COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. FRIDAY, FEBUUAKY 7, 189o. Tho sympathy of tho wholo country will go out towards Secretary Blaine and tholr gad bcroavim nt. In httlo moro than a month a brother of Mr. Blaine, a slater of Mrs. Maine, Walker Hlalno, the favorlto son, haiu d'od, and on Sunday last Mrs. Copping, ei, oldest daughter of tho SeorcUry dlod at hor fatnor's houso in Washing, ton. Secretary Blaino Is prostrated by this succession of aflllotlons. While Secretary HI ai no's daughter was lying doad in Washington tho wifo and daughter of Secretary of tho Navy Traoy lost their lives. Tho re eldence of Mr. Traoy burned on Mon day morning, and Mrs.Traoy was killed by jumping from a window, and the daughter was burned to a crisp. Tho Secretary is Buffering Irora the effects of inhaling smoko. At tho reoent mooting of the Slate Editorial Association at Harrisburg J. Irvin Stool, editor of tho Ashland Ad vocate, was elected President for tho ensuing year. Mr. steel is one of tho oldest members of tbo organization and has helped to make it what it is. He is a gentleman of education, delight, fnl manners, good looks, and of course being an editor is necessarily possessed of great wealth. While honoringhim, tho Association has honored itself in selecting as its presiding ofRoor, one so capable and worthy. As no business is done in tho Sulli van connty courts on tho first day of tho terra until three o'clock in the after noon owing to tho fact that the Presi dent Jndge cannot get to Laporte until that time, the Dashoro Review wants tho associates to charge the grand jury and havo all tho routine work dono by tho time tho Judge arrives. There are some things that assooiate Judges aro very useful for, but to ohargo the grand jury requires a wido knowledge of the aw that associate Judaea do not or dinarily possess. It may be different in Sullivan county. JUDGE 4f. W. JA0K80H. On Monday last Mordeoai W. Jack son ot lierwiok was appointed by Gov. Beaver an assooiate judge of Columbia county, to fill tho vacancy causol by death ot Judge MoIIenry. Judge jacKson tooK his scat on the iiench on Wednesday. Ho was born in 1815 in Berwick and has always resided there. By his business management bo built up a largo indrusty' now known as the Jackson & Woodin Manufacturing Company, and has accumulated a toil one. Ho is a republican and a member of the Methodist churoh. His fitness for the office 1.4 undoubted though his term ot service will be bnet, expiring wun me present year. The Montana Bobbery. The decision of a partisan Conrt in Montana may make tbo Itepublioau iiegisirture "legal, but it does not make it ngUful. ine merits ot the case were nt passed npon by the Court. It eimnlv decided that the certificate of tho State Canvassing Board is prima facie evi dence of membership ir, the Legisla ture. The Stata Canvassing Boird throw ont the vote of the Silver Bow District because it bad tbo temerity to give a large Democratic majority. Tnere wasno cnargo ot proot of Uleg ality. If the miners of tho Silver Bow District had votd tho Republican HCKei mere would have been no cou test and no disfranchisement. Bat see inz an opportunity 10 cain five mom. bore and elect two United Slates Sen ators by the simple process of throwing ont this district, the pupils and emis saries of Dudley and Quay "put up,. that job. The Republican State Re turning lioard executed it. Mr. liar rison's Republican Court has sustained lt This is the whole story. It is a clear case of the Republican stealing a State which they failed to carrv. And ihe beneficiaries of this robbery have the monumental impudence to pose as the chosen champions of honest elections and the exemplars of political moral. World. Constables Terms- JUDOS BOOKEPELLBR, AT SUNDDBV, BAYS TilRT SHALL 8KUVE THREE YEARS. Judge Rockefeller wai consulted by attorneys .trom atiaraokin in rogard to the terms constables shall serve. He aid he meant them to servo three years and will swear in no other constables, even if tbey aro elected, and will hold to that unless he is reversed by tbo Supremo Court. He has not given it aa an opinion, but says ho will rule that way until reversed by a higher court. He was then asked how it affected the high constable of Sbamokin, and replied that he had sworn him in for three yeaas. One oonsultation,however he decided that tho high constable was a borough olhcer and tbo law did not affect him and that ho would reconsider or recall the throe years' commission granted. This will settle the question ot tho terms ot constables county, at least until the Court deoldes the question. Qaara. for this Supremo Elijah Pcterman and Henry Hess Esq. were in town on Monday fast. Charlie Mann and Wilson Hal 1 took tho train for Bloomsburg on Saturday evening. They cxpeot to spend Sun day with friends in the City. Miss Callie Knouso visited Wesley Hes on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. coon or groundhog, failed to see their shadow on the 2d. If that has any thing to do with the weather we wished they would have seen it. nttie Sutliff is home on a visit She has been living at Ganoga Lako for some time. Robbie Hess, Bruce Mastellor, Wes ley Kilo and O. W. Hess, made a fly ing trip to Bloom on Saturday, Wesley Hess' baby is slowly re covering from the "Qripp." A. M. Harvey loaded a car of oak lumber for Lockards last week. J, P. Fritz commenced to load a Car with plank Monday morning, Benjamin Lsuauoh nearly had one of bis fingers cut olf with a tie, on Taesday last. Singing school was organized last Wednesday night. Prof. Roblson is in. tractor. ' ,fri;,,!'"ifl' .rKkl.!!i '' K mU him very mticli. Lrtubachs oxcolkcl cvtry f Irttloit on tho 1). it S. Inst week, by shipping tics lutniicr ntul Imik. New Columbus Boniamln Stetihons Is verv low with Pneumonia. Harvey Lnubauch was married last week. Tho serenading patty was very much disappointed in their refresh ments. Frank Bowman has a very bad oough' Get over it b soon as possiblo for it might bcoomo datigcrouB. Wn nrn nnipt nniirispil. to learn that our "Opi," Ht Stillwater has taken unto him self a wife. Accent our concra- tnl.itions, Frank? Nora Remit y caught unld with tho "Grin ." and was vorv sick for a few days. Cold woathor has mado its nmtcar- onoo. Wonder how long it will last. Jonas Dip one end cp a bionik in water and the wholo will soon beoomo satur ated. So a diseaso in one part of tho body affects oilier parts. You have noticed this yourself. Kidney and Liver troubles, unless checked, will in duco confttipat on, piles, rheumatism and gravel. A timely uso of Dr. Ken nedy's Favorlto Romedy will prevent these results. It is pleasant to tbo taste and may bo taken fieoly by child ren and delioato females. It gives el asticity, life and ohecks with roses on them. FOUCOUNTVBUPI'.RINTI'.NIir.T. Tho undersigned announces him wit as a candi date tor tte office ot superintendent ot Public schools ot Columbia County nd respectfully aslci to bo supported tor that 0.H00 at the coming election In May next. W. 0. JOHNSTON, Jersey town, Pa. II FOR COVNTV HVPRRINDUMT. The undersigned announces himself as a cand I. data for the orrtco 0" County Superintendent, and respectfully auks to bo supported for said omooat J. S. (HUMES. She Blushed. awfully when 1 told her what to do for thoiu horrid pimples with which her faoo was coven (1. She now Bays if you want a pink and white complexion with a nice clear smonth nkiri,you must mo mat best ot all blood punheis, Sul "phur Bitters. The Importance ot purifying the blood can not be overestimated, tor without pure blood jou cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's Darilliai SarsaparUa. ltstrengthens rcirUlldl and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation ot the vegetable remedies used giro to Hood's Samparllla pecul- "Tr lcalf lar curative powers. No " IX56IT other medicine has such a record ot wonderful cures. If you havo made up your mind to buy Hood's Barsaparllla do not be induced to take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Barsaparllla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by a L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents LmnrFeyer! Cores Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss of Appetite, Founder, Fevers, &c lib. In each package. Sold by all dealers. DRiBOLL'S'ste Cares Wind BABY SYRUP Colic, &o. Believes Griping and Summer Complaint, Facilitates Teething! Regulates the Bowels! Sold by aU druggists. Price 23 cents. ma BULL'S 'THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For tho euro of C0UGII8, COLDS, Hoarseness ROUGH Asthma, Incipient Con Croup, Whooping Couch, sumption and for tho relief of SYRUP Consumptive per sons. For Saloby all druggists. 25 cents. cu n re lanos s cubcb ciOARcrrea for Co- OIBUAC ,!,( PrhtlOClt. AtalldruiiUU. FOR SICK HEADACHE IN ITS Nsrvous, Bilious, or Congestivs Forms. This Hemedr la the rMrmrlnMnn nf nna nt th. leading physicians of Paris, France, and was used by him with unparalleled success tor over thirty years. It was Drat given to the public as a proprie tary medicine in 1818- since which tlma ir. h lounuiisway into almost every county on the (ace ot the globe, and become a favorlto remedy with thousands ot the leading pbtslclans. Medical societies have discussed Its marvelous success at their annual conventions, and after their official chemists have analyzed It and round that It con tained no opiates, bromides or other harmtul In- Sredlenu placed It among their standard reme lea. TESTIMONIAL L. It BUOWN, M. D.. S3 West Jersey St., Elizabeth N. J. June 28, 1889. This Is to certify that I nave usM t.,r tmn months with much satisfaction, the combination of remedies, (or Uesdacne, known as llrlggs' Headache Troches. The remedy cures more head, ache, especially such as affect Nervous Women, than anything I am acquainted with, and If this certificate will be the means of bringing it to the favorable attention of sufferers from that trouble, 1 shall teel that I have done them service L. II. H110WN. PRICE; 25 CENTS. Bold by all Druggists, or sent by Mall on Be celpt ot Price. Briggs' Medians Co., ELIZABETH, & J, 0-374V. 4m CLEARING OF FALL. AWJ WINTER CLOTHING. IF YOU WANT TO OVERCOATS, MDDR CsLOTHINa, &c, In fact anything in CLOTHING Jor MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. CALL AT THE POPULAlt CLOTHING STORE OF D. LOWENBEBGS Est, Bloomsburg, Statement COLUMBIA COUNTY, From January 7, 1889 to Januabt C, 1890. STATEMENT SnOWINQ TAXES ASSESSED KOR 1889 AND BALANCE BTILL DDE. DisTHiere. Beaver , Denton llerwiclc Bloom Briarcreek .... CatavlKSi ... centralla Centre Conyngham ., Plshlngcrctlc Franklin Orcnwood.. . UemlocK .... Jackson Locust. Mad'son Main wintn onurar....M ML rieasant.. Orange ...... line ltoarlngcreek.. 8 ott. Sugartoif i;ia If... Amount due from laso. County. Bloom. It. rjarrls. 494 I I'aoo This account Is In the hands ot attorney for collection. OEOI10KA. nKllltlNO, Treasurer of Columbia County, In account with said County funds. Jany.lst, 1839. DR. ro amt due from collectors of 187 8 ' ' " " " 163?. " " assessed for 1889 ' tax on register ot voters. " amt collected on seated lands. ... " " ' " un eated lands.... " " received on hotel and restaurant license " amt ot redemption money from c. Rink " com costs trom Frank JMltcbel " amt Irotn w. U. Knyder, Jury foes for 1831 " amt refunded on gas bill " amt ree'd of Thomas Bchweppen lielser, old pi in it " amt 'ax refunded from II. W. Nuti gfwer, crtll ctor beaver " a i.r costs from O'a li Jncot'y " amt trom Harrier a Jester, redemp tion - " amt W. P. llteler, o'.d hr dgo an t abatement on bridge plank, Creasy i Wells " ati t tor old bridge plank, Henry Lnzirus. " an.t trom E. L. Fnller, redemption money " amt from North Co. corns, br dge re pairs " ami from w. U. Bnyder, Jury fcs for 18 9 " ami trom 11 It. Itlngler, Treaa, sur lurtof John Bart n at Danville hospital " amt from 1. w. tlcEelvy, support of Margaret Weaver, Danvllio hospi tal . " uirii. paid In county tund from dog mui,. " adJva tax collected by Cnarlcs v clderman, conyngman, iset 117 27 10603 79 28,90 it 31 57 63 13 478 94 1207 69 2 84 41 42 82 00 18 80 4 23 2 61 4 30 4 23 Ui 7 SO 5 00 48 82 2 87 62 00 96 00 97 74 600 00 t 15 I 42203 62 CR. ay exonerations allowed on county tax. 1887. Urlarcieet . .. 1 1 29 uernica si 01 233 80 By commission and exonerations allowed on county tax tor lies. Districts Com. Ex lie, Districts Com.Ex.Re. Oeavcr (11 13 lis 91 Jackson f 3 60 $ s so tieitton is rs Uerwlck 7 62 3 18 Locust 11 OS II w 27 09 vadlaon Main Mllilin Xlotour 79 7 45 8 70 9 loom 13 99 Iinarcreek 91 40 8 05 4 38 I St 4 48 34 7 01 77 66 10 (1 L'HtawUiiia 14 S9 CeutraUa 9 SO Ventre Si 94 ivinju'm 1 81 21 3t TV 33 10 23 V4 S3 Mtrieasut 7 23 Orange 9 73 I Ine 6 it hoartngck 2 so Hcolt 14 22 Sugarloat 1 66 (is.iinvx it is si rrt'MIn 11 4 3rwu'd 1 49 licmiuck 6 si 41 61 8 38 764 Total 1204 73 S24T 69 Uy ccmmlsslons and dlscoui t allowed on County tax fur bW. Dish lets II -aver Uenton U rli-k Uloom Com. ( 9 . 10 69 44 3J 1 Is. t!5 41 17 64 18 27 lfl 13 25 61 49 18 !7 4 8, Hi 73 23 18 15 U 91 23 84 2u 64 D''trl.;ts Jutkbon iladl-on Malu tiiniln 3iautour com. nis. ( J 69 f 3 6 19 Ui 82 l7 8 t3 14 19 28 81 21 t) 11 82 74 45 l.rUrcreek 81 33 Uitawlaja 19 67 Centrum 14 98 Centre 41 76 fonyns'in 31 14 18 48 13 21 21 04 10 S3 29 O J 3 62 lit'tl- et O'snge ! 24 7 68 IS 68 29 92 1 93 1 ine Iloafgc'k settt Bugarloat FMUIigu'K 7 96 l-'raukuii 7 74 j ni VJ 3J 14 Len-lovk 10 vt V 66 31 64 8 24 Toal (323 29 (179 01 My exonera Ions allowed on County tax, Hjailugcrrek township CU. Uyt.tsl commlsslons... " ul counts " exonerations and returns " amt due from collectors for lt8 " " " ' ' 1HI9.. .... " Co inty orders Issued and redeemed. 11 bal duo u. A. Iltnlog, Treasurer. from i88 ' commission to Treasurer . .... .... cash bal on hand Jan. , 1S89 1881 II 03 I 791 03 77 11 802 14 292 24 9311 Oi 23098 V8 33 f3 101 J 94 43U6 78 (42202 st (Manas A. nuiniNO, Treasurer In account with Dog fund, Ian. 7, Vtfi. D'. ro amt due from collectors, 1W..... ,. I 83 00 " lhM 79 60 " " " " 1MT7 63 09 " " " " " 18SS. 1170 96 " asies'.ed in I8i mi 60 cash on hand at last settlemeit 107 14 (IMS II Clt. Uy commission andesonaratlons allowed on uupucaie ui 1004. uiuum, , It, Allen, collector. CommUslon Exonerations I 62 29 00 By exoneru Ions allowed on duplicates of 1881, tlrlarcreek township ...., tlerwlck lKrough....HHH.....H...w.H Uemiock. 1 00 0 60 1 60 By commliblODs atd exonerations allowed col. UlstrtcU Com. Ex. DUtrtCtB Cora. Ex. 1 1 00 1 8 ui lieaver Uentoa Berwick 1 loam l.rUrcreek t'atawUss Oentraua II 18 48 53 7" I IS 1 S6 $7 to 1 SO OJ Juckeou locust Madison halo Minim Montour a tn 9 w I 40 76 I 63 1 00 2 60 8 60 1 00 2 On 4 UI a 6 4 60 4 60 t 60 i 60 t 60 1 60 2 60 6 IX) 88 60 72 45 1 OS 1 18 81 Mt. I'leasant Orange Mue ltoartngc'k Scott bugurloaf Ooutre I 80 conyngham 10 FUalnitc'k 1 95 Franklin Greenwood Uemiock 1 1 M 21 Total (24 It 7I 60 By commission and discounts allowed on dupU cates 01 1669. Olstrtcts reaver Hen' on Berwick bloom Ulla re reek Catawlnaa Centralis Centre Com. I S3 I 64 1 ro 67 I It 64 42 1 62 Dls. I 03 1 07 13 X3 70 90 70 87 60 9J 73 1 44 t Districts Jackaun Locust Madison Main Mimin Montour Cora. I 1 03 I 16 71 1 14 1 10 l'ls I 30 I 92 1 32 87 60 (5 90 Ml rieasant I 71 orange 1 23 62 I U I 89 II I 60 Oonynguam ou I LUC ItoartngCk Scott Sugar loaf 17 rtshlnxcreek 65 Franklin 45 90 71 Greenwood I 17 Hemlock 68 ai touu its ta 121 61 Bv exonerations on Roarlnffcreck dunll. ote for Ilttl I t 00 total eommlaalon to collectors ss S4 total exoneration allowed, l'J9 60 " total iinwu tjiowed..,.,, o M OUT SALE BUY BARGAINS IN WINTER CAPS, Pa, of Finances -OF- i m so 94 0)1 I 69 12 f 41S IV 649 12 32' 80 (38 80 271 51 698 99 234 0-1 431 5) 18.1 93 HOI 63 199 63 33 7 78 477 9.1 120 7 5 MO 41 tU 53 233 19 291 73 i ss ro I 22 6) 13 80 84 IS 33J S3 13 '9 44 20 '"l SO 8 90 48 43 14 ....... 8 31 31 17 2 OS 2S 31 3 68 S 47 4 47 13 24 21 79 "is st 18 74 893 0) S3 64 73 60 U 8 IS 4347 ft) IS rti f,91 Oi; 37 00 93 60 i 00 73 00 M JO '.4 00 4A 60 96 00 42 00 99 SI M 00 S3 SO 181 00 91 60 a SO 1310 11 147 31 76 60 49 60 1109 31 ltW! 10, 4 1 13j 63 On) 1049 91 SIS 94 61 00 1CW 17 17M W1 7R 401 8 60 83 50 77 60 30 "1 1IU 01 99 49 &-.7 ai 1219 93 100) S, 295 10 37 19 309 71 69 03 88 7rt ifS 14 66 AS 9i as 10S 60 70 M 94 31 2 6 9 91 01 ) 25 224 7 19 79 S7 tO 41 6i 34 60 30 60 93 50 119.1 91 iu;t oo 66 00 KH 31 1QS9 f, 21 60 73 60 87 6' na re ev S3 41 SO 3-7 64 28 SO 21 00 24 Oil S7 6il 162 2-1 192 49 227 68 919 98 40S 91; 4 3 00 1437 U 447 90 69 60 67 50 40 63 43 60 ""'si'is 67 60 7S UX " 423 M 303 44 e so lt3BiW4i .imsol HWpjnLswn ctl tms isl s ;w w By amt of orders paid tor sheep killed " amt due from coliecw'rs for l'sso '.Z ' " 18H... . wn. . . , IKT 7 M 00 E3 Hn " paid in county fund s-u i ' commission to Treasurer 23 40 11 caUi balanced on hand 79a 90 to263 19 OE01CQE A. UERRIN'Q, Treasurer In account With HtAt Fiinrf. Jan. T, 1889. DB. To cash balance on hand .-. 81043 st amt due on duplicates 1837 24 8 ' " " lSsS .... w 918 27 " " State tax assessed for is'ii.'."'.!! 4J.0 63 16763 tO By exonerations allowed collectors on state tax Berwick . iinarcreek ..... o g, Uemiock. M 42 By commissions and exonerations allowed co- lectors on ttate tax ror 1888. Dls'rlcta Co !. I 61 '3 1 '6 6 73 2 91 3 79 Ex. Dlstr'cts Jackson Locust Madison Mimin Montour Cora. I 77 st 73 1 13 Ex. linaver I'entoa I 5 10 Berwick lilrom Briarcreek Catawlasa Centre !-nvcghim Flshl' KC'k Frenklln Greenwood 76 Mt. I'leasant (3 Oranire 1 a 1 61 S3 47 44 1 51 R"anngo'k 1 10 -cott 3 70 Sugarloaf 01 Total (37 83 178 27 By commissions and discounts allowoa collectors ud Maw tax lor 189. Districts Beaver Benton Com. Dls, Districts Jackson locus' Msdison Main M niu Montour Com. I 04 4 68 1 23 2 01 8 5) Dls 1 23 7 64 1 04 i 7? 4 10 8 21 3 31 8 23 03 4 67 09 10 I 1 19 I 1 8.' 1 41 2 48 Berwick 17 OS Bloom to 13 Briarcreek 4 01 Catawissa 10 71 Centralla 9 so Ce-tre 2 Si Conynghatn es Klshlngcreekl 41 Franklin 91 Greenwood 10 01 Uemiock 1 S3 IS 41 5) 83 40 17 83 n m t 86 I OI I 4J 1 61 IS 53 3 16 1 92 Mt. I'leasantl IS orange 72 line n ltcarlngcrU 3 09 SCO't e ei Sugarloaf 01 1113 63 1191 09 By exonerations allowet collectors tor 1837 and 1838 ( 76 39 " total amt ot commissions for I8SJ and 1S9 143 u " total amt of dls nnu for l&-9 1V3 OT amt due on duplicates for lww 145 43 " " M " " " I'M 7f0 94 " amt paw flute Treasurer 4819 67 commls-lon to ixiunty Treasurer.,.. 43 80 ;" cash bal in bands ot Treasuier 6)6 110 (6763 90 COMMISSIONERS' EXPENSES For which orders were Issued on the Treas. mscatxaKir.cii ixriNSis J.S.'Grtmes. CoMupt, appropriation for Co. Institute. . Central renn'a Telephone ro U. S. Express Co . exprrnsage Adams Express Co., expresiige A. C. Freaa, auditing public iccoutits..., Stephen robe, costs, W. f. Boi'lne va. I 119 M 48 (0 I 13 4 60 2) 00 8 14 36 60 t 49 36 (6 I 00 80 00 7 60 80 20 0 10 09 I 49 41 14 30 9 40 20 10 64 WOL. AJ w. 11. Snyder, recommit twp orrlcers..., W. U. Telegraph Co., telegrarlung B 4 8. Telegraph Co, telegraphing..,, W. It Koclier, ageuu freight . II. U HUlernan. room rent for appeals., o. E. Elweil atly fee, dltldltg ureen- wood township .... John w. Glbhs, horse hire for ame ('. 11. Fornwald. baulli i; iron de-ot.... W. u. Ithawn, atty in Kuss costs case, B. F. Zarr - " J. B. Casey, Sheriff, nerving notice ot eioetm"n- on o. Fisher J. B. Casey, therlff, costs In sale of Musa pxvycriy. . J, U. Casey, bherltr. costs ctsa CoL Co. TS W. B. Allen, collector Geo. A. nerrlnir, Treasurer, dis. on note II. u. Ort, hauling gmd trom depot.... w. II. Snyder, 1 1 al, osts In Benton road case. T. J. W. Johnson, 3 dozen linn's gutaesio voters 4 60 I to It. v. Bunday, auctioneer services ... W. F. Murphy's ion.s. Rep seal, IToth. oroce.... F. U. Carpenter, agent, freight 1 10 1431 06 COURTS, JURORS' PAY AND CONSTABLES RK TUItNB. Grand Jurors during the year I 111 75 Traverse " " " " 1K75 11 Constables' returns during the year-.. 8)3 24 fourtcner during the tear 170 00 Tipstaves during the year 165 00 Newton Walker, Stenographer, courts . ill 11 j-UOPS Tt. McAfe 40 10 Newton Walker, stenograper, Uulme vs. nuicr. i 71 Newton Walks-, stenogrspher, trans crlpt. 14 II Wm. it ynyder, clerk to courts 1831 11 00 " " " 1689.... m to Geo. W. Miller. Jury commissioner 49 91 .I.J.Crawford " 44 16 J. D. Bodlne. clerk to tame 23 00 John B. Casey, sherl, serving Jury no- iim, u. ....... iuw cw D. II. Walsh, serving notice on Jurymen not to come 2 60 Samuel Camp, 1 day as Juryman, Sept. term, lWl,; I l m 41 COST IN COMMON WEALTH CASES WIlEItKTUE COTNTY BECAME LIABLE. Justlo's, oonstables, and witnesses.. .... (151 60 oamuei omiiu, buciiu, pciviug uvuui warrant and sub 4 81 F. P. Blllmerer, District Attorney , 193 0) Wm. 1L bnrder. clerk sf court 30 00 J, B. Casey, sheriff, tees on prisoners at. tending court to 66 & J. Pealer, surveying In Berwick in D. Bey Deri case a uu 1694 01 BOADAND BRIDGE VIEWS AND ROAD HAM. AGES rilD. Sundry persons as viewers .. A. T. fkeler, damage, Benton..,. ,, A.T. lkeler. damace. balance due..,,,,,, Hebecca Carman, damage, Benton Dr. Greeley CoUey, " " .... K.L,F.Colley, " ' . John Young; " .... Harvey Bees, " M Geo. W. VcUenry " K. W, M. Low 41 Bro. damage, centre. .. b. A. Smith " FlthlOkCreek Pblillp Applemaa, " .... X. P. Bender, " " .... L A. Dewit, " Greenwood Mrs. Dua Everett, " H. Kitehen, " " ,. retwUlrwa, " " A.F. IUUr7 " " I i 20 I 43 00 5 76 1 113 14 313 V5 411 09 ISO OO SI M 1 11 00 U 09 I 178 00 71 10 1 46 CO IS 00 . M 45 I 17' 71 00 12 60 12 60 60 on 331 00 23 00 Jackson !, 1, 11 Locust 10 00 65 00 83 87 76 00 17 00 23 m 94 06 20 00 23 00 63 1 J. K t'loiver, iHtrnnam ntnntier, Kllsha Evans, a w. Miller. William Bardo, William llourhton, Matilda Krcasier, II. P. liogart, Alhv IlewoM Mt. Pleasant Orange ,, Pino 10 00 23 00 10 00 30 m 25 00 66 00 II 83 Jeaso Rlttenhonse, commissioner, attend H.UUIUK IUIH1 Tien. I,,. ,,,,,, wm. (llrton, commissioner, attendlnr Kira stcphons, commissioner,'' aucndlnig rtIU VtAwa 24 00 66 60 13200 83 COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE AND COURT MOtME. .1. B Yetttr. auditing accounts K. M. Tewksbury, auditing accounts..., Cyrus Bobbins auditing accounts J. I). Bodlne. clerk t same.... I.. v. Illlderbrant. shoveling snow B. It. Proas, walnscoatlng and repairing doors Uannan K reamer, bat and coat hooks In library , W. F Bodlno, papering Beg. Pro. and Com. ofricea Daniel filler, nutting glass In windows. It. Hehart, shoveling snow George W. sterner, glass Uesa M'fg co. repairing tenco at court Houso ,, W, Shoemaker, cleaning c'oet and li brary. , , Casey Dawson, rep. plastering Jaa. Mccormick, cleaning Ice from pave ment ;,,, a F, savltts, plumber, repairs swank and Barndt, brooms . C. M. maker, asst. on duplicates, tc... Ida Herring and others, copying Reg, and aseeae books J. B. Casey, onJudg. and mortgages.,.. Moan A Bros, oil cloth . Fred Schwlnn. htullnprnhblnh I 27 94 23 68 SO AO 25 00 1 00 40 25 6 60 81 60 1 23 85 I 67 11 00 1 18 40 25 84 19 4 on 68 00 49 SO 16 00 70 1 76 tl 00 60 5 84 6 00 2 73 2 76 2 85 to 00 27 33 17 60 20 60 9 60 5 23 13 90 3 37 1 70 40 8 60 8 47 4 00 311 91 7ft 63 313 45 81 33 3D 86 430 65 633 0.3 634 (8 8. 0 IHI 105 00 6 00 James cadman, ."repairing chairs John Flshhcr, cleaning court room .... p. K. Vanatta, papering sheriffs office.. C Illlderbrant, cleaning court room ., AuuiBisuuuw, cleaning court room Lena Anderson, " " " A. C Deshennard. rpnalrlnir tnrtr II. A. McKllllp, portrait ot ex-Judge El- wclL as orn. to court, room Crcay & Wellf, lumber, waln'g o ..... Creasy fi Wells, lumber library, c Geo. A McKelvr. aelrt George a Martm. repining chair & W, Garrison, work at law library John W, Krumer, work st law library v. n. (jfiumaD, oiung ana var. unrary,. " nalr.ttncrhAM. Oiw.r J. It. Schuyler, bill hardware E. Shutt, t hoveling snow . 0. E. savage, clock for O room 1 and llfy 1. W. McKelvy, tblll mdse ,. C. W. Itunyan, bill hardware . Bloomsburg steam'li. s E. L. co., for beat for Court Houso during year.,,. Same, for rep. done to service pipe.... Bloomsburg Gas Co., gas ... uiuuuuuuTK water water ror ice Court House ... M. E. Cox, work and cleaning In and abiut Court House , Jesse KlttentlOUMft. mmmliolnnr. Ezra Stephens, emml lnner Wm. O. Glrton. rommiofiinner J.D. Bodlne, clerk to commissioners .. B F. Zarr, attorney for commissions Grant s. Herring, atty fcr commissions in absence ot Zarr (3683 41 COUNTY, JAIL AND PRISON REQUISITIONS. John Taylor, Janitor . 6 53 23 72 25 15 97 17 00 633 78 2 49 5 30 3 25 1 S3 1' 60 18 85 34 23 2 00 1 00 60 2 90 1 30 S7 7 11 2 25 2 00 00 11 65 It 00 7 61 23 .7 IS S3 65 CI CO 1 8) 40 93 24 85 2 87 30 "2 10 23 8 12 1 17 3 70 4 C7 I 20 19 00 1 U) 20 00 48 16 69 96 693 0 73 93 877 (8 uavia h inner, tallow Charles Rice " John Ma3teller, hose for prisoners Michael Hess coal . ' Samuel Mistier, repairing floor Foundry and Machine Department Har tUburtr, balance on boiler contract . n. .1. Clark fi Hon. clothing for prisoners D. rcr pnrAtA h J. A. Hess, shoes i". s. Moyer oil cans, tin cup', etc .. narman fi llassert, repairs and grate.,., B. F. savltts. renalra " O. A. .lacoby, coil "wank fi Rirndr, brooms t M, Drinker, repairing lock O.N. Wilson, bucket..." P. Unantrat. Iten. Rhnejl fne nrlennera ... J. Keller, shirt and hose B. B. Fieas. rep. cell floor Eihieman fi Wolf, repairs W. a Shaw, nalnttnir 1 rurnwaia, 0111 cupping and clean- lntr DrtsnnerH Frederick sehwlnn. digging cellar for water closet.. John hltenlght, store for water closet. D s. Laubach, laying wall for " " J. It. Schuyler fi o, bill hardware P. G. Miller, coal........ Geary llower, repairing windows o-"' w. F. Bodlne, painting stable pig pen fic Geo. w. sterner, nalis .. ......... ....... B F. Illcks, oil, etc . Cressv fi Wells, lumber JohnKelley, repairing steam pump.... v. a. narman, wore at old boilers it. ivotner, cm coat Evans Eyer, clothing for prisoners.... Edward Caser. work at old boiiern 11. W. Sloan (bill clothing for prisoner.. F D. Dcntler shoes " C M. Run an. Hardware c. A. Klelm. medicine for prisoners Dr. J. C. Butter, medical attendance.... .1. II. Meeker, soap J. B. caser, shertn", turnkey fees during BIoomsb'urg'osCornpM'ga8yoVycar,.! uiuuiiiHiun; waierL-o, waterroryetr . John It. Cnser. Kherlrr boardlac nHmn'n John B. Casey, sheriff, washing for prle- W. W. Bafretti Vmlccs'as 'wanlen".'."' 13134 09 AND BOX PRINTING, STATIONERY. ST, BENT. Geo A. Clark, enve'opea and st imps and UUA ICUb ..,.. SSI A A. B. cathoait, storr 03 and bot rent H L Ihom-iB. Dens 2 00 19 11 W II B-10 efilUo.bllUtntlovry vtm. 11. rnyuer, rrotnonoury, statluu erv ai d bill hlnnkn 100 Oo C. II. Campbell. Reg. and Kec., station ery am bill Wanks . Wm. Mann fi Co., legal cap paper II L. Hunt, pens . Elweil x. Bittenbender, printing annual Hatcmen . Elweil fi Bl'tenbender, two election pro clamations. Elweil fi Bittenbender, printing notices, etc. Elweil fi Bittenbender, subscription for 41 4) 41 00 It 60 13 ro 1 to 4100 45 00 31 HO 12 00 45 00 32 00 29 00 46 45 nan r.. Catawlssa "Ninvs Item ' ' annnal state ment J. C. Brown, annual statement two election proclamations.. notloea. ete. Wm. Krlckbauin, annual statement.,.. court calendar. " two election proclama tions. Wm. Krlckbaum, notice', blanks, etc.... W17 9J 1NQUMTIONS. David II. Walcb, Coroner, holding six ln- nueata Bamuel Bnyder, J. P., Inquest ot clay Wood ring. Guy Jacoby, J. l'. 3 Inquests It 71 40 81 I 173 21 PENINTENTIABY AND ASYLUM. Keeploir convicts In Eastern Penlnten- tliry 844 M Keeping Lizzie Hawley, Warren HwplUl 87 lib iarr ouiuvan uanviue " ,, vr 53 " Illram Mbensou " " .. 97 '.5 " JohuM.Uarton " " ., 9775 " Margaret Weaver " " ., W7 76 1.22 yO BBIDGS BUILDINO AND REPAIRS. ElilVEK. Peter Kreght and others, Klaher's bridge repairs to pier ti 10 Moycr Broa, Piaher'a bildge cemnt .. 4 10 KNTON. M. O. ness, llartman bridge, snowing..,, 1 60 M. P. Mo enry. " nillng.... 160 II. II. llulme, Kama .... 15 Ds 11. Karns, snowing..., 2 iw M. 1. Mcllenry, Benton bridge- n ling., 1 mi M. G. Hc-ts, enoalug.. 1 to II. II. llulme. Coles brllire. tllllOL- ... ... 1 mi J. w. Wclllvcr, n. MendenhillB btllgo repairing 8 on Ell Mcllenry, I. Thomas brMge, rilling... 1 oo BLOOM. Bloomsburg Car Co., Barton end Bed Itock brldja lumhpr . 9 ki John lx-lly, Barton double bridge snow. lu,;. . wo Bsrtley Mbertson. Barton bridge planlc. 91 p Woiver fi Knorr. Har. hrLltrn. rpnnlrfni. Ai sjt I. 8. Maru, " ' haul.g pl'E... 1 00 B. it. llartman. Burton brdg,-, laborer... 1 50 creasy fi wells, " ' lumber 14 41 II. P. Dclffeubach work.. 3 u C L. Artlev. lt.1 ItocV hrldn evumln'o 9 nit J, Bacnmao and others, Bed Itock bridge uiouu nvu , ( ,tf TS Creasy fi Wells, Bed Itock brldje lumber 108 OS A. 11. Herring, trestle 69 40 Daniel Carr, " " " work 1 75 II. Y, Kelley " work at 11 at 8 73 KRTlkrititf . Wrought Iron Bridge Co., Blttenhouso uiiuko, IUVIUCI. ,, 166 UO C1T1W1BS4. David Glffln, near moutn of creek, re- A.aiiB,.,, 1U a rrgiitvncuxiE. a D. Ilsgenbucb, Stillwater Drldire. snowing , J. Bachman and others, Zaner bridge, mason wurk , J, Itlttenhouse Zaner's bridge, car tsre for harda J. Pursel, Zaner b brdge, b'dg hands.. Peter Jones and others, Zaners brldgd carpenter work. John Bates, Zanefs b-ldge, masonry.... Bllver Spring (uarry Co., Zanefs bridge lime and sand J. M. Brown. Zaner's bridge, work 11. II. Uulme. do p ank. artley Albertson, do stone and luullng Norman Mcllenry, do hauling stone.,,, E. s, btoker, do timber and hauling Lloyd Zaner, do hauling stone Peter Joues, rtu repairing,,,,, O. W. I'rake, do work , Henry Pollmer and others, do work Jonathan PuneL do work Amos Drencher, Buttonwood brUge Btott Mcllenry, tilling 5 bridges OKBSNWOOJ. W. J. Whltenlght, Eyersgrove Iron bridge, Ume A, J; lkeler, do stone and hauling. , Wrought Iron Bridge Co. do contract tor 1 JO To 11 2T 22 U IS 14 i 09 11 10 1 SI 0 4; III S9 15 OO 4 tO It 2s 1 to I 21 U 00 10 91 4 til I SO 1 S7 Hill m m 5 21 6 M 24 00 ;o 1(29 00 2 00 1 co 29 00 iu Bunrrnirucmre oi new Driuge ..... John A. nook, Ey.ersgrove, Iron bridge work Turner Kjer, do work ..,.,, lsaao Kline! do work John Eyer, do hauling lime and stone,. Daniel ohl, do mason work. ... H. 8. Beyer, do hauling A. Pulmer, do taking old bridge out of creek ., J. J. Christian, christian brllge, snow. J, B.nvt'eilVv'erTKye'muV'bHiige,'piank and aillcc Ilayman and Meyers, ilayman bridge re- Dalrlnz Oeorgs Ureenly, Greenly bridge, ' niui A. Drclblcbtns, A. Drelbleblm, (leorgo (Ircenloy William v astern, A. llldier, II. Hsgenbuch, wes. Fi Its others William Illlllg, BonJ. Wagner, Jeremlih lthoads lun tlrn. BLOOMSBUEG, - - - PA. The Reliable Clothing House, CLOTHING, CAPS, and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Just 113 low lis before, und lower. I am determined to keep up the Keputation of being tbo CHEAPEST and BEST CLOTHIER. Satisfaction Always Guaranteed. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, Tbe largest stock and clioicest line of Clotbing, Hats, Caps, Trunks aud Gents' Funiisb ing Goods in Columbia, Montour, and Nortbumberland Counties, Pa. and snowlne 2 years A. A Kreamer, Kreamer bridge repalrlon ilayman and Meyers. V. p. Mcllenry , bridge, repairs " Allnas Cole, A. cole bridge, tilling. niu lock. C. M. Vanlerellco, Hemlock bridge, clear ing rubblsf.. .... . Creasy ft WeUs, Pursel bridge, lumber. . D. a Pursol, do hauling plank Weaer fiKnorr, do repairing Peter Jones, do repairing ..... Jacesok. Bobbins fi nartman. Iron bridge, con tract lor abutments Thee. MendenliAlL do filling wost end of abutment.. .. P. W. Uaritnan, do cast end abutment.... Wrought iron Bridge Co., do contract tor superstructure LOCUST. Wellington Yeager, Mabtown brtJgo re pairs to pier ; Daniel Morris, Keloaard bridge pi ink and repairs , ,,, Daniel Morris, Wal ers bridge, repairing Danul Morris, filling 6 dlfTernt bridges, 2 years at 1.7J V7 George Yeigor, upper Slabtown orldge plank repairs .. ,. MONTOUR. J. M. nowee, Rupert bridge, repairs.... Mojcr Bros. Rupert bridge, cement Chas. Shaffer, Bupert brldfo, stone Mil. rmsiNr J. W. Yordan, Sand) bridge, plank fi nd- Ampa'anlch7'wsnlchMdge.''riiirne 7 60 3 Oil 87 50 2 60 9 00 9 28 1 00 6 75 1 60 20 00 20 00 7 75 3 65 3 87 2 25 3 33 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 60 J. nt Mordan. WUsoTs hrldgo, lining.... W. J. Whltenlgbt, Vandersllce bildgo filling.., 0R1K0E. Hartley Albertson, Iron b'ge plank Wrought Iron lirldgs Co. Herring bridge balance contract Nelson Kreas, Herring bridge, letting water. mt of race ...... .... I. K. DUrtlne, Iron bridge, repairing Kleckenstino Brothers, Iron bridge, re. pairing fi plank riNi, 1C 61 831 50 8 00 1 00 6 85 J.J.Christian, Christian bridge, snow- iu niiu 1111 U(.. ... ..... W. 11. Hhoemalcer, sttoemaker's bridge plank SPATT. 4 0) 3 CO 1 60 12 66 7 00 o. W. Kel'hner. stone brt? Epy filling Mia ull ir. I.lrht St. tlrlrlt'n nhlntrleu Join Honlch, do repairing sroAKi.OAy B. E. Long, E. Cole bridge, snowing and renal Int? 4 00 2 60 JJhn cole, J. it. Cole bridge, flUlng and snowing , 14813 4) Annual. 27 in 22 H 43 si 31 10 26 II 40 24 ii 9b 23 41 23 79 ' ill 25 ABSESS0113 'PAY. Annual , DUtilc s. Districts. lieaver $ 31 0. 1 Hemlock lienlon 34 19 Jackson BerwIi'k.Eajt i b-i Locuit Berwick. Wist 24 32 Madison Dlom, Bast 41 co Msl HI0)m, West 40 29 iilnlln Briarcreek 42 .10 Mo., tour Catawlssa 4 41 Mt. Pleasant centr Ua 53 28 Orange , cemre 3i 9j line conyngham, N. V7 01 Boarlfigcreek Conynghatn. H. 21 03 acoit, K. aud W. Fiihlugcreek 41 31 bugarloaf Pnnkiln ill 79 Greenwood 43 ui Assessors for fall regUtry otvot s Daniel Goodman, 'irlennlal assessing ot conyngham tw'p for is. C8 76 ; 16 81 43 22 81 Ul I960 52 174 00 11177 27 SO VLPS. Amouitpald sundry presons for scalps during year ELECTION EXPENSES. Lemuel Drake, room rent tor general election ot l!8 Samuel Bn.lth, p ibllahlng election proc- lamatoi.. ., J. U. S'rlitit fi Co., election blanks for spring lecu u. 18M Josepn Padlen et, aL, overseers of lorih conyngham Daniel Gearhtrt ec aL, spring election onlcers Mrs. J. P. Smith ft, al , room rent, spring electlou.. . ... ,....... .7 lvter Kni'gat et. al . constables, adver tising aud attending spring election ILdgway lubUshlng Co., prohlbtttou election trunks W snider, Prothonotory, counting pre- hlhiuonvote ... .. Daniel Gearhanetal, prohibition eloo- llon onlcers. Mrs. J. P, smith et. al., prohlbiuou room rent Peti-r Kneght et. el cojt.ibles attend. logpr uiDltlon election llldgway Pub. o."., electu.t bUuks tor tener 1 election D. Gearhart et. al , election otucera, gen- ernl election. Ib9 Mrs. J, p. smltn, 1 1. aL, loom rent, Gen. election. Hit .. ., , W. 11. 'jnydercouutiug nil voto P. Kneght. 1. aL, constables attending general elecioo, isji J. B. Casey, Mjerttr, advertUlng general and special elocuons 21 00 6 10 100 6 00 143 09 141 01 is 41 19 141 00 V S3 Ki 00 SflttS tl nr.ANir unfit? Levi P. Fry copying book P. L llutter, reglaier military roll books W. 11. iirooke Co.. clunk books w. p. Mumnva son's, win ia,t s7uo 13 01 K. B. Yordy, blank and asseu books aud dUoUcatea for thrA 0111 Tt W, P. Murphy's bob's, blank Look for trotnonotary ji so Wm. Mann Co., deed book- h do 1M9 60 Dlstrlai Beaver Bloom Brlarcrrelc Catawlsu Centralla Prahklin Greenwood Hemlock Jackson Locust Grange Pine lloarlngcroek Boad. MchooL f $ii3 tt 14 VS 79 33 4 11 10 M IMS 13 09 2 42 18 41 73 5 rs 32 04 3 141 ID 41 21 00 27 70 41 17 IHI 23 MOO M 12 41 Total amttax distributed , Taxes refunded to O. Davis, $417 Centralla, fro n 18U7 Taxes refunded to w frouuuai a'TlienV'Bloo'm, 1(90 Si TOMB BUBIAL OP DECEASED BOLDIEltH STONES. AND Ixiwh Baker, Jackson, funeral (S3 do I'll 00 Adam Colterman, Madison, funeral . Vh E PeU'rmin, Benton, ,, J. O. Sylvia, Bloom, MaybenT Trout Catawlasa " M, 21 73 19 Oil 39 00 3 10 34 CI 13 00 a, uwger, centre. 1L II. Boody tomb stone for rapt, c U. Brockway T. L. Gunton, tomb stone for T, llart man, Plshingcreek ,,. 13 OO I 2U II 8UBBP OBDEItS IS3UEU, Districts Amt. Mimin Benton Brtsrcreek centre Plshlngc'k PrankUn Qreenw'd Jackson 11 Wilson t-'il 00 21 00 18 00 S3 00 22 00 44 00 13 00 3) OO Ml Hie uuvt Montour Orange Pine lloar'go'k Hoott Sugarloat STATEMENT DOQ TAX AND BBEEP Cash on hand. Dog tax due from collectors.,.,.,,,,,. Probable commissions and exonerations 13 00 34 00 l 00 i 00 43 ot 23 00 32 79 41 00 wfi! FUND. 79 W 12S3 ID SOPO (4 200 lO I. MaIER, CONTINUES TO SELL HATS, I. KEOAPTIULATION. Miscellaneous 431 06 courts. Jurors pay, constables returns fio 39J3 43 coats In commonwealth cases 64401 ltoad and brl Ig ) views and road damag's 3200 SJ vuiuiuiseiou i onice ana court nouse county jail . Printing, stationery and psstage Inquisitions. Penlntentlary and asylum fridge building and repairs Assessors' pay" , HCilps Election expenses Blank books Taxes distrlouted and refunded Burial of dee'd soldiers and tomb stones 1 25099 COUNTY FINANCES. 483IT8. Cah balances nn hand Balance due trom collectors 4348 9303 14191 1500 Probiblo commission and exoneration.. 12692 63 2 sett collectors tax duplicates on hand 24 oil 2 sets annual assess books and copies 67 00 Paper; pens fic 2500 112903 LIABILITIES. Estimated costs In common wealth cases where the Cu. became liable - 200 00 Amount due the several districts for taxes lis 00 Estimated amount due on road and bridge views too 00 Estimated amouit due on road damage . . 623 00 1010 00' Amount ot assets over and above Uablll- lleaas per estimate $11708 68 We, the undersigned cnmmtw.oners of Colum bia county, do herebr certify tint the foregoing Is a correct statement of the accounts of said county tot the year A. D. 1'Bo. WILLIAM G.OIlt TON, JESSE KIITENIIOUSE, EZRA STEPHENS. Commissioners ot Columbia County. Attest: J. D. Bodinb, Clerk. We, the undersigned Auditors of Columbia County.n ivlngbeee 1 lec'n.1 to adjust and settle th accountant the Treasurer and Commlslo era of Col. co do hereby certify that we met at the office or the Treasurer and Commissioners la llloomsrj'rg Mond iy, Januir. th, A. D. Hi -, and ended ex lou on Saturdir, antaryl3. 1890, being en iraged therein nlna days, and carefully etamlned the accounts and vouchers ot the same from the seventh day ot January, I S3', to the sixth dav ot A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY! CHOLCE FAMILY FLOUR. 4.50 PER BARREL. It gives satiafiiction every time. Try it, only 56c for 25 lbs. Old process Graham Hour, fresh ground. BRAN, MIDDLINGS, CHOP, ALL KINDS. 1000 bushels choice heavy recleaned White Oats not stained nor musty. Good for seeds At the old Aqueduct Mill, Rupert. Leave onl'W at KEITEfi'S CARPET STORE, MAIN ST., BLOOMSBURG, 20 Per Cent. Extra Inducement Sale. Our season for selling winter imocls is getting short. We mist carryover stock or "extra i iduot;" buyers. We therefore lecitle by a timely sacrifice to conv rt goods into cash, by Uivin-. this unusual discount : Tsu'itly per cent, off from regular marked prices, which gives Ihe buyer goods at net cost. During thirty-three years of business it is our proud record to have won a reputation for 3 4 avoiding all misrepresentations j and keeping all our promises, 8 w and this is not one low bait j 7, 1 Price to catch average profits, but is a well-defined, broad IIM Ml . ,,... . , on 1 b""tv' H"' iu -extra inauce buyers, and turn a long winter's stock in a short season. This 20 per cent, discount includes our entire stock of Ready-made Clothing with Blue and Black goods, at ten per cent. E. O. THOMPSON, SPECIAL READYMADE CLOTHING ISM Oil JS8TNUT 8TBEBT, orroaiTi tub hint, PHILADELPHIA, I'AHM I'OU HUNT .Alirrao"S'"rtfa' wlthnandsome new house KiSSS nd supplied with abundant water, will ?IH??.at low ren' "r the twin ot Ova years to a gooa tenant who in furoWu hli own stock' nlequlpmit. Tie firm 1 1 iff tui oTtawlMf Will "S.111.0 Tt"""i'P ro t fro n Kr 'ndon.nij "J jnlTljo.s, ItngUeefntmJSSSr. TRUNKS. MAIER January, . D. 1891, anl flid thorn correct as above staled. aivenundjrourhandiand seals this tho lsttt dayotJamury, A. l. 190. tt. M.-ruwifsuuiiY, rssiLi .1. B. YEtTKH. SB&L1 CYHUSItOUBINS, SBAI.j ... . . Couny Auditors. Attest: J. D. Booiks, Clerk, SHERIFF'S SALE. By vlrtueota writ of PL Pi. Liiuod out ot tho Court ot t'ommon Pleas of Columbia Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to publlo salelnthoH'nrirfj onTo at tho Court Houso Bloomsburg, Pa , on SATURDAY. MARCH 1, 1800, at 2 o'clock p. m. All ;tmt certiln mesauago o r fnemont and tract of land sltuato In Main town ship, columbta Co, Pa bounded and do3cnbod as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a fallen chest, nut oak thence by land ot Bamuel Drum north seven and one-half degrees west one hundred and thirty.four perches to a post, thence by land be longing to the nelrs of Daniel Shuman, dao'd., north eighty-one and one-half degrees, east ono one hundred and onc-talt perches to u post, thence south eight degreei, e tat twenty perchei to now or formerly a whlti oak, thence by land ot Henry llirtzel south seven and one-half de grees, east one hundred and fifteen perches to a post, thence by lanl ot William Hitler souttt elgtty-two and one-half degrees west one hun dred and tliree-teoth perches to the place of be ginning, containing EIGHTY-FOUR ACRES, and seventy-seven perches, o ore or less, whereon are erected a HR1CK DWELLING IIOUSH;, Bank barn, wagon shed and other out buildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Oreu Gee vs. C. i , shuman and to be sold as tho prop ertyofC. T. Shurain. Zirh, JOHN B. CASEY, Atiorcey. Shtrttr. 94 78 90 64 00 68 JsLCHEST PAINS ClirCoucHsjSoiris - PA- B. F. SAVITS, I HVHtltMKUIIWl iUll has secured the solo agency of Columbia county for the Nation al Sheet Metal Hoofing Co. These roofs aro guaranteed to bo far superior to any other roof, as they aro both storm and wind proof. bheet iron roofs of this manu facture can bo put up as cheap as tin, and last much longer. Roofs aro made of sheet iron, tin. or copper, as parties may desire. Orders mav be secured through B. F. Sayita, Blooms burc;, Pa., who will put on tho roofs and guarantee the work, or may be ordered direct from tlio 510-520 East 20th Stroot, N. Y A YANKED KING ARTHUR'S . COURT. AfiFNTS WntJTPftl TIIOU5fHDSf OOCktifi' 1MH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers