlly navrr uiablng fununaa. Ladiaiaiaka II roucb al man. 1ou,radar, can do II wall la aay ana. Full laronnalloa aud tarma I ww. to thuio who wrllo for aama. with barllculara and larni. rot oar rarally blblaa, tlooka and fariodlcala. Aftar yoa know all, 4aVtiaoa K. K, AU-al CU Acowara, Hatia Jan. --m-ly, put it in tho wash. Mamma got it all dirty." ' Slio diH ' "Yen, eir, nhi crabbed it ud jtit now, to inHt oit the lnuK" Veto York Weekly. CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. m. Erie Mall leavea New Torl8.nnn. m. i.tiiimini. I tuiia,ii,9y, ui,; rt aHUlubUU, 1U.UU p. m. 1 Ualtl- more,ll.i!ip.m.,((lRll)') arrlvloeat SUDburjs.lO 1. m., who varouea run man sleeping cars trom Pnllaaelphla, Wanhtngton arm Ilaltlmore anil A M:W HOMi: TItKATMENT. Suftercrs nro not generally nwaro that tlieso dlscasi's nro contagious, or that they nru unr in iuu iitrrt.-iit.-ij ui living liutllbltea III tlio llnlni; liieuitirnno of tho nosu ami cus- V.L. nn. 1'iuii.i .n.y ,u w .a (MW uilia lilu nult Ih that a blniilu leiueily liaa been for tiichlim iulx'n. itlcrosconlc research, how- ever, has iiioved this to bon fact anil tlio .la p. Man leaves Mew vorn 8.001 .00 p. m ra., wltu througn I'ullman sTeenln tdrouitb pasaeaser ooacaes trots patlaletpbia SUNHIIUV, UAZ.I.KTO.N .V WII.ICEHIIAltUB iiAii.iii.Air Ann rtiiiE'rii Ami vvkht lvA1I.WAV. Dally eicent HunuaT.1 Wllkesbarro Mall leaven sunhurv ia no m arnvlntr at llloora Ferry 10.14 a. m Wllkns-barre I 11.10 p.m. I Eipr.-ss Eaat leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arrlvlDi, I at Bloom Kerry p. m., WllVes-barro 7.W p. ui. I uuuuu. j ..tun idoiob niucauai TO 11,11 a. Ill, arnv ving at moom Ferry .S0 p. m., Huntoury 5.20 p. m. gP -.4 -AT- 9 9 Catarrh 1 HI It AXLE Hi:iT IN' rpfiu i'iirT Vu. lfl;.u O jyi. ttLl ,SKf Olerrliiinte iiu.l llrKl-,, (;rDrr' Mr. II lie You Tried HLVTIMIU rt wo, -.. r " a --- THE BEST Remedy ? KoULlquIderSDUff ft mm AY-I nml jteil u hei ehv eutarrh. catarrhal tlrafncM anil liny fever nro permanently cured in from ono tn threo Mmp.u appllcailons mado nt lininii bv tho natlent nneit In twn tvMlca N. II. For eatiirrlml Ulseharee peculiar to uuy ia a i females (whites) Ihls reined A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt oi ten cents oy a. 11. Dixon sson, im wen Kln St., Toronto, . epeclQc. umen( . A. H. lag at moom Kerry Horn. te,,Hanbury p. m" I Express West leaves Wllkea-barre d. mT. ar. I SUNDAY THAINS. ivi KeaDarre mm lOAven Hunnurr innn m no i rlTiog at moom Kerry 10.1b a. m., Wllkos-Uarre I 12:10 a.m. I eunaay accommodation leaves Wlliea-llarre 6:10 1 v. u-, ariiviuai ab muum rerry, p. m., BtmDIin 1:80 p m UHAH. E. I'UQII, J, It. WOOD, Oen. llanauer. (len. raft&enger AgU Music - Warerooms Bloomsburg, Fa. Canada. Scltntyus American. Sufferers from catarrhal trouble ttioultt read tho above carefuUy. AfiRNTS l A N T li 1 1 m llth "Wit 'or us and enjoy il n.1 I mi ' "if wiuiurb ut eutiwiuir ii AetUr. Enfrctlo Men maic) from as to tito can ier EVER rti?) Ilea .mi CHICHCbrER'S CNQUSH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lied Crueb lilauiunu llrauda Tbo enlr rollabbj taU Ut aala. tafo aa4 giro. Idlra, eak llreeetat for laa Ilia. M. a ad rr-i taaullll boioa, ooalool i A part WU applied Into each nrwtni and It mrreeubla. price U) otiu at llruuuit by mill, . tvgtsisrvd. to cia. ELY uuoi'UElia, u Tarreo bu, New vark. I.7rfl-4t, (Maniaal tu oartlaalaia and B BonMeil ron rouf.Tii. oyster Bhetle, Flint and Boer ttcrara uivitrl lar ntter Cruahod at lUey aie worktnir for an old andiellable linn. Do. I mralile territory la towns and countlea can be se. 1 cured by prompt application. v e grow tue stock ' we oiler. Address FUAMKL1N DAVJ3 OO. Muraernnen, initlaioro, JM. Jan. Mar, GET YOUR JOIJ rUINTINtT" DONE AT THE PATENTS, en t iNT i less eJ anJ Uve I'oultry, FruiU of all Unds, pop from I Corn, Honey, Beeswax, Ulnsen, Ma le Sugar, veats and Trado Marks obtalned.and all Paten t wuuaa uuunuubvu lur jirui.i tin ralbs. OUIt OFFICE IH OFF ISITK U. . PATKST OKFICE. We have no sub-agencies, all business iicvv, uouuu uuu irausaub paieub UUSineda in uatiauu m iitus uuartuan inoso remote wasuiiiirion. Bend model, drawing, or photo.wltu description. ..v uu.aoo ia iuiuvnuiQ ui uua. Ilea UI CUanCe. Our lee not due till patent la bocured. a Dooit.-iiow to obtain raieuta'wltn references u actual uueuiuiu yeur ptain, eounty, or town. lint lrA lil.lra.B ' C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite patent cm Wantngton, r.0 TO P0ULTH7 J: WILD 0AUE EHIPPEns WANTED. Ilutter. Cheese. Kt'fS. lte.iro rinni .iicui aim oiuck, rotntooi veL'eta ilci. Hops, IHCS)' ,pptes, (jranes. Cranherrle. Vtir nml KLU. . M. BALLARQ & CO., Produce and General Commmlon Merchants. kCTo!eNfye.nue' near wau tr"- P. II. MaGEftTV, Paia), J. .PUlHMUO, 510. ftBERQEEN. SOUTH DAKOTA llw cwiniiwrrla.1 na railway cnur of the (wo UAkoU u our wtrttri u liuatliufti U-i-k. V.'-Mnu:rii' euurantpci. Tivcrreot. yetut HntiJlraini nri0u(muiriby ttoi fnn UmU mi Uouth U.ikoU, Vg til-o twu cvitlllcattiJ ot Vr'" u mutuniu, mi o rem wr annum, Uiii.ioiifi'kintf ctir-ilnutmifi.U, Li.owit w.ilp4y M Ui wiiii for our iwini-iila wliirh aivv full In- dill Hlb.l I alnia.., L-UVl-M.l rPII. ,I1V1 lflt! .V.V'AV. . l'nWii,K.mili Id.itutrt. 6rOir lwMCh UUIiBOUllIK KOI. TIIK SALESMEN WAKUD. uariobd kr ..... i.ilwowb..i...u V Kfut ItalAlt Uavlal-Vol 0Va llua an V. I'w ism CUviluui bt.' rulimllpiuu, Vu. IH.! HIIMDERCORNS. &tt OOWSUMPTIVE 1!? . """M '"it"Ali (Si tl lUa arlalnf IromtfaJeiUreiiiiulinin. m.ljiUaia, Mo. anil LS C4alaaeaUi (aaoatTcV"tiadL IlVfcllialaCK prtoe Uu YOHK C1UMIOA1. WOUK3, York Fa. HT-Wt. COJ.T'MHIAN OFFICJi COLUMBIAN. E CURE it I a' nt IrrM 1-31 li 4t anyone afflicted. Uta.l'AWl)llo.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers